HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 07.09.1962 - Repealing all of Chapter XILawn PV L.i kA AVN C1�i Z�t''k'}S� ,�CB :RE 41MIN . ft���.Y�T (O.� -(1T, J(t'��� T72 XI Off' �"H CO( a.�T j' ;13 0 � T T' ,Q',4'ai' nTic' Bf Ti'Q�,1.I.1.`.lJpkFii.✓((""*; �;„yy 4./k/R i�lkij"S.r�y.�OTtvT (.tryi'T !',.I " pdyi..;.iVi/j'}0`T,,13q4^aA�j1''.�.`.�./�...v.�1.�.,4.,�5*i..x �+. iry—'.:j.:YW.. Jiji..1 C'f !-j "i',. 1.%�ik�.:,i�.5" JN-CE .. (1.O +.E T�i4l.JUT AS C .R'5,.E-�.: `; w'.I a:37.e't Tll_S D t� C OAR.Pl.i.��.d"a..�. Ii..%T`'s` VWR.€" i -1X11 ,. IO.}y $ 9a- I M G P J S'`"r � i 1 ^ T E T T,�:.,At?L,tlli�x �� CC?L:�t��;t<!%Ca%� CC,T�4,�t ��JC1TClY 2, Ii?;CC3h'.D��, 011TE!T.zI I] I:4'v {l'.Eia.s"7. S Air. OVER GE OF' 21, TC`T'ION 32 TT ?ws:i:1'C`1°IOI iMMFTi1EMAY G OT TEXCiIv$�)SECTION 41 CITY SECRET,R.APPOINTED U LmTq,'?.K OF THE CO3Tg' SECTION $ illiT LES OF THE CLERK; SlCTIO' 61 FRkti1E BY� SWORN t ,!P , Tt ' ,, SECTION 'fig P OV-11DING F'C'•R ST .ALA SECTION 8, PRCaSECTL) ON 1ti THE Wli3t .Fn OF T B.E STATE }`� ,�.''� T''.X LS2 "D {�Cll"i^€; UDE fR , I v.. T EM PEACE l aA,4 a �3 ,� A Via. � s .i;rg 11Cx�alAil. ''.._a:a ..���.".+ ;A.iV DIGTNIT Y OF TTTFT ATZ CONTRARY TO CI DIT,iA;,,.iC C o CONDUCTED BY CITY ,#'i,L t.POS ? qw' < r, y;^f{t'xs r;iT ((qq'�ggT CJ COp*y TS qq1t�}^. s q,�. �,y O�--yy 143 t s O/� ;�+, �t- tl.ia.,. g S1-7C51T 4,dJ Fr g COSTS r„ s"1t�i„{ i .C!'e us'�g RE�+Li�-D'xi. i'4`,t�1Y� Msd'1..�. VB Cl� "" .�.'a3 d#.. NAl .�.' �?.fi Fi:J1`al t;a4 J' 'T BY' E C;"t:k:Y, AND ALL FI-14ES COLLECTED D BE PAID 1- C T TE CITY TD�E LET Vo SECTION 'T.0 :v" THE CO aa��v.,_a � �� � � .�T � C� Ti fa t C, T fi y�,' p` t, p b .� 3 Ie tJ g �" i i 3 ' �' t �."k Sii3';. Ji:� ,'`aL i �I� Jv w.. 2tT i r OR rM I 7F Sl�.'�' POT IC ������� I � .k. > i'`"C;. "�`.�'""((flfl«.tg^�:. '�2V },h���.;:.7 ^('T,T fy i -n� „ i� PCni �-. 'j i�(y'}*�YY. J«-d .u].+. 4 a.�.K; s-dJz .fL,._'' J._ A .s1.I i .y$..€.�id .;..5 � M3s..Atl .f. - 12 $, CODE jO ya RI F 1 jjy^f �.R'yµj {/q,T3 RR$$xtr":, TO 7`�yyy}'�iy�.k� +S �pjL� _�.{y' C"1" (ahyt{p y} a.�{ "yy.,+[O °ter; OF' q^9C O 1.... A` i„j [+, +L.�£+.«�.�{�b?e.MM a�IY�C )�4t«{. d..� ..4. M� .ily"{."„is.�l.dL � nivJ i.t � �A-,S4 .M�}Nb 1 A i'E :... ij4 4/.6. �4l lei t`�A�r� E�i j Ti€44 FOR C �,'T�TC''�T�T g `aTC TAKE r,? `"ClM'Te. ,.' J77, 3 IMM BAIL 130;' DS AND TO FTRFEIT rt'FiE Sex* a "!:C�a e'�nt�fi SS�"�r L.. i,'''}}^^ny;r /��y, ;pp;re (^t r=re '�{'yy�.r / j^�'T�71' �1 ^� y ag`� (+ ' r q, -v-i@. w.T.11 §i..A.� ,$ +.i s.'L,r .�.. t,..fi i , �.,b.. R v I C E O � .. k. C l,_s S S B i�. „. I ;,�,f O P LJ E t,. R i, 3 . � 1-`MI ��BT?t OF OJITCP zCiiC Iiy G��{{�(�T'9�C((ET'U'�T`T� 7#'�°�p�7A� � t�Ili} �'7�1$ r>31� CC?' ?. (�� ��f"ra CIF' iv �`C�R �T ir:k T-L�E�tiSS �°g SECTION 160 \../L�I...ITTG .T+`.��t ii� lf�l .!i�S�.�LJ�r �-s..a •.G��� i{. -�l i�t�f' 1� .!�\..'S..3.t. t,{la AND DISCT�,� R }, CF' F' T `1ST'; BY Ff,.V'IC,TC-, C,".CT1 OF '�,AY;-IT' G C$'..�.7 OUT !1T ; I : � � aC)C? FOR. �'.;'.C" 2 CT T C T CT.' ZCF 172 P:TaP;'I :£� CF" C' € 'pl., ? YI C T, CCr , hT C`TTr ?'� Czd.�x�vClINTAN ES ANSTJBSTT"ITTIz�CTCITON l g !a �C3" ?'IC BEING DECLARED IT()Ilr OR ??NCONS" 7 TT'TI':[ O`,`,';t L SHALL NOT EF.'F C'1 THE Tf 'f., z,VIT:i..PTG P?`T"iT Cz, Ct,iT') C;>T;I" .FfiIC A.IT A. 0T-ZDI!U-.,i>.CrS IN CONFLICT TIER V71TH �1T _, 3REJFRT,'�� Do +�trlgpjci%T 1Ci T,`�y "v �v� i';<q �`t r3 rn , ,�y '�q -,-; ;-: o- r^A , i SECTION tp y ��p $ THIS � .DI$� (�t1R d� �.0 B7��CO f%s� N t r�C� t.1 �� TT T� `ASS f R, C..�ION 20 %,E,.C+. 3.1.`...[41�T fi PYhJ �r.rtl.l_✓.E.,4'<,i'1:..lw l.fb�A6 .1�.'.,81 ...,iZLiT.taL �w% ,�",E �7fyi "1 {fit 4} �t�T'fi7 t`` i3�`'}` 4(�1 '�`{T'f".^� , �41 f.. J.4 J ✓tag 3.� f4.. k.+-j��3 �..d..... �1.:.. 1.� 011 { ) FTT Pj C..t GE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CCLGTCIL OF THE CITY OF r= �: rr] t�';f Tg TFXAS: SECTION l o COURT .f -4` LI zHIED a '"reres cre atd establishednd tel _ . in said City of -Geor etown, Texas, a court to be ktimpm as the Insporexti on. Court of said City, which Court shall have kiri sdic tion and � e organized as hereinafter er prescY'a.'ia rl . SoAd GiC177"t shall be ;J2"es1.0 eo. overb' et F;E:Cti?rder s and/or Juclge of the C,'Cea'"po% �.-ior„ t,C71?rt. (2IheY*E'ver the ?"wroro eCorder is iised her ea.n, it shall also rne: an JU03ge of the Corporat-Lon Court o ,t"eorgetovm, Te xas ¢ ) ax; C'1 .�ON 2 * AFW1I NT.T;. N` A1%viD 4�T7,AL h TClk`y IO C F RECO' ' 4 The Rocor0e;r or Ju(9ge of the Corporoct on Court, shall be a Po�.nt,e='by the Iat yor, and 'c irrne.cT by TrFa-jor it it vote of the City "ounc .l. Tie hall be a citizen of the ' nited States and shall have resided in Texas for one;'year prior to his or her appointment and shall 'Do a resident. of the 11ty o Georgetown, .'exas, at the time of h*s appointment and shall be twenty!mo r years of K ao e or over m The Recorder .first appci.nte;d under this Ordinance shal hold his or her term of office corresponding to e unexpired t'eri of ,he' Yayor°q and every two ;2;Pears thereafter, a Recorder shall be a.ppo: ated for 0 term of two ( ) ;�%t"3�'+r ro •�'�� # 1,ecoY"i�er,"s of �:id Corporation CCiLtr shall hold his or her term of office .for the terns appointed and un .i l his or her successor has been appointed and qualified. l zyiedia,tely upon the a,pi oint xaent of a Zecorder, he shall take the Oath of Office ?ftrhic:ia, shall be , substantially the same as that of a Justice of the Peaces 's i .' lei s i?1 1 a..s�.��. �"i ��"�. �ti � "�'i e sF,'.id `.,1,ourt shall ;''ia e � ur .t s.1.C,'. t I Oi1 within the territorial limits of said City of Geort�etoWr, in all criminal cases arising; under the ordinances or those hereafter to 'Lie passed and. shall, also have far sdict Loth concurren(,ly with the t)LAs-tice . $ the, Peace o Precinct Noo f g lliani oi, County, Texas g in xlhich "t,he punls'r)1lEiet �5 �j�r f'irlc ixYkl� and where the x a :w.mtxrr of such ft_ra.e ma not exceed ,,CCaCfnd arising ; within theterritorialand corpo:ate l Gxaa.7 of said Cite :C IIO a HE A x._a7 Nt�,.�' V a{ CLET-IK* 1' e; City Secretary shall be exoff l ca io , lerk of said Court arid ma v a nnoiht a d,-�put yr who shall have the same„puner and duties as ClerIc -arid shall hold his office dur.tnc the time of the City tje+c:^e `a y e7 - ,��^1s ]] ,[.,.,r DUTY ('{'{ y i ^b '{�, �t the Mi��.lC��t.t.iJN 9 DW �} 1, O1.t J.�A?�.i.6.�.� P .i'v shall i e t �h e 'j 5 ,L f4 p �y duty . $.. n y the �l U La �T of the Clerk k o Ircee e,i t { a. minute of the proceedings of said;`:ourt and to Issue all process and generally to do and perfor ra all the duties of a Clerti: of a Court as prescribed by lave for the Clerk of the 'C'ounty tsourt insofer as the sas a may be applicable. 3RR!C`zlONI 6a PFI PDT) `41ZBa Complaints before such Court; hereby created and esttablishod nay be sworn to before the Recordev, Clerk of said. Court, the City Secrew d r y the City Attorney, his deputy or before ortom✓ any officer & a.u•t,hori ed by law -o c.,A.;f:..i.nlst.er oaths, prr3v-ldfes that i.ns aid (lorporaCion Court the rules of pleading, practice and procedure now established for Justice Court shall apply o such Gorpor ;_t ior� Court xn. saidCity of tS�,crgotovvTn `t as fa (. s the sK.?.al�e are applicable. •. L � rf Stf � I! he - d `xo1 5,..'diatdon. Court �:isttl.f�ra! f a a�..af'alrao f' s..a.C� � SECTION ry q ry shall have "..✓.. seal ''RGL�.Tin1 r can r8 wed thereon eon a. star of five vee points in the center and words "Corporation 4 t ourt in George; ttcwn, ex .s 9"t tee i.-irL +res k ion of vdhich shall be a t-ached to all procee<d.In s., except subpoenas $ ssaxer rzat of" sa'.d . oust and shall be used to aut-hent ica.t e the off iial acts of the Cl=grim anid, of the Rect rC er vThen he is , aut)",oriz ed or requ;irod to use I:Jhe weal of of'ficceo to P4 ,3 ION 81 * PROS CUTIONS That all. proses Court., whither under an ordinance or under the provisi Corse shall oorr,.e�nce, ".I iB' l'.f lA :Al .+ .SJ�1 .a5 � ��i S�r3 `ir' Ld Bk L tt � .�T3 M[114 EC(E A,'T) DIGNITY 01,' THBi S1ATIE, , and wher is covered by an ordinance, the conmplaant may also conc I n the said off the l"enal h6 offence as ttcon� trPxy to the sqa .d ordinance, and all such prosecutions in said "ourtl shall be conducted by the C- ty Attorney or his deputy, b, i, the County Attorney of 'Vfilli.amsen County , Texas, may if be so c?esi es, also represent the Late of Texasin such prosecutions, but, Jn all such cases', the said County ,attorney shall not be entitled to receiv , any fees or any corf!pensation whatever~ for said sere nes, and i..r= no case hall the olAnty I. P Attorney hee, e the power to dismiss tiny prosect,uzon. perzcaiAk in said Court, t, unless for reasons filed and approved by the Recorder oP said Court, SBCu IT.OJ� go COSTS APM FlitipS* Ill costs and fines imposed by said. Court in said. City in any prosecution therein shall be paid into the kity Treasury of said City for the use and benefit of tho said Arty. In. all cases the Recorder or Jude of the corporation Col,t;may waive the costs and assess the penalty in any case by a farce or y* or the Recorder of City Judge may assess the costs against the ct3fendant as hereinafter provided SECTION' 10 M COSTS, There,nay be taxed and collect .. d, in the case of conviction from. each defendant, in the Corporca.t:ic _ Court of said fsi.t,, the follc��vi.n.i; items of cost, scar olyW Each complaint, .25 cents ;,aoh 'bond, a'NO cents Each subpoena, for one witness, .2 f cents for each � additional na-me in such poena, slO cents '`ach continuance, v20 cents Administering oath without certificate, *10 cents Docketin6 cause, *10 cents Administering oath with certificate, *25 cents OrderinC Jury for jury tiri.al, . a0 census Jury .fee in jury triali, .00 Bach .final judgment entered, -50 cants f" i°tach other order entered, .25 cents ach commitment `11.00 Y�akrxxg and certIfying the entries on docket and fll.i. 'g same with oxvir,ixial papers, in event of an appeal) $�p14E�0 Each costs, .10 cents Each arrest , 4'i1.00 oummoning jury, .1,0 cents Each commitment or release executed, �411.00 Tal ii-ig, and approving and returning, bond, $1.00 1',ttorneys fee in a conviction on idea, of g*ui.lty , i 5 70 At borneys fee on plea, of not; guilty, 1.0a0C3 and _j All costs taxed against the defendant, under the provision firer°eo , together with the fine assessed, ;hall be collect(_Fd by the Chief of Police { and shall % �y 1lim paid into the Tr^easurY of said u,rtarm SECTION 11 m FB S PAID OFFICla f' n Yio foes shall be pal.d to the Recorder, at;f ttorr.le.r or C;krzof' of police, or to any other peace cffic ex° Compensation to ho paid °:?5o ilec;order, City .Attorney or Chief of Police shall be made by separate ordinance. e p � } @ p VY ions •(` 't`ry' /"� ^^ffyy CODE Ziy'y�' 't Yjj t �" �" 'i }y;, f ? ays. *..• 1 sk�1 ? �� �} l.. t l.: : i C.t..L� tl The 1~ t.e Y of the Code of Crtrnan.al proce; ure nov,�r In ore€ , anal regulating the a;rkount and colleoti.on of ,ury and wit ess fee arido;?forcor?ont of the attozadorr�: of itrljsses ire. "f i:e er;."Jin€�l� cases tried by the �7tzstico of the feace� shall as far as applri.c.able, f"overn and be applicable to i;he Urial of eases etfOr e l,ix•,'S 4'$"oror°a'i,riblr. : auxt.r herein cr.'ec.°Ge d r:anelestablished. nt,1l.` l a7 Ctts.. 'i.Tw a P0k',r��gAHDrdCIUR V+1 *rhe Oudge of said Corporation �> Court shall have the poreaer to puni �sier f`ox% c;c7n tcnr�rF, tier tine same extent and under the a `Tip e _2°t'uY1 €tY U�'S Ei the Count c�1iC� o-e 1u,ja-T punish for {:ont "il Pt of the Gounty Court. "e steal.'} have -tile polner to take re^oC?n a e:es, adr i.t to bail, and forfeit r^ecog iz4rnces and bail borxas under such rules and. z Ie;'Ulc^,t 7'C? LIC7''e`S :,t}vern the taking and forfeiture o X'e'{�t?�zY izal',00 �ii�t� ?ail boards under..'" such S"ul es ana regul.a4 i_O''ls s-S no' % t3� E'Y 21 the '�, � t TI.0 forfeiture of the same in -the County Court. .. osaid .ri rVTJi 11nM All process issuedOut ,CiAl1N%dm irCorporation Court shall be served by the Chief of Police of Georgetown, `l'ex,'as,, or his dEeput--+ tr or any person oiia.l.ified and. as pol i.ceTman for the City of C;eor getuffri, Texas, under the rules and as IJ are1101M provi ied. bylaw for they service byYa�er°' ff�s and �i Z'luisi il�e T i7are process issuing out of the County Court so far" as tile sajnre are applicable. ST Tt1 is n Ia#2AY.m J sTIN F0..% BUSINESS aliE7' "..d O} 73r or_ZAt jJrx Court shall hold no terms, but shall be deemed. at all tirrkes open for trana.ction of business, but any defendant shall be entitled to ut least one days notice f ally complaints aa,inst him, 'if such time be demanded, nq,,C ft C{ 1, s CCU. "ATT`"`17z�IT Any person convicted of an offor1ce 5. J . . this court shall be committed to ti.e custody of the Chief of Police, IP;fl may deliver said person to the Cou21t y all at 'eo:( get: own,, Texas to he, held until said person shall. 'have discharged tie f �.��a arld costs c�< ainst him. imn Said fine or fines and costs may be discharf,cad by payi-n or by crediting said. person =3600 per.. day .for each e4 ho, jail. Chapter X1, entitled g' Col ecte;d Ordinances " passed NoTve is herebyRe pealed& and this Ordinance shall. be substi.tu T, <ev:is€;d, Collected Ordinances. 8.IE'C 1 10 N 1E) o Vr;.Itll~l:T , Tf any section, par'agr.svph,, subdivision, cls or provision of this ordinance shall be andjud�,ed inval.ied,c constitutional, the same shall riot affect the validity of as a w1hole or any part or provision thereof rather trran the to be invalid or unconstitutional, B. All Ordinances or parts of ordinances in co; are hereby repealed 37T,s t#. .y� sad 3. r.>. ea z is ordinance shall be and effect from and after its passage. SECTION '20o E ERM C. CLk?,jSE, The enactment of thz {,.'t„").L.ntl _', necessary to the ,A,w:11:.1i9.0.6lF^ e preservation 4/f public k.14 proYrido for the usual daily operation of the City 's Corp, ore, it is declared to be an e,lergency measure, v=r'ra.ich shall havE follolaing its present, rerdJpmg and adoption. READ,, PASSED, AND !MPT D by unani.rrous grate this the N Ci s ± e in case ha reriiains in All of f3 c; a Chapter eo phrase, held un is ordinance so decided ict h rewi..th 11111 force ordinance ness and to ion Court, and take effect 9th 0 dray of