HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 02.13.2024 CC-W&RMinutes of the City Council
City of Georgetown, Texas
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
The Georgetown City Council met on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 2:00 PM at Council and Court
Building, 510 W. 9th Street.
The City of Georgetown is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If
you require assistance in participating at a public meeting due to a disability, as defined under the ADA,
reasonable assistance, adaptations, or accommodations will be provided upon request. Please contact
the City Secretary's Office, at least three (3) days prior to the scheduled meeting date, at (512) 930-
3652 or City Hall at 808 Martin Luther King, Jr Street for additional information; TTY users route
through Relay Texas at 711.
The following Members were in attendance: Josh Schroeder, Amanda Parr, Shawn Hood, Mike Triggs,
Steve Fought, Kevin Pitts, Jake French, Ron Garland, and Ben Stewart.
1. Policy Development and Discussion - Workshop
Mayor Schroeder called the meeting to order at 2:03 p.m.
1.A Micro -Trenching Workshop
Presentation and discussion regarding the micro trenching study findings for the City of Georgetown
-- Eric Johnson, Public Works Director
Johnson presented and reviewed the following: current and interested providers in the City of
Georgetown; existing conditions; definition of micro -trenching; dimension recommendations;
additional recommendations including Mill and Overlay 1.5-foot wide for every trench that crosses
the road, contractor must identify all utilities and "test hole" to find their depths at each crossing, sod
will be used for turf replacement, and trenches must be backfilled by the end of each day; Council
feedback from the June 13, 2023 meeting including Council interest, number of passes allowed,
addition conduit dedicated for City use and/or future providers, and moratorium on trenching on
newer roadways; and next steps.
General discussion among Council and staff regarding: new roads that would be prohibited from
micro -trenching; how much of the warranty is voided when trenching occurs; needed future steps
to put micro -trench in place as an option; typical length of road warranties being 12 months; impacts
to curb and gutter; moving of utilities; pole attachments; exclusive easements; and cost incurred are
on the provider.
Jason Leiker from Ubiquity stated that he was supportive of the proposed process.
Joey Roberts with Halff and Associates offered to answer technical questions from the Council.
1.13 Public Safety Update - Fire
Presentation and discussion regarding the Fire Department Annual Update and 2024 Operational
Outlook -- John Sullivan, Fire Chief
Sullivan presented and reviewed the following: organizational structure; Emergency Service District
(ESD) 8; service area; emergency system demand; people vs. jobs vs. 911 demand; geographical
demand; incident types; activation alerts; overdose trends; homeless response; day of the week call
breakdown; hour of the day call breakdown; hourly system stress for 2023; incident distribution;
employee wellness trends and resiliency dashboard; retention and hiring trends including
experience gap, brain drain, attrition by rank, hire/loss trends, daily leave management, work
schedule; and the future of FD including planning for tomorrow, multi -year improvement plan.
General discussion among Council and staff regarding the following: ESD 8 funding sources and
possible options; response times in the City vs. in the ESD; how to best prepare for the potential of
future wildfires; how to better inform ESD 8 residents; change in response recording in 2016 for
units per response; reasons for turn over in the department; and how to best handle people who
routinely call 911 and coordinate with the newly created PD mental health unit.
Mayor Schroeder called for a break at 3:24 p.m. and resumed the meeting at 3:37 p.m.
1.0 Georgetown Resident Survey Results
Presentation and discussion regarding the Georgetown Resident Satisfaction Survey Results --
Jessica Clarke, Assistant to the City Manager
Clarke introduced the item and turned the presentation over to Thomas Longoria from Texas State
Longoria presented and reviewed the following: project background and
purpose; methodology; representativeness of sample; overall quality of life versus value for City
taxes paid; review of selected items; respondent ratings for selected
items; overview of results for quality of life, public safety, public services, employment, traffic flow,
resident contact, and value for taxes paid; open-ended comments; and correlation between citizen
results and Council goals.
General discussion among Council and staff regarding appreciation for the information provided
and respondents emphasis on economic development.
1.D Council Strategic Goals Update
Presentation and discussion regarding updates to the Council Strategic Goals and the results of
Council's Annual Goal -Setting and Strategic Visioning Retreat that occurred December 2023 --
Jessica Clarke, Assistant to the City Manager, and Ron Cox, Consultant Clarke introduced the item
and turned the presentation over to Ron Cox.
Cox presented and reviewed the following: goal -setting process; annual retreat recap with review of
governance model, review of 2022-23 Strategic Plan and Work Programs, identifying new initiatives
and goals, and priority goals for 2024; Council mission statement of "a welcoming and safe
community honoring our past and planning for a vibrant future"; key mission elements; Council
Governance Policy from 2017; Council Rules of Engagement from 2017; what governance is about;
effective leadership; meaningful communication; expectations of each other; and expectations of
Clarke presented the Strategic Plan Updates and reviewed: Council strategic areas; prioritized
actions to achieve Council goals; selection of 2024 priority goals; City Manger's Office
recommendations; continuous work for proposed goals; 2024 priorities for Downtown, Economic
Development, Governance, Growth, Risk Management; and Council feedback requested.
General discussion among Council and staff regarding general appreciation for the work related to
the goal -setting session; clarification of downtown item related to trash; and items in progress and
those accomplished.
1.E Regulatory Update from Texas Public Power Association
Presentation and discussion regarding Regulatory Update from Texas Public Power Association --
Taylor Kilroy, TPPA Executive Director, and Daniel Bethapudi, General Manager of Electric Utilities
Bethapudi introduced the time and turned the item over to Kilroy. Kilroy presented and reviewed the
following: public power deliver an essential service and produces community value; and who the
Texas Public Power Association is, what they do, and what they are watching including Federal
Funding Opportunities, Texas Legislature with interim charges and Primary Elections, Public Utility
Commission/ERCOT with PUC Market Design and Texas Energy Fund Implementation, and winter
weather reliability.
General discussion among Council and staff regarding generation capabilities added since Winter
Storm Uri; efforts being made to correct the statewide electric grid; and TPPA's role in
intergovernmental affairs.
Mayor Schroeder recessed into Executive Session at 4:44 p.m.
2. Executive Session
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Vernon's
Codes, Annotated, the items listed below will be discussed in closed session and are subject to
action in the regular session.
2.A Executive Session 02.13.2024
Sec. 551.071: Consultation with Attorney
Advice from attorney about pending or contemplated litigation and other matters on which the
attorney has a duty to advise the City Council, including agenda items.
- Litigation Update
Sec. 551.072: Deliberations about Real Property
- Deliberations regarding the acquisition of easement rights from a portion of a 60-acre, more or
less, Tract of land owned by Harrison 209 LLC and commonly known as 500 Harrison Ln.,
Georgetown, TX 78628 and from a portion of a 21.66-acre, more or less, Tract of land owned by
Rhonda Jean Carnley and Bruce Alan Carnley and commonly known as 20105 West Lake Pkwy,
Georgetown, TX 78628 for the "South Lake Water Treated Transmission Line Project"
Sec. 551.086: Certain Public Power Utilities: Competitive Matters
- Shell QSE Amendment
Sec. 551.087: Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations
- Project Rio Grande
3. Regular Session - This portion of the meeting will begin no earlier than 6:00 pm.
Mayor Schroeder called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
3.A Call to Order 02.13.2024
Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor's Comments
- Heart Month Proclamation
Action out of Executive Session
Moved by Kevin Pitts; seconded by Ben Stewart to Approve a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to
execute Amendment No. 6 to the Energy Management and Qualified Scheduling Entity Services
Agreement with Shell Energy North America and to approve Amendment No. 6 with Shell Energy
North America.
Motion Approved: 7- 0
Voting For: Amanda Parr, Shawn Hood, Mike Triggs, Kevin Pitts, Jake French, Ron Garland, and
Ben Stewart
Voting Against: None
Moved by Kevin Pitts; seconded by Jake French to Approve the authorization of the acquisition of
easement rights from a portion of a 147-acre, more or less, tract of land owned by Harrison 209
LLC, and commonly known as 500 Harrison Ln., Georgetown, TX 78628; as well as from a portion
of a 21.66-acre, more or less, tract of land owned by Rhonda Carnley and Bruce A. Carnley and
commonly known as 20105 West Lake Pkwy, Georgetown, TX 7862 on the terms discussed in
executive session; and to further authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary
documentation to effectuate the purchase of the aforementioned property rights as part of the
"South Lake Water Treated Transmission Line Project".
Motion Approved: 6- 1
Voting For: Amanda Parr, Shawn Hood, Mike Triggs, Kevin Pitts, Jake French, and Ron Garland
Voting Against: Ben Stewart
4. Public Wishing to Address Council
On a subject that is posted on this agenda: Please fill out a speaker registration form which can be
found on the table at the entrance to the Council Chamber. Clearly print your name and the letter of
the item on which you wish to speak and present it to the City Secretary on the dais, prior to the
start of the meeting. You will be called forward to speak when the Council considers that item. Only
persons who have delivered the speaker form prior to the meeting being called to order may speak.
Speakers will be allowed up to three minutes to speak. If you wish to speak for six minutes, it is
permissible to use another requestor's granted time to speak. No more than six minutes for a
speaker may be granted. The requestor granting time to another speaker must also submit a form
and be present at the meeting.
On a subject not posted on the agenda: An individual may address the Council at a regular City
Council meeting by contacting the City Secretary no later than noon on the Wednesday prior to the
Tuesday meeting, with the individual's name and a brief description of the subject to be addressed.
Only those persons who have submitted a timely request will be allowed to speak. Speakers will be
given up to three minutes to address the City Council. The City Secretary can be reached at (512)
931-7715 or cs@georgetown.org.
4.A Public Wishing to Address 02.13.2024
At the time of posting no one had signed up to speak.
5. Statutory Consent Agenda
The Statutory Consent Agenda includes non -controversial and routine items which may be acted
upon with one single vote. An item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda in order to be
discussed and acted upon individually as part of the Regular Agenda.
Moved by Kevin Pitts; seconded by Amanda Parr to Approve as presented.
Motion Approved: 7 - 0
Voting For: Amanda Parr, Shawn Hood, Mike Triggs, Kevin Pitts, Jake French, Ron Garland, and
Ben Stewart
Voting Against: None
5.A January 23, 2024 Council Minutes
Consideration and possible action to approve the Council minutes from the regular meeting
held on January 23, 2024 -- Robyn Densmore, City Secretary
5.B Resolution Ordering May 4, 2024 General Election
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution ordering the May 4, 2024 General
Election -- Robyn Densmore, City Secretary
5.0 Resolution Adopting Updated Voting Equipment
Consideration and possible action to approve an resolution adopting updated voting
equipment prior to the May 4, 2024 General Election -- Robyn Densmore, City Secretary
5.D Appoint Library Long Range Plan Steering Committee
Consideration and possible action to confirm the appointment of the Library 's Long Range
Planning Steering Committee -- Sally Miculek, Georgetown Public Library Director
5.E Contract - Specialized Public Finance for Financial Advisory Services re: Water Supply
Consideration and possible action to approve the contract with Specialized Public Finance Inc.
for financial consulting services regarding the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer Water Supply Project in
the not -to -exceed amount of $300,000.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute up to
two additional one-year renewals on the same terms and conditions -- Leigh Wallace, Chief
Financial Officer, and Bridget Hinze Weber, Strategic Projects Manager
5.F Contract Renewal with HUB International Limited
Consideration and possible action to approve a contract renewal with HUB International
Limited for benefit management services in an annual amount not to exceed $78,225.00 and
to ratify any services between February 13-28, 2024 -- Merrilee Paige, Assistant Human
Resources Director
5.G 2024 Prepayment of the Electric Portion Series 2014 Utility System Revenue Bonds
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution authorizing redemption of certain
of the City's outstanding Utility System Revenue Bonds and other related matters - - Nathan
Parras, Assistant Finance Director
5.H Motorola Body Cameras
Consideration and possible action to approve a subscription -based contract between the City
of Georgetown and Motorola Solutions through Texas DIR-TSO- 4101 for body worn
cameras in an amount not to exceed $974,303.20 over a period of 5 years with a first -year
cost not to exceed $214,439.20 -- Cory J. Tchida, Chief of Police
5.1 Purchase of 12 Vehicles from Silsbee Ford
Consideration and possible action to approve
Silsbee Ford TIPS contract# 210907 for an
Parker, Fleet Services Manager
the purchase of twelve (12) vehicles through
amount not to exceed $628,025.74 -- Scott
5.J Purchase of 15 Police vehicles from Silsbee Ford
Consideration and possible action to approve the purchase of twelve (12) patrol vehicles and
three (3) CID vehicles from Silsbee Ford for an amount not to exceed $1,459,491.33 -- Scott
Parker, Fleet Services Manager
5X DIJ Construction Contract Renewal
Consideration and possible action to approve a renewal of the agreement with DIJ
Construction of Bertram, Texas for the annual Street Striping contract, in an amount not to
exceed $125,000.00 -- Eric Johnson, Public Works Director
51 Hangar Rates Increase
Consideration and possible action to approve hangar rates at the Georgetown Executive
Airport -- Matthew Sommerfeld, Airport Manager, and Eric Johnson, Public Works Director
5.M Texas Executive Aircraft Services Inc Lease Agreement
Consideration and possible action to approve the airport facility lease between Texas
Executive Aircraft Services Inc. and the City of Georgetown -- Matthew Sommerfeld, Airport
Manager, and Eric Johnson, Public Works Director
5.N MSA On -Call Engineering for Airport
Consideration and possible action to approve a Master Service Agreement (MSA) with The
Solco Group for professional engineering services for the Georgetown Executive Airport --
Jennifer Bettiol, CIP Manager, Public Works
5.0 Change Order #1 to Landmark Structures
Consideration and possible action to approve Change Order #1 to the Hoover 2.OMG and
Parkside 1.5MG Elevated Storage Tanks contract to Landmark Structures of Fort Worth,
Texas for the demolition of the "Old" Braun Elevated Storage Tank (EST) in the amount of
$107,209.00 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director, and Chris Pousson, CIP
5.P Water Department Warehouse Inventory Contract with Ferguson
Waterworks/Ferguson Enterprise, Inc.
Consideration and possible action to approve contract 24-0068-GC with Ferguson
Waterworks/Ferguson Enterprise, Inc. of Newport News, VA to purchase and maintain
inventory of water maintenance goods for the Water Department warehouse with an annual
not -to -exceed amount of $1,000,000.00; and to additionally authorize the City Manager to
execute renewal of the agreement and conditions for up to four additional one year terms --
Isaac Conde, Water Utility Contract Program Manager, and Chelsea Solomon, Water Utility
5.Q Wastewater Laboratory Services Contract with Aqua -Tech Laboratories, Inc.
Consideration and possible action to approve contract 24-0102-SC with Aqua -Tech
Laboratories, Inc. of Bryan, TX for wastewater laboratory services in an amount not -to -
exceed $200,000.00 -- Tiffany Diaz, Regulatory and Conservation Manager
5.R 2023-8-ABD for the Benefit of Inner Visions LLC
Consideration and possible action to approve the abandonment of a Public Utility Easement
situated in the Lewis J. Dyches Survey for the benefit of Inner Visions LLC, and to authorize
the Mayor to execute all necessary documents to effectuate the abandonment -- Lauren
Boenig, Real Estate Services Coordinator
5.S Task Order ARE-24-007 with Atrium Real Estate Services for Appraisal Reports
Consideration and possible action to approve Task Order ARE-24-007 with Atrium Real
Estate Services, of Austin, Texas, in the amount of $77,600.00, for professional appraisal
services related to the acquisition of new Right -Of -Way for the proposed widening of SH 29
from IH35 to Wolf Ranch Pkwy -- Juan C. Rodriguez, SR/WA, Real Estate Services Manager
5.T Contract Amendment with LJA Engineering Services to Increase Contract Amount by
Consideration and possible action to approve an amendment to the approved Master
Services Agreement, No. 21-0046-GS, with LJA Engineering, of Austin, Texas, in the
amount of $125,000.00, for Right -Of- Way acquisition services in connection with the City's
Capital Improvement Projects -- Juan C. Rodriguez, SR/WA, Real Estate Services Manager
5.0 Second Reading - Fire Assignment Pay Ordinance Amendment - FY2024
Second Reading of an Ordinance of the City of Georgetown, Texas amending Sec. 2.28.210
"Assignment Pay" for certain assignments within the Fire Department -- John Sullivan, Fire
5.V Second Reading 2023 Sidewalk Master Plan Adoption
Second Reading of an Ordinance adopting the 2023 Sidewalk Master Plan -- Lua Saluone,
Transportation Manager
6. Legislative Regular Agenda
6.A Second Reading - 2023-11-SUP - 605 E. University Ave.
Second Reading of an Ordinance on a request for a Special Use Permit for a Multifamily,
Attached Dwelling Unit in the (C-1) Local Commercial District for the property addressed at
605 E. University Avenue Suite 110, bearing the legal description of Academia East Condo,
Building 605, Unit 110, 4.9% Common Area Interest (2023-11-SUP)-- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A,
Planning Director
Nelson presented the item and noted that it was on the Legislative Regular portion of the
agenda because it was not approved unanimously on the first reading.
Nelson read the Ordinance caption.
General discussion regrading a red tag that was on the door of the unit noting that framing
work was being done prior to seeking the approval for this change.
Peter Dana addressed the Council regarding online advertisements for this property and the
possibility of more units being put through this process.
After the motion to approve was made French addressed the Council regarding the possible
precedent approving this change could set.
Moved by Kevin Pitts; seconded by Shawn Hood to Approve as presented.
Motion Approved: 5- 2
Voting For: Mike Triggs, Kevin Pitts, Amanda Parr, Ron Garland, and Ben Stewart
Voting Against: Shawn Hood and Jake French
6.B First Reading - Executive Amendment to the Unified Development Code
Public hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance amending Sections 12.02.030, 12.03.030,
12.06 and 12.07.010 of the UDC; updating and adding certain definitions in Chapter 16 of the
UDC relating to amendments necessary for the implementation of the Future Mobility Plan
and updating references throughout the UDC to the Future Mobility Plan -- Lua Saluone,
Transportation Manager
Saluone presented the item and reviewed the schedule of proposed changes, UDC changes,
and how at their January 16, 2024 meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission
recommended approval (6-0) of the proposed amendments.
Saluone read the Ordinance caption.
General discussion among Council and staff regarding Chapter 16 definitions for sidepath.
Mayor Schroeder opened and closed the public hearing at 6:16 p.m. as there were no
Moved by Amanda Parr; seconded by Jake French to Approve as presented.
Motion Approved: 7- 0
Voting For: Amanda Parr, Shawn Hood, Mike Triggs, Kevin Pitts, Jake French, Ron
Garland, and Ben Stewart
Voting Against: None
6.0 First Reading - 2023-9-ANX - 3101 West SH 29
Public Hearing and First Reading on an Ordinance for the voluntary annexation of Lot 1,
Block B of the Davis Subdivision with an initial zoning of General Commercial (C-3) for the
property 3101 West State Highway 29 (2023-9-ANX) -- Ryan Clark, AICP, Senior Long -
Range Planner
Clark presented and reviewed the following: Aerial Map; inventory of existing or entitled
commercial along SH 29 between Scenic Heights Drive and Southwest Bypass; Mixed
Density Neighborhood (MDN) zoning designation explanation; land use rations for MDN;
urban corridors explanation; General Commercial (C-3) zoning designation explanation; uses
allowed by right, with limitations, and with a Special Use Permit in C-3; how the application
complies or partially complies will all aspects of the approval criteria for UDC Section
3.06.030; Comprehensive Plan guidance for land use; photos of the area; site plan; existing
neighborhood character; public notifications sent and to date staff has received no
comments; and how at their January 16, 2024, meeting, the Planning & Zoning Commission
recommended approval of the request with a 5-1 vote. Clark read the Ordinance caption.
General discussion among Council and staff regarding clarification on the use of carwashes.
Mayor Schroeder opened and closed the public hearing at 6:27 p.m. as there were no
After the motion to approve, Stewart noted that issues like this will continue to arise based on
recent changes in law at the State level regarding disannexations and how C-3 would not be
his preferred zoning for this area. French noted the need for Council to keep strong
development standards even with the possibility of potential future disannexation. Hood
echoed these comments.
Moved by Kevin Pitts; seconded by Mike Triggs to Approve as presented.
Motion Approved: 7- 0
Voting For: Amanda Parr, Shawn Hood, Mike Triggs, Kevin Pitts, Jake French, Ron
Garland, and Ben Stewart
Voting Against: None
6.D First Reading — Overtime for Eligible Exempt Employees
First reading of an Ordinance to approve a policy for overtime for eligible exempt employees
-- Nathan Parras, Assistant Finance Director
Parras presented and reviewed policy overview including a calculation example, policy
research, and staff recommendation.
Parras read the Ordinance caption.
Council had no comments or questions on the item.
Moved by Kevin Pitts; seconded by Shawn Hood to Approve as presented.
Motion Approved: 7- 0
Voting For: Amanda Parr, Shawn Hood, Mike Triggs, Kevin Pitts, Jake French, Ron
Garland, and Ben Stewart
Voting Against: None
Mayor Schroeder adjourned the meeting at 6:37 p.m.
Moved by Ron Garland; seconded by Ben Stewart to Adjourn.
Motion Adjourn: 7 - 0
Voting For: Amanda Parr, Shawn Hood, Mike Triggs, Kevin Pitts, Jake French, Ron Garland, and
Ben Stewart
Voting Against: None
These minutes were roved at the meeting of