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ORD 04.13.1982 - Adopting Construction Standards
ORD 05.11.1982 - Amend Zoning ORD
ORD 05.11.1982 - Amend Zoning Ordinance
ORD 05.11.1982 - Rezone from RS to C-2A
ORD 07.13.1982 - Standard Codes
ORD 07.29.1982 - Change Property RS to RM-3
ORD 07.29.1982 - Zoning
ORD 08.24.1982 - Administrative Departments
ORD 08.24.1982 - Facsimile Signatures
ORD 12.14.1982 - Airport Amendment
ORD 12.15.1982 - Public Assemblages
ORD 12.29.1982 - Extension & Annexation
ORD 82-01 - Speed Zone
ORD 82-02 - Traffic & Speed
ORD 82-03 - Utility Easement
ORD 82-04 - 3/4 Majority Vote
ORD 82-05 - Subdivision Ordinance
ORD 82-11 - Vacating Forest Street
ORD 82-12 - REZ RS to RM-3 J.C. Labenski
ORD 82-13 - Amending Zoning Ord
ORD 82-14 - REZ Industrial District
ORD 82-15 - Amending Zoning District Map
ORD 82-16 - Home Rule Charter
ORD 82-18 - Adopting a Budget
ORD 82-19 - Machine-Imprinted Fax Sig
ORD 82-20 - Change from R-S to C-1
ORD 82-21 - REZ from R-M3 to C-1
ORD 82-22 - REZ R-M3 to Multi-Family
ORD 82-23 - Community Center
ORD 82-24 - Abandon Clamp St
ORD 82-25 - Electrical Installation
ORD 82-26 - Certificates of Obligation
ORD 82-27 - Vacating Easement
ORD 82-28 - Amending Zoning Ord
ORD 82-29 - Concept Plans
ORD 82-30 - Rates Plat, Zoning, Permits
ORD 82-32 - Certificates of Obligation
ORD 82-33 - Natural Gas Service Rate
ORD 82-34 - Public Assemblages
ORD 82-35 - Parades
ORD 82-37 - Industrial Waste
ORD 82-38 - Public Hearing