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1998 - List of Ordinances
ORD 98-01 - Intensity Vogler
ORD 98-02 - Intensity Embree
ORD 98-03 - ANX Falls San Gabriel
ORD 98-04 - REZ Falls San Gabriel
ORD 98-05 - Disannexation Vogler
ORD 98-06 - Gtown Builders Program
ORD 98-07 - ANX Norman Bonnett
ORD 98-08 - REZ Bonnett
ORD 98-09 - SubRegs Manufactured Homes
ORD 98-10 - Zoning Manufactured Homes
ORD 98-11 - REZ Alu-Cut International
ORD 98-12 - REZ Pleasant Valley
ORD 98-13 - Single-Member District Plan
ORD 98-14 - Construction Codes
ORD 98-15 - Rate Reductions Tx Utilities
ORD 98-16 - REZ Embree Subdivision
ORD 98-17 - ANX Shell Ranch
ORD 98-18 - Lone Star Gas Franchise
ORD 98-20 - Canceling Gen Elections
ORD 98-21 - Intensity Village PUD
ORD 98-22 - Pedernales Electric Cooperative
ORD 98-23 - REZ Metro Fuels
ORD 98-24 - Intensity Resource Commercial
ORD 98-25 - ANX Sun City Golf Course 1
ORD 98-26 - REZ Sun City Golf Course 1
ORD 98-27 - IH-35 Frontage Assessment
ORD 98-28 - ANX Sun City Golf Course 2
ORD 98-29 - REZ Sun City Golf Course 2
ORD 98-30 - ANX Katy School
ORD 98-31 - REZ Katy School
ORD 98-32 - REZ Clement Stubblefield
ORD 98-35 - Municipal Court Fee
ORD 98-36 - Mid-Year Adjustments
ORD 98-37 - Drinking Water
ORD 98-38 - Intensity Sierra Vista Subdivision
ORD 98-39 - Cablevision Franchise
ORD 98-40 - Telecommunications Franchise
ORD 98-41 - No Parking Zones
ORD 98-42 - School Speed Zones
ORD 98-43 - Maple St Speed Reduction
ORD 98-44 - Urban Design Plan
ORD 98-45 - REZ Kelley Trust
ORD 98-46 - ANX Kelly Trust
ORD 98-47 - Energy Conservation
ORD 98-48 - School Speed Zones
ORD 98-49 - Solicitors Permits
ORD 98-50 - ANX American Georgetown
ORD 98-51 - REZ 1601 Williams Dr
ORD 98-52 - Intensity Grace Church
ORD 98-53 - REZ City Block 24
ORD 98-54 - REZ City Division B
ORD 98-55 - Airport Function Plan
ORD 98-56 - ANX Park Central
ORD 98-57 - ANX American Gtown
ORD 98-58 - Solid Waste Disposal Rates
ORD 98-59 -Stormwater Drainage Fees
ORD 98-60 - Annual Budget 1998/99
ORD 98-61 - Levying Tax Rate 1998
ORD 98-62 - Admin Division & Dept
ORD 98-63 - ANX River Chase
ORD 98-64 - ANX IH35 & Westinghouse Rd
ORD 98-65 - REZ River Chase Subdivision
ORD 98-66 - REZ 1599 Williams Dr
ORD 98-67 - Intensity San Gabriel Heights
ORD 98-68 - ANX Sun City 4-A
ORD 98-69 - REZ Sun City 4-A
ORD 98-70 - ANX Dicotec
ORD 98-71 - 1997/98 Budget
ORD 98-72 - Alcoholic Beverage
ORD 98-73 - Water/Wastewater Impact Fees
ORD 98-74 - Junked Motor Vehicles
ORD 98-75 - No Parking Zones
ORD 98-76 - ANX FM971
Subdivision Ordaninace - 1998