HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 08.07.1922 CC-R T, ���e.,.,..-e�. �. • l �t IiU � � 2tr. ,Gtr . fc . I } is -. ��r• W^V � ��Jr � � "' ISI r �'1(r7�� ��� W Z •'� f , �i f • Nb 1LNCD -DD$$11T .AGAMOT PROPA PTY, ARIL GMWL%S MiXOpi DPON NA,XX BTId.DT, %0 3M PAVDb Sal THD CITY OR GLO1%fa1aO1N, MiQ4. A r—asolut`ion of the City GgOrgLtot11t T'e=a, de-" tetmining tho nooLanity of levying an as000smt nt �z �in$t tlio propk arty and tbo omm $ �h4rebf , abutting upoz is tree t, Ithin 'Elle City of GoorgctQwn, Tc.ma, fl2i.ng a ��o for thb heating of tba o% mro of said property gno dcal4 ing racer to '00 Ln Clr.zgency meatsulo, to-% it; Prom N. prop. Lin& of 7th ' ti to 8. prop. Tine #th '�t. i rid frost 8, uv6p+ line of 8th Stk to No prop. line of 120 Uts and from So prgp17th Stt to N. prop. line of ;,7t4 at. .fie It xo4olved by the City Counbilof the duty of 4 c'Or8Ltount Texuar M,T TwIl 3s, Tho -Uity loynall of thp�ktj of Goo rce- M torn, hfo 2,4-gataf6re; by xc aolutxon., ordt rpd the improve- .,Sut of 21 Zin '14'ract x d*L tho a Prgpi.vtzv a%m of 'nth �ti eat to tbo 0. proPATtY lino of 6'�4 jtrCbt 4z" td xamt q Xixa .rty line or 8th 'At -14t to the *,12. props. �y Jlne of 12th 'I trgc. t , end fron 8. 'p t 1l,rtes Qf 12UL 3i.roc.t to—the V. pkop z - ty lim of wtiUyeado, zipok Amph It, a lad tbo Ulldx of a�xb arid,uite �c au sittor 0144, of .Vefd atiects, i i,en �..xid 'rbom fo xhd * uOpsst +j, In i ctoordauce vi`th tho tL 2us of said recta },tion; ancl� J7J :'I 3;:..►;,, in accordanoe v ith law F nd the City `..Tarter of said : ity of Geor etawb's a fte.r• :r++vc:i tiaib;g for bids, the pork of improving the aboVe menticued Direeto, `b;,twcen Paid. i:uinto , to be improved with UV,,Alde :ocNiki t hats 'been let to We Z. Doxier; and YVHE ::C, a contract Las i;ees i Qrite:rcd into betwen ti e mid city of ,nd W. E. `Dozicr, on the 7th day of July, 19220, and WFXIIAS,' Yr. No ,Ilarris, The City &mCinte>r of said City of Geor,Gtovm, Texu a, in, &Qcordanae with a reaclution of cn-id City Council ixc retofore pa..st3d , has f ii.e;,d �-4 report w i th the City Council, as to the cost of said inprovew-.�entu_..:nd the matter required by luw -,;nd s id resolution, which report or statement an filed by kaid City Engineer, h:4 be ,.n •duly f_p_;,r6ved and the City Coun:.il of cmid City. of Gear Ectoim,, has at finally det::r!mined to assess a part of the cost of said improve» m.:nt against the said owm.:e rind their property. ,.Iet. That it is fin -illy :-eter:uined. 1,._r�,oy Lo nucsh kl�art 'f' tLie cost of £4if1 Lt.-rovt_n.:nts aC aalµtt th;; o: nur of --aid prupf.;rty imd ag,°.#nat thc.ir prop;,rtj, ...s s,zovidL;d. - 2nd. The.t a learin-, shall be Ci.ve n tc the owntre of the said prcperty '.r their age!7oe or .Gtn ^rie,yc , �,rld ,.` l p.rvers in- terested in the: r..id -.atter tits to t�i,:. it Fjnd Vo to the w,launt to be e.nseesecl es,.ch w-ner �.ru property, end as to the L-trie its to Vaid property from said ir;:Fz•ove,'Icnto, or r.�.ziy other thirj, ;.n e,1nne;cti or. t :ere:with, which:., hearing shall be had in the City I:iai: Of said "%ity of Geor&.to%n, Tex=ys, on :- the 14 urs3' of . c:�Q! Y , 1� 2, e,t o'clock, Y. t EY;Iolj'-tizr.e: vlI eaid cv:zers, ti-vir 6uerlts or attorneys, or g;crc r.e ir.trc:bt c' i.23 i;1•CrcxtJ are retifi ed to appear rand be i e -rd; -A t3itzh hi;;&r�ng raid oune ro or othLr persons, may appear by eounsA , or in. r. ereon, and. ray offer e9iJ`nee, and a.id jit.a.ring c�} -'11 be ad�ourn(;d frof,: clay to clay antil fin- ally i,rid the City . Lrk of thrs cta.id City of GtorgtAo-m, Texas, iQ Ilcreby directed and ordered to give no - ties of owid hL ring by having this rc:.olution yubliOwd three timQs in tho Vili'la:,.can CourAy gun, the first publL..cA.on to b be made at lez:.st ten tiara before the &Ae of such licax-Ang, and to im,il taoh a wm�r, ;:he it agL,nte or Ott orneys {' c: Copy thL.Crz0f, at least tLn", ays bGforc the (,rote of cuuh Luaring. f i 3rd. That sifter s.'d Aearxng s,a�d City council Mill, oy ordinance, assaeaA ss, luipet the o Ait)rz of 4aid pxazarty C.nd a- 042nst their prdperty, zua�h z t ,ae s�iL be dots i flied to be jiisst zvnd eaultable, and Vlan suidraoaesj�zent will be ,lade to 4voordt.nee `rith the "Tront Foot Plan," as the frontage of the ovmer xs to the i hole iron*ce t6be improved, provided. that if the said plan shall be determined in 4ny' Case to be unjust or 1no_quitdble, that the City,,Cot�icil *111 adojit such zuic. 4r ap- -portiontent as shall. "tie ust and d auaiobl.e , having �n mirid the benefits to cath comer, Lnd t1A btirdeng impossc,d upon tLem., Vrovided that no ss o sesssment shall be wade against any O%MLr, or his property in exoLss3 of tht bs.nefits to said propar�y in enhanced value thereof, fby means of such imps~ovanc.nts. 4th, That the total dont of such improvements as shot n by the reports of toe City Lng;neer, which rcpbrt �ss i Ode a Sart of this resolution is the sum. of $3044.,.2. That the proportion of the coat i h:Lcl� it is prorbsed tp as- sscuo against prop-rty owns.ro Lnd t reit pz dperty :Lp $18421,15, T114t, the mount per front, foot rrhzah it is proposed to assaaaa a$ :insl �.ach parcel of pro�crty and Atss owner, not includlilL, y the coat of curbs and gutters, all of 711AQh coat of curbs 5 and gutters:s is ausessed against the respep�ive property 6un- OT01 is, according to the vy ath of the dare �s3, as follor,,Q, tA,, rit 30 foot ptrLets3�-MP) 60 *foot otreots - 05,11; 40 J 0o .'pix :sstb - 02.88, 28 Ts of stleets - btJr, That thL- nameO of persons, corporations nd ,�-Lts est ov�ming 1;oaparty gbuttxng they i,Provei4ent,ss + tho dessari, 4dlia of thoil property and the t 41 amount inc�u4ing the oast 0J. cuibs and gultteiss, to be aosessed againat Lacll pardv1 0X propLrty and 1t) a ovncz is, as follovls, to -Nit. i�... Georgetorn, Texam, Aug, 7, 1922. To the City Council of the City of Georgetorns Texas. In accordance cath your ds.rcatzonp 4ontazne cl �n Ieuo_ I luti.on')�crpto�ora pa.ssssed, l Pave made a pr4liminary LBt.inate of the total soot of tie improvement of the ,streets 4verecl by recglutionss of your body to be �nppoved, the proportAon to be laid by the City of GcorgLtotJn, ;Ipd roperty ownerp, the post pGr lineal foot to be assespbd agatinst the prop,-Tty owners and. their property, thL namoa of the property owners Plid 11 0ooilptxqn Qf the Vpplovty owood by Vheri tgnq the total --77 cost to be ass eieed,',against each, and bei to 2zc.reVith, sUbmxt my sa..d eotxmaie and report thereon. Respec ully suo4tted, W.rN. Rarrisi City Engineer, City 'of Goorgetoim, AS a^ sRl " OTi 'PnoP,ChT'� o RS ON—i; ,t T sT T il.'ItOVEi� T. U Name Lot Block Peet Assevs-nent. Mrs. Ii. J. GlaFsueock GO 39 120Y 51320. 0, D. Y, Zod ge ITo .170. I>t AW 39 �', 220 0613.20. )t -Board rte' ..hutch Mcteno:O on 5 38 20 $613.20. &I.0.0.Y. Lodscz aro 179 Pt 4 3 ...- 120 *613.20. 14ro. Lily ptkxrsan � 60 *982.09. ��r" Stone & 7Telson Pt -4 51 106 "''635.004 �. W. P. Iord � hl 22 a 117.70. ui. s . I,'. tvanz 3 52 60 282.00 14rs. Vbx t tenburg pt. 6 52 A2 X192.70. M x BOP -1(I of Uhuich EIctansion Iti.J 51 24rs. P. s vans 7&zvt.6 52 80 390.10. City Miall rt. 5 51 61 0341.1or. P3 ice and AtLinnon I& a- I.G. 120 $0-45.00. Mrs. If. L. Diugitt Ger, I.G. 120 �34�t9S. U918. Irary -qobertson 1&r. 2.G. 120 .. x`345.65. J'02M urrenson 2G 120 w045. 00.E 24ro. M. 1. D�wji'Lt b c.�`it.7 22G 103 X314.06. Mp:�-Z copc.l Church 1&2 13 120 03,15.00. $'..S. and, 11ol-ip Sharpe Tt.5-G&7 22G 73 0154.18. .F. '47. 2.ucholte Pt.3&G 92G 64 x194.42, Cyrua Eubanks 3&4 13 120 4346.30. hiss aertha Ta,uloee R G22� 120 1343.38. Wo X. heneon MG G221 120 /'324.0. GrAMMr Gchool, 240 -G73.50. Geo. Xcahey It. G. t orzow Ada. 64, $2$3,,60. J. E. Jones u 11 It if 1.08.7 $$11.$4. Elliot Stone G. ?ror3. olr Add. 79 02%6.64. Jinn 254y r. Lorrow Add. lllL 0,319.$7. �+1'3:,ank C. iiurlphrey Y. orxor Add. lllk $61M7. YC Jdhn I3reoeke - of E. I orrow Add. 111 0315,$7, i. R2oharduorn Esz. * of E. ItorioW Acid. 1113 $519.87. Joe :70gar of U. Z orrow Add. 100 4286. $$. Urs . liafiSr Halley d If 11 it ,) 100 $286.8a. G. B. $utton 0; L. T. Div. B..&da# 7G , 218.03,. Nod Lot 3311pok 1;111� Ikt► of DL j;Vjrvw AAq4loo $ti.8E3{ -14- 1-hittonbt=(�- X. rerrorr .A It , 33,J }��! • IS• Rw T.,$ I.rJC ,3. �0 I -ow Afid, Ai* v Ford $dti of �3' . d. lam* �' 3 .3M13V *1, �, trta 3opo Of 0i ko} .rolr tdd 4 ill* 487. tooPizi ba11003 1'tj of of Yarow ,A444300 $986,86, M144 zaurtx *21a 0t Z6 :E b wUvX4 rb "t, 220 *3$4 � 64v rRgs. L4 H, Dirmi.tt 8 Does S, 70 *A92.80. �r• 3f �►ttox S5►•t3 . 7 is 234 4843. 40 y ti244 � Ob., Doll '"10 ipsota 7p Cy .kir 74ubit,n 7$ N23177. Vay 61-�r7aen 4 ff76 /+ (�r �*22$4771 �y al � 120 ►34�d a w r `t IT, � 27 .x20 $341,804 `Dr. ami bLhUItx 31 1243 v^3d4;00, X3.8421. �1�i + GO* Tint .111 ori x.23: -nea 1, na rpp olutf anz Rua i)a:rtq pf p, l s nota d-c,uoxutxt,)av in w,cAil.iot borewit)l at'4 lure" _bar 1Qd.r 7tb. Mxt thct fAot that t1le strpot nazod to be Improv. d U fez r,rrat nc ad of ;WpxdvoMonf, =caters d pu'bli4 nocpr� sjfoy, r to ,t this-Cx0Iutlpn bo an.1 ghs E!We 10 rj;rt�b�r c.dblaxsd to "bp iAi crgcnc y meacuro and tb&t jt- tgLp Gficot T;ro3d and 4;rtur Atv c D'?,tsc r,e rard i i*rovAl by the 1pyor c.nd ..qty Opune,110 "7"