HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 2010-33 - REZ Village Gate at Sun CityAn Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, amending part of the Zoning District Map adopted on the 411i Day of April 2002 in accordance with the Unified Development Code passed and adopted on the 1111' Day of March 2003, to rezone 0.779 acres from AG, Agriculture District to C-3, General Commercial District; 0.59 acres from C-1, Local Commercial District to C-3, General Commercial District; and 0.779 acres from C-1, Local Commercial District to AG, Agriculture District, to be known as the Village Gate at Sun City; repealing conflicting ordinances and resolutions; including a severability clause; and establishing an effective date. Whereas, an application has been made to the City Council for the Purpose of changing the Zoning District Classification of the following described real property ("The Property"): .59 acres, being a portion of the recorded Tract A, Block 26 in Document Number 2006080944; .779 acres, being a portion of Tract B, Block 43 in Document Number 9622352; and .779 acres, being a portion of Tract A, Block 26 in Document Number 2008029661, all of the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas, and all officially described in Exhibit A of this Ordinance, hereinafter referred to as "The Property' ; Whereas, notice of such hearing was published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City; which stated the time and place of hearu-tg, which time was not earlier than fifteen (15) days for the first day of such publication; and Whereas, written notice was given not less than fifteen (15) days before the date set for the meeting before the Planning and Zoning Commission to all the owners of the lots within two hundred feet of the property, as required by law; and Whereas, the applicant for such zoning change placed on the property such sign(s) as required by law for advertising the Planning and Zoning Commission_ hearing, not less than fifteen (15) days before the date set for such hearing; and Whereas, the City Planning and Zoning Commission in a meeting held on August 3, 2010, recommended approval of the requested zoning change for the above described property from AG, Agriculture District to C-3, General Commercial District, C-1, Local Commercial District to C-3, General Commercial District and C-1, Local Commercial District to AG, Agriculture District. that: Now, therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, Section 1. The facts and recitations contained in the preamble of this Ordinance are I ereby found and declared to be true and correct, and are incorporated by reference herein and expressly made a part hereof, as if copied verbatim. The City Council hereby finds that this Village Gate at Sun City Ordinance implements the following vision of the Georgetown 2030 Comprehensive Plan, specifically the goals, policies and actions of the Land Use Element and further finds that the enactment of this Ordinance is not inconsistent or in conflict with any other policies of the Georgetown 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Section 2. The Base Ordinance and the Zoning Map of the City, as well as the Zoning District for the Property shall be and the same is hereby changed from AG, Agriculture District to C-3, General Cornmercial District, C-1, Local Commercial District to C-3, General Commercial District and C-1, Local Commercial District to AG, Agriculture District in accordance with Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby adopted by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas. Section 3. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts of ordinances and resolutions, in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed, and are no longer of any force and effect. Section 4. If any provision of this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions, or application thereof, of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable. Section 5. The Mayor is hereby authorized to sign this Ordinance and the City Secretary to attest. This Ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect on the date of final adoption by City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED on First Reading on the August 24, 2010. PASSED AND APPROVED on Second Reading on the September 14, 2010. ATTEST: Brettle ity Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark Sokolow City Attorney Village Gate at Sun City THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN: Mayor PAR Eibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION, PORTION OF LOTS 1 & 7 FIELD NOTES DESCRIBING, 0.59 OF AN ACRE OF LAND, BEING A PORTION OF TRACT A. BLOCK 26, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMEI\l IOF SUN CITY GEORGETO'VJiv, PHASE 2. NEIGHBORHOOD ONE -D, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN CABINTT P; SLIDES 24-26, PLAT RECORDS, WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS, SAME BEING A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN GREGORY G. -HALL TRACT RECORDED IN DOCUMENT 'N'UMBER 2008029661, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, WILLIAMSON CO-U�N'T`Y, TFXAS, SAVE AND EXCEPT THAT CERTAIN 0.023 ACRE TRACT' RECORDED it 1 DOCUME?�?T' NUMBER 2006080944, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, WILLIAMSONrCOUNTY, TEXAS, SAID 0.59 OF AIT ACRE OF LAND TO BE MORE PARTICULARLY DESCP.P I) BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING ata mag nail found easterly right-of-way line of R.M. 2338, at the southeast corner of said 0.023 acre tract in the: northerly line of Tract B, Block 43 of said Phase.2, Neighborhood One -D, in the southerly line of said Traci A, for the southwest comer hereof; T14EINTCE lNorth 38 degrees 31 minutes 45 secondsWest, along said nght-of.-wny line and the easterly line of said 9.023 acre tract, through said Tract A, 50,09 feet to aniron rod set at the southeast comer of that certain 0.157 acre tract recorded'in Document Number 2007065792, Official Public Records, said county, in the southerly tine of LotA•4, Repiat of Tract `A", Sun City Georgetown Neighborhood One, a subdivision recortied in Cabinet N, Slides 161-163, Plat Records; said county, at the northmst comed of said 0.023 acre tract, in the northerly line of said Tract A, for the northwest comer hello`.; THENCE North 48 degrees 12 minutes 37 seconds East, along the southerlylluie of said Lot A-4 and the westerly line of said Tract A, 498.03 feet to An rich: rod found at the southwest comer of said Lot 4-A, same being an angle corner in :the westerly line of said Tract A,. for the: northeastoomer hereof; THENCE South 75 degrees I] minutes 50 seconds East, through said Tract A, 59.89 feet to an iron rod found at an angle comer in the northerly line of said Tract 8, same being an angle comet in the southerly line of said Tract A. for the southeast corner hereof.; THENCE South 48 degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds West; along the northerly' line of said Tract B and the southerly line of said Tract A, 533:85 feet to ttie.Pomtof Beginning and containing 0.59 of, an acre of land. THIS LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS TO BE USED IN CONJI.JNCTION WITH THE ATTACHED SURVEY PLAT (BY SEPARATE INSTRtJhffiNT) ONLY. TX R.P.L.S. NO.5729 Job No. A0300310 -LOT 1 &7 ZONING 06/111/2010 BEING 0 779 OF AN ACRE - (33,952SQUARE FEET) OF LAND, BEING A PORTION OF /\ TRACT B. BLOCK 43, PLANNED UNIT i \ DEVELOP 1v E:NT OF SUN CITY N1 IN /NE GEORGETOWN, PRASE 2, scns r,: NEIGHBORHOOD ONE -D, A / _ _ r. 1 14 J' SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN CABINET P, SLIDES 24-26, PLAT RECORDS, / WIL'LIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS, SAME BEING THAT CERTAIN DEL WEBB TEXAS \ LTD TRACT RECORDED IN«.etU P1.1E113i NIIT DPYFSOIAILT t OP 3UI Cry DOCUMENT NUMBER 9622352, jChR➢ikT Y, 9LIUR P�%6 P0.`uCn \ OFFICIAL PUBLIC: RECORDS, caPc aY c.;uu. WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS, SATE ATTM- EXC=EPT THAT CERTAIN STATE OF i ` LEGEND -- TEXAS 0.178 ACRE TRACT ro.B. POINT OF BEGINNING RECORDED IN DOCUMENT \ —63— .1ACNA IPOVNo NUMBER 2007065797 e / ruer,+a gPevrae'ezer'n^. \ 0.779 ACRE ` —o-- 126 ROD FO —q-- 1126 ROD FOUND OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS s IC »1+, sLNFt lsl.�Gi PkaCt] 335952 SQUARE FEET —g--- CALCVLATED POINT W11I.,IaMSOrrCOUNTY , cnFccA twt TEXAS, SAID 0.779 OF AN TO n>nce�nloYH��J-_— AGRE OF .LAND BE MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED-- I3Y METES AND BOUNDS IN / w EXHIBIT "A", ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Z �{ \�.1 0\J SURVEY DATE 051241_2010 g) ]OB NO. A0300310-LS2•SUNCITYliPPLh.T p +y - P.o�. Sed .4V� Soy t� �y r'L'�"ir^ v RMS CHECK EDWARD RUMSEY 05/24/2070 •t. �"'gTry��,. . / ��-�"j j o• nLTAR 1. Wm S 42°58'46' E, 79.38^ uruoyin 9020 ANDERSON &LiLL RD 'k ea':dW AUSTIN, TEXAS 78729 u (512).249-8149 PI-ION7 (512) 331-5217 FAX �V14'W AL5CARIhNDSV HY'EYP'G.COM Exhibit A ,r)A R CCt L - EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FIELD NOTES DESCRIBING 0.779 OF AN ACRE {33,952 SQUARE FEET) OF LAND, BEING A PORTION OF TRACT B, BLOCK 43, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF SUN CITY GEORGETOW-M PHASE 2, NEIGHBORHOOD ONE -D, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN CABINET P, SLIDES 24-26, PLAT RECORDS, WILLIAMSON COUNTY; TEXAS, SAME BEING THAT CERTAIN DEL WEBB TEXAS LTD TRACT RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 9622352, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS, SAVE AND EXCEPT THAT CERTAIN STATE OF;TEXAS 0.178 ACRE TRACT RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 2007065797; OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, WILLIAMSON COUNTY? TEXAS, SAID 0.779 OF AN ACRE OF LAND TO BE MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING at a Mag Nail fouad:in the easterly right -of --way line of R.N. 2338, also called Williams Drive, in the southerly line of Tact A, Block 26, of said subdivision, in the northerly line of said Tract b, same being the northeast corner of said 0.1.78 acre tract, for the northwest comer hereof; THENCE North 48 degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds Easy., along the southerly line of said Tract A, and the northerly line of said Tract S, 422.02 feet to an iron rod set in said line, for the northeast orner hereof, from which an iron rod found at an angle corner in said line bears; North 48 degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds East, 44.96 feet; THENCE. South 42 deg:rees 58 minutes 46 seconds East, through said Tract B, 79.88 feet to an iron rod set, for the southeast corner hereof. THENCE South 48 degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds West, continuing through said Tract B, 428.23 feet to an iron rod set in said right-of-way line, in the westerly l ne of said Del Webb tract, in the easterly line of said 0.178 acre tractf, , for the southwest corner hereof, THENCE North 38 degrees 31 minutes 45 seconds West, along said nght-of-way line, the easterly line of said 0.178 acre tract and:the westerly line of said Del Webb tract, 79.99 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 0.779 of an acre of land. TIIiS LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS TO BE USED IN CONl3UNCTION IrirlTH HE ATTACHED SURVEY PLAT (BY SEPARATE INSTRUMFNT) ONLY. 05/25/2010 Edward Rumsev TX R.P.L.S. NO.5729 job Nc. A0300310-LS2-SUN CITY REPLAT 0.59 OF' AN ACRI. OF L,AND5 BEING A PORTION OF TRACT A, BLOCK 26, PI.,ANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTOF SUN CITY GEORGETOWN, PFiASL 2, NEIGHBORHOOD ONE -U, A SUBDIVISION RECORDI✓D IN CABINET P. SLIDES 24-26; PLAT R-ECOPDS, WILLIAM.SON COUNT}`, TEXAS, SAME BEING A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN GRS,GORY Ci 1IALL TR ACT Q RECORDED IN DOCUNIENT NUMBER 2005029661, S7)FFICIA'L PUIII.IC RECORDS, .C: WILLIAMSON COUNTY, XTEXAS SAVE AND EXCEPT LPIAT CERTAIN 0.023 ACRE TRACT RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUN113ER 2006080944, OFFICIAL PUBLIC REC.OI2i?S, WILLIAI,ISON COUNTY TEXAS, SAID 0.59 OF AN ACRE; UI LAND TO BE' NIORE PA.R (IC UI.ARLY DESCRIBED BY METES ANIS BOUNDS IN I XI HBIT "A1, A'CI ACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART III RFOF �AIR,VF DA M 06.i6.2010 BI q M . O.i0 131FJ-71 I tI1QU S I LPLA I' IRPLS CHIC.< 6MV.,%RD Rl 1, FY OSO1/1010 1 TAH tr=d ug 9020 ANDERSON NULL RD AU57�TN, TI"X.AS 78';29 (512) 249-3149 PHONE (512) 131-521?FAX WW\v. N. LSI ARA -A N 0 S UR VO'WN iCCAI w / 1 / SCALE 1 FRWT dl)(6fh r n EU nlr USA CLDn(VA QF &UK Cin \ GEORGETOWN, MASH \I I(IIIIORIIOODOWC-U CARINQ r,S IDs 6. rWM0 CRE.^.ertx G. WMA \ lO�Gi; Lni,p2Y4TL oi,imn) \ _ -LEGEND_ I110.0. i,olm OF'p`EGwlm;Nki AWi NAIL PAIN) / --0--- 112"ROU S;:i 1 fk,�CfA MIM F" Al OF inner, L ��-� —0- Ir'l WD FOUND SUN 01,(GON 6 QNP NEJ(Um $(16<,i, pFE.. 0.59 ACRE \ IC 31VETC iL, UES 16114L INi Ui _IA25775.16 SQUARE FEFEET-6— ) SIN, OhONt'ii1.1 �� 1 SO#1. ORES \ Icac I. ccnv(.rl JD> V w ` Exhibit A EXHIBIT "A" :LEGAL DESCRIPTION FIELD NO'Lc.S DFSCRIBING 0.779 OF AN ACRE (33,952 SQUARE FEET) OF LAND, ,BEING A PORTION OF TRACT A. BLOCK 26, PLAI\TNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF SUN CITY GEORGETOWN, PHASE 2, NEIGEBORHOOD ONB-D, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN CABINET P, SLIDES 2426., PLAT RECORDS, WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEAS, SAIME BEING THAT CERTAIN GREGORY G. HALL TRACT RECORDED IN DOCUMENT Na MBER 2008029661, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, WILLIAMSON' COUN171r, TEXAS, AND BEING A PORTION OF TRACT 4=A, REPLAY OF TRACT "A", SUN CITY GEORGETOWN NEIGHBOR1400D ONE, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN CABINET N, SLIDES 161-163, PLAT RECORDS WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS, SAME BEING THAT CERTAIN GREGORY HALT, 5,091. ACRE TRACT RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 2008029662, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS. SAID 0:779 OF'AN ACRE OF LAND TO BE MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING at an iron set in the northerly line Tract B, Block' -43 of said Planned Unit Development of Sun City Georgetown Phase 2, Neighborhood One -D; same tieing the northerly line of that certain Del Webb Texas LTD tract recorded inDocumemNumber 9622352, Oficial Public Records, said county, for: the southeast corner hereof. from which an iron.rod found in the northerly line of said Tract B, Block 43, same being the southeast comer of said Tract 4, Block 26 bears, South 89 degrees i5 minutes 51 seconds East 62.41 feet; 'HENCE along the northerly line cf said Tract B and the southerly line of said Tract A, the following 5 calls, 1. North 89 degrees 15 minutes 51 seconds West; 19.20 feet to an iron rod found, 2. South 84 degrees 13 minutes 48 seconds West, 326.06 feet to an iron rod found, 3. South 79 degrees 33 minutes 56 seconds West, 110.99 feet to an iron rod found; 4. North 79 degrees 0 1 minutes 59 seconds West, 52.87 feet to an iron rod found, 5. South 48 degrees 12.minutes 30 seconds West, 66.87 feet to an iron rod set in said line, for the southwest coiner hereof, from which a Mag nail found in the easterly right-of-way line ofRJMl 2338. Williams Drive, at northwest coiner of said Del Webb Texas tract, same being the southwest corner of said Gregory H. Hall tract bears, South 48 degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds East, 466:98 feet; THENCE North 23 degrees 25 minutes IS seconds West; through said Tract A and said Tract 4- A, 65.28 feet to Zia iron rod set, for the northwest corner hcreof�, 'I`i-IENCE continuing through saki Tract A. and said Tract 4-A, the following 3 calls, 1. North 48 degrees i l minutes 16 seconds East, 26.48 feet to an iron rod set, 2. :North 79 degrees 32 minutes 42 seconds East, 211.80 feet to an.iron rod set, North 84 degrees 12 minutes 34 seconds Bast, 316.11 feet to an iron rod set for the northeast corner hereof TnNCE South 32 degrees OG mr=tes 26 seconds East, continuing through said Tract A. 71;62 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 0.779 of an acre of land. THIS LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS TO B.E`USED IN CONI UNCTION V,7ITH THE ATT ACHED SURVEY PLAT (BY 'SEPARATE INSTRUMENT) ONLY. Of A �. 3 g �Ap mb . EDWARD --- 5729 e• g®x 5�Q o512s>>aol a Edward Rumsey 3 TR R.P.L,S. NO.5729 Job No_ A0300310-1,SI-SUN CITY REPLAY I BEING 0.779 OF AN ACRE N (33,952 SQUARE FEET) OF LAND, BEING A PORTION OF TRACT Ar BLOCK 26, PLANNED UNIT' nvr DEVELOPMENT OF SUN CITY r fh4 GEORGETOWN, PHASE 21 ' \ �,r --<-- SCALE _ NEIGUBORIIOOD ONE -D, A \ SIN SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN CAL INET P, SLIDES 24-26, �� PLAT RECORDS, WD_,LIAMSON COUNTY, -LI CiEND _ TEXAS, SAME BEING TIIAT / \ ---s- fm ROD CER'T'AIN GREGORY G. HALL \ a u xm —®'^ ^ IR" ROD SEF TRACT RECORDED IN PI_iNNY➢Ut;n aev-3 OI'rf.9.T Ci'tiUNCltt' fl£OIXOflUWN, P1ii5E ].j?BIMBJAI100.0 q�lE.O \ - M. Rol) FOUND FO T,,(u DOCUMENT NUMBER bNETY SI IaE y< PAWC) ` ._.-q-- CJ,r.ru/.;a7xn vocrir 2008029661, OFFICIAL PUBLIC / lcc rvwu uf, mnwrn ` " 0 po.u. romm or emn wo RGCORI)S, WILLIAMSON p COUNTY, TEXAS,.KIND13EING A PORTION OF TRACT 4-A, / ! 0.?79 ACRE 'REPLAT OF TRACT °A", SUN \ CITY GEORGETOWN % 335952 SQUARE FEET NEIGHBORHOOD ONE, A / YIUCT w.In LnT Of TR,Cr`A•. \ SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN / pry rcartcc m N J mawxarne (CnNR1EYtE SLNF916r 16). MAWCI) CABINET N, SLIDES 161-163,8401tW l cucoai c.luu. gnus..\ •-- PLATRECORDS,— �.'I9°32'4. WILLIAMSON COUNTY, \ 3'49 _ . i7 TAS, SAID �%� OF AN E %� LI (S 84°74')9" V 3^_6A3 i 9 S9°li5t" F; 61.41_ _.— — — — — — — ACRE OF LAND TO BE MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED � � / � ! w, Him) BY METES AND BOUNDS 11\1 // (,l =S 7903356' W. 119.99, (S 79°36'17" 1.2 N 79203,59"W52.87j, 04 79003-31-W) EXF3TBIT "A", ATTACHED / �Jv p % / Sas i230 w, 66.87' / �.«„ �' u N.2J rs la- w, oszs' T ADE A PARI' HERE"CO AND M ,. ,; a / ,s w4 a 1 111001'1611,11,12' 11 11611,11,12' s 32 Oo u" E, 71.62 HEREOF ka �. / ;£` p / 4- / 4 o-�'�° ` � Li=N s9"3'SI" W, 1920' (N 89°21'37" A� SURV!?Y DATE JOt31d0. A03093101.41-3W_CITYREPLAT %. RPLS CHECK EDWABD RWASEY 031„R/2110 OF ALL �p T TAH tr=� n,��,ii '-�`�'' ED // p ms R 9020 ANDERSONIMLL,i,RD �_ ,/ `° If 57'29 �., ` Ai 1S I tN, T AAS 78729 (g,-2) 249-$449 PHO10E If ri (5-12) 331-5217 FAX tj Js� WUa all cLUi1AT'>SW vi,Y1NG CA7M1F � , S ,. :, =€Kl