HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement Edwards 08.02.1930STATE o F TEXAS ; 2
7 -hat I,C'."'.Ed473r :$ jo in'd by my wife Lucy Edwards o f the
above county and state,f r and in consideration of one dollar
to me in hand r.aid by//WR-7.Tard,`iana,ger of the ceorgctown Water
and Light Plan ,owned by the city of Goorgetown,Texas,10 grant
Sall and convey to said city of'Gecrg-town and easment�or right of
way I fo r an electric 1 inn ale ng and o n ani o ver myham and pasture
as herein setout, , maid farm b -in; the 303 acre tract conveyed by
Mrs'7.';'.Tilliame to my wifestuoy rilliams by decd duly recorded
in Book 349,Page I5I, de -d records of T'ilLiamson County,Texas, ref..
ferenoe to which is here made for a full and ctmpl,-te description;
the part of this tract hereinranted for 9414 easmont to start
at such point on the west sid4 of highway 7. .3 where the .said electric
line echali arose said highway o n leaving theFroperty of W.rilliame,
and continue on my land from said point in a MorthArly direction
near my residence and on to the west side of the Grand Stand erected
by O/j/ me o a the field now being prepared fcr fairgrounds, such
line tb be construetied on the line agreed up�oon along the general
rout herein above setout, said agreamint to be between myself.r.r.
Fdwarls and the said R.FV"ard , and when said line is constructed,
ti, en .this nasment to be in fu31 fo res and effect so lc ng as said
fairgrounds, are anually used for said purposes of a fare by some
farnassociation, and further solong as said line+ is used to distribute
current to such rural subscribere as may request service along said
line, the said city of Geo rgetown,however, have ing the right at its
discretion to dismantel and rene ve said electric line •ice• ebd at any
time after the said above grounds aeasi to be used for the purer ses
o f a/v�zcl�>f/rdd/X t�xc/ a fair by sow fair aseo c iat io n.
This easment shall gilve the said city of Geo rgitown -the,
right to dig rust holes, erect pole,s,guy stubs and guy wire &c, upon
said land and to stretch wires on and over saidpoles for the purpose
of conveying electric current ov-r same, ani shall havq.11, right
of entrance and exit to saidlands for the purpose of construction,
maintnnanee,and repairs of said electric line at any and all necessary
time.; saidline to be constructed in such a wayland the wires at such
hightlas to in no way irate fere with ordinary farm and rack business.
Said city of Georgetown is further given an easmpnt over the
�abo vTact of land from the termination above describ4d near the
Gran,i Stand on sa,i*airgreunds to extend on to the north end of
said fairground tract along a routn following the present Fartitio n
fence on the west of � said fairE:rcu nds to the timber or at any
oth` place designated by the said. T,T.Fdwards so that said city
cant if it so desires extend its XXl elgetrio line to the forks of
the said highway No. Z and the Fdorenee road.
The said city shall have the right to run branctlines
from the above describpoline to other, property and an easment for
such lines is heregiven, especially to extend service lines tc the
Past s i4 A of highway %.Z, such branch Ines to be at co nveni -n t
points for exit and to in no way incumb ,r- th+^. fairgrcurAn or race
tracks with polns and wir, that would intern®re�ith the use of
said grounds as such fair ground pro F e rty , /but soh 1 ino s may be
along the Morth or South ling of said fairgrounds as now designated.
Al' patrons on the above lescribed electric line shall
pay such rates and conform to such regulations asmay be prescribed
by the city council of the said city of Georg -town for such service,
said city having the right to r =Muse sarvioe ,discontinue servia;
demand advance d'po sits &o. from such £rope s -d customers as it
designat,,Jby its rules and regulations for such service.
1t be , �T
being understood horo that the abo ve electric lire
is bain- constructed primarily for the pruMse of furnishing cunt4+,4,
to the lairs to be held on thegrcunds above dssignat4d as the
fair grounds.And said city is further granted th4 right to et1
tim;f,through any emplcyee or r-reon dogsignated by said eitypor'the�
Vanager of said rat -r & Light Plan to � .in said fain grounds and
insp«3ct any and all wireing , any rad all eleatria service, and
to collect Such rates, fees, charges &e. for suck, electric
eervioe,anl for the Curr-nt sold at and upon said fairgrounds to
any and all customers, and to demand that all electric service
Upon said grounds be kept in a, safe condition and to disco retire
or out out th- service- of any patron or customer who fails to
confn, rm-to saM.-«ruloa. -
For inducement to said c ity to build and maintain
said electric line as above described it Iis contracted and agre-d
by th? said W.W.Fdwards and Lucy 7dwrirds : that the said city
shall have an excluaive right to Burnish Said electric service
to , said above described fairgrounds so long as said land shed, l
be so used.
The said city acre ee to furnish such pleotrio ser we
at the rags customary fcr :such smrviee at fairs generally Vyr in
central Texas teritory ,
Witnnesour heretic this thee day of &A It30.
State of Texas : t
Williamson ,%unty:
RAfcr- menthe-uni-rsi,ned authority on this
day Personally app aarAd
WILLIAIX,9DN COUNTY Before md.thes undr signed authority ,
in and for Williamson County ,Texas , on this day personally
appear -:i r.r.Fciwards anti Lucy Fdwards,his wife, both known to
me to be the persons whoa names are subscribed to the formM ing
instrument , and acknowledge -d to me that they each executed
the- same for the purposes and consideration therein expreseAd,
sai3 T,uay_—Ndw&rd
wife o f_ th a
examined by me
privily and arart
husband, end
having the same fully exria,inpd to her, she, the said Lucy Fdwzds
acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she
declared that shehad that she had willingly signed the same
for the rurnoses and ocnsl4eration therein exlrpase-d, and that
sh4 did not wish to retra^t it.
Givin undir my hand and seal of office This the .in.j�uy �V
of zatrIS30. ^a
Notary Public in a.rA for rilliameon County,Texas.
THE STATE OF TEXAS ( I, R. E. MOORE, Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify that the
County of Williamson J
foregoing instrument in writing, with its certificate of authentication, was filed for record in my office on the Ae) _... .
day of..,Z/Y� Q Y...0 2,2 .4. taC_.._..._ .___ A. D. 193 f%, at.._.�-..__..o'clock.. .....M., and duly recorded this the ..l vim.._.......
day of A. D. 193 , /att14 D .o'clock._. /]'.. _M., in the�,C...C.._... _.... _... __ _.
Records of said County, in Vol..ca� S�d.__..r_pp.
WITNESS MY HAND and seal of the County Court of said _Qau�ity, at office in Georgetown, Texas, day and
datq last above written.]
..-.Deputy. Clerk, County Court, Williamson County, Texas.
,e W 49