HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement Cody 10.12.1935he State of 116e:�Ls,
Co -,j -n*';,,' of xUlliamson.
iaiow all men by these 1)::-ezents, -L. JL?S. C.
C. Co4, a wiaow, for and. in consilei.-a-tion o.4" Ithe swa of one C.ollar
to me in hLLn,,I, -,a i(I by t1a e C I'LIZ? o f Gxc or e to,,.0 -2exa s I the r ec e i �') t o -f
.4 - I 4.r
izhich is heivby vchnoviled,:ecl have bar,,,-ained r-a:.,ntak'. sol(I and covered
anCL %r these ;resents to bar; ain grant sell ana convey unto the said
City -the right -,nd. easment to lay establish ana riuntain a svier,mir
and such latterals thereto as to the City my seem neoes-sary or 1, -roper
on anCL accross all of that certain lands lots and blocks on(l
beirZ situated in the said City, in li'lilliamnon CoiLnty,, Tex -as, knovr
as the "Cody ki,operty" in the South Side Adaition to tie said City of
Ceox�;eto,,,Ja Texas, accordin�; to the map of the --ai(i Aailition of record
in Vol, 7Z 1)ape 434 of the (leecl records of '.Allia=,on County, Texas,
alfa bein; the came 1,anCLs L-escribeCL in alecree-of I,artiticn in cau.,se
.L,C;i, 3014,10 -ef thu-, biztriec.. Couxb---c, ;ully
set out in Vol. ll,, pL,,ge 476, of the Civil IAnates of the said. Court,,
above mentioned ana Eaia Vol, and pa,- cf said
to Which said mape
minutes of ,he sail Court above mentioa& refer,je is here wade for
a full &xdtaWlete O-escrip 4ion of suiL'L land, --hereby -arntin,3 unto
the said City a perpetual aa3net ovi.� and throu,:;h the said pr„.perty
for the -�-yi;Sht ofingress tinct e--a.,ess
.pur.poses herein se" oiit .h. Lj
thereto for the ; may, oses r,.crein nai.iel.
rl,iLt in accej?tin�,, this conveyance -,the said City covinents an,!
&L,si^ees to use all reasonable care and dilin,:;ence in all matters ;-)er..;
taininj to the establishnripnt anLI jaantainance of the saia sei,.,er line
ziind latterals, to 1�a!evcnt inju--y to the lanas above i-eirlk-liona, U1 L,ii'A. tli,a
ipprjvm,,,nts thereon, which covenant oliall run with the Carnt,
witness LV h,-tna this theof
T -he bt;.,Ae of Te:uiz,.
0::)u qty of ',.illiumson.
Before mt tI,e undersignccl officer in al -la -1'01� -,rhe saia
Co,,u-itj anC, state on tI,.is Clay personally LI?i)earod a s. C. C. COCLZ(,
a widow, 'Iciourn to z,,e to be llie person whoai nume is siibso5AIbsem. to
the and rcIaiowle,.;ed to me 'U-h�.t she e.-.ecul�-c(l the.
samefo r the 1)-Lix�jui�ea anCl cons-aerati" A.Nl e
THE STATE OF TEXAS ! I, D. L. Noble, Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify that the
County of Williamson. s
gg}instrument in writing, with its certificate of authentication, was filed for record in my office on the �.
dap of Z' -------------------A• D. 193.4; at/A_ A P-0'elock_M., and duly recorded this the r'Q
day ot_&, _�_C_aC------------------A. D. 18347, at ---Z --o'clock in-�----------
Records of said County, in Vol.. -.Z -?-7 _-_---pp_-2-1-------.-
WITNESS MY HAND and seal of the County Court of said County, at office in Georgetown, Texas, day
date last above written
------ - - - ---------
B-- .... - --Deputy. Clerk, County Court, ---------
Williamson County, Texas.