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Historical Documents 1917-1944
HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS 1917-1944 CITY OF GEORGETOWN AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARILrS, FEES, ANT) COMMISSIONS OF THE OYFICFRS OF TH& CITY OF GEORGETO�U, TEXAS, TO BE ELFFCU,) AT THT, R,PGULAR CITY ELACTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL, 1919. B9 IT OR DAI NF D BY THEE CITY C OU'TCI L OF THE CITY OF *GNORGETOwYN, TEXAS# Section 1. That the City Uarahall of the City of Georgetown, Texas, shall receive the sum of (;50.00) fifty .Dollars, as compensation for his services as such City karehall, the same payable monthly. lie shall further receive such fees in criminal cases as are now provided by law in all oases in which he may be entitled to fees in the Corpora- tion Court. Section 2. That the Assessor and Collector shall receive as compensw- tion for his services Lue bu,M of five (.o) per cent 011 1,110 ,e.aerul and street fund, and one (1) per cent of the other funds, on the total a- mount of his rolls of assessment after the same have been made up and accepted by the board, of Equalization of said City, and said City Council, as compensation for such assessment, xnd he shall receive as sompensation for the collection of said taxers the sum of five (5) per cent on all the ad valorem taxes, in tree general and street funds so collected by him, and the sum of one (1) per cent on all other funds so collected by him, the same to be ,payable at any time after it becomes sue. Section 3. Tiley City oecretbry shall receive as compensation for his services the sum of($100.00) One Hundred Dollars per year, payable monthly, and he shall further receive all fees allowed him by law in M the Corporation Court of the City of Georgetown, Texas. Section 4. The City attorney shall receive wb compensai.ion ioi. his servi- cgs the sum of five ($5.00) Dollars in each case in the corporation court in which a plea of guilty is entered, and the sum of ten 010.00 for every conviction in said court in which a plea of not guilty is entered, and trial results in a conviction, these amounts, however, are not to come out of the city, except where the fine is worked out on the streets and then only one half is to be paid, but are to be paid by the defendant, as is governed by the law regulating the Cor- poration Courts of this State, and is to receive such other and fur- ther compensation as the City Council may from time to time allow. Section 5: The Treksurer of tae City Council of Georgetown, Tex%s, shall receive as compensation for his services the sum of Ninety-six Dollars per year, payable monthly. Section 6: Each of the three alderman to be elected on said date shall receive as compensation for their services the sum of Three (43.00) Dollars for each meeting of the council attended. Passed and approved this 9th day of December, 1918. John D. Hudson Yuyor of the City of Geort,,etown, Texas, Attest: Geo. .tee ahey Secretary of tfe City of George town, exas . ;t AN ORDINANCE LEVING TAXES FOR THE CITY OF GEORG RTOrth , TEXAS, FOR TH7YEAR -1 1919 . BE IT ORDAINED RY "1X7r CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEORGETO'.7x , TEXAS: section 1: That to meet the current expenses of the City of Georgetown, Texas, and to carry on the City Government of said City for the year, 1919, there is here and now levied and shall be collect- ed an annual ad valorem tax of Twenty -Five cents of the $100.00 assess- ed valuation for the year 1919, of all real and personal property and estate in the City of Georgetown, Texas, not exempt from taxation by the constitution and Laws ox' the State of Texas. Section 2. That to work, Grade, and improve the streets of the City of Georgetown, Texas, for the year 1919, there is here PAnd now levied and shall be collected an annual ad valorem tax of Fifteen Cents on the :100.00 asseesed valuation for the year of 1319 of all real and personal property and estate in the City of Georgetown, Tex- as, not exempt from taxatio_7 toy t,ne Constitution and TP s of the State of Texas. Section 3: That to pay the interest and create a sinking fund to meet the $7000.00 in bonds of the City known as the "City of Georg- etown Pefundin6 School house Bonds,, as evi<ienced by seven (7) : 1000.00 unpaid bongs, issued for the purpose of refundiri,�,;, cancellin,; and in lieu of certain bonds known as "public School Building Bonds" as shown by ordinance of this City, passed and approved on Itovember 13th, 1905 such ordinance beim; sections 117 to 129, inclusive, of the Re- vised Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City of Georgetown, Texas, 0 and as approved in said ordinance there is here and now levied and shall be collected for the year 1919 an annual ad valorem tax of three cents on the ;100.00 assessed valuation for the year of 1919, of all real and personal property and estate in the City of Georgetown, Texas not exempt from taxation by the Constitution and Laws of the state of Texas, and the amount of taxes collected under the provisions of this section shall be used for no other purpose than that herein specified. Section 4: That to pay tuv interest and create a cin':ing fund to meet the #32,000.00 in Bonds of this City known as "City of George- town Waterworks Bonds," as evidenced by thirty-two $1,000.00 unpaid bonds, issued for the purpose of constructing a waterworks plant in the City of Georgetown, Texas, as shown %, Ordinance of this City, passed and approved on October 19th, 1910, and as provided in said Ordinance, there is here and now levied and shall be collected for the year 1919, an annual tial valorem tax of 12 cents on the :100.00 assessed valuation for the year 1919 of all real and personal property and estate in the City of Georgetown, Texas, not exempt from taxation by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and the anount of taxes collected under the provisions of this section shall constitute a special fund and shall be used for no other purpose then that here- in specified. Section. 5: That to pay the interest and create a sinking fund to meet the $13,000.00 in Fonds of this City, known as "City of George town Electric Light Bonds", as evidenced by thirteen $1000.00 unpaid bonds, issued for the purpose of constructing an electric light plant in the City of Georgetown, Texas, as shown by ordinance of this City, passed and approved on October 18th, 1910, and as provided in said Ordinance, there is here =id z4o-a levied and shall be collected for the year 1919 an annual ad valorerr tax of five cents on the 1100.00 assessed valuation for the year 1919 of all real and personal property and estate in the City of Georgetown, Texas, not exempt from taxation by the Constitution and Laws of the state of Texas, and the amount of taxes collected under the provisions of this section shall coristi- tute a special fund and shall be used for no other purpose than here- in specified Sect,,ivn 6. That to pay the interest and create a sinking fund to meet the $13,500.00 in bonds of this City, known as the "City of Georgetown Water 'florxe fonds, Seoond Series," as evidenced by twenty- seven $500.00 unpaid bonds, issued for the purpose of completing the water works plant in said City, as shown by ordinance of Lhis City, passed and approved on December , 1913, and as provided in said ordinance there is here and now levied ar,a :-call be collected for the year of 1919 an annual ad valorem tax of five cents on the ;100.00 assessed valuation for the year 1919 of all reel and personal property and estate in the City of Georgetown, not exempt from taxa- tion by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and amount of the taxes collected under the provisions of this section, shall constitute a spacial fund and shall be used for no other purpose then that herein specified. Section 7. That all ordinances, or parts of ordinances of the City of Georgetown, Texas, in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. �y Passed and approved, this 9th day of December, 1918. Attest; Gen. Keahey Secretary, Georgetown, Texas. John D. Hudson ILayor of the City of Georgetown, Mae A!' AIS ORDINANCI FIXING THE SALARIES OF THE PAYOR AND OF T`.'VO ALD,;?FV.AN OF T11E CITY OF GEORGETONN, TEXAS, TO BE ELECTED AT THS REGULAR ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL, A. D. 1920. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS: Section 1. That the salary of the Mayor of the City of Georzeto�,n, Texas, to be elected o., w.r xirbt Tu^sday in rurz,l, A. D. 1920, be and the same is hereby fixed at(40.00) Forty Dollars per month, payable monthly. Section 2. That the salary of the Two aldermen to be elect- ed on the first Tuesday in April, A. D. 1920 be and the same is here- by fixed at Four (.4.00) Dollars each for each meeting of the Council attended, the same to be due and payable on the date of each meeting. Passed and Approve., this the Sth day of Dec. 1919. John V. Sharpe Mayor of The City of Georgetown, Texas. Attest: Geo. Keahey Secretary of the City of G�:crr,etown, Tex4s. [k] AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES 7OR TH3 CITY OF GEORGTTO',V, TEXAS, FOR `"H,? Y UR 1920- Be 920.lie it ordained by the City Counsel of the City of Georgetown, Texas; section 1. That to meet the current expenses of the City of Georgetown, Texas, and to carry on the City Government of said Ci ter for year of 1820, there is here and now levied and shall be collected a.Y annual ad valorem tax of twenty-five cents of the X100.00 assessed valuation for the year 1820, of all real and personal property and estate in the city of Geori,)etosn, Texas, not exempt from taxation by the constitu- tion and laws of the State of Texas. Section 2. That to work and &rade and improve the streets of the City of Ge ox�,eu�van, Texas, for the year 1920, there is here and novo leviod and shall be collected an annual ad valorem tax of fifteen cents on the 3100.00 assessed valuation for the year of 1920 of all real and personal property and estate in the said City of Georgetown, Texas, not exempt from t,ax&t1otk by t,ne constitution and laws of the State of Texas. Section 3. That to pay the interest and create a sinking Lfund to most t:.e "W7,000.00 in toms of the Cit,, "vain teL "Tho Ui zy ox uw of -,,e town Refunding School House Bonds,$, as evi lensed by seven (7 ) 11,000.0.0 unpaid bonds, issued for the purpose of refunding, cancelling and in lieu of certa.iii bands known as $public School Building Bonds," as shown by ordinance of this City, passed and approved on Yoverzber 13th, Y 1905, such ordinance being sections 117 to 129, inclusive, of the Revised Civil and Criminal Ordinances of the City of Georgetown, Tex- as, and as approved in said ordinance there is here and now levied and shell be collected for the year 1920 an annual ad valorem tax of thrpe cents on the x'100.00 assessed valuation for the year 1920, of all real and personal property and estate in the City of Georgetown, Texas, not exempt from taxation by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and the amount of taxes collected under the provisions of this section shall be used for no other purpose than herein speci- fied. Section 4. That to pay the interest and create a sinking fund to meet the $32,000.00 in bonds of thi e City known as "City of Georgetown waterworks Bonds", as evidenced by thirty-two $1,000.00 unpaid bonds, issued for the purpose of constructing a waterworks plant in the City of Georgetown, Texas, as ,shown by Ordinance of this City, pass- ed and approved on October 19th, 1910, and as provided in said ordi- nance, there is here and now levied and shall be collected for the year 19:0 an annu41 ad valorem tax of 12 cents on the $100.00 assess- ed valuation for the year 1920 of all real and personal property and estate in the City of Georgetown, Texas, not exempt from taxation by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and the amount of taxes collected under the provision of tnis section shall constitute a special fund and shall be used for no other purpose than that here- in specified. Section 5. That to pay the interest and cl vute a i u,.,a to meet 5 the t13 , 000.00 in bonds of this City, known as "City of Ge ort;etown. Electric Li 6ht Bonds", as evi eipnced by thirteen tl,000.00 unpaid bonds issued for the ,purpose of constructing an electric light plant in the City of Georgetown, Texas, as shown by ordinance of this City, passed and approved on October 18th, 1910, and as provided in 6bi d ordinancg there is here and now levied and shall be collected for the year 1920 an annual ad valorem tax of rive cents on the $100.00 assessed valua- tion for the year 1920 of all real and pereonal property and estate in the Cit; of Georgetown, Texas, not exempt from taxation by the constitution aanJ Laws Of the State of Texas, and the amount of taxes collected under the provisions of this section shall constitute a special fund and shall to i seed for no other purpose than that herein specified. Section 6. That to pay the interest and create a sinking fund to meet the -"13,000.00 in bon is of this ci t i 4.:ovrA acs time "moi l,,, o,' George town "later Works fonds, Second Series," a$ evidence by twenty-seven $500.00 unpaid bonds, issued for the purpose of comnleting the water works plant, in ;aid city, as shown by ordinance of this city, pass- ed and approved on December 6th, 1`313, ani as provided in said ordi- nance therm is hore and nos levied and shall be collected for the year 191-0 " annual act valorem tax of five cents on the A100.00 as - Passed valuation for tl e sear ln'?^, of all real and personal property and estate in the Cit;; of Georgeto;an, Texas, not exempt from taxation by the constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and the amount of the taxes collected under the provisions of this section, shall con - 4f stitute a special fund ani shall be used for no other purpose than that herein specified. Section 7. That all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, of this City, in conflict herewith, be and the some are hereby repealed. Passed ani approved this the 8th day of 'Dec. 1919. John Y. Sharpe Payor of the City of Ge ork;etown, Texas. Attest; Geo. Keahef Secretary of the City of Ge orae town, Texas. 9 Section 2. That the changer In maximum rates and rentals grantid in this ordinance are eonditioned# that the said Georgetown Telephone Company# its successors and assigns* during the life of this franchises, shall expend the money received by Its as rentals on business, office and residence *phones# from the subscribers of this eity# over and above the upkeep and operating expenses of said telephone systems in repairs and is-* provements and betterments on said telephone systems specially specifying the elimination of croon -talk over lines as far as possible# by installing new eablesf lines erose ams and poles# when and where necessary& and putting the switchboard In such condition as to give giod service to its patrons and subsoribers; the said Georgetown Telephone Company to begin repairs and Im- provements on said local telephone system as early as practicable after the passage of this ordinrance# and prosecute the work of repairing and Improving said telephone system, as rapidly as practicable until a goad and efficient telephone service is given to its patrons and subscribers* Section 3* That this ordinanoe shall take eff'oot frog and after February first A.D. lVOo PA^>SSD A7M AP -MOV'E'D this the 12thg day of January A.D.1428. ohn a Sharpg i�y_or of the city" e 8eorgetowns Texas. ATTHIS 1 if-sQr ueahcyr Zoorstarye e; ► W4gt4�rw'ty OYTit AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2 OF AN ORDINANCE PASSED DECEMBER lot, 1905, ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE "TV PROVIDE; FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, GRADING,CURB- ING AND REPAIRING OF SIDEWALKS, AND TO PROTIDE A MEANS OF FIXING AND -DETERMINING THE ASSESWENT AND PROPORTION ANDAMOUNT OF COSTS TO BE PAID BY THE ABUTTUNG PROPERTY OWNERS FOR SIDEWALKS CONSTRUCTED, GRADED, CURBED, OR REPAIRED AND TO FIX A LIEN ON SAID PROPERTY AND A CHARGE AGAINST THE OWNER OF SUCH PROPERTY FOR THE COST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION, GRADING, CURBING AND REPAIRING AND THE COST OF COLLECTING THE SAME, AND TO PR©VIDE WAYS, MANNER AND LEANS OF COLLECTING SUCH AMOUNTS FROM SUCH ABUTTUNG PROPERTY OWNERS% SO THAT THE SAID SECTION 29 OF THE SAID ORDINANCE SHALL HEREAFTER READ AS FOLLOWS: Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of george- town, Texas, as follows: SECTION 2. All sidewalks and curbs shall be constructed so as to conform to the grade established by the Street Commiss- ioner, and that the said grade shall be ascertained and furnished by the said Street Commissioner before the said sidewalk or curb is constructed. That all of°such sidewalks and curbs shall be constructed by excavating or filling, as may be necessary to. five inches below the established grade, for the mase or foun- dation; and that the said foundation shall then be well tamped and packed. That all sidewalks and curbs be made of Portland cement, sand and crushed stone or gravel, in the follow n���,g;�,,..__man- ner: to -wit: Sidewalks shall be four and one half (4D�'�Ftde and five inches thick; the first four (4) Inches -to be of one part cement, three parts clean sharp grit sand, and four parts clean gravel or crushed stone, mixed, laid and tamped or packed in the usual and proper manner, --before cement begins to set; and after cement has set for the usual and proper= time, a coating of one Inch of cement and clean sharp grit sand in equal proportions, mixed in the usual and proper manner, placed thereon and then worked to a smooth surface. The wall of -the curb shall be six inches thick, the first five inches constructedin the same man ner as the first four inches of sidewalk, and the outer inch, constructed in the same manner as the top inch of sidewalk; and the wall of the curb shall be of a hdight sufficient to be parallel with end one inch below at its top line with the top of the sidewalk. The drain or ditch portion of the curb shall be two (2) feet wide and five (5) inches thick and shall be con- structed in the same manner as provided herein for sidewalks. That all sidewalks, and all curbs shall be laid and constructed upon the lines and grades designated by the street commissioner; and it shall be unlawful for any person to lay or construct( any sidewalk or any curbs on or along any street in this City on any other lines or any other grades than those furnished by the Street Commissioner or to bonstruct any side- walk or curbs on or along any street in a manner other than the manner prescribed herein; and that any side walk or curb, constructed on or along any street of this City at any place or in any manner other than provided herein, shall, upon the order of the Street Commissioner, be removed by and at the cost and AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES AND COMMISSIONS OF THE OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS, TO BE ELECTED AT THE REGULAR CITY ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL, A.D.1921, SAMBE BEING THE FIFTH DAY OF SAID MONTH. w- /A-. .ft W W BE IT ORDAINED by the City Counsel of the City of Georgetown Texas: SECTION 1. That the City Marshall of the City of Georgetown, Texas, shall receive the sum of $50.00 as compensation for his ser- vices as such City Marshal, the same payable monthly. He shall fur- ther receive such fees in critainal cases as are now provided by law in all cases in which he may be entitled to fees in the Corporation Court. SECTION 2. That the Assessor and Collector shall receive as compensation fbr his services the sum of Five (5) per cent on the general and street fund, and one (1) per cent of the other funds, on the total amount of his rolls of assessment after the same have been made up and accepted by the Board of Equalization of said City, and said City Council as compensation for such. assessment, and he shall receive as compensation for the collection of said taxes the sum of Five (5) per cent on all the ad valorem taxes, in the gen- eral and street funds so collected by him, and the sum of One (1) per cent on all other funds so collectedby him, the sane to be pay- able at any time after it becomes due. SECTION 3. That the City Secretary shall receive as compen- sation for his services the sum of One Hundred (100.00) Dollars per year, payable monthly, andhe shall further receive all fees allowed him by law in the Corporation Court of the City of Georgetown,Texas. SECTION 4. The City Attorney shall receive as compensation for his services the sum=of Five ($5.00) Dollars in each case in the corporation court in which a plea of guilty is entered, and the sum of $10.00 for every conviction in said Court, in which a plea of not guilty is entered, and trial results in a conviction, these amounts, howwever, are not to come out of the City, except, where the fine is worked out on the streets and the only one-half is to be paid, but are to be paid by the aefendant, as is governed by the law regulating the Corporation Courts of this State, andis to receive such other and further compensation as the City 16%ounc1l may from time to time allow. SECTION 5. The Treasurer of the City of Georgetown shall re- ceive as compensation for his services the sum of $96.00 per year, payable monthly. SF'CTION 6. Each of the three Aldermen to be elected on said date shall receive as compensation for their services the sum of $4.00 for each meeting of the Council attended. Passed and approved this the th day ofmbar 1920. ATTEST: ��� . l LG at Gs 01 $ e . Ee c re tWfy• SEC, 5. That the cleaning of privies as provided for in Sec. 4 hereof shall consist in the removal of all excretia and night soil therefrom and the conveying the same in a covered and closed vehicle to the City dump grounds outside of the city limibe and the disinfecting of the said privy with such die- infQctant as the city health officer may approve and direct. SEC. G. That the Street Commissioner with the consent of the council shall name and appoint a suitable and proper person as City Scavanger and shall provide the said scavinger with or see that he is providd with suitable means for the performance of his duties as such city scavinger. That the com- pensation of the scavinger shall be fixed by the Street Commiss- ioner with the approval of the city council SEC* 7. That it shall be the duty of the city scavinger to examine each dry closet or privy not within two blocks of the City Water and Light Plant on or about the lst day cf each month and that if the same hasnot been cleaned immediately prior thereto to at once notify the person, firm, corporation, tenant or lessee or person in possession of the same and to then and there collect from the said person in possession of the same the sum of 50 cents as a fee for examining and cleaning the said privy and shall, immed. lately upon connecting the same fee, proceed to clean the said privy in the manner hereinprovided and turn over and deliver the fee so collected tothe Street Commissioner of the said City, Provided however, that all such privies, located within two blocks of the city water and light plant shall be so examined and cleaned and the said fee therefor collected on a, about the lat day and on or about the 15th day of each month in the manner provided herein. SEC. 8. That no person other than the said City Scavinger shall be permitted to clean any privy or privies and collect a fee therefor, that no person shall be permitted to clean his own privy, without first obtaining a special permit to do so, fromth a Street Con-nissoner of the said City. SEC. 9. That the work of cleaning privies, and collecting the fees therefor as provided in Sec 7 hereof shall be begun on or about the dayanamed in the said Sec 7 and shall be diligently continued till all privies of the class named in the said section has been cleaned and the fees collected therefor by the s9cavinger. SEC. 10. That if any person, firm, corporation, tenant, lessee, or person in possession shall fail or refuse to pay the fee and have such privy cleaned as provided in Sections 5 7 8 & 9 hereof, It shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to cause the said privy to be closed, sealed up nailed up and prevent the further use of the same till the same is so cleaned and the said fees pall, and In addition thereto the person so failing or refusing shall be pro- secuted under this ordinance. SEC. 11 That if upon exuatination of any privy, urinal, bathtub, lavatory or sink or any kind by the City Health officer or the Street Commissibner st any time, the same be found to be established and maintained in a manner not in conformity with ordinance, it shall be the duty of the `Itreet Commissioner to notify the person in poss- ession to remedy such defect, and mace the same conform to this ordinance, and that if such defect is not remedied within a reasonable time, to be determined by the judgment of the Street Commissioner, M he shall seal up, nail up and prevent the further use of such privy, urinal, bathtub, lavatory or sink. And that in addition thereto, the person so failing or refusing to re-medy such defect shall be pros- ecuted under this ordinance. That this Section is cumulative of all other sections of this ordinance, and shall in no wise relieve any person from the performance of any and all duties prescribed by other sections of this ordinance. SEC.'12. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, cor- poration, lessees tenant or person in possession to fail or refuse to clean or cause to be cleaned, maintain or cause to be maintained any prtvey, urinal, bathtub, sink or lavatory, in their possession or under their control in the manner provided in this ordianence or prevent or attempt to prevent or to interfere with or attempt to interfere with the City Health Officer the Street Commissioner or the City Scavinger in the performance of their duties under this ordinance. SEC. 13• That the term corporation as used herein shall*be construed to mean the officers, servants and agents of any corporation having charge of, or in possession of any privy, urinal, bathtub sink or lavatory being use( SEC. 14. That any person, firm, corporation, lessee, tenant, or person in possession who shall fall to perform any of the duties fixed by this ordinance orwho shall hexdaax violate any of the terms and conditions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction therefor, shall be fined in any stun not less than one dollar nor more than twenty five dollars. That in all cases where the offense consists in the failure to perform a duty fixed by this ordinance, each week that the said duty remains unperformed shall constitute a separate offense. Passed and approved this 14th day of February, A.D.1921. John M Sharpe, Mayor. ATTEI-"T: Geo $eahey, Secretary AN Oi DINANCH OF THE CITY OF GI:ORGETOUT, TEXAS, FIXING THE tALARIES OF THE VAYOR AIM TIM; TV O ALDLR`. N OF TIM SAID CITY, TO BE ELECTED AT TML HI.GTJLAR E'Li,CTION TO RE, hXLD I.I.' TIT SAID CITY ON TEE FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL, A. D. 1922. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEORGETONI-N , T=X .S t SECT 10 N 1. That the salary of the mayor of the City of Gcorge- town, Texas, to be elected on the first Tuesday in �►pr il, 1922, be and the game 9s hereby fixed at the slam of Forty ($40.00)DOLLARS per month, payable monthly. SECTION 2. That the salary of the two Aldermen to be elected at the regular election,to be Yield in bnd for the said City on the first Tuesday in April, 1922, be,and the same is hereby fixed at the sum of Four(4.00)Dollars, each, for each and every meeting of the City Council, attended by such alderman, the same to be due and payable on the date of each such meeting. Passed and approved this the 12th day of December# A. D. 1921* .Ilii) IT, rJ1ARPE L.AYOR, CITY Od G -LUL G.:s OtioN, UL, -.157 ATTESTED: GPO KT{'A17Y :1.Ci�t TAFFY, CYT 4F LOirG �',�Ot,N0 TEXAS. ELL CT ION PRO CLAMAT ION THE STATE OF TEXAS.1 CITY OF GEORGETOVN, By autLority vested in me by law, I, Jno. M, :harps, Mayor of the City of Georgetown, Texas, do hereby order that an election be field in said City on the first Tuesday in April, 19220 the some being the 4th day of April, 1922, for the pur- pose of electinga ]payor and two Aldermen for the full team of two yearsSaid eection shall be held in the City hall of said City, and W, 1, Stump and Wharton L. Foster are hereby appointor ed presiding judges to hold said election, Witness my hand and the seal of the said City, this the 7th day of March, A. D. 1922. ATTEST I Jno• U. Sharpe, ?mayor of the City of Georgctown, Texas, Geo. Xaahey, Secretary, City of Geor6etown, Texas. I City of4e#oftjoei0y.T t9 J1A THE STATE OF TE`US CITY OF GEOI"tFTOWN COUNTY OF WILLIA.11SON. On this the 13th day of February A.D. 1922 the City Council of the City of Georgetovm,Texe.s convened in regular sessinn at its regular place of meotin� in the city hall,all of the members thereof being present, to -wit: Piayor John l.T.Hharpe,Aldermen,J. R. Shaw, Faay Sherman, W. H.Davis,D. r:. Wilcox, and W R.Iiood; and among other thingf, the following proceedings were had; on motion of Alderman W.H.Davis,the City Council adjourned its said meeting to Monday night, February 2oth,1922,to consider street,Park,and Fire Department matters, Attest: _ -- '� ---- -- ------ Secretary A�uhe L Trllayor City of eorgetown Te :Naas . On this 'he loth day of February,A.D.1922,the City Council of the City of Georgetown,Texas,met at its regular place of meeting in the city hall in adjourned regular session,the following members thereof being present to wit: 11pyor John IT.Sharpe,and aldermen W.H.Davis,J.Res-- Shaw.w.R.1�.Iood and D.11.Wilcox, and at the said meeting, the folliwing proceedings among others vitro had,on motion of W.H.Davis an election wea s authirized and orddaed held to determine whether or not bonds should be issued in the sum of C$5,000.00, for the purpose of building paving and improving the streets of said City, and 11, a city attorney was i;,structed to prepare an ordinance calling th said election. On motion of AlAer^irn W.F.?),-vis the Sity Council ad jo,�rned at,n the. story of, We H. Davis, in said city, its said session to meet again on the evening of February 21st,1922 K r the purpose of�llassing said ordinance Attest�- ---- - City Secreta r ordering the said election. ISay r of the City of Geo getown, Texas. El On this the 21st day of February A,D, 1922,the City Council of thb City of Georgstown,TexaA met in an adjourned regular session of the the store of W, -H. Davis, in said City' said City Council held at =Z,the following members thereof being present to wit: Mayor John Psi. Sharpe and Aldermen D. K. Wi lcox, J. R. Shaw, W. H, Davis and W, R. Hood and that the following proceedings were had to wit:An ordinance was passed by the City Council of the City of Geo rgetown,Texas: "An ordinance of the City of Georgetown,Texas,ordering an election to be held by the qualifying tax paying vdters of the egid city in the said city to determine whether or not the said city shall issue bonds in the sum of $85,boo,00,due forty years after date and redeemable after ten years after date and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum payable semi-annually for the purpose of building paving and improving the streets of the said eity,and authe- rizing the levy and collection of taxes sufficient to pajr the interest and sinking fiend on the said bonds. Alderman W,H.Davis moved that the said ordinance be placed on its first reading; seconded by Aldermen D,K.4Yilcox,and carried by the following vote. Aye: W. H.Davis,i). K. Wilcox, J.R. Shaw, W. R.1bod, No: None Alderman Fay Sherman absent not voting, Carried: Placed on first reading. Alderman W.R.Idood moved that the ordinance pass first reading;seconded by Alderman W.H.Davis,and carried by the following vote: Aye: J.R. Shaw, W. R. Uood,D. K. Wiloox, W. H.Davis. No : None/ Alder man Sherman absent not voting. Carried: Ordinance passed first reading. Alderman D.' -:,Wilcox moved that the r4les be suspended and the ordinance be placed on second reading;seeondea by Alderman W.Rti.iood and carried by the following vote: Aye : W. R. AIo od, D. k. Wile ox, W. H. Davis, J. R. Shaw. No : None, Alderman Fay Sherman absent not voting. Carried:Ordinance placed on second reading, Is Alderman, " _. ilcox moved that the orr,„ Vnce pass ssecond reading;second by Aldexuon, I .R.T.Tood and carried by the following vote: Aye: D,7% Wilcox, W. H. Davis, W.R. 1,,Iood,T.R. Shaw. No : None/ Aldermen Fay Sherr.a,n absent not voting. Carried:Qrdinance passed second reading. Alderman W.H.Pavis that the rules be suspended and the ordinance pass third and final reading;second by Alderman J.R.Shaw and carried by the following vote: Aye: ol.H.Davis, T.R.Sha,w,D. '.Wilcox, W. R. Mood/ No: None Alderman Fay Sherman absent not voting. passed. Mayor John M Sharp* then declared the ordinance finally The said ordinance is as follows: wAn Ordinance of the City of Georgetown,Texas,oritering an election to be hely the qualifyin ; tax paying; voters of the said city to be held in the said city to determine whether or not the said city shall issue bonds in the sum of 485,000;oo due Forty years after da.*e and redeemable *fter ten years after date and bearing; interest at the rete of five per cent iDe r annum payable semi-annually for the purpose of building paving; and improving; the streets of the said city and to authorize the levy and collection of taxes sufficient to pay the interest and sinking fund on said bonds. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of George town, Texas: That an election be and is hereby ordered held in and for the said city by the qualified tax paying; voters of the said city on the 95th day of March A.D.1922,after the giving of due and proper notices in the manner and form prescribed by law,to detetinine whether o or not there shall be issued by the said City bonds in the the sum of Eighty -Five Thousand Dolla,re(�85, 000;oo ) for the purpose of building, paving and improving the streets of the said city;the said bonds to be due forty years from the date of issuance thereof,and to be redeemable on and after ten years from the date of ir,suance thereof,and to beer interest from the issuance thereof at the rate of five per centum per annum,payable semi-annually as it a.ccrues,as represented by coupons, the said coupons to bear interest after the mr,turity thereof, at the some rate of interest and to authorize the levy tmd collection of the necessary taxes to pay the interest and sinking fund on said bonds.The said bonds to be known as the"City of Georgetown Street Bonds". That all persons voting at the said election -or the issue of said bonds shall have written or printed on their ballots "For the issue of bonds"; and that all persons voting at said election against the issue of said bonds shall have written or printed on their ballots "Against the issue of bonds"i That W.I. Stump and W. G. McDonal+re hereby named, constituted and ap- pointed Judges to hold the said election,and are directed to appoint and name all of the necessary clerks and assistants. That the said election shall be held at the City Hall Building,and shall be held in the manner and form prescribed by law for the holding of such elections. Passed and approved this the 21st day of Febrzzary A.3).1922. �y of the City o George wn, Texas Attest. _____________ City Secretar . NOTICE OF ELECTION* "An ordinance of the City of Georgetown, Texas, ordering an election to be held ty the qualified -tax paying voters of the said city to be held in the said city to determine whether or not the said city shall issue bonds in the sum of 085,000.00 due forty years after date and redeemable after ten ye,rs after date and bearing; interest atj the rate of five per cent per annum,payabie semi-annually for the purpose of building,paving and improving the streets of the said city and to authotize the levy and collection of taxes sufficient to pay the intern est and sinking fund on said bonds. Texas ; Be it or dained by the City Council of the City of Georgetown That an election be and is hereby ordered held in and for the the said city by the qualified tax paying voters of the said city on thr 25th day of March A.D.1922,after the giving of due and proper notices in the manner and form prescribed by law,to determine whether or not Is there shr,11 be i�qsnr by the s€ -id city bonds sum of F,!Z;hty.. Five Thousand (?;�85 000.00) Dollvrs,for the purpose of building,paving and improving the streets olff t)ie raid city; the said bonds to be due forty years from the date of issuance thereof,and to be redeemable on and af'k#cr ten yG;;.re from tho date of is.-nance thereof, and 'o bear int- erest from the issa"ca the ,Feof at the rate of five per centum per annum payable semi-annually as it accures,as represented by conpons.the said coupons to bear interest after the maturity thereof,at the same rate of interest and to authorize the levy and collection of I . the nue- essary taxes to pay the interest and sinking fund on said bonds,The said donde Io be known as tho"City of Georgetown Street Bonds". That all persons voting at the said election for the issue of said bonds shall have written or printed on their ballots "For the issue of bonds"; and that all persons voting at said election against the issue of said bonds shall have written or printed on their ballots "Against the issue of boilds", That W.T.Stump and W.G.McDonald are hereby named,constituted and appointed judges to hold the said election,and are test directed to appoint and name all of the necessary clerks and assistants. That the said election shall be held at the City Hall Builaing,and shall be hold in the manner and form prescribed by law for the holding of such elections, Passed and approved,this the 21st day of February A.D.1922, 4 D�-- ----------- Mat 07 the City of George wn,Texas. Attest:a ------- City Secreta 11 TO HIS HONOR. TIC' MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL: We* your fammittee appointed to canvass the votes held in the City of Georgetown„ Texas, on April 4th, 1922, beg to report as f oll.ows t For Mayor$ J. X. Sharpe 343 votes. Lilburn d. Dimmitt 364 votes. For Aldermen: J, C. flodbey 500 votes. it R. Shaw 384 votes. Owen 1�. Sherill 429 votes. We therefore# declare Lilburn J. Di=,.itt, for Mayor duly elected and Prof. Jr C. Godbey and Owen V,. Sherrill elected Alderman. Reopeotfully Submitted. Pay Sherman. D. K. 'Wilcox., i ELECT ION RETURNS. TO TIM, CITY COUNCIL OF ZM'�" CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXhS t V.e the undersigned officers holding an election on the 4th day of April. A. D. 1922, at the City Hail Building, in the City of Georgetown, Texas$ for the pur- pose of electing a Mayor and two Aldermen for the full term of two years, hereby certify that at the said e- lection, there were 707 votes cast, of v�hich there were cast: For Iiayort J. Mr. Sharpe 343 votes. Lilburn J. Dimmitt 364 votes. For Aldermen: J. C. Godbey 500 votes. J. R. Shaw 364 votes. Owen W. Sherrill 429 votes. V,e herewith enclose poll list and tally sheet of said election. Witness our hands this the 25th day of Larch, A. D. 1922. W. 1. S tump rlr..siding Oificer. C. 0. Eddens JUDGE J. G. ?�ullens J UD GL Charlie A. Johnson (;ltrk. G. W. Johnson Cle rk. 14 F7E,CTZON RETURNS. To the City Council of the City of George town, Texas we the undersigned officers holding an election on the 25th day of March 1928 at the City Ball Building in the City of Georgetown, lVexas to determine If the said city shall issue bonds in the sum of 085,000#oo for the purpose of building,paving and improving the streets of the said city hereby certify that at the said election there were 596 votes east,of which there were cast: FDR TPM ISSUAI,TCF OF BONDS ------------- ----------314 votes AGAINST '1'I .. ISSUANCE OF BONDS ---------------------276 votes Majority FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS ---------------- 38 votes. Vire herewith enclose poll list and telly sheet of said electioN. Witness our hands this 25th day of March A.D.1922 ,res ding Fficer Judge Judg® Cls rk -- - ------------ - � - --- -- Clerk I THE STATE OF TEXAS, City of Georgetown, County of Williamson. On thi s the .3.R tth .. day of .April ....1922, the OWISK $sm tx stx=*nr City Council, &AxAk*xo :xR.xvt%yxkXj* of the City of Georgetown, Texas, convened in regular session in the Council. Room in the city hall, all members thereof, towit: Jno.. IT, ..Sht4e—,, ,Ia7mr,. sand STV � H H. Davis,. Pay �S�ic�r�nan,..N. R : Mood, J. R. Shaw, and D. N Wilcox, ..............Aderman, being present, and, among other busineds transacted, the following ordinance was passed: "An ordinance by the City Council, tib of the City of Georgetown, Texas, authorizing the issuance of bonds for the principal *sum of SWOAXA., for the purpose of buildin�,..avinK rap.di;Wrov. .-%trftet,4 .04 Aa!A C.Lty........... (.) and providing for the levy, assessment, and collection of a tax of WYen.. cents on the one. hundred Dollars' val- uation of. all taxable property within thelimi is of said city to pay the interest and create a sinking fund for the redemption thereof, and prescribing the form of bond )(and declaring an emerg- en cyl. Alderman ....T:'':.R:,t2Qodi ...........moved that the ordinance be placed ,on its first reading; seconed by Alderma.n...�-, X%.544, , and carried by the following vote: AYE:.«�i.�g.�;viss.T�T: R..ITood=�7o;T.Shermant.J F. Shaw, .D:. -:.W l7ox None Carried; placed on first reading. Alderman...W,.II,.Davis......moved that the ordinance pass first reading; secnned by Alderman, ..�2s .$# . VIT99g... , and carried by ties following vote: AYE:".III. .D4YiS,..y�7Q..�..LZovd,.l'wy.shermaial.J.►R.•Shaw,.D..Z., .71i\lcox NO: .00006000.0 90400 0#00000 10*0000 #000 00 Carried; ordinance passed first reading. ood Alderman.... ... ...Z...:... , ;coved t} -at the rules be suspended and that the ordinance be placed on second reading; seconed by Alderman 2 to 2m ........�•.pPAj-........., and carried by the following vote: AYE: C.. NO None ) Carried; ordinance placed on second reading. Alderman... iT•. R.. ShVLW......., moved that the ordiaance pass second reading; seconded by and carried by the following vote: AYE: YL �i.��:�r�•.1�•.#�f.3�PA41..'3�. ��Pi�.. Js,�i. r��A�'•. p.. �,. ,ti.�oos NO Hone ( Carried; ordinance passed second reading. Alderman• ... d•.F•• S4W....., moved that the ordinance pass third and final reading; seconded by Alderman ....Wo. &• DILYie and carried by the following vote: AYE: WiM.PVWP . •.Vt. 1TW& SPY. P4;W-Pt.J,.R,.S��W..��.K�i; lcosc NO: {)•.•••••.•.0Ne 000*,•••s•..•s•••,.••.•s••••,•s.•.•.••s•{�") passed. Mayor. JM41 47P, then declared the ordinance finally The ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE by the City et:* Council)mof the City of Georgetown, Texas, authorizing the issuance of bonds for the principal sum of $64999.09..... , for the purpose of..... buildiog� . pa�i�e. aid. fmFrflyivg. ire. e�r'�ta. ot. rb�id. ci �y....... { 1 and providin for the levy, assessment and collection of a tax of ...... .. ......(i) cents on the one hundred dollars' valuation of all taxable property within the limits of said city to pay the interest and create a sinking fund for the redemption thereof, and peescribing the form of bond Wand declaring an em. ergencyf. (ii) 11(�MEAS, at an election held in the City of Georgetown,.1A"^. on the. . • a . d y of.hu"-L.1922, 1922, a majority of the qualified voters, who are property taxpayers of the City of Georgetown, vot- ing at said election, sustained the proposition to issue the bonds hereinafter described for the principal sum of.$85,000. a by a vote ot...r.....affirmative votes, and which carried by a majority 0 3• vote of AS .... in favor thereof, being "for the issuance of bonds, "•- THEREFORE, BE IT ©RDA12M BY THE CITY Council*. OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN: Section 1. That the bonds of said city be called "City Street of GeorgetownKBonds, * be issued under and by virtuekf Chapter 1, Title 18, R. S. 19119 and Chapter 9� Gemeral Laws, 37th Legislature, Regular Session, 1921, and the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, for the' -purpose of , �:� E�+.:�avin�snd, improvin�the, a�t�eets of said city Ain the principal sum of. PAMPY. Floe. YJMIP€ O..... Dollars. Section 2. That said bands shall be numbered conseeutim. ly from one to.. ESS..., inclusive, shall be of the denomination of One. dollars each, aggregating the sum of .TKoA-11IA . . . ) dollars. Section 3. That they shall be dated the. M.. day shall become due and payable (1).....years fron6heir date, but may be redeemed at the pleasure of the city at any time after...` 0.... (m) years from their date. Section 4. That they shall bear interest at the rate of f ve per cent per annn,uum, payable semi-annually on the day of. ..a .. . nd k.)o_r each year. (n) Section 5. That the principal and interest of said series of bonds shall be payable on presentation and surrender of bond or neper coupon at the of�fy1ice�oj the State Treasurer, Austin, in the City of �IqVtY4, State of,� at the option of the holder. 11 4 - Section 6. Thit each of said bonds shall be signed by the mayor, countersigned by the city secretary, and registered by the city treasurer, and the corporate seal of the "City of 'y &411 Georgetown' shall be impressed upon each of them. r Section 7. That the facsimile signature of the mayor and city secretary May be lithographed on the coupons attached to said bonds, and shall have. the same effect as if they had been sign ed by them. Section S. The form of said bonds shall be substantially as follows: pro.. ..... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. State of Texas, County of. WA,1.1j PPn.......... The Ci ty of. 9APT130xPMM. a ... .... , S. &At. Bond. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the City of Georgetown, in the County of Williamson, State of Texas, a municipal corp• oration duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Texas, 2K for value received, hereby promises to pay to the bearer hereof on the • • • . day of • • • , a • 19.� the sum of . One. ZbDuzand. a ......... (�. �..DAO,AA... t dollars, in lawful money of the United States of America, with interest thereon from date hereof at the rate of.. Sipe, aperr cent per num, nterest payable semi-annually on the.. ..s.... day of ..... , and the. .. day of .., of each year, principal and interest payable upon presentation and surrender of bond or propercouponate the igeWW4 of the State Treasurer, *ustin, Texas, or at/h u'�.44 tiM"":`.��►►•tt...�k, in the City of�� j State of ?7', at the option of the holder, and the City of Georgetown, is h eby and firmly bound, and its faith and credit, and all real and personal pro. perty in said city, are hereby pledged for the prompt payment of the principal of this bond and the interest thereon at maturity. 12. . 5 - This bond is one of a series ofM....bonds, numbered from 1 to -O...., inclusive, of the denomination of ... One.,...... 1,DDD.D0..... )dollars each, aggregating. Zlghlr- Ef.4e... ) dollars, issued for the purpose of building, paving and improvin th cit . �tx Ykk �t�r . un r s c� �f Ysr e ' dChap Iyer 1, Ti tl e 180 R. S. 1911,and Chapter 9j General Laws, 37th Legislature, Regular Session, 1921, and the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and in pursuance of an ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, on the 10th day of April, 1922, which ordinance is of.record in the Ordinance Record of *aid City. The City of Georgetorn reserves the option of redeeming this bond at any time after ten years from its date by paying principal and accrued interest thereon, and in case the same shall be called in for redemption before maturity, notice thereof in writing shall be given to the holder or holders thereof by the city secretary of said city at least thirty days before the date fixed for redemption, and should this bond not be presented for reemp- tion, the same shall cease to bear interest from and after the date so fixed for redemption. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED That the issuance of this bond, and the series of which it is a part, ii duly authoriz- ed by law and by a vote of the qualified property taxpaying voters of the City of Georgetown, Texas, voting at an election held for that purpose within said city on ths.25,oday of that all acts, conditions and things required to be done preceident to and in the issuance of this series of bonds, and of this bond, have been properly done and performed and have happened in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law; that sufficient and proper provision for the levy and collection of taxes has been made which when collected shall be appropriated exclusively to the payment of this bond, and of the aeries of which it is a part, and to the payment of the interest coupons hereto annexed as the same shall become due; and that the total indebtedness of said City 11 6" of Georgetown, including the entire series of bonds of which this is one, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Georgetown, by its 4e=� 61169 ern Council , has caused its corporate seal to be affixed hereto, and this bond to be signed by its mayor, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the lithographed sig- natures of the mayor and the city secretary; the date of this bond, in confo ty with the ordinance above referred to, being . iT'' �� the.lYA1. day of.":1.....,19k:1.'. Mayor, City of Georgetown, Texas. Countersigned: Vv Registered: • • . • ♦ • • • . . • . • . ... • • 0 0 0 0 .. 0 .... .. . City Treasurer. Section 9. The form of the coupon shall be substantially as follows: N0 . • .... • ..... ON the.. � • .. day $ 26.00 of...99.......,1922. The City of Georgetown, Texas, will pay to bearer at the AW4 office of the State Treasurer, Austin, Texas, gr at the. .14'?�. 1" .......Bank in the City of �� L State of the ^ of Twenty-five 025.00 dollars in lawful money of the United Stags of Amer a, being six months, interest an .. an the City of George - 40 town, .... Bond No..... , dated. ��. l.. , 1922, .. ...'.moi.:: t . . ... .....�.� � Mayor. Ci ty Secre tX. 14 40 7.. Section 10. The following certificate shall be printed on the back of each bond OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER, STATE OF TERAS. I Hereby Certify That there is on file and of record in my office a certificate of the Attorney General of the State of Texas to the effect that this bond has been examined by him as re- quired by law and that he finds that it has been issued in con. formity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and that it is a valid and binding obligation upon said City of George. town, Texas, and said bond has this day been registered by me. Witness my hand and seal of office, at Austin, Texas, this the•..•..•..•day of•..•••.•.., 1922. • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . • ♦ .. • ♦ • i • • • . . • . Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas. Section 11. It is further ordained by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, that to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to discharge them at maturity, a tax of.. A-7... . cents on each $100 valuation of all taxable pro- perty in said city of Georggtown, Texas, shall be annually levied on said property, and annually assessed and collected until said bonds and interest thereon are paid, and said tax is here now levied for the current year 1912.'., and for each succeeding year, while *add bonds are outstanding, and the same shall be &*sodded and collected for the current year and annually thereafter, and applied to the purpose named. Y Section 12. It is further ardained that. '. 1��2,�21 the mayor of said city, and- office *.shall be auth- orized to take and have charge of all necessary records pending investigation by the Attorney General and shall take and have charge and control of the bonds herein authorized pending their approval by the Attorney General and registration by the Comp -t troller of Public Accounts. Ps 8 - Section 13. The fact that the City of Georgetown, Texas, is badly in need of which improve- ment is necessary and will be to the best interests and general welfare of the said city, create an emergency and an imperative public necessaity that the rule requiring ordinances to be read on,4eja. separate days before final passage, be suspended, and such rule is hereby suspended, and it is ordained that this ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and approval. N r Passes and approved this the. �..�.. day of... .�/. • • • 19 0 0 Approved: • • • •••r• ••••a• • ••• • •11� yor, City of Georgetown, Texas* Attest: City Seoretar . THE STATE OF TEXAS, City of Georgetown, County of Williamson. At a meeting of the City Council, of;Georgetown Texas, held on the 14th day of April, 1922, at the regular meeting place thereof, in the City Hall, a quorum being pre- sent, there came on to be considered the returns of an election held for the purpose of building i •raving 0and 0 improving 0 the•• streets of said city. and it appearing that the proposition received the necessary favorable vote, the following resolution was passed: WHEREAS, under and by vi rture of an order and O=dA- W.. $, �_ AN i !-- 'N� name entered by the City Council, of the City of Georgetown, Texas, on the 21st day of February, 1922, an election was held in the said City on the 25th day of March, 1922, for the pur- pose tho estrests Sesotho** ; said city. and, WHERF,AS, on the 10th day of April, 1922, the same being a regular session of the City Council, of the said City of Georgetown, Texas, there came on to be considered the returns of said election so held in the said City on the 25th day of March, 1922, to determine whether or not the bonds of said City should be issued in the sum of .,. 0. 0 . ......t`��1,.444..O►�d)...... , ...Dollar8, payable forty years from the date thereof, redeemable at any time after ten years from date thereof, and bearing intetest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, for the purpose of said ci ty. i"-..* .AAXits 1V ,ijV.Aravij-A At.re.stea.o4 h; and whether or not a tax on the One Hundred Dollare, valuption of all taxable pro - party in the said City, could be J*vied for the payment thereof at maturity, said tax being for the purpose of creating a sink- ing fund for the payment of said bond, and the interest thereon, at maturity; and, 17 2.. WHEREAS, upon consideration of returns of said election, it appears that the same was in all respects legally bold, after due notice thereof had been given, and that the said retunns were duely _a<nd legally made, and that there was cast at tbo-said &1*0t1o& •p•.i;�........ votoo, of which numbs r.A�' ... votes, were cast"FOA THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS" and .A'.4......voter were cast "AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS". TNMPORE, be It resolved by the City Coun ail of the City of Georgetown, Texas, that the proposition to issue said bonds and levy said tax for the purpose aforesaid was sustained by a majority of the qualified property taxpaying voters, voting at said election, and that the City Council of said City is auth. orized to issue said bonds and to levy and have assessed and collected said tax for the payment of the principal and interest of the said bonds at maturity thereof. The above resolution being read, it was moved by the City and seconded by the City Coon oilmea ... �P.. H.. DaY� �.2.... , that the same do pass. Thereupon, the question being called for, the following Council• men voted AYE:. W,.11, -Do-via.. w.. R.. Yi00iI, . b'ay. Sb�I`�31• . T..�.. 5h�IN, D. Y. Wilcox, and the following voted NO:...,....➢Tone.......................« Approved on this the 10th da of April, 1922 -6-t- a--e-c- Mayor,ty of Georgetown, Texas. Attest* City Secretary. It AFFIDAVIT OF POSTIYIG NOTICES OF ELECTION. State of Texas. Williamson County. Before me the undersigned authority on this day personal- ly ersonal- ly appeared, Jno. M, Sharp, May..or of the City of Georgetown, Texas, and after being bjy me first duly sworn says upon his oath that he posted a true and correct copy of the notiop of election herein before ful17 set out, at the City Hall Building, the place designated for the holding of the said election. fat the said notice was posted on the 22nd, day of February A. D. 1922, which was not less than thirty full days prior to the date of the holding of the said election, I-ILYelo die City © or ;e wn,TLxas. Subscribed and sworn to before me this the lLtuay of April A, D. 1922. - NVA t. :,A LA..a ',' A NoUiry-Publid In Slid or Wil- liamson County, Texas. lei CERTIFICATE OF THE CITY SECRETARY. 71E S T " Tg OF TEXAS CITY OF GEORGE' TOWN COUNTY �A� OF WII,IIA=ISON, I ___"':.f�',"�. -------- City Secretary of the City of Georgetown, TeXas, .- do hereby certify that the above and foregoing copies of - I. (a) Order of City Council calling the bond election; (b) Notice of election; (c) Affidavit of posting election notice; (d) Affidavit of publishing election notiore; (e) Election returns; (f) Resulution canvassing returns and declaring result; (g) Ordinance authorizing the issuance of ke3aft the bonds;end (h) Certificate of the District Clerk.. are true and correct copies of the originals now on file vnd of record in my office. lie I Further certify that the order of the City Council ordering the bond election is of record on ,page+.-.�, of Book -1-, of thr; minutes of said Council,which minutes. have been duly signed and approved by the mayor. III. I further certify that the resolution canvassing the returns and declaring the result of the election appears of record in Book -A-, a Page —Il -,of the minutes of the said City Council,which minutes have been duly signed and approved by the mayor. IV. I further certify that the ordinance authorizing the issuance of the bonds was passed at a regular meeting of the City Counoil,-all the members thereof being present, -and appears of record in the proceedings of said Cit ,Coanoll�Book J -,page ' tL,and said ordinance has been duly ejgni&-and ~approved by the mayor. Witness"" and and the seal of the said City of Georgetown,Texas,on this x f� the -� r --day of --J? ------ _'.19.e� 2 *Vi Geo r�;®tovvn,Taxas/ City Secretary of the ;C ORO FINANCIAL STATE.'M T OF BILE; CITY 09 GEDBGETOWN, TE�.S. 1. TAnBEr vALMS. Assessed values of real estate for the year 19U,as ccs shown by the last approved assessment rolls ----------w-- Assessed values of personal property for the year 19�U as shown by V -e last approved assessment rolls ---- -- -- - © Total------------------------------------------- II. GBNERAi TAX RATE AUTHORIZED. ' For 191•.,•;�.KLl. P:'4i�M'/� � �•,,'4yr�"""w .�til ��iG[�w.- r�fM �w�. .mow ww__rwra_ II I. BOII'DE INDE BrLTDIM, 3S.�� Kind of Date of .Amount Bonds issue of issue REFUNDING SCHOOL 1950- HOUSE BONDS- - -Aug.16-1905- 414000.00 - WATER WCEK9,- - Leo.1-1910- 32000.00- F.L'!CTRIC LIGHTS, Deo.1-1910- 13000.00- WAT%',R W(TKS SLCOITD :I iIEB- - JIV O'-' 1pp.00 TING Amount Rate of Date of Tax levy Outstanding Interest i;iaturity in force w5000.00 6,� 1935- 3 Cents 28000.00 5-% 1950- 12 Cents 9000.00 5,10 1950- 5 Cents. 10500.00 5' 1954- 5 Cents. I hereby certofy that the above statement as to the indebtedness of said City of Georgetown,Texas,is s true and correct as shown by the records of my office. Called for payment June lst.inste�,ater Works Bonds,.e2OOO 00 and WAter Works Works B3Ads,Seooud Series,v 500.00 Witness my official sirnature,this the 8th -d wwwr--r.w—w w-rw w.�_www r.�w --r+•�w_www__ City Treasurer, City o� Georgetown,texae. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing statement exhibits a true and correct amount of the indebtedness of the said city of Georgetown, TexasR,of every character existing on the ZQ=day of as shown by the records of my office,and also a correct statement of the taxable values of said City as shown by the 2xzk assessment rolls last approved. Given under my hand and- e 1 the seal of the said City of Georgetown, Texas, on this the 4-;`+f+�dey of .� ----------- .. .. .err wry—wrr Lw—___ww w_www City Secretary,City of Ge ,-etown,Texas. a1 CERTIFICATE OF THE DISTRICT CLERK. State of Texas. Williamson County. I, C. H. Gee, District Clerk of Williamson County, Texas, do ghereby certify that since the election was held in the City of Georgetown, Texas, to authorize the issueance of C,15,000,00, of bonds for the purpose of building paving and improving the Streets of the said City, no suits have been filed, and ho suits are now pendingin this court to set &aside the said election or to prevent the issueance of the said bonds, and that there are no suits of any kind, filed, in any way affecting either the said election or the issue - ante of the said bonds. Witness my hand and sal of office this the ��day of eL—. ..... A T 9000 Clerllc of the- Dist-tict Courf,Dist—tic in an for Williamson County, Texas, AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION OF FhEDT10N NOTICE* TIM S TAME OF TFXA.S COMITY OF W1111A!1SON Before me,the undersigned authority,on thiel day personally appeared W.W.Jenkins who,after being by me duly sworn,deposes and says that he it the Editor and Publisher of"The Williamson County Sun",a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly pub- lished in the city of Georgetown,Texas,for a period of more than one year prior to the 81st day of February A.D.1922 and that he published a truuopy of the election notive hereto attached in said paper on the following dates : The 24th dey of February A.D.1922; the 3rd day of March A.D.1922, the loth day of March A.D.1922 and the 17th day of 11arch A.D.19226the date of its first publication being not less than thirty full days before the date of the election. Sworn to and subscribed before me by .- = �`�-`�--�- on this the aj�day of -4- -_-,19.x. Notary Publio,Wiiliamson County,Texas. 23 X Ob,RTIFICATE OF '1133 CITY SUCH=ARY, THE IST'ATE OF TMZ* CITY OF GLORGi TOVtN COUNTY OF WILLIAMS01. 1. Geo. Keahey, City Seca etary of the City of Gc:or-Ze- town, Texas, do hereby certify that the above e.nd forelroing � copies of ordinance of the City of Georgetown, Texas, fixing the salaries of the Mayor and two Aldermen to be elected at the regular election to be held on the first Tuteday in A. Aril, A. Do 1922# "yor's Alection proclamation$ Affidavit of posting election notice; Affidavit of publishing election notice; Election returns � Canvassing returnee and declaring result; Layor+s Oath of Office$ are true and correct copies of the originals now �'► on Ella and of record in my affiee. I further certify that at the regular meeting of the City Council, of the City of Georgtetown, Texas„ held . on the. 10th clay of .April, 1922, that L. J. Dimmitt, as Mayor* and T. C. Godbey and O. We Sherrill, as Aldermen, c ffioes were sworn into thc;ir respective o after all the o- ther business of the meeting had been trans&cted j, L af fitness my hand and the seal off the said City of Georgetown, Texas, on this the �� a,y of tz, 1922. c.l:,LCIS► TjtRY, GF TIZ, CITY OF 'TI XAS. .ae 'V J'y OMCR Or ATTORNEY GENERAL or STATE OF TEXAS THIS TO TO CERTIFY, That the... ...._...City. ofAleargetown ........... ............. ............. _ .............. _ ...... ............... Texas........................................__51r..OV... ___---..-.1_"__ ........ . ....... .... ............... ...................... ........................ bonds, issued by virtue of as ...... _ ........ passed by the'...- ....... ....... ......... C1 ty_ C'Mucil ... ...................... . ........... of said.. ........... _0 it -Y� ............... ..... __ - ................. ........ ..... I ... ........ 1-1.-___ . ........ ---1 ............. --- _1-1-1 ... 1-1 .......... .... ...... ................... ............................. ................. ........ of) the-....... 3.otIL ................_day ...........................................................for the purpose of ...... IMI-IdUgs .... ......... __ .......... I ............... ......... __1 .................. ...... ---------- ............ .... ................... . . ....... - ............ ............ ... ..... ............................. ....... ........ .......................... ................ .................... . dnted..... numbered consecutively from .................. IL ........ ................ to ... ......... U ......................... inclusive, for the C sumof ..................................1= ... TIMT'........ ...... ......... ........ ............. ......................... ............... .... .... DOLIARM each, aggregating the sum of...... ........................ VIOZ.&M, ............. - .......................... .......... ........... ........ _.-DOLLARM payable... 01 .. tbs,. ................. re tals. Nationa I -Bankg-A.U.-tbot. �Qlt.V_01..Kow ... Tc�.*# ... A.W0_0 ... gem Ta"* ... V4, holder, AN follows: mv�._ ....... POM ... XEj=_3.WU_,aMp-rodeaMbI * -at --- this ... pleasurs-o-f tb* ... City ............. __a -t -any .. time-aftez ... tan ... Vam_f=w_"ta*___ ----- - ------- " ....... ............. - .... . . .................. ......................... ................... .............. I ... I., ....... ......' ................. ...... ............ ... ....... I ..... ......... .......... ...................... ......... ... .... ------ ......... ........ ............ ...... ...................... ...... ......... - .... ..................... ........ .......... ........ .... ....' .................. ....... ...... I .......... ............. ......... .............. ..... ................. ---- ........ .......... I., ......... ...... ...... ... ........... .__" � ........... ... ........ ... _ ......... .............. _._ ... ........ .... 11 11-- ............................ ............ .......... ..... ..... ........ ............... - .... ............. ....... ............. ............... ............. ................ with interest at the rate of .... fivo ... per cent Per annum, payable ----- ................. have been submitted to me for examination In accordance with the requirement* M.. --J940..........._ and I have carefully examined said Muds in connection with the facts and the Constitution and laws on the subject of the ex- ecution of said bonds, and I And upon the evidence submitted to me and as the result of a careful examination of the matter the following facts: 1. That the- .... ............... C-ity-0.1 Georg*to=. ............ ......................... ............... _was at the time of the passage *f the ................... ...4Dr-cUlIfta.... ........ ....alwve referred to legally .... ............. Anearpor"".__ - --- ........ L. That the taxable values of said ........ ...... - ..... ......... --citz ............. .............................. according to the assessment last 4 o'! approved before the issuance of said bonds amounted to ...... 'g'J00 0 . 0 ........... ......... 11 ... . .......... .......... ..................... ...... 3. That a tax of ........ t%0ZtjrwJWV*U ..... .-.._.._-oents on each hundred dollars valuation of taxable property in said ..... CA4_ ..............was legally levied to pay Interest an said bonds and to mate a sinking fund to provide for their liqui- dation at maturity; and Mat said tax Is sufficient for the purpose. named. 4. That the ..._ 4rUjW&0,*,_...&utbori%lug the issuance of said bonds to in proper form and was legally passed. That said bonds are proper In form and In accordance with the ............ DrdiUMOS ........... authorlsing their issuance. 6. .. .... .................... I ...... _ .................... __ .......... ...... ...... ......... __ .... ............ ......................... ........... __ ---------- _ ------ ____ ------------------ - - ................... ....... ........ . . - ..................... ....... ........ ........ -------- — ----------- - - ------------- - .......... .......... ...... ....... ..... ............. I., ....... ........... .......... ....................... .... I ............. ___ ............... ............ ............ ...... .............. .. ...... ... .......... _' ........ _ ............ ...... ........... -1 ... I ...... .. . .......... ......... 11 ........... ............. ....... . .......... . .......... .............. --1 ..... ................ ....... ..................... I ........ . ....... . .............. ............ _ .... I— .... ...... ............... .... .................... ............ ............. ............ ....... .... .... I ......... ............ I—— I.I.-.1 ............ ....... ........... ............ ...... ......................... ............................. ............................ ................. ................... ....... -.1 ... I .... --- ...................................... ............. It is my judgment, and I so find, that all the reiluirements of the law under which said bonds were issued have been compiled wl(b; that said bonds were issued in conformity with the COMItitUtIOD and laws of the State of Texas; and that they are valid and binding obligations upon the said. . ................. ........................... ....... ................ of__ ...... _Q0.QT1P_0W!........................._, Texas. IN Tl ISTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my naute officially and caused to be impressed hereon the seal of my oMcv In the City of Austin, Texas, this the........., ...... ............. ADtingthe .,t to of Texas. aft ...... A' Pucy Uneral� e Form 102lb-U461-1221-5en 2,80, 0-M 91 OATH OF OFFICE "I$ Lilburn 4, Dimmitt, do solemnly swear, that I will faithfu.,.ly and impartially discharge and per. form all the duties incumbent upon me as Mayor, of the City of Georgetown$ Texas$ according to the best of my skill and ability, agreeably to the constitution and laws of the United States, and of this State$ and I do further solemnly swear, that since the adoption of the constitution of this state, 1$ being a citizen of this State$ have not Fought a duel with deadly uvea-* pone, within this State, nor out of it, nor have I sent or accepted a ckallenge to fight a duel with dead- ly weapons, nor have I acted aa second in carrying a challenge, or aided, advised or assisted any person thus offending. And i furthermore solemnly swear that I have not directly, or indirectly paid, offered or prom- ised to pay, contributed, nor promised to -contribute any money or valuable things, or promised any public office or employment, as a re%ard for the giving or with -.holding a vote at the election'at w'(.ieh I was elected., So nelp� me God." SV:0I0F to, and subscribed by Lilburn a. Pimm°+itt, before me, this the 10th day `of April, A.,.D. 1922., Geo, I Keahey_.._.., Secretary of Georgetowno Williamson County$ Texas. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION OF ELECTION NOTICE. THE STATE OF TEXAS, CO UVTY OF Y,- ILL IA=" ON v Before me, the undersigned auti ority, on this day per- sonally appca.red W. T. Jenkins, who, after being by me duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the Editur and Publisher of "The Williamson County Sun"„ a nevepaper of general circu- lation, which 1"s been continuously and regular2* published in the City of Georgetown* Texas, for a period of more than one ^ar prier to the 21st day of February, A. D. 1922, and that he published a true copy of the election notice hereto attached in said paper on the fslloviing dates % the 10th day of March# A. D. 1922; the 17th day of March, A. Dr 1922; the 24th day of March, A. Do 1922 and the 31st day of larch, A. D. 1922, this date of itis first publication being not less than thirty full, duyo before the date of the election, Sworn to and subscribed b on this the _L � day of S _ t No ° i, a ': , �r 116oIT cGC0 LEI T 3. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICES OF ELECTION, STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON. before me the undersigned authority on this day per- sonally appeared of the City of Georgetown, Texae, and after being by me i first duly sworn, upon his oath, says that he posted a true and correct copy of the notice of election hereinbefore fully set out, at the City Hall Building, the place desi6nated for the Y:olding of the said election. That the said notice was posted on the 7th day of March$ A. D. 1922, which was not less than thirty full days prior to the date of the holding of the said election. MAY OF THE CITY OF GI,IORGETOWN, TEXAS. Subscribed and sworn to before me tLie the _ day of , A. D. 1922, PUBLIC. IN jXD FOR VILLIti"—GN COU1iT" , �)140TARY TEXAS. .4 The State of Texas, County of illiamson, City of Georgetown. I, Go*. Keahey, Secretary of the City of Georgetown, Toxas,hereby certify that at the regular meeting of the City of Georgetown, Texas, held on the 10th day of April, 1922,that L. J. Dimmitt, as Mayer,and J. C. Godboy and 0. °1. Sherrill, as Aldermen, were sworn into their respective offices after the passage of the "City of Georgetown street Paving 3onds" ordinance and the transaction of all other bivkiy� ess of UA ri4ftdtIV6. '.itness my hand and the 9ftal of the City of Georgetown, Texas, an this the 20th day of July, A. D. L922. City Secretary of the City of Cteyorgetown, Texas. U] A Rl?, 30LU. rIN QF TIE CITY 0? GzDR3:"T0 * TTTA? 3 I",'T,' L. '3 B„ C 0": iTR'JC'!"0'D o 02 AIM A Wn 3 T1t. � 3TR -;,�T 3 ="TT I OTTED A" Iia F 0TIT 07 VW3 rnt?'."�' RTYY fln-11= 1# BY A-113 AT VM,- C013T OP TIM 0M'RT111 OF TSt-3 SAID #'FU '�'ZY• VM SAIM TO W COISTUCT"D 1".? A^C01z'7A':,",` ' '71n THF, T r= ANI r'ROY23IONS 07 AN 011DIVA10F, rARZZ?D AID APPROTFD CN 11th D."Y Off" DRCHZ3F" A.D* 19059 AND AN QRDZ'IAT"R PA ->3,,D A"_'!) A`:'ROVZD MAY TIG 9th* A.D. 1921.A'.M CR—ATI13 AM AH ITFJ OLVZD by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas. BIRSTI That it is hereby ordered# that sidewalk's be constructed# in accordance with the termeand provisions of an ordinpnos rar�sed and approved on the 11th, day of December A.D, 1905* and an ordinance passed and approved Myr 9th*1921* by and at the cost of various property owners* on and along the streets herein named& in front of the property herein named* as follows# As Along and In front of all of the property owned by C.R. Hayfield* 3.H* Morgan$ S.C. burn# Sam Harris# and Mrs* 163* Saunters# and each of thorn# along and in front of that portion thereof# abutting on the Hast rule of Ash Street of said City* B♦ Along and in front of all of that portion of the property of Mrs • date Makemson * abutting on the South side of 10th* Street of the said Cityl and known as the Mrso'Kate Ukemson home* 0703Yl# That the said sidewalks shall be built and constructed* by the said property owners# on and along the said streets at the said places* each in front of the property owned by him# and the same shall be completed# within sixty days aster the notice* provided herein is given. rinl DO That the City Commissioner of the said pity shall give or cause to be given# notioe* in writing to each of the said property owners& wherein they are instructed to 1°�1 �oF4•�1dowd OY Ti- oonstruot the sidevalkeg in s000rdanoe with the torms and oonditi©ns here3f, and the City .;twae t. Cotouiseioner shall cause to be made and as4ortained the proper lines and gradesg U!))n wniah said sitiewalks are to 4e built, and shall furnish same to the sai4 property owners# when oalled upmn bye them so to do* That the Cunt, that there are no sidevalks, at and along the property heroin designated# at the planes herein desig- nated, makes an impel-ative publ'is neisassi.ty* and creates an 9morgenoys that, this rosolutiin take e#fe+at from and after Its pa4 mage& ant it is here ordered that this resolution take orfeat fr,)m a -.,d oltor its passage. ' '" ► 1923,wrll) A"''"-,0-*r"D this the 9ths dayof April A.D,o A'TTF IT Goy 70(, P)I Gni, t 1; Georgetown* Texas. lk aA ur -of tale citj o Gcorgetiwno Texas. 04 1 oq I I q -2-75 11 CITY 01PIli AHCS CAIJI" A IsOM 1,L:WT1(,Se -- i'.&VI-LiG X11 -D3, AN WIDDANM OF JM4 01ty GJP TUASs CALLIW AICD LFtDLRw INO All )-Lj,Cl 10% IQ 14h kz,1� 11 AAV VUR SIRL bAil) 011 Y Ws IXE. 30TH DAY U 1st)V'1iXb'1ts A, D. 194'.'5s kY IF -4 VOTLhS (.,Y VAID CITY ,VALIf" 16 VUVX A? NLCh All k-LklClli-A, TO DA 1�UlNh S11,W11ILK CM AST 1 IF ki 1 1 t3liAj.10 BE'. I,OW-M by %W,� %1AID CTTY. bUklid IN IM; AQWLQATk ;AiN OF $46*000.00t 11 W,,h(dV1WA1 14,1i3 L#F 000.04 XACH, D" T111"LL I AUX UAR, Y(k. 1 OY44 TO ThlhTY Y -'.AAS AY77-8 ILL DAM ViJ�40Y# TO bk.Aft IS- T -4-1 OT VkAWA DA17e. AT LJ9 k1A AI;JUWo k AYAXI�WA-A:NN6ALLY AS IT A&:,w C.Rijkli, AtD *A,, -T Di A I141J-]L.ST 10 11, AR ire bAkh Y -,,M.0 IUIP Mthl,6T, jh',1�44-.ST I V 10% PY 0. (,,W4-GN.h; AM) TO A;11,41 V.X 11M 1J VV Ala) viui.14%U,11t.X GY TAUS ,;UF?ICV.WT 'TO VARY EAID BUNDS OD IM. IMM4,61 T11 1 -GF, AS It �ATUIk6j 11W 6AID BONDi TO JM,- 4;t LD* AXD 130- 111,81 1UF 10 W, U,14,J) 11 110-- I-AVIWo NRAV4VO. 1 I1A)1XQj Ikki4VIXOv 01LAI1As A.4) %114MIQ 6111-1,TS IS 4AID CITY* Bx iT fjAi" by Tim ciTy oaotciL brrvu-- ciTy or 07 -U -0i.1415, 11,,XAS3 That an elootion be and In hereby eaLled area ordered loold In the said City, on 00 auth day of kovembere A. D* 1VW-bq by the voters of the said City .,ualiflod Under the I&V to Veto at such an elections, to doterairle %better or r,os the said City *ball 1*&,Ao its beside in the agkret;ate. own at 446#000*00a to denomina-W tics* of $b=,iuevO *ack4 dw wid 1ajable acr4ally throe each year for from one 4,4 thirty years Ir-oluelves, after the date tYArools until all Lave been paid* and bearing interest flem, the date tioroof at We rate of SIT* per sent per &ROUS4, Payable 0MMi-a1W1Ua11y &S It &e,;rvss# as ovidor cod by eoupans# to bear interest from maturl%f at the w"m rat*; ard to authorise the, levy sand Golloation Of a tart by t1a said city* *Ulf icierit to -uy *It 0A ,maid bor4a su'd the said interest at tl* maturity tLertolo as It &COr"641 %he 6*44 bonds to be Isaiied by the said City for the Vurj*&* of raising money frow the *&I* tker*aft to pe.V*1, drain, improves, bulide *idea$ said Open street* at %be said eltyp w.der 114 beutr" aiAeryloian and direction or the city Counall of the #aid City* That all persons voting at the, maid election for the IssairA of the said bonds flail ).&we Pril-ted or Written on uoir baliets, wyar t1 --a issue of lieridow; ^ad that all paroons vot- Ir.g at said election against the lesaing of the said bead* al -all how* printed or witten qkA t1i,sir b" tats, OA&a.Last the losiAo oftondolo That the said oleetion &hall be held at Slie City Wal Building In fire said City, and *hall be hold In elle wouvier pro&- cribod 4)y I&* far %h* molding of ewth olootionse Tkat I* Is Stumps and I,* B* branch are Leroby nased,, eatiatitkited and &k,ointed judges of &aid election and 011166re of the said o.Loction# and laci*by exj,"srsd to apiaint such caurks and aesiow-ts as they maydeem, nece"arys and 1,*xtby &apowi6red to do all thir+,* vacessary an* prolar In Us, boldijig of tits oaxd 0464tiong That the layer of %his City Is 1,or6by directed to eamso this ordinavoo to be Ipmbliatted In the filliUmson CQwPty tiuris & vaso -a Of /Jf* AQW0 6Y -TK LIM 4) 14 1 -I papor publlsb*4 IS, WO 6414 City 1-000 *&Oh W*sk trr fog' jsuQg*ggIVO Vook*# %be tits% V"blba&tian to be not lom than tLirty Jay* prior to 04 64%0 Of U0 W6,14 O1SQt1QU; and 110 10 bbrubY diroet*4 to "uo* & eQjy *I UAO ordingwee to bo "I'vated ilk tf.vve ptktoile Placos In IN&A City& 4ifto *1 Wlich Mill b* at the i..Lmkc* of tho f'olding of tbo &aid si*Gtion for *% i6m.6% 04rty days prior %* UAO date of %I** 1.01diS4 of trio said *1octionjo, &od *Len so 1,owtod we published tbi# "divaugA UA011 bo and sanotitare tar rietiso of *aid s1**tAarae q I&O"d &ft4 Appr*'Vod this W&O k6th day of (jetoborg A* Do IVL&o 't v 1,101711173 02 AN MiDUANCE OF TIM CAY OF GLUL&M-TOVS, TZXAS, CALLIM AND ORD14,- UIG AN ILLI-CTIVFTO M HELD IN AND FOR THS. SAID CITY ON TEL 30TH DAY OF NOVI-MBI-A, A. D. 1925, BY THE, VOTLRS OF SAM CITY (UALIFLLD 10 VOU AT SUCH Ah 1Lk0T1QNj, TO D.,,TLRXIAY, WEXITBliN OR NOT Tx,.hz bML ZI; IZZIAM 13Y TIE SAID CITY, BONDS IN In AOMLOATZ allX Of $45s000.40* IN DENOUINAT IONS OF $b00.O0 36ACH. DM TlfiaL LACH UAR, FUR FROM 01M TO TRIY(TY YLAhS AYT-;,R Thi DATE TF!,.EB'UF, TO I* -AR IN- T't'J�LST FROM DATE AT 0% PIA AMUM, FAYABLN &-NI-AhNUALLY AS IT A0-- CRUES, AND I -AST DLJ9 Iffln:K-ST '10 LEAR TM SA" RATS OF 11n1REST, INTEREST I U BE kN IDU CLD BY C OUP6N S; AND TO AJ T HOR IZE THU LJLVY AND CULUCTIOR OF TAXES SUYFICIENT TO PAY SAID BONDS AND THE INTY-nST ViBi�l F, AS IT IATUbAs; TWE SAID BODS TO bjt: uOLDO AND TJUi-ROC1;J'.DS T)Mh�,07 TO BL =D IN TlR FAVIbUl, 31RAIbING, BUILOINGs IMkk'(JVINQ# OkUNING, AND %=�BING STELLTS 11 6AID CITY. BZ IT OhDAINED ZY TIM CITY COLMCIL OF TRE CITY Of GLORGLTOIN, UXAS: That an election be and is hereby Called and ordered held in the said City, on the 30th day of November, A. Do 19250 by the voters of the said City cualified under the law to vote at such an election, to determine whether or riot the said City shall issue its bonds in the agk;regate sun of $45*000-00s In denomina- tions of $5�u.00 each, due and payable strially three each year for from one to thirty years inclusive, after the date thereof, until all have been paid, and bearing interest from the date thereof at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually as It accrues* as evidenced by coupons* to bear interest from maturIV at the same rate; and to authorise the levy and collection of & tax by the said City, sufficient to pay off the said bonds and the said interest at the maturity tbersofg, as it accrues; the said bonds to be Issued by the said City for Ube purpose of raising money from the sale thereof,, to pave, drain, improve, build* widen* and open street* of the *aid city, under the general suji*rvision and direction of the City Council of the said City. That all persona voting at the said election for the Issuing of the said bonds shall have printed or written on their ballots, *For the Issue of bonds*; and that all persons yet - Ing at said election against the Issuing of the said bonds *hall have printed or written an Uteir baJ., eta, *Against the Issue of.Eondslo That the said election shall be hold at the City Ral Building in the said City, and shall be bald in the manner pres- cribed by law for the holding of such election** That W. 1, Stump, and Y. B. Branch are hereby named, constituted and &,p,,ointed judges of said election and officers of the said election, and hereby empowered to appoint such clerks and assistants as they may deem necessary, and hereby empowered to do all things necessary and proper In the holding of the said eloction. That the kayor of this City Is Lereby directed to cause this ordinance to be published in the Villliamson County Sun* & news - 3 paper published ir. the raid City -tzce each week for four successive wooka, the first publication to be not lose than thirty days prior to the date of the said election; and be is heraby directed to cause a copy of this ordinanco to be posted in trroe public places in said City, one of which stall be at the place of the holding of the said election for at least thirty days prior to tine data of the bolding of the said election; azA when so posted and published this ordinance small be and constitute notice of said election. Passed and Approved this the 26th day of October# A. D* 1925. mATI C I"i Y .,.lair. r R�� s. �7 =Izz UW 0 TEXx FA IZ;,-CTZ 'y llVWX3* 0 the City Coanaall of the city of Geer-prtw mq TaXONO wo the isdorelped offuore of an ioleetion.- held 'bar as in and for the said O ity,� an the Snthe +tar Of Sorremtert A„ Dw 19%5e to dotormino whether of not the *aid City mil Lean* 14;ntj� bonds Is the em of #V.660, o a for the porgose abael in the ordlmt4a ooUing said 420etteng he"by eor• tltjr that a0 said bleetion there were A-94— vote "at oat whiale the" wore east $ ACAISvT T'R'H t$:;VAJC X Of MOXZ9* /6 3 Votes* o herewith Imloes, to You* eowzaote aretarno of said oloationo tnaluda• Ing fall lists elf, taller ehset% rUtneem our hnn4e this the fah# day of zo"m'bes A. As W6450 Is jive State of m6e:ras. City of Georgeto%an Texas. County of Uilliamsono At a meeting of the City Council of the City of Georp,eto<<-in Texas, held in the City Hall, the regular meeting, place of said City Coun- eil, on the 14th, day of December A, D, 19259 a regular meeting date; all of the members b e iner present' to -wit: Jno. Ty Sharp, LTayor, and Aldermen A, C. Brizendine, '*7. k',, Davis' F. A. "dens; 7, S. Frazier, and I, C, Codbey the following among; other veocdings were had, to -wit: Alderman, J, C. Godbey, moved that the I.;ayor e.n_,)oint a oommiitee of tt7o, to cavase thei returns of the election held on the 30th, day of November A, D.11` 5, -for the purpose of authorizing the issueanoe of .x.45,000.00, in bonds of the City, to be used in ;caving, draining, building improving, onenin; and widenin, the streets of the said City and re_)ort the result of the said election to the City Council then in open session, which said Motion ,gas duly seconded, by Aldeman H.;, A. Edens. The said mot- ion was then duly >ut, anu carried by a majority vote„ The -terra, then ap?ointed Aldemen J, 0, Godbey and H, ��. Edene, as such committee to can- vass the retutns of the said election, and to report to the City Coun- oil the result of the said election,~ Illiat the said committee, after havinu examined and canvassed the re- turns of said election reported as folio -;7s: "we your committee; anpointed to examine and canvass the returns of the election held on the 30th, day of November A. D. 1925, to determine ,rahether or not, this City shall be authorized to issue bonds in the sum of V43,000.00, for the nur?ose of paving, draining, buildin-, improvinc,, open® ins and rridenin; streets of the City, report, that we have canvassed and examined the said returns, and that .7e find that there was 495 votes cast at the said election, of which there were last: 17,ISC-LTT, C IP a�L) BOIL)S, --------------------- 2329 votes. .slrc'Jif-IT 'ITE I.::;U ()JI i�,caIj DOIL)S?----------------- 163, votes., i ajority for the issue of said bonds, ------------- 69,votes. we report, and declare, that the said election resulted in the author- izin, the issuiD& of paid bonds by ama majority of J9 votes. . . cl. c y, wens, orlmittee. i1 41 7-a, That upon motion of Alderman 7, H, Davis, seconded by Alderman, A, C, Brizendine, that the said report be received, approved, and the *exult of the said election de3lared as set out therein, upon question beim called for, the vote thereon was as follows: Aye: A, C, Briz- endine, 1-7. HL, Davis, 11. A. Edens, W. S, Frazier, J. C, Godbey, No. None, Therenpon, the Mayor, announced that the motion prevailed, and that said report was ordered received and approved, and that the result of the said election was geolared to be as set out in the said report, Attest: -4, . f ee- ., Y Clerk, City of cue - -etown Texas. Approved this the 14th, day of Deeeriber A fD, 19250 or, City of Georl-etoran T 6zas, 7 7-a. 01,' the 14th, day olu A. D, 1923, the lity ",ouna-il of the lity of "cor-e-t-o ,x) Te: -,a-, riet in regular session, at at usual meeting- -?Iaoe in the City Hall of said city, all members beim present, to-,,iit: Jno, id. Shar'-p,, :,Ialror and Aldermen,, A. 171, 3rizendine, 'I, 1T, Davis, 11. A. Ef',enst S. Frazier, and J. 'I'% (,'odbey, and among other business the followin!T -proaedin-s -,,7ere had. - There name on for consideration, and ordinance, entitled: An ordinance of the City of Geor-etown Texas, authorizing the 3 issueing of bonds o: the said City in the _,,rin3i-.)al aura of 45,000,009 V to be dated January let, 1926, z.nd to be in denominations of X500.00 eao# axid to be numbered -i'rot.ri and inclusive, one to ninty, and to be dae serially, three each year in Their numerical order, beginning with numbers one, two, and three,, on January let 1947, and thus continuing three each year from said date, in their numerical order, till the entire series has been pid; each of w.id bonds bearing interest from date, at the rate of &,v)er annum, .)ayable semi-annually, on the lat day of July and January; interes' to be evidenced by cou-_,)ons, bearinr, the I JO same rate of interqet after n4trrety. A Tax of fifteen cents on each �100.00 of -)ro,-)ert;r id said City, to -pay and interest, as it matures The pro3edes frim the sale of the said bonds to be used in the paving, drainino,-,, building, imirovino,-,, o enin and wideninc, the streets of the said City. Deolarir,, an emerr--y." Aldeman,, T. !-% Davis, moved that said ordinate be Dla3ed on first readino,, seconded by Alderman, A. 1. Brizendine, and carried by the fol- 10�ain- vote: Aye: A. C. 13rize;adine, IT, H. Davis, Ere A. Edens, T, so Frazier. Vo. ilone. Oddinaae, jaloed on first reading,, and read in full: Un motion of A14erraan, H, A. Edens, seconded by Alderrian, W. H. .javisq that the rules be sus.)endeu and the ordinate pass first reading* :4otion, carried by the follovifing vote: Aye: A, 01, Brizendine, It. H. Davis, 11. A. Edens, ',';. S. Prazier, and J. 0, Godbey. VO. None. a S. a. Alderman, Ji C. Godbey moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinanas placed on it second readinp-, seconded by Alderman, A, C, Brizendine, and carried by the following vote; Aye: A, C, Brizendine, iff, H, Davis, H, A, Edens, T. S, Frazier, J. I. Godbey, No. None, Odrinanoe placed on second rsadinp�-. Alderman, Brizendine moved, seconded by Alderman, J. C. jAdbey, that the rules be suspended 0 the ordinaoe pass second readinf, Mot.• ion carried, by the following vote: Aye: Ar G. Brizendine, W. H. Davis. H, A. Edens, W. S, Frazier, J, C. Godbey, No. None. Oftinace joassed second reading. Alderman, A. C. Brizendine, moved that the rules be suspended, and seconded by Alderman J. C, Godbey, the ordinaoe placed on its third reading, and finally passed•!►'"Otion Carried by the following vote: Aye: A. C, Brizendine, W.H, Davis, H, A. Edens, W. S. Frazier, J. C. Godbey, 14o. ldone, ldayor Jno. L4 Sham thereupon declared said ordinace finnally passed, and ordered same approved and attested.. The said ordinaoe is as follows: T C2 R!:*XIIJ IA -A" X.T'-' 7,11 CP XIL) IZ.X2 L.0", 14th 1925, 3I2.I*-,IZ 131 Tz"31 ,I -Y 02 T' L�Sv 0:1 2ULS 121th, day of October .1, Do 19215, the City lo-,?ncil of the City of Ceor,eto,.-Oln, -as, uet in re-ular znonthiv session, at dace in the 'a- I its usual meetin- - 'ity Hall of said City, ,,ith t1be follo-�Iinr- nembers - - w t v :)r,-- sent, to— i Jno. -, Shary, :.Iayor, and ,Ildermen L, 0% Brizendine, is, ITT, D&Vis, 7, .41" S"',ens, '4"". S. lilra.nier,, and J, '% Godbey, and that the folloviinr, among oth- er -i)roledin'-s were had: Cn motion of gild-.r.,ian J, C, Godbey, duly seconde-, the 'Iptt.,r Council adiotixne" to meet a-ain in regular secsion on the 19th, day of 0,3tober A. 117 ,,ler 'k L- �i L 0 4 M e.. un this Lhe 19th, day of October A.. D. 1062.31, the City Council O -Z ',,he City of Geort-ellzo,ln, TI�-;:&st met at, it reo-ular meeting. place in the 1% i .9. .0 Uy 11all of the sail CitLr, in adjourned regular session, and that the follo%7in- amonrp other proaedinC-s were had: On motion of Aideman ',% IT, DaviQ,,, dulyse3onded, the City Council adjourned to meet main _,ain in regular ses-cion on the 2;thj day of Citober A. D. 192.5". At raid neetinl- all ;0 le Lembers of the City Council were _,)resent, At t e vt 111�6.rq ".141ty of Ccor- 2--/ as U Cn this .he 02�'Uh* aay of October A, D, 192251 the City Council of the City of Geor-et"oving met in r.pular adjourned session, at its usual mei tiny; -,lace in the Oity Hall of the said City, With all of the 10 a members present, to -wit: Jno, int. Sharp, Mayor, and Aldemen, A. %. Brizendine, W. H. Davis, h, A, Edens, W. S. Frazier, and J, C, Godbey, and at the sail meeting the following among other procedings were had, t0 -wit: An ordinance, calling and ordeing an eleotion in said 41tt, to determine whether or not bonds of the said City should be issued in the sum of 411•x,000. CG . was called up for consideration, On mption of aldeman A. C. Brizendine, seconded by Aldeman J. 0. Godbey, the said ordinance was placed on first reading, Upon roll call on said motion, same was oarred by the following vote: Ayes A., 0. Brizendine, 'a. H, Davis, A. A. Edens, W, S. Frazier,, and J, C, Godbey, No. Nome. Odrinan-.e read in full, and on motion of Aldeman A, C. Brizendine, seconded by Aldeman T. C„ Godbey, said ordinaoe massed first reading, IT- followin g vote, on roll call. Ayes A. C. Brizendine, 'J. H, Davis, H. A. Edens, :7. S, Frazier, and J. C. Godbey, No,, None, on motion of Aldeman, '4r, H, Davis, seconded by Aldeman, A. C, Brizendine, the rules were sas2ended, and otdinance placed on second reading, said motion being carried by the following vote, on toll call, Aye; jL. C. Brizendine, W. H. .Davis, 11. A. Elena, U, S, Frazier, and J. C, Godbey. fro, None, Ordinance read by caption, and on motion of Aldeman 'til. H. Davis, seconded by Aldeaan, A. C. Brizendine, that ordinance pass second reading the said motion was harried by the following vote, on roll call, Aye: A. 0. Brizendine, W. H, Davis, H. A. Edens, a, S, Frazier, and J. 00 Godbey. No. Ilona. On motion by Aldeipan A, C, Brizendine, seconded by Aldeman, J. co Godbey, that the rules be suspended and the ordinance placed on third reading; said motion carried by the A�rote on roll call; Aye: A. 0. Brizendine, W. H. Davis, F. A. Ldens, W. S. Frazier, and J. C. Godbey. no; none. 11 3, odrinanoe read by oaption, on motim of Alderman �j A. C. Brizendine, seoonded by Alderman, J. C. Godbey, that the rules be suspended and the said ordinance finally pe.ssed, said motion was oarreid, by the following vote on roll gall,; Aye: &, o. Brizendine, A7, IT, Davis, H. A. Tdenzj 3, ,crazier, and J, 3, Godbey, No, Vone, mayor dno. .!. Sharp, thereu_�)on, declared the said ordinanoe fin— wally gassed, and ordered same attesteu and approved. Said ordinance, as passed, attested and approved, is as follows; 12, section 10. That the fora of coupon stall be substantially as follows: Ito. $12.W on the first dtq of A. Do The City of Ge"orketown. 'Texas. will pay to bearer at the office of the state Treaauror, at A"atin, Teaxua. or at the tCechanicts and totals lational kart. in Us City of Is* York, in t$+e State of New York, at t1,o option of holder. Twelve and bi3fl00j �1a.5t�>1io11ars, in latful enol*sy of the Lnited States of America, same being six marnths interest on City of Georgetown leaving bond No. .* dated Zanuary let, 1926. ZBO. 1. SDAF.12, LAYGT;. CiTX CI KO section 11. That the following certificate stall be printed an the back of eacb of Uio said bonds., Office of CorijAroller, State of sexes. I Le reby certify that there is on file and of record in my office, a cerrtifioate of the Attorney aerdetral of Texas, to the effect that this bond Laa been examined by hire as rerwired by lair, and that it has bt*n iesued in conformity with the constitution and laws of the Mate of Texua, and tliat it is a valid and binding ob. ligation upon the said City of Georgetown, Texas, and that Uis band has been this day rtgistered by trio. 'fitness my land and seal of office, at Austin. Texas. this -day of , A. D. 192b. C(AA 11 h`r i.,.t.,r E GY ILL -LIC ACCO u"NT S U8 THk BTATL OF TEXAS. Section 12. It is further ordained that �no. t6. Sl arpe, tbo layor of tkit said City. and Lis ,successors in office shall be authorised to take and Laves cf:urge of all necessary records ,fending inVastij,ation by the Attorney General and stall take and have cfarge and control of the borsis beerein authorized pending their akproval by tLe attorney Gat;eral and registration by the Comptroller of kublia Accounts of the iItate of Texas. /(V Lection 13. Yip tad t tl&t tLe City of Gearcttown, tome, it badly is need of Street 1w1pravert-w-t, v?jiob taid tw�,rvvomsrst is to ttje best Interests and general Welfare of tttt said City* and are now oesbary, oreates an eaerganey and Izj*sative pabiie n6cessity re•• aviring tksat tk-* rules v k4ob �rcvlde that ordinanao, ohall be read at time separate L*etinCs bet'cre pasuag*, be wd ttey ars horeby Abopended, and it is ordained tisat this ordin&tms be Lore timlly passed, and %bat it take efle©t is .ediately from arsd alter its Vaso rags and a`eprovsl. Passed and Approved t2=is U,o lath day of Deombor# A. Do 1Si�b. Si►.iA�. AITIST t ♦ , V J�.[A.-li Yi �+.� i '`v l ii �.�I.r«� V�i � �� A�WnI i rr�1.�4i�r� � • 17 i3.nar-ial Ctatemen t of the litz of C!e0r;,-P_to'',n Ten Assesses value of 071 ?ro�,)erty, subject to takation, 3n the City of "eorc etovn Texaz, for -_die year 1925, as ttho-. n by the lace a,?proved assessment rolls of the ae id laity,------------------------- Assessed ------r..----Wwwrr.w_s.._ww- Assessed value of real estate sub jectjp A to taxation in said yity a� for said year 19215, as Lho in by the said assessment rolls,-- Adsessed value of 11 ,jersonal 1)ro-,)erty sub jeo u to taxation, in- Eaid :ity, for said year, as eho+en by zaid assessrient rolls, 4 Vzc0,?64,ou �.... _ - - General tax rate autorized. for the year 1926 ----------- 41,17. --------------------------------------------------- 0U_Vz;r11_.A4A JT��C Ii� �1: 3: si;i+: C� d` � :f O . I s ti S LTi :u is ;� BY B� TV:J � �.:.T�J CT`::Y, gg ♦µ i -------------------- .later 'Works Bonds, ---. ---...w wrt-- Jan.. let, „ t. W 7 r niT 'i T"Y". T T 2 "5 T T' 1 OUT 10r4J' u, n MT,—,: T -AX LUTY .i: Y 0 ♦T.ja e% �+� -,a * 1 RW859 J.JD, 001 '/' PTT T is .. d R'1 ""� 1 ..J� `y T �i: \i.4r i�i•L++ Refizndin,TM Sihool Ar_r.1-uth, 5/4 1935. 3,ots, house Bonds, 1!� t `�, 000, 00 1V -4U; a. ----------- WN ------- Later "'orks Bonds, -------------- --rr_ w18, 000, 00. „- .-+w--- _—r__w_r— aatiw yaww wr Dec, Ist, 5;; 1950. 12,Cts. 10-40;s, 19100 awwwr rra-rter.r --------- Tleo trio Lir ht Bonds ------------- w_...wrWwrr_rwwW_aw rr .. 5,j~ r__wwWwr .. 1350, r�rrwrw�..w j,Cts, 10-40's, � :f O . I s ti N:J., UV V, �JQ 1910, -------------------- .later 'Works Bonds, ---. ---...w wrt-- Jan.. let, --------wswr�w 10r4J' u, wwwwr-t —w----i/-Iwwwwwra . Bondc. Bodc. ------wwrwrwrrwwwwwwwl4wW RW859 J.JD, 001 10-40' s, June let, ✓ 1 a: q .-rwwrrr ------www ra�ww--rwr 5.0 1.954, 5,Cta, r Wwa-wi Wrwwr Maw aww wYwwl�Y-i�a- 5,a 1968 27.^.t$, ... i That the 11 street Bonds", o�7n 43,000,00, of eater Bons" cnd ,v3,500Q00 of *'4tex "orke :ponds, 3e3ond Series% and inadditionthereto has cash on hind 'belong; to its fund in the sum of=r--- rs Oft-CpRMNANCE CALLINo roR A'i 30" ELECTION An ordini nes of the ('i.ty of C:eorg,.rtown, , Texas, eallin{r and ordering an ele(s- j tion to be !told in and '.for tilt) said City, on tho Seth day of November,! A. 11. l!) r by the voters of s+aid City qualified to vote tit such all eles!tioo, to dotermine whetiti-ir or not there sh,lee ass,nd by the said ( sty bon -10 in ciao aggro puts shin of +46.000.0u(),iu de uotnin taoIt's of )uoi Uel each, alio, three e:u h your, for from one to thirty 'ytlart3 after d€rte thereof, to boar in- terest from dote ,lt 51j6 her annus", payable semi-aanuieiiy ;is it ar•r_nrc•4, uud lr int env intert-st to lWitr the aunt+ rat.: of intore.yt, itildo"ost to be ovi- ileneed by e,onpons; awl to authorize Cha: levy and eollertion of taxoi Mut• firiout to pay said bonds rind the in- tcrest thcrrnf, i•s it umturonc, the ottiei bonds to be sold, and the prove -is thereof to be imid in tho paving;, drainill"; fill i(fill g, ineproving, opaat- ing. and .videaiiug stre'.eets in said City. Be it ordaiired by the City C'oelncil of the City of 6vorgotowle, Texas; That s'.n elei•tioo he and is hc,reiry eail- ed and ordured hold in Ole said City, oil .the :30th day of Nova rnher, A. 1). 1!)2 !by the vott rs of the said City quailiffed ander the law to vote at sash aa odor. tion, to deternaino NOnAlier or sot tbo r:ttid City Milan issue its boumm in they ag- l:re Vilte sum a1 d5,4]l3t).a}o in (Jenilnrilim- Omoii of tS— Uou. C) each, due €rind payable seriulfy fliree etc -h ;ear for Bain one to thirt.8se ars, tnrlusive, after the dale thereof till nil wive boon paid, nail bear low inter -oat front the dote thereof at the r tete of live per a e u.t per annul" piayahle -4e1lli-anuli!!} asit ai•truPF,, as lvl,i"llcod },v ci,upun+, to h :ar inroror5t fe oDa turit:v at. flee seine mete; aael to lutllarire l the kwv wid eolieeatiola of- a, tax by the said Citv, sullieittut to pray off the soil bonds and the said interest ,it the uv.- turity thereof, as it ae.eruap; the snid bowels to be iywued by the raid City for Hie purpose of raisiagaooney from tlo, scale ilw,-1 of, to pave, drpiite, improve, build, widen, and open strei.ts of the± said t!ity, ander the general supervision. mid direction of the i;ity Council of they said City. Tlmt all persons Qeeting at the ssa.tel election for the !willing of the fluid bonds. shall lhtive P'rintod or written on their ballots, "For the issue of bonds"; and that all porsoni, voting at said Otter - tion Against the i:~rauing of the sald bonds, shal lhavo printed or written o0 their ballots, "Againat the issue of bonds," That, the said oieetion shall be heid at the City Hall building; in the said City, and shall be held in the+ manui>r pre- tieribod by law for the holding of su<.h elections. Tbat W. I, Stump and P. U. i3raneh ore hereby named, eonstitutetd and ap- pointed judges of said election and of fie.ers of the said eleetiou, a,tad hereby empowered to appoint soell elt+rhe Marl assistants its they laity doi,tn irecosya:ry, nod hereby empowered to do all things neeessnry Rod proper in the holding of the said election. That the Mztyor Of this Ci1tV iii hereby diracted to eause this ordinruire to hn published in the Williamson COunty Aon, a Inewmpapol lirlbiialied in tae said r;; The State of Texas. County of Williamon, I. Jno, =i. Sharp, :layor of the City of Georgeown, Texas, hereby oertifiy, that in the matter of the bond election held in and for the said City on the 30th, day of November A, D. 1965, to authorize bonds of the said City in the sum of �#O-,V00 !°, the result of the said eleotion beim declared by the City Co11noil of the said City on the 14th, day of Deoember A, D. 1925; that no votioe of oontest has been served, and that he has �eard of no oomplaint of the regularity or le,ality of the said eleotion, and that he has heard of no proposed oontest thereof. Witness my hand this the 77 day a anuaryD 19f VJ41 :,a 1,C ty of Geor -e o:in, - ae, ^he State off. exaa. County of Williamson, is C, H, Gee, Clerk of the Dist, Court of Villiamson County, Texas, hereby oertifiy that the City of Georgetown Texas, is in Williamson County, Texas, and that no oontest of a oertain' City eleotion held in the said City on the 30th, day of Lovember; A. D. 1925, to determinine whether or not bonds of the said City in the sum of V;45, 00,.00, should be issued, has been filed in said Distriot Court, and that he has heard of no proposed oontest of the said eleotion, and that he has heard of no oomplaint of the reg- ularity or legality of the said eleotion. zr- Witness my hand and seal of offioe this the '`� day of Clerk DM. Vlourt 71-illiamson County I 'e -a s, I Ci+r OyT A5a9-M a 4. T', e 3 t a t e o f '-" --.1Z S, s, 0 oil n ty of 7 i Iliamcon. Before me the undersigned offioer, in un,., :mow -°iilliaracon Connty texas, on this day personally a -,-)pe rea J 0, 41,j _4 01, `Vlity of Georr:e';o,jn Texas, and after beinp- first by w -, 14 - _taly z.,orL L,_,,y4 u on his oath, that he posted a true and aorreat 00j)y cf III)e noti,)e c." election herein before set out at three public plaoes 'Ylity c,,.' Cezor�eto-,;n. Texas,, one of %.,hiah vas at the City ijall aesi-nated for the holdin- o.L" the -aid election. tile, �aillt noti-.ec viere posted on the 27th, day of 03tober A, D* 19259 -:,-s not thirty full days prior to the date upon nhich :.i1 elea tion '_a2 y o o r - e 1'- 6, 1 n 11 if.,a s, day of January A, D, :a,.,) to before me this the 2lp -, UoitTi.liamson 1-1-ary ibli3 I In 4.Lnd fol- W Connt." Texas, . 0 -he State of Tw:as, -illiamson co' -Y1'. ya .before me the undersi[ned of'Li3er, li,, and for 'k"illia"'ISOIJ OoucjtY, on tais, day )ermiaLly a.,?..?eared, ino, T.T. Sharp T _m� 4 - '::..as, on a: :=u who a-ft'er bein- b,r —1.0or C., Lha "lit 4 4. me duly sworn 10 2 -1 states U -)Q -,l his oe."Uh, t-h."t he is `1,he editor ttnd mbli�ier of the 'Ziilliam- bon CounLy Sun, a DQws w a gar dublished in the Oily of G-,or-ctown in oilliams.-n Clouiity jla�,xasj of E,,eneral circulation, -;jIA_-h has-been re�ularrl:, and aontinuouzly jjubliEhaC in the said City, fora _)eriod of more than on:, yi:ar next _-)rior Lo the date of the first ,ubl13Ltion of said notioe herein set out,, azul that he a true -o.,,)y of the ele3tion notice atta-ched in '%,A -he said ,a.�er on the follo-.Ang dates, to -.crit: 0--tober 30th, 1925; I.ovember 6th, 1923; Loveraber 17,th, 1925; and !�'ovember ZJth, 19H5; the date of the first publication thereof beim; raore than thirty CLPY13 ')rior to the date of the said eleation# " Y� 0 ,ity L of Subscribed and s77orn to before n- this the '7 day of January A, D, 19-23f A.Iouary -u1 b13-13 1and for 17illia,,i:3on County, Te- as. X I"inacial Statements, page S. That"'►'later Works pond** Mus S;S00 44; OfMatOMOrks Bondef Second Series"* and in *ddition thereto has daft an hand. belonging to the said 'o/ farad t " Water Worcs Bonds" * In the wase of--�--...•Y,...-�••M0 i01/ 711 That "Eleetrio Light Bonds% has each on hand beloneirn to said fund in the ram of 200Y y 7 That"raster corks Bonds, Second Sorxes," has cash on hand belonging to said fend in the sum of ft— ---- 10POW-6..0 2 73' 7r That *Refunding Sahoohouse Bonds", has cash on hand belonging to said 1"=d in the sum of .,,,,,,,o 7Z That the irdebedness of the said City& as represented. by Warrants is as folloctst FOR VAUT IS.t1109 LATS, A:d TJNT, RATE Of INTO VU X* TAX LM* To NO R. Inosierw for street work, jai 2Usts %0 3090(3 Of18 gnets 1t O'ts. f ���Y�MYY �rY YrYYY YrYM/Y�YYY Mi�lYyrrlY I hereby certify that the above statement of the indebtedness of t the City of Georgetown Texas, as shown by the records of my offices is true and correct. witness my official signa 4A day of yanuary A, B,1926„ Texas, f I hereby certify that the above and foregoing statement and ex- hibito eho4s a true and correct account of the financial condition of the City of Geor�,-etown Texass as per this date, showing the iwdebetedness there oft';441-&'180 a correct statomcnt of the taxable value of 4he said 01t7s aasordla to ,the last aasessment rolls approved as ehm9n from the s000rds of ,,;Ivan 4zt&er my hand and the seal of the Eaid Oity, this the )F day of January 1926, , The 0tate of Texas, County of Williamson, I, ", IT, Gee, Clerk of the Distriot Court of :,illiam— son County, Tei as, hereby oertify, that the City of Georgy-etown Texas, is looated in Williamson County, Texas, and I further oertify that no suit or oontest has been filed in the Wi.striot Court of Tilliamsoh County, Ta< as, in any manner oontesting or questionine7 the validity or regularity of a 3ertain eleotion held in and for the City of Georget6,=, Texas, on the 30th, day of November A, D. 19251, by the q,talified tax paying voters of the said City to determine whether or not the said ",ity should issue its bonne in the sum of w`45,000,00, for the ?url)oee of buildinrr, caving, improving*, opening, and wiLlenind the streets o.° the said City. "itness my hand and seal of offi3e this the 15th, day of r January A. D. 1906. ;listr 3 ark, ',Villiartison county, 12era8, V e7 /' 4-1- y � GI;Z G OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL OF STATE OF TEXAS THIS I8 TO CERTIFY, That the- ....... of. -George town .......... .... ............... .............................. ............................ -------- Texas ..................... ...... hkyAng ................... ............___ ............ ,................. ....-.... bonds, issued by virtue of an Qrallan"......................passed by the...................0-itY...cQ'41±ioU.......... ..... ......... ...,.....of said..............:�.it�T.................. on the ................. 10h ............. of...,... De.aemb er.a...1925C........... .......... ........for the purpose of ...... Ivy rwll. dra, iun8i..buil.dinga...Laprvvfng,. _cPQning_anc ,xfdenirig .atrset.s of said oity� .......................... ................... ..__..................... - .................... ................. «.._...«......................................... ... ............ ..,.......... , dated._ _ Jamury« 1 1926... •numbered consecutively from.. ........ 1 90 ......... inclusive for the ... , y..........to........................... , sum of ............... ......._FIYS flUN..TtED ......., .. ;.... ... ................. ............DOLLAR4 ORTY each, aggregating the sum of..................F -pin 'PHOt1SA..... ...................................... ................................................. DOLLARS payable at ........... ..the...ott.ice-oi...tbe _$tate...7'recast�x.er.... at.. i�u ti n,...2eXas.... or. et . the. Mer-hanio_e a_ nd Ketals National Bank, in the City of New York, State of New York, a4 the optica of ths, ......................................................................................................•.............................«..........................-.-.......... .......,............... holder, ««n..........« as follows:.....,....erially.,....three.._eaeh years 1A tiyeir znuneriaal order, 'beginning with ...... .. n'40or..s....pne,.... vo.. *.. let day of Jamar ...A.D. 1927# and! oantiming.......... .................. .. three.,eaah..year, from said dates an their nu erioal order uzltil the entire aeries ha ..been..paid,...the.. aid..band ...bs.ixig... bix.ty..yeax...verlA-1--b49nde1.-..-.-................................ «............... ,........ I—,........ .................................. ............................. .... «.._........... with interest at the rate of ....f.iftper cent per annum, payable.. semi..-anuua.II Jul Ie.�.... January, 1eti...... �... have been submitted to me for examination in accordance with the requirement of...iQ]19...�t1..Rr�....�.��.�.................. and I have carefully examined said bonds in connection with the facts and the Constitution and laws on the subject of the ex- ecutiou of said bonds, and I And upon the evidence submitted to me and as the result of a careful examination of the matter the following facts 1. That the .....f'.it�T:. �..,�+e CR'9 t own , .:...::.,;,;.:,..runs at the time of the passage of the ........ ...ordiimnoe............................above referred to legally ........ ..1ne.Qr.P.9r@,t*4.......... ..................... . , .....,......I.........., 2. That the taxable values of said ................ .- Wxd.........................................................................according to the assessment last approved before the issuance of said bonds amounted to..... I.._..,121 ? ?s9 ?• „. , ........... ............ .... 8. That a tax of. ........... fifteea...............................cent on each hundred dollars valuation of taxable property in said Ci I was legally levied to pay interest on said bonds and to create a sinking fund to provide for their liqui. dation at maturity; and that said tax is su>actent for the purpose named. 4 That the ...... Q.#'d .cQ...........authorizing the issuance of said bonds is in proper form and was legally passed. k That said toQufi 8rii pr(j)er-St-form and in accordance with the«....ordinmea................ authorizing their Issuance. 8. �. ,. j �% tr ................ ............................. . ...... »«................. » ........ ............ ....,,......_, .... r c.wr,w. arc•;.... :...i»r.. :,•..,�...r:,: d\» ,._Xs..'. .,v.:. -•.F...«.._-------- . . -.,.,..::......... ....................... ........ ..«....... »....»..�,........,.........,..............,............., ..) ..«. }...... j P....... 1. ........cl,�r �....................... ................ ........ ««.«.....w......».«...-............................... ........ ....... ....•«. . ....:............ .....s� . �: _. m•J s* .:4. ........................................ .....--...--........------_--------.------------ -...— «. ................ / ... .. «. .... ... ..... ".e. ; f.?J.t /.r. ._- ................._............... .............. ............... .,....................... .................. .ni.;a •si. :• -:.........._».....................................................................«................................... ..«.......... ............................... -_. It is my judgment, and ?I~soo And, that all the requirement of the law under which said bonds were Issued have been complied with; that said bonds were leaned in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the Rtate of Texas; and that they are valid and binding obligations npou the said........ -Q-1-t. ,,,,pf Ar�"etdvllti....... ..........., Texas. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name olk lly and: d to be impressed hereon the seal of my o>hce in the City of Austin, Texas, this the Zgth. ,..»»day ol......... LrL`h ....... ......... _ ........ 4ttoruey General of the N t of Texas. Form 10216 -M461 -1221-6m b5• -mea 5 TRANSCRIPT OF RECORD OS BOND ISSUE OF THE CITY OF VzORGETOWN a TEXAS* CITY OF GEORGETOWN ELECTRIC 110E? REVENUE BONDS — $55&000*00 -- DATED SEPTEMBER l 5th, A. D• 1936• ORIGINAL INCORPORATION OF CITY. City of Georgetown gas originally ineorporate& as *The Toga of Georgetown,, Texas, wAsr a special act of the Legislature of Texas* of date yaroh Sth, 189'1.— See gels laws, Volo 1, page 1147e PRESRRT INCORPORATION OF CITY. TOWS OF GEORGETOWN CHANGED TO CITY OF GEORGETOWN Georgetown, Taxase April r2,bard,, 1890. Town Council met " regular meeting in Council Roos with the following members pressaialtt Nhyor We Ye Penn ail the fall Board of Aldermen, vizi Jo L. Brittain, George Irvine, Je R. Roberts and J. W. Whittles The council was duly called to order when the following business was transacted and proceedings has�vist •00*0 The following resolutions were presented by Aldermen Jr So. Brittain and sesondad by Alderman George Irvin, vi s t BE IT RESOIXED by the Town Council of the Toin b of Georgetown, at the regular meeting thereof, held, this April 23r&o 18900 that the provisions of Title Seventeen of the Reprised Statutes of Texas and, the Amendments thereto mads from time to time heretofore by the Legislature of said State in reference to Cities and tout be accept*& 1n lieu of the existing charter of thin town approved Urah 8th,, 1871„ and, that this town be hereafter known as the City of Georgetown, and that the said provisions of Title seventeen ant amendments thereto in reference to cities and town* be accept*& as the charter of suit city with limits as set out in said, special charter of said town, to-witt- BE4IUNING at a stake that is ones -half mile due east From the *anter of the court house (as it then *too&),* T; CZ duce South onf-half mile; THENCE dus west one anile to a stake for the Southwest corner of this eorporaatioul THENCE due north to the middle of the chw mel of the mouth San Gabriel; TSENCT dovat the same with its meanders to a point that a line due south would strike the place of beginning; TRENCI due South to the place of beginning. BE IT FMTMM RESOLVED that the foregoing resolutions be eaters d an the Journal of the p rope a dings of sa it Town Council ajA that a copy of the same s igne d by the Mayor and a tte ste t by the Secretary under the eorpoareate seal of said tova of Georgetown 'be filed arA records& in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of Williammon County as require& by the .pct of the Legis- lature of the State of Texan, approved Urdh 27th,, 1885. An& said revolution* being read and folly enders toot the ayes and nay* were taken on the adoption of the same, when the following members of the Town Council of 260 20 I Pg. S the town of Georgetown, toted in favor of the adoption of said Resolutions, vizi .* Mayor fit. X. Penn and Alderman J• I.. Brittain, George U -vine, J. R. Roberts and J• H. Whittle, whereupon it was declared that said resolutions had been adopted, by the unanimous vote of the council. THE STATE OF TEXAS COU= Cir WILLLUISoa ) Z, We To Penn, Mayor of the town of Georgetown,, in said County an& 'Stato, des hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the resolutions presente,& and adopted by the town eoun.ail of the town of Georgetown at their regrew lar meeting held on the 23r4 day of April, A. Do 1890, by the unanimous trate of said Council upon call of the ayes and nets as shown, anis that the same together with the action of said council in adopting the same was entered upon the journal of the proceedings of Baia Tors Council as required IV law* TO CERTIFY ALL IMICH9 I beret* sign nj name and cause the foregoing to be attested by the Seers tart' under the corporate seal of said town of Georgetown, this the day and date above wri tte a. W. ?. PENN, Magor of the (L.$.) Town of Georgetown, ATTEST: J. We WHITTLE„ Town Secretary. FIIED April 24" 18904, at 8 P.Y. RECORDED April 28th, 1890. J• W. H©DGES, CLERK* COUNTY 00CRTV WILLXAR.SOS CO. TEXAS 00*0400*0 THE STATR OF TEXAS, COIUNTY or WILLIAXSQH,. I, Re E. Yoore # Clerk, County Court of Williamson County, Texas, to hereby certify that the above and, foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Certified proceedings relative to inn 40 . 40 poration of Georgetown as a City and adoption of reso— lutions therein shown, as the same appears now of record in my office in Volm M. pages 66 to 88 of the Deel Records of said Cmnty* TO CMT1JT WHICH„ Hi the ss my hand and, the seal of said court at offiaa in City of Georgetovin, Texas, this the 60 day of *Tsju A. D. 1926. R. Z. MOM* CLERK CQTI.'4 COURT* H"VaS N lommy, T 0*00 0 Do $AI's 10 27PPE1'' o GI A'q ORDINANCE OF TKR CITY OP GMIGETOWNs TNXAS MAKING IT UNLA'.'MUL POR TIM © R OR I:3,01 IN 02 ANY LOT OR LOTS s OR LA" WITHIN THIS CITY TO FAIL OR R.�:FU , , TO` CITT THR U71RDS TTU7,RSON A1a"!'FJR VITTCE AID PROVIDING ROT SUCH NOTICE! MAY BA GIVEN A" PROVIDINTG A P11gALTY A'M PROVTDI740 170'? T". CUTTING OF STJCH ", F'D8 BY .THS CITY W'N TfUa OTTIT OR PERSOR IN CHARGA OF SUCH PROPRRTY ZrIA*� HAVN FAILS TO OUT SAMN A? TR SCOT ICH A"T'n p'ROVIDING FOR TTiR T.AXrRG OF THB COST 07 TtM C"TING OF SUCH 1V7FD3 IN SUCH NVENT AGAI73T rR- 0TZR OF THE PROT"ZRTYS A_" AGAINST SUCH PROPERTY# AM CRr7ATING A'� BUYERGAICY• BE IT ORDAIIUD by the City of Georgetown# Texas* Section 1* That when it shall some to the knowledge of the City Marshal of the said City that weeds are being permitted to grow or stand, upon any lot# Moak or property: within this City the said Marshal shall in writings give notice in writing# to the owner or person is possession of such#lat# block or property: that weeds are being permitted to grow or stand upon such lots block or property* That the said notice shall describe sach lot# blook#or property with sufficient oertainity to id- entify it# and shall be dated and signed# and shall direct that the owner or person in possession of the said lot* block# or property# within five days from the delivery of such notice# out or cause to be out the said weeds on such lots block or property. That such notice may be given in person or by regis. tered nail# calling for receipt. Section 8, That it shall be unlawful for the owner or person in charge of such lot# blocks or property# to whose such notice# to given, to within five days after the receipt of such notice# fail or refuse to out or souse such weeds to be out from such lots block# or property. That such failures after such notices shall be a ni*dsmennors and upon eonvietton there- for a punishment shall be &$*eased in a fine of not less than One nor More than Ton Dollars. Section 3. That in the event that such woods be not out within five deys after the giving of such notice# it shall be the duty of the City Marshal to out or cause to be out such �9�3 64,1 ot weeds from such lots blook or property* and the City shall pay the Soot of the cutting of the samoo That when such weeds have been so out at the cost of the City* the owner of etch lot$ blocks or property shell then andthere beeoso due and oweing to the said City the amount of the oast of the gutting of the said weeds. That the cost of the cutting of such weeds# from such lot# block# is hereby assessed as a tax fir improvements against the said lot# block# or property# so improved by the cutting of the said weeds therefrom# and the City shall have its lion against Duch lot# block# or property# to secure the payment at it of the oast incurred in cutting such weeds. Seceti )n 4. That the tact that there to at this time no adequate ordinance covering the subjects contained in this ordinance create* an ingerative public necessity and emerganoy that t1is ordinance be at once pa"seds and that it take offset from and after its passage# approval and pub.• lica.tion. rA-:;S D A.'rO A?7'SC1Vr'-'3, this 13ths day of June A.:U.192?o i.ay o r uf the City a Georgetown, Teres, City 1'ark", My Georgetown# Texas# The State of Texas. 1 Williamson County. � City of Georgetown. i On the 11th. day of November A. D. 19290 the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas, met in regular monthly session, at its usual meeting place in the City Rall of sail City, with the following members present, towit: M. F. Smith, Mayor, F. E. Buchholz, J. R. Chastain, H. A. Edens, W. S. Frazier ani J. C. Goibey, aldermen, ans that the followring, among other proceedings, were hal: "On motion of Alderman, J. C. Goibey, duly seconded by Aller man, F. E. Buchholz, the City Council aljourned to meet again in regu- lar session on the 18th. day of November A. D. 1929." U. F. Smith Attest: M. 1, Cates City Clerk, City of Georgetown, T e x a s. mayor, C ty of Georgetown.Taxas. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AAA A On this the 18th. day of Vovember A. D. 1929, the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas, met at its regu- lar meeting place in the City Hall of the sail City, in aljournel reg- ular session, and that the following were present: M. F. Smith, Mayor, F. E. Buchholz, J. R. Chastain, H. A. Elena, W. S. Frazier and J. C. Godbey, Aldermen, and the followinz, among; other proceedings, were had: "On motion of Allerman, W. S. Frazier, seoond,e3 by Alderman, J. R. Chastain, an orlinanoe calling an election in said City to determine whether or not bonds of the said City should be issues, for the purpose of purchasing a sewer system for sail City and making extensions there- of, in the sum of $60.000.00, was called up for consideration. "On motion of Alderman, J. C. Goibey, seconded by .Alderman, P. S. Buchholz, the sail ordinance was place on first reading. Upon roll call on sail motion, the sail iffxktxxxajK motion,4ame was carried by the fol- lower t : Ayes. F. E. Buchholz, J. P. Chastain, H. A. Edens, W, S. rA Frazi '4 Noes. None. Ordinance real in full, ani on motion of Alderman, F. E. Buchholz, seconled by H. A. Edens, the said ordinance passel first reading by the following vote: On roll call --Ayes. F. E. Huehholz, J. R. Chastain, ;7 of �` ,1 '+y. Tx H. E. Edens, W. S. Frazier and J. C. Godbey. Noes. f*one. on motion of Alderman, P. E. Huehholz, seconded by Alderman, H. A. Edens, the rules were suspended, and said ordinance placed on second reading; sail motion being carried by the following vote on roll call: Ayes. P. E. Buchholz, J. R. Chastain, H. A. Edens, W. S. Frazier and J. C. Godbey. Moes, gone. ordinance read] by caption. and on motion of Alderman, J. R. Chastain, seconded by Allerman, W. Sy Frazier, that said ordinance pass second reading; the motion was carried by the following vote on roll call: Ayes. F. 'R. Buchholz, J. R. Chastain, H. A. Edens, W. S. Frazier and J. C. Godbey. S?oes, none, On motion of Alderman, J. C. Godbey, seconded by Alderman, F. R. Buchholz, that the rules be suspended and the ordinance place& on third reading; said motion carried by the following vote on roll call: Ayes. F. L. Buohholz, J. R. Chastain, H. A. dens, W. S. Frazier and J. C. Godbey. Noes. None. Ordinance readj by caption. on motion of A1dprman, H. A. Edens, seoonded by Alderman, J. R. Chastain, that said ordinance pass the third and final reading, which was carried by the fol- lowing vote on roll call: Ayes. F. H. Buchholz, J. R. Chastain, H. A. Edens, W. S. Frazier and J. C. Godbey. Hoes. Mone. Mayor, W. F. Smith thereupon deolared the said ordinance fin- ally passed, and ordered same attested and approved. Said ordinance, as passed, attested ani approved is as fol. lows:- F-1 City Ordinance Calling for Bond El'eotion to Purchase Sewer System for Georgetown, and kaking improvements and extensions of Same& An Ordinance of the City of Georgetown, Texas, calling and ordering an election to be held in the said City on the 23rd, day of December A. D. 19290 by the voters of the said City qualified to vote at such an election to determine whether or not the said City shall is. sue its bonds in the aggregate sum of $6000000000 to be in denominations of $300.00, eaoh# and to bear interest from date thereof at the rate of Five per cent per annum, payable Semi-annually, and bearing from maturi- ty at the same rate of interest; and to authorise the levy and collect- ing of taxes sufficient to pay ;aid bonds and interest, when due, as it accrues. The sail bonds to be due and payable# serially# four each year# for from one to thirty years from date thereof; said bonds when so issued, to be used in the purchase of a Sewer system for said City, and to extend same throughout said City. BE IT ORDAINED BY THS CITY COUNCIL OP TH$ CITY OF G30RGFTO1Z* TW.AS: Seo, 1. That an election is hereby called ani ordered to be held in and for the said City on the 23rd, day of December A. D. 1929, by the voters of the said City qualified to vote at such election to determine whether or not the sail City shall issue its bonds in the aggregate sum of $60.000.00# to be in denominations of 11500.00,eaoh, and to be due and payable# serially# four each year, from one to thirty years after date thereof, and until all have been paid; said bonds to bear interest from date at Five per cent per annum,payable annually#interest to be evidenced by coupone,which shall bear interest from maturity thereof at Five per cent per annum; and to authorize the levy and collecting of a tax by said City, sufficient to pay the said bonds and the said interest,when due, as it accrues; the sail bonds,when so issued, are to be used in the purchase of the present Georgetown Sewer system and making extensions thereof. 800. 20 That the Said election shall be held at the City Hall building 3n said City, and shall be hell in the manner and form required by law for the holding of such elections. That only qualified taxpayers of said City shall be allowed to vote All voters who favor the proposition to issue the bonds shall have written or printed upon their ballots the words: "For the issuance of Bonds." Ami those opposed shall have written or printed upon their ballots the words: "Against the Issuanee of bonds." Seo. 3. That W. I. Stump and D. TO Whitworth are hereby named, app pointed and constituted as judges and officers of the said eleotion,and are hereby empowered to appoint such clerks and assistants as they may deem neoessary,and are hereby empowered to do all things necessary and proper in the holding of the said election. Seo. 4o That the Mayor, of said City, M. F. Smith# is hereby dim reated to cause this ordinance to be published once each week for four consecutive weeks in the Williamson County Sun, a newspaper published in said City# the first publication to be not lees than thirty days prior to the date of the said election; and the said Mayor is hereby directed to cause a copy of this ordinance to be posted at three public places in said City, at least thirty days prior to the date of the hold- ing of the election; that when so published and posted,this ordinance shall be and constitute notice of the said election. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS TIM 18th,Z DAY OF NOVINiB:I A. D. 1929. Attest: me F0 Smith M0 L0 Cates City Clerk, City of Georgetown, Texas, layor, c; ty o eorgetovrn,Texas. Citty Ordinancis, galling For Bond Election to Furellase Bower System for George. town, and Xaking Im- provements and Exton sfonli of $We. ,An Ordinanete of the City of Cleorge- town 'T'exus, calling erid ordering;' an eleetion to be held in the said tv on the 23rd day of lleeew,er, :4. . I9*2q_ by the venters of the said' Oty qualitied to Vote: at such an election to determine whether or net the said elty shall issue+ ii9 . beards in the aggregate tum of $00,000.00 to be in denominations of 040.00, each, and to Bear inteTe;t from date thereof at the rete erf five per cent per annum, payable, {' semi-annually, and hearing fruin; maturity at the same rate of in - West; and to authorize the levy and collecting of taxes sufficient to pay said - bonds and intere*it, whin }, dite rim it acerues. The said bonds to 1ie due aril payable, serially, ".' firm each year, far from one to thirty years from date thereof;, said hands when so issued, to he utr ed in the purchase of it sewer t teat for said city, and to extend, j aanie tbrotighout the said city. € fie it Ordained by the City Coun iell of the City of Georgetown, Texas:s v thee. 1, That an eleetion is hereby: ,eallod and ordered to be held in and a;fetr the said City on the 23rd day of` J)ecenmber, A. A 11139, by the vvters sof the said City rlualifted to vote at such election to determine whether or' not the Said city Shall issue its bond® is the o4weg4to sum of 1800,000.00, to lw in denominations of $500.00E eaeh, and to he due and payable, ter*, salty, four each year, from one to 1thirty years after date thereof, an& until all have been paid; said bonds. to hear interest from date at Five per: tent per annum, Payable annually, in -A texest to be evidenced by coupons,:! whielt aball bear interest from ina•I tneity thereof at Five per cent pert annum i and to authorize the levy! -Slid polleetdng of a tax by said eity. anflleieut to pay the said bonds antL': the #aid Interest, when due, ae it ac. cruel; the said bonds, when so issued,:; are to be used in the purchase of than present ileorgetown Sower Syste •and snaking extentietna thereat. See, 2. That the maid election shall We hold at the City 1101 building in: Said City, and obeli I* hold in the- manner and form required by law for, ,the holding of sueh elections. That only qualified taxpayers of 'Said city shall be allowed to vote. All vote'riA who favor the propoai-, 'tion to issue the bonds shall kava ,written or printed upon their ballots the words: "For the issuance of Ponds." t And those apposed shall have writ- ten or printed upon their ballots the: vords "Ag4in8t the Urma,nce of txtnda'► Poe. 3, That. W. 1. Stump and D. T. Whitworth are hereby named, Appointed and eeonstituted is ,judge* 'atui ameeera of the said eleetion, and are hereby enspowerod to appoint Stiehl clerks and assistants as they way, deem nnreSaetry, and are hereby em- powered to do all things necessary- �and propor in rite holding of the saielr elvotion, Rev, 4. That the Mayor, of said city, Nr, F. Smith, is hereby direeted to eanse this ordinasee to be lxtblish- ed iiiwe each week fear four ttoTiiwen tive wooks In the Williamson Catinty--' €,�urr, a nowspapor publiAied in said' t ('ity, the first pirblieation to be Tutt le 'Hs than thirty daps prior to the ditto of the said eb atlas!; and they said Mayor is hereby directed to cause a copy of this ordinanec to tie posted ra,t throe pubtle places in said City,i a.t least thirty dovs lirior to the date' rof the bohlit4g of the eleetion; that] whtmi so published and posted, this; ordinaries .khAll bo and e>onstdtnte' n ttiee of the Raid ele=rt.ion. 1'ass+ed and approved *bis tho lsth day of gouenihor A. D. 1020. V, F. SMITH, Mayor City of 4' eorgetowii, Texas. !Attest: 1W. L. Cates, City C,flerlt, City sof tdeorgntown, T The State of Texas. + Williamson County. !� Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared John M. Sharpe, who, after being by me duly sworn, deposes that he is the editor and publisher of the Williamson County Sun, a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published An the City of Georgetown, Texas, for a period of more than one year prior to A. D. 19290 the 82nde day of november/and more than one year prior to the 18the day of November A. D. 1929, �d that �� published a true copy of the election notice hereto attsohedAin ea d paper on the following dated, towits November 82nd. 1929; november 89th. 1989; December 6th. 19299 and December 13th. 19299 and that the date of Ate first publication being not less than thirty days before the date of the election, vis; December 23rd. 192,9* -_� sworn to and subscribed be �remey John M, Sharpeon VaN �! ` day of December 1. D. 1929. 4. rt b otary Zu Williamson Countys T e x a s• 5 city Otdinance COUng For 'Bond nd lection to Purchase ewer System for George- town, and Mslting Im- provements and Lxten- Wons of Same. An Ordinaiwe of the Oty of George- ' town Texas, calling acid ordering 4 an elevtion lex be held in the+ mid City oil the 23rd clay of Iiecemlwr, ' A. ti. 1020, by the voters of the said City qualified to gate at such an election to determine whether or not the said city shall issue it, bonds to the aggregate sun, of $00,000,00 to be in denominations of $500,00, each, anel to hear interest from date thereof at the rate of five per (lent per annum, payable sand -annually, and bearing from maturity at the same rate of in- terest and to authorize the levy and eliecting of taxes sufficient to pay sstid bond* and interest, when due as it accrues. The said bonds to 1te duo and payable, serially, four each year, for from one to thiv,ty ,years from date thereof; said bonds when so issued, to he un: ed lu the purchase of a sewer sys- tem for said city, -and to extend same throughout the said city. Be it ordained by the City Goun ell of the City of Georgetown, Texas: flee, 1. That an election is bereby ealled and ordered to he held in and for Os said City on the 23rd day of Dootnubeir, A. D, 1830, by the voters of the said (pity qualified to vote at such election to determine whether orl not the said city shalt issue its bonds I's the eggrsgato sum. of $80,000.00, to be in dsaominations of $600.00 cash, and to be due and payable, ser- ia OP four esoh ,year, hout one to, t*xty"� re after data thereof, And a31 ve heNu *fdt said bonds to boar #nttgrr*t Mearst date at Five per eon44 per annum, ploysbis annually, in- *46rooll to bre evildettood by coupons, with *}tali hear interest from ma -1 turity thereof at'Tive per cleat per; anaurn; and to authorise the levy; cosi collecting of s tear by said city, suftent to ry *0 said bonds and thissaid into est, who due, as it ac p erusa; the se;id hi s, when so issued, ..ars to be used In the gptrrebase of the pp tett( Geo rtttwwit Sower System and making **twodarttl thereof. See, 2. That the said election shall be+ tra)& at th'e City, >p'iall building in said Citi", grad shall he held in the manner and form taqulred by law for the holding of kitil't slcotioas. That only qualified taxpayers of said city aball be allQwred to vote. All voters who favor the proposi- tion to issue the bonds shall have written or printed upon their ballots the words "lyor the Issuance efttronds,'a And those opposed shall have writ- • ton. or printed upon their ballots tha t "Against the Issuance of bonds.' a. . 3. That W. 1. Stump and D. `f. Whttworth are hereby named, apr,ointerl and constituted is ,judges 4nN ofiie.e'rs of the said election, cud ere hereby oropowered to appoint spelt clerks and assistants as they may dnafla -necessary, and are bereby em- powered to do all things neceswiry a,ndroper in tis holding of the said ya!f er?t1nn. � Sec. 4. That the Mayor, of sn.W sits-, XL F. Smith, ig hereby direAvd; to c*tase tills ordinance to be publish -1 ,yrs once each week for hour conwectt.' `tine weeks in the Williamson County; tint#, a newspaper puhlished in said C7ii`,y, the first. publication to he not': -lest than thirty days prior to the. date of the said election; and the said Mayor is hereby directed to ceruse' a copy of this ordinance to be posted at three pultlie places in said Crityi at least thirty days prior to the date; of the holding of the election; that when no %lisbed and posted, this ordinance shalt be and constitute_ (((tidos- of the said election. rased and approved this the lath day of November A. D. 1020. V. SMITH, Mayor is City of Georgetown, Texas. , Attest- M. L, Cates, >{ 00p Clark, City of Georgetown; 71%44. 11-22.41 The State Of texas. County of Williamson. 1 Before me, the undersigned authority in and for Williamson County, Texas, personally appears& ]d. 8. Smith, mayor of the City of Georgetown Williamson County, Texas his who, after being by me first duly sworn says upon oatit (1) That he posted a true and correct copy of the no- ,mawtd,eyl4at:f :*- tics of election hereto attached^ at the place desinaited for holding said election, towits One at the City Hall of Georgetown, Texas; one in the Post Office in the City of Georgetown, Texas; one at the Court House in the City of Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas. (2) That all of said notices were posted by him on the 20th, day of lmovember A, D. 19299 whioh was not less than thirty fall days before the date of said election. (3) Affiant further says that he on the same date, towit; on the 20th, day of .November A. D. 1929, delivered to the Williamson County Sun, a news paper► published in said City and County weekly, being issued on Fridays of each week, a true and correct copy of said Ordinance, whioh said ordinance was published for four oonseotrtive weeks prior to said oleo. tion on November 23rd. 1929. Sworn'o and subscribed before as by fid. F, Smith, this the F day of December A. D. 1929 �= koary lablk6, Williamson Coun y, Texas* 1 ELECT ION RETURNS TO THE CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY OP GEORGETOWN, TEXAS: We, the undersigned officers holding an election on the 93rdo day of yeoember A. D. 1929, at the City Hall build- ing in the City of Qorgetown, Texas, to determine if said City algal issue Sixtjr Thousend(160.000.00)of bonds for the purpose of purchasing of the present ;6aorgetown Sewer System and making extensions thereof, hereby certify that at said election there were 177 rotes east, of which number there were east -- ,TOR THE ISSUANCE OP BONDS" 171 votes. " AGAINST THB ISSUANCE OF BONDS" 6 Votes. `,,Majority for "The issuance of B Votes, We herewith enclose poll list and ts.13,0y shoot Of sa election. Witness our hands this the 22311 dayf of December 1929. W. I. stun __- - Presiding Grrioer, R. H. Chreitzberg u ge. ,Lrs, E. M, Winterberg JUdge Airs, Mabel Wright er . 192q 9 The that* of le=as. j 9 City of %oorgetown, i 1 Williamson County. j At a meeting of the City uounoil of the t4ty of c+eorgetown, Texas, held on the 13the day of January A. D. 19300 at the regu- lar meeting place thereof in the Vity hall, a quorum being present, there came on to be considered the returns of an election held for the purpose of purchasing of the present Georgetown sewer system and making extensions thereof, and it appearing that the proposi. tion received the necessary favorable vote, the following resolu- tion was passed: WHEREAS, under and by virtue of an order entered by the City Council of the ulty of t+eorgetown on the 18the day of ;november A. D. 1929, an election was held in said City on the 83rdo dayf of December A. D. 1929 for the purpose of purchasing of the present wo orgetown Sewer system and making extensions thereof; and WHEREAS, on this the 13the day of January A. D. 19309 the same being a regular session of the Gounoil of the city of aeorgetown, them came on to be considered the returns of said election so held in said City on the 83rdo day of 3)eoember A. D. 1929, to determine whether or not the bonds of said t4ty should issue in the sum of SIXTY THOUSAND($60.000.00 )DOIJ.Ati9, payable serially, from one to thirty years, in denominations of #500.00, eaoh, payable four each year from date o issusnoe thereof, bearing interest at the rate of �Wjvz (6%) per annum, payable semi-annually, for the purpose of purchasing e& -the present t*eorgetown Sewer system and making ex- tensions thereof, and whether or not a tax on the one hundred dol• lars valuation of all taxable property in said City should be le- vied for the payment thereof at maturity, said tat being for the purpose of creating a sinking fund for the payment of said bonds, and the interest thereon, at maturity; and, WHEREAS, upon consideration of the returns of said election, it appears that the same was in all respects legally held, after due notice had been given, and that the said returns were duly and legally made bad that there were oast at the said election 177 votes, of which number 171 votes were cast "FOR THE ISSUANCE 02 BONDS" and 6 votes were castIGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS". e;�y ®f 4etr-irowo i4Y v THEBHFORE, BB IT RESOM" by the city Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, that the proposition to issue eaid bonds and levy said tax for the purpose aforesaid was sustained by a majority of the qualified property taxpaying voters, voting at said election, and that the city uounoll of said city is author- ised to issue said bonds and to levy and have assessed and col- lected said tax for the payment of the principal and interest of the said bonds at maturity thereofo she above resolution being read, it was moved by Alder- mangf 1r. B. Buohhols, and reonded by Aderman, H. A. zdans, that the same do passo xhereupon, the question being called for, I'. E. Buohhols, the following Aldermen voted AYJA,f J. H. Chastain, H. A. Edens, W, S. Frasier and J. C. Godbey, and the following aldermen voted B0. Moneo j,pproved on this the 13th, day of January r.. D. 1930. M. F. amith ,Attest: mayor, tAty of Georgetown, Wexas, M. L. Cates, City c er , aeorge own, Texas. ORDINANCE ORDERWD R AUTHOaIZING of BONDS. The ;tate of Texas. 1 City of Georgetown, 1 1 County of silliamson 1 on this the 13th. day of January A. D. 19309 the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, convened in regular session in the Wunoil moom in the City Mall, all members there- of, towits F. Be Buchholz, J. Be Chastain, H. A. Edens, W. S. 4 Frazier and J. Co Godbey, Allerten, and M. F. Smith, payor, being present, and among other business transacted, the following ORDINANCE was passed: "An Ordinance by the City Counoil of the City of Georgetown, Texas, authorizing the issuance of bonds for the principal sum of #60.000.00 for the purpose of purchasing the present George- town Sewer system and making extensions thereof, and providing for the levy, assessment, and collection of a tax of Twenty(EOV) cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of all taxable pro- perty within the limits of said City to pay the interest and create a sinking fund for the redemption thereof, and presorib- ing the form of bond, and declaring an emergency." Alderman H. A. Edens moved that the ordinance be placed on its first reading; seconded by Alderman, Buchholz, and oarried by the following bote: Aye: !. Be Buchholz, J. R. Chastain, b votes. H. A. Edens, R. S. Frazier and J. C. Godbey./ No: None Carried; placed on first reading. Ordinance read in full. Alderman J. C. Godbey moved that the ordinance pass first reading; seoonded by Alderman, We S. Frazier, and carried by the following vote: Aye: F. Be Buchholz, J. R. Castain, H. A. Fsdens, W. S. Frazier and J. C. Godbey --- b votes; No. done. Carried; ordinance passed first reading. Alderman, J. Be Chastain, moved that the rules be suspended and that the ordinance be placed on second reading; seconded by H. .►lderman, ;dens, and carried by the following vote: Aye: F. E. Buchholz, J. R. Chastain, H. A. Edens, N. $. Frazier and J. C. Godbey --- b votes. No: gone, f oarried; ordinance placed on second reading. Ordinance read h i►lderman, J. R. Chastain, moved that the ordinance pass sea. and reading; seconded by Alderman, W. B. Frazier, and car- ried by the following votes Ayes F. Be Buchholz, J. R. Chas- tain, H. A. Edens, W. S. Frazier and J. C. Godbey--8 votes. No; none. tarried; Ordinance passed second reading. Ordinance read by caption Alderman, W. B. Frasier, moved that the ordinance pass third reading and final passage; seconded by Alderman, F. E. rsuohhols, and carried by the following votes J,yes F. Be Buoh- holz, J. Be Chastain, H. A. Edens, W. S. Frazier and J. C. G►odbey --- 5 Votes, so: gone. ,mayor, Me F. Smith, Jrhen declared the ordinance finally passed. The Ordinance follows: "AN ORDINANCE by the city Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, authorizing the issuance of bonds for the prinoipal sun of SIITY THOUSA Z($600000.00)DO%%A.BS for the purpose of pur- chasing the present Georgetown Bower system and making exten- tions thereof, and providing for the levy, assessment and oolleo- tion of a tax of Twenty(20V)oents on the one hundred dollars' valuation of all taxable property within the limits of said City to pay the interest and create a sinking fund for the redemption thereof, and prescribing the form of bond, and declaring an emergency. WHEREAS, at an election held in the city of Georgetown, on the 23rd, day of o oember A. D. 19290 a majority of the quali- fied voters, who are property taxpayers of the Oity of George. town, voting at said election, sustained the proposition to issue the bonds hereinafter described for the principal eon 171 of SIXTY THOUSAND( 60.000.00)DOLLARS, by a vote of 222 affir- mative votes, and which oarried by a majority vote of 168 in favor thereof, being "for the issuance of bonds,s---- THEItEP 0RE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN: aootion. 1. That the bonds of said city, to be called"City of Georgetown, Axgp, dower bonds; tensions thereof in the principal sum of S MY THOUSAND DOI3 R, 3eotion 20 ilat said bonds shall be numbered consecutively from one to one hundred and twenty, inclusive, and shall be of the denomination of ZI9E HUNDRED ($600.00)DOL7&R3 each, aggre- gating the sum of SIXTY THOUSAND($60.000.00)DOLLARs. Section 3. That they shall be dated the lot* day of i,eb- ruary 1930, shall beoome due and payable serially, from one to thirty yes" , in the amount of TWO THOUSAND($2.000.00) each year thereafter from their date. deotion 4, what they shall bear interest at the rete of five(b%)per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the lat. day of August and the let day of Jrebruary of each year. Seotion bo what the principal and interest of said series of bonds shall be payable on the presentation and surrender of bond or proper coupon at the offiop of the state Treasurer, Austin, Texas, or at the ^National Bank, in the vitt' of Spew York, btate of lrew York, at the option of the holder. Section 6. That each of said bonds shall be signed by the mayor, countersigned by the City Clerk, and registered by the City Treasurer, and the corporate seal of the "City of George- town' shall be impressed upon each of them. Section 7. That the facsimile signatures of the layor and City Clerk may be lithographed on the coupons attached to said bonds, and shall have the .same effect as if they had been signed by them. section. 8, shat the form of said bonds shall be substan- tially as follows: NO UNITED STATES OF A'68ERICA* STATE OF TEXAS. CITY OF G30RGErTOWa a V/ The City of Georgetown, texast Sewer Bond, KNOW ALL NEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the City of Georgetown, In the County of williamson, State of Texas, a municipal corpo- ration duly incorporated under the laws of the state of Texas, for value received, hereby promises to pay to the bearer hereof on the 19_, the sum of FIVE HUNDRED($500.00) DOLT LARS, in lawful money of the united btates of America, with inter - 5 est thereon from date hereof at the rate of FIYE(5A)percwent per- annun, interest payable semi-annually on the lets day of August and the let day of February of each year, principal and inter- est payable upon presentation tit and surrender of bond or coupon at he office of the otate Treasurer, Austin, Texas, or at theme A at conal `Bank, in the City of mew York, 6tate of ,yew lark, at the option of the holder, and the Uity of meorgetown, jexas, is hereby held and firmly bound, and its faith and credit, and all real and personal property in said City, are hereby pledged for the prompt payment of the prinai- pal of this bond and the interest thereon at "turity. �,ihis bond is one of a series of aerial bonds, njumbered from one to one hundred and twenty, inclusive, of the denomins- tion of FIVE HUNDRED(4500,00)DOLLAR9 each, aggregating SIZTY THOUSA 160.000.00)DozzARs, issued for the purpose of purchasing the present Georgetown sewer system and making extensions thereof, under and by virtue title 22, Chapter 7, Arts. 823 to 825 of the Revised istatutes of 1925 and the Constitution of the ut ate of Texas, and in pursuance of an ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, fiexas, on the 13tho day of aanuary A. D. 1930. IT I3 Hi'REBY MiTI]'IED AND RECITED That the issuance of the this bond, and/series of which it is a part, is duly authorised by law and by a vote of the qualified taxpaying voters of the city of Georgetown, Texas, voting at an election held for that purpose within said city on the 23rde day of December A. D. 1929; that all sots, conditions and things required to be done presedent to and in the issuance of this series of bonds, and of this bond, have been properly done and performed and have happened in reg - alar and due time, form and manner as required by law; that suf- fioient and proper provision for the levy and collection of taxes has been made which when collected shall be appropriated exclusively to the payment of this bond, and of the series of which it is a part, and to the payment of the interest coupons hereto annexed as the same shall become due; and that the total indebtedness of the said city of Georgetown, Texas, including the entire series of bonds of whic=h this is one, does not ex- oeed any constitutional or statutory limitation. IN WITNESS WHEREuF, the City of Georgetown, Texas, by its Gounoil, has caused its corporate seal to be affixed hereto, and this bond to be signed by its mayor, countersigned by its i:ity dark, and registered by its uity Treasurer, and the in- terest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the Lithographed signatures of the Mayor and Gity tilerk; the date of this bond, in conformity with the ordinance above referred to, being the lete day of lebruary A. D. 1930* ayor, City of Georgetown, Texas. Countersigned: City (clerk Registered: City Treasurer, beation. 9* i+he form of the coupon shall be substantially as follows: 160 tin the day of Z9 The City of Georgetown, texas, will pay to bearer at the of ioo of the Etats Treasurer, ,Tustin, Texas, or at the National bank, in the City of sew York, in the *tate of bow xork, the sum of TWELVE DOLLiRS AND FIFTY OENTS(#12.64)9 in lawful money of the united 6t ates of America, being six months interest on the City of Georgetown bower Mond Zomahated February let. 1930. Mayor. City Iferx. *action 10o the following certificate shall be printed on the back of each bond: OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER, STATE OF TEXAS. I Hereby certify there is on file and of record in my office, a certificate of the Attorney General of the btato of Taxas to the effect that this bond has been examined by him as required by law and that he finds that it has been issued in conformity with the Gonstitution and laws of the btate of Texas, and that it is a valid and binding obligation Vpon said Gity of Georgetown, moxas, and said bond has this day been regis- tore& by me. witness my hand and seal of office, at Tustin, rr;exas, this the qday of 19300 COMptrO11Or Of eUbI10 Accoun s of the state of Texas. Section 11• it is further ordained by the City Oounoil of the city of georgetown, texas, that to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to discharge them at maturity, a tax of TaxWTY CENTS (20V) on each X100.00 valuation of all taxable property in said t;ity of wo orgetown, Texas, shall be annually levied on said property, and annually assessed end collected until said bonds and interest thereon are paid, and said tax is here now levied for the current year of 1930, and for each succeeding year while said bonds are outstanding, and the same shall be assessed and collected for the current year and annually thereafter, and applied to the purpose named. Teofion 12. It Is Further ordain that 9. F. smith, the Magor of said uity,'and his successors in office, shall be xkx= authorized to take charge of all necessary records pending investigation by the attorney general and shall take and have charge and control of the bonds herein authorized pending their approval by the Attorney general and registra- tion by the Comptroller of rublia Accounts. Section. 13. The fact that the City of oeorgetown, Texas, is badly in need of sufficient sewerage for its citizens, and the further fact that said City, under its option has but a very short time within which to raise money, by the issuance of bonds, with which to purchase the present privately owned 0eorgetovm bower System, and the further fact that a munici- pally owned Sewerage plant will give better and more efficient service to its a&tizens, creates an emergency and imperative public necessity that the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three separate days before final passage, be suspended, and such rule is hereby suspended, and it is ORDAINED that this ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and approval. Passed and approved this the 13th* day of January A.3).1930. Attest. M. 1. Cates 1..'S_mith ^7� , 01", C1 TOW'D OF G�'ROEGTOWN CHANGED TO CITY OF GEORGETOtiVN. Georgetown, Texas. April 23rd, 1890. Town Council met in regular meeting; in Council Room with the fol- lowing members presents mayor, Wo Y. Penn, and the full Board of Armen, Ui2:."s J. L. Brittain, George Irvine. J. R. Roberts ani J. W. Whittle. The Council was duly oalled to order when the following business was transaoted and proceedings hal; viz: The following Resolutions were presented by Alderman, J. L. Brit- tain, and seoon&91 by Alderman, George Irvine, vizi BE IT RE301VEMD by the Town Council of. Georgetown, at the regular 44 ml_ meeting thereof, held this the hard. Apri1.1890, that the provisions of TITLE Seventeen of the Revised Statutes of Texas and the Amendments thereto made from time to time heretofore by the legislature of sail State in reference to Cities and Towns be aeoepte3 in lieu of the ear- ieting charter of this town approvel March 8th, 1871, and that this town be hereafter known as the City of Georgetown, and that the sail provis- ions of TITLE Seventeen an& amendments thereto in reference to Cities and. Towne be aooepted as the charter of sail City with limits as set out in said special charter of said town, towit:- Beginning at a stake that is one-half mile due east from the cen- ter of the Court House(as it then stood). Thence due soufh one-half mile; thence due west one mile to a stake for the southwest corner of this corporation; thence due north to the middle of the channel of the South San Gabriel; thence down the same with its meanders to a point that a Iiiae due south would strike the place of beginning}'4.ti d4'_-' B3 IT tURTH R OLVF?�hat the foregoing resolutions be entered B3 !� on the journal of the proceedings of said town council and, that a copy of the same signed by the Mayor and attested by the Secretary under the corporate seal of sail town of Georgetown be filed and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of Williamson County as require& by the Act of the Legislature of the State of Texas, approved. March 27th. 1885. And said resolutions being read and fully understood the ayes and nays taken on the adoption of the same, when following members of the '�1 TOWN COUNCIL of the town of Georgetown voted in favor of the adoption of the seAd Resolutions, viz:- Mayor, W. Y. Penn, and Aldermen, J. 1. Brittain, George Irvine, J. R. Roberts and J. W. Whittle, whereupon it was declare& that sail resolutions had been adopted by the unanimous vote of the council. THE STATE OF T IMAS . � County of W'illiamson.# T, W. Y. Penn, Mayor of the town of Georgetown, in said County and State, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the resolutions presented and adopted by the torn council of the town of Georsrptown at their regular meeting hell on the 23rd. day of April, A. D. 1890, by the unanimous vote of *aid Council upon.._x"1 call pf the ayes and. nays as shown, and that the same together with the action of sail of said. Council in adopting the fame was entered upon the journal of the prooeelings of sail Town Council as required by law. TO CERTIFY ALL which, I hereto sign my name and cause the foregoing to be attested by the Secretary under the corporate seal of said town of Georgetown, this the day and date above written. (L.S. ) Attest: W. Y. Penn, Mayor of the Town of Georgetown, J. W. Whittle, (©ri§inal Incorporation Under mp®oisl Aot. of Town Secretary. jaaroh 8th. 1871. vol* 6 ,p. 1147* dammel a saws)_ Filed April 24th, 1890, at 2 P. M. Recorded April 28th, 1890? J. W. Hodges, Clerk, County CMurt, Williamson Co Texas. The State of Texas. % County of Williamson. I, R. R. more, Clerk, County Court of Williamson County, Texas, &o hereby certify that the above and forepoin;r is a true and correct copy of the Certifiel proeeelings relative to incorporation of Georgetown as a City and, adoption of resolutions therein shown, as the same aprears now of xeoorl in my office in Vol. 53,0-W 5 C of the Dee& Records of said County. TO CERTIFY Is'XICH, witness myham,X—C a of sal ourt at of - floe in City of Georgetown, Texas, day o 1T- -�, Clerk—,, Coun y Court, I iamson County, Texas, by Deputy. 10 FINANCIAL STATMNT. CITY Of GEORGETOWN, TERAS, Xt TAXABLE VALUES. Assessed values of real estate for the year 1929, as shown by last approved assessment tolls ...... $1.786.97b.00 i,ssessed values of personal property for the year 19299 as shown by, last �aa�bvees• dvasssmentrolle .835 �i,o' II General Tax Rate Autorised, :dor 1929 and 1930 for all purposes..• ............... $1.17 III. Bonded ,indebtedness. btreet bonds approved ,i.pril 10th. 1922, for OSB.000.00, bearing 5A and maturing 1962, for which a tax has been levied for some ..... 23/ Oity of c,eorgetown refunding School douse bonds, approved november 13th. 1905, bearing Sib, and for the. sum of J2.000.00, maturing 1935, and for which a tax has been levied for 88me••••••..•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. Q.¢ City of Georgetown Paving Bonds, approved December 14th. 1926 for 06.000.00, bearing 5/, and maturing 1 to 30 years, and for which a tax has been levied for saIDe..................•.....••.....• 15g City of Georgetown mater works Bonds(lst Series); approved December lot. 1910, for $12.000,00, bearing 5A and ma- turing in 1950, and for which a tax has been levied for Same•..•••••..••••..•...........••..♦•••.•••••••••♦•••••• 5¢ City of Georgetown Water Works Bonds(2nd.8eries); approved Leoember 8th. 1913, for $4500.00; bearing 5%, and matur- ing 1953, and for which a tax has been levied for same..,.3V City of 4eorgetown Electric Bonds; approved Leoember let. 1910, for #3.000.00; bearing 5%, and maturing 1950, and for which a tax has been levied for same.............2v IV. Floating Debt. None. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing statement ex- hibite a true and correct account of the indebtadasse of the said city of Georgetown, Texas, of *very character existing on the 13th, day of January A. D. 1930, as shown by the records of my office, and also a correct statement of the taxable values of said City as shown by the assessment rolls last approved; and that said statement further represents all of the indebtedness by said city _i t this date. the witness my hand and/seal of said City of L#eorgetown, Texas, 4 .� _oarAhe of, day of January A. D. 1930. Ity c, er , vity oz Georgetown, -``' Texas. I. hereby certify that the above statement as to the indebt-w ednese in the preceding page exhibits a true and correct statement of the indebtedness of the city of Georgetown, 'Texas, and that it is a true and correct statement as shown by the records of my of. fioe. ditness may official signature, this the,&day of January A. D. 1930. "dity Treasurer, ulty of ueorge own, Texas. CERT IF ICAT3 OF THE DISTRICT 012,RKO The State of Texas. 1 Williamson county. a I, C. H. Gee, clerk of the Distriot Court in and for eilliamson county, Texas, do hereby certify that since the election was held in the Gity of Georgetown, Texas, to authorize the issuance of sixty Thousand Dollars of bonds for the purpose of purchasing the present aeorgetown Sewer System and making ex- -tensions thereof, no suits have been filed and no suite are now pending in this court to set aside said election or to prevent the issuance of said bonds and there are no suite of any kind filed in any way affeoting either said election or the issuance of said bonds. witness my hand and seal of office, this the244ay of January A. D. 1930 OKIK� Clark o e i)istrlot Courto (seal) williamson County, Texas. 13. CERTIFICATE OF THE CITY CLERK. The State of Texas. 6 1 City of Georgetown, ► 1 County of williameon.► I, M. L. Cates, the City Clerk of the City of Georgetown, Texas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing copies of --- I. (a) Order of City Council calling the bond election; (b) .affidavit of posting election notice; 1o) Affidavit of publishing election notice; (d) aleotion returns; (e) resolution canvassing returns and deolaring result; (f) vrdinanoe authorizing the issuance of the bonds; and (g vertifioate of the Distriot Clem; --- (hi Notice of election,aai true and correct copies of the originals now on file and of record in my office. II• I further certify that the order of the City Counoil or - d ring the bond election is of record on pagej�,-u of Book «. of the Minutes of the said Counoil, which minutes -lave been duly signed and approved by the ,mayor. III. I further certify that the resolution canvassing the returns and declari g the result of the election appears of record in Book C page/g/-a of the minutes of the City Council, whiah-minutes-h-av-U-been7duly signed and approved by the mayor. I9. I further certify that the ordinance authorizing the issuanoe of bonds was passed at a regular meeting on the city vounoil--all members thereof being present --and appgars of record in the pro- oeedings of said vitt' vounoil, cook (Wi . 'age/V-0 and said ordinance has been duly signed and approve y the mayor. Witness my hand and the seal of said City of Georgetown, Texas, on this the-Z&Pday of .ranuary •. D. 1934. er , y o i,eorge own, =� ( aea3.}-� -- Texas. 13 The State of Texas. Milli ams on County. i City of Georgetown. On the�,S d y of January A. D. 1930, the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas, met in Special Called Session, at its regular meeting place in the City Mall of said City, with the Following Members present, towits M. F. Smith, Mayor, F. Be Buohholx, J. H. Chastain, He A. Edens, We S. Frasier and J. C. Godbey, Aldermen, and among other proceedings were had the following: Resolution presented by Aldermen F. Be Buchholz and J. R. Chastain, vis: *Whereas, by a vote of the qualified voters of said city this council was authorized and directed to issue its bonds in the total sum of 460.000.00, bearing interest from Feb. let. 19300 at the rate of 5%, per annum, poible semi-annually on the let. days of August and February of each year thereafter, as provided by the Ordinance of January 13th. 1930, of this Council, and Whereas, said bonds were for the purchase of the present Georgetown Sewer System and making extensions thereof and were in denominations of 4500.00, each, and numbered from i to 120 inolu$ive, and payable in the sum of 32000.00 annually, an they serially mature, and ldhereas, the ilst, installment of interest d1e or to be- come due thereon matures before the present tax levy is ool- leotible, renders it imperative that this Council provide funds for the payment of same on August let. 1930: Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council, that the sum of 41500.00, be, and the came is hereby set aside out of the General Funds now on hand, and held intact, for the ex- press purpose of meeting, when due, the lste installment of Interest due on said bonds, aforesaid, and be it so ordered. F. E. Buchholz, J. R. Chastain, Upon motion of Alderman, H. A. Rdens, Seconded by Alder- man, J. C. Godbey, that said Resolution be adopted. Upon a Roll call, the following vote was had, towit. ,Ayes. F. Be Buchholz, J. R. Chastain, H. A. Rdens, W. S. Frazier and J. C. Godbey......% notes Dfays. none. Resolution declared adopted, and said funds so ordered set- aside. Attest: liiayor, City o Georgetown, Texase y CleFlo Georgetownt Texas, I, 1Z. L. Cates, City Clerk of the City of Georgetown, Texas, do hereby certify that the foregoing a trde and oor- reot copy of the Resolution passed aid it on the day -and date above setout My Clark.- Georgetown, ®xas. 14 OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL OF STATE OF TEXAS THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the City of OW79 towns W"1iamean'Co� 'fdimial Bower =��sr11Mr� 9 Yet a1aF^ Qr—AU4 ,a!_ passed by the ,on the 13th day of Januarys 1930,mmuming the presen#�ar�reto 3gata� and makina extensions dates FebruarY la 19 —; numbered consecutively fran for the sum • Five Hmaraa issoO.OQ) each, aggregating the sum of Shy ThouAAnd (4t SWO.Q. Payable at Office of the State Treasurer# Austins Texas, or the Chase National Banka Now jork, j�� Y.. ath� 93?tioa the holders as follows: 21000.00 oa FgDru�xg let each of the yews 199 to 1860, both Inc j,.usITA. with interest at the rate of. ripe ..— - per cent per annum, payable semi- lebruary LAI of st hare been submitted to me for examination in accordance with the !aqui th0 tato 68.0f, state of Texas, and I have carefully examined said bonds in connection with the fact end "dta execution , of .said bonds, and T find upon the evidence subm fitted to as -4M �w 4lsr+ wm* W w4powmMm- yrs matter the following facts: 1. That the Q1tZ of Georgetown of the Ter above referred to legally &Wort t d • S. That the taxable values of said Cit approved before the issuance of said bonds amounted to .,..A.00a 8 That a tax of cents on each 1 - dr ' Citi was legally levied to pay interest on said ,cede +ap%w► A� liquidation at maturity; and that said tax is sufficient for the purpose aasaei. 4. That 111— - GP$UMP-0 a authorizing the issuance of aid *ewdr* b est paid rare proper in form and in accordance with . It is "dgmeat� sn I ee lind, that all the requirement of tbg 6w taftAbow complied withi: ttliat Niki-Doads'wsre issued in conformity with the ConatUnkim A 4wows UdAu*lvm are valid and binding obligations upon the said Cit v of Qeorgetown. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name offietali e" office in the City of Austin, Texas, this thet 4th day •oRM toynsa.rsa�.aM No• 958e 33-8»540—I3. 16 AN ORDINACB AE',, ING SECTION 1919 OF CIVIL UTD CRIMINAL ORDINANCES OF Dr%CBb03 ,, 10TH, 19069 AND ADDING T?LaRETO, SECTION 191•A, B,C,D AND 13. FI^.E LIMITS. BB IT O''DAINED that Section 191 of the Civil and griminal Ordinances of the City of Georgetown, Texas, passed 10th, day of December A.D. 19069 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows That the Fire Limits of said City shat 1 include Blocks Nos, 1, 29 39 409 50, 519 82, 9, 419 42, 39, 49, 369 37, 38, Ba, 27, 28# 10 and 11 and all territory within the limits above described, is hereby designated and shall hereafter be known as the Fire Limits of this City, provided that when a majority of the owners outside of the Fire Limits as above de- scribed, shall make written application to the City Council to have said Blocks so owned by them included within the Fire Limits, then upon the filing of such application with the City Secretary, signed by the majority of the owners of such Block, asking that it shall be placed within the Fire Limits, the said block shall thereafter be held to be within the Fire Limits. Section 191-A Permit Required. No wall, structure, building, or part thereof, shall hereafter be built, enlarged or altered, until a plan of the propose) work together with a statement of the materials to be used shall have been sub- mitted• to the City Council, in regular session# who shall, if in accordance with the provisions herein contained, issue a permit for the proposed construction. Structures hereafter erected without permit or not in conformity with this ordinance shall be removed. No Building shall be moved from one location to another within the Fire Limits until a permit has been obtained there- for. Permit shall be issued only in case the construction is in accordance with this ordinance. it Section 191-8 'Every building hereafter erected, altered or enlarged within the Fire Limits, shall be en- closed on all sides with walls constructed wholly of stone, well burned brick, or reinforced concrete, and shall have the roof, also the roof and sides of all roof strictures, covered with incumbustible material. All cornices shall be of incombustible material. Section 191-0 No structure whose walls are wholly, or in part, constructed of wood, shall, hereafter, be built or moved into the Fire Limits as herein designated or as they may hereafter be established, except as follows: (A) Temporary one story frame buildings for use of builders. (B) Small outhouses not exceeding 100 square feet in area and 8 feet in height, not located within 30 feet of any other building, nor within 5 feet of any lot or line. Any existing frame or iron-cl&d building within the Fire Limits, which may hereafter be damaged by fire, decay, or otherwise# to an amount greater than one half its present value exclusive of the foundation shall not be repaired or rebuilt, but shall be removed. Section 191-D Gas connections to stove and similar heating devices shall be made of rigid metal pipes. For small portable gas heating devices, flexible metal or rubber tubing may be used when there is no valve or other shut-off on the device. Section 191-E That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances heretofore pa,sed on this subject, except wherein it conflicts with them, in which event this ordinance shall govern. PAS= duly 14th, 1930. ATTEST: M.L. Cates, Secretary, M.F. Smith,-- Llayor. 1930 11 AN ORDrTVTCR PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR ANY ORATOR OF A'TY MOTOR VEHICLV' OR AUTOIT013ILE FAILING TO OBS,''RVE " STOP " SIGNS PLACED AT CERTAIN INTERSECTIONS OF STRFETS OF SAID CITY CF GEORGETC', TEXAS. B& IT ORA rT^D by the City Council of said City of Georgetown, Texas. Section 1. That it shall hereafter be unlawful for any operator or driver of any motor vehicle or automobile to fail to bring his motor vehicle or automobile to a full stop at any place in said City where there isplaced atp on or near the intersection of its streets, a sign upon which is printed or painted thereon the word "STOP" Any person failing to observe this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined in any sum not exceeding Ten Dollars, Section 2. The fact that at certain intersection of the streets of said ctiy many serious accidents have occured, and wholly because drivers of automobiles and motor vehicles drive their cars or motor vehicles recklessly at such places, has caused stid city to place signs at said places, and the further fact that many do not observe the "STOP" signs now at said dangerous places, necessitates the suspension of the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three separate ocoasions, and that the ordinance be placed on its third and final passage. APPROVHD THIS llth, day of August, 1930. ATTEST: Y.L. Cates City Secretary. M.F. Smith or . 14 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GEORGHTOWN, THRAS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO APPOINT ONE ASSISTANT, AND DIRECTING WHEN THE SAID ASSISTANT HAS QUALIFIED AS SUCH, HB SHALL HAVE ALL OF THE POWERS CONFERRED BY LAW UPON THE CITY ATTORNEY AND MAY PERFORM ALL THIN DUTIES THAT MAY UNDER THY LAW BH PERFORMED BY THIN CITY ATTORNRY* AND DECLARING SAID ORDINANCE TO BE AN EMERGENCY, BE IT ENACTED, by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas. That, the City Attorney of the said City is hereby empowered to appoint an Assistant City Attorney; the said appointment to be in writing and be.filed with the City Clerk of Georgetown$ Texas. That such assistant City Attorney when appointed shall take the oath of office for officers of the said City and shall file said oath with the City Clerk of the said City. That such assistant City Attorney shall thereafter have all of the powers vested by law in the City Attorney and shall have the power to perform all duties that may be perforated by the City Attorney; and in the exercise of his powers and duties his acts shall be as binding upon the City as if performed by the City Attorney are cumulative of the powers and duties vested by law in the City Attorney. That there being no Ordinance of this City Authorizing the appointment of an Assistant City Attorney# and an impera- tive public necessity existing that this Ordinance be passed under a suspension of the rules$ and that it take effect im- mediately from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED this 13ths day of April A.D.1931. ATTEST s City erk# Georgetown, Williamson County! Texas, M,F, Smith Mayor of Georgetown' Williamson County, Texas. ciy of d',yr VWd ay. -r,, 1131 To the State Board of education Austin, Texas Geor Texas County Tjlly 2Q.0 193-.- T^li-s is to certify that the of will about Geeorg„etown, , 'Texas,/has issued a�bonds, datedat�,1r ,,, 19 , nikabered consecutively from ,-1to , inclusive, for the earn of $_ 500 __, each, aggregating the sum of $__.Z84Wa_.P due R ar-j al lv.11 -1th interest at the rate of r percent ?ger annum. Por these bon's, tae- (Dist., City, etc.) has been offered par and accrued interest Dlus a bona fide cash premium of $ , by of t (If the pre, mium of.iered represents charges for legal or other services, do not list it as a part of the offer.) - Therefore, in compliance with the provisions of Article 2673, R. S. 19250 I respectfully submit for your consideration at your next meeting the purchase of said bonds at par and accrued interest plus a cash premium of For the urevaration of the transcript of the record, for arinting the bonds, and for legal and other services incidental to the issuance and sale of the bonds, the District has paid or is obligated to pay $ no part of which amount is included in the premium given above. If the lourchase of the bonds at the orics indicated is authorized by tae Board, the o:fer is hereby accepted, and warrants in payment therefor may be sent to the Ist, Nationjal Bank ofnvrn , Teres, our deiository. In the event the Board shall fail to purchase said bands at the prioe offered, I resnectfully ask that a waiver of its option be granted, in order that they may be sold in the open market at the above price without delay. No person, firm, or corporation has been promised or paid any fee, commission, or anything of value, directly or indirectly, as a consideration for the sale of the bonds mentioned above, and the entire proceeds from the sale of the said.bonds will be applied solely to the purposes for which they were authorized. (Sign officially) _ (To be signed and sworn to by the president of the board of trustees of an independent school district sow of Georgetown, Texas. or MAS D Wim'-!['illiamsolL "worn to and subscribed before me, the undersignedfauthority by this the ..__26th - day of Jul v M Notary Public, ++ County, Texas �Y i e 11 ed, this the �.., day o f � J State Superintendent Granted Ref Lised this_ day of , 19„x,, ` �rt►�irnt �► 4W STMA Ot TUXAS , i �t1 Iii tis .►._ �� __ r .! �,!* �� '� _ - - w w '" _N nds, issued by virtu* of an _ �• __ . ,wmsn .y r r of `i U00* -- _ _ _ _ _ _ -'Of said _ _ _ _ .iu:tl t _- - Q&r.;;*1AAg 4ad la Ifeu of a »� of balids ;jor .aut*juzdja&_ 1ndvbl< dn*s& of aft1d +t t6i �► i "ty 1., I'M inclusive, �-_ .r•...�e.%. a.w.-,t..w4�,r •ww "V rA...h.i. �{++w o,...,.,,, r.,y y,» .. ,, .- ,, _ , .. � _ ..._ ..�(�..('j� . _ - _ _ - -'T.- �+ "$Y'N{$ Gab.9�. ssa '�h "1! l� ... �'" 71� �i•"r.'�' !'- w - _ _ _ " _ _ +'•'S pr$W►Alt, it! . tha *Mae or Ito SU%e 0 *9LSm Vbr, AUSUD, 'Cater, ___-_ _ _ r„tt����w� 1�__1+i�1�_ba�► itt�aiuxtvu. - WAk ., ... .,..�.«,,... ...+«. ..„,..w<r,. ,•».->., .,.w.»... •.a..ss�+>•.,x, ...,..w .�...{_alwa. _,• .�.. w--^^,v.,.-,+„.,,.ti-»T ws..wls> .,..... .. _,. __._. - ......_” ' •. _ « »,-�,... _.._ a.. -..._m - _.._« ,. „r-.. ,,. �,. e, .. wm px ... -,. +.y}. w.Krr, a• .,,.w-e1.>..va r�gglOA.r+r..�,.q�}�+y�,.+J. .... m«s «___......-.,-•___...... .n..>.l M-_-....» ,- ., ,a.+.. - _.. .. , ..... .� .. - + - _ ,-.•. hrtc7wo3+,. ,eixeern - " ,- ^. __' ► -+.. t . _..n _ - - ...... .. : v+., .... s.„,.u„ ..r.y.oN* •,rtxr.emo-.-+.r '+ca+r+t+r..Aa.r�r^i�.+,+��w.%-Wr+Met+,..,..we..n.... w.e ._,_ .`. w � .,r •>.�, .y. - , _ ,. _ ,..... # Se c t, f0 �.n,�Hi'rote Ut �y y �"MMi > t a g b �v + 900i A4WA4119 c & bbattaa,'r-lat weld r , jLi0A IGA wA ftab Y*SX, i34M�M r �N+j lm .�Rfey fxMTM aft 'T ... s _ e., ..vM 11 ka" .ice subwue4i to Mo fer- e4a,ipiihati*1 -4 aeg*44rov *I h f%Q swc}wi rxieUts Of rSt&tUt-08 Of State Of_ 20=4_. avo 1 jMW eiepar# wUy eaawttu d r%W bonds ja oomhettitht with tim tatto aad the C&&stitytiou And laws on the rubjeat of t1w g0 !Am of siltd 4mts, and ( AM up" t1* axiA,,Wx saair a tW to 4 a4id ** fb«a renult of a careful thtaniination of the OhAr r+r t10a fesito'wkW Awls 'C; 1#^V *e Gieoro t' owt 1xA*:2ql t&t ,i istrial _._.. >_ vmA at the thne of the "lir _ . Jaz' , � 1, _" *tri#'V .te to .404U-► _, . . eertaM I Sh1 . i'hat ibe UXOM0,M)diffyo mad *tilcut -_ %(XIO ing fo ttie ertaaa0aappta tautt, -- si mdt; a tax nt 4p °a+iih lirti*wt *Akre *oo of tAX"ie party In *aid $ittir It >. »._waA4401f WM164 to AW)l **PWA 41)'r' i kf 0401 tO eraofj p O1ioktwd fund to ptbvide for duir itAt�`ath+w r! ttrirturi�; �►ei tlqul ra�A M< lNc!! ll of *0 /enfk* ewaWad t, 9%at the order . ,. 01kift bM Jkv%wisw *tietfl i" 16 t* Aj*t i *M wow Iftmils #amwk th 't4rrit god ire%* Art grow in f4*61 4PKj is w,Ub to - ... eAw - _ _ - _a0a*0rriAft t iaaauaarts. �+. �.. '+ �±�' ��..���r4ote�. � !� ti+e�e-tax' �iG��ri.,hu�+► _�t.i.1. sem, eb�idexs It * SW 11*4taeulR, MA I we OVA 4$*# aA A* t0tiwaAMrte W f>tvr; %W%r Aillt'1► 0044 Irredp we" ae0e4 iltrve� ]►aqua e*t0ji+ad with; *AA 01M k** s!e'a DOtr%4 Ia toles Wia 1�mWstd I*ft of Mrs Stats of Texaei gird tiwt bay -oro axil iris fig► 064- _- 06= 691M ft U A#P*"utt Sih"I-Distri&t-. _ . _ _ . � . , ADQUaw - . ^f V1311> - - - *seas. ��yy I `tr l7Y]ty��,it fyi�*if { f'T�a�Mt+ `, ,'1 sco}{w�* j *jAWV *r�r�i&%W wly SSW ��ijp aiei Cagi1M+d 14 he impressed hagrsonl}tb. seal of Ln,v oil nft :h *R ', 49Y * d�+^n t3@ i'M d th Ut .Saor w� . 4* K ♦. W +.r lUt .----- s� ....� 4g U P „y le �1 rsi to of Taxan. Ems^ `./ x The State of Texas } County of I'rilliamson } Georgetown Ind. Sch. ) District. On this the 28th day of July, 1932, the Hoard of Trustees of Georgetown Independent School Listrict convened in Special Session at the usual meeting; place in the town of Georgetown, Texas, with the following members present, to -wit: 'N.H.bavis , E.H.Eanos • Joe Ycznnill Ed Barrie , R.'`d.Tin9-ley : .. - - ... - and among other proceedings had, passed the folllowing order: E.H.Eanes moved that said order be adopted The motion was seconded by R.'iV.Ti.n@ley and unanimously adopted by the following vote: $yes: "V.H.Davis , E.H.Eanes s _,.Joe .In .Ts"Ll,ls Ed Harris , R. , . Tins 7,ev .. r nr.�r Does: None. The President announced that said order had been adopted. The order is as follows: Whereas at an election held July 24, 1919 in the Georgetown Independent School District in `;dilliaamson County, Texas, a majority of the qualified taxpaying voters voted at said election to authorize the iesuance of X100,000.00 Georgetown Independent School District bonds to bear interest at the rate of 5/1'( per annum, and to nature in forty years from their date, reserving the right to redeem said bonds or any of them ten years after date; and, INhereas, said issue above mentioned above are dated August 102 1922, in denominations of ,1000 each, and denominated as aeries "F" of 1922, numbered consecutively from 1 to 100, interest payable semiannually on February 2, and August 10th of each year, all the bonds due August 22nd, 1962, but redeemable by the district at its option anytime 10 years after their date; and, x,dHEREAS, said Georgetown District, acting through its Board of Trustees, considers® it to the best interest of said district 3 that the surn of X28,000 of the bonds of said Issue above referred to be refunded into serial bonds, to mature serially and annually; that said refunding bonds shall bear interest at the rate of 5"' per annirn, payable servii-annually,, and in denominations of X500.00 each. Therefore, be it ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Board of Trustees of the Georgetown Independent School District: 1. The the refunding bonds to be called "GEORGETC:VN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DI.")T.4ICT RZFUNIIING BONDS, SERIES 1932" be issued under and by virtue of the Texas 1-4onstitution and laws of the state of Texas, in the sums of ;28,000, for the purpose of refunding, canceling and In lieu of a like attount of Georgetown Independent School District Bonds now outstanding, and being a portion of an issue of $100,000 above referred to. 2. Said refunding bonds shall be dated Ist IiAly day of August, 1932, and numbered consecutively from 1 to 56 in denominations of 500.00 each aggregating the sum of 428,000*00, and shall # *4 become due serially and annually as follows: $1,500 due August let, 1933 and 1934 $2,500 due August lat, 1935 to 1944, both inclusive, Y 3 Said refunding bonds shall bear interest at the rate $% per annum, payable semi-annually on February 1st and August 1st of each year after their date. 4i Both principal and interest on said bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America, upon presentation and surrender of the bond or proper coupons at the office of the State Treasurer at Austin, Texas. 5. Said bonds shall, besigned by the president of the Board of Trustees, countersigned and registered by the respective Secretary and Treasurer of said Board of Trustees of said Listrict, and the corporate seal of the district shall be impressed on each bond. 6. The fac-simile signatures of the president and secretary of the board of trsutees of the independent school district may be lithographed upon the coupons attached to said refunding bonds, and shall have the same effect as if they had been signed by each of them. 4 4 7 The form of the bond shall be aubstantially as follows: NO V UNITED STATES OF AkERICA STATE CF TEXAS GEORGETOWN INLEFENLENT SCHOOL DISTRICT REFUNDING NODDS, SERIES, 1932. KNUS ALL VhN BY THLSE PRESENTS; That the Georgetown Independent School District in the County of Williamson, State of Texas, for value received, hereby acknowledges itself indebted to and hereby promises to pay to bearer Dollars, 0 ), in lawful money of the united States of America, on the day of 19 with interest thereon from date at the rate of Five (5%) per eantum, per annum, payable on and of each year, on presentation anal surrender of proper bond or coupons annexed as they severally mature. Both principal and interest of this bond are hereby made payable at the office of the State Treasurer, Austin, Texas, and for the prompt payment of this bond and the interest copuons annexed at maturity, the full faith and credit and resources of the George- town Independent School District are hereby irrevocably pledged. This bond is one of a aeries of f1fte bonds, numbered from One (1) to ( ) both inclusive, of the denomi- nation of ( ) dollars, of like date and tenor, except as to maturity, aggregating the sum of Twenty-eight Thousand (t28,000.00) dollars, issued for the purpose of refunding, canceling and in lieu of a like amount of bonds now outstanding indebtedness of said Georgetown Independent School District, heretofore duly issued under the Constitution and law's of the =Mate of Texas, which are now outstanding and unpaid. f" It is hereby recited and certified that the issuance of this bond, and of the series of which it is a part, is duly authorized by law, and that all acts, conditions and things to be done pre- cedent to and in the issuance of this series of bonds and of this bond, have been properly done and performed, and have happened in regular and due time, form and manner, as required by law, and that the total indebtedness of said independent district, inclusive of the entire series of bonds of which this is one, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF# the Georgetown Independent School District has caused its corporate seal to be affixed hereto. and this bond to be signed by its president, and countersigned by its secretary and the interest coupons hereto annexed to be executed by the litho- graphed signatures of the president and secretary of the Georgetown Independent School District Board of Trustees as of� LW__l-9,32 Frasident Loafdof rus ees, Georgetown Independent School District. Countersigned: •xecrE ary toird of Trust5es.* -8- The form of interest eoupond annexed to said bond shall be substantially as .follows: No on thb, day of 19 The Georgetown Independent School District, in the County of Williamson, State of Texas, hereby promises to pay to bearer at the Mice of the State Treasurer, Austin, Texas, the sum of ( ) dollars, in lawful money of the United States of America, being months interest on George- town Independent School District Refunding Bond, Series 1932, No. - dated day of 19320 rreMeat B01rares ees ecre'focry ..9. The fallowing certificate shall be printed on the back of each bond: OFFICE OF CO1jk-PTRCLLER STATE OF TEXAS I HBREBY CERTIFY that there is on file and of record in my office a certificate of the Attorney General of the State of Texas, to the effect that this bond has been examined by hire as required by law, and that he finds that it has been issued in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and that it is a valid and binding obligation upon said Georgetown Independent School Listrict of Williamson County, Texas„ and said bond hoe this day been registered by me. WITNESS my hand and seal of office,, at Austin, Texas, this the day of 1932. erOf 15Ub:L10 dCQUa4s, State of Texas. (Seal) 0 I 7 -10- It is further ordered by the Board of Trustees of said Georgetown Independent School District that while said refunding bonds herein above authorized, or any of them, are outstanding and unpaid, there shall be levied and there is hereby levied and ordered assessed and collected in due form and manner a tax upon all taxable property of said district sufficient to pay the principal thereof together with the interest thereon as they shall nature; and to pay the interest on said refunding bonds and the principal as it hall mature and become due and payable there is reby levied r the current year 1932, a tax of and at the ra a of ten ce is on each $100 valuation of all taxable prop rty in said inde endent school district of Georgetown, Texas, a d for the year 932, and each succeeding year thereafter while sa bonds any of them are outstanding; and there is hereby levied said ten cents above mentuoned, or so much thereof or in addition thereto as shall be necessary on each $100 valuation of taxable property located in said independent school district for the year 1932, and for each succeeding year thereafter, and applied to the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds. Passed and approved this the 28th day of July, 1932. V. res er,boardor frustees, Ueorget5wa / r de endent School District. Attest: Q sere s#y o Trus ses. 1 Is the undersigned authority, Secretary of the Georgetown Independent School District do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the order of said board of trustees duly passed on the 28th day of August, 1932, authorizing the issuance of refunding bonds in the sum of "ry28,oao, to be dated August lst, 1932, abd bearing 5% interest per annum, the bands maturing serially as described in said order authorizing the bonds, as the same appears from the minutes of said Hoard of Trustees of the Georgetown Independent School District. Witness my hand and seal of said district this the day of 1932. /(/-I '/ - "�� e 4% 2Y t"12). -� Georgetown Independent School District. ( -.ea l ) LZI UN TAXABLE VALUES OF GiORGRTU,YN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT. I, the undersigned authority, hereby certify that the following statements as to the taxable values of the Georgetown Independent School District are true and correct: 1. That the total assessed valuation of all tax- able real property situated in the George- town Independent School District for the year 193 8 is . . 3,233,780.00 2. That the total assessed valuation of all tax- able personal property situated in said district for the year 1932 is. 4 6120780.00 3. Total of all taxable property is. . . . . . . �' 4,14x . Witness my hand this the 28L._da.y of July, 1932. .G . getft*%andependent School District. It -000- It C7TI7ICATI OF DISTRICT CLMM TSI& 9 TA TS OP MUS j OOU TY OF WILLIA930H � I, the undersigned authorityt Clerk of the District Court in and for said Bounty, do .hereby oartify that since the passage of an order on the 28th day of duly, 19321, by the Boars! of Trustees of the Georgetown Indepeaddud School District of Williamson County, Texas, to authorise the issuance of 42890009 5,19 refunding bonds, for the purpose of refunding an equal amount of outstanding school bonds of said district, there have not been any suits tiled and there are no suits now pending in this court to set aside said order or to prevent the Issuance of said refunding bonds, and no suits of any kind tiled In anyway effecting the issuance of said bonds. WITNESS ray hand and seal of off ice, this theday of 1932. Clerk of the Dia trio$ Court of Williamson Bounty, Texas. 13. STATa-.ENT OF OUTSTANDING BONDED INDEBTEDNESS. I, the undersigned authority, hereby certify that the following is a true and correct statement of all outstanding bonds of said Georgetown Independent School district as of the date last below written: Purpose of Issue Rate Dated Ori .Ise Amt.Outstd . 114turities Schoolhouse bonds 5% 8/22/1922 $100,000 $,&gjagaa.. All due 1962 Series B Schoolhouse bonds �� �� Series A 5% 8/22/1922 -, 100,000 tom�-,-��-� Due serially Amount of Cash and securities in sinking funds Om a Witness my hand this the �any of July, 1932. i a .,edi7o Lar a o ras eee. teed? 13 Be It ordered by the board of Trustees of the Georgetown Independent School District that there is hereby levied for the year 1932 on all real and purso.ial taxable property situated **thin the limits of Geort,etown Independent School District, ',Jilliamson County,, Texas, on the 1st day of January of the current year, the following taxes: First: An ad valorem tax of an and at the rate of city -eight (68�) cents on the orae hundred ("100) dollars cash value thereof, i estimated in lawful money of the United States of ;vperlca, for the support and maintenance of the public free schools in said Georgetown Independent 31chool District. Second; An ad valorem tax of and at the rate of fifteen-leents on the $100 cash value thereof, estimated In lawful money of the 'United States of kttlericap to pay current interest on and provide sufficient sinking fund for the bonds of said district dated August 10, 1922, Series "A" due serially. Third: An ad valorem tax of and at the rate of fiVe cents on the X100 cash value thereof, estImated in lawful money of the United States of h.-veriCs, to pay current Interest on and provide sufficient sinking fund for the bonds of said district dated Au-ust 10, 1922, Series "B" due 1962, Optional 1032. e, Fourth: An ad valoreal tax of and at the rate of ten cents on the "'100 cash value thereof, estimated in lawful money of the United 3tstes of I'mvrica, to pay current interest on and provide a sinking fund sufficient for the bonds of said district dated Alte ,ust lnt, 1932. r 04 i"'usteeso Attest: Iq THE STATE OF TEXAS ) WILLIAMSON COUNTY ) GEORGETOWN SND. SCHOOL) DISTRICT ) I, the undersigned authority, President of the Board of Trustees of the Georgetown Independent School District do hereby certify that the Board of Trustees has heretorare passed an order authorising the issuance of the sum of $28,000, 5% Refunding bonds of &aid district, dated August 1, 19329 in denominations of $600.00 eaoh, to mature seriallys $1500 due August 1, 1933 and 19340 and $2,500 on August 19 1936 to 1940 inclusive, said refunding bonds having been Issued for the purpose of cancelling, sed in lieu of a like amount of Georgetown Independent School District Bonds, dated August 10, 1922j, said bonds being cancelled and refunded being Nos. 80 to 77 inclusive, these being the bonds the district board of trustees in authorising the new refunding bands, seek to cancel by said order of refunding. Witness my hand this theday of August 1932 Preside OaLrci or Trustees, Georgetown Independent bchool District* W it • • 4-000" � - • r /13Z. r5 rOTT I C? prr_n5 CALLIP, CTTT 07 fI"M",P Tn7.?TkvA'3 VOTIO 13 IMMY GIVEN that the following described bonds which are now p&ysblo at the option of the City of GeerCstovmts Teas* are hereby CALLS SOB 21r= T on July 1s 19369 at the t' SZ UT1ONAL =X Of TIM CITY Oy LTT YOB:' in Now York Cltys ]dew York, after whim 8a to interest on the Sala bonds shall coa:tet La tedx June is 1922 Ur S JUu i, 1962 which bonds beer sand -annual interest coupons at the rate of 841 per annum pEgsble June lot and Aeombw let of each y se r, and which bonds constitute the entire outstanding baUnoe of an inane of 015#000 bonds aateb Jars is 3.922 and maturing ee abo're shown,# GIS BY Cr=R CF 'IIsi CITY OWNGIL OF TIX CITY 07 GLMZTt, ys TF Ss this -the Wth day of Lays 3.93$I �h City Sec3r•tarys City of Georgetown. Texas. THS ijT,�Tt CF T vXlk$ COEAI `1 y QF CITY 4F cbt a vqt 1 On this the _jk,& day of ,�,,,,G.,,, 19 3Sr, the City Council Of the City of ,cc ems f! WI& Texas, met in regular session, at its regZlar meeting place in said City, there being present= hi L Mayor .� t /► �1 , Alderman n R , Ald erman S ;.,..Y.ICi2o 0 Ir , Alderman V U C6 R f S , Alderman Tile City „��;}ejtjg't read. an ordinance authori.zi 4 the issuance of Cit of w I_` r"1. a r% 1 - n l � - for the purpose of refun dng, a like amount of C i of GeoreaFoww 'A-�- -, now out standing. Alderman ed,. moved that the rule requiring ordi mance s to be read in open meeting; at three ,,,,, re&,lar meetings of the City Council be sus- pended as set out in the eraer envy Clause in said ordinance, and that the ordi- nance rdi nance be finally passed as read, Alderman �� ���R,, seconded the motion. The YAyor ordered the vote upon the adoption of the ordinance to be taken by roll call, which when takers resulted as follows: Y :i: Alderman C, Wilcox, Godby, Hucholts, and Frazier, NAY t none A 3!2,T: none. . The 77.1myor then de olared that all of the vote of the City Council, having been cast in favor of the adoption of the ordinmoe, the same is adopted and ef- fecative from and after Vats date as follows: ok THE STATS tip TMW CONY OF WILLIAM90N rr CITY OF ODMO TOWN r Oa this the 10th day of Junst 1935, the City Oonnoil of the City of aeorgetow% Texas met in regular session* at its regular meeting place in said City$ there being proomt) a# F. Sldth •.f►sif.i♦ Mayor J s R. Ohastai n. f f. f f.• Aldermen Dr„ ai 0* Godby ,rf...* Alderman $. g, W11003L o.......• Alderman is B. Buoholte •+....• Alderman Wf S„ Frasier r••..... Aldern*u She City Secretary read an ordinanoe authorising the issaanoe of $669000.00 CITY OF tiBMaETOgvN STRMT REMIMINd SOMS for the purpose of reftsniling a like amount of City of Georgetoia Street Hondaq noW outstanding* Alderman podby moved that the rule requiring ordinances to be read in open meeting at three regular metings of the City Oounoil be sus• Vended as set out in the emergency clause in said ordinanoep and that the ordinance be finally passed as read, Alderman Frasier seconded the motion. The Mayor ordered the vote upon the adoption of the ordinance to be taken by roll calla, Which Tken taken resulted as follows YUSs AA.derman Chastainf Wilcox, Godbys Buoholts and Frasier* NAYS, None ABSENTS Atones The 1Aayor then deolared that all of the vote of the City Council having been oast in favor of the adoption of the oudinanoea the same is adopted and effective from and after this date as foliowst N SV'.Tg Of 'S AS 00[IBTI CIF S" Is ti„ L♦ 0AT230 City Seorstary of the City of Goorfptoans Texass hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true arld correct copy of cat ordinance passed by Us pity Council of the City of 4aorgrtnwn# Texas$ on the loth day of sane# 1935s and of the Minutes of said Council pertaining thsretos as the same aPassrs Of record is mj=te Book Zia pages $61 st soge at the Minutes of said Oonnoll. I further certify that said ovdimm* w&S apYNored by the MaYms on the date of its adoption. Gjrj MIM MY RAND AID SPAL OF OPFIO& this the 10th day of June# 1936* t; City :ioaretary# tiny of (Worgstwx4ij Texas# STAT'I OF TFAAS COUNTY 0$ BMURj I hweby certify that the above maid foregoing is a true and correct copy of a certified copy Of an ordinanDO passed by the City Oounail of this City of Georgetown$ Texas# on the loth day of June. 19389 and of the Ximtes of said Council pertainiY.g thereto# in reterome to the ! smauoe of $66#000 CITI OF GIMGETO%l STAi�'T 8E.'BUADIA4 &3 78# the same being of record is the Minutes of said City Oounallo botmt7 Publias Bazar County# Texas at AA ORD114A dCS AUTHORIZI-IG THE ISSUANCE OF 466,000.00 CI'"Y OF GEORGETOWN, TkLUS SMELT R}::YUNDIWG BONDS, -%-'t0:Fd"*-3, FOR TH9 PURPOSE OF "YMIDING A LIKE A IOUNT OF CITY OF GEUHGETOWNs TIOCAS,, ST iET BONDS, DATt0 JUNE 16T, 1922: LEVYING A TAX, TO PAY THi: FRINCIP" JVD INTEHLS'2 UP SxID Rz'VULt17IAG 3Uid1)S, AND D.dCLARING All ELERGENCY. WhEHEAS, there are now outstanding certain legally issued Street Bonds of the City of Georgetown, Texas, dated June lst, 1922 which were authorized and issued in all respects in accordance with an in confor,Aty to the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas; and 1+HEREAS, the City of Georgetown has exercised its option to call in said bonds for redemption, and has given notice as required in the face of said bonds, of its intention to redeem said bonds on the First day of July, 1935 and: WHhhSA3, there is on hand and to the credit of the Sinking Fund of said bond issue a sum sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds and redoem $8,000.00 of the principal tliereof; and WHERLAS, the City Council of the Uity of Georgetown finds that it is desirable aid to tho best financial interest of said City bo issue new bonds in the aggregate amount of $66,000.00 for the purpose of refunding, canceling and in lieu of the remainder of said bonds; THEKLFUK& BE IT ORDAINEJ 3Y TILa CITY COLLNIL OF TIIE CI'4'Z OF GEURG.dTOWNg Section 1 T=iat bonds of said City, to be called "C17Y OF GEORGETO1d'd, T�1S STHE,�T REF1TWDI,TG BONDS, be issued under and by virtue of the Constitution And laws of the State of Texas, to the amount of Sl -TY SIX THOUS.LaiD DOL:'ARS, ($66,000.00), for the purpose of refunding, canceling, and in lieu of a like a-nount of legally issued and outstanding bonds, w_ich are valid obligations of the City of Georgetown, Texas, and particularly described as follows; Is City of Georgetown, Texas Street Bonds, dated June 1st, 1)22 due forty years after elate, optional ten years after date, bearing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, and being sixty-six bonds, of the denomination of ';1,000.00 each, of an original issue of eicsity five bonds, authorized by an ordinance passed by the City Council of the city of Georgetown on the day of ,19 19 , which is recorded in the 14-Anutes of said Council. The numbers of the .:ity of Georgetown Street bonds described above which are to be refunded are as followst Bonds numbers 11-37 inclusive ,43-" inclusive, 47-54 inclusive, 56-70 inclusive, and 72-.85 inclusive being a total of sixty six bonds of the denomination of 41,000,00 each, agE7egating sixty-six thousand Dollars, e tion g, That said ;street Refunding Bonds shall be Hammered consecutively from one (1) to sixty-six (661 inclusive, shall be on the denomination of One Thousand Dollars, (:,1,000.00), each, aggregating said sum of .Sixty-six thousand Dollars, ($66,000.00). 02 tib* Said Refunding Honda shall be dated the lot day of July, 1935, and shall beeone due and payable serially as follows BOTH "a'tr:2MIS DAT" OF h:ATURITY Au:Otl?2 1 July 1, 1936 $1,000.00 2-3 inclusive July 1, 1.)37 29000.00 4-6 inclusive July 19 1938 3,000,00 7-6 inclusive July 1, 1939 2,000.00 9-10 inclusive July 19 1940 29000.00 11-12 inclusive July 1, 1941 2,000.00 13-14 inAusive July 19 1942 29000.00 15-16 inclusive July 1, 19/13 2,000.00 17-18 inclusive July 19 1944 2,000.00 19-20 inclusive July 1, 1945 29000.00 2Z-22 inclusive July 1, 1946 2,000.00 22-24 inclusive July 10 1949 29000.00 25-26 inclusive July 1, 1948 2,000.00 27-28 inclusive July 1, 1949 20000.00 2,3-30 inclusive July 1, 1950 29000.00 31-36 inclusive July 1, 1951 69000.00 37-38 inclusive July 10 1953 2,000.00 39-40 inclusive July 1, 1953, ~9000.00 41-42 inclusive July 1, 1964 2*000.00 43 -.inclusive July 1, 1955 2,000,00 45-46 inclusive July 1, 1956 2,000.00 47-49 inclusive July 1, 1957 3,000.00 50-52 inclusive July 1, 1958 30000.00 5.3-55 inclusive July 1, 1959 3,000.00 66.,58 inclusive July 1, 1960 3,000,00 59-62 inclusive July 1, 1961 4,000.00 63-66 il'Olusive July 1, 1962 4,000,00 section 4. The City "iouncil affirmatively adjudges that the financial condition of the City of Georgetown will not permit the payment of said Refunding Bonds in such installments as will make the burden of taxation to sup2ort the same ap roximately uniform, throut0iout the term of said bond issue, unless it shall be found that the maturities above set out do maYe the burden of taxation approximately uniform. M Saction 5.. Said Refunding Bonds shall bear interest as follows: Bonds numbers one to thirty (1-30), inclusive shall bear interest at the rate of four percent (4�) froia date until paid and Bonds numbers thirty-one to sixty six (31-66), inclusive shall bear interest Saom at tie rate of four and one-half per cent (4 j jo ) per annum until paid. Said interest shall be payable semi-annually on the 1st day of Januar' 1gt day of July of each year, and shall be evidemed by coupons attached to each of said bonds* 8iscered bandays2a�lCity'ixeadaurbjrthe �'or and oountersised by the City Secretary A and the corporate seal of said City shall be affixed to each of said bonds, The fao simile a ignature s of the Mayor and City Sae * e*k!, j may be lithographed, engraved or printed on the interest coupons, and shall have the same effect as if said oaapons had been signed by said officers, Seotigxi 7. Principal and interest of said bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America, upon presentation end surrender of bonds or proper coupons at the FIRST NATI0NAL BANK IN DALLAS TM=, DALLAS, TZ.AS, S@ction 8. Said Refunding Bonds shall be substantially in the follow.. ing form ( No. _.�._,,,.,, nr�e • DQ UNITS 6TATES OF ABMICA ZIZ STATE OF TEXAS COUYi'Y OF WILLDL ISUN CITY OF GR'Q_Fi.CzET01,1 , TZXLS, SThI,�. " hLQJND11f G BUND. ----------- x------- LNOW aLL = BY TH Zz PR.Pjd,TS; That the City of c=eorf7etown , a municipal corporation, in the County of W111jaingon and. 6tate of Texas, for value received, acknowledges itself Indebted to, and hereby promises to pay to Bearer on the 1st day of July I$ 19_,_,,,_,,,.9 the sum of O11L T I:OU3,01D DULL RS in lawful motley of the United States of America, together with interest thereon, i from date hereof, at the rate of (_;) per annum, payable semi-annually on the 1st day of January and1st day of JU17 of each year, on presentation nd surrender of the annexed coupons as they severally mature. Principal and interest shall be payable upon presentation and surrender of bond or proper coupon at the FIROT 21IATTC: ji, A,,,ax'. IN D.?LLtS % DALIAS, T:X", and the City of Georgetovni I hereby held ait firmly bound., .end its f, ith and credit, and all real and personal property in said City are hereby pled fed for the prompt payment of the principal of this bond, and the interest thereon at maturity. This bond is one of a series of sixty -Six bonds, numbered consecutively from one (lj to giAty-six (6o ) inclusive, in the denomiw tion of Olia ril.ollea1d DgIlars (42000.00 ) each, age gre ga t ixlg 7 ( )F) 000.00 j , issued for the purpose of refunding, canceling and in lieu of a like amount of CitY,�,, of Gqoj!2OtO1Vn Street 130n(1S4., dated J1121e 1st, 1922 , which have been duly canceled by the 'proper authorities siMltaneously with the issuance of this bond nd the series of vftioh it is a cart= and in addition to all other rir�sts the holder or holders of this bond and the series of which it Is a part, is and are subrogated to all the rights held by the holders of the orinsl bonds hereby refunded. This bond and the series of mhilh it is a part is issued under arch by virtue of and In strict conformity to the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, aril in pursuance of an ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of Geor,vet2Nm on the 10th day of Jam, 1935, which is recorded in the Minutes of said Council. The date of this bond, in oonformity with said ordinance, is ,T3yj t-3,* ,,,,_, 19 " snd it is hereby certified and recited that the issuance of this bond, and the series of which it is a part, is duly authorised by law, :aad that all acts, conditions and things required to be done precedent to and in the issu noe of this series of bonds and of this bond, have been properly done -Wnd performed, and have happened in regular and due time, form 8 and, manner, as required by law; that due provision has been made for levying and collecting annually by taxation an amount sufficient to provide a sink- ing fund for the final redemption of said bonds at maturity; and that the Issue of bowls of vkich this is one, together with all other indebtedness of said City, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Consti- tution and laws of the State of Texas. IN .JITITESS 1TEP30F the City of Ge")rget0wn, , by its City Council, has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and this bond and registered by its City Treasurer to be signed by its 21ayor 3RW& &counter signsd by its City Secretary-_4and the interest ooupons hereto attached to be executed by the printed or lith- ographed signatures of the Mayor and CitySecr�, as of the date last above written. REGIST,13D1 Mayor, City of Georgetown, Texas, Countersigned: City Treasurer, City of Georgetoym, Texas. Cityaecretarv, City of Georgetown Seat on 2A. The form of interest coupon shall be substantially as follows: No.�______r.3 ON :'HE 1 s�AY OF , 19,E THE CI'iY OF G- X01+;ET04YN, TEAS, promises to pay to Bearer at 11H3 FIRST NATIO:TAL BANK IN DALLAS DA T" the sum of Dollars ( in lawful money of the United States of America, being six months' interest on CITY OF,,,. GEORGE`lUW11 `1li-,AS VhEEP FCLFUivDi d(1 Bo!! 20 1 5 gated ._I .. 19„Z,5 City 3F-0 ReraRY Mayor 11 rt o)j1 4 That substantially the following Certificate shall be printed on the bock of each of said bondss OFFICE OF CCMTzIC.►12a � STAT s OF TMXAJ I HZ2MY CIMTIFY that there Is on file and in my office a certificate of the Attorney General of the State of Texas to the effect that this bond has been exuritned by him as required by law, and that he furls that it has been issued in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and that it f s a valid and binding obligation of said City of Georgetown , Texas, and said bond has this day been registered by wa. WV01' 33 i Y � D S" OF Z Y OFFS CA at Austin. Texas, n L' this the ..___r..�.. day of , 1905---. . Comptroller of Yu:)lic Accounts of the State of Texas 522112n 131. The Comptroller shall not register said bonds except as and when there shell be surrendered to hire an equal amount of City of CTeor;;etown. Texas 6treet .-3b§Aby refunded, as hereinafter directed. Secti,,n 1 . 8& IT rUF3�-i: CRDU1+sem BY 213 CI:'Y �OiT?Y0:Ib Q? IM. CITY CF' that there shall be and there is hereby created a special fund in the City Treasury to be known as the " Sinking fund for City of Georgeto-m, Jtreet Refunding Bonds " for the purpose of paying the interest on said bonds and the principal thereof as same become due, which fund shall not be diverted nor drawn upon for any other purpose, and the City Treasurer shall honor no draft upon said fund except to pay interest upon or -principal of said Refunding :cords, or for the investment of said sinking funds, as pro.• vided by lax, Septi oa 13. That to create said Special Ford, to pay the interest on said rsfundin,=- bonds and the principal thereof as same become due, there is hereby levied for the current year and for each succeeding year thereafter dile said. Refunding zionds, or =y of theta, are outstanding a tax of and at 9M the rate of 20 or so much thereof,, or such greater rate as may be necessary, on each One Hundred Dollars valuation of all taxable property in the City of aijorgAto�..iwn , and said tax shah, be assessed and collected for the current year; and there shall be calculated each year thereafter while any of said bonds are outstanding and unpaid %hat rate of tax is necessary to provide current interest and the regaired amount of principal for such year, and a tax at such rate, within the lawfully permitted rate, shall be assessed and collected during each of said years, and said tax is hereby ordered to be levied, assessed and collected and applied to said parpose, The interest due on said Refunding Bonds on the JZL day of January 19 .14 shall be paid out of the Rinds hereinafter appropriated and set aside out of the special fund created for the original bonds herein refunded, SootJoll 14,,E IT 13 bMILHIM QRD.U12D that a sum sufficient to pay all interest due Tu -i*, 1at,, 19 ., on said Citvof Georretownp Texas strAet Bonds , together with 8,000.00 of the principal there- of, be and the same is hereby set aside and held in the Special ",,f orgetown .&+-a, 9 flanA w for said purpose; all remaining funds op rHC QoNOs H eliv /3y R epu N o ro in said special sinking fundAare hereby appropriated and set aside to the special " jng 301z4s, •9-erfea-1" fund created for this issue; and all taxes in process of collection for the benefit of said special fund for said original bonds are likewise appropriated to the special fund for this Refunding bond issue, The officers of said City are hereby directed to take such steps as are necessary to transfer said funds to the special Bund for this Refunding Boni issue; provided, however, that said transfer shall be made proportionately from time to time as and ihen said original bowls have been actually surrendered in exchange for said Refunding Bonds in such manner that said original bonds not exchanged, 1f any, will &I - ways be protected by proper interest and sinking fund heretofore provided for that purpose, Section 15. IT IS WRIMM (HDAI:'RD that .�.2 tr..r .:_.... Mayor, Is hereby authorized and directed to take and have charge of all necessary records pending investigation by the Attorney General, and shall take and have charge and control of the Refunding Bonds hereby authorized, pending their approval by the Attorney General. After said bonds have been approved by the Attorney General, the Uayor is authorized to leave the Refunding Bonds in the office of the Comptroller pending exchange for the original bonds, whish may be at one time, or in installments; and said Comptroller shall take and hold said Refunding BorAs, unregistered, pending; the delivery to him for cancella- tion of trier original bonds hereby refunded and upon cancellation of same, he shall register an equal amount of said Re- funding Bonds, ani deliver sane to the holder or holders of the original al boneds so surrendered, Sectian 1i• An i"rative public necessity having arisen neoessi- tating that the above and foregoing ordinance be adopted forthwi%, creating a great public eznergencsy respiring that the rule providing for the reading of an ordiance in open meting at 5 regular meetings of the City Council be suspended, the sane is hereby suspended with the consent of the Mayor and the unanimous vote of all the Alderman of said City, and this ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval, AiS i UM APi'HOVM this the 10th day of aril , 19 , M. b'. Smith r,ayor, City of Georgetown, Toxaso Attestt fit, L. Cates. City .3ocre,4ary , City of 'Uecer "" ix, Texas. TFZ STATE OF TluMA3 { t10u,"ITY CV• Cates City Secretary of the 4 1, City of hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an Ordinance passed by the City Counoil of the City of Gaeapgo-Fovia - , Texas, on the s,pth day of jjLa__, 19_ZS and of the Minutes of said Council pertaining thereto, as the same appears of record in Yinute Book pages . of the .minutes of woid Council, T further certify that said ordinance was approved by the !Xyor, on the date of its adoption. UIV ,1 tri AN ORDINANCM AtITHORIZING 'THI I SMANOR OF $669000.00 CITY OF MORMI OWN# TEXAS, STIMW REAMING 30HD34 FOR THE PURPOSB OF BEMTNDIAG A LIBS AIVUN'1' OF CITY OF GECRGHTOWN# TERAS# STRq,ET DOND39 DATIM JURE 13Ts 19221 LZMNG A TAA TO PLY THE PRINCIPAL AND I W V1. ST OF &AID REFUNDING BONDS # AND DHCIA RI NG AS MMGERCY# i«rrrae*sisarraiirrrNrarrsri 1RHP MB* Mare are now outstanding certain legally issued Street Bonds of the City of Georgetowng Texas# dated ,bras Ist# 1922 uhlah were authorised and i sued in all respsoto in accordance vi th and in conformity to the Constitution and taws of the State of Texasl and WHRMPAS„ the City of Georgetown has exeraised its option to call, In said bonds for redemptions and has given notice as required in the face of said bonds, of its intention to redeem sMd borAs on the First dry of July# 1939 and= WfiMMS9 there is on hand and to the credit of the Sinking Furan of said bond issue a sun sufficient to psy the interest on said bonds and redeem $89000,00 of the pri.noipal thereoft aid Wf3 i%S# the City Connell of the City of Georgetown finds that it is desirable and to the best financial Interest of said City to issue now bonds in the aggregate anount of $66,000.00 for the purpose of refundings can• oelling and in lien of the reminder of said bonus; TMZEMRB BE iT ORDAINED BY THS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GHORGIVOWNs Seojion 1. That bonds of said City# to be called "CITY OF GMRG?,TOWV# TEXAS STREW REFUNDING DOIW89 be issued ander aid by virtue of the constitution and laws of the State of Texas# to the amount of SIXTY SIX WOU&M DOILM'# ($66,000.00), for the purpose of refunding, cancelling# and in lieu of a like amount of legally leaned anti outstanding bonds, ahioh are valid obligations of the City of Georgetown, Teras# and particularly desoribed as follower 1s City of Goorgstovaq Texas Street Bonds, dated June let, 1922 due forty years after date, optional ten years after date, bearing interest at the rate of five percent per annum, and being sixty-six bonds, of the denoma ination of $1,000000 each, of an original i sane of eighty five bond, s. authorised by an oxdiname passed by the City Council of the City of Georgeo town on the 10th day of AlwI19 19229 which is recorded in the Minutes of said Council# The ncuabers of the City of Georgetown Street bonds described above *tich arse to be refunded are as lollmms Bonds sumbers 11-47 inclusive, 43-" inclusive* Vw64 inolusive, 68••70 inclusive* and 72-88 inclusiveg being a total of sixty-six bonds of thsddnomination of $10000*00 each, af;9regftting sixty-six thousand dolUrs, ,3!2 S1 ,c}" That said Street Refunding Bonds shall be numbered consecutively from one (1) to si xtyl-six (88) inoiusive, shall be of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars# ($1,000.00), each, aggregating said sunt of Sixty. -six Thousand Dollars* ($66*000.00). 32012A,14 Said Refunding Bonds shalt be dated the lot day of July, 19359 and shall become due and payable serially as follorwss UpAA, The City Council affirmatively adjudge* that the financial couUtion of the City of Georgetown will not permit the payramt of said Refunding BorAs In such install4° � as will Mahe the burden of taxation to support ttw same approximate lyi0�iout the term of said bond issue, unless It shall be found that the uaturities above set out do make the burden of taxation approximately uniform, aa,iq„ Said Relbnding Boats shall bear interest as iblloswss Bonds numbers one to thirty (1..30), inclusive shall bear interest at the rate of four percent (4%) from date until paid and Bonds numbers thirty-one to sixty-xix (31-66). inclusive stall bear interest at the rate of four and one., halt por cent (4r;) per anr4w until paid. 14 1 July 19 1436 V19000,00 2.8 inclusive July 1, 1937 2.000000 4-6 inclusive Jaly 1, 1938 $.000.00 7-8 inclusive July 10 1939 4000.00 9-10 inclusive July 1, 1940 29000000 11-12 inclusive July 1, 1941 29000.00 13-14 Inde st vs July 1, 1942 21000.00 15-16 inclusive July 1, 1943 2.00000 17-18 inolusive July 1, 1944 2*000.00 19-20 inclusive July 1* 1945 20000.00 21-22 inclusive July 1, 1946 89000.00 Z$-24 Inclusive duly 1, 1947 21400,00 25-26 inolur.1" duly 1, 1940 29000.00 27-28 Inclusive July 1, 1949 2,000.00 29-30 inclusive July 1, 1960 2.000.00 31-36 Inclusive July 1, 1961 8*000.00 57-38 ! nc t ut si ve July 1, 1952 2, 000.00 39-40 inclusive July 1* 1953 29000.00 41-2 inclusive July 1, 19:4 20000.00 4.3-" inclusive July 1. 1968 2*000.00 45.0" inclusive July 1, 1956 29000.00 47-49 Inclusive July 1, 1957 39000,x00 80.68 inolusive July 1, 19:8 3,000,00 53-65 Inclusive July 1* 1969 3.000.00 156-58 inclusive July 10 1960 89000.00 89-62 inclusive July 1* 1961 4,000.00 63-66 Inclusive July 1, 1963 4.000.00 UpAA, The City Council affirmatively adjudge* that the financial couUtion of the City of Georgetown will not permit the payramt of said Refunding BorAs In such install4° � as will Mahe the burden of taxation to support ttw same approximate lyi0�iout the term of said bond issue, unless It shall be found that the uaturities above set out do make the burden of taxation approximately uniform, aa,iq„ Said Relbnding Boats shall bear interest as iblloswss Bonds numbers one to thirty (1..30), inclusive shall bear interest at the rate of four percent (4%) from date until paid and Bonds numbers thirty-one to sixty-xix (31-66). inclusive stall bear interest at the rate of four and one., halt por cent (4r;) per anr4w until paid. 14 Said interest shall be payable semi•saa=ally on the let dey of January and 1st day of July of each year* and shalt be evidenoedd by coupona attached to each of said bonds. ag1Mgn.j. Said bonds shall be signed by the mayor and counter- signed by the City Secretary and Registered by the City Treasurer* and the corporate sent of said City "It be affixed to each of said bonds# The too simile signatures of the Payor and City Seci "taxy say be l i thographeds on - graved or printed on the interest oouponsg and shall have the acme effect as It said coupons had been signed "by said offlows* o 1211 10 Principal " interest of said bonds shall be payable In lawful money of the United States of Aesrios, upon presentation and surrender of bonds or proper coupons at the JRRST NATIOUL BANK IN DALLAS* pLIUS* 'fff-LS* Ing forme No,,�„„,„,,,,, 9e4%j"j* Said Relttuding Bonds ,hall be substantiall in the follow - ri 40 t M • M-0 r 4 QU V V UNI,TO STATES OF AMIRIGA TU3 STATE 07 TMAS COUNTY of WILLIkaz N[ OITY Of GWRi3.I MO TMCAS* STR .BT 8EPIMING BOND J• 016000000 KNOW ALL ON BY TRES1 PRrSFXTSS That the City of Georgetowng a mnnicipat corporation* in the County of Williamson and State of Texas* for value reoeived* acknowledges itself indebted to* and hereby promises to pay to Bearer on the lot day of July, 19* the sum of in lawful money of the United States of Am,eriomo, together with interest thereon, frau date hereof* at the rate of 1 (__5) por anmm, payable semi- annually on the lot day of January and the lot day of July of each year* on presentation and strrender of the annexed coupons as they severally maturew Principal and interest stall be payable upon presentation and surrender of bund or proper coupon at the FIRST WATIOML BANK IN DALLAS, DILLS.$# fi;7AS= and the City of Oeorgotoea is hereby held and firmly bound* and its faith and oredit* and all real arrA personal property in said City are hereby pledged for the prompt paymant of the principal of this bond* and the interest thereon at maturi ty. This bond is one of a series of sixty-six bonds, numbered oonseo- tttively from one 1) to sixty-six (66) Inclusive+ In the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ly"I.000*00) eadh* aggregating Sixty -SIX Thousand Dollars ($66#000*00), issued for the purpose of reftunding, canceling and in lien of a like amount of City of Goorgetovu Street Bons, dated June 1st* 1922, rhioh have boon duly canceled by the proper authorities simuitsnsotusly with the issuance of this bond and the series of whish it Is a part; and In addition to all other rights the holder or holders of this bond and the series of widoh it Is a part, is and are subrogated to all, the rights held by the holders of the original bonds hereby refunded* a This bond and the series of uhiob it is a gest is issued under and by virtu* of and in strict conformity to fire Constitution ani laws of the Mate of Tezus, and in pursue oo, of an ordinmoo passed by the City Uounoil of the City of Goorgetoan on the 14th day of June,1985, which is recorded in the Yinutes of saki Council. The date of this bond# in conformity with said ordinance, is .Maly 1, 1935# and it is hereby certified and recited that the issuanos of this bund, ani the **riot of which it is a part, is duly authorized by law, and that all tat#, oon3,itions anti thing required to be Moroi precedent to and in the Issuance of this series of bonds and of this bonds bav* been properly done and performad, and ha" happened in requUw and due times form and mamiar, as required by law; that guile provision has been mad* for levying and oolleoting annually by taxation an so ut sufficient to provide a sinking fend for taro final redemption of said bonds at maturity= and that the issue of bonds of which this is one„ tc<pther with all other indebtedness of said City,, is within *very debt aAd other limit proscribed by the Constitution and laws of tris Mate of Texas* 11 VTNSi8 MW? the City of "orgetowu, by its City Uouncilp has caused its corporate seal to be beret* affixed, and this bond to be aims}d by its Uayor, oouutorsirned by its City Soorrotaryq and registered by its City Treasurers and the interest coupons gereto attached to be executed by the printed or lithowarAed signatures of tier Mayor and City S*cr*t+arys as of the date last above written, yor,r City of Georgetowng, Texas iE-t113T1t 0ountersignsds iity Treas.,City of usorgtovma,,ex. City Jecarstary, City of Ueor )to nss,'r"ex* The form of interest coupon shall be eab stanti al ly as [ollvs�rst 01 TH 3-.,., DAY UP ...,.......,rr 19,,..a TR ; f"ITY UY t --,'0R ,-,V0W t, TF.K.0 , promises to pay to Bearer at TH?, YIT3T B �T IO,%,L J%ANX 11 DALI.Ais DALE , T :x18 a the seem of Dollars ($-..) in lawful money of the United States of Aruerious boring six months' intOrest on CITY Of 01;O GI+JTCWN# T,rA AS STR�.BT Ri:yMI16 BOND, Dated July 1r, 1935# City Sooretury mayor US . * That substantially The following Certificate #hall be printed on the buaic of each of said bonded IBJ` f M A• r STATF, A8 Tff.AS 1 iI Tt�73Y c °1,RTIFT that Vere is on file and in m7 offio* a certificate of the .Attorney Ganaral of %he Sta,to of Texas to the effect that this bond bus beers ex-anin 3t by him as rejuirod by laws and, that he finds that it has been 183uod in ooreforwity with the Constitution and lams of the abate of T'o=$* and that it has a valid and b1nuin.g obliMtion; of said City of Gerard-;utwn, Texas, and said bond has tui s day been registered by me, W1792*A Iii yiAND AND WEAL Of UY OFFICE at Austin, Texas, this t1to day of s 19:36,, Cess ll'Ar Of "b" a Accouute• dtste of Teles A0 3ecatio„ The Comptroller shall not register said bonds except as and whoa there shall be surrendered to hint an equal amount Of CITY OF ONORGETOW% TIMAS STR'72T BONDS, hereby "funded# as hereinafter directed„ 39119A„ ?, 33 IT RMTBER d MIMM BY TRI CITY OOUNaIL OA Tax CITY OF GROR4:T0'X that there shall be and there is hereby created a spools! Ain& In the City Treasury to be knovRt as the "Sinking Yana for City of Georgetown# Street Refunding Bonds” for the purpose of paying the interest on said bonds and the principal thereof as saeees becomes due, ebioh funds shall not be diverted nor drawn upon for any other purpose# and the City Treasurer dull honor no draft upon said fend except to pay interest upon or principal of said Refunding Bonde# or for the investment of said sinking funds, as provided by law. 84ati5jn 13. That to create said Special Frond# to pay the Interest on said re!landing bonds and the prinaipai thereof as same become due# there is hereby levied for the current year and for saoh succeeding year there• after while said Refunding Sords, or any of thw4 are outstanding a tax of and at the rate of $0.80 or to mach thereof# or such greater rate as way be necessary, on each One Hundred Dollars valuation of all taxable property in the City of Georgetown# and said tax shall be assessed and collected for the, current years and there shall be calculated each year thereafter while any of said bonds acre put+ standing and unpaid vhat rate of tax is necessary to provide current interest and the required amount of principal for each year# and a tax at suah rate* within the lawfully permitted rate* shall be assessed and oolleoted during each of said yearsq and said tax is hereby ordered to be levied, assessed and collected and applied to said propose, The interest due on said Refonding Bonds on the lot day Of J&=ary# 1936 sria11 be paid out of the funds hereinafter aepproVriated and set aside out of tie special fund oreated for the original bonds herein retantdOds Saation 14. IT 13 FMTHE'R ORDLMM that a Ram sufficient to pay all Interest dint July lst# 1936„ on said CITY OF GEt'i UTOWITs TAWS STRaT DOWN together with $89000900 of the principal thereof# be and the same is hereby set aside and held in the Special "City of Georgetown Street Bonds" fund for sdid purpose{ all remaining funds in said special sinking fend of the bonds hereby refunded are hereby appropriated and set aside to the speoisl *Georgetown City Street Refunding Bonds ftnd" created for this issue; and all taxes in process of collection for the benefit of said spacial !tend for said original bonds are. likewise anperoprbated to the special fund for this Refunding bond issue. The officers of said City are hereby directed to take such steps as are necessary to transfer said funds to 11 the special tvnad for this Refunding Boxd isms; prrovidede howevere that said transfer shall be made proportionately trams Use to time as and when said original bonds have been aotually surrendered in erxabsnge for said Reflanding Bonds in sued► manner that said original bonds not *=hwW*ds it &W# will always be proteoterd heretofore by proper interest and sinking tun,/provided for that purpose„ . g j jQA U# IT 18 XSTI.:R O RRAIN1) that Me F. BIJITH p payar v Is hereby authaori sod anti directed to take and have charge of all necessary records pending twootigations by the Attorney Generals sad shall take aid have charge and control of the Rotsindting Bonds hereby aatb risedg pending their approval by the Attorney General• Atter said bond have bseu approved by the Attorney Generale the Mayor is authortsed to leave the Refunding boats in the office of the Oot►troller pending *xohanip for the original borates which msyr be at one times or in installmntas and said Gomptrollor shall take and hold said Refunding bonds# unregistered,# ponding the delivery to his for oanosllation of the original bonds hereby refunded and upon oancellation of same he shall register as equal amount of said Refunding Bodine and deliver *sane to the holder or holders of the original boneis so surarernderod* An imperative public necessity having arisen necessitating that the above and foregoing ordinance be adopted fbrthwiths creating a great publio emergency requiring that the reale providing fw the reading of an ordinanoe $A open meeting at three retplar meetings of the City Council be suspended*, the sae Is hereby suspended rd th the consent of the Mayor and the emanimous vote of all the Aldermen of saki thitys and this ordimmoe shall be In fbrae and effect gram and after its passage and apparoval. PAS= AND A ROVED this the 10th diW of JWWfi 1935,. WA X4 4��$B +.__.. .LIa.L "yorr City of Ueorgotowns Texas (SFAL ) Attests L I" 0=3 LLMOAL 41ty ieoretaryri City of ueoargoiovnf Tax* 18 FINANCIAL STATMMT OF TH3 CITY OF GECROUTO Ns TEXAS Tice following is a oomplets statement of the indebtedness of every oharaoter outstanding against the City os Georgetown$ Texas, on the lot day of Junto 1935„ I,IQM 12= CITY OF GEORGETOWN ELECTRIC LI GM BONDS $2 v, 000.00 dated* 0dne INQ� - - CITY OF GECRGETOWN9 WATER WCUS BONDS dated* DRORmber, 1. 1$10 due ,,12 0 8 ,000.00 CITY OF GECRGMTOVMt WATER WORKS BONDS, SECOND SERIES dated due--U§Q ,..� 49500000 CITY OF tiEEOMVI OWN 9TREM BONUS* dated June 1 19$N due � 78, 000.00 CITY OF GRORGETO"M SMM V- NDS e dated Februa n 1., 123ti due s®Vialli 50*000000 CITY OF GRORGUTOWtie PAVING BONDS* dated1294-1dva,w jdll,��,, TOTAL. #1699000*00 The taxable values of said Cityo ss shown by the assessment rolls approved for 1934, being the last approved rolls of .; salt Cityl, amount to the seat of ��„Ac„� THE ST'ATI QF TEAS yr COUNTY OF MLLIA`SON � I hereby certify that the above statement of the indebtedness of the City of Georgetown Texas is true and eorreot as shown b the reoords in y my effioeq and that the taxablA values as above given are true and oorreot sit " shown by the assessment rolls of said Citic approved for the year 1934 being the last approved rolls of said City„ :� rd WIT bl' UAND AM) SMILL OF SAID CITY this ths3,al-- day of Junto 19350 City secretary,, City of Georgetown# Texas„ I MMEBY CERTIFY that the above statement of the indebtedness of the City of Georgetown,, Texas, is ture and oorreot as shown by the riaords in my offiese WITNESS 'MY OFFICIAL SIGNATURE thi s the ! EL day of Jnneq 1935* im. 16 City Treasurer f City 0 Georgetoicto Texas„ A k 1. 4_ao OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL of STATE OF TEXAS THIS IS TO OERTTIPT, ��+►� rha._ Cit j� _03' t�Q��a Qua, _T« ? a _____.._ _�.� _. StUet R§funding ndj iodst a+marat by Ri" *Lon ordinagge I.-I+u"d by the_ ------- Mid.A?tty on She_ 10th asy\oi __!7ur111� I03 _ �_�_ __— ___ �_ *o prA*ew d!_..,Lafma _canQal I Ing: and�in Ards t_ d H.e$una__1r 1� 22,._mhi ah_ h aan_dui �t _Qana�Il e$_b�- hid.,t t... dated__ ULY -3 -1, 1.9 & numbfted eonsotw ev arlst �►___ _ _bo. ��— lric+laah for the sum of OnQ ©USAnd (LilooQawl DOLLARS each Sist -gix 'Thousand e66�000�Od1 aggregating the sum o!_____---_-----_�%___�_�._.__ _.�-------.--_•-�_-- _ _-___1.� ,.,. DOLLARS payable at Zir.sh_ffabi411a.A U11 _ u Da111"s —Dallas. Texas as follows:—Z+Q-QQ-4)�s�---s�-�__ ---- _.t.,_10 7 ---195----�incl__.I9$i _ �OQ4_-�?n_a�413�sa_1938 nd 195'7Uto� 960 11C 30 .aTA:JP___ ji�,000-±on_auly_,,I95i;___ -- . -K ..................... -- - -- ___Banda_�,--bo_�Q#..�.n_a1.u�Ya.,��h�l._..�4�;�. mum; And__�p,d� _���_ in usive�shall bear__inte�gst at. _tbe. _rate -of- _44)Lper-ann inn with interest at the rate o ___-_ per cent per annum. payable -Aemt-aTMngary 1st ------------------ have been submitted to me for examination in accordance *it h the requirements of_ ' a t" t e m nf. _.iaz is.__._.___ . .and I have carefully examined mkt# bboda in conheod6h with the dacfA and the Conxkp dow*hd ipwi on the subject of the execution of said bonds, and I find upon the evidence submitted to me and as the result of a our" examination of the matter. the following facts; 1. That the _____ City_-oi'-Grorgetown,Teuas, at the time of the passage of the...__,_=di 1aLlA_&= -., ,abiovs rcfaniA to 2. That the taxable values of said to the assessments last approved before the issuance of said bonds amounted to 3. That a tax of._t "! "'rtn!!"�-cents on each hundred dollars valuation of taxable pro¢erty in said ------ --C'1ty_�..-was legally levied to pay interest on said bonds and to create a sinkinr fund to provide for their liquidation at maturity; and that said tax is sufficient for the purpose named. 4. That the �__QT_dfnan0_6 _r__►uthoriaing the issuance of said bonds is in proper form and was legally passed. 5. That said bond$ are proper in form and in accordance with the .. ora inane 0_ -_authorising their issuance. g, ___The__Com.Ratrg1ler_is�instructed not to. register these bonds until, -------- to be refmded thereb-r,have been --_----_buly.___cancelled It is my judgment, and I s0 find, that all the requirements of the law under which said .bonda were .issued have been complied with; that said bonds were isoued in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas; and that they are valid and binding obligations upon the said___________ ______Georvet P_ I TIOUa. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name officially n�aused to be impressed hereon tha *it at my office in the City of Austin, Texas, this the____9A___day of___._JUly _ ...t. , 18+. 55 Form 1021b -0-1026-1284=5m. �� g A torhey Ge ate 4S — laQ OPF ICI OF CX-51MV R OF TIM SUTE OF TF.. I# Gi �� 3'( rn'�, / �3 / l%' � Orr-Icz 4F CONG"AROUZ2 OF t � ETATLE OF 'fry 4 Xr Oaf}• sir Wf:,Comptroller of clic Accounts of the State of Texas, do hereby CUILTIPY that No&# 33 and 39 for '1#00Oo0O each a Grsgatiz& 42#000000 City of 4orgetom Street Zonds, dated guar 2, 1922, rei;istered by Comptroller July 20, 1022 in Fond register Vole 24, sage 630 under registration Naber 62 :C, toZet1wr with interest coupons No. 27 maturing Dooember 1, 2035, and a12 subsequent aoupons attached, wvro by ms duly oan *fwd Bala October i, 19361 and VMR=1O!1, City of Ceorgetwa -Street Refunding lode,, dated July 1, 2936, No** 24 and 3d ter $2,000*00 each argre,;ating 2,000900 were registerad in lieu of said canceled Indebtedness this October 3, 2935,p in Bond Register Vole 33, Page $62, under eSistration Amber 15420* 1 Ft RTM CI;P.T= that I signed the Comptroller's Regis- tration Certificate on the bade of each of said refunding bonds " IMressed Vne seal of t'rs offiee of Comptroller of the State of Texas on each of said bonds. 11 WI.INP.53 Tv.:;"W# I hsreuntc sat rV hand and seal of off Leo at Tustin, Texas. this October d, 1935• E $Tate of i excas r ikOO �A� m OFF IC 2 OF COZIT HOLLER 4F TIM SIATH OF TEXAS Y, Geo# R* sur'PAI'tDi Cozvtrolisr of Publio Accounts of tiro State of Texas, do hereby CE:-TIFY that Nos* 11/t7, 30, 310 43, "g 47, , 58. 62AO and 72/t3 inalusi-vo, for $1,000#00 each aareSat- Lrw, $61,000*00 City of Goorgst Street Bonds, dated June 1, 1922, registered by Comptroller July 20, 1922 in Bond RoGistor Vol. 29, Fa4e 630 wAdor Rog;istratfon Number +3228* together with interest coupons Ro. 37 maturixig Dooember 1, 193$, and all subsequent coupons at.tadhod, were by me duly canceled this August 6, 10351 and TIi,-ZJ?011 f City of Ovoristown Street Ttefunding Bonds# dated July 1, 19351, Nos« 10 3s 5, 7, 90 110 13, 160 IT* 19, 210 23, 25, 2T and 29/65 inalusirt, for 41,00040 each aggrogatiin, '31,000000 veru registered in lieu of said oanaolod Indebtedness this Autust 6* 13350. in Bond lloi:ister Vol. 33, Page 3J2, under Registratioa Number 15+420* 1 MT= CMTln Vat I signed the CwvVtroller's Registration Cortifiasto on the back of sash of said refunding bonds and impressed t1* soul of the offios of Coaptrollor of the Stats of Texas an each of said bawds IN h7ITMITIS 3 WKERBOF, I hereunto set ay hard and seal of oftioe at Austin, Texas, this lugust 0, 1935* CoaAptraTlaro . MM 777ooun .s a ae State af Texas. 43 V O;'FlU OF Ci' XTROLL 2 OF TIM CTl.n iiia : 0 STATS CP TEXAS COUNTY O' WILLIAMSCO CITY CP GBORGSTOWN we# the undersigned officials of the City of Osorgetowaa" Sexosi D4 HEREBY CERTIFY= That there is as hand and to the credit of the special hind crested for interest and sinking fund of "City of Georgetown Street bonds dated June 10 1922* on amount sufficient to pay all interest due duly 1# 1935 on sold bondsi together with 18 000*00 of the principal thereof* That after the payment of said principal and interest# there will remsin in sold fund s sufficient amount to pay the interest which will be due Janv ary 1, 19:6 on "City of Georgetown Street Refunding Bonds* dated Jbly Is 1936" and that in pursuance of an ordinance et the City Council of the City of Georgetown# passed oa the 10th daft of Aprils 1938, said amount will be transferred to the special interest and sinking fund created by said ordinance for said refunding Bondst we farther certify that there are no funds avail** able in said special interest and sinking fund of said "City of Georgetown Street Refunding Bonds for the retire - moat of any part of the 166,,000.00 original bonds refunded by said ordinancee 11ITN„ ESS OUR HANDS, thin the /day of I0 1935* Ulty resGurer, y or Ueoredtown„Tax&'#* lols -x --' TIty- bacretary;CIE7 or MoTkatown;Maso 25 TPI STATS OF T27A3 f Cot TY of "'VILLIAX30W � We, the unlersigned Mayor# Secretary and Tressurer of the City of Georgotoan, Texas, do each hereby respect .► Ively certify that we are the duly chosen, qualified and gating Mayor, City Secretary and City Treasurer, respectively, of said City* and tljat, ss such officers, we have executed $660000*00 City of Goorgetoin Street Refunding bonds# dated July lot* 1935. numbered 1 to dd Inclusive of an issue of sixty-six bonds aggregating Sixty-six thousand Dollsrs($669 l00,001t satkiorised by an ordinance passed by lets Oity Couticll of the City of C}eargstown on the '10th day of Jura# 1935 Aldh is of record In the Minutes of said City Clouncil# by signing sw,id bunds in the m&nner and capacity indicated by our signatures anal titles appended hereto,. We further certify that there have been no Sawndownts, to the ordinance authorizing the Issuance of said bonds$ and that said ordinance has not been repealed or set asider We further certify that there is so con- troversy or litigation pending or threaten" affecting the corporate existence of the City of Georgetown, Its boundariesg or the title of any of its officials to their respective offices,, or in any manner affecting the validity of said Refunding Bonds, or the originc.1 bonds thereby refundo4o IN WS:" ,13€3 ",AIERWF ane have hereunto affixed our signatures this the day of Ju 1935• Xa.YOr'P City of rgs toara, Uxus i City 6eoty,e Oit,y of Georgetown' Texas* City Tre►a►surer, Kity of Georgstownr 'Texas* 2a I Pf I BY CHRTIBY that I am flashier of the FARMERS 8TAT8 BANK of Goorptoino Tezasi and that I an personally saquainted Mit# the offioia%o whose signatures appear on the foregoing oertifioatel also that I know that they are now the duly qualified " gating offiQials of said City of Goorgetowaao in Williamson County# Texas, as indicated by the titles appended to suoh signatures# and that I do hereby identify sM signaturesg together with those on the above described bonds as being in all respeots true and. glrmInee Dated at Georgetown« Texas« this the sy of, 19360 CaaYiie�� 41 SUBSCRIBED AND 89MRS TO BEFORB 129 this tine ,L...I t ..day of Ju�, 1936. �1� e2-,4 46-4-�L Notary kubliag Williamson Oountg#'fuss 27 COMM Of 'W" Aluov 1, V E Cleek of the District Court in and for Williamson Coantyj Toxasa hereby certify that there have bean no suits filed and there are no waits now pending In this Court to Vrevent the issuance of 4669000.00 CITY vp GBORGIVOWN MPM RZYM- IN* BONDS authorized by an ordiftnae passed by the City 0ounoil of said City on the 10th day of Janew 1)35# d,,nd that no suits of kind have Leen Piled in said Court affecting said proposed bondsw or any other bond or grant issue of said City, ,, - ft9� 3'Y MOND AND 82*aAL Of O'ICEi than the day Distilot Clerk, Ailliamson County# Texas* THE :STATE Of TEXAS � COUNTY OF WILIZIUMN 19 ri. L. Cate@% City Sea etaryo of the City of Georgetown. Texasg hereby oertifys 1. That the City of Georgetown„ Texasr, was incorporated in ZI Zj - and is operating Ander the General. Laws of the State of Texas governing cities of less than $000 M Inhabitants E. That the tax gate of said City of Georgetown fO r the current year is t !-" on each j100.00 of taxable property of said Gity. WITNESS YY HAND AND SUL OF SAID CITY this the �� day of June, 1933` City Secretary„ City of Georgetow% Texas, -if ALDERMEN. F. E BUCHHOLZ J R CHASTAIN s E, WILCOX W. 8. FRA/IRS J. C, GOURRY GEORGETOWN, TEXAS, July 8th, 1935 Mr, Elkin, Comptroller's Department, Austin, Texas, Dear Sin Please deliver to Hain, Emerson & Co., or Mr, V, M. Hatcher representing them, the new refunding bonds of the City of Georgetown which have been approved by the Attorney' General's Department and receive from them an equal amount of the old bonds which you are now holding. yours very truly: , J�J, e, -- ----t Mayor of Georgetown, Texas, 30 �f MUNICIPALLY OWNED UTILITIES THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN M F SMITH, MAYOR W H. NUNN, CITY ATTORNEY F. E BUCHHOL9 Mayor Pro'tem. 9 A. HOD[ICa, Aee'r & Coll. M L CAT&a,f�ByRory MISS EBTN.I.I.A AVaHet Treas. W, H Modica, Health 6111cee R J. Wlx[Noug, Marohal © GEORGETOWN, TEXAS, July 8th, 1935 Mr, Elkin, Comptroller's Department, Austin, Texas, Dear Sin Please deliver to Hain, Emerson & Co., or Mr, V, M. Hatcher representing them, the new refunding bonds of the City of Georgetown which have been approved by the Attorney' General's Department and receive from them an equal amount of the old bonds which you are now holding. yours very truly: , J�J, e, -- ----t Mayor of Georgetown, Texas, 30 ew �Iain, zmtrsvn .- (2.ampanV NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING TEL FANNIN 2376-7 July 8th, 1935 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAB Mr. E. 1, Elkin Chief Bond Clerk Comptroller's Department State of Texas Austin, Texas Dear Mr, Elkins In a000rdanoe with your instructions we have requested the Mayor of Georgetown, Mr. M. F. Smith, to forward a letter to you instruoting you to exchange $66,000 of CITY OF GBORGLTOWN STRL& B 1 UNDING bonds with this Company. This will be your authority to make the above exchange with the Amerioan National hank of Austin, Texas for our a000unt. Yours very truly, BfIIN, MMSON & COMPANY M EEL E. S. Emerson 00 L• D. Williams, Cash. Amerinoan Natl. Hank Austin, Texas 31 TaL. FANNIN 2376-7 39atin, gmersan & (fampanV NATIONAL. BANK OF COMMKRCa BUILOINO August 8, 1938 Mr, E. F. Elkin Chief Bond Clerk Comptroller's Department State of Texas Au stir, Texas Dear Mr. Elkin: SAN ANTONIO. TaxAf We have instructed The American National Bank of Austin, Texa$ to exchange with you $52,000,00 City of Georgetown Street Improvement Bonds for an equal amount of City of Georgetown Street Refunding Bonds. Please mail us two copies of the Waiver of the State Board of Education, two copies of the Cancellation Certificate and two copies of the Approving Opinion of the Attorney General's Department. Please do not destroy the Georgetown bonds, but send them intact to Mrs. Stella Byron, City Treasurer of the City of Georgetown, Texas, express collect. With kindest personal regards, we are Very truly yours, BA IN , EMER SD N & COMPANY M. M. Hatcher MMH:h 26. "gazn, jZmtrson & TowpanV TEL, FANNNIIN 22376-7 •Y IIr. B. F. Blklit Chief Bond Clerk State of Texas Austin, Texas Dear Sirs NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING Sept. 3rd, 1935 SAN ANTONIO. TEXAB There are stili outstanding $15,000 CITY OF UZORGETOWN bonds ifttob have not been exchanged for the Refunding bonds. You have a letter direoting you to make this exnhange with the American National Bank of Austin„ Texas. Kindly let this letter superoede our former letter and make the exohange of the balance of 415,000 of bonds with Mr. Joe Nelson of the Treasurer's Department for our a000uut. Thant you• IML CO Joe Nelson State Treasurer's Dept. Austin, Texas Yours very truly. BAIN, MMSON g COMPANY '0�0- - -0� - -lel- ""4 v va M. M. Hatcher 1135 33 HARRY A. DOLAN. DUTa/oT JYOaa O. f WOOD, COUNTY ATTORNaY D. H. DAVIT. COUNTY Taufuasa C. H. OE[, DUTRIOT CL8MK D. L NO■L[, CouarY CLaaK f. J. ■RUTON, COUNTY aua[R,NT[aeaNT LOUIfLOW[,tNaRIn/ H A HODO[f,COUNTY AUO/TOa WALTER ROWNTRE[,COUNTY auavavoa �•"= .._ S�j+i!ti.- SAM V $TONS, COUNTY JuDOa JACK GILLUM, TAX Aearason AND COLLaOTOR 3 . Wallfamson Qounttg, Zexas �r COUNTY COMMIffIONERS __ -- ARTHUR WALKER, raaclNCT No 11saoaoaTOWN J J •UC[K, Ia[C/NGT NO. 1, ORANaaa J. R HUNT, 0119O1NOT No. a. PLOR{NO[ W D /TILES. PRaCINCT No. 4. TAYIOa e.;.w P;1�0 l7t��-t Av e7/;'100, Gare /� o � - t 41, j. �. ,�,�,�r � ,�►,.,./ to r ,p�f�ty, ,,� ,� � q ��.�j�'/ '�'" j;nea, ;I/? 4.� V -t F 14, ep �^""lr+'v l`i"..� � +'� i✓ I✓ f ++� �/�y /,, � / ��� t5F"!�^''�"j�,+TT' , ' e�4�M�'"��'�"Gt i+'►,"4r :.�+I C1r!�►tr�° %' rf(/ ��is�M,f reo.�,1�� � c`.-�.+�'^�.+ �.+/ �I,r.�a�.�fi+C� ���1 f � ''IL`� y�r' '' f�"k /Yr� s� •+N �S. fii* 4Y'�+^' f T ' 4.'� • L"+ " 1 I'^" `d''F p4f 1+� � 4• 1-4 J aw^ c4y Tx (GGTI 193/0 / ,.... ,,�,. ;,ti„ . ��?;,iw• j°:�.�,, _ .• :, . HARRY A DOLAN, D»twlcT Judet D S WOOD, CeuNrr ATTownaY D N DAVIS, COUNTY TRXANRp Y _ C. N ORE. DISTRICT CL[RR D• L. NOBLE, COUNTY CLaRR s J BRUTON, COUNTY au►fRINTaNO/NT LOUIS LOWE. SNaRIr► H A HODGES. COUNTY AuotroR WALTER ROWNTREE,COUNTY SURVaroR SAM V STONE, COUNTY Judea JACK GILLUM, TAX AeoussoR AND COLLSCYOS Imullfamson Clounve, texas rx �I..�... COUNTY COMMISSIONERS _ ARTHUR WALKER, RRaCINCT NO I. BaONGXTOWN J J SUCEK, ►RacINcY NO. S, *"ANeaR J R HUNT. ►RaCINCT NO Z. rLCNSNCa W D STILES, rRaCINCT NO. •, TAYLOR � h A, 440 lei �'��':.� s�i�'`' a��'�� �_� a�°,�� .@ a4.—� � G:•��r�J I�t,*c.�i/j;� � �' Z...., 2 1 Georgetown, exas, April I3, I9 6, The City Council met in regular session on the above date, Mayor M. F. Smith prsiding, the following aldermen and officers were pres- ent: Aldermen --F, E. Buchholz, J, R, Chastain, W, S. Frasier, J, C, Godbey, S, E. Wilcox. Offioers--W, H. Nunn, city attorney; S. A, Hodges, assessor and collector; R. E, Ward,, manager;,R. 0. Davis, marshal, M.,L, Cates, secretary. On motion of Alderman W, S. Frasier the minutes of the last regular session were approved as read. The monthly reports of Treasurer Estella Byrom, and Assessor and Collector S. A. Hodges, were read and on motion of Alderman W. S. Frasier the reports were ordered received and filed. The report of the Auditing Committee was read by the chairman; Lee M. Taylor, with appropriate comments on the same. On motion of Alderman Buchholz the same was received and filed. On motion of Alderman J. R. Chastain the Mayor appointed a com- mittee to tabulate the results of the Municipal Election held in the City of Georgetown, on Tuesday, the 7th day of April, 1936: The following is the report of the committee; "The undersigned committee, appointed by the Mayor to canvass the returns of the Municipal Election held on Tuesday, April 7th, 19361 in which a mayor and two aldermen were to be elected for the ensuing term of two years, have canvassed the votes, which show the following results: For Mayor: Votes M. F. Smith.................348 C. E. Harris................225 For .Alderman: H. F. Friedrich.... 0*00*00*0253 F, E. Buchholz.:......:.....44I J. C. Godbey................369 "The above results showing M. F. Smith received the majority of votes for mayor; that F, E. Buchholz and J. C. Godbey each re- oeived a majority of votes for aldermen, whereas each were duly and constitutionally re-elected to their respective offices for the en- suing term of two years. Respectfully submitted: Committee: S, E. Wilcox. W, S, Frasier," Persuant to the rep6rt of the said above named committee, the oath of office was administered ty M. L. Cates, city secretary, to M. F. Smith as Mayor of the city of Georgetown, Texas; F. E, Buch- holz, alderman; and J. C. Godbey, alderman of the said city. On motion of Alderman J. C. Godbey, the chairman of the Fire Committee was instructed to receive bids on four tires and casings tube placed on the Seagrave hook and ladder track. Mayor Smith named Messrs. A. W..Silure, C. C. Hamilton and A. W. Gray, as the tax equalization board,requesting authority to substitute for any of these named in case circumstances prevented, either from serving. On motion of Alderman J. C. Godbey the Council approved the appointments. A Zoning ordinance was presented the Council, the following being the caption of same: " An ordinance of the City of Georgetown, zoning the said city, as to the residential districts thereof and fixing the limits in which negroes may hereafter establish residence, and the districts in which whites maq hereafter establish residents and providing a penalty for the violation of same, and creating an exception thereto, and declaring an emergency:" On motion of Alderman J. R. Chastain, seconded by Alderman W, S. Frasier, the ordinance was read in full (see Ordinance Book) and passed to the second reading, the following being the vote: Ayes - Buchholz, Chastain, Frasier, Godbey, Wilcox. Noes --None. On motion of Alderman J. C. Godbey and.seoonded by Alderman J, R R. Chastain, that the usual rules for passing ordinances, the said ordinance declaring an emergency, be suspended; tnda the same be read by caption and passed to the third reading, was passed unanimously the vote being as follows: Ayes--Buohholz, Chastain, Frasier, Godbey, Wilcox, Moes --None. On motion of Alderman J. R, Chastain, seconded by Alderman F. E. Buchholz, that there appearing an emergency, the said ordinance be read by caption, under suspension of the usual rules for passing ord- inances, and the same be 4Ia lI3 �asaed ,,"tQaaJved the following vote: 3 iq Ayes ---Buchholz, Chastain, Frasier, Godbey, Wilcox. Noes --None. On motion of Alderman F. E. Buchholz, seconded by Alderman J. R. Chastain, the said ordinance was passed finally.,the follow- ing being the vote: .Ayes --Buchholz, Chastain, Frasier, Godbey, and Wilcox. Noes --bone, Mayor Smith announced the appointment of Dr. Van C. Tipton, as City Health Officer for the ensuing term, and on the motion of Alderman S. E. Wilcox, seconded by Alderman J. C. Godbey, the Council unanimously ratified the appointment of the mayor. A resolution was passed and filed, on motion of Alderman J. C. Godbey, in which it was resolved by the Council to hereafter employ the City Health Officer on a fee basis, instead of the cus- tomary monthly salary of $25.00. On motion of Alderman F. E. Buchholz, the Council authorized Fire Committeeman Chastain, to arrange a barbecue for the Fire De- partment. Mayor Smith appointed the following committees for the 1936=37 term; Finance and Revenue --S. E. Wilcox. Water and Light --J. C. Godbey. Health and Sanitation --J. R. Chastain. Cotton Yard --S, E. Wilcox. Printing --F. E. Buchholz. Fire --J. R. Chastain. Streets and Parks --W. S. Frasier. Ordinances --J. C. Godbey, San Gabriel Parks --F, E. Buchholz, J. R. Chastain. Fire Marshal --R, 0. Davis. Mayor pro tem --J. R.' Chastain. There appearing no further business the Council adjourned. X"90 mayor, City of Georgetawn_,, Texas eere ary, .�- of Georgetown, Texas. Called Session, Georgetown, Texas, .April 2I, I936. Mayor M. F. Smith, presiding; and the following Aldermen being present: F. E. Buchholz, J. R. Chastain, W. S. Frasier, J. C. Godbey, S. E. Wilcox. Officers present were: W. H. Nunn, city attorney; S. A. Hodges, assessor and collector; R. 0. Davis, marshal, M, L. Cates, City. secretary. This meeting was called jointly for alderman and citizens to dis- cuss the zoning ord Lance passed at the last regular meeting of the council. A number of interested visitors ,were present. On motion of Alderman VI, S. Frasier, seconded by Alderman Chas- tain, the Council voted that the publicatinnof the aforesaid ordinance cease, with the purpose of the repeal of same at the next regular ses- sion of the Council, The Council opened the following sealed bids on four tires Sind tubes for the hook and ladder Seagrave track. The following were the t o##1 of each bid: Lions Service Station, $163.60 and 14140*00 Lackey Service Station, 178.20 Ahlberg & Son,3I90.36 Harris Garage, '185.60 Harris Garage, I97.32 Shaw Filling Station, $192.84 Shaw Filling Station, $206.44 Freund Motor Co W2,00 Freund Motor Co::. , 188.00 /��. Freund Motor Co,,, 3201,00 Atte t;Mayor, City of Georgetovin, Texas .!;41 / Secretary M N THE STATE OF TICS 0 CQUWIT CF EILIZAlcOII• ON THIS the lith* day of 1410 A, Do 19360 the Citl Counoil met in rem session, on its regular meeting date* at the City Rall,; its regular plans of meeting with the following membere presents X& F. Smith a�rss.ss..ss•.s.. yor ro Es BucYhholz s is Rs Chastain, Ws S. Frazier., Aldermen is co Godbey 0 Ss Es wilsoxg all present. Absent, none* its L, Cates►, City Secretary,, being also presents Among others, the following ,proaetdirrge were had Yati©n was sada by Alder=& :* Co 10041e76 seoonU& by AUsrman S# B. Wilooz, that the said costing adjourn to most again at the same place, en the lath day of Nay A* D. 1836. The said motion use duly put, anA unazimmely oorris d, azA the meeting adjourned to ingot again in r99Ular session on the lath day of VAy 1936• ( Finute s City Cou sil , Book 1- *A* s page 3*) *00*0# THE STATE 07 TEAS, COUNTY GF t MIAMOSO CITY OF aMORGETOW10 ON THIS 18th, day of MY A. Do 0 1936 the City Counatl of the City of ceorgetowa, Texas,, met in adjourns& regular session, at the usual meeting plass, the City Rall, with the following members pre se ut t Y Mo p`. Stith •....�►�..r►+��►s.+��.•��r®yo1' Fs, U Buchholz, J• R. chastaine W* Su Fraziere ..�r.r�w��lder ten JA C. God,bey * So 9 Wilcox* and the following absents None. And Y. U Cates., geeretarY being present., and among other proceedings has, was the followings 1t was move& by Aldermn P# B. Buchholz and ssoon- ded by ,Aderman J. R* Chastain that there to submitted to the qualified voters of the City of Georgetown, 'Tezaso the proposi- tion for the legman** of revenue bonds of the City of Ga csrge touc, Texas, on followrs t eoustrustion and improvement of the existing 13. t t plant and Faive ' system. The notion oararied by the following tote # Ald.ermn. 1P rA* BuchhOIA, Chastain, W* 8. Iftaier, J. Co ;odbey and S. U Wilcox voting 'Ii "I none rating MO. Thereupone, .Alderman J. B. Chastain submitted to the City Conse+fl the following resolution and orders n the City council of the City of Ceoarga tove., . Te s* calling on election on the question of the Issuance of S X'TY THOUS ('60,,000.00 ) DvLLAz S of Rerew.e Bonds, for the purpose of U*royiag the present Light Xlant Sys to n of the C i V CKf tae OZge t own. 3e there is a nseessity sof improving the present light plant and ,power system of the City of Georgetovo f Texan, "0 WWERUASs it Is Oondide "A to be to the beet inter- est of this City of Ceoarg+etown that xreeessary improvements bs s rinasnsea by the isewane of securities supported w334 by a jeo,rt plaoed on the existing systea,, the ireprvvementssss to bs oonstrueted, and by a pledge of ne t revenues from the operation Of suaI► soyst*Mw to the extent of SIX RMRED ($600*04) DOLLARS out of each month's ,gross income frost the operation of sed. d light plant anti pover system, axut in no wise supported by an a& valorem tax on property in the Cit? j and# R, the City Council of the City of 4eorge. town,, Texas, deans It a dvi saable to Jaime Rs va sates Bond* of the said City for the purposes bareinaf ter sra ntione d Tf ii ME30 BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDEMD BY TEM CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF GEORGI:TOWNS, TEXASt 1• That an election be held on the 23r4L shay of June a, la D. 19 , at which eltotiosst the following prop0013.110ss Shall Us submi tte is *SHALL the City Council of the City of George town, Texas* be authorize & to issue Rete mw bonds of ea3si City in the amount of SIXTY THOUSAND 060000 000) DOLLARS* Maturing over a period not to exceed Esq years* bearing Interest at the rate of not exceeding per eento payable &ami-sar%a31y„ ibr the purpose of Improving Its existing light plant and power system* and to protide for the payment of principal and Interest on said bonds V pledging the not revenues from the operation of such light plant and, power system to the extent of SIX ]MIDRED DOLLARS ( 6W•t?a) out Of each monthta groes income # aril further supporting sai& ti cants by placing a ssac>rt,, acs on the present systan and imprcn ments thereto In aeocs'rdax>oe with law, to the extent of *aid amount apseifiedi provident the holders of sait bonds shall never have the right to demand payment out of any f'ands wa iaee d and to be raised by taxations 0 Ler That sait elections shall be helm at the follow - ling place in the &aid City, and, the fallowing named, person to 41 hereby appointed manager thereof* to -wits At the City Firs Station within said Cityq with the following election officials Ro N. Chrietaterg, Presiding Judge. 16 that said election *hall be under the provi- sions of and in aaoordan" with the laws governing the issuaaoe of municipal bonds in cities aA towns,, as proviied in the general lams of 'texas,, arid onl j T alins tt electors rho own taxable property In the dtatoo County and Citi, and who have daly rendered the wane for taxation, shall be qualified to rote, and all such slestars shall wrote in the election precinct of $aid City. ALL VOTP."RS wbo favor the proposition to inane the said bonds shall have written or printed on their ballets, the following words $ *FOR TRS 13SUANCLP OF L13TTT PLANT AND Iwi'R SYSTW4 REVEAM BUDS** .Asnt those opposed, to the proposition to issue the said bons shall have written or printed on their ballots the words: *,& .&INST TRI ISSUARCS OF LIGITT FLAM AZW YflWER SYST.E REVEWJIC BONDS." A# A copy of this order sigasd ty that Mayor of said, City an& attested by the City Secretary sbaU serve as a proper rant Sae of s* id election* The ftyor is autborized and directed to cause this Fottod of the eleation to bre posted at three publio places within said City for at least ILIrty fall days prior to the date of said ele er tion" S. The Mayor is farther authorised and directed to cause this notioe to be published in some newspaper of general, Circulation publi2hed iia *aid. City once a week for four Weeks. Tbis date of the first publication skall noir be less than thirty +asl.1 days prior to the mate of sail, election, PASSED AND APPROVED, this the 18th daj of MYs A• D• 1926. Payor,, City of George toxon,, Texas* ATTEST; X* U CATBS Se are tart' , Cita of George town, Texas 0*000 That upon motion of Alderman To Z& Bkulhhola, and stoondod, by Allarman ;9 Re Chastain. The said resolution was passed, by the following Total "AYSS": IN to Dnahhols, J" Re Chastain* We Ss Frazier* J. Cr Godbey, and S. to Niloozo ONOOS"I lone. The Mayor than deolared *am adopted* (Yin tes City Council Book 1 .. "A"; Page 3. ) NOTICE OF SLECTRIC LIMT rIANT REVEL BONS? XLEC TIONe THS STAT$ OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF vi"I"SON, C= or GEORGETOWN* � TO =3 RESID T,o QIJALIFIED0 PROPERTY TAAXPAY M VOTERS OF TRS CITY" OF "?RGETOWN" MASS TARS MT ICN that an election will Im belt in they City of 0itorgatomo Texas* an the Mrd day of Awe, A* D. on the proposition and at the plaes more particularly set forth In the ale®tion order adopted by the City Counall on the 18th Aay of 1%4,p A" D. 19360 which is as follows =1 OLUTION III tba City Counail of the City sof 0sorgetown, E Texas, calling an 4140tiou an tbo question of Ismuaance of SIXTY TH(,,USA UD 1( 609004.00) DOER fu? Retieam.;s BonAf s for the pw.rpoee of improving the present light plant &yetem of Uto City of 4sorge town. lEi MW e, thsre Is a necessity of improving the present light p1biat an& power system of the City of Geor,getownte Texas, an&* RI S, it is considaers& to to to the best interest of the City of Georgetown tLat xwoes"ry Improvvmexnts be finance& by the issacaaaoe of securities supportel only by a mortgage playas& an the existing system,, the Improvements to be oonstracto&* tae& by a pledge of not rete nus s from the operation of suoh sys tes s, to the extent of SIX nunnim (1,4g40* 00 ) DOLLARS out of saoh month's gross income from tits operation of said light plant an& power systems, ant in no wise supports& by an ad, valorem tax on prpparty In the City i an&, WHEREASs, the City Council of the City of Goon«rgetowns, Texas, risme It advisable to issue Revenue Bonds of the sai& City for the purposes be rs inaf tsw me ntione b l TRLREFCRls, BR IT RESOLVED AND CRDMM BY TRR CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF GEDRGETMO 'EUSt SECTION It That an election be hel& on the 23r& kay of Jura*, A* Dr 19:66# at thioh election the following pro- position rop•position shall be submit tett "S "ALL the City Council of the City of deorgo tovrm,, Texas,, be snthaalriset to isms Revenue Bones of sat& City in the amount of SIXTY TROUSAND (t600000*00) DOLLARS, maturing serially oyer a period .not to exec*& Ra y#ares bearing interest at ihs rate of not exceeding 4j per cent, payable somi—annually, for the purpose of Improving its existing light plant +aaa& power &yetem, and to provide for the payment of principal and interest of said bonds 1 pledging the net revenues from the 9 operation of ,mch light plant and, power systea to the extent of six HtTR R i MOLLARS (Iw600*00) out of each month's ,gross ineome a and further supporting said bonds by placing a mortgage oil the present system and Improvements thereto in accordance with lawe to the extent of said amount specifielj provided the bolders of said bonds shall never have the right to 44=md payment o$t of any funds r+a►ise& anti to be raised by taxation* to The sail election shall be bold at the following place in the said City* and the following named, persons are hereby appoint*& n aagers thereof+ to -wits At the City Fire Station within sail Citys, with the following election offIcUlt 4 A& Crietaberg# Presilling Judges, $. The sant. els ot%n sball be belt nAor the provisions of ata& in accordance with the laws governing the issuance of municipal bends in cities and town,, as provided in the general laws of Texas, and only gmalified electors who Own taxable property in the States, County, and C it y i and who bave duly rendered the same for taxations shall be qualified to votes, ata! all such sleotoars shall mote in the election precinct of as,it City• AU YO TARS who favor the p roptgs it io n to Issue the said bonus shall have written or printed on their ballots the folloving wordst INFOR VIM ISSUANCE OF LIGBT PLAN' AZD NW SYSTFA REVEMS MUDS*'n And those opporse& to the proposition to IXMW the sail bonds ahall have written, or printed on their ballots the words: "A©AMET ".tflM ISSUAICE OF LICIT PLANT AND POWEA SYSM RAYS BONDS,e r0 4* A COPY Of this order signed by the ftyor Of said City and attested by the City Secretary Shall Sarre as a primer notiae of said election* The Vayor is mutho rued and directed to cause tin xkotioe of the election to be posted at 'three public places within said City„ for at least thirty full +days prior to the date of said ale s tione 8. The mayor is further authorized and directed to +eauzo this notice of election to be published in seamy =we-* paper of ,general circulation pbli.abed in said City once a week for four weekso The date of %be first publication shall not be Use than thirty fall days prior to, the data of said eleetiouo PA333i AND AITROVED, this the 181h, day of fay1e J6O DO 1946* motor, City of Oemrgetoyme T* aas. ATTESTt No Le CATE's Seeretsry, City of Georgetown* Tex" (SEAL) m 3 Georgetown, Texas l:ay IIth, 1936. The City Council met in regular session on the above date, Mayor Y. F. Smith presiding, the following aldermen and officers being present: Aldermen --F. E. Buchholz, J. R. Chastain, Iff, S. Frasier J. C. Godbey and S. E. Wilcox. Officers --T, I!, Nunn City Attorney; S. A. Hodges, assessor and collector; We II. Davis, marshal; R. E. 1'ard, mgnager; Van C. Tipton, health physician; %. L. Cates, Secretary. On motion of Alderman Chastain, the minutes of previous meetings of the Council viere approved as read. On motion of Alderman 7, S. Trasier all approved accounts were ordered paid. The Council unanimously approved the payment of the city health officer U5.00 per month of has been customary in the pre- ceeding years. City Healh Officer Tipton made an extensive report regarding sanitary conditions of the city, and the cooperative report with the State Sanitary Inspector. The reports of Assessor and Collector 'dodges, R. 0. Davis, marshal and Treasurer Estella Byrom were read and on motion of Alderman Chastain the reports were received and filed. An ordinance ranealing a Zoning Ordinance as passed as the last regular session of -the council was presented. On motion of Alderman J. R. Chastain -the said ordinance was read in full (see Ord. on Page #3) and passed to the second reading, the following being the vote. Ayes --Buchholz, Chastain, Frasier,Godbey, Wilcox. Noes --None. =:( Seconded by Alderman ". T'. nuchholz. ) On motion of Alderman, J. C. Godbey, secanded by Alderman J. R. Chastain, the said Ordinance containing an emergency Clause, the usual rules for passing ordinances bes suspended, the same be read by caption and passed to the third reading. The motion carried by the following vote; Ayes--nuchholz, Chastain, Frasier, Godbey, Wilcox. Noes --None. On the motion of Alderman F. F. luehholz, seconded by Al- derman S. E. '",ilcox that rules -for passing ordinances be hereby suspended, that the said ordinance be read by caption and the same be finally passed, was carried by the following recorded vote. Ayes --Buchholz, Chastat*, Frasier, Godbey, Wilcox. On motion of Alderman '"'. S. Frasier, seconded by Alderman Buchholz, the above ordinance was passed finally. The following was the vote. Ayes--3uchholz, Chastain, Frasier, Godbey, Wilcox. The appearing no further business the Council adjourned to reconvene Yonday evening, May ISth, I936. Attest: Yayor, City of Georgeto� wn -Texas Secretary, City of Georgetown, Texas. JA y C`Z Georgetown, Texas, N TiTay I8th, 1936. The City Council met on the above date in adjourned session for the purpose of considering the increasing ble electric gener- ating capacity and the improvement of the water and light plant. I'layor I.I. F. Smith presided and the following aldermen -and of- ficers were present: Alderman --F. F. T3uchholzp J. R. Chastain, W. S. Frasier, J. C. Godbey and S. F. Tilcox, Officers --W. H. Nunn, city attorney; R. 0. Davis, marshal; R. E. Ward, manager; TA, L. Cates, Secretary, Due consideration was given the report Burns & YcDonnell, con- sultant engineers, of Kansas City, ITo., recently employed to make a complete survey of the city utilities. A motion was made by Alderman J. C. Godbey, and was seconded btr Alderman J. T2. Chastain that the city purchase- additional elec4r_ trical generating material and make the necessary improvement off the electric light plant. The motion carried unanimously, A motion was made By alderman J. R. Chastain, and seconded by Alderman '17. S. Frasier, that the city purchase a 7509 h.p. 500 kwh. Diesel gettrating unit. The motion carried unanimously. On motion of Alderman F. F.'`nchholz, seconded by Alderman J. R. Chastain, a resoulution bei read in full to the council calling an election on the question of the issuance of Sixty Thousand (.600000.00) Dollars of revenue Bonds, for the purpose of improving the present light Plnntsystem of the City -of Georgetown, Texas. (See Resolution on page 4-A). The r:.ove motion carried unanimouslyp by the following reeofcted Vote: Ayes--Ruchholzp Chastain, Frazier, Godbeyp Wilcox. There appearing no further business the council adjourned, 1 T`ayor, City of Georgetown, Texa9 Attestt Seeretaryp City o Georgetotim# Texas RESOLUTION BY the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, calling an election on the question of the issuance of SIXTY THOUSAND (f 60,000.00) DOLLARS of Revenue Bonds, for the purpose of improving the present Light Plart System of the City of Georgetown. WHEREAS, there is a necessity of improving the present light plant and power system of the City of Georgetown, Texans and, MZREAS, it is considered to be to the beet interest of the City of Georgetown that necessary improvements be financed by the issuance of securities supported only by a mortgage placed on the existing system, the improvements to be constructed,, and by a pledge of net revenue from the operation of such system, to the extent of SIX EMMRED (.6w60000) DOLLARS out of each month s gross income from the operatl,on of said light plant and power system, and in no wise supported by an ad valorem tax on property 1n the City; ends wUREAS, the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texans deems it advisable to issue Revenue Bonds of the said City for the purposes hereinafter mentioned; THER "FORE,, BE IT RESOLVED AND O RUER1,M BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWM9 TEXASt 1. That an election be held on the 23rd day of JUne, A. D. 1936, at which election the following proposition shall be submitteds •SHALL the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, to authorized to issue Revenue Ronda of said City in the amount of SI= THOU63AND (.',*'600000.00) DOLLARS, maturing over a period not to exceed 20 years AZ bearing interest at the rate of not exeeeding r cents payable somi-annually, for they urpose of improving its �-A 13 existing light plant and power system, and to provide for the payment of principal and interest on said bonds by pledging the net revenues from the operation of such light plant and power system to the extent of SIX FIMRED, ($dt O*00) out of each sonth*s gross income, and further supporting said bonds by placing a mortgage on the present system and Improvements thereto in accordance with law, to the extent of said amount specified) provided the holders of said . bands shall never have the right to demand payment out of any funds raised and to be raised by taxations." g. That ,said election shall be held at the following place in the said City„ and the following named person is hereby appointed manager thereof, to -wits At the City Fire Station within said City* with the following election official: /? . „JJ Presiding Judges a. That said ele:c t ion shall be under the provi s ions of and in accordance with the laws governing the issuance of municipal bands in cities and towns, as provided in the general laws of Texas, and only qualified electors who own taxable property, in the State, County and City, and who have duly rendered the same for taxation,, shall be qualified to vote, and all such electors shall vote in the election precinct of said City* ALL VOTRRS who favor the proposition to issue the said bonds shall have written or printed on their ballots, the following wordet "FOR VR I',SUA14CR OF LIGBT PLANT A M POWER MYrIM REVEIME BONDS*" And those opposed to the proposition to issue the said bonds shall have written or printed on their ballots the words *AGA INST THE IsmAnn OF LIGHT FLATS AND POWER SYSTEM REVEM 8a1+tW** 4* A oopy of this order signed by the rayor of said City and attested by the City Secretary shall serve as a proper notice of said election. The Mayor is authorized and directed to cause this Notice of the election to be posted at three public places within said City for at least thirty full days prior to the date of said election* be The mayor is further authorized and directed to cause this notice to be published in some newspaper of general circulation published in said City once a week for four weeks, The date of the first publication shall not be less than thirty full days prior to the data of said *loot #on* PASSED AND APPROVED* this the 18th day of pay,, A. D. 1S3d: r ` RAYOR 9 CITY OF GEORGETO` N 9 TUA ` • A i'T'ES'Ti. tear -a ary, city or Georgetown. Texas* ,s Rj',1,S0LUTION CSF' `l'H.; CITY COLITCIL OF TFM CITY OF GEOI ((PrI OV`.11T, I'"E AS, CALL114G .And ORDERING AN ELECTION Or =3 Qj)**,STION OF T£1"3 I33U�JICE OF SIXTY T??k)TJSI�ID (:�uU,i700.00) DOLLARS OF REV`-TITT.'E BJ DS FOR THi4 I UiiPo3E OF Ix :FRCOVI*TG THE p 3L,,h'T ELf C' Iu LIGET PUNT SYSTEM OF T1 SAID O I'I'Y OF Gr3O'? G 5'"10WN . 'REAS, it has heretofore been decided by the City Council of the 4ity of Georgetown, Texas, that a necessity exits for the improving oL the present electric li&,ht plant and system of the said city, end in pursuance thateto an election was ordered air! held for the purpose of determining whether the said Citi; should issue 1"60,000.00 in revenue bonds for the said purpose, end at the said election it was deter,ained that said bonds should be issued, uut that in giving the notice of the: said election, a mistake was made, In that the said election was held at a date more than thirty days after the date of the resolution ordering the sa.rm , and that by reason thereof a question may be raised as to the validity of the said. election, AIM , 1WVFE'1 i,AS, the City Council of the said 0ityie now of the opinion that it is to the best interestaC the said City that the said improvements should be made and the said revenue bonds should be issued for the purpose of improving the said eleotrio 1-�tt system of the said wity; and is of the opinion that the question incident to the validity of the election above mentioned should be eliminated and that another election should be held for the purpose of determining whether or not Lhe said City shall issue revenue bonds in the sum of Sixty Thousand 060,000.00} Dollars supported only by a mortEege placed on the existing system and the jmprovemGnts to be constructed and by a pledge of six hundred (;GQU.00) dollars out of each month's gross income of the said eleatrio light system oT the said City for the purpose of financing the said im:1roverients; and that the said bonds be in no wise supported by an ad -valorem tax on property of the sbid +pity; BE IT RESOLVED by the city Council of the city of Georgetown, Texas: lst. That an election shall be held on the 21st day of July, ". D. 1936, at which election the following question shall be submitted: *Shall the City 0nuneil of the City of Georgetown, Texas, be authorized to issue revenue bonds of the said vity in the amount of sixty thousand (460,000.00) dollars, maturing, over a period not to exceed 20 ears bearing inter•;st at a rate not to exceed M -TI four and one-half per cent payable semi-annually, for the purpose of improving its existing electric light plant and power system, m d provide for the payment of Ir incipal and interest on the said bonds by pledging the net revenues from the operation of such plant and system to the extent of six hundred (4600.00) dollars per month, out of each month's gross income, and further supporting and securing the payment of said bonds and interest by placing a mortgage on the said present electric light and power system and improvements thereto, in accordance with law, to the extent of the said amount specified; provided that the holders of said bonds shall never have the right to demand payment out of any funds raised and to be raised by taxations." 2nd. That the said election shall be held at the City Fire Otation within the said City, with the following election official, to -wit, g. R. Chritzberg, Presiding Judge. 3rd. That the said election shall be under the provisions of and in accordance with the laws of the `'tate of Texas governing the issuance of municipal bonds in cities and towns, and only qualified electors who own taxable property in the State and County and this City and who have duly rendered the same for taxation shall be qualified to vote at said election, and all such electors shall vote in the election precinct ofthis city, in which they reside. All voters who favor the proposition to issue the said bonds shall have written or printed on their ballots the following words: "FOR THE ISSUANCE OF LIGHT PLAYT !2%'D POSER SYSTEM REVMTUE BONDS". 11t n- JTICjr C_1' C1711* CCITCIL GF -11w CITI CF T "Z 7.. t, J T! C "DVL11TI.3B 11T F -ME L:AizT' LR P"OVI", Py DILV:l T1", PU 2v 11AL" OT G =L 14211.12% C'2 ST.�.TTIGIT I_ -T. I11x11'GV=TJj 71L L11"UAl i;'1L'jZ1int CF -111-= CITY, 't'vlhereass the City Council of the said City, has heretofore decided that the electric liCht and power system of the scid City should be improved. by the purchase of another en-ine and L; by making certain ii-rLprovments oA the power station, at a cost not to excede "=,,000,00, and have heretofore submitted to a vote of th,-,- qualifide tL4�.aVers of the said city the proposition as to Whether or not the said City shall issue revenue bonds for the said puxpose; eind Whereas t1n CiNCpuncil of the said City has decided to improve the said. electric light and. power system, by the purolvas of one engine, 6onTmlyin,,; with. the following secifications, to -wit; 7 CO and. hLis also decil"Lad to improve the power station house, in a mcnner conforhiin,� substantially to the followin,,-, specify - cations; solved that the :-,Yo f 4-1 12'� e r q -T o r e be it 1 0 21e s Z� i d �*� � "*� " -1 o:'J*..� G"ity a(lvartise 'L'oabiaF',.,1!or each of tlA above piu,posel, Se., arate bids to be mA. !o& e_clh o.lsail purposes, reserv n;; to Ilhe City t'., -Ie ri,� t to rej,;ct ill bids; it being; unCierstod hovieve r 3, th,.t -iv conti-t li.it "loi, aal of the sLia iio1_,ovm,3n I", s sO,_,11 tiro to the 1 o we � t z, n 6. best 1) V-1 11,2 r J e e rt c 1 b W the (14 i t:7 C c),j-n c 11 - tu o be st?yirr,rt Lzr] relitble, to A ru4c.-r—be it resolved, that in the acIvertisinz for said. -bicls the Layor shall in conneation therewith fix the elate .fox, the re a e k- ng'of bids and canvacing,the same, !.#keg" -COV4 %j3 fe- U-1-Ashis -n.-a4j�6. T)U, 7 4AIk-4 S.BIN w t rx adt 7,ase. Q, sa vbe s de& „b 0 ab So a rpt 1 -to ,J txrrt: , eti``es� bev 0,89s *I ad=*& o t i� .Stfe *,ea abtd to ga s b is has WX `� 3 �21�" �M ��W �M_M 1'♦..b VL4J�i...s1'�1R iI C: ,+ CI'ZY C2 3_:C-1 GET0 yi Mr 3 J .�ata�il nC 11:.L L.:' -7 S XI L CITY urI.xa.;.ai G..', kjla:; wQ t" TO CUT OUT t_ 2 6.&Iu Cti,— dG A,.; � C2 .i ate y it ; tom: li MLLATT � ALL. ".:.,...1t .4"Z i DY 'I'.'T--7' tom" I ZY C U 7� I1. G i" ':'= €" I ZY OF lst. .:;at the co,!'rLoration boundaries ol' t1ja said. City, at and near t a south rest corner of same, and on the west line t ae re of be Land the same are hereby than e d in suc� manner as to exclude From the said, copporation and the botu-i a - ries thereof the followin{; d.esribed tracts of Lnd, to -wit; 2nd. °shat the fact that no pz tion of the said lend above described is properly urban property, or is likely soon to be im roved as such creates an emerL� ncy thefi�this ordin e be at once passea and that it take effect inmedia�ly from anq�-Ater its iaas:a s . Ids se d and a.,:proved this the Sth, day of .Tune A, 19 6 .fy.tte� t; IJMy Zacra u.4'y or .Ic 7tj of Georgetovai, Texas. �I Georse to.in, Texas. Georgetown, Texas June 8th, I936. The City Council met in regular monthlym session on the above date, Vayor I2. r. Smith presiddhgs the -following alderman and officers being presents Aldermen --V. E. Buchholz, S,V Chastain, T. S. Frasier, J. C. Godbey, S. E, Wilcox. Officers --R. 0. Davis, marshal: S. A. Hodges, assessor and collector; W,•H. Nunn, city' attorney; R, E. :'lard, manager -utilities; AT. L. Cates, secretary, On motion of Alderman F. E.Euchholz the minutes of the previous regular and called sessions were approved as read, All approved accounts were ordered paid, on the motion of Alderman To S, "racier, The report of the Tax Board of Equalization was read, and on motion of Alderman J. C. Godbey the said report was accepted and filed. A committee from the civic organizations -of the city were before the Council and requested that the road signs in the city limits on State Highway Two be removed, and on motion of Alder- man S. E. Wilcox, the Council decided to notify owners of the said signs that those signs so situated as to be in violation of city ordinances should be removed. City Health Officer Dr.'Van C. Tipton was before the Coun- cil and reported the health and sanitary conditions of the city, together with instructions from the State Health Department cov- ering the regulations of -the same. On motion of Alderman J. C, Godbey the council voted to follow the instructions of the State, On motion of Alderman T. C. Godbey, seconded by'Alderman J. R. Chastain an ordinance was presented the council, requesting that the same be read in full; (see Ordninance on pace No. 5-a). The caption of the aforesaid ordinance is as follows= "An ordi- nance of the City of Georgetown, Texas, changing the West'bound- ary line of the Siad city, at and near the SouthwestCCmrner of same so as to out out out of said Corporation abgut seventeen acres 6f land, and declaring an emergencys" The said ordinance was read in full. On motion of -Alderman S, R. Wilcox, seconded by Alderman P0 E, Buchholz, the ordinance was passed to the second reading, by the following votes Ayes --Buchholz, Chastain, Fra"ier, God - bey, Wilcox, Noes --None. On motion of A1dPrman 7, F. 'Buchholz, seconded by Alderman Frasier, Mheemergency�clause appearing in,said ordinance, all the usual rules for passing ordinances bad suspended, and the sttia ordinance be read by captionand passed to the second reading . The following being the vote --Ayes, Buchholz, Chastain, Frasier, Godbey, Wilcox, Noes --None* on motion of Alderman S. E. `Vilcox, 6eeonddd .bycAldermxn,-d 'Vy llatthaistain, the ordnance was read by caption and passed to the third reading, Ayes--Iuch',ghao 8,.Fras',-Godbey,-'°'ilcox, Noes -None, On motion of Alderman P. E. Buchholz, seconded by Alderman S. E. Tilcox the said ordinance was read by caption and passed finally. Thr_Bye6@--Buchhholz, Chastain, .Frasier, Godbey, Wilcox. Noes --None. On motion of Alderman Godbey, Yanager 71. t. Ward was au- thorized to carry out his suggestions in chhnging the electric poen system from two to three phase throughout the city. On motion of Alderman S. E. "Tilcox the service charges at the city park as recommended bynTlanager R. E. Ward were approved, On motion of Alderman Frasier, thenCouncil adjourned to meet at the usual hour Junr 25th, for t -he purpose of canvassing the returns of the forthcoming Bhnd`,Election anf for the"trans- ation,of such other business as may be brought before it. r.ayor, City of Georgetown, Texas... Attests Secretary, City of Georgetown, Texas. R ak Cn �1 Georgetown, Texas P June 25th, 1936. The City Counciled met in adjourned session on the above date, Mayor M, T. Smith presiding, the following officers and aldermen being present; Aldermen --_a'. F. luchholz, J. R. Chastain,-''. I. Frasier, J. C. Godbey tend S. '"ilcox. Officers --7. TT. Nunn, city attorney: R. E. Ward, .Tanager, and It. L. Cates, secretary. Kayor Sith Appointed Aldermen ^odbey and Cahsatin to canvass the - the returns of the nond election held on the 23rd day of June, I936, The commitee reported as fol.lowat To the I'layor and City Council: "'7e, your committee, have canvassed the retirns of the Light and Poer System Revenue .3ond Election# held in Georgetown, Texxs, June 239 19361 andvfind the following results: "'or the TZevenue Bonds....9......137 "Against the ?revenue Bonds....... 49 "PI.espectfully submitted; "J. C, Godbey. "J. R. Chastain." 'According to the findings of the committee, Mayor M, F. Smith declared the election had carried for the issuance of the bonds. On motion of Alderman 'xrilcox, seconded by Alderman Frasier, the council was adjourned over to a session to be held on Yonday evening, June 29th, to consider unfinishedv br such business as may properly come 'before the council. / Attest: yorp City of Georg Secretary, dTty�of -,eorgetownt Texas �tr!aItn� 1 �/ rrvgq�+lIP )1rUto I7 +I ,1 Ali •+ µ �r Georgetown, Texas. June 29th: I936. The City Council met in adjourned session on the above date, mayor 1. F. Smith presiding, the following aldermen and officers being presents Aldermen F. E. Buehhold, J. R. Chastain, No S. Frasier, J. C# Godbey, and S. F. Wilcox. Officers --W, 71, Nunn, city ,A,ttorney, R. Ho Ward# Manager, and IT, L. Cates, Secretary. A resolution calling for and rseord6ranw a bond election was - presented the Council. On motion of Alderman J. C. Godbey, seconded by Alderman 17,' S. Fratter, that the said ordinance be read in full was carried. After the reading of said ordinance a motion was made by Alderman J. C. Godbey ans.seconded by T.,S. '_'racier that the same be adopted. The motion was unanimously adopted by the following vote, Ayes--- Buchhol.z, Chastain, Pra.sier, Godbey, 'Wilcox. Noes --None. Gage 6-A) Resolution Conmittee= n P_ldeiman J. C. =odbey offered a resolution authorizing tnd directing the mayor of the City of 7,eorgetowns Texas, to advertise in the mannerprovided by law for bids for the purchase of engine, and repair of power station in improving; the electric light system of the city, and moved that the same be read in full and adopted. The motion was seconded by Alderman S. E. 71ilcox, and was carried by the following vote. Ayes -.Buchholz, Chastain, Frasier, podbey, Tilcox. hoes --None. (Resolution, Pave 6-B) There appearing no further business the Council adjourned. Mayor, City of Georgetown, Texas Attest; Secretary, ty o-f Georgetown, Texas R SULT GF TTTM ELECTION STATE Or T=0• COUNTY Vr WILL1ANS03 0 CITY Cr an- R G7;1 TO WX* At a regular meeting of the City Council. of the said City& Georgetown, Texas, held at the City Rall of the said City on the eth day of Jute, 19Z6. with foll"ing members presents Yo Po Smite s*.**.sa...•... X101' F. F. Baohhols J. R• Chastain Wo S. Frafsicr ********Alderman Js Co Godbey S. $• W116ox X* L. Cates, Cita Searetary, being algia present„ the following gong other proceedings were hada Alderman Frasier made a motion teat the CIV Counoil adjourn to meet at the same piaes at the Ueval hotmr, on the 251h dsq of June„ lMs for the purpose of canvassing the returns of the forthsom,ing bond elsetion, which said emotion vas seoonded by Alderman wileox,, and upon emotion being pat it roes carrisd by the following votes •ATES': Alderman F* E. Buabhols,, J. R. Chastain, W. S. Frazier, J. C* Go bey and p• Lir wiloox t"a0 9 S" s none t and. the Council adjourned to ms e t at said plass on the said date. Kinates City Connell Soot 1 -*A" pegs a) City Council met and adjourns& regular session on June XSs 1936, with the following members presents r. To Buchholz J. R. Chastain ws a* Frazier **.****AUereaen J. C., God be y S* to wiloox } a►x City S*eretaryj, U• L, Cates# being also preeent, and among other things the tbllowing praaeediags were had: IU%ycw h. f. Smith appointat Aldermen obey and Chastain as a Coaait tee to eon1ra ss the returns of the 'Son& Election bell on the Wrd &0 +pit' Juno# Ar Do 1936. That the sal& Committee in the presen®e of #aid Council ewe& into the result of the #aid election and, sanvassed the retwns thereof "A report*& the result to tie City Council as followsl *TO the iayo'r and City Councils Woo, your Ccesaittse ,, have examined and +eanvasse d the returnes of the Light anA ?ower Revenue Baud Election held in (Worse town„ Texas* June 23rd.* 19361, arc& we f indl that the said elestion eerie regularly held an& that the results thereof aefollowes Vot e e for the Reve xme Bonds •..,. «.1Zy loot e s a -ai ns t the Revenue BorAe ,r00049 S IOED: J. C„ CCDBY J• R. MASTA IN . Upon motion sale by Alderman J. C. Godby, sesonQted by Aldaraan J# R. Chastain* the Gait report was by a unanimous vote received,. " it was then declared by the rayor that the said election had resulted in a maJority vote to favor of the Issuance of said, boiAs* Einuktes City Council, Boot 1-"A" page re F. SUrTR 6.� mayor, of the City of Georgetown, Texas ATT'EST% i'=. L. Cates, City See a Wrj., City of George tovm e, Texas P3 THE STATE OF T LASe COUNTY CF iEj"Imm-010 CITY OF ODOR mr. -x affo The CIV Comisil eget in an adjourned regular session on the 24th dsy of June* 1938, at its regular meeting place in the City U116 the following members being presents 34 T. Smith #ilii*.*ii*#* ayor r* Ei Puabbolx J• R* Cha$ta in 114# so Alderman Frasier ♦iai+i Alderman J# Co Godbey Si No W ilaox Z* L* Cafiesa City Secretarye also being presents The following among other p rocee dings was hall It was wove& ty Alderman Wilcox and seconded by Allerme.n Frazier that the City Council aijourn, to vast &gain in regular session at its uxual meeting place on June 29th, 1936* (Kinutes City► Council • Rood 1 -"Axe, page 60 City Counca net in adjourned. regulat session in the City gall on June E9thg 1938„ the following members presents Moro 16-Mith F* Xl Bulbi .T* Ro Chas to in ei S* Frazier J. Co Goabey Si go Wilcox s...a.#Aldermen 11i Li Cates* City Secretary* being also present* A resolution calling aril ordering Electric Light erns Power System Bong Election was paresented to the City Council; on motion made by Alderma Ji Co Qodbeyj seconled by Alderman 't# S# Frazier and duly put by Mlor 14 F* Smite, and un an usly earriogsthe said resolution was reals int fuel* Atter the reading of said resolution Alderman Ji % Codbey roved. and Alderman F* Si Frasier se oonde d the move that the as id resolution be &Aop ted, AV axed Xeyor No F* Smith, put the said resalv.tion and same use then adopted by ar unanimoun vo to a be irg as followst "AYZS"t Alderman ro V• lhwhhola, J. Ro Chastain, Wo S* Ptasiex, Jar Co Godbey, Arad So K,, Whoa:; "NCS'S01 Noneo The said rem•► lution so adopted being as follows= RESOLUTION ORDER130 EVCTION R". ii?TION CF TTM CITY COUNCIL OF T CI'T'Y G? G R?Gr%,1N0 TEAS , CALLI93 and G1WLR 4G Ala ELLC12101 OF VTM (U IMON GF THS ISSUANCE CY SIXTY T11CUSAUD (�60 000.00) 11TRUV1, G Tli; PRI:SENT ELECTRIC LIGITT PLAiwT bYS TEM OF THE SAID CITY UP G!,CRGZT0WN, n sAS4, it has heretofore been deeided IV the City Cowell of the City of Georgetown, Texas, that a necessity exists for the improving of the present electri+e 21ght plant anal syertem of the said City* And in pUrSUar6e thereto an eleetion was ordered and held for the pnrposo of determining whether the said Citi should issue $60000000 in rove=& bones for ihs said, purpoere, arA at the said eleetion it was determined that said bonds arhGuld be iseveed, but that in ,givia<g tits notioe at the said elections,, a etletake was nadov in that the said election was held at a hate more than thirty days after the date of the resolution ordering the same, and t%►t by reason 'thereof a question meey be raised at to the validity of the oaid election, AND, W=Rk:, the City Council of the wait City is now of the +opWon tiao►t it is to the beat interest of the said City that the said Improvements should be made and the said rove=* bonds alxmLIA be issued for the puz: o se of improving the said e'le+etria l�;h.t system of the BATA City; and is of the opinidn that the question inalUnt to the validity of the eledtion above aweatloned sboull be eliminated and that another e le a tion shoul4L be b o d for the pw*oee of determining whe the r a5 or not the &aid City shall Issue revenue bond* in the sum of Sixty Thousan& (4600000*00) Bollars supported only by a mortgage placed on the existing system and Us improvements to be ©orstraeted axA by a pledge of sin hundred ( 600*0©) dollars out of each month's gross Ineome of the said elaetrie light Olsten of the said City for tie purpose of financing the said Improvements; and that the said bonds be In no wise supported by an ad-valorea tax on property of the said Cityl THERMRB e BE If R7SCIVED by the City Council of the city of Georgetown, Texans Into, That an election shall be held on the fist day of July„ A* Dir 1936, at which election the following que ntiron shall be submitteds "Shall the City Counoil of the City of Georgetown,, Texas,, be authorized to issue revenue bonds of the said City in the arount of sixty thousand ( 64,©00*04) dollars, maturing„ over a period stot to ezoeed 20 years bearing Interest at a rate not to exceed (4j) four and one -halt per sent ;payable semi-annuall.,y o for the purpose of improving its existing •lootrie 11,;ht plant and ponmr systems, and provide for the payment of principal ank interest on the said, bonds by pledging the net revenw s 'xion the operation of such plant anA system to the extent of six hundred (:604.40) dollars per month, out of each month's groes laoonw, wA further supporting and securing the payment of said bonds and interest by placing a mortgage on the said present sleetris light and power system and improvements thereto„ int a000rdance with lam, to the extent of the asib amount spaifioiLl provided that the holders of said bonds shall nevir have the rift to demand payment out of any fps raised and to be reieedd by taxa tIn ne** a10 End* That the s e JA els et ion shall be hs ld at the City Firs StaUOU within the Mid City, with the following elestion official,, to -vitt No Rr Chritzberg, Presiding Jiaage. Zrd• That the acid eieetion shall be un3er the provition.s of and in st000rdanoe with the ]airs of the State of Tiu=e, gavvrning tho Irinianoe of municipal bonds in cities and. town*,, &YA only qualified eleetora who own taxable par . psrty In the State and County and this City and who have duly .rendered the skme for tw ati.on shall be qualified to vote at said s "Les o tion, arwt all sa udh ole o tors shall vote in the eleotion preainat of this oitys in v&ioh they reside. .1 votevu vtw Zavoar tl* proposition to issue the said bonds shall huv'e written or privted on their ballots the followUs word t "FOR M 133WA-103 0? SIGHT PLAITT AND MITER SYS R: rEMU , 'S0 rD 3"9 All Of vone Oppose& to the iosme►noo of the said. bo sr ahall have written or printer on their ballots the worast WAGAIMST TIM D,zVA:IC:g OF LIGnT PLAIT AID POWER The UVor of the said Cly' is authorized and is hereby ilzeotvd to tooPY of this reeeelution„ as neetine of said oloetlanw to be posta4 in thres public pi.Aees In the stsaid. City, *no of *%IL*h shall be the City Rall;, for at least fifteen full des prior to ti,e date of the said sleetioni the said publioation to be corrUted wilhin leas 'khan thirty 4,478 from the date of this re scala do w The layor of the ea.iA City Is further euthorizeA, and divestet to cause a Sopy of this resolution as n0ti6e of the salt eletetion to be published In ®orae newspaper of general oiroulation pubiisbelt in the said City once a ween on the some week day, for two oonse ative seeks* t%* date of the f#.ra't publioation 81*11, be not loran than fif'tecn f't.11 days and i2ot more than thirty days prior to the said eleetiono a"+ PISSID and APPMM this the 29th del of Jit e A• Be 1936• error of the City of Gevrgetoan, Texas ATTEST& M* L. CAVES Secretary,, City of George too=* Texas Minutes City C0un6113+ Book 1 -"AW gage bb) NOTICE OF ELECTRIC LIGE,' PLAM RMNUN BOND ELtCTION* TAS STA=R or Tu" e COUMT of t1"IA=CN* CITY Cr G-rom-Tmo TO TUN RE31DENTO 4MALiF ".D0 PROPERTY TAXPAYING VOTERS OF 'Pill CITY OF GEURG TOW1* MA113'_ You will take notice that elestion will be bell in the City at Ge orae town, Tex&*, on the L1st day of July, A. D• 19360 on the p roposit ion a►n& at the place anre particularly set out and specifisd in the resolution ordering the said election passed an& adopted by the City Council of said City on the 29th day of Jum,# A.D.19364, of which the following Is a correct copy s *RESOLUTION OF Txl CITY CaUw,TCIL Or T?IE CITY CY GFOROEW4N TMUSO CALLING AND CRDERI G AN FLECTIO.R CP T119 CIWESTION OF V9 ISSAJAMI CY SIXTY Tilt. USA" D ( 4260 0040.00 ) DOLLARS OF RFV- IIVJZ BONDS MR THE PURPOSE OF MIROYING THE PRESE34T ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT SYST',-21 CF TIIR SAID CITY Cr 0M- RG1;TQWfi*4 AREAS, it has beretofbre been deci4e& by Ike City Council of the City of Georgstoviu* Teane, that W sasessity exists for the lmgrcving of the present elrstrio light plant and i y s to at of the said el ty t and in pursuance th.e re to an elsetiau was ordered arA held for ti -4 purvose of dstermL-Ing whether salA city m&oulA issue 609000000 14 revenue bonds 016 for the said purpoae, area at the sat& eleetion it was hateraineQ that said bands ghculd be Issued; but tbat in giving the 32OUSe of the saidt election a adst,ake was meAso in that the said election was bold at a date war* than thirty days after the date of the resolution orderIng the same, and that by reason thereof a question way be raise& as to the validity of the salt election; AID M's1RU3* the City Council of the said, City is now Of the olaWon that it is to the best interest of the said C11W that the said Improvements should be mate and, the said revues bonds sboult lee issued for the purpose of iaeproving the &at& electric light system of tbA said City; aaad is of the opinion that the gaate stion incident to the TalUity of the a le ca tion above co ntione d should be s limina to d: and that anothe r sic otion abould t►e be It for the purpose of determining wbether or net tae said, City shall Issue rer►enue bonds in the sum of sixty thousand ($60,00040) dollars supported on]g by a mortoAged placed on the existing systes and tbo iapro omtnts to be oonstructed and by a pledge of six hund2t& 0#600000) dollars out of each month*s dross 1ntaoue of the said electric light system of the said City for tho purpose of f i vane ing the said Improvease nts ; and that the said bo s be in no wise supported by an ad-valores tax on property of the said City= TEMIEFOR19 lid IT RI o -LM by the City Cavnail of the City of 04argetovag Toxass 1$t# ThAt an ele soon shall be belt on ahs Elst day of July A* D• 1%A6 at wbich election the following question sbhla be submitted$ *hall the City Council of true City of 0corg°etovm, Texas r be aa►uthorizeA to tsous revenue bonds of t,:e said City in tie amount of sixty thousand Q60 000*00) dollars, maturing aver a period not to exceed 10 years, bearing interest at a sats not to exceed (41-A four axed one -waif per cent, payable semi-annually s for the puroae of i-Trovi4g Its eaistiiag electric P% light plant and power system, an& provide for the payment of principal and interest on the said bonds by pledging the net revenues from tier operation of such plant ane system to the extent of six hw2drad ($600*00) dollars per month# out of each month's gross income , an& further supporting and securing the payment of sail bands and Interest by placing a mortgage on the said present electric light a power system aiA improvements thereto, In accordance with law, to the extent of the said amount speeifielj provided, that the holders , of said bonds shall never have the right to demand payment out of any funds raised cull to be raised by tasations 9v Rads That the said election shall be bald at the City Fire 8tstion withLA the said City) with the following s le otion of fi ci ale to�wit t H. Rw Cri tzberg, Presiding Judge • Zrlt That the said election shall be under the provisions of and in accordance with the ]awe of the Mate of Texas governing the issmance of municipal bands in cities and toams, and only q»alified electors who own taxable property in the State and County and this City and vho have duly Tendered the sane for Um tion shall to qualifie l to vote at sait election,, and all such eleotars shall tote in the election precinct of this elt o in which they reside. All voters who favor the propostion to inane the said bonds sell have written or printed on their ballots the following wordst *1OR TU ISSUA;tCE CF L112ITT PUNT A."D PG SYSTZX RE VE= B0N?S e s AU of those opposed to the issuance of the sant bonds shall have written or printed on their ballots the wordst 'RAGLLIRST 512 ISSUASCE CY LITUT FLAI;T AND POWER SYSTEM REVEMB BOB.D3.4 The Itayor of the said city is authorizodi anis is hereby direotell to eauee this a copy of resolationt, an notice of said elsetion, to be posted U three public places in the said City, one of which shall to the City Hall, for at least fifteen full flays prior to the date of the said elect ion; the said pub• lioation to be ccmple tel within, lass than thirty days from the data of this resolution* 30 The lAyor of the said City Is tarther aulborized and directel to rause a eOpy of this resolution* as notice at the said tlsation„ to be Published in some rre xspaper of general circulation published is the said City once a week on the same week day for two e0nseautive weeks, the dater of the first publioation shall be tot less than fourteen full days and not more than thirty days prior to the suit elestion. PA: SND asA AXTROM this the 29th day of Ju r e A* D* MAO Texas* ATTESTS ,7" -,�.�..- eas=e 44° 4 c I Texas 0*00* • 34 All of those opposed to the issuance of the said bonds shall have written or printed on their ballots the words: "AGAINST T1 --M ISSTJ�T?CLr OF LIGHT PVIYT .01,M POMR SYSTMA RMNT7S BONDS". The Mayor of the said City is authorized and is hereby directed to cause this a copy resolution, as notice OP said e7�ectio?ji., to be posted In three publ�ig�p� es said City for at least fifteen full days prior-ko the date of the said election; the said publication to be dompleted within less than thirty days frim the date of this resolution. The Mayor of the said City is furher authorized and directed to cause a copy of this resolution as notice of the said election to be published in some newsprper of gen_eyal circulation d in the said t�ity once a week ^fpr two consecutive weeks, t e da a of the first publication aw� shall be not less then4 n full days nol' more than JA thirty days prior to the said election. Passed ._.nd approved this the 29th day of Tune, A. D. 1936. • Mayor of t4lie y o Geor�,�:town, T e x a s. AT'T'EST: 'Secretary, City of Georgetown, T e a e S. izq 1M3UI,T OP UNCTIONo TIM STATS OF T X$• C'CtTY OF WILLIAYS010 CITY Or GT1M Wfi. � Tho City Council mot in its rec4Ar session at the City ICa116 on the %th Any of July, with the follnrr Ing members present:, to -Mitt Xr S.r�ith +��►•r►�.•�.w••s+e YsyWl' Po to-3hh©1x,, J. R• cherstit int We s. FTeeierd, Aldermen J. Co Godhey, S. b.* 4110ozo Absent* none* We %+r Cates, City Seeretary beim also present. The following among othar proceedings eters baAt Alderman, Jo no Chastain mored that the CourAil adjourn is beet *6vin in the same klaCe on the 93rd day of Julys 19;A, for the purpose of canvassing the returns cf the s le o tion to be hold um JU34 Unto Vo tion s e cond'Le cl by Al dle rman w• Se 'raffiiere " ,pert by the r&yor was unanimousIj carried; &ZA Cowell ad aurnat to swat again on the 2:rd dmq of :ulys 1938. (minutes City Ccnuneellg Book 1-"A", page Y) 000.0** Council met in adjournat regular session on the 8&d day of July, 19..6„ at the City 11al1, wilh the following members pxrsdentt Me, I'. :IMittc r* re, 'autrhboiz ,, J4 Re Chastaiins Vie, S* ii*sier„ r•....#*AlderMen J. CO God be y o S. L* wilaox# ,Lbeent, j1orQ • ke, L* Cates, City Secretary being also present; the following among other proce4tings were buts V3 or r... re S7,ith, *ppointed k1daiwa ,Sic To Wileos and► We Sw Frazier, an a aormitt4e to examine and canv4se the result of the Bond. election held on the Rlat day of 001y, A. D• 19458,, anis report the re exult of the mail ole of iono That the said Commit tee,, in the present of the City Coiwa i1 opened tte said "turns an& oanvassed the result of the said auction and reeds the following reports "TO Tn3 UY:R &m CITY Council+: we, your Comittec, lave examined into the result of the said election hold on the ,2iat day of July, 1936, for the issuance of Olevtrio light and power system revenue bonds and find that the said slarstion was :reguUrl,y holds, anis that the vote at the said sleotion vast For the iesuanea of Bonder 00000..r 184 ,Againat the issuan©e of Bands .4•s .30 lea j ter ity for issuance of Bonder **o7= 3• E. W11COX V • So 'FRAZ IM 'a It was moved by Alderman J: Co Godbeya, " second- -•t by Alderman J• R. Chastain, that the maid report be receive& and plmme d upon the minutes and that it be declared that the said sleetion resulted as not out in said report Said motion wan put by Wayor Smith, and unanim©um3,y earrisdl anti Ya yor Smith declared► that the election had resulted.for the issuanos of bonds, In aeoordaance with me id vote.* J'WWAW, page 83 ATTEM NoL, RTES Se caro tary, City of Georgetown, Texas (Minutes of City Gouna it Book-* R. F* SMITE boar of the City of Georgetown, Texas 3`4 Georgetown, Texas. July I3th# 1936 The City Council met in regular session on the above date, l:avor 1% F. Smith presiding, the following aldermen and officers were present: Aldermen --F. E. Buchholz, J. R. Chastain, *6'. S. Frasier, J. C. ,Godbey and S. E. ''Tilcox. Officers --R. 0. Davis, marshal; 'v. H. Yunn, city attorney; S. A. Ilodges, assessor and collector: R. F. ;card, city manager, P.I. D. Cates, secretary. The minutes of all previous regular and special sessions of the council were read and on motion of Alderman 7, S. Frasier were approved. Yonthly reports of Treasurer Estella Byrom, Assessor and Collector S. A. Ilodges and Harshal R. 0. Davis were read and on motion of Alderman ChaRtain -ere ordered filed. The Council charged .AmRAAqnr and Collector with the follow- ing taxes: Por the year 2927 ................... 55.71 19?8................... 93.65 Z`�?9................... 137.92 I930 ................... 292.77 I9'I:.................. 1;59.I3 1932145v* ........ 2456.41 1933 ................... 1645.62 193$ 2005.4I 1935 ................... 4292.80 Total..... II,I40.42 Also the rolls for 1936 ........ .09.0021,662.80 On mots,)n of Alderman f. E. "3uchholz, City fireman, Max Sansom was allowed one week's vacation with pay. On motion of J. R. Cahstain, seconded by Alderman W. S. Frasier the council adjourned to July 23rd, 19369 fot the purpose of canvassind bond elewtton returns of eledtion to be he;d on July £i, 1936, rnd for such other business as may come before the council, 2T' , k�,,O�, �� _ :: y`ity of Georgetown, Te Attest; Secre ary, City of Georgetown, Texas. 3�; Lei Adjourned SessionZ2 Georgetown, Texss July 239 1936. The city council met in an adjourned-7aession on the above date, Mayor 1411L. Snith presiding, and the fr)llowing aldermen -and officers were present: Alderman --J, R, Chastaig, -7. S. '7rn.sier, T. C. Todbey, and S. '.. ""ilcox, Alderman '3uchholz being absent. Officers --17. L, Cates, secretary, T. 1;. Munn, attorney Pnd P. R. ""lard, city manager. mayor :�. 4'. Smith, np pointed Alderman S. F. ""Tiicox and "'. S. Frasier to canvass the bond election held on the 21st day of July 1936. Following is the report: "To the Mayor and City Council;" "We, your committee, have canvr.ssed the returns^for the bond 'ele election hald on the 'list day of July for the issuance of Light and Power System Revenue Bonds, and find the following results: ""or the issua.nce....:......I84 "Against the issuance....... 30 "'Yours truly, S. E. "7ilcox, ,1% S. Frasier." on motion of Aldermen J. C. Godbey, seconded by Alderman J. R. Chastain, the report was received and placed in the minutes, and Mayor 11. �. Smith declared the issuance of the bonds accord- ingly. Cn motion of Alderman J. C. Godbey, seconded by Ald-rma.n J. R. Chastain, the Council adjourned to meet Aur- st 3, 1936 at 7;30 p. m. ' Attest: a�._ayor, City of Georget6livn, aexas. Secretary, City of Gc orgetown, Texas. +M+rr r-Ors.r .rnr Georgetovin, Texas August 3, I936. The City Council met in an adjourned session on the above date at 2:30 p. m. 1ayor,1.:. 1. Smith presiding, the following Aldermen and officers being present: Aldermen—Pe F, Buchholz, J. R. Chastain, tit, S, Frasier, J, Co Godbey, S. F. °fTilcox. Officers --T, H. Nunn, city attorneys R, B, Ward# managers and V. L. Cates, Secretaryl This session was held for the Purpose of opening bids rin o, -Ids for the purchase of Light and rower System bonds as voted by the qualified voters of the city of Georgetown, Also for the opening of bids on Diesel Engines. On motion of �ldermrn T. C. Godbey, seconded by Aldermrn SPT. S, 'rasier all bids tubmitted for the purchase of bonds were rejected. On motion of Aldsrman 7. ^. luchholz, seconded by Alderman 7, S. �.�rasier, the Council set August 14th, atb 7;30 pe mo, aa e date f receiving ddi ion"-l�ds on city w4- �- Pfte opening he bids from the rep esentatives of the manufactrers of diesel engines and tabulating the same the council adjourned over to the following day for individual hearings of the representatives for each diesel engine company bidding, �__ Attest;liic 1's-yor, City of Georgetown, Texas /e ^ , City of Georgetown, Texas H `I N ORD1 C3 CoNFIRUM TURN TIn3 STATE CY TZIT.AS O COU3TY CF W ZtLMMIi, CITY OF G' -M G-ST0.110 City Counoil met in regular session on the 301h day of August, 19Z60 in the City Rahe with the following members presents No Fe SM11h YNyor T • E. Buchholz 0.0 .... j J• R& Chastain ..•.i•{ �q Wo S# Frazier ♦#iii1• M00 AlUrme `n J�ii Co Godbey oo:*ii• so E0 Alicox #0#0004 Absents None* r# L. Cates, City Secretary, also being present. The following, among other ,prooeediAgs were bait ration wms made tV Alderman Jo R• Chastain, seoa,w4e4L by Alderman R# So Frazier, that the City Gown it adjourn to most again in regular session at the saAme plaost the City FAIJ in Gecargotowne Texas, an the 14th day of August„ 1936. Said motion vas put by the ray or and was carr is t bi unan imus v o to , a xA Jh e Coun+ail adjourned to, most again on said slate at said. place. Wautes City Counail •• Book page 9 j City Coun+ail met in adjourned regular session, In the City Rall on the 14th day Of AugMt, I x6, with the following members presents M, I'• Smith •Mi! iiiiMii♦ rayror F.► 'r• ""uahhols •**i.* J# R. Chastain 0000*! id# So k'razisr w•iiirt ws Al&orme.n Ji C. Go&bey •**ire* S. F* Wilcox iiisi*. 316 Absent# Mmo, i-* Lo, raters, City !�scretary* also being presento mad awrtg other thinges t o followt-e proceedings were bads ntion by To To %chho1z, ettoorAed by Jo Cr Oodbsy that the Cawwil adjourn to rye e t ave in in regea.r session at the sa rue ,plaos in tl,4 16th day of Ax us► t„ 1I 60 that sa ld e tJQA gas ,put by the ,ZUyor " Waaa UXMU1i1W110ly Carried ansi Coil adjourned, to angst acAia in resular ""ion at said tit -e smA pUsee• (ri,n to s City' Como it 00 Book 1 -*A "a pace w ) *0*0*0 Ci': CoL�i1 r4t in adjour►rod regular session# In tbM City I -.a11 oa t114 Uth dV of AU&M a to 19Z6* rni tit tbt ftr 110 mambo" p resent e U# ro z4LM 000000.00•**0000 Mwor R* (Juket-SiA to �rftzier Co CkAboy 4 To Tilaox w�wrrrswlr ibset:ta Zone* y0, " rates, City seoarstary,. teird 4180 P"00 30 The followig procsed rWo + ret had; among otherst 4sr n J• C • Gc4be y moved that the Counall a dj ou zu to zest in areguUr StSSIOA in VA' City illi, on tht 8th &" of AUZVst& =60 r�ieb nctUxt aaas aasordol by ildor a Jr 4 Mastaino 1,16tion put by the Vayor, arA van vjAniaoualy carried, arra tete Commit adjourned,* to meet a )aias in r4Z ar a:e21310A On the 28th day of Amita VZ6* *##6*0 9 Cit' Counell not in adiou ed regulars session, in t1s City M11 0s the 20th day of Avgu.st, 19;;66 with VA folloWing members presents r,0 Yo Smith or a Sr Frozier ***ooM •M♦•+►•• Alderwtaa Jw Ca Go4y t00*0• So to tilsox 000*s* 3'r Absent, None. 34 L. Cates, City Secretary, also being present, and among other things, the following proceedings were hadt Alderman J. Co Godbey presented an Ordinance con- firming Indenture made by the City of George town to the FIRST BAT IO NAL B AKK IN ITO US TO N, TRUSTEE, of date August 18th! 19360 and moved that the said Ordinance be read in fall* said motion eras seconded by Alderman J. R« Chastain, and was put by the payor and carried by the following votst "AYES"t Alderman F. B. Buchholz, J. R* Chastain, W* S. Frazier, J.C.4odbey,, and S.E.Bilcox, "Nth tS"= Mone. The said Ordinance was then read in full. Alderman J. R. Chastain then moved that the ruler requiring Ordinances to be read at three separate meetings be suspended, and that the said Ordinance be passe& to Its *soon& reading, and read by Caption. Motion was seconded by ,Alderman S. E, Wileox; said, motion was put by the Mayor and was carried by the following vote t "AYZSt" Alderman F.E.Budhholz, J.R.Chastain, NeS.Frazisr, ;o C* odbey# and S.E.Wilcox, "NOtS"t None* The said Ordinance was then read by caption* Notion was then meds by Alderman B. S. Frasier, seoonded by Alderman S.E.ttilaox, that the rules requiring that the ordinance be read at three speaprate meetings be suspended; and the said ordinance be passed to its third reading, and read by caption. Sai& motion was put by the Yayor and carried by the following vote: *AYES": Alderman F.B.Bu.cshholz, J.R.Chastain, ti.S.Frazier, J.0*Godbey, and S.$.Bil.aox, I'M tg"t None* Said Ordinance was then read by caption* Notion was made by Alderman Ih Co Godbey and seconded by Alderman J. R. Chastain, that the rules be suspended an and the said Ordinance finally passed.► Notion was put by the Mayor and carried by the following votes "AYES"t Alderman F.E.Buohhols, J.R. Chastain, R.S.Fraaier, J• C. Oodbey, and 5,E.Bil0ox0 "BOtS"t None. She Iuayor announced that the said Ordinance be finally passed and ordered that the same be signed and attested and recorded in the minutes of the City Council, which is accordingly done. (Minutes City Counoilg Boot 1-"A" page j 36 CIZDI=CZ ALVR(,RlZrJO =3 or 30 S. CGJTY Cr i"1a" CITY Cr (;,)OR ,zo City Couna it mit in araizuur session on the 10th W Of Aut-nats MAs in the City Itall, with the ibUming riea�btrs Preso is . 20 SO.Itu *waw..w..www.w La,` or r# Flo Buchhols www w �'• • Chastain rM.sw• �► w ,$' t. i ' 000040 .wwoAldlerman w w i'11cox arww..s Absent# None• 1:w L* Gatos« City scarei:ar$* also beirg pr eeate The foll*winjs amozaZ anther proasedings were 1,4dx Vi t loncm mile by All man Jo Rs C'he s to in, se eonde d bj Aldermn Wo 54 eier,a that Vie City Cmmell aajourn to meet aSaia 3n redular session at tht aaarA phos* the City ill in Georgatowns Texass on the 14th day of August. 23Z6,p laid motion was part 'bj the S y or and was earried by unazimoux vo fire s and the Counail adjourns& to meet again on said date at said plaee,► (Mautos City Co it .. took %-*A."* Dag* 7) 0#00 ♦ •yrs Citya until mat in &&journal regular sessions In the City Mll on the 14tat daft of August., I�Z6 0 with tie following nears presents Yo ro al"hola www. Jo � C �s � +l►.ww• 4;# Go GC4 baly sww.. 'w LO i4ilaoz wwsww 39 Absent#, X. " Cates* City Seoretary,o also beim present, Arm among other things* the followftz proceed:ines were bads lbt ioz made by r* rue Pftk o'iz, ss a fond by J. Co Goatey Uat the Council a&journ to vivet e�pin in recaalar session at the sant Flans on the 3.8th drq of AuK t,, 1.9€a6, that sail motion runs put ty the . or anti van umnimuv34 aarriet and Council adjourneA to most e►;;aln in re lar session at said, tiros an& plssos* (mutes City Council — Book 1—*A$0 pallp •i *0000*• City Council met in a"owne & regmlar session* In the City Hall on the 18th &V of Aught t,, IV". with the otollordxg ambers presents 3r, F. s i ter Yo Es BAWhh0l% ♦0os• J. R. Chastain ***#*. w* S* Fl-azier ••s.. ♦.••. Aldenie3i J• C* Godber owe*** � Be 1:0 Wilcox O00000 Ab sae nt ,, Bane 36 Le Catea, City Seoretnrvo bexiaa also present,► The followlag proceedings were basdl :tong otherxssi Alder J* Co God.bey pre>d se n to d an CrU mnat auth., orialAt the is$suauas of the City of Oezorge:town Elsotrie Light Ravemw Bowis in the sum of 1Ujj OO*00* !fit Alderman J. Co obey noved WA A141OX sssMM J• R* Chastain stttse na.uclet 4 the Motiono t?n at the Bail Crdlw=4 be re*A Sn full* That 'mayor Smith put said motion rind It was earris-1 by the following totat *A" :.*s Aldermen Fe to ]hwh.. hole„ Js R. Mastain& R. S. rraz leer,, i. Co ttodbey# 8. to Rilaoxj "B •S" s Runs* That sant Grdina mee was then read, in full. That Lldarmm J. Ce Go dbey moved t'ha t the rale requ ruq Crdinanoes to be read before three 969wto metines before passa e,& be suspended, and that the mid ordinanee be put upon Its second reading and resat by Caption. The motion was seoozAet by J* $. Chastain# and rims pant by l yor St ilh, and vas esarrie43 HO by the follovi.ng antes "AYES"t Alderman F" E. Pmebholx, z. R. Chastain, We S. Fr*ziero J. G. Godbey* Ss Es Wilaoxg 4BC3#S"; None.0 the Said Ordinanete was than read by eaptione, On motion sae by Alderman Je Co,Godbey i an& 8e40xs3.e4L by a`. Re Chastain that the said Crdinanoe put up ©n its third reading and read by Caption, the ,said motion Vaal put by Mayor Smith re sul ting in the , following votes eAYESa t Aldsrn*n J"• I* Ruohholza, J. Re Chastain, W. S• Frazier, J. C. Godbey, a. Z. Niloox; ONOIS'"t Noino The said C►rdinanoe vas then read by oaptione That Ald a rman J, C. Go dbey mo ire d that the rules be auspead.44 ark. that said. ordinance be finally passed. Said motion sas seconded by Alderman J. Re Chastain, and van put by .yor No F. Smith an& the Grote thereon was an follows: "AYES"t Aldermen. y'. E. Buohholz. J. Re Chastain, we S. I`razier, J. Ce Oodbey, Be Zo, Rilaox„ "NO IS"t None. That Mayor Smith then announced that the said ordinance had finally ;passed and he ordered that the *ai,& ordin- ano* be re sor de d in the minutes of the City Council xUoh- is ac eord- ingly done; and that the said ordinanes so passed to as follows: ( Minutes City Council - Rook 1-w"h10, page . ) NI Georgetown, Texas August IOth, 1936, The City Council met in regular session on the above date, mayor v% F. Smith presiding, the following Aldermen and officers were present; Aldermen --F. F. Buchholz, J. R. Chastain, W, S. Frasier, J, C, Godbey, S. F. Wilcox. Officers: W. H. Nunn, city attorney: S. A. Hodges, as- seeor and collector; R. E.,'hard, manager; R. O. Davis, Marshal and Is. E Cates, secretary. The minutes of all previous sessions were approved as read. On motion of Ald. Chastain, all approved bills were ordered paid. On motion of Ald. Chastain, the council voted to open Church Street from second to fourth streets. On motion of Ald. Frasier, Assessor and Collector Hodges was au- thorized to prepare delinquent tax list for publication. On motion of Alderman Godbey, seconded by Ald. Chastain the Coun- cil adjourned to meet Wednesday evening, Sept,, II-th, at M:30 'clock, Attests Secretary City of Georgetown, Texas, TTayor, City of seofgetown, Texas. ------------o------------ Georgetown, Texas. August 12th, I936. The City Council met in adjourned session on the above date, Mayor M. F: Smith presiding, the following aldermen and officers were presents Aldermen --F. F. Buchholz, J. R, Chastain, t". S. Frasier, J. C. Godbey, S. E. Wilcox. Ofiicers: W. H. Nunn, city attorney, 11, L. Cates, secretary. After discussion, regarding the purchase of the new diesel engine for the light plant a motion was made by Alderman J. R. Chastain that the city purchase a Fairbanks-lforse Diesel Engine, according to price and specifications as herein reeorddd in exhibit "A", of the minutes of this date. the motion was seconded by Alderman J. C. Godbey, and carriad unanimously. On motion of Alderman J. C. Godbey seeondedm by Alderman 7. S. Frasier the Yayor was authorized to sign all the necessary contracts of the Fairbanks -gorse Co. for purchase of sild diesel engine and equipment. On motion of Alderman J. C. Go:bey, seconded by Alderman J. R, Chas- tain, the council, adjourned to rriday evening, August I h, 1936, t 7:30 o'cloc�� ,�� ��,.� ('�� R Attest: f Secretary. City of Georgetown, Texas. Yayor, City of Georgetown, Texas. --------------- 0 --------------- Georgetownp -------.,------0--------------- Georgetown, Texas, August I4th, I936, The City Council met in adjourned session on the above date, 1111ayor IT. F. Smith, presiding, the following Aldermen and officers were pres- ents Aldermen --r. E. Buchholz, J. R, Chastain, I, So Fravier, ,j, C. Godbey, S. F. wileox. Officers: W. 'T. Nunn, city attorney; R. E, `Ward, manager utilities, Y. L. Cates, Secretary, Mayor Smith went immediately into the business of the sale -of the Electric Light Revenue Bonds. The followingbids were made for the bonds �r Garret & do,, Houston, .$55,000,00, at 2, Discount,$I078.00. grown-Crummerp Dallas, $98.6I 11ehan-Dittman Co., Dzllas, at -3-1- Prem. X115,50 Greggory- Eddleman, �iouston, Ft 3;0 , Prem,;rI77,00 Yilton and Underwood, ziouston, X279000,009 e? 3`�, Prem.=38.00 28000.000 Ca 3;,, Prem 438,00 K. Ewing, San Antonio, 6550000.000 3%9 13temount 0890,00, Bowman -Roche Co., Austin, 55,000.00, E 3 $461.00 Prem. H. C. Burt & Co., Houston, $47,000.00, G 3:1, Prem 308.90. 8,000.000 C_ 34, Prem V A, W, Snyder & Co,, Houston, $559 000, 00, D 32,°o Prem. $720.50. ,`�_\On motion of Alderamn J. C. Godbeyt seconded by Alderman `y.S. Frasier, the bid of Gregory-Eddleman for $559000.00 C 3f0 and $177,00 Premium was unanimously accepted by the Council. Byy motion of Alderman J. R. Chastain and seconded by Alderman To S. r"asier, The council adjourned to meet at 7:30 P. 1% August Nth, 1936, Attests/YV Ya.yor, City of Georgetown, Texas a(�Secretnry, City o£ Georgetown, Texas. M 4X 10 y Georgetown, Texas N August I8th, I936. The City Council met in adjourned session on the above date, V'_ Maycar:�rx . Smith presiding, and the following aldermen and officers were presents Aldermen- F.. '-9uchholz, J. R. Chastain, `',''. S. Prasier, J. C. Godbey and S. F. 7ilcox. Officers --7. H. Nunn, city attorney end Y. L. Cates, secretary. The ordinshce committee,prtbented: an ofdi.n&nee i x the eattion • of which is as follows "An ordinance oz r,r,C %.i6y oi uev46etown, Texas, authorizing urs., issuance odd Bonds in the prinuinai su„a o.� ;55,000.00, designated as City oa Georgetown Electric Light,•P6vetue Bonds, for the purpose of improv* ing the City's Electric Light Plant and Power System, prescribing the �"orm of the said Bonds and the terms and conditions thereof,and the form of the coupons,and poviding that the said bonds shall be paid from the Revenue and income of the said city's ElectricLight Plant and Power System, and secured by a mortgage on all of the said Electric bight and Power System and the net revenue to be derived from the operation thereof; enacting provisions necessary and incident to the provisions of this ordinance; And declaring an emergency." A motion was made by Alderman J. C. Godbey that the above named ordi- nance be read in full and the motion was seconded by Alderman J. R. Chastain. The following is the recorded vote-- Ayes: Buchholz, Chastain: Frasier, Godbey, Wilcox. Noes --none. (See Ordinance hereto attached as v,portidn of these minutes, on 'Pages from IO -a to IO -J, inclusive). Ordinance was read in full. On motion of Alderman J. R. Chastain, seconded by Alderman 7. T3. Buchholz that the usual rules requiring; or- dinances to be read at three consecutive meetings be suspended, and that th the said ordinance be passed to the second reading and be read by caption, was passed unanimously, by the following vote: Ayes--"3uchholz, Chastain, Frasier, Godbey, 'riloox. Noes --none. The said ordinance was read by Caption. On motion of Alderman '.'T, S. wr Frasier, seconded by Aldormnn S. E. 7ileox that the usual rules re- quiring ordinances be read at three consecutive meetings be suspended and that the said ordinance be passed to the third Reading and be read by caption, the Siad ordinance was passed to the third reading unani- mously. The following is the vote!-Ayas-4"Bf2ehholz, Chastain, Frasier, Godbey, Wilcox. Noes --none. Ordinance wns read by caption. Alderman J. C. Godbey made the mo- tion that same same be finall.y`_"past&0. The motion was seconded by Al- derman J. R. Chastain and was carried unanimously by the following votes Ayes-- Buchholz, Chastain, ?rasier, Godbey, ',Vilcox. Noes --None. Thebe appearing no further business for the evening, Alderman J. R. Chastain made a motion that the Council Adjourn to the 28th day of August, I936, at 2:30 p. m. The Motion was seconded by Alderman F. E. Buchholz and was carried. ✓' '1-4, Attest: 7,77®r of the Cit of Georget , fiexas Secretpry C'ty of Georgetovint Texas. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING TEL ISSUASCB OF B033)3 Al ORDINANCS OF THS CITY OF GMBcMTO Ng TICX" v AUTHOR-- ZZING TRE ISSUARCE OF BONDS IN TEM PRINCIPAL SUFE OF $55*000.00 DLSIGNATED AS CITY CF GBORM-TOWS S;LSCTRIC LIGHT BOTWSW FOR THS FORPOSE OF IMPROYEINOt Tim CITYIS XLECTRIC LIGHT PLANT AND POWER SYST * PRESCRIBING THE FORA[ OF Tilt SAID BOWS ANI► TEL T. RU43 A14) COADITION3 THEREOF* AIW TUN FORK OF T" COUPI ONS,* AAD PROVIDI14 THAT THfu SAID BU D4 bRALL Big PAID FROM THR R,IVE- f XUE AND ILCUHS OF TIS SAID CITY'S ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT AID kOdEB 8-fiThXq AND SLCUREC)BY A WRTOACE ON ALL OF THE SAID ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POW R SYMM AND THE NET RiTUMS TO BE DT;., RIYE,j FROM TER OPPERATION THEREOFI SHACTING 11ROVISION3 NIXES ARB AICD LiCIDLIT TO T'11E PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDIJANCE= AND DaLAAING AN WERGEMYs WHEREAS„ at an elsetlon held in and for the said oit,y on, the E3rd 4AY of JWW A* D. 1936, ander a resolution passel by- the City Council of the said City on the IM day of Mq, 1936# arA at anther slsetion held in and for said City an the 2141 day of Jly A* D. 1936* under a resolution, of the City Couno it of the said C i tj of dat4 JUs 29th. 1936x, that at scab of the said elections the qualified voters therein* by a ma j or i fir Prot s „ authori ae d the issuance of the b►ere in- aftor dssorlbed bordx ands AREAS # the City Councils of the said Mir ir deeas it alvi aabls that the said City lseus the maid bungs to the extent of the sus of Piftj,!ofits Thausand Dollars, ($56,000,00) bearing interest from data at three peroentu0e (3p) per a0=9 eaturiZg aerially, aa in the principal sun of one thoussnd dollars (11000*00) eaoh, as more felly here inaf ter set out, THEEURRe So it ordained by the 01ty Council of the City of fto xge toarni, Texas$ SrCTTOW it That, in order to barrow the salt sure of Fifty-fivo THOUSAND DOLLARS (3580000.00)0 for the purpose of improving the City's existing light plant and power system,, the City Council. of The City of Georgeto & Texas,, by ♦ictus of authority expressly oonferred by the qualified electors of said. City, at the aforesail s is s t ions, and pursuant to the General Laws of the Stats of Te xe s, t►3 Pgs S h" determined to provide for a vories of coupon bonds., to be de s igna tad * C IIT 4f OWMETWU ELEC IAM IC LIGHT RZTEMN W NDS"e payable from &tA se cured by a pledge of the net re ve nase from V14 4perat10A Of *UCh light phe►nt WA power tiysteme to the Oxton% of SIX RUNDRZ0 DOLLARS (;600.00) out of each month's gross tnoomae and further assured by a first mortgago an the Clty's entire also— trio light plant and, power system* SrC�'�t that said bonds shall be dateb the 81 , XfR DAY OF BUTMO 1.9:40 shall. be ,numbered ooneaen,tively fMa One (1) t4 Fifty-five (65) 0 both inalusive s shall bear interest at the rate of TM= p CIZ(Zf,) per annams payable on t%rthh Flrr"ZXM and SEpum FnmE AIM 0 LA sash ysare the first interest peyMent to bo an h 13th a 1937* and sold bonds eaeh shall bo denominations of ONS TMUSA2p DOLURS ( 1sOOO*00)* act payable aerially as shown by the following schedule= B0 i"', lJ J0XUA'ICNSe MATURITY PATM3 AMMTS 1' to d 11,000000 each September 115th„ 190 03000.00 10 l#00 *00 ie September 16tho 19 8 50000O0 ll to Ili 10000.00 a September Uth.e 1949 05000.00 1$ to it 1,000*O0 " September 18'the 1940 6000*00 U to 21 $10000.00 0 Sep tae aer lithe 1941 6000900 to to 10O+0O*00 • September laths 1942 $6000.00 " to 29 $10000.00 0 September Uth, 1943 *46000000 40 to 45 1s000*0O f September 15the 19" $6000.00 46 to b1 t10O00*00 a September 15the 1946 00004OO 62 to as 010000*00 a September ].tithe 1946 4000.00 That on and after September lbth, 19410 the said City shall lave the optioa of paying eaeb of the said bonds that wj then be unpaid,* by p4ging the principal and the asorusri interest thereon to the next suo,0444-Ind interest paying data, (Waa►rch 16th «► September 1bth) following the exercise of such option. That as a oondition to the 4xeroise of the said option. the &aid City shall by registered mail& cause the .. TRUST M «.. in said, boxAs s TIRST hATMj,z� BM Zit 110"Oy 2. to be notiflild, of said City *s intent to exeroisec Maid► op tioet IK tbs raid notice to be Biwa for at least thirty 40) We mart preessdirS said. next interest paying dates and shall by the serial wimber dssignate in such notice the bond or bands that the said City than desires to pay. That the rani TMMTIIs shahs at a #ate not less than fifteen (1$) 4Ms prior to said interest paying date,, cause the said notice to be publiahed in some newspaper of general eiroa.lation, seloetsd by said TRUSTII, in such nanvsr sad form as to said TRUSTEE map sees proper* S'TCTT0N $t That the principal of and Interest on said bonds uMll be payable on the presentation and sasrenAsr of proper bone and interest sompone„ at FIRST ULM= SANX lI ROUST436 at IMston, Texans, in lawful sonsy of the United, States of Amsriou Sr,C TION 4t That each of said bonds shall be nigae d by the lor, eountersignsd by the City Secretary and registered by the Cit► Treasarevs, and the tool of said City shall be improsssd thersonj axxd the faeimlle sigoatvres of the layor and City Ssors tars/ my be 11tho,6vaphed or printed on the interest saupons attached to said bonda t and such sigaatures shall have the sum offset as if such eoupons had been signed in pereoa by each of said officers. SrCTIO N 8z That said 'bonds and the eovpons to be attaobsd thereto, and► the Trustee's Certificate of Registration., are to be In sabstanti" the following forms,, respestivelyt (FORM OF 'DCpp) NO* 0 1,000a42 UNITED STATZS Or AnMCA STATS OF TIS COUNTi OF WilLIMSOA. CITY Or GEORGETOWN =CTRIC 1.I01IT WMEMI CITY' OF GMRG'T.TdWBs in the County of IillUmsonie State of Texans a municipal eorporation, Aul,y ins:orporate& under the aeneral Daws of the State of Texass FOR VALETS RECEIYI s hereby processes to pay to the bearer hereof, as boreiaafter stated, on the FIFTREM 3?Ai" OF 3FXTE BER lt,....,(unless it be sooner oasis& for payment under the terms bersofl, at FIRST NATIONAL .MARX IM HOUST010 of ws Pg. 4 of ROtTSTON, T'1A, The suet of (11#000#00)0 in lawft1 money of the United States of AMriaao with interest thereon at the rate of VIREX PM CEJ"i'W (31'f) per annum►, q&jabls on WaCIT FI ...� and, SEPIrr.11BER 'r FMNTH# is each year, :First interest payable on WCri loth, 1939* ant the Treasurer of the City of Georgetown* Texas, is hereby authorized, ordered and dire a to d to pay to bearer said principal sum, toge the r with interest tbarson evitenoed by eMpona attaohed, both principal and interest payable, rothen tu+e, at the bank above naso, out of arid, from the money belonging to the *SPECK ELECTRIC LILT RMS BOND FCRDOO of said City, treated for that purpose, by the revenaes derived► from the sleatria light plant and& power system +sans& and operated bysaid City. If this bond, according to the paying date above set out, be dus ajA payable after September 15th, 19411 the said City shall on and after the said 'September 15th, 1'D411, have the option of ,payfng saw,, by paying principal and aocrutdi Interest, on aro interest p ayi,ng date (kareh lb th - Sap to mbe r 10th) by first giving written notice,, by regiatered mail,,, to FIRST" NATIONAL Phi ZR HOUSTON, for at least thirty (30) days prior to such interest paying date* of its intent to exercise its salt option* THIS ROOD 14 one of a series of bonds of lige tenor and effeet, exeept an to aumbere and msturilWs aggregating in amaaiat FIFTY-FIVE THOMA5D DOLLARS ( 550000.00) 0 issued for the purpose of improving the City s sleetris light plant and power system, In aesord,ame with the Constitution and Taws of the Matt of Te as, C444 the authority of a vote of the qualified, property tax -paying voters of said. City, vdw hat duly rendered their property for taxation, voting at oea-*Is atlons held on the Lbrd, day of JuM * 19Z60, and on the 21st W of duly, IW4, re spe s tine l$ 0 and purmiant to an o rtin- ance passed by the Cita Council, duly recordet is the Vinu.tes of the City Council. IT IS MRKSY CERTIFIED that all bonds of the series of which this bond Is a part, ars issued under and in accordance Iry pg. S with and all equally s• sure d by a Trust JAdenture, or rvrtgags ( here inaf tear referred to as the "Indenture * ),, dated as of tho 18th day of August* M6* given by the C1,14 of Ceorgetovn, t* QST NAN101,41 BANK 12 HOUSTOS* of BOUS2030 VSW; (hereiaLftev some times referred to as the *Tr ztae •) , as Trustee* iftersin and vt4rebyi for the p oas of securIng the peymant of all of said boa&** the C1,14 has mortgaged its entire electric light punt and poorer system* and the not revenues to be darived from Us operation thereof,* to z."hi©h Indent=* referenes is hereby made for a dasoription of the property xortgage& ard pledged* the mature of the saouritys an& the rights of the bolder hereof, and of the Trastea* :and of the Ci1W* in rospeot of such security. TJrX HOLI R IMIMOF shall x Ivor Tuve the right to demaAl, payment of this obligation out of any funds raised or to be raised, by taxation. IS ZV=? OF IiZPA=o as stipulated in the inden1are, the prinalpal of this bomb and all other bonds seouxad thereby„ may become or be deolere4, dual and, payable In advan" of the it vaturitys Apia MIS rmTRER anTinw, VV ITED An =a A.RED that all ass to * sondit Ions arab! things required to bo done pre oe esat to and in the lasuiu2ce, of this band,, hate been p role rl$ donee. have UppomA and bane been performed in xegular and. due tip * form arA mater* as required by the Constitution and Saws of the state of Taxan, and the ordiaaaaos hereinabbre .mentlonee3 an& that this series of revenue bates 4"s not ozoeetL any constitutional or statutory 11mitationsy an& that provision has been wadi for the pint of the prin*Ual and interest of this bond* and the series of whioh it is a part, by Irrevoosbly pledging ibe revenues of the elestris light plant and, power system of said City of George— Ulu* lu* BRITRER THIS Bt38D, nor any Interest coupon appertain• US hereto shall be or bsoome valid or obligatory for any purpose unless and until this bond shall have been authenticated by tie M �- 400 execution of the 0artifiaate endarset hereon by the TruDtee or its suooessors in tmat, under tine Trust LA&nture or rt„age• Texasa balk oau at the seal of said CIIW to be barounto iopresseds and this bond to to signed, by the Yajor, countersigned, by the City Se ore tart' and registers& by the City Treasurers and by the TR TSN, weer date of September 1St►, 1924. CCS ERS IGNED= REGISTERRDs ms's 3 Or e k gin, gel:, Texas. Tx—ea=ers CITY Er Texas (Fopw Cr I Tnss2 COUPONS) ON TIM DAY CFt 19w.* CITY C8 G ROMTOWW,, in the Coatinty of rilliameon, Texans hereby promises to .pay to the bearer, out of the funds specified, in the btaaa& to vi1 oh We coupon is attueheda in Zawtul money of the United States of ,erica, at FIRST WICILL WX Iii EC;U'STON, of RDUS'ON, fL,'.US s ( 15.0O), +saidd, sus being ais months* interest that day dee tae; "CITY OF C CRG TCF W".CTRIC LI{ ' RMM BonD60 dated Sagtemiber 15th, 19+46. NO* 0 This coupon is Dub3eot to all of the teras and provisions of the suit MSM and of Us INDENTCRT securing Dane. mor 48 'sp- (rom Cr TRusug=S cERTzrrcATTz) This bond is am of tba bmAs described is the Trust Indenture i air ro rt g* * therein re ferre 4 tape, FIRST NATIONAL DANK 11 IOUSMON • S!'CTICR $ t That the Wyorg Aldermen anal. City See3re tart will imm ilately exeecuts a proper Iienty rs or Deet of Trrxst making effsetive then lien on the Cita aria entire elsetaria Ue-Xt plant an& power $watts$, and crop► the mt areevenws from true operatioa of such systeffie iQ pay the bonds an& Interest ooupons as they s aturs a manirg MST NATIONAL BANX 11 RMST010 a corporation# with Its principal office and plses of business in HOUSTON# R'' 8# as the Trustee. an& shall file a duly autbanttioatee& ectopy of suah Indenture, or Lee& of Tmstg with the City Seorstarye and the, sate, shah also be placee& of resort in the Iles& of Trust and lr*rU ReoorA.s of tiilliamsoxt County* Tesase Amoog other provisions, the Indenture or peed of Trust shall stipulate and protide for a grant to the pu rahaser or purchasers wA* r any sale or foreclosure tb,reone a franahise to operate sal& ela ct ric lit;bt plant and pwor systons and properties fro puarsbased, for a harm of tionta (20) years, dating faro& the pureba se sat J o et to all laws regulatiag same then in foreso o All rights existing wA*r such Indsnturs or Deed of Trust shall be and are hereby expressly rcoognised and inoorporated herein for the protection of said bones and their euforoement. SI'CTTOIF 9t. That a Speoial land, iftiah Is ba reby areata,& and designated as "SPECIAL ZIZCTAIC 11CRT R BOND VVED0,V shall be set aside out of the net *Verating revexuxes of the sal& 'light punt eeaad power systemip and ethioh speoial F=& *ball bee user& for that pay- ment of principal and interest of said bore at maturit4e and T'rusto. to's empeennatione in event of fore *& eeolleetione as set forth Is 41 P" t raid Indenture # and for no other pu rpose f and that In create sale. Special FwA a saffio ient amount of all Inoone, and revenues of said sleotrie Zi&Ut plant and peter #Votes$# is Mrsby ,irrevocably pledged &at se t aside $, and such ineoue axA revenues shall be at all time s sufficient to pay p"mp tly the following amounts In the following years= AndL the City boreby agrees and eonshants that 3t will dul3 and. punetwilly deposit with the TroAtes the aggregate amounts to be pai& into the Maid Special FWAO as bereinabove profited, mush dc— posits to be held by said Trustee is trust, and applied solely U the payee net of the principal of and interest on the said boida i wed such total amounts Shall be dsporited in equal monthl0► installments on or before the fifteenth flap of each month, the first monthly deposit to be sada by the City with said Trustee not later than the pith day of Septesber, 19360 That so long as said bonds and Interest 4oupons, or &A$ of such ton" or wuponse shall be outstanding and unpaid, the City Council of raid City Sh4U fix an& mountain rates azA collect charges for the facilities and. oer Loo affor4o& by its electric light plant and poorer system* whiah will protide revenues euffioient at all times (1) To p+ey for all, operatum'p mai,nteneAGOO depreeiatione re•W placement and better nt *barges of the said electric light plant and power oystowl 5Q AU49URt pith, 1931 6000*0O 01660#00 4450.00 Abet Uth, 1938 $5000000 #1w0* 00 $6300000 llvgmt lythe 1939 •00 OU+0*00 6360000 August ib'th, 1940 6000600 O2{}O000 $7200*0O August 1941 f�iOy0n�0*000 IO20000 !"��?j�t�l000 August �1��75'�ho idV �i # 1944 r6000*Vii $ 840000 GST *00 August 13tho 1943 #6000#00 0 66O*00 0860.00 August lath„ 1944 06000000 # 480.00 "80000 August 15th, 1946 6000* 00 300* 00 63O0* 00 August U%h# 1946 0000000 $ 3. 0*00 4120*00 AndL the City boreby agrees and eonshants that 3t will dul3 and. punetwilly deposit with the TroAtes the aggregate amounts to be pai& into the Maid Special FWAO as bereinabove profited, mush dc— posits to be held by said Trustee is trust, and applied solely U the payee net of the principal of and interest on the said boida i wed such total amounts Shall be dsporited in equal monthl0► installments on or before the fifteenth flap of each month, the first monthly deposit to be sada by the City with said Trustee not later than the pith day of Septesber, 19360 That so long as said bonds and Interest 4oupons, or &A$ of such ton" or wuponse shall be outstanding and unpaid, the City Council of raid City Sh4U fix an& mountain rates azA collect charges for the facilities and. oer Loo affor4o& by its electric light plant and poorer system* whiah will protide revenues euffioient at all times (1) To p+ey for all, operatum'p mai,nteneAGOO depreeiatione re•W placement and better nt *barges of the said electric light plant and power oystowl 5Q (8) To establish and maintain the said aSPWUL XLECTRIC LITIM RZTLsIX BOND Fes" I and (3) To Val all outstandieg JAdabtsdness kPinst its said eleetrio light plant and power systent other than the said bands, as and vken the same beoomes &s• AIW funds "mainiza on bKZ4 , after pNOTisinn for the raintaw- ¬ and operating expenses of the elestrie light plant and power systenq and atter paying the amount required to to paid thrash the Trustee into the 'SFRCUI. SUCTRIC LIMT Rei M BOND 1NDOO as above pxovidtd, my be wed by the City fres ate► other purtose permitted by law. SECTION 8z IM IT FMTECR ORpAIM BY THS CITY COMM CI' THE CITIf CF GZQRGZTOsF# TMSs fbia Magor, City Secretary and City Treasurer are hereby ins- tauoted aid direeted to do any and all things necessary in refer- enes to the installing and maintaining of a oomple to system of records and *&**unto pertaining to said system and . to maks the monies available for the payment of said revenue bonds in the manner provided by Article 21139 Revised Civil stags of 19250 as amended by Chapter 1220 Asts of the Regular session of the Forty-third Legialaturel the fiscal yeast for tht operation of such systems Shall be January lat to Deeseber 31st of each 3e ar; and► the remaining part of 1938 shall sonatitute a fleotional part of a fiscal year$ and *sty purchaser of twenty-five (") per oentun in aggregate principal amount of the bonds at the time then +cert•• standing or aM holder or holders of twenty-fivo (25) per tontun pf said, amount of outstanding bonder shall have the right at aU reasonable times to inspect the system and all records* aeoounts ajA data of the City relating thsreto• . C?10F to That said bonder Iken axesuted by the proper officials herein naasb, and Alva$ authenticated by the Tmstee* shall be delivered by the TrMstee to the purchaser or pu"basers thereof; end the Major* sf Ci1W Seore tarn andL City Trea*erev # axed the Taramtes nandd, in the aforesaid Indenttiret aro asereby authoriasd axed atrested to is an$ and all tht -S necessary or *oAvenient to earry out the terms of purchase. STMO'N 10i AND BE IT rMTRER CHDAI D BY THI CITE' COUNCIL OF TBZ CITY Or OLa RGETtiW„ T2W t ', HATs WIMRWO the aforesaid improvements hating been authorized by the rrteeesa37 favorable Coto of the gmtllfied elsetors of said C1140 o^ the wird &V of , e p 1936, ajA *a tins hast 4ay of y a 19260 a A at each of Cheap an aforesaid* and the *"2j oomplstion of suah LvVrovenont being essential to the City 00 eheeetriw l ht plant and power system Orestes an •msrgsnay eenA an iaperativ* patus ,oeeesaity that the rale awe•• quiring ordinaness to he read at wrt than once meeting of the City Connell befogs flAal passage* bet suspended, and suoh rule is hsre%y sr psndsds anti# this ort4asnos eehall table offset anal be in fores i,mediatoly vpoa its passage and. approval* PASSED AND AprR0VZp* this the 38th d y of kvguste 1936* "4090 O ATTEST* ( CITY aul) s.71 Cr..ILTIFICATE CT CITY S EOL TAIY• T S TATF or T=s, CIS!' CF Or'.0nanTOWN, MMM or WMIAMNO I, ye L* Cates, City Secretary of the City of Goorgot vin, Texua, DO H REBY CF.RTUT THAT the above ard, foregoing is a t" and sorrost copy of �► RAN t3R.DIIA',.CZ by the City Couaell of the City of Ceorgetoaea, Texan, authorizing the issuance of bD ads In the pr ina 1pa l sun of 000.00, designate & as •CITY CF GijCRG-STCPiU EaC RI l..E;1IT W�•,VEAU:. BUIUDSO for the purpose of improving 'tae City es electric 1i ht plant anc3 power system; pr+eseribUg the form of bund. and interest eoupou; provitiag that adA bola shall be payable from the revenues of the City•s electric light plant aiA power system, az$ further occurs& by a zurtt age on the City'e ent,irs alootris 11aht plant arA power *,ystem and the nrtt reve.uuea to be terivs4 from tiao operation trereofl 4naating parovislo4a Iroldent and receeaary to the subject and purpose of Vila orain anoRes and tselaring an ea.ergency•" only passed and adxapted by the City Coua11 of the City of George town, Texan, on the 13th +day of iu t, 19; 8, all members thereof being present, and which orliname was daily signed by tbA iayor of said City Couneil ant attested by the City Secretary, anti Vinutes of said► City CoUneil chasing its adoptions, such Ordinance " simtea boing of resort bet Book 1-000 pegs of seq., of the pinutes of the City Council of said City* 9=1=3 M IIID AND V� SEAL CF SAID CITY„ +ace this the w-� dajv of September, 11:609 _ Texas (C M, z 53 AYMAyIT 07 POSTING EUCTION NOTICE. Tfm mn or T "S eg 1 CO a= or WILLU SO RO CITY or 0EORG2T0T1X* Br.70RS ITS TU U=RSIGNED AUTHOR ITY'e an this tV personally appeared Re Oo Davis# known to las U be the City Marshal,; of the Cita of oeoagat ,,, Texas, and who, after beim by as first du2,y rra„ on oath *ayes U TMt the notice of slsetion to be held in the City of Georgetown,, Texas„ on the 23rei day of Juneg, A• Do 19269 nnAar resolution of the City Connell of &a►te May 18P9 19Z60 for the purpose of authorising the issuanes of SIXTY TIMUSAND DOLLARS l 6000 0*00 j Light Pliant " Puler systeas Retinue Boras of said City. Boas posted by him as Such offleer,, at the following public plaoss la the City of Georgetown,, Texas* Ong CO. at the City nail of the city at 00orget town, TexaS Q:� COPY at the Court Fouw in the mill of 'arge tsame 'Texas• ONZ COPY at the U That each of salA plaess was ant is a publls plaes in said C1tyo, that each of notices of said s3eetlon,, posts& at each of sa1A plaaeeo was poster in a ennspionme poeltioni that "eh of easel, places was and in accessible to the publiel and that each of said. notices$, so posted at each of salt plaees„ was posted so as to be easily visible to the public* Z# That all of salt notices were posted by him at asia public places in the calm City on the 19,th dey of Vale 1926* Ukiah was zot less than thirty (30 ) fall, days before the date of salt band election* (6'6' t• Texas SUBSC:11BI AND SWORN TO before mei on, this the to of Augusto 19z6. (S-) ,7 j kt. C0n Count/ 0 Texas, sy 21 . LEGA., NOTICES B,ESOLUTION S By the Cite Council of the City of E of C+eoretown, Texas, calling an election on the grestion of the is- suance of SIXTY THOUSAND ($60,000.00) DOLL"% of Reve- nue Bonds, for the purpose of im- Proving the present bight Plant System of the City of George- town WHEREAS, there is necessity of improving the present light plant and power system of the City of i Georgetown, Texas; and, WHEREAS it is considered to be 'to the best interest of the City of Georgetown that necessary improve - menta be financed by the issuance of securities supported only by a mortgage placed on the existing sys tem, the improvements to be con- structed, and by a pledge of net rev- enue from the operation of such sys- tem, to the extent of SIX HUN- DRED $600.00) DOLLARS out of each months' gross income from the -operation of said light plant and power system, and in no wise sup- ported by an ad valorem tax on Property in the City; and, FVHEREAS, the City council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, deem it advisable to issue Revenue Bonds of the said City for the purpose hereinafter mentioned; THEREFORE, be it resolved and ordered by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas: 1. That an election be held on the 23rd day of June, A. D. 1936, at , which election the following propo- sition shall be submitted: "Shall the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, be au- thorized to issue Revenue Bonds of said City in the amount of SIX- TY THOUSAND ($60,000.00) DOL- LARS, maturing over a period not to exceed 20 years, bearing in- terest at the rate of not exceeding 4Yi2 per cent, payable semi-annu- ally, for the purpose of improving its existing light plant and power system, and to provide for the pay - went of principal and interest on said bonds by pledging the net revenues from the operation of such light plant and power system to the extent of SIX HUNDRED ($600.00) DOLLARS out of each month's gross income, and further supporting said bonds by placing a mortgage on the present system and improvements thereto in ac- cordance with law, to the extent of said amount specified; provided the holder of said bonds shall nev- er have the right to demand pay- ment out of any funds raised and to be raised by taxation." 2. That said election shall be held ' at the following place in the said . City, and the following named per- son is hereby appointed manager thereof, to -wit: At the City Fire Station within said City, with the following elec- tion official: R. H. Chreitzberg, Pre- siding Judge. ! 3. That said election shall be un- der the provisions of and in accord- ance with the laws governing the is - .nuance of municipal bonds in cities 'and towns, as provided in the gen- eral laws of Texas, and only qualified electors who own taxable property in the State, County and City, and 'Who have duly rendered the same for taxation, shall be qualified to ,vote, and all such electors shall vote in the election precinct of said City. All voters who favor the proposi- tion to issue the said bonds shall i have written or printed on their bal ,lots the following words: "For the Issuance of Light Plant;! and Power System Revenue Bonds."1 And those opposed to the propo F sition to issue the said bonds shall, have written or printed to their bal lots the following words: "Against the issuance of Light. Plant and Power System Revenue Bonds." 4- A copy of this order signed by the Mayor of said City and attested by the City Secretary shall serve as proper notice of said election. The Mayor is authorized and di- rected to cause this Notice of Elec- tion to be posted at three public ;'places within said City for at least .thirty full days prior to the date of said election. 5. The Mayor is further authorized and directed to cause this notice to be published in some newspaper of general circulation published in said City once a week for four weeks. The date of the first publication shall 'not be less than thirty full days prior to the date of said election. Passed and approved., this the 18th day of May, A. D. 1936. M. F. SMITH, Mayor, (Seal) City of Georgetown, Texas. Attest: M. L. CATES, Secretary, 5-22-5 City of Georgetown, Texas. STATE OF TZW CCU37y Cr signiel.autboritjo on this day persmai y , appeared, Re we Cooper, 11 kwm to no to be a credible person.', shoe after toing by me duly Wit, does upon ble oath Bay* to -wit; 1,4 ftae to no We Cooper; I am editor auA publisher of the W=LW0j COU1,51"19 a neVspap4er the City of Georgetown rega2tr2,3 pubd in/iilinon County, Tem, for a period of more than one (1) year prior heretol said paper beim published regularly on rrir lay of each VM*kj that the notice or citation attached. h sato in re NOTICS 07 =CTRUC LITITIT PLAN'T "M 7=. KIM XLrECTION to be bell under order of City CvuAcile City of Ceor" t=ne 0f date Y 18 ho 11326, vas Aidy an& regulatrly published la TMIA-MON CO=TAT : t o published at Georgetown* Texas, `on the following dates, to -vitt On Friday* My Elie VAy 29 the June bth. and June lith. AND T" M>i. A.: I . I 87,Sx'�'C'i' 'T"LY Ti y n -A a_,111,4",� v v Sabeariben d, an & sworn to before me 'thts s tY ie> it ib' 11a a 1, a,. ,l sin County, Texas 55 KLECITIOR 11"ETURIts RetarrA of as election held on the LIU4 day of Jude e " Da 19369 at City Fire Sta tion$ of City of Georgetown* County of W1111amsonf Texas, for the purpose of the iasaanae of Light IUA ROMM System Relre01e Bonds* TOTAL i .M nt tote• 186 For The isguawt of Light and Power wyiten Revenue Boats, Number of votes *000400006*0* UT Against the ie see of Sight and Bawer System ReTenus BoA". Numb+ez of totes *9 •0000► THE STATZ CY TZZA.Q o CCVZTY Cr WILLI "'ORe CITY CF CT°i3101-I.TC+u.Ra W'fO the wAarsUneQ, wtnagers of election abate not out, hell in- the City Fire S to tion* of QWrga town j -''t'OX429 bereby certify that the within. an& foregoing is a true and correct retux► of the to tat number of totes polledo envoctly showing the number of totes polled„ a,d the canner in abich the same were polled. Ele ct icn hold on the 2Zrd dej of June* a.D*19Z6* WMRS3 OUR R L6 this tb4 Bard day of June g A,*D*l9:,6* R. Re C1117±"'"'�,Onl IZR V. TAYLOR 0 Judge MUMS, FARI.113,0 Clark Me LATMM RICR.4,RDSCR,CIer " b nawge3ra of Eleotiorw Enaor®ed• 5C. Rets off` an sleations held at the City fire Station, City of { crgetovin, Williamson County, Tejss, 2.;rd day of June, A* Do 19w"69 for U4 isouane:e of Light arA P0v* r . ,.Vst+eae Resvonus bovA,o R. R. CRIT l'R'R3 I-realding OM003P. TRS 37'k= CLY-,.:AS CoU Gy' ILLU.n CITE C? GMEX-TM I, Ilo, Lo Cates* City : e erre taR ry, of the City of 4cor a town, Tear„ hearer oart.i* Vat the foregoing Is a true as rA *0 rre G t dopy of tht "toes of as election in ajA for the said City on the Z mrd day of Jum , Ao D. '19;A9 for the ie nes of light &zA power system revenue tome. (City of Oftr 6 to tic rls e tr iee IU -ht Re irenns 'Boads ) GIrTl UNDER 'YET R " the seal of the said CI't'r this Vis 9th day of September, 19ZG* A. m. �rlrrwa#► TM SIATZ LF TI:IA_i CCUNTY or T rurik"V(S i QGeorgeta as Texas nrF09.7, l v tips unaerelansa officers, in a n(L for Willi aeon County„ Toxa nv on this daT personally 'est peareA o R• Chrie tzberg # who atter U in g ty sue <3. U stern„ states upon 1,11 coth Via% Yue wins this presiding officer at a certain election held to aekad for aesiali city on the Urd Aey of Jurist 1U60 aiA that the foregoing eertifI*& copy to a true a,rA oorreot copy of the returns of Vhe earl election spade by him a,n4. the other t as ers of the $ail election, as the elate Vhersia 421"t c � this the 9th ua,y of yet ptet be r, 1 6* votart' PuUliog ifiilliat-son Couuty,'1;"e-agte AFFIDAVIT 07 POSTING ELECTION MTICE* TIM STATE OF TEUS • COUNTr OF WILLIAM 01V CITY OF GEOR E- " N } WXORE 120 TEE URDMISIGS-B AY3TRCRZTY6 " this day personally appeared! R* Co 'Davis., bnovant to me to be the City Marshal of the City of Georgetowrn# Texas, and, wiho,,e after be Ing by we first duly svorne os oath saga; U That the notice of election to be bell in the City of Georgetovol, Texas, on the 21st day of July, A• D* 19Z6, under resolution of the City Council of date Jum fgtb,, 19z6s for the purpose of authorizing the issuance of SIXTY THOUSAND DaiIARS (*M*0001 0) Sight plant and Power System Revenue Bonds of sail Citye; was posted by him as such officerie at the following public places 1n the City of Georgetownw Taxaxt 031 COPY at the City Rall of the City of George tonna Texas* 01M COI's' at the Court Rouge in the City of George toren, Texas. ONS COPT at the - 'ral {y u 1 [- (y j 4 x&** E* That each of sail places was an& is a public place in said City, that each of notices of sail election, postal at each of said places, was post*& in a eonspieuous positions that each of said places mas ax, to accessible to the publicl and that each of sari motiosa, so posted at each of sari places# was posted, so as to be easily visible to the publico �* That all of said notices were posted "by him at said, public places in the said. City on the 30th day of June 19460 rdzich was more than fifteen (15) full days and. less than. dirty (ZO ) days before the date of mail //to' nd e1e vtion. Sg3. y._r � � s i.avY�� u�an� :crams• UBSCRIBED AZD I -SWUM TO before m4m, on this the .say of Auguste, 1926* o ub c, ar.a, n COMITY f SEAL j _ Texas. 58 toTICE or ELECTRIC LIGHT 1 PLANT REVENUE BOND I ELECTION ' 'HE STATE OF TEXAS 1 County of Williamson J} City of Georgetown Co the Resident, Qualified, Property Taxpaying Voters of the City of Georgetown, Texas: You will take notice that election will be held in the City of George- town, Texas, on the 21st day of July, A. D. 1936, on the proposition and at the place more particularly set out and specified in the resolution order- ing the said election passed and: adopted by the City Council of said City on the 29th day of June, A. D.1 1936, of which the following is a correct copy: ,,Resolution of the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, calling and ordering an election on the question of the issuance of Sixty Thousand ($60,000.00) Dol- lars of Revenue Bonds for the pur- pose of improving the present Elec- tric Light Plant System of the said City of Georgetown. WHEREAS, it has heretofore been declared by the .City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, that a necessity exists for the improving I f the present electric light plant and system of the said City and to pur- suance thereto an election was order- ed and held for the purpose of deter- mining whether the said city should issue $60,000.00 in revenue bonds for the said purpose, and at said election it was determined that said bonds should be issued; but that in giving the notice of said election a mistake was made, in that the said election was held at a date more than thirty days after the date of the resolution ordering the same, and that by rea- son thereof a question may be raised, as to the validity of the said elee- tion; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the said City is now of the opinion that it is to the beat interest of the said City that the said improvements should be made and the said revenue bonds should be issued for the pur- pose of improving the said electric' light system of the said City; and is of the opinion that the question in- cident to the validity of the elections above mentioned should be eliminat- ed and that another election should' be held for the purpose of determin- ing whether or not the said City shall issue revenue bonds in the sum of sixty thousand ($60,000.00) dollars' supported only by a mortgage placed on the existing system and the im- provements to be constructed and by a pledge of six hundred ($600.00) dol- lare out of each month's gross income of the said electric light system of the said City for the purpose of finan- cing the said improvements; and that that the said bonds be in no wise supported by an ad valorem tax on property of the said City; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas: 1st. That an election shall be held on the 21st day of July, A. Dj 1936, at which election the following ques- tion shall be submitted: `Shall the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, be author- ized to issue revenue bonds of the said City in the amount of sixty' thousand ($60,000.00) dollars, ma- turing over a period not to exceed 20 years, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed (4r/2%) four and one- half per cent, payable semi-annu- ally, for the purpose of improving its existing electric light plant and poker system, and provide for the payment of principal and interest ori the said bonds by pledging the net revenues from the operation of nuc._ plant and system to the ex- tent of civ hundred ($Sov,vji dol- jars per month, out of each month's gross income, gild further support- ing and secuving the payment of said bonds and interest by placing a piortgage on the said present) electric ligllt and power system , - and improvements thereto, in ae• cordanee with law, to the extent of the said 3ilioiznt specified; pro- vided that the holders of said bonds shall never have the right to demand payment out of any funds raised and to be raised by taxations.' 2nd: That the said election shall be held at the City Firs Station with- in the said City, with the following election official, to -wit, R. H. Chreitz- berg, Presiding Judge. 3rd: That the said election shall be under the provisions of and in ac- cordance with the laws of the State of Texas govirning the issuance of municipal bonds in cities and towns, and only qualified electors who own taxable property in the State and County and this City and who have duly rendered the same for taxation shall be qualified to vote at said election, and all such electors shall vote in the election precinct of this city, in which they reside. All voters who favor the proposi- tion to issue the said bonds shall have written or printed on their bal- lots the following words: `FOR THE ISSUANCE OF LIGRT PLANT AND POWER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS! All those opposed to the issuance of the said bonds shall have written or printed on their ballots the words: `AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF LIGHT PLANT AND POWER SYS- TEM REVENUE BONDS.' The Mayor of the said City is au- thorized and is hereby directed to cause this, a copy resolution, as no- tice of said election, to be posted in three public places in the said City, one of which shall be the City Hall, for at least fifteen full days prior to the date of the said election; the said publication to be completed within less than thirty days from the date of this resolution. The Mayor of the said City is fur- ther authorized and directed to cause a copy of this resolution, as notice of the said election, to be published in some newspaper of general eircu- lation published in the said City once a week on the same week day for two consecutive weeks, the date of the first publication shall be not less than fourteen full days and not more than thirty days prior to the said election. Passed and approved this the 29th day of June, A. D. 1936. M. F. SMITH, Mayor, of the City of Georgetown, Attest:. Texas. M. L. CATES, Secretary, City of Georgetown, Texas." 2 Ci{ UITTi C? iis;ssLL CN* :==Z-31 =v the Lit clerQij` nen authority, on tUs dot personal appeared,,Robert W,CooperW411 knorM to rA to be a credible per:vn, Tdio, rafter be ice,, by me duly sworn, does u lon hire oath s ay a to -471t t My name is Robert, W. Cooper= 2 acts editor� ar_d publizher of the Wim "�C3 CC�'"3-�.i 3=44, a newepaper re�,11arjj publiahe$ in tine vit,y of Uor tom, Ti1linmson Cody„ Teras, for a period of more than one ( 1) year prior ke r e to; said paper being publiohed ret raj on rri&4 of each week; that the notice Or citation attached hereto In re -'RTIC OF SLZC711 10 %i rIT ZC:1C3 to bt MIA under order of City Coun+eil, City of Gearge towng of data J,=* 29th, 10,A, was duly and recalarly published La the I7 .Itj,_=. Cv^u.-"- y sU4.19 publinhed at Ceca-ae town, Texas, on Lha fb11o,eiu, dates, to -Witt On Friday, July : rd, aria July 14t4. I9,= respectively. IM- s44'aIR ls.:.i TNA S.r; SAT -_'M 2-17t t Subscribed and sworn to before me tU 40 t1A.Cj 1 ilL►.i.iG Tilliiimson C. ty, e3= RLECTION RETURNS Returns of ALn election held on the 21st day of Jt.U, A. D. 19360 at City Fire Station, of City of Georgetown, County of Williamson, Texas, for the purpose of the issuance of light and Power System Revenue Bonds, TOTAL LAMER of totes ... ..... `M. 214 For the issvanoa of light and Power System Revenue Bonds, lumber of votes 184 Against the issuance of Light and Poorer System Revenue Bonds, Humber of votes „:,...... 30 THS ST. TZ CF TEXAS,, 1 COUNTY OF WMIAISON, CITY OF GEORGEM-KN, j Wet the undersignedi, managers of election above not out, held in the City Fire Station,, of Georgetown,. Texas, hereby certify that the within and foregoing is a true and correct return of the total number of votes polled, correctly showing the number of votes polled, and the manner in which the same were polled. Election held on the 21st day of July, A. D. 1936• WIMSS OUR HANDS thin the 212t, day of July,, A.D.1936. R. H. CHRIETZBERG, Presiding Officer LEE Y.- TAYLOR, Judgenars 3CMTLE FARRIS., Cleric Election IRS, LR.URI$ RICIURDSOB, Clark Endorsed 0 "Returns of an election, held at the City Fire Stathn, City of Georgeto,, Willtamson County, Texas, XlaA day of July, ,A,* D. 1946, for the issuance of Light and Power System Revenue bonds. R• H. CHRIETZBERG Presiding Cfficer 000.000 THE STATE CF TEXAS COUNTY OF WILUA!=ff CITY OF GEORG-i" 'O173 ) 1� X* L• Cates, City Seoretary, of the City of Georgetown, Texas, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true arkd correct copy of the returns of an election in and for the said City on the Elet day of July # A• D. 1936, for the issuance of light and power system revenue bonds. ( City of Georgetown Eleatri s Light Revenue Bonds) OIM UNDER IT '3AND, and the seal of the said City, this the 9th day of September, 1936„ Ar D. ,47?�: - - - 'r...w _- 'rit y ;.e ere ary„ CITY o Ge orge t own o Te xa s •0000*• TRI STATE OF TMXAS COUNTY' nF WIiLIArsoR j BEFORE 12.9 the unde rs igne d of Pic er, In and for Williamson County, 'Texas, on this day personally appeared R. A. Chrietsberg, who after beiDg by me du3,y sworn, states upon his oath that he was the presiding officer at a certain ele. ction held in and for said. City on the 21st day of July, ke D. 19360 and that the foregoing certified, copy is a true an& correct copy of the returns of the said election made by him and the other managers of the said election, on the date therein named. 'y - /,/, - 41., , "-,Al, � � 9 SUBSCRIBED A:`**i3 SWORN TO, Te ore uto, by this the 9th day of September, 1936, 22=�,-,-21" 1;ota2v UDII S 11.aUL�4lor� s illia anon County* Texas er QRDINAWN FIXING RATESs, TEM STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF WIL.LIAMSON * CITY Cr GEORGETOWN. City Cowell met in regular session on the 14th day of August, 1936„ in the City Tall, with the following members present: 34 F& Smith Mayor F& F& Buchholz #!««.*.« J. R. Chastain ****«.&& W& s& Frasier * &..l.. «« .. Aldermen Js Co Godbey err!****so S. Z* Wiloox Absent, bone. Yo I►* Cates, City Seerwtary, also being present* The following, among other proceedires were halt Botlon was made by AlAerme.n J: R. Chastain, seconAsdL by Alderman R& S& Frasier, that the City Council adjourn to most again in regular session at the same place, the City Rall in Georgetown, Tezas, on the 14th day of August, 19366 Said motion was put by the Mayor and was earried by unanimouse vote* and the Council adjourned to meet again an eaid date at said place& (Minutes Cita Council - Book 1-"A'O , page 9 ) 000*** City Counoil met in adjourne6. regular session. in the City Hall *A the 14th day of August* 1936* with the following members present: Yo F* Smith Usyor S# E. Buchholz &&.&***i J• R. Chastain *!«*!..« W* cu. 1'razier seas& Aldemmen J. Co Godbey a.«as.aa.E S« Bo wileox 6a Abeen t,, lane. U, i+, Cates, City Secaretary$ also being present. And among other things, the following proceedings were hails Yat ion made tj ro S. Buchholz, seconded by J, C. God.bey that the Council adjourn to meet again in regular session at the same place on the 18th day of August* 19Z69 that sail motion was put by the Mayor and was unanimously carried and Council, adjourn& to most a3;ain in regular session at said time and place, ( minutes City Council - moot: 1-00* page O"Oftw. ) 10!004.♦ City Countil. mct in a.d.journeA regular 8essione in the City Miall on the 18th day of A.uguat, 19360 with the following members present Y U. F, Smith 0000...... w0+. IrAyor Aseat i lloxw, ,. 1* Cates„ City Secretary. being also greeent, and t,11e following prooeelizgs were had; aDwng oth.erea Aldennan Jo Co Cho&bey moved that the Council adjourn to meet ag in in regular session in tete City Ralf on the t6th day of August, 1936, which motion was secoi4e& by Alderman J, R. Chastain, Nationn, put by the Yayor, ajA was unanimously ca Ivied, and the Council a&journod, to vaet atrains in regular session on the 28th day of Augus t, 19;x6 0 *0*0*00v City Couaa4 it met in a& journ4 & regular session, in the City Hall can ;he 28th day aC August, 19369 with the f411owing members presente V, V. Smith .,.,., M. w w.,,,. w Wor Yo No Buchholz «..0...; J. Re Chastain 000.0004 Wo S. Frazier *w,.*,w. .00 Mormon J, C.w Citdbey O,.06000 Be Eo Wiloox .04000.. 63 -n c hho� 3 y`�, N4 �Fj.. die ChsuMain, #M+r*!wL Wo Frazier �r..,. �,. }... Aldsinnan J, V COo Codbey 0*000*00 LOO L# 'Nilcox Aseat i lloxw, ,. 1* Cates„ City Secretary. being also greeent, and t,11e following prooeelizgs were had; aDwng oth.erea Aldennan Jo Co Cho&bey moved that the Council adjourn to meet ag in in regular session in tete City Ralf on the t6th day of August, 1936, which motion was secoi4e& by Alderman J, R. Chastain, Nationn, put by the Yayor, ajA was unanimously ca Ivied, and the Council a&journod, to vaet atrains in regular session on the 28th day of Augus t, 19;x6 0 *0*0*00v City Couaa4 it met in a& journ4 & regular session, in the City Hall can ;he 28th day aC August, 19369 with the f411owing members presente V, V. Smith .,.,., M. w w.,,,. w Wor Yo No Buchholz «..0...; J. Re Chastain 000.0004 Wo S. Frazier *w,.*,w. .00 Mormon J, C.w Citdbey O,.06000 Be Eo Wiloox .04000.. 63 Absent„ None, 14 I., Cates, City Secretary, also being present, &rut among other things, the following proceelings were bad= Alderman J. Co Godbey presented an Ordinance fixing rates of the electric light plant of the City of George tom, and moved that the said Ordinance be read in fulls, said motion was seconds& by Alderman F. Ea Buchholz, and was put by the 1%yor and aarried by the following votes "AY;2"t Alderman F. F, Buchholz, J, R. Chas to in, W, S, Frazier, J, C. Godbe y, and S, $. Wilcox, "NotS", None. The said Ordinance was tiers read in full. Alderman F. E, ftohholz then moved that t the rules requiring that the ordinan- c an be real at three separate meetiage be suspended, and that the said Ordivaaas be passed to its saconl reacting, and read by captionv ifotion was scconded by Aldsrman W. S. Frazier; said motion was put by the kayor ani was carried by the following voter "AYES"t Alderman Fo E. Buohholz , d• R, Chastain., W, So r nazis r, J, C, Goebey a and S. Er Wilcox, gruo'S"= robe, Zia said Ordinance was then read by caption* Motion was V.en rade by Alderman Wo S,. Frazier, saoonded by Alder?jaA S. E. Wilaoxt that the ruins requiring that the ordilianae be read at thrse separate meetings be auxPendaed,F and the said ordinance, be passee& to its t : ird readizrg,, and read by caption, wai3 motion was put by the Mayor anl carried by the following vote: "AYES"t Alderaan F• E, Buchholz,, J, R,. Chastain, Wr S. Frazier, J, Co Godbey, and S, E. Wilcox, "NO'S"I None, said Ordinance was then read by caption. Motion was made by Alderman J. R. Chastain,, and s e vo nd s d by Ald a ansa n F. B. Bun hhol ac, V xa t the rules be suspended and the said Crdinaries Finally passed* Eotion was prat by the rayor and carried by the following vote= "AYT-S" t Alderman F, E. Baohholz, J* R., Chastain, W, S. Frazier, J. C, Godbey, and S. E. Wilcox, "B'ci'S": Mone g Ths 16-yor announced that the said Ordinance be finally passed and ordered that the same be signed and attested and recorded in the minutes of the City Council, which is acoordin4ly dons. (Minutes City Council, Book 1-"A" page j GY "A3 CADIS,*tNCZ establishing rates to be charged by the 'Electric Lig ht.t 11ant and Power System of t%j.st City of Georgetown, Texas; trAeting provisions incident and relating to the subject and purpose hereof; repealing all srd►li-war►ces and parts of ordinanose in eonfl.iet; and declaring an emerr- gencay." RIAS, heretofore, to—wits on tine 18th dsy of August* 1926* the City Council Of the City Of € 6Orgetown, fexang adopted that certain ordinance entitled; *AN ORDIUNCE by the City Council of the City of gorge tiik,n* Texas* authorizing the issuance of bands In the principal mija of 3 55*000.00* designate& as 'CITY (#? Gaaha.'�i`0*9 ZIXCTRIC LIGHT REVENUE BONT ' for the purpose of improving the City I's electric light plant an& power systom; prescribing the fans of blind, and interest coupon; providing that said, bands shall be payable from the revenues of the City's electric light plant and, power system, and further staou red by a mortgage on the City's entire elretrie light plant and power system and the net rtvemws to be derived. from the operation thereof; ♦naeting provisions incident and neesssa.ry to the subject axA purpose of this ordinance; and, delari.ng an 404 rgen ew o # AAD WIIERXAS9 it is expressly provided in said ordinanee that so long as said bond $ shall be acts tan+i9.ng *n& unpaid$ the City Council aball Pias and vaintafn rates and collect charges for the facilities arA services afforded by its E.eetarie Light Plant and, poorer System, whiah will provide revenues su.ffi— eient at all times to pay for all operation, maintenance, depre- elation„ replacement and betterment charges of the said. Eleetrise Light Plant a -at lower System* to establish and maintain the Special raid created la respect of the aforesaid bonds, ardt to pay all outstanding Indebtedness against its said Kleotris Light Plant arc$ Power System, other than the said bands,, as and *hen the ease becomes dual and, R te„ this Council, upon due advice and inves— tigation „ has :ascertained and detarmin l that the rates herein prescribed are and will, be sufficient for the purposes hereinabove statedl, therefore, (.s B2 IT ORDAI D BY TIM ClTr COUNCIL Of THZ C ITY 01 GM RGETO C* TRIS i SrMom Is That hereafter the rates chareld for services furnished by the Rleotrio Light plant and Power Systen of the City of 0eorgetowng Texas* shall be as follemrst first 20 kw 30c per kers Reit ZO kw go per kwo Next 100 kv ssssstws+s 6c per kwo React 100 kw ..s.*.s... be per kwo Next 100 kir ss.s:cess• 4a per huts Balance of bill at 3s per hers First 20 kw loo per kw* Next A kv So per kw* B<alanos of bill ..*s.. ?c, ,per lir* 10 and Cr1r.,?C11r,.3 Free Schools arA Churches, 4es per kwo Large uses, special rates. MAIL MITOR RW First 104 kwss+r*+►*ss*♦•.lies per kwo Tlezt 300 per kvr. Balance of bill at .....lea per kwo lartirsc W1• ;.IS pe r mo Lar for all Ito to 2's lees than lbs-hps No s tend by ohargeo large kotors, Commereial Regrigeration Term Servioe,etes, Spacial rates bases on load factor, quantity used, brei of ,eco tor;' i Ste** (2) 111 bills for electric service outisob to 10A di meount if paid by the 10th* (F) here electric current is used for light esookingf arml retrigerati€ l the mazimm for light shall mot esosed 28 Wa per month. STGfi_ ION 21 it is hersby providm& that *&I& rates aiia ll be increased if it s bould appear that they are not sufficient to meet the interest and prineipal requirements of the aforesaid tondo, and to pay all operation„ maintenanse and other expss:ses as provided by the aforesaid ordinances of est 1Sths, 1926,, authorizing the issuance of said bonds. C.& 'TC1'TCRo3s The rates hrersin prsseribal arl. i fize& sham, `bre paint ' the eustawers of sail lUstri.e Ught I'lant and Pov4r System month]$ to the City Colleetor an the 1sti lay► of saah wontht wit it is harsbv sails the duty of the City Cmllaeetor to sent oixt statements or ebargas to aaah customer not later than the last lag of each suaese4iva sontke. . * 4t All ord las nee s and parts of or4in= amore* in conflict with this orlinaooa are haraby expres*ll repealal, but Ibis ordinanco shall ,operate in Add1t1aa aA& bre sumalative of all 'valid sets k*retofore pa**sd by -the City Cowell teat are set JA conflict barasith. 113s Ths fact that the orl A4nea ax Ahor- isieag the issuanao of saiA bonds and, the Indenturs or Dead of est to further semis the payment thereof hate basis 44J a"P tel and sxsouted. an+i that the prompt enantmant of this measure, is fasential. to Clete Was proosedl gs of this Covnel. In respaat of the aforeuaiA Indabtednass„ create an toergeney► and are imparativv public necessity that five rale requi Ann ordinances to ba x4al at mors Vum oxen sestird of the City Comnall, hafore Mal t pas a ba waivesrAels, sal such rule is he re "byr eu*pa ncie dy azA that this ordi=nas take offeet and. be in forme immadiatoIj opon its paasag* and approvals FASSID AND PROVEDg this tUs ��day of llugusto 19�fis r dor„ or MF6741OW12.Texas* (CI'C'Y` SNAL) o'?- t9F 9000900 '"CI'�`�i' OF GROROSTOWS ELECTRIC T:' M�jWfjjf!tjffi4� "AN MISSI 8f TIM CITT C0103CIL CY 'ATR CITE OF GEORGEM0 0 TNS M R,;.TIMNG* COMaRM6 AND APPROV- ING THE EXECUTION OF TRZ INDSI{TURN CF AUGUST 19t'he 19260 TO SECURE FA'I=T CY $M9000940 5 #CITY OF G RGETOWN F=TRIC ZIMT RMS BONS91 ENACTING , ROVISIONS INCI SN? AND RELATING TO TRZ SUBJECT AND M, PO SR'RB+GFz AND DBCIARING AN 1 MGZNC * * W . 1lSO heretofarso taa+rita an the 19th day of Augusto 19368 this Co=Wil passed MA adopted an, or&ln&=0 aothariaing the issuance of that eertsia series of ravenae b*nds kncnm as '*CITY Or GRORGsTOWS ]C CTRIC LIMIT RMNM DOND590 to be hated September U0 19369 &A& to hear Interest at the rats of THRE Tru Cnirux (3) pair am a payabu of XRClt rIPTEEsTit and S 'TMZM FV*T=NT11,q In each leaso the interest payable oa FARCR lbtho 19360 for the FWM09e of lmprovuw the City •e Rlreetrie Light Plant az, Power System, and Which sai& ortinane In of resort In Mook I"A. Page of the pimtes of thin Coanolll anfL* WRERa it is expressly provided is the aforesaid, ordina anoe that the Mayor, Aldernojm and City Seerstul old Imatiiat-► sly ezeoute a proper 2ndeAtmrs or Bost of Trusto maklag offee$- ly+ee the lies on the City's entire Ileotrie Light Punt an& Power System„ and on the set revenues f m the operation of such cgstea4 to pay the aforesaid bonds axad interest soupone as they emture v aaeAg FIRST NATIONAL &= IN MUSTCF of ROUSMS, TEXAS as the Trustee i and& Q9 MILMW,, purs ont to a►ulboritay conferred by the afore ao id orUmmocp the 1myor, Aldermen and City $eere tarry have Wj executed ate. as knoal.edged sumb Imientare or peed, Of frust, for axA on, bebalf of the said City of 3eaar et wa v T1414A I corm,, ' As t the aforesaid Indenture or Deed of Tract has boen also oxeoute4 and saknowlsdeed by the FIRST VATIOS.t bANX ,IN of Ii63iT": ON g TUA39 as Traatee,r 'uou&ft Its dull aut or#t»ed, offieerg WAw ' tom , it oppeartne to th.ia CoMeil that the saint InAonture or td of Treat has been dull resorded In the prow per Deed of Trait and kort,&ags Records of Williamson County, Taxasl thenfore, bt If WWAUED by TIM CM COUNCIL Or TITt CITr Or �"MCI 11_ "Mt the TA4 ntUre or Tee& of duet, datet ,eo of the loth M► of Au4vbts IM60 on& any st,�nsd acid &ckmw1#4geA for arA on behalf of t►ht City of ftorgetom, Texas* by Ro ye Smith, Itayar, ro f, Iftch iolz # J. C+ Oodby o J.* &• C1aastainw Wo go ftasiore ao& So Fo Wilcox and U C*Uo g City Csore , a rA Auly s%ne d and askrowledged by the Yn- S! NATIONAZ BAIX SN RCiWTON, of A0VV'T4DNie T'x ,the testes„ th.ro _80to friartber oesore payinnt of the VI,"TY-wVIQ TROVE DOLU S (115.5,0000*00) *ClTr OF VORMTOWN XLVCTRIC LZMTT 97MMI 1WXD3fjw e"ball be,, &rA sudh ZrAonture or Teed of Tmot to hereby,in all thineng ratified#., eonflaw4d, adopte& &rA approvs&* ?Tref 21 That the &*to of the aforsuaid office" of the City of g*orgetovm, Texas, and each of oaid offiaere is smaeutin& wA aok-nowlsdVnZ eaoh I.radeature or Deed, of Trust, shall boa, &zA ax* hereby, in all thin,, ratitiedg sonfimea ask a pproeodo 0 ,R"r,TTCff IL That weah Indenture or Deed. of Trast* as reeord t in the Treed of Trost and portae Reeards► of williaasas Caaatri Tozas, as aforemadlo is boreb$ adoptell tY reforenes and is amide a part of this Ordinance the same as It be"La sat tort h in :&U de tail. ,;"CT1q,t d; "m prat emstmut sof ftis Measure being essential to eomple to the prooeediags Of this Connall is re>speet of the aforesaid Indebted oss r *"*too an emergency an& an Lamp era t ire pub lie arae ee esi ty that the rade requiring ordinances to t►e soot at =re than ons xreting of the Clij Caeaell before final passage to 0ape n odo and, Duo% rale IS bs re%y emper>6sis and that this ordinanos take effeet and ba In fo"s iasas"ately UPC* Its passage a24 approvaU kAS SD A a pR0'm a this the f I Mono dad of 70 CZRTV1CAT'_,' OF CITY ST,-CIISTATM* TSE STM 01F TXUS CITY OF GEORGETOWN, COUNTY OF WU1VX5ON* IV 311 Z,s CAT%3, City 3a e" tart' of the City of deosgetoee s Texas* DQ R RE" M CERTM TJUT the abov* *z& f c a sg oing is a tri OAA eorro a'# 410py of 60WO- o O,A,X C1,DXNiA3CX catsblVibin rates t� 'be eharged by the Xlestrie Light Fl"t &ML Poway Zjdtdm of the City rf emorgetown Texua; enacting provisions ineltent as relatiiij to the subject ant purpose Ue,reof; repealing all ordinances and, dearts rat' ordiimnaes in confliatt and, alucing an. emergency .1 -w auk► passad dad adopted by the City Conncll of the City of 04orgetown* Texas om thegj dad► of, %9369 all bens Uarsof tairg present, ant which +eriinanee was d j sigadcl 1' the jAyor of sail City Council and otteetelt by that City 644retarye anc'I► t:iAutes of said. City Council snowing its ad-optione suah Crll i.nanee +mad minutes beizg of ireeerd in ftok �.. pa j* at se 4•,r of the Vinn.te s of the City C outer it Of said C i B • WITIMSS VY RAND AND TRM S UZ OF SAID CITTO on We tins, J,'L4 ofZ-1 19 6s je 0,4 TOXAM & (CITT Sri L) 41 TM STATS CYC TIMAS COU=. C y rlLLIiMCS CITY C? G'MREi= 9N e Y* fa Smite* myor ur the City of c»eorgetoWnt Texso, aJA 12%4114 P4rOMO Treasurer of the City of Georga towilo Texas, each hereby certify that other than the :[nUature or Dee & of Trust eive n %Y the City of Georgetown, Texas to rM. ? WATIC34L hAIM 11 MUSTON, MrSTES, of date mat 10th, 1926, am& of reoork in "VO1v ". page 416 of the heed of Trutt and r-or"ge Ree€rdS of WillUmeoet Cmaty,k Texasi that there an no liens or abar eye against the Ileetrie Light a A Power system of the City of aearge tcwa, Texaco and that there are so lions or charges against any of the revenue• thereoft of &M ahameter fftatwevere CityO this A:?V,t`e GIV'd U;' B CUX TU?3 " the seal of the said tiie 9th day of 5eAtembere, D* qZ6* r � , ,�r' moi' •M;'�r�Ar Texas Texas town* Texan ?01 C R`i'IrICATX CF CORRE'CTUSS GF TZ't3SCRIPT. THE SPATE OF T.1 -AS, CQUNTY OF WILLIAs '',"N CITY OF GT RX;T0WZN. VJ , A=,. F* Smith, Mayor of the City of Georgetaaa, Texas, and kr. 1« Cates, Secretary of the City of Georgetovm, Texas, do hereby oertify that the sheets enclosed in this folder and above net out, constitute a complete and correct transcript of the resort of all the proceedinas of the City Council of t'he City of Georgetown, Texas, pertaining to the iasuanoe of THS"03ORGETOWN CTRIC LIGTIT REVEME BONDS" of date September 15th, 1936 in the principal sum of FIFTY-FI1% T110MAND DOLLARS (355,000.00). OL' 2 MVIDS AND ME S "UL 01 VM SIM CITY OF GMIGERTC VIff, 'T. UJ * this the �� 1 day of September, 1936. r ATTT-.3'T; rir i4 L: �i':,� � � � {,� vY4: W 1' �5Z Ise � o:,� # .i 4.i� i7�� • 000000• 73 THS STATS OF 'fKUS* COUBTY OF WILLIA-"GGR. j mmade as of the 18th day of August, 1906* beteiren the CITY or GECRGETOWN, in the County of WILL B* State of Texas* a amialpal corporation* d4y incorporated under the general Laws of Still. State* hereinafter Balled •CITY"`, party of the First Part* and Fns? NATIONAL BANK 11 HOUST Ng of HOUSM.2 3, 'i'EL39 a corporation, incorpor- ated under the Lars of the Unite& States of A rice* haviac.6; the poser to do a general trust business, hereinafter •alleci the "TRUSTEE", party of the Second fart �-■► WITI ;SSLM11 WMU43* Vac Cite# in ander to obtain funds !br the purpose of improvlj2g its ezistiag light plant and poser systsm4 has determined. to provide for a series of bonds under authority of Artioles 1111 et seq*, Texas Revised Statutes of 1925, as amended ty Chapter 122, of the Central Saws passed by the Pbrty third legislature, at its Regular Ssaston in 1933; said bonds tD be for the principal suet of FIFTY-TIV. THOUSSAM DOLL0S (�$55000000O) • designated •CITY OF GMRGETOISS RLFCTRIC LIGM REVEP 1 BONDS% secured by a first mortgage on the properties hereinafter desorlb. ed, and to be payable* serially„ in their numerical order as folUme, to -Witt BOND VM-73RS MOYIHATIONS X&TURITr DAV., 3 AN UTTS ' InL 1 to a l*000*O0 each September 15thol%il 4500000 6 to 10 49000000 each 11 to 13 �1,0G0.0O each 16 to 21 *-,10000*00 each 22 to if ;1,000.00 each 28 to aS V*11,O00*00 each September 16th,, 1938 *8000*0O September lbthq 1934 105000#00 September 18th* 1940 x6000.00 September 15th, 1911 #8000.00 September 16th, 1942 t600O,*OO 34 to **10000000 each dd to 4ffi -f1,0,:0.00 each. 44 to bi tl000ctoo each eptemher lath, 1943 I'6000000 sl tuber 15th, 1944 W*6000.00 September 15th, 1946 '"6000000 62 to bb 210000.00 each September lith, 1944 14000.00 PROP ''AG�,,MVERp that on and after September 'IM r 1941.9 the said City shall hays U14 010T4031 of paying each Of the said bonds than then be unpaid, by paying the principal and the aecrwed interest thereon to the nest suaaeoding interest Ming "to 1e (March lath .* September Uth) following t'he exercise of such option. That as a mondition to the exercise of the said options„ the said City smell by registered cull eause the F T ZAT W AI RLRX 14 ROUSTONw TTIM TE2, to be no titie t of eatd Cie s intont to exercise said +pption, the said noties to be given for at least Thirty (Zp) tays next proosding said nest interest paying da tel and shall by the serial number designate in such notice the bond or bands that the wit Cita than desires to pay* That the *aid TRMTS26 shall,, at a Batt not lass than fifteens drys (15) prior to said Intsrost paying date, eause the said noties to be publi+ehot LA soma newspaper of goneral oiroulation# selsetat by said TftUSTES, in such manner and form as to said TRLSTEN awy sous proper• gacrh of said bonds sball boar Interest from +Late there•• of at the rate of TIMES Y P. WITM (3�) Per &mum# payable semi- annually an WCR FI?T=NTN ajA 8ZFT7M3nFTS'::Nif, in cash year, the fiarst interest payable on March '15th, *19Z?g arA be s3gXW& by the lialor of said Citg►„ ssalsd wilh its oorporats goal, evuntoreignedl by its Secretary, ro&istered by its Troagursr, and be aut2erntioabed by the Csrtifioa to of the T ustaos,sa id bass to have Interest coupons attached with faosimile signatures of the Layor and City $**rotary printed, engraved oil lithographed thersong and +said:. bo .s, oovpons ark, oortificats shall be sub— stantiallj in the forms folloving* respeetively s 75 GO- * r i 9t NO* f14000600 UNITED STATICS OF ..ICA STATS Or TEXAS, COUNTY OF g L=OZ. CITY Cf 61MR(MOWN ELECTRIC LIMTMSMS BOND* CITT CF amna;:.T01 , in ithe County of williamaon; State of Teacas, a nuniolpal corporation, duly Incorporated macer' the General Marrs of the State of Teams, FOR VALUX BECEITED8 here - 'by promises to pay to the bsarrrr hereof, as hereinafter stated, on the FIM i I)AX OF SEPTZIMM9, 19 , (unless it Us sooner called for payment under the teras hereof), at FIRST SA.TIONA.L BASE 11 HOUSTQR, of HOUSTON, TEUV# the ova of (110000#00)0 in laerftl money of the Omits& States of A,movicta, with Interest thereon at the rate of T11RE19 PER CM171M per annum, pVable on WCH FIFTMTiR aoii SEPM-M F37TEEBT30 In eaeh year, first interest payable on Farah 18th, 19310 and, the Treasurer of the City of Georgetovm, Teams, is hereby authorized, ordered and dirested to pay to bearer said principal sum* together with interest hereon evidenced tW ocupons attached, both prin.- •igal and interest payable, r&en due, at the bank i►bcnre namede out of and from the money belonging to the "SPECIAL J1IECTRIC LIG "M RETRNIUE DOST FMID,w of said City, ereated for that purposes, by the revenues derived from the oleetri• 11gbt plant and pourer eystem owned and operated by sant City. If this band, ae4sordi,ng to the paying date above set out, be due and payable after Dept - ember 15th, 1941; the sail City shall on and after the said September 18th, 19410 be" the option of paying same, by paying principal and asarued interest, on art interest paying date,. ;y (March Bath + September 13tho) by first giving written notles, by registered mail, to FIRST NATION,1L BANE 13 HO TON, for at lose% thirty ( ?) days prier to suadz intersat paling date, of its intent to exeraie* its said, option. THIS DOZ In ane of a series of 'bands of like tenor and offset* except as to amber* and maturity, aggregating In amount FIM -F= THCUSAXID LOLLArIS (*L4,000#00). issued for the purpose of improving the City 's elsetari s light plant aarA power system, to accordance with the Conattution an& Laws of the Mato of Teams, and the authority of a vote of the qua.lifie& property taut paying voters of said. City* rho had duly renders& their property for taxation, voting at e is ctions hell on the Urd day of June, lUfi, and 21st day of Daly„ 1936, respectively, mad pursuant to an. ordinaries paneed by the City Counail„ daly record*& in the rinutee at the City Counail. IT I9 P-LRrB'f CERTTYIED that all bonds of the series of which this bond is a part, are issued under and in as*ordance with and all squally assured by a Tenet Indenture, or torte -age (hereinafter referred to as the "IpF.'CR", dated as of the 1dth dot of August, 1U6, given by the. City of 0sorge town to p` CT X&TlOWIL BA14K IN ROUST034, of I[OMTONO Tr.IA3, (hereinafter so me tim a re ferret d to as the ' T ei TSE") , as TRtM. Tom.`, ve ere in avA whereby, ihr the purpose of securing the paywat of all of said bonds the City has iwrtgaged its enure electric light plant and power system, anal. tb4 not revenues to be derivet from the operation thereof, to wbioh Indentaxe reference is hsreby made for a description of the property mort.,aged and ple deed„ the nature of the security, and the rights of the holder hereof, and of the Tr4ste4, and of Ifto City, in respect of such seaurity• TILIC ROLDZIt f shall never bane the right to QemazA payment of this obligation out of any funds raised or to be raised by taxation. 2a- 21 IT -ENT 07 DEFAMXs an s tipula ted In the Inden tura s the principal of this ?gond and all other bonds secured therebys may beeome or be declared due and payable in advance of !heir ma turi it s AIM IT IS MTRER CERTIFIED9 RECIT, ATED DECIARED that all aotss sonditions and things required to be tons precedent to and In the issuance of this bond, 'have been properly done, have happened and have been performed in regular and tus times form and manner, as required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and the ordinance hereinabove mentioned= and that this series of revenue bonds toes not exceed an ccnstitu- tio,nal or statutory limitations; and that provision bas been mads for the payment of the principal and interest of this band, and the series of which it is a part, by irre vooably pledging the revues of the electric light plant and power system of said city of George toen. NEITHER TRIS 'BC NA, nor any Interest coupon appertain- ing hereto shall be or beoome valid or +bbligatory far any purpose unless ant until this bond shall, have been authenticated by the execution of the certificate endwset bsrson try the TMTU of ,its successors in trast, wmd.er the trust Indenture or Vortc es is TES TIM NT WHM=r e the City of George towns Texas # has oauset the seal of said City to be hereunto impressed, and, this bond to be signed by the mayors eourntersigned by the City Searetary and registereb by the City Treanueres and by the Trustees undor date of September U th, 19Z6s C3+t' 4 or o r' a fU WA. as it iL� f COUN'ERSI GUrDs CITY 74 ON UX , CITY C p.ree tit, Te xa s REGISTERED & MU rea;uuxx y or MZr;*r5W'A1. 1.s xa s 78 (PC C? INTTREST COUPONS) BC* .......�.,.„� ON Tim� DAF G F 15,00 v CITE 0I 01TROEVOWB0 In the COUXIty of Williameons Te=am hereby promises to pay to the bearears out of the funds speoifleb int the bon& to uhioh this mon in attaoh.eis in lasrfml money of the United States of Americas at the FIRST NATIONAL `BANK IN HOUSTONp of HOUSIX10 T IASp FIFTM DOLL, URS (115. ©0) : sai4 sum being six mon the $ Interest that toy due on "CITr OF GEORGETOWN UECTRIC LIGHT REVEIMS BOND#* dated S 'T=- B'. -R lbths 1946s IAC* This soupon is subjoot to all of the teams an& provisions of the *&I& BnNDs and of the IBDIMTCRB securing sane. A.V0r (FO CT' Tusurgis CERTIF'ICATBS) T71I3 B0ZW is *,a* of the bonder Assoribed in the Tmot IjadEentore s or Uortt,-,age s therein referare8 too FIRST NATIONAL BANX 13 ROUS'i010 $�Y A" WRERLAS, The suoution and delirrery of this Indlen- tune tan 'been iivay aut'horiae& by the CLIV Conrail of the City of Clo orge t -own, Texas, J rti:nSor,, axA duly approved by its City Como ile at a session or meeting bell for suah purposel r That the City, in Gonsideration of the prealses axA of OIIE DOLLA3 (3100) to it 404 paid by the T=TES9 at or betbre the ensetling and delireZy of these presents, tho reoeipt Vereot is hereby acknowledged, In ozlor to secure the payment of the principal and interest of the bojAs, aforesaid, aecording to the terms of said bonds, has 0, T +, 3aCtAI D, SOLD* CCB* rl.=V, ASS105MD., TRANSF3.-MD and CONFIT; and ty these pres. ents does GRANT$ BARGAIR,, SILL, CO VE& , TIMMSER and COxFnat unto The Trustee* and its saooessor, or suecessars, and assigm# forever* the following property, to, -wits All that certain lot, traet or pa"ol of land s itua ted In lbs City of Georgetown, Tsx►s, and more particularly do*., Bribed as followe, to- Witt ALL OF MUCK NO* YCRTt•EIGHT (48) OF 'TIM SAID CITY, as SHOWN BY THE ORIGINAL X4P OF THE SAID CITY, OF RMORD 11 TX9 PLAT OR 1UP RECORDS ©? TH'S COUNTY CLERR'S OFFICE IR GEOROTTOe,R, WIUTAR'- SOa COMTY0 TEXAS, SAID BLOCK BEING BOUXDTV ON TRE BORTH BY TIG TR (8th) STREET", on the IST BY FOREST STRMT9 01 TIM:SOUTH` BY NINTH (91h) STREET, and ON THS VZST BY "T11MER STREET. AndL all other proportion, real, porsanaly uIxel or other-. wise,, comorisi m the elootrie light plant and power systen of the City Ut Ceorgetove, Texas, Ineluding all Lends„ rigbts•of-+ray, franchises, easements, permits and oan.esAU, all buSlings and the oonteats thereof, all machinery, and in fact everything eoxv- meotea with the Cityls eleetrio light plant ani power system, acquired, or to be aoquired, nd,thin or oontigaous tee, the said City of Georgetov a, Texas; and it is eipresaly agreed that the lion of this Indenture shall ime dia telt' attach when and as the authorize& improvements Imre been oomploted, and shall be superiar and prior to any and all other lions, rights or olslmw of ark► sox t, or of any person whoresoe*e r. 0 TCOETRER, with all and singular, the toxweitntse hereditements and appurtenanees belonging, or in arWwsia apper- UizaiAg to the aforesaid proportion,, or any part thereof, and together with all properties to be purchased or eonstraetea in the C114V in eo=eetion with said eleetris :Light plant orad power systems arA with the reversion and reversions, zemaindsr asA remairaeras rents, ineoae and profits of all such propertiese and all of the estate , right, title* interest and +claim what-* **ever at laws as well as 1n equity$ which the City now has# or my hereafter &squire a In an& to the aforesaid yroperties, and every part arad pareel therrof. TO HATS AND TO RO LD the same ander the Trustees and Its sueeeesor at sueassmors aeA assigns forever* IN TWuT, WrERTUSESS, upon the teras and trusts herein set forth for those v&o shah hold the bonds afore yea id, or any of thesis without preference of any of said bonds over any others thereof by reason of priority Sa the time of the lease or negotiation thereof, or otherwise, howsoever. rR'UV1DzDs ROWEVr , that if the Citye or its ass igns e shall pale or cause to be paid* Unto the holders of said "bonds e the priasipal and. Interest tie besove dull thereon., at the tuns and in the manner stipulated therein, +end shall keeps perform ares observe, ate. an& singular* the eoverm;nts and promisee, lel► said bonds, snA in this IrAenturs o2pressed, to be kept, per*► formed arA observed by or on the part of the City, then this Indenture* andthe eatuts and rights hereby granted, shall cease$ terminate and be voidl otherwise., to be and ruin in full foree &XA effeet. AAZg PROVIDED, FURTRER, that, while not is default in the payment of the principal or interest„ aforesaid, or its re- speet to any of said eovenants of promises, the City shall be suffered and perr4tted to possess, use and enjoy the aforesaid NE proportion, and to resolve arA use the rents, Segues, inoome, product &jA profits thereof, with power, in the Ordinary scum of business, frosty and without lot or hinderanoe on the part of the ', matoo„ or of the bondholders, to use and sonevas supplios, and, except on hsrela otherwise provided to the contrary, to exercise any and all rights under chosen is actio, fftnehisss and contraotse IT 13, IMREBY COVr.XL TEZ, DRCLkM AND AMMS by' and between the parties he rs to s and the City, .for itself and, Its su seveore, does hereby ootemmt and agree to am# with the Trustees for the benefit of tnose who shall hold said bonds, or asW of theas, as follower ARPa-+ aiY�i SES Ott 10 Ivery bond. shall be substantially of the tenDr and offset b4roinbefors recited, and shall be dated as of the 15th day of Septemberei 19Zi• The bona* ter be seemed hereby shall be issued in the donaaissation of 02M THOUSSAM BOLUR3 (11# 00000) each,, as here Law before provided, amA no bona shall be scoured hereby unless there scall be indorsed thereon the oertifleato of the Trustee substano•• tially in the for® barsinbefors reciteds, tbikt it in one of the bonds Mersin described, and such oortifioate, on any a r -h bonds, Issued by the City, when signed by the Trustees shall be oonalms- ite evidence that it is duly issued and is assured hersby. Lp� Zr• PARTICULAR COV"'IAM-S C? T" CTTY A3 P(TTIVIPRo Amm"m 4000040M mmmmmmww~ "0.0 The City betrobV cotenants as followse 57 -MOX 1: That it is lawfully seized. and possessed, and is the owner of all of the mort6a,4ed pxamises, property r4hts, 99 privileges and franchise* owned, by it at the time of the delivery Of this ;IAOntura, an& that it has lawful authority to mortgage the same as pravided In OnA by this Ianden tare• FrMPIN Zt That It will pay the principal anA inter. *at of all the b*rA* duly issusb hereunder, aoetording to tho teras hereof, BrCtIOM 61 Ghat it will not +rasato any lies upon saiti proparty', or any part thereof, or the income ths"froee, prior to the lines of theso presents, and within two months after the sea* shall aamo it will poy, or etauxe to be discharged, or will make adequate provision to satisfy an& dieaharge all lawful e laims azA to ds for lebor, materials, supplies or other ob- Jests which, If unpaid, ai6tt ley law be given preosdenoe to this 13DENTURS as a Ilea or charge "on the mortgaged property, or the incomm thereofi provided* bowever, that nothing in Via me*-* tion containel sbal'� require tiao rorteagoar to acquira or sausa to be paid or disoharged, or to mai* provision for any such prior Ilea or charges, or to conform to such arequi,rsmentse ewrsnants, terms or eonditionas,, so lon4 as the validity tbe"of shall be sontestat In ,good faith by a;,propri^tee legal proaeedirags; and,,, provillsd, further, that such sesu ritzy for the payment thereof shall to given as the TRUSTES my arequire i and, that it w111 not suffer wV matter or thing wa-areby the lion tbareof, eight or abuld be im-- paired. 5rMON e ° a t it will heap all the property which is at any tines oove re4 bj this Indenture, which is not fireproof„ an& which is a character usually Insured, insured, against loss or Damage by fire, to a reasonable aniount, by reputable Insurance companies, Loss to be rode payable to the =13=9 as its interest may appear„ and will cause sold policies, to be delivered to the TRUSTEE* All monies aollaeted from any such insosax>see shall to received ant hold by the Tr astoe and shall to turns& over by it to the City at any time Vsreafter,, upon pro- sentationn to the THUSTES of a certificate signed by its Mayor and City Treasurer,, showing the expenditure ty the City of an equal amount in rebuilding or renee+al of the property destroyed# or for additions or improvements to the mortbaged property# SYCTIL N be That it will at all time maintain, pre- serve and 'beep the mortgaged property, arrd every part thereof,, with the appartenanees azd every part and parcel thereof, in thorough repair, working order and condition, and from time to time sake all needful and proper repairs,, so that at all time the value of the security for the bonds issue& hereunder and the effeaiency of the plant and property hereby mortgaged shall be fully preserved and. maintainet* 17MON dt That if it shall fail to perfbra arW of the oovenants sontainek in Sections S, 4, and b,, of Article It. the TRWIM may make advaxmes to perform the same in its be'halfe, but shall not be required so to dot and all sums so advanced shall be at ones repuyable 'by the Citye and shall bear interest at din rer Centum (6'0) per anmm until paldv and shall be secured hereby,, having the benefit tf the lien hereby created in priority to the indebtednoss evisi once& by said bonds,, but no such a&vaxme shall be teemed to relieve the City from any default hereunder. ' Te That a Spe pial YWA,, WhIOh is hereby created and d.asi,"tt& as "SFMM ELECTRIC II RT RMT,= BOND FUS * shall be sot aside out of the net operating revenues of the said light plant and paver system, and %hlah Special i'vid shall to used for the payment of principal and interest of said bonds; at zaturfty,, and TRUSTEE'S e*Wsnsation, is event of forest collection, as not forth in said IMENTMM., and. for Ao otbor purpose t and that to *rest* said Spe offal Fund a sufficient amount of all income and revensss of said elaotrie light plant and. pover 8y ssysstogaa is hereby irrevocably pled'e4 and sect asides and su.ah income *xd revemes shall be at all times fttffieient to pay promptly the followizz amounts L* the following yearns 7C�;AR INDI a PR CIPAL IMMUST TA`s AIMUNT AUgust U tea, IUM 5►C.00 August 15 th s,, lug 1.45000#00 Aud.unt 16th* 19ZS t6000*00 August 16 th s 1940 A�6C!t30*00 August 15th* 1941 ^6000000 Auger t 15' t 0 1942 6000* 00 August 1.5th * 1943 Z*$000* 00 t 16 t!a a 1944 6004.04 Amt loth„ 1946 A6000000 Aveust 16 th e 1946 400€ * 00 1650*00 166,50*00 C1600000 AV6500*00 IZ50.00�, " 0000 �12OMO 07200000 *V1020000 17020*00 t3d0*00 ,V6 34d.4Q 660*00 6660004 4 80* 00 6480000 A OOOOO t6300900 120.60 4120000 An& t he City hereby agrees an& covenants that It will dulq and punctually &*pewit with the Trustee the aggregate amounts to be paid Into the nail Sp osial fuzes,* an here l asahovo providoda such deposits to be hall by said Trustee in trusts and applied solely to t1 -,e payment of the principal sof arsd interest on t1zt Bald btaada; azA sus* total amounts shall be deposited In equal monthly ins tallme ntse on or before the first day of a asah mont4 the first monthly deposit to be =do by the City+dth said Trustee not later than the let day of Septembers, 19469 Ti1i2 sir long as *41A hamar &xA inters s t oavpons s or amt of such boxAs or oouponse shall be owtstandirg avA unpally the City shall fix sued maintain rates and collect charges for the faoilities axe! sertisslt afforded by its elesetri.s liStit plant and power systems, which will provide revenues sufficient at all times= (l) To pay for all operation* maintenanoe, eepreeia- tion, replacement and betterment charges of the said eleotrio lUbt plant arA power ssysetesai (2) To establish art maintain the seat& OSPECM ELECTRIC LIMT .aIM BEND r't 14i and,, (4) To gay all outstanding izAebtedAsss a4ainst Its sant slostria lisht plant and power system.# other than the said bonds, as andL when the same becomes Luc. Arty funds remaining an band, atter provision for the saintenaaeo and operating expenses of the eleafrio ligbt plant and power system, aa after paying the amount required to be paid to tba Trustee into the *SPEC► RiUTRIC LIMIT RMr",T19 XID F=D, * as above provided, may be used by the City for a artr other purpose permitted by las* SECS 8x The City hereby binds .itself not to 400 self lease„ or in any mazmer dispose of the electrier lizht plant and poorer system now belonging to It, including any and all rdditions, betterments and extensions , until *&I& bonds ax�i Interest croupous shall harts boss paid In fulls S CTT03 9s That it will eaueo this IjAentur+e at all times t* to kept recorded and tiled as a mortgage, both of real estate and of personal prop erty v in such ma nne r andla suah places in the 'United States as may to re Quire& tj loot in order to fully preserve an& pro to e t the security of the bondholders and all rights of the 'Trustee. "rION 14t Thst It will execute aid d4'11"r such farther instraments and da such further acts as way be nossas- ary to make subject to the lion hereof any property now owned* or hereafter aegnirsis, and to transfer to any neer trastoo the estate* poerers, i.nstraments or funds in trust hereundsrs 5 N 31e That it will at any and all times, 'upon the written request of the Trestee, furnldr it with a schedule shorriogs eriU& reasonable befall, the heves of property coverer . by the lion hereat, or intended ever to be* and that it still, Wan litre requset, furniah to the Trustee a statement in writing, 8b abowing aocvxately the fiAsnoieal condition of the slectris light plant earA power aystemlo including JA such statement an account in full det ll of the propertys assets arr0. liabilities of the said► elestris light plant and power system$ and an exhibit of tis earnixi,s aad operating exponses thereof* gives south by th for and Aurize a perio& sf at least a year prior to the time of maklzg a,%*% re sue ot# The City &III also at any e all time* until all the boYAs Issued heramider shall kave been ftU7 peidO permit the Trasteto by Its duly authoriss& agvntr, fully to inspect all the books oe aceounts of the City# together with all Its reports,,mtrorand,a or other Vapors* and to take such extra*%* therefrom as =q be desireds But the TR MS shall be under no obligation to are gu.isr any such sake J ule or s taste s t o or +00 make thigh inepe ctiono says a0 it may desire or *loot* "ECTICN Itt That it will not issues cm permit to be issumlis any bonds hereiay secured in any =nnsr other thaa In accordance with the provisions of this Indenture,, and, the agreements in thiat behalf herein contoine&, and will not suffer or permit any default to act unc:er this Indentures but will faithfully observe and perform all the conditions, covenants and roqm1roweAts hes rs+af. In overt forecloware of this lion b$3m- after shell Uooms nsewsssrys is order to enforce the payment of principal end. interest of nail bonds, or in +Misr to enforce any of the eov4a4nt& of this INDENT, In conformity with the lecw+ea of the States, pa.articalAwly in conformity with Articles 1111 st segs 'Texas Rovieeed Statuteas 1926s as aysn&ed by Miapter 122s At% 19"` ! the City hereby ,ants to the rureb"or or purahsassre under any sale or foreclosure there ons a freanehise tb operate saU electric light ,plant and power gystoav and, properties so purdhase& for a terms of twenty t po) ysarss dating from the purchases sub j sat 97- to all laws regulatiAe same then in f0ree-6 Said oUstrio 11^,t, pia8t taad power system, in event it be operated by the purhhasea pursuant is mush grant or franohise# shall be operated and oondus•► tea axa4 maintained in such a saime>r as shall be to the benefit ofs, and proteotion tog Us City of Qeorgetowa, and its inbabitantso and said purohaser shall to obliged to gime efficient publie sorrier. u �� 14t The said CI1W further covenants a xd agreos that the fees to be paid the Trustee herein rAmedf and Its successors, shall to in ooeordance with the following sahadule t f2�UT «•r••• An aeceptanee Zee of one -Month Of orae per •entum of the authorized Imms; but sudh fee o In no event, to be less than $100000* SECan. ---- An agnual foe of Ono..foft.,ielk of eine per eentum of #hs bonds secured by this T denturso exclusive of such bon &* previously paidl but In zo evert shall such annual fee be less than $500 000 TEM . Tor paymeat of bonds, a fee of *no,".4tShth of one per aentma of the Smunt of such bonds so paid, plus advertising most, If wVj such fee to be due and payable at maturity Rate of such boad.el but In no even* shall such fee be less than 10:00 for each maturity of bomdo r Ft:UaTEi - • For payment of interest ooupons, a tee of one,► fourth of ane per osntun of the amount of such souponal suoh foe to be due aro p"ble on each Interest payment date, Por authentleation of the bonds, a tae of fifty cents for each bond authentioated by the Trustes• as SIXTH aww .ds a eel ing foes Trustoo shall a1e0 be entitled to receive a feet of one-twecntl4th of on* per ecantuee of the outstanding bonAst but in no event shall Ou" 41"Lag t`ee be 1042 than X60#00* "RTIC!"T ITT* Y ' ..! It while the City is not in default seer#-► u +er, it aay sells e►Aahaljaa or otherwise dispose of, without any release fiva the wets#, any m chinexy $ equipment, tools or laple nts v4j4h may have b000ne obsolete or ungit for use, upoU replacing the *am* or by substituting for the same saw e+aohin+e.rys e+; ipment, 'tool* or U�plements of oapaoity, value and effioieney at leaet equal to the or incl eapaaity, value azl effioltney of those Ajaposet of. P=vided, bonrever, that the City first Satisfy the TMJSTV,.t that the same in rpt Suceh aapaoity, value, G,D& affi®isnay, by such means as the TRIMME may demaui.o W 3-P 1r e4,CTTn1 Is no boad or no on mall his V &4A 'ty the 3WS`E'S uAtU such band or Coupon is srarremIerad and delivered to they TitUSTEZl axA when sncah bcoA or Coupon to so surrendered or delivered and ,psi&, the TMISM, shall endorse thereon in in- delible :ink or stamp therein the words "PAID AND C U=** and wbien the same is So pail ant Cancelled the TRUST'3T slall deliver the *am* to the said. City* It any bond or Coupon bet lost, t— ilated or aestroy ed so that the same #sort be presented for payment as afors"i&# that in such event the same shall be peicle oAly• Won the: owrAr thereof maklAg satiaefaotory proof to both said fiRUST23 and the said City, at his ownership of such tont or saxpon anal that such 'bond or oaupon has been so w atilate&, lost or destroyed, and thus cannot be presented for payNIsxst, ani by, in addition thereto, giving such security an the City may &remand„ and in such form as the City wV require, in a suss not less than doable the amount clame& to be &us upon such lost„ nutilatot or Ass troy e&, bond or soupon o Such se surf tY so ,given will be "yo ble to the said. City at Georgetown* Tioxas, and shall b* approved by the same Cityp which *aid aoaept"Ace and approval thereof *ball to evidenseei by a resolution of the City Council of the said, City, &uly passed and veoorled In the b„inutes of such 0111 Council and that a duly authenticate& atopy of such resolution Shall be authority to the said TWSTZI to pay the gala ltseti ma►tilate& or destroyed band or eoupon. �'�, CT, 2W Is If default Shall be seado in the pagment of any principal or interest hsreb,7 sesurel, or if ssy other default* shall be seeds hereunder by the City, 'Ih4, ' WOS the sleetion ,either of the Estee or of the holAs" of sa ority iaa interest of the bonds hereby Secured and then outs tondirg, avI-dented IV an instrument cr instrawa nts in err it ing e sign*& by then and delivered. to the Trustee, and after the Atlee p"vide& for in Station 10,0 drtiole IT, hereof, the entire prinpi- pal sus **oared hereby* axed. the interest aearue& thereon, shall beoont and be immediately due and. payable; subjeet, 'however, to the right of a mjority in interest of the holders of said bonds to annal such ales tram or to ea ire Say such de ftult at any time before eery sale hereuWUr, by wvritten wtiee to the City and the Tmette, if* before &V such sale, all agreements with trescpeet to wrhich default shall have been made shall have been fully V*r- forsed and all arrears of interest upon all bonds secured hereby♦ awed all other Indebtedness s*aured hereby, *x ept the principal of such bonds and the interest asormed since the last interest data, shall, have been paid:, or the amount thereof shah have teen d*posited, with the Trustee for the benefit of those entitle& there teeo p e �?N is It default shall to wade in the payment of ar4► Interest hereby asecuredo of it default shall be made In Us payaaat of any principal hereby scoured, or if any other dsi'ault shall be vs4o he"=Aer by the City, then 'tbe City, upon domand of the Trustoo t shall thrthwith surrender to the Trust** the actual possession of, and it shall be lawful for the Trustee# by much officer or agent as it my appoint, to take posses lon of all, tits property hereby econveyed$ or intended to be (with the books, papers and accounts of the City pertinent to 'emeh, properij) e and, to hold, operate and manage the same,, and trom tiros to time to mks all need, repairs, and succheltearations, addItionx and ,IVzo vements as to It shall sena wise, and to restive 'the relater, incomae,w issues azA ;profits thereof, and out of the same to pay all, proper costs and expenses of so taking, bolding and masaging the same, inalu ing reasonable unable compeansa tion to the Trus tee a, its agents and efcaunsel, &&A any charges of the Trust*# bersuaftr„ and aaray' InsuraAct premium, and other charges prior to the lien of these presents* whieah tree Trustee my down it wise to pays adnd all eapaxwee of such repairwa, alt+erationae„ additions and improve.. wentae, and $* apply the remainder of the money so resolved by It first to thea payment of the installments of interest which are tus and unpaid, In the ord*r of their maturity, with interest at the rate of Six per Gent (d ) per anmn after maturity, anlL thereafter., If the principal of said bonds is dine, to the pAyment of said prinelpt and, accrued interest thortan pro rats without t par'efarenae or prioritj 'whatevere ahenstsr all that is due upon sunh, bonds and Installments of Interest shall have teen paid, the Trustoo, shall surrozAcr possession to the City, its suscossors or assigaosj the *came right at ontry, bow4ver, to exist upon any au,bse gnus aat Ae. fault. fvCT 41 If default shall be mads In the payment of any interest hereby scours&„ or it default shall be made in the payment of any principal hereby *tenured$, or if any other de - a fault shall be ande hereunder by the City, it shall be lawful for the Trustee, by such officer or agent as it may appoint* with or without entry, to sell in any manner authorised by law all the property and appurtenances hereby conveyed, or ins* tended to be, or which may be covered 'hereby, or in any manner wq be s$bjeot to this Indenture, without said property being at the place of sale, as an entirety, or in such parcels as the holder of a majority in Interest of the bonds secure& boreb,y shall in writing request, or in the absence of such request# an the Trustee may determine, laving first given such notice of said sale as may be required by law„ and from time to time adjourn such sale in its discretion without further notiee, except such as way be required by law, and. upon such sals to snake and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers a good and sufficient deed or deeds for the same which shall be a perpetual bras, both at law and in equity, against the City♦ and, all persons and corporations lawfully claiming, or to claim, by, through„ or under it* 5�,� bi In case of the breach of any of the eove-w panto or condition,* of this Indenture, the Trustee shall bare the right argil power to take appropriate judicial prooee4ings for the enforcement of its rights and the rights of the bondholders here— under (the provisions herein as to entry and sale beim intended as, and are,, OwwAstive and not exclusive of the ordinary remedies of morVage in ease of default or breach of condition)* In case any such breach,, should the Trustee xef se or neglect to take action., either bj such proceedings, or by the exercise of its powers with respect to entry or sale, ars it may determine, upon being requested in writing so to do bly a majority interest of holders of said bands then outstanding, and upon being indemnified to its satisfaction by said bondholders "inst expezoe and lis. bilitye any bondholder shall be entitled, to take area such pro,.* oeedings within five "yo after such request and Mender of In— demnity, as aforesaid. 93. VICT Opt lUkon the inatitutioast of suit, or other oommeneemisat of Judierial proceedings to enforce the rights of the Tzuatee and of the bondholders ander these presents* aaiq court of wa stent jurisdiction say appoint a rescuer or receivers of the property hereby mortgagyed* and of the 1noone*, arenta, issues anal. profits thereof, pending such prooeedings* with, suet, powers as the court making such appointments shall e�nfear• CTTOM It D,pon ozy #sale being made, either under the power of sale hereby ,given cc under age me at or decree in any JuAlciall, prooesdixtgs for the foreclosure or otherwise of this IjAenture, the principal of all bonds then outstanding and scoured hereby a'hall, at once become and be due axed peyatleo and such foreclosure shall be as to all vnpaii bonds, and as to all interest coupon* than are then Aur s a oordLng to the due date '11ereaft and that any 0OupoA not then due a000rdiag to its due date act out therein squall osass to be a valid and binding obligation against sail. Gitye, VSO W 8t Ax4 purchaser at av{ such sale, in paying purchase moneys mLy turn in axV of the bonds hereby scoured in lieu of cash to the amount thiah shalt, upon distribution of the net proceeds of such, sale, be payable thereon* said bonds,, LA ease the amount so pplrabla thereon shall be Use than the amount due 't aeareon,w to be returned after beteg properly stamped to show partial paymeanto The receipts of the Trustee, or of the officer of the Court conducting such sT le, shall be a sufficient discharge ter the purchaser or purchasers at any such sale for him or their purchase moneys and suah purchaser or purchaser*, bis or their assigns or personal representatives, ,shall not, after paying such purchase money and reoeiving such rev*ipts therefor* 'be obligated to see to the application of SAIch purchase money, or be in arty wey answerable for axV loss or misapplication or nonapplioation thereaf: 9a� 81,CT2OIT 8t The proceeds of any such �s+ loo together with ajW other aim which may then to held by the Trustee under azy of the prov is ions of this Indenturs an part of the trust a state o or the proceeds thereof, shall be applied as follmn s FitT O*►• To the payment of all costs and expense of mach salve, including a oollestion fee of Five Per CoAt te} to be paid the "Tr+xstee, and in addition thereto„ a reasonable somponsatian to the T ust— se #s agents and attorneys, and all other sums payable to the Estee hereunder by reason of W expense, liabilities or advances made tW it. UECGND .... To the payment of the whole amount then owing and unpaid upon the bcusds hereby secured for principal and Interest* with interest at the rate of Six per Cent (&�) per annum, , on the overdue installments of either prinaip*1 or interest, axA, in ease such Proceeds shall be insufficient to pay in full the male amount so due and unpaid, then to the payment of such principal and interest ratatly, without preference or priority of principal over interest, or of interest over prineipal, or of any install - swat of Interest over any other installment of i.nterest.0 TUIRD *w•m AV surplus then remaining to the civ, its sues• essors or assigns,, or to whonwoever wait be lav - fully entitled to yreosive the same„ EEC iC3 ldt Zn the event 9f a default on Its part, as aforesaid* neither the City nor axe► one claiming by, through] or under it, ahall sat up, e2aim or seek to take advantage of any apprais4ment, valuation, stay, extensioa,v redemption or moratorium laws now, or hereafter„ In force, in order to prevent or hinder the enforcement or foreclosure of this Indenture, or it the absolute sale of the property hereby eonveyod, or the fish. &VA abaaoluto putting into possession thereof, Immediately after such salev of the purdhaaser or purchaser* thereat, but the City, for itself, axed all v&o seq cla im by, through or under it, hers• by valves the benefits of all such laws* A2A the City' for itself and all wbo my *Ula V. throu i or under It, hereV waives any and all rights to have the properties or estate eomprised in the saeurit4 intended to be created 'hereby maarsballeat upon an7 forsolosure of the lien hereofl and meet that any court haviAg juristietion to foreoloss suds lieu my sell the mortgaged pr*- ,perty as an entirety. w.=C i1; No oo lle a tions fs o i sball a o*=* * and 04000 no foreclosure proceedings shall be begum in any oovxt, or through the Trustee or its suecessora, and no option to mea,tix" axq ,part of said 'bond* because of default in psymaat of any Installments of principal or interest shall be exercised until a lusty days* written natio* a hall be given to each member of the City Council of the C ity s, that payment of principal or In- terest of saki boaxds bac been dean "e4 an9L default rude, which notice shall date from the sending of a prepaid registere& latter to each member of the City Cdaun ail, addressed to them at the Post Office in the City of Georgetown* Tex^s* If the installments of principal and interest, then due, shall be paid before the expiration sof ninety mays, together with the interest pyroseribe t in this Ia4&nture, frons the tate of default until the hate of pa,yusn'to 1t she11 buys liba effeet as if paid on the tate the aamae was originally dus,* THii n.vUT,;'Z,a, for itself and, its su cessora, hereby acedpts the trysts created in this Irdentuxe, but only upon the terame and conditions hersof, inolu4ing the following, all of v&iaeh shall bin& the City" and. the h©ld.ers of bocds issued here. under. qs In so event shall the Trustee be liable in any canner wbatsoever, except for its own Cron* negiligonet or wilful mis` conduct or negleoU It shall be entitled, at the expense of the City to advice of counaol in azq and every matter of question. arising bereund4r., *at oetion taken in avcordanoo with, the advice of eounsel selooted or approved by it sell conclusively be pre«• svaesd to be proper *otion. The recitals of fact contained heroin, and in the toads issued heroun4er, shall be understood as mtde solely by the City and not as sa44 or YoAwhed for W tete Truetss. The Trustee shall have no responsibility for the validity of the lien of this Indenture* or the szscution or aaknowlodgement thereof, nor as to the title, value or extent of the security afforded heroby, aiA shall'be under no abligration to see to the recording, regle- tra t Lan, filing or re f ilin,g of this ins trume nt • 08 any instrument of furtlier assurance, or the giving of any notice thereof, or to see that airy of the property inUAded now or horsaftsr be con+ voyst in trust heroun&sr is satJoeted to that lion hersof, or to see to the uee or application of the boxuls or their pr0004loo In the went of the rssignation, refusal* disqualifi-► oat ion or o the r inability or incapacity of the said Trus to e r then and io such event, a successor sy be appointed by the holders of a majority in amount of the bonds then emtsttnding by an rostra - meat signet by such bondholders art& recorded In the Office of the County Cleric of e'illiamson County, Texas* but in east no such appointment shall be wade by the bondholders -within then (10) days after the occasion for such appointment bas arfsong a now Trusts@ or Trustees may at any time thereafter be selected and appointed by ant e;Durt of eompe tent jurisdiction in the promises ant upon tyre application of the City or the bolder of any of *lit bonds, axes Atpon such, notice as such court shall direct or as shall be In aa+ cordon with the rules and practice of such court, guDh now qb trustee, it appointed by order of Court, shall always be some responsible' so+rp*vete trust samara or bank with tmot powers, willing and able to asvespt the trust upon reasonable terms,* Axl' now Trusts* appointed hereunder sehalh essouto,, acknowledge szA deliver to the City an instrument accepting sueh appointment here- under, whiah seaial aaeoptanos shall be Ault' resardel in the office of said County Clark of Williamson County, axed thereupon the new Votes, shall become vested with identically the same title to said ,premises, and the some rights arA powers, s'ubjest to the same duties, as tha Trustee wborne it suoaeseds* Any Trustee *easing to net shall* however, on the written request of the City, or of the a** Trustes, exsrate and deliver ext instrument transferring to each new Trus toe a upon the trust t heroin. a xprossed, all the a ata to s ,' pr o— pertiss, rights, pacers and duties of the Truster no *easing in mot, and shall tuly asaign, transfer and deliver all property and loonies held by suoh Trustee, to its successor* The Trustee here- under may resign and des charge itself from the trust hereby created, by giving notice lit writing to the City of its inteaw tion, to resign not less* tan Thirty (Z0) days before such ".' s ignat i►on will take effects and the walling of such ado ties s, ad+ireesred to the City Secretary# shall be deemed to giving oaf s udh no t loo * That the Trustee bersin named or axW sueoessor to the said Trustee, srhall at all times have ttie pourer t© appoint mad employ such agents and assistants as may be xuo*ssary, useft3ll, or proper, In the execution of any of the matters an4 thus, +dune or to be tons in executing the said taus* t,, and 1st o ori ng eta r and ma,naging said prope artle s here is mentioned, axed shall have the poor r to ceharge # scaliest, atd receive from the said City, all reasonable fess„ Salaries,, comissions and compensation* due or that my bosoms dus to such employess or agents by reason thereon that the weed Trantee and itr sxaooessors In trast shall bave n lion on all the properties heroin nentio►ned, and on the revenues thereat to secure the payment of all such fees, Salaries, eon lssions and eras Onsations, q} AVA or that M41 become dns to its said erepinyees ari4 ageatie by reason hereof# and shell have the sail lien Won all of said properties and, revexases therefroa, to **our* the payment of the lees due to such Trastee or TMOUes, or that emy become dvs to such Trustee or Trus tees tinder ail and all of the terms and provisions of this In3enture. That the lien created by this Indenture to secure the sail bond and the prino *al anti Merest thereof &hall, exist and oontinus for sail purposes and in adli- tion thereto shall, secure the prompt payment to the said. Trustee or Trustees, of any and all obligations it may hold aga ins t the said City by reason of wV axil: all things dome "A performs& by It under this trust. A?MMS 4'I. dowma .......TS OF ............"WOOM w....... Any declaration, request, election ar Oppointment herein provided to be made by the holders of bonds hereby secured shall be by an instrument or instruments in writing signet arA aaknowledged by the bondholder„ or bondholders, or his or their duly authorized attormy, before ajV officer authorized to take acknowledgements of deeds• The Trustee sir require any person cla unix to be a bond holder to produce his bonig or to prove his ownership by otber evidence satisfactory to the Trustee, Whenever all In&sbtedness, both as to principal and interest, 'hereby secured„ shall have been fully pall and satisfist,, Including all proper charges of the Trw tes hereunder, the Trastee may, and upon request of the City, shall* cancel and discharge the lien created by this Indentvara, and shall execute and deliver to the Mortgagor such deed or ,ether instrument as shall be requisite to satisfy the lien thersofe &cad reoonvey to the City the estate and title hereby eonveyed oral then sub jset to the lien thereof, Rg `: mwm� Nothing in this Zmdenture„ Wipresset or 1Mp11e14, is intended, or shall be oars trued, to eQofea upetn, or to dtr a to, arg person or corporation, other than the parties hereto era& the 'holders of the bonAs Issued hereunder, ark► right, remedy of chain nailsr or by reason of this LAenfurs, or any cotenant„ ean— dition ar sti4mlatioa hereoft axe► all covenants* sti,pnlati.ons, provdme• an& agroomnts in this Indenture o©ntaimet by or an behalf of the Uorte;agory shall be for the rile and, exclusive benefit of the ,parties herst4 ajA of the holders of the said bonds* A ST,TCC"r',Z3ORS AWD WIMIBT�3 in this Indenture either of the parties hereto is rmmet or refs=*& to,, this 81*11 be deemel to inc►luds the suss osss+ors ord ao r-, of such party, wait all the covenants smA agreements bac► this Udonture acaetained by or on behalf of the Mort, ear or by or on behalf of the Trustee, eu►11 bind and inure to the benefit of that respective s soessors wA assigns of suah ,parties„ %ho ther so expressed or not* ARTTCTLIS To MWO Z,,,,, C. -I,jt The want "Trustee* (except Where oth rr-w wise indicated) mean* the Trustee for the time be ing o wit a th e r original or sa,eare640WO The words '"Bond," *Bondholder" and "Holder* shall include the pluxal as well as the singular mer,, Unless otherwise clearly i4dicatoto The tams *Bonds* shall be deemed: axed construed to mean the bands issusd under ant secured by tbis Indenture, at the daces Outatkn4ix and "paid, unless the context requires sore other smanInge 0 Ths wrd '"Coupons" refers to the Interest empons attache& or appertaining to the breads seauret hereby* unless herein otherwise iaradideto" SrCTTON Zz It is expressly agreed an& uAAerstoot that ti is Indentures ao$ the obliaetions herein *soured, ars solely a charge upon the proportion berein arid. hereby e,ncumbsrsd and shall ower be ar4eku et in determining the power of the itort-aaoar, ( City of Georgetown) to Janus any bonds for any of the purposes authorixst by law. ;`''CT 0R t It We Yortsags or lien given by this oft instrument shall be,, or a vs r bo sums , Ine ffe a tual, insa lit or unentorseable against any property hereby martj!�agot or pledVA bsoauas of grant of pager or titles In the City# the inclusion of any property Aessribet herein shall mot in any way offset or invalidate the mortago or lien aisiast such property as the City hat the right to mortgage or PIOUS* F-7MON 4: The Tmertse way sacuire,� purchase and bolsi any bonds or souupons of this Issue and, in r+espsot thereto &ball buys all Us rights of an innocent holder of a negotiable Instrument obtained for full value in the dus sours* of business* Sr,CTTCN d: So balder of bonds issum4 under Ulu .. Indenture shall over have the aright to dement payment of such bonds out of any funds raised or to be raised ty taxation. LR WITNESS WHIRE07,0 to these presents executel in eounterpert, CITY OF GRGMWNj TECA: * party of the First Fart, bas oa %xss4 its corporate seal to be affixed, and, attested by its Citi Sterst+ary, and its mme to be signed by its Ymyor and the following kembers of Its City Council, amt the FIRST RATIONAZ RAR$ Ili RCUSTGR, of 110UMT030 TUAS, party of the Second. Part* bas caused, its corporate seal to be affixed and attested by Its cod /"& 21 , amt its nam to be signed by ,00 Its V` 'c. �e -Le eS Qv e- as of the Aay amA ,year first awe ax•1 tU no AT STs Lc19te (C= ZEAL) CITY 07 $ MRO Tt7WSO T",lA.S. '�y �lf�FSMi th f •64�,?,�,.ilt Z9. cild-'-1,0/i4 " kw *.*A% tA0 .AW, aiPA i If e i2 oai� 1�u�tY1 � IZ C !�c 08e .�.armss C-02 •nAr :amu. � .� zz,��.,t� r LA V YnST NATIONAL IA MX IN MUSTOSO O Q NX61.1 MWVay y/. S, Ce a pA' YI +wr�ri�wwir rr W r•wrrrrMlrigl•�� ,..r•!�,..� � e R.�.�......r.• ,. j!L c; a ...�'(�r.�� J...�.r.�r...� (Bay s zAL) •1!lSiii• THS STA.TV Cr Tlr' SUM IM* the hers igns d * a Notary ftblica, la and for Williasson County a Texas* on this day personally appe ars&, No i". Smith, y'• Z. Buohbolzo Js Its Chastain,, Wo S. Fxazier, J* Co Oodbey,, an& go t. Wilcox* Imioma to ae to be the persons whose vanes are subscribe& to the foregoing ixatxu ant and acknowledged to as that that executed the same for the purposes W1 ax& soneldaration therein exprassed anA In the capacity therein s tatoU airEl 'u-ID='.R IT WkND AUD S:�.L C? G"IC29 this the Z- � -a day of Auguste " Ids 19"o ****so* STATZ CF T .AS COTJTY Cr HAAR s 1 Are�'.lmv&d ury iu fir 06"a "3'c,r V12111aramon County. Texas B17CRI 139 the undersigned., a Notary hublia, in arA for Barris County* Texas, on this day personally appeared Mug. fn to me to be the person wboee xnme is su4seribad to the f'oreg'oing instrawat and ocknow- ledged to ns that he ozeoute& the some for the purposes anR +eons i4era tion therein a xpre sse d and. In the eapa a ity the ro in stated* G11MX MDER VZ HAND AAD SEAL Cy ()FTICB*. this the ,{/ �wwrr��rrrwrr �.ri ��rrrnr■+rru�r wwrrr■rirr i4i � �/1#.�V�� (/- - .1.) J-4Hea9 C01.t04G Rarri a, County a Tex®aso Filed for record at E o1olook P M sept 39 1938. 000* w 000 TAE STATLP OF TEXAS, ) C OtINTY OF WIMIA2+?,SON. ) I, D L Noble, Clerk, County Court, Williamson County, Texas, do hereby oertify that the above erd foregoing is a true and correct dopy of INDENTURE, City of Gecrgetown to First National Bank in Houston, Trustee, as the same appears from the original thereof, now on file iA my offioevand recorded in Vol. 64 on page 49,, d o To Certify Which, Witness my hand and seal of office at yt2e?sRecords. Gearrgetown, Texas, this the 4th day of September, A D 1936. .;, D L Noble, Clerk, County Court, Willi" oa County, Texas. BY Ie put y. 10ok C1KRTIFICATS OF CITY SECRETARY. THE STATS OF TEXAS, CITY OF GwRoETOas COUNTY OF laILILUMONO Is U. L. Cates* City Secretary of the City of Georgetown. Texans DO ITMEREBY CLRTIFY TTUT the above an& foregoilig in a true and correct copy of — "AN Or-,D1A'V,!1CN by tic City Council of the CiV of Georgetown, Texans Rai tlfying4, confirming an& approv- Ing the execution of the Indenture of Al st lath* 19.A* to secure payment of 5b$00 40 ZrCITY Or B.LCIA"RIC LIGHT REX&ME Wo.'N'D31; enacting provisions 1nai&ent azA relating to the subject azA purpose hereof; &L4 deolariiig an srargeneyo" dial passed an& adapted by this City Council of the City of GeorgetownsTexase, On the 28th day of August, 1936. all me sabers thereof being present., and which ordinance was duly signacl by the J�or of said, City Council ani attested by the City 3tcretarys and rinutes or said city Council showinC its adoption* ouch Ordina4os an& minutes being of record in Book # page et seq., of the Irinates of the City Council of Baia Cit.70 WIT :33 11Y HAND AM T117, SMLL OF SAID CITY, on this t114 dey of September, 19256* rj-t'y- � a IL"re Laxy. C I t,.YV oz, M0,76 LO 7Z. Texas* (C17' SM) 103 Cr T I MATT C? fits t"+Iix Y CL -,U TrM STATE C? TE33 COUNTY CTS' WILLI!".501 } It Do Z.. Nolk 0 County Cl rke T'11.11amlion Canty, Texas* ,to Berety certify tat I lave oxamineit tie r+eovrde In ry offloe arA that other t3 aft the deed of Triet Lien of date., Arenrlt 18. 13460 from the CIV ar C`easrestownt to the MRSi'AICINAL M 13 SCUMONg of Poust*n# Ts3tst Of reowt in of a "0 pace 4748 of the Do*& of Trust Reaords, of Villian,,von County, Te rav t I do not fin& any lien of reccorl Yn -y atfioe a, #est Vve City Of GaargetowAt or against the eleatrio 13: -tit an4 power sjote of the City of Caorgetown,, st c h ms mort,, oges, deeds of *rants, chatte�� �ae�rt;�a►,�es, �snt, etca. y TO C T. DC7'„ Witness my hand anA seal of offlae, at Georeatovino Texaso this the 16th flay of Septembers WIMAMSon toustg o Texas .r. .. r■. ,n iar..u.�+i.r.rrr 16y = ICAT3 CP DISTRICT CZI 110 SMT'Si PTVDMG COU"" Or YZILLTA71-v" To co Ire goat Clef of the District C&mwt of Williamson County, Texan, do hereby oe rtif7 that *here no suits rendlng in the Distrust Com't of tiillia • son County, Texas against the C1t7 of GeorCetorn, int Wiliiaaseon County, Texans or against the 12eatrie Light and Peer syvt4m of the City cit Georretowa,, in i3.lieM.eon Counter, "°exaS• Given under P7 band and seal of said Court at offlae in Georget v, Texas, this the End deq of ,opt +er, A& D• 1936* Cistriat Clerk of x illiammu Countys #'exns„ F05 T STATS or 1=A3, COUITUY CF 'vU=LMOX# I* D L Noble, Clerk* County Court# Williamson County, Texas, do hereby certify that x here oxaain*d the r000rds of my office, end that I do not find any liens of record is my office against the City of Coorgetown Eleetrio Ligbt and rower System, such of chattel mortgagee, deeds of trust, judgmentas, etoo Td`' Certifr Thioh* Witno3ss my hand and seal of office of 4 Ofto ry own* Texas$, this the 2nd day of Septembers, l C 1936p ,r D L Noble, Cl arc ks County Court, Willie County, Texas„ 'BYe3� �- PUty# to& CERTIFICATS OF VAYOR AND TREASrURM TITS STATS OF VEYASO COMTT GFILL1417Lo"''I CITr OF GIMRGII-TONI WrE « R, Fo Smi tU s rayor of t b o City of Goorgo town # 'texas, ark. Ye tella Syron, Treasurer of the City of Georgoto%z. Texasjo eaah hereby oertify teat other than the luaont ure or Lee & of Trust given by the City of Geor, town, Te:&Asv to FLIMT NATIO&I BANK 13 Mt7110-TON9 TRL7ST=4 of Ute Augvet 16th, 19;A0 arab of r000r& In Volume 84` pa Es 474 of the 1*e4L of TrAst azt Yortg ge Besordis of Williamson County* Texas; tIA t there art no Ilo ns or charges x a irA t the Eleatria Light axe Tower system of the Ci t' of Georgetown* Texas, &ML t1at t' ere are no liens or wi"es s,�;ainst axW of Vie revenues thereof", of axW eaharae ter W.atso were GIV11:1 'MAM CUR FsAIUS, aal taia seal of the a ►ill City, Vile the lith d' of Septembsrr, As De I9Z6• Texas town , Texas* A''S.lt Oxus to} CERTIFICATE. GI' DISTRICT CL. No SUITS PmiD IsNO STATE OF TEXAS CGUNTY OF WL.LWZ0N Is Co R. Ge, Clerk of the District Court of Williamson County„ Texas, da hereby certify that I have examined the records and files in ry office. and find that there are no suit or snits pendiAg in said District Court of Willial.nson County Texas, contesting the Revenue Bond election, held in and for the City of -Georgetown, an the Urd day of dune* A. Di 1936, or contesting the revenue 'ond election, held in and for the City of Gorge toga, Teras, on the Met day of July, i. D. 19,96g and that there are no suits of any dhara,ter pending against the said City of Georgetown, Texas„ or acalrist, or involving the Blectrie Light arA Power S.Vatem of the saM City of George.. town, Teras, IN T1;ZTx,'X.2Y vM-'RECF, I hereunto affix vW hand. +end seal of office at Georgetown, Twxa,s, this the 16th 6V of September, A. D. 19Z6, �LV11111� t W4 07 r7a "ZiounrTouzz of Williamson Co=ty& Texas I0 7:2, L/.3 Q"scz or ATTORNEY GENERAL or 27ATI OF T9XAa THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the City of___ mOrT ttom_ Xi&Ctr1.&_1Lg 1tL------------------________ Revenue Bonds, S03WC______ issued by virtue of an ordinate passed by the the _-la'h__day of____Vt------ --- —__198 4_., for th�er purpose of ale atria _Ugh1k_g %Ae i rnaad for said city, dated _---,SepUmher--I.5195 6....., numbered conaeoutively from ---------------- Inclusive* 10 the denomination of. ------- --- Dollars each, rat f�'�,31►-ZiVO `hOUSOrd_ $5S►. ¢t 01-- _- •• -- ----- ''_ Dollars, irate $ attlr�`ef�sting this earn of _ _ at th t nal. Bank in. lioustan, o f S4tarato Texas, as follows: ,„4Citl.,�S_ s_tba-93T,__to -li, bath inclusive'► C�,6.8Q__txnt-�e�t�am�+�r_�i".�..L8�4�tQ__��;�,.__�'►c�t�,._.�nc�Itzaee�-_�______..---------------- ,OQtT...Qty__�z__S�gtember__2.�..�.I$4E<�- --- afta-_ Se,ptm-bar - : wAlb interest at the rate of _._-gill'!!#__ __per annum, payable _ 'QX_2.5,__ sect __ --..._._.annually thereafter on-sept—ember—MA____---_-_ and _Xbrah of each year, baves been submitted to me for examination in accordance with the requirements of the law, and I trays earefully &Xamilted said bonds in connection with the facts and the Constitution and laws on th,t subject of the exeention of said bonds, and I find upon the evidence submitted to me, and as the re- sult of a eareful examinstion of the taatter, the following fact*.., 1. That the City of -------- ._..._._--------- ------_-_--_--_was at the time of the passage of the ordinance above referred to legally incorporated. L, That said bonds eonstitute special obligations of the City of___GeorgetoWM;--_-__-___-, Texas, and the payment therag is secured by a pledge of the Income and revenue to be� derived fforn the _�_-•_-_ � WWOWrs o ar�r onda a is 1neverhavet e firtto demand payment thereof out of moneys *sod er to he 7alsed by taxation. 8. That the erdinanee authorizing the issuance of said bonds is to proper form and was legally 00 "4. 4. That said bonds are ib proper form and i naccordance with the ordinance authorizing their issuance. i. _-------- __,.----------------- ._------- _-------------------------- ----- _____ _ ----- Ift is my ,lodgment, and I so find, that all the requirements of the law under which+ said bonds were lasted have been complied with; that said bonds were issued in conformity with the Constitution unci laws of the State of Texas-, and that they are valid and binding special_ ohitgatieps upon the said pledged and appropriated revenues of said City of___Gtoratown, . Z t ' -w- ty =as. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name?\ klally ai+4_P' d. to be im premed hereon the seat of my office in the City of Austin, Texas, this theo ; lte bsr,lgg6, .. '!''! Attorney General of the Statc'of,Texas. ��..- A to = 4y,_ "RESOLUTION OF TTTR CITY OF GEORGETOWB TEKAS, CALLING AND ORDERING AN ELECTION TO DE+TERMINS WHETHER CR NOT THE CITY COUNCIL SHALL BE AUTH- ORIZED TO ISSUE 125,000.00 IN BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF IATROVING THE WATER -.WORKS SYSTEM AND TO LEVY A TAX SUFFICIENT TO PAY INTEREST AND PRINCIPAL THEREOF." WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of George- town, Texas, has determined that it is necessary to improve the Water -Works System of the said City by installing a softener Ing plant and by making oert&iu other additions and improvements thereto, and has determined that it will be wise to Finance the said improvements by the issuance of bands in a sure not to ex- oeed -426,000.00, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding five per sent per annum, said bonds to be payable serially in a ,period not to exceed twenty -Five (26) years and the said bonds to be paid from revenue raised by taxation; TEMIZVEYDRE0 33 IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Georgetovm, Texas,, that an election shall be held on the 1l th day of December, 1)Z6, at which election, the following quo $tion shall be submitted= lots Shall the City Council of the City of George- town, Texas, be authorised to issue bonds of the said City in ars amount not to exceed $25,000.00, maturing over a period not to exased twenty-five (26) years and bearing interest at a rate not to exoeed five (5%) per cent per annum payable annually for the purpose of improving it existing Water -storks System and Plant and providing for the payment of the principal and interest of the said bonds by levying a tax upon all property subject to taxation IA the said City in an amount suffioient to pay the interest ail, principal of the said bonds, as same becomes due. 9E 1*200 lawful money of the United States of America, with interest thereon from the dAte hereof at the rate of Five per centum per annum, payable annually, the first installment of interest being due and payable, Varch 1st, 1949, all past due interest to bear interest at the same rate. The interest and principal hereof are payable at the office ofCity Treasurer of the said City, as it accrues. This warrant is given in part payment of valid outstanding indebtedness due by the said City, and a tax levy of/�" dents of each 0100.00 valuation of taxable property in the said City, is ordered assesseLl and collected for the payment of the principal and interest hereof as it accrues, under the provisions of an ordinance of the said City, this day passed and approved. Issued August 15, A.D. 1908* KLYO:zIV kTTE3Ts erCity o eorge oven,,i 2nd. That be it ordained that there is hereby levied and ordered on all property subject to taxation within the said City, a tax ofcents pn eaoh X100.00, valuation, with which to pay the interest and principal of the said f.vrants, as the same skull become due, and said levy and collection shall continue until the same is fully paid. 3rd.. The fact that this said indebtedness is past due, and that the same should be at once paid, creates an emergency and a public necessity that the rm3k s requiring such ordinances to be read at separate meetings be suspended, and that this ordinate be at once passed,and that it take effect from and. after the passage hereof. Passed and approved this the 15th day of August, A.D. 1938. Zyor, y of Georgetown,- Texas Attests -CTerrL, Cily of Georgetown, Texas H j.e- 2ndt That the said election shall be held at the Fire -station,, within the said city, with the following election official conducting same, to -wit: H. R. Chrietzberg, Presiding Judge* 3rdt That the said election shall be under the pro. visions of, and in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas* governing the issuance of w-lnioipxl bonds in Cities and gowns,, and only gwalified electors} who own taxable property in the State and County,, and in this City,, and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, shall be qualified to vote at the said election, and all such electors shall vote in the election precinct of this City,, in which tbey.reside. 111 voters who favor the proposition to issue said bonds, shall have written or printed on their ballots the followiq words I "FOR THE ISSUANCE OF WATER..WORKS MPROVEpv'ENT BONDS" All of those opposed to the issuance of said bonds shall have written or printed on their ballots the words= *AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF WATEI;—WORKS I"ROVEI`ENT BUDS" The Mayor of the said City is authorized and hereby directed to cause a copy of this resolution, as notice of said election to be posted in three (3) public places in the said City, one of which shall be at the City Hall thereof, for a period of not less than f if teen ( lS ) full days prior to the day of the said election; the said publication by posting to be com- pleted within at least thirty JZO) &aye from the date of this resolution. That the ?mayor of said City to further authorized and directed to cause a copy of this resolution hs notice of the said election to be A*;&Xed in some newspaper of general I la. J,S,'-'C airesulation,publish+ed in said +City, once a Reek, on the same slay each week, for two consecutive weeks; the date of the first publication shall be not less than fifteen (15) full dAys prior to the date +pf the said election, and said publication shall be completed within at least thirty (30) days from the date of this resolution. PASSED and APPROVED, this the E3rd day of November, A D 1936. ayar oz the City of George o wYi Te xa a, ATTEST z f e cre ary 01 zTe Gity of Mrrgetown. Texas. ►13 Texas State Highway Department Form 454 6»35- M 1-w) RESOLUTION TO GOVERN TRAFFIC TIIROUGF IYCORPORA`I'ED CITIES OR T0VXS STATE PROJECTS WIM-MiS, the State Highway Department of the State of Texas is desirous of constructing State Highway No. 3A through the City of apCIUMMM over ! JA Etreej j and, WHEREAS, the narti.cipation of the State Hir;hway Department of Texas in the improvement of said highway is contingent upon the City of Georg t m a agreeing to refrain from permitting enoroachmerts upon tho right-of-Njayof said above mentioned streets, and until and unless the City of t86tQ= agrees to refrain from passing ordinances or laws fixing a speed lii ?- less than twenty miles Per hour on said above mentioned streets, and until and unless the City of� l" � agrees to refrain from orecting signs, semaphores, and signals that w� give proforonce to local routos or that will hinder or delay traffio on said above mentioned streets,. THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Cit CcMLI of the City of that, for and in concidoration o io tato Highway Department of the ate, of Texas conscrueting said Highway No* l� through the City of t�!!0_i Ataft over rIMILf h st"Ot it hereby agrees with the tip i bray Uep;,rciT rit of t .0 State o Toxas that it tidll not, in the future, permit encroachment on tho right-of-way of said above montionod streets nor will it pass an ordinanco or laws fix - Lag a speed limit on the above mentionod etrects of urdor tvronty miles per hour] nor will it allow the erection of signs, semaphores, and signals that will give preference to local routes which ineerssjct with said above men- tioned strocts nor that will slow up, hinder, or delay traffio on said above montioned streets. This is to certify that the above resolution was adopted and passed at a meotiiag of the (11!Z C"ot=il of0-evrZtoft on Dauber 11th 19 at f Z?iT 7.'--T OF M SAID CITY V r.= Or THS COL AMC1Tya AND CX:=TZNJ rjT AAM - COCl Da it solved by the City Council„ of the City of Georgetown* of w,r oa a r. y « , , F « # r77 �'Mff companyg, who ome years egos In their atteopt to this night tuteg. with forces, and without any permit fres this eity, to enter the ,said City and to erect its Ilwo on and across ter streots thereoris and to thus enter into eampetition with the nualelpally *=*4 elsotrlee light plant of said City, and to thus ultimt#ly destroy the *"a plant& and knowing the general policies and preeti000 of suorh utilities* we bene with auarp1e10% this pramatmbe# unnecessary, and barmrul ed aye eritioiamt o -t the vorit heretofore done # and that is not being tone by the Colorado Fid' Authority la Its building of dums an the said Colorado Rlvor# and in its atteMS to furnish cheap eelootrlalty to users thereas It seew to umt that ter erttle Lsw is Inspired by publie Utilitiass of the chara0ter of the To * Power sed Ught Companyip 010" such publip utilities etre the mly that will profit tberrebyw That* this city is a prospective patron -of the Sala coloraft RITOV Autborlty, ani It Is Baur have that this violo►us and adrear" eritlaim of its work will 0easae, mad that it will be able tow, is the soar future# furniaeb eleetrie our"at at kora rates to all who are sooeesible to Its plant* That,, this "solution be publieehed;k and that a espy t f be # sd to tit Senate Co lttee, sir Undabt+e to t "ett,"t* the work of the sold Colorado PIV8V AUthorrity . Pass rd sad appreewr" this the lith day oft 4 to i D 1930* it t tanywo City of ` et a, TVZR * City Clark, City of Goorgotown. * 11&-�c YX"q- RESOIITTION OF THS CITY COUNCIL OF TSE CITY OF GEORGETOWN TEXAS, ACXNOWLEDGING THE RECEIPT OF A PETITION SIGNED BY _ TAX PAYING VOTERS OF THE SAID WITH REFERENCE TO THE CITY AN OW - ICER OF AND INTERESTED IN TIN BUILDING OF A GJMASZM AND RECREATION PARK IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOUTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY; AND PLEDGING TO ME SAID PETITIONERS THE AS.„TACES OF TELP CITY IN THE CARPING OUT TSE PURPOSES STATED IN TIN PETITION. WHEREAS, It has been proposed that the SOUTHWESTERN UNiVER3= ITY, Convey to the City of GeorgstownTeaaas, certain landa' suitable for pari and recreation grounds nn - Ba& that there be raised by the said UNIVERSITY the sum of •t&r4b.��Dollars with which to assist in the improving of the same by the building of a gjmnasium thereon on the condition thoat the City accept the said lands so deeded and contribute the sum of Five Thousand Dollars to the building bf the sal& g%rmnasium and the improving of the said grounds, by the issuance of time warrants by the ,i.. said City therefor, and.that the said proposition is being advo- oatsd by 24� tax paying voters as shown from their pe- tition at this time presented to the City Council of the said City, ands Whereas it appears to the City Council of the said. City that the said proposition is desirable, and that it should be accepted, in that if carried out it will greatly benefit the said City, THERS- FORE$ Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas That in be half of the said oity, the City Oounoil accepts the above mentions& petition, and indorses and approves the above mentioned proposition, and. pledges itself on behalf of the said City to do all things necessary or proper to comply there with, when the conveyance above mentioned shall be tendered to the said city on the terms above s tate a. passed and approved this the 11th, day of January A,.d 939. M A Attests yor city Secratery. 1 F p c� a o to c I On motion of Alderman J. Co Godbey, seconded by Al'.,,, --d F. R, Buchholz. the following Resolution was unanimous RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THO CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TER:A►S, BY THE CITY COUNCIL, APPROVING AND RECOMMENDING THE PASSAGE AS ORIGINALLY INTRODUCP�D SENATE BILI N0, 172 NOW PENDING BEFORE THE LAHGIS�- LATURZ O BB IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THR CITY OF GEORGETOWN, THRASs That we approve and recommend the final passage in the form as originally introduced Senate Bill No. I72i relating to the as- sessing and collecting of taxes by cities, towns, and independ- ant school districts. 2nd, That copies of this resolution be at once siadted to enator Hounton Brownlee, and to Representatives Stohl at Will- itnson County# and Allen of Burnet County* with request that they do Vlat they can to see that the above Bill is passed as intro- duced. Passed and approved thais the I3th day of February# A.D. I939. 3 A TVSMUTION SPACIFFYC] A14D uVIDI2-*t3 r.(AT BLOCK Df WILLTAV,30N coT it `v T w,, x Ai. "'T T °nf W A3 TO T1414 CITY Qin GM; iG I UMI 13Y 3014 7 �,� 'i ,F VM TTV I ;�-R )I TY BY D,Q0 DATKD D r 26th f 3.938, Ski A TL B9 U'S &D BY Ttlr1. CITY OF Gr.Ca� a JTU►.1� e T S*YA a Ob LY FOA T43 Pl t.. uP CC ` rR','CTi 1'O r.1"711k)N I MID a ra T �x AND COIITHOLLIN I T T N s A L13-AARY Wit TI" CITY OF G X!!G Z.T0'JN. T T:'(AS , AND 1T3 CITTLA'NS t WH ' S f by Dead dated December 26tht 1M8# re- corded in Volume 295,9 Page 262 9 of the Deed Records of Williamson County, Toxast 3o►ath asterrn University convoyed to UA City of Georpetowne TexaDaseall of Blom leo. 19, in the Snyder Addition to the City of Georgetownt in William- son Co►antya, Texas$ and at the time of the execution and de- livery of said Dead, it was understood and conteaxplaated that said Mock of Land should be used by the City of .Georgetowna, Texasl only in emstruetinga` eguippinge furnishing and opeereat- 3n Viereon a Library for said City and its inhaabitantsg but no restriction of the use of +said iironerty was expressed in said Dead; and 'U City of Georgetown dosi.res to caM out fully Us intent and purpose for which said block use convey- ed to it. FOW TRRn MRS BX 11 Rr,.SCLVM BY TR3 CITY Q 111CIL GP TM3, CITY OF (NORG44MM. T' ASs That the Deed dated December 26thq M89 recorded in Volume 2959 Page 262t of the 'iced Records of Williamson County# Texas# by v0h1ch SauthvTestern UhIvnraity conveyed to the City of George town f Taexas a Flock No. 22t of the MMER Addition to the City of Georgaetown# in Williamson Coimtye Texas was executed and delivered to said City with the intent and understanding that the City of Georgetown would use said Block No • 12 only for the purpose of eroctingt e- quipp:inga furnishing and operating t'ereon a Library for the City of Georgetown and its i.► habitantaea and that said Block No. 4 12=be i and the same is hereby set aside to be used by the City of t3eorgetownt Texest only for`` the purpose of erecting equipping} furnishing and operating there- on a Library for said City$ and its citisenes and that said block of land shell not be used by said City for any other purpose. PASS -FM AM) APPMF r this the 27th der cad" February# At Do 1939o, ' ATTEST: 1G� z MAYta Cry wi�at.1UL l4J ST,,TF OF T9',C&Si i CCit.71'3''TY CSF WILLIAMSON* It M. L• Cates t Secretary of the City of Ncargetovn, Texas q hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution passed by the City Council of the City of Georgetovn , at a special meeting of said Councils held at the City Hall in said City on February 27Th o 19399 at which meeting a quorum of said Council was present and voting} and that said Resolution was unanimously* passed. IN, >T1M,:)1,.1Y ;43q.-`WOF4 Fitness my Hand this the 27th day of February, A. Do 1930. CITY S2,= TARY* 3 II C C KID PLAC OF ry "'P , � 2 , 73 AT T -;O'!, T.n;TO't IN W -11114 -Tv C, !'14'r q TT�XA3 �_T°�iAT AV) ��[�� ['°;�; ;� iii TT1fIV'1 3ITY F� i,L--BYDOA ArD G�, 7713 TI) T1,1�:4 fY OF (x131YY-' 1-l"TOININ I WIIZ���Y'k;��� 3-, V1Vi - ;39 TTT'LIB.tARY Ft1RNITLL,gi g l,'D FX— Tf&I) W SAID UNY':'(.; T/Iq10111I'LIti IT i It�.� I ii .it�5,'Y� � gIN IT I' �g3{ A; PYI N I T rtA T�PJIT BBI LD11,0t.�g�^,e�pAND 'TrHs��T VA i SAWN �4. 3 .L l f 's' s.i wlr ? . ,E. 3 &S i ' a, c . Y C i ` 'Ll A C Y `)a�j R. JCP -11) B {t,� l i ,;, CITY i (Y ;i ",(i 'T`a �F� , T��, 3 sOCK O. 12 Ofi' THASIMr,H X)DITI Oil' TO SAia) CITY 13 C��a. �� s�,�a _I� � ;.;.AIIJ LVTW1YIt rZI3 �I:� IRIA: A , FIX-. T' w,,3 ,L T' I:..�.TV r I} i >}�I i3 CITY Ch Gil -,'O- :�'1" i f T«` To Tai, ISSTFAU, IN :3iU,) LPI� <('Y B,17L.,D.1,NGq AD .tS+.401.2b TI -12 PROW 11�;X Y OF TIU CITY OF T V.A.-3. ,*ikalMapspak#wk#�Mw�� Z# I« J» MaCeok# Seeretar°y at the Executive Con .tta• of Somthweate t Universityp hereby certif�r that the above and faregolrg is a true aid eorreat copy of a Resolution sassed by said Xxacutive Committee at a special meeting held at Geargetowniv 'Tums# on 'ebriaary 26trht 10391 at %,h1dh mpeting a quoni m was prosent and voted unanimously for t) -to paasaje of sald PosaLztion* IN 'T MITVT� T T15.3-7z"00P Witness any Hard this the 2 day of �� w � A. Do 1939 • i� d "ti» J., UA raric+�ii��v,�i OF S0UTTTVr4.3TN tT�2" :'M317Y4 ro GEORGETOWN WATER & LIGHT PLANT R. E. WARD, Manager GEORGETOWN, TEXAS IMM A m LZA ul:pll 7111 rly bq^lr;' fV ' .i °.- ► I'll ) 1-3 V. -Mm V 121 ts UjIll fit _ CITY 0 ��� �� : �: • J# 01 131)UJ'o 1 ►* + "` ' UAB m dr' i ii ,1,4 8 3 IT � m � ST "" CZTT CW IL W T111:3 CVT OF :�- t tffi'F.b. . 00 'TT of txul"Vcv VU 4a7 o t rubmarys 9ti 20 P# Lo Catoal oftrotdry at V* City cc o*cl"n�vtbwn* lws hor"b ► Gortifty to ll t is s -otor ulk ooMly of a rrmo'm;414 4 pl►:*4 by V.113 city counou or the t; I t7 or �� 4 o se2nso*t Vo City hill !4 Goi4 City crit ob l�� at thiob metuIC a qu(min of 14 4;&'Unou tme pmoont 644 vott,4c'r W" ulas 0614 1. Utiod gar t orvar brMrrs As Do c? w '110''N # ON T OC"K 140* 129 OF SM.-rct A1MIT108N TO C -VJIi , IL €Jig` THA CM OF G,:J b `0 , s T �".XA.a s C �v j 3TT �,V T ��r' Y T11'4'CITYCO COUNCIL OF T C I.. rTry OF That that library to be aarectaads equippod and flarnIshed by the City of Goon; etov # Texas # on filock No. 12 of the Snyder Addition to the Cfty of Goorretowns in Williamson County# Texas, shall be operat*d# conducted# mnaged and cop trolled by Via City Council of the City of Coor, etowns Texas PA333D AND A*PY4X'Ms this the 27th day of Februarys Ai Do 3DX• AMTa Y�R 7� Ilt aF aA a ju ST TT4 OF Tc' AS# 2s M. L. Cateas s Secretoiy of t;h* City of cr r etowns Tomo, hereby certify that the ,above ancl fore ina to a tr,ie and correct copy of a► Resolution pass*d by the City Council of the City of Georgi.; etown # at a s ;)ec la 1 ae et ing of said Councils hold at the City ITall in said City on FeNmiary 2nhs 19.39* at which meets a gwrum of said Council was .:resent and voting, and that said Desolution was unanimously pawed" IN T,,"-rIT T " "We Witness niy Tend this the 27th day of 'obniary # A, D,* 3.039* AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GEOR(ETOWN, TMS, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS IN THE PRINCIPAL SUM OF TAY -FIND THOUSAND ($251000.00)DOLLARS9 TO BE DESIGNATED AS CITY OF GEORGETOW AIR- PORT BONDS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF RAISING =M WITH WNa CH TO ACQUIF.E AN AIRPORT FCR TIM SAID CITY AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS M CaTDI- - TIONS OF THE SAID BONDS AND bF THE ODUPOKS ATTACHED TH.� T0, AND PRESCRIBING THE FORM OF SAID BONDS AND COUPONS, AND PROVIDING THAT THE SAID BOITDS AND COUPOYS SHALL BE PAID FROM REWZ=S DERIVED FROM TAXATION AND LEVYING .A TAX TO PAY SAID BONDS MID COUPONS AS THEY MATURE, M DECLARXN G AN MMGENCY s , under and by virtue of an Ordinance of the City of Georgetown, Texas, duly passed on the 18th day of August! A. D. 19419 an election was held in and for the said City on the 15th day of September, A. D. 19419 and that at the said election the qualified voters therein authorized the issuance of the herein- after described Bonds, in a sum not to exceed $409000.001 and SEAS, the City Council of the said City deems it advisa» ble to issue the said Bonds to the extent of Twenty -Five Thousand $25,000.00) Dollars, bearing interest from date at the rate of 3%9 represented by coupons attached thereto„ said Bonds maturing serial.• ly, and being in the principal sun of One Thousand($1000.00)Dollars each, as more fully hereinafter set out, THEREFORE= BE IT ORDAIhTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOTT, TEXAS t Section 1. That in order to 'borrow the said sum of Twenty -Five Thousand($251000.00)Dollars, for the purpose of acquiring an Air- port, to be owned by said City, the City Council of the said City, by virtue of authority conferred by the qualified electors of the said City, at the election heretofore mentioned, and in pursuance to the General Laws of the _ State of Texas , hereby provides for the issuance of a series of Coupons Bonds, to be designated, a CITY OF GEORGETOWN AIRPORT BONDS", payable from revenues raised by taxation, and hereby provides for the payment of the said Bonds and interest coupons as same shall mature. Section 2. That the said Bonds shall be dated September 16th$ 1941, and shall be numbered consecutively from One (l) to Twenty-five (25), and shall bear interest from date at the rate of three(3%) per cent per arum, payable the 16th day of March, 1942, and the 16th day of September, 19429 and on the 16th day of March and the 16th day of September of each and every succeeding year thereafter until r�5'j'We. C�Y'ix ►9y� - i all of said Bonds are fully paid, which said semi-annual interest payments shall be evidenced by coupons attached to said Bonds. That the said Bonds shall be in the denominations of One Thousand ($1000.00)Dollars each, and shall be due and payable serially in accordance with their respective numbers as follows No. 1, March 16th, 1943; No. 21 March 16th, 1944; No. 31 March 16th, 1945; No. 41 March 16th, 1946; No., 51 March 16th, 1947; No. 61 Burch 16th: 1948; No* 79 March 16th, 1949; No . 81 March 16th s 1950; No . 99 March 16th, 2951; No. 10, March 16th, 1952; No. 11, March 16th, 1953; No, 12, March 16th, 1954; No. 131 March 16th, 1955; No. 14, March 16th, 1956; No. 15, March 16th, 1957; No. 16, March 16th, 1958; No . 17, Mach 16th, 1959; No. 181 March 16th s 1960; hTo . 19, March 16th, 1961; No, 20, March 16th, 1962, No. 21, March 16th, 1963; No. 22, March 16th, 1964; No. 23, earth 16th2 1965! No. 21, March 16th, 1966, and No. 25, March 16th, 1966. That each of the said Bonds, together with the Interest Coupons thereon, shall be payable at the First National Bank in Houston, Texas. That after Ten Years from the day of the date of the said Bonds, namely, on the 16th day of March, L. D. 1952, and on the 16th day of each March there.. after, the said City shall have the option of paying all, or any ones or more, of the said Bonds, that may be then unpaid, by paying the principal of such Bonds together with such of the Interest Coupons attached to same that may then be due; and that such payment shall be full satisfaction of the said Bond, or Bonds,, so paid, together with all interest thereon• That as condition of the exercise of the said options the City Treasurer of the said City shalls in writing, by registered mail, not less than fifteen(15), nor more than thirty(30) days before the date for the exercise of such option, notify the said FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN HOUSTON, of Houstons Texas, of the intent of the said City to exercise such option, stating in such Notice the Serial Numbers of the Bond, or Bonds, to be paid under said options and shallsnot less than fifteea(15) nor more than thirty(30) days prior to the date of such payment, cause a like notice to be published a- in at least one issue of THS HOUSTCK CHRONICLE, a newspaper of general circulation, published in the City of Houston, Texas. Section 3. That the principal and interest of the said Bonds shall be paid in lawful money of the United States of America! at FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN HOUSTON, of Houston! Texas, upon the presentation and surrender of proper Bonds and interest coupons. Section 4. That each of the said Bonds shall be signed by the Mayor of the said City, and countersigned by the City Secretary of said Cityl and registered by the City Treasurer of the said City, and the Seal of the said City shall be impressed thereon. That the fac simile signatures of the Mayor and City Secretary of said City may be lithographedlor printedlon the interest coupons attached to the said Bonds t and such signatures so lithographed, or printed, thereon shall have the same effect as if such coupons had been signed in person by said officers of said City. Section 5. That the said Bonds, and the interest coupons at- tached thereto, shall each be substantially in the following forma re spe ct ive lys FORM OF BOND N0. UNITED STATES OF AAMR.ICA $11000.00 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON CITY OF GEORGETOWN AIRPORT BORT) CITY OF GEORGETOWN9 in the County of Williamson, State of Texas, a municipal corporations duly incorporated under the General laws of the State of Texas, FOR VALUE RECEIVED= hereby promises to pay to the bearer hereof, as herein provided, on the Sixteenth Day of March, A. D. 19 „_,1 (unless sooner called for payment under the terms hereof) at FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN HOUSTON of Houston! Texas, the sum of ONE THOUSAND ( $1000.00 )Do liars in lawful money of the United States of America, with interest thereon at the rate of three (3%) per cent per annum from date, payable on the 16th day of March ! 1942 and on the 16th day of September, 19421 and on the 16th day of March and the 16th day of September, respectively, each year 3 thereafter, as evidenced by interest coupons attached hereto, and the City Treasurer of the City of Georgetown, Texas, is hereby ordered and directed to pay to bearer the said principal sum of this bond, together with the interest thereon, evidenced by said coupons, both principal and interest being payable when due at the BANK above namedl and the City of Georgetown, Texas, is hereby held and firmly bound' and the faith and credit of said City, and all real and personal property in the said City, subject to taxation, are hereby pledged for the prompt payment of this Bond at the Maturity hereof, and the interest thereon as same be- comes due. That if this Bond, according to the payment date, set out herein, be due and payable after March 16th, 1952, the City shall have the option of calling and paying same on said date, or calling and paying same on the 16th day of March of any year thereafter, prior to the due date hereof. That as a condition for the exercise of the said option, the City Treasurer of said City shall in writings by registered mail' not less than fifteen(15), and not irore than thirty(30) days prior to the date for the ex- ercise of such option, in writing$ by registered mail, give no- tice to the paying agent, FIRST NATIONAL WTK IN HOUST0171 of Houston, Texas, of the City's intent to exercise such option; and said City Treasurer shall also, not less than fifteen(15) and not more than thirty(30) days prior to the date for the exercise of such option, cause a similar notice to be published in the City of Houston, Texas. That when such option has been so exer- cised, the payment of the principal of this Bond, and the inter- est coupons thereon, that are then due, according to the due date thereof shall be full payment and satisfaction of this Bond and interest thereon. This Bond is one of a series of Bonds of like tenor and effect, except as to number and maturity date, aggregating the amount of Twenty -Five Thousand($259000.00)Dollars, to be paid from funds raised by taxation, issued by the said City for the purpose of It acquiring an Airport to be owned by the said City, in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas p and the au- thority of a vote of the qualified property tax -paying voters of said City, who had duly rendered their property for taxations vot- ing at an election held for the said purpose, on the 15th day of September= A. D. 1941, pursuant to an Ordinance of the City Council of the said City duly passed and entered in the Minutes of the said City Councils ordering the said elections and in accordance with an Ordinance of the City Council of the said City duly passed and re- corded in the Minutes of the City Council, authorizing the issuance of said Bonds. It is hereby certified that all Bonds of the series of which this Bond is a parts are issued under and in accordance with the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas# and that all aetal conditions and things required to be done and performed have happenedl been donee and performed in the manner and within the time required by laws for the validity of each of the Bonds of said series and that sufficient and proper provisions for the levy and collection of taxes for the payment of same and interest thereon when duel have been made, and appropriated exclusively to such payments and that the total indebtedness of the said Cityl including all of the Bonds of this series does not exceed any Con• stitutional or Statutory limitation. IN WITEESS WM=Ft THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE SAID CITY OF GEDRGF,TOWN, TEXAS] has caused this Bond to be executed, and has caused the Corporate Seal of the said City to be affixed hereto l and has caused the same to be signed by the Mayor of said City.* countersigned by the City Secretary, and registered by the City Treasurer, and has caused the interest Coupons attached hereto to be executed by the lithographed signatures of the said Mayor and City Treasurer, and has caused this Bond to be dated this t e 16th day of Septembers A. D. 1941. "- Mayors City of Georgetown, Texas. Countersignedt City Secretary l City of Georg�etownn t Texas* Registered t City TreasurertCity of Georgetown, Texas. 5 Section 6s It is further ordained by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, that to pay off and discharge the said Bonds as they shall mature, and to pay the interest on same as it shall accruel a tax of ten cente(10c) on each one hundred dollars($100.00) valuation of all property in the said City, subject to taxation under the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, for the current year of 1941, and for each succeeding year thereafter until said Bonds and interest are fully paid, is hereby levied, and is hereby ordered assessed and collected for the purpose of paying off and discharging the said Bonds and interest thereon, and when so collected the same shall be a special fund for said purpose alone, and shall be applied to no other purpose. Section 7s It is further ordained by the City Council of the said City that M. F. Smith, Mayor of the said City, and his successors in office, shall be authorized to have said Bonds printed, and have the possession of same until sold, and shall have charge of all records and proceedings pertaining to procur- ing opinion of the Attorney General and the registration by the Comptroller, and shall do all things necessary to carry out the purposes of this Ordinance. Section St The fact that the United States is granting Aid in the Acquisition of an Airport creates an emergency, and public necessity, that the rules requiring Ordinances to be read at three separate meetings be suspended, and such rules be sus- pended, and this Ordinance at once pass, and that it take effect immediately thereafter. Passed and Approved this the 16th day of September, L. D . 1941.?')!I ayor of th4 i y of eorget&iii Texas. Att ee at s i"!, City Secretary City of Georgetown, Texas* a AU -',:0 TZ'—r.o a' —211-2TiJw`?lir4i:l.:; C ' L1+DS. '4= :�., TTY i;F xE 2:.. a:t Iv►`i VAt.CJ Ll' II1 .:l�L' i't"a 4talP+ SM. OF .0 I. Z .i.. 1Y.ta .4 Ls�✓Ur�a1'ltVD ( `: ; I C 0. C0'J DC1,LZIS, -0 B-w�.�a7.�sl+�'�d ;+S CITY OF FLTIPOS � C11 16f1 111 ITI: '�.!IICI: TO ACQ""UIRJ AN A% I'-ZO..l .L Q Z �r rl� ►�!'1TD 4'.L r�: r, . +.D i, ....t{i�.,J'Ii a.i T.�..'.J..L.ry _.a� 1.L �l.-S Ai -DJ COIEDIMIL -S 4T' -1-E 3y�ID D'"I"uS ,t,.,P, 01wlLy CUL'T'UI"S AZ.TACI'ED�._.!�...7T0 BE:G I:E F0 -.L' CF SAID D `r-�i-S r'% D CUJP:)I'a, D PI.OVID11' '.4i `Z= S._TD DC;,-. 'S .i"D C OUM0, S S;.DLT.L RAND V'1111)1. . Z-121TU UES DM -11 TED A 'D LE'''T -G A TAX ' -"0 F.�Y S,..ID Bi,! -LS ;,�`,D C C} -L ' )! S aS Tl. ' ' AND iZ V Z.:Z-.(71A-"1..'CY: 71"E M.S, under and by virtue of an Ori inance of the City of r'eor^etotm, Texas, duly p--ssed on tyle lath da,* of D. 1541, an election v . s held in and for the said City on ti.5th day of September, A. D. 1941, and that at the s,4 iL elect -ion the qualified voters therein authorized the iss° nce of t1'e .aereineftpr described Bonrws , in a sLlm not to exceed X400000.00; and ' Ti .ESS o the City Council of the s --id City deers it actvis wble to issue tlie said Bonds to the extent of Ttaenty-Fig. a Thousand ('-25,000.00)Dollars, bearing interest from date at the r-te herein- after set out represented by cou-,ons attached tbni7e#o, s. -id fonds maturi:i- seri$11�rjard bbin!, in the principal sum of One Thousand (V1000.00)15ollars a:.ch ,as r}otrte� fuller hryei Tei.�!afterC /set out, r��y:'Ht:1 ,n 'Fl j't '� TS "'� ;�te♦ rr�E CT'-," CQ ---.CIL CP TLE Cin"T O .i,1 Sl V..Cx-l.J. ��� .1 a. J,L. k... .4., .J Section 1. That in order to lo-roi-r tl,e said simi of ``',!enty- Five Thousand ("25,000.00)Do'lars, for the pnrpose of aenuirir- an Airport,, to be ol,aiea by said. City, the City Council of the said City, by virtue of authorit- conferred by the (juklified electors of the said Ci t1'', at t1le election heretofore ment. oned, al-ld i a pursuance to the "renrrcl haws of the State of Tex<,s, hereby provides for the issuance of a series of r a�non* Dords, to : e dPsi'-- ated, "CI'iIY OF AIRP1011-IT B0i'nS", pa able i'yors reveflur.s raised by tuj ;tion and hP.--eby proviees for the - ayLier_t of the st.ia Bonds and interest C -U-)OTIS Is o'-_x"a Shall Section 2. Taat t',%e s.Ad `OiLds s'l-all, be dated Septe,,bo 16t1l, 1,941, -,n(s': e11 be n-cmb-:red C)lise cUtively froid One (1) to Tw-_nt!r- Five V?5)0 incljcive0 an(i si.,all bear Interest f::0% Late it ti,e rate here- inafter specified pourable tLe 16th c,,av of Yarch, 19429 end the 16th -* e let�j Cja�r of "arc',, alld the loth da.,tr of Septeribe.; ID4.-21 act On 411 1 e dais of September of each and evir.11 succeedin,-;, year the ea*,te-- u,:til all of the s,Ad Bonds a-.,e fully paid, vt_icji s--.Jd semi-a:,1,nua1 interest pay:aents shall be evi�ei_ced by coupons att_r_1vh_,d to swirl. bonds. That the g.-ticL 1_1�olioSsl,all be in the denominations of One Thousand($1000tCO) rollars each, and shhall be aus and rayablv serially in accordance ,%rith their respecti%,e numbers as folloyrs: No.1j '-"arch loth, 1943; 17o. 2, 1.1arch 16th, 1944; T 0. Z. Larch 16th, 1945; I:o. 4, 1.:arcl.a6th, I946, No. 5, :,'arch. loth, 1947; lo. 8, 11.1arch 16th, 1948; Yo. 7# '.'arch loth 1949; ITO. S., ,:,arch 16th, 1950; "11"o.0, !:arch lotlis 1951; i-o. 10, ':arch 16t-i, 1952; Yo. 11, ]"-arcli 16th, 1953; No. 12, -'-arch 16th, 1V54, !'o. 139 1arch 16th, 1955; I-oe 14, '::arch 16th, 1956, No, 15,, L-arch 16th, 1957; 17o. 16, Larch 18th, 1953; I.-o. 17, 11ttrch lath, 1959; Yo. 18, :.arch 16th, 1960; j."o. 19, '111:arch 10th, 1961; 1-.o. 20, ::arch 16t'n q 1962; No. 21, 11 arch 16th, 1963; lo.22, 1,:arch 16th, 19649 JTo.f:4v L.arch 16th 1963; 7'o. 24, Earch 16ths 1966; 17o. 25s ''arch 16ths 19006 That Donds nurabei,etl fi.ora 1 to 10 inclusive shall bear interest at the rate of two and cane-fourth per Cent per annum; and 3onds zuribered from 11 to 215, inclusi�reo s, all. be_r int�rest at the rate of trip and oue- half p-ir cent (2,z") per ailnum* That each ana all of ti,e said :3oi-6s to,7ct'*ier -rit'll the Inte.-est Coupons thersolig stall be pa:rable ..Xt., tile in --oustoii, of Rouston, Texa-1, ITE-la", aft-r :'en Y_-ars frail "'Ie us'N? Of the ¢ate of the sAd __E'011ts, namely, oi-i %, ti Iv-5.0 (juy v4, A%# L. 1j:o4j a*,,.L %o.LA. v"e; Lvvu U_iy or eacli Put.rc.a tilln- reafterg the said City sa8dl have i;ne option of payin,7 all, or an7 one, or more, of the said, *13,onds, t?) at r,,Kr be then unpaid, by paying tne princi,al of such BonJ, to-.et'lljer with such of the Interest Cou- pons eLttac�iei to Vl,,at rcs,,Y, I thin be due; and that suc,`j payment Wa_-,111 b,3 full sAtjSf-.c+1j )n of the said !,olid, or '.Eoi7ids, so raid, to- w v1th all interest thereon. Viyit, as co-Ation Of the e=,ercise Of the said option, the Cite Treasurer of the s__id City shall, it vrrit- ine, bsr re-istirea nail, , not* less tlian fifteen (15). nor more than thirty (30) days before Via datb for t1 a ec:ercise 00 such option, notify the said FITST M .M I;' IIC.TUSi0}', of Ilouston, Texas of the intent of the said City to exercise such option, statim in such roti©e the 6erial Numbers of the 3ond, or Bonds, to be paid under said option, and shall, not leas than fifteen(15) nor riore than t!:i- rty *30) days prior to the date of such payment, cause a like notice to be published in a le- st one issue of TilS *1'% U'S2CIa ClT X11 ICLD, a ners- ,�aper oi' sTene_'al circulation, published in the Cit, of Iiouston, Texas • Section 3. That the principal a.d interest of the said Bonds shall be paid in la*•rful .money of the United ,$tater of America, at FIRST I'ATIOILZ EXX LT T_rOUS:GIT, of ITouston, Te. as, upon the present- ation and surrmnger of proper Bonds and into -est coupons. Section 4. That each of the said Bonds anall be si^ned by tide I1ayor of the said Cita*, and Countersi-ned by the City Secretary of the said City, and re;istered icy Vie Cit.,r Tr:-aasur:)r of t e said Cit7v and the Seal, of the sAd City shall be im- ressed thereon. That the facsimile si Mnatures of the :,.a7,3r a?z T City Secreta -,7 of the said City may be litho--aphed, cr printed, on the interest coupons attach- ed to the sail Bonds, ;xn_R sack siZnatu-es so lit. o-raphed, or printed thereon shall have the s.a:rre effect as if such coupons had been sign- ed in person b:r said officers of said Citer. Seotiog 5. That the said Bonds, and t' -e inte est coupons at- tached thereon, shall each be substantially in the follo,',"inM f'or t respectively: F012M OF BOND (:IO' S 1 to 10, Ina.) N0. U-; ITED S` ATFS 02 s:: l RICA V11000.00 ST.WTE OF T".0 C0,011MY OF 112LLIa3UIu CI i OF G: v:'k "D _' O" .&I A'OBT BOND CITY OF CEJR X.WO"LT, iti tj�e Co,inty of ;{Yilliaiason, State of Tex,_s, a rr_unicip4 corporation, duly- incorporated under the G -neral Laws o" of the State Of Taxa:., F�,IZ hereb,,,r p-oxises to pay 'to t4ie bearer Iaor,7)of, , as Ine-.7ei!i provided, on the Sixteenth Da? of 19 s 7 ier call ed for p,,.n,,,e_1 t , ad -r t,.e t^rrfls h�reof ) at FI -132 E"I-Z L-1,1 HOU&TO'.7 of Ho Isto.: s, Taxes 9 the sura of OJJ3 710'ja�Z'D("1000.00) Dollars in lamrfulls raoney of the United States of "aricas rrit'_, 3.nit9rest thereon at the rate of two and one fourth (2,/o'),pe: c9at per a)i4ium froza date, payable on the 16th d,,y Of March, 1942 and on the 18t1i d..q of Sartem.ber, 1942, a: -,d on the 16th day of ',.,arch and the 16th day of Se-ptember, respectively, each year thereafter, as e idenced b7 int --rest coupons attac:ied a,,d tta Cit? Tra-surer of the City of leorr-eto�m, Texas, is hereby ord-)-ed and directed to -Pa7 to tsar.er the said principal sull of this bond, tozether 111:1-1 the inteTast thereon* evidenced by the said cou pons, both orin(%ipzal and interest bei-.!* payable due t the above named, and the of Gaor&7�to,.-m, Texas, is hereby held and firmly bound, and the f-Ath and credit of said City, end all rsul and personal prOpertr in t',Ie s -Ad City, subject to taxation# are here by pledged for ,,he pr omit payment of this Bond at t'.,e Jiaturity here- of aad thq jntsrast tjjerqojj as same becomes due. That if this 3ond, accordin,, to t1he ruymerit d-te, set out hs:2einq be due and pa-,Trable af- te: 4,:arch 16th, 19.52, the City shall have tile or tion of callinc anct paying same oift said datso or callin7 and pa,,rin- swae on t' -s 16th duy of Yarch of any year thereafter, prior to the due date hsreof# That as a condition for the ex-3-cise of t')a said option* the City Treft6urer of said CiV7 sliall in writin-, by -,a istered mail, ;sot- less Vian fifteen (15)# ants not ino!'e rnan TiActoy(..)0) urs,,, -s for the exorcise of suel-ri option, in writin-q by registered mail, MISS" k _� AL Bs�:, L I JA. rive notice to t' 0 PaTillg so.-ents "A21011 ", X ' 'OU13'Z0T9 of 0CitylS int,011t to exercises shah option; aMl- Fioustont Texasp 4.0 1 said City Treasurer shall also, not lliss than fifteen (15) and not more than thirty (30) days prior to t:_,e days for the exercise of such eption, cause a similar notice to be published in the City Of �ouston, Texas. That such option has been so exercised, the payment of Vis p7inciPul Of this Bond, eaid the interest coupons thereon, that are then dust according to t'e due dote tlllerOOf sh-11 3 j Bond wid i.,.terest thereon. be fall,��yinont and L,3,tisf,1ctJO,1 of t"is This Bond is oue of a series of Bonds of like tenor and ef:'ect, except as to nLwiber, maturity date, and rate of interest, aq-re "cAing the zxiokuit of j,, enty-Five Thousand (*43,000-W) Dollars, to be paid from func!s r�.1sed by taxation, issues by the said City for the pur- pose of aoquirint- an Ai ,port to be oi',rned by the s?id City, in accor- donee ,,,rith the Constitution and lads of the State of Texas, and On tte authority of a vote of the rueaified property tax-bearir 7 voters of said City, rho had duly rendered their property for taxation, vot- ing at an election held for the said purpose, on the 15th day of Se-tember, A. D. 1941, pursuant to an Ordiriunce of the City Council of the said City duly passed and entered in the L.inutes of the said City Council, ordering the said election, and in accordance rd th an Ord nance of the City Council of the said Cit,* duly passed and re- corded in the ;.:sautes of the Cit%r Council, authorizing the issuance of said Bonds. It is hereby ce. tified that all Bonds of t:te series of which this Bond is a part, are issued un,"ez a1 -_,d in accordeuice 1 i'Y: t1ie Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and that all acts, con- ditions and thinks required to be done and performed have happer:ed, been done, and performed in the manner and withintthe true required by laT,,, for the valility of each of the Bonds of said series, and that sufficient and proper provisions for the levy and collection of tuxes for the payment of same and interest thereon v.,hen due, have been made, and appropriated e1_clusively to such panaent, and that the total indebtedness of the said City, includinw all of the Bonds of this series does not epee -d any Constitutional or Statutory limitation. IN 1'4=17ESS t+.IE�.;OF � TIM CIT`' Qc,'JLwCIL 01 1111E SA.ID CITY OF G,±,© 2, 0':ti?, TE;LiS, has caused this Bond to be executed, and has caused the s-.rae to be si -ned by the L: a�lror of said City, countersign- ed by the City Secretary, and re,7istered by the City Treasurer, and has caused the interest Coupons attached hereto to be executed by the lit'---orrrapbed sit --natures of the said I..ayor and City Treasurer, aad has caused tLis Bond to be dated this the 16th day Of September, A. D. , 1941. Payor, City of reoa ,fetc ni, '.Cerins. Cou--tarsir-ned: Secret Cit -,r F, — --- - "'.', 0� qTo- r -etown, Texas. Re i ste-ed: Cit,,,r Trpaaurer; My 016 "ez;- r-etown, Texas* 110MI (On Bonds, L:os. 1 to 10, Inc. 16 til tt,=r of CIT''. t0-7 CMCLY3-21J.V-1ys iti Williwason Countyx Texas, hereby promises to pair to the bearer out of funds specified in the Bond to vh i ch Vais Coupon is attached, i;A. lawful mone:, of the United States of laaerica, at FI -2,3"11 y:; 11C 1-= L-OUST017, of J.-ouston, Texas, Eleven and trenty-five one-hundredth 011.25) Dollars, the said sum being one-half :rear's interest on that day due, ori "CI1--1'r OF G.PORC�i,&6 T011,11 A.IRPURT BOLD",dated September 16th, 10,41, XYo. This coupon is subject to all of tLe terL.Ls and conditions of tIlle said Bond, OF D011D (I;ols 11 to 25, Inc.) United States of .taeriea X1,000.00 07 C I -r!: OF 0:2,C -tG=5 20'iLT iL IMIP'02 T BO,TD ..D CITY OF irl, the Co _pity of Williamson.. State of Texas , a Litmiciral corroration,, duly i.neorrorated andir the leneral Laws of the State of Turas, F0.14 .1X:":'I7TE.,q hereby rroialses to pay* to thn bearer hereof, as herein provided, on Sixteentb, Day of ".erch, ,L.Do sower called, ror pay,.mezit 141der the terms hereof) at FI-aST 11'146TIOI-,.'�X E11- r;t- of Kouston2 Texwc,, the sw% of One 000. 00) Dollars in lawful money of 'the Ur.ited State,, of ijm- ericat -ith intcrcst thereon at, tl',,e rate of tt,7o anc. one-.hLlf(%'1�')pe1 cent per wnium frOld a,,'te, rayable on t1le 16th tuay of I'Xrclij 19-1.2" Cnd on the 16tli aoy of Sertember, 1942, a, -d on the 16th dp-,r of ::_,rel?, and I a- the loth day of Septeiaber, respectively, enact year thereafter, as evidenced by interest coupons attached h-:r•sto, and the City Tie�ts- urer of the City of Ceor-etocrn, Texas, is here%y ordered and direct- ed to pad' to bearer the said principal sum of this bond, tof.^ether v with the intsrest thereon, evidenced by said courons, both principal end interest bein-7 payable vrhen due at the &dIC above n.,ul.ed, and the City, of "eorr;etovm, Texas, is hereby hr-ld and firmly bound,and the faith and credit of said City,.arzd all real personal property in the said City, subject to taxation, are hereby pled^ed for the prompt pa.,*ment of this Bond at the L.aturitjr hereof, -r.nd the interest thereon as same becomes due. That if` this Bond, accorain7 to tb.e pa,,rment date, set out herein, be due and payable after i.ar(h 16th, 19529 the City shall have option of oallinS, and pad►iiie sLJe on said date, or callinC and payirlr, saiae ors�`k.s 16th day* of ;,:urci. of an,, year thereafter, prior to Vz,-e due date hereof. That as a condition for the exercise of the said option, the City Treasurer of said City shell in v*ritinC, by reei.stered avail, not less than fifteen(15)0 end not more than thirty(30) days prior to the date for V e exercise of such o- tion, in c:riting, by registered mail, Cive notice to t.,e pa.TTing af;ent, FILST i:�iIU:A6L & uli L LG S�_C�I�, of Lous �on, Texas, of the CitYls intent to exercise such option; and said City Ta�easurer shrill, also, t.ot less than fifteen(15) and not more than thirty(30) days prior to ti_e date for the P'.%ercise of such option, cause a similar notice to be published i.a the City of Eouston, Texas. That r -hen such ortion has been so exercised, tl_.e payment of the principal of this Bond, and the interest coupons thereon, that are then due, aceordirlx- to the due date thereof shall be full payglent and satis- faction of this Bond and interest thereon. This Bond is one of a series of Bonds of like tenor and effect, except as to number,.maturity date, and rate of interest a,-Cre-ating the amount of Tr,;enty-Five Thousand(; 259000.00)Dollars. to be paid from funds raised by taxation, issued by the said City for the purpose of acquiria an Ai^port to be ovmed by the s, -Ad Citv, in aadordance t:-ith the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and the autho- rity of a vote of the qualified property[ tax-payinS voters of said 13 City, who had duly rf-ri,le f,,d their for taxation, voti-ne at an election held for t* e sn' d purposes of the 15th day of SePtember A. D. 19,11.19 pnrs�iant to ora Ove-li-nance of the Cit,,r Council of the said City duly' pass,3d mid ent-!',rid iti. the ',:if-utes of t'ie Sai IV itY COU110ill orde�iiiE- tbLe said electi�,,nj a -^,d jr, accoraaice -vith an Ordinance of the City Council of the said City duly passed and recorded the :.:mutes of th ity Coancils authorLine the JEjuance of said _concis. It is lhe---eby certified teat all Bonds of t'"Is series of i -Lich this '.,"Iond is a rarto are issued Lw.der arid in ac cordande rith the Constitution una Laws of ti' -'e State of Tex -so Str1d, that all acts, con- ditions and *.1iinCs renui-red to be cone ;.,nd rerformed hia-\fe happertedo been done, and pe -formed i.,,i the vmnr.er and -1tilin the time rer!uired by lags, for the vt2idity of each of the Bonds of said series, cnd that surficient and pi°aper provisions for the levy aid collection of taz.es for the payment of same and interest thereon is rti-en clue, have been madegand SLT)propriaAed exclusively to such payment, and and that the total indebtedness of the said City, including all of the :,onds of this series does i_ot eTcs-ed any Constitutional or statutory limitation. IN "�,'JT.I�E, SS LI' C J'..CIL OF S;,ID Cl '., -Z OF C GEOIR1,1212U.7: 0 .6 m:ZL , has criused this Boi.,d to be executed, and has caused tle Corporate Beal of the said City to be a-ffixed hereto* and has caused t -le s,.Lie to be signed by the Ysyo.- of said City, tlj�it5r Secretary, �,nd re-istered by the City oountersisned by I., Tre,-,su--er, and has caused t e interest Coupons attac:aod Lereto to be exebated by tbe lithoi-raphed signatures of the s: -U! ft L.ayor aild City Trel,.,surer , c,.z�d has caused VlAs Bond to be dated this V -'e 16th day of Septembers A. D. 1941- -Te2- 17�70r' My Of Countersi--Tned: C17ty secretary, MY of Texas. Ree-Astered: City Treasurers City of -GaorCet67mj Texas* 14 F01U OF L4=17 2ST COUP01.1 (On Bonds; iyo's.11 to 25, Ino,) On the 16th day of 412.50 CI�'Y OF G CRI.ETa gid, in Willi€unson County, Texas, hereby promises to pa;- to the bearer out of funds specified in the Bond to rhich this Coupon is attached, in lwrful zoney of the United States of Merica, at FTT.�i'I'It��raL� fIOtTSTC?I�, 0f iiauston ,Texas ,Z`t-rA1ve BA'I and fifty one hundredeths (;12.50) Dollars, the said sun being one- half years interest on that day* due, on "CITY OF CLCRG�'Or=ii '"IRPuRT BC''Dt',dated September 16th, 19419 t+0.. This Coupon is subject to all of the tetras and conditions of the said Bonds. City Secretary or Section 5: The following Certificate sh-11 be printed on the back of each of said Bonds: OFFICER OF CC1-T1:"CLLM, 4 '}� v 1 i^i i"iT. 1- r�i1»I.� 1.-�r � 1. 0 . �w ST:mTu OF T=:, Z3,. � I herety Certify that the --e is on fixe and of record in my office a Certificate of the ;.ttorne;* Cenral of the StAte of Texas to the effect t`set this Bond has been ex-emined by Mra as required by law, and that be finds t1lat it has been issued in confo=Aty'vith the Constitution and Lw,:s of tb.e State of Texas, an -d t�, &"; it is a 'valid and bindl_n� obligation uIDon the Cit" of "eor-eto=v Texas, and that this Dond,:has this day been registered by zee. gitress my Hand and Seal of O_fices at s.ustin, Te: as, this the day of , 1941. Com-Pt"'aller of Fu is r►ccoLuits of tie State of Texas. iS Section 6: It is further ijy ti,e Citir C6uncil of Siie City of Com: o_7etom, Texas, that to qy off and dischar,-e t' --a said ponds Es they skull mature, and 42m to pay V e Interest nn S,wie as it accrue, a tax of te.-� ents (10�) on eacli one hwidred dollars (�100#00) vFlulution of all property in t',e said Cit3l, subject to tayation under tte Constitution acid Lays of the State of Texas, for the current ye r of 19411, and for each mucoeedin- year thereafter until a�id Bonds an(! interest are fully paid, is hereby levied, and is heteby ordered assessed and collected for the purpose of rezring off and dischjreii.g the said Bonds and interest thereon,, and V-*. en so collected the s_ me sl,, -.11 be a special fluid for said purpose alone, and s', I_E11 be t,rplied to no ot-er purpose. Section 7: It is further ordair.ed ty V, -,Le City Council of the said City that '141-, F. J._*a,or of the said City, and his successors in office, shall be authorized to have s,.id Lords printed and have the -ossession of save until sold, and s1all have ch'ar,le of all recor-1.s and proceedin-s -ertaiiAx-it, to procuring; opinioii of tire attorney lenerzA and t e re-istration by t" -e Couptroller, 8_'.ull do all tAws neoetsartr to carr" out tile purpose of this Ordinance. Section 8: The fact t'l.at V7 United States is rrantin- .mid in the ApQuIrition of an AiArport creates an emergency, and public necessity, tlat t, -Le rules reouirin- Ordinances to be read at three separate meetinr,s be sus,-eiLdedt anci, sue'a rules be sus-,ei_ded, and this Ordinance at once pass,and thtt it take effect ira.ediately thereafter, PaLsed and A," roved t1nis t4eXyllh day of September$ A.D. 1941. l.: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS AUTHORIZING CANCELLATION OF LEASE CONTRACT WITH ABE HARRISON POST NO. 174 OF THE AMERICAN LEGION. 7444 WHEREAS on December 11, 1944 the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas authorized the Mayor of said City to execute a Lease Contract with the Abe Harrison Post No. 174 of the American Legion in Georgetown, Texas which contract is of record in Volume 324, Page 566, Deed Records of Williamson County, Texas; and WHEREAS on January 14, 1946 an amendment to said Lease Contract was authorized by said City Council and executed by the City of Georgetown and the proper offi6ials of Abe Harrison Post No. 174 of the American Legion and which instrument is recorded in Volume 332, Page 283, Deed Records of Williamson County, Texas; and WHEREAS it is now desired by the City Council of the City Of Georgetown, Texas and Abe Harrison Post No. 174 of the American Legion to enter an agreement to cancel and surrender said Lease Contract upon the following terms and conditions: THAT the City of Georgetown, Texas in consideration for the surrender of the above mentioned Lease Contract, pay the balance of the indebtedness in the amount,Qf $302.31 due upon said property, the subject of said leaselnow being due to the First National Bank of Georgetown, Texas; that the bronze placques containing names of deceased war veterans be reinstalled and remain in the building now located on said premises; that any new lessee of said building be requested to allow the Abe Harrison Post No. 174 of the American Legion to have evening meetings in said building once a month; and WHEREAS said agreement is suitable to both lessor and lessee; Now Therefore Be It Resolved, by the City Council of 'K� y the City of Georgetown, Texas that the Lease Contract to Lots Nos. 3 and 4, in Block No. 29 of the Glasscock Addition, City tk 'of Georgetown, Texas as set out in the Lease Agreements dated December 11, 1944 recorded in Volume 324, Page 566, Deed Records of Williamson County, Texas and in an instrument dated January 6"jrtwo r, Coy Tx 14o.4- 1944 1 140 1946 recorded in Volume 332, Page 283, Deed Records of Williamson County, Texas be and the same are hereby cancelled by mutual agreement between the City Council of Georgetown, Texas and Abe Harrison Post No. 174 of the American Legion located at Georgetown, Texas; that said cancellation of said Lease Contract is hereby approved and the Mayor of said City is hereby authorized to execute an agreement concerning the same which agreement is as follows: THE STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON, This memorandum of an agreement made and entered into by and between the City of Georgetown, a municipal corporation located in Williamson County, Texas, acting by and through its Mayor Jay C. Sloan duly authorized to so act by resolution of,'City Council of said City hereinafter called Lessor and Abe Harrison Post No. 174 of the American Legion, acting herein by and through M. D. Henderson its Commander .hereinafter called the Lessee; that the Lease Agreement by and between said parties concerning Lots 3 and 4 in Block No. 29 of the Glasscock Addition in the City of Georgetown, Texas being a lease for a period of ninety-nine (99) years as shown in Lease Contracts between said parties of Record in Volume 324, Page 566 and Volume 332, Page 283, Deed Records of Williamson County, Texas be and the same are hereby cancelled and shallc be of no further force and effect, upon the condition however that Lessor assume and make payment in full of the sum of $302.31 due to the First National Bank of Georgetown, Texas; that Lessor reinstall as may be necessary and maintain in said building so long as said building shall be owned by the City of Georgetown, Texas, the bronze placques containing names of deceased war veterans within and upon the walls of said building; that the City as Lessor request any new Lessee that they give the Abe Harrison Post No. 174 of the American Legion permission to have evening meetings once a month without charge on said premises. Executed this day of March, 1972. 9- ATTEST; ity 9T Georgetown, XeAor by Sioan. Mayor American Legion Abe Harrison Post No. 174 by -Claude a s, City Secretary �rf Henderson, Commander William R. S umg-. Adjutr SINGLE ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATEOF TEXAS, COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON. BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared Jay C. Sloan known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. �>',,r`r, GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the day of March A.D. 1972 zs,o ary u c n an or Williamson " County, Texas, SINGLE ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATEOF TEXAS, COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON, BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared M. D. Henderson known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he execrated the same for the purposes and consideration therein +,± S'e .%expres'sq.d,, and in the capacity therein stated, N-0 " f �""'' GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, " `>,�'' •,r:•iy���r this the '*�ay of March, A.D. 1972 ty, Texas. 3 e1*0 _41 FF <ZF TEXAS G n a* ` ► r n 1, Dick Cervenka, irk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certity =' that the ' lttsY. urrten In writing with its certWc of 0onffoaVon„ w filed i'or record In my office y � . liL and duly recorded this a K. d qy gyy �w(}�jj (¢ jR yj! ■p�� p yyy{y}�$ , 4Ya..f ?!M4 RtiA 97i..MYaYi M....At D. 1N s Rtr s aMiM �R�, IRd7t{ilYy ��Y M rel Mhe......a pis<..... - t •■ �) iAVM'�fMwlLllil4Y�:` Yf r wrf 1�M1}1�1lflF'M...... .....i+l�wMYYpY1 Racoids of sold aunty, in & rtlf�¢!'s i+i♦Maw .aw9A'�11. f+��!('v a.Yre )*P S MY HAND and seal of the minty Court of sold County, at office in Georgetown, Tuns Me date last abovs written. DICK CERVENKA, CLERK y.v*W, . ,.Olt 16t"ai..—Y, Deputy Monty mit, Williamson minty, Taxss! M � I 1--4 V RA M. Ml�� 1114, CITY (Yk GEOWNT-OW, TEXA'S TO "r WA.MS09 PWT No. 174 THE ERIC" LEGION AJTD AGREED CANIM-1,17121',ZHOW OF FILED f OR rz MtCUM AfflrerUMP CITY (T G'OR3 'T':AN &&&UAQ3 AL R:Z*GLUTIa" Of? TR CITY C ' TIN fM4 Or TR M CITY or GYV%RG',,TO N AtJTW RI7190 TR;. UX CUTION OF LHRASE CO"''RAr" WITH TRS: 41.13 'MARRIFON POC T NO* 174 OT THZ &U RI''AN LliajIOM&. Whereas on ne►oamb-r 11. 1944, the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texan authorised the mayor of said City to execute a l*a,Ae c:)nt•ra.et with tt6 lobe Mrrieon Foot no, 1?4 of the Av-,eriana Ledo-, which Post is loaated at Georgetown, Texas, anti pursuant thereto a lease wRo exelouted and is now of r000rd In Vol. at vig-,._,.. G , ,., 3ee.D --g000rt0o of saic4 County, which lease e►e then executed co tains provlsio.�s that are nrrt In aaeord*nao with the arrooment of ti-* parties, resulting in a autual a_istakei and Whereas, si, ce ga.id lease anntains on1d autusl, aistake the pmrtieae desire, to cckrroat the #a%e, and to now enter 1' to a lease sgree!te-nt that 1s 1n exsot hmr:ony with the arre*e=ent of the pnrtles, whi^h exiet ap►reetl,,-rt is as set out in the leave* ese>oied into this resolution] e,owr therefore. Be it resolved >y the City Counall of the city of 4eorge*townt that the fcllnwinv contrAct between the sill City of Georgetown and the k a gsrriso 3 Post ho• 1T4 1s here= y anproved and the mayor of osid city is heresy authorized to expoute the site, wl-Ach Paid oortrsat is as follomst THS, STM CT TEXAS I ro,,,"TY -r wii.Lxv-r�A T' -is moi!or-andum of an aorreo�ientg this eny mgde and ens• tered Into ty and teatoten the City of Georgetown a municipal Corr► porntion, loentod in U11119 aeon county$ Texmsf mating by stud through Its '*ayor, V r R.Tith, euly authort7ed to ve a -,et tay reeo- lution of the r1ty C'ounell of the said City= herein called Lessorl The APE RVIRI-ON r,"" #174 of the Ameriona L+eglon, a subordinate post of the Amorla�ln Leaio-, acting herein ty and throucrh Har oon Martin. itm ro , m-�nAer. herein a iRlIed LC -CZE,, witneeeethe 9 That Lessor has this day rented and leased to Lessee all of that certain lot or nnrcael of 1anI lying and 'being-ae� situated In the City of 4eorcretown, in Williamson County, Texas, and beim lots three (3) and four (4) in Clock twenty-nirle (29) of the Glasscock addition to the Paid. City rand being the property pur.• ohgeed ty the s,14 r1ty as s'nown ry deed of record in vol 3?3# par* 507 of the Deed Records of tilliamson County, Texas. The said lease to bpsin %t this date nand to continue for a period of ninety- nine (99) yeaears# Thmt the conditions of this lease are as followat (1) That within one year from the eats hereof, Lessee shall erect and construct on the said lots, a butldinr suitatle for the hoadquairters and meeting place of the said Abs, H"rrison Post 1174 of the Amerirsn Legionj with aat hall sultatlea for an auditorium and recreation hill therein. (2) That for the purpose of policing saaaiA property the Lessor reserves a general supervision thereof. (3) That Lessorshall h%vet the privilege of using tae building and equi,pmont upon request, and Pt the convenience of the Lompoe, (4) That durl.-A the life of this lease, Lessee will 0000erate with the Lessor and civic organizations in the fostering of child welfare or youth movements;;and that Lessee will make said building availa"t,le for such movements when under pr°ooer sponsor- dhip, and at the convenience of the Lessee+ (5) That &.,ring the life of this lesee, the saxxe shall not be assigned, or any rights granted by either party hereto„ without the joinder of both parties to such Frant or wasignmefntj However# Lessee may if it elects, without the consent of Lessor# create a vw21d lien on any building constructed on said real ertnt♦ to @soure any un°,aald vortion of the cost of conatruoting said bulldirw# not exceeding #2,500* (Twenty-five hundred and noA00) dollars. 6 In the event of a forealosur* of said lien the purchnawr at such fore eloauror sale may have the urge and possession of ouch building and inciress thereto and egress therefrom$ during the lite of this con- trect. Put at the onh of this oontraat all title to the stid build. Ing *hall revert to the Leesor. (6) That should the Losses# at any time after the erection of such building asave to ups, the setae for the purpose for which It w,,,s ereotedl or should Lessee„ 'as an organization, cease to exist* this lease shall then terw•inate, and the full title and possession of the property covered by *setae, revert to and vest in Lessor, subw jee3t to any outstanding Indebtedness# it any# upon said priami®es not to exeeed #2500• oTwenty•fiv* hundred and no/101) dollars, and sub•• jeot to the provisions in paraaraph (6) a`,ove. Lx*auted this the 14 day of L N�,eroary of city, 000rgetown WILL14V H. t,! ITS Adjutant THL STATS CIF UXAS C jinwiry A DD11.946 • , LL V TH T CITY er GMQ1Rq.rtT,:,MN LEMAOR LY M r MIAITHS, 44WOr A%Rxrlll t L-e-51oln APE HARRISCM POST No. 174 LESS" 1 COUNTY air WIuLlan' I pelore tie, the uneerelened officer in and for Willi& -;son County„ Toxos, on this day p rsonally apn*^red M T SwIth, known to an to to the person whoa* ni'+* Is signod tD the foregoing instrume 1 &M acknowl*dged to we that he executed the sia.e for the purpopes and oa �..��+es psQity therein stated* sideration therein expree,sed, and r M , given under ry hone and seal of office this the 1f day of January A D 19+6. Notary Pu'l Io (L�? *illigmnon County, Tees CO`lNTY OF WILLIA�'el,`N. Pefore me, the undersigned officer In and for Willi%'tson County, Tex"s on this day rronnally appese►red Hobson k;'artin, known to a;* to io the t orann w%e%aa tna-a. t • si gne a to the fe-twng t nstrume fc and oaknowl*dmod, to at that he *Roout*d the *%T* for the PurP0500 and oonslA*ratlon therein oxProomede and Ln the oapaoity therein StAtede Given under my hand and papal this th&-Z±day of January A* A. lq46# Notary Public slillawson County& Toxos# LIS) day o t January A D 1946 PA,D NND ArP9011"D this AWROMINNOW 7* City of G*orwotowft K L seoret-Aryl City of coorgelto" CM OF GMRGRTO—fvN 5-T AL TO LE-51fln