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Planning Records 1984-1985
CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES/DISAPPROVES/TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the requestlistedbelow. �g WITNESS OUR HANDS this 23rd day of July 19 85 Mayor, Clky Counci City of Georgetown APPLICANT J.S.J. Joint Venture LOCATION South of HWY 29 and northeast of Hutto Road REQUEST Approval of preliminary plat and site plan of UNIVERSITY PARK CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: see attached planning report cxI oc- �a�s 1 COMMENTS: I. II. U1 . Plat and support documents should conform to requirements of P.U.D. ordinance. The following ordinance requirements concerning lots have not been met: A. Area less than 6000 square feet, B. Front width less than 60 feet and/or average depth less than 1Q0 feet, C. Lots fronting on two non intersection streets, D. Lots placed at right angles to other lots, E. 25 foot front yard setback is reduced to either 10 feet or 15 feet, (variance is requested) F. 7 foot side yard setback is reduced to 5 feet or zero feet, (variance is requested) G. Elimination of public utility easements along rear and side lot limits. [Complete evaluation of these variances cannot be completed until a more detailed site plan is reviewed. However, in general, it is the recom- mendation of the staff that the size and shape of lots be increased: to accommodate the resi- dential units described in the "Product Justifi- cation" section of proposal; to provide a mini- mum 15 foot front yard; to provide minimum side yards as required for spacing of structures; to conform to standards for maximum coverage by structures, maximum impervious cover, and requir- ed private open space; and to reduce or make special provisions for lots at right angles and double frontage lots. Staff has no ob3ection to elimination of rear and side utility easements.] The following ordinance requirements regarding streets have not been met: A. Private streets are allowed in P.U.D.'s but should have a minimum 50 foot R.O.W. especial- ly if they contain utilities. Complete review of substandard roadway widths will require submittal of typical street and util- ity layout cross-section. B. 75 foot street center line radius on Rachel Court should be increased and requested vari- ance not granted. Z / C. Horn Court exceeds 600' maximum length for cul-de-sac and should be connected to Snyder Court and the request for variance not granted. Similar redesign should be considered for Hyer Court and Merritt Court. IV. Recommend providing street access to adjacent properties to the north, east and southeast. V. Variance must be requested and justified for proposed reduction of off-street parking re- quirements for three bedroom units. VI. Additional water storage facilities are re- quired to adequately accommodate the development. VII. Water Availability Note shall apply to this subdivision (ie. No building permits shall be issued until the proposed water treatment facil- ities are operational or an acceptable alternate source is provided.). VIII. The preliminary site plan and/or support docu- ments should provide all informational require- ments of Section 2.809 of P.U.D. Ordinance. IX. The site plan, typical lot layout, and archi- tectural illustrations should be co-ordinated to provide an accurate indication of all facets of the development. X. A landscape plan should be submitted. RECOMMENDATION: The plat and site plan should be resubmitted with all informational requirements of the P.U.D. Ordinance met and the above comments satisfied. N CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council-APPROVES/DISAPPROVES/TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the request Misted below. _.._ ---- WITNESS OUR HANDS this 23 day of JULY , 19 85 Mayor, Cit Council City of Georgetown APPLICANT 'TERRY KATZ LOCATION South of Leander Road, west of IH 35 and Woodmont Dr. REQUEST Site plan approval for 1000 OAKS RETAIL CENTER" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Staff Recommendation: Site plan and support data should be revised and resubmitted to satisfy the following comments as applicable: 1. Pending decision by City Attorney, a subdivision plat may be required 2. A 20' dedication for road widenint is needed along Leander Rd. 3. A landscape plan is required for staff review prior to issuance of building permit 4. Site grading and detention plan should be revised and resubmitted for staff review 5. Utility Plan should be revised and resubmiteed for staff review 6. A sidewalk should be provided along Leander Rd to Junior High School 7. An appropriate buffer to reduce noise and visibility should be created between this project and adjacent residential area 8. This project must co-ordinate with T.D.H.P.T. plans for widening of Leander Road. r Recommendati.oN: P 1 Z (5-0) Site plan and support data should be revised and resubmitted to satisfy above comments and the concerns expressed by adjacent property owners in so far as possible prior to submittal to Council. Variance from parking requirements should be worked out with staff Recommend granting of variance Conner: Approve Site plan subject to 1:150 parking subject to no increase in building size and subject to comments above I/ CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES SAPPROVES TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the request listed below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of JULY 1985 Mayor, Cit Council City of Georgetown APPLICANT Gil Johnson LOCATION Between Serenada Country Estates and Serenada West on Williams Drive REQUEST Preliminary plat approval for'BENT OAKS CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: See attached planning report C, 'g- Gfrg'" 196 1 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES DISAPPROVES TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the request listed below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of JULY 1995 Mayor, Ci Council City of Georgetown APPLICANT Brad & Suzanne Goen LOCATION Sailth ac n ner nf Main at 5th Street REQUEST Amending a special permit for day care facility CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The request under consideration seeks to amend these conditions to: 1. Allow an increase in the maximum number of children 2. Eliminate existing condition "B" allowing applicant to reside off-site The primary issue regarding this request is to determine what effect the increase .in number of children and/or the removal of the residency requirements will have on the neighborhood character, traffic, utilities, public health, public safety and general welfare. The primary areas of concern are: A. Impact on adjacent property owners B. Need for this use at this location C. Long range implications regarding the maintenance of the subject property Recommendation: P-6 Z (3-2) Denial of Request, special permit should remain as is z CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetbwn City Counci�PPROVES ISAPPROVES/TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the request listed below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of JULY 19 85 Mayor, C1 y Counci City of Georgetown APPLICANT Brandi Lane LOCATION East 1/2 of Block 34, Synder's Addtion REQUEST Partial Abandoment of Utility Easement ------------------- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: �a ORDINANCE ^ Partial Abandonment of Utility Easement East Of Block 34 Synder's Addition •. Z" �Readinq In order to secure title applicant seeks to vacate insurance on the Utility easements and abandon portions offtwonblanketperty, 1947 and reserve placed upon the property said a 9.5 utility easement along deeds in 1946 and to allowfor from 13th Street to 14th Street hichwi$t line of All known existing utilities. sufficient * 4-0411V.242 NOIyy007 3 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVESfDISAPPROVES/TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the requestilisted below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this oja_, day of J'LTLY S a Mayor, C y Counc1 City of Georgetow APPLICANT Richard E and Frances Heckman LOCATION 30 foot allwy running west from Main S-reet between Addition REQUEST partial Abandonment of the North 20.4 fee ot an Or-eqnLat Be feet alley I ONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: r07- UTM7NANCZ -- Partial Aka`ndonment of the north 20.4 feet of an original 30 foot alley running west from Main Street between Lot 9 of Montgomery Addi- tion and Lot 1 of John Sparks Addition.'g! R actin j In order to secure title insurance on the referenced property, applicant seeks to vacate and abandon the 20.4 feet remaining from an original 30' alley. The City will retain an 8' utility easement within this area. Additionally, the owner of the south 10' of said alley which was abandoned by the City in 1926 has agreed to dedicate back to the City 7' of this 10' area as a utility easement. The two adjacent and parallel easements are sufficient to allow for all known existing utilities. [The required utility easement has been executed and recorded.1 V CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counc APPROVE/DISAPPROVES/TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the request listed below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th nday of JULY , 19 85 t Mayor, Ci Counci City of Georgetown APPLICANT Rabbit Hill Road Joint Venture LOCATION Along the PaRt frnntacle rrad of 211 X" north of Westinghouse Road REQUEST Prelim nar nrnval of RRTT c Y �lrZ ;2� RA HTTOTO SB511�v S pA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: See attached planning report S 1�a�Ji>i� -,iii �L',,� ,. �' ►k.. ��, COMMENTS: I. Annexation should be requested. II. A generalized landscape and site development plan should be submitted. III. Public streets providing required access from IH -35 to east should be provided. IV. Addition of a collector street along the east- ern property line in lieu of the 30' access easement shown should be considered. V. Drainage report should be revised per City Engineer comments. VI. A utility plan should be submitted to review for fire protection requirements. RECOMMENDATION: P & Z (5-0) Approval fQr_prpposed land use only,,,, A revised prelim- inary plat should be submitted which satisfies the comments listed above. A CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council�PPROYE�/DISAPPROVES/TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the request 1listed below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of July , 1985 A Mayor, Citly Counci City of Georgetown APPLICANT Jeffe LOCATION Northwest of the intersection of county roads 151 and 152; and east of IH 35 REQUEST_ Final Plat approval for C YSTAL K oT.T. lrrggA _F, P - rl n - 17DITT I CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: see attached planning report 7 COMMENTS: I. Plat approval conditioned upon: A. Plat meeting ordinance requirements. B. Drainage requirements being met. C. Utilities being adequate (water avail- ability note shall apply). D. Water Pollution Abatement Plan is re- quired by T D W R.. II. Pedestrian access to the open detention area from Caladium Court should be provided. III. Lots backing up to County roads 151 and 152 shall have suitable buffering. IV. The final Site Plan shall indicate the maxi- mum floor area for structures, area of both common and private open space, percent of im- pervious cover, and rough finished contours. V. Landscaping and improvements to open space/ detention areas, and the water facilities area should be required and indicated in the construction plans. VI. The final landscape plan shall indicate. the number of required trees and shrubs= number, size and type of proposed trees, shrubs and ground cover= and include both detention areas, water facilities lot, and street parkways. VII. The following variances have been requested. A. Lots at right angles - Lots 9, 1 3, 2 3, i 24 Block 11. B. Parking - allow reduction of off-street parking requirements for three bedroom units from 2h spaces to 2 spaces per unit C. Street center line radius - allow reduction of radius from 300 feet to 150 feet. D. Area - allow the area of duplex lots to be reduced from 7000 square feet to 6,788 square feet. (Staff has no objection conditional upon the applicants demonstration that minimum private open space and common open space requirements are met and that the common open space/deten- tion_areas are improved so as to provide use- able recreational areas.] VIII. Building permits for this subdivision shall not be issued until 50• of off-site utility construction is complete, and all other City policies met. IX. Improvements to County Roads are needed. RECOMl=DATION: Pi Z (S -Q) Approval of Plat and Site Plan conditioned upon the above comments being met and a revised site plan and landscape plan being submitted for staff review with construction plans. CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES'/HISAPPROVES/TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the request (listed below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of July 19 85 Mayor, Ci4ly Counc1 City of Georgetow APPLICANT Frans Klein Wassink LOCATION North of County road 151 surrounded by Crystal Knoll terrace P.U.D. REQUEST Final Plat approval for SUNNY SIDE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL% see attached planning report 7 COMMENTSs I Plat approval shall be conditioned upon A- Plat meeting all ordinance requirements. B Drainage requirements being met. C. Utilities being adequate (water avail- ability note shall apply). D. A Water Pollution Abatement plan is required byT.DWR . II. Water certification is required prior to recor- dation. III- Owner shall establish a 3 year letter of credit With the City sufficient to provide curb and Sutter street prior to plat recordation. IV. Variance allowing the release of septic permit for lot 2 prior to completion of street granted because of existing house However, no permits Will be allowed for Lot 3 until street is com- pleted. RECOMMENDATION.- p & Z (5_0) Approval conditioned upon above comments being met r CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of GeorgetownCity Counci APPROVES�ISAPPROVES/TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the request"listed below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of July 198. f Mayor, Ci Counci City of Georgetown APPLICANT Tierra Investment Company LOCATION At the southwest corner of Booty's Crossing Road and '"—Williams Drive REQUEST Final plat approval for WILLIAMSBURG VILLAGE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: see attached planning report 41 Comments: I. Plat approval shall be conditional upon: A. Ordinance Requirements being met, B. Drainage requirements being met, C. Utilities being adequate, D. A water Pollution Abatement Plan being approved by T.D.W.R. prior to construction. 11• A letter of credit for street improvements shall be provided prior to recordation. 111• A tree survey and landscape plan should be submitted with construction documents. Recommendation: P & Z (4-0) Approval conditioned upon above comments being met. /Z.- CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council PPROVE DISAPPROVES/TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the request l' listed below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of July 19 85 Mayor, Tjty Counit City of Georgeto APPLICANT Diamond Shamrock Refining & Marketing Co. LOCATION The north corner of the intersection of Andice Road REQUEST Preliminary/Final approval for SHAMROCK GEORGETOWN CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: see attached planning report COMMENTS: I. Plat approval shall be conditioned upon: A- All ordinance requirements being met BI Drainage requirements being met. C. Utilities being adequate (water avail- ability note shall apply). D• A Water Pollution Abatement Plan being approved by T D W.R prior to construc- tion II. Compliance with landscape ordinance shall be required. III• Driveways should be altered as per Engineers comments dated June 26, 1985. IV. A revised site and landscape plan shall be submitted in conjunction with utility con- struction plans for staff review. RECOMMENDATION; r O Z (5.0) Approval conditioned upon the above comments being met CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVE /DISAPPROVES/TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the request °listed below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of July , 19 85 Mayor, Ci Counci City of Georgetown APPLICANT West Georgetown Development Co LOCATION Southwest of the airport and immediately west of the Reata school site REQUEST Final plat approval for REATA TRAILS UNIT,IV CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: SEE ATTACHED PLANNING REPORT /S COMMENTS: I. Plat approval conditioned upon: A. Plat meeting all ordinance requirements. B. Drainage requirements being met. C. Utilities being adequate. D. Water Pollution Abatement Plan is re- quired by T.D.W.R.. II. Lot 14 Block "L" should be redesigned to pro- vide enough buildable area and parking outside of the flood plain. III. The rear 10' P.U.E. and B.L. of all lots within the 100 -year flood plain should generally con- form to the flood limit. IV. Minimum finished floor elevations shall be shown on plat, for lots adjacent to flood plain. V. An appropriate buffer shall be provided between the four-plex and the single family lots on Block "J". VI. Locations of the required sidewalks shall be shown on construction plans. VII. Improvements to the Reata lift station are required to serve this project. VIII. The 12" water line along Northwest Blvd., should be looped by connecting with the existing line on Serenada Drive. IX. Variances, are requested for the following: A. Lots 1,2 Block "H" and 11,12 Block "J" - lots at right angles. Lot 1 Block "E" - lot at right angle. B. Lot 1, Block "L" - lot at right angle. Lots 7 & 8 Block "B" - lots at right angles. C. Lots 1-14, Block "L" - exceed maximum width to depth ratio. r D. Hedgewood Drive - street centerline radius. [Staff has no objections to these variances.] RECOMMENDATION: N Z (5.0) Approval conditional upon the above comments being met, with the following exceptions: 1.) Comment II shall be deleted. 2.) Comment V shall be ammended to specify type of buffer as fence or landscaping. 3.) Comment VIII shall be deleted. /4 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES ISAPPROVES/TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the request ,listed below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9TH day of July lg 85 Mayor, C ty Counit City of Georgeto n APPLICANT CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS LOCATION East side of Serenade Drive some 300 feet south of REQUEST Final plat approval for GEORGETOWN WARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: see attached planning report - /? Comments: I. Plat approval conditioned upon: A.) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements. B.) Drainage requirements being met. Detention Facility Covenant shall be recorded with plat. C.) Utilities being adequate. D.) A Water Pollution Abatement Plan is required byT.D.W.R.. II. Hazard acknowledgement shall be secured from owner prior to recordation. RECOMMENDATION: P & Z (5 - 0) Approval conditioned upon the above comments being met. /,P CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVE DISAPPROVES/TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the request listed below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 13 day of August 19 85 Mayor, City Counpil City of Georgetown PROJECT KARSTEN ADDITION - PRELIMINARY / FINAL PLAT APPLICA Robert Harstad LOCATIONBounded by U.S. Hwy 81 to the East and Old Airport Rd. (county rd. 151) to the west and east of IH 35. It outside City limitswxt:tlx,L 1600 ft. Of Behael. and REQUEST Preliminary / Final Plat approval for Karsten Addition CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: ilQA a.�`(a:1�CJ .�x�ASz c14 L4- Karsten Addition (con.) M Staff Recommendation: Approval of plat with the following conditions: I. Plat shall meet all ordinance requirements. II. Drainage requirements shall be met. III. Utilities being adequate. Water availability note shall apply. IV. Water certification letter from Jonah Water Supply Corporation is required. V. The following notes shall be added to the plat: a. An approved site layout and drainage plan shall be required for the lots shown on this plat. b. Driveway access to the lots shown shall be restricted to One, 24 foot approach for each lot. c. This subdivision lies within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. An approved Water Pollution Abatement Plan is required prior to recordation. d. Building permits and/or utility connections shall not be issued on these lots until the City's water treatment facilities are operational or an acceptable alternate source is provided. VII. A variance for lot size less than one acre must be secured from County prior to submittal of final plat., for recordation P & Z Recommendation: (5-0) Approved as recommended by staff above Z CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES DISAPPROVES/TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the request listed below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 13 day of August__ , 19 85. Mayor, City C+uncal City of Georgetown PROJECT BRIARWOOD SECTION IV - PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICANT Timber Trek Development Co., Inc. LOCATION Northeast of Williams Dr & Briarwood Sec. 3 between Serenada Country Estates & Reata Trails Sec 4. Not within City limits, but inside REQUEST Preliminary Plat approval for Briarwood Sec. IV. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: ja octt-aAa' f n 3 Briarwood Section IV (con.) Staff Recommendation: Approval of preliminary plat with the following conditions: I. Plat shall be revised and resubmitted to comply with basic ordinance requirements and applicable conditions of approval prior to Council action. II. Drainage plan being approved by City Engineer. III. Utilities being adequate. Water availability note shall apply. Utility concept plan being revised and resubmitted with final plat. IV. A 50 foot R.O.W. street stub shall be provided between Lots 7 & 8 Block "E". V. A landscaped buffer and drainage channel as approved by staff shall be provided along the common line with Serenada Country Estates. VI. A 20 foot Public Utility and Drainage Easement shall be added along the common line with Reata Four. VII. The following variances should be granted upon request by applicant: a. Hedgewood Drive - Centerline radius less than 800 feet. b. Lot 23 Block "E" and Lot 57 Block "D" - lots at right angles c. Block "D" - exceeds maximum length d. Lots 53-57 Block "D" - exceeds maximum depth to wideth ratio. P & Z Recommendation: (5-0) Approval conditional upon the above comments being met with the exception that condition V. be amended to state that a 30" high earth berm with 3:1 grass -sodded side slopes and Swale area adequate to controll stormwater runoff, with existing tree cover to remain shall be deemed as adequate to fulfill this comment. T W 2 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVE DISAPPROVES/TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the request listed below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 1 3th day of August lg 85 Mayor, City Cfuncil City of Georgetown PROJECT 414 ROCK STREET - ZONING CHANGE APPLICANT David V1 avel LOCATION Comprises the west half and the southeast quarter of the block northwest of the intersection of Rock and 5th Streets REQUEST Zoning change for 414 Rock Street, Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8,. Block 22 of the City Addition from RS to RM 3 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 414 Rock Street - Zoning Change (con.) Staff Recommendation: No action should be taken until such time as a comprehensive land use and development plan can be established for the area bounded by Austin Street, 8th Street, Martin Luther King, and the South San Gabriel River. This study should have as its focus the impact of the proposed Judicial Annex and the feasibility of creating a pedestrian oriented corridor from the River to the Courthouse Square. P & Z Recommendation: (3-2) Approval of rezoning to RM 3 District with variances to be allowed regarding setbacks (4' on side & back to be permitted) and the crossing of lot lines to reflect positioning of buildings on site plan. A separate motion was passed by a (5-0) vote that no more zoning changes be made in the above mentioned area until a comprehensive land use and development plan be completed as recommended by staff. Council Action: (3-2) see attached 414 Rock Street (con) Approve change from R -S District to RM 3 District with conditions as follows: 1. Variances regarding setbacks shall be granted to allow positioning of building as shown on schematic site plan, 2. Subject to the understanding that the owner of the property will cooperate with the Planning Department in implimenting the concept of creating a public pedestrian accessway through or adjacent to this property 3. Site plan shall be submitted for City Council approval prior to issuance of building permit. 4 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES/DISAPPROVES TABLE WITHDRAWS the request listed below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 13 day of August 1985 . Mayof-, City Council City of Georgetown PROJECT PARKVIEW ESTATES SECTION NINE - u6d-yi5tdl Rai and Si .?dn APPLICANT Parkview Estates Joint Venture LOCATION Along the north side of FM 971 east of Hwy 81 REQUEST Resubdivision and site plan approval for vacating and resub- diviston ror iana use of Parkview Estates, Sect. 9 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: V'u cz;�A'-tc -'rct'� Note: Tabled in order to work out resolution to Land Use determination and Utility allocation questions 7 Parkview Estates Section Nine (con.) locally at the expense of the utility availability for the general service area. This is particularly true of the water situation in light of the current City policy regarding water availablity. Therefore, in order to insure the uniform application of this policy staff recommends that the water availability restriction should apply to any increase in demand. The impact on wastewater capacity is less significant and should probably be worked out by simply ad3usting the Capital Recovery Fee Credits. Staff Recommendation: Approval of the vacating and resubdivision of Parkview Estates Section 9 for change of land use to Multi- family and approval of the site plan with the following condition: I. Resubdivision plat shall be revised to reflect change in land use only. II. Site grading and drainage plan shall be approved by City Engineer III. Utilities being adequate A. Approval shall not be given to any increase in the average -day demand for water supply over that which was previously approved for Parkview Estates. Acceptable trade-offs within the overall development shall be considered in lieu of reducing the number of permitable units for this project. B. The capital recovery fee formula shall be adjusted to reflect the increase in waste- water demand. IV. The 30 foot buffer zone shall be maintained with no construction allowed within. Contractor shall provide a fence during construction to insure that this area is left undisturbed, and structures along this area shifted west. .3 V. Per City Policy, building permits will not be issued until 100% of on-site and 50% of off-site improvements for Parkview Estates has been completed. VI. Residential density should be reduced to 15 dwelling units per acre. VII. Parking shall be removed from the front yard areas. P & Z Recommendation: (5-0) Approval is recommended by staff above, with the additional require- ment that buffering be provided between single family units to the north with the design to be subject to planning staff approval at the site plan level. In CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVES/ SAPPROVES/TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the request listed below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 13 day of August , 19 85 Mayor, City Concil City of George own PROJECT SOUTHWESTERN PLAZA -VARIANCE REQUEST APPLICANT 999=2U---.$aON-1 LOCATION North of Hwy 2338 between the IH 35 access Rd. and Hwy 81 REQUEST An extension of the approval given to this plat CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Granting of request for extension of final plat approval for a six month period from the date of expiration (7-10-85). Further extensions will not be recommended unless required construction plans are submitted for review. It- CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES DISAPPROVES/TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the request listed below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this13 day of August 19 85 Mayor, City Cou cil City of Georgetlown PROJECT RESOURCE INDUSTRIAL PARK APPLICANT RSM Development LOCATION Southwest of intersection of FM 971 and County Rd 152 REQUEST a four month extension of the approval given to this plat on 26AJs cj� -or Tin ° have more time in w c ed CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Planning Staff Recommendation: Granting of request with a six month extension of approval. However, applicant shall be put on notice that unless significant progress toward recording of the plat (i.e. the submittal of construction plans) is demonstrated during this period, this office will not recommend further extensions. This is due to the current water availability policy in an effort to be fair to other developments which are standing in line. CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES DISAPPROVES/TABLES/ t WITHDRAWS the request listed below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this day of Mayor, City Coun it Cit of Georgetown Pr��ect VARIANCE - 507 MEADOWBROOK DR. APPLICANTFred Steinbhauser LOCATION On the outside of the southeastern curve of Meadowbrook Drive, a loop road in the northern most third of San Gabriel Heights. REQUESTVariance to allow an existing residence to remain encroachec approximately 1 ft. into the recorded 25 ft. building set back area. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: VARIANCE - Building Line - 507 Meadowbrook Dr. Lot 12, Block G San Gabriel Heights Section 3. Request: Applicant has requested a varianceto allowa1 etisting residence to remain encroached approximately into the recorded 25 ft. building set back area. The encroachment is shown on a lot survey dated August 2, 1985. Facts: Location: On the outside of the southeastern curve Dist -9B of Meadowbrook Drive, a loop road in the northern most third of San Gabriel Heights. Planning Staff Recommendation: The staff has no ob3ecti.on to the granting of this variance. CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci < APPROVE DISAPPROVES/TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the request listed below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 13th day of August 19 85 Jam` Mayor, City Concil City of Georgetown Project GEORGETOWN WARD APPLICAN Church of Jews Christ of Latter Day Saints LOCATION East side of Serenada Drive some 300 feet south of Sequoia Trail East REQUEST Waiver of Plat review fees of $262.50, due to status as a not-for-profit religious entity. . CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: VARIANCE- Waiver of Plat Review Fees - GEORGETOWN WARD Request: Applicant for this subdivision which was approved by Council on July 9, 1985, has requested that the sum of $262.50 be waived due to its status as a not-for-profit, religious entity. Facts: Applicant is The Church of Christ of Latter -Day Saints A previous request of the same type was granted by Council on March 12, 1985. Planning Staff Recommendation: No objection to granting of request. If granted the reimbursement should take the form of a credit toward the final review fee statement. /Z CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVE DISAPPROVES/TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the request listed below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 1.4 day of Mayor, City Concil City of George own PROJECT SOUTH GEORGETOWN BUSINESS P APPLICANT F.rnPC+' A Golden Aug„ cti- —' 19 A5. - FINAL PLAT LOCATIONlln the paa+- alAca nf_TH *S Appr� n_yimately 1 miles entii„h, of the highway 81 exit south of Georgetown. REQUEST Final Plat apsrnyal_ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: South Georgetown Business Park (con.) Staff Recommendation: Approval of the plat and site plan with the following conditions; I. All ordinance requirements being met, II. All drainage requirements being met, III. All utilities being adequate (water availability note shall apply), IV. An approved Water Pollution Abatement Plan is required, V. Drainage plan shall be revised and resubmitted for staff approval P & Z Recommendation: (5-0) Approval with conditions as recommended by staff above. City Council Action: 3 13 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVE DISAPPROVES/TABLES/ WITHDRAWS the request listed below. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 13 day of August 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Geo rggCKLER PARK" etown PROJECT MIRevised Preliminary Plat and Site Plan APPLICANT G. Brian Christie LOCATION West of Hutto Rd. and -trust north of Ouail yal1ey Suhd,v„Ginn. Outside but contiguous to City limits. REQUEST Preliminary Plat and Site Plan approval for Mickler Park CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL; 14 —u:r-zJ.il c-wzivlc� wVU14 uG L��V1G lSCG�JiiiG3 W1Lii LIle spirit of a P.U.D., and would be a compensating factor for its high density. Staff Recommendation: Approval of preliminary plat and site plan with the following conditions: I. Plat shall be revised and resubmitted to comply with the basic subdivision ordinance requirements and conditions of approval prior to Council action. Mickler Park (con.) y II. Site and landscape plan shall be revised and resubmitted to comply with applicable ordinance requirements prior to submittal of final plat. III. A drainage plan and report shall be submitted and { approved by City Engineer prior to submittal of final plat. A conceptual plan for the landscaping of the Smith Branch Floodway shall be submitted in conjunction with this report. IV. Conceptual Utility plan shall be revised per engineers comments and resubmitted with final plat. Required off-site utilities shall be indicated as we -1 as City electric lines to be relocated. V. Duplex lots shall be changed to single family use. VI. The 30 foot emergency accessway shall be deleted in favor of an extension of Rifle Bend Drive as a second point of access. VII. Gas line hazard note shall be added to plat. VIII. Water Availability note shall be added to plat IX. Street improvements to Hutto Road should be required with this development. X. Annexation should be requested. P & Z Recommendation: (3-1) one abstained Approval with conditions as recommended by staff above. Staff Comment: Condition I as stated above has been met. /5 CITY CUt;M IL T11L CITY Of (,L0RGLTOw'N The City of Guorgetown Citv CUUncll AP1'KOVE •DISAPPROVES the request listed below APPLICANT TOM HEATON LOCATION 210 South IH -35 - Lot 1, Block I Riverview Mall Subdivision 1. PRELI.41%ARY PLAT 1. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE from area limitations for total signage 2er Zoning Ordinance to allow 1,120 square eet on this lot, conditioned upon. at total signage for Phase I of Riverview Mall be limited to 740 square feet. 2 ) That total signage for Phase I plus Phase II of Riverview Mall be limited to 1930 square feet 5 OTHER r O"E`TS WITNESS OUR HANDS this 22nd day or January 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown "C0ed� n 1 L6 CITY ( OL".( IL T11L CITY UE (,LOR(,LTOWN • D The City of Georgetown City (.uunc.11 APPROVES ISAPPROVES the request listed below. AP('I LCA:.T GORDON M. DAVIS LOCATION 1600 Block of Northwest Boulevard - Lot 9, Block "C", Gateway Northwest 1. PRELLMItiARY PLAT 1. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5 OTHER Zoning, Change - 1600 Block of Northwest Boulevard - Lot 9, Plock "C". Gateway Northwest - From RM -2 to C2A ( 04-ME`TS : WITNESS OUR HANDS this 22nd day or January , 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 2 CITY LOC:'( IL THE LITY OF (,EOitGLTOWY • Ttm city of C.eorge:tuwn Lity CuunLiil PROVE DISAPPROVES the request 115ted below. APPY t( k,T J. NEILL WILKERSON t�ULAX N 1102 Country Club Road - Lot 2, Block "B", Country Club Acres. 1. kPRELVIL%ARY PLAT 2. IFI -C AL PLAT J. VARIANCt to allow enclosed porch to remain encroached some 3 feet into front building line. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER t O%tMENTS WITNESS OUR HANDS this 22nd day of January , 19 85 Mavor, City Council City of Georgetown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counc PROVE ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT R. Jett Fellows LOCATION South of Highway 29 and east of Hutto Road. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT And Vacation of University Hills Section One Lot 24, Block -"A" - lota arranged at right angle. 3. VARIANCE 2) Lots 1-4 and 12-15, Block "C" - lots arranged at right angle.Lots 14 and 15, Block F - lots arranged at right angle 4) Block "G" - length of block less than 500 feet. 5) Lots Block - width to depth ratio exceeds 2.5 to 1. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: ordinance requirements. (B) Drainage requirements being met. ,.(r) TTtilitips hPing adp tP_ D) An additional jitilitV Paspment (for sanitary sewer line) is needed across tract. (E) Specific wnrding_nf R strirtiv_ envpnants rP_ as rding the maintPnanrP of Smith Branch Floodway to be approved by City Attorney prior to r penrdati nn n f plat- (F) Evi sti ng, TTnisPrsi t3Z Hill n i 1 at m111gt hp vacated. (II) Annexation is recommended for portion of proposed Atthiiyision which lips outside city limits- 4TTT) Ryisting rit3Z_,� Utility Easement to be abandoned. (IV) Rezoning of duplex area in npedpd_ Ern=nspd rnmmPrrial arpas shall hp dpvpinppd a s,a Planned Unit Development. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 96th day of Fgbriiary 19 R3_ Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown i96 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES ISAPPROVE he request listed below. APPLICANT Donna Bergman LOCATION 102 San Gabriel Boulevard - Lot 1, Block "A", San Gabriel Heights Section One 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE to permit the construction of a six-foot, solid screen, Privacy fence some 25 feet into the front building line. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: I) Its negative impact on the appearance of the area. II) Concerns with safety in terms of site distance relative to the street. III) The potential for establishing a precedent which could could erode a fundamental element of the Zoning Ordinance. WITNESS OUR HANDS this _,76h day of February . 19 85 Mayor, City Counci City of Georgetown Z CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counc APPROVE DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT _Carl Luzius LOCATION East of intersection of Turtle Bend and Tortoise Lane and North of Booty's Crossing Road. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE of stormwater detention requirements. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER PARTIAL VACATION AND RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10, BLOCK "C", TURTLE BEND, SECTION ONE - PRELIMINARY/FINAL PLAT. COMMENTS: (I) Plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements. B Drainage requirements being met. (C) Utilities being adequate. (II) Vacation instruments must be recorded. III The areas of lots 6 and 7 do not meet minimum requirements for septic tank if the 50 foot access easement is deducted. Variance from County Health cer has been granted. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 26th day of February , 19 85 i Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 3 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT William S. Horabin LOCATION Southeast of Intersect gn of Luther Drive and Thousand Oaks Boulevard. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT & FINAL PLAT THOUSAND OAKS IV 2 FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE to' -allow the configuration of lots 1 and 2, Block "A" to exceed the maximum length to width ratio and to waive the requirement for both a 10' P.U.E. anda 7' B.L along the rear lot line of these lots. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: I) Plat approval conditioned upon. (A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements. (B) Drainage requirements being met. (C) Utilities being adequate. (D) Developer must construct south half of Thousand Oaks Boulevard from Luther Drive to IH -35. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 26th day of February lq 85 C Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown I/ CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Tom Heaton LOCATION 210 South IH -35 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT pPQ(aU's' 3. VARIANCE to conditionallyAthe issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the Wendy's building prior to completion of drainage facilities as shown on approved construction plans. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER The followin items are to be completed prior to issuance of COMMENTS. _Wendy's Cpr, ifirat_ of Occupancy* 1) Site plan and drainage plans for entire subdivision shall be approved by staff and g,ity engineers. 2) Required improvements to Riverside Drive shall be complete and accepted by City, 3) Off-site drainage easements rgguired shall be dedicated and recorded, 4) Temporary detention and erosion control measures as approved by City shall be complete. Additionally. the following_ shall be completed prior to the issuance of any additional building permits on this site: 1) The plat of Riverview Mall shall be recorded. 2) All required drainage improvements_ as shown on approved construction plans shall be complete and accepted by City. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 26th day of February , 19 85 0-4,1Z 2AM;:! t Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 5 CITY LOUIV IL THL LITY Of c,L0tu,LT0W, The Lity of Georgetown Lity Council the request listed below. 1st Reading of ordinance was tabled to allow for completion of restrictive covenants. APC[ LEANT Gordon M. Davis LOLATION 1600 Block of Northwest Boulevard Northwest of i tersection of 1-35 and Northwest Boulevard. 1. PRELIM %AKY f'LAr 2. EINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER REZONING - 1600 BLOCK OF NORTHWEST BOULEVARD - (GATEWAY NORTHWEST) - FROM R -S to C2A. s'4104E`TS: NOTE: Owner will voluntarily limit use to office and/or office warehouse and establish appropriate setbacks by restrictive covenants prior to Council Meeting. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 8th day or January , 19 85 Mavor, Citv Council City of Georgetown MSS f CITY COL%( IL THL CITY OF t,LOR(,LTOWN The City of Georgetown City CounL1l _ the request 1st Reading was tabled until such time as owner listed below. of property can be available. APPIICA.`,T Franz Walentin LOCATION 1205 Main Street - Near southeast intersection of Main and University. 1. PRELIMINARY f LAr 1. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER REZONING - 1205 MAIN STREET -FROM R-S/C2A to C-1,_ (t)"ENTS: This area was involved in the rollback zoning of 1981, per the recommendations of the Master Plan for neighborhood protection. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 8th day of January , 19 85 r Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 2 CITY (.OL*.( IL THL CITY OF (,LORGLTOWN The City of Georgetown City Council the request This item was tabled until such time as a signage listed below. concept plan for all of Riverview Mall pro)ect has been submitted and agreement be worked out concerning square footage of signs. APPLICANT Tom Heaton LULATION 210 South IH -35 1. NRELIML%ARY PLAT Z. FINAL PLAT J. VARIANCE from both height and area restrictions for proposed signs to be constructed with Riverview Mall Project. L. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER (,0`tME`TS: WITNESS OUR HANDS this 8th day of January , 19 85 Mavor, City Council City of Georgetown 3 CITY (.OL,%( IL THL. CITY M (,EOR(,LTOWti The City of C,enrgetown City Cuum-iAf'!'ROV 01SAPPROM the request listed below. AP11I1LANT Tom Heaton LOLATION Northwest corner of intersection of Hwy. 81 and Williams Drive. t. PRELIMLNAKY t'LAr 2. FINAL PLAT SOUTHWESTERN PLAZA — FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDON4ENT 5. OTHER ('04MENTS : I) Plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat meeting all _ ordinance requirements. (B) Drainage requirements being met, per City Engineers review cents. (C) Utilities being adequate and a revised concept plan being subriatted for staff review. (II) A site plan and stormwater detention plan are required prior to issuance of building permits. (III) jAApublic Utility Easement is needed along the east ElI4 ''ESS VA We tyhis 8th day of January , 19 85 Mavor, City Council City of Georgetow C/ CITY COUNW IL T11L CITY 01 (,LORGLTOWN The City of Leorgetown City Council , PPf o)V )ISAPPROVFS the request listed below. APPLICANT K r Mth McCalla LOCATION West of F M 1460 amroxj=ly one half „mile south of thw cityPLAT . (. PRELI:lItiARY (LAP PLEASANT VALLEY SUBDIVISION - REVISED PRELIMINARY 1. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE A) Minumml block length of 500 feet. Block "E" and "F" do not meet this requirement. B) Lots being at right angles to other THirteen lots are now at right angles.- is granted, 4Q00QZWZW0W= it should be conditioned upon maintaining a uniform building line)---4Cj Intersec right-of-way radii on Thunder Valley Trail • Pleasant Valley Drive don't-' -• :r • •f -way. Thunder Valley ••- proper width -QODPAA&• requirements.- .. _ u. • • • t • - • - •.• - �� • _ • - a•i - - Sbould •; • ••1 • M • - - • nf WaCk ValleAznri= • • Mr• - r111=d -sac shown at- Black Valli= nrive and Cantus Valley Lane. (TITI Rfnrmwaf-er di sch.ar$e from detention On basin should he ret irnecl inn llsheef- fl CW11 mud, tion prior to reaching downstream propetty. WIT\ESS OUR HANDS this 8t day of �januanz r 19A5,_„_ ! i Mayor. City Council City of Georgetown S CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES DISApP,PROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Dan Mansour LOCATION 707 North Myrtle, Lots 3 & 4. Block 5. North Georgetown Addition 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE to allow restricted commercial use of above site which is in R -S (Residential Sinle Family District) to remain only until midnight, March 15, 1985. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 12th day of February , 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown GAY aFCc � ►485 � CITY (OLIV IL T11L LITY OF t,LORt,i TOWN The City of (.eorge.town City Council APPROVE /UISAPPROVF he request listed below. �ee� '�O �Sasoil\ APPI LLANT Dan Mansour LULATION 707 North Myrtle, Lots 3 & 4, Block 5, North Georgetown Addition I PRELIMINARY LAr 1. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE to allow restricted commercial use of above site which is in R -S (Residential Single Family District) to remain until business can be relocated. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER ( OM.ME%TS: WITNESS OUR HANDS this 12th day or Mavor, Citv Council City of Georgetown February Iy 85 CITY COL`.( IL THE CITY Of (,LOR6LT0WN, The City of beorge-town City Council APPROVE )[)APPROVES the request listed below. APPELLANT Gordon Davis LOCATION West of intersection of 1-35 and Northwest Boulevard 1. PRELIML%ARY PLAT 1. FINAL PLAT GATEWAY NORTHWEST 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER (O"E`TS: I) Plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Pl_i%t meeting a3Tordinance requirments and review comments as indicated in City Engineers report and mark-up plat. (B) Drainage requirements eing met and all required easements being shown on plat. (C) Utilities being adequate and a revisea Utility Concept Plan being submitted. (II) A good faith effort shall be made to dedicate existing Washam Drive as a public street prior to or in conjunction with recording of plat. (III) Lot 6, Block "C" shall have a 25' buildin line along Janis rive. IV Lot 9, Block "C" shall have a 25' building line and 10' P.U.E. alongthe northeaster) a.ne. Proposeduse o o , Block C' shall indicate WITNESS OUR HANDS this 12th day or February 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown office and office warehouse only. 3 CITY LUL`.( IL T11L LITY OF (,LOR(,LTOWN The City of Georgetown Lity Cuun 1 APPR()VF )ISAPPROVES the request, listed below. APPi ICANT Marbert Moore LULATTON South of Highway 29 about one mile east of Smith Branch (next to Catholic Church), 1. PRLLIML%ARY I'LAP STONEHEDGE III 1. FINAL FLAT J. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5 OTHER (OMMENTS: I) Plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements (B) Drainage requirements being met. (C) Utilities being adequate. (II), Appropriate buffering between proposed commercial and residential areas shall be provided. (III) Maintenance note for detention areas shall be added to plat. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 12th day of February , 19 85 Mavor. City Council City of Georgetown cl CITY (.uL`.( IL T!{L CITY 0i I.LOk(.LTOw'N The ( Lty of (worge:tuwn City ( uunLi 1PPRc)VE I)APPROWS the request listed beluw. AP111 L(.A:.T R.S.M. Development LOCATION Southwest of intersection of F.M. 971 and County Road #152 I. PRLLIMI'•AXY PLAr 1. FINAL PLAT RESOURCE INDUSTRIAL PARK J. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER (OM!MENTS: I) Plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements. (B) Drainage requirements being met. (C) Utilities being adequate. (II) Approval and recording of Restrictive Covenants in conjunction with plat. WITNESS OUR HANDS this day or iV-ebCtjcLe_LA 19 5 Mavor, City Council City of Georgetown 9 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council the request listed below. K� +C,'Ker ao,-kk%S n-'C'`A+Q"r APPLICANT Steve Bamsch LOCATION One Block east of U.S. Hwy. 81 and being the northeast corner of the intersection of East Morrow Street with Main Street. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER Ordinance - Rezoning - Lots 5 & 6. Block 14, North Georgetown Addition, From R -S (Residential Single am y District) to C -2-A (Commercial First Height District) - 105 East Morrow Street, Ist Reading. COMMENTS WITHDRAWN BY REQUEST OF OWNER. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 12th day of February lg 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council the request 1� aeon kex, 0(-A ,s � r listed below. APPLICANT r Brian Christie, Agent LOCATION North of 11nivergity Avenue and being the southwester corner of the intersection of College Street with 7th Street. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER Ordinance - Rezoning - A 0.252 acre portion of Block 36 of the Glasscock Addition - From R -S (Residential Single Family District) to RM -2 (Residential Multi -Family), 706 College Street, 1st Reading. COMMENTS: WITHDRAWN BY REQUEST OF OWNER. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 12th day of February , 19 85 i Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 7 t ITY ( OL',,( IL THL CITY Of (,LOR(,LTOWN The City of Georgetown City (uunc.i APl'ROVF ASAPPROVFS the request listed below. Al'PI ICANT David Voelter LOCATION Southeast corner of intersection of College Street and 14th street. 1. PRFLIMINARY PLAT 1. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCL 4. ABANDO`MLNT 5. OTHER COLLEGE PLACE P.U.D. - PARTIAL VACATION AND RESUBDIVISION BLOCK 96, DIMMIT ADDITION - PRELIMINARY PLAT for �: ^9� i �1 :dbrat Onix► O%tME'NTS- I) Plat approvalAconditioned upon: (a) Plat and sibe plait meeting a or finance requ.iremen s. (b) Drainage requirements being met and a revised drainage plan being submitted. c) Utilities being adequate. (II) Pro osed use to conform with zoning. (T"IN* —�-.._..._. 80 minimnm Ar w WITNESS OUR HANDS this 12th day or February Iy 85 yavor. City Council City of Georgetown N CITY i OL'.,,( IL T11L LITY Ok (,L0 tc,LTO47N Thu City cif Georgetown City Guunc.il APPROVES()iSAPPROVFb tie request listed below. APPI LLANT David Voelter LOLATION _140 3 Collette - East side of College Street just south of "T" intersection with 14th Street. 1. PRELI:91%ARY PLAr 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCC from area limits (5 ac, minimum) of Planned Unit Development Ordinance. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER Ordinance - Rezoning A 0.737 acre portion of Block 96, D imm - - re �culux.L District) to R -P (Residential Planned Unit Development) 1403 College Street, 1st Reading C04ME`TS: I I Pr posed use requires utility 3.mprovements. Z C=nati i.11ty with surrgunding uses will be largely detgrm7neQ by sensitive site layout and appropriate architectural character] WITNESS OUR HANDS this 12th day or February , 19 85�- Mayor, City Council City or Georgetown '? LITY I OL,*,( IL THL CITY OF ',L0 c.LTMJN, The Uty of t,eorgetown City t ounLi AYI'KfWI S/ LSAPI'ROVFS the request listed below. AI'I'I L(,k,T Tom Heaton LULATIO`i I PKE:LIMI%ARY MAr 1. FINAL I'LAr RIVERVIEW MALL 3. VARIANCE from Section 4.04, Part 15 of the Subdivision Ordinance requiring recordation w thin ix months of final ,plat approval. 4. ABANDO`MENT 5. OTHER 0'-t lE`T5 : WITNESS OUR HANDS this 12th day of rehl""ary 19 85 Mavor, City Council City of Georgetown /o QTY (OLN(IL THE. LITY Ok (,LORGLTOWN The Lity of Georgetown City COUnt APPROVES/U SAPPROVFS the request listed below. APPt.ILA:tT John Hardincr LOLATION 107 River Tree Cove, Lot 61 Block 110", River Ridge, Section One t. PRELIMINARY PLAr 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE to allow house to remain encroached some 7 feet into rear 10 foot Public Utility Easement and Building Line. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER VOI,LMENTS : WITNESS OUR HANDS this 12th day of February , 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown R CITY (OLV IL THE CITY UE t,LORGLTOWN The City of C,uorgetown City CuunLi AP1'ROV(;S DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPI LLA:,T Tw, n GrE'E'k .Prnpp-r , _s LOCATION 301 Rockcrest Drive, Lot 1, Block 3, Thousand Oaks, Section One 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE to allow house to remain encroached approximately one foot into 7 foot side building line. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER O"ENTS WIT\ESS OUR HANDS this 12th day of February , Ig 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown .0 . a LITY LOLL( IL THE LITY OE (,L0R(,LT0WN Thu (,ity of Georgetown Lity Council APt'ROV(S/ SAPPROVES the request listed below. APPI iLANT LOLATION North of Leander Road and West of IH -35 t. PRELIML%ARY PLAT 1. E INAL PLAT SOUTH FORK APARTMENTS a) Final Platwas approved with the condition that 3. VARIANCE unnamed roadway from F.M. 224 3 which serves to access this pro3ect be Impravea to meet city s s.Variance''r stormwater detention requirement due to proximity to ma3or stream. i n to a.L.Lcw mre Man SIR Mntnsn approvaI 43888 of final plat and recordation per Section 4.04, Part 15 of Subdivision Ordinance. (Staff reccnmends a sixty day extension) 5. OTHER (.0'K.*4E`TS : WITNESS OUR HANDS this 12th day of February 19 85 Mavor, City Louncil City of Georgetown /l1 CITY 4 OL`.( IL T11L CITY OF (,LOWA TOWN, The City of Guorgetown Clty fount.! API'K()VFS •UISAPPROVFS the request listed below. Al'I't ILANT William Brown LOBATION 1. PKELI'41%ARY PLAT 1. FINAL PLAT HORIZON COMMERCIAL PARK 3. VARIANCE from Section 4.04, Part 15 of the Subdivision Ordi.nace which requires that the approved final plat be recorded within six months after approval by City Council. 4. ABANDO%MENT 5. OTHER ( OM_ME%TS WITNESS OUR HANDS this 12th day of February � Iy 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 14 /Z CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counc APPROVES ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Thomas C. Heaton LOCATION Between Ili- 35 and Riverside Drive, south of Williams Drive. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT & SITE PLAN RIVERVIEW MALL -PHASE II 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS. I. Plat and site plan approval conditioned upon: A. Plat and site plan meeting all ordinance requirements. B. Drainage requirements being met. C. Utilities being adequate. II. Vacating of existing plats required. III. Riverside Drive shall be constructed to the south line of the property. IV. Landscaping concept should be extended into Phase I area. V. The following shall be included in the construction plans for the ro ect: A. Site Grading and Drainage Plan. B. Lanscape Plan. C. Existing Tree Survey. D. Riverside Drive Street rm-provements. E Utilit Im rovements. VI. The followin,g variances have been requester A. Reduce the building line along IH -35 from o . Reduce the building line along Riverside Drive from 25' to 221. C. Allow parking WITNESS OUR HANDS this 1 lth day of June , 19 8 5 Mayor, City COunC City of Georgetowil COMMENTS: in the front yard area. D. Allow reduction in the required number of parking spaces by 28. (Recommend granting of variances due to unusual site conditions and applicants willingness to preserve existing vegetation and provide fultrati.on for stormwater run-off.) �P J� CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counc APPROVES ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Twin Creek Properties LOCATION Northeast corner of the intersection of IH -35 with Hwy. 29. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER --Concept Plan - RIVER OAKS: SAN GABRIEL PLAZA COMMENTS' T- Approval shall he rond i t• i nna 1 11Y on e A- Ordinance requirement: being met. B. Drainage requirements being met. C. Utilities being ade- quate_ D_ avatar Pn11LLt7mn Aha-FPmPnt Plan 'a rPrnlirpd h3Z T_D.W.R.. II. All provisions of the Agreement Regarding Water and Wastewater Fac- t itiQS and S_ryi__s shall h- met- TTT_ A Traffic Tm ac Analysi8 should be submitted, and access co-ordinated with T.D.H.P.T. Plans. IV. Land use, fnr Out Parcels $hn 11 d he d _c .r1 h d V_ T.czftier of approval from B.R.A. should be submitted. VI. Existing City electric line shall be re. 1_oca s.d only at thp x= .ns _ of ap= 1 , .an _ VQ_ Ac - 1ra limits of the 100 year flood plain should be determined. VIII. A uniform architectural thema shnlild hp demonstrated in nnn31n _ 7 or with s1 t -P 1,1 an review. WITNESS OUR HANDS this I I th day of jljnP . 19 95 - . I&IIZ " Mayor, City Counc City of Georgetown COMMENTS: IX. "Regulations for Environmentally Sensitive Areas" should be met, including: A. Limits for impervious cover. B. Preservation of existing landscape and vistas. C. Construction upon steep slopes and floodways. D. Management of storm water run-off. E. Size and scale of proposed buildings. F. Construction methods. X. Parking areas should be partially obscured by landscaping along IH -35 and Hwy. 29. XI. C-1 (Local Commercial District) zoning should be requested upon annexation. XII. Variance from parking requirements should be considered in con- junction with site plan review and granted only if applicant can show that the reduction of this requirement is substantiated by the environ- mental constraints of IX above. S /S' CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVES ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Bobby and Marilyn J. Myers LOCATION Southwest of intersection of Airport Road and Cavu Road. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT - NORTH COUNTRY AIR ESTATES 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS. I. Plat approval conditioned upon: A. Plat meeting all ordinance requirements. B. Drainage requirements being met. C. Utilities being adequate. D. Water Pollution Abatement Plan is required by T. D. W. R.. II. A 15' R. 0. W. dedication along Airport Road is required. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11th day of June , 19 85 Mayor, City Cou it City of Georgetown r /Y CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVEDISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT _Shanklin Properties, Inc. LOCATION On the Northeast side of Val Verde Drive (cul de sac), south of Esparada Drive. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER - PARTIAL VACATION AND MENDING PLAT OF LOTS 7 & 8, BLOCK "K" - SERENADA WEST SECTION THREE COMMENTS. I. Plat approval conditional upon: A. Ordinance require- ments; being met. B. Drainage requirements being met. C. Utilities being adequate. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11th day of June , 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown ..3 FWA CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVES ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT West Georgetown Development Co, Inc. LOCATION North of Reata Trails II and Georgetown Independent School District Tract, south of airport property. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT - Revised Preliminary Plat - REATA TRAILS UNIT FOUR 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: I. Plat approval conditioned upon: A. Ordinance requirements being met. B. Drainage requirements being met. Co utlilties being ade- quate. II. Required sidewalks shall be shown on construction plans. III. Driveways for Block L shall Be common for two lots. IV. nimum finish- ed floor elevations shall be shown on final plat. V. The rear building line and 10 P.U.E. of all lots inudated by the 100 year ood plain should be shifted to the flood limit. VI. A revised utility concept plan is required per engineers comments Water ling proposea for the Northwest Blvd. shall be ductile iron. VII. Variance should be requested for the following: A. He gewoo rive - Street cen er ine radius. B. Lots 1 and 2, Block "H" - lots at right angles. C. Lots 1, 2, 11 and WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11th day of June , 1985 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown COMMENTS: 12, Block"J" - lots at right angles. D. Lot 1, Block "L" - lots at right angles. E. Lot 5, Block "J" - exceed maximum width to depth ratio. F. Lots 1-14, Block "L" - exceed maximum width to depth ratio. (Staff has no objection to these variances.) 2 /(3 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVES ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT —Kenneth McCalla, Jr. LOCATION West of R. M. 1460 approximately one half mile south of Georgetown Railroad. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT - PLEASANT VALLEY 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: I. Plat approval conditioned upon: A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements. B) Drainage requiremen seing met.C) utilities being adequate. II. Water storage in this pressure plane is one-half that recommended by City engineer duringpeak flows. Storage improvements may be required. III. Wastewater discharge from this project will add to the existing surcharged condition of Smith ranc terceptor during peak flow conditions. Off-site improvements may be required. IV. Change name of Cactus Valley Lane. V. Variances grantea at tKe preliminary stage will apply. VI. Variance has been requested to allow the angle of intersection at Cactus alleyane and Pleasant Vailey' Drive to ex- ceed_5° from perpendicular (Staff has no objection). -IIs-W-na___ -_ _ WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11th day of June Iq 85 Mayor, City Counc City of Georgetowyj CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council 4PPROVE DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Horizon Canc►ercial Park. A Texas Lnuted Par-triArgbj-p LOCATION East side of F.M. 1460, south of Smith Branch West Fork 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT - Horizon Camiercial Park 3. VARIANCE to waive annexation fees. 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER ordinance requirements (B) UtI .liti.es being ademiaf,pTT) tarnr, Ge Drive should be changed to Quall Valley Drive.,,. 1111 nn xatl0n 1s - .-. ;-OWED a 0 WITNESS OUR HANDS this 10th day of July. 19 84 Mayor, City ouncil City of Georgetown ( i4,6 C*01)0" ! .tgq LITY (OV14 IL T11L LITY Ot (.L0M,LT01*^4 The ( Ity of Leorgetown (-1tv Cuuml API'Rt)VES•U[aA1'1'R0VFS the request listed below. AP('f L(.A:.T RranG1-I P Tan,spa r4,,rshp t11a.1 a Il_=q) LULATION East h of Block 34 Synder' s Addition 1. PRELLMLNARY PLAT 1. FINAL PLAT J. VARIANCE Partial 4. ABANDO%MENT _ tt}, 1, t �cament, East L of C. rider' a Add t -loon _ lst Reading 5. OTHER < O"ENTS: T,3der to ,stGliree title lnsurane-p- nn ±hP rQfPrPnnad pro- perty annli—cant ggpk.-g fn vacatQ and ahandnn p nrti nna_ of two blanket utility easements placed upon the property by deeds in 1946 and 1947 and reserye a 9.51 utility easemel2t along the west line of said property from 13th Strpet to 14th Street which .is sufficient to allow for all known existincr utilities. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 25th day of June . 19 „85 Mavor. City Council City of Georgetown /-5 CITY { ut •.r I TILL t.ITY Ot (,LVW,LT0W'* Th< < ity of G<urgq-tuwn t itv { uunLi <EED!)I:,APPRUVtS this request listed below . u - _ • ,. a •' • . • • • • •' . !t< • LuL,�TIQ`� An allay running west„ from Main St between Lot 9 of Montgomery Addition and Lot I of John Sparks Addition. I . P0.LL4V-AR ( i LAr 1. t NAL PLAr J. VARIANCC a. ABAIND ME -4T �t.he__nnr_th 2Q-4 fe.Prt of an original 30 ft alley running west from MaIn St. between Lot 9 of Montgomery Addition and Lot 1 of Jnhn gQarkn Add t nn - 1St ,Readi&q- 5. OTHLR (VIVENTS' In order to secure title insurance on the referenced property, applicant seeks to vacate and abandon the 20.4 feet remaining from an original 30' alley,_ The City will retain an 8' utility easement within this area. Additionally, the owner of the south 10' of said ailq which was abandoned by the City in 1926 has agreed to dedicate back to the City 7' of this 10' area as a utility easement. The two adjacent WIT`ESS OUR HANDS this 25tb day or June • 19 85 Mavor, City Counci City of Georgetown COMMENTS: and parallel easements are sufficient to allow for all known existing utilities. (Approval conditioned upon the 7 foot utility easement being dedicated.] l� CITY I tri,`.( IL T11L CITY 0c,L014GLTOWN This City of Ueurgetuwn {.itv Count it(ED 1)ISA1'11R0VFS the request listed below. APPI 1LiV,T LULATION Between R.M. 2243 and South San Gabriel River west of River Ridge Two. 1. PRELIML'•ARY PLAT - RIVER RIDGE SECTION THREE 1. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. AS&NDONMENT S. OTHER VO'TmE`TS: I. Plat approval shall be conditioned upon: A. All ordinance requirements being met, B. Drainage requirements being met, C. Util- ities being adequate, D. A Water Pollution Abatement Plan is required by T. D. W. R.. II. Street, lot and utility layouts shall tie in to ro osed Riverview Estates subdivision. III. Park area shall also e designated as drainage easement and flood plain. IV. Lot 37, Block "U" should be single family. V. A 30' access easement should be pro- vided to City property from Tower Drive. VI. The Leander road elevated tank must be completed to adequatelX serve this development. VII. Par- ticipation in improving the overloa ed segments of Smith Branch In- terceptor shall be considered. VIII. The following variances have been WIT\EbS OUR HANDS this 25th day or June , 14 85 r1 Mavor. City Counc City of Georgetow COMMENTS: requested: A. Street Center Line Radii less than 300' - Ri.dge Run, Rover Down Raod and Tower Drive. B. Street Center Line Radii less than 800' - River Ridge Drive. C. Eliminate 100' tangent between reverse curves - River Down Raod (2), Rimrock Drive (2), Ridge Run (2), River Ridge Drive (1). D. Block length over 1200 feet - Block "V". E. Cul-de-sac in excess of 600 feet - River View Cove. F. Exceed depth to width ratio - Lots 18-32, Block "U"; Lots 4 & 5, Block "Y". G. Lots at right angles - Block "U", Lots 12, 17; Block "S", Lots 9. 10; Block "V", Lots 1, 24, 33; Block "W", Lots 14, 15; Block "X", Lots 12,-13; Block "Y", Lots 1-3, 18-21. .. 3 I iTY ( 01. 1 1L T11L LITY Ui• t LUNG LTO WN Thu t ity if t,rurgt.tuwn t itv t uuni-i U i Rt) DL %I I ROVFS tha requ st list d below Ali ILLA. T Southfork Joint Venture (c/o Metate Development) LULNT10 t Between F M 224 3 and the South San Gabriel River west of zver Ridge I NNLLI`tt ARY PLAT - RIVERVIEW ESTATES 1 FINAL PLAT 3 VARIANCE 4 ASAhDOWYT S OTHER t {)"ENTS L_ 'Plat ap= rnval Shall Jae rnnd,Ttloned snon A All ordinance requirements being met B Drainage requirements being met C Utzl- t l tes Leung rip-aua _ D_ A Water Pol l f l on Abatement flan is required by T D W R II Street and lot layout and street names should tie _1S1 to layout In n_ronosed River R, gni III. The 30 foot gas ease- ment appears to pose a significant hazard to proposed homes in lots 1-12. Bloch B Redgsigjtto proy de additional setback should be considered IV The following right angle lots should be redesigned _.A._ Block A Lots 8 & 9. B. -Block G Lot 3 - 5, C Block D Lots 9 - 10 V Variances should be requested for the following A Lots _--5. 10-12, 17-19 and -26 Block E - lots at ricjht angles B Lot WIT%ESS OUR HANDS this25th day or _ June 19 85 Mavor City Gounc 1 City of Georgetown COMMENTS 18 Block B - lots at right angles VI Lot 15 Block B = exceeds maximum width to depth ratio B Lots 1-6 Block F - exceeds maximum width to depth ratio Y LITY t t)L•.r IL T11L UITY 0i t,L0K(,LTUW?i The (.Ity of Georgetown City (.ounti(APPRDU1!)A1'1'RUVFS the request listed below. AVP[ i(,A:.T Walter Carrington Co. LULATIO:t East of and adiacent to IH -35 lust north of Ri.veroaks Sub- division. 1. PRhLIML'.AKY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT J. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER - REVISED CONCEPT PLAN - RIVEROAKS OF GEORGETOWN OFFICE PARK (OKME`TS: I. Plat approval conditionded upon: A. Ordinance requirements being met, Drainage requirements being met, c. utilities Being adequate, D. Water Pollution Abatement_ Plan required by T. D. W. R.. II. All provisions of the Agreement Regarding Water and WastewatelF Facilities and Services shall be met. III. A Traffic Impact Analysis shall be submitted and access coordinated with T. plan. IV. Existingl -City Electric Line shall be relocated at expense of applicant if re- quested. e- ques e . V. Accurate limits of IOU year flood plain s ou be deter- mined. VI. A uniform architectural theme should be demonstrated in con3unc ion with site plan review. Vil. ,Reguiations tor7Environmentalli Sensitive Areas" should be met including: (see list for San Gabriel WITNESS OUR HANDS this 2-st-h day or June . 19 „8 5 Mavor, City Counc City of Georgeto COMMENTS: Plaza). VIII. RM -3 (Residential Multi -family) District zoning should be requested upon annexation. IX. Access to the property to the north should be considered. CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT R. B. J. Development LOCATION South of Highway 29 and east of Hutto Road 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT - Revised Final Plat- University Hills Section One 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER - Name change to University Park COMMENTS WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14+_h day of May 19 85 1�241_ aae::Le� Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown eggs 1 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci <APPROVE>DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Marhert Moore LOCATION South of Hjahjday . � b aout one mile east of Smith Branch (next to Catholic Church) 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT Revised Final Plats - Stonehedge Section I & II 3. VARIANCE is required to allow 300' center line radius. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th day of May 19 85 a Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVE>ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Robert Bartley LOCATION 3110 Why,5p,r ()aka 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 3110 Whisper Oaks.Lot 1, Block A, Why sper Oaks Subdivision - P U E& B L. encrnac m n_ 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS* Approve with the condition that a letter be sent to Summey stating that the Planning and Zoning Commission will not auto- matically grant variances; and procedures with ,the Building Inspection Dept., Public Works, and Planning and Zoning De t. should be . observed. &e#cr SLioa.1,4e 5iLv14 CFS-7%�'�e� �•' y 140 Q/Gn f' WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th day of May , 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown -3 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN Took no Actor, mo The City of Georgetown City Council the request listed below. APPLICANT M. M. Casey LOCATION 1603 Northwest Blvd., Northwest corner of intersection of Northwest Blvd. with Washam Drive. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER ZONING CHANGE - 1603 Northwest Blvd., A 1.5 Acre tract out of N. Porter Survey Abstract No. 497 from RM -2 Residential Multi. -family to C -2-A Commercial First Height Distract. COMMENTS WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th day of May 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 1 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The. City of Georgetown City Council E ES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Glenn W. Schmidt LOCATION North of Valley Street between Elm St. and Myrtle St. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT l;,mc YgOile-S Lff 7.50 Oo 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER Resubdivision of Lots 5. 6. 7, 8. Block 5 - NORTH GEORGETOWN ADDITION COMMENTS I. Plat approval conditional upon: A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements B) Drainage requirements being adequate. C) Utilities being adequate. II. Finished floor elevations shall be shown on plat. III. Variances have been requested for the following: A) Lot 7 - minimum lot width. B) Lot 8 - minimum side building line and public utility easement. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th day of May , 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council PROVE DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT 7P,,se $ _ Johnson LOCATION Sou_h of Universty Ave. (Hwy. 29) between the South San Gabriel River and IH -35. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT,/FINAL PLAT - WEST UNIVERSTIY PROFESSIONAL CENTER 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: I. Plat approval conditioned upon: A) Ordinance requirements being met. B) -Drainage requirements Bing met. C) Utilities being adequate. II. Sewer service shall be temporarily provided by an approved evapotranspiration type _system only until the City sewer system is extended to the River Oaks subdivision. III:A Water Plluti"on A57-al-e-ment _Plan is required by T.D.W.R. IV. off-site water main improvements are required to provide adequate ire protection. WITNESS OUR HANDS this , jai -h day of Maw 19 Ar Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown Z' CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPR5>ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT _ Charles E. Raeke LOCATION Between Forest St. and Timber St. just north of 16th St. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT/Final - TIMBER ADDITION 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: I. Approval shall be conditional upon: A) Ordinance requirements being met. B) Drainage requirements being met. C) Utilities being adequate. II. Variance from stormwater detention requirements has been requested. III. Required Stormwater Detention deterred) drainage improvements shall be determined with review of site grading plan. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th day of __May , lg 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVES ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Franz Klein Wassink LOCATION North side of County Rd. 151 lust southeast of its intersection with County Rd. 152. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT - SUNNY SIDE 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE Qs / av4efd 4e to ) 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS. I. Plat approval shall be conditioned upon: A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements. B) Drainage requirements being met. C) Utilities being adequate. II. 15' dedication for road widenng along County Rd. 151 and 15' radius on corners at intersection with Klein Court is needed. III. A Water Pollution Abatement Plan is required by T.D.W.R.. IV. Water Certification is re uired prior to recording. V. Variances have been requested or the following: A Waiver of detention requii nt (deferral to staff.) B) Exem tion of curb and gutter requirements for streets per Section 5.09 Subdivision Ordinance. [Owner shall establish 3 year letter of credit with City sufficient to provide curb & gutter street and that construction plans be approved WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14+-h day of , , 14 R S Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown prior to recording plat. Variance allowing the release of septic permit for Lot 2 prior to completion of street granted because of existing house. However, no permits will be allowed for Lot 3 until street is completed. VI. A corrected Preliminary Plat shall be submitted with Final Plat. 9 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci <E VE DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT James W. Fryer & Ruth K. Frver West of Airport Road (County Rd. 190) at southwest LOCATION corner of the intersection of Indian Mound Rd. with Deer Trail. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT /Final Plat - NATURAL OAKS 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE " /7av�,W luglked 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: inaetina ail ora l nanc-P rP =m ramPnr c _ R, nra i nagge requirements being met- ) [Tt i 1 1 { PQ he, -no, admie-quate _ TT- A Westar Pnl lutlon Ahatement Planigrec=uired %3Z T_n-W_R_ TTT_ Watgr ['Prtlfj- catlen required prior to recording_ TV_ 151 nornPr radius required at Indian Mound Road and neer Trail- V- VarlanCe request to waive stormwater detention requirements should be deferred to WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th day of May 19 85 staff. Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown a CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVE DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Charles Thomas LOCATION West of Serenada Dr. approximately 700 feet north or Anai.ce xoaa. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT - SPANISH ARBOR 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE Qs' pJ T 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS. T_ Plat ap rp oval _ondi -inn -d upon• A) Plat meeting ordinance requirements. B) Drainage requirements being met. _CJ Utilitles being adeg ate_ II 51street dedication and 15' radius at intersection is required along Serenada Drive. _T_TT. A Water Pollutoa Abatement Plan is reauired by T D.W.R.. IV. Wastewater flows add to current overload facilities downstream System improvements are required V. Building permits shall not be issued until treatment plant is operation- al or acceptable alternate source is Provided. VI. Variance request to waive detention should be deferred to staff. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th_ day of May 19 85 Mayor,'City Council City of Georgetown El CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES DISAPE3)the request listed below. APPLICANT LOCATION WestS3dC of Austin Ave. at its intersection with 18th Street 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER REZONING - 1910 Austin Ave., A 0.45 acre part of outlot 4 division "A", City of Georgetown - From C-1 (Local Commercial District) to C -2-A (Commercial First Height District) COMMENTS: l.) Incompatibility with surrounding uses. 2.) Promotion of "spot" zoning. 3.) Conflict with District 8a Planning Study. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of April , 19 85 Mayor, City Councit City of Georgetown I(V �9gS CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVE ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Lynn R. Scott LOCATION 4317 Verde Vista Drive 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4317 VERDE VISTA DR a LOT 1. BLOCK "C", SERENADA WEST SECTION 2. Building Line and Public Utility Easement. g...,, �, �t of 7.5' into rear B.L. and P.U.E. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of April 19 85 1 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Donald E. Parker LOCATION East side of Parker Drive at Tiffany Lane between Quail Meadow Sections I and V. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT/Final Plat - Quail Meadow Section VII 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: I. Plat approval conditioned upon: A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements. B Drainage requirements. Utilities e3ng adequate. II. Variance requested to waive detention requirements. (Staff does not recommend granting until drainage improvements propose ave been made.) III Off-site detention facilities and storm sewers per city engineer comments to be constructed and accepted y City prior to issuance of building permits within this subdivision. IV. Deed Restrictions shall be revised to conform to plat requirements. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of April ! 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 3 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT __Luedtke Aldridce Partnershi LOCATION West of IH -35. South of North Fork ,San Gabriel River,_FasL of Georgetown Country Club and North of River Hills Subdivision. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COUNCEPT PLAN - Georgetown Multi -Use Development COMMENTS Note: Concept Plan approval is required per Agreement Regarding Water and Wastewater Facilities an Services. I. Concept Plan shall be approved for land use types and roadway concept only, 1 Low water crossing and widening of Country Club Roadto be evaluated upon submittal of engineering design. 2. A secondary collector street should be extended to exit the property to the west. traffic impact study should be submitted before platting property. 4.All conditions as set forth in Agreement Regarding Water and Wastewater Facilities and Services belng met. NoteAcActual density of land use will be determined upon review of plats and site plans WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of April , 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown It CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT tial, T` & .Tn}r.Taylnr LOCATION Rpt, PPT TH 35 and Riverai je rive, anuth of Wi 111 ama Drivg, 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT - RTVRRVTEW_MALL` RECTTON 2, A RES BDIVISION OF CEDAR OAKS SUBDIVISION 2. FINAL PLAT 3 VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: I. Plat approval conditioned upon. A.) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements B.) Drainage requirements being met. C.) Utilities being adequate. II. A 25' building line is required along IH 35 R. 0. W. and Riverside Drive. III. Riverside Drive shall be constructed to the south line of the property. IV Extension of the IH 35 access road as approved by Texas Dept. of Highways is required. V. Final plat should combine Riverview Mall with Riverview Mall Section 2 as single lot. VI. Filtration of storm water run-off should be required. VII. Site and landscape plan with tree survey should be revised and resubmitted for approval. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of April , 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown S CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVE DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT LOCATION North of wail Meadow IV and east of River Bend Subdivision 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT - Quail Meadow Unit VI 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE Se.{ elr�W 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: I Concept Plan- 1) Land use does not conform to master plan. 2) Resi- dential densities are eight times that recommended in master plan. 3) Extension of Park Meadow Blvd shall align with adjacent development to east. 4) Road widening easement and improvements are needed for Booty's Raod. 5) Downstream sewer improvements are needed 6) Water supply cannot be provided until water treat- ment plant is ready. UNIT IV PLAT, I. Approval Conditional Upon. A) All ordin- ance requirements being met. B) Drainage requirements being met. C) Utilities being met. II. Remedial drainage improvements for existing problems in surrounding areas shall be completed prior to issuance of building permits in this subdivision. III. All drainage easements required for #2 above to be recorded prior to this plat. IV. Kathy Lane and its connections with Apache Trail and Parker Lane should e included in this subdivision. V. Water storage volume is insufficient to serve WITNESS OUR HANDS this 4 th day of April , 19 R5 Mayor�Cit�y Council City of Georgetown COMMENTS CONT'D this development until the water treatment plant is ready. VI. Off-site improvements to sanitary facilities are required to serve this pro- ject. VII. Variances should be requested for Block A Lots 6 & 7 - exceed maximum length to width ratio, Block A Lots 8-10 - right angle lots. (staff has no objection to variance). VIII. Variance is requested for stormwater detention re- quirement. (Recommend deferal of variance to staff in conjuction with construc- tion plan review). CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council ESES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT S. Todd Maclin LOCATION Southwest of intersection of Williams Drive and Booty's Crossing Road 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT - Georgetown Square 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: I. Plat approval conditioned upon: A) Plat meeting all ordinance re- quirements. B) Utilities being adequate. C) Drainage requirements being met. II. Dedicated public street with 30' R. 0. W. is needed along south side of B roperty. III. Access points to Booty's Road and Williams Drive will be deter- mined with site plan revie based upon safety concerns. IV. Revised Preliminary should be submitted for staff review. V. Change name. VI. Request City electric. VII. Surety for one-half furture street to be worked out with staff. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9 th day of April 19 65 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci <EEVE DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Bobby C. and Marilyn J. Myers LOCATION Southwest of intersection of Airport Road and Cavu Road. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT - North Country Air Estates 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS.I. Plat approval conditioned upon: A) Plat meeting all ordinance require- ments. B) Drainage requirements being met. Q_Utilities being adequate. II. Ap- _plicable regulations for protection of Edwards Aquifer shall be met. 1EI= =.-'_ IV. A revised preliminary/final plat shall be submitted WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9 th day of April , 19 85 -=_M�� �2�.� Ate._..• ayor, City Council City of Georgetown 0 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci PROVE DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Dwayne +S, Thompson LOCATION West of Pilot Place, between Cavu Road and Vortac Lane 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT _ Air Country Estates Section Two 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS. I. Plat approval conditioned upon: A) Plat meeting all ordinance re- quirements. BZ Drainage requirements being met. C) Utilities being adequate. II. Dedication for road widening easement may be needed. III. Applicable regula- tions for protection of Edwards Aquifer shall be met. IV. A revised preliminary/ final plat shall be submitted. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of April , 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVES ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT ,James P. Ritter. Sr. LOCATION North and west of the intersection of County Road 151 with County Road 152. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT & Site Plan - Crystal Knoll Terrace Planned Unit Development 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE T)e n ,,eA 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: I. Plat approval conditioned upon. A) Plat meeting all ordinance require- ments. B) Drainage requirements being met. C) Utilities being adequate. II. Road widening easements needed along county Roads 151 and 152, and along the east line of Blocks 4 and 5. III. Commercial areas should be developed with Phase III. IV. Pedestrian connections to open space areas should be provided and park areas made accessible to all lots. V. A more central useable park space should be included. VI. A revised preliminary plat and site plan should be submitted f9r staff review prior to submittal of final plat. -VII. A variance has been xe— �44-to exceed the 8 d.u./acre limit for duplex use. VIII. Building permits should not be issuded until water treatment facilities are ready or an alter- nate source is provided. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of April , 19 85 4 Mayor, ity Council City of Georgetown /D CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council request listed below. APPLICANT ,Tim Svence LOCATION West of Count Road 110 (Hutto Road) about 1' miles southeast of Quail Valley Subdivision. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT - Rolling Meadow Section I 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: I) Plat and plan approval conditioned upon: A) Plat and plan meeting all ordinance requirements B) Drainage requirements being set. C) Utilities be- ing adequate. II) Change street names for "Bluebonnet Circle" and "Fawn Ridge". III) Amenities should be specified in Restrictive Covenants. IV) The following variances should be requested. A) Lots 25-27, Block "C" - lots at right angles. B) Lots 8-10, Block "A" - lots at right angles. C) Lots 5-9, 14 and 15, Block "G" - lots at right angles. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of April , 19 85 Mayor, City Counci City of Georgetown t1 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVE DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Ernest A. Golden LOCATION East of IH 35 and south of McCoy's. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT - Sough Georgetown Business Park 2 FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: I. Flat approval conditioned upon. A. Plat meeting all ordinance re- quirements. B. Drainage requirements being met. C. Utilities being adequate. -o TT. Cminty approval for s nt i s and wP11 must bA obtained ; prinr to sit mittal for approval. III. Site and landscape plan should be revised and resubmitted for approval. TV.A revised preliminary plat should be �gubmitted for staff review prior to submittal of final plat. V. Applicable regulations for ,Rpotection ofht a Edwards AQuifgr Shall be met. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of April ► 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown /Z CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci <EVE> DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT City of Georgetown LOCATION San abriel Heigh,.; a Sects on Five 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER - REZONING - Lot 16, Block "G" -_From R -S (Residen- tial Single Family) to C-1 (Local Commercial),��ss��,2ndReading. COMMENTS. �tA�'bA�CC S�i /l tmt AkC�►G eA4-y&& WITNESS OUR HANDS this 23rd day of April 19 85 11'2A4 -z 2vati-1 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci 4EE>DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT LOCATION PaSt of Maple St. and South nf Smith Branch Cree,"K 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER - REZONING - Lots 4-12, Block "A"; Lots 1-12, Block "G"; Lot 1, Block "D" of Smith Branch Park - from R -S (Resident- ial Single Family District) to RM -1 (Residential Multi -Family District), 2nd Reading. COMMENTS: ©tke"04w4ce J-14411 02074 xoec ' CA4*14;C WITNESS OUR HANDS this 23rd day of April , 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 2 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVES ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT City of Georgetown LOCATION east of Maple St. and South of Smith Branch Creek 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER - REZONING - Lots 1-25, Block "F"; Lots 1-15, Block "E"; Lots 13-24, Block Lots 2-7, Block "D"of Sm—i-TH-9-ranch Park - from R -S (Residential Single Family District) to RM -2 (Residentialu i- ami y District), n ea ing. COMMENTS. WITNESS OUR HANDS this2 3rd day of April 1 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council PPROVES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Rrr_ t Brashear LOCATION North side of Williams Drive, north of Lakeaire Shopping Center. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE - Williams Commercial Park - Reinstatement of Final Plats. Variance granting -9.9 dam extension of the maximum six month time of approval per Subdivision Ordinance Section 4.04 Part 15. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: ` S/,(� Mool-li ek heh v; WITNESS OUR HANDS this 23rd day of April 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 9 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Ercel Brashear LOCATION 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE - Westwood Plaza - Reinstatement of Final Plat .. Variance granting extension of the maximum six month f?me of al2nrova? per. ,Subdivzsi.on Ordinance Section 4.04 Part 15. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS. <7;&, /?')anA CK JehS/0 » WITNESS OUR HANDS this 23rd day of April , 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVES ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Marbet Moore LOCATION 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE Stonehedge Section One - Reinstatement of Final Variance granting 4Q -4e7 extension of the maximum six month time of approval per Skiy- G i nn Ord- nanne Sim -rt -inn 4-04 Part 15. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS. *vn! h e.,vre -r1a WITNESS OUR HANDS this 2 3rd day of April 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 4 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council-4 ouncil APISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Marbet Moore LOCATION .aSoUth of Highway 29 about one mile east of Smith Branch (near Catholic Church) 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE Stonehedge Section Two - Reinstatement of Final Variance granting QG-cls!► extension of the maximum six ,month time of gQproval per St bz d yis i on Ordinance Section 4.04 Part 15. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: J/ X /r a n A ek�r 571/6) t �I7Lri� WITNESS OUR HANDS this 23rd day of April , 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown CITY (MV 11. THE. CITY OF (,L0kt,LT01,^,V Thu City of (,Itorgetuwn City f.uunlri DL:)AI'PROVFS the request Iisted beluw. AP11ILCANT Georgetown Independent School District LOCATION Reata Elementary School Site, 711 Lakeway Drive 1. PRLLIML%ARY PLAT 1. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE - 511-_1di ng Pegmi t�,� grgnti ng variant -g. frnm-.raf-.qndard permit procedure to allow the issuance of a building permit nrLnr__ f -n the Vnmnl PtInn n,ff off ,g to water Giinnl W t+l Lt.� es. 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER w � S . • • • • • • . • • • • • • 11 • • • . • • • *TWI1 • • • -:r*6MMgj11 • WITNESS OUR HANDS this 2 3rd day or April , 19 8_5_ „ Mavor, City Council City of Georgetown Ei THL CITY Of t.L0KGLT01,'N This City of Georgetown City CuunLi4AP!'KdVE>L!)APPROVES the request listed beluw. ANPI 1CANT LOCATION �outr of Highway 29,, abo It one mi1 a eagt of Am, 1-h Branch (next to Catholic Church) 1. PRELLML%ARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT- Stonehedge Section III 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER ('0`iME`'TS: ,I Plat approval conditioned unman- A) P� 1 at maPt, n g all ordinance requirements. B) Drainage requirements being met. C) Util- itiesbei na a�gg}, a� to IIADDYn,Driatg, b�ff_Q�,j„r�a hQtwPiPa.. roposed commercial and residential areas shall be provided. n WITNESS OUR HANDS this 2 3rd day of April , 19 95 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown A ' l t.tTY f M •.t IL THL CITY Ot t,L0M,LT01,, This t sty of t,eurgetuwn ( itv f uunLl <Z> E!)At'PRUVEb that request listed betuw. Ai'N IL,L'.T Jim Spence LUL,%TTO:t West of County Road #110 (Hutto Road) about 1k miles southeasts6utheast of Quailvalley Subdivision. 1. PRELLMI`.AKY i I.Ar - Rollins Meadow Section I 1. E INAL PLAT J, VARIANCC ,�'�Q 1),e,1yZ,) L. ABA.%DO%ME`IT 5. OTHER (04ME`T5: 1) Plat and plan approval conditioned_ upon: A) Plat and plan meeting all ordinance requirements. B) Drainage require - being met.C) ments - beingadequate. II) Change street names for "Bluebonnet Circle" and Fawn Ridge". III Re- strictive Covenants shall be revised to reflect the following: A) Fifty percent minimum masonary on all homes, we ve undred s uare feet minimum house size with fifteen hundred square feet minimum on perimeter lots, CJ A six foot privacy fence o uni- form appearance shall be constructed along the perimeter of the subdivision, D) A Eemporary fence shall bee constructed aro-ng the project perimeter during construction, E) Rental and maximum oc- cupancy controls shall e specs ie2l,,-"F�i"u`S' surety McnarTls'f4ior the WIT%ESS OUR "NDS this 23rd day or April lg 85 Mavor, Citv Council City of Georgetown maintenance of the property and compensation for potential damages to adjacent property shall be established. G) Contiguous and orderly construction shall be required, H) Amenity features shall be des- cribed and improvements included in construction plans, I) Provisions for identification and protection of gas line. IV) A minimum two acre non -detention area recreation site shall be added to Concept Plan. V) Provisions for off-site road improvements shall be made. VI) The following variances have been requested: A) Lots 25-27, Block "C" - lots at right angles, B) Lots 8-10, Block "A" - lots at right angles, C) Lots 5-9, 14 & 15, Block "G" - lots at right angles .o . 16 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci XAPPROVES ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT City LOCATION IH -35 and 'thousand Oaks Boulevard 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER ZONING CHANGE - Sierra Vista Section Three, Block "A", Lot 1 From R -S Residential Single Family District To RM -2 Residential Multi -Family District COMMENTS: 26`'— WITNESS OUR HANDS this Zai � day of March , 19 85 Mayor, City Counci City of Georgetow 6coYgt of iag'S CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVES ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT City LOCATION near IH -35 and Thousand Oaks Blvd 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER ZONING CHANGE - Sierra Vista Section One, Block "D", Lots 8-20; Block "J", Lots 1-26, Block "L", Lots 1-4, Block "E", Lots 2-8 From Residential Single Family District To RM -1 Residential Multi -Family District COMMENTS: WITNESS OUR HANDS this Z` A day of March , 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown `li CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVE ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT LOCATION east of MaD1e ,Street and South of Smith Branch Creek_ 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER ZONING CHANGE - Smith Branch Park, Block "A", Lots 4-12; Block "G", Lots 1-12; Block "D", Lot 1 From R -S Residential Single Family District To RM -1 Residential Multi -Family District COMMENTS* 24'-- WITNESS OUR HANDS this 24 +h day of March , 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 3 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVE DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT City LOCATION east of Maple _StrSet and South of Smith Branch Creek 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT L-CA3 05 g 5. OTHER ZONING CHANGE - Smith Branch Park, Block "F", Lots 1-25; Block "G", Lots 13-24, Block "D", Lots 2-7 From R -S Residential Single Family District To RM -2 Residential Multi -Family District COMMENTS. WITNESS OUR HANDS this �G * day of March , 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown q CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVE ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT City LOCATION at IH -35 and North Highway 81 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT Z. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER ZONING CHANGE - Industrial Park North Subdivision From R -S Residential Single Family District To I Industrial District COMMENTS. Zr' A- - - WITNESS OUR HANDS this 20% day of March , 19 85 �� Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci <EE ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT City LOCATION east of Maple Street and South of Smith Branch Creek I. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER ZONING CHANGE - Horizon Commercial Park Subdivision From R -S Residential Single Family District To I Industrial District COMMENTS. WITNESS OUR HANDS this * day of March , 19 85 Mayor, City Counc City of Georgetow to CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council PPROVES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT JQ= Q. Miller er - - - 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT • •.. �• .��" h••. .4 •• � all. � '� •.. tc,• 6 feet into the 10 foot east side building line ne anti pihl = uti 1 i ty easement. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th day of Auclust , 19 84 MYY! City C ncil C Georg town CITY COUNCIL THE CITY 01 (,LOR(,LTOWN The City of Georgetown City Council 4QTROVE /DISAPPROVFS the request listed below. APPLICANT J. W. D. Joint Venture LOCATION Northwest of intersection of 1-35 and Northwest Boulevard 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT C,ATFw 1 N0gT gqT 1. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE to allow Lot 7,, Block "B" to exceed the m Nirmnal Il Ic�wahle lengj h to width LUio of 2 Is to 1. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER (O'-1.MFNTS I) Plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat meetinqall ordinance requirements. (B) Drainage requirements being met. (C) Utilities being adequate. II) Tract mast be rezoned to proper classification. III) Additional P.U.E.'s and drainage easements will be needed. IV) Washam Drive needs to be dedicated public street. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th day of August__--- , 19 84 v r May , City Co ncil Ci y of Georgetown 2 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVES/ ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT (,nrr3nn T]avi c 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER Zoning Change - 6.8 acres out of the Nicholas Porter Survey. Abstract No. 497 - 1600 Block of Northwest Blvd. - from R -S to C2A COMMENTS. Lots 1 - 7. Block "B" -- R04-2 Lots 1 & Z Block "C" -- RM -2 Lots 3 & 4, Block "C" - RM- 3 Lots 1 - 6, Block "A" -- C2A WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th day of August , 19 84 May , City Cojincil Ci of Georgetown N CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counc 1 APPROVES ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT John R. Taylor, Trustee LOCATION Between 1-35 and Riverside Drive, south of the Dairy Queen 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT RIV'ERVIV MAIL 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS. I) plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements. (B) Drainage tequirements being net at construction plan stage. (C) Utilities be.ung adequate. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th _ day of AUgUst 19 84 MayorVGeorgetowti ity Counc 1 City Y LITY COUNCIL THE LITY OF LEORGLTOWN The City of Georgetown City Council PPROVES• LSAPPROVFS the request listed below. APPLLCkJT Venture Investment Properties LOCATION South of San Gabriel South Fork, between 1-35 and San Gabriel Heights Subdivision. r 1. PRELIMLNARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT & SITE PLAN - SOUTH FORK AP.ARTNE ITS 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER CO"E%TS • Plat and plan approval conditioned upon: (1) Plat and plan meeting all ordinance requirements. (2) Drainage requirements being met. (3) Utilities being adequate. Western most building must be at least 85 feet fram the San Gabriel Heights subdivision boundary line. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th day of August 19 84 Mayor City Coun it City Wf Georgeto n S CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City CounciAPPROVES SAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Marshall Louis Hobbs Jr. and Dorothy Hobbs LOCATION Lot 20, Block "C", Reata Trails Unit One - 3419 Primrose 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2 FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE to allow swanning pool to remain encroached 3 feet into the rear 10 foot Public Utility Easement. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th day of August , 19 84 Q.ur_ May , City C uncil Cikfy of Georgetown (t CITY t OUNCIL THE LITY OF GEORGETOWN 'he City of Georgetown City Gounci(APPROVES/D APPROVES the request isted below. ,PPLICkJT Big Chief Properties Inc., and Stewert E. Wite and Cathey A. Mite OLATION Lot 3, Block 1, Oak Crest Estates Unit 1 - 105 Oak Crest Lane . PRELIMINARY PLAT FINAL PLAT VARIANCE to allow existing house to remain encroached 2 feet into the 10 foot south side building line and Public Utility Easement. . ABANDONMENT . OTHER )MMENTS :TNESS OUR HANDS this 14th day of August , 19 84 iyo ity C uncil ,te of Georgetown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council PROVES/ ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT LOCATION 505jjest C1nj=s ty Ayernle 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3 VARIANCE to pernut tt em to build to the prosy ljne on the wept side of the property legally described as 1.18 acres of land situated In the City of gggrcetgh W3.111amson County Te a. and also ming all of lots 1, 4, 5, and 6 and the North 22 feet of lots 2 & 3 A . AOMKKXRXW Flea ger' s Addition and parts of lots 2 & 3- 5. OTHER COMMENTS. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th day of August 19 84 Tk-ia �111 Mayo , City C ncil Cit of Georg town U CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counc < APPROVES ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Marvin Benner LOCATION Lot 11, Block "D", Reata Trails Unit One - 3401 Rocky Hollow 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE to allow house to face gocky Hollow rather than Western Trail. The 25 foot building line fronting Western Trail shall be maintained and there shall be a 25 foot front building line on Rocky Hollow Trail. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th day of August , 19 84 _ May , City Gbuncil Cipy of Georgetown 0 LITY COUNCIL THE LITY OF GEOR(ATOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES/DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT R. S. M. Developnent Co., Inc. LOCATION Southwest of intersection of F.M. 971 and County Road #152. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT RESOURCE INDUSTRIAL PARK 1 FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER • . •_.M Wo -M . ... .• 1.-•.. -m-au-. • a a. • •.• -. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th day of August . 19 84 N Mayo , City Co nc.il Cit of Georgetown Z CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES/DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT R. S. M. Development Co., Inc. LOCATION Southwest of intersection of F.M. 971 and County Road #152. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT RESOURCE =STRIAL PARK 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS. I) Plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements. (B) Drainage requirements being met. (C) Utilities being adequate. II) Proposed loop should extend through tract. III) Road widening easement may be needed along F.M. 971. IV) Streets need to meet ordinance requirements or variance should be requested. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th day of August --------------19--B4 Mayor, City Council Swd LO -Q -L +0 City of Georgetown L) ^ _ tQ+ ;:>r— �GU t OT pD+tn-�Q\ (c)a F, rood l 'OL- k o rv- 0.n d �Or- t-eu , e.� a-� Propose ' d dQk)z(op wcn- . CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPRQVES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT LOCATION Located at 305 BjdgCW=d Drive between Bayer Rig= I and San Gabriel Heights V. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT RIVER RIDGE II -C PPELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE to allow lot to exceed the maxinn, allowable length to width ratio of 2.5 to 1. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS• I) Plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements. (B) Drainage requirements being met. (C) Utilities being adequate. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th day of August , 19 84 Mayo City Cou cil Ci of Georgetown CITY COUN( IL THE CITY OF LEORLLTOWN . The City of Georgetown City CouncilE OVES/ ISAPPRQVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Steve Jackson LOCATION East of County Road 116, ad)acent to existing Clearview Subdivision 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT CLEARVIEW ESTATES II 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS- I) Plat approval concUtioned upon: (A) Plat meetIM all ordtnanre rec,L,12xwents_ (B) DrajnagL requirements being met. (C) Utilities belM adeguatte, II) Atanxrary turnaround should be provided at the end of Clearview Drive, III) Lot 1 Block "B" is at a fight to existing lots in Clearview Estates I. Variance sboUld ,sale be recruested. IV) Street Width: Clearview Drive (50' R.O.W. ) WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th day of August 19 84 Mayority Council City Georgetown I3 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGET, The City of Georgetown City Council APPROV [ )j P4�a�� listed below. G� APPLICANT Thomas P. Sessuns LOCATION 1700 Leander Street 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER ZoMIM Change - 1. 276 acres gut of the Clement Stubblefield Survey. Abstract No. 558 - 1700 Leander Street - from R -S to C2A COMMENTS. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th day of August , 19 84 i Q Mayo City Cotincil Cit of Georgetown 1,4 LITY LOUNCIL THE LITY OF GEORGLTOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES DLSAPPROVFS the request listed below. APPLICANT LOCATION Horizon Commercial Park 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3 VARIANCE to waive public utility easement and building lune requirements along all side lot lines. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS A note on plat requiring a site plan on multi -building areas is needed. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 14th day of August , 19 84 G May , City =cil Ci of Georwn 15 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council eOVE-5DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Mill Lero LOCATION West of IH- 35 and mouth of =ist Lut'y,E'ran Church- 1. "hurch-1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT & SITE PLAN SIERRA VISTA III 3. VARIANCE . ldjM Pernu.t (NOT GRANTED) 4. ABANDONMENT •moi ! � S. OTHER a_ - i i • � � •• � • • .•• •� � aw•a.• •a0.• ••• _ • Portinn of trant wit-him11 Ili •,- • • p• fn • • •.' be eauW WITNESS OUR HANDS this lith _ day of Septen-ber 19 A4 iCity of � • - etown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVE DISAPPROVES the request listed beluw. APPLICANT McLester, Grisham & Gardner Development Corp. LOCATION Located at 305 Ridgew000d Drive, between Raver Ridge I and San Gabriel Heights V. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT . Bj VCr.Bi agg TTMC -- 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER COMMENTS: Plat approval conditioned upon plat meeting all ordinance requirements. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11t day of See r . 19 84 Mayor, City Coucndil City of Georgetown m CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF CEORCETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES/DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT R. S. M. Develognent Co. LOCATION Southwest of intersectio of F.M. 971 and Count Road 152. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT RESOURCE INDUSTRIAL PARK Z. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER COMMENTS: Sent back to Planning Department for revisions. WITNESS OUR HANDS this day of . 19 +^ ld Mayor. City Coun4il City of Georgetown 3 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES/DISAPPROVES the request lluted below. APPLICANT David Voelter LOCATION NW corner of 6th and Forest 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE " Parking - NW corner of 6th and Forest 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER COMMENTS; WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11th . day of September , 19 84 Mayor, City Coun it City of Georgetown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council �APPROVES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Ebert G. Moore, Jr. LOCATION South of Highway 29 about one mile east of Smith Branch (Near Catholic Church) STCNIIHEUGE II 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: I) Plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements. (B) Drainage requirements being met. (C) Utilities being adequate. II) Proposed use must be indicated for all prelmunary suh matted for review. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11th day of September , 1984_ Mayor, City Counci City of Georgetowlt a CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF CEORCETOWN The City of Caorgetuvrt City Council APPROVES ISAi't'ROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT LOCATION Northwest of Northwood Oaks Subdivision,ja- the ra a�—" Shopping Center. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT & SITE PLAN WESTWOOD PLAZA 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMFNT 5. OTHLR COMMENTS: I) Plat and Site Plan approval condition, upon: (A) Plat and Site Plan meeting all ordinance requirements. (B) Dras being met. (C) Utilities being adequate. II) Street alignments with sed or existing streets per engineers` recamnendations. III) Internal street widths of 25 feet and centerline radii of 90 decree turns at least )feet, provided that 3 foot sidewalks are constructed along streets. mobe x'o0q4w-&QA .--- WITNESS OUR HANDS this1?t _ day of Septenbe r _, 19 84__ t Mayor, City Counc 1 City of George= 23 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVE DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT . Joe B McMaster Tri t e LOCATION On Williams Drive between Lakeaire ShoAAina Center and Lakeway. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT PARK MFADOW II 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER ... ., .,. • . .. �. .... d u . . WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11_ thday of September, 19 ,84 . Mayor, City Councin- City of Georgeto I- CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council,APPROVE5 DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Jim Elmbree LOCATION `Lot ] Block "F", Briartiucod III - 3801 Foust Trail 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE to allow existing building to remain encroached 1.8 feet into the side ten foot public utility easement and building line. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: WITNESS OUR HANDS this ly lth „ day of September , 19 84 Mayor, City Counci City of Georgeto PA CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OP GEORGETOWN i The City of Georgetown City CouncilrAPPROVES/ ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Jim free LOCATION Lot 1:4 Block "D", Briarwood III - 505 Algerita 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT Z. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE to allow existing building to remain encroanhed sic inches into the side seven foot builaM line. 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER COMMENTS: WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11th day of September , 19 84 Mayor, City Counc City of Georgetowh E CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council (APPROVES ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Robert M. Harstad LOCATION Lot 5, Block 7, Serenada East Unit IV - 4013 Luna Trail 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE to allow existing house to remain encroached two feet and three inches into the south side ten foot building line and publi uti it 4. ABANDO&Nkisenent. 5. OTHER COMMENTS: WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11th day of ..5g8t Mj=r ', 19 R4 Mayor, City Counci City of Go, rBetowd (o CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES/DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Kenneth McCall�_Trus LOCATION West of F.M. 1460 approxmiately one ty routs. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT PLEASANT VA= _(Sent back to Planning &Zoning) 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4, ABANDONMENT S. OTHER COMMENTS. Ir—lat approval conditior ordinancerequirements`.(A revised px (B) Drainage reVirements be t II) Lots and streets eali nt details per cgineers' recommendation. WITNESS OUR HANDS this llth day of Se tember , 19 84 c Mayor, City Coun it City of Georgetown CITY (OUNCIL THE CITY OF (,EORGLTOWN The City of Georgetown City Council AFNROVE /DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Donald E. Parker LOCATION , (zail Meadow IV, Lot 21 Block "A- 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE to allow budding to remain encroached 4 inches into the 25 foot front building line. 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER CGMMF:NTS. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of October , 19 84 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown C,1y %�C74" 14M I CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council PPROVE /DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT West Georgetown Development Co. LOCATION Northof ,Sere.Xadd IV and soutb nf TQgajj Ranr_h 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT SEgENADA F= NIT FM 3. VARIANCE for Lot Z Block "1" and lots 5 and 6. Black "3" to exc ee ed the maxmm n allowable length to width ratio of 2.5 to 1. Lots 5, 6 and 7 of Block "1" to be positioned at a right ogle to lot q, Block "1". 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS. I) Luna Trail, Cordoba Circle West and Cordoba Circle Fas should be the appropriate street name designations. II) Lots 5 & 7 of Block "l" and lot 1 & 3 of Block "2" shall front on Luna Trail; r Lots 4 & 6 of Block "2" and lot 11of Block "3" and lot 2 of Block "4" shall front on Cordoba Circle West; lot 1 of Block "4" and lot 2 of Block "5" shall front on Luna Trail; lot 1 of Block "5" and lot 2 of Block 6 shall front on Casa Blanca Drive; lot 1 of Block "6" shall WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of October , 19 84 Mayor, City Counci City of Georgetown front on Cordoba Circle East. III) Drainage easements are needed. 2 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY Of GEORGLTOWN . The City of Georgetown City Council 4ESVE>DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT James Ray & Gina Louise Kersey LOCATION South side of Brangus Road just east of Sequoia Drive 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT & FINAL PLAT 17RSEY ADDITIGN 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE to allow lot to exceed the maxmin allowable length to width ratio. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COKMENTS: Plat approval conditioned upon plat meeting all ordinance requirements. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of October , 19 84 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 3 CITY LOLNCIL THE CITY OF (,LOR(,LTOWN The City of Georgetown City Council PPROVE /DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICA.NT LOCATION East of C=ty Bgad 11 ra% adjacent to CXist" r-1 aarvj eW Si4r4v3-slOn. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT -CIZARVIEW ESTATES II 3. VARIANCE to allow lot 1, Block "B" to be at a right ancrle to existing lots in Clearview Estates 1. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COK4ENTS: Plat approval condi.tiOned upon: (A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements (B) Drainage requirements being met. (C) Provision of adequate utilities. Qi� U c � ,,��, Q, -�-c, n' II G _ > LC J UN. r W&I WPMi WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of October 19 84 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES DISAPPROVE the request listed below. APPLICANT _Clyde & Kay Woerner LOCATION North side of Williams Drive Oaks Drive. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER - Zoning Change - Williams Addition Unit i Lot 3 Block L 1615 Williams Drive - from R -S to RM- 3. COMMENTS. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of October , 19 84 fia4/ oMa4a Mayor, City Counci City of Georgetown 3 CITY COUNCIL THE LITY OE (,EOR(jLTOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APf'ROVES•UISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Gary Dayton LOCATION River Ridge Section II !. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE Request to vary the required minumu n curve radius for a local street of 300 feet. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER C04-MENTS . WITNESS OUR HANDS this 9th day of October , 19 84 Mayor, City Counci City of Georgetown kk LITY LOUNCIL THE LITY OF t,EORGLTOWN The City of Georgetown City Council AP!'ROVES•DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICAiNT Ercel Brashea LOCATION North side of Williams Drive, north of Lakeaire Shopping Center. t. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT WILLLAMS COMMERCIAL PARK 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER CO%LMENTS. I) Plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements. (B) Drainage requirements being met at construction plan stage. (C) Utilities being adequate. II) Easements (A) 5' road widening and utility easement is required on each side of River Bend Drive. (B) Access onto Williams Drive should be restricted from Block "C". (Note on plat) (C) An easement or designation for detention area for Block "B" is needed. 19 84 WITNESS OUR HANDS this qty, day of r)r+Cber , Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 7 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Mr- & Mrs. Ra1Ph Russell LOCATION Glasscock Addition (Past of Block 16) 314 E. 6th Street 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. AB 4NDONMENT S. OTHER REZONING - GLASSCCC.'K ADDITION (Part of Block 16) - 314 E. 6th STREET - FROM R -S TO C-1. COMMENTS: WITNESS OUR HANDS this 13th day of November _+, 19 �A4 Mayor. City Counci City of Georgeto CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF CEORCETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counc1 APPROVES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Thomas C• Heaton, Trustee LOCATION North of intersection of Hwy. 81 and Williams Drive and east of IH- 35. 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4., ABANDONMENT S. OTHER COMMENTS: I) Oualzty og plat or n at -foil 1 a h--1 nw gLandard -,TT) T31 at approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat meeting all nrdinanc-p- r �lr, wr,tc (B) Drainage requirements beanq. met (C) Utilities hen+ ademiatg- N=: Approval of plat as a Prelamanary only, Additional rainag,_nd utility information will need to be submitted for review inc:o, njungti- nn with next. Final plat should be on 2 naaes and be madC rm„W, 4/1 W!ef OUR HANDS this 13th day of November . 19 84 2 - e aa k Mayor, City Council/ City of Georgetown r �L� CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council aE/DISAPPROVES the request lixted below. APPLICANT Marbert G. Moore, Jr. LOCATION South of Hi hwa 29 about one mile east of Smith Branch (next to CatholicChurch) 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT STCNERDGS I 3. VARIANCE Variances already granted need to reflect new lot and block numbers. 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER CW*iENTS. I) Plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat meetincr al ordinance requirements (B) Drainage requirerftits being met (C) Utilities being adequate (D) Access to dedicated public thoroughfare must be platted (E) off-site drainage and utility easements must be recorded concurrent with plat. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 13th I day of NOVOTber . 19 84 r Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY Of GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council PROVE .DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Marbert G. More, Jr. LOCATION South of Highwa 29 about one mile east of Snath =anch (next to the Catholic Church 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT ST NEIGE II 3. VARIANCES are required for the following: (1) Lot 1, Block "J" and Lot 1, B _6M ''' 55 not Fge-t wid requiremnen s & 4, Block "M" exceed 2.5 to 1 length to width ratio (3) Block "O" does not meet minum-un length requirements. (4) Lot 5 & 6, Block "M" are at • 116660 .a ri Qbt .arlQL.tn..Tr^.t�,glrv---k �ct.:.�....` 5. OTHER COMMENTS; I) Plat amroval conditioned u ordinance rsquiremnts (B) Drainage requirments being met (C) Utilities being adequate (D) Accesss to dedicated public thoroughfare must be platted (E) Off-site drainage and utility easements must be recorded concurrect with plat. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 13th day of November., 19 884_ Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 4 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council PROVES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT R.B.J. Development LOCATION South of Highway 29 and east of Hutto Road. I. PRELIMINARY PLAT iUNr== IjUj 2. FINAL PLAT 3, VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT f S. OTHER I) Plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat meeting all ordinance COMMENTS: ies being adequate (D) Site plan and tation to be submitted for Planned Unit Developrent. Property should be rezoned R -P. TT1 Annexation is reccmnended for portion of subdivision which lies outside the city limits. III) Redesign of the followin corner lots to meet ordinance requirements: "A"; Lot 7, B "B"; Lot 20, Block C'; Lot 7, Block "D"; Lot 20, Block "D"; Lot 1, Block "E"; LOt 1 Block "F". IV) CitV utility easement ned. —T Hutto Road R.O.W. dedication for widening may be needed. VI) Southwestern Boulevard to intersection with Hutto MM may Be included as part of thispa : Revised preunuzary should be resubmitted. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 13th I day of November . 19 84,x_ 4 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 5 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The Clty of Georgetown City Counci APP OYES ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANTDibrell - Davis & Associates LOCATION Northwest of intersection of Scenic Drive and 17th Street 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT SCENIC OAKS - PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN (Planned Unit Development) 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER I) Property must be platted prior to final site plan approval. COMMENTS:I submittal is insu fiI t. IV) All required documentation for a Planned Unit DevelgFmnt should be su miffed for =jmg (--,Pp att�hPd 11 si-I, V) Correct number of living units should beshownand buildings on plat should be rearranged should be allowed in the 100 -year flood plain. Plat approval conditioned met. (C) Utilities being adequate. WITNES//S OUR HANDS this 13th day of November . 19 84 � .fd1f ifi, 1,e L \ Mayor. City Council �. City of Georgetown tit CITY (.0LN( IL THL CITY OF f-LOR(,LTOWN The City of Georgetown City Council P1'Rc)VE •UISAPPROVFS the request listed below. APPI LLANT Gordon Davis LOCATION West of intersection of IH -35 and Northwest Boulevard t. PRELIMINARY PLAT GATEWAY NORTHWEST - REVISED PRELIMINARY PIAT Z. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE to allow 4-plex lots 6, 7 and 8 Block "C" to meet at right angles. ._..._......_. ter. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER I) Plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat meeting all r0"ENTS : ordinance requirements and review camients as indicated in City Engineers report and mark-up plat, (B) Drainage requirements being (C) Utilities being adequate and an acceptable revised Utility Concept Plan being suhmtted, II) Rezoning is required prior to -approval of final plat. III) Exista.ng Washam Drive shall be dedicated as a public street prior to or in con unction with FINAL plat. IV) Build2m5 setback lines and nunurnBn lot width should meet ordinance requirements V Since notification was not sent to surrounding property owners for revised preliminary should be sent out with final suknussion. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11th day of December , 19 8_4. Mavor, City Council City of Georgetown tss� 1 CITY LOUNCIL THE LITY OF (.EOR(,LTOWN The City of Georgetown City Council PROV /DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT North Georq§etCM joirt Venture LOCATION Northeast of -intersection of Hwy. 81 and P.M. 971 JwmUdj ataly south of Georgetown High School. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT S PARKVIEW ESTATES_ SECTI()NS CINE THR A) Lots arranged at right angles to adjacent lots are: 3. VARIANCE Block "B", Lots 13-15; Block "C", Lots 16-18,, 20 and 21; Block "D", Lot 14-16; Block "E",, bots 1-5, 17-19. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER Fiat approval co ion upon: (A) Plat meeting all COMM ENT S -.Ordinance requirements. (B) Drainage requirements being net. (C) Util-Irles Being a equa e and a revised utility concep pan being submitted. II) Lot 44, Block "F" shall be required 50' at the front gline.' rary urnaro prove a e east end of Jennifer Drive, designed to save existing trees where possible. turnarounct an Farque Court sou a tenpokary turnaround. V) Variances granted at Preliminary stage shall be applied to revised lot numbers. VI) The proposed land use and residential density shall Saty indicated on the approved prelmunary plat. VII) Road, utility. ,and drainage,t = rrma�_ '1i- s aCCo ; -iaf-ed t;`jf-b a i i r� 7 »o � a.t-t QMg g -F D tirOt shall be constructed togeth r. dayII) Restrictive covenant �dri n,up which WITNESS OUR HANDS thi, Mayor. City Council City of Georgetown 61 provide for acceptable fences an/or buffering between proposed ccamiemi.al and residential areas. Ix) The Multi, -Family lot shall be handled as a Planned Unit Development as so noted on plat. X) Access to commercial lots shall be restricted der City engineers comments and so noted on plat. XI) Deed Restrictions. XII) Developer should meet with Mr. Pope to adddress concerns. 2 LITY LOC%. c IL T11L LITY 01 GLORGLTOWN The city of (,eorge.town City Council FS the request listed below. t")es APPLICANT Walter Carrington CcoPany LOCATION $etweeri IH -35 and the South Fork San Gabriel River 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER - RIVER BEND - PIANNED UNIT DEVELtJPME " - CONCEPT PLAN c0*MENTS: Problems of density, additional information and utility proposal need to be worked out. Developer should meet with the Planning Department, and Freese & Nichols to determine exact Living Unit Equivalent. WIT`ESS OUR HANDS this llth day or _ _ecember, 19 84 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 3 C I TY t UL'.( I L T11L CITY OF e,LORt,LTOWN AkeP ne 404"'? on The ( ity of "orge:town City Council Er the request listed below. APPI KANT J. Green LUCATIO"i 3.9888 acres out of the Clement Stubblefield Survey, Abstract NO. 558 1. PRELMNARY PI Ar 1. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCC 6. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER Zoning Change - 3.9888 acres out of the Clement Stubblefield Survey, Abstract No. 558 frcrn R -P to C-1. ('011MENTS: SPeclfic concerns are: Traffic problems and incan7Patible uses. Bcns3 - Rezoning is not necessary to permit appropriate camnerm al uses based upon a recent decision by the City Council. WITNESS OUR HANDS this llth day of December 19 84 Mavor, Citv Council City of Georgetown 0 CITY (OLN( LI THE CITY M c,LORGLTOWN The City of (worgetown City CuunLil APPROVhS DLSAPPROVFS the request listed below. AP['f LCANT Bill Chapman LOCATION 101 Luther Drive t. PRELIML%ARY PLAT 1. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE from minimum parking s ace requirements, and restriction from construction witnin building setback area, n v - -- 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER 0"L"4ENTS: WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11th day or December . 19 R4 e ?9, 1 , 16 2) �' � Mavor, City Counc City of Georgetow 3 CITY (0L',( it THL L iTY Ok I.LORGLTOWN The City of Georgetown City CuunLil the request listed below. APPI ICANT Gayle Whitehead LOCATION 1500 Park Lane - Hearthstone Apartments 1. WKFLIML%ARY PLAr 1. FINAL PLAr 3. VARIANCE from area restrictions for proposed sign. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER t 04-ME`TS WITNESS OUR HANDS this 1_1th day of Decembe_r___ _, 19 84 � Y r U n Mavor, City Counc City of Georgetow CITY ( OL",( IL THE CITY M t,L0K(,LT0WN The City of Leorgetown City Council APPROVES ) SAYPROVFb the request listed below. Ai'['L ILk,T Tom Heaton LOCATION 210 South IH -35 - Wendy's 1. IPRELIMNARY PLAr 1. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE from both height, and Arg restrictions for need sign L. ABA10ON4ENT 5. OTHER ^• -•va a M Marel•• •• •. • •^ • • ^•1 WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11th day or December 19 84 Mayo'f-, City Council City of Georgetown 7 L ITY WUV I L TEtb CITY 0f (,EORGLTOWN The City of Georgetown City Council AE'E'Rt)VE DLSAPPROVES the request Iisted below. APPI iCANT Steve Jackson LOCATION Reata Trails Section Two, Lot 3, Block "B" - 104 Horseshoe Trail. 1. PRF.LI41%ARY PLAC 1. FINAL PLAT J. VARIANCE to allow house to remain encroached into the 7 foot north side building line. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER ( 04MENT5. WITNEbS OUR HANDS this lith day of December , 19 84 Mavor, City Council City of Georgetown R LITY (OLN( LL THL. LITY OE c,LOKGLT0 WN The GLty of Georgetown Lity Council 1'K()VE. QLSAPPROVFS the request libted below. APPLILANT City of Georgetown LOLATiON San Gabriel Heights Section Five t. PRELIML`ARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER c OMMENTS: zones! Change from R S to F* -1 on the following lots: Block "A", Lot 1; Block "F", Lot 1; Block "F", Lot 28; Block "G", Lot 1; Rln. L "r,"-,. Tnt 13; glnrJc ►rfl, Tni- 71- RZevnk "WIP Tnt: 15, nlnnk "M"_ Tot 1; Block "M►', Lot 2; Block "M", Lot 3; -- Fran R -S to C-1, Block "G", Lot 16, 1 504 to 1 5R l Tpander Rnacl �... NOTE: Owner will restrict height of buildings to two stories, and maintain a 25' building line � from all 10,E lines. WITNESS OUR HANDS this .Ith.. day of , 19 Mavor. Citv Council City of Georgetown CITY (OL.",( IL THE CITY Of t,LOR(.LTOWN The Lity of Georgetown Lity GounLil the request 1vp 01611K -Nn be -+C0(&" t" i listed below. * A&� Q0A ID -0, mc„ c -4.j APP[ ILANT Jay Wolf LOCATION All of Outlot 7, Division A, Revised Plat of Georcretown 1. PRELI.ML%ARY PLAT 1. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCC 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER Zoning Change - All of Outlot 7, Division A from R -S and RM to C2A t O"E`TS: Defer until completion of the planning study for this area is complete. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11th day of December 19 84 Mavor, Lity Council City of Georgetown v'Z CITY LOUN( tL THL CITY OF t,LOR(,LTOWN The City of Georgetown City Coumil APPROVLrULSAPPROVF.S he request listed below. AM LLANT Dan Mansour LOCATION Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Block 5, North Georgetown Addition — 607 N. Mle 1. PRELIML`ARY PL. t 1. FINAL. PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER ZoniM Chancre - Lots 1, 2, and 4 of Block 5, North Georgetown Addition from R S to RM -3. rO.`tMENTS: WITNESS OUR HANDS this 114-h day of December , L9 g._�..__._ f Mavor, City Council City of Georgetown 5 CITY t OL,',( IL THE CITY 01 (,LOR(,LTOWN The City of Georgetown City Counlil APPROVES UISAPPROVFS the request Iisted below. APP[ 1CANT Tan N. Pilgrim LOCATION Lots 2 and Part of 4 Block 4, Crestview Addition Unit II 2204 Williams Drive t. PRELI` I%ARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER Zoning Chance Lot 2 and Part of Lot 3, Block 4, Crestview Addition Unit II - 2204 Williams Drive from R -S to RM -3. CO's ENTS. WITNESS OUR HANDS this filth day of December , 19 84 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown CITY Cc LNCIL THE CITY 0i t.LORGLTOWN The City of Laorgetown City Council S the request �hQ. de�ie,1©per '.S -4b listed below. �`� � � ,�,� �.t.�L►}� APPf L(.k.T Tam Heaton LOCATION f. PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT (.O'LME`TS: Ti Public c notification process ,mr State Law is Mqu red prior to resubdivision. II) Access for traffic will need to be reviewed and itngravements made to existinct street system. III) Plat will need to be sutmitted in accordance with ordinance requirements. IV) Concept elan must be submitted for review. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11th day of December 19 84 Mayor. City Council City of Georgetown 3 LITY t OL,",( t THL CITY Of t,LOIR,LTOWN The City of Georgetown Lity CounLU 1P1'4tt1V UISAPPROVFS the request listed below. APPI ICANT Gerald J. Goff, Trustee LULATION North of 6th Street between Ash and Elm Street 1. PRELIML%ARY PLAr Z. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER WOODLEY PLACE - RESUBDIVISICN - VACATING A PORTION OF GLASSCOCK ADDITION. I) Plat approval conditioned upon plaxUmee gor ce (OM-!E`TS:requirements. (II) Variances needed for: (A) Internal side bUli lines and public utility easemen s. l! -MM wi area requirements. (C) Maxm= length to width ratio. (III) Canron sanitary sewer service line located in rear s not meet requirements for City maintenance. (IV) Restrictive covenants z prove tor maintenarri cannon sewer line, private drive and cmmon attic space. In addition, there shouM be a no on e plat s no cletaMW stfigle dwelling shall be constructed on the individual lots. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11th day of December , 19 84 /LG Mavor. City Council City of Georgetown A CITY t OUN( IL THL CITY Of (.EORc,LTOWN The City of Georgetown LLty Cqun,-L1 1PPR0VE 1)LSAPPROVES the request 1Lsted below. APPI ICANT Twin Creek Properties LOCATION Northeast of Lakeaire Shopping Center, Northwest of Golden Paks Drive and Southwest of Westwood Lane. 1. PRELIML%ARY PLAT 1. FINAL PLAT WEST)OD PLAZA - FINAL PLAT & F]NAL SITE PLAN (1) Section 2.0810-2 of Subdivision Ordinance which requires J. VARIANCE = ,ndica jon of external s,crns (2) SA---Ct?on_ 2.0804-4 of - subdivision Ordinance which requires a centralized garbage collection system. 4. ABANDONMENT yW. 5. OTHER Plat apprav conditioned upon, pat, site pan and documents (O%LME`TS:meeting all ordinance requirements. 2) Drainage requirements being met. revisea Drainage Concept Plan shall be sulmitted. (3) Utilities being adequate. A revised Utility Concept Plan shall be submitted. pubilc FaciliMs being constructed cane a in con)u—n-ftion with those in Williams Camiercial Park. (5) Ernnergency access verified. (6) River Bend Drive shall, be dedicated as a 60' R.O.W. (7) 3' sidewalks shall be at least 2' in back of curb. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 1_1tjZ day of December 19 84 Mavor, City Council City of Georgetown CITY t cri,`.t IL THL CITY Of (,LOR(,LTO N This City of Georgetown City Council S the request 4-0 be. exeCv. eco �S Poo and nw.n�c"n listed below. CLQ Qt�e� Ov�t�ctC"5 APPL LLA:,T Z= a ffegson GrouR LOCATION North and Gest of the intersection of County Road 151 with County Road 152. 1. PRELIML%AKY PLAP 1. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER CRYSTAL KWU TERRACE — CGNCEPT PLAN cp4LME:rTS I) No city utilities currently available. II) Developnent Plan desigl7ms Me RM for normal restdMTETNT Mg. TM propogU6 density exceeds that reccnrended by the plan by 60% III) Stormwater Roads shall be indicated on the preliminary plat. V) Street and lot recamiendations of City Engineers review dated November 19, 1984. Develognent to insure adequate amenities for future residents. VII) Developer should work closely with ad3acent property owners in TNES9 UD19 WIS -0this 11th day of December , 19 e Mavor, City Council City of Georgetown no A CITY CUUNC I L T11L c.ITY OF <.EORGLTOWN The City of Ceorgetown City Council the request listed below. D9-,4e,`cT�? Qr P�e,nn�►� � . aura, (`SCO J APPt LLANT Walter Carrington Canpany LULATION Ikst of IH -35 between Hw:. 29 and North Fork of San Gabriel River. t. PRELIMLhARY PLAT 1. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER RIVER HIM S - PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - CC7NC EPT PLAN CO"E`TS: Problems of density, additional information and utility agreement proposal need to be worked out. Developer should meet with the Planning Department and Freese & Nichols to determine the exact Living Unit Equivalent figures. WITNESS OUR BANDS this 1;Lb day of Dace . 19 84 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown I CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN &3rpmi-e s A, mw wt The City of Georgetown City Council the request listed belowy wn% 1 t4 jevf-10~ al1� ' t.nrptt i gt ibcWS tn4g +0 fe5434C PrAIt f1►6� till APPLICANT Jim Spence LOCATION _West of County Road #110 (Hutto Road) about 1' miles southeast of Quail Valley Subdivision. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT .7- 2. FINAL PLAT a) Lots 13-15 and 37-39, Block C - lots at right angles. 3. VARIANCE b) Lots 8-10, Block "A" - lots at right angles. c) Lots 5-9, 14 and 15, Block "G" - lots at right angles. d) Lots 5-8 and 10, Block "A" - exceed maximum width to depth ratio. e) Lots 3, and 33, Block C - exceed maximum width to depth ratio. f Lots 4=3A9MXXX1X= 11 and 13, Block "G" - exceed maximum width to depth ratio. 5. OTHER COMMENTS. I) Plat and plan approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat and Plan meeting all ordinance requirements. (B) Drainage requirements being met. (C) Utilities being adequate. (II) Fawn Drive cul-de-sac should be redesigned to connect with Deer Haven. (III) Change street names for "Bluebonnet Circle" and "Fawn Ridge". (IV) The following Lots are at right angles to other lots and should be redesigned: Lots and 2, Block "C", o s an , Biock "B" (V) Where are the amenities? WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11th day of March , 19 85 Mayor, City ounck City of Georgetown lcisS t CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN Q �� The City of Georgetown City Council �� C� the request listed below. APPLICANT ANN BROWN LOCATION 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER RESOLUTION - OAK CREST II HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION. COMMENTS: WITNESS OUR HANDS this /1th day of March , 19 85 174-4 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 2 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Jean & Barbara Neal LOCATION 301 Valley Street 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE tg allow 1xisting bay -window to remain encroached fgur feet into front building line. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11th day of March , 19 85 Mayor, City Counci City of Georgetown 3 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci APPROVES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Jean & Barbara Neal LOCATION 303 Valley Street 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE to allow existing -house to remain encroached six inches into the west side building line. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11th day of March , 14 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counc APPROVES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Jean & Barbara Neal LOCATION 305 Valley Street 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE to allow existing house to remain encroached eight inches into the west side building line. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: WITNESS OUR HANDS this lith day of March , 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown S CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES ISAPPR VESDthe request listed below. APPLICANT _Rosalene Julian LOCATION Southwest corner of intersection of College _Street and 6th Street. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER ORDINANCE - REZONING - 602 COLLEGE STREET, PARTS OF LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK 35, GLASSCOCK ADDITION - FROM R -S DISTRICT COMMENTSM-3 DISTRICT, 1st READING. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11th day of March 19 85 Mayor, City Council/ City of Georgetow X CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES ISAPPROVE he request Listed below. APPLICANT Nancy Reavis LOCATION Northwest corner of intersection of Leander Road and Tallwood. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER ORDINANCE - REZONING - 101 TALLWOOD DRIVE, LOT 1, BLOCK "G", SAN GABRIEL HEIGHTS SECTION FIVE - FROM R -S DISTRICT TO C-1 DISTRICT, st READING. COMMENTS. 1) Promotion of commercial "strip" along Leander Road, 2) Commercial encroachment into existing residential neighborhood, 3) Inadequate parking and increased traffic congestion on Leander Road. 4) peed Restrictions vrohibit WITNESS OUR HANDS this 12th day of March 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 7 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council PPROVE DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT John Green, LOCATION_ West of intersection of Willimas Drive and River Bend. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER ORDINANCE - REZONING - 2600 WILLIAMS DRIVE, A 0.455 ACRE TRACT IN THE N. PORTER SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 497 - FROM C-1 DISTRICT TO C -2-A DISTRICT Ist READING. COMMENTS: Applicant shall verify that sewer will be brought to site. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11th day of March 19 85 .114 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown L) CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council EEi3YDISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Verg S. Rabb LOCATION Southeast corner of intersection of Williams Drive 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT & FINAL PLAT - --RABB SUBDIVISION 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE to waive stormwater detention requirements. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: I) Plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements. (B) Drainage requirements being met. (C) Utilities being adequate. (II) Access to Lakeway and Williams Drive shall be determined with submittal of site plan based upon safety concerns. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 13Xh day of March 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Counci <EEE DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Milburn Schubert LOCATION South of F.M. 2338, and east of Country West bUbalvislon. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT & FINAL PLAT -FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE --I r . In , .,a �lTn ..ri„� c %� A14lA •11! 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: _I) Plat approval conditioned upon. (A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements. (B) Drainage requirements being met. (C) Utilities being adequate. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 11th day of MARCH 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown W CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES ISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT John Green LOCATION West of intersection of Williams Drive and River Bend. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER ZONING CHANGE - A Q-455 arrp- tract in the_X- Porrer S---'--"r"p3z,, Abstract No. 497, (2600 Williams Drive) - from C-1 (Local Commercial District) to C— —A .(Commarri a1 First H,pi ght District) COMMENTS: 1.) Applicant shall verify that sewer will be brought to site. /24`` WITNESS OUR HANDS this 1Z —ft day of March , 19 85 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown tr CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Don and,_MiraSc•a�gh LOCATION &=hwest corner of cif 19th (.;+rcu-t anti T"l l se 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT and �Final PlatuthCrl and 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE to allow waiver of stormwater detention recruirement based on less than 5 CFS increase. 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER COMMENTS: I) Plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements (B) Utilities being adequate. II) No future lots will be subdivided until balance of tract has been platted with all ordinance requirements being met. WITNESS OUR HANDS this loth_ day of ,7111 u 19 R4 9, a"I " Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council PROVE /DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT LOCATION R. E. weeklev, Trustee west of IH -35 and south of Christ Lutheran Church 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT n d n -ye ^'a~ Prra Visfa TIT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER COMMENTS: I) Plat and Site Plan approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat and Site Plan meeting all ordinance requirements. (B) Drainage requirements being met. (C) Utilities being adequate. II) Portion of tract within the city limits must be rezoned to appropriate classification. ILII Annexation is recommended. -- WITNESS OUR HANDS this _l nt:h day of lTt,1T • 19 Rd aa4 1-9m4:Cm4 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 9 M A,10 e CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City CouncilMP 7707M DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT J. K. Richardson LOCATION 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT Z. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE - Parking requirements - Benchmark Inn Variance for 13 spaces 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: WITNESS OUR HANDS this 10th day of July , 19 84 Mayor, City Council City of Georgeta CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVE DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Paul Williams LOCATION Southwest corner of the intersection of 9th Street and Timber Street 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER - Rezoning - Lot 7 & S and Part of 6, Block 5, City Addition - 404 West 9th Street - from R -S to C2A COMMENTS: WITNESS OUR HANDS this 10th day of July . 19 84 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown 3 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City CouncilPPROVE /DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Larry Grisham COMMENTS: line • • San Gabriel- being .•act - an unfencedall-weather service road sbmld be constructgd to the 13 -ft stnt-jQij with an access easement,Realignment of R.O.W.on 4 ,2243. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 10th day of July . 19 84 &dz " Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown te Between F. M. 2243 and the South Fork of the San LOCATION Gabriel River and west of River Ridge gection One. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2, FINAL PLAT - River Ridge II A ow 151 front buil=g lines for lots X 6, 7 3. VARIANCE and 8, Block "T" (B) to allow lots 9-11, Block "R" to be at ri.gTan les with 'lots a and 12, Block "-R"— (C) to allow street radii to be less than 300 feet in three locations: At Curves: 1) 18 and 19 2) 41 and 42 ( 3) 48 and 49. 4. ABANDONMENT $. OTHER COMMENTS: line • • San Gabriel- being .•act - an unfencedall-weather service road sbmld be constructgd to the 13 -ft stnt-jQij with an access easement,Realignment of R.O.W.on 4 ,2243. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 10th day of July . 19 84 &dz " Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown te CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council OVE DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT E'cel Brashear LOCATION North side of Williams Drive, north of Lakeaire Shopping Center. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER - Williams Camnercial Park COMMENTS: I) Plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements (B) Drainage requirements being met (C) Utilities being adequate. II) Streets - realigrmtient of both River Bend and Dawn Drive (extension of River Bend Drive needs to be 60' - can be 50' with 5' road widening easements on each side.) WITNESS OUR HANDS this10th day of JulY , 19 84 Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown I CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council PROVE DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT John R. Taylor„ Trustee LOCATION Between IH -35 and Riverside Drove, south of the Dairy Queen 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT and Final Plat - Riverview Mall 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER 1 . .�•lKoor. a Iffo-47M WE KT*7, NMWR S ' F.1 W, •• K -70M•-15-01 APPROVED AS PRELIMINARY CNLY WITNESS OUR HANDS this 10th day of July , 19 84 Mayor, City Counci City of Georgeto 12 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council 0PPROVE DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Marbert G. Mooze, Jr. South of Highway 29 about one ml a east of Srn.th Branch LOCATION (next to the Catholic Church) 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT - Stonehedge I 2. FINAL PLAT A) to a aw Blocic -7 to exceect EFU maximum a ock 3. VARIANCE length of 1200 feet. (B) to allow blocks "B", "C", "D", "H" and "I" tZ Ee lessa minxmmn ailowame _11-ack iengtn or 500 feet. (C) to allow lot 21, Block "A", lot 28, Block "E" and lots 2 & 16, 330M IT' to exceed Me RZ21mum X11owarae lengtn to wiatnf :4. NNW= 2h to 1. (D) to allow lots 8 & 9, Block "G" to be at a right angl , . jm S. OTHER COMMENTS: I) Plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements (B) drainage requirements being met (C) Utilities being adequate (D) access to area being platted. II) Nina Drive should be extended to the north and south _(as indicated on concept plan) III) Lauryn Drive should be extended to the south. IV) Lots 1-4, Block "C" should be redesigned so that their side yards would face the side yMds of lots 5 and 14. V Revised preliminary should be submitted for staff WITNESS OUR HANDS this_ 100i day of 7�,T , 19 84 all Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown review before final is submitted. 0 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council PROVE DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT G. Brian Christie West of County Road #110 (Hutto Road) about 1 � miles LOCATION southeast of Quail Valley Subdivision. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT - Rolling Hill Estates 2. FINAL PLAT A) to allow blocks "D" and "I" to exceed the maximiun allowable 3. VARIANCE hl ack ] Perth of ,1 7� f,e+ (R) *n Al 1 OW the £n11 r1,,71 ng„_ lots to be at right angles: lots 5 and 4 Block "E" to lot 7, Block "E"; --A 1 ..a. 7 n n1-1- 11"A l l 4-- 1-4- ')q 131-1, IITn ( 94 ter. �.,. .7......1 ...- 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: I) Plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements )B) Drainage requirements being met (C) Utilities being adequate. II) Conflicts with deed restrictions must be resolved. III) Chancre name of Williamson Drive. IV) Street Realignment is needed V) Lots 8-11, Block "F" should be redesigned so that their side yards face the side ards of lots 7 & 12; Lots 7-9, B G should redesigned so that their side yards face the WITNESS OUR HANDS this day of , 19 Mayor, City ouncil City of Georgetown side yards of lots 6 and 10. VI) Additional road widening easement Wd/ be needed along Hutto Road. CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council PROVES DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Jack R. Barnes East side of F.M. 1460, immediately north of proposed LOCATION Hari 7.nn (`rmn,-=, a1 Park 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT - HL)=i a 3. VARIANCE to waive annexation fees._ 4. ABANDONMENT S. OTHER COMMENTS: I) Plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements (B) Utilities being adequate. II) Note on Plat that appropriate turning radius for emergency vehicles must be provided. III) Annexation and rezoning recommended. (Rezones to industrial.) WITNESS OUR HANDS this 1nt!h day of �T,,I: , 19 SA Mayor. City Council City of Georgetown 7 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council(APPROVE DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT LOCATION _ North -of Lakeway Drive between the airport and the new school site. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT - Reata Trails III 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: I) Plat approval condzti.oned upon: (A) Plat meeting all ordinance requirements (B) Utilities being adequate. WITNESS OUR HANDS this loth day of Jay , 19 84 Mayor. City Council City of Georgetown 12 CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City CouncilPPROVE DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Jack Buchanar4 Trustee LOCATION On Williams Drive between Lakeaire Shopping Center and Lakeway. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT - Park Meadow II 2. FINAL PLAT 3. VARIANCE 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: T) Plat app al conditioned upon-, (A) Plat meetana all ord nance reauiremnts (B) drainage requirements bell met (C) Utilities being adequate II) Dawn Drive R.O.W. width should be reduced to 50 feet With no parking along street. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 10th day of July , 19 84 Mayor$ City Council City of Georgetown CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN The City of Georgetown City Council APPROVES/DISAPPROVES the request listed below. APPLICANT Immediately south of San Gabriel South Fork, between IH -35 LOCATION a San Qaabrri-el ,Heights Sub=i.sion. 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. FINAL PLAT and Site Plan - South Fork Apartments 3. VARIANCE to allow stormwater runoff to flow into river without detention, accordinct to city engineer's specifications. 4. ABANDONMENT 5. OTHER COMMENTS: I) Plat approval conditioned upon: (A) Plat and Site Plan meeting all ordinance and engineering requirements (B) Utilities being adequate (C) Ordinance requirements met before going to City Council II) Developer upgrading to City standards the street between Leander Road and the proposed prod ect, . T T T 1 6 foot f e n c e WITNESS OUR HANDS this 10th day of Tnl�_ , 19 84 "- Mayor, City Council City of Georgetown IV) The building nearest San Gabriel Heights Subdivision is to be moved an additional 50' south of its presently shown location or 85' frau property line. 14