HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 2010-13 - Zoning Sundance PlazaORDINANCE NO. D - I , j An Ordin,a ce of the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, amendin art of the gp Zoning District Map adopted on the 4th Day of Apr1*12002 in accordance with the Unified Development Code passed and adopted on the 11th Day of March 2003, to rezone 4.027 acres in the Stubblefield Survey, from AG, Agriculture District to C�3, General Commercial District, as recorded in Document Number 2009093263 in the Official ]public Records of Williamson County, Texas; repealing conflicting ordinances and:° resolutions; including a severability clause; and establishing an effective date. Whereas, an application has been made to the City Council for the Purpose of changing the Zoning District Classification of the following described real property ("The Property"): 4.027 acres in the Stubblefield Survey, to be known as Sundance Plaza, as recorded in Document Number 2009093263 of the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "The Property Whereas, the City Council has submitted the proposed change in the Base Ordinance to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its consideration at a public hearing and for its recommendation or report; and Whereas, notice of such hearing was published in a newspaer of general circulation in the City; which stated the time and place of hearing, which time was not earlier than fifteen 15 days, for the first day.of such publication; and Whereas, written notice was given not less than fifteen (15) days before the date set for the meeting before the Planning and Zoning Commission to all the owners of the lots within two hundred feet of the property, as required by law; and Whereas, the applicant for such zoning change placed on the property such sign(s) as required by law for advertising the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing, not less than fifteen (15) days before the date set for such hearing; and Whereas, the City Planning and Zoning Commission in a meeting held on March 2, 2010, recommended approval of the requested zoning change for the above described property P Y from AG, Agriculture District to C-3, General Commercial District. :Now, therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, that. Section 1. The facts and recitations contained in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found and declared to be true and correct, and are incorporated by reference herein and expressly made a part hereof, as if copied verbatim. The City Council hereby finds that this Ordinance implements the vision and policies of the. Georgetown 2030 Comprehensive Plan and p further finds that the enactn'ient of this Ordinance is not inconsistent or in conflict with any Sundance Plaza AG to &3 Zoning Page 1 of 2 Ore-46;)oto-of other policies of the Georgetown 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Section.2.. The Zoning District Map of the City,. as well as the Zoning District for the Property shall be and the same is hereby changed from AG, Agriculture District to C-3, General Commercial District in accordance with Exhibit A (Location Map) and Exhibit B (Field Notes) and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby adopted by the City Council of the City of Georgetown,. Texas. Section 3. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts of ordinances and resolutions, in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed, and are no longer of any force and effect. Section 4. If any provision of this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions, or application thereof, of this Ordinance which can be" given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable. Section 5. The Mayor is hereby authorized to sign this Ordinance and the City Secretary to attest. This Ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect on the date of final adoption by City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED on First Reading on the 13th day of April, 2010. PASSED :AND APPROVED on Second Reading on the 27th day of April, 2010. .ATTEST: uty Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM. Mark Sokolow City Attorney Sundance Plaza AG to &3 Zoning Page 2 of 2 orc( 1+00(0410011 t3y.0 '00(0- THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN. tjy: George Carver Mayor EST. 1848 JTOW V TEXAS 0 150 300 Feet Coordinate System: Texas State Plane/Central Zone../NAD 83/US Feet Cartographic Data For General Planning Purposes Only Legend Existing Street %."..V.... Future Street Georgetown City Limits = Parcels 5. REZ-2010-001 Sundance Plaza r .i. ,+rJ -i�J.f D O i . :,i TEXAS. SC- -1 TI'�f .A. T F'�.�/ A 4. L 2 f ACRE TRACT 'V A LAND, \ .LI' ♦ W ILLLAMS V1 1 B.EfNC A TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINING 4.027 .ACRES, OUT OF `iFIAT CERTAIN 4.42 ACRE TRACT OF LAND.., SITUATED IN THE WOODRUFF STUBBLEFIELD SURNTEY, ABSTRACT NO. 556. IN WILLLAMSON COUNTY, TEx:NS, AND BEING THE !SAIME PR PE .TYNVEY M A ANTY DEED RECORDED JN VOLS 21.50, PAGE 727, OFFICIAL RECORDS, W LLIA S N COUNTY, TEXAS,, SAVE AND EXCEPT THAT CERTAL 0,398 ACRE OF LAND,, CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF TEXAS IN A IARRANTY DEED RECORDED IN DOCTiMh 1T :NOW 2005 17983, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, WILLIA SON COUNTY TEXAS;AND BEING MORE PA TrCULAkLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING at a calculated paint marking the northwest corner of said 0.398 acre tract conveyed to the State, of Texas by Warranty Deed as recorded in Dociunen.t No. 20050 17983 of the Offici.al. Public Records of Williamson County, Texas, also marking the northeast corner of Lot 7, of the Sm thwood Subdivision as recorded in Cabinet E, Stide 211-2125 of the Plat Records of Irvilliarnson County, Texas, same Point Iymg on the south right of way of State .41'ghwayr No. 29; d .3 8 acre'East, ung the Nest 1ne of saiTHENCE South 21'18'347tract common with the st.1' me of a d L, -t 7, a dislahce of 38.01 feet to a V7 iron rod found marking the Northwest corner .and POINT` F BEGINNING of the herein described tract; THENCE North 72`470 21 " East, along the south Ii�e of said .398 macre tract coon nth the North line of the herein descrbed tract a distance of 35 1.09 feet to a V2 Bch iron rod fond V .r marking the souffieast comer of said .398 acre tract and. also markffig the northeast corner of the Here described tract; THENCE South 21 vl 9'3 0" East along the east line of the herein. descried tract and westright of way of State ffighway No. 1.30 a distance of. 489..56 feet to a V2 inch iron rod found marking the Northeast corner of Lot 15 of the Indian Creek Subdivision as recorded in Cab .et E, Slide 379- 380 of the Plat Records of Wi.11.ia son +fount.Te :asx sa .e post marking the Southeast korner of the herein described tract; TIENCE South 9"07'?6" West along the South I e of this described tract and common north line of Lot 15, Lot 1.4, acid Lot 13 of said Indian. Creek Subdivision a distance of 350.33 feet to a '/7 mch iron rod. found 1ping on the north line of Said L��t 13, marking the Southwest comer of this d esenbed. tract; At JAN 14 6- ft�j ♦ 14 ' Page I of 2 Exhibit B THENCE North 1 ' 18' 3 4t' West, along the west I e of horeim described tract and al oma the east lire of Lot , Lot 6. and Lot 7 of the. said Smithwood Subdivision a distance of 512.00 feet to the POINT OF BEG -INNING, con.�tai ng 4.027 acres of land. more or less, rge E. Luc Registered Professional Land Survevor No. 4160 1 State of Texas Date. Deee bei K, 200 Paye 2 of