HomeMy WebLinkAboutTCDP Project Completion Report 02.23.1993PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT CONTRACTOR NAME: City of Georgetown CONTRACT NUMBER: 709102 START DATE OF CONTRACT: January 30, 1990 END DATE OF CONTRACT: October 31, 1992 1. Financial Status ACTIVITY CURRENT TCDP FUNDS BALANCE OTHER FUNDS BUDGET DRAWN EXPENDITURES TO -DATE TO -DATE la. Water Facilities $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 city $ 593,201.70 Georgetown RR $ 36,291.00 1b. Wastewater Facilities $ 342,245.00 $ 342,245.00 24. Acquisition 30. Engineering 32. Administration Total $ 75,558.00 $ 75,558.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 39,677.00 $ 39,677.00 $ 457,480.00 $ 457,480.00 2. Actual Accomplishments $ 0.00 city $ 298,176.49 Georgetown RR $ 154,194.00 $ 0.00 city $ 13,307.00 Georgetown RR $ 30,347.00 AcM $ 17,813.00 $ 0.00 city $ 79,133.47 0.00 city $---- 10_,323.00 $ 0.00 $1,232,786.66 Sewer Improvements: Installed three thousand three hundred thirty-five linear feet (3,335 l.f.) of twelve -inch (12") SDR-35 PVC pipe, five thousand four hundred twenty-five linear feet (5,425 l.f.) of ten - inch (10") SDR-35 PVC pipe, and twelve thousand two hundred thirty-seven linear feet (12,237 l.f.) of eight -inch (8") SDR-35 PVC pipe, two thousand four hundred ninety-five linear feet (2,495 l.f.) of force main, and two thousand three hundred thirty linear feet (2,330 l.f.) of six-inch (6") force main, two (2) lift stations and fifty-two (52) manholes. Water Improvements: Installed eighteen thousand four hundred forty-six linear feet (18,446 l.f.) of twelve -inch (12") PVC pipe, fifty-one (51) fire hydrants, one 1.0 MGD ground storage facility and pavement replacement. A total of one hundred eleven (111) jobs were retained, of which sixty-six (66) or fifty-nine percent (59%) are of low and moderate income. Beneficiaries: Activity Total I L/M %L/M Male Femal White I Black I Hisp I A/PI I AI/AN Min ACM Total 111 66 59.4 71 40 84 7 14 0 6 27 Connection Total 75 49 65 25 50 65 3 7 0 0 10 L/M = Number of Low to Moderate income beneficiaries Hisp = Hispanic A/PI = Asian or Pacific Islander AI/AN = American Indian or Alaskan Native Min = Minority (total of Black, Hisp, A/PI, and AI/AN columns) CITIZEN COMMENT The City has provided citizens with opportunities to provide written and oral comments on the 1989 program. Prior to submission of the 1989 TCDP Application, the City conducted public hearings on May 23, 1989 and on June 13, 1989. Citizens were also afforded an opportunity to officially comment on the 1989 TCDP Program at public hearings held on August 31, 1992 and on September 8, 1992. Upon completion of the community development activities, the City held a Public Hearing to review, with the citizens, the program performance including the actual use of the TCDP funds. This final public meeting was held on February 23, 1993. There have been no written comments received; however, there has been positive verbal input from citizens which documents the citizen's acceptance of this program. Although attendance at some of the public hearings has been small, the City Council has been particularly encouraged by the interest shown by many community leaders. The City will continue to try to develop new ways to stimulate citizen interest in attending these meetings, The City believes that citizen involvement in TCDP development and implementation is a critical element in determining program success. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY To affirmatively further fair housing, the City Council adopted a Fair Housing Ordinance in 1974. This Ordinance clearly delineates the City's commitment to non-discrimination in the sale, rental, financing and brokerage of housing. The City Council also proclaimed the month of April, 1992 as Fair Housing Month. The City is an Equal Opportunity Employer. At the present time, the City staff consists of 176 permanent - full time employees. Thirty-six (36) of these positions are filled by minorities. This represents 20% of employees. CERTIFICATIONS As chief elected official of the contractor jurisdiction, I certify that: a. The information contained in this report is accurate to the best of my knowledge; b. All records related to contractor activities are available for review; and TCDP funds were not used to reduce the level of local financial support for housing and community development activities. Leo Wood Ma or Typed Name and Title of Chief Elected Official February 23, 1993 Signat4e of Chief Elected Official Date ATTACHMEtiT 13-8 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION CONTRACTOR. City of Georgetown - CONTRACTNO. 709102 ACTIVITY To be Completed by Contractor I TDOC Only PAID COSTS UNPAID COSTS �TOTALCOSTS APPROVED TOTAL COSTS I.a Water I.b Sewer 2. Solid Waste Disposal Facilities - 0 - 342,245 342,245 3. Other Public Utilities (Gas, etc.) 4. Street Improvements 5. Flood and Drainage Facilities 6. Neighborhood/Community Centers 7. Senior Center 8. Sheltered Workshops 9. Parks, Playgrounds, etc 10 Fire Protection Facilities/Equip 11. Parking Facilities 12. Pedestrian Malls and Walk, ways 13. Specii"ically Authorized Assistance to Privatelv Owned Utilities 14. Specially Authorized Public Facilities and Improvements 15. Public Services < = 15% of Request 16. Interim Assistance 17. Rehab of Private Property 18. Rehabilitation of Public Residential Structures 19. Public Housing Modernization 20 Clearance/Demolition Activities 21. Historic Preservation 22. Architectural Barrier Removal 23. Code Enforcement 24. Acquisition - 0 - 75,558 75,558 25. Relocation 26. Economic Development Loan 27. Economic Development Interest Subsidy 28. Economic Development Loan Guarantee 29. Special Activities by local Development Corp- etc. 30. Engineering/Architectural Services 31 Planning & Urban Environmental Design < = 16% 32. General Administration 20,500 1 19,177 39,677 33, TOTALS 20,500 ;436 , 980 1457,480 Page 1 of 2 CONTRACTOR: City of Georgetown CONTRACT NO. 709102 COMPUTATION OF CONTRACT BALANCE TO BE TO BE COMPLETED BY COMPLETED BY RECIPIENT TDOC APPROVED AMOUNT AMOUNT 1 Total Paid Costs 20,500 (From Line 33) 2. Estimated Amount for Unsettled Third Party Claims 436,980 3. Subtotal 457,480 4. Total TCDP Grant Amount 457,480 5. Unutilized Balance (Line 4 minus Line 3) - 0- 6. TCDP Funds Received - to - Date 20,500 7. Balance Payable 436,980 (Line 3 minus Line 6) * If line 6 exceeds line 3, enter the amount on line 7 as a negative number and repay this amount to TDOC by check. UNPAID COSTS AND UNSETTLED THIRD PARTY CLAIMS LIST ANY UNPAID COSTS AND UNSETTLED THIRD - PARTY CLAIMS AGAINST THE RECIPIENT'S CONTRACT. DESCRIBE CIRCUMSTANCES AND AMOUNTS INVOLVED. $342,245 - Construction costs reimbursement to City 75,558 - Acquisition costs reimbursement to City 20,500 - Administration costs reimbursement to City ( ) CHECK IF CONTINUED ON ADDITIONAL SHEET AND ATTACH REMARKS ( ) CHECK IF CONTINUED ON ADDITIONAL SHEET AND ATTACH CERTIFICATION It is hereby certified that all activities undertaken by the recipient with funds provided under the contract identified on Page 1 hereof, have, to the best of my knowledge, been carried out in accordance with the contract agreement; that proper provision has been made by the recipient for the payment of all unpaid costs and unsettled third -party claims identified on Page 1 hereof, that the State of Texas is under no obligation to make any further payment to the recipient under the contract agreement in excess of the amount identified on line 7 hereof, and that every statement and amount set forth in this instrument is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct as of this date. Typed Name and Title of Chief Elected Official I Signature [Date Leo Wood, Mayor TDOC APPROVAL This certificate of completion is hereby approved, therefore, I authorize cancellation of the unutilized contract commitment and related funds reservation and obligation of $ less $ previously authorized for cancellation. Date Typed Name and Title Signature Page 2 of 2