HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 07.13.1908 - City ScavengerAN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 9 OF AN ORDINANCE PA"SED AND APPROVED ON NOVEMBER 6th, 1906, ENTITLED " AND ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTTIENT OF A CITY SCAVENGER OF THE CITY OF GFORGETO N.9 TERAS, AND P:tESCRIBING HIS DUTIES AND COMPEN= SATION." BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas that section 9 of an ordinance passed and approved on the 12th, day of November 19060 entitled " An Ordinance authorizing the appointment of a City Scavanger of the city of Georgetown, Texas, and prescribing hisduites and compensationp" be amended so as to hereafter read as followss Section 9. The City Scavenger shall be entitled to re- ceive the following compensation and fees for the services rendered by him, to be paid by the owner, or person in control or charge of each privy, vault or sink, or the owner of each dead animal or fowl, and where the owner of such animal or fowl is not known then the fees for removing the same shall be paid by the city, provided that in no case shall the fees be paid by the city for the removing of such dead animals and fowls exceed one-half the amount allowed said scavenger by individuals, to -wits Privies belonging to hotels, each one dollar, privies belonging to boarding houses, each one dollar and each house where there are more than two boarders shall be considered a boarding house; privies belonging to business houses, each 75 cents; privies belonging to private residences, each 50 cents; where paid in advance for one year then the charges shall be one-half of the above; for removing the dead body of any horse, cow or hog over one year of age, $1.50, and if skinned, $3.00; For each dog or other animal not included in the above, 25 cents and for removing each fowl, 10 cents; all of which charges shall bepayable in advance. PASSED AND APPROVED the 13th, day of July, 1908, R.F. Ward, ' Mayor. ATTRSTs Geo. KeaheY, Secretary. 3