HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 02.08.1954 CC-R110 Georgetown Te x* s C�7 February 4'1 1954 The City Council met in regulr.r session on the ybove dn.te, 2°*yor J. T. Atkin presiding. The following memberrs were p.rePert:­Aldermen-- J. T;. Compton, F.. Y. Frederieson, Fred C. Smith, Lennie` :Vilcox, Jr., A. C. Woodfin. Aliso City TIr n^ger, Lee.' C. Blick, 77. Tr. 17vrn, ettdrney; C. S. Snnders, rnsessor-collector; J. Funk Clark, hen.lth physicirn; A. p. Tickle, chief of Police; Y. L. Coter!, .secret-ry. Vinutea of the previous meeting were rend end on !rPtio*__PIIF Aldermrn Fredericson, ``e approved VW U The report of T'nnnr�er Lee C. Ilnck w% -,s re, -.d and inelud-d the regular reports of the other city officir.ls, and the bills rnd accounts of 446.91 for pnyment. Yotion by A. C. Noodfin tha..t the reports be received and filed, and accounts be paid. E. K. Fredericson seconded the motion, which wr4s duly passed. Alderman Fredericson presented a Trx Ordinrnee, meses=ing L1 15 on the $100 valuation for P11 texnble property within the City'limits of Georgetown, and moved that it be reed in full. The motion wre seconded by Ald. Yilcox and wsss enrried un"nimoursly. The sAId Crdinanee was read. On motion of Ald A. C. Toodfin that the ordinance be pe.ssed to its second rem,ding, the usurl rules for pnssing ordimmncees be suspended, on account of containing the exemption clause, and hereafter be read by esption. The motion wps seconded by Ald. Tilcox and passed by the following vote: Ayes --Compton, Fredericson, Smith, 7oodfin, Vilcox. "'Tors --none. Ordinance rend by Caption. Cn motion of Ald. Campton, seconded .by kld 'I'ondfin, the ordinanee pns-Sed its third reeding, the following being the vete.: Ayes --Compton, Fredericson, Smith, '"ilcox,-Toodfin. 'Toes none. Ordinrnce reed by Caption. On motion of Ald. Compton, recended by A1d..Frederieson the said ordinnnee passed finally by the following vote: ,"Lyes-- Compton, ?redericron, Smith, 71ileox, 'Voodfin. Mayor Atkin dealmre', the r", -Me duly pasted.. ( see oridnince in full in Ordinance 73ook Prge 'To..- e j Bnl?ry Ordinn.nee press -ted b- k1d. ^redericeo„, wlio moved it be read in f,.-.11. `Che motion 'Ions seconded by Ald. romrton, and named unnninotiRly. 54id Ord, w^s read (lee pzge ,,To. in Ordin.race 'Sock.) On ?ccount of exemtti6n.i".1suse Ald. 7oodfin moved they the usual rulee for pmsrin7 ordinance be hereby surppendedo and hereafter be rend by Cn.ption sand pe.ssed its second reeding. ! *'otion seconded by A1d.Compton, end pa=set, the follnwintr being- the vote: Ayes, Compton, :'re.dericson, Smith, 7ilcox, Toodfin. 'Toes --none. Ordinanee rend by Cnption. On motion of Ald. Smith, seconded by k1d. '"ileox the Ordinr-�nce passed its third reeding by the follouirg vote: Ayes --Compton, Frederieson, Smith, Tilcox, 'Voodfin. 'Toes --none. Ord. Rend by Caption. Crn motion of A1d.Smith, seconded by Ald. Compton the apove Ordimmne was pnsred finally, the followin7 bein? the vote: Ayes. -Compton, :'rederic- son, Smith, Vilcox, ','oodfin. Noes --none. Ypyer Atkin delrred the said Ordin-.nce duly pissed Order of Cily Election was given by Mayor at this meeting Yotion airs mode by Ald. Compton, seconded by Smith thm.t Br. TTobson Yr rtin be paid .020.00 permnnth for parkinm lot located nn Inst 8th Street. Yotion mrde by Ald. Compton, seconded by Ald Nilcox that the city accept the two dedicated streets in the Syn Jose Addition to the city, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign the necessrsry pepers. There eccorrinp no further business thn C -uracil nd�iourned. Attest• .�,-- 1'.?nyor, Secretary, Cityfenrretown, T Yps City of Georgetown, Tex?ss