HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 03.09.2021 CC-RNotice of a Meeting of the
Governing Body of the
City of Georgetown, Texas
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Prior to calling the meeting to order an invocation will be performed.
The Georgetown City Council will meet on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 6:00 PM via Teleconference
The City of Georgetown is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA). If you require assistance in participating at a public meeting due to a disability, as defined
under the ADA, reasonable assistance, adaptations, or accommodations will be provided upon
request. Please contact the City Secretary's Office, at least three (3) days prior to the scheduled
meeting date, at (512) 930-3652 or City Hall at 808 Martin Luther King, Jr Street for additional
information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711.
Mayor Schroeder called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. The following Council Members were
in attendance: Mayor Josh Schroeder; Mary Calixtro, Council Member District 1; Shawn Hood,
Council Member District 2; Mike Triggs, Council Member District 3; Steve Fought, Council
Member District 4; Kevin Pitts, Council Member District 5; Rachael Jonrowe, Council Member
District 6; and Tommy Gonzalez, Council Member District 7. All Council Members were present
via videoconferencing and a roll call was performed.
Jonrowe joined during item A.
Regular Session
(This Regular session may, at any time, be recessed to convene an Executive Session for any
purpose authorized by the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code 551.)
A. Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Comments from the Mayor
- Recognition of Linda McCalla
Action from Executive Session
Public Wishing to Address Council
On a subject that is posted on this agenda: Please fill out a speaker registration form which can be
found on the table at the entrance to the Council Chamber. Clearly print your name and the
letter of the item on which you wish to speak and present it to the City Secretary on the dais,
prior to the start of the meeting. You will be called forward to speak when the Council
considers that item. Only persons who have delivered the speaker form prior to the meeting
being called to order may speak. Speakers will be allowed up to three minutes to speak.
On a subject not posted on the a tnda: An individual may address the Council at a regular City
Council meeting by contacting the City Secretary no later than noon on the Wednesday prior
to the Tuesday meeting, with the individual's name and a brief description of the subject to
be addressed. Only those persons who have submitted a timely request will be allowed to
speak. The City Secretary can be reached at (512) 931-7715 or es@georgetown.org. Speakers
will be allowed up to three minutes to speak.
B. At the time of posting no one had signed up to speak.
Statutory Consent Agenda
The Statutory Consent Agenda includes non -controversial and routine items that may be acted upon
with one single vote. An item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda in order that it be discussed
and acted upon individually as part of the Regular Agenda.
C. Consideration and possible action to approve the minutes of the Workshop and Regular
Meetings held on February 9, 2021 -- Robyn Densmore, City Secretary
D. Consideration and possible action to appoint City Councilmembers to the City of Georgetown
Advisory Boards and Commissions -- Mayor Josh Schroeder
E. Consideration and possible action to appoint Board Chairs to the City of Georgetown
Advisory Boards and Commission -- Mayor Josh Schroeder
This item was pulled to be considered as the first item on the Legislative Regular portion of
the agenda.
F. Consideration and possible action to confirm the appointment of Ethics Commission
members -- Mayor Josh Schroeder
G. Consideration and possible action to recommend to Council the purchase of vehicles in the
amount of $237,612.00 through cooperative purchasing under Sourcewell contract #012418-
ALT and GoodBuy contract #208F000 -- Stan Hohman, Fleet Services Manager
H. Consideration and possible action to approve a new permit volume package for 2021 related
to the City's Interlocal Agreement for licensing South Central Planning and Development
Commission (SCPDC) for MyPermitNow software -- Glen Holcomb, Chief Building Official
I. Forwarded from the Arts and Culture Board:
Consideration and possible action to approve a Funding Memorandum of Understanding
with CABAHA, Ltd for the placement of public art at 700 S Rock St -- Amanda Still, Arts and
Culture Coordinator and Kim Mcauliffe, Downtown Development Manager
J. Forwarded from the Arts and Culture Board:
Consideration and possible action to approve a mural easement agreement with CABAHA,
Ltd for a portion of BLOCK 42, Lot 1-2(PTS), ACRES 0.2089 in the City of Georgetown, and
located at 700 S Rock St, for the placement of public art -- Amanda Still, Arts and Culture
Coordinator and Kim Mcauliffe, Downtown Development Manager
Motion by Pitts to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, with the exception of Item E,
second by Gonzalez.
Calixtro - Yes
Hood - Yes
Triggs - Yes
Fought - Yes
Pitts - Yes
Jonrowe - Yes
Gonzalez - Yes
Approved 7-0.
Legislative Regular Agenda
E. Consideration and possible action to appoint Board Chairs to the City of Georgetown
Advisory Boards and Commission -- Mayor Josh Schroeder
This item was pulled from the Consent Agenda to be considered as the second item on the
Legislative Regular portion of the agenda.
Motion by Pitts to approve the board chair appointments, second by Gonzalez.
Calixtro - Yes
Hood - Yes
Triggs - Yes
Fought - Yes
Pitts - Yes
Jonrowe - Yes
Gonzalez - Yes
Approved 7-0.
K. Consideration and possible action to appoint members to the City of Georgetown Advisory
Boards and Commissions -- Mayor Josh Schroeder
General discussion between Jonrowe and Sofia Nelson, Planning Director related to P&Z and
HARC appointments, the use of alternates on the board, how long someone can serve as an
alternate, what makes a good alternate, and specialized knowledge needed to serve on those
boards. Jonrowe noted that she will be putting forth a motion to elevate one of the alternates
to the position of full member and having Michael Walton become an alternate.
Calixtro asked how the process is usually handled for alternates. Mayor Schroeder explained
the current appointment process and how it is his responsibility to provide a slate of
candidates for Council to approve or reject. Calixtro asked what the Mayor considers when
he reviews the applications for boards. Mayor Schroeder responded that he selected the
candidates that he felt were best for each board and considers all information that he is
provided with.
General discussion between Pitts, City Attorney Skye Masson, City Secretary Robyn
Densmore, and Nelson related to what all is allowed for board appointments in the Charter,
how alternates participate in meetings including virtual meetings, when it is appropriate for
an alternate to speak on an item, and general appointment of alternates and members for
Gonzalez noted that there has been no clear precedent by Council over his years serving.
Hood noted that he served on HARC without being an alternate and did not see a significant
Motion by Pitts to approve board and commission appointments as presented, second by
Motion to amend by switching Pamela Mitchel and Michael Walton on HARC, second by
Calixtro — Yes
Hood — No
Triggs — No
Fought — No
Pitts — No
Jonrowe — Yes
Gonzalez — No
Motion Fails 5-2.
Vote on original motion:
Calixtro — Yes
Hood — Yes
Triggs — Yes
Fought — Yes
Pitts — Yes
Jonrowe — Yes
Gonzalez — Yes
Approved 7-0.
L. Public Hearing on Proposed Assessments to be Levied Against Property in the Parks at
Westhaven Public Improvement District -- Wayne Reed, Assistant City Manager
Reed presented the item, noted the team that worked on the Westhaven project, noted that
the item was procedural, and provided the schedule for this and related items for the
Westhaven project. He reviewed the development, annual installments by lot types and
commercial property, and maximum assessment per lot type.
No Council action needed on this Item.
Mayor Schroeder opened and closed the Public Hearing at 6:40 p.m. as there were no
M. Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance approving the Service And Assessment
Plan for the Parks At Westhaven Public Improvement District (the "District"); Levying Special
Assessments and Establishing a Lien Against Property within the District; Approving an
Assessment Roll; and Approving a "Construction, Financing, and Reimbursement
Agreement" and a "Landowner Agreement" between the Owner of the Property in the
District and the City -- Wayne Reed, Assistant City Manager
Reed presented the item and noted that is connected to Item L. He reviewed what is included
in the assessment plan, the assessment ordinance, authorized improvements, levying of
assessments, average annual installment per unit, service and assessment plan, landowner
agreement, construction, financing, and reimbursement agreement, and next steps.
Reed read the caption.
Discussion between Pitts and Reed regarding the type of PID, City park in the PID and
associated responsibility, the ability to increase assessment rates, and that the PID will resolve
once all bond debt is paid.
Mayor Schroeder opened and closed the public hearing at 6:48 p.m. as there were no speakers.
Motion by Pitts to approve, second by Triggs.
Calixtro — Yes
Hood — Yes
Triggs — Yes
Fought — Yes
Pitts — Yes
Jonrowe — Yes
Gonzalez — Yes
Approved 7-0.
N. Public Hearing and discussion regarding the adoption of Transportation Impact Fees --
Wesley Wright, PE, Systems Engineering Director
Wright presented the item and noted that the need for continuation of a public hearing was
to accommodate those affected by the recent weather event.
Mayor Schroeder opened the public hearing at 6:49 p.m.
The following speaker address the Council Via Zoom:
Ed Glenn with Home Builders Association addressed Council regarding his appreciate for
Council to keep the public hearing open, good work on City staff, appreciation of 24 month
implementation, preference for a flat rate fee, where development is currently happening in
the City, preferred reduction for single-family related fees, and current high cost of lumber.
Mayor Schroeder closed the public hearing at 6:53 p.m.
No Council action was needed on this item.
O. First Reading of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 12 of the Code of Ordinances approving
the Transportation Impact Fee Study and adopting Transportation Impact Fees -- Wesley
Wright, PE, Systems Engineering Director
Wright presented the item and noted that this has been reviewed in previous Workshops with
Council and all Council recommendations have accounted for and included.
Discussion between Pitts and Wright related to the impact this may have on developers and
their desire to annex into the City, developers having certainty related to fees, and how no
longer needing a Traffic Impact Analysis will speed up the overall process.
Wright read the caption.
Motion by Gonzalez to approve the item as presented, second by Fought.
Jonrowe stated that she will be voting against this due to the cost structure for multi -family.
Calixtro — Yes
Hood — Yes
Triggs — Yes
Fought — Yes
Pitts — Yes
Jonrowe — No
Gonzalez — Yes
Approved 6-1(Jonrowe against).
P. First Reading of an Ordinance of the City of Georgetown, Texas amending Sec. 2.28.210
"Assignment Pay" for certain assignments within the Fire Department -- John Sullivan, Fire
Clay Shell, Assistant Fire Chief presented the item and read the caption.
The follow comments were submitted via the online form and read aloud.
Daniel Bilbrey
We briefly and respectfully address the governing body of Georgetown in regards to Item P
in this evening's agenda. It is our understanding that Chief Sullivan wishes to appoint an
individual to the EMS Division within your Georgetown Fire Department. There is concern
in the fact that our Fire Chief can arbitrarily appoint individuals to an appointed position,
when one of the main topics of our last meet and confer contract negotiation was the ability
for individuals to test for and promote to, under civil service, newly created positions. Chief
Sullivan has made it clear in the past that he would like to move away from appointments for
the lower level, and the association agrees. These should be promoted positions as they are
currently set up to be. The Georgetown Association of Professional Firefighters wish to
outline the following reasons we object to this appointment:
1) When appointees are placed in their new positions, there is no language that address the
vacancy left behind, other than "short staffed." It seems the term
"short staffed" is something you might be familiar with, as Georgetown Fire Department
seems to consistently operate at "short staffed" to the detriment of the operations personnel.
And yet another vacancy would only exacerbate the problem.
2) We have heard nothing of these plans in our monthly LMI meetings, and feel like this
request is somewhat disingenuous.
3) We currently have multiple members within operations that have major discrepancies in
their pay. We have been consistently told this would need to be addressed in the next contract.
How then, can our Fire Chief appoint personnel, and bypass the set promotional process,
without the need of going through the next contract process?
The assignment pays currently offered are certainly warranted. For example, a certified and
credentialed paramedic within our ranks is offered an assignment pay to offer advanced care
to our citizens. Currently, our only appointed positions are one FF and one Paramedic 2
operating in the Training Division. Positions outside of these are promotable position and all
of those positions were created to promote to from within the operational side of the Fire
Department. It is the Association's opinion that we would be regressing in this important
endeavor of creating promotable positions if council sees this through.
Motion by Pitts to postpone the item to the March 23,2021 Council meeting, second by
Pitts noted that the attachments were not clear for the item. Masson stated that postponing
the item is the right thing to do.
Gonzalez noted a lack of communication within the Fire Department related to the item.
David Morgan, City Manager noted that this item is not required to be part of the Meet and
Confer Agreement, but he understands the need to postpone. He then added that he looks
forward to more discussion on the item.
Vote on motion to postpone:
Calixtro - Yes
Hood - Yes
Triggs - Yes
Fought - Yes
Pitts - Yes
Jonrowe - Yes
Gonzalez - Yes
Approved 7-0.
Q. Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance for a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone
approximately 7.059 acres out of the J. Robertson Survey, Abstract No. 545, William Addison
Survey, Abstract No. 21, and the F.A. Hudson Survey, Abstract No. 295, from the Local
Commercial (C-1) zoning district to the Low Density Multi -Family (MF-1) zoning district, for
the property generally located northeast of the intersection of FM 1460 and Westinghouse Rd
-- Nat Waggoner, Long Range Planning Manager
Waggoner presented the item and the reviewed the change in the initial request related to C-
1 zoning, Council options for this item, Location Map, Aerial Map, Future Land Use/Overall
Transportation Plan Map, Zoning Map, land use ratios for the Mixed Density Neighborhood
zoning, land use ratios for the Community Center zoning, Mixed Density Neighborhood
zoning explanation, Community Center zoning explanation, Low Density Multi -Family
explanation (MF-1), and what is permitted by right, with limitations and with a SUP in MF-1.
He noted that related to the approval criteria for UDC Section 3.06.030 the application
complies or partially complies. Waggoner noted that public notifications were sent out to 24
property owners within the 300-foot buffer and notice was place in the Williamson County
Sun Newspaper, signs were posted on the property and to date staff has received no
comments in favor and one comment opposed to the application. He added that at the
January 5, 2021 the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approved with a 3-1
vote. Waggoner then reviewed the options that Council has related to the project.
Waggoner read the caption.
Applicant, Gahl Shalev provided a short presentation about the request and an overview of
the proposed project.
Gonzalez noted he will support the item based on the developer's approach to developing
retail and commercial.
Pitts asked if there is anything requiring the retail to occur at a given time. Waggoner
responded no, there are no requirements. Pitts asked if Council could spot zone. Waggoner
stated that Council can approve a lesser amount. Masson reaffirmed that this is correct. The
developer confirmed that they will be developing the retail portion at the same time as the
multi -family portion.
Public Hearing opened and closed at 7:28 p.m. as there were no speakers.
Motion by Gonzalez to approve the rezoning of approximately 5.142 acres as MF-1, second
by Fought.
Pitts stated that he will not support the motion because there is no official agreement with the
developer related to timing of development.
Calixtro stated that she would be more comfortable if there was something in writing.
Calixtro — No
Hood — Yes
Triggs — Yes
Fought — Yes
Pitts — No
Jonrowe — Yes
Gonzalez — Yes
Approved 5-2 (Calixtro and Pitts against).
R. Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance for a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone
approximately 68 acres out of the Joseph Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 608, from Single
Family Residential (RS) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) with a base district of
Residential Single -Family (RS) and Low Density Multifamily (MF-1) for the property
generally located at the northeast corner of FM 2243/SW Bypass -- Sofia Nelson, CNU-A,
Planning Director
Nelson presented the item and reviewed the Location Map, Aerial Map, Future Land
Use/Overall Transportation Plan Map, Mixed Density Neighborhood explanation,
Community Center explanation, land use ratios for Community Center designation, land use
ratios for Mixed Density Neighborhood designation, Zoning Map, PUD explanation, base
zoning districts, land use for Single Family Residential designation, land use for Low Density
Multifamily, housing mix of the proposed PUD, development standards for Single Family
Residential and Low Density Multifamily Residential, conceptual master plan, street layout,
and parks and open space. She noted that under UDC Section 3.06.030 the application
complies or partially complies. Nelson noted the letters of opposition that have received by
staff. She added that the Planning and Zoning Commission suggested approval of the
Nelson read the caption.
Wright presented on transportation for the project including Southwest Bypass access,
Leander Road corridor, proposed access on Leander Road, Riverview Neighborhood
concerns and considerations,
Pitts and Wright discussed the potential to a U-turn for neighborhood access and set aside
Gonzalez and Nelson discussed current zoning on the project and rezoning to add MF-1.
Jordan Maddox, with applicant, reviewed the project location, Georgetown Comprehensive
Plan, PUD revisions, decrease in density for the project, and SW Bypass access.
Mayor Schroeder opened the public hearing at 8:03 p.m.
The following speakers participated via Zoom:
Emily Woodard gave her time to Sterling Woodard.
Sterling Woodard shared a video and then provided comments opposed to the project. He
represented the River Ridge 3 Neighborhood Homeowners Association. The general
comments were related to traffic concerns, neighborhood access, and working with City staff.
Callie Wuthrich a nearby resident, reiterated previous comments opposing the project.
Mayor Schroeder closed the public hearing at 8:13 p.m.
Motion by Pitts to approve the item as presented, second by Hood.
Calixtro - No
Hood - Yes
Triggs - Yes
Fought - Yes
Pitts - Yes
Jonrowe - Yes
Gonzalez - No
Approved 5-2 (Calixtro and Gonzalez against).
S. Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance for a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone
approximately 11.572 acres out of the David Wright Survey, Abstract No. 13, from the
Agriculture (AG) district to the Industrial (IN) district for the property generally located
northeast of the intersection of Airport Road and Halmar Cove -- Andreina Davila -Quintero,
AICP, Current Planning Manager
Davila -Quintero presented the item and reviewed the Location Map, Aerial Map, Future Land
Use/Overall Transportation Plan Map, Employment Center explanation, land use ratios for
Employment Center, Zoning Map, Industrial zoning designation explanation, and uses
allowed in the Industrial designation. She noted that the application complies in all areas of
the approval criteria of UDC Section 3.06.030. Davila -Quintero stated that at their February
22, 2021 meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approved of the
request (6-0).
Davila -Quintero read the caption
Mayor Schroeder opened and close the public hearing at 8:24 p.m. as there were no speakers.
Motion by Pitts to approve the item as presented, second by Fought.
Calixtro - Yes
Hood - Yes
Triggs - Yes
Fought - Yes
Pitts - Yes
Jonrowe - Yes
Gonzalez - Yes
Approved 7-0.
T. Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance on a request for a Zoning Map Amendment
to rezone 1.46-acres in the Antonio Flores, Survey Abstract No. 235, from the Industrial (IN)
zoning district to the General Commercial (C-3) zoning district, for the property generally
located at 2320 N. Austin Ave. -- Andreina Davila -Quintero, AICP, Current Planning
Davila -Quintero presented the item and reviewed the Location Map, Aerial Map, Future Land
Use/Overall Transportation Plan Map, Regional Center explanation, land use ratios for
Regional Center, Zoning Map, General Commercial (C-3) explanation, and General
Commercial possible uses. She noted that the application complies with all sections of the
UDC Section 3.06.030 approval criteria. Davila -Quintero reviewed the 2030 Plan policies and
that at their February 22, 2021 meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended
approval of the request (6-0).
Davila -Quintero read the caption.
Mayor Schroeder opened and closed the public hearing at 8:32 p.m. as there were no speakers.
Motion by Pitts to approve the item as presented, second by Gonzalez.
Calixtro - Yes
Hood - Yes
Triggs - Yes
Fought - Yes
Pitts - Yes
Jonrowe - Yes
Gonzalez - Yes
Approved 7-0.
Mayor Schroeder recessed the meeting for an approximate five-minute break at 8:33 p.m.
Mayor Schroeder resumed the meeting at 8:41 p.m.
U. Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance on a request for a Zoning Map Amendment
to rezone an approximately 0.19-acre tract of land, being the south part of Lot 2 and north
part of Lot 3, Block 26, Glasscock Addition, from the Office (OF) zoning district to the
Residential Single -Family (RS) zoning district, for the property generally located at 1006 Ash
Street -- Nat Waggoner, Long Range Planning Manager
Waggoner presented the item and reviewed the Location Map, Aerial Map, Future Land
Use/Overall Transportation Plan Map. Land use ratios for Mixed Density Neighborhood,
Zoning Map, Mixed Density Neighborhood explanation, and Residential Single -Family
explanation. He noted that the application complies with all areas of the UDC Section 3.06.030
approval criteria. Waggoner stated that public notifications were provided to 28 property
owners within the 300-foot buffer, notice placed in the Williamson County Sun Newspaper
on February 14, 2021, signs posted on the property, and to date, staff has received three
comment in favor and no comments opposed to the project. He added that at their March 2,
2021 meeting, the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of the request (5-
Waggoner read the caption.
Mayor Schroeder opened and closed public hearing at 8:46 p.m. as there were no speakers.
Motion by Pitts to approve the item as presented, second by Hood.
Calixtro - Yes
Hood - Yes
Triggs - Yes
Fought - Yes
Pitts - Yes
Jonrowe - Yes
Gonzalez - Yes
Approved 7-0.
V. Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance for a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone
approximately 8.705 acres of land out of the Antonio Flores Survey, Abstract #235, from the
Residential Single -Family (RS) zoning district to the High -Density Multi -Family (MF-2)
zoning district, for the property generally located at 903 River Haven Drive -- Sofia Nelson,
CNU-A, Planning Director
This item was pulled and not taken up for consideration by the Council.
W. Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance approving a Development Agreement for
Canyons at HCH Ranch Subdivision, pertaining to a proposed new subdivision consisting of
approximately 364 acres generally situated at the corner of FM 3405 and CR 289 -- Sofia
Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director
Nelson presented the item and reviewed the UDC guidance for development agreements,
location of the property, surrounding uses, Comprehensive Plan guidance, proposed
development, proposed development terms including those that are deviations from the UDC
and developer responsibilities, private streets, utility standards and easements, entry
features, and design standards.
Nelson read the caption.
Mark Baker with applicant, discussed tree mitigation possibilities for the project for Council
to consider.
General discussion among Pitts, Hood, Calixtro and Nelson related to the tree mitigation
requests and what Council options are, heritage tree removal, credits that can be received by
the developer, City utilities provided in the area, topography of the site and how it relates to
roads, and if any other developments has asked for the same concessions.
Mayor Schroeder opened the public hearing at 9:11 p.m.
The following comments were made via Zoom.
Mike Kuchar nearby resident of the development wanted Council to be aware of the health
and safety of nearby residents related to creek crossings, and public safety access to the area.
Mayor Schroeder closed the public hearing at 9:14 p.m.
Motion by Pitts to approve the item as presented, second by Gonzalez.
Amendment to the motion by Pitts to negotiate with applicant for acceptable tree mitigation
alternative to be ready for second reading, second by Gonzalez.
Discussion among Mayor Schroeder, Pitts, Morgan, and Masson related to what the City can
do to assist the applicant with tree mitigation options and what the proper motion is for the
Pitts restated his motion to approve the item with the addition of tree mitigation options for
the applicants, second by Gonzalez.
Hood noted that Council recently identified a need for executive housing and this
development would bring that option.
Calixtro — Yes
Hood — Yes
Triggs — Yes
Fought — Yes
Pitts — Yes
Jonrowe — No
Gonzalez — Yes
Approved 6-1(Jonrowe against).
X. Consideration and possible action to approve a Municipal Services Agreement with William
C. Bagwell, and William Cody Bagwell and Thad Bagwell, as Co -Trustees of the Bagwell -
Cody Trust, for the provision of municipal services, upon annexation, to an approximately
55.65-acre tract of land out of the Isaac Donagan Survey, Abstract No. 178, Texas, generally
located at 3313 and 3321 W SH 29 -- Nat Waggoner,AICP- Long Range Planning Manager
Waggoner presented the item and reviewed the Location Map, Aerial Map, Future Land
Use/Overall Transportation Plan Map, annexation process and tentative schedule.
Waggoner read the caption.
Motion by Pitts, second by Triggs.
Calixtro — Yes
Hood — Yes
Triggs — Yes
Fought — Yes
Pitts — Yes
Jonrowe — Yes
Gonzalez — Yes
Approved 7-0.
Y. Consideration and possible action to approve a one-time utility bill credit for "dripping
faucets" to City of Georgetown Water Customers in response to the February 12 — 21, 2021
weather event -- Leticia Zavala, Customer Care Director
Zavala presented the item and noted that is was related to the recent weather event where the
City encouraged users to drip their faucets and would allow for a $10 credit.
Zavala read the caption.
Pitts asked if it would be an automatic credit. Zavala responded yes.
Triggs asked if the credit could be voluntary. Zavala responded that staff could work
something to allow people pledge that.
Jonrowe loved Triggs idea and asked if there would be any prohibition on this being applied
to accounts in default. Zavala responded that it would be applied to all accounts. Jonrowe
asked how this worked with the leak credit. Zavala responded that staff would work with
people to come current if they had issues related to the weather event. Jonrowe asked if the
customers would have to initiate contact. Zavala stated that many customers have come in
or contacted asking for help. She added that any form of contact would lead to a working
relationship to help customers.
Hood seconded Triggs idea as long as it is not punitive to staff.
Pitts asked if this would apply to anyone in water district including businesses. Zavala
responded yes, all water customers. Pitts liked Triggs idea.
Motion by Pitts to approve the item as presented, second by Hood.
Calixtro — Yes
Hood — Yes
Triggs — Yes
Fought — Yes
Pitts — Yes
Jonrowe — Yes
Gonzalez — Yes
Approved 7-0.
Z. Consideration and possible action to approve a Resolution authorizing the Publication of
Notice of Intention to Issue City of Georgetown, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue
Certificates of Obligation; authorizing the preparation of Offering Documents by Specialized
Public Finance Inc. and other matters related thereto -- Leigh Wallace, Finance Director
Wallace presented the item and noted that was not winter storm related but was for water
and electric debt. She noted that it is for a total of $22.9 million for capital improvement
projects and would be paid with water and electric revenue. Wallace stated that this item
authorizes the public notice for issuing the debt.
Wallace read the caption.
Pitts asked if this effects the City INS rate. Wallace responded that it would not. Pitts asked
if the tax rate would have to support the debt if the utilities went bankrupt. Wallace stated
that staff would not let that happen. Pitts asked for clarification on the funds. Wallace noted
the funds are for capital infrastructure projects.
Motion by Pitts to approve the item as presented, second by Hood.
Calixtro — Yes
Hood — Yes
Triggs — Yes
Fought — Yes
Pitts — Yes
Jonrowe — Yes
Gonzalez — Yes
Approved 7-0.
AA Consideration and possible action awarding a contract to Jordan Foster Construction of
Pflugerville, TX in the amount of $695,456.00 for emergency pavement repairs to Northeast
Inner Loop (Stadium to FM971) -- Wesley Wright, PE, Systems Engineering Director
Wright presented the item and noted that the recent storm severely damaged the road and it
is need of immediate repair. He noted that this beyond the typical scope of City crews and
the repairs could be complete in four weeks with existing street maintenance funds.
Triggs asked if the project is FEMA eligible. Wright responded that staff could pursue that.
Motion by Pitts to approve the item as presented, second by Triggs.
Calixtro — Yes
Hood — Yes
Triggs — Yes
Fought — Yes
Pitts — Yes
Jonrowe — Yes
Gonzalez — Yes
Approved 7-0.
AB Second Reading of an Ordinance for a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone approximately
85.734 acres out of the David Wright Survey, Abstract No. 13, and the John Berry Survey,
Abstract No. 51, from the Agriculture (AG) zoning district to the Planned Unit Development
(PUD) district with a base district of Business Park (BP) for the property generally located at
2250 N IH 35 -- Andreina Davila -Quintero, AICP, Current Planning Manager
Davila -Quintero presented the item and noted that there had been no changes since the first
Davila -Quintero read the caption.
Motion by Pitts to approve the item as presented, second by Triggs.
Calixtro — Yes
Hood — Yes
Triggs — Yes
Fought — Yes
Pitts — Yes
Jonrowe — Yes
Gonzalez - Yes
Approved 7-0.
AC Second Reading of an Ordinance adopting Chapter 8.40 of the Code of Ordinances relating to
establishing minimum standards of care for youth recreation programs -- Eric Nuner,
Assistant Parks and Recreation Director
Nuner presented the item and noted that there had been no changes since the first reading.
Nuner read the caption.
Motion by Pitts to approve the item as presented, second by Gonzalez.
Calixtro - Yes
Hood - Yes
Triggs - Yes
Fought - Yes
Pitts - Yes
Jonrowe - Yes
Gonzalez - Yes
Approved 7-0.
Executive Session
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Government Code, Vernon's Texas
Codes, Annotated, the items listed below will be discussed in closed session and are subject to
action in the regular session.
AD Sec. 551.071: Consultation with Attorney
Advice from attorney about pending or contemplated litigation and other matters on which
the attorney has a duty to advise the City Council, including agenda items
- Litigation Update
Sec. 551.072: Deliberations about Real Property
- GREX Water Well
Sec. 551.086: Certain Public Power Utilities: Competitive Matters
- Competitive Matters - Purchased Power Update
Sec. 551.087: Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations
- Project Stamp
Sec. 551.074: Personnel Matters
- City Secretary
Motion by Hood, second by Fought.
Calixtro — Yes
Hood — Yes
Triggs — Yes
Fought — Yes
Pitts — Yes
Jonrowe — Yes
Gonzalez — Yes
Approved 7-0.
Meeting adjourned at 9:43 p.m.
Approved by the Georgetown City Council on
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Attest: City Secretary