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ORD 01.15.1908 - Sidewalks
All ORDINANCE ORDERING THAT SIDETT: UM SE COITSTRUCTM ON CERTAIN TARTS OF BRUSHY STREET, i.MIN STRi,4ET A''D UNIVERSITY AVE21UE IN' ACCORDAI'LE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF TILE SIDEWALY ORDII'MYCE PASSED A11D APPROVED ON, DI CE11BER 11th, 1905. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Georgetown: That it is hereby ordered by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, actin; tinder the Prov -.signs of an ordinance providing for the construction, etc., of didewalks in. said City, passed and approved on the 11th day of 'locember, A. D. , Sr©Q5, that siclewa;ks be constructed on both sides of Vain Streets from the Public Square to the south end -of same, and on both sides of Brushy Streot fr6m the ,Public Square to Glasscock Avenue, and on both sides of University Avenue for the full length of same. That Said sidewalks be constructed of gravel; the foundation or tho bald for the gravel to be well packed., if the nature of the soil is such as to require it; then not less thwn two inches in depth of coarse L►avel shall be used, and then the tbp to be nacre of not less than two inches in depth of gravel, which shall be screamed tbrcugh a one and one quarter screen, and there shall be enough sand ri:i,xe(l with said gravel 4 to hold it in place; that such sidewalks shall be con6tructod without curbs; that there shall be sufficient rise fror the outside of such walks to drain all the winter off of sa.mer ,tha.t said eiaeN7e,1ks skull be eight feot vide. Passed and approved tlfis the 13th da,T of January, 39.08a ATTEST; Goo•. Neahoy, ecretary. 2. E. ;1ard, ta'yor . r