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MIN 03.08.1954 CC-R
III Geer±,et©wn., Toxna. Marsh 89 1954 The City Council met in Ra,?,ular Senate• on "the above' date, Layer d.Thatcher Atkin presiding; the following Aldermen and affieiais.. being .preseats Aldermen: J. H. Compton,. E.' K. Frederieaon, ; F. Co Smith, A^,"C lro6dfiti,-X&un16 Tllcoi"- Jr —Officers? :Lee7C.'BTaek ,City Manager; �V H.:*..Nunta :-attertey;'a C. S.'.Sanders, assessor and collector; A. P. Pickle, chief of police- Dr. J. Frank Cl%rk, health officer; M. L. Cates, secretary, xA4,?�: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved an motion of A.ld. Wilcox, seconded by Ald. Woodfin. The usual monthly reports of the city manager and other officials were read, and the accounts to be approved was read by Va.nnger Black. On motion of Ald. Compton, seconded by Ald. Smith, the reports were received for filinh and the accounts were ordered paid. A petition from a designated area of North Georgetown as outlined in an ordinpnce on file in City Ordin-ince Book, Page No. signed by 61tizens of said area wps pesented to the Council re,.uest- inR admission into the coperateAimits of the city, showing 0-ifty-one for admission and One against admission, on motion of Ald. A. Co. "loodfin, seconded by Ald. Fred C. Smith, was unanimously approved. Therefore, the Ordinnnce"annexing the certain 'area. therein designRted was presented to the Council by Ordinance Committeeman P. K.'Frederie- son, who made a motion thst it be rend in full. The motion 'gas seconded by Ald.KFLatiyr Tilcox, Jr. and wns carried by the following vetei Ayes --Compton, Frederieson, Smith, Toodfin, Tileox. ?does, none, Then a motion visa mnde by Ald. Frederieson that the said ordinance be passed to its second reading at the next regular meeting of the Council. The motion was seconded by Ald. Compton and was carried by the following vote. Ayes-- Comnton, Frelerieson, Smith. Toedfin, Wilcox. TToes--none. The said ordinance dont^ins "the emergency clause" therefore may be finally passed at Any future meeting. ManAger Black submitted to the Council the following bids for disms.ntli:ng�- the stnndpipe, at the Gity Hall, as follows: Taylor Irot and Maehine..12860.90 'A. P. Lehman ............. 2300.00 Courtney Construetion Company; S. B. Winstfiled......... a 2540:00 On motion of Ald. Fred C. Smith, seconded by Ald.'A. C. `Aoodfin the contract was awarded the Courtney Construction Ce. There oceuring no further business the Council adjourned. Attest: -�er etPry, City of Georgetown, Texas _Mnyor C o G.oretown, Texas ,