HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 2010-41 - REZ MadsisonAn Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, amending part of the Zoning District Map adopted on the 4f Day of April 2002 in accordance with the Unified Development Code passed and adopted on the 11ffi Day of Larch 2003, to rezone 165.07 acres from AG, Agriculture District to RS, Residential Single -Family District; 23.08 acres from AG, Agriculture District, to C-1, Local Commercial District, 29.75 acres from AG, Agriculture District to RL, Residential Low Density District and 16.80 acres from AG Agriculture District to MF, Multifamily District, in the Lemuel S. Walters Survey, to be known as the Madison at Georgetown,. Section 1; repealing conflicting ordinances and resolutions; including a severability clause; and establishing an effective date. Whereas, an application has been made to the City Council for the Purpose of changing the Zoning District Classification of the following described real property ("The Property"): 234.70 acres of the Lemuel S. Walters Survey, Abstract 653, as recorded in document numbers 2006001445, 2006106398, 2010020411, 201020412, and 2007099395, of the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas, and all officially described in Exhibit A of this Ordinance, hereinafter referred to as "The Property"; Whereas, notice of such hearing was published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City; which stated the time and place of hearing, which time was not earlier than fifteen (15) days for the first day of such publication; and Whereas, written notice was given not less than fifteen (15) days before the date set for the meeting before the Planning and Zoning Commission to all the owners of the lots within two hundred feet of the property, as required by law; and Whereas, the applicant for such zoning change placed on the property such sign(s) as required by law for advertising the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing, not less than fifteen (15) days before the date set for such hearing; and Whereas, the City Planning and Zoning Commission in a meeting held on October 5, 2010, recommended approval of the requested zoning change for the above described property. Now, therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, that: Section 1. The facts and recitations contained in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found and declared to be true and correct, and are incorporated by reference herein and expressly made a part hereof, as if copied verbatim. The City Council hereby finds that this Ordinance implements the following vision of the Georgetown 2030 Comprehensive Plan, specifically the goals, policies and actions of the Land Use Element and further finds that the enactment of this Ordinance is not inconsistent or in conflict with any other policies of the Georgetown 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Section 2. The Base Ordinance and the Zoning Map of the City, as well as the Zoning District for the Property shall be and the same is hereby changed from AG, Agriculture District to C-1, Local Commercial District, RS, Residential Single -Family, RL, Residential Low Density, and MF, Multifamily Districts in accordance with Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby adopted by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas. Section 3. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts of ordinances and resolutions, in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed, and are no longer of any force and effect. Section 4. If any provision of this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions, or application thereof, of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable. Section 5. The Mayor is hereby authorized to sign this Ordinance and the City Secretary to attest. This Ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect on the date of final adoption by City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED on First Reading on the October 26, 2010. PASSED AND APPROVED on Second Reading on the November 9, 2010. ATTEST: Brettle Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark Sokolow City Attorney THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN: Mayor Exhibit A - Meets and Bounds Madison at G- .- Beginning at a point in the southern right-of-way line of State Highway 195, and being the northeastern corner of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, being also the northeastern corner of Tract 1 and the POINT OF BEGINNING: Thence, along the southern right-of-way line of State Highway 195, S 53°53'32" E, a distance of 732.89 feet to an angle point, being also the southeastern corner of Tract 1, thence Departing the southern right-of-way line of State Highway 195, and crossing the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following five bearings and distances: S 36°06'47" W 145.85' Along a tangent curve to the right, having a chord bearing S 45054'52" W, a chord distance of 163.43', and a radius of 480.00' S 55 °42'58' W 172.80' Along a tangent curve to the left, having a chord bearing S 44°00'52" W, a chord distance of 283.94', and a radius of 700.00' S 32"18'46" W 226.86' to an angle point. Thence, still crossing the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following three bearings and distances: N 64055'18"W 309.50' N 25037'29" W 40.91' N22°07'05" W 664.68 to a point in the northern boundary of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, for an angle point being also the northwestern corner of Tract 1, thence Following the northern boundary of the Survey Plat far Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following three bearings and distances: N 70027'46" E 579.57' N 20001'17" W 167.39' N 80°38'17" E 133.74' to the northeastern corner of Tract 1 and the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 16.80 acres, more or less. / S \ z \ ! /S / \\} r ` o © (� k\ \ r « : :! d/ . 2� .! ©s y 7 �§ CIO \ - \ Ilk , \ �\\\{)( } _ . = c _ CD _«±` _ .5 6 a ` :- ,: . / § \ . - 00 « _ 7Z-2 // E Q 2 e . CO Madison s . a,. Beginning at a point in the southern right-of-way line of State Highway 195, and being the southeastern corner of the Survey Platfor Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, being also the southeastern corner of Tract 2 and the POINT OF BEGINNING. Thence, along the southern boundary of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following two metes and bounds: S 50 46'28" W 584.36' S 44°05'58" W 173.11' Thence, crossing the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following five metes and bounds: N 45°54'02° W 76.39' N 83°18'11" W 507.47' S 62°06'28" W 78.60' N 45°06'07" W 477.10' N 45006'08"W 46.23' to an angle point being the northwestern corner of Tract 1. Thence, Continuing across the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following five bearings and distances: N 32018'46" E 215.58' Along a tangent curve to the right, having a chord bearing N 44°00'52" E, a chord distance of 283.94', and a radius of 700.00' N 55042'58" E 172.80' Along a curve to the left, having a chord bearing N 45°54'52" E, a chord distance of 163.43', and a radius of 480.00', N 36°06'47" E 145.85' to a point in the southern right-of-way of State Highway 195, and being the northeastern corner of Tract 2. Thence, Continuing with the southern right-of-way line of State Highway 195, S 53°53'32" E, a distance of 1,130.75'to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 23.08 acres, more or less. §�'6\ - ,\& \ z R2 K .I �( \5 /if - ` 7 / . E \ � R _ / # ƒ 0 C \\ \� d\\\ 30TOWITOR Beginning for reference at a point in the southern right-of-way line of State Highway 195, and being the northeastern corner of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, and proceeding across said Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, S 18°59'20" E, 1,084.52', to a point being the northeastern corner of Tract 3 and the POINT OF BEGINNING. Thence, proceeding across the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following seven bearings and distances: S 64055'18" boundary E 309.50' N S 32"18'46" 45°06'08" and bounds: E E 11.28' 46.23' S 45°06'07" E 477.10' N 62006'28" E 78.60' S 83°18'11" E 507.47' S 45054'02" E 76.39' to a point in the southeastern boundary of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, being also the southeastern corner of Tract 3. Thence, Following the southeastern boundary of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following two metes and bounds: S 44005'58" W 472.24' S 69042'58" W 653.27'. Thence, Proceeding across the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following two metes and bounds: N 1720'18" W 106.80' N 11 °09'28" W 138.91' to an angle point. Thence, Continuing across the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following twelve metes and bounds: S 78050'32" W 62.96' Along a tangent curve to the left, having a chord bearing of S 70022'38" W, a chord distance of 117.76', and a radius of 400.00' S 61 054'45" W 265.45' Along a tangent curve to the right, having a chord bearing 66°35'14" W, a chord distance of 48.90', and a radius of 300.00' S 71015'44" W 768.06' S 77019'39" W 60.00' S 69°00'56" W 109.43' S 17°01'41" E 18.43' S 76°08'32" W 210.29' S 70"14'39" W 11231.63' Along a tangent curve to the right, having a chord bearing N 69°15'58" W, a chord distance of 649.31', and a radius of 500.00' Exhibit A - Meets and Bounds TRACT 3 Pa e 2 S 61 013'24" W 153.94' to a point in the southeastern boundary of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres. Thence, Following the southeastern boundary of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following two bearings and distances: N 19040'06" 813.36' W 45.11 29059'54" S 70"15'46" S W 750.58'. Thence, Proceeding across the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following six bearings and distances: S 69001"33" 813.36' W 49.75' S 29059'54" 115.33' W 170.47' S 38055'22" to the right, W 257.40' Along 280.21', a curve to the right, having a chord bearing S 34°10'41" E, a chord distance of 837.16', S 88023'56" W and a radius of 1,575.03' S 18045'57" Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres. E 804.45' N 68°59'28" E 204.10 to a point in the southeastern boundary of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres. Thence, Following the southeastern boundary of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following four bearings and distances: S 19043'20" E 813.36' boundary of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown S 19"43'06" E 115.33' two bearings and distances: Along a curve to the right, having a chord bearing of S 86°31'20" W, a chord distance of 280.21', and a radius of 4,036.52' S 88023'56" W 1,493.95' to the southwestern corner of Tract 2, being also the southwestern N corner of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres. Thence, continuing along the western boundary of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following two bearings and distances: N 20053'53" W 119.16' N 22044'34" W 685.30' to an angle point. Thence, Proceeding across the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following 27 bearings and distances: N 71 °49'50" E 209.24' S 30058'27" E 218.55' S 85059'13" E 714.37' N 5204548" E 251.57' N 39)39'48" E 97.85' Along a non -tangent curve to the left, having a chord bearing of N 8954'15" E, a chord distance of 223.09', and a radius of 312.50', N 68059'28" E 35.78' Exhibit A - Meets and Bounds TRACT 3 3 N 21 000'32" W 65.00' S 68 059'30" W 35.78' Along a tangent curve to the right, having a chord bearing of N 64°53'16" W, a chord distance of 356.80', and a radius of 247.50' N 18°45'57" W 542.42' Along a tangent curve to the left, having a chord bearing of N 33°45'04" W, a chord distance of 637.37', and a radius of 1,232.50' N 39°16'16" E 310.29' Along a curve to the left, having a chord bearing of N 50°20'15" W, a chord distance of 40.01'. and a radius of 1,550.00', N 51 °04'38" W 159.14' N 38°55'22" E 49.99' N 50 °40'05" W 125.22' Along a tangent curve to the left, having a chord bearing of N 50°40'04" W, a chord distance of 34.78', and a radius of 645.94' N 38033'51" E 150.71' N 31 °46'19" E 103.78' N 17033'23" E 102.48' N 06013'13" E 128.11' N 04052'19" E 510.82' S 85 010'52" E 420.08' Along a tangent curve to the left, having a chord bearing of N 84°44'13" E, a chord distance of 338.20', and a radius of 966.00' N 74 022'36" E 48.76' N 17°35'43" W 527.99'to an angle point, being also an angle point in the northern boundary of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres. Thence, Proceeding along the northern boundary of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following twenty bearings and distances: N 74022'43" E 11517.00' S 59047'42" E 434.42' S 35002'36" W 6.78' S 61030'12" E 73.64' N 21002'43" E 4.78' S 59049'08" E 195.72' N 81 °51'11" E 230.85' S 17047'02" E 150.40' S 47039'48" E 96.32' S 20°08'04" E 17.04' N 67014'39" E 391.05' N 65004'27" E 314.92' N 70023'14" E 102.50' N 67038'04" E 33.34' N 30042'48" W 33.40' S 58°07'27" W 20.55' N 36°46'09" W 45.04' N 12c'03'40" E 226.74' i 1 - .' a i f • TRACT 3 Pane 4 N 77 024'34" E 62.02' N 70°31'10" E 332.89', to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 165.07 acres, more or less. . \. : )� \ / /Z<» \\ \ \§ \ � / \� : m _ k \ mryLO : = ./ »�j ,HE - ` q / \ M \ Beginning for reference at a point in the southern right-of-way line of State Highway 195, and being the northeastern corner of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, and proceeding across said Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, S 02°01'01" E 1,920.67', to a point being the northeastern corner of Tract 4A and the POINT OF BEGINNING. Thence, proceeding across the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following two bearings and distances: S 11 009'28" E 138.91' S 17"20'18" E 106.80' to a point in the southeastern boundary of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, being also the southeastern corner of Tract 4A. Thence, Following the southeastern boundary of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following three metes and bounds: S 69042'58" VV 415.20' S 71 "15'44" VV 17234.50' S 70014'39" VV 1,834.60' to the southwestern corner of Tract 4A, Thence, Continuing along the southeastern boundary of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following two metes and bounds: N 21 °31'02" VV 231.49' N 19040'06" VV 382.04' to the northwestern corner of Tract 4A. Thence, Proceeding across the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following twelve metes and bounds: N 61013'24" E 153.94' Along a non -tangent curve to the left, having a chord bearing S 69°15'58" E, a chord distance of 649.31', and a radius of 500.00' N 70014'39" E 17231.63' N 76008'32" E 210.29' N 17°01'41" E 18.43' N 69°00'56" E 109.43' N 77019'39" E 60.00' N 71015'44" E 768.06' Along a tangent curve to the left, having a chord bearing N 66°35'14" E, a chord distance of 48.90`, and a radius of 300.00' N 61 "54'45" E 265.45' Along a tangent curve to the right, having a chord bearing N 70°22'38" E, a chord distance of 117.76`, and a radius of 400.00' N 78°50'32" E 62.96'to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 20.17 acres, more or less. Exhibit A -gleets and Bounds • - • • -MIL ft Beginning for reference at a point in on the boundary of of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, and being the southwestern corner of said Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, and proceeding across said Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, N 55053'22" E, 1,532.89', to a point being the southwestern corner of Tract 4B and the POINT OF BEGINNING. Thence, proceeding across the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following two bearings and distances: N 18045'57" E 804.45' Along a tangent curve to the left, having a chord bearing N34°10'41" W, a chord distance of 837.16', and a radius of 1,575.03' to an angle point, being also the northwestern corner of Tract 4B. Thence, Continuing across the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, the following three bearings and distances: N 38055'22" E 257.40' N 29°59'54" E 170.47' N 69001'33" E 49.75' to a point in the southeastern boundary of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, being also the northeastern corner of Tract 4B. Thence, Continuing along the southeastern boundary of the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, S 19°43'20" E 1,855.65 to the southeastern corner of Tract 4B. Thence, Proceeding across the Survey Plat for Madison Georgetown Cotenancy 234.70 acres, S 68°59'28" W 204.10' to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 9.58 acres, more or less.