HomeMy WebLinkAboutHistorical Documents 1890szcc; r 0-4 ,c PlAt,41 TAfiv Ctt Ay 4AC) Y,"-" 000, loo� 11 4ze 1-4-T 444t�" f'f4,,j4.-Vt. 4,f x"a tulle /04- 41111-t 7.1 �71L 13 AN OADINANvu. t&Uli-iO)hILING THE ISSUANOZ OF TW_'NTY-ON'4' ONS THOi 5AND DOLLAR DONDS. FOR THS: PURPOSE OF PUROIIASING BUILDING, SITES hND COIISTRUOTING, PUBLIC F,AZZI LJOHOOL BUILDINGS# AND PROVI-RING FOR,THE EVY;AND COLLECTION DFA TAX TO M PAY TIME, 1NTZ4?o.ST TH: ��EOit, AND TO CREATE A 49IN41NG FUND SUFFICIENT TO PAY SAID BONDS AT MATURITY. Whereas, the City of,Georgetown#.Texas,.having a population of over one thousand inhabitants, and duly incorporated under the generallawsof the State of Texas, has after an election held for that purpose# assumed control of all the r publicpola within the corporate limits of the said City; and whereas, said city,ia without public school,grounds and buildings' and has no funds with which to purchase or construct same,# therefore.,. Be it ordained by the city 4ouncil, of the pity of Georgetown, Texas. SECTION(l) That the bonds of the pity of Georgetown,,,Texas, shall be issued by said oity,sto,,the amount of,Twenty-one-Thousand ($21,000.00) dol- lars for the purpose of purchasing building sites and for constructing thereon public Free school buildings,_within the corporate limits of the pity of Georgetown, Texas. Said bonds shalll be signed by the Mayor and Sec- retary of said city with the Seal of said city impressed thereon -shall, be dated the sixteenth day,of July, A. D. 18P4# and shall. be due and payable forty years after date and re-deemable at the pleasure of the city of Geo- rgetown, at any time after ten years from date -provided said city shall give notice in writing at the place of -payment of said bonds of its,inten- tion to redeem any or all of said bonds, which notice shall, baso given_ for at least six Months prior to the redemption of any 'bond the city may desire to redeem, and provided further# that If said bonder etre not duly presented at the place of payment for payment and cancellation after notice is given by the city each of said bonds of which notice to redeem is giv- en shall cease to bear interest from and after the day on which the notice so given requests presentation for payment. Said bonds shall be denominated: Public School Building Bonds# and numbered from One to Twenty-one inclusive., e t4 and shall be payable in Gold 0 )14 of the united States of Amerloa, of the present standard and value and shall bear interest at the rate of six per dent per annum, interest payable semi-annually in like Gold coin on the Fifteenth day of January and July, upon presentation and surrender of properU coupon, and their shall be Eighty Coupons attached to each of said bonds -representing the several interest payments, and said coupon& shall be executed by the kayor and City Secretary of the pity of George- town, Texa:s, by having a Copy of their signatures lithographed or printed on each of said Coupons. Both principal and interest of said bonds shall be payable at the National Park Bank„ in the Laity# County and State of New Yorke, United States of America*' $LOTION (21, ,For the purpose of paying the semi -annum, interest on said bonds, and creating a sinking fund sufficient to redeem the bonds at maturity, there is hereby levied ars annual tax of nineteen Cents on each One Hundred dollars valuation of all property situated in the city of Georgetown„ Texaaas# and subject to taxation, which said tax shall be assess- ed and collected as other city taaxas and said tax is hereXX now levied for the currant year, and shall be annually levied assessed and collected un- til said bonds are fully paid of'f ,and discharged. $LOTION (3)0 All money arising from the tau in this ordinance levied for the payment of the bands hereby ordered to be issued -is hereby declared to be a special fund and shall not be diverted or draw upon for any other purpose# and shall be uaed only for the puymeant of interest on a redemption of said bonds. S"OTION (4)s That all ordinances and parts'of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed« and this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. Passed 13th day of July 1 n '4. Approved 13th day or Jcaly ISS4. Attest Fo W. Carothers 1ayor. Po Q& Farty City Secretary. IS aFFICE, OP'- ATTOR IVEY 'GENERAe OF THE -STATE OF TEXAS. T I IS IS TO CERTIFY, That bonds of t4e_+..... . ........................ . Tcxa'�,'Issued by virtue of W'.4tm'ea u.....passed by the...... said ........... . .... tllo­­;?�''Z'_ ......... .. . . day of., AA&A4-*,e7,_ ..for the purpose of 4, T A tc,.,.- _r- t_ 114__'_ ....... ....... ......................... ...... . . ........ ........... ... . ...... .. n u n i bered co nseo u tivel y froin 49'k �.. to ..............inclusive, for the 077 Suln ..... ... .. each, aggregating the sum of_........_.... dollars, payable at 24'...P -f r0deelllaf310 at the pletwure of tile ...»......... ....... . ...... any time after ... ... ..... .............. date, with interest at the rate I ' payable... have been submitted to me for examination in accordanee with the requirements of Chapter 64 of the Acts of the 28rd Legislature of Texas, approved 46g=9rd, 1898, and I have carefully examined said bonds A in connection with the facts and the Constitution and laws on the subject of the execution of said bonds, and I find upon the evidence submitted to me and as the result of the careful examination of the matter, the following facts: 1. Said . ..... at the time of the passage of -above referred to legal 2. The taxable values of Patki__.... according to the assessment last ,approved before the Issuance of said bonds amounted to-./ . . . ..... . 8. The debt of said ---- — ------ . ..... . ..... for the purpose for which said bonds were Issued was Increased by said Issue to the sum of the total indebtedness of said.._......_ ------ _-was thereby increased to .the sum of ............ . . . ....... . . ......... .......... 4. The ............ . ..... ........... . autbor1zIi)g'tlie Usuance of sald bomis was in proper form and was legally passed. S. A tax of,.-... - . ... on each one hundred dollars valuation of taxable property In legally levied to pay Interest on said bonds and to create a sinking fund to provide for their liquidation at maturity; said tax Is sufficient for the purposes named. 6. Said bonds are proper in form and i21 accordance with the-,... . . ............. authorizing their Issuance and all the requirements of the law under which they were Issued have been complied with. ».......»......»... ............. w,.»........., ..........­'-'­'­ ...­'­ . ...... . .......... . . . . ­'_'_­....­..­ .. . . ...... ...... ....... It is my judgment and I so tirkd that said bonds were Issued In conformity with the Constitu- tion and laws of the State of Texas and that they are valid and binding obligations upon said Tex"- d" IN TESTIMONY OF ALL OF WHICH this certiftuate is made under my hand t and the seal of my office at Austin, Texas, this The_z/y .......... day ...... D. Attorney General of Ircxas, �' ,..�L'.v'�"� �'�"` G'_t-R.. _ _e�-� _ G�2�r �'?'''�i •�-c -'�� tie, -y- AL2-.�i2' �fi� tfr � .. Ar!�`,c -21— 4 G+`-e.e �" ._.,..�..-...... _ .cz c:....�.. �.»�, c��J�..,�..-c.-��c+:,.t�„ _�:."..«-c/'c�,�- ,�C-tet.. � •�-..,. e-{ _ �i �m ��--fl �" 7--t -G.`T' Cr . �. �' -t �-� _ C.-w7-�J-w7�' � c �-�1'7�t�- � _ �lu-z-�.. +e•-..-t--a. 44e-�LrY'Z £ L. r, . C° "" -t L G G r2 C .�G - .2 �yc ••�. Rn_ �. /V-1.17 /t- "L. C CJ I eo �-o c-4 L. ,Z1 lc `ri- ^z^C.-'tom �"m G G-�, �`� c/ �•'L,�, G'[_ �" . � LI� �G�2.-G. -- - - - - ��"�'t G� a�,�-c.-�.. �-� =�'"'� �•�J "C��et. Lt.t!-L.e- S C/ -Z --c-....-., � �Y"G �C C-�. _ .. Gt-�s-<. �:C. Y z ,r. � �' ��� t --•e.. �,- C�.t -°L. � �'�/' ��. _ G� "t--�i Gc--�c� f .iiJ c-�-t-� r%.w �7i !ot_-c S ��rt�`r'`�'" � 4.� �-'i G -C.- c-•1.. !s-i..t/ � Gt �..0 �j �,�t/"'�l. �''I , `/ , �' .t �--c-�. c�-�...�.-e, ,� � GC � G�--I✓t --1.-i.�c �-...�. „� �"' • /r�i- ,�.../�Gc•:.�..�, �/ , h''2�^'�.'t-'z.-t--C_.. , G� Y G7"Z!"�j"?" Cao {' � Grya,C.�t'i � / �' •� �r ,�..�.- c.�' �.-�-- � f { �-1 Viz..- � =� , �-.�.��. �.� r�. -�--<► �...,. ��-� 40" A7- ar e6l n/ ffrel t4� kzvl /E� a�L Loo Mt..4 - le,41- f'Y EXECUTIVE DEPAFTMENT. Ffict S, rf6ft A, PA &VC'"N�, 0/0A C*ok, )USTIN.Texas. I lot - a �r fe E M1� �°rzr.�t rv,�/ .AO STAT'',! YTT OF THE IIS DEB: EDN -ES 5 OF THE CITY OF GEORGPTOWT1, TF.'XAS, ON JULY 16th, lb94. Water Works Bonds issued the dapof 18930 bearing 6 per cent intereatr.r#!l.1......ii.i....ii*.......43000,00 School Building Bonds, issued July 16th, 16940 bearing 6 per cent interest (this issue) ,,......,........ t21ODU,00 There is no indebtedness of any othee character wlZat$oeVei �1.�ii.l.ii..�i•lif�lii�ii. i.iiil!!/••+•ii •!!♦ Total 4249000,00 The State of Texas County of Williamson �rrrrrrrsrrrrr,.:r.rw We, Wo E,g, Chapman, Treasurer, and N, W, Carothers, Vayor, of the City of Georgetown,Tc;xas, hereby certify that the above and foregoing statement of the indebtedness of the City of Georeltown, Texas, is a true and correct Statement* Witness our hands at Georgetown, Texas, this the 19th day of July, t�1. �. lU�►4 r � ', Al Stpte of Texas Wil-lia"So- County WP, Jahn N, Ellyson, Assessor and Col-leetor of Taxes and F, W. Carothers, Mayor of t"ne I City of Goor�-town, Texas, hereby erzrtify that the total taxn-Chle values of all pruperty asies--ed for tax s in said. City as shown by the last approved tax roll of date OQt, 11-1693, and on file was one million sixty nine thousand and sixty dullars, Witness our hands this July, 19th, 18949 Mayor STATi"+ ENT OF TAX LEVIES* All the tax levies made by the City of Georgetown, Texas, for all purposes, are as follows, to -wit: For general purposes,,..#..«_.....25)( on each «;U0* valuation. Street j;.1U0. +� Water Works P1onLis . s ► . • r • ... s .2 1,%'�� � . f • � s • School Building Bonds (this issue) l9X ' * " • The State of Texas � County of Williamson # tie, F. W. Carothera, Mayor and Jno„ No Ellysun, Assessor and k"ollector of the City of Georgetown, Texas, hereby certify that thi above and fore,;oing is a true and coreect statement vf" all the tax levies made by said City for all purposes, up to this dates Fitness our hands at Georgetown., Texas, this the 19th day of July, Pa 169-4 0 23 OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. 'i'f t l� 1S To CERTIFY, T110 -Lt, bonds of the___ of........% ._ 1 ... ........... _.._................ _._., Texas, issued by virtue of an. d .....passed by tile.......... 1R�.,+►�......_......._............................ of ` incl,.. ul4�Ari t . cin the lay of_......... 1. `15� .,.fox the purpose of 1. '�i��u..�c�..�,,.+►,�,.t' i consecutively h, to sive, f:U4OLAlnumberer.ft the ............................... ....................dollars each, aggregat111g the sit III of`.'1,,..�►.*�"sw-(Qt-Vv rd�.. i�'uk/ Q��Y11,C� �?°')._...,........_.....r..`......c.._...[..^.a........_ dollars, payable at .....,.ai���t ; iti. it'Gi�c�..( Ilkk�t.�l....1... 1.. ..'►J4!.r..J...wN... ile at the pleasure of the _.......... ........_..............._................. x ed ....at tiny ti e after.-.- . a �,C.�.�..,�..... -t- date, c date, with interestIA'"at the rate payabler..-- .. have been submitted to xne for examination 1r s� c� dance with the requirements of Chapter 64 of the Acts of the 23rd Legislature of Texas, approVe(t :mak, 1893, and I have carefully examined said bonds in connection with the facts and. the Constitution and laws on the subject of the execattort of said bonds, and I find upon the evldence submitted to me and its the result of the careful examination of the matter, the foll9wing facts: 1.R �_ai`cl�-^'t 1► """ .o)f="�- �.......... ..........was at the time of the passage of t11H-.._ �a hJ .: _above, referre(t to lura 2. Tlee taxable values of said.....e aci ording to tlae assessment last approved before tree issuan •«sof said lout �s jillo'linted- ....,..t.........r� �. Q�.U�ai��................._............,_.......• :3. TYee dtabt of said... b� .... �� ��'•�'� `'"......... for the purpose for which said bonds tVc)ra issued was tucx•easNd by sllltissIlo to tine sit of:. ^ _Ck►�*�L � •A '� �..[1Q0� �pQ�. the total indebredness of sai(I _Was thereby increased to the sum of ......................... ..:. .. _.................. ............. .................._...................._....»..... .......................... ............... _..._....... . .......»..........,....,..................................,................................... h. Tlae.-� fiL "� t t�.h' Ski.`................alit)lorizixeg the issuaiace of said bonds wits in proper furan and was legally passed. 5. A tta of'... Y +� �rt`J.. t r rits on each one hundred dollars valuation of taxable property in sant r- ' zjv:­was leg -ally levied to pay interest on said bonds and to create a sinking fund to provi#te for their liquidation at xnatilrit,y; said tax is sufficient for the purposes named. 6. Said bonds are proper in foran and in accordance with the. _ .tib -"X � i�►r1r1-Q�x/.-.:..: authorizing their issuanctr and all the requirements of the law under which they were issued have Ireexx coauplied with. ................ _... ....................,.................. ...... .... ... .......» ......,...... ......... _.................. _ _ ............... .......... 1-1.1 ... ....................... .... ........... ___ ... ........................................_..........._......._.._..............._..._........................_..... it is my judginerit and I so find that said bonds were issued in conformity with the Constitu- tion aged laws of the State of Texas and that /they are valid and binding obligations upon said Texas. 7N T+e�,V)NY �.)t.1'l�.l ...., under nay hand te is an(1 the seal of WHICH i f my office at Austin, Texas, this this r1Ethfj--..,......,. tray of.. ..................._ _A. D...�` i 4 ........ Attorney Clenera,l of Texas. J.y �(-fu.�..�c..w � �-�-z.-r.-�-x --.-.� �.�►, � , , _ �.. ... _ _ . ti � - ........ a ..,. _ � �-� GCS Ac �-,ca-O ''� � � - �'"�' c:.�,,, �"�'"t!.,^t•-�.., �.�^"'�,r / .. Get., �-e�€.ry ��*->c'_.c•u.-t._ v-=-� �- tee. �-ra Z..�-�-t, '' S� � '� ]l Gt � � (/-Z t�t2., _ Gr4 � �j �GG� e''��-�✓ '4'�+'�' �.s"4 �ti;+fs - ts-r e_.a _ _ .._,, wA7",o - all