HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 06.01.1955 CC-SJune 1, 1955 The City Council mat in a called session on the above date at 2:3OPM. Mayor J.T.Atkins, presiding, the following were present Aldo J.H.Compto n, Ralph Freund, Elmer Fredericson, City Manager Lee C. Black and H.A.P artain. AN ORDINANCE and agreement for the reconstruction and maintenance of the portion of State Highway # 29 in the City Of Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas, with the State Of Texas. The above, Ordinance and agreement was prdsented and on motion d Ald. J.H.Compton seconded by Aldo Fredericson , that it be read was passed by the following votes, AYES- Compton, Freund Frederl- cson. - Noes- None, THE ORDINANCE was read in full. On motion of Aldo Compton, seconded by Aldo Fredericson, that the ordinance containing the emergency clause, the usual rules for passing ordinance be suspended and the same be read by cap- tion be passed its second reading. Lotion carried , votes was AYES; Compton, Freund; Frederieson, NOES --None Ordinance read by caption On motion of Ald. Compton, seconded by Aldo Freund, the ordinan- ce passed its third reading, the votes AYES- Compton , Freund Fredericson, NOSS- None Ordinance read by caption; On motion of Aldo Fredericson, seconded by Aldo Freund said ord- inance was passed finalljr. The votes- AYES- Compton, Fredericson Freund . NOES- None. The mayor declared the ordinance duly passed, see- page There occuring no further buisness the council adjourned book M-LoCa,tes City Se cre aryA ns —, -Mayor 135