HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 06.13.2023 CC-RMinutes of the City Council
City of Georgetown, Texas
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
The Georgetown City Council met on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 2:00 PM at Council and Court
Building, 510 W. 9th Street.
The City of Georgetown is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If
you require assistance in participating at a public meeting due to a disability, as defined under the
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contact the City Secretary's Office, at least three (3) days prior to the scheduled meeting date, at
(512) 930-3652 or City Hall at 808 Martin Luther King, Jr Street for additional information; TTY users
route through Relay Texas at 711.
Regularly scheduled meeting of the Georgetown City Council.
The following Members were in attendance: Josh Schroeder, Amanda Parr, Shawn Hood, Mike
Triggs, Kevin Pitts, Jake French, Ron Garland, and Ben Stewart.
1. Policy Development and Discussion — Workshop
This portion of the meeting will begin at 2:00 p.m.
Mayor Schroeder called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m.
1.A Parks 2024 CIP
Presentation and discussion on the proposed FY24 Parks Capital Improvement Plan --
Kimberly Garrett, Parks and Recreation Director
Garrett presented the item and reviewed: current projects; high priority projects for the next
1-3 years; recreation center needs; trail map; high priority regional trail projects for the next
1-3 years; medium priority projects for the next 4-6 years; low priority projects for the next
7-10 years; how the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board reviewed the Parks CIP at their
May 11, 2023 meeting and approved the recommended projects and priorities to be
presented to City Council; and next steps.
General discussion among Council and staff regarding: concerns with total costs of
funding for all projects and if the timing of these projects is workable; this phase is for
planning and doesn't automatically equal spending; potential future impacts to the tax
rate; clarification on Loop Trail; (Georgetown Youth Baseball Association) GYBA's
responsibilities and current field conditions; possibly moving up San Gabriel Park Phase
IV renovations to happen sooner; parkland dedication fund; use of funds received from
the Two Step Inn via the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the Friends of the
Georgetown Parks; collection of increase parkland funding; update to 2014 Master Plan;
City's obligation to the Village Pool; tennis and pickleball future plans; possibility to
prioritize parks improvements based on usage; trail improvements on the East side of
town; and support for improvements to Blue Hole Park
David Morgan, City Manager, reviewed work done so far and upcoming timelines for
projects, CIP, and budget.
Larry Olsen addressed the Council regarding concerns with debris clogging the San Gabriel
River and the associate issues with less movement in the water, and encouraging Council
to restore the San Gabriel River.
1.B Wayfinding Master Plan Update
Presentation and discussion of the Wayfinding Master Plan update -- Kim McAuliffe,
Downtown & Tourism Director and Glen Swantak, MERJE
McAuliffe introduced the item. Swantak presented the item and reviewed: examples of
work Merje has done; wayfinding analysis; wayfinding tools; digital
wayfinding; orientation map; recommended improvements; existing signage; TxDOT
standards; City gateways; City circulation; terminologies for core destinations; parking
philosophy; parking map; developer signs; parks and trails; generic menu of sign types;
phasing plan; schematic design; design considerations; identity and branding design; time
honored and classic design; artful and community design; design combining brand, design,
and artful touches; and pedestrian kiosk panels.
General discussion among Council, consultant, and staff regarding: preference for design
combining brand, design, and artful touches; how to highlight different areas of town with
color coding such as San Jose and TRG neighborhoods; development of a full destination
list; consideration for gateway signage; coordination with other stakeholder groups with
other plans also underway; possible designation for electronic charging stations; location of
permanent signage and it should not interfere with possible future sidewalk expansions; use
of green posts for consistency with existing lamppost; possible use of color coding to
designation different City Council districts; and the need for monument signs at all entrance
points to Georgetown.
1.0 Amend Boundaries of MUD 21, Rock Bluff Ranch
Presentation and discussion regarding the possible amendment to the boundaries of
Municipal Utility District (MUD) No. 21, also known locally as Rock Bluff Ranch, located in
the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) -- Seth Gipson, Development Support Manager and
Nick Woolery, Assistant City Manager
Gipson presented introduced the item and reviewed the MUD policy and current service
area. Anaiah Johnson with Pulte then presented and reviewed: the ETJ
boundaries; Future Land Use/Overall Transportation Plan map for the area; land use
summary; Pulte Group overview; Del Webb Overview; Rock Bluff Overview; Land Plan;
planned amenities; infrastructure examples; high level costs; and potential MUD
reimbursements. Gipson then reviewed the needed feedback and direction.
General discussion among Council, consultant, including Bryan Beil, and staff regarding:
the expected tax rate of 3.1 - 3.5%; plan if the City does not proceed with water or
wastewater expansion in the area; consideration for agreement with the City for limited
services agreement; what type of requirements and fees would be negotiated as part of a
future agreement; impacts on the development if this area pulled out of the ETJ; working
with County to align on requirements; traffic light at CR245 and Ronal Reagan; water and
wastewater supply considerations; how master plans for City growth contemplated this type
of development; concerns with how recent legislation could impact this types of
development; attempt to get this development in the City; how things were done in the past
may no longer work due to recent State legislation; reasons for doing a mostly age
restricted development; how the project could be an ETJ MUD but would prefer to do an in-
City MUD; and how Council is generally supportive of continuing negotiations on this
The following citizens addressed the Council:
Richard Hinds owns property on Beaver Lane near proposed development. He stated
that he is not opposed to the project; has seen positive impact of Sun City growth; his
main issue is easement to property and possible impact; and he would like to retain
access to property during construction.
Robin Eissler owns property that backs up to proposed development. She added that she is
concerned about intersection for CR245 and Ronald Regean; in favor of development; ask
that considerations be made for impacted County Roads; concerns with disruption in water
services; worried about Jennings Branch becoming a through street; and would prefer it
being a City project.
Tamera Croley addressed the Council regarding her concerns with Jennings Branch being
a through street, and possible damage to the street done by construction vehicles. Cindy
Blackwell is a Jennings Branch resident who has property that backs up to proposed
project. She added that she is not opposed to development but concerned about roadways;
concerns with car accidents; and asked that Council please not make Jennings Branch a
construction entrance.
Judy Watson reiterated previously stated concerns with Jennings Branch Road.
David Daniell lives on CR245 and owns property north and west of the proposed project. He
encouraged the project to go forward and noted that the roadways displayed by Pulte don't
match what is being shown by the County.
Jennifer Spuler owns property that shares a boundary with proposed project and is
concerned with homes backing up immediately to the property.
Mayor Schroeder recessed into Executive Session at 5:01 p.m.
1.D Micro -Trenching Presentation
Presentation and discussion on Micro -Trenching in the City of Georgetown -- Eric Johnson,
Public Works Director
This item was taken after Item 1.B and before Item 1.C.
Johnson presented and reviewed background, current providers in Georgetown and
providers showing interest, locations, micro -trenching explanation; examples in City of San
Antonio and City of Austin, cities that allow micro -trenching across the US, existing
conditions, pros and cons of allowing micro -trenching; policy decisions, and the following
policy options: Option 1 similar to San Antonio with a moratorium on any new street for the
duration of the warranty period (usually 1 year); Option 2 similar to Pocatello, ID with
additional remediation for streets with Capital Improvements less than 3 years, such as a
fee for future reconstruction; and Option 3 similar to Denver, CO with additional remediation
for streets with Capital Improvements less than 3 years, such as mill and overlay the entire
road width. He then noted the next steps and needed Council feedback.
General discussion among Council and staff regarding: how expansive soils come into play;
Council interest in micro- trenching; two passes would be fine with consideration for more
based on guidance from the City Engineering Department, but stopping at three passes,
maintaining integrity in the street system; remediation repairs should be considered; bond
considerations for providers; how microtrenched wires would be handled when roads are
widened; cost savings associated with micro -trenching; how micro -trenching cuts are made;
standards would need to be created regarding selection of providers that would be allowed
to micro -trench; only one provider can fit in each conduit; if reusing cuts would be possible;
currently only one provider has showed interest in micro -trenching in Georgetown;
importance of investing in fiber infrastructure; and how staff will bring a policy back to
Jason Leiker with Ubiquity addressed the Council regarding how micro -trenching is a tool
and should not be the norm; doing underground installation; installation of conduit can be
done to allow other providers access to the conduit; and how he is willing to work with city to
build the standard.
Mike Hickey with Mears Broadband, contractor with Ubiquity, provided professional
knowledge related to how micro -trenching works and can be effective.
Mayor Schroeder called for a break at 3:59 p.m. and resumed the meeting at 4:11 p.m.
1.E City Quarterly Financial Report - Workshop
Presentation and discussion of the quarterly financial report for the quarter ended March 31,
2023 -- Nathan Parras, Assistant Finance Director
This item was pulled from the Workshop due to time considerations.
Mayor Schroeder recessed into Executive Session at 5:01 p.m.
2. Executive Session
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Vernon's
Codes, Annotated, the items listed below will be discussed in closed session and are subject to
action in the regular session.
2.A Executive Session 06.13.2023
Sec. 551.071: Consultation with Attorney
Advice from attorney about pending or contemplated litigation and other matters on
which the attorney has a duty to advise the City Council, including agenda items. -
Litigation Update
Section 551.072: Deliberations about Real Property
- SE Park Acquisition
- FM-971 near San Gabriel Park
- Deliberations regarding the property located at 711 North College
- Deliberations regarding approximately 52,187 square feet of land, more or less, located
south of the Georgetown Airport and adjacent to Lakeway Drive in Georgetown, Texas
Sec. 551.087: Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations
- Project Mars
- Project Care Package
3. Regular SessionThis portion of the meeting will begin no earlier than 6:00 p.m.
Mayor Schroeder called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.
&A Call to Order 06.13.2023
Pledge of Allegiance
Comments from the Mayor
- Carl Doering Proclamation
Action Out of Executive Session
Moved by Kevin Pitts; seconded by Jake French to Approve the authorization of the Mayor
to execute a Compromise and Settlement Agreement in Lieu of Condemnation with
Georgetown Property -Airport T&C, LLC related to the acquisition and development of
approximately 52,187 square feet of right-of-way located south of the Georgetown Airport
and adjacent to Lakeway Drive in Georgetown, Texas on the terms discussed in Executive
Motion Approved: 7- 0
Voting For: Amanda Parr, Shawn Hood, Mike Triggs, Kevin Pitts, Jake French, Ron
Garland, and Ben Stewart
Voting Against: None
Moved by Kevin Pitts; seconded by Ron Garland to Approve a Purchase and Sale
Agreement with Connie Parch, et al, for the purchase of 35 acres of land, more or less,
located off of SE Inner Loop in the Williamson Addison Survey, Abstract 21, Williamson
County, Texas said 35 acres being a portion of the called 107.37 acres tract of land
described in Document No. 2013117061 of the Official Public Records of Williamson
County, Texas, on the terms discussed in the Executive Session and authorize the Mayor
to execute all necessary documents on behalf of the City of Georgetown.
Motion Approved: 7- 0
Voting For: Amanda Parr, Shawn Hood, Mike Triggs, Kevin Pitts, Jake French, Ron
Garland, and Ben Stewart
Voting Against: None
Moved by Kevin Pitts; seconded by Jake French to Approve the authorization of the City
Attorney to execute a Settlement Agreement with R040062, LF in SOAH Docket No. 582-
23-10368 related to the TPDES Permit No. WQ0016008001 on the terms discussed in
Executive Session.
Motion Approved: 7- 0
Voting For: Amanda Parr, Shawn Hood, Mike Triggs, Kevin Pitts, Jake French, Ron
Garland, and Ben Stewart
Voting Against: None
4. Public Wishing to Address Council
On a subject that is posted on this agenda: Please fill out a speaker registration form which can
be found on the table at the entrance to the Council Chamber. Clearly print your name and the
letter of the item on which you wish to speak and present it to the City Secretary on the dais, prior
to the start of the meeting. You will be called forward to speak when the Council considers that
item. Only persons who have delivered the speaker form prior to the meeting being called to
order may speak. Speakers will be allowed up to three minutes to speak. If you wish to speak for
six minutes, it is permissible to use another requestor's granted time to speak. No more than six
minutes for a speaker may be granted. The requestor granting time to another speaker must also
submit a form and be present at the meeting.
On a subject not posted on the agenda: An individual may address the Council at a regular City
Council meeting by contacting the City Secretary no later than noon on the Wednesday prior to
the Tuesday meeting, with the individual's name and a brief description of the subject to be
addressed. Only those persons who have submitted a timely request will be allowed to speak.
Speakers will be given up to three minutes to address the City Council. The City Secretary can be
reached at (512) 931-7715 or cs@georgetown.org.
4.A Public Wishing to Address 06.13.2023
- Scott Linck would like to address the Council regarding the passing of the Dominium
affordable housing project.
- Barbara Salisbury would like to address the Council regarding the unsafe intersection at
San Gabriel Village Blvd and Austin Avenue.
- Sally Strong would like to address the Council regarding the unsafe intersection at San
Gabriel Village Blvd and Austin Avenue.
5. Statutory Consent Agenda
The Statutory Consent Agenda includes non -controversial and routine items which may be acted
upon with one single vote. An item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda in order to be
discussed and acted upon individually as part of the Regular Agenda.
Item 5.E was not taken up for consideration by the Council and Item 5.1 became the first item on
the Legislative Regular portion of the agenda.
Moved by Kevin Pitts; seconded by Amanda
Items 5.E and 5.1.
Motion Approved: 7 - 0
Voting For: Amanda Parr, Shawn Hood, Mike
Ben Stewart
Voting Against: None
Parr to Approve as presented with the exception of
Triggs, Kevin Pitts, Jake French, Ron Garland, and
5.A Council Minutes - April 25th, May 9th, May 16th, May 25th, and June 6th 2023
Consideration and possible action to approve the meeting minutes for Special Meetings
held on April 25th, May 16th, 2023, and June 6th, 2023 and Regular Meetings held on May
9th and 23rd, 2023 -- Robyn Densmore, City Secretary
5.13 Appointment to Arts and Culture Board
Consideration and possible appointment confirmation of Tim Fleming to the Arts and
Culture Advisory Board, to fill a vacancy -- Mayor Josh Schroeder
5.0 Garland as Chair of Water Board
Consideration and possible action to appoint Ron Garland as Chair of the Water Utility
Advisory Board -- Mayor Josh Schroeder
5.D Monday.com Software Contract
Consideration and possible action to approve a three year contract with Monday.com for a
work tracking and project management software at a total cost of $408,204.00 -- Wayne
Nero, Assistant City Manager; and Chris Bryce, IT Director
5.E Purchase Streets Bucket Truck
Consideration and possible action to approve the purchase of (1) 2024 Chevrolet 5500
Bucket Truck from Caldwell Chevrolet for an amount not to exceed $204,931.00 via Buy
Board contract# 601-19 -- Scott Parker, Fleet Services Manager
5.F Interlocal Agreement for Completion of a Transit Development Plan (TDP) with
Consideration and possible action to approve an Interlocal Agreement with Capital
Metropolitan Transportation Authority and the City of Georgetown for the completion of a
Transit Development Plan - Lua Saluone, Transportation Manager
5.G Shell Road MUD Consent to Assignment to Lennar
Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution consenting to assignment of
the Consent and Parkland Improvements agreement for Shell Road Municipal Utility
District (MUD) from Green Builders, Inc. to Lennar Homes of Texas Land and
Construction, Ltd. -- Sabrina Poldrack, Assistant Treasurer
5.H Rejection/Cancellation of the Meter to Cash RFP
Consideration and possible action to reject all proposals received for RFP #202311 for
Utility Meter -to -Cash Process and Operations Review Services -- Nicole Abrego
5.1 City's Quarterly Financial Report
Acceptance of the City's Quarterly Financial Report, which includes the Investment
Reports for the City of Georgetown, Georgetown Transportation Enhancement
Corporation (GTEC), and the Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (GEDCO)
for the quarter ended March 31, 2023 -- Nathan Parras, Assistant Finance Director
This item was pulled from the Statutory Consent portion of the agenda to allow staff to
present on the material and became the first item on the Legislative Regular portion of the
Parras presented the item and reviewed the second quarter background; General Fund
revenue budget sources, sales tax, property tax, franchise fees, Payment in Lieu of Taxes
(PILOT), Planning and Development revenue, sanitation revenue, Fire and EMS revenue,
Parks and Recreation, expense budget sources, and personnel and operations versus
budget; Electric Fund revenue budget sources, Electric sales revenue, expense budget,
purchased power, and a comparison of 2nd Quarter in FY2022 versus FY2023; Water
Fund revenue budget sources, water charges, wastewater charges, irrigation charges,
expense budget, and water revenue and water expense; and Tourism Fund revenue
budget sources, and expense budget sources,
General discussion among Council and staff regarding one time revenues received by the
Moved by Kevin Pitts; seconded by Jake French to Approve the acceptance of the report.
Motion Approved: 7- 0
Voting For: Amanda Parr, Shawn Hood, Mike Triggs, Kevin Pitts, Jake French, Ron
Garland, Ben Stewart
Voting Against: None
5.J Transfer Station Construction Testing
Consideration and possible action to approve Task Order TCI-23-008 with Terracon Inc of
Round Rock, TX for the professional services related to construction testing related to the
construction of the Transfer Station in the amount of $85,000.00 -- Jennifer Bettiol, CIP
5.K Fuel Island
Consideration and possible action to approve a contract with Novak Commercial
Construction, LLC, of Georgetown, Texas for the construction of a Fuel Island near the
Transfer Station in the amount of $2,091,770.80 -- Jennifer Bettiol, CIP Manager
5.1- Amendment to Purchase and Sale Agreement for Property Located at 2915 FM 971
Consideration and possible action to approve an amendment to the Purchase and Sale
Agreement pertaining to the City's purchase of property located at 2915 FM 971,
Georgetown, Texas in order to extend the City's Feasibility Period to 120 days from the
Effective Date of the Agreement -- Andrew Culpepper, Senior Assistant City Attorney —
Real Estate Services
5.M Underground Agreement with Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Consideration and possible action to approve an Underground Agreement with Pedernales
Electric Cooperative, Inc. for the installation of a portion of the underground electrical
distribution system to provide electric service to the Water Tower located at 356 Fort Cobb
Way -- Andrew Culpepper, Senior Assistant City Attorney — Real Estate Services
5.N SRO Agreement for School Year 2023-2024
Consideration and possible action to renew the existing School Resource Officer
agreement between the Georgetown Independent School District (GISD) and the City of
Georgetown, Texas to include Attachment A (annual cost for the program) of the
agreement and signatures of current officials -- Cory Tchida, Police Chief
5.0 Texas Attorney General Lease Agreement at the PSOTC
Consideration and possible action to renew a space sharing agreement between the
Georgetown Police Department and the Office of the Attorney General, Law Enforcement
Division -- Cory Tchida, Police Chief
5.P 2023-4-ANX - Longhorn Junction Corporate Park - Municipal Service Agreement
Consideration and possible action to approve a Municipal Service Agreement withLong
Horn Cattle & Land Company LLC, for the provision of municipal services, upon annexation,
to an approximately 6.316 acres tract of land out of the L.J. Dyches Survey Abstract No.
150, generally located adjacent to the east side of Rabbit Hill Road and north of
Westinghouse Road (2023-4-ANX) -- Cesar Acosta, Neighborhood & Housing Program
6. Legislative Regular Agenda
6.A First Reading - 2022-13-ANX - 1134 Bootys Crossing Georgetown
Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance for the voluntary annexation of a .929
acre tract out of the David Wright Survey Abstract No. 13 including approximately .288
acres of right-of-way of Bootys Crossing Road with an initial zoning of Neighborhood
Commercial (CN) zoning district for the property located at 1134 Bootys Crossing Road
(2022-13-ANX) -- Cesar Acosta, Neighborhood & Housing Program Manager
Acosta presented the item and reviewed the Location Map, Aerial Map, Future Land
Use/Overall Transportation Plan Map, land use ratios for Mixed Density Neighborhood
(MDN), Zoning Map, Neighborhood Commercial (CN) zoning designation explanation, and
uses approved by right, with limitation, and with a SUP. He the noted how the application
complies with all aspects of the approval criteria for UDC Section 3.06.030; public
notifications were sent and to date staff has received two comments in favor and two
comments in opposition; and at their May 16 meeting, the Planning & Zoning Commission
recommended approval of the request with a 7-0 vote.
Acosta read the Ordinance caption.
Mayor Schroeder opened and closed the public hearing at 6:50 p.m. as there were no
Moved by Amanda Parr; seconded by Kevin Pitts to Approve as presented.
Motion Approved: 7- 0
Voting For: Amanda Parr, Shawn Hood, Mike Triggs, Kevin Pitts, Jake French, Ron
Garland, Ben Stewart
Voting Against: None
6.B 06.06.2023 Work Session Recap
Presentation and discussion on June 6, 2023 City Council work session and confirmation
of direction provided -- Sofia Nelson, Planning Director
Nelson presented and reviewed: purpose of the work session held on June 6, 2023;
feedback received on the Comprehensive Plan with a Council preference for locating
density in Regional Nodes and Community Center nodes when part of larger developments;
feedback received on development standards relating to consistent connectivity standards
are needed between multi -family development and single-family residential developments,
review of building height, setback, and buffer requirements between multi -family and single
-family developments, development standards for multi -family need to be reviewed and
developed to only allow as part of a mixed -use product, careful attention needs to be given
to ground floor retail and ensure that the ground floor height is supportive of ground floor
retail (14-16 feet), careful attention to standards that allow for developments that will hold
value over time, establishing a minimum density is supported, a desire for more curated
development standards in certain locations, standards that allow for more diversified
products are desired, and opportunity to review standards that encourage rear -loaded
products with appropriately sized frontage street and on -street parking; feedback received
on the current amount of multi -family units with concern that was expressed regarding the
number of units entitled and in the pipeline for construction, and feedback as it relates to the
number of units included with a concern included that we have too many units (development
+ entitled) for a community of our current size, a concern about the impact multi -family units
have on emergency services and water/wastewater infrastructure, and the concentration of
units along Westinghouse is too much; feedback received on requests for multi -family uses
with notes on how there is a strong concern regarding the amount of multi -family units and
the product that is allowed by straight zoning, requests for multi- family will be reviewed ,
extremely carefully, requests should be designed to be part of a mixed -use product and
stand alone multi -family developments will generally not be supported, opportunities for
smaller developments is encouraged (neighborhood level development with 85-100 units),
more residential options should be encouraged in the historic district, and encouragement
for development that is designed to be purchased; feedback received on multi -family
developments that represented Georgetown well including University Townhomes with a
good transition to single family neighborhood, Summit at Rivery with mixed use
development could have benefited from ground floor retail, Waters Edge with development
that has aged well, and Riverpark Cottages with a good example of rental option in
downtown; additional work needed like the need to provide comparison of multi- family and
single-family unit numbers, provide comparison on density from surrounding cities, provide
information regarding , monthly rent for wrapped product vs suburban style multi- family
(i.e., garden style development), provide occupancy/vacancy rates for Georgetown multi-
family developments, and development of a multi -family policy to guide the amount and type
of units that will be permitted; and guidance on future affordable housing requests including
development standards need to be consistent with or exceed UDC standards, current
options of workforce housing and tax credit applications are not perfect, how there is a
desire to understand more about the existing users of the current tax credit developments.
Specifically, if employment is in Georgetown or outside of Georgetown, how the home repair
program is a good tool, review of development standards that increase housing costs is
necessary, and the payment in lieu of taxes is needed for non-profit tax credit requests.
General discussion among Council and staff regarding: Council agreed with what was
said; Council would like to see a breakdown of everything that falls under multi -family
products including things like garden home/townhomes styles; Council would also like to
see the number of single-family units for rent; noting the build for rent communities and
how they not currently mentioned in the City codes; and policies addressing affordability
and promoting homeownership as much as possible.
Mayor Schroeder adjourned the meeting at 7:01 p.m.
Moved by Ron Garland; seconded by to Adjourn.
Motion Adjourn: 6 - 0
Voting For: Amanda Parr, Shawn Hood, Kevin Pitts, Jake French, Ron Garland, and Ben
Voting Against: None
These minutes were/pproved at the meeting of
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