HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 03.10.1947 CC-RGeorgptnwn, TexaP Vnrch ln, 1A47 The City Council met in regular session on Mag.10, 19479 Yayor George C. Hester presiding, the following being present: City 11anager Lee C. Black; Aldermen: J. R. Chastain,C.C.Hamilton, To P. Hoffman, the following aldermen being Absent; Sam E. 'Tilcox, and Sam E. Harris. Officers present; C. S. Sanders, assessor=collector; A. P. Pickle, marshall, IT. Z. Cates, secretary. On motion of Alderman Chastain the minutes of the prvious session were approved: On motion of Alderman C. C. Hamilton, bills and accounts in the amount of $688.55, as presented by City Manager Black in his monthly report were ordered paid. On motion of Alderman Chastain, seconded by Alderman Hamilton, the mayor was instructed to appoint a committee to investigate the possibilities of obtaining a suitable tract of land that may be used by the citizens of African d:scent of the city, as a playground., The Mayor appointed the following as the com- mittee: Yanager Lee 0. Black, C. C. Hamilton, and J. R, Chastain. On motion of Alderman J. R. Chastain, seconded by Alderman C. C. Hamilton, the Mayor was given authoirty to sign a lease contract between J. D. Brance of Houston, and the City of Georgetown, in which the said J. D. Brance leases to`said city all of lot No. 8 and part of lot, No. 7, in Block No. 3 of the glasscock addition to said city, to be used by said city as a parking lot. (See page 199A for contract in full.) The motion passed unanimously. On motion'of Alderman Chastain, seconded by Alderman Hoffman, nyor George C. Hester was given authority and directed to sign deed for tertian city property as set out in the deed,to Sam Harris. On motion of Alderman Chastain, seconded by"Alderman Hamilton, authoizing the completion of the Pngvall tranaction', and the sign- ing by lii ornPeorgeeCi�iHegttrnofoalll--necessary papers. There occuring no further business and because of pending Salary -or- dinance committee the session adjourned to meet march 18, 1947. 1 yor City of Georgetown, Texas Attest• ��.. �secretary, City of Georgetovin, Texas 199 114Y-0114 IRZ 5TATE 01' VAAS3. C Cid 1: CF `` I LL I AW QV. this C ntraot, between J. p. Br.a.nos, of Foneton, Za.rri s County, Toxae,' hereln celled Leasor, and the City of Georgetown Texas, herein called City, wi tnessetht lie$ Lansorl hfF; bigreby rents and leases to the City all of Lct Not a, hnd part of Lrt %o. 1.4 to Block Bo„ Z e of the Glash- Cock Addition to the bald City, &nd desertbod as followst Beginnig at the No W. Co.. of the said Block Z,; thencq,east with the B. lira of the said Block 120 foet; thence south 100 fast; thence .gest 120 feats to. the Wo line of said Block; thenoo north with tits a, lins of said ..Bloek 100 ,fest to the 91-.ae of beg!nn1nZ# Th -@t the said Lease shall beGin on the 1st day oA Rpril 1947 ;:end o.%tlnas in fora3e for one year frVom said date, , ranlees sooner terminated under the t9rms t e'reoto T'hRt the City mall pay, as o oul dersti on for rho saV ler.ra, a monthly rents.1 of the sum of thirty, ($ZOoOO) dolUrs, payable In adynnoe, the first payment being due on Uril 1st 1917) and that a, fai lat to ,pay eny monthly rental when doe, shall at th4 election of Lear -or, forfeit ood IeF-a* t wW sho1l entitle la-sor to tha .twediate possessl "* of said prFoperty. ' F -t 'fit it is sigreed rrd unusratood than el thor 0 panty hereto ohall have the right to terml nate this laase 0 before tk. to C� expl.ratlon deta thereof; by giving in writing notice to the operetta H s� ,party, fct l ect lese ttl+?n tj?1 rtV days in advtaxtce of date ct termi joaticui, of such Intent to terminate same. It this lease be not terms na.ted In on of the m4naers abgVO mentioned, prior to its expiration -date-, Pnd the ieaeor shall then dealre to continue the came.for another year under the terms and oon- dltions herein speolfted, the City Sahll have the retght,.it its opt#ons to continue this oontraot for another yd ar; b)t continueln4 to pay the monthl.v rentals e+bove speoi tied„ It to contemplated that the City will use the property above desoribed as a City Yrk+ng Lot, and at the term+n�itton of the lease,, shall have the r1ght to removefrom, all impravm.=nt pl-qoed there® The C i V Genet :nE ' 1 his Maroh 10th, to p. 1947, BY, 2r -G. �AVQx. sasor. PARKING LOT LUM J, 1). BRANCE . TO CITY OF GE ORGET OWN TMZA,3.