HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 09.04.1922 CC-R � AOL V)'-f�,A.�C Q.....�C c -.,c .G`C.p�' r t�..�., ... a4!e .<.. •�.�. to" �. 1, 1 �., G, �'a•o ��-Gc� �;�-.. 4, j t, 71. AA JPA zet.lc�� 74 all. Z44.. AI&4&� 40-4,� AOL V)'-f�,A.�C Q.....�C c -.,c .G`C.p�' •Tl i _ /. _ EGGS d• , f. ; ....wia.a - - AN MINA= SING nNAI, ASSE$5zNTs 4G,,,nTST ABUTTING PROPERTY 0112MRS AIM THD IR PROIMUT'Y FOR 116PROVIIISHT'S Or CDR- TAIN ITAHED $T TS AIM PORTIOVa Or STMMTS tITHIR THE, CITY OP G.VOiRGDT07M, Tmis PrOvID11TG FOR TIm OF PAYI-%NT, I-Z,T110D Z3T rirrow NG awmws, THE IssuArcE OT "sioNABiE ctRTTrT- CAMS , AND COLLDGT.LCIT AIM A7. TO r,,=Yt S I=S. •.ww..T ----tin nwww------` ---- ---- .---------- BE IT OMAINM BY THE CITY COIWCIL OF THE CITY 011 GDOUGLTOV9, T:QM - Sec, 1. That the assessments hereinafter set out, be and they are hereby rade against the abutting property and the owners thereof, for improvements made 4.nd to be made on and along the following streets and portions of streets in the City of Geor(,etown, Williamson County, Texas, to -wit ON U33T STMMT, from the North property line of seventh Street to the South property lane of fifth Stieet, end from the South property line of Eighth Stieet to the North property 1:.ne of Twelfth Street and from the South prow pexty lane oir Twelfth Street to tho North property line of Seventeenth Stxoet. %1hich assessments heiexn made for the above named portions of card Street are for the paving Eith Uvalde Rock Asphalt and the placing of concrete curbs Lnd gutters along the lines of said Stzc,et an certain instancep, Sec. S. That the assc.sLments hercin raaae agw. nat abutting property and the otrnern thereof, are hereby made a lien against such pxaperty and a personal obligation agwanst the owners of such prop6rty, aaxne to be enfoxce"ble and xc.cov- crable in any court of oompetont urisdiction, such lien to be the first ei.foreeable claim agai.rlst the propeFty against which it is assessed, supez for to all oto er claims t except State, County and 1;Unicipal taxes i except thAt no lien is undertaken hereby to be fixed L8axnat property oxenpt-by the lays of thio Stste under execution, but in suoh event the oNners of such l• -L Poyy a F property shall not be exempt from porponal 1.1wollity for the cost of such improvements constructed in ivomnt of their a- butting property, which is hereby apsessed ag"inet trem,- $cc, 3. The t the assessments.horein rade are to be due and p4 yuble as follows t to -v it One -f if th(1/5) osh R ithin thirty days after ac- ceptance of the improvements, by the City of GeQrgotot,n, Texas, One-fifth (1/5) in oke year, bne--9 fth (1/5) in two yeers, one-fifth (1/5) in three years, and one-fifth (1/5) in four years- from the said date of thirty days aftei the ac.. oeptanee of said improvements by the said City of Georgetown, Tex- as. That the said deferred payments shall bear inter- est at the rate of sight (8,%) per cent per annum, from said date of thirty days 4fter acceptance of such improvements, provided, hoT,evex j that said oilers of abutting pxopeity may maT;e payments, In whole or In part, on the deferred amount at any time before maturity by payment of principal end accri;ecl- intc,xest to date of such payment: .See. 4. That the total costs of such improvements 3sthe suM of ------------------------------ That ---------------------- -.. That time proportion of the costs, lihich it is proposed to- assess agc,inat pro - party ov rnors And their property xs tho sun of 111 c _. 111 r And the total amount to be paid by the City of GeorgetolM. is the sum of That the amount per front fopt assessed against each parcel of Praperty and itis owner, not including the cost of ourbs and gutters, all of Yihich orbs and gutters are assessed against the respective property and it's owners is according to the vi dth of said Street, as follows`, to -wit. $0 foot Streets 60 It It - --r------- _ -------------1,"'5*1.1.. 57 ------------------ ---$4.7.0. 40 foot Streets -------------a_-.,-------- -$2.$8. Seo15. It is further oxdained that the following as- sessments be, and they are hereby made against the abutting pro" perty owpers for the xmprGvements sdt out as fgljoivs, to -lilt - Column No. one oetting out the ame of the oiner of such abutt2ng property, -Columna Nak tti1oA,,, .the location or dogarip- txon of the property, Column No. tb2,,the frontage in feet 4nd A Al Column No, fzznle total asbessment made aga.ii1st sucli piece of property and the ov6ner thereof whose nake appe4is in Qojumn No. Pas#4 3-L Ml"r'w r 4. * 1 r , Mrb1 14 GIttadoo6k 0 12a 061b420Y 14 01 06 7y rigdae ;1ozi79*I tIoM3 A w 120 } Board 02 C)w'rdll:Fxtcpaatln 5 33 120 40atgo* r lOvOXv is UO Ito. 119 rts4r 38 12Q 4613.40. irm 60 40382,001 rtpnn 4 110100A 3?t.4 bi ioq $045#004 Wo r, pord Pt14 6: 22 $1117-110# lira-, stoat, Phitteol)urf, Pt.6 59 41 1"17.02.70i 3,ipa rtl p, x tixcsh L-At6nciorl o.Lty 1(41.4 fii al 0341tiov Trive, I nd Atkinnon '7& 4v l i G. X345 f pd * 24-roN 10• 'z.. 'D'u it ! f• {i l oG# X240 120 *34tH961 i I'£3 • ' x t ? " ¢4 it 2 2 ay _ .20 - P40 60 • oun RqJ Uru. f4 La Dlemitt 4(' 'tp-itoop" 44 so *nd 00:Lib 22G '1.3 41-D4.3.8# 7t :R• '240b -Q tb- pt,0 :9111.6 64 41,94,42* Qy2"i VEfb ?hko + SSA4 is 196 00461,30 + miap -sa U1. 5f3t3 F3 G 2 r x.20 ` 345,$8 -T%. Y. liop6oh... a$ Owego* Gra=aar gbbc)gl 1940' 4670t8by t Godw Ublb7 Tto r4f ;,o,,-rolr A4d 04 Okb3 60. 10$.7 0311.644 r,1 .3dt i4to„ 5 GGA iKaxxdtr Azad• -19 v 2d f3 .0 4 ita MY 70 UolroV Ad4j U1 jv 0319 OR40 f+ Prank 04 llumpl*,oy V t lrortoy AAd Ila* VllbiO M* Uro, Jo A4 of 1;* lokrgvr Add, nil. p#874 Jqe !Aepp 44,440 ] 100* 0286vSS, 1frq i ?aka/ liu7.l.oy +r + _ it if 9 UO U864884 04 134 8i tton 0c It It DiVA 'Be Add* 76- 21840- dbif Zoaan I L I?tP tea.*DtV* 311 %PL -6 14 60 SlWiOv 9a t9 t-ti Name Lot Blbbl. feet Oscar Foxsvall 0. farrow Add. 180 Ld. Cli eitzberb Pt, of 0. Morrow JUd.100 I vs. -r-osa I Lit tenburg A. HfMvrew Add. lYl H. R. La,. dell 1t it It 111* X. C. uutton B. Ito—row Add, 1113 W. X. Pord Mt4 of B. Lorro n Aad. 11V- Mrs. 12-Mrs. Lrutb. Bobo of C . 3x-orrosq Add. 111* cgoncf banoom 'Pt, of 0 Votrovr Add.100 >Vts. laura IYilem= 0. L. 7.,Div B.Part 120 Ifra . B. A. DiMMItt 8 LQB.-- 3 , ,.7Z -- Ali 2. shier Sohn Bush Bell Thom oaon Ct R. Paubion 'Tay Shc=an Lee 0. Allen T.. F. layloi Xtra. r .,.T. 120che Ar. ,fm. Schultz 5-6& 7 " 234 l " 2 78 2 78 3 78 4 78 5 & 0 26 120 7 & 8 " r20 ,,6& 4, 27 120 i z " 120 Assessment. $516.58, $286.88. %319.81. 4319.87. X319 , £i7 a1q 7y, 3G4.ah. $292.80r x`823.40. $223.1Y. 122o?77: $923.77. Z347/86. 6324.. 00. $34'7.86. X324.00. an's-C 0% nut 50Gkp0 Sdi" t og / i'Zti 00% 1 P 4--- s II h►v Sec. 6. That the City Council of the City of oeorgetownTe - Vis, shall cause to be issued in the name of the City of Georgetown,) Texas, assignable certificates,. deolaring the lidbilit:,r of such o- wriers 'and their property E.gainst v;hom such assessments have been m . - o anc to %6a levied against 7therh and thein proT).erty.'said cer- tif 'cates tprecite that the prori`eedings with reference to the n a :ing' of such as hereinbefore set ,fortlwlhave been regularly had in compliance with the law, and.°trrat.'dl._ pre-r t'ui. sites to the' fixing of as..ses'ementsMand tax liens a&Z-1nst the pro= perty described and the personal liability have been complied with and said ce.tificates shall be for the amoLmt due by the resrective owners and fixed as a lien against their property and to be payable at the time the reel;ective anounts due on such as. sessments against such respective owners and their prontrty are due urger this ordnance, and to draw the same rate of interest m is provided in this ordinance on all deferred payments on such assessments; and shall further provide that if it becomes neves- cary to force t?_eir. obligation at Jaw there shall in addition to Pr >theiir f'vaii 6, 'a'c l, be due on tf`iem 'raas0411 atr't, o yCeas or 5 `their colllcifon', if x'nQ#red, and .sh'.11 be tn rceable r.:in ).fee same manner a 7t r .rig' a a se8errient r tax ` r ' t Passed the day of ^ , A. D. 1922. Exanined and approved this the day of , A. D. 1922. ATTEST; Nwyor , of the City of Georgetown, Texas. CITY CLEi;K, CITY OF GBORGETO0, TEXAS. .14A 2..