HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 10.13.1952 CC-RXI Georrretown, Toxsn netob-r 13, 1952 The Citv Council met in regIlar monthly tension on the above date, Yayor J. T. Atkin presiding, the following members of the Council were present;•. Ald. R. K. Frederieson, R, C. :Yoodfin, Kennie Wilcox, Jr., J, H.' Compton,' and Frei. C. Smith. City Manager Lee C. Black; C. S. Sandrre, assessor -- collector; W. H. Nunn, attorney for the city; A. P. Pickle, marshall and V, L. CFtes, clerk. On motion of Ald. Fredericton the minutes of the lntt meeting were mpproved as corrected. The montly report of Enna.ger Lee C. 'Rla.ck' were read, incl'"ding the usual reports of officers sand the Peeounts for'trprova.l and psyrble in the smount of $468.00* and on motion of Ald. tFoocfin, seconded by Ald. '.7ilcox the report s were received Pnd recounts ordered paid. A"sfstor-Coll etor, Rnnders read his report, And on motion of Aldmrmnn Woodfin, seconded by Ald. ^'ilcox, :RFs received r.na filed.- - The following resolution rrs rend, and eprroved on motion of Ald. Kennie wile;ox, Jr., seconded by Ald. FK. rredericon wa.s approved. A RL 3,nTATTICN. ",�herr,as, a kind ProvidPnee hFs seen fit to remove our .belovel.Yfellow- tornsman, 1Rx. Lamar Swedin, from our micist, n Whereas, he was for many yenre P public servr:.nt Pncd member of the. Georgetoz,n Fire Deportment; 'Therefore, Be it Resolved, First thr.t the City Council of Georgetown in regular ses¢fon r.ssembled, express it4 veep re ret beanuse of the loss* of our community of so worthy n citizen Fnd so excellent r fire chief; "r:is life r ps gentle Qn^ the elenentm so mixed in him that Nature r±iMht st^nd up and sr.y to Pll the norld, "'"hit it r man dedicated to his friFnds and to the builaing of P. better community in which to live" 1ISecond, thrt we tender our heartfelt tyr_npnthies to the bereaved rhnm he has left behind, tiAnd, lastly, thflt these resolutions be eprend upon the minutes of the City Council, and r: copy sent to then. press." " Your Commitee for the Cite Council; Fred C. Smith A. C."Woodfin Lee C. ?'lick" on motion of Ald. I:ennie '"ileox Jr., seconded by Ald F. K. 7--rederieson the Pbov- resolution was P.pproved. The Lone Star Gr.s Co., r.re^sented application for incrertse in xa��d��►wed the renewal of frPnebise. The l;oureil took the proposition up for further sonsiderntion Pnd action at a future meeting. On motion of Ald. r. C. Smith, seennded by Ald. E. IL. Fredericson The Council adopted ',vnr Emergency Plan P.s set up by YnnPger 731,"ek, in eooperrtinn with 7ill.irtnson County end the StAte, in whieh they mr+in eom;nittee consists of the City Council, rnd re•ouesting lfrn€ger BlAek to not*fy the State LTmerreneAuthorities. The Council voted Yonday night, Cet. 1,7, for t meeting date , when it'' will further discuss the new proposed telephone rites, and perhaps other business that mr.y tome before it. _ a.y o r Attests dftYof Georgetown, Texas Secretary City of Georceto,-:n, Texrs