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1989 - List of Ordinances
ORD 890012 - REZ from RS to C2-A
ORD 890012A - REZ from RS to RM-2
ORD 890013 - Food Sanitation, App & Fees
ORD 890014 - Utility Billing
ORD 890027 - Serenada East Easement
ORD 890066 - GTown Tourism Dev Board
ORD 890091 - Ruidiosa Irrigation Co
ORD 890114 - 15 Min Parking Zones
ORD 890115 - Designating 2-Way Traffic
ORD 890125 - REZ River Hill
ORD 890126 - Claims for Disputed Bills
ORD 890159 - Emergency Parking
ORD 890160 - Prohibition of Glass
ORD 890186 - Garbage Rates & Collection
ORD 890187 - REZ from RS to I
ORD 890188 - REZ from RS to RM-3
ORD 890189 - REZ from RS to C-1
ORD 890190 - Repealing Section 16-26
ORD 890192 - Canvass Returns
ORD 890201 - Disannexatin 43.37 Acres
ORD 890202 - Disannexation 127.52 Acres
ORD 890214 - REZ Sierra Vista
ORD 890236 - REZ 5.06 Acres
ORD 890274 - Dangerous Buildings
ORD 890275 - Subdivision Regulations
ORD 890276 - Century Plan Functional Plan
ORD 890277 - Berry Creek PUE
ORD 890307 - REZ 4.37 Acres
ORD 890365 - Adopting 1989/1990 Budget
ORD 890366 - Levying Tax Rate
ORD 890367 - Amending Administrative Divisions
ORD 890368 - TMRS Service Credits
ORD 890369 - Amending Code of Ordinances
ORD 890402 - Capital Recovery Fee Credits
ORD 890433 - Disannexation 81.41 Acres
ORD 890434 - Serenada Abandon PUE
ORD 890455 - Establishing Child Care Reg
ORD 890456 - Revising Building Code
ORD 890457 - National Electric Code
ORD 890458 - Council Meeting Rules and Regulations
ORD 890479 - Strategic Plan Eco Dev
ORD 890480 - Country Club Acres PUE
ORD 890481 - Parks and Recreation