HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 09.14.1953 CC-R104 Goorgebewng Texas September 14, 1953 L The City Council met in regular session on the above Gaze, rayer J.r. Atkin presiding, the following Ter@ present: Aldermen: .J. H. L'emptoUo $i. S. Brederissent P.U. Smith, A. C. tie)dfin end Trennie 'Viiaox, Jr. Offieiale, Lee C. Bla*k, manager; 'N. 11. Nunn# attorney; J. Frank Clark, health physician, A. P. Pickle, marshal; 1:. L. Cates, Clerk. Also there were preient members of the Bop.rd of Tructese, and Supt. Barnes of the reorgetown, Inst -pendent Schbol Distriet. t'inutes of the last rewular end called sessions of the Council were recd, and on m^tion of Ald. Compton, seennded by Ald. Toodfin, were approved. Discussion wns had from members of the school board and the Council members as to solving the traffic problem to and from the Elementary acheol, such as may may remove hazards. It was decided that the Official Street Committee meet ^pith A committee from the School" Bond to discuss the matter further and to present such plans as may be agreed upon to a future session of -the Co>>neil. A petition from the citizens living in the Doering Cin community pre -,tinted the Council, requestin.*; th,=.t an ordin-nee be p.rsQed prohibiting the burning cottonseed hulls, m,,,tes, etc. within the cite limits, claiming the smoke rind fumes therefrom. in impR.irin,the the he= lth of some of the a itizens p ^ "+d obnoxious to others.Perasur,nt thereto Ordin� noe c,)mr!Att,!e:m6,n 7red*rieson rremented an ordin-.�~sce prohibits nW ss.ich ni.ii., nree and moved that same be r^gid in fill to the Council. The rn^t, i. -n wr.P seconded by Ald. ';7oodf in which v.,jis carried by the fol'oxin:g vote: Xes--C-�mnton, Prederieson, Smith, 7oodfin, 7ilcox, TTo--none, The Ordina.nee w^s read �s the 7,irTt ren.din^,. The Telenhnne Rate 'Trim,lee w- s then presented for its third en7 finc.l '.notion Of Ald- 'Veodfin, aec -nded by Ald. Irileox the motion th,-:vt it be read is pn.ssed, the following being the vete; Ayes, Compton, _�redericmon, Smith, 71oodfin, '!rileox. 'Toes- -none. The raid Telephone Ordinn_, Oe room read in full r-.nd n motion ��es mr.de by Ald. Smith that it be passed finC,lly. The motion ^la'ls seco'Id by Ald. :7oodfin u.nd passed by the fol? owinT vote= Ayes --Compton, �'red- eriemon, Smith, '"c-odfin, �Jileox. Noes --none. Y yor Atkin declared said ordin:7.nce duly and constituti .n,.11 passed. T,!s.n!-r;er 71.1-sk presented his monthly report, the reports of other offieir.ls Pnd bills QmountinT to X506.57. Ald. Smith moved the same be receive and file" and P.11 said Feeounta Prid. Ald. h me )I d the motion whim w.s parried unpnimously. ` i r Aldermen "reViemon m -de a motion, Se¢o�ld-d by Ald. Compton thpt the Council a,djMurnr.":ovtr to Sep ember 22, 19539 at 10:00 a. M. when it will er,nsider such mptters Ps may sppear before. Attest: �.._ 1e rk, Cityf�.or�stown, T(�Xr,.m • r i Mayor, Ci' o r�"erretonn, Texom.