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2001 - List of Ordinances
ORD 2001-01 - ANX B & T
ORD 2001-02 - REZ A. Flores Survey
ORD 2001-03 - Water/Wastewater Impact Fees
ORD 2001-04 - Home Occupations
ORD 2001-05 - Type C Bufferyards
ORD 2001-06 - REZ D. Wright Survey
ORD 2001-07 - REZ B & T
ORD 2001-08 - ANX Summercrest
ORD 2001-09 - Manufactured Housing
ORD 2001-10 - Rights TMRS
ORD 2001-11 - TMRS Deposit Rate
ORD 2001-12 - Employer-Paid Dental
ORD 2001-13 - 2000/01 Budget
ORD 2001-14 - Single-Member District Plan
ORD 2001-15 - Parking Regulations Olive St
ORD 2001-16 - Impact Fee
ORD 2001-17 - Establishment of B&C
ORD 2001-18 - Terms for B&C
ORD 2001-19 - Repealing B&C
ORD 2001-20 - Public Review Record Plats
ORD 2001-21 - ANX Northwest Blvd
ORD 2001-22 - REZ Crestview Subdivision
ORD 2001-23 - Manufactured Housing
ORD 2001-24 - Board of Adjustment
ORD 2001-25 - Budget for Code Enforcement
ORD 2001-26 - Parkland Dedication
ORD 2001-27 - REZ Summercrest
ORD 2001-28 - REZ Northwest Blvd
ORD 2001-29 - Utility System Revenue Bond
ORD 2001-30 - Tax & Utility System C.O.'s
ORD 2001-31 - Cimarron Hills PID
ORD 2001-32 - REZ San Gabriel Village
ORD 2001-33 - TMRS Retirement Eligibility
ORD 2001-34 - Election Results
ORD 2001-35 - Renaming Streets
ORD 2001-36 - Manufactured Housing (HDR)
ORD 2001-37 - Manufactured Housing
ORD 2001-38 - Cent Sales Tax
ORD 2001-39 - REZ Summercrest
ORD 2001-40 - ANX Sun City 4E, 24A & B
ORD 2001-41 - 2000/01 Budget
ORD 2001-42 - Village PID #1
ORD 2001-43 - TXU Natural Gas Rate
ORD 2001-44 - REZ Highland Park
ORD 2001-45 - Amending Subdivision Reg
ORD 2001-46 - No Parking Zones
ORD 2001-47 - Vehicles for Hire
ORD 2001-48 - Downtown Business
ORD 2001-49 - ANX Woodlake Subdivision
ORD 2001-50 - Animal Services Fees
ORD 2001-51 - Shell Road PID
ORD 2001-52 - Driveway Separations
ORD 2001-53 - ANX Indian Creek to Dove Springs
ORD 2001-54 - Tax Rate 2001
ORD 2001-55 - Divisions & Dept
ORD 2001-56 - Annual Budget 2001/02
ORD 2001-57 - Transition of City Employees
ORD 2001-58 - Development Process Fees
ORD 2001-59 - Through-Truck Traffic
ORD 2001-60 - School Speed Zone
ORD 2001-61 - REZ Windridge Village
ORD 2001-62 - REZ 1900 Leander Rd
ORD 2001-63 - Rental Rates, Deposits, & Fees
ORD 2001-64 - Sewer Rates
ORD 2001-65 - Water Rates
ORD 2001-66 - Intensity Joseph Fish Survey
ORD 2001-67 - Zoning Madison Oaks
ORD 2001-68 - Intensity Nicholas Porter
ORD 2001-69-A - Bond Election
ORD 2001-69-B - Stormwater Rates
ORD 2001-70 - Intensity Meadows of GTown
ORD 2001-71 - Zoning Meadows of GTown
ORD 2001-72 - Zoning Chisholm Park
ORD 2001-73 - Zoning Madison Oaks
ORD 2001-74 - New Interim Standards
ORD 2001-75 - Fees & Fines
ORD 2001-76 - Terms of B&C
ORD 2001-77 - Downtown Design HARC
ORD 2001-78 - Zoning Woodlake Subdivision