HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 08.08.1949 CC-R24 Ge.. orge town, Texas :"T7 An-ust 8, 1949 ;0-1 Th City Council met in regular ses.TMion on the above date, 1'4-yor C. S. Griffith presiding. rrescnt: I,ee C. -"lack City y:r., and the following aldermen and officials: • Aldermen.: J. T. Atkin, C. C. 't.�milton, T. P. Hoffman, Jr., ^nd ;,'red Cooper amith. Lffici %18 W. 11. Nunn attorney for the city; A. r,. Pickle, marshal, LF. L. Cctes, Secretary. On motion of Ald. Smith the minutes of r.11 previous meetings vrere rppdoved. The monthly report of Y r.- er D -m C. `11^ck w^s re, --,,A, including the report of city treasurer, -rd bilis s.rd accounts. On motion of aldern-�- Atkin they reports were. received and filed, r.iad all accounts were ordere' paid. A petition w^s presented the Council , reouesting the City Cou-cil to pass a resolution abolishing- re -t en-itrol in Georgetor-mg Texas, or torr.itory, P.nd send the regolntion as pn.ssed to the Governor of Texas for his signature Cad rrouest the Governor's office to send sr,id resolution to the prorer ^uthoritiee; gnverning federal rent co control in -Yashington, R. C., so thr.t the federal Rent Control may be abolished in Georgeto-.m, Texr.s, The petition was signed by R. G. Eubank a.nd twenty -taw others. Or motion of Ald. J. T. 4tkin, secomsded by Ald. C. C. 711-nilton, the following resoltmon t" t4 ttF—t'ii: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, That the foregoing petition, for the abolishment of Rent Control within the city of Georgetown, Texas, is here and now in all things granted; and that under and to the extent of the powers conferred upon this city the City ex^resses and declares its desire thlt the operctior of the Federal Lew, authorizing rent control, so fa,r as the sam- ep7lies to property within the eorpoate limits of the City o of Georgetovin, Tex, -.s, be rnd the snMe, is discontinued and such rent c control as to property within the said City of Georgetown, Texas, is hereby abolished. Be it further resolved; That this Resolution be presented to the Governor of Texan for his approval, with request to the Governor of Texe.s thp.t he tn-ke x.11 nece«sary steps to have Rent Control discontinued and abolished in he City of Georgetown, Texas, The Resolution �v�.s u - .j .. y papre.d and approved. (( It (4�65b�!- 17 PID . Attest; _City city of 'Ieorcetotinv Cit. of ::.orgetown, Texas Secret^ry, Te:xn s