HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 10.22.1946 - Sale and Distribution of MilkP T "';M *j- Zol * ACOORDAM 17M `iia IlWn-
01pris mV. 1M T"10. $39 OF IMMAMAR. OF
1937,t nrraws q« 1 o 358, W l
or Lrr"��,T= Aim i s 163--3 Or TOMPS
CTM� t#XD Apo_' 'K ���
0"? : l`vc"l7mli OV A lulcvs " � ";tom;
On, 71M, ITZO-73=3 JM I'llf,31VOT'D
AT Mx `I"I to G RAVMkI l i,3 T.VBT-amm or
00Iu . 7 0? gy+�pp?- AUN� V�ryISMW MD qIp. q IA
mm L A
tion to
prt b*rWf on of a**" of ,*)*tjons
9 of the lkat of tho 110042" 30841M Of U* 4M UdAstu"
• i ? pP aF v "3 it +� s 1 �. w r
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Y Y •R :_ a t -.a _i i "_. - ; � �..# t. s p�f :: 9 -':dr. � t iT. iP r-.. -� _.�
awurdod by a Citi, or Couaty Lealth m4fi oar o.. b hi a repro".
se ntative* Provided, i ovi ever, that-nuste�etst1f,)n of r -A :
c e. 11 not oowititute W charce in t o C Tacie the-. of anti an
m-okall be sold aftor g'asteuri: tion rim 1jio s = .c C, mde
an elanalfied. before stouri ation.
•: 2. Utato Dern Cffi*er in L by auth+oril,csd
"ad ry,., ;Une b ahsll 601Wti to and to �: i X the
o i1 oati.ons t ox the pip- duo l a Of the f'- 1;1 1 n4 =409 Of
raw mid and ra r milk. produota, acoordinr, to the safety and
food value of t1w saw and the oanitaZ7 eomiitiong UMUr
{v .ich the *me are Wofteod and hamUod; t+c► tt MAM.3 "A",
"13" "C" and "D" mm mLlk and .rfty nM products. Provided
suc s l,oi.fieati.one defined rad fiz&d by the Mate Reelth
Officer shall. be based upan and in ImiTany Ath the apecffi,—
cations for theme (imdes of raw milk and raw d1k putts
as set :Cbrth in tha current United ;motes ,Mies kleal:th
.3ervi es 17M, , urdina oot
And the state Rwath Off"iser is hereby authoriz* and
er;.r� red to define v&at shall oonctituto and to fig the
spei cif- catio'-40 for the prodnotlon and hp d of they
a i Lowiuc t- ratios of puatvirized tAU,. and pa uta.r-Alk
prcduots ae oorki to tho Mfoty end fbOd value of the
=as* sa
the nIVwy oa;ad� tions undor rl.,ioh th+ a are
}rc=uacod or _ ari loth to-owi.tt Cmden "11"0 4- and. "C"
pasteurized a=; and pastourized rAlk; 7rcdkuQ se Provided
.^vch -,Pecifi.cxatlonu dofined and fixed t' ilm Hoe rieftith
Oftiaer shall to based u j u 4W in harmAr with the s rGiti-
cations for theca edea of -,msteualzed rAlL and PaSteuriZed
=Ux , +adttm ac :stet forth in +.be ourzvat United States l blip
e 4efl- l bons specifications wid re+ ,,ulrome to
.�xo� ted the Stet �'o ltb. Cff'icor in acoor nee -A h
the U -to o ~olnC ;,.= ";r of $3 of this 0t nhall become ef'iC -
tive tvays mnthrani Wie date of their -m3,;; xtion; nud
the Jute lleal.th o floor mall fuulsh ,print+sd coplea of
such C rades, spoe ltioations, anA requi -tents to County
City 41calth orfjoer , at least thri.ty d+t rs beftre their
effective dated.►
tj.q city adkiptine, any apocifications and, ro ationa
for W rmde of lk shall be Gove=ed ta,.., 'the sIViciriantions
and rccmItitionz :gra Aa a:tod by the :oto lkealth Of,, icer, as
'r,erein ai uoriz*4
desires; to use any, V� do "A" " .►c"', or "Tr label In
repreftntlMs publinhinC_ or aAyertjaine ash or milk
produots offired for sale or to be nold within thin "Itatog
shall Wke rapl,iostion for a Pamit to the City r1oalth Officer
in wW Incorrorated city ':yore the vww is to be sial or
offere4 for aftale t rtr a pmt to u xaW -ouch label in imd-
verti.si.nr, rspreee : .", ', or labelingob, n,r,,, 1; or rAlk pry"
ducts; ; rmn, firm, association or corporation ration th ,
desires to use an trade "del"," "CO or "D' label in
rf3 nti �.� ! ubli�Or � ver�:L M any or miU
Musts offered for ati o, or to bo sold ou'tnid of the 11mits
of wW Ineorporated city or tmin s1*:rtal zmle wp ltorwtion to
the County Rzjtl Officer in PrW county ;;oro the m.a in
to -oc ,old or offered 1*or Por a ptrAt
to use y .zueb label in nd-vort s i -, re; reaont i.r w , , or label —
saaaiz : S1ke r llk '-rod'uats; W �� oon, 'ir *, €-ssm clati.o.n
or oor- � tir�n <�o� use i` �e �; �" * "#p+� ��" � or
":Y1 label. In dare a.blis i .r or t.dvorti .r.C, may
milk or =M : roduets o `tired for sole or to be wid botJ%
},thin and ,At cut tip Units of auy Incorporated eity or
a licati.on to lbo 'the city l 'Gh C 'i Officer for ,a VenAt to use aW Ouch
lam in advvrmltlor labeli - such r4lk or
a: r
n � ;
k i k:4 _ �:d a' 3* �''.w�r WW�.;� ::au .�...♦. $. 1. . ai.. . a;t+Y ':t
�4. :A 4 iG .. R :.:...s #Y$r. &ai 'i ! � 'w ♦ y" t. ;..#:-�.
milk or Yt, -j * that is not I mritairwr, that line
aear3,v and lecmy uponor r tim oovw
wf printedo atmit
ped vror6j Indioatint and
it a
boon V,,mdo p
, "'
the ifit 1-4 f zumd any "
milk or Yt, -j * that is not I mritairwr, that line
aear3,v and lecmy uponor r tim oovw
wf printedo atmit
ped vror6j Indioatint and
3tic ,*
8:j,; : ... r. ,, ..': a a. �u. '�:,�, ^;. •: . #, ; ��. �, � u. .r. k ':.F�rt .$ ,: a '
boon V,,mdo p
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3tic ,*
8:j,; : ... r. ,, ..': a a. �u. '�:,�, ^;. •: . #, ; ��. �, � u. .r. k ':.F�rt .$ ,: a '
,r,radedo and that any, n violfitinc this sootion of Vii,
ordiaaao* shan upon convicti
ww poxt, tIvroors diimmwLy to oftsmor ora"mmorat nitbin
t1do City, shall upon convtotion be flil.nadir. any mm. not less
than Vo ( 125* ) OWand not uoro 14"han 74w
With IJIo prov�ml-')Ao of 193t; 74itloll 04* I.Lc L's, C14 "'Wh"-ja
"Hoaltb lalveLOO lux�, codo; 14114 tigit lU '40, oa;l�;vot'ul ll-� a
to" i � '9
�,Iloulc,, Sections
nilulplqIr Inor(va"'.- bo V"- J .!,IIL jL,
1 of
jil �jo v,' or for an
Julu not, to
bv, Xcaoan, -1caterear, bWt araAll :. o tLnd remala in
or that miy In t.A.41 CIV,' Or t tlW,'
tr,- =ptl"in nr
"accatil 0. Me s!,V
kuid ohall rcpoal rad') `akwh �,OaZl't ZLttt.-I An4
US, ill,
roaawUas,aaw j -m! c;xo.:n,
tLat there in LLim no -
r2l nem-wity tow,
tiict u-k;-.L-u=GOa tLc.e bc Tnaa k -t z4r*,-G
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