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1988 - List of Ordinances
ORD 880013.00C.4 - ANX Mills Tract
ORD 088-0061.00B.8 - Adopting Regulations
ORD 880010.022.1 - 1 to 2 Hour Parking
ORD 880011.002.2 - Higher Edu Finance Corp
ORD 880012.23.03 - Granting 15 Yr Franchise
ORD 880014.00A.4 - River Ridge
ORD 880014.00A.5 - Porter Survey RM-2 to C2-A
ORD 880016.00A.6 - Stubblefield Survey
ORD 880088.09 - Crestview Addition
ORD 880089.10 - REZ 0.37 Acres
ORD 880091.11 - REZ 0.505 Acres
ORD 880092.12 - Comp Emergency Manage
ORD 880097.13 - Adopt Policy Plan
ORD 880098.14 - Southwestern Plaza
ORD 880112.15 - Ordering Election
ORD 880114.16 - Amend Board of Adjust
ORD 880115.00A - REZ Tract RS to C2A
ORD 880116.00A - Berry Creek PUE
ORD 880161.00A - Rezoning
ORD 880170.009.5 - Declaring Results
ORD 880188.00A - REZ
ORD 880189.021 - Serenada East PUE
ORD 880190.00A - Gabriel Heights Addition
ORD 880216.00A - REZ Serenada
ORD 880217.00A - REZ Lee Motor Place
ORD 880247.005 - Animals and Fowl
ORD 880250 - REZ from RM-1 to C2-A
ORD 880277 - Reata East Zoning
ORD 880278 - Zoning from RS to C2-A
ORD 880279 - Amend Divisions & Dept
ORD 880280 - Amend Code of Ord
ORD 880281.010 - Adopt 1998/1999 Budget
ORD 880282.023 - Amend Code of Ordinances
ORD 880298 - Levying a Tax Rate 1988
ORD 880321 - Abandoning ROW Esmt
ORD 880322 - Oakscrest Ranchettes Esmt
ORD 880363 - Selection Plan One
ORD 880364 - Standard Ops at Airport
ORD 880369 - Tax Collection
ORD 880370 - Amend Zoning ORD
ORD 880371 - Amend Planning Chapter
ORD 880372 - Zoning from RS to RM-3
ORD 880373 - Stubblefield Survey
ORD 880380 - Disannexation
ORD 880381 - Zoning from RS to RM-3
ORD 880382 - Gabriel Estates Subdivision
ORD 880383 - Zoning from C-1 to C-2A
ORD 880402 - TMRS Service Credits
ORD 880404 - Zoning from RS to C-2A