HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 07.24.1946 - City MilkA �-o e - T':�X f &11� AN ORDINANCE AItrOilMING SUBDIVISION "(0)" , OF SECTION I, AND AI, ECFDITTG SECTION 5 OF THAT CERTAIN ORDINANCE KNOWN AS"CITY MILK 01DINANCE", THAT WAS PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOSTT;,f TMUS 6W THE 22nd DAY OF OCTOBER A.D, 1946; AND DECLARING AND EIVIERGE11M BE IT ORDA MED BY ,Thi CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOIuN, TMUS: That Subdivision "(0)" of Section 1, of that certain ordinance of the City of Georgetown, Texas, known as "City Milk Ordinance* that was passed and lipproved on the 22nd day of October A.D. 1946 shall hereafter read as follows: "(0)" TvIitk Products: Milk products shall be taken to mean, dream vitamin D Milk, Buttermilk, cultured buttermilk, milk beverages, skimmed milk and shimmed milk beverages. " That Section 5 of that certain ordinance of the City of Georgetown, Texas, known as the "city Milk OrdinanW , passed and approved on the 22nd day of October A.D. 1946, shall hereafter read as follows: Section 5: That It shall be the duty of the City Health Offioer of this City to determine and fix the grade, if any, that is to be given to all milk and milk products that may ome under bis juriadjotJoA, supervision or control, under the provisions of this ordinance; and that he shall have jurisdiction , supervision and con— trol over ull such milk and milk products, that may be ultimately sold or offered for Sale toa a consumer, or to consigners within this City. Tint, upon application made to him by any owner, manager , or any person having control of any dairy, dairy farm, dairy barn, milk plant, factory or other place where milk or milk products are produced, pro- oessed , or prepared for market, to consumers within this City; to make and cause to be made all necessary examination and inspection of said place or places where said milk or milk products is being produced, or where said milk or milk products is being being processed, or is being�,prepared for market; and make and cause to be made, inspection and examination of all utensilsm implements and machinery connected with such production, prosessing or manufacturing of,same, with ref- erenoe to the cleanliness of the same, and the purity of such milk and milk products; and with reference to the persons producing, processing and manufacturing the same; and it shall be his duty, before granting any permit hereunder, to see that no conditions exist with reference to the production, processing or manufacturing of such milk or milk "nroduets, that do not eonfor* tq the sanitary requiremeAts pgrtaininq rj0L' to and g*verning dealers, handlers, and sellers of food to oonsumers within said City , under the health ordinances of this City. That before granting any permit to any producer of milk or milk produots, it shall be the duty of the City of the City Health Offioer to pause proper inspection of the cows from whio)a suoh milt is prpduoed and to determine that said cows are free from Bangs Disease, and free from tubergulosis, and free from any and other diseases that might affect the purity of said milk; and no permit shall be grunted unless suok cows are free from *iseases that affect the purity of the milk. That the fact that it is necessary to wake olear, certain of tlae provisions of the said "City A4ilk Ordinanoe", of date October 22nd, 1946, crettes an emergeney, making it necessary that the rules requiring ordinances to be read at three spearate meetings before final passage be suspended; anddtthat said rules are hereby suspended, and this or- dinanoe is at once passed and is ordered to take effect from and after its passage." Passed and approved this the —T. du of July A.D. 1947. ity of orgetown,TOR Attest : Secretary -- City of GeorgetoZ, Texas �cbF