HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 02.14.1955 CC-R partial128: Georgetown, Texas February h4th, 1955• The City Council met in regular session on the sbove date, Mayor J. T. Atkin presiding, the following members of the Council.were present: Aldermen: J. H. Compteng F. K. Frederieson, F. C. Smith, A. C. Woodfin, Kennie Wilcox, Jr. Officials: Lee C. 31ack, city manager; J. H. Partain, assistant Manager; '.V. H. Nunn, attorney; C. S. Sanders, t assessor -collector, A. P. Pickle, chief of police; M. L. Cates, secretary. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, with the insertion of the Social Security Ordination motion to read the same, were approved on motion of Ald. Tilcox, seconded by Ald. Smith. The usual monthly report of City Manager Lee C. Black ixcludidgIt-b$lls " in the amount of 866.31 for approval and payment, was read and on motion Ald. A. C. oodfin, seconded the reports ere received for filing and the bills orderer paid. On motion of Ald. Compton, seconded by Ald. A. C. Woodfin all receipts from the parking meters Saturday Feb. 19 be donated to the polio fund. The motion carried unanimously, A motion was made by Ald. Toodfix that hereafter all monies received from Parking Meters shall be used only for operation sad expenses'ef the Georgetown Police Department. The metioM was seconded by Ald. Wilcox, and carried unanimously. TAX Ordinance-- It was moved by Ald. Frederiescn that the Tax Ordinance for the ensuing term be read in full, and the motion was seconded by Ald. Smith, which carried, the following being the vote; Ayes• Compton, Frederieson, Smith, wileox, 'Veadfin.., ;®es--xene. Ordi- " ranee read. (See ordinance Book, page "To.( Motion made by Ald. Compton that the above ordinance conta.inee' the Emergexey Cleuse,therefore the usual rules for passing ordinances:..., be suspended, the same read by caption hereafter and passed its second reading. Motion seconded by Ald. Wilcox and pass8d by the following vote: Ayes; Compton, FredericsoYn, Smith, `wilc8x, Woodfin, Noes --none. Ordinance read by Caption: Ora_ Motion of Smit1l" said prdivarce was passed to its third and final reeding after being seconded by Ald. Wilcox, Following was the vote. Ayes--. Compton, Fredericsora, Smith, 'Vilcox, Toodfin: Noes --none. Ordinance read by captioii Ox motion of Ald. 7Vilcox, seconded by Ald. Prederison said ordinance ws passed finally, the following being the '' vote: Ayes-- Compton, Predericson, Smith, Tilcox, Toodfia. Nees --none. SALARY ORDI"TA"TCF--for the elasuirng term--Ald. Frederiesen' presented the Salary Ordinance and moven that same be read in full. Ald. Compton'` seconded the motion, srd passed by the following vote: Ayes--Comptonn, Fredericson, ith, Tileox,m'Voodfix. Noes --none, nrdir+arce read. (see - Page No. _J OrdiRa.nce Book). Vation was mt, e -by,, old ; .1;ederiesed :;that the usual rules for passing ordinances be suspended because of the Fmergeney Clause, and same be read by eaption, passed its second reading. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes--Compton,-rederieson, Smith, *Vilcox,'Voodfin. Noes --nonce. Ordivarnee read by Captie,%: On motion of Ald. Smith, seconded by Ald. :Voodfiri said Ordinance passed eitsvthird reading. The following being the vote: Ayes: Compton,. Smith, Frederiesox, 'Vilcox, Toodfira. Noes '-none. Ordinance read by Caption. On motion of Aldermsnt Frederieson, seconded by Alda Cemptern the Ordinance was passed finally, by the following vote: Ayes --Compton, ^rederieson. Smith, 'Vilc6x, 'Vo®dfia. Nees_ -Nerve. SOCIAL VCURITY ORDINA'`TCF==(This Ordinance resdin full at January meeti'M .- See Ordinance book, Page No, S_) Same cor!teined emergency clause. Oen motion of Ald. Frederiesoi that the usual rules be sunpended,':snd be read by caption hereafter aid passed its second readixg. Ald. Compton seconded the motion, which passed by the following vote: Ayes --Compton, Frederieson, Smith, Tileox, Toodfin, Nees --none. Ordinance read by Caption. ."On motion of Ald. Frederiesen, seconded- by econded "by Ald. Compton, the. ordinance passed its third reading. by the following vote, the following was the vote: Ayes--Comptot, Frederieson, Smith, '.9ilco Wilcox, ` oodfin. ?Toes --Nose. Ordinance'read by Caption: tax metier of Ald.''Voodfin'q seconded by Ald. Frederiesorn the same was passed finally. The vete--Compton, Frederiesen; Smith, Tileox, 'Voodfin. Noes--nene. (Over) 129 ( February meeting continued iron Reg session ^rage, 128) The Mayor declared eae of the foregoing ordi*ances'dul3i and Oon- stitutionally passed. Resolution Thereas Dr. J. Frank Clark has moved from the City of Georgetown, Texas, to Abileme, Texas, it has become impossible for him to longer perform the duties of City Health Officer, therefore; Be it Resolved,that he has vacated the said office a.nd' thn't' there is -a necessity that a City Health Officer beiappoint6d= to fill the unexpired term of the said Dr. Clark. Passed and approved this the 14th day of February, 1955. Attest: _ eeretary, City of Geo-,getown, Texas. l!, ex , City eorge own, Texas Mayor J. T. Atkin read his election notice for the election -of three Aldermen , to be held on the first Tuesday in April, the same being the 5th day ifm April, 19559 and naming H. H. Pennington as Judge, with Authority to appoint the assistants needed. o+ppoistme*t On motion of A1d..Smith moved that the apq)ottt by the Mayor of Dr. John R. Marti* as City Health Officer to fill the unexpired term of Dr. T. Fra;k Clark be ratified. The motion was seconded by Aldo Wilcox and carried una4imously. It was moved by Aldo Compton, seconded by Ald. Noodfin that the City discottinue the eoopere.tive-Employees I*suraxee,'effeetive AMareh let, 1955, the 'motion-was-neconded by Aldo Compton, and was carried by unaiimous vote.' SUBDIVISi0TT PLATS --Approval and Submission. Bst?blis ng'Certain Rules, Declariag an Emergency: (page No .� , Ord.Book). Aldo Fredericson presented the above Ordinance a.dd mood that the same be read in full. Motion Carried, the vobewas as followss Ayes -- Compton, "Predeftesong Smith, Wilcox, Toodfin. Noes --none Ordinance read. OR motion of Aldo Compton, seconded by Ald Freaerieson, the usual rules were suspended, the'same to hereafter be read by caption, and passed its second reading, by the following vete: Ayes --Common, Frederiesori, Smith, '7ilcox, "Yoodfin. Noes--no*e. Ordinance Read by Ception--Onmotion of Aldo Fredericsong seconded by Ald. Toodfin, the said ordinvnce pa.ssea its third reading, the following being the vote: Ayes --Compton, Frederieson, Smith, 'vilcox, 'Too dfiv. 70es.none. Ondtsanee Read By Caption. on Motion of Alda Prederieson,'seconded by Aldo Compton the 0+rdinance was passed finally. the vote was: Ayes --Compton, Predericson, Smith, '"ilcox 70odfin. "Toes --*one. The Mnyor declared the same duly passed. There occurring no further business, the Council adjurned adjourned Feb, 25i� , 9 , 'for impendi-g business. Attest: /,' Secretary. Vayor, City lof Gey rgetown, Texas Cit of rg.town, Texas