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2001 Reslog
RES 010901-OO - Request Special Election
RES 010901-P - Pay City Pro-Rata Cost WCAD
RES 010901-W - Abandon PUE San Gabriel
RES 010901-Y - ANX SummerCrest Subdivision
RES 011601-D - Grant Funds Criminal Justice
RES 012301-R - Abandon 10th St ROW
RES 012301-T - Encroach Williams Elementary
RES 021301-CC-1 - Order General Election
RES 021301-CC-2 - Special & General Election
RES 021301-KK-2 - Airport Control Tower
RES 021301-LL - Reimburse Infrastucture
RES 021301-Y - Petition ANX Northwest Blvd
RES 022701-CC - Service Plan Cimarron Hills
RES 030601-K - Restate RES 021301-CC-2
RES 030601-M - Red Poppy Fest. Hwy Closure
RES 030601-Q - Abandon Montgomery St ROW
RES 032701-N - Issue Combo Tax & Utility CO
RES 032701-S - Release Special Assess Lien
RES 041001-Q - Inclusion Gtown Village PID
RES 050801-AA-1 - Add Acres Village PID
RES 050801-AA-2 - Levy Assess Village PID
RES 052201-O - TCDP Waterline Project
RES 052201-R - Abandon PUE 3017 Parker Dr
RES 061201-O - Petition ANX Sun City 4-E
RES 061201-S-3 - Establish Shell Rd PID
RES 062601-Q - Berry Creek PUE Berry Creek
RES 062601-R - Abandon Goldridge Circle
RES 071001-P - Establish Shell Rd PID
RES 072401-Q - ANX Woodlake Subdivision
RES 072401-Z - Grant Fund Victim Services
RES 081401-P - Acquisition Utility Esmt
RES 081401-R - Abandon Clearview Estates
RES 081401-Y - Board member Village PID
RES 081401-Z - Levy Assess Shell Ranch PID
RES 082801-Q - 2001 Tax Appraisal Roll
RES 082801-S - Grant Fund Victim Services
RES 082801-T - ANX Stubblefield & Addison
RES 091101-Q - Bond Election Nov 6, 2001
RES 092501-GG - Fund Agmt Public Services
RES 092501-QQ - ANX University Park
RES 100901 - WCAD Nominee Resolution
RES 102301-O - Widening Country Club Rd
RES 102301-P - Pro-rata Wilco Appraisal
RES 102301-Q - Appoint Election Officials
RES 111301-AA - Hotel Occupancy Taxes
RES 111301-M - 1st Tx Bank City Depository
RES 111301-N - WCAD BoD Election Board
RES 111301-P - Recall Election
RES 111301-V - Calling Recall Election
RES 112701-R - Amend Investment Policy
RES 112701-V - Recall Election Proceedures
RES 121101-R - Grant Fund Criminal Justice
RES 121101-Y - Revenue Bonds Healthcare