HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 09.12.1949 CC-R26 Georgetornty Tex^a, sept. 12, 1949 ✓'C Tile City Courcil met ivt regular ses=ion o -A the -,b ove date, L-'yor C. S. Griffith presidixg, the following were -present: City 1rr�trger Lee Co Blr.ck. Aldermen: J. T$-teher Atkii+t, C.C.Hrmilto,t, '.9. P. Hoffman, Jr., Sean E. lirrris, rvtd Fred Cooper Smith , Officers; Atti.rney for the City % H. 'Turvkj CA. P. Pickle, City !rrrshr,.lj Yo L.' Cates, Secretary. On motion of Aldorm-x Harris, tee. by Ald. Atkin the mietutes of a,ll previoun meetings were approved. Represexit+tives from ax advertisir7, firm explr.i'ted in detail a propostiow for the plrcimtg of tdve.rtisemexts oa the pmxkiMg meters. The Courcil took no officail action prefe"ri g to cox- sid-r the propoe;tiox further. I coirmite• ivp.!, bef ire Vlt* Cou-cil ix the i -*tercet of the Com;nu�-ity Cht> ,t Drive for th- comi-g ye, -r, re rjuesti.ag the City Cou"icil to p-dorze n, m,-nber of the Coureil to ca.11 toCetrler re pree;e �- a%.ive►s of tee- c'cili�° �z-�, ^ i vn.rio- civic orf:,.—siz.^tio•l for t lo. or- r;r. iz�tio of of A Ci ty 7!1-�,re: Board. Alfterrifva J. Tar.tc'ler a.s selected as tips»: oo } sift ^rte a. Cit:' ,lr.ck res d,j1i"' mn�nt'-lir report, ic�.0 i ^g Other city offici,l:t re?)ort3 r- xd Vat bills a-vd-cciourtst Which Amounted to 290.5. Ox motion of Ald. Hoftm�!x tine rer-rts were received r.nd filed riKd the r4couxts ordered p:».id. "'tae City Yrxr.ger was r_ut'zcrized to purchase 500 feet of fire 'tote, A motion wAs mrd- by Alderman Atkin, secondee! by Ald. Smith, ix:structixg T. IT. T?uxx�, attorney for the city. to draw up the la -gal papers necemmtry for the closing of Ninth Street from Tpurel St. to Bois D'Arc, in order that -ity Coxtracora for the building of the Perkins Chapel of Southwe vste!rx N ivtrsity may proceed with the erection of the chapel. / 1,r.yo r City OV6Ao 'getow-x Texas Atte-�tf Secy. City o 7 G- orgetorwt, Ts*xn.s