HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 08.07.1961 CC-R241 Georr-etovm; Texas J++ -I -y 7, 1961 047 The City Council met in regular session on the above date, lfiayor C. A. Forbes, Alderman, J. 4. Compton, Floyd FnEvall, Floyd Jones, A. Hoyt, Jr, !,.anager, Lee C. Black, Assistant City 1,'anager, H.A. Partain, Dan Dowda, Chief of Police, C. S. Sanders, City Tax Collector, '4. K. McClain, City Attorney, Leonard 1c Laughlin, Fire iarshall, Claud Eads, City Secretary. :Motion by A. Hoyt, Jr. and seconded by Floyd Jones that ':ianayer, Black employee Boswell, Hoppe & Riggs to audit City books from September 1, 1960 to September 1, 1961. Nana-er, Black read reports for the month of July and submitted bills in the amount of 66x.34. ?lotion by k'loyd Jones and seconded by J. i. Compton that reports be accepted and bills paid. ;lotion by J. H. Compton and seconded by A. i+. Hoit:,Jr. that council approve the appointment of Dr. rouglas Renold as City Health Officer, by Mayor C. A. Forbes. Resolution of Respect, In 1Yemory of Dr. John R. Plartin Resolution of Respect, In iemory of H. Nunn See Ordinance Book Paye 2p7 -2O8 . Manager Black stated that he had been contacted by Capt. Ciccarelli,-Jr. of the 4th. Battalion 77th Artillery reserve Unit in reference to securing the Community Center Building and park for a period of 4 weeks to be used as training center. Yotion by A. 1+. Ho!t, Jr, and seconded by J. H. Compton that facilities in park be made available to Battalion A. Battery, for it's use. T T'l7 DIn;G. On Motion by A. W. Hoyt, Jr., and seconded by J.H. Campton that Zoning Ordinance be read by Caption. Caption was read by A. .l. Hoyt, Jr, Roll call vote, Ayes, Compton, Hout, E'ngvall, Jones, Noes- None. An Ordinance presented cteating a Civil Defense and Disaster Relief Corrimittee. Yotion by Floyd Jones and seconded by Floyd rngva.11 that Ordinance be read first rearing roll call was as follows. Ayes, Compton, Jones, rngvall,Ho,t, , 1oes- None. Ordinance read in full. .212 See pages 209-210-231-�of Ordinace Rook. 242 `= SECOND READING, Yotion by Compton and seconded by Jones that Ordinance con+:E,ins the emergency clause and that usual rules for passing of the Ordinance be suspended and the Ordinance be read by Caption hereafter. Roll Cail vote. .Fees, Compton, Hoyt, ^nL-vall, Jones, Noes- - None. THIrD READING. Yotion by Compton and seconded by Jones that Ordinance be read by Caption third and final reKding. Roll call vote, Ayes, Compton, Engvall, Hoyt, Jones, Noes— None. Eayor declared Ordinance passed. Manager Black read letter from Ur. Bleustine, District Eighway- Ena,ireer that there was not enough traffic to warrant light at 12th, & Church Street in Georgetown. Votion by A. 14. Iioyt, Jr. and seconded by J. H. Compton that council al)prove "r yor, C. A. Forbes appointment of A. P. Prude and Grady "catkins to the Equalization Tax Board. Yanager Black stated that the Iiickes Lumber Company had deposited escrax Money for the purchase of land from the Vinther Estate to build Plant. 1.1anager Black also stated that it would be necessary to install 6 finch water line to plant approximaitely 1700 feet for which the City would pay one-half cost. There being no other business on motion by Jones and seconded by Hoyt, that meeting adjourn. 7S7r, City of George own, Texas. Attests ity aocreta}ry. 243 ORDINANCE OF' CITY OF GEORGETOVIN AST ORDIN !;C': CTtEAT TNG A �7i1 rI%I PAL DEs E'i'SE AILD DISAS= RELIEF CO',11ITTEE K'M PROVIDING TME PO i S OF THAT CO1.17ITTEE s CREATING THE OFFICE OF 1,1TTPITICIPAL DEFENSE COORDINATOR XI D PROVIDING T 1E' TWTI';S X T? R11SPONSI46 RILITI713 OF T"AT Ok FICPs C7; cA` 1NG AN OP771ATIONAL OROATUAT ION &GRANTING NECESSARY PC.7r2 S TO COPE . ITH T:7t7.C—^TICI7S THR^ATI FYING LIFE A::D PP.OPrRTY IIu THE CITY OF GFOR =^TOV;^1 = AtITITORIZIT3 x COOYT:RATIVE' AiTD ':I?TiUAL AID AGRFf1?E;'TS FOR -%ELII;F 1 ORK BT7;,'FFNC TT:IS A"T OT111"R CITI73 OR COUNTIFSs APT) FCR RELAT r PTT_R `SES ; PROHIBITING 71TAT_TTHORIZED LIGHTS A:iT) V7APNTNG ATP A11- CLRAR SIGNALS ATPD 2WING VIOLATI0INS A YISItl--7.'r-9IOR PVINI3:1A'3LE BY FINE NOT =BDING W200.00. RF IT CRDAINlr) RY T'-�: CITY COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF GE�'RGETU-' AN, TMUS s Section 1. There is hereby created the r3ur.icipal Civil Defense and Disaster Relief Committee of the City of Geor-etown which shall consist of the followings (a) The Vayor of the City of Georgetown, who shall serve as Chattman of the Committee, and who shall also be known as Yunicipal Defense Co- ordinator of the City of Georgetown; (b) T.' --.e Assistant Defense Coordinator of the City of GeorC,etown, who shall be char -ed with the preparation of a civil defense plan for the City of Geor;-etown, together with such other duties as the "oordinator may prescribe. The hssistant Coordinator shall be appointed by and hold his position at the pleasure of the tilunicipal Defense Coordinator. The Assistant Coordinator shall serve as Vice-Cahirman of the Lianicipal Civil Defense and Disaster Relief Committee of the City of Georgetown, Texas. (c) The directors of Divisions and Chiefs of Services of such Divisions as may be provided for by resolution by the City Council or by directive of the Municipal Defense Coordinator. (d) Representatives not to exceed five (5) in number from civic, business, industry, labor, veteran,;, professional, or other groups, to be selected and appointed by the t,'.ayor. Section 2. The powers and duties of the Municipal Civil Defense and Disaster Relief Coc:mittee shall include the reco-riendation for adoption by the City Council of a civil defense plan for the City of Georgetown, and the recommendation for adoption by the City Council of any and all mutual aid plens and a`reements which are deemed essential for the implementation of such eivil defense plan. T -,e duties of such Civil Defense and Disaster Relief Committee shall also include the making of a survey of the availability of existing per- sonnel, equipment, supplies and services which could be used during an emergency, as provided for herein, as well as a continuing study of the need for amend- ments and improvements in the civil defense plan adopted by the City Co,_ircil. The Civil Defense and Disaster Relief Committee of the City of Georgetown shall meet upon the call of either the Chairman or Vice -Chairman. Section 3. The Ljyor of the City of Georgetown is hereny authorized to join with the County Judge of the County of Williamson, and the b:ayors of the other cities in said county in the formation of a Civil Defense and Disaster Relief Council for the County of Williamson Disaster Relief Council for the County of and shall have the ai?thority to cooperate in the formation of a Civil defense plan for the County of �41liamson and in the appointment of a Civil Defense Director for the County of V411iamson, as well as all other powers necessary to participate in a count-ir-wide pro -ram of civil defense and disaster relief insofar as said program may affect the City of Georgetown, Section 4. The office of ':.'lunicipal Defense Coordinator is hereby creac,ed. The Municipal Defense Coordinator shall have the authority to request Ahe de- claration of the existence of an emerrenc y by the City Council or by hi -,her authority. In the event it is deemed necessary to declare the existence of an emergency without delay, the "oordinator may, if the City Council is not in session, do so, but such action shall be subject to confirmation by the City Council at its next meptinc. The duties and responsibilities of the !Junicinal Defense Coordinator shall include the followinc; 244 L (1) The coni:rol and direction of the actual operation or training efforts of the.divil defense and disaster relief orTanization of the City of Georgetown.. (2) The determination of all questions of authority and responsibility that may arise within the civil defense and disaster relief or;anization of the City of GeorEetown. (3) The maintenace of necessary liaison with other :unicipal, District, State, County, Regional, Federal, or other civil defense organizations] (4) The marshaling, after declaration of an emergency as provided for above, of all necessary personnel, equipment, or supplies from any department of the City of Georgetown to aid in the carrying out of the civil defense plan; (K) The issuance of all necessary proclamations as to the existence of an emergency and the iinmediate operci.tional effectiveness of the civil defense plan] (b) Trie issuance of reasonable rules, re`ulations or directives which are necessetry for the protection of life and property in the Citi* of Georgetown, such rules and regulations shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk and shall receive widespread publicity unless publicity will be of aid and comfort to the enemy; (7) The supervision of the drafting and execution of mutual aid agreements, in cooperation with the representatives of the State and of other local political subdivissonsof the State, and the drafting and execution, if deemed desireable, of an agreement with the County in which said city is located and with other.Municipalities within the County, for the County -aide coordinRtion of effortb in defense and disaster relief] (B) The supervision of and final authorization for the procurement of all necessary supplies and equipment, including acceptance of private contributions; (9) Tire authorizing of agreements, after approval of the City Attorney, for the use of private property for air raid shelter and other purposes. Section 5. The operational civil defense and disaster relief or;;anization of the City of Georgetown, shall consist of the officers and employees of the City of Georgetowndesi.gnatedb,ytre PSunicipal Defense coordinator as well as all volunteer municipal defense workers. The funcions and duties of this organi- zation shall be distributed amon` such divisions, services and special staff as the City Council shall prescribe by resolution or the s'unicipal Defense Coordinator shall prescribe by directive. Any such resolution or directive shall set forth the form of organization, establish and designate divisions and services, assign, functions, duties and powers, and designate officers and employees to carry out the provisions of this ordinance. Insofar as possible, the form of organization, titles and terminolo-y shall conform to the re- commendations ei t',:e State Defense and Disaster Relief Council of the State of Texas and of the Federal 'Tovernmente Section b. Each person serving as a member of the Municipal Civil Defense and Disaster Relief Committee, or as an officer, employee or volunteer in any capacity in the "uricipal Civil Pefense and Disaster Relief Organization created by resolution or directive pursuant to the authority herein conferred, shall, prior to assuming their duty or duties, take an oath which shall be substantially es followss n I, C. A. Forbes, Mayor , do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the Stste of Texas, against all enemies, forei.r-n and domestic; that I will bear true faith and alleCiance to the same; that I take this oblication freely, and without any zrsntal rose-vation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the riuties upon which I am about to enter. And I do further swear that I do not advocate, nor am I a member of an affiliate of nn•11 political party or organization, group or combination of persons that advocates the overthrow of the Government of the Cnited States 245 or of this State by force or violence; and that during such time as I am a member of the County Civil Pefense and Disaster Relief Co--^nit',ne of +110 Coun,y of Williamson, I will not advocate nor become a member or an affiliate of any organization, group or combination of persons or of any politicsl party that advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of this State by force or violence." Section 7e Any light displayed contrary to any order, rule or .regulation pronulceted pursuant to theprovisions of this ordinance constitutes a public nuisance and when deemed necessary in order to protect life or property during blackouts or air raids, the police are authorized and directed to enter upon any prenises within the City of Georgetown_, using reasonable force, and extinguish lights or tave other necessary action to make effective any order, rule or regu!Rtion promulgated under the authority conferred by this ordinance. Section B. Any unauthorized person wno shall operate a siren or tither device so as to simulate a blackout sinal or air raid., or the termination of a blackout or air raid, shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordin+i.nce and shall be subject to the penalties imposed by this ordinance. Section 9. At all times when the orders, rules and regulations :Wade and promulgated,pursusnt of this ordinance shall be in effect, they shall supersede all existing ordinances, orders, rules and reguletions insofar as the letter may be inconsistent therewith. Section 10. This OrdinRnce shall not be construed so as to conflict with any State or Federal statute or with any 1".ilitary or naval order, rule or regulRtion. Section 11. This ordinance is an exercise by the City of its governmental functions for the prote^.tion of the public peace, health and safety and neitier the City of Georgetown, the a-ents and represent,.tives of said City, or any individual, receiver, firm, partnership, corporation, association, or trustee, or any of the agents thereof, in good faith carrying out, complying with or attempting to co -:ply with, any order, rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance shall be liable for any damage sustained to person or property as the result of said activity. Any person ovrninr or con4.rollin real estate or other premises who voluntarily and without compensation Grants to the City of Georgetown, a license or privilege, or othenrise permits the City to inspect, designate and use the whole or any part or parts of such real estate or premises for the purpose of sheltering persons during; an actual, im- pendinm or prActice enemy attack shall, to�,ether with his successors in interes, if any, not be civilly liable for the death of, or injurer to, any person on or about such rogl estate or premi-ses under such license, privile„e or other permission or for loss of, or damage to, the property of such person. Section 12. No person shall have the right to expend vny public fends of the Cty in carryinm out any civil defense activity authorized by this ordinance without prior approval by the pity Council, nor shall any person have any right to hind the City by contract, a(reement or otherwise without prior and s.)ecific approval of the City Council. Section 13. It shall be unlawful for any person wilfully to obstruct, hinder, or delay any member of tre civil defense organization in the nnfr.rer,- ment of any rule or regulation issued pursuant to this ordinance, or to do any act .forbidden by any rules or re ulations issued pursuant to the authority contained in this ordinance. It shall likevrise be unlawful for any person to wear, carry or display any emblem, insignia or any other means of identification as a member of the civil defense organization of the City of Georgetown, unless authority so to do hv.s been ;;ranted to such person by the proper officials. Convictions for violations of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punish- able bys a fine of not less than '1.00 not more than X200.00. Section 14. If any portion of this ordinance shall , for any reason, be declared invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof* 246 Section 15. The immediate passabe of this ordinance is deemed essential to the public health, se.fety and welfare, and it shall take immediate effect. PASSM VD APPRO`4 M ON this !J day of r'1 Vi t.►g • A. D. 1961 ATT EST s CI_Y SEaP.El�tY WOR