HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Contract with US Army/War Dept 1947/fq � &,r Pea- cry? �rac;, -r'fh d"d gg�7 jU/� Lw.p —Ga,c. ,, ob.-rJ I, oertify thet I an taoz s of the oarparatilm nu ed a At enntraetor In the within parmit., that wh,) sr: teed said permit on b�hajf n the Oelxjtj-FtctOr "s, then al,pid for and in bouhalV of said t;orporatlon by etuth,)rity of its govern- I ne, body, and is wil,.hin the scope of Its corporate �o-xeras IL city m"k M City of Georgetown Georgetown, Texas . Res Permits for Non -Military Air Porta Dear Sires transmitted for your information and file is fully executed copy of permit granted to the War Department for use of your local airport• In connection with your expressed desire to enter into a oon. traot with the Government for supplying aviation gasoline to military planeQ, this is a matter which is out of the jurisdiction of this office, and ii is suggested that you address a letter to the Commanding General, Army Air Forces, Washington, D• C. concerning this matter. Your cooperation in this connection is appreoiatkd. Sincerely yours, I. C. CORYEW Land Apprai ser Officer in Charge 1 Incl • Exatd oy of Permit !. WAR DEPARTMENT ADDR95R REPLY Toi CORPS OF ENGINEERS . OFIIc[R IR [NAR.[ fW0 MEAL pTAT[ fY DOFIItt OFFICE OF THE OFFICER IN CHARGE CORPS or [144111[[4{ WILSON RT A DIYI{IOM AYt. SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION REAL ESTATE SUBOFFICE IT. SAI ...TOP. TEXAS WILSON ST. SIDIVISION AVE. R/rtR TO FILE R.. FORT SAM HOUSTON. TEXAS ' 31+ May 19147 City of Georgetown Georgetown, Texas . Res Permits for Non -Military Air Porta Dear Sires transmitted for your information and file is fully executed copy of permit granted to the War Department for use of your local airport• In connection with your expressed desire to enter into a oon. traot with the Government for supplying aviation gasoline to military planeQ, this is a matter which is out of the jurisdiction of this office, and ii is suggested that you address a letter to the Commanding General, Army Air Forces, Washington, D• C. concerning this matter. Your cooperation in this connection is appreoiatkd. Sincerely yours, I. C. CORYEW Land Apprai ser Officer in Charge 1 Incl • Exatd oy of Permit !. City of Qoor rntovM Georgotown# Texas 1-1 Ref FernLts for ROnQA-- Utary, Air ports Doan Sirs* TrunuAtted for your information and filo is fully executed eopy of permit granted to the War Department for use of your 160e,1 , sirport s In oanrection with yowr expressed desire, to outer into a dory tract with the Goverment for supplyin& aviation CrasOlins to military planes, thi s is a matter which is out of the jurisdiction of this ofilioe# and it is suggested that you address a letter to the Commanding Oozwrali ArmW Air Forces# sashinCtou# A• Co ooncerning this matter* Your 000peration in thi# sonaeotion is apprsoiatAde 8i:asrely yours# E s C e CORTELL Land Apprai *or Officer im Charge 1 incl • &otd cry' of Perm Lt M WAR DEPARTMENT CORPS OF ENGINEERS ADDRESS MPLT TO, OFFICER tN CNARSE OFFICE OF THE OFFICER IN CHARGE WD CORPS SROFL ESTATE SISTER$USOFFICE SOUTHWESTERN DIVISION REAL ESTATE SUBOFFICE WILSON ST D DIVISION AVE. FT. RAN HOUSTON, TEXAS WILSON ST. ! DIVISION AVE. FORT SAM HOUSTON. TEXAS REFER To FILE No. 1% IF 194T City of Qoor rntovM Georgotown# Texas 1-1 Ref FernLts for ROnQA-- Utary, Air ports Doan Sirs* TrunuAtted for your information and filo is fully executed eopy of permit granted to the War Department for use of your 160e,1 , sirport s In oanrection with yowr expressed desire, to outer into a dory tract with the Goverment for supplyin& aviation CrasOlins to military planes, thi s is a matter which is out of the jurisdiction of this ofilioe# and it is suggested that you address a letter to the Commanding Oozwrali ArmW Air Forces# sashinCtou# A• Co ooncerning this matter* Your 000peration in thi# sonaeotion is apprsoiatAde 8i:asrely yours# E s C e CORTELL Land Apprai *or Officer im Charge 1 incl • &otd cry' of Perm Lt M P E R M I T No. M 41-039-eng-5522 THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of ?( 194S by and between an air (W t hereinafter called CONTRACTOR, and THE UNITED ST.r,TES OF AMERICA, here- inafter called the GOVERNMENT, WITPTESSETH: 117HEREAS, the contractor is the owner of the sorsetm Airport, located in the a=ft , County of 1tll4-"M# State of ?4n" hereinafter referred to as the "Airport", and the government desires a permit for the transient use by military aircraft of the landing area of said airport. 1. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of $1.00, the re- ceipt and sufficiency of Which is hereby acknowledged by the contractor, and of the mutual covenants, promises and agreements herein contained, the contractor hereby grants a permit to the government for transient use by military aircraft of the landing area of said airport in common with others to the extent possible without requiring limitations of non-military operations. 2. This permit shall be effective from the date hereof, and shall remain in force until Ame 30# IL 7• 3. The government shall not assign this permit in any event, and shall not sublet the privilege herein ►ranted. 4. The govermnent shall observe and comply with all rules and regulations promulgated and uniformly enforced from time to time during the term hereof by the appropriate Federal; State and County author'itiea, or by the contractor to insure the safe, orderly and convenient conduct of aeronautical operations to, from and upon said Airport. 5• The contractor shall maintain the said Airport in good repair and serviceable condition during the continuance of this permit, except in case of damage arising from the negligence of the governmentfs agents or employees, and damage caused by military aircraft, the government to c m e s the 1 s or or suc da ares. The ebliesuen of the yiie$ 00 UM iii�w►lfii. Moe" si appreprLa 0040 av"- - hLe r" b.n ne even %tnWrnment shall fail to repair as agreed in paragraph 5, a claim for the cost of such repair may be presented by the contractor under provisions of Public Law 112, 79th Congress, 3 July 19+3 or any other act or regulation under which appropriated funds shall at such time be available. It is understood, however, that any provision of this permit which obligates the government to the expenditure of funds shall be subject to an appropriation being available for its fulfillment. 7. The government may terminate this permit at any time by giving thirty (30) days notice in writing to the contractor. 8. Iny notice under the terms of this permit shall be in writing signed by a duly authorized representative of the party giving such notice, and if iven by the government shall be addressed to the contractor at f =""i and if given by the contractor shall be addressed to The Division Engineer, Southwestern Division, Santa Fe Building, Dallas, 2, Texas. 9. The contractor warrants that he has not employed any person to solicit or secure this agreement upon any agreement for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fees. Breach of this warranty shall give the government the right to annual the agreement, or, in its dis- cretion, to deduct from the rental the amount of such commission, per- centage, brokerage, or contingent fees. This warranty shall not apply to commissions payable by contractors upon contracts or leases secured or made through bona fide established commercial or selling agencies maintained by the contractor for the purpose of securing business. 10. No member of or delegate to Congress or resident commissioner shall be admitted to any share or part of this agreement or to any bene- fit that may arise therefrom, but this provision shall not be construed to extend to this agreement if made with a corporation for its general benefit. 11. The contractor, in performing the work required by this per- mit, shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for em- ployment because of race, creed, color, or national origin. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the -parties hereto have caused this permit to be proper y executed by their duly authorized re resentatives on this day of 194 � . us My of BY Contractor THE L BY Chief, ileal Estate Divi" CITY OF GEORGETOWN WATER & LIGHT PLANT P. O. Box 409 Georgetown, Texas a f) P. O. sox 4121 GEORGETOWN, TERAS LtE C. SLACK CITY MANAGER January 611 - 194? TO WHOU ZT MAY C ONC ERN s .Ray Guthrie agrees to buy the house and outbuildings (6) located on South river bank of San Gabriel river, North of City Serer Farm= buildings 'knovn as "Treuthardt Place*.4100.00 Is here by attaohei. Ballanoe of $900.00 to be paid before the house Is moved. Total sale price $-1000.00 Buyer agrees to remove same In '& reasonable length of time and clean up rubbish end,leave grounds in normal condition* y ut aBuyer 0e C.Nblaok -My manager FIA THE LITY OF {4Z3� �ii�r� GEORGETOWN i ` tir 7• �t P. O. sox 4121 GEORGETOWN, TERAS LtE C. SLACK CITY MANAGER January 611 - 194? TO WHOU ZT MAY C ONC ERN s .Ray Guthrie agrees to buy the house and outbuildings (6) located on South river bank of San Gabriel river, North of City Serer Farm= buildings 'knovn as "Treuthardt Place*.4100.00 Is here by attaohei. Ballanoe of $900.00 to be paid before the house Is moved. Total sale price $-1000.00 Buyer agrees to remove same In '& reasonable length of time and clean up rubbish end,leave grounds in normal condition* y ut aBuyer 0e C.Nblaok -My manager FIA P. O. max 409 GEORGETOWN, TERAS LEE C. BLACK CITY MANAOKR danuary 6. 10417 TO W IMI Ti RAY CONC 2."Cit Ray Guthrie agrees to buy the house and outbuildiz 3s (6) loonted on South river boric of %n Gabriel river,, '`3orth of City Serer Fa ml buildia-3s knomn as "Treuthardt P14a a".V1=.00 to burg by attaohedw� M- 11s o of COM*00 to be Isid before the house Is mvedw Total sale prigs CUM900 Buyer fees to remme sne La a reasonabls longth of time and eloun up rubbish and leave grotuMs In non wi aonditlou* ' r y Gti, tr tl �* �s �7tyr�C v That State of To,: -as fexut'tty of t illiEamoon ITIOW ALL Y BY T1113 3 Pn n Yom? That Is 2911X2001me0ji WIN PON VON of said County and states for and in oonaideration of '$J.'0,0,� Dollars to aye in band paidf the reaeipt nhoroof is hereby eaer» knowle��eds have this days, and do by those presents sells oonve3y and grato unto the Coty of Gerorgotowns Toxnsg an easement or right -or' -way is and through all the eertain lot or pareeal, of landie to -wits In city of Georgetown Block 34 lot #2 Shell Addition Lot is 40 feet Ride and 240 long line to be a rox. 2 f eel not o south roperty line looatod in said City# with rights of''Ar;resee, ln;,*rees and 7reaross in and to the same with full power and authority to lay sewers drainage and wator piping in and through She aforesaid dusaribod propertyw, planing $amen so it will be to the depth of fast under the surfaoe theroofl giving`ato trim said Litt %nd it's assigns ,and suvoess• ors the rLg'ht,e power and+euthority (to make suak repairs 9 it eany# to said sewer* drainages. *end water piping whene verr, from nny reason it shall beome neoossury o' r Stn+ ss my band this the NIM07 .... day ofA..�ri�...�; � 947 P Ths ' V tate of Toxiiir -j County+ of o illieamsoa ° Rofore met the undersigned auihoritys in and for 1,illiamson Cc)untys Texas,w * on this day parson -tally appeared_ Der& McCormack Settt>r known to me to be the porsone who&* sn"no __ 110110 names are subscribed to the foregoing instruments and aoknowledrod to me thats, heexecuted the saw for tho purpose and oonsidaration there In oxpressed,r and the said a, wire of Via said h&vLng been exa►m1%od by me privily and apart from her husband* and having the shins fatlly1' explain ed to hors she, the sea id _ ewok row Heid# Yse)a►ueb 3t�ent to be her aot and dcodo and she deolearerd that she had willingly signed the t asffia for the purpose and coneideration therein expr aeeews and that slier did not retract its Given under my hand and seal of off'iees this dny of A Dwows ON POP ,r ; A THE STATE OF TEXAS, t I, C. O. Beaver, Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify County of Williamson. S that the foregoing instrument in writing with its certificate of authentication, was filed for record in my office on the ... j...1�.•day of...... ».»........A. D. 194....1 at.....».....»...o'clock."f....M., and duly re orded this the....'....... nn' at.. O o'clock.0-M.,in the.. ..I!Y..Q.•+.. day of................ »...........»..,......A. D. 194....1., .».. .. ..... q ..................... Records of said County, in Vol ..»»...... .... ... .s.�....... »...... .........pp..........1....1.........,.................. WITNESS MY HAND and Seal of the County Court of said County, at office in Georgetown, Texas, the date last above written. Deputy Clerk, County Court, Williamson County, Texas v+Yr^ ty o 4 v+Yr^ The State of Texas County of tilliamson KNOW ALL MEN BY TILM pR ' S'1gVTSt That Ig of said County and State, for and in consideration of Dollars to as in hand paldr the receipt whereof is hereby ao.- knowledged, have this day: and do by these presents sell,, convey and grant unto the Coty► of Georgetown, Texas, an easement or right-of-way In and through all the 'certain lot or parcel of land, to•w1ts mow I Block # 34 Lot # 1 AN located Northeast corner of lot #34 Salumhell addition being 80f eet wide land 240 feet long located in said City, with rights of Agress, ingress' and regress in and to the same with full power end authority to ley sewer, drainage and water piping In and through the aforesaid described property, placing *am so It will be to the depth of a;Pproximately 2 to 3 feet under the surface thereofl giving to the said City gnd itts assigns and success-* ors the right, power ;and authority to make such repairs p if Any, to said sewer, drainage'und water piping when"eve�, lfrbm city' beot3 pn,Yt shall become necessary Witness my hand this the 1 4 deny of April - ` � D 1947 4 -aP7- The State of Texas' 2Z County of Williamson Before me, the undersigned authority, in and for Williamson County, Texas, on this day personnallyr appeared RM Guthrie' Bettor known to me to be the persons whole names ars 1subscribed to the foregoing instrcmaent$ and acknowledged to me that , haexecuted the same for the purpose and oonsidoration therein expressed, and the saidMattie M�a_v_�Guthrie ;�, wife of the said Ray Guthrie having been examinod by me privily and apart from her 2eusb ei,-and_he3r ngYthe z Jl exple ,n ed to heir; she, the said Mattie MaGuthrie aoknowledded such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expr,,sses and that she did not retraot It# Given under my hand and seal of office, this 1w,4day of &ril J D 1947 +" yRjary Public VVJiIIiM n Texas. THE STATE OF TEXAS, I, C. O. Beaver, Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify County of Williamson. that the foregoing instrum3nt in writing with its certificate of authentication, was filed for record in my office on the.. s.....day of.......... %i�a...........A. D. 194...1..., at...,.......��.........o'ciock.tI.M., and duly recorded this the -4A ...... day of...»......»..» ....�......»......»...» ...A. D. 194.1..., at...Z....,.. ....o'clock- .M., in the.... ..;�::. .. .............»..., Records of said County, in Vol............ ..4.1)........».»...........pp....».... — k f O... ............... WITNESS MY HAND and Seal of the County Court of said County, at office in Georgetown, Texas, the date last above written. Deputy ....�...r...»_J�JLJ `.'. Clerk, County Court, Williamson County, Texas The State of Texas ) ) County of Williamson) KNOW ALL M12A BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, Dr. J. Frank Clark of said County and State, for and in consideration of the sum of 45.00 Dollars to me in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereiry acknowledged, have this day, and do byzthpse presents sell, convey and grant unto the City of Georgetown, Texas, an easement or right-of-way in and through all that certain lot or parcel of'land, to -wits :" Beginning in the South fence line on highway 104 approximately 665 feet West of South East corner, thence N.E. appx. 620 feet to the West bank of South San Gabriel river, s f thence East to the center of the.ohannel of same river_ which is apps. 550 feet north of the South East corner of 18 acre tract of land de- scribed in the deed records of Williamson County , Vol. 322, pages 228 and 227" which records are made a part of this instrument', " Looated _Williamson County, with rights of agress, ingress and regress in, and to the same and with full power and authority to erect a pole line 'for the electric distribution for the City of Georgetown in and through the aforesaid described property , giving to the said City and its assigns and successors the right, power and authority to make such repairs, if any, to said power lines, from any reason , it shal become necessary. Witness my hand t$1 the da o A.D.11,4411 Witness; The State of Texas County of Williamson; Before me, the under (ned authority, in and for 11 amson Count Texas, on this day personally appeared ri better known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and aoknowledged to me that the executed the s e for th purpose nd o sideration therein ex- pressed, nd the said 6. wife of the said -having been examined by me privily., and apart rom her husband and having the same fully explained to her, she the said acknowledged such instrument to be her act and d ed, 4nd she declared that $he had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed,•and that she did not wish to retract it. f .... .-Given under my hand and seal of Office, This 7day of A.D. �', THE STATE OF TEXAS, 1 I, C. O. Beaver, Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify County of Williamson. s that the foregoing instrument in writing with its certificate of authentication, was filed for record in my office on theA$...day of.!'M..41..................A. D. 1947....., at..j.n.4..A.»...o'clock.l?..M., and duly recorded this the.�U....... day of..........................�..Q.rA�............».....A. D,. 194.2..., at. �.. &.Y......o'clloock..�.M., in the....... .. .................. Recordsof said County, inCVol .... ........4.....I....�..................pp......,...s..,i.»........................ WITNESS MY HAND and Seal of the County Court of said County, at office in Georgetown, Texas, the date last above written. iu- Y__ - .IL ..........Deputy Clerk, County Court, Williamson County, Texas o� � x qn W � � Clerk, County Court, Williamson County, Texas o� Z COUNTY OF WILLI.WISON X 'i£PTY ALT, MEN BY T:4FSE PP^,GENTS, That I N.(). Cluok of scid County and State, for and :.n consid.e.0Qtiou Gf the sum of dallars to me in hand paid, the receipt whereo' is hereby acknowledged, have this day, and do by these presents sell and convey and grant unto the City of GeorgetmvntTexas an easement or right -of -wry in and through all that certain lot or parcel, if land to witspn ArA thru blook If 36 and 601 into blook 34 from the South 14 --ns of blogk 4 in Snyder addition in Georgetown Texas Pr perty Loceted in said Cityt with -the richt o£ -caress, ingress and regress'"" in and to th'a game with full power and authority to lay sewer, drainage and water piping in and through the aforesaid property$ placing same so, it will be t�p fie aepteh oft�3feet under the surface thereof; and to erect a electric distribution line on same; giving to the said,City and its assiane and successors the right power and o - , authority to -make such repairs, if any, to electric line to said sewer, drainage and crater piping whenever, from reason, it shall become'necessaryp Witness m;* hand this the M day 'of gen. A.D. 1947�_� Witnesst THE STATE OF TEXAS COTTNTY OF '17ILLIMPSON1 Befora me, the undersigned 'authority, in and for tNilliamson County Texas, on this day appeared personally.,,,, H.C.Cluck known to the to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed, sndMrs. Emma J .' Cluok wife of the said �....8.. C_ 01=khevinp been examined by me privily and apart from her husband, and having; the same fully explained to her, she, the said ,jjmma J.,, -Cluok Yea Ttnowledged such instrument to be her act Pnd deed, and she declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration theroin stated, and that she did not wish to retract it, Given under my hand end seal of office, this 29 day of Deo, A.D. 1947!//^ }� THE STATE OF TEXAS, i I, C. O. Beaver, Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certif y County of Williamson. S that the foregoing instrument in writing with its certificate of authentication, was filed for record in my office on thef.L.day of...».�............ A. D.194.7.., at..... K »..»»..o'clock. ..M., and duly recorded this the ...... ........ day of ... .... .........».. .....„ ................A. D 194... I, at..42..:..4�..a..o'clock. ., in the ...»...... . .. ............................. Records of said unty, in Vol.......... ..5 „ .......... .... »»....... „.... pp....... �.—7..... ».... ......... »....... WITNESS MY HAND and Seal of the County Court of said County, at office in Georgetown, Texas, the date last above written. By.%Xlt..i.. ........ ..»...... _Deputy v....1.X:..........! .� - .... ............................ Clerk, County Court, Williamson County, Texas ;IN— V � O a The state of Texas Coe►nty of Dill MOW ALL UM BT TMI PAS , That I urpirrATI PAR.e...r.r... Of said County end Stat*,,for and In 00nslderatiom of the grit of ,�. QIQ Dollars to ere is h'nd p41494 is bsre- by acknowledged, let" this lay, and do koxacby those presents sell and eon"y and grant unto the City of Comgetem j 'Tonus aQ sesemik or right-of-way in +and through all that -'Rsrtain lot or pereolL of leBQ, to witaN block 5 bein lotd # 1-2-7.8 of blook' 5 _AbgXs.,n;gDerjv Ig described in. the deed records of Williamson QOunty__ IQ gagg 9 which record is made a art of this instrument located in said City, with the sight of agrees, ingress and rsgroas In ADA to the seers with full power tad authority- to lay sewer, drainago and crater pipias in 4nd through the if'oresaid property, plaeing some so it will bo' to the depth of�,, fee• uMor the swrfaoe thereot= gi+roier (rt elea ii Cit istr is oons� ins on the above property y fgas and sueoessors he right In power and authority to make sash repairs, it any, to *'aid sewer, draleage and water i�+i wh*ao or treoa p � , any reasoai, it girrll Iroaeoae _naessary. Witness spy hs std -Shia the day or „�� ,i.D. bituoarst � - a+�+�wr.�wrrrrnrr r 'rho State of Tame Ciounty of 11111amma Before Me the U"Orilgnod authority," is and for 111111amsora county, Terae►se os this da y appyarel V*rsonelly We rre n Ro se known to me to be the person. whose nacre is 'subsorlbed to the t'oregoisg instrument, and aoknowiodged to nae that ..h.'.. executed t germs for the °peirpases and emrralderatlons therein expressed* and Fd 68 Rose Trite of the sail r1IIrrRn R ee .— --+I► hawing been esanined by inns prlvily and apart ft e hsr husband, =end bAVing the sas►e fully osplainod to heir, shoo, the gild Edna Rc$e _'" aa�arowl gad *uok inst�r ni to to her aetw t:nd dood, and she deolared that she had willingly signed the same for that purposes and eanelderatios thereisr stated, sad that she did not Nish to rotraet its 0i•e11 alder spy ban& and seal of ethos, thist„�, nday of oat 1947 OWN "Now ETh�I ?491ary Pubk V11am%n C;wnty, ark 1 s A )4 THE STATE OF TEXAS, i I, C. O. Beaver, Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify County of Williamson. s that theforegoinginstr(u�.met in writing with its certificate of authentication, was filed for record in my office on the .... 0..... day of.. _..... .............»...A. D.194..1..., at....l..». ...o'clock. M., and duly recorded this the....». day of. ....... ........ ................. A. D. 194.1..., at ... L..... .....o'clock ..`. -M., in the ..... !:Ll .................................. Records of said County, in Vol........j...I$.......................pp.......J..�.. .......................... WITNESS MY HAND and Seal of the County Court of said County, at office in Georgetown, Texas, LIXL�_.Deputythedate last above written. .�..�..� .C..Q....... i �,�s r.4_.�......_...�..... Clerk, County Court, Williamson County, Texas w o � raw TriT :"1 ATE GF TRUS 00"JNTY 07 W1j,LIj.MSON � If`TOT ALL MEN LY T,TLSE PPr', >ENTS, That %_I. L. Dodson & Bennie Dodson of seid County and. State, for and in aonsideratio+j crf the sum of dellars to me in hand paid, the receipt whereo.' is hereby acknowledged, have this day, P.nd do by these presents sell and convey and grant unto the City of Georgetovrn,Texas an easement or right-of-way in and through all that certain lot or parce'if land to wits pArt of lot #34 beginning at south east corner and running north 601 with the East property Xing umme"'being t;,A, -:,0---Ing A ti%w rt a iW L___ nndpon out of Snvder Addition Is pity -r- Vi www'.f5GwWty" *W -u i Loceted in said City, with the right of agress, ingress and regress in and to the same with full power and authority to lay sever, .drainage and water piping in and through -the -aforesaid property, placing same so it will be to the depth of'T feet under the surfaes .thereof; and to erect a electric distribution line on same; giving to the said City and its assigns and successors hhe'right power and authority to make such repairs, if any, to electric ,line to said sewer, drainage i�znd water piping whenever, from reason, it shall become necessary, Witness my hand this theAf day of Witness= THE STATE OF TEXAS COtTNTY OF '^IILLZII+TSONX Before me, the undersigned authority, in an for 'rill 11ams n Co7�� on this day appeared � p personally ' 4� known to rye to be the person whose name is 1:xecuted ribed to the foregoing instrument* and acknowledged to me that the same for the purposes and considerations AA therein expressed, and i�rK-�� L"4#�Vwife of the said • having been examined by me privily and apart from her husband, and having; the same fully explained to hereshe,_ the said -� "� a�:knowledged such instrument ,.....,,_.,,,., rument to be her act encs deed, and she declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration thorein stated, and that she did not wish to retract it. Given under my hand end seal of office, this -5 Y day of 51 !- • Y.... A , D * �..... . - notary�QF ub"s.� c THE STATE OF TEXAS, i I, C. O. Beaver, Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certif y County of Williamson. ! that the gqforegoing instr ment in writing with its certificate of authentication, was filed for record in my office on the.;..C.daZi ........ �..R. t.,........»»...A. D. 194.1..., at...,[.... ' »o'clock�M., and duly recorde this the..»day oP...»....»...�C.e....»................»...A. D 194..x.., at .». .».......o'clock»...I..M., in the ...... !a:1,u.....»....... ........... »..»....» Records of said County, in Vol ... .........57 ...416 ....... .... ...»».»........pp............ ».........».»..».». WITNESS MY HAND and Seal of the County Court of said County, at office in Georgetown, Texas, the date last above written. f6 �1 By... »........1-�+ ....«.._...Deputy ............L.0 ...... ld .A1�1�1.11.�......... ......._........»»... Clerk, County Court, Williamson County, Texas • H co 91 N\ I III . � h H t5 r� `har �^ w W . O E4 04 a H H • H co 91 N\ I III . � h 0-0 r� `har w q"4 0 4