HomeMy WebLinkAboutHistorical Documents 1910OR A;�I �I� �!.?d A P I7rt'TnrZ17TNY- r> 7 IJ A. N 3 0iT n ,x ni7r,ty:l��t ^^ CONSTRUCTING A "AT'!RTIORKS PLANT IN TK?? CITY OF GR0")GVT0rN,T7XAS, ?'7"P T.qP L'TTIY „rM C0L1,^'TIOX OT , TAX 'i'r' PAY 'IRF IId`. - r.. err rT^ a ,r;� �h ^' T, A t It ` Z l'.� ! [` t�11 1J "'��) rr.r �ir� �F`lPrrl�.l. � �!� �""�lD "'jnreall,at an election held for the purpose on the 17th day majority of the rvaalified voters,who are rronerty tax p-iyers of tlap Oity of Geor;ntosvn,'Texas,voting at said �lection,sustsinAd the proposition to issue the bonds hereinafter described by n vote of 216 for the issuance of honOn to a vote of 24 a7ainat the is- ivince of bone s, therefore, I.- PT7 IT t t,;.AINTIT) by the City Coi.nail of the City of :-ea»ge•• toitn,q'rxas,that the bon -?s of said City to bn calInd a City of `:eorjP.tn;•.,n ikx tsrxxx 'Waterworks -t.:onds; 7.- "he rasa--nivii.la uirnaturna of the " ayor and Cite Cecrntz ry- -iay bn 14 thograghad on the couponn. F�. - It it furthox ordainrid by the C 3 ty Council r that to Day the ntc rmrt ort ,ai(l boriln ane are3atn a ninkinY fund aufti.cient to diselinrge then at rtlxrity a tax of Twelvecants on then finn fit-nAred ol.lrr- valuation Of all taxable property in maid 'ity or neo- etov)n, rxaa, chnj1 be annually levied on said r%r-o7^erty And aMU411v azsnonsed and ooll sated until said bonus and interont nx a »aid, rnd said tax is }iore nor, levied E'.ar the cur- rant ;hoar. , 4rd for eac,Y svaboodIng year while said bon4n are out- nt adding, -ml t hm roma shall be a --„conned and colt rated for the cur- rptit year and nnnimlly horrafter and anpli.ed to tho vurtiose s nn:�ed. I.- It In also ordAinsd that R.R.Ward.Mayor of naid_ city- _ be tmrthorimed to take and have obarge of said bonds pendin-^ tlioir imnsti 7ation by the Attorney Ge=neral, and upon their apuroval unJ ra yiat7rntion ohall have authority to no yntiate t',erir sale and racnive for tbo City the proceeds thereof. "aasc,! and apur6vod on the 18th day of October , A n* ,1:1x0. At tont : - R.E.Ward .ayor” of the city of RXAQr?t3tO�Y11,�"Ar:af3. Geo.Keahey, City Ovoratpty of tlie City of oprgdtown,7exas. The state of Texas, County of rilliamson. er Itleo.Keahny,Otty Ppereatary of they Citv of t.eorget,own,Texars, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct cony of an ordinance naseed by the City Council of the City of leorgetown, Toxas,on the 1Pth play of October,1910,a quorum being present,ap- proved by the Mayor on the IPth day of Irtober,1910, ani of re- cord on rage 71 � V0ok 2 _jof the minutne of said Ott? Council. Titne3ss my hand and the seal of said city, this the 4th day of NovembAr,1910. City racretary,City of Ge3^rgesto`[exaa. 0 At a meeting of the city council of the City of Georgetown, Texa.e, held on the 18th day of October, A. A. ,19 Vt .same on to be con- sidered the returns of an election held on tho 17th day of October, A.fl.,191C,to determine whether or not the bonds of aaid City . Rhould be issued to the amount of $ 13 000.00 bearing interest at the rate of five per cent,payab a Forty years from date,for the purpose of constructing an electric light plant in said city anJ whether or not a tax shall be annual- ly l r vied, asseaeed aind collected in said City sufficient to pay the current interest on said bonds and to provided the required sinkin, fund to redeem them at maturity,a.nd it appearing that said election was in all respects lawfully held,and said returns duly and legally made,and that there -were cast at said election?39 votme,of which number 2-14 votes were cast "For the Issuance of bonds",and 11,15 votes were east "Against the issuance of bonds," It is therefore ordered and declared that the proposition to issue said bonds and levy said tax was sustained by a majority of the qualified property taxpayers voting at said eleetion,and that the City Council of said City to authorimed to ismie,satd bonds,and to levy and have assessed and collected said tax. The State of Texas, a County of rilliamson. +► I.Goo,;,Aahey,ci.ty secretary of the City of Georgetown.Texast hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct eory of the proceedings of the city council in canvassing the returns and declaring the result of the election therein mentioned,as the same appears of record in mood 2 & a pane► 71 _ minutes of said city council. v"itness my hand and the seal of said city,this the 4th day of November City Secretary,(`ity of Georgetown, Te s. At a memtina of the city council of the City of Georgetown, Texas,held on the l8 th day of October,A.D.119100came on to be con- sidered the returns of an election held on the 17th day of October, A.D.,1910,to determine whether or not the bonds of said City should be issued to the amount of^.pnn.00 .bearing interest at the rate of five per cent,payable Forty years from date.for or the purpose of constructing a waterworks Elant in said___+ and whether or not a tax shall be annual- ly levied,assessed and collected in said City sufficient to pay the current interest on said bonds and to provided the required sinking fund to redeem them at maturity,and it appearing that said election was in all respects lawfully held,and said returns duly and legally made, and that there were cast at said election Nn.___�. votes,of which number 1116 votes were cast "For the issuance of bonds",and ^4 votes were cast "Against the issuance of bonds," It is therefore ordered and declared that the proposition to issue said bonds and levy said tax was sustained by a majority of the qualified property taxpayers voting at said election,and that the City Council of said City is authorized to issue said bonds,and to levy and have assessed and collected said tax. The State of Texas, County of Williamson. I,Geo.Keahsy,city secretary of the City of Georgetown,Texas, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the proceedings of the city council in canvassing the returns and declaring the result of the election therein mentioned,as the same appears of record in Book 2 ,page 7? minutes of said city council. Witness ray hand and the seal of said city,this the 4th day of 1�o_veMbFr ,A.D.21910. City Secretary,City of Georgetown,Ta'as. 40"Po9a-1110-wo OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL No. 4515 OF STATE OF TEXAS. Tuts is To Cyrrm, That the ................... ...... - ........... ....... GMOIIC;ETOW#. ..... ............ ... . .ELECTRIC. LIGHT—_ ................. .... ........ ........... - ........ . ...... IPAWA ibj Ordinance...... Paaaed bv• the.,........, City Council ...................,.,.._......of W4 — ...,4L ... ... ........... on tbe—.1- S.- t.. h ... day of ...... . Ootoberv.._1910s, ......... ....... _-for tho Iturixwk of . . .......... . ..,an..eleotrIa_.. light plant. In. said, '0ity_­1_'.­'..­.­ ........ I .... . .... ..... . .............. .... .............. I— ............... . .... .. .... ... dated....11808MbOr ... I.Stp....1910 q.-nurabered con,,eeutively froom ....... ­ ..... 1 -1-111-1- Ao.­­­ IS ____ -ib"bWliq, %t ow ........... __ .. .. ... ..... .... ............ (will. sag yesitting the aura of $13 1, 000.00. ....... ])SLY"* fit � Off ice_of -State _,TreAsurery Auat ih Texas 1, Myth Rat ional.11anko—, Few York City.; _Aarris Trust & ,aahloago, no - ortz'yeare ... I -A - A - _ - , frout datA, m4comablo at P1f'**U1* 44 UW ...... . . .... ....... ............... --1 ... . ......... --any time a64w . taft years. from .... date, with h,tereat at the rate of_.._. -.5 ...... . .Per ant per annual. f­*y­hk, bemiaoannua2ly JUme. &nd Dea.,�_Jst hxw bt*% submitted 6o the for examination in aceordabee VAb the 1roluirenjents of A-Hielvi 911, 4Vvhwt1 11latUto ol T(=4 IFM, AM I have ft"fally ftmined said bonds; in eanneotion with 41W t"* a#4 the 0"tat4totlon m4 lam 4t the *o1j)PA of tU mwuilion '_'f %wit bonds, and I And upon the M-idpnee ffillbujitted to BW 004,40 the rogult of tate eare(al oximuinottka at 0jo, stattm tM torwolng Neu: I I. My id.. CITY, - G E. 0- R G Z T - 0 M, N ot tbr tifts V1 UM a d .-I- a referr"d A0 k1ully 31. 0 Q. r 4C) --,r -a.. t -0 'd — 2. Tb# twxable, val" of said... __ C_ 1, ..... ...... Wo" 0+ I-PAwswe of said }rinds *xkwAiUdw_ $2 !tO17*760000 S. The &K at said ......... 0 1.2 Y .. .... .......... .......... ....... ....for t1w purposes far Mkfi* UmAo lc,** laawd w*a Krvmwd by said issue in the snin of.. . $13,P 000.* 00 . .... UIP tot4j jV4Wbtaa*4W of said,_ G -1. T Y %WV&Y tboft"41 Is the SUN of ................r,.............,,,....._.-_ . ­'­­ ...... ---------- -THOUSAND ($132000.00),,.DOLLARS .......... . . .... ............ ........... . . ..... .......... 4. 7iv ... .0, r ... d I ... n a n o _e ................... authorizing t1n. 114MUMU(M 14 **W Rands Is In V" -'r form and VU4 It -Rally 5. A tax of f I V -0 ........................................chutta on iweb nue blintired JWI*ts raluslUm de tasaw oroprfy to said _,........0.- 1. T ... Y .................. .... ... ...... wax legally levied to 1,x* Intorvot ce satil WUU owl to Orfttelit odukfW feud bu provide for their Hquidatirm at maturity; said tax is mifficilent for the pmzfkw" njiow. IL Said bonds are proper In form and in stwordawo with .3 A-1_0_8 .... witb(WirlAx titeir Jmouanro ami all the m(wiremontA of the law tutdar wbieh tray we" i*suwl hove t*" utdinA witit. 4. ..... - - - . .... - _ __ - - .. _' - , "- - - - .- _ _.__ . ... ........ . ................... — __ . ...... ---------- . . .... . . ..... . .... ...... .... .. .... ...... ........... ......... ... . .......... . .... .... .. doll that said 600410 Wilre If4aud in 4"Idorn3ity witb the Veftj'*AitnlfCM W Law* (4 #W otatf t'f .. ....... ... -4 G. 2 0. -R G- ru'TALV thio cortilicate J& made uwl-w MY b4ud 44AI the of my 4#49* AuitW4 T#q", tW* tilt. a. -m b a-rA. DI .... sc eilT-( ............ ............ . ......... ............ f Attorney General of Texim C_V,4 t FI r'C T,IO'N 0RDFR. "`hereas,the City Council of the City of deorgetown.1'exas,doems it adviasable to issue bonds of said City for the purpose horminaftor -.entioned, Th-refore, it is ordored by the city r'ouncil of said ity that an Ploctlon be held on the , eay of '7r..toher, .D.,1t 10, at rhich einction the fol,low7ng proposition shall bo submitted: Shall the City Council of the City of `7eor-etoa•n,"L'eras,be auth- ori r.esd to issue the bonds of said :"ity in the sum of 'I'hirteen Thousand {"13,rCO.00i Dollars,payahle in orty years after date,vvtth option of rAdPe-y11n; same at any time after Ten years from date,bParinq, int- rrest nt the rate of five per cent p^r annum,rayable demi- annually ,ani to if-vy a tax nuPI'tnient to pay the interest of s7.i bon<3s3 and creRtA a sinking f..znd sufficient to redeem them at ma- t4;rity,for the purpose of constructing an electric light plant in said City. election shall be hell at Fire Station _ in said C ity, a.nd. tho following named rersons are heroby a,rnointed mans,;errs of said election: J.T.McCarty ,are-iding jiudge; F.C.Crai - ,assistant Jud -e; Barad 1).F.9n der and C S Sana m ,cler'�s. raid elect ion :shall be held under the provisions of of 1419, +' cts3 of the '..wenty-sixth Legislature, Laws l"'99, and only qualifiesd voters;,who are propeorty traxpsaxnrsa of :Said Oity, shall bA alloyed to k vote,and all voters.deasirinm to support the proposition to issue bonds stall _cave printed on their ballots the words "wor the issuance of bands",and those: oT)posed shall have printed on their lbillots the words "A-rta.inSt the iaauance of bonds". `�'he ,nannor of holding nail election S hall be Yovernott by the 1-ws of the Fta.te re ;u.latinw, s;ene'ral elections, it copy of this order eignesr3 by the ayor of e-atd rity,:3ha.11 serve as r. r-oper notices of said Plection,and the xK:a.yor is f11.rneted to crau^e notice of the e3lAction to be nosate d up at, the plan- destgna- ted for hol�-Iin °; said election at least thrity days rrior to thn dates of said election. 9 hea "tate of '1. nxata, County of rillia.mson, S,`reo.KAahey,city secretary of the City of eoreretown, '''exta,s,hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cor- rect cony of an election order passed by the Pity Council of the City of ;nor.;otoivn,Texaes, ori the 1^th day of `"optember, A. D. , 1910, at a re3- srulRr meeting of said Council,a quorum beain;� present,whieh order Is of record on pa -e of V1nok of tqn minn.ates of s3atd� e'ity "oatncil,r,-Ach :said minutes have been duly sinned by the `ayo--rt "it ess3 -my hra.n� , and the seal of «aid Gity, this the day of City Sescretary,City of ieor.. town,' exsas. '1hP, state Of "nXaA, �► {bounty of " i lliaryason. t Hefore roe, thea i)ndors_i gne l auth -rity, on thia clay nrrsonsally appea.rearl C.J.Bra.dy,C1ttr '?a.ri;ha.11 of trip City of ,;ocar;e- tnwn, 11Pxas,who, being by me dul,r sworn, salrs on osAh, that he poctoJ a true copy or the notice of election horeato attached at the, pla,co des- ignatel for holdin - said election at, least tcairty days nrlor to t :e ' day of Octobesr, A.0., 1910, then date of ratd election. ,,warn ter and subscri.bnnd before me t'id the _ day of f Notary Pi3bl i c, "'il l i:a-nson Cotanty,11 Axas . 2070—Return of Special Zl*ction—(City)—Class 11. TxxAs STANDARD FORK RETURN' OF'AN *ELECTION Held ....... in Ward No . ...........................City of... of ................State of Texas o the 17 Of Y' for and against.... .. ..... v4z' -.--•----- -------- - ---- .... .... ------- ------- ------- ------ ............. ................ ......... ................. ....... ----- - ........ .... ------- ...... ---------- --------------- ............ __ ........ ...... ...... ... I .................. ............ Total Numb of Votes polled at this Votingrec .,... t ..... . ....... Again ........... . ...... . .. . .. ............ ...................... .. .......... .. ......... ......... ............. ..... .......... -1 ....... ............. =,/-.....,........ Votes Received... .............. ...... .. Votes ......... Received. . . . . ...................... .... ..Votes -rl4F,- S-rA-rR OF TEXAS, COIAnty Of ............. WE, the undersigned Managers of Election, atF" 4�1 in Ward No ......................_.........in the City of..,.... .._........County of_.... ....................... Texas, at an election held on the ... _17al ..... day of...... _- --- - ................. 1910-, hereby certify that the above and fore- going is a correct return, showing, as required by law, first: The total number of Votes polled at this Election Pre- cinct; second: The number of Votes polled for ....................... .................... .. . _ .... .......... ... ...................... ....... ......... and The number of Votes polled against...... ............. ........ - .................. _ ....... .... . ....... __ ....... . .... at said Election. Witness our hands, this ­./7_ -_V._-1_1- day of ........ . . . . ...... Managers . . ........ ........ I .. ...... Presiding Officer. ......... Clerk. .... ....Judge. ............ Clerk. of .......... . .......... .............. ....... .............. ... Judge. ................. ........... ........... ........... ...... .............. Clerk. • .................. ....... ..... ...... .. _ ................... ..................... judge. .. ...... ................... Clerk. — ---- ----- - -- "T novo Return of an Election Held at In 1�11a'rd No. --.--.-,. - ------- City of — ------- ---- — --- County, Texas, on the12 z ...day of Ael _---- — ;. ... 0 0 -- I 191/0, for_----- ------- ------- ----- ------- ------ ---- ---- t Z11— - - — -------- Presiding Officer. No. X1,000.00. UNITED STATE'S OF AMFRICA, STATE OF TEXAS. County of Williamson, City of Georgetown, t Bonds. The City of Georgetown,in the County of �Iilliamson,a municipal corporation duly incorporated under the Laws of the State of Texas, for value received,hereby promises to pay to the bearer Forty (40) years from the date hereof,at the office of the State Treasurer at if sold to the State,otherwise Austin, Texas, aax.,,at the Fourth National Bari�.rjew ,Yark,IQ�,Y�, car at the Harris Trust and Savings Pank,Chicago,Ill ,thesum o One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars'in lawful money of the United States of America, together with interest thereon from date hereof at the rate of Five (5) per cent per annum,interest payable semi-annually on the 1st day of December and the 1st day of June of each year upon pre- sentation and surrender of the proper coupon at the office of the' if sold to the Rtate,otherwise Sat State Treasurer at Austin,Texas,DrA at the Fourth National Bank, New York,N.Y.,orr at the Harris Trust and Savings Pank,Chicago,Ill. The City of Georgetown hereby reserves the right to redeem this Bond at any time after Ten (10) years from its date by paying the principal and accrued interest,and in case the same shall be called in for redemption before maturity notice thereof in writing shall be given to the Treasprer of the State of Texas,if sold to the State,otherwise to the Fourth National Bank,New York,N.Y.,and to the Parris Trust and Savings Bank,Chicago,Ill.,by the City Treasur. or of the City of Georgetown at least Thirty (30) days before the date fixed for redemption,and should this bond not be presented for redemption the same shall cease to bear interest from and after said date so fixed for redemption. This Bond is one of a series of Thirty-two ('32) Bonds, numbered consecutively from One to Thirty-two ,incluBive9of the denomination of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars each,aggre- gating the sum of Thirty-two Thousand (152,000.00) Dollars,issued for the purpose of constructing a waterworks plant in said City of Georgetown,Texas, under and by virtue of the Constitution and Laws of the State of d All of Texas,and in pursuance of an ordinance passed by the City Coun- cil of the City of Georgetown on the 18th day of Cctober,A.D.01910, and approved by tho Mayor of the City of Georgetown on the 18th day of October,A.D.91910. The date of this Bond,in conformity with the above mentioned ordinance,is December let,1910; and it is hereby certified and recited that all acte,conditions and things required to be done pursuant to and in the issuance of this Rond,"have been properly done,happened and performed in the regular and due form as required by law,and that the total indebtedness of said City,including this Rond,does not exceed Lhe constitutional or statutory limitation. In testimoney whereof,the said City of Georgetown has caused the corporate seal of the eaid City to be affixed, and this Bond to be signed by its Mayor and countersigned by its City Secretary this the let day of December,A.D.0191C. (Signed) Kayor,City of Georgetown,Texas. Countersigned: City Secretary,C'ity of Georgetown,Texas. Registered: City TreaaurtxrvCity of Gcorgetown,Texas. (Form of Coupon.) No. City of Georgetown,Texas. 42.5.00. On the let day of ,l9 ,the City of Georgetown, Texas,will pay to bearer at the office of the State Treasurer at Austin,Texas,if scald to the State,otherwise at the Fourth National Bank,New York.N.Y.,or at the Harris Trust and Savings Rank,Chicago, Ill.,Twenty-five Dollars,lawful money of the United States,being six monthe inLearest on its City of Georgetown Bond dated December lst,1910,No._4. Signed , Mayor,City of Georgitowri,Texazj. City Secretary,City of Georgetown,Texas. 30 Note: The following certificate is to be printed on the back of each bond. OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER, STATE OF TEXAS. I hereby certify that there is on file and of record in my office a certificate of the Attorney General of the State of Texas to the effect that this bond has*been examined by him,as required by Article 918d,Revised Statutes of 1895,and that he finds that it has been issued in conformity with the Constitu- tion and the Law of the "tate of Texas,and that it is a valid and binding obligation upon said City of Georgetown,Texas,and said bond has this day been registered by me. Fritness my hand and the seal of my oLt'ice,at Austin,Texas,this the I day of ,1910. Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas. 3/ c;TAT �, 7T OF' THC+ SVDr13TrDV9SS OF THE CITY OF GEOPGRM I+T, ;n"VAC' . The tollowi.ng,-is a comppIcte statement of the indebtedness of the City of eorgotown, Texas, on the lPth day of October,1010. Und' of Date. :4aturity • Rate of Annual Sinn- Amount Bonds. Interest. ing Fund. of Bonds. rw. --... • --..s> o��n l. -i ..Y s y..c� Cita of •loorge- s - alluguat 16th, uI Pay} _ r t own REsfunciin ; ,ta�past �lg3,r. able Seml i �,�13, 000.00. 11rhool house lr'th, Pive year Annually. Bond s. 1905. �0nti,fln. Total amount outstanding 'ponds ---------------- 61:i, cro.00 Two notes, one for 116 0.00 and the other for ,41000.DC, executs cd 1)y r'.51,73ooty to Thos. S. ^nyder in nart payment for a block of lend in the City of GoorSetol m, Texas t and. 6ocured by Vond or' s Lien on said Plock,which said block was bought by the Vity of Iseorgel ow on 'say lnth,1909,unon which to build a sigh s`c'hool building in said City, and as a part consideration said f'ity a.ssunod the payment of the principal of said notes and the interest thereon from 'lay 1mth,1009, saatd notos boaring S`'' interest per annum and were due at tho time of the ascump- tion thereof on ' arch lrath,1010,but tho tisre of payment Ilan been oxtendod ass follows; said notes arm to be nald in nen equal annual- Installments of 6,P50.00 each, the firdt i st-illm-ent bbine, due and payable on f or hof ore "'o' .rb';;1*91Z, and the othor instrll mentsa on or WWfbre'7 bb.TA of each ye, r thereafter until all of_ naia' :1rfB-tall- Ments are paid -------------------=------------------- ^,�QC.00 Other indebt9dneas; including C�'ity i�c'r3p of evory character out ntaruinZ and unpaid ------------ 7` s otal i.ndebtednens of ovary character -------- �.�7 gZ/• 7 / The ^ axabin values of said City as ahawn by the assessment rolls last approved prior to the date ----- f irs•t above 'written amounV)ts � the sum of ------ Thp State of texas, County of 4illiamson. x T hereby certify that the above and fore- going ntatemrnt oxbibits a true and correct account of the indebted- nons3 of thn Vity of 'oorg-t own, i exas, of every character exs st:tng on tho lrth day of 6atober.1910, ao shown by the books:, and records Q -r said City, and also a correct statement of the taxable values of said City as shown by the assessment rolls last approved prior to the date first above written. Uivon under my hand and the seal of said City,this the 9th day of NQvesnber,1910. City Secretary, City of qeor3etovmjtexas. I heresby coxtify that the above s3taterient as to the indo edness of the said City of Georgetovm, Texas, ip true and correct os shown by the records in my office. Witness my pfficidl signature,this 9th Ola ., Abor,1910. City Treasurer,City of orgetown,'-ax ,.P OPPICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL OF No a. 464. STATE OF TEXAS. Tuts its ro CruTivir, That the._...._...... 0 I_ T ........... 4m­e- oe -04F.WW111"M 4 ............. ........... . . ........ 1.1-.... ............. . .. .. __.W A_T_.B R.<...W0_2 X ... S ... ...... �­.­..­ ...... Ordinance..........paw" by the.- 0 1- t.. y _.. 0 0, u n - 0 ... 1_1 _ ...... of a14 a -.1-'r . ............ ..... . ..................................•,........- -1- ...... I ...... ......... ...1- ... ...... - ........ . .. on the_1 ... a --t ai.....October #_1910 ..................................for the purpose of,.--- ....... .............. opretruot Ing.4 . water-,.vorks ple6nt . ...... ..... I ................ .. ............ ................. . ............. ___ ...... . ..... ... ...... . ......... .. ......... ...... ......... ------- ,inted -December lot #_1910 s, _.nuinber,-d cou8cvutively fronv_ ..... ... ... sum of .- 4121 000 *00 ...... ..... .. "meh, aggregating the stun of. 432jOOO.0O................... ...... ­___._ ..... . ... Payable at, -Off ioe-. of- State -Treasurers .-Austinj, Texas;_ Fourth. National .33anks,.- Chicago, r1linote, forty a Now..York..Clty; Harris_ Trust. & Savings. -Bank,.. A At OR 0z,.r#U* _ ....... .... ­­ .... . ........... . -any tinw, after' ­ ....... ten years from aat.-, with Inte"t at the rate .. _per cent jwr annum, pay*b& semi-annually -June *,nd - Dee v-4,ot­ have boon *uhv)!tW to me for exantination In amwMance with the re.sluiroments of Arbit4e OfAIJI, l0vised *Utatm ot IV*4k% 1404, sud I hare carphilly examined said bonds in ftmijectiou with the Ifteto and the ronstitutiow 04 UW0 00 the lftbj"k 4 a@ assauti"A of said bonds, and I fiml upon the evidence sn6ndtted to am and as Mt r"mult of the earefal saomitatbo of 00 V*ttf* into *Rawbig fa,otb: i. �ai,i_... CITY -,of -1 _­­ I.... GEORGETOWN ....... - _ ...... at 04, of 010_4Drdinanoe .. . ...... ............. .___above rvferroii to losrally irmorporsted _.-,.-,.,...,-._.u. I.. T .... ... ....... e. The taxable -Wia4 of said --- approved before the ivi%uftnee of saidbmdil amounted fw_ 12#917j,780,00 3. Tim Aft of Anid___... 0, 1-7- Y - ------ ........ 4_- -A­,­fAW U* f)ftVO#W Jar A4104 *0.40 were hasped was incrNtoed b7 F414 fwmr, is t dula the total IndouttAw'"a of f4aid-_ (ai Z_T Y ........ ..... .. kwob� iA0#**Wj 0b Ow *up of .......... ....... .... ........ ----4 ....... ..... . THIRTY-TWO..(4329000.00).DOLLPRS-...,.. . ..... .. . ................. .......... ................ .. .... .......... 4:`'Th., _D -I--.N A N 0 E AU, Uon"Pa of *AM UAWU ts io rMpo", forol, and WAA legally Passed. F. A tax ut_ -t - W_ .0-- 1 V ------------- - ........ aelito on rank one hundred dollars v#Iu%ti4qt of tA%dJ4V PMPOA7 trri -. said 0_1--T--Y..... .................... was If -Wally MOO d to pay Interewt on %old "Jo %nd to create At jdaktxig, hind to provide for their liquidation at Iostilrity; said tax in an fear the Imirposes rnwnM. 0. Said twsm& are propor in form awl in aeLmrdanoe with the .... 0 ... R_ ...... _ ............. iuthorirbog their isomantv and fill the. ".4111ireluents of the law Undor whieh they were isolied Imv* twen stauptiol wf,44 z. .................... ... . .... .......... .... ......... ....... ... . .... ... ... ............ ­­ ........ ....... ....... . ................_....< ................ ---------- - .. .......... ... ........ ... ... ,.it ;tw find tl)ttt Said buftis were 1%auvj in oodarraity with the conkititut" ml laws q( 00 Altair of Te.Nfth IM4 tient, 0 -ley are valid tt.b binding obligatioem UIX)a ujot I T . Y__ ........... . ........ of AC- -(I R 0 9 T 0':W- N C-ortifleftte is; ulaae woWr my hand said 1ko seal of any tdfiav at Au*tla, Twy% thl# .-M _B E R, A. 1) 0 f ey General of Texas, 33 or V'leetion �:rdar. v'h0r"ftsvthe City Gouncil Of thP 01ty of �#'Porretown,,`oxasdoon9 It ftdviAnble to ionue bond of said ;Aty for the purpose horeinafter 7"ntioned, �'hArefore,tt Is ordored by tho ! Jtv Council of said ity that #M PlOction be hs4ld On the ' Al-17,*daY of lictober at Which elmetton thr4 foll,wln.vl rror�ariltion rhall bra nubi-litte.d., I*hrtll the 'At.!t Onlinell Of the 01-tv of -.fiortrotnrn.-exas,b1M with- Ot'i-'erl f -O isnum, *ho bnnr*o of rald city in tho cern Of 'hJrty-trn. ThOuBand fj0ll,.trm*m-,vn.hjA In P -arty (40) ynmro safferA oiettiov'rith -,m4ane, at anV time aftmr Ton From r7Atebmar1n;! lntAre-it at tho rnt#v of _,.por c naysi.bla semi-annually ortnd to levy a tax Pilfftelont to nrty -h-, create a a1Wctn;,, fund nufficinnt to rpdoom them at matilrityl'or thp rijrrose Of 0zlyin4ructing a ratorwor1cs r1nnt 'in said City, "nid elpction $hall br, h^11. at thq RityxX Fire Station In nail C 1, t y , n n ei t h f 4 f Tffo-i.: f -I T,;' -iia sir r a r - urn`,�;-tDZTrtann:7Ars or i-tittl #%inction: J.T.McCarty jul,-fk; H.C.Craig F. Snyd or ons"Intbrit wid S. S.SahATW 10''x, Act;, of tho r—,1s1!mture,; nwo 1;-,)90anl only qtimlifind V0tf%rA,w�;o mro rror-rtv tnx myers of said Atyonliall be allorod to vot.0tRIVt all votmrr4,dos4r!nj tl "Urnort the pron,)sition to innue borWo,ohall hnvf-* rrinted on th#Or ballots thn word,o ";;or tho il3wintice Of bOrIfift" a"Id t"01-10 Onr,0ft"d 1111n1l hz-v(,% rrinted on tfteir t)a1lots the *words "67ninst the* il.414utince of b,mlln". The malirl-or of holdln;3 said 01PVtion shall be �,rnvnrned b,r the laws of the ztata rp, ,Ujatjj-j,,,'S ,;orterr- al elpctions. A 0OrV Of thiA or4nrjal-rned by X the 'ayor of S -ail ctty,,sr-jalj serve no as proper rIntice of eald 61ection,,n-nd the "riyor lu ltr-cted nOtic"'Of VIA election to be rontod u;� at tjr., n Mjacq Onsigna- fnr holn7 raid OlArtion Pt le thirty prior to the date of q,Ad `,"he of "qxan,, ('OlarltY of I 11 eui son 'rip eocret!'.ry of the city of anrtify tqmt thef,.)ro.-,oln-� 1,3 a true, nn'l cor- rect cony Of an orlon ranzed by tho ritif , j*ourlctl of the city of 1noro'stnwn,%'nxaa,on, the 1"Ah dnv of re�ju- Lar -n- ting of ptji.-, :'-,).?icila T-Inni-i, belnr rreaeni , which ord"r to of rocord on rali,,P of of the -intiton of said City Auld MinUt"a hnv(,4 beam —luly at,-,-ned by t1le,4„,RVr5-9� r'ltnf�nn my hnnr401-Irl th” DORI Of flaid City, thins tho day of "Ity 11-crot-ry,A,ty of �eo "PIM `tato of Volinty of is nesthe unriernign9d wW-inrAty,,on this da,! n�rsr�nnll, wl,iii-ll Of t11fN Ity of nxasrhootar Inn 7, by Mo 61,17 aworn,,,rtavo on otj.th0ttrt hn #M;0 001nY Of V -10m -i-lotten or rl,--,rt1,3n h-rntn attpo!jed tit the rlac(- des- i-,nntnA for hol,`Aijl� vajj tolf-,,ction at joikatIt thrity days prior to Vie of Cctollmr, T:, , VW^J, the brat o Of fiftie e2oo,tkart. 40 0j, 'worn to and n11hmcr1b#,M before) me t rz the day of 1! �,Otnry Niblict'Illiampon Cunty.,.'roxna, Is 2070—Return of Special Election—(City)--Claes 2. TXXAN STANDARD FORK REI J RN OF AN ELECIYON Held at.. .----_.-in Ward No. ....... ........Cit County of.7.....................•._ .... - ............ State of Texas, on the..... 47.....day of.- —, __ OL -4.4- 191 :111"I'VIV-71.1-4 . fand againstnst .................... ............... 1- ......... ........... ............. ........ ...... ­­ ................. . .................... — ............... .......... ... ......... ... ............. —.1 .................. ........ — ........... ­­­ . ............. .......... Total Nuttber of Votes polled at this Voting Prect�, ........... 1,000? ...... .... . otes w.. •........... ...... I .. . ....... Received._ ............... .. ...... ....... ..... .. . ........... .. . . . ........... ........ ........ .... ............ .............. Received......_.........._ .......... .... ...... votes STATE OF TEXAS,_rTj J�. County of ........ ....... WE, the undersigned Managers of Election, at in Ward No ........................._......in the City of.--. ,--County of..,. .... _ "I Texas, at an election held on the . ?_day 191.0, hereby certify that the above and fore- going is a correct return, showing, as required by law, first- The total number of Votes polled at this Election Pre- cinct; second: The number of Votes polled for ................. .......... .............. __ ............. - . . ........... and The number of Votes polled against....-... __ ............•--..._........._,._---.---- ...... . . ...... _ ............ ------ __ ... ... at said Election. 716— Witness our hands, .......... day of... . . ....... oi.ra4 ?/,01 ...-.,Presiding Officer. .......................Clerk. PIF46 j '00vMan agora ..... ...... ............ . ....... ................ judge. ............. . . .... . . .... ...... Clerk. of ................ ..... . .... judge. .......... ............ ............. ........ Clerk. Election. ........ .._Judge. 3S sovo Wtnrn - of an Election Presiding Officer. T7 X.A.S. STAT. ,TNT OF TH^ IN0rBTrDNESS OF THr CITY OF GEORGETOrN* The following is a complete statement of the indebtedness of the City of Georgetown,Texas,on the 18th day of 0ctbber,1910. Kind of Ponds. Date. Maturity Rate of Interest. Annual ^in ing Fund. - Amount of Bonds. City of George August 16th 5% Pay - town Refunding August 1935. able Semi15,000.0Q Rchool House 16th, Five Year Annually. Ponds. 1905. Option. Total amount outstanding bonds ---------------- WtCOC,00 Two notes,one for $1500.00 and the other for t1000.On,executcd by P.F.Dooty to Thoa.S.Snyder in part payment for a blocs, of land in the City of Georgetown,Texas,and secured by Vendor's Lien on said Plock,which said block was bought by the City of Georgetown on May 18th,1909,upon which to build a Figh School building in said City,and as a part consideration said City assumed the payment of the principal of said notes and the interest thereon from May 1Sth,1909, said notes bearing, Ei'14, interest per annum and were due at the time of the assump- tion thereof on March 15th,1910,but the time of payment has been extended as follows; said notes arm to be paid in Ten equal annual installments of tP50.00 each,the first installment being due aiLd payable on Fabx or before Feb.1st,19110and the other installments on Sr before Feb.lst of each your thereafter until all of said install- ments are paid -------------- ------------------------ Other indebtedness,includi"— City scrip of every character outstanding and unpaid --------------- Total indebtedness of every character -------- ` Z -The Taxable values of said City as shown by the assessment rolls last approved prior to the date first above written amounts to the sura of ------------ #2,500.00 7f qhs%��► %f VOW Thp State of Texas, e County of Zilliamson. I hereby certify that the above and fore- going statemont cxhibits a true and correct account of the'indebted- ness of thm City of Georgctown,Texas,of every character existing on tho 18th day of October,1910,as shown by the books and records of said City,and also a correct statement of the taxable values of ,said City as shown by the assessment rolls last approved prior to the date first above written. Given under my hand and the seal of said City,this the 9th day -'of November,1910.!;40, ,tom �� r-� 4 City Secretary,City of Georgetor.�ry , exas. I hereby certify that the above stateatent as to the indebtedness --."Of-the the said City of Georgetown,Texas, is true and correct as silUwll by the records in my office. Witness my official signature,this 9th 6 ,1910. City Treasurer,nity of Geor6btowri,Texas. 34 No, tiv000.00. ITNITrD STAV?S OW AIA-7RICA, STAT7 OF T!7XA3. County of Tilliamsono City of ,Ieorgetown, electric Light Bonds. -,he ri't,)r of -,eor,Yrn town, in thA_ C.01inty of 1--illiamponta municiral cornoratiori duly incorporated under the Lars of the state of texas, for value recelved.hereby rromises to pay to the bearer Forty (4^) yoRrs from the data hereof, at the office of the �tate Treasurer at if sold to the state otherwise .11ational Prgk M.,ew york,N.Y, the C 't.2 ', , or 9, ATIStInt"'oXaSt"Aat tae r�oUrt Rarris Tynist and f'-zavings Rank orhtcao;o, 111.0 thO/sum car.ona a'houiand (17.1,nnn.nO) Dollars In li-rful money of the TJnited f1tates of America, to,,,retfter with intereat thereon from date hereof at the rate of vive (5) per cent per arinum.interest payable semi-annually on the Int dav of December and t'.10 Int day -of June of each year upon rre- sentation and surrender of the pronor couron at the office of the if sold to the Ptate,otherwise sat rtatn 7'rnasurer at Austtn,1exae,VrAat the Folirth 'Tational 14ankj, Now York.0.7.9or at the Harris Trust and '-,avin�s Han:cChtcaqo,,Tl1. q1b* ('.,Ity of �';eorwotown hereby reserves the rlrht to rpdoot,3 this 1-�ond at an,,r time after Ton (1(1) years from its date by rayino' the rrincinal acid accrued interest.and in cane the same shall be called in for rnde,4ntion bnfo-e maturity notice thereof ;n writing shall be gIvRn to the *7reasitror of the oi,,ate of Texas, if sold to the ctato.othey-rise t,o tho voi,--th r-"ational Fanl,.,,'7fjw York, NY.Y.,,and to the iznrris Trust and "av: nSs Pnnk, Chicasrog, T11, qbv the Pity Irrmanur- or of tho 111tY of ;eorgetown at least Thirty (45(') days before t" data fixed for*- rederitntionp and -T.)hould, this bond not be presented , for rede�aptlon the a"re ohall cease to bear interest from and after said date so fixed for rod'aixotion. This Bond la one of a serlea of Thirteen Fonda, numbered coneecutively from ;-,rte to Thirteen inclusive,of the denomination of ine Thou rand Dolle,re eac%ft,a�ire- gating the sum of Thirteen Thousand Dollars.inaunI for the rurvose of constructing a electric light Dlant in said City of GoorgetownsTexas, under and by virtue of the Constitution and Laws of the r"tate of 30) Of T©xas,and in rursuance of an ordinance passed by the City Coun- oil of the City of Georgetown on the 18th day of October,A.D.,19I0, and approved by the Payor of the city of Georgetown on the 18th day of '0ctober,A.D.91910. The date of this j<.ond,in conformity with the above mentioned o-dinance,ir December let,1910; and it is herebq certified and recited that all acts,conditiona and things required to be done pursuant to and in the iseuance of this Pond,have been properly done,haprened and performed in the regular and due form as required by lavr,and that the total indebtedness of said City,including this rond,does not exceed the constitutional or statutory limitation. In testi-coney whereof,the said City of ^eorgetow-n has caused the corporate seal of the said City to be affixed,and this Bond to be si.;ned by its Mayor and countersigned by its City Secretary this the let day of December0A.r.,1910-. (S igned ) - --- Mayor, City of George townq Texas. Countersigned: City cecretary,City of Qeorgetown,Texas. Registered: City Treasurer,City of Georgetown,Texas. (T, orm of Coupon. ) No. City of 'Georgetown,Texas. tr25.00. On the 1st day of ,19 ,the City of .eorgetown, Texaa,will pay to bearer at the office of the State Treasurer at Austin.Texas,if sold to the Ptat:e,otherwise at the Fourth National Fank,New work,N.Y.,or at the Barris Trust and savings Flank,Chicago, Tll.,Twenty-five Dollars,ln.rrful money of the ignited States,being six months interest on its City of Georgetown &�Q.A:� Bond O ated December 1 st,1910, No._. Signed Mayor,0ity of Georgotown,Texas. City Secretary,City of GeorgetowngTexas. Note: The following certificate is to be printed on the back , of each bond. STATE OF TMS. I hereby certify that there is on file and of record in my of"ice a certificate of the ^ttorney general of the State of Texas to the effect that this bond has been examined by him,as required by Article GlRd,Revised statutes of 18950and that he finds that it has been issued in conformity with the Conotitu- tion and the Law of the 7tate of Texas,and that it is a valid and binding obligation upon raid City of Georgetown,Texas,and said bond has this day been-egistered by me. Titness my hand and the seal of my oEficap at Austin,Texas,this the day of 2191C. Comptroller of ?public Accounts of the State of Texas. 311 \� ©�� 2� .:\ . . �. �� �. « . § .��^..� ,. ... .... � >,/ \ � . . �� � � d /-��\ . . �/ / � � `�. \ � \� �� \<��� � .� « x ©: .... Z� .\ . � �� / - � \ : - � .: . y �. : � �� : a � w ..� \� ��� \ � ,¥. �\\ z *» ;�y� \� ,.�� \� /� .� � �!?� w« 3 *2./. w� ��< / f ^j� � \\\ �� ��f �\� .,\ � � � �< � / \ � � � � � ` . , , � �� «\\�» ( ��^� 2 � z [ y � .� � ® � � « �.§.�.��.�m—®�—_���� . . \ � � �: © < � y . .! ` � \ �;. \