HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 2010-26 - Nov 2, 2010 Special ElectionAn Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas Ordering a Special Election to be Held on November 2, 2010, for the Purpose of Seeking Voter Response to the Proposition of "The Reauthorization of the Local Sales and Use Tax in the City Of Georgetown, Texas, at the Rate of One -Fourth of One Percent to Continue Providing Revenue for Maintenance and Repair of Municipal Streets" Providing for the City to Contract with the Williamson County Elections Administrator to Conduct Said Election; Making Other Provisions Relating to the Election; and Providing an Effective Date. WHEREAS, Chapter 327 of the Texas Tax. Code allows a municipality to call an election on the proposition of whether to adopt a sales and use tax to generate revenue to be used only to maintain and repair municipal streets; and WHEREAS, per Ordinance No. 2002-56, the City Council ordered a Special Election to adopt a Local Sales and Use Tax in the City of Georgetown at the rate of ane -fourth of one percent to provide revenue for maintenance and repair of municipal streets; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to an election called by the City Council, on November 5, 2002, the citizens of Georgetown approved, by a majority vote, a proposition stating that the sales and use tax should be increased by one-quarter of one percent to support street maintenance as authorized by Chapter 327 of the Texas Tax Code; and, WHEREAS, per Ordinance No. 2006-74, the City Council ordered a Special Election to reauthorize the Local Sales and Use Tax in the City of Georgetown at the rate of one-fourth of one percent to continue providing revenue for maintenance and repair of municipal streets; and WHEREAS, pursuant to an election called by the City Council on November 7, 2006; the citizens of Georgetown approved by a majority vote a proposition for the reauthorization of the Iocal sales and use tax in the City of Georgetown at the rate of one-fourth of one percent to continue providing revenue for maintenance and repair of municipal streets; and 1VEEREAS, Section 327.007 of the Texas Tax Code provides that, unless reauthorized; the sales and use tax expires on the fourth anniversary of the date the tax originally took effect or on the first day of the first calendar quarter occurring after the fourth anniversary of the date the tax was last reauthorized; and WMREAS, the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas hereby finds and determines that an election should be held to determine whether the Council shall be reauthorized to levy and collect city sales and use tax by one-quarter (I14) of one percent for the maintenance and repair of existing municipal streets. Special Election Ordinance No. 6101"ov (6 Reauthorization of Sales and Use Tax for Street Maintenance Page 1 of 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS THAT: SECTION I - VERIFICATION OF FACTS The facts and recitations contained in the preamble of this ordinance are hereby found and declared to be true and correct: and are incorporated by reference herein and expressly made a part hereof, as if copied verbatim. SECTION 2 - CONFORMANCE WITH GEORGETOWN 2030 PLAN The City Council has found that this action is not in conflict with the Georgetown 2430 Plan. SECTION 3 - CONDUCT OF ELECTION By approval of this ordinance, the City Council appoints the Williamson County Elections Administrator as the Elections Officer to conduct the City of Georgetown Special EIection in conjunction with the November.), 2410, State and County General Election as well as the Local Option Election. This appointment includes services as Early Voting Clerk for the Election, and coordination with the Counting Station Manager, Presiding Judge of the Central Counting Station; Tabulation Supervisor and other election officers approved by the Commissioners Court. In addition and in accordance with Chapter 66 and Chapter 31 of the Texas EIection Code, the City Council hereby appoints Williamson County Elections Administrator Rick L. Barron, II as agent for the Custodian of Records for the November'.), 2010 Special Election for the purpose of preserving voted ballots and other election records as required by the Texas Election Code. A copy of the Election Services Contract is attached hereto as EvIiibit ' and the Joint Election Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit "B The Notice of Special Election shall be made as required by law. SECTION 4 - EARLY VOTING The Williamson County Voter Registrar is hereby appointed as Clerk for Early Voting. Early voting by personal appearance shall tape place at the times and locations as indicated on the attached Eihibit "C" marked as Early Voting Polling Times and Locations for the City of Georgetown Special Election to be Held in Conjunction with the General Election on November 2, 2014. Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: Early Voting Clerk P. a. Box 209 Georgetown, Texas 78627-0209 SECTION 5 - ELECTION DAY VOTING Election Day voting will be held from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the locations listed on attached Exhibit ,D.,, s , � SECTION G - ELECTION JUDGES, CLERICS AND EARLY VOTING BALLOT BOARD A. The EIection Judges shall be the same as are appointed by the Commissioners Court. Each of the respective presiding judges is hereby authorized to appoint the necessary election clerks to assist in conducting the election. However, if the Presiding Judge appointed actually serves, the Alternate Presiding Judge shall serve as one of the clerks. In the absence of the Presiding .Fudge named above, the Alternate Presiding Judge shall perform the duties of the Presiding Judge, B. The early voting ballot board consists of the Presiding Judge and Alternate Judge as are appointed by the Commissioners Court, SECTION 7 - PROPOSITION AND BALLOT Pursuant to Chapter 327 of the Texas Tax Code, this election shall be held to determine citizen approval of the reauthorization of the one-quarter of one percent in sales and use tax to be used only for maintenance of the City's existing streets. The official ballots for the election shall be prepared in accordance with the Texas Election Code so as to permit the electors to vote "FOR" or "AGAINST" the following PROPOSITION, with the ballots to contain such provisions, markings, and language as required by Iaw, and with such PROPOSITION to be expressed as follows: PROPOSITION THE REAUTHORIZATION OF THE LOCAL SALES AND USE TALC IN THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS AT THE RATE OF ONE- FOURTH OF ONE PERCENT TO CONTINUE PROVIDING REVENUE FOR MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF MUNICIPAL STREETS. SECTION 8 — VOTING DEVICES Voting shall be conducted with the use of tile voting systems as are approved by the Secretary of State in conformity with the Texas Election Code. The City may also utilize a central counting station as provided by Section 127.000 etseg., as amended, Texas EIection Code, and the Williamson County Voter Registrar or his designee is designated the manager of such station. SECTION 9 - RESULTS The Williamson County Voter Registrar shall conduct an unofficial tabulation of results after the closing of the polls of the Special Election on November 2, 2010. The official canvass and tabulation of the results of the Special Election shall be conducted by the City Council at a Regular or Special Council Special Election Ordinance No. Reauthorization of Sales and Use Tat for Street Maintenance Page 3 of 4 Meeting behveen November 10, 2010 and November 1 , 2010, as required by Section 57.003 of the Texas Election Code, SECTION 10. EFFECTIVE DATE The Mayor is hereby authorized to sign this ordinance and tine City Secretary to attest. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of Georgetown. PASSED AND APPROVED on First Reading on the ' day of A A jZc,4 54-- ,2010. PASSED AND APPROVED on Second Reading on theJ day of &5 '{S` , ?010. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: / oe3� Mark Sokolow City Attorney THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN tam Exhibit List Exhibit A Election Services Contract Exhibit B Joint Election Agreement Extulit C Early Voting Polling Times and Locations Exhibit D EIection Day Voting Special Election Ordinance No. Reauthorization of Sales and Use Tux for Street Maintenance Page 4 of 4 Trffs .E- ON 1�k'C r I'(Ilt � l by. w. Voc;twt ibe .:8FICTfWI:1,5 %A FLECTSU? Ste, , , Uks r./2'�d��7':7y�i�i'�':'i�:i, �*'r('c�i'i:[�iz{i 4. /CJtJl'T 1�3. '1(.L�:i1/`.l•J, 1tr�Gt'��L li��IJJC��.�T ic#siaeif3:i elcaitt�i3ig..tlif=trtt.a.Pilus.,ri!'staat:anti:"t�uriss= aria=tziettl.trt fI 17�Yspjitraf."ih vN'lt ci%frri'�j, 'mil ; the }isiiicl.iiesir °thdt.�ctiairF ei kiflri s tiiees:for'iite EIcctian:Iita _ero de Tiy, ihL t_prila�acli�i�;• i�iliccr perr'.sttant ta-E=.hipt�r�3l; �;ytthcliriii.ter7� af#i�'F��es':[;1i?ctian �o�r:; eud WkIStZ 5: iiie ictffmciit3g f} c r and ilie.l istrict: de ire to Crtrrr irila.0 4irttri'LI saliirs atat:fhe resplicti�:e�•espcnsii�iliti� o!'thGpru°ti'tis; 'iU1V, I"T�"��t1• FOP'l�i ID.Consieer ti�n•;vPffie .rriritud] cat-enai-its .oia prami�s:h�rei�afic�: pct ftiriit, -tbi .:P=ties t6thi ,c -term. agtu- tlic:coordinaEit�it;.=s ers3� t n; :ar�cI: Timnmr, of ihc* lr[eetioT3: 1.-PUIZ7'WE; SGdPk:.: 2'PC33..I47 IT3: `t . A. he puftpnse of tliis• Gbnbaet riialr,iaiii end accessibility .irt viidrig, �rstcticzs . aa1Tt7� pluctt mid (7j tiii r.praeeavres in ord r sa Itest:assi r the 3n css af.tnci rrict. !'tar pcirpast ciz [his Ccrifinet, the.tciiti "Flet ti�ta" tivatl include any icsvlufi.,g rccou€�t; csr election contest: JT rLtr 6ITis nt cossai} the ffhzic`s walI wa114 zviilI'the Gam Tr) cdng Officer. to deters-n—mb a tnuttcallyaecep:aolLcurt-af%ciul. B* Tb Cntwuctir;g OEM'= it hcmb.vIuppciFnttd �a s+rtc as tha t�isirict`s �I�ctivn =:L7fcer "•grad those arms -6f `lhe- }�fs#tict. =lacat�i3 : in. Nzfliamaan trattnty As, D6-tricc`s47 ls:4ieinC) 1 tics t d" irarlti —Voting CIe'& the Gc�ii�acil�� Officer tv IF-baorditatc, '"hip- eitJis* e,:badai;t dtct:a l,ztspecis dfadrn littdhf� vdfing 7si ct7iini� ticm vritls the• I�eccidn in cart}atiarict;-Nish alUapjitioabjb 'laix,cccgt as "rtEhc Tse proirlaud :M4 .5 'C:nrirrucL fI. t;#� I'{itiiSCt3TL]'i�S {3F'C_QjT"�2::�tO` ING A + ICIm. 7':ic.-Conirac6nt (Beer sh6ll be responsible..frir perfi)rming ll:cfolla.ving servjczs.anis irinisiiing- fhe• fpllD-I..Vir)g.rnati! s and�egiiipmr nt in.connCCI)MI with thaBecoom -14V I�rOW tttildf n to �1 '(,Sitl�ll� �rlh 'S fllt41:i11[17itri� .f3ttir a3it7 ilvtiTl�: .I IG C 1i 1-ECGr3li't :and appoii'bgll elecfi.an woi.: Fra. SuLli prapas d presiding judges and Ailerraale ivae s sh �t rricct :the-eiiibilii reaircn,Nrita fn SubbEiapfcr C of C`hapEer?3'af thF Teatlection.God. T3_ ,Vitt'iftt'ativir to DisttarL %artracfitig 0 ter ��'iil providd.Mi cc with".the irir�si pp kn< d�}e•dist.srf�eari�"+�cElzig.tanlling.�,l;r�s;.ci�:tinti rI�•}=palling.places; nrtd.pczsi�ki�g•:ait�:ait;:riiate iugCs tltrc e Jccks: ire;or, inL :sldtuto deaiii�crr, ip urc�'er`tF.-t tec:it�n aritl amain tluc� week hc.fwc ct�£iozr day. Dlstrict•w;.lvnvit ii �c;lh;tt the'-in%rrsration pza�°ided n��; n t.l�e: in il :ar 'Ap •Ja:' 1�`ori�cniin'tr`7a:7'trsidiir��rini?'•�fltift`iirte,Turi�es;:•�ppciF};tll��iax'af�`t�i''.s:; •t �"i'Iie`Gdrizzaciisl�.4?.dicer.��1:�i1_nafif3�:;.ac1i_prJ I�#.nJ:i • appalriittmnt; Tie #ia�fficatiisti'4 {jllsz'?i�cituic-ttt of tt�; el�c#�cii' 4b`l;aol(s�;.`�t± :ate Liiai;d`.tii�e ;o"F they eleca�n;'•:tli at: I tiiii.:tler.Jc tfic lars ic%s :fipc -%; `urv #i om 3iic e' '7ark�-;riid�tfi�:rl�tra±�_afthe,•�idin�a�x:ali�ma#e jt;�ce;saa �cic�:tinli day:nlei:�: Ir�elii�ad �ii�..�iis nn�i5t;a#iuri :viii �ie._ii���cti�i7i�r;n�:c#�zk� iliai:�i�"r•pz�, iiia -'e;!Ii ���iritr-nn #�tli(iar+••#o'�t1?L:°el�citiu jiiii�a �nd.��I��I�i,;jiad�et �'•1ic.ciei�tioh'�uii�e�;'is iespnixi'€ste.:fci�'r�crijiiin�_�ait3=stige;:lFi�zag;iheu.cJ�rks: �''a�ifica[tion':;[a`.c].ie•;i:I�Ct�osi'jiittg�s:an�. Iicfxt #c FI¢TL s r iad no.�ni til z �'s tri thr t&lIt iil`t}ic: : i tiii_t J ss:th ' i ntia kind 47iFicer°�jroi;itsalu aier.ii� dais. 'The-CQnractirig: pfiicir shslJ•cir ?.1?at t�t':•pct:p�rr�;1'.'z!n s.:i=�ke :iJic ,_a�iprti�riirte e7�'rian•_cIerk �•ppaixr�eiiis-�nd n�iti�r t?ie.,�terlc� �1 �hr,~�pointm�iiis: Vie: pri'sirliizr :elcctitin 3rrc1 . crC=excll:pv.liii�g lilacs- hav°cici „�t%ill u�'c. Iiis�i hu r3ss�eEion Tri. d rtert�iine tclier . gtiilitl Ital eaanpawar is ncedcd during"-bm. ; s�oiirlQ hours °lie oritdaci;ng- Officer v'U-dai,�ti�. ghemumbu at':tlerks°ro-r,ork on°the :Bill-oan Boardi TTi:• tr'oiitrrir;tirl,�•:7t�ittr��irti��?iir�ii*s: T.naors�riaii�a�.vith�+:i�i:t3J,S:�ifii�e:T�as�l�c3iazr..IrQd�; tl�e CQtltractiiz E)ffice tis aufiliQriied .tn ccsii�acc7t7t l::pr5c�n5 or :bei iio' srYire'ad ti7i.j Fib ` 16-aittiai cost i�f stt6h tJiifd7p&SDh srnriCCs.. 2nt siipP ics•_v7I] be.:pt�iqf by the Otiiqlffiftblucer artd'sdifbttised by ibv District E. .ET;?rttbii S.-C71aol{'s). tie respt}ns Ie tor,j; itl gcti-iffi ae 'or Otp, #n-hi s.discr�tipfi,,pIca in,4chgpls:toItaiilbitvresir.#ini.;:Iiidtr §,andaltcrriri _jiu g iri flit w.ndl t-o:f'eledions, imfvdmg.qualif�ring:1'olcrs,:provisionil �titfng; and•�ire.courilin�:Qf•baIit�ra. i'laff aila::IL-rm4ui ,;i=,Anilpla1r!Iursut;hWs-duparidilotifv#hc presi itig jvdoes Ana: nitern'afe: judge5.ai such. The Gatrtraming>-the::olee[iari sclib�l{�} un'it-�ala�iiia}° in•riiiicr:tci j�crcasc its 3�i3abilityi�cic:atianai�`ailci�;�l;a _aim ztiiplvvcd, duf7 l4. the fe�via 'c�ofk ivack If:at.all po- `i R , such i:li c. s .wchiials�sl alt be canduat d iii iiiin tltii �3iSIr1Ct'� CL:riiT{?ty: F.FtecdamSlrpptl&.r.' Thc_Cphtr#nng Outer n. all,liigctfrr;'}? =kre„ard diAb �tLcIo the prpsiding; pioges- Ior the .poll ag.locadons on elac€iEin .tia}°;(roil.#a: the. eiriJ}+ i nt#n� t lerl-s dutin_g .early a otlrig} ii e= lollaaving zicctis n sup lies_ -.0, 'dAois::nclutiii7 taz1;l �s,.sarii SJc:bii#loh;*, lists: ibmts,naffe:fngs,: oilters; a>id sigtlaae ri sctiia ;irt G�iaDter� 5I, sil"itnd G?; tlnciubihaptcr73 c}C'C:6api.r fiG'of.tJiclicxatlJlcc#tion 6de),:pens;.pattcl3s,?�pc, i`tt ku.b. paper..aiips,.knot bo.,r, _evff, ls,'sa `-balloi;,:tgoksl,.tiad aIL-cQttsttmal le t; ie iil tce. sul?phcs-ricccs-�ry tci hattl.an:etecttt3n. t: K�Frtr3u% i Fj#1{:t'iu7. ��ie toa3raatizl�flJ'ficcr:sli;.il'ptZi Idir �`l4: lists•oF'ft gishtre i<rs x quIeed':fdrtlre.4tzelectlan�lay 3ricl: oF1hL'Lurly<lraiu?gl?L rc U;'t&1r�:�avl:'1hc'ClGctroe:da} Ii's--t-E Tn�stelii3a s:iald 15e air:ingzii in alphbetical.oriier•.bY*aca prtx'c'inci.. Ks f33ft�s.'e'Couizaat�ng:(a39:Icershail:rotidc, at'et7t`tiltitig'€uctiah,, #:J�yast i�IiG at�tirig .till W, 1+ I°niting sY5tem4ha.t (1) fWly complies, iilr aggili`at1� 1a� :.��Joisxt #a-areesrlti7� .-coiinp Mems �•hich'•mal`� voEiii�,,scces'sriilc:F"oz�disa�i�ri:�atr-is;;and �%j:gro�°id'e�•apI'�ctical°an�� -dffec& e-jnearis*t'csr voti ri-wili,pliy27ul'rli ahi#it s:eti cai`t':as :et-bMoz:. - .t 1. Alga In rritzitq: ijiTR'`J�{rte ,;.. Iiia°'�I?_?�'actaP` O�c4r. ��i;i1J<<iiirl nt i#taata zcir 'ai� i:ltc.r laclii lz: l;v 3pproprietti,iiiifaz&jo � `,itllainsvn C urt -:ri.� ed r ii,ct b tll'o,t:ci tiks�is`,Od V4;1.9pj�rl �iar�s�?ix:earr} i icciian suaplies=. Tli��rt �;rict 1}alioi'cotrt?i�rs ahs TC'brs brl bawgs iAjPbe.T she bu imbliazx t�ecr ui=fhe'eazze7its oa o iitt~' leEtiiir: 2'l e Cptilr obis �fhcer s1s�Il.•detivet: th.;itrcilackl}aoT cotlzitcr3�3viltc?s:aricl trant; ems; i?av`{t'i���7ecrat�:e:�yntiit�'}-nt;�.f3.I S��Tniili'• ::CieC�Y }7ivSldrti$•-iud2�-iii'l�C�•lirsic:yricli:ti=faiT'isi��r .: 13Wit a13; 'lTtic Oiiriii�-a 4ig,Q ter }i T: iF ri ji Si ibic qtr' ire tel saiion, _p€iriG`ri p cir? ar nliug :ti? cI a iputisiii::af a�lgis ani saai 7 -b-2116t p; vit e is �baf ibis Pis`iriai Skil rr jinr� the ie of ' ii Ii' _iaeliQL r � sc[ i�rlh rii _ ctiRu iii;C . b Itrt 3�+r_tiiou� liui inr::'tiie _ .._ . - _. •:t~lciitvztic' ��oling _tis:s�iacs(irPc:rreiEto ;� t�:R::ts���urld'ti>e:prirtnitg>t�FbailiZts:'r�ucstcil`64`•rira. aritz�cting C}liircr srai.l..ile. resnans t#le.-iar`tlistTibiStip ::tli ib7LEs alti:z-z .with the, r supp?iL�: tip t daiiiarr; the Gbn:r.10Ung d):C ccr iif pr Parc:-bit far?Elro:alecf�triz; T;hc•Iriltats'�}��I:ii;;.•iii�En�li�li.i�.Ith.Jir:�p�sii��i fxnnsf=?fsiai•�:mcicuierl., l:r djr F' iiri .Iii a'ecartiac�;x:c L1i ta3`l_t�9f: i ' <t:Ri37([i);iif:ffa;Tecas'EI" tiDi `C'ii . the:tzircc�_itTat}fIVA'ygf3�::tkf�rziJi�ei�ciicrri. 3. T#tc L~onfra_� ing ?Cfts isr $SII sl p �� :acid canitifa%lv: *iifisig by --mil itiiu' .Personal apgearancc shd shall 3cgirE _ ersonnef =a.s rve.t s rI}= Vgiiiie I e uiies. Early rntigg by Persbr:;j:agpi ai3nt c Iirr- the election �sliall be L-ondu-etetl cLsring die hauts �n13'iirnc pc0 ,;iici at ftze IaLatians as di trrnincci`htir the � crntr�tirlg C}�cer Cglihaa rif tg t7ffiJ er ;i ltftll .rdc6'VT Tmif: ;autlt7 • a��iczlit�tzs an itezaa]I :a :ilie Disirid. JU applicattans-for mail-baifats`siia]I=be'proctssc&in si�cordarii;wVItli Tide 7'p{frti]C 7 s.El firn WL by- the anfxaetAt t3ffaer` ri'6is.ciepii� htlul ,*Ste JG4? YC7.:Hczx ' _ .Geargetti� c'xas 7R 2VU;7 i9.:A�rplicatttclz s a'r 1 li�Iipr em iipi?Sli� ma?1 d -toi T3iCrrt t t fralt lie faaeii .as :prrigt, pbsstliii 'tea :111 dontrae3iifeer frit i%is?I °pt�sticiril . the m:;p7icaE iotish3i tht ii'ic lar}tiud ti tq.lieonira�tiri QfC°ccr iorprcigia .Mteotfott. I. iarly santiiJ;mliii#'sc;ts!'-ix}'.}Jersatraf•appcar=ance;haltbc-securMd and rminu "Ved at 307 SEInrer Loop, Gccarg w*k% L %C4ari3in tsccatiia73ce-tt'itlr GI€ap[er ,51 of Ilrc 7 e tas L3actf�in Code. ThaEgrlyiiczlilt�J3ailaf 130 3 sti�Il mcet•et3Qi �+>;'Jrner.l:cop; Ste, 304= Gearacio' ;'7 X c�h thi:"clu� :£[1cr enrt}� •voiii�grt�cls.rCurih�'i•�:ch tcrin ax•.th"s C�itract:� ty EleciFtttr FJa�r i"adlfr:g.drr uirias The,electiort da;=. Icy 'he The The Cantratika- t Mecr-$hall rtgc sot die use al'a11,;=ii:eiia6aia.}' palling.pIaces aril"sfiati •artanpe. fat=tfic-:s�ffI:lg'u5 'oi'•n11 f4liny-'lpcuito12s nor ejef iloiz` a== iticlUt3irib= cristi-riizg !liar ii h_PnIJirig tae lfui� lass #iit'nccess is fables; c? airs,.i}rid ptiii .ti it its T€ie i?ufrfcl. Vhd6�9WnMs'Ilikt the, cost of ser.i:ltt 16 bt rmitli.*d'by t`he• Goritmcdng;Ofl r• rtcl�+d a;pro;rul3 sYiake pf: ii!' Ie Liar e .by Fh �ttitlr.pra�iclinb=tfie:- roll sitz attrd f `ac'st':of ati:emplt�vu:,sei-�'iacs•�ijtrized ta•prasii�eaecc�,-s��trty�'arcu;tacs`i31==sen�ices-li�•thrpol�irj�- 14'i. tTa7lirr'?ir�ttdFir Orr: -'the F f 7Y Vbtitlw:.`Baf Idt.BvOd- shirk c: i sptizist�Ie tai :h ill ij� littifitt tabalstzaa •- D a aotilk3crr ariffi 's�fuiaiy • r�qufri isienrs: aria' ;c�tlrrty �liG es; iriicler Mhz 3 .an i s =i5 Ofiic'C.t htht C igig c cxs,-. ari wiij, Vief&fict, • ttnagprirt :.a cctiaii :recbr_ s ide iTic Gozii?ircti�l 'Ofr t 2?;�rui�tl=EQtrtr'irtai.'l`[ic•CuritracExri�}��ces:sba��cvi�s�vGf�rti�rt�:;atSct�ttr�tiu':Pies�iki�d :bt' 'I o [ :t r tlit :_Tei :Electi n Boaz: I siilsmit. 'c riile� i jiQit; : tF e Du►ri; t ii rMa cl ,.:. :'itisra�r �}r��ccrcry olSii.;c,r,�ay 1�iiiw'# isrxegnireiiejic'ilppliafltc, a �giitler�tept3ri sii5ll. sucdtt7°ihe.`Sr,Yuiar}tofta#eAs7cciuice3vi?72fiZ O;, 'llectiirr? rglorts�, :Tire !rotc#raetsil 'tif .cer %tial:' ;e ate. this :nn i FJ anr] o ci t. tabitiati�rn• ;nf predincr re�tli ..und i ff7: 5Fi{a ':ut :thc.i'i` s F:tect oir: CQ c .ri n 5aar 'isrctsr Drip` -t fiictti- heli.irt tiacic:a:capy`�if:fiic_�a ciluiiotz10•€iie`T%aYis:Gtia3i4�; a1:. outtvt� ation:zs. a rn- cr-afie:i oiztiat!in •.G tic -Fi1i; re ci{c =1 d7prcciini L retiirTw,o e '04vir}[jCjliY:6 tlt (IlI1lS �1L' i�I232t24tiLib':t iti S';35 LL'U[1 �}}C}jj] i�:i •:CitSt I$1 c+f :.ti 'la iF t and °sJi3l[:p.szrte thuin'm ;acc ftfi ca i�;iti V17,40� b7id- t?thet gppl. I` AXtar :cD plyl:zg W i t . eteln prig '�tt:�'tet�r :�ha�1'%����'L�t���itr� •ma�tcl; snCliici"tii�;�ToE��i'ba"lli3`;s:: CcrtiizerlZi�nct.�F��gu4stet�... Q:.. STariilrtl fur'Pi?rvrititfrcx5ri rihr„s. i`l,Cui!racELO:('rui Vfer�t?i�'id1.`Ljccacr�i .seri�ces:ii�aec�rc�nt�c;M nnd'aomp�intrca �#It.the:iimc reejuirew.�ats seYou�-ia�ihe:'.Ls�icc#ion Chin. K. :Gsyrraperixa iatr af'Fl�rctivrr • Marke.;.r. The Ctsnr�c€ira � •:(?F cer. iv�JF' cc�r;pansarc all eht:dmi vnAces:.fnaluofrse-.e cuilon day and early vcitiiig. jug.g�ks a3rd Llu'rks :asid :tams -i"ot- cicQi3 i iz gg f acid earl}';i°otiriri-re ems; ir. arnnrdance"i itb Its t .oriti c�i i e� icze s i lis ietl ccmpe71_Sac1_o41 polic rm S• re�Ccsttrvnce lac FJis�ridt L Ol tic: individNall}` xc;Fic�rR4ifilc ipe �i»ta z�i�g .ap�raj�r{.�tc pteclearancz, itsr 'cessaLy; iton�:[ti�:Urriie aff s Pepas ui i �usticc, 'nt Goxitta [iri'�`(3.Eiis eF prsF4ii3G �s'tc I)istricl .uitFt.iizfoMalien bn.ctian9es•ai`fccti g:ffii :F? ict'. ei�.iie+n, such:=az- ooFling.pljice rmagips and.chaa s -An vdrtng:equlpmwt•,,:> i n sucih:�tlnn -arc coffli ,ris �:€riiiccF, ur•nt�envise.•�samr,#:nrr�vrF ta}iim-or�is•ntiica. • ]'11. P QVO22`iSkUtt:XMS OF T 1E S3iS'TMCi'. 'ne I3istri4s shall ;a5sun)c '.thc- fcillowiilg- ���s�tsF}ailitir~s: 14, AppHci7da7v:fi)r i1f f ffaflvts. The bistrict shall date'stmp Md fiiatt as:promp*as nossibls: !ax'tcr tho Ctiritr �t?uj_Uffacct axl apglicat3i�trs for rn� ' 6kiItsis":tT tat ccr cs. F'reFaptly fh'eiba:ker,•`tha'13isiii€t'1raIi �ieFi�cr rir s,.encl-b}�i;lail r]i�:tirieiriil-mal=liuiit7.c tt�plicatli}i��.to ;the ii: Elcciirrii ardePS, l7c'i ioiz iv 6461 s, Gan- irss.:. i i £3is{�zFt t ::be; ti=p nsr4N *f reparjtlg,-adoiiiig, p iFr51i(ti;,, rmt3c7sting..slltcc{irrrcticltcFron iijilis ;Itt its„n+ti;:i�"d ath%�r• dbcuuicht'sAYn ludit bilingual• nmteriih;;: evi&wln _action.i}y : ;pug Wig,ar:thartty -if �ic.l?1sGZct nec s y to-:& cer>7dlrtf! _a "tlieEli' do : The Dis6icf.kiv!L kl-. snslbie rf�or condtrerliig ilie�i��ciat•isnva:;;s. 01' llre Elcelian. ., �. ithe _)tt31211rtMI, Tf% Tie:-bUtriei uiii ik-'qa br:xciatf�sii , ©�t; t==i, Inlio# far Fsa fish asci Sp nr� li; or IqL , er Anllgnge- 'asrei}iiite laioPt'"i:cid Csr=itruci3n)iaiTttitiS Oil '.iist tif:optsirorts.fi}iOSvin'i31G'ars%riitia die etc% zii i r izt tFcb 7 e cii6diddt& namcs-:ic dI e.giritpgai i5ats.areii,'a ag5c ii;iari: [tib ti.' F,aiiil>}ir lcjL Tic i7is'Ii it t slitlll e7ssa:iu}iiJc `sP1?Fa�r onceern itr inkzccr siiiirs'.t.�r 1 ��'ic��"i}� e- 4maP� by':•siaii5:iive`i�t gersatL: i}:- ;Gni7¢riiar.;v,�:$�cariis... `�iic�"�uri&:intin¢�f3�cer s+n�i. �Y�'o.�a?; thc•`diistodian�of'"�ntcri •t��flois�a's=s�t'�'a's•-th in`:S�cEiazz��,:u�i'o��� �}��iiistri'a3•:;vii?:�'���iniisi`b'1�_Frir„ii'u��iip:a�i7itr�et� i•. r�trtftr� r":.rile �€�'_ailrival • i�it��;. = , t~Itar Ps. -In c rrsi fa:f dn, ,or:ktic alit:elacufm sgri-, es -:p? vitlitl Ii�reuudsr b} :,tile CantrLtin i7,ticut. zheDfsuicc<ril:3zc RIX ri.suir=:o1 e.7cLlett cosh,.=ar3miuistraEilc t'cc: '�,iicl`far•:tie:Iease:of;-ntin� ctjui�?ti7CTjt: 3. Ii r� ctt } l ctic:n Cosfs: Tlxe l)istxc L'x; Ftrgjecie73: � rc:dr-.election tos&;will tic ric�utiiriied:bn n=.pn>:rine:Iissislusing=tTic lollvti4irt�.tnetstoi: i hG nther:,tc in�Ls c;rd)i I�3s.#rsc[�hss:.nvc�I�ci3.;3nan-cJi;crion.�Y�IYbe-ad�ci��.tcs��i�r. 'F'�c,RrciPcir#b�l;percentitgY ot'•tlt 5t rn fo€-eb:enti=�cli.ha cclatilrl {ih`a priaPt�iiaizai ca efcit'eaeh DistTiLi`tCtt �I.i;ctiaz services dill~hc-'nti7ciitatcd' I,iv=inu7ipl}ging ilte'tircigri;�i pcicca�a�e•'r�-f ezGh INistrict hy:14c 3otaI cosri .te:IectiiL ?. •iidrrirustratiti--c Tee, ?ii�'�antraefilik t?�;ce� ittiil:ch� ��':a tet cn.ua] is 7{�' a of thc. District's pr�r�ecle� ijiare'tsr tl��,tdf�':coss iif ee�:13 Gttclip�_ 3, Last %}f 'otirib.Ei"mm P& Te=xas Lnrction C:adc: &Ovtion 1.21032{d}, _tlie -��� 3lli�ison �t�,wh� -Gorzmi ssib;irr;�oi.ir�.lt�s �sta`blished fie: fal)ns�'itlbr,�riccs .€�Qr l easing: count}x��mcd i�riz�b:ipmeizt:_ S305_5 3 per. ADA 176m)iile- TY_ RM- 'x?SO�tI!?.�er i<lotFanirti?I2:�; . 5950,00 per-IMQtini'3irpri i47q. S� i-4.43 per et Inai apallbiiok;_•njjii i i to OD:perrti_ti0:{�luEict baat.co-iintet fie]ect�oo.da o�ilr- 1 s l�Istrii;t.'� slt 'of. satirieqfi €iiri-opt costs.�nit bs cleTzmiiue.d o,a.0 pro.rzte basis. Ise,}sing cu�i «ill be s : date 'nu a ioriha eer3j�°yoti�t� t5criot3 (cxcfuilin :hli t?0 precincE Irdllgt•cuuptcrsjrmd once-lkLleuifou. av: €rlba Cout-::t •ocquiresnddiequipmzu sii$ nt cnriag_ equi mcRt, nr- up�es::exTtIJq at7utgti�ent 'd:i IhLr t15a- •tanii of rills 'natr�ct; the chargL;or#ti iise aLihe duipr entte-rtbe:rent-b the- -WEE ai-iisan Couhty Via,• �ttttissioners:�:btrit� �. Flat Iee dot Faliueal 'Su tliifisioi7P.0 IcVs Than .: [bri=e. Precincts rS�i_� po�%a&I siibtlitisiori.ciiccanipitlg'iIyreincis :ar lt~ss 1ldll =be ahargd a -flat f o:S;fltaQ:t unatstLrl[S:e� CIlOI]: I3.. Partic!! ftmterrt: T?ie i3is ict.ct e S'It� a}xke anttaerin� (i c�er 1 832 ( 7Ptr.xtl J.F - ;29;I7t}4.cstii:ited ansr)-nt� irxcr'thnti rhe.5{?`�•ii�}$ t�Ftirc•i}ar'cicctiCaII, to:qover a:•pbr�i�n csfirttuIts rrajceieT€-sls of i16tioia calfs.<sg;4iis.Msou> tali'Posstial:sltr.FecorfUa};.;the ritractin _t cer itii}I sii rfii in:if zc inkp[cG:{ it perl-s�sppi rei3:b Time; sbeets;, invoices, an .-tiLctp ,. :' ppIietibie fa ;tli :lea zt'fai• cfi O7 }ttn.4es• ii ctly aiir�tii iab7e :t� ttie. scr�7u�s�rpYi�ed:tu: the�iiso`iict7;ez�t3urier.: T.1 C.. SWrrzl nyntetat: ;the: ac?ttts3• 1eGfaan •.etisis :c cis ci:ilia i�is#a7ct'si �trtial .Pgvmc%. the7didermav-ttictw-eon fk =tugcuss nn :the' ur�ai _fix; kkz: u4'�vilI e pa ti_li;:•""tic 4. J i�tc•�c•{id°.illut�c:"�Pl''isI'1't�i:-�b�V��7�L'�fR`G�`TI3;�:�'7t•F.Cili�•i''i-}7F1T.i��'��ii i#erriiri T�Pn:inl. ::L.('r-u` pr�i?S; �;v�iitiznsLP�# t7i.• -Any:-rna.�i�cs��iiirirtt��;�h�;Iltyen�iit=of'aI1`; osis oic6Ccti b 6i1f� �iia�I`1�ti:zheprsgjaeS�y a.� iiia T strrcr. a. vc ed!ta-it ICfk. trici;�3isperes-say;pa�,�n.trfzltean�crice,,iiia°Di�i�ipl?a11-pav t t dispufei3;pbri c7rr.ciC:the iirvli ,;aiidiF�ie parli�s �� iiF_di, citss:jal,.gcrud Tdi tea;xasoWion,:6P the :�ilspu i>.=portion: tP�y�i?crsts 7nat�i�-3i; tlic=l7ssiri t'in'mtLiit%; its_atiiigatiuns cniier°t ii :-Contract Iriitii TcYiri: 3 ie:lri iat_ terrii _d sliis - lmffl last°Party's ectii3ti 3zcreo# anshsl.GijCiniie'ilyct r is full -re end: efTct Fci'r one 3 eui,vrcer-ia =ti4t t-iiuria#ioii righ'ts:s k IQriui., #. 1Z Heti i . SEtbjeiif >u'"Lh te�iii�iaan• =set i'arEli lheecm_ Iiis Crritiact Sha -au automalicaJJy rcnuw fdr{'ive additional i ,nC7, :m- Ecsms_ ie3tria7ll#iiiii %r i�tiili+enf:e�iel i:ithex Ii rt} ma}: Eeiiiiitc 'arias C'[aiiEiaiE (nr cram enterics anki:�iithrict csiz5 i5t ztiitlter liability upon arty (3D -t ti^tte notice tt5 tIi�� athi r piircir.. iii ih� t~.t?icsst'tiiiiaucrii, ii is u134rstovti ;itl LcYt'Elsi;ii(iLy:the _uinciuniitc is Coaike��iiig ices arsc�nK:eS pro�itcs;.and exgrises tnetu[ed':to''anii ,ioeladltt'ilie!date .ef oti;'cvIII.Eie tiue:nripavttbt�_tri�tiaitY t�iIE be ascisctl:Corit�erpaity's ti?»Iir�#icYn'_riF tl;i� C:eiitr�et�Far:.svrt�:criicacc. 1?.. 'i:errPtiTiaii;iii ttir t erase.-IFeitlier,paity arnnrlta Etn E�erit o Bieacll:Za:Dreacly. any. a; Vit::covettsnts, ferrns; aedior ctiitctitinrs.af:t#i3s Coniraccj.; thc:r0nw Ttua#ii'u4iplBty.`st3 1 i3c37fer 3s+a itten aibr e':tit such t ii9 ttf reach io tie $reachazi wary.. Succi. cot ci ': iiust: spediIy: di.e :isturd-n lfe El ftnI �!ttieda a-ndiafai•zii Tiir trrcilaphing p ii;" that tci?1c;s.:th t rit-aTBr x:�ithiri'tlirceipifthe noccii� ? iifiti>sl: sec s i :tie` ken tti aernii�at cis. cii c .ff the brt-Abliiag•.p�rty'b gigs n gasiil faith tine i - tiit of }3'i3 cion i tibia ,three`(3) crnitess` aVs�tfieii anal in;�hat izisiart�er the-#hrre (3} busiiicss-jd4y:pexiqd may be: xtenr3er3 a} the- long t6fi '�I,in batty.'. con�tues ,to- pror�au#�=a'dire:t3ili°gcnti��tl.eciinpl�tiofl-ai�ii.coritiriaies io:rrit?tcB'a:<gouri:�'�ith•:atker�i€:to;•Lurc'klse l"E: u#'tib*I3Yeh. 1i'..in tie iitlii=hr�achintY.pt}`, •tli;tiitaclii;rgpart} itoes=rioL cctrc the h:eL%oh Uift iii thTtc (3� itisiii ss aye ortitl?er ise�at s:to make firiy diligenti ii 1, ` ori�ci the =Ei>eft:iifllreac�i�: iz-bkaci iiigl ti�`sti­ill be iii:ima'tb1."t?i";in l fr ai �i tiiiil ftic n1. iiri� i aclsirig p r#}` riieV_;jn ztttti:ioR.ta:'scci .:1ht• tzlcdics.e�aiia�rte' r under'aiid"d'i tbe,.hWL.turmimw V1, COUNTUINICATIGNS .i DigiIctnAtl_tnc F:%Eii E1Ti`ci Gtial3.a sh i}eigiiate,;iiiemer of tkista_ to.sei ,thc ii ry,;coz ct'�br iii respui t lee-;bilicesiiridLr:thi�,-1 (racst nzi,p�s�tiLe thari3in�: rt coii�ei'iiil'tn7iial5�ii' FtntEiLi Sn�ii�=r'�rlitl';'t�:cac}z cnllt}; -6 iratitttil'#hs'Ian:of-E#its;G6hirct;jlie:}uiiic#:aTril€ir o?uiEy.iiillraicige le cl�pcslr,�� eottiuriicstiQ>3s isst?s°i�6 d. to-stet'eiectigi�s €Iie'sise.:li(^'C'aunty'�afiiig �qu'Prncn.,anci - sr.;sem b.Feizi, is;;ui=t';isaiitzGtiizz; iiicFz nacssar5;.:the=. aituty�::E'aerX 'electibas dinsioit€d!T_trcrFil�trsr„atci'otk'ec;elctiin..'iGaji�rs'sba11 meeilsxrh:ihc siat to ziir€�t�s:-irr t. C'.; ��.ic:���zcztflu.,t)�'der:s}a��3"oe-:�r�i��.mmsin;;�uirit;aT-•tttc�i�:coniirt<k�%r:elcctz�tt�iriiaziu��aiz Tel I c itii.ui;midsl'r;�tiar.•'•Thc siisti�ct. nl3;d i�ttc�ie: ntai t=rn": e`til :ii9aEn i31n"[.ziF crritacf,Coe.n�.ciers :•t:l�:i�'th, the:.con'�..fl€: �P.tia� °i3i;?r���`;s•b;itioi`�r�:��ni3iiiiiTc� . . . ..4'vrtftnnsrrAhla •Yrrtc2i#�ti1.: Tf3r3�it �rrrrec ut�t y3I; ijC tliC'1'cxas;`lccion £ta, n6thittg°Sn ii#i3>t�ar?trcctsT�alf i?�:''coti�tatic[I asc.�tartgtng. l: ifac ataihorziy.t�'rrthiviirtmngpliL nodi .6*4 can iiJates'i�i:a place. ozi.the btiilot'am ? tha<taut:5❑riky-jt}::tir]�m-durlicri4=:rdlLtln;ta:nlatical :'I`uritis aid •careisagr�s z*nitt7itic:I,'Qtkii 3 c�+s 'Icti unci itid?r°t11ed:tri 3 rite au€i3nritr i ,S cncn:cititrn:ciicl [icrt ��ii, c;ccv�T C.oaLrart7nl,� [}ffr�r,:�yif� sizvc as-T�i�.cu�to�iaa :¢E� �teil;fa�I�o;s-a� sct�bt� irs.:�?i�-ahr,� e: . I;. G'aizricUs it�ta of }7ertariai.=I'1'-"the.DIstrict•carre& -its -6.1 ttnn pvrsttartr to V.053. Of,the `Ti:kas �lrc#icjai•C"ot?c, rile �;ori€ra�ting-�fl�cc-r` shall.otil}=_iieentit�c�:[ts re�.citi�-thc actua'I a�p�scs 3ncvcrcd. efore tie dale`vf c naellsliti>z "3n ennriceiinn t}Iiih--fhe elftjtidn acid a citricellLtiatt -fet .or SO. Thu Cti i#r-s?cting €]fitter q'hol suh)-riit as invoice i`os ] LUO_i .:xpEnws .(�Jcbpei3y supporfed-ts descrlb I its r stir IC iv avnve} -as soon 'i s_i� sdr. bi , pdssid -gfter lhe.-_C4bctiJl tion .arid his Dibu it t•shull tai,�kc•patu� to th eeEt�r� in a.n uiner,'sitrtil rfio thai •5.et ec+rlh in Ariicir, RI aharc_ 1'he C`ttirfraczg i agrcca.tia iisrt=asdtZa�a:diI=g�<« jieita:rrtcur trrajor cast incnnneciuu v=3tl7.electibrr.arti:tons uritii -fir is.-lti,wt 1h11:.the: t lttiuiy will: be hc44, im74ss the Dlf%-Aii6 t n haiizcs:such a ajor.-aitsis.in nzs;inb: C. GoRtnaw-f COPF:s 10 Trvasuraroaud2J[diior In wcard;tnce -whit §31.099 of thc-Tt xtys leLti n C d '€hc:-.CbTjtr�ctiitg ilii c-tr Y�rrci s to" file •:Copies--Gf;tnis .Cbw;„cr-IVI-Th T11e "Cattery '1'-eU..4ssrcrvl`tart`JiiniXsatsCcttuiiy,4rrXa.5IVdrife -CoeatyALl JitordCl•'t"•.tim.msan=Coiitdy,Tors. 33. �tsxxe�tirrra�cs i Urpurposes tifirfip7entcittiitg this Coi;irGt:and ct3t}rs3miiliith activities hcYeunda; the Disirict t=_ad the Coni atstin aoctr '8:wsitlalt1: ine fa}lo ing-'irtdi­;.f[Ii iJs, aind hence r.the ciinhactrequir s.sul�.*Ni iin#'.ii'rs`.i_'- wace-to.,he.-atria ttr flit r ci7iti3iufiitg'bFftc, r,.icspcctri lv; SOEb ?sszdn arzicrtiGc:s}t;t1l bcto:titese; ,ilivirL�ils: For the 171&tric[ .Jessice �-3�rr,ilYsia' A5i-stt 4v.c ty sSC::, tt T C€ttl:Cearge#ast7, C�.�ort;�ta;ter, :TX:7g�27-0��g fort}t e`i�3ii%aetiiig.Gtfit t -r: :)Vck,-.Bwtdn- ` ;Ji�.ons Adnritii'siralor .WDliamsoh+Citun#jr: T'(7`i3ax;2­69 &br&,PfoWmxTXA '78627 : etc tt rt rri l ni ririt t.. cel ASL Atii rtidse' faro# ii3i u; • thss `i oniract -Tiaay ntrt.iit n ti%ciy-angcli�icti; tYr"dan rid iii:sQ; iesptct: l isoetiir;'excep[:irt'vritin itiiy° tkcc.'ufe+3 icy 7. ilii 1izefo: 1o.ofici `rc ssLcitwCi�,- nf;:�,r zma7ovrv'r°i�rllliriioi i'ryari}'i3as=n .. .... o'ii�;�`.t�' ir:'adif4�;'#Iils :�?csi_:ir}.iie• o�c>apt• riiir�i7ufiic la _suih�:�.�prrs�;�t€'. ;;ii�t�iocl�iicrri-ss•�nsa_v�be rcd h�: the _Cgmus;siaRcrs:Cts�ttr cif 1113ifs,cm'.( truttl}. -Tens,2o,_ofif iris n�resc-nTntiv�; ;: nr. mpi'oyee. of tta :"37� uii [.hrr iiny'_ ix iiaz #y't� mfliiii}� .this Caniract.;c%aegt pur�unnt ffl ors=.ai;ni ire:=Fry rhi :a�tc r tii;;bai3y;x3.fiieDisiFi� ...3th:i]�� ratting'[3itiper;uncl"#IzeD-.`is�riia� tm}':�sgpa.�'neccs�an•�am��d�sei�rs_br:r,r,•�;�'r�if�;;��s�=tt;, F _2elt:Tii�nsdadjt 6f Yhi?:=Piie::..Z,�at:hi fi} "t6: itif ; 'C t?7ifiagr;;i¢ ;2aei rfaYir3ailcc if' lh�'s C�ntr s t3:5 i il): r t iit ati ivids? tI:i: paeiiy and rio s' eiits .ehipi si j as�a ssrs, jv2iit " un�s isr'i�ssciiates£tiii::nsitiY#;i. 1h-emgloyei s tiP s: ntg :tai � einr parr shall 33cr'=lie;deetrted i€1r so 's.irCtcti: ti C tai'4.e'rnpliM s;dr.a 1�.6rlb .nfici,parlyfor any .psirpa es;rhos vLr t ..- 5't�vtci ¢ sdittr. s � :prp.0t h :u .ihis' f"ontract is found i s ;be u>vaif'd; :;iTle r T,.:tsr i I x grit s c r .. i s. i1 ' rru�p_e,rce� _tt:hi:s.a.itlz,r,i..ciiilr#Ir,�or,�netifosx:caosbtx Ofill.-T4 ,dfci ,.the xesmaining pircavi inazs .ol:ihis :C tntracq.,zad.:.parri ies utilI E7zr�fic�rm�diseir.:ci�li�uiss�,4uncer�i��8niracr:Tis-a�,:�rrtf�nre t�itl� rl,c•iiir�rL o�.:c`f1Yg�riii:s<tcsil-us 'ontrs�i:a�-arassecl:fri'lliaErms:uritlpr��isit�ris=tIiioiitrct: 7dsjriL .;�?urr� Betrc curries: ;tZ st tifh i iro��s 3etf=']fieri i*�; ;rtoiiusi s' in :fins Gi?riir�cr• e; vire � iI or ifirplie ,.as iittcrsae;3 ra confer uppn an}: pCr ii }sc-i�3o,:acs};�"etie�L;•ri�sfs'�rTei;zrii'scs i,�i'u.�.dc'b} rets�ati of this Gon€ro�, 1. Eitfire #grei�riiur `T6is•Cor�i ci cantniii the cadre ;tb rlstxsi ht;5:horcin gituitdO And Lisa ahlib tiors.hemirs ass=ed-asid sirrpzrcdles 'ail agrccrns ifs, Ificlvdirigl"idr eienl"inn.t;{.'t vc5 contact -s -and prior agreements tr: cv7t�inct js7int el�� iQ�s_ _ t prior sg nze�ais_,.prprifscs, nng,06 0m,, or represen#ations nac axpp59tr ,pcOiit firs d �n {iiis Carirreii= of;rro" o:�e>and:e#ievt. yoralrejs,mjipirffiadlications'oaneeminQ°[fi s Con tra4t:die. oft sa%iroL-.nrc��Ezcxtppu?ga•subsequhrnlrid,4m,D'omM, evnidg°asproFz�za hc:fEm u At k `e'37 5 'B 'M:3iAR'U'TJ3IS TIM �c�:` [}I . X'. x=�lii * - �T[thT D�i:QFjt: A178T, C7ingi; 1, Gunacity: f'}tk�a;'� 4j EXHIBIT B JOINT ELECTION AGREEMENT (WILLIAMSON COUNTY PAR'T'ICIPATING ENTITIES) `WHEREAS, the undersigned political subdivisions, collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Participating Entities", will each hold an election(s) on from January 2010 through December 2014; and WHEREAS, each of the Participating Entities (i) is located partially or entirely within Williamson County, Texas (the "County"), and {ii} shares an election precinct with at least one other Participating Entity; and WHEREAS, the County has contracted or is contracting with each Participating Entity to conduct and provide election services for such Participating Entity's election from January 2010 through December 2014; and WHEREAS, the Participating Entities all desire to enter into a joint election agreement for the purpose of sharing election equipment, costs, election officials; and sharing precinct polling locations, and election ballots where appropriate; and WHEREAS, the Participating Entities desire to define and establish some specific details of this agreement, if applicable, and attach those details hereto in ATTACHMENT A. NOW, THEREFORE, the Participating Entities agree as follows. L scope of Joint Election Agreement The Participating Entities enter this Joint Election Agreement ("Agreement").for the conduct of the elections to be held from January 2010 through December 2014, II. Appoint Election Officer The Participating Entities appoint the Williamson County Elections Administrator to serve as the Election Officer for each Participating Entity in order to perform and supervise the duties and responsibilities of the Election Officer for any election from January 2010 through December 2014. III. Early Voting and Election Day Early Voting ID Person and Election -day voting shall be held in common precincts where appropriate at the dates, times7 and locations recommended by the Election Officer and authorized and ordered by the governing body of each Participating Entity. IV, Miscellaneous Provisions I. This Agreement becomes effective upon execution by all Participating Entities. The obligations of the Agreement will continue as to each Participating Entity until each Participating Entity has made full payment of its share of election costs under this Agreement and other agreements related to elections from January 2010 through December 2414. In the event any of the Participating Entities cancels its election in accordance with Section 2.053 of the Texas Election Code, then this Agreement shalt terminate as to such entity upon receipt by the Williamson County Elections Administrator of notice of cancellation of the election. 2. Notice under this Agreement must be in writing and may be affected by personal delivery or by certified avail to the Participating Entities at the addresses set forth on the signature pages hereto. 3. This Agreement may not be amended or modified except in writing executed by each Participating Entity, 4. The obligations under this Agreement are performable in Williamson County, Texas, 5. Venue for any dispute arising under this Agreement shall be in Williamson County, Texas. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and the United States of America. d_ If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect the remaining provisions of this Agreement; and the Participating Entities shall perform their obligations under this Agreement as expressed in the terms and provisions of this Agreement. IN WITNESS VHEIZEOF, this Agreement is executed on the dates set forth below to be effective the . day of , 2010. WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS By: Name: Title: Date: 1 ' ! �i it [#�y ME:�l1\+li']I By: Name. Title: Date: ATTACHMENT "A" The City of Georgetown and the Elections Administrator have entered into a contract for Election Services on or about January 2009 that delineates the proration of costs and is incorporated herein as if set forth verbatim Either party may terminate the Joint Services Agreement on the same terms as delineated in the Contract for Election Services. EXHIBIT pill ii'll •111II illIll I III I11111111i i Ii • Monday, October 18 through Friday, October 29 #i am to ## pm Weekdaysand Saturday Sunday, October 24 Noon-6:00pm FULL-TIME LOCATIONS. Main Location: Williamson County Inner Loop Annex, 301 SE Inner Loop, Georgetown Parks & Recreation Admin. Bldg., 1101 N. College St., Georgetown Sun City Social Center, 2 Texas Dr., Georgetown cConico Building, 301 W. Bagdad St., Round Rock Round Rock Randalls, 2051 Gattis School Rd, Round Rock Brushy Creek Community Center, 16318 Great Oaks Dr., Round Rock J.B. and Hallie Jester Annex, 1801 E. Old Settlers Blvd., Round Rock Anderson Mill Limited District, 11500 El Salido Pkwy, Austin Cedar Park Public Library, 550 Discovery Blvd., Cedar Park Cedar Park Randalls, 1400 Cypress Creek Rd., Cedar Park Pat Bryson Municipal Hall, 201 N. Brushy St., Leander Taylor City Hall, 400 Porter St., Taylor Hutto City Hall, 401 W. Front St., Hutto EV sched 72610 KP Page I of 2 � rr r r r, i �- • � is. r•- r Hours: 10:00am — 6:00pm Sunday, October 24 Hours: boon — 6:00 prn Thrall VFD, 201 S. Main St., Thrali Monday, Oct. 18 Granger City Hall, 214 E. Davilla, Granger Tuesday, Oct. 19 Weir Fire Hall, 450 FM 1105, Weir Wednesday, Oct. 20 Cowan Creek Amenity Center, 1433 Cool Springs Way, Georgetown Monday, Oct. 18 Tuesday, Oct. 19 Wednesday, Oct. 20 Seton Medical Center Williamson, 201 Seton Parkway, Round Rock Thursday, Oct. 21 Friday, Oct. 22 Liberty Hill Annex, 3407 RR 1869, Liberty Hill Saturday, Oct. 23 Sunday, Oct. 24 Georgetown ISD Admin. Bldg, 603 Lakeway Dr., Georgetown Thursday, Oct. 21 Friday, Oct. 22 Saturday, Oct. 23 Sunday, Oct. 24 Jarrell Memorial Park, 1651 CR 305, Jarrell Monday, Oct. 25 RR Higher Education Center, 1555 University Blvd., Round Rock Monday, Oct. 25 Andice Community Center, 6600 FM 970, Andice Tuesday, Oct. 26 Florence VFD, 301 S. Patterson Ave., Florence Wednesday, Oct. 27 Highland Estates Independent Retirement Living, Tuesday, Oct. 26 1500 N. Lakeline Blvd., Cedar Park Wednesday, Oct. 27 Thursday, Oct. 28 Friday, Oct. 29 Clairmont Retirement Community, 12463 Los lndios Tr., Austin Thursday, Oct. 28 Friday, Oct. 29 Sect to Change EV sched 72610 KP Page 2 of.2 EXHIBIT `' :, ELECTION DAYPOLLING PLACES CITY OF GEORGETOWN November 1 1 PCT LOCATION LOCATION ADDRESS LOC CITY ZIP CODE 142 Gabriel Oaks Church of Christ 1904 S. Austin Ave Georgetown 78626 168 Calvary Christian Center 1351 FM 1460 Georgetown 78626 301/371 Georgetown ISD Admn. Bldg. 603 Lakeway Dr. Georgetown 78628 302 Georgetown Country Club 1500 Country Club Rd. Georgetown 78628 305 Jo Ann Ford Elementary School 210 Woodlake Dr. Georgetown 78633 314/367 San Gabriel Community Center 445 E. Morrow St. Georgetown 78626 330 Walburg Community Center 4000 FM 972 Walburg 78673 332 Georgetown Airport Terminal Bldg. 500 Terminal Dr. Georgetown 78628 343/345 First Baptist Church 1333 W. University Ave. Georgetown 78628 357 Parks and Recreation Admin. Bldg. 1101 N. College St. Georgetown 78626 367 combined w/314 @ San Gabriel Community Center 369 County Central Maintenance Facility 3151 SE Inner Loop Georgetown 78626 370 Grace Episcopal Church 1314 E. University Ave. Georgetown 78626 371 combined w/301 @ Georgetown ISD Admn Bldg 379 River of Life Church 6040 Airport Road Georgetown 78628 381 Sun City Social Center 2 Texas Dr. Georgetown 78633 392 Village Elementary School 400 Village Commons Blvd. Georgetown 78633 394/399 Cowan Creek Amenity Center 1433 Cool Springs Way Georgetown 78633 396 The Worship Place 811 Sun City Blvd Georgetown 78633 399 combied w/394 @ Cowan Creek Amenity Center 484 Caldwell Heights Elementary School 4010 Eagles Nest St. Round Rock 78665 subject to change