HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 04.13.1936 CC-R1 Georgetown, exas, April I3, I9 6, The City Council met in regular session on the above date, Mayor M. F. Smith prsiding, the following aldermen and officers were pres- ent: Aldermen --F, E. Buchholz, J, R, Chastain, W, S. Frasier, J, C, Godbey, S, E. Wilcox. Offioers--W, H. Nunn, city attorney; S. A, Hodges, assessor and collector; R. E, Ward,, manager;,R. 0. Davis, marshal, M.,L, Cates, secretary. On motion of Alderman W, S. Frasier the minutes of the last regular session were approved as read. The monthly reports of Treasurer Estella Byrom, and Assessor and Collector S. A. Hodges, were read and on motion of Alderman W. S. Frasier the reports were ordered received and filed. The report of the Auditing Committee was read by the chairman; Lee M. Taylor, with appropriate comments on the same. On motion of Alderman Buchholz the same was received and filed. On motion of Alderman J. R. Chastain the Mayor appointed a com- mittee to tabulate the results of the Municipal Election held in the City of Georgetown, on Tuesday, the 7th day of April, 1936: The following is the report of the committee; "The undersigned committee, appointed by the Mayor to canvass the returns of the Municipal Election held on Tuesday, April 7th, 19361 in which a mayor and two aldermen were to be elected for the ensuing term of two years, have canvassed the votes, which show the following results: For Mayor: Votes M. F. Smith.................348 C. E. Harris................225 For .Alderman: H. F. Friedrich.... 0*00*00*0253 F, E. Buchholz.:......:.....44I J. C. Godbey................369 "The above results showing M. F. Smith received the majority of votes for mayor; that F, E. Buchholz and J. C. Godbey each re- oeived a majority of votes for aldermen, whereas each were duly and constitutionally re-elected to their respective offices for the en- suing term of two years. Respectfully submitted: Committee: S, E. Wilcox. W, S, Frasier," Persuant to the rep6rt of the said above named committee, the oath of office was administered ty M. L. Cates, city secretary, to M. F. Smith as Mayor of the city of Georgetown, Texas; F. E, Buch- holz, alderman; and J. C. Godbey, alderman of the said city. On motion of Alderman J. C. Godbey, the chairman of the Fire Committee was instructed to receive bids on four tires and casings tube placed on the Seagrave hook and ladder track. Mayor Smith named Messrs. A. W..Silure, C. C. Hamilton and A. W. Gray, as the tax equalization board,requesting authority to substitute for any of these named in case circumstances prevented, either from serving. On motion of Alderman J. C. Godbey the Council approved the appointments. A Zoning ordinance was presented the Council, the following being the caption of same: " An ordinance of the City of Georgetown, zoning the said city, as to the residential districts thereof and fixing the limits in which negroes may hereafter establish residence, and the districts in which whites maq hereafter establish residents and providing a penalty for the violation of same, and creating an exception thereto, and declaring an emergency:" On motion of Alderman J. R. Chastain, seconded by Alderman W, S. Frasier, the ordinance was read in full (see Ordinance Book) and passed to the second reading, the following being the vote: Ayes - Buchholz, Chastain, Frasier, Godbey, Wilcox. Noes --None. On motion of Alderman J. C. Godbey and.seoonded by Alderman J, R R. Chastain, that the usual rules for passing ordinances, the said ordinance declaring an emergency, be suspended; tnda the same be read by caption and passed to the third reading, was passed unanimously the vote being as follows: Ayes--Buohholz, Chastain, Frasier, Godbey, Wilcox, Moes --None. On motion of Alderman J. R, Chastain, seconded by Alderman F. E. Buchholz, that there appearing an emergency, the said ordinance be read by caption, under suspension of the usual rules for passing ord- inances, and the same be 4Ia lI3 �asaed ,,"tQaaJved the following vote: 3 iq Ayes ---Buchholz, Chastain, Frasier, Godbey, Wilcox. Noes --None. On motion of Alderman F. E. Buchholz, seconded by Alderman J. R. Chastain, the said ordinance was passed finally.,the follow- ing being the vote: .Ayes --Buchholz, Chastain, Frasier, Godbey, and Wilcox. Noes --bone, Mayor Smith announced the appointment of Dr. Van C. Tipton, as City Health Officer for the ensuing term, and on the motion of Alderman S. E. Wilcox, seconded by Alderman J. C. Godbey, the Council unanimously ratified the appointment of the mayor. A resolution was passed and filed, on motion of Alderman J. C. Godbey, in which it was resolved by the Council to hereafter employ the City Health Officer on a fee basis, instead of the cus- tomary monthly salary of $25.00. On motion of Alderman F. E. Buchholz, the Council authorized Fire Committeeman Chastain, to arrange a barbecue for the Fire De- partment. Mayor Smith appointed the following committees for the 1936=37 term; Finance and Revenue --S. E. Wilcox. Water and Light --J. C. Godbey. Health and Sanitation --J. R. Chastain. Cotton Yard --S, E. Wilcox. Printing --F. E. Buchholz. Fire --J. R. Chastain. Streets and Parks --W. S. Frasier. Ordinances --J. C. Godbey, San Gabriel Parks --F, E. Buchholz, J. R. Chastain. Fire Marshal --R, 0. Davis. Mayor pro tem --J. R.' Chastain. There appearing no further business the Council adjourned. X"90 mayor, City of Georgetawn_,, Texas eere ary, .�- of Georgetown, Texas. M N