HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement Williams 08.05.1930STATE OF TEXAS : 'WZLLIAM90N CnUNTY :: KNOW ALL '2EN EY THT'9F PRP9rNTS: That I.rill rilliams, of the above county and state, for and in consideration of one Dollar in hand paid by R.F.rard,ManRr;er of the Georgetown Fater & Light"Plant, do grant, convey and sell to the said city of Get rg�town an easment o ver, along and on the west part of my farm, deeeribmd as follows:A n easment over the - west side of the fam conveyed to me by my 3%ther Mrs.�'.F.�J111iame, by dwpd recorded in Va1220,Pagie 465, nneed records of 'Filliameon County,Texa i eeasmentetoobehfocs r�gh o f vn6y. for-- anleleo r o2'lhe+ to be constructed on and over the west side of said tract of land starting at or near the S.W.ccrner of same on the east side of Highway No.a, and on the N.1in-s of NG4orgetown,and oontinueing in a No rthprly direction parallel to said highway and at such distance from my fence as may be agreed upon on inerect ing the land ,said city to have the right to erect -such line,dig holes for poles, erect poles, stretch wire U. and the right of entering upon said land at any time it aha1I be necessary to keep said electric line in good repair and a safe condition, said wire upon said poles to be sufficiently high to be safe for general farm purpopses on said land. Said city shall have the right 'to connect such branch lines on the main line Ao construetmd as above stated to connect up any property �4�j�jj on theoppo sits Bide of said highway when the Y owner desires electric service. It is understood that. this electric line is being constructed by said city lrrimarily to give electric service J& the, fairgrounds now being &ranged and constructed by r.7 , Edwar4s on his farm west of said highway No .2, and between thm fzorth end of my farm and the forks of the said highway and the Florence road, Should said county fair or any other fair associaton fail to use said property as a fairground or use said property for said purpose then the said city of Georgetown shall have the right -to dismantle said electric line and remove same from my said land at its option, but said act of remoVall of said ele^.trio line shall terminate this Pasment, which otherwise shall remain in force so long as said cit so elects to use same for such service as described above and such other subscribers or patrons as may ,in the future , become patrons of said service so furnished by said city of Geargetown.All patrone ted such service to be sub j -ct to such ckarge s and regulations for rates, use of current &c. as may be pre9cribe3 from thime to time by said city acting through its city council and the )xana;er of said Plant. e Witness my hand this the daY I 930. STATE or TEXAS TILLI AFQSO N COUNTY -0; ^ More, me the undsreigned authority in and for Williamson County,Texas, on this day personally appeared Fill 'Williams known to me to be the person who s name is sub— scribed to the fore@Ding instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the saline for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, witnes myy hand and seal of office thine the x day o I1.1 IITOtary Pub is 1n and for William County, _.. Texas. "M STATE OF TEXAS, - County of Williamsmi R. IL MOORE, Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument in writing, with its certigeato of suthetjpAtion, was filed for record in my office on the.z ........... day Y . ... . .. . ..... . .................. A. D. 193.0 .. ............. .o'do,k U., and .............. day......_......._...._...A. D. 193.0—, at...in . ......... ........ .... Records of said County, in WITNESS MY HAND and seal of the County Court of said covaty, at office in Georgetown, Texas, day and dat last above written. ................. .. AP . . ...... . ......... I .................. BY.—.1--_ —...Deputy. Clerk, County Court, Williamson County, Texas.