HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 09.14.2021 CC-R Meeting Minutes of the Governing Body of the City of Georgetown, Texas Tuesday, September 14, 2021 Prior to calling the meeting to order, an invocation was performed by Ryan Hanson with Grace Bible Church. The Georgetown City Council will meet on Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 6:00 PM at City Council Chambers located at 510 West 9th Street. The City of Georgetown is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you require assistance in participating at a public meeting due to a disability, as defined under the ADA, reasonable assistance, adaptations, or accommodations will be provided upon request. Please contact the City Secretary’s Office, at least three (3) days prior to the scheduled meeting date, at (512) 930-3652 or City Hall at 808 Martin Luther King, Jr Street for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. Mayor Schroeder called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. The following Council Members were in attendance: Mayor Josh Schroeder; Amanda Parr, Council Member District 1; Shawn Hood, Council Member District 2; Mike Triggs, Council Member District 3; Steve Fought, Council Member District 4; Kevin Pitts, Council Member District 5; and Tommy Gonzalez, Council Member District 7. District 6 is vacant. A quorum of Council Members was present in Council Chambers and a roll call was performed. Regular Session (This Regular session may, at any time, be recessed to convene an Executive Session for any purpose authorized by the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code 551.) A. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Comments from the Mayor Announcements Action from Executive Session Motion by Pitts to approve a settlement in lieu of condemnation with the Estate of Anna M. Dodge for the acquisition of easements necessary for the construction of the Berry Creek Interceptor project, parcel 4, on the terms discussed in executive session, and to authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents, second by Fought. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). Motion by Pitts to approve a settlement in lieu of condemnation with Ronnie and Bonnie Russell for the acquisition of an easement necessary for the construction of the Berry Creek Interceptor project, parcel 8, on the terms discussed in executive session, and to authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents, second by Fought. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). Public Wishing to Address Council On a subject that is posted on this agenda: Please fill out a speaker registration form which can be found on the table at the entrance to the Council Chamber. Clearly print your name and the letter of the item on which you wish to speak and present it to the City Secretary on the dais, prior to the start of the meeting. You will be called forward to speak when the Council considers that item. Only persons who have delivered the speaker form prior to the meeting being called to order may speak. Speakers will be allowed up to three minutes to speak. On a subject not posted on the agenda: An individual may address the Council at a regular City Council meeting by contacting the City Secretary no later than noon on the Wednesday prior to the Tuesday meeting, with the individual’s name and a brief description of the subject to be addressed. Only those persons who have submitted a timely request will be allowed to speak. The City Secretary can be reached at (512) 931-7715 or cs@georgetown.org. Speakers will be allowed up to three minutes to speak. B. At the time of posting no one had signed up to speak. Statutory Consent Agenda The Statutory Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that may be acted upon with one single vote. An item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda in order that it be discussed and acted upon individually as part of the Regular Agenda. C. Consideration and possible action to approve a mural easement amendment with Ken A. Gusnowski and Linda K. Gusnowski for a portion of BLOCK 41, Lot 7-8 in the City of Georgetown, and located at 215 W 8th St, for the expansion of the original artwork and placement of additional public art -- Amanda Still, Arts and Culture Coordinator and Kim Mcauliffe, Downtown Development Manager D. Consideration and possible action to approve a Facility Use Agreement with GTX Swim, LLC for use of Williams Drive Pool, Village Pool, and the Recreation Center Indoor Pool - - Eric Nuner, Assistant Parks and Recreation Director E. Consideration and possible action to approve a Facility Use Agreement with Georgetown Summer Swim Association for use of Williams Drive Pool, Village Pool, and the Recreation Center Indoor Pool -- Eric Nuner, Assistant Parks and Recreation Director F. Consideration and possible action to approve a Facility Use Agreement with Texas Gold Swimming for use of Williams Drive Pool, Village Pool, and the Recreation Center Indoor Pool -- Eric Nuner, Assistant Parks and Recreation Director G. Consideration and possible action to approve an Interlocal Agreement with Georgetown Independent School District for use of Williams Drive Pool, Village Pool, Recreation Center Indoor Pool, and the Recreation Center Event Room -- Eric Nuner, Assistant Parks and Recreation Director H. Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution authorizing the City of Georgetown to participate in an interlocal agreement with the City of Garland, Texas for the purpose of participating in an Interlocal Purchasing Cooperative Program -- Ed O’Neal, Support Services Manager I. Acceptance of the City’s Quarterly Financial Report, which includes the Investment Reports for the City of Georgetown, Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC), and the Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (GEDCO) for the quarter ended June 30, 2021 -- Nathan Parras, Assistant Finance Director J. Forwarded from Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (GEDCO): Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution to approve the proposed fiscal year 2022 Budget for the Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (GEDCO) -- Nathan Parras, Assistant Finance Director K. Forwarded from Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (GEDCO): Consideration and possible action regarding the Administrative Services Contract between the City of Georgetown and the Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (GEDCO) for the 2022 fiscal year -- Nathan Parras, Assistant Finance Director L. Forwarded from Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC): Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution to approve the proposed fiscal year 2022 Budget for the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC) - - Nathan Parras, Assistant Finance Director M. Forwarded from Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC): Consideration and possible action regarding the Administrative Services Contract between the City of Georgetown and the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC) for the 2022 fiscal year -- Nathan Parras, Assistant Finance Director N. Forwarded from the General Government & Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve the second renewal with V-Quest to provide office supplies and services for an annual not to exceed amount of $95,000.00 and to delegate authority to City Manager to execute three additional one year renewals with V- Quest with an annual not to exceed amount of $95,000.00 and to ratify $2,434.00 of previous expenditures with V-Quest -- Leah Neal, Purchasing O. Forwarded from the General Government & Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve a one-year renewal with Weaver and Tidwell LLP to conduct the external independent audit of the City of Georgetown’s annual financial statements -- Elaine Wilson, Assistant Finance Director P. Forwarded from the General Government & Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution awarding contracts for self- funded medical & prescription program administration services, employee vision service, and employee voluntary life and accidental death & dismemberment services, and authorizing the City Manager to enter such contracts on behalf of the City -- Tadd Phillips, Human Resources & Organizational Development Director Q. Forwarded from the General Government & Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to recommend approve a Resolution updating medical and dental premiums for the 2022 plan year -- Tadd Phillips, Human Resources & Organizational Development Director R. Consideration and possible action to approve the purchase of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) from Heat Safety Equipment for a total cost not to exceed $870,000.00 for the fiscal year 2020-2021 and to authorize the City Manager to execute renewals of the agreement for up three additional one year terms on the same terms and conditions for a total not to exceed of $200,000 -- John Sullivan, Fire Chief S. Forwarded from General Government & Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve a three-year agreement with Presidio Networked Solutions Group, LLC for Cisco WebEx Cloud Call Center Software and Support Services for a total 3-year cost of $187,533.52 -- Leticia Zavala Jones, Customer Care Director T. Forwarded from Georgetown Electric Utility Advisory Board (GEUAB): Consideration and possible action to award the Tree Trimming and Vegetation Management Contract to Townsend Tree Service LLC. of Muncie, Indiana, in the estimated amount not to exceed of $300,000.00 -- Mike Westbrook, Electric Operations Manager U. Forwarded from General Government & Finance Advisory Board (GGAF): Consideration and possible action to approve a five-year agreement with Milsoft Utility Solutions Inc. for Hosted Cloud IVR Services for a total 5-year cost of $178,000.00 -- Greg Berglund, Assistant IT Director V. Consideration and possible action to approve the Automatic Aid Agreement between Emergency Services Districts of Travis and Williamson Counties -- John Sullivan, Fire Chief W. Consideration and possible action to approve the First Amendment to the Inter-Local Agreement (ILA) for Fire Protection and Emergency Services between the City of Georgetown, TX and Williamson County Emergency Services District #8 -- John Sullivan, Fire Chief X. Consideration and possible action to approve an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Water Supply Facilities, including a Partial Assignment of Easement for Water Facilities, with Brushy Creek Municipal Utility District, for the Parkside Waterline project, and to authorize the Mayor to execute all necessary documents -- Jim Kachelmeyer, Assistant City Attorney; Wes Wright, Systems Engineering Director Y. Consideration and possible action to approve six license agreements with Berry Creek (Georgetown) ASLI IX, LLC, for the placement of landscaping and trees withing the right- of-way of BCH Way, a public right-of-way within Phase 1A of the Berry Creek Highlands subdivision, and to authorize the Planning Director to execute the same -- Jim Kachelmeyer, Assistant City Attorney Z. Consideration and possible action to approve a one-year renewal of the Master Service Agreement with LJA Engineering, 21-0046-GS, for right-of-way acquisition and relocation services, and to authorize the Mayor to execute the same -- Jim Kachelmeyer, Assistant City Attorney AA Consideration and possible action on a resolution adopting an Interlocal Agreement with Capitol Metro to provide Paratransit Service to the City of Georgetown in Fiscal Year 2022 -- Will Parrish, Transportation Planning Coordinator AB Consideration and possible action to approve Contract No. 21-0115-MSA, a Master Service Agreement with Kasberg Patrick and Associates, LP, of Georgetown, Texas for professional services -- Wesley Wright, PE, Systems Engineering Director AC Consideration and possible action to approve Contract No. 21-0114-MSA, a Master Service Agreement with Steger Bizzell Engineering, Inc. of Georgetown, Texas for professional services -- Wesley Wright, PE, Systems Engineering Director AD Consideration and possible action to approve Contract No. 21-0113-MSA, a Master Service Agreement with Terracon Consultants, Inc., of Austin, Texas for professional services -- Wesley Wright, PE, Systems Engineering Director AE Consideration and possible action on a First Amendment to Task Order KPA-20-010 for New Development Plan Review professional engineering services with Kasberg Patrick and Associates, LP, of Georgetown, Texas in the amount of $125,000.00 -- Wesley Wright, PE, Systems Engineering Director AF Consideration and possible action to approve Task Order RPS-22-001 with RPS Infrastructure, Inc., of Austin, TX in the amount of $200,000.00 for New Development Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) reviews -- Wesley Wright, PE, Systems Engineering Director Mayor Schroeder recused himself for the approving of the Consent Agenda due to a Conflict of Interest on Item G. Mayor Pro Tem Pitts led the approval of the Consent Agenda. Motion by Gonzalez, second by Fought to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). Legislative Regular Agenda AG Consideration and possible action to approve an agreement for enforcement of workforce housing development standards between the City of Georgetown and KCG Saddlecreek, LP for ARCO Apartments -- Susan Watkins, Neighborhood and Housing Program Manager Watkins presented Items AG and AH together and reviewed the project summary; Concept Plan image; Aerial Map; site plan; UDC Section 6.07.040 related to Workforce Housing Development; area median income for Williamson County; the Workforce Housing Agreement; and approval schedule. Discussion among Council and staff related to the 10-year term of the agreement. Skye Masson, City Attorney, noted that this document is not the same as a zoning document, but is just guaranteeing the allocation of workforce housing. Continued discussion regarding height of proposed buildings; enforcement mechanism; and factors for the surety amount. David Morgan, City Manager, explained where the funds could be used. Ina Spokas, developer, addressed the Council related to meeting the concerns of nearby neighbors; ability to provide needed density; and how this agreement is the only mechanism in the code that allows providing buildings of multiple heights. General discussion between Spokas and Council related to if senior housing was pursued; how nearby residents preferred two-story; and estimated price point for the units. Motion by Pitts, second by Hood to approve item as presented. Gonzalez noted positives of the project, but that he didn’t like the precedent set by this agreement and the Council. may have to review this process for future agreements. He added that he will not be supporting the item. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – No Fought – No Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – No Mayor Schroeder – Yes Approved 4-3 (Triggs, Fought, and Gonzalez against, and District 6 vacant). AH Consideration and possible action to approve an agreement for enforcement of workforce housing development standards between the City of Georgetown and KCG Saddlecreek, LP for PILARE Apartments -- Susan Watkins, Neighborhood and Housing Program Manager Watkins presented Items AG and AH together. Motion by Pitts, second by Hood to approve item as presented. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – No Fought – No Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – No Mayor Schroeder – Yes Approved 4-3 (Triggs, Fought, and Gonzalez against, and District 6 vacant). AI Public Hearing on the proposed FY2022 Annual Budget -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director Nathan Parras, Assistant Finance Director presented the item and reviewed budget themes; outreach; total budget; major expense categories; budget revenue assumptions; Property Tax revenue for FY2022; property valuations; a summary of new staffing by fund; where the money comes from and goes to in the general fund; FY2022 general fund expenses; FY2022 general fund new expense highlights; and general fund changes since August 10, 2021 including EMS expenses prompted staff review of new personnel budget model built in Adaptive, discovered configuration error in the model with step increases and fixed the error, reduced fire, EMS, police cost center expenses by about $500,000 total, shifting $500,000 to General Government Contracts cost center to increase public safety placeholder budget programs for over hire staffing scenarios, and anticipated vacancies in police, over hire will allow flexibility to maintain continuity of services. He then reviewed the Electric Fund FY2022 budget; the Water Fund FY2022 budget; budget summary; budget calendar; and future public outreach. Mayor Schroder opened and closed the public hearing at 6:46 p.m. as there were no speakers. Motion by Pitts to close the public hearing, second by Gonzalez. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). The public hearing was closed at 6:47 p.m. AJ Public Hearing on the proposed 2021 Property Tax Rate used for the FY2022 Annual Budget -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director Parras presented the item. Mayor Schroeder opened the public hearing at 6:47 p.m. Mayor Schroeder noted that the City Council will vote to adopt the tax rate on first reading tonight, September 14, 2021 at the City Council Chambers at 510 West 9th Street, Georgetown, Texas; and on second reading at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at the City Council Chambers at 510 West 9th Street, Georgetown, Texas. Mayor Schroeder closed the public hearing at 6:48 p.m. No action was required for this item. AK First Reading of an ordinance adopting the City of Georgetown Annual Budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2021, and ending September 30, 2022 -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director Parras presented the item and read the ordinance caption. Motion by Pitts, second by Gonzalez to approve item as presented. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – No Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 5-1 (Triggs apposed and District 6 vacant). AL Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution ratifying the property tax increase included in the 2022 Annual Budget and acknowledging that the 2021 tax rate will raise more revenue from property taxes than the previous year -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director Parras presented the item and read the caption. Motion by Pitts to ratify the property tax increase reflected in the Fiscal Year 2022 Budget, second by Gonzalez. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). AM First Reading of an ordinance levying a tax rate for the City of Georgetown for the tax year 2021 -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director Parras presented the item and read the Ordinance caption. Motion by Pitts to adopt the property tax rate of 40.1 cents per $100 of assessed valuation for the tax year 2021, second by Gonzalez. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). AN First Reading of an ordinance amending § 2.08.010. "Administrative Divisions and Departments" of the Georgetown Code of Ordinances -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director Parras presented the item and read the Ordinance caption. Motion by Pitts, second by Fought to approve item as presented. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). AO First Reading of an Ordinance establishing the classifications and number of positions (Strength of Force) for all the City of Georgetown Fire Fighters and Police Officers pursuant to Chapter 143 of the Texas Local Government Code pertaining to Civil Service -- Tadd Phillips, Human Resources & Organizational Development Director Phillips presented the item and reviewed that his change will not include any new positions to the Fire Department, but will reallocate existing resources and will increase the total number of positions in the Police Department from 90 to 98. Phillips read the Ordinance caption. Motion by Gonzalez, second by Triggs to approve item as presented. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). AP First Reading of an Ordinance revising the existing Chapter 3.01 pertaining to Personnel Policies by adding sections 3.01.317 "Paid Quarantine Leave" to the Code of Ordinances of the City of Georgetown -- Tadd Phillips, Human Resources & Organizational Development Director Phillips presented the item and noted that this is needed for a new state law (HB 2073) providing paid leave and requiring a policy by governing body; HB 2073 requires leave type for workplace exposures to certain communicable disease for police officers and firefighters; and aligns with current practice developed during pandemic, now memorialized in policy. Phillips read the Ordinance caption. Motion by Pitts, second by Parr to approve item as presented. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). AQ First Reading of an Ordinance revising the Existing Chapter 3.01 Pertaining to Personnel Policies by amending sections 3.01.041 “Health Information Privacy,” 3.01.322 “Family and Medical Leave,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Georgetown -- Tadd Phillips, Human Resources Director Phillips presented the item and noted that this change will update existing Personnel Policies; align the policy with HIPAA hybridization that was approved by City Council in January of 2021; reflect current best practices; be covered in an updated training regimen tiered by employee role later this fall; and will clarify eligibility language and military exigency leave to reflect federal law. Phillips read the Ordinance caption. Motion by Fought, second by Parr to approve item as presented. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). AR First Reading of an Ordinance granting to Texas Disposal Systems, Inc., (TDS) a franchise for the provision of solid waste, recycling, yard trimmings, and bulky waste collection, transfer, and disposal services -- Eric Johnson, Public Works Director and Teresa Chapman, Environmental Conservation Program Coordinator Johnson presented the item and reviewed the solid waste contract negotiations. Johnson read the Ordinance caption. General discussion among Council and staff related to the length of the term for the contract, and timing of the last contract and extension. Ben Bracher gave his time to Alfonso Sifuentes. Sifuentes provided a presentation regarding Central Texas Refuse and outlined products and services they provide. Gary Hertel gave his time to Rick Frohmann. Frohmann, who represents TDS, thanked Mayor and staff for working on negotiating the new contract. Ray Meier gave his time Debbie Bruner. Bruner expressed support for TDS based of their recycling services. Carlos Verdonk agreed with Debbie and expressed support for renewing the contract for TDS. Ray Bryant, representing TDS, noted the value that TDS can provide. Motion by Fought, second by Triggs to approve item as presented. Hood thanked speakers and noted positive comments about customer service received by TDS. Discussion between Parr and Chapman related to composting; benefits of relationship with TDS; and positive feedback received from neighbors. She added that she will support this item. Fought stated that he appreciates the dialogue. Vote on motion: Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). AS Consideration and possible action to approve an Interlocal Agreement with Williamson County for the City/County Participation in the Design and Construction Costs Related to the Westinghouse Road/CR 111 Project -- Wesley Wright, PE, Systems Engineering Director Wright presented the item and provider history on the projects. He added that this item is part of the process after the Road Bond being approved. Wright read the caption. Pitts asked if there was already construction along this road. Wright responded that Pitts is likely seeing work related to new development along the road. Motion by Pitts, second by Parr to approve item as presented. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). AT Consideration and possible action to approve a Municipal Services Agreement with Drew G Hall and Longhorn Junction Land and Cattle Company LLC for the provision of municipal services, upon annexation to an approximately 46.972-acre tract of land out of the L.J. Dyches Survey, Abstract No. 180, Texas and a 3.858-acre portion of Blue Springs Boulevard, a right-of-way of varying width described to Williamson County, Texas generally located at the southwest corner of Blue Springs Boulevard -- Nat Waggoner, AICP, PMP, Assistant Planning Director – Long Range Planning Waggoner presented the item and reviewed the Location Map; Aerial Map; Future Land Use/Overall Transportation Plan Map; annexation process; and tentative schedule. Waggoner read the caption. Motion by Gonzalez, second by Hood to approve item as presented. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). AU Consideration and possible action to approve a Municipal Services Agreement with Brian Adkins, David J. Adkins, James N. Adkins Jr., and Group Investment Holdings LLC for the provision of municipal services to approximately 104.323-acre tract of land out of the Burrell Eaves Survey, Abstract No. 216, Texas, and 42.212-acre portion of State Highway 195, a right-of-way of varying width described to the State of Texas and a 2.148-acre portion of County road 234, a right-of-way of varying width described to Williamson County, Texas, and a 4.581-acre portion of County Road 143, a right-of-way of varying width described to Williamson County, Texas generally located at 2170 Highway 195, upon annexation -- Nat Waggoner, AICP, PMP, Assistant Planning Director – Long Range Planning Waggoner presented the item and reviewed the Location Map; Aerial Map; Future Land Use/Overall Transportation Plan Map; annexation process; and tentative schedule. Waggoner read the caption. Motion by Hood, second by Parr to approve item as presented. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). Mayor recessed for a break at 7:41 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 7:49 p.m. AV Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance for a request to rezone 24.326-acre tract of land situated in the Lewis J. Dyches Survey No. 2, from the Residential Single Family (RS) zoning district to the Industrial (IN), zoning district, for the property generally located east of I-35, west of Austin Ave, north of Georgetown Station and the Inner Loop (near the intersection of Austin Avenue and Cooperative Way) 2021-16-REZ) -- Travis Baird, Assistant Planning Director – Current Planning Sofia Nelson, Planning Director, presented the item and reviewed the Location Map; Aerial Map; Future Land Use/Overall Transportation Plan Map; Employment Center explanation; Zoning Map; Industrial (IN) explanation; what is permitted by right, with limitations, and with an SUP in Industrial; how the application complies with the approval criteria for UDC Section 3.06.030; and land use ratios for Employment Center. She added that public notifications were sent out and to date staff has received zero comments in favor and zero comments in opposition. Nelson stated that on August 17, 2021 the Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission made a recommendation of approval for Council consideration. Nelson read the Ordinance caption. Hood asked about the P&Z vote. Nelson responded that it was unanimous. Mayor Schroeder opened and closed public hearing at 7:54 p.m. as there were no speakers. Motion by Pitts, second by Gonzalez to approve item as presented. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). AW Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance for a request to rezone three (3) tracts of land described as 43.012-acre tract of land situated in the William Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 524, a 24.312-acre tract of land situated in the William Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 524, and a 157.551-acre tract of land situated in the William Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 524, from the Agriculture (AG) zoning district to the General Commercial (GC), Multi- Family 2 (MF-2), and Industrial (IN) zoning districts, for the properties generally located at 4801, 4805, and 5401 IH-35 North (2021-14-REZ) -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director Nelson presented the item and reviewed the Location Map; Aerial Map; Future Land Use/Overall Transportation Plan Map; Employment Center zoning explanation; land use ratios for Employment Center; Zoning Map; proposed amendment being sought; Industrial zoning explanation; High Density Multi-Family (MF-2) explanation; General Commercial (C-3) explanation; how the application complies or partially complies will the approval criteria for UDC Section 3.06.030; and land use ratios for Employment Center. She noted that public notifications were sent to property owners within the 300-foot buffer, signs posted on the property, and to date, staff has received zero written comments in favor and zero written comments in opposition. Nelson noted that on September 7, 2021 the Planning and Zoning Commission made a recommendation of approval of the request. Nelson read the Ordinance caption. Mayor Schroeder opened and closed the public hearing at 8:00 p.m. Motion by Hood, second by Fought to approve item as presented. Gonzalez stated that he doesn’t like the placement of the multi-family and does not feel it is the best use. Vote on motion: Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – No Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – No Approved 4-2 (Triggs and Gonzalez against, and District 6 vacant). AX Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance on a request of a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone 2.3832 acres in the David Wright Survey, Abstract No. 13, from the Agriculture (AG) zoning district to the Local Commercial (C-1) zoning district, for the property generally located at 4230 & 4236 Williams Drive (2021-17-REZ) -- Travis Baird, Assistant Planning Director – Current Planning Baird presented the item and reviewed the Location Map; Arial Map; Future Land Use/Overall Transportation Plan Map; Mixed Density Neighborhood (MDN) explanation; land use ratios for MDN with Nature Preserve; land use ratios for MDN without nature preserve; Zoning Map; Local Commercial (C-1) explanation; Agriculture and Local Commercial uses permitted by right, with limitation and with an SUP; and how the application complies with the approval criteria for UDC Section 3.06.030. He noted that public notification was sent to 12 property owners within the 300-foot buffer, notice was placed in the Williamson County Sun Newspaper on August 22, 2021, signs were posted on the property, and to date, staff has received zero written comments in favor and zero written comments in opposition. Baird stated that at their September 7, 2021 meeting, the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of the request (7-0). Baird read the Ordinance caption. Triggs stated that he was not in favor of amending the zoning in a way that would bring more traffic. Baird responded that the purpose of application is to conform the zoning to existing uses of the site and provided history of businesses run on the site. Mayor Schroeder opened and closed public hearing at 8:09 p.m. with no speakers. Motion by Triggs to deny the item, second by Fought. General discussion among Council and staff related to the need for the zoning change; impact of current zoning to existing businesses; current businesses in operation; how this is “clean-up” zoning to better fit the property; if it would be possible to apply a lesser intense use that would yield the same result; how the application has full P&Z support and no opposition from the public; and location of signs on the property. Brenda Davis, applicant, stated that she was just trying to stay in business and doesn’t see any issue with more traffic. She added that she doesn’t plan on expanding or adding any more tenants anytime soon. General discussion among Council related to using traffic as a reason for denial; the need for the public to be allowed to provide comment; concerns with nearby preserve; and if all possibilities were considered. Vote on motion to deny: Parr – No Hood – No Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – No District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – No Failed 4-2 (Triggs for, and District 6 vacant). Motion to approve the item as presented by Pitts, second by Hood. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – No Fought – No Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 5-1 (Triggs against, and District 6 vacant). AY Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance for the voluntary annexation of approximately 39.969 acres of the City-owned right-of-way situated in part in the Joseph Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 608, to be known as the Southwest Bypass -- Nat Waggoner, PMP, AICP, Assistant Planning Director – Long Ranch Planning Waggoner presented… and noted that a public hearing is not required for the item. He then reviewed the Location Map, annexation process, and tentative schedule. Waggoner read the Ordinance caption. Motion by Pitts, second by Gonzalez to approve item as presented. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). AZ First Reading of an Ordinance for the voluntary annexation of approximately 20.00 acres of City-owned Right-of-Way situated in part in the J. Patterson Survey, Abstract No. 502 and Barney C. Low Survey Abstract 385, and known as Westinghouse Rd -- Nat Waggoner, PMP, AICP, Assistant Planning Director Waggoner presented the item and reviewed the Location Map, annexation process, and tentative schedule. Waggoner read the Ordinance caption. Motion by Pitts, second by Fought to approve item as presented. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). BA Second Reading of an Ordinance for a request of a Special Use Permit (SUP) for Indoor Self Storage in the General Commercial (C-3) zoning district on the property located at 2801 West University Avenue, bearing the legal description of a Lot 1 of Shadow Canyon Commercial Section 2 (2021-6-SUP) -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director Baird presented the item and noted that there had been no changes since the first reading. Baird read the Ordinance caption. Motion by Hood, second by Gonzalez to approve item as presented. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). BB Second Reading of an Ordinance for a proposed Text Amendment to the Unified Development Code (UDC) relating to the Tree Preservation and Landscaping standards specifically as it pertains to tree preservation, removal and mitigation, street yard, gateway and parking landscape standards, and screening and water conservation requirements (UDC General Amendment No. 20-03) -- Ethan Harwell, Senior Planner Harwell presented the item, reviewed work done to date, and noted that there had been no changes since the first reading. Harwell read the Ordinance caption. Motion by Hood, second by Parr to approve item as presented. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). BC Second Reading of an Ordinance for the voluntary annexation and initial zoning designation Industrial (IN) of an approximate 43.421 acre tract of land situated in the L.J. Dyches Survey Abstract No. 180 generally located at 600 SE Inner Loop -- Nat Waggoner, Assistant Planning Director – Long Range Planning Waggoner presented the item and noted that there had been no changes since the first reading. Waggoner read the caption. Motion by Parr, second by Gonzalez to approve item as presented. Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). BD Second Reading of an Ordinance on a request for a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone 0.662 acres of property described as Lots 1, 2, 7, and 8, Block 12, North Georgetown Addition, from the Residential Single-Family (RS) district to the Low Density Multi-Family (MF-1) district, for the property generally located at 806 E. Spring Street (2021-8-REZ) -- Sofia Nelson, Planning Director Nelson presented the item and noted that there had been no changes since the first reading. Nelson read the caption. Rick Crowley gave time to Bradac. Bradac addressed the Council about the following: thanked Nelson for addressing the concerns of the residents; residents are fine with development in that area, but not with proposed development; affordable housing; how neighborhood became possible target for high-density multi-family in the 2030 Plan; understand the difficult role of Council; respectfully requested that Council take a second look at the neighborhood; wants to improve communication and is working on a neighborhood association; and how was notable opposition from residents. Shelly Bland stated the property she lives on has been in her family for 100 years, and while she has seen lots of change in the area, there has been no change to infrastructure. She added that her primary concern is that the neighborhood is not built for continued development as it could be a safety issue. Motion by Pitts, second by Gonzalez to approve item as presented. Discussion among Council and staff related to the creation of neighborhood association; notifying neighborhood associations; limit of to 9 units on the property; and concerns expressed by the neighborhood. Vote on motion: Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). Executive Session In compliance with the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Annotated, the items listed below will be discussed in closed session and are subject to action in the regular session. BE Sec. 551.071: Consultation with Attorney Advice from attorney about pending or contemplated litigation and other matters on which the attorney has a duty to advise the City Council, including agenda items - Litigation Update - Texas Opioid Abatement Fund Council and Settlement Allocation Term Sheet - Georgetown Salamander Updated NFWS Final Ruling Sec. 551.072: Deliberations about Real Property - Berry Creek Interceptor Phases 1-3, Parcel 4 (Dodge) – Jim Kachelmeyer, Assistant City Attorney - Berry Creek Interceptor Phases 1-3, Parcel 8 (Russell) – Jim Kachelmeyer, Assistant City Attorney Sec. 551.086: Certain Public Power Utilities: Competitive Matters - Purchased Power Update Sec. 551.087: Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations - Project Flex Power - Project Triangle Sec. 551.074: Personnel Matters - City Manager Prior to adjournment, Mayor Schroeder recognized the passing of Kevin Stofle, Williamson County Constable for Precinct 3. Adjournment Motion by Parr, second by Fought Parr – Yes Hood – Yes Triggs – Yes Fought – Yes Pitts – Yes District 6 – Vacant Gonzalez – Yes Approved 6-0 (District 6 vacant). Mayor Schroeder adjourned the meeting at 8:48 p.m. Approved by the Georgetown City Council on ________________________________________ Date _____________________________ ______________________________ Josh Schroeder, Mayor Attest: City Secretary