HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 03.12.1973 CC-R209 March 12, 1973 The City Council met i n regular session on the above date with Mayor Joe E. Crawford presiding. The following councilmen and officials were present, William Eanes, Harry Gold, Hubert Brock, D. W, Scott, J. D. Wininger, City Manager Leo Wood, and City Secretary Claud Eads. Other present were Andy Welch, Ellen Jordan, Dr. H. R. Gaddy, Kenneth Poteete, Virgil Carlson, James Draeger and Gilbert Bredthauer. Monthly Min- Motion by Wininger and seconded by Scott that minutes of City Council utes and Reports meeting held February 12, 1973, be approved as presented. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Motion by Eanes and seconded by Brock that General Fund bills in the amount of $8,123.42 and Utility Fund bills in the amount of $29,239.11 be approved and paid. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Bids on 1973 The following bids were opened for a 1973 police car: Police Car Draeger Motor Company - delivery 45 -60 days - $2,641.97 Compton Motor Company - delivery 30-40 days - $2,779.42 Motion by Eanes and seconded by Brock that the low bid submitted by Draeger Motor Company be accepted. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Bids on 1973 The following bids were opened for a 1973 truck for the Street Department. Truck - Street Draeger Motor Company - 40 to 60 days delivery - $4,094.95 Dept. Compton Motor Company - 30-40 days delivery - $3,968.71 Motion by Eanes and seconded by Wininger that low bid from Compton Motor Company be accepted. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Bids on Elect- The following bids were opened on electrical supplies: rical Supplies Westinghouse - Austin $11,608.00 Temple, Inc. - San Antonio 12,035.30 Preister Supply -'Arlington 11,990.00 Perry Shankle - San Antonio 11,306.75 Graybor Electric - Austin 11, 500.00 Techline, Inc. - San Antonio 11,515.75 Mayor Crawford appointed City Manager Wood, Councilmen Brock and Wininger to study the above bids. Georgetown Hosp- Motion by Wininger and seconded by Eanes that the Georgetown Hospital ital Authority Authority Ordinance be passed on its second and final reading. The motion Ordinance carried by unanimous vote. Urban Renewal Motion by Wininger and seconded by Gold that the Plat of blocks F1 and F2 of the South San Gabriel Urban Renewal Project be accepted. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Motion by Gold and seconded by Brock that the Urban Renewal Agency be authorized to advertise for paving bids on Timber and West Street between 4th and 6th and 8th Streets. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Parking Spaces- Mayor Crawford read a letter from Chief of Police John Shearin requesting Highway Patrol three parking spaces be reserved east of the Courthouse for Highway Patrolmen. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Sanitary Land- Motion by Brock and seconded by Eanes that the Sanitary Landfill Ordinance fill Ordinance be passed on its second and final reading. Motion carried by unanimous vote. 210 Oakcrest Estates- The Subdivision Plat and Dedication for Oakcrest Estates, Sprirg Valley Unit Spring Valley was presented to the City Council. Unit Motion by Scott and seconded by Eanes that the plat and dedication be accepted. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Oakcrest Estates- The Subdivision Plat and Dedication for Oakcrest Estates, Highcrest Unit 1 Highcrest Unit I was presented to the City Council. Motion by Brock and seconded by Wininger that the plat and dedication be accepted. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Ed H. Page- Motion by Gold and seconded by Scott that a bill in the amount of $811.80 Urban Renewal from Ed H. Page Construction Company for work on the Urban Renewal Project Bill be paid. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Roy Krienke- Motion by Scott and seconded by Wininger that the offer of Roy Krienke Southeast Sewer be accepted subject to the discharge of whatever legal requirements are involved Project on the Southeast Sewer Project. Motion carried by unanimous vote. There being no further business on a motion by Eanes and seconded by Wininger the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: City Secret ry 21.1 Appointments Mayor Crawford appointed Riley J. Robbins, Leroy Berkman and E. C. Bouffard to Equalization to serve on the Equalization Board. Motion by Gold and seconded by Wininger Board that these appointments to the Equalization Board be approved. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Appointments Mayor Crawford appointed Councilman Brock and Councilman Scott to the to City Recreat-City Recreation Board. ion Board Serenada Mr. Bob Stanton presented a preliminary plan and layout to develop 372 Country Estates acres of land on Andice Road into 200 or more tracts of 1 acre or more. He was Plat assisted by Oscar Holmes as engineer for the project, Bill Forest, surveyor, and Jay C. Sloan. The plans called for 50 foot streets comprised of 30 foot roadway plus a 10 foot easement on each side of the 30 foot roadway, 26 feet compacted base, and 24 feet 1-1/2 inch hotmix. Plans also include utilization of City elect- rical supply provided the City wished to supply power within a reasonable time, and the utilization of City water, with all pians for the utilities to meet city specific- ations and requirements. Discussion followed, and upon a motion by Brock, and O seconded by Wininger, the vote was unanimous to accept plans and specifications as outlined. Exemption of Mr. C. H. Stevens presented a request to the City Council concerning Ad Valorem exemption of $3,000.00 on Ad Valorem Taxes for people 65 years and over. Taxes Mayor Crawford instructed City Attorney McMaster to prepare an ordinance on this exemption and present it to the council at the next regular meeting. Advertise- Motion by Brock and seconded by Wininger that City Manager Wood be Approx. authorized to advertise for bids on approximately 125,000 square yards of one 125,000 sq. inch compacted hot mix overlay for city streets. Motion carried by unanimous yds. - Over- vote. lay Urban Renewal Motion by Zold and seconded by Eanes that the bill in the amount of Project $660.60 from Ed H. Page, on Estimate 4, Phase 3 of the Urban Renewal Project, be approved and paid. Motion carried by unanimous vote. W. H. Mullins- Motion by Brock and seconded by Eones that a bill in the amount of $935.50 Bill from W. H. Mullins, Inc., for services on the Southeast Sewer Project, be paid. Motion carried by unanimous vote, There being no further business on a motion by Brock and seconded by Gold the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: 000, City Secretary n