HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN 02.14.1944 CC-RMV Georgetown, Texas. February 14th, 1944 The City Council met in regular session on the above date, Mayor M. F. Smith presiding, the following aldermen and officers were presebt: Aldermen, F. E. Buchholz, J. R. Chastain, C. C. Hamilton, W. P. Hoffman, Jr. and Sam E. Wilcox." Officers: Albert May, -City Marshal, W M. L. Cates Secretary. Alsom present, W. H. Nunn, atterhagy for -the city, and C. H. Cruce, manager of city utilities, streets and parks. On motion of Alderman Chastain, minutes of last meeting were approved. On motion of Alderman Buchholz all approved accounts were ordered paid. The Reports of City Treasurer Byrom and Assessor and Collector Sanders were read and received and filed on motion of Alderman Buchholz. QiitXiflsince Committeeman J. R. Chastain presented a Tax Ordinance levying Taxes for the year 1944: and moved that the same be read in full. Alderman F..E. Buchholz seconded the Motion. The motion carried by unanimous vote as follows: bytes, Buchholz, Chastain, Hamilton, Hoffman, Wilcox. Noes, None. The following is theCaption of said ordinance which is recorded herein on pages 141-a and 141-b: TAX ORDINA'TCE FOR 1944: "An Ordiante of the City of Georgetown, Texas providing for the levying and co tection of an Advalorum of One and , and Twenty -Four One HundredthoX$Iv24)'"DwSl4ren each One Hundred -($100.00) Dollars in valuation, for the year 19449 on all property subject to taxation, by said city, for the said year; under the provisions of the Congtitution and laws of the State of Texas; and declaring an emergency." On motion of Alderman J. R. Chastain, seconded by Alderman F. R. Buch- holz That bisingatd thdiexisting emergency clause in said forgoing ordinance, that the usual rules for reading and passing ordinances at three successive meetings of the council be suspended and that the said ordinance be read by ouptioncandrPassed to its second reading. The motion was passed by unanimous vote of the Council, as follows: Ayes, Buchholz, Chastain, Hamilton, Hoffman and Wilcox. Noes. none. Ordinance Read by Caption. On Motion of Alderman S. E. Wilcox, seconded b y Alderman Hoffman, the said ordinance -was passed to the third reading by the unanimous vote of the Council by the following vote; $yes, Buchholz, Chastain, Hamilton, Hoffman, Wilcox. Noes --None. Ordinance Read by Cattion: On motion of Alderman S. twin, the said ordinance was Council. The following being Hoffman, Wilcox. Noes, None. The Mayor declared the passed. E. Wilcox, seconded by Alderman J. R. Chas - passed finannly, by unanimous vote of the the vote. Ayes --Buchholz, Chastain, Hamilton, said ordinance duly and constitutionally AN ORDINANCE FIXING SALARIES OF MAYCR AND ALDTM71JIhf Ordinance Committeeman Chastain-presented3the salary ordinanbe and read the following Caption of the same, and moved that it be read in full: "An Ordinance of the City of Georgetown, fixing the salaries of the Mayor and of all of the aldermen of the said city, and de- claring an emergency." Ordinance recorded on page 141-e. The motion caried b y unanimous vote, as followss es -Buchholz, Chas- tain, Hamilton, Wildoxa Noes- Hoffman •C, C The Ordinance was read in full, (See page 141-c). On motion of Alderman J. R. Chastain, that e*Ingzth& existence of the emergency clause in said salary ordinance, all the usual rules for passimg ordinsnces be suspended, an& hereafter the said ordinance be read by caption, and passed to its second reading, was seconded by Alderman F. E. Buchholz. The motion carried , the following being the vote. `-- Ayes-- Buchholz, Chastain, Hamilton, Wilcox. Noes --Hoffman. ' On motion of Alderman Chastain, seconded'by Alderman Wilcox, the said ordinance was read by Caption and Passed to the Jhird reading, by the following vote. Ayes --Buchholz, Chastain, Hamilton, Wilcox. Noes -Hoffman. On motion of Alderman S. E. Wilcox, Seconded by Alderman Buchholz, the said ordinance was read by Cattlon and passed fiannal the fol- 142 C" Miuntes of February 14, 1944 Continuer frm page 141. lowing being the vote. Ayes --Buchholz, Chastain, Hamilton, Wiieox. Noes, Hoifman, The Mayor declared the said ordinance duly and constitutionally passed by a majority of the votes of the council (4 for and 1 against). A Motiun by Alderman Hoffman tnaG pur- $2 .00 or me 7arn Bonds was passea ananlrnousiy . There appearing no further business the Cou+3ncil adjourned. Att st: Secretary. City 6f Georgetown, Texas I-Tayor City of Ge6rgtown, Te ----------------0------------------ Georgetow , Texas. Feb. �b/;N944. The City Council met on the above datet"W.ayor IT, F. Smith presiding, the following Aldermen and officers present: Aldermen F, E. Buchholzt J. R. Chastain#TmC. C. Hamilton, W, H. Hoffman, Jr., S. E. Wilcox. Officers, 11, L. Cates# secretary. On motion of Alderman Buchholz, the Council acceeptedithheresignation of City Iw"arshal, Albert I+.Zay, Mayor 11. -7. Smith- appointed Wayne` Magill aditV- I%zlhal to fill the un- expired term of lir. Albert May, resigned. On motion of Alderman C. C. Hamilton, seconded bey S. E. Wilcox the Council unanimously approved the appointment of the Mayor. There occurring no further business the Council Adjourned. Attest: Secretary, City o Georgetown, Texas Mayor. City of G orgetown