HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 09.10.1945 CC-RGeorgetown, Texas September /090-1945 The City Council of the City of Georgetown Tet in its regular monthly session on the above date, mayor 11. F. Smith presiding; the following itembers and officials being present: Aldermen: F. E. Buchholz, J. R. Chastain, C. C. Hamilton, W. P. Hoff3pan, Jr., and Sam E. Wilcox. B. H. Cruce, city manager; i2. L. Cates, Secretary, Dinutes of all previous meetings of the Council were read, and on motion of Alderman Chastain, seconded by Alderman Wilcox, they were approved, Financial Committeeman Wilcox Read the bills and accounts, and on motion of Alderman Buchholz, seconded by Alderman Hamilton all ac- counts presented were approved and ordered paid, Persuant to a petition presented to the Council, containinh several hundred names of Georgetown citizens requesting the Council to inauguarate a mosquito eradication campaign, a motion was made by Alderman Chastain and seconded by by Alderman Hoffman that a person be employed to make house to house canvas of the city to ascertain the breedingtbEa.ceseefithe mosquitos and thus inform the citizenship in order that each persop 9,ccupying such premises where said ')reeding places may be founder full co- operation may be given city city authorities �Jiln' rid the com- munity of such pests. The motion was carried. An Ordinance was presented the Council and read calling for the issuance of a $$75,000900 Bond issue, fbrc mprevd±sntsandthe Georgetown power systema Discussion was had and it was decided to postpone indefinitely further action on the issue. A motion was made by Alderman Chastain and seconded by Alderman Buchholz that City Manager B. H. Cruce call a meeting of the Cham- ber of Commerce and L. C. R. A. officials for Th a..t 4le-*t, Sept. 1 h 1945, i=l �'herefore, Aldtxman Hamilton made a motion, which was seconded by Alderman Buchholz,. that this regular session of the Council ad- journ to meet in regular adjourned session on Thar— - �t September 1#th, 1945. The motion carried. Mayor, City of Georgetown, Texas Attest: Secretary City of Georgetown, Texas..