HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Charter 1968CITY CHARTER NO VOLUME CITY OF GEORGETOWN CF.APTER PAGE I ADVERTISING 1 Secs is Bill posting 1 Secs 2 Soliciting for directory advertising J, II . AIRPORT Sea, 11 City manager is manager of Airport . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Seo. 2 Leasing ail -port property to Magnolia Pet Co. pop . . . 2 III. ANIMALS Sea. is Unlawful to alloy breathy animal to run at large . . . . 6 Sec. 2s Punishment for running at larges . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sea, 3s Prohibiting the feeding of animals on the square . . . . 6 Sec, 4: Prohibiting the alluring of pigeons to run or fly at large 6 Sea. 5s Prohibiting the running at large, within corporate limits of the city of horses, mules, jacks, jonnets, cattle, hogs, goats, sheep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sec. 61 Prohibiting the keeping of hogs within the city limit. . 7 Sec. 7s Prohibiting the keeping of any horse, hogs, cattle, sheep, goats, or other animal in any barn, lot or pen within the city that is less distance than five hundred feet from block 48 of this city* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sec. 8s Requiring that all dogs kept within said city be vaccinated for rabies and be tagged for identification . . . . . . $ Seo. 9s Making it unlawful for any person to prevent the pound man from discharging his dutieso r . Sea. 10: Keeping of dog in heat . . . . . . . . . . 69 . . . . Seo. lls mayor having authority to order dogs muzzled . . Sec. 12s Unlawful to allow mad dogs to run at large . . Seo. 131 Unlawful to allow dog to run at large . . . . . . . . Seco 141 Prohibiting the keeping of any dog that barks. . . . . Seo. 151 Ordinance designed to protect persons against rabies caused from the bite of a dog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sec. lbs Granting the international and great northern railroad company the right to erect and maintain a stook pen within the corporate limits of said city . . . . . . . . . . . . Seo. 17: Prohibiting the running at large of a chicken, chickens, or other fowls . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . Sea. 181 Prohibiting the keeping of over one dozen chickens or rabbits or the keeping of any chickens or rabbits that shall be a nuisance. . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . Seco 19% Rorses, riding, driving, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV, BICYCLES Sea, 11 Pegulations and punishment . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . VTI. BILL POSING, SIGN WRITI11G, SIGN, BTC. Sec* Is Unlawful at cert\in places . VIII. BONDS C11 4; GtyM�rX 0 9----., 9 11 11 11 11 13 14 15 X1 BUILDING CODES Sec • is Building permits • . • . . . . • . • • • • • • . • • • Seo. 2s Regulating buildings in the fire limits . . . • • . . Sec. 3s Electric wiring a o . • • • •. • • . . . . • • . . . • Seo. 41 Construction of sanitation facilities . • . • . . . • Sec. 51 Plumbing regulations. . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . Sec• 6s Dangerous structures* • • • . . • . • Sec* 78 Gutters . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CITY LI1.4ITS Sec. is Enlarging city limits to include San Gabriel park . Seo. 2s Enlarging city limits to include a part of Sao S. Ga. Sec. 3s Extending the city limits to include Katy switch at. Seo. 4s Excluding from the city limits 17 acres on the South west corner thereof. . . . . . . . 0 . • . . . • • . . 31 31 33 33 34 39 40 41 41 41 42 CORPCP,AT ION COURT Sec. is Court established. . . 43 Seo. 2s Jurisdiotion . . . . • . . . • . • . . . . • . . • . 43 Seo. 3s Recorder Sec. 4s Clerk Sec, 5s Duty of clerk Sec. 6s Procedure Seo. 7: Seal Sec. 8s Prosecutions Seo, 9: Cost and fines paid into the treasury Sea. 10t Costs taxed Seo. lls Fees paid officers . . . 44 Sec. 121 Code of criminal procedure to govern Sec. 13s Power of recorder Seo. 141 Service of process Sea. 151 Always open for business Seo. 16% Committment Seo. 171 Who shall be recorder* . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 45 FIRM Sea . Is Fire limits . . • • Sao. 21 Fire hall Sea. 3s Defining duties and pourers of fire department Sec. 4s Burning of trash, etc. . • • . • a • . . • • . . • • • Sea. 51 Prohibiting the keeping of inflamable material, paper, Seo. 6s Fire alarms, how given. Punishment for false alarm M 49 X1W CONTINtTET> FIRE Seo. 7s Gaverniong who shall go upon a fire escape 49 Sac. 8s Fireworks. . . 50 Sec. 9s Stovepipes and flues Seo. HEALTH Rate and speed of vehicles Sao. Saco 1 s Health officer 51 Sec. 2s Issuance, regulation and exhibition of health certificates Sec. See. 31 Manner and method of care of cases of contagious and Sec. 6s Traffic Laws --To whom applicable infectious diseases and prevention of such diseases. Sac. Seo. 4s Providing for the proper inspection, stamping, and Sec. 10S Accidents. . . • branding of meat slaughtered, processed or held for sale or processed for sale to consumers in city. 53 Sec. 5s Garbage collection and disposal . . . . . . . . 54 Sec. 6s Prescribing the mode of construction and maintenance of privies, urinals, bathtubs, and sinks; and the connection with sewers; and providing for the cleaning of privies not connected with sewers or not within 200 feet of any sewer main* . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 56 Sec. 7s Grass or weeds when tlkiok enough to shade the ground thereunder and when more than 12" high, growing or standing on any lot or parcel of land within city is a nuisance. 56 Seo. 8s Handling foodstuff. 59 Sec. 9s Regulating the sale of milk and milk products 0 JUNK DEALERS Sec. 1s Providing where junk may be sold 72 Sec. 21 Penalty LIBRARY Sec. is Specifying and providing that block No. 12 of Sayders addition be used by the City for the purpose of library ?3 Sec. 21 Providing library shall be managed and controlled by the City Council of city. Sec. 31 Acknowledging gift of books and equipment from South— western University MOTOR VK"ICLF LAWS See. is Operation of motor vehicles without license no. plates 'j;4 Sea* 21 Road tractors, motorcycles, trailers --license plates for. Seo. 3s Rate and speed of vehicles Sao. 5: Rate and speed for railroad engines ?5 Sac. 6: Obedience to police officers Sec. 71 Emergency vehicles Sec. 6s Traffic Laws --To whom applicable Sac. 9s Traffic signs, signals, and markings. Sec. 10S Accidents. . . • 76 MOTOR VSEICLE LAS C0NTIM?FM Sec. lls Priving on right side of roadway, overtaking & passing 76 Sec. 12s Miming too closely* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Seo. 13s Turning and starting and signals on stopping and turning Seo. 141 Right of way 78 Sees 15s Pedestrians' rights and duties Sec. 161 Stopping, standing or parking. . . . . . . 79 See. 271 Punishment. . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 81 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY Sec. 2s Shall consist of. 82 Sec, 2s Term of office Seo. 33 Elections held, when Sec. 41 Officers elected Sec. 51 Who shall be elected and who shail be appointed Sec. 71 Persons qualified to be Mayor or alderman. Secs. 81 In case of tie Sec. 9s Vacancies --how filled. 83 Sec. 101 Council composed of Sec. 111 Officers hold until successors qualified Seo. 12s Elections, how held NUISANCES Sec, 11 Skating on sidewalk. 85 Sec. 21 Punishment --flirting in a public place. Seo. 31 Prohibiting persons in disguise from appearing on streets Sec. 41 Declaring the operation of a carnival within 200 yards of a residence a nuisance Sec. 51 Prohibiting boys under the age of 18 years from loafing, loitering, idling and remaining upon the streets or in any public place after 91clook p.m.. . . . . . . . 86 Sec. 6s Regulating the blowing of steam whistles in the city OFFICERS**RMIOVAL A71D• COVJIRTTSATION Sec. 11 Charges preferred --how. . . . . . . . . . . . . .-a, . 87 Sec, 21 Removal upon failure to answer Sec. 31 Trial Sec. 4s Removal of appointive officers Sec. 5s Salaries of mayor, alderman, assessor—collector, secretary, and attorney 1:4 :! ... OFFICERS--TELEIR POtJEnS A TD DIM'IFS Sec. is Shall take oath of offices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Sec. 2s Governing body Shall appoint city manager Sec. 3s Residence of city manager Sea. 4s Term of office Sea. 5s Absence or disability of city manager Sec. 6s Powers and duties of city manager Sec. 7$ Compensation of city manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Sec. 8s All ordinances of the city prescribing the duties of heads of depts shall remain in full force and effect. Sec. 9s The b'ayors duties ares Enforce laws, inspect conduct of officers, call meetings Sec. los Power to summon special police. 90 - Sec. lls Power of magistrate and to close public resorts Sec. 12s Shall approve or disapprove ordinances Sec. Us The Marshall's duties aresPowers and duties in general Sec. 16s The fire marshall's duties ares Who shall be fire marshall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Sec. 17s Duties of the fire marshall Sea. 18s Duties regarding possible arson Sec. 19s Authority to summand witnesses and administer oaths Sec. 20s Right to enter private premises Sec. 21s Right to inspection of fire hazards. . . . . . . . . . 92 The secretary's duties ares Sec. 22s Shall keep minutes= have charge of books, eta. Sec. 23s Draw all warrants on the treasurer Sec. 24s General accountant of city Sec. 25s Shall keep register of bonds and bills The treasurers Sec. 26s He shall give bond in favor of city in sum of 10,000 Sec. 27s How to keep money of city and pay out same . . . . . . 93 Sec. 28s Reports to council Assessor and Collectors Sec. 29s Duties in General Sec. ?Os Bond Sec. 311 Reports Attorney of City Sec. 32s Shall advise officers, represent state in court Sec. 331 Appointment shall be annually at the time of appointment of other city officers. The City Health Gffioer and Inspector Sec. 341 Creating office of city Health officer. . . . . . . . 94 Seo. 351 Providing for compensation for city health officer Sec. 36s Providing for city health inspector Seo. 371 Duties of city health officer Sec. 381 Duty to attend sick. Sec. 39s Duty to combat contagious or infectious disease. 95 Sec. 401 Additional duties Sec. 411 Penalty for interfering with city health officer Sec. 421 Committee on health and sanitary regulation Board of Equalization Sec. 43, Appointment Sec. 44t Annual meeting See. 453 Shall value property Sec. 46s Value to be equalized. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Sec. 473 Unrendered property Sec. 481 Notice to owners Sec. 49s 'To lower values, when Sec. 50s Approval of lists Sec. 511 Action - final Seo. 52s Compensation Sea. 53s To taloa oath Board of examiners or auditing committee Sec. 54s Anpointment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Sec. 55s Duties Sec. 561 Compensation and report of board PEDDLING Sec. It :,'Providing who shall get a license. . 98 Seo. 2s Prescribing form of. -application for license Sec. 31 Providing for bond Sec. 43 Amount of license and who shall have them Sec. 5s Prohibiting peddling in fire limits. 99 Sec, 6s Prohibiting peddling on street Sec. 7t Requiring ped0lers to comply with all ordinances Sec. 6s Providing penalty 11 PRINTING Sec. is Official newspaper Sec. 21 Duty of offical newspaper Sec. 33 Stationery and blanks yU Fdu.,Ill?o CA 4/ 000, 116 lz c ' PUBLIC BURYING GPOU14TS Seo. is Oak Hill Cemetery. 101 Sec. 2s Regulating burial of dead. 102 PURCHASING Seo. is City mgr. shall be purchasing agent of city. . . 104 Seo. 2s Claims to be in writing Sec. 31 P.AILWAYS Seo. is Authorizing pipe license agreement with P.W PR 105 Sec. 2s Regulating running of trains Seo. 3s Approaching trains and riding trains and other vehicles RULES FOP. GOV ERN111FM OF CITY COUNCIL Sec. is Shall keep journal of proceedings 106 Sec. 2s Meetings Sec* 31 Quorum Sec, 41 Mayor to preside Seo. 5s Order of business Seo. 6s Points of order Sec. 7s Mayor to appoint committees Sec. 8s Committees appointed annually Sec, 9s Standing committees Sec. 10s Number on aoaanittees. . . . . . 9 107 Seo. lls Special committee, discharged when Seo. 12s Ccmimittee reports in writing Sec. 13s Passage of ordinance Sec. 141 Franohises Sea. 151 Resolutions Sec. 16s Ayes and Noes Sec. 17s Division Sea. 18s Rules suspended, Harr STREETS Sec. is I&,GN street Sec. 2s Making it unlawful to dig into or make and excavation upon any of the paved streets of this city without proper per - mi ssion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Sec. 31 Providing for an election to submit the question of adopt - Ing the laws regulating the manner and method for construct- ing and paying for street surfacing in this city . . . 108 Sec. 4s Abandoning alley on west side of lot no. 2, blk. 1 -Logan addition Sec. 5s Abandoning at. lights running so. from 12th bet. heater and ward 1 of s . 109 Seo. 6s Abandoning all streets and allege in pplat of land to be used for construction of 01town sohool . . . . . . . . 109 X?I STREETS CONTINUED Sec. 7s Abandoning of all of locutk or 9th at lying to the east of its intersection with laurel street. . . . . . . . 109 Seo. Bt Providing for the construction and maintenance of the portion of state hwy No. 104 referred to as et. project Seo. 9s Prohibiting the throwing, placing or leaving any trash, rubbish, loose dirt, stone, building material, or material of any kind whatsoever, within the streets, or alleys, sewers, drains, or ditches of this city and providing a penalty* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Sec. lot Prohibiting the leaving of vehicles on the street at night without a light burning thereon Sec. lls Regulating the hauling, handling, or placing of gravel or crushed rock, within the said city. . . . . . . . . 111 Sec, 12s Granting M%T RR Co. the right to use part of San Gabriel street and east at. for PR spur. TAXATION Sec. is Assessment of Taxes. . . . . . . . . . . 113 Seo, 2s Collection �,.f taxes. . . . . . . . . . . . 115 UTILITIEZ Sec. is Making it unlawful to maintain or operate a public utility plant without a franchise or permit granted by the city. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Sec. 2s Utility rates VOLATILE' OR LIQUID EXPLOSIVES 129 'WAREHOUSE 133 W 0a 1341 - ai-J6.,,.d C'I? 1410- 1 Y l /q2 -1q7 I 7 o�%,za.,�.c�c l d�0 c;, oL o, l / 155 o -Id. 15,6 -7�u o h a u10� VC Wpj bull Vfh"d( TO r /f 00 4d t8 CHAPT ER I ADVERTISING Section 1. BILL POSTING. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons in this City to write, paint, post, paste or in any manner place or cause to be placed any writing, printing, painting, pictures, lithographs, or advertising of any description whatsoever upon any wall, fence, barn, house, stone or anything else not his own, or not under his direct control, without first having obtained tie consent of the person or persons in charge or in control of the same. A violation of this section sha22 be punished by a fine of not less than $5.00, and not more than $25.00, and each and every day such writing, pictures, etc., shall be so allowed to remain upon said wall, fence, barn, etc., shall be, and constitute a separate offense, punishable as such under the terms and provisions of this ordinance. Section 2. SOLICITING FOR DIRECTORY ADVERTISING. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, or their agent or attorney, to, within the corporate limits of the said City, seek, ask, or solioit any donations, for any purpose, whatsoever, or to seek, ask or solicit, any membership in, or any contributions to, any advertising scheme, of any character, whatsoever, without first having obtained the written consent of the City Manager, and a majority of the members of the City Council of the said City. That any violation of this section shall be punished upon conviction, in the corporate court, by fine of not less than one or more than one hundred dollars; and each act of violation shall constitute a separate offense. Provided, however, that solicitation, for donations, made in any lodge meeting, or any church meeting, or any meeting called or being held for any charitable or religious purpose, shall not come within the meaning of this ordinance. (Passed Jan. 8, 1923) CHAPTER II AIRPOP.T Section 1. MANIGER. The City Manager shall be manager of the Municipal Airport. Section 2. LEASING AIRPORT PROPERTY TO MAGNOLIA PL"TROLRiPi C07,TXITY. (a) Magnolia Petroleum Company, a private corporation, duly inoorp- orated under the laws of the State of Texas, w&th domicile and prin- cipal place of business in Dallas,Dallas County, Texas, its successors, assigns and legal representatives, are hereby granted a lease on certain airport property, the terms and conditions of which are con- tained in the following copy of the lease to be entered into by and between the City of Georgetown, as lessor, and Magnolia Petroleum Company, as lessee. AIRPORT ADMINISTRATION BUILDING LEASE (Land Leased to Magnolia) State of Texas County of Dallas This agreement made and entered into this the 15th day of June, A.D., 1945, by and between City of Georgetown of the County of Will- iamson, State of Texas, herin referred to as Lessor, whether one or more, and Magnolia Petroleum Company, a corporation, incorporated under the laws of Texas, having its principal place of business at Dallas, Texas, Lessees WITNESSETH 1. Lessor does by these presents lease and demise unto Lessee the following described parcel of land, situated near the City of Georgetown, County of Williamson, and State of Texas, and describeds Beginning at a point on the East boundary of concrete apron 50 feet North of Southwest corner of said apron; thence East 150 feet; thence North at 90 degrees 200 feet; thence West at 90 degrees 150 feet to a point intersecting East Boundry of said apron 50 feet South of Northeast corner] thence South along East boundry of said apron approximately 200 feet to a point of beginning. 2. The leased premises are to be used in tte business of selling and handling of gasoline, oil, and other by-products of crude petroleum to be supplied exclusively by Lessee, and for an Aikport Administration Building, or for any other lawful purpose of any nature whatsoever. The term of this lease is Ten (10) years, beginning on the third day after completion of improvements by Lessee in accordance with plans and specifications approved by Lessor and the acceptance of imp- rovements by Lessor. The erection of such improvements shall be begun not later than thio day of A.D. 1946, ar_d shall be completed not later than the!. day of , A.D, 19 . Lessee may insert acceptance or commencement and termination dates as follows, From lot day of July, A.D, 1946 to 30th day of June A.D. 1956- 3* Lessee leases the above described premises and agrees to pay as rental thereof one dollar ($1.00) per year, payable each anniversary date of this contract in advance to Lessor as same shall fall due. Lessee may pay all rentals to any one Lessor, if more than one, and the same shall be sufficient payment. 4. Lessee hereby agrees to construct at its expense for Lessor's account, one Airport Administration Building at a maximum cost of Fine Thousand Dollars ($5000.00) in accordance with plans and specifications hereto annexbd and initialed by the parties hereto marlmd Exhibit "A". 5. The total am of five thousand dollars 05,000.00), repres- entinc,,the maximum cost of Airport Administration Building described exhibit "A" shall be considered a noninterest bearing loan from Lessee to Lessor. SCI Lessor shall pay Lessee for improvements described in Exhibit the principal sum of Five Thousand Dollars 05,000.00) (In the event, however, the building described in Exhibit "A" costs lessee less than Five Thousand Dollars 45,000-00) then Lessor shall have credited on said scan of none Dollars ($ ), the amount of such saving, if any. Said payment will Te an amount equal to lX or 2X per gallon (as Lessor may elect) for each gallon of Lessee's gasoline sold on the premises, payable at time of delivery, with a guaranteed minimum monthly payment of forty-one dollars and sixty-seven cents ($41.67), payable to Lessee at Waco, Texas, on or before the 10th day of the month following the month in which sales were made. All auch payments shall first be applied to the retirement of the indebtedness covered by the construction cost of Airport Administration Building shown in Sxhibit "A" aforesaid. When the Airport Administration Building described in Exhibit "A" has been completely amortized by Lessor on basis above provided, the ownership or title to said building shall immediately pass from Lessee to Lessor. Such passage of title, however, shall not effect in any manner the lease )5herein given to Lessee. After the Airport Administration Building described in Exhibit "A" has been completely amortized, it becomes the property of Lessor, Lessor then shall have the option to purchase( less depreciation agreed upon) on the prevailing ffiarket value at that time the tanks, pumps, equipment, and facilities used thereof for the sale, storage and delivery of gasoline and motor oils and to pay a price agreed upon at termination of lease. If Lessor elects to purchase the equipment, payment will be on an amount equal to 1X or 2X per gallon for each gallon of Leases's gasoline sold on the premises payable at the time of delivery. 6. In addition to all other remedies herein provided, Lessee remains and reserves unto itself a vendor'& lien, a meohanio's lien and materialman's lien, and a chattel mortgage lien to secure the paymxht of any and all moneys remaining due provided for in Exhibit "A" until completely amortized by Lessor on the basis as provided in paragraph 5- 7, Lessee will use its beat efforts to see that all storage and dispensing equipment furnished by it is correctly gauged to its rated capacity, but assumes no responsibility therefor. Lessor must assure himself that all underground storage tanks, gasoline pumps, keraone measured and containers, lubricating oil and grease outfits and any other containers or receptacles used in the receipt, storage, or delivery of petroleum or other products, whether such equipment is furnished by the Lessee or by the Lessor, are ]Dept free of leaks, are correctly gauged and rated, and are constantly kept so, as the Lessee will not be responsible for, nor make any adjustment on account of, stock losses sustained from leakage or for any inaccuracy or incorrectness of any such measures or equipment. Be Lessor agrees to keep Administration Building fully insured at its expense against fire, explosion, storm or destruction of any nature whatsoever with a solvent company authorized to do business in the State of Texas, with policies payable to Lessee and Lessor as their respective interests may appear. In the event Lessor fails or refuses to pay the premiums on said policies, Lessee shall have the right to pay the same and apply rentals due and to become due to reimburse itself for amounts so advanoed. 9. Lessor warrants t14t it is the owner of the premises and that there is no outstanding lien and that it will not encumber said proper- ties nor permit liens to exist against the same during the term of this lease without stipulating that Lessee's property thereon and thereafter placed on said premises shall be exempt therefrom. Lessor agrees to indomnify and hold Lessee harmless from and and all costa, expenses, or loss of property by reason a8 any encumbrances, defects in, or restrictions upon its title to said premises. 10. Lessor agrees to maintain, paint and repair the premises, building and property theron, to keep such premises in good repair and painted for the term of this lease. Lessee shall be the sole judge as to whether or not this covenant has been preformed. On Lessor's failure to abide by this covenant, Lessee may at its option 2. 6603 repair and paint sated premises at Lessor's cost and expense, offsetting monthly rental due to that e4ent. 11; Lessee shall have the dill right to install additional equipment or signs, repair and maintain the same, and shall have the further right and privilege of removing said equipment, signs and property upon the termination of this lease. Lessee, for the period of Ten (10) days after the termination of this lease, shall have ingress and egress to the property and premises described for the purpose of removing any and all of its property and equipment of every character. 12s In the event of a sale of the premises above described by the Lessor or an assignment by the Lessor of any rental due and payable hereunder, the rents payable hereunder shall not be due and payable to the purchaser or assignee until and unless the instrument of convey- ance or assignment shall have been recorded and the purchaser or assignee shall have furnished to the Lessee, its successors, or assigns a certified copy thereof as well as with such certified copies of all instruments in his chain of title from the original Lessor. In the event of assignment or pledge of rentals Lessee shall not be respons- ible for the overpayment of rentals to the assignee or pledgee. 136 It is expeoially agreed that Lessee shall not be liable to lessor or to any other person for any damage that may have been caused to any of the property of Lessor, or to any of the property of any other person situated in, on, or near the premises, And Lessee shall not be liable for personal injury caused to Lessor or his employees, agents or customers, or any person injured on, at , or near the premises, and Lessor, for himself and for his heirs, and legal representatives, hereby waives any and all such claims against Lessee and agrees to protect, hold harmless and indemnify Lessee against any and all lia- bility for damage of any character that may be suffered by any person, or damages of any character that may be sustained to any property situated on, at or near said premises, and from all damage and injury resulting to him arising out of or resulting from any latent or patent defect in the premises or in any equipment therein or thereon, or from the same being or becoming out of repair, except damages caused by acts or conduct of Lessee or its agents. 14. If the continuous use of said premises and property is prohibited or prevented by city, county, state or national law, or court decree, this lease shall terminate, and the unpaid sums still due in the amortization of the expenses provided for in Exhibit "A" shall immediately become due and payable by Lessor to Lessee upon , surrender of this lease. 15. In case of destruction of the premises by fire, explosion, storm or otherwise, Lessor agrees to immediately repair same and replace them in good and proper condition for operation and Lessee agrees to repair and replace its said equipment, if any, with a view of returning said premises to its original condition for operation as quickly as possible. During the period of such repair, the rents herein provided for shall cease, but as soon as the repairs are finished and Lessor reoccupies ti:e premises, the rents shall resume upon the same terms and such period of time shall beadded to the term of this lease, the expiration date previously stated notwithstanding. lb, Lessor agrees that it will render and pay all taxes of every character upon the land, buildings and improvements thereon, save and except such additional equipment that Lessee places thereon, upon which said equipment and property, Lessee agrees to pay all taxesq Failure on the part of Lessor to pay such taxes shall give Lessee the right to pay the same and to have and hold such tax liens existing thereon and shall have the right to apply rentals due and to become due to reimburse itself for Lessorvs taxes paid by it. 17. Lessor shall keep said premises in proper sanitary condition, obeying and obseriing all laws, ordinances and regulations in regard thereto, and also as to fire prevention and shall corrmit no waste. 3• 18. This lease may be assigned and transferred and is binding on L14� County: Georgetown Book: City Charter No Volume Page Number: 5 This page was missing at time of scanning, therefore was not scanned. KOFILE SOLUTIONS, INC __.Ai TER III CARIMLS r Section 1. UNLANFUL TO ALLOW BREACHY ANIIIAL T^ MTN AT LARGE. It shall be unlawful for the owner or any person in charge or control of any horse, mule, cow or other domesticated animal which is breathy, or which habitually opens gates, or tears down, or jumps or breaks through fences, or which depreciates upon any inclosure, or upon goods in front of any store, or upon the contents of farm or other wagons and vehicles, to willfully allow such horse, mule, cow or other domesticated animal to run at large within the corporate limits of this city, and any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than One nor more than Twenty-five Dollars; and each and every day that such horse, mule, cow or other domesticated animal is thus allowed to run at large shall constitute a distince and separate offense. (Passed Oct. 15, 1906). Section 2. PUNIS.i-PiTNT FOR RUJ'NING AT Lt.PGE. If any person or persons in the City of Georgetown, shall keep own or control any vicious animal such as a horse, cow, dog, cat or any other animal of any description which shall attack or attempt to attack a person, and who after having been notified of such vicious tendency and attack, and shall fail and re- fuse to keep such animal confined in a place of safe keeping, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding Ten dollars. Each day that said animal shall be allowed to remain at large after said notification shall have been made and given to the owner of such aninal, shall be deemed and constituted a separate offense. (Passed Mray 9, 1904) . Section 3. PROHIBITING THE FEEDING OF ANIULS ON THE S4UARE. Any person who shall feed any horse, mule, cow, hog or other aniimal upon any street immediately surraunding and contiguous to the Public Square in this city shall be fined in any sum not less than One dollar and not more than Ten Dollars. (Passed August 12, 1907). Section 4. PROHIBITING THE ALLOWING OF PIGEONS TO R'TN OR FIX AT LARGE. The owner or any person in charge or control of any pigeon or pigeons in this city, or the owner or any person in charge or control of any premises in this city upon which pigeons nest, who shall allow such pigeons to run or fly at large in this city shall be deemed guilty of maintaining a nuisance, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than One Dollar and not more than Ten Dollars. And each and every day that such pigeon or pigeons are so allowed to run or fly at large 'shall constitute a distinct and separate offense. (Passed June 10, 1907)t' Section 5. PROHIBITING THE RUNNING AT LARGE, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIIAITS OF THE CITY OF HORSES, MULES, JACKS, JEPJNETS, CATTLE, HOGS, GOATS, A:lr SHEEP, a. Any person who shall willfully turn out, or cause to be turned out, within the corporate limits of this City, on land not his own, or un(?er his control, or on any street, alley or public place in said city, any horses, mules, jacks, jennets, cattle, hogs, goats or sheep, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any am not less than Fivd Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars. That if any person who shall allow such animals to run at large in this city shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than Five Dollars and not more than Two Eundred Dollars, and each and every day that such animals shall thus be permitted to run at large shall constitute a distinct and separate offense. b. It shall be the duty of the City 11arshall to take up and inpound any such animals found running at large within the corporate linits of this city and to detain same until the fees and expenses of such impounding and detention, as hereinafter provided and paid. The Marshall shall give prompt notice thereof to the owner or person in charge of such stock if known, either by verbal notice given in person, or by written notice mailed to the owner, or person in charge, at his post office address. Such owner shall be entitled to the possession thereof at any time upon payment to the Mlarshall of all the fees, expenses and costs incurred in the impounding, detaining, feeding, caring for and advertising for sale of such stock -16- 0006 c. The expense pai4 out by the harshall in impounding, 'detaining, feeding and caring for any such stock shall be paid by the city, and all fees and etpenses collected from the owner, or person in charge, of any such stock shall belong to the city and when collected shall be paid to the City Treasurer, except that, when any such stock is sold as hereinafter provided, the costs provided for in such sale shall belong and be paid to theCity Marshall. The City of Georgetown shall be entitled to receive and collect from the owner, or person in charge of any such stock all reasonable expenses incurred in impounding, detain- ing, feeding and caring fcr such stock, together with One Dollar per head on horses, mules, jacks, jennets, and cattle, and fifty -cents per head on hogs, goats and sheep, as an impounding fee, on all such stock impounded under the provisions of this ordinance, which said fees and expenses shall be paid to the Marshall before the possession of such stock is turned over to such owner, or person in charge. d. If within five days after receiving the notice provided for in section 154 (b) hereof, the owner / or person in charge of/ any stock impounded as in this ordinance provided, shall not apply to the Marshall the feed and expenses provided for in Section 154 (c) hereof, then the Marshall shall sell such stock at public auction for cash, after having given notice of such sale in the manner provided by law in this State for giving notice of Constable's sale of personal property, and apply the proceeds of such sale, after deducting the expenses thereof, to the satisfaction of the fees and expenses thereof, to the satisfaction of the fees and expenses provided for in Section 154 (o) hereof, and shall pay the balance, if any remains, to the owner of such stook. The Marshall shall r receive for his services in making such sale the same compensation as is allowed theConstatles' sales of personal property in this State. e. If the owner of any such stock so impounded is unknown, then the Marshall shall give notice of such impounding, fully describing such stock in such notice, by publishing same one time in a newpaper published in this City, and if the owner, or person in charge thereof, does not appear and pay the fees and expenses provided for in Section 154 (o), hereof, together with the expenses of the publication of such notice, ftthin five days after the date of such publication, then the b"arshall shall sell said stock in the manner provided in Section 154 (d) hereof, and if there is any of the proceeds of such sale remaining after the payment of all fees, costs and expenses, then such remainder shall be deposited with the city treasurer and any time within two years after such sale such remainder may be paid to the owner of such stock at the time of their sale upon such ownerrmaking satisfactory proof to the City Council that he was the owner of such stock at the tine of the sale, but if such owner of such stock does not appear and make such proof of ownership within such two years, then at the expiration of such two years such remainder shall become the property of the city and shall be paid into the general fund of said city; or when the owner of such impounded stock in unknown, the Marshall may, if he deems it best, after holding such stook for three days, estray such stock according to the laws regulating estrays in this State. (Passed April 12, 1909). Section b. PROHIBITING THE KEEPING OF HOGS WITHIN THN CITY LIVITS. It shall be unlawful for any person for himself, or as agent for another, to keep any hog or hogs, in any house, shed, pen, lot of pasture, within the corporate limits of this city. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction therefore, be fined in any sum not less than one and not more than one hundred dollars. That each day that this ordinance is violated shall constitute a separate offense. This ordinance shall not apply to hogs kept temporarily (not exceeding 2 days) in shipping pens, for purpose of shipment; or to hogs kept temporarily (not to exceed 2 days) at auction or sales pens, or barns for the purpose of sale. (Passed June 28, 1949). Section 7. PROHIBITING THE KREPING OF ANY HORST', HOS>S, CATTLE, SHPFP GOATS, OR 0 "ITR ANIML IN ANY BARN, LOT OR PEN 1,11THIN THF CITY T?'.AT IS LESS T"ISTA"JCE THAN FIVE HUNDRED FRET FROM i -LOCK FORTY EIGHT OF THIS CITY. It shall be unlawful for any person, whether for himself or as the agent or servant for another or others, to keep or be interested or concerned or connected with the keeping of any horses, hogs, cattle, sheep,goats, or other animals, in any barn, pen, or lot, in the said City, that is within less distance than Five hundred feet from Block Forty-eight of the said City (The Block on which is located the wells from which the said City obtains its principal water supply). That each day that any of the said animals are so held or kept shall constitute separate offense. Any person violating this ordinance shall be guilty of a - 17 0007 misdemeanor, and upon conviction therefor shall be fined in any sum of not less than one Dollar and not more than One Hundred Dollars. (Passed March 8, 1937). Section Be REf4TJIRING THAT ALL DOGS KEPT 1firITHIN SAID CITY BE VACCINATED Fit RA'3I^S AND BF TAGG111D FCP IDENTIFICATION. a. Any person owning, possessing, or having under his control any dog or dogs within this City shall, once each year, cause such dog o: dogs to be vaccinated for rabies by some competent vetinary surgeon, and shall procure a certificate from such veterinary surgeon, reciting that such dog or dogs have so been so vacinated for rabies, and shall take such certificate to the City Clerk and shall, thereupon, pay to the said City Clerk, a registration fee of the sun of One Dollar for each dog to be so registered; and that the said CityClerk shall, thereupon, make a record thereof and shall issue and deliver to such owner or person in possession of such dog or dogs, a metal tag prepared by the City; and that such ,owner or person in possession of such dog or dogs, shall cause such metal tag to be securely fastened to the neck of each dog so registered. b. It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep or possess, any dog or dogs within thisCity that have not been vaccinated for rabies, and been registered and tagged in the manner above set out. That ab - Bence of the metal tag above mentioned, from the neck of a dog, shall be prina facie evidence that such dog has not been vaccinated for rabies and has not been registered in the manner required. o. Any person owning, possessing, or keeping any dog or dogs within this City, without first causing some to be vaccinated for rabies or caused same to be registered, or caused same to be tagged, in the manner heriin set out, shall be guilty of an offense, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than One Dollar and not more than One Hundred Dollars. That each dog kept in violation hereof, shall constitute a separate offense. d. That each dog found within this City, without having upon his neck the tag mentioned herein, shall be deemed to be kept within this City in violation of the provisions hereof; and it shall be the duty of the Pound Master of this City to take up and impound each dog so found untagged. That said Pound Master of said City shall keep each dog so taken by him, impounded for three days, and shall then kill and destroy such clog, unless the same be sooner redeemed. That the ownez- or keeper of any dog so impounded, shall have the right to, within three days, redeem such dog, by paying to the Pound ldaster a fee of Two Dollars. e. That this ordinance shall apply to dogs that are over six months old, but shall not apply to one that is under such age. (Passed July 14, 1947)- Section 947). Section 9, MAKING IT UNIX411,71, FOR ANY ?EPSON TO PREVENT TFE POUND MAN FROM DISCH&GING HIS DUTIES. It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere or attempt to interfere with the pound man of the said City or to interfere or attempt to interfere with any person acting for the saidCity in the taking up and impound of animals running at large in the said City, and that any person violating this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, be fined any sum not less than One Dollar now more than One Hundred Dollars. Any act done by any person in preventing or attempting to prevent the person acting for the said City in the impounding of animals running at large as aforesaid, or in the tearing down or opening the pen in which such animals may have been impounded, or the taking of any animal frau such pen or doing any act that will pern.it such animal to escape from such pen, shall came within the provisions of this ordinance and shall constitute a violation thereof. (Passed April 12, 1943)- - 543). - 18 - 0008 Section 10. KEEPING OF DOG IN HU2. Any person Who shall knowingly suffer or permit any slut belonging -to him or in his charge and control, to run or to be found at large wr a in heat, shall be guilty of a I isdemeanor and upon convicts therefor shall be fined in any star not exceeding; Fifty Do l: ars Section 11. MAXOR iiA` NG At"T'I,,.,TY TO ORWIR DSS AT'ZZLED. It shall be lawful for the Mayor of this city at any season or time whenever in his opinion the public interest requires it, to issue his proclamation forbidding the running at large of dogs without having placed on the said dog's mouth a muzzle made of wire or other substance that will prevent said dog from biting, and e,,e owner of person in charge of any dog wl:o shall knowingly let such dog run at large without a muzzle in violation of such proclamation shall be fined in any sum not ex- ceeding Fifty Dollars. (Passed Oct. 8, 1906). Section 12. L'14144:"1,'L TO AU."Iff IMAD DOG TO RdN AT LARGE. Any person who sh all own or control or have in his possession within the limits of this city, any mad dog, dog or any other animal affected, or sus- pected of being affected with the disease of rabbies, or any person who has in his possession, or owns or controls any dog or other animal which has been bitt-n by any dog or other animal having rabies, or suspected of having the same, shall immediately kill, or firmly secure said dog or other animal, and the City 11arsha.1 or his deputy is authorized to kill such dog or animal found at large in violation of the terms and provisions of this ordinance, and any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars. (Passed Mar. 12, 1906) . Section, 13. UNLA17FiTL TO AlLU17 DOG TO RUN AT LARGE. It shall be unlawful for t -:e owner, keeper, or person in charge, or control of any dog within tYeCity of Georgetown to allow or permit such LOG, whether registered And sagged As Her®inbefore provided or not to habitually ruAiftt large within this City, and any dog which habitually follows his owner, or keeper, or other person around, over or through the public streets, alleys and places in said City shall be considered as habitually running at large under the provisions of this section; any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall upon conviction be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any stun not less than one dollar and not more titan two hundred dollars, and each and every day that such dog so habitually runs at large shall constitute a distinct and separate offense. (Pawed June 14, 1909). MSection 14. PROITIBITING THE KEEPING OF JUdY DOG T -W BARKS. Whenever any dog or dogs, owned or kept ftthin this City, shall persistently bark or howl to en extent reasonable calculated to disturb the peace or quiet of persons residing in the vicinity of where such dog or dogs are kept, such dog or dogs owned or kept within this City shall persistently and habitually bark or howl, such dog or dogs is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and the owning or keeping of such dog or dogs within this City is hereby declared to be a nuisance; and it *a hereby made the duty of the Mayor, Warshall, City Attorney, and City Clerk of said City, to/upon the complaining of any person aggrieved, abate such nuisance,.and prosecute the person or persons maintaining such nuisance. Any person maintaining such nuisance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convictica therefor, shall be fined in any sum not less than one dollar nor more than one hundred dollars. (Passed Sept. 14, 1925). Section 15. OPDINkITCr TO PHOTF,CT P:.SO?dS AGAINST RABI"S CAUSED FRC'.'+ T T, BITE OF' A DOG. a) tlien it shall come to the knnovledbe of the City Health Officer of this City that there is reasonable probability that any dog ovined or kept within this City is affected with rabies, or has been exposed to rabies, he shall have the power and it is hereby made his duty to order or direct the owner or keeper of such dog, to cause such dog to be at once confined, subject to and under the observation f the said City Health Officer, at some convenient place -19- 0009 within this City for a period not to exceed nine days from the date of such order. That whenever any dog, within this City shall have bitten any person, such fact shall constitute reasonable pro- bability that such dog has the rabies, or has been exposed to the rabies, and such dog shall be presumed to be affected with the rabies until the contrary is made to appear. (b) Any dog presumed to have the rabies, by reason of the fact that he has bitten some person; or any dog that has been ordered confined by the City Health Officer, for the reasons and in the manner above provided, found running at large in this City, at any time within a nine days after such dog has bitten such person, or within nine days after such dog has been ordered confined by the City Health Officerp in the manner and for the reasons above provided, shall be deemed to be a public nuisance and a public menace, and may lawfully be killed by any person when so found running at large, and it is hereby made the duty of the City Marshal to kill such dog, when so found running at large, provided, however, that any stray dog, or any dog whose owner is unknown, after reasonable inquiry, where there is reasonable grounds for belief that such dog has the rabies, or has been exposed to the rabies, teat may be found running at large is hereby declared to be a nuisance and menace and it shall be law- ful to kill such dog, as such without any notice, or any order that such dog be confined; and provided further, that it shall be lawful to kill any such dog that has bitten a person, within nine days after such dog has bitten such person, that may be found running at large, whether the owner or keeper thereof be known or not, and without any notice to the owner or keeper thereof. (c) The owner or keeper of any dog that has bitten a person, who shall knowingly fail or refuse to confine such dog, in the City, and keep same confined, subject to the observation, inspection, and examination of theCity Health Officer for a period of nine days immediately after such dog has so bitten such person, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction therefor shall be fined in any sum not less that One Hundred Dollars. Any person who shall knowinbly, fail or refuse to confine any dog owned or kept by them within this City, immediately after and for a period of nine days continuously fram the time that such person may be ordered or directed to confine such dog by the City Health Officer of this City, in the manner herein provided, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction therefor shall be fined in any sum riot less than two hundred dollars, and each day he so fails shall be a separate offense. W That whenever it shall appear to the satisfaction of theCity Health Officer of theCity, that any dog being confined by the owner or keeper thereof, or that is in the possession of such owner or keeper or someone holding same for him, has the rabies, or is afflicted with rabies; or whenever it shall appear to the satisfaction of the said City Health Officer that the health or safety of any person that may have been bitten by a dog demands it, in the prevention of such person from becoming afflicted with rabies, or in the proper treatment of such person for rabies; the saiV City Health Officer shall have the power, and it is hereby made his duty, that he order the owner, keeper, or person in charge of such dog, to at once kill such dog, and deliver the head and boBy of such dog to the said City Health Officer. That it shall tk:ereupon be and becone tti-e duty of any person when so ordered, to kill, or cause such dog to be killed and to cause the head and body thereof to be delivered to the City Health Officer, in accordance with such order. (e) Any dog, so ordered killed, is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and public menace, and upon proper affidavit being made and filed with the Mayor of this City, he shall issue his warrant, ordering and directing the City Marshal of this City to cause such dog to be killed, in the event that the owner or keeper or person in possession thereof, has failed to discharge his duty and kill such dog, as herein provided. (f) Tne owner er beeper of any dog, ordered killed, by the City Health Officer of this City, who shall fail or refuse to kill sa-le, or cause same to be killed, or who shall fail or refuse to deliver the head and body thereof to the City Health Officer of this City, when so ordered shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction therefor shall be fined in any sum not to exceed -19a- 0010 one hundred dollars, and each day he so fails or refuses shall constitute a separate offense. (g) All orders made, or to be made by the City Health Officer, under t%.e provisions of this ordinance, may be made verbally or in writing, within the discretion of the said City Health Officer. (Passed Sept. 14, 1925): Section 16s GPXITING THE INTERNATIONAL AND GREAT NORTHERN RAILRDAD COItTANY TFT: P.I(MT TO ERECT AND MAINTAIN A STOCK PEN IWITHIN THE CORPORAT?, LIMOS OF THE CITY OF GEORGM201M. Permission is hereby granted to the International and Great Northern Railroad Company to erect and maintain a stock pen of sufficient capacity to hold one car of cattle, and no more, on its land in Block No. 30 of said City, such pen to be situated just North of the passen-er depot of said railroad in said City. Such stock pen shall be kept in a good sanitary condition and shall not be maintained in such a way as to create a nuisance, and stock shall not be allowed to remain in sa*ie longer than twenty-four hours at a time; and. in the event that such railroad violates any of the above mentioned provisions that the permission herein given shall stand revoked and forfeited. (Passed Aug. 9, 1909). Section 17. PROHIBITING THE RIM MIG AT LARGE OF A CHICKEN, CHICKENS OR OTHER FOWLS. It shall be unlawful for the owner or person in charge of control of any chicken, chickens or other f6wls to permit any chicken, chickens, or other fowls to run at large within the corporate limits of this City, and any person violating this section shall be fined in any sum not less than one and not more than twenty-five dollars, and each and every day that such chicken, chickens, or other fowls shall run at large in said City shall constitute and be a distinct and separate offense. (Passed Mar. 10, 1919). Section 18. PROHIBITING THE KE^PING OF OVM ONE DOZW CHICKF,NS OR RABBITS, OR THE KMPING OF ANY CHICKENS OR RABBITS THAT 5FA,_L BE A NUISANCE. (a) It shall hereafter be a criminal nuisance to keep any chickens or any rabbits, or either of them at any place within this City, when the place where they or either of them are so kept is within two hundred feet or less of any private residence of another, or within two hundred feet or less of any public place; if such chickens or such rabbits or either of t"em are then and there kept in a manner and under conditions wherein said chickens or such rabbits, or either of them, by reason of Vie odors therefrom, the noise made by them, or from any other cause pertaining to them or to either or any of them or pertaining to the manner or to the place at which they are keit, is reasonable calculated to annoy, offend, or disturb the inhabit- ants of such private residence or disturb the inhabitants of such public place. (b) Proof that one dozen chickens or more are being kept at any one time at a place within this City that is within two hundred feet or less from any private house of another shall be sufficient to make a prima facie case hereunders and/or the proof that one dozen or more rabbits are being kept at any one time at a place within this City that is two hundred feet or less from the private residence of anotl:er, s) -all be sufficient to make out a prima facie case here- under, and unless such prima facie case is overcome by evidence, it shall warrant a conviction hereunder. (c) Any person acting for himself or for another, who creates or maintains the criminal nuisance above defined shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sumodf not less than one dollar nor more than ten dollars. (Passed June 8, 1953)• Section 19, HORSES, RIDING, DIIVING, ETC. (a) Leaving unhitched, etc. It shall be unlawful for any person within the corporate limits of this City, to ride or drive any beast of burden in any public place in such a manner as to collide with any vehicle, animal, or person on foot; or to ride or drive any animal usually ridden with reins without holding the reins in hand, or to ride, drive lead or otherwise place any beast of burden, vehicle or wagon on any -19b- 0011 sidewalk or pavement otherwide than in and out of premises owned and controlled by him or his employer; or to leave any horse or other beast of burden without the sage being tied; or to leave any team, beast of burden or vehicle or wagon on any street or alley crossing so as to obstruct the passway on such street or alley, and any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding One Hundred dollars; provided that this shall not apply to persons delivering wood or coal. (b) Hitching. Any person who shall hitch or fasten any horse or animal to any awning post, shade tree, lamp post, fence or building within the limits of this City, not owned or controlled by him, her or them, and without the consent of the owner or controller of the same, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be punished by a fine in any sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, provided that consent shall not be given to hitch to awning posts. (o) Unlawful for belled Animals to run at large. It shall be un- lawful for any person within the limits of this City to allow any animal whatever, owned or controlled by him or her, to run at large with a bell attached thereto. Any person violating this section shall on wonviction be fined in any sum not exceeding ten dollars. (Passed May 17 , 18 90) . (d) Reckless riding or driving. If any person or persons shall wilfully ride or drive any horse or mule in, along or across any street, byway or alley of the City of Georgetown, in a reckless manner, or in a manner calculated to endanger the safety of any person or property of the inhabitants of said streets, byways or alleys, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon oonvicrion thereof shall be fined not less than Five Dollars nor, more than Twenty-five Dollars. (Passed Sept. 10, 1900). (e) Prohibiting throwing of High Life. Any person within the limits of this City who shall wilfully or mischievously throw or place, or cause to be thrown or placed, upon any other domesticated animal and carbon bisulphate or other like substance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars. (Passed Oct. 8, 1906). Section 20. DEAD Ar1IUL AM FUN S. Any person or persons in the City of Georgetown, Texas, who shall cause to be placed or place in or near his premises or the premises or any residence of this City, or in any of the alleys or the streets of this City, any dead animal, #tither wild or domesticated, or any dead fowl, either wild or domesticated, or any dead or decaying substance of any kind whatever, shall be deemed guilty of maintaining a nuisance and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum of not less than 4-5.00 nor more than 125.00. (Passed Nov. 12, 1906). -19c- 0012 BICYCLES Section 1, REGULATIONS AND PUNISHMEMIT. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride on any bicycle, velocipede, or other vehicle of like nature or description, on or along any street, alley, road, or other public place in this city at a higher rate of speed than ten miles per hour, or along or on any side walk in said City, or on or along any street; alley,' --road or other public place in said City after dark without having a lighted -headlight -thereon, or on or along any street, alley,--road--or other public place in this city willfully or negligently so as to collide with or injure any person or team or vehicle or in a manner calculated to frighten such person, or team or the occupant of such vehicle, and any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and upon aonviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollars. (Passed Nov. 12, 1906). M CHAPTER VII BILL POSTING, SIGN WRITING, SIGHS, ETC. Section 1. UNLAVTUL AT CMTAIN PLACES. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons in this City to write, paint, post, paste or in any manner place or cause to be placed any writing, printing, painting, pictures, lithographs, or advertising of any devoription whatsoever upon any wall, fence, barn, house, stone or anything also not his own, or not under his direct control, without first having obtained the consent of the person or persons in charge or in control of the same. h.violation of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five Dollars and not more than Twenty-five dollars, and each and every day such writing, pictures, etc., shall,be, and constitute a separate offense, punishable as such under the terms and provisions of this ordinance. (Passed April 10, 1906). -28- 0014 CHAPTER VIII BONDS Section 1, AUTHORIZING THE ISSTTApTCE OF $66,000.00 CITY OF GEORGE* TOWN, TIMAS, STR TT REFUNDING BONDS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REFUNDING A LIKE A, OUNT OF CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS, STREET BONDS, DATED JUNE; 1, 1922. (a) Bonds of said City, to be called "CITY OF GrORG77Os4N, TEXAS, STRPM7 REFTJNT)ING BONTIS", be issued under and by virtue of the Con- stitution and laws of the State of Texas, to the amount of SIXTYS, SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS, (.t 66,OOo.00), for the purpose of refunding, cancelling, and in lieu of a like amount of legally issued and out- standing bonds, which are valid obligations of the City of Georgetown, Texas, and particularly described as follows: City of Georgetown, Texas, Street Bonds, dated June 1st, 1922, due f orty years after date optional ten years after date, being sixty-six bonds, of the denom- ination of (1,000.00 each, of an original issue of eighty-five bonds, authorized by an ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of Georgetown on the 10th day of April, 1922, which is recorded in the minutes of said Council. The numbers of the City of Georgetown Street bonds described above which are to be refunded are as followss Bonds Nos. 11 to 37 inclusive; 43 to 44 inclusive; 47 to 54 inclusive; 56 to 70 inclusive, and 72 to 85 inclusive, being a total of 066,000.00 bonds in the denomination of J1,000.00 each. (b) Said Street Refunding Bonds shall be numbered consecutively from one (1) to sixty-six (66) inclusive, shall be of the denomination of One Thousand (41,000.00) dollars each, aggregating said sum of Sixty-six Thousand ($66,000.00) dollars. (o) Said Refunding Bonds Bonds shall be dated the lst day of July 1935, and shall become due and payable serially as follows: EOTTD NUIiBMS DATE OF MATURITY AM= 1 July 1st, 1936 t1,000.00 2-3 inclusive July 1st, 1937 $2,000.00 4-6 inclusive July 1st, 1938 $3,000.00 7-8 inclusive July 1st, 1939 $2,000.00 9-10 inclusive July 1st, 1940 12,000.00 11-12 inclusive July lst, 1941 t,2,000.00 13-14 inclusive July 1st, 1942 12,000.00 15-16 inclusive July 1st, 1943 X2,000.00 17-18 inclusive July lst, 1944 12,000.00 19-20 inclusive July 1st, 1945 52,000.00 21-22 inclusive July 1st, 1946 $2,000.00 23-24 inclusive July 1st, 1947 X2,000.00 25-26 inclusive July 18t, 1948 02,000.00 27-28 inclusive July 1st, 1949 $2,000.00 29-30 inclusive July lst,1W950 $2,000.00 31-36 inclusive July 1st, 1951 $6,000.00 37-38 inclusive July lst,'1952 t,2,000.00 39-40 inclusive July 1st, 1953 $2,000.00 41-42 inclusive July 1st, 1954 $2,000.00 43-44 inclusive July 1st, 1955 12,000.00 45-46 inclusive July lst, 1956 02,000.00 47-49 inclusive July 1st, 1957 0,000.00 50-52 inclusive July 1st, 1958 $3,000.00 53-55 inclusive July 1st, 1959 #3,000.00 56-58 inclusive July lst, 1960 $3,000.00 59-62 inclusive July 1st, 1961 64,000.00 63-66 inclusive July 1st, 1962 (4,000.00 9d) The City Council affirmatively adjudges that the financial con- dition of the City of Georgetown will not permit the payment of said Refunding Bonds in such installments as will make the burden of tax- ation to support the same approximately uniform, throughout the term of said issue, unless it sial be found that the maturities above set out do make the burden of taxation approximately uniform. (e) Said Refunding Bonds shall bear interest as follows: Bonds numbers one to thirty (1-30) inclusive shall bear interest at the rate of four percent (4'1'o) from date until paid and Bones numbered thirty-one to sixty-six (31-66)i�nclusive, shall bear interest at the rate of four and one half percent (4-ia ) per annum until paid -29- 0015 (f) Said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and oountersigned by the City Clerk, and the corporate seal of said City shall be affixed to each of the said bonds. The fac simile signatures of the ?Mayor and City Clerk may be lithographed, engraved or printed on the interest coupons, and shall have the same effect as if said coupons had been signed by said officers. (g) Principal and interest of said bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America, upon presentation and surrender of bonds or coupons at the (h) Said refunding bonds shall be substantially in the following form No. UNITED STATES OF AIMRICA Thv, STATE OF TM= COUNTY OF WIiIIAi1SON CITY OF GEO cM701,` 1 TMAS, STR7Ei REFiTNDING BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PFESPNTSs That the City of Georgetown, a municipal corporation, in the County of Williamson and State of Texas, for value received, acknowledges itself indebted to, and hereby promises to pay to Bearer on the let day of July 19 , the sum of IN 1XIFUL IMONEY of the United States of America, together with interest thereon, from date hereof, at the rate of ( %) per annum, payable semi-annually on the let day of .>Uruary and st day of July of each year, on presentation and surrender of the annexed coupons as they severally mature. Principal and interest shall be payable upon presentation and surrender of bond or proper coupon at the and the City of Georgetown is hereby held and firmly bound, and its faith and credit, and all real and personal property in said City are hereby pledged for the prompt payment of the principal of this bond, and the interest thereon at maturity. This bond is one of a series of sixty-six bonds, numbered con- secutively from one (1) to sixty-six (66) inclusive, in the denomination of One Thousand (41,000.00) dollars, each, aggregating Sixty-six Thousand (.,,.66,000.00) dollars, issued for the purpose of refunding, canceling and in lieu of a like amount of City of Georgetown Street Bonds, dated June let, 1922, which have been duly cancelled by the proper authorities simultaneously with the issuance of this bond and the series of which it is a part; and in addition to all other rights, the holder or hold - ere of this bond and the series of which it is a part, is and are sub- rogated to all the rights held by the holders of the original bonds hereby refunded. This bond and the series of which it is a part is issued under and by virtue of and in strict conformity to the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and in pursuance of an ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, on the 10th day of June, 1935, which is recorded in the binutes of the Council. The date of this bond, in conformation with said ordinance, is July 1, 1935, and it is hereby certified and recited that the issuance of this bond, and the series of which it is a part, is duly authorized by law, and that all acts, conditions and things required to be done precedent to and is the issuance of this series of bonds and of this bond, have been properly done and performed, and have happened in regular and due time, form and manner, as required by law; that due provision has been made for levying and collecting annually by tax- ation an amount sufficient to provide a sinking fund for the final redemption of said bonds at maturity; and that the issue of bonds of which this is one, together with all other indebtedness of said City, if within, is within every debt and other linit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas. IN VIITNESs VvHEREOF the City of Georgetown, by its City Council, has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and this bond to be signed by its mayor and countersigned by its City Clerk, and -30- --16 the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the printed or lithographed signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, as of the date last above written. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mayor, City of Georgetown Countersigned r - r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - City Clerk, City o£ Georgetown. ) (i) The form of interest coupon shall be substantially as f ollowss ( No. $ On the Day of , 19 . T12 CITY OF GEr'RGET(Y4N, TEXAS, PRO!"FISRS TO PAY TO AFAPM AT _ the sum of Dollars ( ) in lawful money of the Vnitea States of America, -being six mon Es- interest on City of Georgetown, Texas, Street Refunding Bond, dated July 1, 1935* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - City Clerk Mayor - --- --) (j) That substantially the following Certificate shall be printed on the back of each of said bonds: (Office of Comptroller ) STATE OF T'XAS I HEREBY CERTIFY that there is on file in my office a certificate of the Attorney General of the State of Texas to the effect that this bond has been examined by him as required by law, and that he finds that it has been issued in conformity with the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and that it is a valid and binding obligation of said City of Georgetown, Texas, and said bond has this day been registered by me. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF I,Y OFFICP, at A'Astin, Texas, this the day of , 1935- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Co=troller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas. ) (k) The Comptroller shall not register said bond except as and when there shall be surrendeded to him an equal amount of City of Georgetown, Texas, Street Bonds, hereby refunded, as hereinafter directed. (1) There shall be and there is hereby created a special fund in the City Treasury to be known as the a " for the purpose of paying the interest on said on s and tha principal thereof as same becomes due, which fund shall not be diverted nor drawn upon for any other purpose, and the City Treasurer shall honor no draft upon said fund except to pay interest upon or principal of said Refund- ing Bonds, or for the investment of said sinking-lZnds, as provided by law. (m) That to create said Special Fund, to pay the interest on said refunding bonds and the principal thereof as same becomes due, there is hereby levied for the current year and for each succeeding year thereafter while said Refunding Bonds, or any of them, are outstanding a tax of and at the rate of S.20 or so much thereof, or such greater - rate as may be necessary, on each One Hundred Dollars valuation of all taxable property in the City of Georgetown, and said tax shall be assessed and collected for the current year] and there shall be cal- culated each year thereafter while any of said bonds are outstanding and unpaid what rate of tax is necessary to provide current interest and the required amount of principal for such year, and a tax at such rate, within the lawfully permitted rate, shall be assessed and col- lected during each of said years, and said tax is hereby ordered to be levied, assessed and collected and anplied to said purpose. -31- 0017 The interest due on said Refunding Bonds on the 1st day of January 1935, shall be paid out of the funds hereinafter appropriated and set aside out of the special fund created for the original bonds herein refunded. (n) A sum sufficient to pay all interest due July 1st, 1935, on said City of Georgetown, Texas, Street Bonds, together with 48,000.00 of the principal thereof, be and the same is hereby set aside and held in the Special "City ofGeorgetown Street Bonds Fund" for each purpose; all remaining funds in said special sinking fund of the bonds hereby refunded are hereby appropriated and set aside to the special "George- town City Street Refunding Bonds" fund created for this issue; and all taxes in process of collection for the benefit of said special fund, for this Refunding bond issue. The officers of said City are hereby directed to take such stops as are necessary to transfer said funds to the special fund for this Refunding Bond issue; provided, however, that said transfer shall be made proportionately from time to time as and when said original bonds have been actually surrendered in exchange for said Refunding Bonds in said manner that said original bonds not exchanged, if any, will always be protected by proper interest and sinking fund heretofore provided for that purpose. (o) IT IS FU THER ORDAINED that Li. F. Smith, Mayor, is hereby authorized and directed to take and have oharge of all necessary records pending investigation by the Attorney General, and shall take and have charge and control of the Refunding Bonds hereby authorized, pending their approval by the Attorney General. After said bonds have been approved by the Attorney General, the Mayor is authorised to leave the Refunding Bonds in the office of the Comptroller pending exchange for the original bonds, which may be at any time, or in installments; and said Comptroller shall take and hold said Refunding Bonds, un- registered, pending the delivery to him for cancellation of the original bonds hereby refunded and upon cancellation of same, he shall register an equal amount of said Refunding Bonds, and deliver sage to the holder or holders of the original bonds so surrendered. QPassed May 26 1935). SrrTION 2. AUTH01P.ILING THE ISSUANCE OF FONDS FOR Tim' PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING A WATM ViORKS PLANT IN THF CITY OF GEORGETUVelf, TF?UA.4, A:D PPOVIDING FOR TriE LEVY AIM COLLECTION OF A TAX TO PAY THR INTFFcFST AND CREATE A SINKING FUND FOR TEE REDT-U-ITION OF SAID BONDS AT hITURITY. (14A'1'ER V+ORKS BONDS) (a) YVhereas at the election helf for the purpose on the 17th day of October A.D. 1910, a majority of the qualified voters, who are property tax payers of the City of Georgetown, Texas, voting at said election, sustained the proposition to issue the bonds hereinafter described by a vote of 216 for tie issuance of bonds to vote of 24 against the issuance of bonds, therefore. �b) Be it ordained by the City Counoi 1 of the City of Georgetown, Texas, that the bonds of said City to be called "City of Georgetown VVater Works Bonds" be issued under and by virtue of Article 486, Revised Statutes of Texas, 1895, for the purpose of oonstnucting a waterworks plant in said City. (c) Said bonds shall be numbered consecutively from One to Thirty- two, inclusive, shall be of the denomination of One Thousand (01,000.00) dollars each, aggregating the sum of Thirty-two thousand (32,000.00) dollars. (d) They shall be dated the 1st day of December, 1910. shall become due and payable forty -years from their date, but may be redeemed at the pleasure of the City at any time after Ten years from their date. (e) They shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent per annum payable semi-annually on the 1st day of December and the 1st day of June of each year. (f) Principal and interest shall be payable on presentation and surrender of bond, or proper coupon, at the office of the State Treasurer, Austin, Texas, or at the Fourth National Bank, New York, N. Y., or the Harris 'Frust and Saving Bank, Chicago, Ill. -32- 0013 (h) the fao-simile signatures of the Mayor and City Secretary shall be lithographed on the Coupons. (i) It is further ordained by the City Council, that to pay the interest on said bonds, anti' create a sinking fund sufficient to discharge them at maturity, a tax of twelve cents on the One Hundred Dollars valuation of all taxable property in said City of Georgetown, Texas, shall be annually levied on said property and annually assessed and collected until said bonds and interest are paid, and said tax is here and now levied for the currect year, and for each succeeding year while said bonds are outstanding, and the same shall be assessed aryl collected for the current year and annually hAreafter and applied to the purposes named. (j) It is also ordained that R. E. Ivard, Layor of said City, be autborized to take and have charge of said bonds, pending their investigation by the Attorney General, and upon their approval and registration shall have authority to negotiate their sale and receive for the City the proceeds thereof. (Passed Uct. 18, 1910.) Section 3. AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS IN THE PRINCIPAL S'JM OF `.ti"ITY-FIVE THOUSA14D (425,000.00) DOLLARS. TO BE DESIGi1A`rED AS CITY OF GEORGF"i0ti" N AIRPOCtT BONDS. (a) In order to borrow the sum of Twenty-five thousand (025,000.00) Dollars for the purpose of acquiring an Airport, to be owned by said City, the City Council of the said City, by virtue of authority conferred by the qualified electors of tiie said city, at the election held on tl,e 15th day of September, 1941, and in pursuance to the General Laws of the State of Texas, hereby provided for the issuance of a series of Coupon Bonds, to be designated, "CITY OF GEOEGETOWN AIRPORT BONDS", payable from revenues raised by taxation, and hereby provides for the payment of the said Bonds and interest coupons as same shall mature. (b) The said Bonds shall be dated September 16th, 1941, and shall be numbered consecutively from One (1) to Twenty-five (25) and shall bear interest from date at the rate of three per cent (X per annum, payable the 15th day of March, 1942, and the 16th day of September, 1942, and on the 16th day of March and the 16th day of September of each and every succeeding year thereafter until all of said Bonds are fully paid, which said seni-annual interest payments shall be evidenced by coupons attached to said bonds. That the said bonds shall be in the denominations of One Thousand (!1,000.00) Dollars each and shall be due and pay- able serially in accordance with their respective numbers as f6llowss BOND NbMBM DATE TO !sE PAID 1 March 16, 1943 2 March 16, 1944 3 March lb, 1945 4 March 16, 1946 5 Warch 16, 1947 6 March 16, 1948 7 March 16, 1949 8 ?March 16, 1950 9 march 16, 1951 10 March 16, 1952 11 March 16, 1953 12 March 16, 1954 13 March 16, 1955 14 March 16, 1956 15 March 16, 1957 16 ?"arch 16, 1958 17 March 16, 1959 18 March lb, 1960 19 March lb, 1961 20 March lb, 1962 21 March lb, 1963 22 March lo, 1964 23 March 16, 1965 24 March 16, 1966 25 march 16, 1966 That each of the said Bonds, together with the Interest Coupons thereon, shall be payable at the Mrst National Bank in Houston, Texas. That -33- 0019 After Ten Years from the day of the date of said bonds, namely on the 16th day of 11arch, A. P. 1952, and on the 16th day of each March thereafter, the said City shall have the option of paying all, or any one, or more, of the said Bonds, that may be then unpaid, by paying the principal of such bonds, together with such of the Interest Coupons attached to same that may then be due; and that such payment shall be full satisfaction of the said'Bond, or Bonds, so paid, to- gether with all interest thereon. That as condition of the exercise of the said option, the City Treasurer of the said Cit shall, in writing, by registered mail, :got less than fifteen (lU nor more than thirty (30) days before the date for the exercise of such option, notify the said FIRST NATIONAL B91K IN HOUSTON, of Houston, Texas, of the intent of the said City to exercise such option, stating in such Notice the Serial Numbers of the said Bond, or Bonds, to be paid under said option, and shall not less than fifteen (15) nor more than thirty (30) days prior to the date of such payment, cause a like notice to be published is at least one issue of THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE, a newspaper of general circulation, published in the City of Houston, Texas. (c) The principal and interest of the said Bonds shall be paid in lawful money of the United States of America, at FIRST NATIONAL BA°1K IN HOUSTON, Houston, Texas, upon the presentation and surrender of proper Bonds and interest coupons. (d) Each of the said Bonds shall be signed by the Mayor of tl­i said City, and countersigned by the City Secretary of said City, and reg- istered by the City Treasurer of the said City, and the Seal of the said City shall be impressed thereon. The fac-simile signatures of the Mayor and City Secretary of the said City may be lithographed or printed on the interest coupons attached to the said Bonds, and such signatures so lithographed, or printed, thereon shall have the same effect as if such coupons had been signed in person by said officers of said City. (e) The said Bonds, and the interest coupons attached thereto, shall each be substantially in the following form, respectivelys ( No. 11,000.00 UNITED STATES OF MYRICA STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF WILLIA,, SON CITY OF GEORGETOWN, AIRPORT BOND CITY OF GEORGETOWN, in the County of Williamson, State of Texas a municipal corporation; duly incorporated under the CTeneral Laws of the State of Texas, FOR VALUE F ECEIVED, hereby promises to pay to the bearer hereof, as herein provided, on the sixteenth day of March, A. D. 19 , (unless sooner called for payment under the terms hereof) at FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN HOUSTON of Houston, Texas, the sum of ONE THOUSAND (t, 1,000.00) DOI:LARS in lawful money of the United States of America, with interest thereon at the rate of three (0) per cent per annum, from date, payable on the 16th day of Yarch, 1942, and on the 16th day of September, 1942, and on the 16th day of March and the 16th day of September, respectively, each year thereafter, as evidenced by interest coupons attached thereto, and the City Treasurer of the City of Georgetawn, Texas, is hereby ordered and directed to pay to bearer the said principal sum of this bond, to- gether with thn)h interest thereon, evidenced by said coupons, both principal and interest being payable when due at the Bank above named and the City of Georgetown, Texas, is hereby held and firmly bound and the faith and credit of said City, and all real and personal property of said City, subject to taxation, are hereby pledged for the prompt payment of this Bond at the Maturity hereof, and the interest thereon as same becomes due. That is this Bond, according to the payment date, set out herein, be due and payable after March 16, 1952, the City shall have the option of calling and paying same on said date, or calling and paying same on the 16th day of March of any year thereafter, prior to the due date hereof. That as a con- dition for the exercise of the said option, the City Treasurer of said City shall in writing by registered mail, not less than fifteen (15) nor more than thirty (30) days prior to the date for the exmroise of such option, in writing, by registered mail, give notice to the -34- 0020 The paying agent, FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN HOUSTON, of Houston, Texas, of the City's intent to exercise such option, and said City Treasurer shall also, not less than fifteen (15) and not more than thirty (30) days prior to the date for the exercise of said option, cause a similar notice to be published in the City of Houston, Texas. That when such option has been so exercised, the payment of the principal of this Bond, and the interest coupons thereon, that are then due, according to the due date thereof shall be full payment and satisfaction of this Bond and interest thereon. This Bond is one of a series of Bonds of like tenor and effect, except as to number and maturity date, aggregating the amount of Twenty-five thousand (125,000.00) Dollars, to be paid from funds raised by taxation, issued by the said City for the purpose of acquiring an Airport to be owned by the said City, in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and the auth- ority of a vote of the qualified property tax -paying voters of said City, who had duly rendered their property for taxation, vot- ing at an election helit for the said purpose, on the 15th day of September, A. D., 1941, pursuant to an Ordinance of the City Council of the said City duly passed and entered in the Minutes of the said City Council, ordering the said election, and in accordance with an Ordinance of the City Council of the said City duly passed and recorded in the Minutes of the City Council, authorizing the issuance of said bonds. It is hereby certified that all bonds of the series of which this Bond is a part, are issued under and in accordance with the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and that all acts, conditions and things required to be done and performed have happened, been done, and performed in the manner and within the time required by law, for the validity of each of the Bonds of said series, and that sufficient and proper provisions for the levy and collection of texas for the payment of same and interest thereon when due, have been made, and appropriated exclusively to such payment, and that the total indebtedness of the said City, including all of the Bonds of this series does not exceed any Constitutional or Statutory limitations. IN WITH^SS WHP.P.POF, The City Council of the said City of Georgetown, Texas, has caused this Bond to be executed, and has caused the same to be signed by the Mayor of said City, counter- signed by the City Secretary, and registered by the City Treasurer, and has o w,,ged the interest Coupons attached hereto to be exec- uted by the lithographed signatures of the said Mayor and City Treasurer, and has caused this Bond to be dated this the 16th day of September A.P. 1941. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - blayor, City of Georgetown, Texas Countersigned - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - City Secretary, City of Georgetown, Texas Registeredt------------------ City Treasurer, City of Georgetown, Texas ) (f) It is further ordered by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, tKat to pay off and discharge the said Bonds as they shall mature, and to pay tie interest on same as it shall accrue, a tax of ten cents (10�) on each one hundred (4100.00) dollars valuation of all property in the said cit;i, subject to taxation nfider the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, for the current year of 1941, and for each succeeding year thereafter until said Bonds and interest are fully paid, is hereby levied, and is hereby ordered assessed and collected for the purpose of paying off and discharging the said Bonds and interest thereon, and when so collected the same shall be a special fund for said purpose alone, and shall be applied to no other purpose. (g) It is further ordained by the City Council of the said City that M, F. Smith, Mayor of the said City, and his successors in office, shall be authorized to have said Bonds printed, and have the possession of same until sold, and shall have charge of all records and pro- ceedings pertaining to procuring opinion of the Attorney Ceneral and -35- 0021 Section 4. A13MORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF BOIMS I -OR THE PRINCIPAL SMIJ OF SIXTY THOUSA14D ($60,000.00) DOLLARS FOR TFF, PURPOSE OF Pile. CHASING THE PK ?SE'M GEORGFT, 06 N SMiEF._ SYSTEM ANY) 11U.LNG E`;T'EN- SIOIyS TIMEOF, (a) Thereas, at an election held in the City of Georgetown, on the 23rd day of December A. D. 1929, a majority of the qualified voters who are property taxpapers of the City of CeorL;etov+n, voting at said election, sustained the propositicn to issue the bonds hereinafter described for the principal sum of SIXTY THOUSAND (1 60,000.00) DOLLARS, by a vote of 171 affirmative votes, and which carried by a majority of lbr in favor thereof, being "for t*_e issuance of bonds"--- T1172PI ORF BE IT ORDAINr►` ISY THF CITY COUNCIL OF T77 CITY OF GEORGF',TUXq. (b) The bonds of said City, to be called "City of Ceorgetown, Texas, Sewer 3onds", be issued under and by virtue of Title 22, Chapter 7, Art. 823 to 825 of the Revised Statutes of 1925, and the Constitution of the State of Texas, for the purpose of purchasing the present Georgetown Sewer System and making extensions thereof in t) -ie principal sum of SIXTY T "OUSLND DOLLARS. (c) Said Bonds shall be numbered consecutively from one to one hundred and twenty, inclusive, and shall be of the denomination of FINE FtTINDRI M 0500.00) Dollars each, aggregating the sum of SIXTY THOUSAND (460,000.00) Dollars. (d) They shall be dated the 1st day of lebruary, 1930, shall become due and payable serially, from one to thirty years, in the a-nount of TVVO THOUSA JD (t..2,000.00) each year thereafter from their date. (e) They shall bear interest at the rate of five (50,1,) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on tl:e 1st eay of August and the 1st day of February of each year. (f) The principal and interest of said series of bonds shall be pa4►able on the presentation and surrender of bond or proper coupon at the cffice of the State Treasurer, Austin, Texas, or at the Chase National Bank, in the City of New York, State of New York, at the option of the holder. (g) Each of said bonds shall be signed by the Yayor, oountersigned by the City Clerk, and registered by the City Treasurer, and the corporate seal of the "City of Ceorgetown" shall be impressed upon each of them. (h) The facsimile signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk may be lithographed on the coupons attached to said bonds, and shall have the same effect as if they had been signed by them. (i) The form of said bonds shall be substantially as follows, ( No. UNITED STATES OF' A1172.ICA STK2F OF MIAS CITY OF GEOR-',ETa-vN ThE CITY OF GEtT PT01OX, TMAS, Si' M BOND KNON ALL 1-M BY THESE PRESENTSs That the City of Georgetown, in the County of Williamson, State of Texas, a municipal corporation duly incorperated under the laws of the State of Texas, for value received, hereby promises to pay to the bearer hereof, on the 19 , the sum of FIVE HUNMED ($500.00) DOLLARS, in lawful money of the United States of America, with interest thereon from date hereof at the rate of Five (5%) percent per annum, interest payable semi-annually on tr,e 1st day of August and the 1st day of February of each year, principal and interest payable upop presentation and surrender of bond or coupon at the office of the State Treasurer, Austin, Texas, or at the Chase National Bank, in the City of New York, State of New York, at the option of the holder, and the City of Georgetown, Texas, is hereby held and firmly bond and -36- 0022 its faith and credit, and all real and personal property in said City, are hereby pledged for the prompt payment of the principal of this bond and the interest thereon at maturity. This bond is one of a series of Serial Bonds, numbered from one to one hundred and twenty, inclusive, of the denomination of FIVE HUNDPED ($ 500,00) DOLLAPS each, aggregating SIXTY THOUSANn 0'60,000.00) DOLIARS, Issued for the purpose of purchasing the present Georgetown Sewer System and making extension thereof, under and by virtue Title 22, Chapter 7, Arts. A23 to 826 of the Revised Ststubes�bf 1925 and the Constitution of the State of Texas, and in pursuance of an ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of Cleorgetown, Texas, on the 13th day of January A.P. 1930. IT IS HrRrEY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that the issuance of this bond, and the series of which it is a part, is duly authorized by law and by a vote of the qualified taxpaying voters of the City of Georgetown, Texas, voting at an election held for that purpose ftthin said City of the 23rd day of December A. D. 1929; that all acts, conditions and things required to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this series of bonds, and of this bond, have been properly done and performed and have happened in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law; that sufficient and proper provision for the levy and collection of taxes has been made wlich when collected shall be appropriated exclusively to the payment of this badd, and of the series of which it is a part, and to the payment of the interest coupons hereto annexed as the same shall become due; and that the total indebtedness of the said City of Georgetown, Texas, including the entire series of bonds of which this is one, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation. IN WITNPS3 WHEREOF, the City of Georgetown'. Texas, by its Council, has caused its corporate seal to be affixed hereto, and this bond to be signed by its Mayor, countersigned by its City Clerk, and registered by its City Treasurer, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the Lithographed signatures of the Vayor and City Clerk; the date of this bond, in conformity with the ordinance above referred to, being the 1st day of February A. D. 1930- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mayor, City of Georgetown, Texas. Countersigned: City Clerk Registered: City Treasurer ( j) The form of the coupon shall be substantially as followss (No. On the d ay of X19 . The City of Georgetown, Texas, will pay to the bearer at the office of the State Treasurer, Austin, Texas, or at the Chase National Bank, in the City of New York, in tr a State of New York, the sum of Twelve Dollars and Fifty Cents (412-50), in lawful money of the United States of America, being six months interest on the City of Georgetown Sewer Bond No. dated February 1st, 1930. Mayor City Clerk ) (k) The following certificate shall be printed on the back of each bonds (OFFICE OF C%TTROLLP'., STATE OF TTXM. -3?& 0023 I hereby certify that there is on file and of record in my office, a certificate of the Attorney General of the State of Texas, to the effect that this bond has been examined by him as required by law and that he finds tt_at it has been issued in conformity with the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and that it is a valid and binding obligation upon said City of Georgetown, Texas, and said bond has this day been registered by me . the Witness my hand and seal of office, at Austin, Texas, this day of 1940. Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas ) (1) It is further ot'dained by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, that to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to discharge tham at maturity, a tax of twenty cents (20X) on each 4100.00 valuation of all taxable property in said City of Georgetown, Texas, shall be annually levied on said property, and annually assessed and collected until said bonds and interest thereon are paid, and said tax is her now levied for the current year of 1930, and for each succeeding year while said bonds are out- standing, and the same shall be assessed and collected for the current year and annually thereafter, and applied to t:ie purpose named. (m) It is further ordained that Psi. F. Smith, the Mayor of said City, and his successors in office, shall he authorized to take charge of all necessary records pending investigation by the Attorney General and shall take and have charge and control of the bonds herein authorized pending their approval by the Attorney General and registration by the Comptroller of Public Accounts. (Paseed Jan. 13, 1930). -38- 0024 Section 5. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOItiN, TEXAS, A[7THORIZIIIG THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS OF THE SAID CITY IN THE PRINCIPAL 81111 OF 445,000.00, TO BE DATED JANUARY 1st, 1926, AND TO BE IN DENOMINATIONS OF 1500.00 EACH, AND TO BE NMMr-RED, FROM A'r INCLUSIVF,, ONE TO NINT17Y, A?1D TO BE DUE SMIALLY THR7`1 EACH YEAR IN TIiEIR NU SEFRICAL ORDLR, BEGItiIiI IG IiITH NUYBERS ONE, T'v+O AND TIUZEE, ON JANUARY 1st, 1927, AN'D THUS CONTINUING THREE EACH YEAR FROM SAID DATE, IN THEIR Nu-mimEP,ICAL ORDrR. (CITY OF GEORGET011,1N PAVI,11G BONDS). (a) Bonds of the said City to be called "CITY OI' GEORrBT96�h PAVING BONDS" be issued by virtue of the constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and the provisions of this ordinance, for the purpose of paving, draining, building, improving, opening and widening streets of the said City in the principal sum of Forty-five thousand (445,000.00 Dollars. (b) The said bonds shall be in denominations of 1500.00 each, and. shall be numbered consecutively from one to ninty, inclusive, and shall be dated January 1st, A. D. 1926. (c) The said bonds shall be due and payable serially three each year, in ti.eir numerical order, beginning with numbers, one,two and three, on the 1st day of January, A. D. 1927, and continuing three each year from said date, in their numerical order 'till the entire series has been paid; the said bonds being thirty year serial bonds. (d) The said bonds shall beer interest from date at five percent (51,'') per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of July and January of each year. That the said interest is to be evidenced by coupons that shall bear the same rate of interest from their maturity. (e) The principal and interest on the said bonds shall be paid on the presentation and surrender of bond or coupon, at the office of the State Treasurer, at Aust:n, Texas, or at the Mechanics and .aetals National hank, in the city of New York, at the option of tl,e holder. (f) Each of the said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor, counter- signed by the City Clerk, and registered by the City Treasurer, and shall be impressed with the corporate seal of the "City of Geor6etown Texas". (g) A facsimile signature of the Mayor and City Clerk of said City may be lithographed upon t:a coupons attached to said bonds, and shall have the same effect as if such coupons had been signed by diem. (h) To pay the interest on the said bonds as it becomes due, and to create a sinking fund sufficient to pay off and discharge the said ;ponds as they become due, a tax of fifteen (15¢) cents on each one hundred (t100.00) dollars valuation of all property in said City, taxable under the constitution and laws of the State of Texas, shall be annually levied on said property, and shall be annually assessed against tYe said property-, and scall be annually collected, until the said bonds and said interest is fully paid, and the said tax is here and now levied for the current year of 1926, and for each succeeding year while the said bonds, or any of them, are unpaid, and that the same shall be assessed and collected for the said current year, and annually thereafter, and applied to the said purpose herein named. (i) The form of the said bonds shall be substantially as follows: ( No. UANIT^D KATES OF AI'Lv.;F:ICA STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY 01' WIl.LIX-,wON THE CITY OF GEMGETOYIN PAVING BOIZ'S 0 500.00 Know all men by these presents, that the City of Georgetown, Texas, in the County of Williamson, State of Texas, a municipal -39- 0025 corporation duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Texas, for value received, hereby promises to pay to the bearer hereof on the 1st day of January, A. D. 19 , tie sum of Five hundred (k500.00) Dollars,:_in lawful money of' the United States of America, with interest thereon from date hereof, at the rate of five per cent (5f) per annum, interest payable semi-annually, on the 1st day of July and January of each year, principal and interest pay- able upon ti,e presentation and surrender of bond or proper coupon at the office of the State Treasurer, Austin, Texas, or at the Mechanics and Vetals National Dank, the the City of New York, in the State of New York, at the option of the holder, and the said City of Georgetown is hereby firmly bonnd, and its faith and credit, ald all real and personal property in the said City are hereby pledged for the prompt payment of this bond and the interest thereon, at maturity. This bond is one of a series of ninty bonds, numbered from one to ninty, inclusive, of the denominations of Five hundred (1500-00) Dollars, each, aggregating Fart,; -five Thousand (t'45,000XO) Dollars, issued for the purpose of paving, draining, buildi.ng, improvin-, opening, and widening streets of the said City, issued under and by virtue of the constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and in pursuance of an ordinance passed by the City Council or the said City of Georgetown, Texas, on the 14th day of Peceriber A. D. 1925, which ordinance is of record in the Ordinance Records of the said City. The said series of bonds are due and payable serially, three each year, in tr_eir numerical order, numbers one, two and three being due January lst, 1927, and the remaining; bonds of tr.e series being payable, in their numerical order, three each year, thereafter 'till all are paid. That, should this bond be not presented for redemption upon its maturity, the same shall cease to bear interest from and after the said date. It is hereby certified and recited, that the issuance of the bond, and the series of which it is a part, is duly authorized by law and by a vote of the duly qualified taxpaying voters of the said City of Georgetown, Texas, voting at an election for that purpose within the said City, on t} a 30th day of ITovember, A. D., 1925, that all acts, conditions and things required by law to be done presedent to an in the issuance of the said series of bonds, and of this bond, have been properly done and performed and have happened in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law; that sufficient and proper provisions for the levy and collection of taxes have been made, which, when collected, shall be appropriated exclusively to the payment of this bond, and the series of which it is a part, and to the payment of the interest coupons hereto annexed as the same shall become due; and the total indebtedness of said City of Georgetown, Texas, including the entire series of bonds, of which this is one, does not exceed the constitutional and statutory limitation. In witness whereof, the City of Georgetown, Texas, by its Council, has caused its corporate seal to be affixed hereto, and this bond to be signed by its 1,ayor, and countersigned by its City Clerk, and registered by its City Treasurer, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the lithographed signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, the date of this bond in accordance with the ordinance authorizing same being the 1st day of January A. D. 1926. Mayor, City of Georgetown, Texas Countersigneds _ ` _ _ _ _ _ Registereds City Clerk City Treasurer w--lM--------- (j) That the form of the coupon shall be susstantially as follows: ( ^10. 1.12.50 Cn the first day of A. D. The City of Georgetown, Texas, will payto Tearer at the office of the State Treasurer at Austin, Texas, will pay to bearer at the office -40- 0026 of State Treasurer at Austin, Texas, or at the lKeehanics and i etals National Bank in tl,e City of New York, in the State of New York, at the option of the holder, Twelve and 50/100 ($12.50) dollars, in lawful money of the united States of America, same being six months interest on City of Georgetown Paving Bond No. , dated January 1st, 1926. mayor ______—_` —City Clerk ) (k) The following certificate shall be printed on the back of each of the said bonds: OFFICE OF THE COT:`. 2ROLLER STATE 01' TEXAS I hereby certify that there is on file and of record in my office, a certificate of the Attorney General of the State of Texas, to the effect that this bond has been examined by him as required by law, and that it has been issued in conformity with the constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and that it is a valid and binding obligation upon VLe said City of Georbetown,Texas, and tYat this bond has been this day registered by me. ';fitness my hand and seal of office at Austin, Texas, this day of , A. D. 19 . Comptrolrer of Publio Acc6unts7o7f the State of Texas. (1) It is further ordained that Jno. 14. Sharpe, the 14ayor of the said City, and his successors in office, shall be authorized to take and have charge of all necessary records pending investigation by the Attorney General, and shall take and have charge and control of the bonds herein authorized pending their approval by the Attorney General and registration by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas. (Passed December 14, 1925). Section 6. AUTHCRILING Z' �E ISSTJANCE OF BONDS IN THE, PRINCIPAL SIM OF TWENTY*FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS DFSIGNATED AS CITY 01' GEORGETOWN WATER Vv OR KS IMPP OV ErAENT BONDS. (a) In order to borrow the said sum of twenty-five thousand (4-25,000.00) dollars, for the purpose of improving the water -works system, owned by said City, the City Council of the said City, by virtue of authority conferred by the qualified electors of the said City, at the election held on the 14th day of December, 1936, and in pursuance to the General Laws of the State of Texas, hereby provides for the issuance of a series of coupon bonds, to be d6signated, "CITY OF GEORGET0111T ViATER_'4ORKS IMPROVEtIENT BONDS", payable from revenues raised by taxation, and hereby provides for the payment of the said bonds and interest coupons as same shall mature. (b) The said bonds shall be dated February 1st, 1937, and shall be numbered consecutively from one (1) to twenty-five (25) both inclusive, and shall bear interest from date at the rate of three and one-half 0-2k) per cent per annum, payable on the 1st day of Febrlviry, 1938, and on August lst 1938, and on the 1st day of February and the 1st day of August respectively each year thereafter# as evidenced by coupons, attached thereto; and that said bonds shall be in denominations of one thousand (t1,000.00) dollars each, and be due and payable serially according to their respective numbers, as follows: BOND NUbIBER DATE DUE No. 1 February 1st, 1938 No. 2 February late 1939 No. 3 February 1st, 1940 No. 4 February lst, 1941 No. 5 February 1st, 1942 No. 6 February 1st, 1943 No. 7 February lst, 1944 No. 8 February 1st, 1945 No. 9 February 1st, 1946 No. 10 February late 1947 -41- 0027 BOND INU TEM DATE DUE No. 11 February 1st, 1948 No, 12 February 1st, 1949 No. 13 February 1st, 1950 No. 14 February lst, 1951 11o. 15 February 1st, 1952 No. 16 February 1st, 1953 No. 17 February 1st, 1954 3io. 18 February 1st, 1955 No. 19 February 1st, 1956 No. 20 February lst, 1957 No. 21 February lst, 1958 No. 22 February 1st, 1959 .No. 23 February 1st, 1960 No. 24 February 1st, 1961 No. 25 February lst, 1962 That each of the said bonds, together with the interest coupons attached to same shall be payable at FIRST r.ATICi'AL � 111 IN HOUST02;, of Houston, Texas. That ten years after the date of the said bonds, namely, February 1, 1947, and on the first day of February of each year thereafter, the said City shall have the option of paying all, or any one or more, of the said bonds, that may be then unpaid by paying the principal of such bond togethor with such of the interest coupons attached to same, ti7at may then be due; and that such payment shall be full satisfaction of the said bond or bonds so paid, together with all interest thereon. That as condition to the exercise of the said option, the City Treasurer of the said City, shall, in writing, by registered mail, not less than fifteen (15) nor more than thirty (30) days before the date for the exercise of such option, notify the said FIRST NKi1131AL _Ai1K IN HOUSTON, of Houston, Texas, of the intent of the said City, to exercise such option; stating in such notice, the serial number of the bond or bonds, to be paid under said option; and shall, not less than f fteen (15) nor more than thirty (30) days prior to the date of such payrrient, cause a like notice to be published in at least one issue of T: E F:CT'STON C:yONICUT, a newspaper of general circulation, published in the City of Ecuston, Texas. (c) The principal and interest of the said "CYTS shall be paid in lawful money of the United States ofAm.erica, at FIFST NATIONAL BANK IN HOUSTON, of Houston, Texas, upon the presentation are. surrender of proper bonds and interest coupons. (d) Each of the said bonds shall be si ,}ped by the _Mayor of the said City, and countersigned by the City Secretary of said City, and registered by the City 'treasurer of the said City, and the seal of the said City shall be impressed ttereon. That the fao-simile signatures of the Mayor and City Secretary of said City may be lithographed or printed on tl a interest coupons attached to the said bonds and such siggiatures so lithographed or printed thereon shall have the same effect as if such coupons had been signed in person by said officers of said City. (e) The said bonds and the interest coupons attached thereto, shall be substantially in the following form, respectively, ( No. $1,000.00 UNITED STATES OF AtERICA STATE OF TEXAS COWETY OF 'i`d i.LIAL'SON CITY OF GEOI;GETURi WATER-14OR .S I?,''Pi?OVEY'ENT BONDS. CITY OF GEORGETOV-11, in the county of Williamson, State of Texas, a municipal corporation, duly incorporated under the General Laws of the State ofTexas, FOR VALT'E RECEIVED, hereby promises to pay to the bearer hereof, as herin provided, on the first day of February, A. D. 19( , (Unless sooner called for payment under the terms hereof) at FIR= NATIONAL BANK IN HOUSTON, of Houston, Texas, the sum of ONr; THOUSANT, DOi.1,ARS (~;1,000.00) in lawful money of the United States of America, with interest thereon at the rate of three and one-half per cent per annum, from date, payable annaully, as evidenced by interest coupons attached hereto and the City Treasurer of the City of Georgetown, -42- 0028 Texas, is hereby ordered and directed to pay to bearer the said principal sum of this bond, together with the interest thereon, evidenced by said coupons, both principal and interest being payable when due at the BATIK above named, and the City of Georgetown, Texas, is hereby held and firm- ly bound, and its faith and credit of said City, and all real and per- sonal property in the said City, subject to taxation, are hereby pledf;ed for the prompt payment of this bond at the maturity hereof, and the interest thereon as same becomes due. That if this bond, according to the payment date, set out herein, be due and payable after February 1st, 1947, the City shall have the option of calling and paying same, on said date, or calling and paying same on the first day of February, of any year thereafter, prior to the due date hereof, That as a condition for the exercise of the said Option, the City Treasurer of said City shall in writing, by registered mail, not less than fifteen (15) days and not more than thirty (30) days prior to the date for the exercise of such option, in writing, by registered mail give notice to the paying agent, FIRST NATIONAL BNK IN h0itTAON, of Houston, Texas, of the City's intent to exercise such option; and such CityTreasurer shall also, not less than fifteen (15) nor more than thirty (30) days prior to the date for the exercise of such option, cause a similar notice to be published in THE HOUSTON ChIONICLE, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Houston, Texas. That when such option has been so exercised the payment of the principal of this bond, and the interest coupons thereon, that are then due, according to the due date thereof shall be full payment and satisfaction of this bond and interest thereon. This bond is one of a series of bonds of like tenor and effect, except as to number and raturit y date, aggregating the amount of TV[M- Y -FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAP.S (425,000.00) to be paid from funds raised by taxation, issued by the said City for the purpose of improving the water -works system owned by the said City, in accordance with the constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and the authority of a vote of the qualified property tax -paying voters of said City, who had duly rendered this property for taxation, voting at an election, held for the said purpose, on the 18th day of Dec- ember, A. D. 19361 pursuant to a resolution of the City Council of the said City duly passed and entered in the Minutes of the said City Council, ordering the said election; and in accordance with an ord- inance of the City Council of the said City duly passed and recorded in the Minutes of the City Council, authorizing the issuance of said bonds. It is hereby certified that all bonds of the series of which this bond is a part, are issued under and in accordance with the constitution and laws of the State ofTexas, and that all acts, conditions, and things required to be done and performed, have happened, been done, and performed in the manner and within the time required by law, for the validity of each of the bonds of said series, and that sufficient and proper provisions for the levy and collection for the payment of same and interest thereon, when due, have been made, and appropriated exclusively to such payment, and that the total indebtedness of the said City, including all of the bonds of this series does not exceed the constitutional or statutory limitation. IN WITPdES.i WHEREOF THE CITY COUNCIL OF' ThE SAID CITY OF GFORGEd, T0,1N, T'7..AS, has caused this bond to be executed, and has caused the corporate seal of the said City to be affixed hereto, and has caused the same to be signed by the Mayor of said Cityl counter- signed by the City Secretary, and registered by the City Treasurer; and has caused the interest coupons attached hereto to be executed by the lithographed signatures of the said Mayor and City Secretary, and has caused this bond to be dated this the lst day of February, A. D. 1937• Countersigned: (L. S.) R egistereds (f) Form of Interest Coupons Mayor, City of 'Teorgetown, Texas City Secretary, City of Georgetown, Texas City Treasurer, City of Georgetovrn, Texas) ( No. r 17.50 -43- 0029 On the 1st day of February 19 . CITY OF GFORGr,T(1N, in Williamson County, Texas, hereby promises to pay to the bearer out of funds specified in the bond to which this coupon is attached, in lawful money of the United States of Arrrica, at FIRST EATIGNAL BANK 1N HOUSTON, of Houston, Texas; Seventeen and 501100 G l'(.50) t ollars, the said sum being one- half year's interest, on that day due, on "CITY OF GEORGE -2014N YrATER-ITORKS IMPROVE!,*" -N T B02IDn, dated February 1st, 1937, No. This Coiipon is subject to all of the terms and conditiona ofthe said BOND. Mayor City Secretary (g) The follaving certificate si all he printed on the beck of each of the said BONDSs (OFFICE OF COLT ROLLER, STA�'E Or TTMAS. I hereby certify that there is on file and of record in my office a certificate of the Attorney General of the State of Texas to the effect that this bond has been examined by him as required by law and that he finds that it has been issued in conformity with the constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and that it is a valid and binding obligation upon the City of Georgetown, Texas, and that this bond has this day been registered by me. Witness my hand and seal of office this the day of 1937- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Comptroller of Public Accounts of the STATE OF TMAS. (h) It is further ordained by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, that to pay off and discharge the said bonds as they shall nature, and to pay the interest on same, as it shall accrue, a tax of ten cents (10�) on each one hundred dollars ( 100.00) evaluation of all property in the said City, subject to taxation under the constitution and laws of the State of Texas, for the current year of 1937, and for each succeeding year, thereafter, until said bonds and interest are fully paid, is hereby levied and is hereby ordered assessed and collected, for the purpose of paying off and discharging the said bonds and interest thereon, and when so collected the same shall be a special fund for said purpose alone, and shall be applied to no other purpose. (i) It is further ordained by the City Council of the said City, that M. F. Smith, 1tayor, of said City, and his successors in office, shall be authorized to have said bonds printed, and have the possession of same, until sold; and shall have charge of all records and. proceedings pertaining to procuring opinion of the Attorney General and the registration by Comptroller, and shall coo all things necessary to carry out tl,e purposes of this ordinance. (Passed January 15, 1937•) -44 - 0030 Chapter IX BUILTUNG COPE Section 1. (a) BUIITING P 1 TS. It shall hereafter be unlawful 1 for any person to begin, the erection of any building; or make ang improvement thereon, on any lot or lots within this City, without first having obtained a permit from the City Council, therefor, when such building or improvements shall be of a value in excess of 150.00. (b) Application for such permit, shall be made to the City Council, by any owner, contractor, agent, or other person having an interest in the erection of such building. Such a )plication shall be in writing and shall state the nature and character of building to be erected or improve7,Lents to be rade, and the est- imated value of the same, and the location t}'e reof, Such app- lication shall be delivered to the City T:ana_,er of the said City, and he shall at once cause the matters with reference thereto to be inquired into, bv'the City Council, or by some committee comp- osed of a majority of the me^*ers thereof, and if it be found that the said building or improvements conform to tie fire and other police regulations of the said City the same shall be granted and so attested under the signature of the City Yanager. That should such permit be refused, notice thereof shall be given to the applicant, and he may at once call for a hearing before the City Council, and such hearing; may be had at any regular or called session of said bob;, and that upon such hearing the City Council shall take such action and nade such orders as the facts may warrant. (c) ,Any building or improvements begun without such pernit, shall be deemed to be unlawful, and the City shall have full power to stop work thereon at any time prior to the granting of suck permit. Any person beginning the erection of any such building or making any such improvements, without first having obtained such permit, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor or conviction therefor shall be fined in any sum notless than ten nor more than one hundred dollars. (Passed August 8, 1930) - Section 2, REGULATING BUILDINGS IN THE iIPE LIMITS. (a) The fire limits of the City of Georgetown are hereby designated and fixed as follows: Beginning at the N. W. Cor. of Bloch ITO. 28c thence N. along, 5th Street, to N. E. Cor. of Block No. 26; thence S- A16ng Church St. to the N. E. Cor. of Block No. 39; thence E. along 6th St., to the N.E. Corner of Block No. 11; thence S. along T."yrtle St. , to the S. E. Cor. of Block No. 9; thence 'dl. Along 9th St., to the S. E. Cor. of Block No- 52; thence S. along Church St., to the S. E.Cor. of Block No. l; thence W. along 10th St., to the S. W. Cor. of Block No- 3; thence No along Rock St. to the S. W. Cor. of Block No. 50; thence Vl. along 9th St., to the S. W. Cor. of Block No. 49; thence N. along Forest St., to t1. YJ. Cor. of Block No. 36; thence E. along 6th St., to 11. W. Cor. of Block 3'(; thence N. to Rock St., to the place of beginning. Same including the following blocks; to -wits Blocks 28, 2'r, 26, 36, 37, 38, 11, 42, 410 40, 10, 49, 50, 51, 52, 9, 3, 2, 1, together with all of the territar'k within the above described limits; and all of the said territory is here designated and shall hereafter be the fire limits of the said City, and, shall be known as subh. (Passed June 28, 1949). (b) No wall, structure, building, or part thereof, shall here- after be built, enlarged, or altered, until a plan of the proposed work, together with a statement of materials to be used, shall have been submitted to theOtty Managsr, who shall, if in accordance with the provisions herein contained, issue a written permit in triplicate for the proposed work. Permits to be kept on file with the City Secretary. (c) Structures hereafter erected without a permit, or not in conformity with this ordinance, shall be removed. (d) No building shall be moved from without to within the fire limits, nor from one location to another w=.thin the fire limits until a permit shall have been issued therefor. No permit shall be issued unless such construction is in accordance with this ordinance. -52- 0037. (d) The designated Building Inspector shall inspect, as often as practical, consturction in progress, to see that all provisions of this ordinance are being complied with. (e) All plans and specifications submitted to City of Georgetown officials shall comply with all city ordinances of the City of Georgetown, Texas, and with Article 3271A of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas. (f) No building or structure of wooden, inrnclad (whether on wood or metal supports), stucco, or veneer type construction, or any building whose walls contain wood supports, shall be permitted except as indicated in paragraph (h) herein. No building shall hereafter be builty enlarged, or altered, except in accordance with this ordinance. (g) The thickness of walls shall not be less than as given belows Brick Walls shall be not less that 12 inches thick, except that small, one-story building of floor areas of 750 square feet or less may have walls 8 inches thick. Reinforced concrete walls may be three-fourths of the thickness of brick walls, but in no case less than 8 inches. Ballow building tile may be used as filler walls provided such walls be supported on reinforced concrete beams and footings, and by adequate reinforced concrete or brick pillars or columns spaced not more than lb feet apart= wall a to be not less than 12 inches tl ick. Small one-story buildings of less than 500 square feet floor area may have walls of 8 inch hallow building tile. Solid stone walls shall be 4 inches thicker than brick walls for like construction. All exterior walls, party walls, and dividing fire walls, shall have papapets extending at least eighteen inches above the roof, and said parapets shall be at least twelve inches thick, except where eight inch walls are permitted as above, in which case parapets may be eight inches thick. (h) The following frame structures are permissible in the fire limits$ Temporary one-story frame buildings for the use of builders. Wooden fences not over 8 feet high without roof or cover. (i) All buildings or structures hereafter constructed in the fire limits shall have in combustible roof coverings. No roofing on an existing roof shall be renewed or repaired to a greater extent than 10% of the roof surface, except in con- formity with this ordinance, and in no instance sibaall more than one permit be issued each existing building in any one year. (j) Any existing building within the fire limits w1doh may hereafter be damaged by fire, decay, or otherwise, to an amount greater than 50� of its present value, exclusive of the foundation, shall not be repaired or built, but shall be removed. Extensions, remodeling, or additions to existing buildings shall not be considered as repairs, and shall not be premitted except when conforming with paragraph (g) herein. (k) Whenever an application for permit to repair any existing building already located within the fire limits is made by any person or firm, and the City Council and the applicant disagree on the extent of repairs to be made, and a permit is denied by the designated Building §inspector, then the City Council or Commission shall appoint a competent and disinterested person, and the applicant shall appoint a competent and disinterested person, which said two persons so appointed shall select a third member, and those said three persons shall appraise the building, examine the plan of the proposed work, and the statement of materials and labor to be used in the repairing or rebuilding of said building, and -53- 0032 make a signed, written report of their findings to the City Council or Commission. If such a report reflects clearly that said rebuilding or repairing would be a violation of this ordinance, then such application for permit shall be denied by the City Council or Commission, and. if such report reflects that the person seeking said permit has complied with said ordinance, and the requested rebuilding or repairing is not in violation os said ordinance, then said City Council or Commission shall issue a permit for the proposed rebuilding or repairing. (1) Any person or firm violating any of the provisions of this section, regulating Fire Limits, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be punished by fine of not less than twenty-five nor more than One hundred dollars, and each separate day in which any of the provisions of this section are violated, shall constitute a separate and distinct offence. (Passed Dec. 15, 1949) • SECTION 3 - ELECTRIC VVIRING. (a) All electrical wiring, material and devices used in connection with electrical work, installed within the corporate limits of the City of reorgetown, shall be installed in strict compliance with the Rules and Requirements of the National Electrical Code, for safe wiring, as they are now established, cr may hereafter bg ammended, and said National Electric Code is hereby adopted and approved as a part of this Ordinance. (b)Any person, firm, corporation or company violating this section or any provision of this section, shall be subject tc a fine of not less than $5.00 and not more than $25.00 for each offense. (Passed Dec. 10, 1906), Section 4. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITATION FACILITIES. (a) It shall hereinafter be unlawful for any person, firm, corp- oration, lessee, tenant or person in possession to establish, maintain or use, any privy, bathtub, laveratory, or sink located or situated within ;UO feet of any sewer main, laid or in use, or that may be hereafter lain and in use; that it is not connected with the said sewer main, and is not cleansed by regularly flushing watbr thru same into said main; and it shall be the duty of each and every person, firm, corporation, lessee, tenant or person in poss- ession of any such privy, bathtub, lavatory, and sink that may now be in operation or use or may hereafter be established and used within 200 feet of any sewer main now laid and in use, or hereafter laid and in use, to at once connect the said privy, bathtub, lavatory, or sink with such main and equip same for being flushed and cleansed as provided herein. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, lessee, tenant or person in possession to establish or maintdtn any privy, that is not within 200 feet of a sewer main, unless the sans be not less than three feet from the street or alley and unless the same be at a convenient and accessable place for inspection and cleansing and unless the same be streened in such a manner as to prevent the access of flies to the excreta therein. (c) All privies, urinals, bathtubs, lavatories, and sinks, within the City shall be subject to inspection at all times by the City tanager and the City Health Officer, or either of them to see that the same are established and maintained in accordance with this ordinance. All ;persons, firms, corporations, lessees, tenants, or persons in possession of privies, bathtubs, lavatories, and sinks, shall inform themselves of the location of sewer :rains now established and in use, and make the necessary connections without further notice, when they are within 200 fec:t of such sewer main; and that they shall make connection with any main hereafter established and put in use upon being; given notice by the City Wana6ere No privy that is more than 2oO feet from a sewer main, shall be established or maintained without a permit in writing from the City Yanager, approving the mode -54- 0033 of construction and location of the said privy. (d) If upon examination of any privy, urinal, bathtub, lavatory, or sink of any kind by the City Health Officer or the City Tanager at any time, the same be found to be established and maintained in a manner not in conformity frith this section, it shall be the duty of the City Lanager, to notify the person in possession to remedy such defect, and make the same conform to this ordinance, and that if such defect is not remedied within a reasonable time, to be determined by the judgment of the City 11anager, he shall seal up, nail up and prevent the further use of such privy, urinal, bathtub, lavatory or sink, and that in adt?ition thereto, the person so fail- ing or refusing to remedy such defect shall be prosecuted under this seotion. (e) Any person, firm, corporation, lessee, tenant, or person in possession who shall fail to perform any of the duties fixed by this section or who shall violate any of the terms and condit- ions of this section, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction therefor, shall be fined in any sum not less than one dollar nor more than twenty-five dollars. That in all cases where the offense consists in the failure to perform a duty fixed by this ordinance, each week that the said duty remains unperformed shall constitute a separate offense. (Passed Feb. 14, 1921). (f) In this City it shall hereafter be unlawful for any person to do any plumbing work, for another, for compensation, or for hire, except a duly licensed ,Master Plumber, a duly licensed Jour- neyman Plumber, and a duly licensed Apprentice Plumber; and except an employee, servant or helper of a Master Plumber or of a Journeyman Plumber, is doing plumbing work under the immediate direction and supervision of such 11aster Plumber or 4ourneyman Plumber. However, a Maintenance Man or Maintenance Engineer, shall not be held to come under the provisions hereof; when plumbing work in this City is being done under the conditions specified in the ordinance regulating Plumbing and Plumbing Inspection (Passed Jan 14, 1952). (g) It shall `>e unlawful for any person to, within the limits of this City, own, maintain or use any toilet, commode, or sink or bath that is flushed with water, unless such toilet, corumde, sink or bath be connected with and flushed into a septic, reservoir or tank, which such septic reservoir or tank shall have been constructed and is maintained in accordance with the appro,ed method provided for in the rules of the Aepartm. nt of Health of the State of Texas for such septics, tanks or reservoirs. Any person violating any provisions of this ordinance shall, on conviction, be fined any sum not less than one dollar, nor more tYan one hundred dollars, and each day's violation hereof shall constitute a separate offense. (Passed April 12, 1943). Section 5, PLi: ABING REGULATIONS. (a) Plumbing within the meaning of this section, shall cons--st in the installing, changing, altering, or repairing any and all pipes, drains, traps, vents, connections and fixtures, that may have immediate connection, or that may have a remote connection with any water main, sewer line, or gas line within this city. (b) A Plumber within the neaning of this ordinance is any person, who for hire, or as a contractor for a consideration, shall do or perform any work of plumbing for another or for others, and it shall be unlawful for any person here designated as a plumber to do or perform any plumbing, without obtaining or possessing the plumbing license herein prescribed. However, no license shall be required of a person doing his own plumbing work in a building owned and occupied by him as his home or of a person while being duly em- ployed as a regular maintenance man, or maintenance engineer, in the discharge of his duties under said employment; and it shall not apply to any person doing plumbing work for any public service company, and under its direct supervision, in the laying, installing, main- taining, changing, removing, or repairing its service lines, and connections, appliances, and fixtures, directly or remotely connected therewith while acting under such employment for such public -55- 0034 service company. These exceptions, however, shall not apply to any person, who may also do plumbing work for the general public. (c) The payor, with the approval of the City Council, stall appoint some person, who has the qualifications equivalent to those of a "Master Plumber", or of a "Journeyman Plumber", licensed by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners, under the provisions of the Plum- bing License Law of 1947, who shall hold office till January 1st, 1949, and until his successor is app6inted; and such , each successor shall be appointed for one year, and shall hold office till his successor is appointed and takes office. That the person or persons so a;)pointed shall be known as "City Plumbing Inspector" and shall be charged with the duty of seeing that this ordinance pertaining to plumbing is complied with and enforced. The person so a:pointed s::all be a City employee and shall be paid by the City, and shall perform such other duties as the City may direct. (d) Any person, firm, or corporation, desiring to build, remodel, or repair any house or building within this City, and to have the same connected with any water lines, sewer lines, or gasoline, within this City; or wishing to connect any house or building not heretofore connected; shall submit to the City Plumbing Inspector, the plans and specifications involved in such plumbing, and shall procure the approval of the City Plumbing Inspection thereof, before beginning such work. All plumbing work, scall be of a standard equivalent in workmanship and material used to the best that is in general use, and it shall be the duty of the City Plumbing Inspect- or to see that in work so done, suitable and proper Ymterial is used, and all work is done in good workmanlike manner. `That no person shall tap, out, move, or interfere with any water or sewer lines belonging to the City, without the express permission of the City Plumbing Inspection, and that any such work shall be done under his personal supervision. That no ditch, pit, drain or excavation shall be made by any one, at any place, at, near to, or on any public street or alley within this City, without the express permission of the Plumbing Inspector, and any such drain, ditch, pit, or excavation, shall be filled by the person making same, promptly, and that all due and reasonable dispatch and diligence shall be used to fill the same without delay, and restore the same to its original condition, promptly, -The person or persons mwkinZ. such drain, ditch, pit, or excavation, shall while the same is open, erect barricades, and put out flares, and do all other things necessary and proper to prevent injury to othe rs . (e) There is hereby created a board to be known as the "City Board of Plumbing Examiners", consisting of three members, all of whom shall be residents of this City, and one of whom shall be the City Plumbing Inspector, and at least one of the other members of said Board shall have the qualifications equivalent to those of a blaster Plumber or a Journeyman Plumber, as fixed by the State Board of Piumbing Examiners, under the provisions of the "Plumbing License Law of 1947", The members of this Board whall be appointed by the Yayor with the consent of the City Council, at the time that the appointment to the office of City Plumbing Inspector is made, and their term of office shall correspond to that of said City Plumbing Inspector. That it shall be the duty of the said City Board of Plumbing Examiners, to pass upon and determine the qualifications of any or all persons soaking applioation to them for a license as plumbers, and for a permit to do plumbing work within this City, That the standard bf qualifications, to be fixed and used by the City Board of Plumbing Examiners, shall be equivalent to the standards of qualifications used and fixed by the "State Board of Plumbing Examiners" under the State Plumbing Law of 1947. That when application is made to the said City Board of Plumbing Examiners for a license to pursue the busineis of plumbing, within the provisions of this section, the said Board shall, without delay, assemble and call before it the said a1plicant, and hear and det- ermine his qualifications, and grant him a license, if they by a majority vote, find him to be entitled to same. That said examination shall be dispensed with, and a license whall be granted to any person who shows that he has and still is a duly qualified as a Master Plumber or as a Journeyman Plumber by and under and examined befo:•e the "State Board of Plumbing Examiners of the -56- 0035 State of Texas" organized under the State Plumbing License Law of 1947, and holds a license from said Board. (f) The following shall constitute the requirements for sewer plumbing, namely; (A) The material connected therewith shall all be of a standard size and quality and of approved type, and free from defects as recommended by good plumbing. (B) All pipes receiving any waste, from any fixture, is a waste pipe or drain pipe, and shall be standard wiight cast iron, lead or brass material, and shall be so classed. (C) lih en waste pipe extends three feet outside of house and flow line is nine inches under the ground, vitrified clay pipe free of obstacles laid to a uniform grade of one-fourth inch to the foot fall, centered and joined together with a good grade of cement, Portland cement may be used. And each house must have a separate sewer line, unless more houses are on one lot. (0) Cast iron pipe must be caulked together with oakum or molten lead and laid or strongly swung to a uniform grade of one-fourth inch to the foot fall. (E) All changes of directions in horizontal waste lines shall be made with Y and eight bends, and clean out plugs placed in end of Y, a oleanout plug at the foot of every stack where practical. (F) All closet drains aaall not be less than four inches in dia- meter. (G) In all vents and revents, each sewer connection with lateral must have one cast iron pipe for ventilation not less than four (4) inches inside diameter for closet, and not less t,an two (2) inches for any other opening. Allvents shall extend not less than eighteen (1F) inches above the hiChest opening in the roof, and in no case shall any stack or vent terminate in or lead through a chimney or flue, and where practical must be carried up inside the house, and shall run as directly as possible and eight -bends used at all times where possible. Vent pits fr an all fixturesexcept water closets, shall not be less than one and one-fourth (1,�") inch, and where more than one .fixture connects into the same vent, it shall not be less than one and one-half (1j) inch and connections to main stack must be at least one foot above the highest fixture. (H) Vent pipe in all oases must be made of cast ipon or lead to a point of not les i than one (1) foot above water line, in highest fixture, from which point standard galvanized pipe and galvanized fittings may be used. (I) All vents extending through the roof shall be flashed with standard lead flashing of not less than four (4) pounds to the square foot. (J) No vent or revert shall be placed more than three (3) feet from the water closet or more than four (4) feet from any other fixture, and the center of the outlet of the fixture to the center of the wasteline shall deterrine the distance. (1) All water closets that are more than three (3) feet from the main stack shall be back vented without less than two (2) inch vent for any distance of not over twenty (20) feet, nor less than four (4) inches, in diameter over twenty (20) feet9 Groups of three to five closets must have not less that two (2) inches back vent; and over five closets must not be less than four (4) inches. (L) TRAPS. Each and every fixture having a waste pipe must be separately and independently trapped with a waste sealing trap as near the fixture as possible and shall be protected from siphon- age and air pressure by proper ventilation. (V) Traps serving bath tubs, laundry tubs, and kitchen sinks shall -57- 0036 not be less than one and one -calf (13-) inch, showers two (2) inches, floor drains four (4) innhes, and lavatories one and one-fourth (1) inch. (N) In hotels, soda fountains, cold drink places, or boarding houses and restaurants, and other public cooking places, must run separate to grease trap in the yard$ the same to be protected from catching water other than that from the fixture it serves. Grease traps shall not be less than thiity-six (36) inches deep and twenty (2U) inches in diameter. The said traps to be made of vitrified clay or concrete with bottoms not less than three (3) inches thick. (0) No running trap in the house shall be used except when recommended by the plumbing inspector. (P) All garages or automobile wash racks shall be equipped with four (4) inch and trap. Two compartment design at least thirty- six (36) inches deep and large enough to be easily cleaned and protected from any down spout or rainwater. (q) All traps serving any fixture must have at least two and one- half (22) inch water seal. (P.) Special permit shall be required for all basement drains, and none shall be granted, until the a.-plicant and owner shall execute a release to the City for any and all damage that may result therefrom. (S) No drips or overflows from tanks, cisterns, refrigerators, or under water closets, shall be connected directly with to the sewer system, but shall drip or run with a safety seal into an open place, and then to the sewer. (T) No steam exhaust from any boiler, or blow off of steam, shall be connected directly with the sewer; and no drains or down spouts shall be connected with the sewer. (U) All openings, roughed in s!all be tested and inspected. (V) Any corinectdon, not herein specially covered, shall be inspect- ed and approved, by Plumbing Inspector before same is made. (W) Hot and cold water pipes to plumbing fixtures shall be sized as follows; one to five fixtures, three-fourths (3/4) inch; over five fixtures one (1) inch to fifth, and three-fourths (3/4) to remaining fixtures. Branches to each fixture except hot water heater shall be one-half )2) inch if not more than twenty (20) feet. (R) Every house supply line small have stop and drain located accessible to the occupant. (g) Each and every house structure, building or place, within this City that is located within 200 feet of any City sewer line and raving any bath, sink, lavatory, urinal, corrode, or drain, shall be by the owner or person in possession thereof connected with such sewer line of the City within thirty days from the effective date of this ordinance; and that such fixtures and such connections, shall be made under and conform to the provisions hereof. (h) The City Clerk of this City shall be the Clerk for tLhd preserve the records of the City Board of Plumbing Examiners and all licenses to plumbers authorized by the said Board, shall be si6ned by the City Plumbing Inspector and attested by the City Clerk, under the seal of the City. That before a license shall be issued, the applicant therefor shall pay to the City Treasurer a fee of $2.50 and shall execute and deliver a good and sufficient surety bond to the City in the Sum of 61,000.00, payable to the Mayor of the said City, and for the use and benefit of said City, and for the use and benefit of all persons conditioned that he will faithfully perform his duties as plumber, and that he will pay off and discharge all damages, occasioned by his negligence, or unskilled work. -58- 0037 W The members of the City Board of Plumbing Examiners be paid by the City, for their services, upon bills rendered by them to the City. (j) Inspection fees. A fee of ,1.50 minimun, which covers inspection of 5 fixtures, each additional fixture 10.50. (k) Any person failing to comply with any of the terms and pro- visions of this ordinance; and/or any person violating any of the terms and provisions of this oddinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction therefor ishail be fined in any sum not less than ;10.00, and not more than $10U.0U; and that each day's violation shall constitute a separate offense. That any licensed plumber, who shall fail to comply with this ordinance, or who shall violate the provisions hereof, may, and in addition to the punishment above specified, have the license revoked or suspended, by the City Council, after a fair and impartial hearing before said body. (Passed Feb. 10, 1948). (1) In this city it shall hereafter be unlawful for any person to do any plumbing, work, for another, for compensation, for hire, except a duly licensed Duster Plumber, a duly licensed Journeyman Plumber, and a duly licensed Apprentice Plumber; and except an employee, servant or helper of a Master Plumber or of a Journeyman Plumber, is doing plumbing work under the immediate direction and supervision of such Vaster Plumber or Journeyman Plumber. However, a Maintenance Man or Maintenance Engineer as hereinbefore specified, shall not be held to come under the provisions hereof; when plumbing work in this City is being done under the conditions specified in paragraph (b) hereof. A "Master Plumber", as the term is used in this section, shall be given the same meaning as the said term in given by the State Law, Act A,,proved, April 28, 1947, and known as "t1 umbing License Law of 1947", which said term is also defined in the preceding para- graphs of this section. The term "Journeyman. Plumber", as used in this section, shall be given the same meaning as the said term is given under the State Law by Act Approval, April 28, 1947, and known as Plumbing License Law of 1947", which said term is also defined in the preceeding paragraphs of this section. The term "Apprentice Plumber" as used herein is defined to be an person, (other than a "Master Plumber" or a "Journeyman Plumber" who shall, in this City, do or offer to do plumbing work, for another or for others, for hire or for aompensation; when and after such person, doing or offering to do such work for compensation or hire, shall have qualified as an "Apprentice Plumber", as provided herein. An "Apprentice Plumber", who has complied with the conditions here- inafter set out, may lawfully do plumbing work in this City for com- pensation or for hire, to the extent, only, of doing simple repair work and/or simple maintenance work, and when such repair plumbing, and/or maintenance plumbing, being done for another or others for compensation or hire, does not call for or require any major appliance, vent, or stack, or complicated work, in connectiontherewith. Before an "Apprentice Plumber" can lawfully do any character of plumbing work in this City, for another or others for compensation or hire, he shall apply to and procure from the "City Board of Plumbing Examiners", a certificate, showing that he has been examined by the said Board and that said Board has found him to be qualified to do plumbing work, of the kind that may lawfully be done in this City by a qualified Apprentice Plumber. That such applicant shall thereupon procure an "Apprentice Plumber". That such applicant shall thereupon procure an "Apprentice Plumber" License and give a bond in the manner provided for in the qualification of a Master Plumber of Journeyman Plumber as set out in the preoeeding paragraphs. -59- 0038 Any person who shall violate the terms and conditions of this paragraph or/and any person, intended hereby to be regulated here- under who shall fail to comply with the terms and conditions hereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof be fined in any sum not less than 110.00 and not more than 4100.00; and that in addition thereto, an Apprentice Plumber, licensed by this City hereunder, may after a hearing by the City Council, have his license suspended or revoked. (Passed Jan. 14, 1952). Section 6, DANGEROUS STRUCTURES. (a) Declared Nuisances. Every building, fence, shed, awning, or other structure that may from age, neglect, faulty construction or material, or from any other cause become or is so weakened or insecure as to be liable to fall down and endanger persons or property is a nuisance. (b) Notice of Meeting to Determine. When the Mayor, City Manager, or any two aldermen are informed and believe that such a nuisance exists in the corporate limits of the City of Georgetown, Texas, they shall cause the City Secretary to notify in writing the owner of such nuisance, or in the absence of such owner from the City, his agent or tenant, if there be one, to appear before the City Council at a designated session thereof to show cause, if any he has, why such nuisance should not be abated, and such owner or agent, if he appears at the time designated, shall be heard. If the owner of such building or other structure is not in the city, and has no duly authorized Down agent in the City upon whom service may be had, notice shall be served on said owner by publishing in the official newspaper a notice to a --pear before the Council at a session in said notice designated, which notice shall be published not less than eight days before the session designed, and show cause, if any there be, who such niusance should not be abated, and should not appear, then in that event, the city shall proceed as here- inafter provided for, the same as though personal service had been had. if the owner or agent is in the city then such notice shall be served upon him in person by the City harshal. If such owner or agent is out of the city and Post Office address is known, then in addition to the published notice hereinbefore provided fcr, the Secretary shall mail a copy of such notice to such party. (c) Abated by Owner of City. If, at the meeting designated or at any subsequent one to which the matter inky be postponed, the City Council shall be of the opinion that said building, fence, shed, awning or any struct tx a of any kind or any part thereof :is liable to fall down or endanger persons or property, the City Council shall order the owner or agent of the same, or any occupant of the premises on which such building, fence, shed, awning, or other structure stands, or to which it is attached, to take down and remove the same or any part thereof within ten days after notice is served on him by the Marshal to remove the same as directed by the City Council. In the event the said owner, agent or occupant shall fail or refuse to remove the same after notice as directed by the City Council then the said City Council shall have the power to remove the same at the expense of the city on account of the owner of the property or premises, and assess the expense on the land on whihh it stood, or to which it was attached, and the material contained therein, and the same shall be a lien on such property. (d) Notice to Remove. The mode and manner of giving notice to the owner, agent or occupant of said property, or any other agent or occupant of the premises on which such building, fence, shed, awning, or other structure stands, or to which it is attached, to take down and remove the same or any part thereof' shall be by entering ",order of the said City Council on its minutes directing the Marshal to serve a certified copy of said order, retaining a copy, requiring said persons or person to remove said building, fence, shed, awning or other structure within ten days from the time of the service of such notice. Should such owner or agent be in this city then such notice shall be served accordig- ly. Should such owner not be in the city and have no known agent in this city on whom the notice require(' by this section nay be served, then such notice shall be -60- 0039 given by pubishing such notice for two successive weeks in the official newspaper, and such owner shall have ten days after the last publication in whihh to remove such nuisance, and if the post office address is known of such non-resident owner the Secretary shall also mail him a copy of such order. (e) Expenses Assessed. In the event said owner, agent or occupant of the premises on which said building, fence, shed, awning, or other structure stands, or to which it is attached shall fail or refuse to take down and remove the same, or any part thereof, after due notice served on him as above provided, the City Council shall, at the expense of the City, have such building, fence, shed, awning, or other structure took' down and removed, and at its first regular meeting after such removal, or as soon therafter as possible, shall proceed to assess the expenses of taking down and renoving such buildin,,, fence, shed, awning, or other structure so taken down and removed or as soon thereafter as possible, shall proceed to asses.; the expenses of taking down and removing such buildinh, fence, shed, awning, or other structure so taken down by theri after giving notice as herein provided for to said owner, agent or occupant of said premises, to appear before the Council at a designated meeting and contest the assessment of said expenses, which expenses shall be collected by the City Manager for the city. (f) Suit Filed, When. In the event said owner, agent or occupant of said premises, shall fail or refuse for a period of thirty days to pay off and discharge said expenses assessed by the City Council, then the said city may commence an action in any court having juris- diction of the same to recover the expenses to assessed by said City Council. (g) Occupant Defined. By "occupant" as used in this section is meant any person in actual control of said nuisance or any part of it. (h) Fees. The following costs shall also be assessed against such owner, to be taxed as costs in each suit to wit; The cost of publishing the notices provided for in this ordinance; 50 cents to the Marshal for each notice served; 50 cents to the secretary for each notice served and a Five Dollar attorney's fee to the City Attorney for representing the city in such suit. (i) Punishment. In the event said owner, agent, or occupant of any such building, fence, shed, awning or other such structure shall fail or refuse to comply with the order of said City Council after notice served on him as provided herein, the said owner, agent, or occupant shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convioi.ioa shall be punished by fine of not less tt_an five nor more than two hundred dollars, and each and every day that said building, fence, shed, awning, or other structure shall be allowed to stand and remain, after the time specified in said notice for the removal of same, shall be deemed a separate offense. Section 7. G17TERS. (a) UNLAWFUL TO 12TTY ON STRE_TT OR SID.1"r.ALK. It shall be unlawful for the owner or person in charge or control of any buil'ing or structure to cause or allow the water from the roof of such building or structure to be emptied through a gutter or drain upon any sidewalk in this City, or to accuse or allow the water from the roof of any such building; or structure to be emptied through a gutter or drain upon any street in this City; provided that this section shall not a;iply when the water from such roofs is carried from the roof to the ground through a pipe or enclosed gutter and is emptied into the street at the outer edge of the sidewalk. Any person violating this section shall be deemed guilty of a Aisdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any amount not less than five dollars and not more than twenty-five dollars. Each and every day that this section is violated shall constitute a separate offense. -bl- 0040 CHAPT Fit X _CITY LIMITS Section 1. ENLARGING CITY LIMITS TO INCLtDE SAN GABP.IEL PARK. That the corporate limits of the said City are hereby enlarged and the territory herein described is added thereto as followst Beginning on the south margin of the South San Gabriel River, near the mouth of the said River, at the point where the north boundary line of the said City is intersected by the west line of College Street, as shown on the plat of the said City; thence in an easterly direetbvn with the south margin of the San Gabriel River and the north line of the tract of land purchased by the said City from Willie Williams, et al, by deed dated August 17th, 1933, and of record in Volume 266 page 498, of the deed records of 14illiamson County, Texas, and the north line of the said City to the N. E. Corner of the said City, as per this date; thence continuing in an easterly direction, with the south line of the said tract of land purchased from Willie Williams et al, to the S. E. Corner of the said tract the same being the S. W. Corner of a tract of land sold by Helen J. Glasscock, to L. Be Coker by deed dated May 30th, 1912; thence N. 6 W. 65J vrs. with the W. line of the said Coker tract to a pecan tree for corners thence N. 311 Vi. Crossing the San Gabriel River, 81-710 vrso to a post on north bank of same; thence N. 13 W. 54 vrs. to cedar post; in fence; thence S. 69 W. 22-710 vrs. to stake; thence followinf the south margin of the Georgetown & Granger Road, N. 3 W. 76 vra; N. t W. 39-6110 vrs.; N. 292 W. 72 vrs. to a stake; thence following the S. Margin of the Highway as the same is now located and being used, N. 852 W. 5111 vrs; thence 77* w. 831 vra.; thence S. 021- W. 276 vrs.; thence S. 62,A W. 82 vrs. to fence corner; thence S. 51 W:124; vrs. thence S. 36-3/4 W. 544 vrs.; thence Be 41` W. 67-10 vrs.s thence Be 79-3/4 vrs.; thence S. 64-9/10 vrs.; thence E. 7-1/5 vrs. past the N. W. Corner of lot at 50-410 vrs. to the N. E. Corner of the said lot; thence Be 58 vrso to stake in N. line of Block No. 4, North Georgetown; thence 43-1/5 vrs, to N. E. Corner of said Block No. 4, 1921 vra. to S. E. Cor. of Block No. 5; thence E. 123-810 vrs. to corner; thence S. 144 yrs.; thence Be 35 W. 110 vrso to corner at a stake on the south margin of the N. San Gabriel River; thence crossing the mouth of the South San Gabttel River to the place of beginning, and including herein and annexing to the said City hereby the tract of land purchased by the said City from Tillie 17illiams et al., as aforesaid. (Passed. Oct. 23, 1933)e Section 2.. ENLARGING T'IE CITY LIMITS TO INCLT7 E A PART OF SOTITH SAN GABRIF1 RIS. That the corporate limits of the said City be and the same are hereby extended, as followss Beginning on the east margin of Rock Street of the said City where the same intersects with the north line of the corporate limits of the said City; thence north crossing the South San Gabriel River, continuing north, to a point 100 feet from the upper margin of the bank or bluff on the north side thereof; thence up the said river, paralleling the same at the distance of 100 feet from the upper margin of the said north and west tank or bluff thereof, to the north margin of the Georgetown and Liberty Hill public road; thence east, crossing the said South San Gabriel River, and continuing to the point where the west end of tenth street of the said City, intersects the west line of the old corporate limits of the said City. All of the territory, land and property, lying between the old corporate limits, and the said corporate limits as above set out, and so herein extended, shall hereafter be within and a part of the incorporated territory of the said City, and the corporate li:uits of the said City are hereby extended so as to include the same. (Passed April 10, 1933). Section 3. EXTENDING THE CITY LIMITS TO INCIJUDE KATY 5�11TCH STREET . Ithereas the road that runs from the west margin of State Highway Number 2 (Old Round Rock Road), along the north boundary line of the Trarren Place, the north line of the Bailey (Old Henly) Place, and the North line of the Vinther Place to Leander Street, in the said City, has for more than twenty years been used as a way of travel and convenience by the general public and by the inhabitants of the City of Georgetown, and is by dedication and by use a public street, and whereas, it is desirable that the said City exercise jurisdiction over the said street, THEREFOP.Es Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, that the corporate limits of the said City be extended in such manner that all of the portion of the above described road be taken into the corporate limits of the said City and thatl all of the said road and -1- 0041 street be and the same hereafter become a part of said City; and that the same become and is hereby declared to be a street of the said City and ti -:at the said City hereby assumes jurisdiction thereof. That the said Street is hereby names "Katy Switch Street". (Passed July 9, 1928). Section 4. EXCLUDIIIG FROM THE CITY LIMITS L7 ACKES ON TEE SOUTH VMST MMR THEREOF, The corporate boundaries of the said City at and near the Southwest corner of same, and on the west line thereof be and the same are hereby changed in such manner as to exclude from the said corporation, and the boundaries thereof the following described tracts of land, to -wits Being Out Lots 48, 50 and 51, all described in one tract as follows Beginning at the S. W. Corner of said Outlot 50, which is the S. W. Corner of said City, a stone for corner, thence East with the South Boundary of said City passim; the S. E. Corner of said Outlot 50 and the S. W. Corner of said Outlot 48, and continuing East in all about 835 feet to the S. E. Corner of said Outlot 48, a stone for corner; on the West line of the I & GN RR Right of Way Line. Thence about N. 121; E. to tre N. E. Corner of said Outlot 48. Thence Viest with the North line of said Outlot 48 and the South line of Outlot 49 about 770 feet to the N. W.Corner of said Outlot 48 and the S. do Corner of Outlot 49, on the East line of said Outlot 50, thence N. 19 We with the E. line of said 50 and E. lmne of said Outlot 51 and continuing to the N. E. Corner of said Outlot 50. Thence W. about 335 feet with the North line of said Outlot 50 to the N. We Corner of same in the center of South San Gabriel Creek. Thence S. 19 E. 1328 feet; with the W. line of said Outlot 50 to place of beginning and containing Outlots 48, 50 and 51 above mentioned (about 17 acres of land). (Passed June 8, 1936). -2- 0042 CRAFTER XI COP.POW ION COURT Section 1. COURT ESTABLISHED. There is hereby created and established in said City of Georgetown, Texas, a Court to be known as the Corporation Court of said City, which Court shall have jurisdiction and organization hereinafter prescribed. Section 2 JURISDICTION. That said Court shall have juriddiction within the territorial limits of said City of Georgetown in all criminal cases arising under the ordinances or those hereafter to be passed and shall also have jurisdiction concurrently with the Justice of the Peace of Precinct No. 1, Y(illiamson Counter, Texas, in all original cases arikiag� under the criminal laws of this State in which the punishment is by fine only and where the maximum of such fine may not exceed 4200.00 and arising within the territorial and corporate limits of the said City. Section 3. RECORDER. Said Court shall be presided over by a Recorder, to be known as the Recorder of said Court. Section 4, CLARK, The City Clerk shall be ex -officio Clerk of said Court and may appoint a deputy who shall have the same power as said Secretary and said Clerk shall hold his office during his term as City Sectetary. Section 5. DUTY CF CLERK. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to keep a minute of the proceedings of said Court, and to issue all process, and Generally to do and perform all the duties of a clerk of a court as prescribed by lawn for the Clerk of the County Court in so far as the same may be applicable. Section 6. PFCCEDURE. That complaints before such Court hereby created and established may be sworn to before the Recorder, Clerk of said Court, The City Secretary, the City Attorney, his deputy or before any officer authorized by law to administer oaths, provided that in said Corporation Court the rules of pleading, practice and procedure now established for Justice Courts shall apply to such Corporation Court in said City of Georgetown as far as the same are applicable, Section 7. SEAL. The said Corporation Court shall have a seal having engraved thereon a star of fine points in the center and words"Corporation Court in Georgetown, Texas", the impression of which shall be attached to all proceedings, except subpoenas, issued out of said Court and shall be used to authenticate the official acts of the Clerk and of the Recorder, when he is authorised or required to use the seal of office. Section 8. PROSECUTIONS. That all prosecutions in the said Court whether under an ordinance or uncler the provision of the Penal Code shall commence, "In the narle of the State of Texas", and conclude, "Against the peace and dignity of the State", and where the offense is covered by an ordinance the complaint may also conclude "as contrary to the said ordinance", and all such prosecutions in said Court shall be conducted by the City Attorney or his deputy, but the County Attorney of Williamson County, Texas, may if he so desires, also represent the State of Texas in such prosecutions, but in all such cases the said County Attorney shall not be entitled to receive any fees or any compensation whatever for said services, and in no case shall the County Attorney have the power to dismiss any pro- secution pending in said Court, unless fcr reasons filed and approved by the Recorder of said Court. Section 9, COSTS A JD FI:dES PATP ZA""C TRFAZ;MY. That all costs and fines imposed by said Court in said city, in any prosecution therein shall be paid into the City Treasury of said City for the use and benefit of the said city. Section 10. COSTS TAXED. There shall be taxed and collected, in case of conviction from each defendant, in the Corporation Court of said City, the following, items of cost, na-aely; each complaint 25 cents; each bond 50 cents; each subpoena, for one witness, 25 cents; and for each additional name in such subpoena 10 cents; admitiistertng oath without certificate 10 cents; administering oath with certificate 25 cents; ordering jury, for jury trial, 50 cents; jury fee, in jury trial, 50 cents; jury fee, in jury trial 43.00; docketing cause 10 cents; each continuance 20 cents. 0043 each final judgment entered 50 cents; each other order entered 25 cents; each committment 91.00; making; and certifying the entries on docket and filing same with original papers, in event of an appeal 41.50; taxing costs 10 cents; each arrest X1.00; summoning jury 50 cents; each com- mittment or release executed X1.00; taking and approving and returning bond, x.1.00; Attorneys fee in conviction on plea of guilty, 15.00; Attorneys fee on plea of not guilty 4-10.00. Provided, however, where conviction is had on a plea of guilty, for the offense of parking at a parking meter, without despositing in such meter, the proper coins, or for parking thereat, a longer time than is permitted, for deposit made, no cost shall be charged and taxed against defendant, and further provided that where conviction is had on a plea of guilty, for the violation of any other traffic ordinance, or regulation, where such regulation is not a penal offense, uneer the Penal Code of the State of Texas, the cost taxed shall be the sum of 11.00, and no more; and this last provision shall not appl;•, where such traffic violation, is also made penal by the laws of the State of Texas. That all costs taxed against the defendant, under the provisions hereof, together with the fine ass- essed, shall be collected by the City Marshall end shall be by him paid into the Treasury of said City. (Passed flay 18, 1947). Section 11, FEES PAID OFFICYRS. In case of the conviction of the defendant in said Corporation Court there shall be paid out of the City Treasury the followin€; fees after the collection of said fine and costs by said City Marshal. To the Recorder in each case the fees for each complaint, each warrant, each bond taken, each order in case, application for a new trial with 'udgment thereon, and taking and approving convict bond by Recorder. To the Clerk in each case, each subpoena for one wit- ness, additional name inserted therein, docketing each case, each cont- inuance, swearing each witness in court, administering oath or affirm- ation with certificate, jury fee when case is tried by jury, jury fee when case is tried by jury for benefit of jury, each final judgment; making out and certifying the entries on his docket and Pilin€ same with the original papers of the cause in each case of appeal, taxing costs, including copy thereof. To the Marshal in each case each committment, each execution, summoning each witness, summoning juri►, serving each writ, taking approving and returning bond, each committ- ment or release. To the City Attorney in each plea of guilty X5.00, in each plea of not guilty $10.00. Section 12, CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE TO GOVERN. The provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure now in force and regulating the amount and collection of jury and witness fees and enforcement of the attend- ance of witnesses in the criminal cases tried by the Justice of Peace, shall as far as applicable govern and be applicable to the trial of cases before the Corporation Court herein created and established. Section 13-, POWER OF RECORDER. The ;fudge of said Corporation Court shall have the power to punish for comtempt to the same extent and under the same circumstances kd the County Judge may punish for comtempt of the County Court. He shall have the power to recognizances, admit to bail, and forfeit recognizances and bail bonds under such rules and regulations as now govern the taking and forfeiting of the same in the County Court. Section 14. SERVICE OF PPOCESS. All process issued out of said Corporation Court shall be served by the Marshal of said City of George- town, or his deputy, under the same rules and regulations as are now provided by law for the service by Sheriffs and Constables of process issuing out of the County Court, so far as the same are applicable. Section 15. ALLAYS OPE: FOR BUSINESS. Said Corporation Court shall hold no terms but shall be deemed at all times open for the transaction of business, but either defendant shall be entitled to at least one days notice of any complaint against him, if such time be demanded. Section 16. COL21ITTT"ENT. court shall be committed to him held until said person against him. Any person convicted of an offense in this the custody of the City Yarshal, and by shall have' discharged the fine and costs -5U - 0044 Section 17. WHO SHALL BE RECOPDER* Upon the cessation of the term of office of G. C. Hest -:r, as "Recorder", of the Corporation Court of the City of Georgetown, Texas, now being held by him by virtue of being Kayor of the said City, whether said termination by death, resignation, or expiration, that then said office of "Recorder" or judge of the Corporation Court of said City shall be held by some person other than the Mayor of the said City, and shall so continue to be held by some person other than the mayor of the said City until this ordinance is repialed. The office of "Recorder" shall be filled in the manner prescribed by law; and the qualifications and duties of the officer holding said office shall be those as fixed by the Statutes of the State of Texas, and the ordinances of t1is City. The compensation of the person holding the said office shall be the sum of ten ($10.00) dollars per month payable monthly, and such other fees and compensation as is now provided by tho ordinances of this City, or ti at may hereafter be provided by such ordinances. All such compensation shall be paid by the said City. (Passed Oct. 14, 1946). -51- 0045 CHAPT ER XI I FIRE Section 1. FIRE LIMITS. (a) Description. The fire limits of the City of Georgetown are here- by designated and fixed as follows Beginning at the N. We Cor. of Block No. 28; thence N. along 5th Street, to N. E. Cor. of Block No. 39; thence Be along 6th St., to the N. E. Corner of Block No. 11; thence S. Along Myrtle St., to the S. E. Cor. of Block No. 9; thence We along 9th St., to the S. E. Cor. of Plock No. 52; thence S. along Church St., to the S. F. Cor. of Block No. 1; thence Via along 10th St., to the S. 'Ji. Cor. of Block No. 3; thence No.along Rock St., to the Be We Cor. of Block No. 50; thence Vi. along 9th St., to the S. Vie Cor. of Block No. 49; thence N. along Forest St., to N. We Cor. of Block No. 36; thence E. along 6th St., to N. W. Cor. of Block 37; thence il. to Rock St., to the place of beginning. The same including the following blocks, to -wit; Blocks 28, 27, 26, 36, 27, 38, 11, 42, 41, 40, 10, 49, 50, 51, 52, 9, 3, 2, 1, together with all of the territory within the above described limits; and all of the said territorr is hereb-r designated and shall hereafter be the fire limits of the said City, and shall be known as such. (Passed June 2s', 1949) . (b) Regulations as to buildings. Regulations as to building and building structures within the said fire limits shall be those as shown in section 2 of the Chapter of this ordinance entitled "Building Code" . Seotion:•2. FIRE UUe (a) UNLA11ITL FOR WHOM, TO UT ER. It shall be unlawful for any person except regular firemen or persons under their direction of officers of the City Government to enter or remain in the Fireman's Truck House in said City, except upon matters of business. (b) FINISEUJUiT. Any person violating this section shall be fined in any scan not exceeding twenty-five dollars. (Passed Oct. 10, 1892). Section 3. DEFINING DUTIES AIM POVU S OF FIRE DEPAETY711T a (a) Officers of the T)epartment. The officers of the Fire Department shall consist of one Chief, one Assistant Chief, and one Recorder, to be elected annually by the members of the Fire Department and con- firmed by the City Council and co^anissioned by the Yayor. Said Election to be held the 3rd Monday in Yarch of each year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, and those elected and comrissioned as above set forth to hold their offices until their successors are elected and qualified. (b) 'rdiO ELIGIBLE'20 BE OFFICERS. In case of the rejection of the person or persons elected as Chief, ,Assistant Chief or Recorder, by the City Council, another election shall be held by the Fire Department and it shall in the same manner, elect some other person or persons, whose name or names shall be sent to the City Council for confirmation; provided that no person shall be eligible to the offices of Chief, Assistant Chief or Recorder unless he shall have been a member of the Fire Department for one year next preceeding his election and provided further, that until the third Monday of ;:larch next after the adoption of this ordinance all the officers of the fire department at present holding office shall continue in their respective places. (c) CCYANY OFFICERS. There shall be elected annually by each fire company in said Department, at such time as they may determine, from among their own members, one Foreman, one First Assistant Foreman, and one Second Assistant Foreman, and such other officers as they may deem necessary!, who shall be furnished with a certificate of their election by the Secretary of the Company so electing them, that they may be commissioned by the L:ayor. (d) NULIBER OF b MIDEP,S OF EACH COMPAPiY. The number of active members 2 . 0046 of a&ch company shall not be more than twenty-five men, each of whose name shall be reported by the Recorder of the ^apartment to the City Council; provided that each company shall have the right at any time as a reward for long service, or other merit, to place upon a roll of honorary or retired members, arr,, members of said company whose names shall not be counted on the roll of active members, but who shall be entitled to the benefits of membership without compulsory service or assessment, and provided that this section shall not conflict with the number of men allowed by the State Legislature to chartered companies. (e) BOARD OF FIRE COPAISSIONE S. The Chief, Assistant Chief and Fore- man of each company shall consist of a board of fire commissioners, vested with authority to investigate and adjudicate all cases of irr- egularity, insubordination or disorder in the Department as firemen and report any misconduct of any fireman to the Pepartment for action. (f) OFFIOPMUS TO CONTROL AT MES. in case of fire or other assembling of the Department, the Chief shall assume control and be obeyed in all things appertaining thereto. In the absence of the Chief, the Assiktant Chief shall assume his authority and responsibility; and in the absence of both the Chief and Assistant Chief, the Foreman first at the fire shall assume authority and responsibility. At all fires, no person not an officer of the city or fire, police, or person directly interested in the fire, or the members of the Fire Department shall be permitted to enter or remain in the burning building. (g) ORGANIZATION OF NEW COMPAITY. when any new fire company is proposed to be organized, a roll of the proposed active members shall be com- mitted to the Board of Fire Commissioners, whose duty it shall be forth- with to examine into the good character and capacity as firemen of the persons propose4 and on their favorable report to the City Council said new company may be organized and admitted to the Fire Department and not otherwide. (h) FLECTION OF OFFICERS. The election of officers of the Department shall be by ballot, each active member of the Fire Department being entitled to one vote. The Pepartment shall meet at the time and place appointed of which ten day's notice shall be given by the Chief. A majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to elect. (i) INSPECTION OF APPAPATIB, ETC. It shall be the duty of the Chief at least once each quarter to thoroughly inspect the a?paratus, buildings and other public property in the keeping of the various companies, to see that they are at all times kept in good condition and ready for use, and to make a full report of the condition of the Department and of the property of the city in their possession, to the City Council at their regular meetings in the months of March, June, September and December of each year. He shall also receive from any of the companies composing the Department communications on the subject of rapkirs required by the apparatus or buildings, or other wants of the companies, and submit the same with his recommendations on the subject to the City Council at any meeting of same for final action. (j) ROLL OF OFFICERS AND I=BERS. It shall be the duty of the Recorder of the Department to keep in a book provided for that purpose, a fire register, showing the names, date of election and term or service of all commissioned officers of the Department, and a roll of the active membership, the date for which shall be furnished by the secretaries of the respective companies, giving name of new members and of any deceased, resigned, suspended, or expelled. He shall also be present all fires to perform such duties as the Chief may direct. He shall also act as recorder for the Board of Fire Commissioners and perform such other duties as are required by the Chief. (k) M--MIT%GS 01' FIRE COM"IISSIONERV The Fire Commissioners shall meet once each quarter to transact any business that may come before them, or oftener at the call of the Chief. (1) CHARGES. In case of the failure of any commissioned officer of the Fire Department to faithfully perform the duties assigned to him, his case shall be reported to the Board of Fire Commissioners at their first regular meeting when they shall proceed to investigate the charges preferred and refer the same with their recommendations to the City Council for final action. 2. 0047 (m) COi,;;"Ut1ICATIONS. All cnnmunications from the Fire Department to the City Council shall be made through the Chief of the Department. (n) IlRrENTORY 01' PROPERTY. The foreman of each of the fire companies shall furnish an inventory of all engines, trucks, ladders, axes, hose and other apparatus and property, to the City Manager, and shall receipt for all apparatus belonging to the City in the property book of the City Manager.and they and their successors shall be responsible for the safe keeping of all a paratus belonging to the City, and shall at least twice in each year make to the Chief a report of the condition of said property including all articles lost or destroyer'., damaged or worn out, and the cause thereof. (o) REPAIRS AND ACCOUNTS T URFFOR. All repairs of fire apparatus or purchases to replace articles lost, destroyed or worn out, shall be made by the City Manager, and all accounts for the same shall be certified to by him as being correct and at the lowest cost practicable. T (p) TEARING DOVP HOUSE, ETC. The Chief, with the concurrence of the Mayor, may cause any house, awning, fence or other combustible material to be removed or destroyed, if it be regarded by him as necessary to prevent or check the further spread of fire. (q) RECP.LiITING COLPANI^S. Whenever any fire company shall become inefficient through resignation or disorganization, it shall be the duty of the Chief to fill said company for imriediate fire protection, pro- vided t.at when such company shall retain in its organisation two- thirds of the number of men allowed by ordinance to such company, they shall be privileged to pass upon the qualifications of the membership. (Passed June 12, 1890) (r) Each member of each company, hereafter joining, shall at the time of joining, reside in the City Limits of the said City, and be in good health, and be above eighteen years old. Each member shall attend at least 75 of all fires, and of all the meetings of his company, and of all of the meetings of the De,.artment each quarter, unless he be sick, or out of the City, at the time of such fires or meetings. (s) Any member of any company that removes from the City, of fails to attend at least 75% of all fires, and of all meetings of his company, and of all reetinLs of the Department in any one quarter shall lose his membership, and all rights, privileges and exemptions thereunder; provided that such member shall be excused from such attendance, when his absence from fires or meetings is caused by his being out of the City, or by reason of his sickness; provided further, however, that before such excuse for absence shall be available, the member shall present the same in writing, to the Secretary of his company, before the list of membership of his company is filed with the City Clerk, as provided herein. (t) Each company shall have the power, by a majority vote, to expell any member from the said company, provided, however, that any member a beenting;hims61f,:..fpgm fires, and from meetings, without excuse, as herein provided, or noves out of the City, shall cease to be a member, without any further action on the part of his company, and shall be so treated, when the list of membership is being made up, as provided herein. (u) Any member expelled from a company , or who shall lose his member- ship, for non-attendance of fires and meetings, as herein provided, shall not be eligible to membership in any company of the Department for 12 months thereafter. (v) The Secretary of each of the companies of the Fire Lepartment shall, on or before the regular meetings of the City Council of this City, for the Lionths of January, April, July and October of each ,year, file with the City Clerk of this City a list of all of the members of his company in good standing, for the last preceeding quarter, and that the name of no member expelled, or who has moved out of the City, or who has lost him membership for non-attendance at fires or at meetings as herein provided shall be included in the said lists of membership, so filed. (Passed April 14, 1923)- 30 923). 3. 0048 Section 4. XANAGF,R OF FIRE DEP, RT173IT. The City I. -Tanager shall be manager of the Fire Department, and shall see that the equipment, and building is kept clean, workable, and in good state of repair. Be shall sce that the fire department is at all time in readiness to effectively combat fire. (Passed No. 5, 1945),, Section 5. FIRE 1JAPSHAL. The City Larshal of this city shall be ex - officio Fire Yarshal, and shall perform the duties delegated to him by the Chapter of this ordinance entitled "Officers- Their Powers and Duties", and under the section "Fire Karshal". Section 4. BITNING OF TRASH, ETC. Any person who shall ignite, set fire to or burn any weeds, trash, boxes, barrels, brush, shavings or any other combustible material whatever, in this city between sun- down in the evening and sun -up in the morning, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to small campfires in wagon yards or in vacant tots. (Passed Oct. 8, 1906). Section 5• PF�OHIBITING THE iEF,PING OF INFLCIBLE 11TERIAL, PAM, ETC. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, merchants, firm of merchants or corporation, having a place of business in the City of Georgetown, the said place of business being in the fire limits of this aaid city, as heretofore designated, to have, allow, keep, throw, or order to be thrown or suffer to be thrown or kept in any place or places under his or their control, either adjacent to, back of or adjoining his or their place of business, any loose trash or rubbish, excelsion, paper, boxes, either paper or wooden, or other inflamable material, such as would be likely to facilitate to any extent the progress of a fire, or such as would be likely to increase the danger of fire in and around the said business buildings. It shall further be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corporations, who shall own, manage or control any property whatsoever within the said above mentioned fire limits of said city, and the said premises has become vacant, and on which there is no building of any kind, to leave or allow the said vacant lot to have accumulated thereon any trash, rubbish, or any material mentioned heretoforein tiis section, or to leavy any partially burned or destroyed material of any kind on said lot, provided the space of one week shall be allowed any person or persons in charge of said vacant lot, or said building which may have been burned or des- troyed, in which to clean off said lot and remove the aforesaid part- ially burned material from said lot. And provided further, that all merchants of this City shall be allowed the space of one day for the unpacking and disposing of their said boxes as aforesaid, trash, and excelsior, and other packing material, after the same shall have been papacked, placed or left in, near to or adjoining said place of business so located. That each and every day after the violation of said ordinance shall be and constitute a separate offense, punishable as such under the terms and provisions of this section. Any ,,erson or persons as above named who shall be found guilty of violating the terms of this section shall be fined in any sum not less than � 5.00 and nct more than 425.00. (Passed April 10, 1905) Section 6. FIRE. ALATWS, HUN GIIMT, PUMSII."L'ly'T IOR FALSE AUREo An alarm of fire in the limits of the city of Georgetcwn shall be given by the turning on of the siren on the fire hall, an alarm of fire outside the limits of the City of Georgetown shall be given by the ringing of the bell on the fire hall. Any person who shall in this city make or give a false alarm of fire knowingly by any method, or by crying aloud "FIRE", shall be deemed guilty of a middemeanor, and on conviction sr all be fined in a stun not less than Five dollars and not more than One 17undred dollars. (Passed Oct. 8, 1906). Section 7. GOVMNING WHO SHALL GO UPON A FIRE ESCAPE. It shall be unlawful for any person, except regular firemen in the discharge of their duties as such firemen or persons under their direction, or officials of the city government, or persons having obtained the permission, or under the direction of some person in charge of such public buildings, school house, or other building, to go upon, climb upon, or be, or remain upon, the fire escapes, awnings, window casings, or sills, to any public building, school house or buildings of any character within the City Limits of the City of Georgetown, Texas. Any person violating; tl.is section, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- 0049 demeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty-five (125.00) dollars. (Passed Feb. 14, 1916). Section 6 - FIF0,0Fft. Prohibiting in Certain Places. If any person or persons in the City of Georgetown, Texas, shall fire, or cause to be fired, or thrown, or cause to be thrown, any fireworks of any description whatsoever, or any fire-cracker6, or cannon crackers of, any cane bcMbs, or any other kind .of firewords, or pyrotechnics what- soever, in any ublic place, or within the City's Fire Limits, or within anyu� blo,buildinb, a an time, or who shall at any time use any of said fire works or throw the same at, by or under any horse, animal, or pedestriag, shall, u,on conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not to exceed Five (4-.5.00) dollars. (Passed Dec. 14, 1903). Section 7. STOVEPIPES AND FLVES. It shall be unlawful for any naked stovepipe to be allowed to pass through the floor, wall, roof or, ceiling of any building, and in ev-ry wooden wall, floor, pattition, roof or eeilin, through which a stovepipe is to pass, there shall be placed a stone, ar earthen crock, double tin or galvanized iron cylinder through which the said pipe shall extend, and between said stovepipe and crock or cylinder there shall be a space of at least (1) one inch, and the pipe shall be at least four inches from the wall or wooden work. These regulations shall apply to all kinds of stovepipes or other pipes used to conduct heat or smoke in this City. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined in any sum not less than Five nor more than Twenty-five dollars, and each and every clay that such violation continues shall be and constitute a distinct and separate offense. (Passed Oct. 8, 1906). 5. 0050 CF.APT EP JCI I I HEALT H Section 1. HEIdLTH OFFICER. Office of City Health Officer is hereby created with duties shown in Chapter section of this ordinance. Section 2. ISSUANCE, REGULATION UD M'IBITION OF HEALTH CERTIFICATES. (a) The term "Food Handlers" as hereinafter used in this section shall be the same as that specified by State Law and said food handler shall not be employed in the City ofGeor,;etown, Texas, until he or she has fully complied with all State laws and regulations now or hereafter enacted. (b) No Food handlers permit card for use in the City of Georgetown, Texas, shall be issued by the local health department to any person now or hereafter required by law to have or exhibit a health certificate certifying the holders free from any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease until the applicant for such certificate shall have been first tested and examined under the recognized standard tests for syphillis; this test must be given by the local health unit of the Texas State Department of health or by the local health unit of the Texas State Department of Health or by a physician licensed to practice in Williamson County, Texas, and if the specimen is then found to have no positive reactions, the individual must then secure a certificate from a licensed practicing physician indicating that physical examination shows him free of the contagious, infectious, or communicable diseases; which certificate is then presen+ed to the local health unit and the a plicant is then given a : ood handlers card good for six months from the time of said blood test. Once each year, said applicant shall further be examined for tuberculosis, by a tuberculin skin test and/or an X -Ray, examination of the lungs. In the event that the tuberculin skin test shows a positive reaction, then said applicant must have an z -ray examination of the lungs. (c) Any person who shall violate any of the provisions hereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not to exceed 1100.00, and each day shall constitute a separate offense. Section 3. UANNER AND METHOD OF CARE 01' CASES OF COMAGIOTIS AND INi'ECTIOUS DISEASES A1%D PP.EVEIiTION OF S"Ch DISEASES. (a) The City Health Officer and the Health Inspector, and each of them, are hereby authorized to stop, examine and detain any and all persons coming, or suspected of coming, from any place infected, or believed to be infected, with any contagious or infectious disease, and they shall have full power and authority to prevent any such person, or persons, from entering said city, and they may also cause any person suspected of being infected with any contagious or infectious disease to be sent to a hospital provided by the city, or other place, for treatment, or to any place of detention that may from tine to time be provided, or said health officer, or inspector, or any of them, may cause any such person or persons to be confined and isolated in the rooms or premises where they are found, and use any needful means, including the operatQ,on of compulsory vaccination, to prevent the spread of any contagious disease that may be found or be suspected to exist. (b) It shall be the duty of all persons infected with any disease of a pestilential, contagious or infectious character, or who, from exposure to contagion from such disease, may be liable to endanger others who may come in contact with there, to strictly observe such commands or injunctions as may be given them by the City Health Officer, or the County Health Officer, or the State Heath Officer, to prevent the spread of such diseases, and it shall be lawful for such health officers, or either of them, to require any such person thus infected or exposed to infection to remain within designated premises for such length of time as such health officer may deem necessary. (c) Such Health Officers, or either of them, shall have authority to prevent, by orders issued to that effect or by other means, any person to enter or leave or loiter around any room, place or premises where any person is isolated or confined under the provisions of either of the two preceding sub -sections of this ordinance 0051 (d) liken at any time the City Health Officer may deem it expedient to quarantine against any place within this State infected with any infect- ious or contagious disease, tie may prescribe regulations governing traffic, trade and travel between such infected point and this city, and he may, by instructions of the City Council, stop all travel and commerce of 'id:soever character between such point and this city, for such length of time as the City Council may prescribe. (e) Every physician or nurse in charge of a patient in this city shall report either in person or in writing; to the City health Officer immediately after he ascertains that such patient is suffering with any contagious or infectious disease, the name and location of such patient and the nature of such disease, and he shall also report to such City Health Officer, the death of any such patient from such disease immed- iately after such death. Such physician shall report under the pro- visions of this section of this ordinance all cases of typhoid fever, scarlet fever, small pox, diptheria, meailbs, whooping; cough, tuberculosis, chicken pox, and all other diseases of a contagious and infectious character, and any person failing; or refusing to so report shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined as is hereinafter set out. (f) livlien no physician is in attendance, every householder shall report in person or in writing to the City Health Officer the names of all the inmates of his or her house, who is, or who tie or she shall have reason to believe are sick with any contagious or infectious disease, or any disease that he or she may believe dangerous to the public h{°alth. (g) Every keeper of an inn, hotel, tavern, boarding or lodging house, in this city in which any inmate thereof shall be sick with any con- tagious disease, shall, upon such facts coming to his or her knowledge, forthwith retort same to the City Eealth Officer in person or in writing. (h) The owner, driver, or person in charge of any stage, railway cars carriage, or other conveyance of whatever character, which shall enter this city, having on board any person sick of any contagious or infectious disease, unless such person became sick on the way and could not be left, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by fine; and such owner, driver, or person in charge, shall, within free hours after the arrival of such person, report, either in person or in writing, the facts with the name of such person and the house or place where he was put down in the city, to the City Health Officer. (i) No person shall remove a patient or i:)erson suffering with any contagious or infectious disease without the written consent of the City Health Officer, or in his absence, of the :.ayor. (j) 'Whenever the City health Officer believes the public health would be endangered by the keeping of a body that has died of any contagious or infectious disease, he may designate the time after death within which such body shall be interred or otherwise disposed of, and he may prevent the keeping or holding of such body to be present at any funeral service, and prevent the taking of such body to a church or other public place, or prevent a funeral procession accompanying such body to its place of burial. (k) The City health Officer shall notify the superintendent of the public schools (during the school term) of the location of infectious and contagious diseases, and if the superintendent finds any pupil or pupils in such school who live in a house where such disease is located, he shall deny them admission to the school, only admitting them again upon their presenting a certificate from the attending physician, countersigned by the City Health Officer, that there is no longer danger from contagion. (1) The City Health Officer, the :.Savor, or any Health Inspector of this city shall have the richt and authority, and it shall t -e the duty of each of them, to place upon any house or building witl,.in the corporate limits of this cite where there is at the time, or has been within two weeks next prior thereto, any person or persons afflicted with smallpox, asiatic cholera, ye --low feirer, diptheria or scarlet fever, a sign of such size and character as he, or they may deet., proper, bearing the words "Contagious Disease" or "Infectious Disease", or bearing the 0052 name of the disease. The Mayor and the City Health Officer shall each have the -.power and authority to delegate the authority to place such a sign, or signs, to the City I:arshal or any other person within the City. Such signs when so placed shall remain until each person in such house or building afflicted with such disease has entirely recovered there- from, and until such house and building and the contents thereof have been fumigated or disinfected under the direction of the City Health Officer, and until such sign is directed by the 1ayor or City Health Officer to be taken down. (m) If any person shall pull off, tear down, burn, mutilate, destroy, or disfigure any sign placed upon any house or building, as set forth in the next preceding section, or shall cause, or permit,.or request, or instruct, or direct any person, or child, or servant to pull off, tear down, burn, mutilate, destroy or disfigure any such sign, he or she shall be fined in any sum not less than five nor more than two hundred dollars. (n) It shall be the duty of the City Health Officer to require that any house, building, premises, bedeing, clothing, or other property which is infected, or suspected of being infected with any contagious or infectious disease shall be thoroughly and promptly fumigated and disinfected under his direction and in the manner and mode required by him, and when in the opinion of the City Health Officer any furniture, bedding, wearing apparel or other property is so infected or suspected of being infected so that it cannot be disinfected so as to render it harmless, or which shall be likely to pass into such a state as to gen- erate disease, then the City health Officer, with the consent of the Mayor, may require such furnitur-i, bedding, wearing apparel or other property to be destroyed or removed from the city. (o) It shall be unlawful for any person to use or hire, or permit any other person to use, without the consent of the City Health Officer, any vehicle which has been driven or used for the conveyance or removal of any person afflicted or dead with any contagious or infectious disease until after such vehicle has been thoroughly fumigated and disinfected under the direction of and in the manner and mode directed by the City Health Officer. (p) The City Health Officer, and other city officers and employees, in carryint, out the provisions of this ordinance, shall co-operate, when ever possible to do so, with the State and County Quarantine Officers. (q) Any officer, or officers, employee, or employees, of the city, who shall disregard, neglect or violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, or any person who shall resist the City health Officer, Health Inspector, 2Sayor, or any other person acting under their direction, or obstruct or interfere with any of them in the performance of their duties as set out in this section, or any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section, or any person who sha a fail or refuse to obey and carry out any instructions, directions, rule or regulation made under authority of this section, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and upon conviction, shall be fined in any sum not less than five nor more than two hundred dollars. (Passed April 19, 1909). Section 4. Pi'.OVIDTNG FOR TQM PROP:M INS 'ECTION, STA1IPING, AND BRANDING OF MW SLA?? TH ERED, P1?OCP6bEP OR HELD FOR SALE OR PROCES;)_;D FOR SALE TO CONSUFMRS IN THIS CITY. (a) The City Ilealth Officer of the City of Georgetown, Texas, is hereby authorized and directed to provide for the proper inspection of all slaughterhouses, and all other places where meat and meat products are processed and prepared for sale, where such meats, so slaughtered, processed and prepared for sale, arerintandedc ftv,sale to consumers within said City; and the said Health Officer shall adopt and establish ruled and regulations pertaining to such sanitary inspection; and shall provide for the stamping, labeling and branding of all meat and meat products so slaughtered, processed or prepared for sale, that are found to be sanitary under such inspection and the rules pertaining thereto. (b) The sanitary standard of all slaughter houses, and. other places where meats are prepared or processed for sale, and the sanitary standard of all meats, and the standard bf inspection of such places and of such m-{ats, shall be the standard established and fixed by the Department of A;;riculture of the united States of America, and known as the £eaeau of Animal Undustry, Order 211 (Revised) and all amendments thereto. 0053 which may be applicable to 2lunicipal Government. Any inspection made under and in aceordecnce with the provisions of the said order 211 (revised) and amendments thereto, shall be deemed to be a sufficient inspection; though the same / not made under the direct authority of the City Health Officer of thisi ity; and the stampin;; and branding of meats in and under said orddr 211 (Revised), and amendments thereto, shall be deemed to be sufficient stamping and branding thereof. (c) It shall be unlawful for any person, for himsblf, or as agent for another or others, to knowingly sell, offer for sale, or have in his possession for sale, or have under his control for sale, or consumption within this City, the meat of, or any portion of the meat of any cattle, bull, steer, cow, calf, hog, sheep or goat, that has not been inspected under the provisions hereof, or that has not been pronounced to be sanitary and suitable for food consumption under the provisions hereof; by the proper inspector; or that has not been branded or labeled under and in accordance with the provisions hereof, or that has been improperly or incorrectly branded or labeled; and that any person in any manner, knowingly violatinG this section hereof shall upon conviction be fined in any sum not to exceed One Hundred (y 100.00) Dollars. (d) It shall be unlawful for any person to misbrand, mislabel or mis-stamp any meat of any of the animals named in the preceding section hereof; or to mutilate such brands or stamp, or to forge or falsify any such brand or stamp or to knowingly and intentionally remove, deface or change any other marking of tags on such meat, placed thereon, under proper inspection, to indicate the quality thereof; and that any person violating this section hereof shall on con -,Action be fined in any sum not less than ten (;,10.00) dollars, and not more than one hundred (1100.00) dollars. (Passed Jan. 13, 1947). Section 5. GARBAGE COLLECTION A14D DISPOSAL. (a) DEFINITIONS (A) the words "wet garbage" shall be held and construed to mean all animal or vegetable matter, such as waste material from kitchens, grocery stores, butcher shops, restaurants, cafes, hotels, rooming and boarding houses, such as scraps of meat, broad, bones, peeling of fruit and vegetables= (E) the terms "dry garbage" as used herein shall be held and construed to mean refuse, trash, rubbish, coffee grounds, and tin cans, paper boxes, papers, boxes, ashes, glass, cinders, rocks, old clothes and shoes, broken dishes, and utensils, old iron, tin, zinc, and all kinds of junk and useless material and -waste of -every description, including grass, shrubs and tree trimmings and/or cuttings. (+then cut up into lengths not exceeding; three feet." (b) Each owner, occupant, tenant or lessee using and occupying any res- idence, building, house or structure within the corporate limits of the City of Georgetown, as a place of abode or as a place of business, is hereby required to keep and maintain at all ti,_ies at a convenient place at his house or dwelling and at his place of business, if his business is of a type that accumulates wet garbage in connection with the operation of same, adequate garbage can or cans of standard type and construction not more than 30 gallon capacity and in sufficient numbers to properly receive and hold all wet garbage being disposed of from his house or dwell- ing or place of business as the case may be, which garbage can or cans shall be equipped with an adequate lid or covering, and which shall be covered by such lid or covering at all times. Each such owner, occupant, tenant or lessee is hereby further required to keep and maintain at his house or dwelling and at his place of business, if his business is such that dry garbage is accumulated in the operation thereof, adequate boxes, cans or other recepticles in sufficient numbers for the disposing and keeping of dry garbage. (e) Each person in the City of Georgetown having wet-;arbage to be dis- posed of is hereby required to place the same in a metal garbage can of standard construction equipped with an adequate lid or covering and it is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person to place any wet garbage on the ground or in an open box or container or in any other receutacle other than a standard metal garbage can not over 30 gallon capacity equipped with an adequate lid or covering. Each person is hereby required to place all other types of garbage other than wet garba-e in a suitable box or container located at a convenient place for proper garbage pick-up of both types. (d) The collection of garbage, and the t;.me and matter of collecting the sauce, is a sanitary measure, under the control of the City; and under the advise of the Sanitary Department. The City will make, or cause to be made, periodic garbage pick-ups, throwout the City, from garbage recept- acles, of the kind herein provided; which said garbage receptacles shall be furnished by the persons having garbage. And it is hereby made unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation; to pick-up, haul, or eispose of garbage, within the ^ity, other than as herein directed; but that all such garbage shall be picked up and hauled by the employees of the City, or by some person or persons, directly authorized and empowered to pick-up and haul same. However, the persons having garbage that is picked up or removed by the employees of the City or by other persons, who are acting for and under the direction of the Cite, shall pay to the City, the reasonable charges, fixed herein, or that may hereafter be fixed, for said service. (e) Manure from private stables or offal or refuse from animals or night soil and dead animals, and all other waste not herein mentioned must be kept in a separate suitable rec$nt.acle and_@d in _lot.�str_§,t, alley, _six'aizi cr---ot��ex-..place.i_aYid not._be. permitted to bee _nui.sance,� Such refuse shall be hauled away from the promises of the owner hereof at his own expense and by his own means and such refuse shall not be considered garbage and shall not be picked up by the EarbaCe trucks of the City Sanitary Department. however, the failure of the owner to properly remove such refuse shall constitute an offense, punishable hereunder. (f) The lids of covers of garbage and refuse cans shall at all times be kept on and fastened so that flies and other insects may not have aecess to the refuse contained therein and shall only be removed while enptying additional garbage or refuse ther®in, or while the contractor or person authorized is removing such garbage or unloading the same for disposal. (g) The owner, occupant, or lessee of said premises as defined in this section shall at all times keep and maintain such cans and receptacles at the rear of the lot or premises abutting on the street or alley or in such place that the same may be readily accessible to the contractor, or City as the case ray be, who removes such garbage or refuse. (h) The collection of garbage and refuse fn -m house, buildi_n-, and premises for residential purposes shall be divided into classes accot;ding to the family unit bherein. The City ;Manager shall collect these garbage fees either through the water department as a separate item on utility bills or by any other practwcable means of collection. The fees shall be assessed against the person, in whose name the ivater meter cr light meter is listed. Fair and reasonable charges for this residentiel service shall be and are shown in terms of dollars and cents in a column under each classification for a calendar raonth as follows: 1. Sinple family residence V1.00 2. Duplex apartments (where containers are located at sate site) each Apt. .50 3. Separate sites - each apartment .75 4. Garage apartment .50 5. Three family apartment or more, per apt, -50 The collection of gar' -)age and refuse from commercial establishments shall be divided into classes. The collection fees for the service shall be the same as outlined above for collection of fees for residential service. Fair and reasonable charges for this co;­7nercial ser,, -ice shall be and are shown in terms of dollars and cents in a column under each classification for a calendar month as follows: 1.Retail food establishments (large) 2, retail food establishments (small) 3. Cafes (large) 4. Cafes (small.) 5. t:ereantile establishments 6. Drug Stores 7. Tourist Courts R: Trailer Camps Be Industrial Plants 9. Filling Stations Garages 10. Barber Shops veauty Shops 0055 $2.00 - � 10.00 v2 4,00 - 4 5.00 i 2.00 - � 15.00 12.00-47.00 2.00 - j15.00 4.2.00 - 1,1W:10.00 Y2.00 - $1.10.00 w.5.00 - W30.00 ;;2,00 - 9 5.u0 "2.00 - 5.U0 The City Council shall have the power and authority to set a fair and reasonable charge to cover the service rendered at any place (l) Garbage collection bills shall be due to the City on the first day of each month, after this section takes effect; and any person who shall fail to pay a garbage collection bill due by him for thirty days or more from the due date thereof, shall be in arrears; and no L.arbage or refuse shall be collected by the City or under the authority of the City, from premises, whose owner or lessee is so in arrears. Any person so in arrears, in the payment of the garbage collection bill, who hhall have garbaUe on his premises, putrifying, fermenting, becoming oderiferous, in can, or cans, or who she.11 dump same on the ground, shall be guilty of violating this ordinance, and be punishable hereunder. (j) The charges fixed herein for the removal and disposal of all garbage, trash or rubbish shall be metered by the City Utilities Department of the City of Georgetown in their respective amounts as charges against each such person, persons, owner, occupant or lessee, described herein on the water and light bill of such person or persons, owner, occupant or lessee and the amount so fixed and charged shall be collected monthly in connection with and as a part of the water and limit bills of the City of Georgetown. (k) It is hereby made the duty of the City Sanitarian of the City of Georgetown to make regular inspection trips to determine whether such garbage is being properly disposed of and to further determine If receptacles of the kind required to use the same under this section and it is hereby made the duty of such inspector to report to the City Manager any person or persons, firm or corporation, failing to comply with this ordinance in any particular, and the City Manager is required to institute the necessary proceedings to prosecute such offender as provided herein. {1) Any person or persons, firm or corporation who violates any of the provisions of the ordinance or who fails to provide the necessary garbage can be therein required, or shall allow t:;,e premises occupied to become unsanitary or who shall in any manner violate any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed quilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than Five (W.K.00) dollars and not more than One L!undred (6100.00) Dollars for each offense and a failure to comply with this section shall be deemed a continuing offense and each day's continuance of a failure to comply therewith shall constitute a separate and distinct offense for each of said days. (Passed Lay 2,5, 1949) • Section 6. FRRSCRIB1UG THE LODE OF CONS'TRiCTION AND L• AINTMA14CE OF PkV IES, tiRI14LS, BAT1'_7jES, AND SINKSt 9,D 1I1E COLNECTION M"+ITH S_niMS: AIM Pr,O- VIDIIdG MOR Tim CLT' TING OF l"111ES NOT COPdTIECTEL WITH SEIMS OR NOT '4ITEIN 200 FV'ET OF LNY SZ++TR 11:11N . (a) It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, lessee, tenant, or person in possession to establish, maintain or use, any privy, bathtub, lavatory, or sink located or situated within 200 feet of any sewer main, laid or in use, .or that may be hereafter lain and in use, that it is not connected with tle said sewer main, and is not cleansed by regularly flushing water thru same into said main; and it shall be the duty of each and every person, firm, corporation, lessee, tenant or person in possession of any such privet', bathtub, lavatory, and sink that may now be in operation or use or may hereafter be established and used within 200 feet of any sewer mein now laid and in use, or here- after laid and in use, to at once connect the said privy, bathtub, lavatory, or sink with such main and equip same for being flushed and cleansed as provided herein. (b) That it ahall hereafter be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, lessee, tenant or person in possession to establish or maintain any privy that is not within 200 feet of sewer main, unless the ,same be not less than three feet from the street or alley and unless the same be at a convenient and accessable place for inspection and cleansin4 and unless the same be screened in such a manner as to prevent the access of flies to the excreta therein. (c)All privies, urinals, bathtubs, lavatories, and sinks, within the City shall be subject to inspection at all times by the City Health Officer to see that the same are established and maintained in accordance with this section. All persons, firms, corporations, less-ps, 0c ;6 tenants or persons in possession of privies, bathtubs, lavatories, and sinks shall inform themselves of the location of sewer mains now est- ablished and in use, and make the necessary connections without further notice, when they are within 200 feet of such sewer main; and that they shall make connection with any main hereafter established and put in use upon being given notice by the Health Officer. No Privy that is more than 200 feet from a sewer main shall be established or maintained without a permit in writing from the City Manager approving the mode of construction and location of the said privy. (d) All privies not connected with a sewer main as herein provided shall be cleaned once in every thirty days, provided however, that all such privies not so connected with a sewer main that are located within two blocks of the City Water and Light Plant shall be cleaned once every fifteen days. If upon inspection it is determined that any privy is not cleaned the City Health Officer may order such privy cleaned and such cleaning shall be in addition to the regular cleaning provided herein. (e) The cleaning of privies as provided in this section shall consist in the removal of all excretia and night soil therefrom and the con- veying the same in a covered and closed vehicle to the City dump grounds outside the city limits and the disinfecting of the said privy with such disinfectant as the City Health Officer may approve and direct. (f) The City Manager, with the consent of the Council shall name and appoint a suitable and proper person as. City Scavenger and shall provide the said scavenger with or see that he is provided with suitable means for the performance of his duties as such city scavinger. The compensation of the scavenger shall be fixed by the City Manager with the approval of the City Council. (g) It shall be the duty of the City Soavinger to examine each dry closet or privy not within two blocks of the City water and Light Plant on or about the lst of each month and that if the same has not been cleaned immediately prior thereto ,to at once notify the person, firm, tenant or lessee, or person in possession of the sane and to then and there collect from the said person in possession of the same the sum of 50 cents as a fee for examining and.cle aning the said privy and shall immediately upon collecting the same fee, proceed to clean the said privy in the manner herein provided and turn over and deliver the fee so collected to the City hanager of the said City, provided however, that all such privies, located within two blocks of the City Water and Light Plant shall be so examined and cleaned and the said fee therefor col- lected on or about the 1st day and on or about the 15th day of each month in the manner provided herein. " (h) No person other than the City Scavenger shall be permitted to clean any privy or privies and collect a fee thereof, and no person shall be permitted to clean his own privy, without first obtaining a special permit to do so from the City manager of the said City, (i) The work of cleaning privies, and collecting the fees therefor as provided in this section shall be begun on or about the days named in this section and shall be diligently continued until all privies of the class named in the said section has been cleaned and the fees collected therefor by the scavinger. (j) If any person, firm, corporation, tenant, lessee, or person in possession shall fail or refuse to pay the fee and have such privy .cleaned as provided in this section, it shall be the duty of the City banger to cause the said privy to be closed, sealed up, nailed up and prevent the further use of same until the same is so cleaned and the said fees paid, and in addition thereto the person so failing or refusing shall be prosecuted under this ordinance. (k) If upon examination of any privy, urinal, bathtub, lavatory or sink of any kind by the City Health Officer the same be found to be established and maintained in a manner not in conformity with this section is/ shall be the duty of the City Manager to notify the person in possession to remedy such defect, and make the same conform to this section, and that if such defect is not remedied within a reasonable time, to be determined by the judgement of the City Manager, he shall seal up, nail up and prevent the further use of such privy, urinal, bathtub. 0057 lavatory or sink, and that in addition thereto, the person so failing or refusing to remedy such defect shall be prosecuted under this section. (1) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, lessee, tenant or person in possession to fail -or refuse to clean or cause to be cleaned, maintain or cause to be_.maintained, any privy, urinal, bath- tub, sink or lavatory, in their possession or under ih eir control in the manner provided in this ordinance or prevent or attempt to prevent or to interfere with or attempt to interfere with the City Health Officer or the City Manager or the City Scavinger in the performance of their duties under this section. (m) The term "corporation" as used herein shall be construed to mean the officers, sergants or agents of any corporation having charge of, or in possession of any privy, urinal, bathtub, sink or lavatory being used. (n) Any person, firm, corporation, lessee, tenant, or person in possession who shall fail to perform any of the duties fixed by this section or who shall violate any of the terms and conditions of this section, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction therefor, shall be fined in any sum not less than one dollar nor rore than twenty-five dollars.. In all cases where the offense consists in the failure to perform a duty fixed by this section, each week that the said duty remains unperformed shall constitute a separate offense. (: aesed Feb. 14, 1921). Section 7. (o) Any person who shall haul filth and excretement from privies through the streets of the City of Georgetown shall haul or carry same in a galvanized iron can or box, which shall be covered with a secure and close fitting cover or lid; and such can or box and the wagon or vehicle upon which same is hauled shall be dis- infected with either a liquid or powder disinfectant when same is in use; and the party cleaning out any privy shall as soon as same is cleaned out, use either powder or liquid disinfectant in and around such privy; before any person shall use any such can or box or disinfectant for the purpose above specified, the sane shall be approved by the coTm:ittee of the City Council on Health and Sanitary Regulations. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined in any sum not less that rive Dollars and not more than Twenty-five dollars. (Passed Sept. 9, 1907). rection 7. GRASS OR v EEDS ILEN THICK ENOUGH TO SEAPE TIIE GROUND THI ElliDER AND 141EEN YOR THAN TWELVE INC'TS HIGH,, "'NG OR ST VTD-2i'G ON ANY LOT OR PARCEL OF LAND Y+ITHIN THIS CITY IS A 1XISAc.7CE. (a) Any growing or standing grass or weeds, thick enough to shade the ground thereunder and to a height of twelve inches or more and within 200 feet of any street or any building, upon any lot or parcel of land within this City, is hereby declared to be a nuisance; and it is hereby made the duty of the owner and or the person in charge of V e said lot ,.or parcel of land to abate such nuisance by cutting such weed -s or grass or causing the same to be out. (b) For and in behalf of t}is City, the City Marshal, is hereby charged with the duty of seeing that this ordinance is enforced; and that when it shall come to his knowledc-e the nuisance defined in the preceding paragraph hereof, exists, it shall be his duty to give notice in writing to the owner or person in charge of such lot or parcel of land that such nuisance exists, and directing that the same shall be abated within five days from the giving of such notice. Sikh notice shall be dated and signed, and shall direct that the person to whom same is given shall within five days from the receipt thereof, abate such nuisance, by cutting or causing to be out, such weeds or grass. Such notice may be served in person or by registered mail, calling for receipt. Such notice Shall be sufficient if it designates the lot or parcel of land to the extent that it may be located. (c) It shall be unlawful for the person to whom such notice is given, to fail or refuse to abate or cause to be abated such nuisance, by causing such weeds or grass to be out, w1thin five days from the date of the receipt of such notice, and such person so failing shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon oonviotion thereof shall be fined in any sum not to exceed x".100.00 0058 . (d) In addition to the criminal remedy provided in the preceding paragraph hereof, the said City shall have all of the following remedy. That in the event, that the said weeds or grass is not out by the owner or person in charge of such lot or parcel of land within five days after the giving of the notice herein provided, it shall be the duty of the said City, through its City &iarshal, to cut or cause the same to be cut, and pay the cost thereof. That when the said nuisance has been so abated, at the cost of the City, the owner of such lot or parcel of land shall then and there become due and owing and bound and obligated to the said City to the extent of the cost incurred in the abating of the said nuisance. That the abating of such nuisance is hereby declared to be a public necessity, and a public improvement, and is hereby declared to be an improvement of the lot or .:&reel of land from which such nuisance is so abated, to an amount equal to the cost incurred by the City in the abating of same. That the cost of abating such nuisance is hereby assessed as a charge and a lien against such lot or parcel of land so improved by the abating of such nuisance therefrom. (Passed Larch 12, 1928). Section Be RANDLING F''ODSTUFF. (a) No meat, fish, birds, fowls, fruits, vegetables, milk or anything intended for human food, not being then healthy, fresh, sound, wholesome, fit and safe for such use, nor meat from any animal or fish that died by disease, or that was diseased, injured or unhealthy when butchered, nor meat from any calf, pig, goat or lamb, which at the time of its death was less than three weeks old, ahall be sold or offered or held for sale, (b) Meat markets and butcher shops shall be compketely screened, the floors shall be thoroughly scrubbed once each day, and scraps of meat, offal, bones and other organic matter shall not be legit exposed to the atmosphere of the room, but must be kept in a closed receptacle, which must be emptied once each day; all tainted meat shall be removed from the premises at once; and the fixtures, rooms 'and premises must be maintained in a thoroughly sanitary condition. :All slaughtering houses shall be screened and shall be kept thoroughly scrubbed and clean, and shall be further kept in a sanitary condition according to rules which may be prescribed by the City Health. Officer.: All wagons, carts, vehicles or receptacles in which meat is hauled from the slaughtering house to the market, or in which meat is delivered or carried shall be kept thoroughly scrubbed and clean and in a good sanitary condition, and when any fresh meat is thus being hauled, delivered or carried, it shall be so closed and covered as to prevent dust, flies or insects of any character reaching it. (c) The term "food Stuffs", "adulterated", "impure", „unhealthy" and "unwholesome" apply to meats, milk, milk products or any other food stuffs, and as used in this section are to have the same interpretation and construction as that prescribed by the legal standards of the Pure Food Laws of the State of Texas. The term "Food stuffs" as used in this ordinance, is meant and all products usually consumed by human beings, either in the original state or used as my edients mixed with other products. (d) It is hereby declared unlawful for any bottling works, soda fountain, ice cream parlors, caterers of drinks or beverages of whatever kind, or any manufacturing establishment concerned with making or participating in the making of any drink or beverage, to use any impure water, or impure or harmful preparations or chemicals in the preparation of said drink or beverage, or otherwise to conflict with the lebal standards of the pure food laws of the State of Texas. (e) Bakeries, confectioners and manufacturers of food stuffs of any kind must be conducted in a sanitary manner to the satisfaction of the City Health Officer; domestic animals shall not be allowed to enter such establishments; proper and sanitary instruments and fixtures must be provided; such establishments must be completely screened; and no person known afflicted with tu-)erculosis or any contagious or infectious disease shall be employed to serve in any capacity in any such establishment. (f) All persons exposing fruits for sale *ithin this city shall keep the same fully protected and covered by mosquito bars and other like covering, as protection from flies and other disease bearing insects& 0059 and all fruits, vegetables, and similar stands shall be so arranged as to keep said fruits, vegetables and similar food stuffs at least twenty- four inches above the floor, Uround or sidewalk. (g) No person shall manufacture for sale, keep for sale, sell exchange or barter or deal in ice cream which shall contain any substance other than milk, cream, suSar, eggs, fruit, nuts and some neutral flavoring, or which shall contain less than 14 per cent butter fat. (h) It is hereby made unlawful for any person, or persons, at any time to practice adulteration, fraud or deception in the manufacture or sale of any food, food stuffs, drugs or drinks. (i) All public hotels, restaurants, eating; houses, bnarding houses, and all grocery, fruit and confectionery stores, and all refrigerators, ice boxes and chests in which any article of food or drink for sale are kept, shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. _ (j) The rules and regulations herein set out in this ordinance relative to pure food, prohibition of adulteration and dee3ption in the manufact- ure, sale, delivery or exchange of same, shall at all times be constructed in co-operation with, and not in conflict with, the laws of the United States, of this State, the regulations of the State Health Officer, and the regulations and bulletins of the State Dairy Commissioner. (k) Any person, or persons, who shall disregard or violate any of the provisions of this section, or who shall obstruct, prevent or resist the City Health Officer, or Health Inspector, in the execution and performance of any of .their duties, powers and authority herein given, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than five dollars and not more than two hundred dollars, and each and every day Chet any such violation is continued shall constitute a distinct and separate offense. (passed April 19, 1909) • Section 9. REGULATINr TT.'E SALE OF MILK AND rILK PPMUCTS. . (a) DEFINITIOUSs The following definitions shall apply in the inter- pretation and the enforcement of this sections (A) LILK- Milk is hereby defined to be the lacteal secretion obtained by the complete milking of one or pore healthy cows, excluding that obtained within 15 days before and 5 days after Calvin, or such longer period as may be necessary to render the milk practically colostrum free,. which contains not less than 8 per cent of milk solids not fat, and not less than 34 percent of milk fat. (B) LILK FAT OR 13UTTM FAT - Milk fat or butter fat is the fat of milk. (C) CREAM AICD SOUR L" EAU - Cream is a portion of milk which contains not less than 18 percent milk fat. Sour cream is cream the acidity of which is more than 0.20 percent, expressed as lactic acid. (D) Sm"rizD lau - Skirwzed milk is milk from which a sufficient portion of milk fat has been removed to reduce its milk -fat percentage to less than 34 percent. (E) MILK OR SKII.-YED MILK BE T1WIE - A milk bever&E.e or a skimmed -milk beverage is a food compound or confection consisting of milk or skimmed milk, as the case may be, to which has been added a sirup or flavor consisting of wholesome ingredients. (F) BLITTFEMILK - Buttermilk is the product which remains when fat is removed from milk or cream in the process of churning. It contains not less than 8 per cent of milk solids not fat. (F2) CULTIT ED Bt TFRMILK - Cultured buttermilk is the product resulting from the souring or treatment, by a lactic acid culture, of milk or milk products. It contains not less than eight percent of milk solids not fat, and shall be pasteurized before adding the culture. 0060 (G) VITA:1,I11 D b1ILK - Vitamin D milk is milk the vitamin D content or which has been increased by a method and in an amount approved by the health officer. (H) RECONSTITUTED OR REC01-MINED MILK AIM CREAM: - Reconstituted or recombined milk is a product resulting from the recombining, of milk constituents with water and which complies with the standards for milk fat and solids not fat of milk as defined herein. Reconstituted or recombined cream is a product resulting from the combination of dried cream, butter, or butter fat with cream, milk, skivaaed milk or water. (I) GCAT 111LK - Goat milk is the lacteal secretion, free from colostrum, obtained by the complete milking of healthy goats, and shall comply with all the requirements of this section. The word "cows" shall be inter- preted to include goats. (J) HOMOGEi1.I.EED MILK - Homogenized milk is.milk which has been treated in such manner as to insure break-up of the fat globules to such an extent that after 48 hours storage no visible cream separation occurs on the milk and the fat percentage of the top 100 cc of milk in a quart bottle, or of proportionate volumes in containers of other sizes, does not differ by more than 5 percent of itself from the fat pereentaf,e of the remaining milk as determined after thorough mixing. (K) ATILK PRODUCTS " ),','ILK Products shall be taken to mean and include cream, sour cream, homogenized milk, goat milk, vitamin D milk, butter- milk, ski-ined milk, reconstituted per recombined milk and cream, milk beverao-es, ski,-rv. d -milk beverages, and any other product made by the addition of any substance to milk or any of these products and used i'or similar purposes and designated as a milk product by the health officer. (L) PAS`-"ETTIZATION - the terms "pasteurization", "pasteurized", and similar terms shall be taken to refer to the process of heating every particle of milk or milk products to at least 143 degrees F, and holding at such temperature for at least 30 minutes in pasturization apparatus - approved by the State Health Officer, or to at least 160 degree F., hold- ing at such temperature for at least 15 seconds in apparatus designed and operated in accordance with specifications approved by the State Health Officer; provided, that noting contained in this definition shall be construed as disbarring any other process which has been demonstrated to be equally efficient and is approved by the State Health Authority. (L) ADI =rMA7T;1) BILK .42M lilLii PF;OI`,YCTS - Any milk or milk product which contains any unwholesome substance, or which if defined in this section does not conform with its definition, or which carries a grade label unless such _rade label has been awarded by the health officer and not revoked, shall be deemed adulterated and misbranded. (N) b1ILK PRODTTCER - A milk producer is any person who owns or controls one or more cows a part or all of the milk or milk products from which is sold or offered for sale. (0) D?ILK nTSTRI9T'TCR - A milk distributor is any person who offers for sale or sells to another any milk or milk products for human consumption as such. (P) DAIRY OR DAILY F'ARL:S - A dairy or dairy farm is any place or premises where one or more cows are kept, a pert or all of the milk or milk products from which is sold or offered for sale. (Q) MILK PLANT - A milk plant is any place or premises or establishment where milk or milk products are collected, handled, processed, stores, bottled, pasteurized, or prepared for distribution. (R) HEALTH OFFICER - The_ terra "Health Officer" shall mean the health authority of the City of Georgetown cr his authorized representative. (S) AVERAGE 'BACTERIAL PLATE C0111T, DIRECT IICROSCOPIC COTTIdT, RED1,CTION MI ' AMID COOLING TTT'%Pr_RATT`hE - Averarre bacterial plate count and average direct microscopic count shall be taken to mean -the lol;arithaic average and average reduction time and average cooling temperature shall be taken to mean the arithmetic averaL.e, of the respective results of the last four conseoutive samples, taken upon separate days, irrespective cf the 0061 (T) GRADING PERIOD - The grading period shall be such period of time as the health officer may designate within which grades shall be determined for all milk and milk products, provided that the grading period shall in no case exceed 6 months. (U) PERSON - The word "person" as used in this section shall mean "person", firm, corporation or association. (V) AI.MAR - Where the term 'and/or' is used 'and' shall apply where possible, otherwide 'or' shall apply. (b) THE SALE OF ADULTERATED, MISPRANDED, OR UNGRADED MILK O2 vILK PROD?'CTS PROHIBITED. No person shall within the City of Georgetown, or its police jurisdiction, produce, sell, offer, or expose for sale, or have in possession with intent to sell, any milk or milk product which is adulterated, misbranded or ungraded. It shall be unlawful for any person, elsewhere than in a private home, to have in possession any adulterated, misbranded, or ungraded milk or milk product. (c) PERMITS. It shall be unlawful for any person to bring into or receive into the City of Georgetown, or its police jurisdiction, for sale, or to sell, or offer for sale tLerein, or to }.ave in storage where milk or milk products are sold or served, any milk or milk product defined in this section, who does not possess a permit from the Health Officer of the City of Georgetown. Only a person who complies with the requirements of this ordinance shall be entitled to receive and retain such a permit. That before issuing any such permit, the City Health Gfficer shall cause all necessary and proper investigation and inspection to be made, to determine whether or not the applicant for such permit is in all things complying with the provisions of this ordinance and is entitled to have such permit issued to him. That the applicant for such permit shall before the same is issued to him, pay to the City Health Officer all cost and expense incurred by the City Health Officer and by those acting by, throu,;h, or under him, in making such investigation, inspection and exarAnation to� determine whether such permit shall be €;ranted to such applicant. Every restaurant, cafe, soda fountain or other establishment serving milk or milk products shall display at all times, in a place desiEnated by the Health Officer a notice s; proved by the Health Offioer, stating the lowest grade of milk and/or milk products served. (d) LAFELING AND PLACARDING. All bottles, cans, packages, and other containers enclosing milk or any milk product defined in this section shall be plainly labeled or marked with (1) the name of the contents as given in the definitions in this section (2) the grade of the contents; (3) the word "pasteurized" only if the -contents have been pasteurized; (4) the word "raw" only if the contents are raw; (5) the phrase "for pasteurization" if the contents are to be past- eurized; (6) the name of the producer if the contents are raw, and the name of the plant at which the contents were pasteurized, if the contents are pasteurised; and (7) in the case of Vitamin D milk, the designation "Vitamin D Uilk" and the source of the Vitamin D. The label or mark shall be in letters of a size, kind, and color approved by the health officer and shall contain no marks or words which are misleading. Every restaurant, cafe, soda fountain, or other establishmert serving milk or milk products shall display at all times, in a place designated by the health officer, a notice approved by the health officer, stating the lowest grade of milk and/or milk products served. (e) IZiSEECTION Cl' DAIRY rWTZ AND MILK PLA`73 FOR TE:E P13?PO,SE OF '?RADING M REGRADING, At least once during each grading period the Health Officer shall inspect all dairy farms and all milk plants whose milk or milk products are intended for consumption within the City of GeorEetown, or its police jurisdiction. In the case the health officer discovers the violation of any item of sanitation, he shall make a second inspection after a lapse of such time as he deems necessary for the defect to be remedied, but not before the lapse of 3 days; and the second inspection shall be used in determining the grade of milk and/or milk products. Any violation of the same item of this section on two consecutive inspections shall call for immediate degrading., One copy of the inspection report shall be posted by the Health Officer in a conspicuous place upon an inside wall of one of th" dairy farm or -- milk plant buildings, and said inspection report shall not be defaced or removed by any person except the Health Officer. Another copy of the inspection report shall be filed with the records of the Health Department. (f) THE EWIINATION OF 11ILK AND TALI PRODUCTS. During each grading period at least four samples of milk and cream from each dairy farm and each milk plant shall be taken on separate days and examined by the Health Officer. Samples of other milk products may be taken and examined by the Health Officer as often as he deems necessary, Samples of milk and milk products from stores, safes, soda fountains, restaurants, and other places where milk or milk products are sold shall be examined as often as the health -officer may require. ;Bacterial plate counts and direct miscroscopic counts shall be made in conformity with the latest standard methods recommended by the American Public Health Association. 0062 Pr Part 2 Examinations may include such other chemical and physical determinations as the Health Officer may deem necessary for the detection of adulteration, these examinations to be made in accordance with the latest standard methods of the A.rerioan Public Health Association and the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Samples may be taken by the Health Officer at any time prior to the final delivery of the milk or milk products. All proprietors of stores, cafes, restaurants, soda fountains, and other similar places shall furtish the health officer, upon his request, with the names of all distributors from whom their milk and milk products are obtained. Bio-asays of the Vitamin D Content of Vitamin D milk shall be made when required by the Health Officer, in a laboratory approved by him for such examinations. Whenever the average bacterial count, the average reduction time, or the average cooling temperature falls beyound the limit for the grade then held, the health officer shall send written notice thereof to the person concerned, and shall take an additional sample, but not before the lapse Of 3 days for determining a new averagein accordance with the provisions of this section. Violation of the grade requirement by the new average or by any subsequent average during the remainder of the current grading period shall call for immediate degrading cr suspension of the permit, unless the last individual result is within the grade limit. (g) THE GRADING OF MILK AIZ MILK PRODUCTS. At least once every 6 months the Health Officer shall announce the grades of all milk and milk pro- ducts delivered by all producers or distributors and ultimately consumed within the City of Georgetown or its police jurisdiction. Said grades shall be based upon the following standards; the €trading of milk pro- ducts being identical with the grading of milk except that the bacterial standards shall be doubled in the case of cream, and omitted in the case - of sour cream and buttermilk. Vitamin D milk shall be only of Grade A or grade B pasteurized, certified, or grade A raw quality. C'RTIFIED 11ILK-$AW. Certified milk -raw is raw milk which conforms with the requirements of the American Association of kedical Milk Commiss- ioners in force at the time of production and is producted under the supervision of a medical milk co-missioner and of the State Board of Health or of the City or County Health Officer of this City and/or Williamson County, GRADE A RAW MILK. Grade A raw milk is raw milk the average bacterial place count of which as determined in this section does not exceed 50, 000 per cubic centimeter, or the average direct microscopic count of which does not exceed 50,000 per cubic centimeter if clumps are counted or 200,000 per cubic centimeter if individual organisms are counted, or the average reduction time of which is not less than 6 hours; pro- vided that if it is to be pasteurized the corresponding limits shall be 200,000 per cubic centimeter, 200,000 per cubic centimeter, 800,000 per cubic centimeter, and 6 hours, respectively; and which is produced upon dairy farms conforming with all of the following iteris of sanitation. (A) COr+S, TUBERCULOSIS AND OTT,. -ER DISPASBS. Except as provided herein, a tuberculin test of all herds and additions thereto shall be made before any milk therefrom is sold, and at least once every 12 months thereafter, by a licensed veterinarian approved by the State Livestock sanitary authority. Said tests shall be made and reactors disposed of in accord- anee with the requirements, approved by the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, for accredited herds. A cert- ificate signed by the veterinarian or attested to by the health Officer and filed with the Health Officer shall be evidence of the above test; provided, that in modified accredited counties in which the modified adoredited area plan is a plied to the dairy herds the modified accredited area system a,proved by the United States Bureau of Animal Industry may be accepted in lieu of annual testing. That from and after the adoption of this ordinance all milk and milk products consumed shall be from herds or additions thereto which have been found free from Bang's Disease, as shown by blood serum tests for egg- lutinins against Brucella Eortus made in a ,laboratory approved by the Health Officer. All such herd$ shall be retested at least every 12 months and all reactors removed from the herd. A certificate identifying each animal by number and signed by the laboratory making the test shall be 0063 evidence of the above test. Cows which show an extensive or entire induration of one or more quarters of the udder upon physical examination, whether secretin& abnormal milk or not, shall be permanently excluded fr as the milking; herd. Cows giving blood, stringy, or otherwise abnormal milk, but with only slight in- duration of the udder, stall be excluded from the head until re-examination shows the milk has become norme.1. For other diseased such tests and examinations as the Health Officer may require shall be made at intervals and by methods prescribed by him, and any diseased animals or reactors shall be disposed of as he may require. (B) DAIRY 'BARIT, LIGT'ZING. A dairy or miling barn shall be required and in such sections thereof where cows are milked windows shall be provided and kept clean and so arranged as to insure adequate light properly distributed, and when necessary shall be provided with adequate supplementary artificial light. (C) DAIRY BARPT, AIR SPACE APID VEITTILATION. Such sections of all dairy barns where cows are kept or milked shall be well ventilated and shall be so arranged as to avoid overcrowding. (D) DAIRY BARN, FLOORS. The floors and gutters of such parts of all dairy barns in which cows are milked shall be constructed of concrete or other approved impervious and easily cleaned material, provided that if the milk is to be pasteurized, ti, -ht wood may be used, stall be graded to drain properly and shall be kept clean and in good repair, No horses, pigs, fowl, calves, eto., shall be permitted in parts of the barn used for milking. (E) DAIRY BARIT, TIALLS AaD CEILINGS - The walls and ceilings of all dairy barns shall be whitewashed once each year or painted once every 2 years, or oftener if necessary, or finished in an approved manner, and shall be kept clean and in good repair. In case there is a second story above the part of the barn in which cows are milked, the ceiling shall be tight. If the feed roam adjoins the milking space, it shall be separated therefrom by a dust -tight partition and door. No feed shall be stored in the milking portion of the barn. (F) DAIRY BARN, COWYARD. All cowyards shall be graded and drained as well as practicable and kept clean. (G) YXIT_7Ri E DISPOSAL. All manure shall be removed and stored or disposed of in such manner as best to prevent the breeding of flies therein or the access of cows to piles thereof. (H) MILK HOUSE OR ROOM, CONSTRUCTION. There shall be provided a milk house or milk room in which the cooling, handling and storing of milk and milk products and the washing, b acterical treatment, and storing of milk containers and utensils shall be done. (1) The milk house or room shall be provided with a tight floor constructed of concrete or other impervious material, in good repair, and graded to provide proper drainage.. (2) It shall have walls and ceilings of such construct- ion as to permit easy cleaning, and shall be well painted or finished in an approved manner. (3) It shall be well lighted and ventilated. (4) It shall have all openings effectively screened including outward - opening, self-closing doors, unless other effective means are provided to prevent the entrance of flies. (5) It shall be used for no other purposes than those specified above except as may be approved by the Health Officer; shall not open directly into a stable or into any room used for domestic purposes; shall, unless milk is to be pasteurized, have water piped into it; shall be provided with adequate facilities for the heating of water, for the cleaning of utensils; shall be equipped with two-compartment stationary wash and rinse vats; except that in the case of retail raw milk, if chlorine is employed as the physical bactericidal treatment, the three -compartment type must be used; and shall, unless the milk is to be pasteurized, be partitioned to separate the handling of milk and the storage of cleansed utensils from the cleaning and other operations, which shall be so located and conducted as to prevent any contamination of the milk or of cleaned equipment. (I) MILK HOTTSE OR ROOII CLEANLINESS AND FLIES. The floors, walls ceilings and equipment of the milk house or room shall be kept clean at all times. All means necessary for the elimination of flies shall be used. 0064 (J) TOILET. Every dairy farm shall be provided with one or more sanitary toilets conveniently located and properly constructed, operated and maintained so that the waste is inaccessible to flies and does not pollute the surface soil or contaminate any water supply. (K) ViATER SWPLY, The water supply for the milk room and dairy barn shall be properly located, constructed and operated, and shall be easily accessible, adequate and of a safe sanitary quality. (L) UTENSILS, CONSTRUCTION. All multi -use containers or other utensils used in the handling, storage or transportation of milk or milk products must be made of smooth nonabsorbent material and of such construction as to be easily cleaned, and must be in good repair. Joints and seams shall be soldered flush. Woven wire cloth shall not be used for straining milk. All milk pails shall be of a small - mouth design aoproved by the Health Officer. The manufacture, packing, transportation and handling of a single -service containers and cont- ainer cabs and aovers shall be conducted in a sanitary manner. (M) UTENSILS BACTERICIDAL TRFAT17,11T. All nulti-use containers, equipment and other ut ensi is used in the handling, storage, or transportation of milk or milk products shall botweea each usage be subjected to an approved bactericidal process with steam, hot water, chlorine or hot air. (0) UTENSILS, SiORA,".E. All containers and other utensils used in the handling, storage or transportation of milk or milk products shall be stored so as not to become contaminated before being used. (P) ITTETd3ILS, ILUIDLING. -After bactericidal treatment no container or other milk or milk product utensil a! 'all be handled in such manner as to permit any part of any person or his clothing to cane in contact with any surface with which milk or milk products come in contact. (4) MILKIV, UDDERS AND TEATS, ADNORILkL MILK. The udders and teats of all milking cows shall be cleaned and rinsed with a bactericidal sol- ution at the time of milking. Abnormal milk shall be kept out of the milk supply and shall be so handled and disposed of as to preclude the infection of the cows and the contamination of milk utensils. (R) MILKING, FLANKS. The flanks, bellies and tails of all milking cows shall be free from visible dirt at the time of milking. (S) XILKERIS.HANDS. Milker's hands shall be cleaned, rinsed with a bactericidal solution,and dried with a clean towel immediately before milking and following any interruption in the milking operation. Wet - hand milking is prohibited. Convenient facilities shall be provided for the washing bf milker's hands.. (T) CLEAN CLOTHING. Milkers and milk handlers shall wear clean outer .garments while milking or handling milk, milk products, containers, utensils or equipment. (U) MILK STOOLS. Milk stools shall be kept clean. (V) REMOVAL OF MILK. Each pail of milk shall be removed immediately to the milk house or straining room. No milk shall be strained or poured in the dairy barn. (rt} COOLING. Lilk must be cooled immediately after completion of milking to 50 degrees F. or less, and maintained at that average temp- erature, as defined in this section, until delivery. If milk is delivered to a milk plant or receiving station for pasteurization or separation, - it must be delivered within 2 hours after completion of milking or cooling to 50 degrees F. or less and maintained at that average temp era'ture until delivered. (%) BOTTLING AND CA'FIiTG, milk and milk products si':all be bottled from a container with a readily cleanable valve, or by means of an approved Oo65. bottling machine, Bottles shall be capped by machine. Caps or cap stock shall be purchased in sanitary containers and kept therein in -.a dry clean place until used. (Y) PERSONNEL, HEAIZH. The Health Officer or a physician authorized by him shall examine and take a careful morbidity history of each person connected with a retail raw dairy, or about to be employed, whose work brings him in contact with the production handling, storage, or transportation of milk, milk products, containers or equipment. If such examination or history suggests that such person may be a carrier of or infected with the organisms of t.phoid-or parathyphoid fever of any other communicable diseases likely to be transmitted through milk, he shall secure approved specimens of body discharges tend cause them to be examined in a laboratory approved by him or by the State Health authorities for such examinations, and if the results justify . such person shall be barred from such employment. Such persons shall furnish such information, submit to such physical examinations, and submit such laboratory specimens as the health officer may require for the purpose of determining, freedom from infection. (Z) MISCELLANEOUS. All vehicles used for the transportation of milk or milk products shall be so constructed and operated as to protect their contents frau the sun and from contamination. All vehicles used for the transportation of milk or milk products in their final delivery containers shall be constructed with permanent tops and with permanent or roll -down sides and back, provided that openings of the size nec- essary to pass the delivery man may be permitted in the sides or back for loading, arra unloading purposes. All vehicles shall be kept clean, and no substance capable of contaminating milk or milk products shall be transported with milk or milk products in such manner as to permit ,contamination.' All vehicles used far the distribution of milk or milk products shall have the name of the distributor prominently displayed. The immediate surroundings of the dairy shall be kept in a neat, clean condition. GRADE B RAW MILK. Grade B raw milk is raw milk which violates the bacterial standards and/or the abortion testing requirements for grade A raw milk, but which conforms with all other r9quirements for grade A raw milk, but which conforms with all other requirements for grade A raw milk and has an average bacterial plate count not exceeding 1,000,000 per cubic centimeter, or an average direct microscopic count not exceeding 1,000,000 per cubic centimeter if clumps are counted or 4,000,000 per cubic centimeter if individual organisms are counted, or an average re- duction time of not less than 3- hours, as determined under this section. GRADE C RAW IrILK, Grade C raw milk is raw milk which violates any of the requirements for Grade B raw milk. CERTIFIED MILK -PASTEURIZED. Certified milk -pasteurized is certified milk -raw which has been pasteurized, cooled and bottled in a milk plant conforming with the requirements for Grade A pasteurized milk. GRADE A PASTEURIZED MILK. Grade A pasteurized milk is grade A raw milk with such exceptions as are indicated if the milk is to be past- eurized, which has brien pasteurized, cooled and bottled in a milk plant conforming; with all of the following items of sanitation and the average bacterial plate count of which at no time after pasteurization and until delivery exceeds 30,000 per cubic centimeter, at determined under this section. The grading of a pasteurized milk supply shall include the inspection of receiving and collecting stations with respect to (A) to (0), inclusive and (R), (T(, (w) and (%), of this paragraph, except that the partit- ioning requirements of item (E), shall not apply. (A) FLOORS. The floors of. all roans in which milk or"milk products are handled or stored or in which milk utensils are washed shall be constructed of concrete or other equally impervious and easily cleaned material and shall be smooth, properly drained, provided with trapped drains,and kept clean. (B) WALLS AND CEILINGS. Walls and ceiling of rooms in which milk or milk products are handled or stored or in which milk utensils are washed shall have a smooth, washable, light-colored surface and shall be kept clean. (C) DOORS AND '+YI1\TD01iS. Unless other effective means are provided to prevent the access of flies, all openings into the outer air shall be e?'fectively screened and doors shall be self-closing. (D) LIGHTING AND VENTILATION. All rooms shall be well lighted and ventilated. (E) MISCELLANEOUS PROTECTION FROM CONTAMINATION. The various milk - plant operations shall be so located and conducted as to prevent any contamination of the milk or of the cleaning equipment. All means necessary for the elimination of flies shall be used.. There shall be separate rooms for (1) the pasteurizing process, cooling and bottling operations, and (2) the washing and bactericidal treatment of containers. Cans of raw milk shall not be unloaded directly into the pasteurizing room. Pasteurized milk or milk products shall not be permitted to come in contact with equipment with which unpasteurized milk or milk pro- ducts have been in contact, unless such equipment has first been thoroughly cleaned and subjected to bactericidal treatment. Rooms in which milk, milk products, cleaned utensils, or containers are handled or stored shall not open directly into any stable or living quarters. The pasteurization plant shall be used for no other purpose than the pro- cessing of milk and milk products and t.:e operations incident thereto, except as may be approved by the health officer. (F) TOILET FACILITIES. Every milk plant shall be provided with toilet facilities conforming with:the ordinances of the City of Georgetown. Toilet rooms shall not open directly into any room in which milk, milk products, equipment or containers are handled or stored. The doors of all toilet rooms shall be self-closing. , Toilet -rooms shall be kept in a clean condition,.'in good repair and well ventilated. In case privies or earth closets are permitted and used, they shall be separated from the building, and shall be of a sanitary type construction and ­ operated in conformity with the, requirements of (f) (J) of this section, grade A raw milk. (G) YAT M SUPPLY. The water supply shall be, easily accessible, adequate and of a safe, sanitary quality. (E) HAND-`+-ASHIN S FACILITIES. Convenient hand washing facilities shall be provided, including warm running water, soap and approved sanitary towels. The use of a common towel is prohibited. (I) SANITARY PIPING'. All piping used to conduct milk or milk products shall be "sanitary milk piping" of a type which can be easily cleaned with a brush. Pasteurized milk and milk products shall be conducted from one piece of equipment to another only throuGh sanitary milk piping. (J) CONSTRUCT ION A1,4D REPAIR OF CONTAINEHs hx1D EVIPI LE:gT . All multi- use containers and equipment with which milk or milk products come in contact shall be constructed in such manner as to be easily cleaned and shall be kept in good repair. The Manufacture, packing, trans- portation ransportation and handling of single -service containers and container caps and covers shall be conducted in a sanitary manner. (K) DISPOSAL CF Y+ASTE. All wastes shall be properly disposed of. (L) CLEANING AND BACTERICIDAL TREATIJEi?T OF COI�TAIIITERS AND Ei�LIP _Ez . All milk and milk products containers and equipment except sin€,le service containers shall be thoroughly cleaned after each usage. All containers shall be subjected to an approved bactericidal process after each cleaning and all equipment immediately before each usage. When empty and before being returned to a producer by a milk plant each container shall be effectively cleaned and subjected to bactericidal treatment. ?:`) STOFA rE OF CONiAIiv`i:RS AND E�liIPI,L'T , After bactericidal treatment 0067 all bottles, cans, and other multi-use milk or milk-products containers and equipment shall be stored in such manner as to be protected from contamination. (11) HANDLING CF CONTAINE S AND EqTTI P9?'^TT. Between bactericidal treat- merit and usaGe, and during usage, containers and equipment shall not be handled or operated in such manner as to permit contamination of the milk. (0) STORAGE CF CAPS,': PARCHIMINT PA17M V,D SINGLE-SM'MME CONTAINERS. Milk bottle caps or cap stock, parchment paper for milk cans and single - service containers shall be purchased and stored only in sanitary tubes and cartons, respectively, and shall be kept therein in a clean dry place. (P) PASTEi7RIaATION. Pasteurization shall be performed as described heretofore in this section.. (�) COOLING. All milk and milk products received for pasteurization shall irrmaediately be cooled in approved equipment to 50 degrees F or less and maintained at that tBmperature until pasteurized, unless they are to be pasteurized within 2 hours after recei?t and all past- eurized milk and milk products shall be immediately coolin in approved equipment to an average temperature of 50 degrees F or less, as defined heretofore, and maintained thereat until delivery. (R) BOTTLT:.TG. Bottling of milk and milk products shall be done at the place of pasteurization in approved mechanical equipment. (S) 01MEL9W MILK. Overflow milk or milk products shall not be sold for human consumption. (T) CAPPING. Capping of milk and milk products shall be done by approved mechanical equipment. Hand capping is prohibited. The cap or cover shall cover the pouring lip to at least its largest diameter. (U) PMSOMNEL, HEALTH, The Health Officer or a physician authorized by him shall examine and take a careful morbidity history of every person connected with a pasteurization plant, or about to be employed, whose work brings him in contact with the production, handling, stora;e or transportation of milk, milk products, container or equipmentp' If such examination or history suggests that such person may be carrier o:* or infected with the organisms of typhoid or paratyphoid fever of any other co-.ounioable diseases likely to be transmitted through milk, shall secure appropriate specimens of body discharge and cause them to be examined in a laboratory a;:proved by him or by the State Health authorities for such examinations, and if the results justify such person shall be barred from such employment. Such persons shall furnish such information, submit to such physical examinations and submit such laboratory specimens as the health officer may require for the purpose of determining freedon from infection. (V) FERSO iIEL, CLEANLINESS. All persons coming in contact with milk, milk products, containers or rquipment shall wear clean outer garments and shall keep their hands clean at all times while this engaged. (IV) LISCELLANEOUS. All vehicles used for the transportation of milk or milk products shall be so constructed and operated as to protect their contents from the sun and from contamination. All vehicles for the transportation of milk or milk products in their final delivery, containers shall be constructed with permanent tops and with permanent or roll-down sides and back, provided that openings of the size necessary to pass, the delivery man may be permitted in the sides or back for loading and unloading purposes. All vehicles shall be kept clean and no substance capable of contaminating milk or milk products shall be transported with milk or milk products in such manner as to permit contamination. ,All vehicles used for the distribution of milk or milk products shall have the nan_e of the distributor prominently displayed. The immediate surroundings of the milk plant shall be kept in a neat, clean condition. MADE B PAST ET1ftILED KILK. Grade B pasteurized milk is pasteurized milk. 0008 whack violates the bacterial standard for Grade A pasteurized milk and or the provisions of lip -covered caps of item (T) of the preceding paragraph of this section, and/or the requirement that grade A raw milk be used, but which conforms with all other requirements for grade A pasteurized milk, has been made from raw Milk of not less than grade B quality and has an average bacterial plate count after pasteurization and before delivery not exceeding 50,000 per cubic centimeter, as deter- mined by this section. GRADE C PASTE1RIc",ED La LK. Grade C pasteurized milk is pasteurized milk which violates any of the requirements for grade B pasteurized milk. (h) GP.ADES OF BILK A4D Il�ILK FRCDGCTS i iSCH LAY BE SOLD. From and after the date on which this ordinance takes ei`fect no milk or rlilk products shall be sold to the final consumer or to restaurants,'soda fountains, grocery stores or similar establishments except grade A; provided, that when any milk distributor fails to qualify for one of the above grades the health officer is authorized to revoke his permit, or in lieu thereof to degrade his product and permit its sale during a temporary period not exceeding 30 days or in emergencies such longer period as may deem necessary. (i) SUPPLM-ENTAF�Y GRADING PRESCRIBED AND REGRADING AT.IT11ORI2;PD. If, at any time between the regular announcements of the grades of milk or milk products, a lower grade shall become justified, in accordance with this section, .the Health Officer shall immediately lower the grade of such milk or milk products, and shall enforce proper labeling and placarding thereof.. Any producer or distributor of milk or milk products the grade of which has been lowered by the F ealth Officer, and who is properly labeling his milk or milk products, may at any time make application for"the regrading of his product. Upon receipt of a satisfactory application, in case the lowered grade is the result of an excessive average bacterial plate count, direct microscopic count, reduction time, or cooling; temperature, the Health Officer shall take further samples of,the applicants' output, at a rate of not more than two samples per week. The health officer shall re - grade the milk or milk products upward whenever the average of the last four sample results indicates the necessary quality, but not before the lapse of 2 w-eeks frcm the date of regrading. In case the lower grade of the a,plicant's product is due to a violation of an item of the specifications prescribed in paraj,raph (g), other than average bacterial plate count, direct microscopic count, reduction time or cooling temperature, the eaid.applicatioa must be accompanied by t statement signed by the applicant to the effect that the violated item of the specifications has been conformed with. 1aithin one week of the receipt of such an application and the Health Officer scall make a reinspection of the applicant's establishment, and thereafter as many additional reinspection as he may ,deem necessary to assure himself that the :. applicant is again complying with the higher grade requirements, and, in case the findings justify, shall regrade the milk or milk products up- ward, but not before the lapse of the weeks from the date of degrading. (J) TRANSFERRING 02 DIPPING KILKs DELIVERY COP+'TAIIMSs HAI:.`DLING OF MORE THAN ONE GRADES DELIVERY OF UILK AT QUAWTTINED RESIDENCES. Except as permitted in this section, no milk producer or distributor shall transfer milk or milk products frcm one container to another on the street, or in any vehicle or store, or in any place except a bottling or milk room especially ysed for that purposes The sale of dip milk is hereby prohibited. All pasteurized milk and milk products shall be placed in their final delivery containers in the plant in which they are pasteurized and all raw milk and milk products sold for consumption in the raw state shall be placed in their final delivery containers at the farm at which they are produced. Milk and Milk products sold in the distributor's containers in quantities less than one gallon shall be delivered in standard bottles or in single -service containers. It shall be unlawful for hotels, soda fountains, restaurants, groceries and similar establishment to sell or serve any milk or milk products except in the original container in wN.ich it was received from the distributor or from a bulk 0069 container equipped with an approved dispensing device; provided, that this requirement shall not apply to cream consumed on the premises, which may be served from the original bottle or from a dispenser approved for such service. It shell be unlawful for any hotel, soda fountain, restaurant, grocery or similar establishment to sell or serve any milk or milk products which have not been maintained, wlile in its possession, at a temperature of 50 degrees F or less. No milk or milk products shall be permitted to come in contact with equipment with which a lower grade of milk or milk products has been in contact unless such equipment has first been thoroughly cleaned and subjected to bactericidal treatment. Bottled milk or milk products, if stored in water, shall be so stored that the tops of the bottles will not be submerged. It shall be the duty of all persons to whom milk or milk products are delivered to clean thoroughly the containers in which such milk or milk products are delivered before returning s,zch containers. Apparatus, containers, equipment and utensils used in the handling, storing, pro- cessing or transporting; of milk or milk products shall not be used for any other purposes without the permission of -the health officer. The delivery of milk or milk'produota to and the collection of milk or milk -products containers from residences in which cases of summunicable disease transmissible through milk supplies exist, sl -All be subject to the special requirements of the health officer. (k) YI LK AND ?SILK PRODT'CT S FROM POINTS BEYOIID THE LIMITS OF ROLA INE INSPECTION. Milk and milk products from points beyound the limits of routine inspection of the City of Georgetown may not be sold in the City of Georgetown or its police jurisdiction, unless produced and/or pasteurized under provisions equivalent to the requirements of this ordinance; pro-vided, that the health officer shall satisfy himself that the health officer having jurisdiction over the production and processing is properly enforcing such provisions. (1) FUTURE DAIRIES AND MILK PWTTS. All dairies and milk plants from which milk or milk products are supplied to the City of Georgetown which are hereafter constructed, reconstructed or 'extensively altered shall conform in their construction to the requirements of this section for Grade A dairy farms producing milk for consumption in the raw state, or for Grade A pasteurization plants, respectively; provided, that the requirement of a two -room milk house shall be waived in the case of dairies the milk from which is to be pasteurized. Properly prepared plans for all dairies and milk plants which are hereafter constructed, reconstructed or extensively altered shall be submitted to the health officer for approval before work is begun. In the case of milk plants signed approval shall be obtained from the health officer and/or the State Health Inspector. (m) NOTIrICATION OF DISEASE. Notice shall be sent to the health officer immediately by any producer or distributor of milk or milk products upon whose dairy farm or in whose milk plana any infectious, contagious or communicable disease occurs. (n) MCCEPt ZE +'IWN INFECTION StTSPECTED. When suspicion arises as to the possibility of transmission of infection from any person concerned with the handling of milk or milk products, the health officer is authorized to require any or all of the following measures (1) the i!fv,ediate exclusion of that person from milk handling, (2) the immediate exclusion of the milk supply concerned from distribution and use, (3) adequate medical and bacteriological examination of the person, of his associates and of his and their body discharges. (o) ENMRCr"'r..1IENT INTM�M'3T,ATION. This ordinance shall be enforced `)y the health officer in accordance with the interpretations thereof con- tained in the 1939 edition of the Ynited States Public Health Service Milk Code, a certified copy of which shall be on file in the City Clerk's Office. 0070 (p) MALTY. Any person who shall violate any provisions of this section shall be fined not more than 11100.00 at the discretion of THE COUF2 . Each and every violation of the provisions of,this-section shall constitute a separate offense. 0071 Chapter XIV JUNK DT;ALMS Section 1 PPOVIDING 7rTEN JUNK MAY BE SOLD. No junk shall be sold or removed from his place of business by any junk dealer within twenty- four hours after the same has been purchased or acquired, and all junk received shall be kept separated and ar>art from all other articles so that the same may be fully identified, for fully twenty-four hours after the same is received; provided, that this provision shall net apply to old tin, rags and bones. Every junk dealer shall at all times allow the City karshal or other peace officers the privilege of examining all articles of junk he may have received, whether at his place of business or elsewhere, for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not said articles are lost or stolen. It shall be unlawful for any junk dealer to purchase junk frog► any minor unless said minor produces a written permit from his or her parent or guardian covering each sale. Section 2. PENALTY. Any person who shall violate any of the pro- visions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. (Passed Larch 11, 1918). 0072 CHAPT ER XV LIBRARY Section 1. SPECIFYING AND PROVIDING THAT BLOCK N0. 1'2, OF SNYDERS ADDITION BE USED BY THE CITY OF. GE'ORGVrO V1N FOR THE PURPOSE OF A LIBRARY. Whereas, by deed dated December 26, 1938, recorded in Volume 295, Page 262, of the Deed Records of Williamson, County, Texas, Southwestern University conveyed to the City of Georgetown, Texas, all of Block No. 12, in the Snyder Addition to the City of Georgetown, in Williamson County, Texas, and at the time of bhe execution and delivery of said Deed it was understood and contemplated that said Block of land should be used by the City of Georgetown, Texas, only in constructing, equip- ping, furnishing and operating thereon a library for said City and its inhabitants, but no restriction of the use of said property was expressed in said Deed and, Whereas, the City of Georgetown desires to carry out fully the intent and purpose for which said block was conveyed to it. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEDt That the Deed dated December 26th, 1938, recorded in Volume 295, Page 262, in records as previously stated, was executed and delivered to said City with the intent and understanding that the City of George- town would use said block only for the purpose of erecting, equipping, furnishing and operating thereon a iibrary for the City of Georgetown and its inhabitants, and that said block, be, and the sans is hereby set aside to be used by the City of Georgetown, Texas, only for the purpose of erecting, equipping, furnishing and operating thereon a Library for said City, and its citizens, that said block of land shall not be used by said City for any other purpose. (Passed Feb. 27, 1939) - Section 2. PROVIDING LI`3RAF.Y SHALL BE WAGED AIM CONTROLLED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOIT,., TFaLAS. The library to be erected, equipped and furnished by the City of Georgetown, Texas, on Block No. 12 of the Snyder Addition to the City of Georgetown, in Williamson County, Texas, shall be operated conducted, managed and controlled by the City Council of the said City of Georgetown, Texas (Passed Feb. 28, 1939)0 Section 3- ACKNCk LrDGING GIFT OF BOOKS ANP, E4UIPPJENT FROM SOUTHV' E8TERN UNIVERSITY. The gift of books and library equipment tendered by Southwestern University by resolution of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees be and it is hereby accepted by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, for and on behalf of the City of Georgetown, Texas. (Passed Feb. 27. 1939) • -1- 0073 CEAFT ER XVI MOTOR VEHICLE LA'M'S Section 1. OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES WITHOUT LICENSE NUMBER PLATES. Any person who operates a passenger car or a commercial motor vehicle upon the city streets of the City any time during any month of a motor vehicle registration year without having displayed thereon, and attached thereto, two (2) license number plates, one (1) plate at the front and one (1) at the rear, which have been duly and lawfully assigned for said vehicle for the current registration year, shall be guilty of a misdoneanor; this shall not apply to dealers operating vehicles under present provisions of the law, and provided, however, license number plates may be purchased during the months of February and March and beginning February first, or if this date falls on a Sunday they may be purchased February second, for registration and when purchased may be used from and after date of purchase preceding and during the registration year for which they are issued upon the motor vehicle for which they are issued. Section 2. ROAD TRACTORS, MOTORCYCLES, TRAILERS - LICENSE PLATES FOR. Any person who operates a road -tractor, motorcycle, trailer or semi- trailer upon the city streets of this City any time during any month of a motor vehicle registration year without having attached thereto and displayed on the rear thereof, a license number plate duly and lawfully assigned therefor for the current year shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. .Section 3. RATS AND SPEED OF VEHICLES.Austin Avenue and Twelfth Street of this City are hereby zoned for traffic upon said streets, and the maximum rate of speed for each zone is fixed; Austin Avenue being zoned ,:`or traffic going northward thereon, and Twelfth Street for traffic going _eastward and also for traffic going westward thereon. (a) ,Austin Avenue is zoned for 'northbound traffic as followss That Northward, Zone No. 1, begins at the South City Limits and follows said Avenue in a northerly direction .to a point two tenths (210) of a mile from said city limits, and the maximum rate of speed for said zone is 45 miles per hour. That Northward Zone No, 2,`begins at the north and of the said Zone No. 1, and extends northward along the said Avenue to a point that is four tenths (410) north from said South City Limits, and that the maximum rate of speed for zone No. 2 is 40 miles per hour. That Northward, Zone No. 3, begins at the North end of said Zone No. 2, and extends northward along said Avenue, to a point that is one and five one hundredths (1.05) of a mile north from South City Limits, and that the maximum rate of speed.on this Zone No. Ir is 30 miles per hour. That Northward, Zone No. 4 begins at the north and of said Zone No. 3, and ex- tends northward along said Avenue to the North City Limits, and that the maximum rate of speed on this Zone is 45 miles per hour. (b) Austin Avenue is zoned for southbound traffic as followss Southward, ,Zone No. 1, begins at the North City Limits, and extends southward along said Avenue to a point that is twenty-five hundredths (25100) of a mile south from the North City Limits; and that the maximum rate of speed on this zone is 45 miles per hour&. Southward, Zone No.2, begins at the south and of said Zone No. 1, extends Southward along said Avenue to a point that is four tenths (410) of a mile north from the South City Limits and that the maximum rate of speed on this Zone No. 2, is 30 miles per hour.. That Southward Zone No. 3, bogins at the south end of said Zone No. 2, and extends southward along said Avenue to a point that is two tenths (210) of a mile north from the South City Limits, and that the maximum rate of speed of this Zone No. 3, is 40 miles per hour. That Southward, Zone No. 4, begins at the south end of said Zone No. 3, and. extends southward along the said avenue to South City Limits and that the maximum rate of speed on this zone is 45 miles per hour. (c) Twelfth Street is hereby zoned for Eastbound traffic thereon, and maximum speed for each zone is fixed as follows; Eastward Zone No. 1, bens with the West City Limits and extends eastward along said Street to a point that is two tenths (210) of a mile east from said Yiest City Limits, and that the maximum rate of speed on this zone, No. 1, is 35 miles per hour. That Eastward, Zone No. 2, begins at the east end of said Zone No. 1, and extends eastward along said street to a point that is two tenths (2/10) of a mile west from the East City -2- 0074 Limits, and that the maximum rate of speed on this zone is 30 miles per hour. That Eastward, Zone No. 3,,begins at the east end of Zone No. 2, and extends eastward along the said Street to the East City Limits, and that the maximum rate of speed on this zone is 35 miles per hour. (d) Twelfth Street, is hereby zoned for westbound traffic thereon, and speed rate for zones fixed as followst That Westbound, Zone No. 1, begins at the East City Limits and extends westward along the said Street to a point that is two tenths (210) of a mile west from the East City Limits and tYat the rate of speed on this Zone No. 1, shall not exceed 35 miles per hour. That Westbound Zone No. 2, shall begin at the west end of the said Zone Noel, and. shall extend westward along the said Street to a point that is two tenths(2/10) of a rile east from the West City Limits, and that maximum rate of speed on this Zone No. 2, shall be 30 miles per hour. That westward, zone No. 3, shall begin at the west and of said Zone No. 2, and shall continue westward along said Street to the West City Limits, and the rate of speed on this Zone shall not exceed 35 miles per hour. (d) The manimlun rate of spoed for motor vehicles upon each of the remaining Streets of said City, and all parts of such remaining Streets is hereby fixed at 30 miles per hour. (e) All of the Streets of this City, and all portions of any such streets, are hereby declared to be public streets, and that the driving or operating of any motor vehicle on or along any portion of any street of this City at a rate of speed that is greater than the maximum rate of speed for said portion of said street, as fixed by this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, which is named "The Offence of Speeding", and that the said offence is punishable by fine in any sum not to exceed fifty 0 50.00) dollars. That the use of,the word, "Speeding", shall be sufficient to designate the said offence, and shall mean that a motor vehicle has been driven upon a public street, at a greater rate of speed, than that fixed by this ordinance, for the street, and for the zone thereof, that such motor vehicle was so being driven upon, if zoned. (Passed June j► 1952) • Section 5. RATE OF SITrD FOR RAILROAD ENGINFS. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any railroad train or any railroad engine to be operated at a rate of speed greater than miles per hour, while being run or operated within the corporate emits of this City. Any engineer conductor, or other person running or operating any such engine or train, who shall run or operate within the corporate limits of said City at a rate of speed greater than that above set out shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordinance and upon conviction therefor shall be fined in any sum not to exceed ten 010.00) dollars. (Passed May 10, 1937)- Section 937)•Section 6. OBEDIENCE TO POLICE 01TICEP.S. No person shall wilfully fail to refuse to comply with any.lawful order or direction of any police officer invested by law with authority to direct, control or regulate traffic. Any such willful failure or refusal shall be a misdemeanor. Section 7. '.MMG^�NCY VMICL",S. The driver of any authorized emergency vehicle, when responding to an emergency call, upon approaching a red or stop signal or any stop signs shall slow down as necessary for safety but may proceed cautiously past such red or stop sign or signal. At other times drivers of authorized emergency vehicles shall stop in obedience to a stop sign or signal. No driver of any authorized emergency vehicle shall assume any special privilege under this ordinance except when such vehicle is operated in response to an emergency call or in the immediate pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law. Section S. TRAFFIC LAWS - TO MOM APPLIWILE. Every person riding an animal or driving an animal -drawn vehicle upon a roadway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle under this ordinance. Section 9. TRAFFIC SIGNS, SIGNALS AND 14ARKINGS. No driver of a vehicle shall disobey the instructions of any official, traffic-contol device placed in accordance with the laws of this City, unless at the time tther wise directed by a police officer. 0075 Section 10. ACCIP F ITS (a) ACCIDENTS INVOLVING DEATH OR PERSONAL WIRY. The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury or death of.any person shall immediately stop such vehicle at the scene of such accident or as close thereto as possible, but stall then forthwith return to and in every event stall remain at the scene of the accident until he has fulfilled the requirements of the laws of this city. Every such stop shall be made without obstructing traffic more than is necessary. Any person failing to stop or to comply with said requirements under such cir- cumstances shall upon conviction be punished by a fine not exceeding (b) ACCIDENT INVOLVING TWIAGE TO V!1iICLr_. The driver of any vehicle in- volved in an accident resulting only in damage to a vehicle which is driven or attended by any person shall immediately stop such vehicle at the scene of such accident or as close thereto as possible but shall forthwith return to and in every event shall remain at the scene of such accident until he has fulfilled the requirements of the laws of this city. Every such stop shall be made without obstructing traffic more than is necessary. Any person failing to stop or to comply with said requirements under such circumstances shall be guilty of a misiemeanor. (c) DUTY TO GIVE I17KR'1TION AND FF^vMM AID. The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury to or death of any person or damage to any vehicle which is driven or attended by any person shall give his name, address, and the registration number of the vehicle he is driving, and shall upon request, and if available exhibit his operator's, commercial operator's or chauffeur's license to the person struck or the driver or occupant of or person attending any vehicle collided with and shall render to any person injured in such accident reasonable assistance, in- cluding the carrying, or the making of arrangements for the carrying, of such person to a physician, surgeon, or hospital for medical or surgical treatment if it is apparent that such treatment is necessary of if such carrying is requested by the injured person. (d) DUTY UPON STRIKING UNATTEIMFM VEHICLE. The driver of any vehicle which collides with and damages any vehicle which is unattended shall ,iiunediately stop and shall then and there either locate and notify the operator or owner of such vehicle of the name and address of the driver and owner of the vehicle striking the unattended vehicle or shall leave in a conspicuous place in, or securely attached to and plainly visible, the vehicle struck, a written notice giving the name and address of the driver and of the owner of the vehicle doing the striking and a statement of the circumstances thereof. (e) DUTY UPON STRIKING FI7uURES UPON A HIM AY. The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting only in damage to fixtures legally upon or adjacent to a highway shall take reasonable steps to locate and notify the owner or person in charge of such property of such fact and of his name and address and of the registration number of the vehicle he is driving and shall upon request and if available exhibit his operator's, c avmereial operator's, or chauffeur's license and shall make report of such accident when required by the laws of this City. (f) I1.11MIATE REPORT OF ACCIDE'P'TS. The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury to or death of any person shall immediately by the quickest means of communication give notice of such accident to the city police departr-hent. Section 11, DRIVING ON RIGHT SIDE OF ROADWAY, OVERTAKING AND PASSING. (a) DRIVE ON RIGHT SIDE OF ROAD4gAY, EXCEPTIONS. Upon all the streets of this city, the driver of a vehicle shall drive upon the right half of the roadway, except as follows% (1) When overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction under the rules governing such movement. (2) When the right half of a street is closed to traffic while under construction or repair. (3) Upon a street divided into three (3) marked lanes for traffic under the rules applicable thereon. (4) Upon a roadway designated and sign posted for one-way traffic. (b) PASSING VERICLES PROCEEDING IN O.'POSITE DIRECTION. Drivers of 0076 vehicles proceeding in opposite directions shall pass each other to the right, and upon streets having a width for not more than one line of traffic in each direction, each driver shall give to the other at least one-half of the main -traveled portion of the roadway as nearly as possible. (c) OVMTAt IVG A VEHICLE ON THE LEFT. The following rules shall govern the overtaking and passing of vehicles proceeding in the same direction, subject to those limitations, exceptions and special rules stated herein. (1) The driver of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass to the left thereof at a safe distance and shall not again drive to the right side of the road- way until safely clear of the overtaken vehicle. (2) Except when overtaking and passing on the right is permitted, the driver of an overtaken vehicle shall give way to the right in favor of the over- taking vehicle on audible signal and shall not increase the speed of his vehicle until completely passed by the overtaking vehicle. (d) WHEN OVERTAKING ON THE RIGHT IS PERITITTED. The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass upon the right of another vehicle only under the following oonditionss (1) 'When the vehicle overtaken is making or about to make a left turn. (2) Upon a street or highway with unobstructed pavement not occupied by parked vehicles of sufficient width for two (2) or more lines of moving,vehieles in each direction. (3) Upon a one-way street, or upon any roadway on which traffic is restricted to one direction of movement, whether the roadway is free from obstruction and of sufficient width for two (2) or more lines of moving vehicles. The driver of a vehicle may overtake ard pass another vehicle upon the right only under conditions permitting such movement in safety. In no event shall such movement be made by driving off the pavement or main - traveled portion of the roadway. (e) LIMITATIONS ON OVERTAKING ON TH p IX -F7. No vehicle shall at any time be driven to the left side of the roadway under the following c onditi ons j (1) , Where sight restriction is such that the section of street being traversed lies within a no passing zone as determined and marked according to.law. (2) When approaching within one hundred (100) feet of or traversing any intersection or railroad grade crossing. (3) When approaching within one hundred (100) feet of any bridge or viaduct. Section 12. FOLLOWING T00 CLOSELY. The driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard for the speed of such vehicles and the traffic upon and the conditions of the street. Section 13. TURNING AND STARTING AND SIGNALS CN' STOPPING AND TURNING. .(a) Required position and method of turning at intersections. The driver Qf , a tehic le_' tntending to -'turn at em intersection; -shall: do _ so as follows $ (1) Both the approach for a right turn and a right turn shall be made as close as practical to the right-hand curb or edge of the street. (2) Approach for a left turn shall be made in that portion of the right half of the roadway nearest the center line thereof and after entering the intersection the left turn shall be made so as to leave the intersection to the right of the center line of the roadway being entered. (b) STARTING A PARKED VEHICLE. No person shall start a vehicle which is stopped, standing, or parked unless and until such movement can be made with safety. (c) TURNING M0VEI,ENTS AND RE4UIRED SIGNALS. No person shall turn a vehicle at an intersection unless the vehicle is in proper position upon the road- way as required by law, or turn a vehicle to enter a private road or drive- way or otherwise turn a vehicle from a direct course or move right or left upon a roadway unless and until such movement can be made with safety. No person shall so turn any vehicle without giving an appropriate signal in the manner provided by the Laws of the State of Texas, in the event any other traffic may be affected by such movement. A signal of intention to turn right or left when required shall be given continuously during not less than the last one hundred (100) feet traveled by the vehicle before turning. 0077 no person shall stop or suddenly decrease the speed of a vehicle without first giving an appropriate signal in the manner required by the Laws of the State of Texas, to the driver of any vehicle immediately to the rear when there is opportunity to give such signal, Section 14, RIGar OF WkY. (a) VEHICLE APPROACHING OR ENTERING INTERSECTION. The driver of a vehicle approaching an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to a vehicle which has entered the intersection from a different highway. When two (2) vehicles enter an intersection from different highways at approvimately the same time the driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right. (b) VEHICLE TURNING LEFT AT INTERSECTION. The driver of a vehicle within an intersection intending to turn to the left shall yield the ' right-of-way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction which is within the intersection or so close thereto as to constitute an immediate hazard, but said driver, having so yielded and having given a signal when and as required by law, may make such left turn and the drivers of all other vehicles approaching the intersection from said opposite direction shall yield the right -of -war to the vehicle making the left turn. (c) VEHICLE ENTERING THROUGH HIGFUAY OR STOP INTERSECTION. The driver of a vehicle shall stop as required by law at the entrance to a through highway and shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles which have entered the intersection from said through highway or which are approach- ing so closely on said through highway as to constitute an immediate hazard, but said driver having so yielded may proceed and the drivers of all other vehicles approaching the intersection on said through highway shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle so proceeding into or across the through highway. The driver of a vehicle shall likewise stop in -obgdience to a stop sign as required herein at an intersection where a stop sibn is erected at one or more highways and shall proceed cautiously, yielding to vehicles not so Obliged to stop which are within the inter- section or approaching so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard, but may then proceed. (d) VEHICLE ENTERING S'T'REET FROM PRIVATE RCAD OR DRIV31AY. The driver of a vehicle about to enter or cross a highway from a private road or driveway shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on said highway. (e) OPERATION OF VEHICLES ON APPROACH OF AUTHOP.IZED EI.ERGE13CY VEHICL% Upon the immediate approach of an authorized emergency vehicle equipped with at least one lighted lamp exhibiting red light visible under normal atmospheric conditions from a distance of five hundred (500) feet to the front of such vehicle and/or when the driver is giving audible signal by siren, exhaust, whistle, or bell (1) The driver of every other vehicle shall yield the right-of-way and shall immediately drive to a position parallel to, and as close as possible to, the right hand edge or curb of the street clear of any intersection and shall stop and remain in such position until the authorized emergency vehicle, has passed, except when otherwise directed by a police officer. (2) This section shall not operate to relieve the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons using the highway, Section 15. PEDESTRIANS' RIGHT AND DUTIES. (a) SHA" 5F SUBJECT TO TRA KC F.EGULATIONS. Pedestrians shall be subject to traffic -control signals at intersections. (b) PEDESTRIAN RIGhT OF LAY IN CROS& WALKS. Men traffio -control signals are not in place or not in operation the driver of a vehicle shall yield the right -of -sway, slowing down or stopping; if need be to so yield, to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within '& crosswalk when the pedestrian is upon the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling, or when the pedestrian is approaching so closely from the opposite half of the roadway as to be in danger, but no pedestrian shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is impossible for the driver to yield. (c) CROSSING AT OTHER THAN CRO8J1':A:,KS, Every pedestrian crossing a roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an un- marked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon, the street. 0076 Between adjacent intersections at which traffic control signals are in operation, pedestrians shall not cross at any place except in a marked crosswalk. (d) PEDEGTRIANS TO USE RI MIT HALF OF CRCSS-WALKS. Pedestrians shall move, whenever possible upon the right half of crosswalks. (e) PEDESTRIANS ON SiRE^TS. Where sidewalks are provided it stall be unlawful for any pedestrian to walk along and upon an adjacent street. Where sidewalks are not provided any pedestrian walking along and upon a street shall when possible walk only on the left side of the street or its shoulder facing traffic Tfhich may approach from the opposite direction. No person shall stand in a roadway for the purpose of soliciting a ride from the driver of any vehicle. Section 16. STOPPING, STANDING OR PARKINIG, (a) STOPPITIG, STA'DING, CR PARKING OUTSIDE BUSINTSS OR RESIDENCE DISTRICT. Upon any street outside of a business or residence district no person shall stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or un- attended, upon the paved or main -traveled part of the street when it is possible to stop, park, or so leave vehicle off each part of said street, but in every event an unobstructed width of the street opposite a standing vehicle shall be left for the free passage of other vehicles and a clear view of such stopped vehicle shall be available from a distance of two hundred (200) feet in every direction upon such street. This section shall not apply to the driver of any vehicle which is disabled while on the paved or main -traveled portion of the street in such manner and to such extent that it is impossible to avoid stopping and temporarily leaving such disabled vehicle in such position* (b) STOPPING AT R^D LIG11T. Every person driving or operating any vehicle of any description on or along any public street of the said city at or near any stop light or traffic light erected thereon, and in approaching such stop light or traffic light, shall, at such place, when and during all of the time that the red light of such traffic light or stop light is on, bring such vehicle to a stop at the margin of the line of intersecting street and so remain stopped at the said place during the tiro such red light, facing him, is on; and he shall not enter upon or attempt to cross such intersecting street while such red light is so on. (c) STOPPING AT STOP SIGNS. Any person driving or operating any vehicle of any description on or along any public street of the said city at or near any place thereon at which any other character of stop signs or sibials have been placed or erected, other than that mentioned in the preceding parafraph hereof, shall in approaching said stop sign or signal, and within a distance of,not more than 30 feet therefrom, bring said vehicle to a full stop before passing the sone; and he shall not drive past the sn.id stop sign or signal without so stopping such vehicle. (d) PARE>I.".:G IN YARIMD SPACE'S. r'very parson driving or operating any vehicle of any description on any public Street of the said city, and parking or stopping same within any block abutting on the said street wherein lines or marks have been made and are placed indicating the parking space, shall, upon stopping or parking such vehicle in such block, stop a.:4 park the same between such lines or markers; and that no such vehicle shall be stopped or T;arked at such place except between such lines or markers. (d) PFIGULATING "U" TMIS. Yo person driving a vehicle of any character in said City, at or near the intersection of I,`ain Street with Seventh Streets or at or near the intersection of such said Main Street with Eighth Street; or at or near the intersection of such said Dain Street with Eighth Streets or at or near the intersection of Austin Avenue with Seventh Street; shall make a "U" turn on any of the portion of any of the said streets between the said intersections. (e) F.ETTALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THIS SECTION. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be fined in any sum not less than one nor more than ten 0079 Between adjacent intersections at which traffic control signals are in operation, pedestrians shall not cross at any place except in a marked crosswalk. (d) PEDESTRIANS TO USE RIGVT HALF OF CROSS-WALKS. Pedestrians shall move, whenever possible upon the right half of crosswalks. (e) PEDESTRIANS ON STREETS. Where sidewalks are provided it shall be unlawful for any pedestrian to walk along and upon an adjacent street. Where sidewalks are not provided arty pedestrian walking along and upon a street shall when possible walk only on the left side of the street or its shoulder facing traffic which may approach from the opposite direction* No person shall stand in a roadway for the purpose of soliciting a ride from the driver of any vehicle. Section 16. STOPPING,STANDING OR PARKING. (a) STOPPING, STANDING, OR PARKING OUTSIDE BUSINESS OR RESIDENCE DISTRICT. Upon any street outside of a business or residence district no person shall stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, upon the paved or main-traveled part of the street when it is possible to stop, park, or so leave'vehicle off such part of said street, but in every event an unobstructed width of thestreetopposity a standing vehicle shall be left fir the free passage of other vehicles and a clear view of such stopped vehicle shall be available from a distance of two hundred (200) feet in every direction upon such street. This section shall not apply to the driver of any vehicle which is disabled while on the paved or main- traveled portion of the street in such manner and to such extent that it is impossible to avoid stopping and temporarily leaving such disabled vehicle in such position, (b)-STOPPING AT RED LIGHT. Every person driving or opeating any vehicle of any description onor along any public street of the said city at or near any stop light or traffic light erected thereon,_and in approaching such stop light or traffic light, shall, at such place, when and during all of the time that the red light of such traffic light or stop light is on, bring such vehicle to a stop at the margin of the line of intersecting street and so remain stopped at the said place during the time such red ligkt, facing him, is on; and he shall not enter upon or attempt to cross such intersecting street while such red Light is so on. (c) STOPPING AT STOP SIGNS. Any person driving or-operating any vehicle of any description on or along any public street of the said city at or near any place thereon at which any other character of stop suns or signals have been placed or erected, other than that mentioned.in the preceding paragraph hereof, shall in approaching said stop sign or signal, and within a distance of not more than 30 feet therefrom, bring said vehicle to a full stop before passing the same; and he shall not drive past the said stop sign or signal without so stopping such vehicle. �(d) PARKED IN MARKED SPACES. Every person driving or operating any vahicle of any description on any public Street of the said City, and parking or stopping same within any block abutting on the said street wherein lines or marks have beelmade and are placed indicating the parking space, shall, upon stopping or parking such vehicle in such black, stop and park the same between such lines or markers; and that no such vehicle shall be stopped or parked at such place except between such lines or markers. SUpeySetkd by (d) REGULATING "U" TURNS. No person driving a vehicle of any character in said City, at or near the intereection.of Main Street with Seventh Street; or at or near the intersection of such said brain Stree with Eighth Street, or at or near the intersection of Austin'Avenue ith,--, Seventh Street, shall make a "U" Turn on any of the portion of a y f the said streets between the said intereetions. (e) PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THIS SECTION. 'Any person violating any of the provisions of this section of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be fined in any sum not less than one nor more than ten 0079 10 dollars, That if conviction of the violation of this lection be had upon a plea of guilty thereto, and without demanding a trial, the only cost charge shall be the cost of arrest, in the sum of one dollar, but if the person so charged with the violation of this section, demands a trial, and that upon such trial there be a conviction, the cost charged shall be the same as that provided by other ordinances of this city in like trials for the violation of other ordinances, or the violation of a State Law, of which the Corporation Court has jurisdiction. (f) OPERATION OF VEdICIZS PLT?ING TIE GIVING OF A FIFE ALARM SIGNAL. iimediately upon the sounding of an alarm for fire or the approach of the fire apparatus on the way to a fixe in said city, all vehicles that may be kt said time traveling upon any streets, shall be driven at once to the curb of such street, to the right of the driver of such vehicle, and there remain for at least five minutes after the said alarm has been so given, or all fire apparatus has passed. When said alarm is so givenjor fire as aforesaid, and for at least five minutes thereafter, no vehicle shall approach to within a distance of nearer than 300 feet of the fire station of the said city, and that any vehicle being driven upon a street, that may at the time of the giving of the said alarm, be within 300 feet of the said fire station, shall be at once driven to the curb of the said street, to the right of the driver of such vehicle, and there remain for at least five minutes from the giving of the said alarm, or until all apparatus has passed. From and after the giving of the said alarm for fire as aforesaid, said until all of the fire -fighting apparatus has been removed fr an the street] no vehicle shall approach to nearer than 300 feet of the scene of the said fire. From and after the giving of the said alarm and until all of the fire -fighting apparatus have finally been removed from the scene of the fire, no vehicle shall be stopped or parked within 50 feet of any fire hydrant that is located within 600 feet of the scene of the said fire*- This ordinance shall not apply to the driver of any vehicle belonging to or in any manner being used by the fire department of this city; nor shall it apply to any vehicle or the driver thereof, that is conveying any fireman to or from the scene of the fire; provided further, that no vehicle other than some of the fire gi.ghting apparatus shall be stopped or parked within 300 feet of the fire as set out in this ordinance. (g) PROHIBITING THE PARKING FOR OVER ONE HOUR FOR OFFERING G:)ODS FOR SALE. It shall be unlawful for any owner, operator or person in charge of any automobile, or other vehicle, that is then and there offered for sale, or which is then and there being exhibited for sale or from which any goods, wares or merchandise, to then and there park or stop such automobile for a longer period of time than one hour, at any one place, on any public street of the said City. (h) PROHIBITING THE DRIVING ON OR ACROSS ANY LOT OR BLACK OF LAND WITH* OUT THE CONSM, 4T OF THE OWNER. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or drive any vehicle, or any horse, mule, cow, hog, sheep, goat, Jack, or jennet, upon or across any lest, block or parcel of land, which is not a public street or alley, without the consent of the owner or person in charge or control of such lot, block or parcel of land. Any person violating the provision of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon oonvi'ction shall be fined in any sum not less than One dollar and not more than Two hundred dollars. (i) REGULATING PARKING AROUND FIRE HITRANTS AND IN FIRE ZONES. It shall be unlawful for any vehicle to park on the 1iest Side of Dain Street in front of the fire station. It shall be unlawful for any vehicle, automobile, motorcycle or any motor propelled vehicle to park within fifteen feet of any fire hydrant or fire plug within this city. No vehicle shall park on any public street or highway within the fire limits of this city unless such vehicle parks heading in or backing up to the curb, and not over thirty-six inches therefor. The only exception to this provision shall be in the event of an emergency. (j) ESTABLISHING A PARKING ZONE, DIRECTING THE LARKING OF PARKING SPACES. ERECTING PARKING METERS IN SUCH SPACES, AND REGULATING THE PARKING THM. E - IN. (1) A parking zone is hereby established, covering all of the portions of the street of said city, h9re set out, namely; Austin Avenue, between Sixth Street on the north and Ninth Street on the South; Dain Street 0060 between Sixth Street on the north and Ninth Street on the south; Seventh Street, between Rock Street on the west and Church Street on the' east] Eighth Street, between Rock Street on the West and Church Street on the East# and it is hereby ordered and directed that at and along the aurb, on both sides, of each of said streets, in the portions thereof above named, lines shall be plainly marked from the curb out on the pavement, at the sufficient distance from each other to permit the parking of an automobile in the spaces thus formed between the lines; and that at the curb end of each of said spaces there shall be established ane. erected a parking meter, for the purpose of recording the length of time that a vehicle may be lawfully parked in such space; which said parking meter erected at the curb end of each parking space, shall have thereon coin slots, and shall be so timed that the placing of a one cent piece therein will register thereon 12 minutes; the placin4,; of 2 one cent pieces therein will register 24 minutes; and the placing of 3 one cent pieces thereon will register 36 minutes; the placing of 4 one cent pieces therein will register 48 minutes; the placing of 5 one cent pieces therein, or the placing of one five cent piece therein will register 60 minutes. (2) From and after the marking of such parking spaces, within said parking zone, it shall be unlawful for any person driving or operating any automobile or any other vehicle of any devoription, to park the same at any place for any length of time, within said parking zone, other than within the parking space mentioned in the preceding para- graph. (3) When and after parking meters, or any one or more of them have been erected or established, as provided in this ordinance, it shawl be unlawful for any driver or operator of any vehicle to park such vehicle within a parking space at which a meter has been erected without then and there depositing in such meter one one cent piece, if the said automobile or vehicle so remains parked for 12 minutes or less; 2 one cent pieces, if said vehicle so remains parked 24 minutesj 3 one cent pieces if said vehicle so remains parked 30 minutes; 4 one cent pieces, if said vehicle so remains parked 48 minutes; and 5 one cent pieces or one five cent piece, if said vehicle so reraina psrked for 60 minutes; and that from and after the time limit, covered by the deposit last made, it shall be unlawful for such vehicle to remain so parked, unless and until additional deposit or deposits are made, in the manner above specified, covering the additional time that such vehicle (4) Any persons violating this ordinance shall upon conviction therefor be fined in any sum not to exceed ten ($10.00) dollars. (Passed Jane 13, 1947. Section 17. PUNISIUMT. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, and where not expressly provided otherwise, shall be fined in any sum not less than ten or more than two hundred dollars. M CFAPTPR XVII MUNICIPAL GOVERNrA,]T OF TIM CITY Section 1, SHALL CONSIST OF. The municipal government of the City of Georgetown, Texas, shall consist of the City Council, composed of a mayor and five alderman, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, except at called meetings or meetings for the imposition of taxes, when two-thirds of a full board shall be required. The other officers of the corporation shall be a City Manager, a Treasurer, An Assessor and Collector, A Secretary, a City Attorney, and a Marshal • Section 2. TERM OF OFFICE. The term of office for the Mayor and each alderman shall be two years. The term of office for all other officers excepting the City Manager shall be two years. The term of office of the City Manager shell be from the time of his appointment and shall be for an indefinite period and shall be subject to discharge at the will of the governing body of the City. Section 3, FLECTIONS TH?LD, WHEN. An election shall be held in this City on the first Tuesday in April next after the passage of this ordinance, to -wit, on the first Tuesday in April, 1954, and annually thereafter at such place in such city as the City Council may direct, and of which thirty days notice shall be given by publication in some newspaper published in this city, such notice to be signed by the mayor and attested by the secretary. Said election shall be ordered by the City Council, but in case of their failure to order same, then the Mayor may make such order. Such order and notice shall specify the officers to be elected at each election. The officers to hold said election shall be appointed and said election shall held in .accordance with the general laws of. this State governing municipal elections. Such notice shall also give the name of the presiding officers of said election and shall specify the place where the same is to be held. The officers holding such election shall receive the same compensation as is or may be provided by the general election laws of this State. Section 4. OFFICMI S ELECTED. At the election to be held on the first Tuesday in April, 1954, and each two years thereafter, there shall be elected a mayor end. two aldermen, and at the election to be held on the , first Tuesday in April, 1,055, and each two years thereafter, there shall be elected three alderman, who shall hold their office fcr a term of two years and until their successors are elected and qualified. Section 5. WHO SHALL BE ELECTED AI+D VIFO SIiALL BE Ai'POINTED. Pursuant to the provisions of Art. 977, of Vernonts Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended by the Acts of 1949, 51st Legislature, Page 375, Chapter 199, it is hereby provided that from and after the passage and publication of this ordinance that the Mayor and the Aldermen of the City shall be elected by the qualified voters of the said City, at the time and in the manner heretofore provided by law, or that may hereafter be provided by law. That all of the remaining officers of the said City, shall be appointed by the Mayor of said City with the confirmation and approval of the City Council. (Passed Feb. 19, 1951•) Section WHO FMITITL`?D TO VOTE. Every person who has resided in this State twelve months, and in this city six months, and who is entitled to vote under the general laws of the State of Texas, in force at the time of such election shall be entitled to vote therein. Section G. ?Q'7S CFFIC-'_S MT^R ON DUTIES 11WHI `7. The newly elected officers may enter upon their duties five days after their election, Sundays ex- ceptedf and that any officer may qualify at any time within thirty days after his election, otherwise the office shall be deemed vacant and a new election shall be held to fill the same. Section 7. PERSONS gUALIFI7,D TO PE PAYOR OP ALDrRW. No person shall be eligible to the office of Mayor or alderman unless he possesses the qualifications of an elector, and shall have resided twelve months next proceding the election within the limits of the city. be Section 8. IN CASE OF A TIE, .Whenever it so happens in any election that there is a tie between two or more candidates for the same office, all of wham cannot be elected, the City Council shall declare such election void as between such candidates only, and immediately order, a new election for the office, first giving not less than 5 days' notice thereof, - In the event of the failure to meet on a part of the City Council to examine the election returns and declare the result, the mayor shall discharge this duty. 0082 Section 9. VACANCIES * HCW FILLED. In case of a vacancy in the office of Mayor or Alderman, by refusal to accept, or failure to qualify, or by death, resignation, or otherwise, the City Council shall order a new election to fill the vacany, and all special elections shall be conducted as is herein provided for the annual eleetion;.provided that in all special elections ten days notice shall be deemed sufficient. In case of a vacancy in any other office in the city than Mayor or Alderman, by refusal to accept, or failure to qualify, or by death, resignation, or otherwise, the Mayor, or acting Mayor, shall fill such vacancy by appointment to be confirmed by the City Council. Section l0. COUNCIL C0Y[POSv.D OF. The City Council shall be composed of the Mayor and Alderman provided for by this ordinance. The Mayor shall be president of the council, and in case of a tie on any question he shall cast the deciding vote.;, At the first meeting of each new council, or as soon thereafter as practicable, one of the alderman shall be elected mayor pro tempore, who shall hold such office for one year and until his successor is elected. In case of the failure, inability, or refusal of the mayor to act, the mayor pro tempore shall perform the duties and receive the fees and compensation of the Mayor. Section 11. OFFICFY.3 HOLD U11TIL SUCCESSOPS QUALIFIED. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed; it being expressly provided that all the officers of this city now in office shall hold and fill their respective offices until their successors are duly elected and qualified under the provisions of this ordinance. (Passed October 8, 1906 - Part pertaining to City Manager passed Oct. 9, 1944.) Section 12. ELECTIONS, H017 HELD. (a) In all elections, held in and for said City, the laws of the State of Texas shall apply to and govern same. In City elections, the duties with reference thereto would be performed by the County Judge, in a State or County Election, shall be performed by the Mayor; and the duties that would be performed by the County Clerk in a State or County Election, shall be performed by the City Secretary, and that the duties that are performed by the Commissioners Court in a State of County Election, shall be performed by the City Council. In all city elections, the Mayor, and in the event of his failure, the City Council, shall order the election, cause notice to be given of the time and place of holding the same, and shall appoint such other assistants as he may deem necessary. That notice, of such election, shall be given by causing same to be in writing and be posted at three public places within the City, one of wlilch shall be at the designated poling place, and that such notices shall be posted at least thirty days before the hours of 8t00 A.11. and 6s00 P.M. of the day designated in the notice; and that each election shall be held at the City Hall Building of said City, unless some other place be designated in the order calling the sale. (b) Any eligible person, qualified under the law, seeking election to an elective office of the said City, may have his riame printed upon the official ballot as a candidate for the office being sought by him, by filing with the Mayor a sworn application, at least thirty days prior to the day of the election. Such application shall state the specific place or office being sought by the applicant, and shall state that the applicant is elegible and qualified under the laws of the State of Texas to become a candidate for and to hold the office for which he seeks election. (c) The form of the application mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be substantially as follows "To the Mayor of the City of Georgetown, Texas, Greetings s I, , hereby made application to have my name placed on the official ba lot as an independent candidate for the office of to be voted upon at the City election to be field on the day off— April, 19 , and I hereby certify that I am qualified to make this application and that I am legally qualified to hold such office if elected. Applicant STATE OF TMAS COTPNTY OF TaLLW"SON 3 Before me the undersigned officer on this day personally appeared . 1 0083 , the person whose name is signed to the foregoin,; application, and after being by me duly sworn states on his oath, that the matters and facts set out in the foregoing application are true, and he further states on oath, that he is not the nominee of any political party or organization, hold, advocating, or asserting any doctaine subversive of or contrary to, the principals of and provisions of the Constitution arO.. Laws of the United States of America, or of the State of Texas; and that he believes in and approves of our representative form of government, and that he will resist any effort of movement from any source which seeks to subvert or destroy same, or any part thereof, and that if he is elected to the office mentioned in the said application, that he will support and defend the Constitution and. Laws of the United States of .America, and of the State of Texas. Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of , A. D. 19 . Notary Public, Williamson Coupty, Texas. (d) Each candidate for an elective office in the said city, shall make and file the application and affidavit thereto, as above set out, the same may be accompanied by a petition of qualified voters, or any number of them; or it may be accompanied by a certificate of nomination by a political party; provided that no person nominated for the office for which he seeks, known to hold, maintain or teach doctrices or principles that are subversive or contrarg.to free govenament, as same is exemplified by the Constitution and Laws of the United States and the State of Texas, shall have his name printed on the official ballot. (e) Each person who files the verified application above set out, within the time for filing name, shall be deemed to be a candidate for the office he seeks; and that his application together with any matter filed with same, shall be delivered by the Mayor to the City Seeretarys and the City Secretary shall, for 10 days before having the ballots printed, cause said names to be posted in some conspicuous place in his office, and the said names, together with the application, and the papers if any accompanying the same shall be subject to inspection by the public. ,Any objections being urged by any person as to the validity or regularity of any application, or the eligibility of any candidate, shall be made within 5 days after such posting; and such objection shall be made in writing setting out the grounds thereof, and shall be delivered to the City Secretary. In case no such objections are filed within the 5 days from the date of posting, as to a candidate, the regularity and validity of his application cannot be thereafter questioned. All applications delivered by the 11ayor to the City Secretary, with all matters pertaining thereto, shall be preserved by the City Secretary for a period of two years, so that said applications together with any objections thereto may be available in the event of any court proceedings with reference thereto. (f) The official ballot shall be printed at least 20 days prior to the date of the election, and the names of any person who has filed the properly verified applications within the time prescribed by law shall have his name printed thereon. Before the official ballot is actually printed, any candidate may have his name withdrawn, and not printed thereon, by making his request in writing, duly attested before a notary, and filing such request with the City secretary. (g) The laws of this State, pertaining to absentee voting, shall apply to elections held within this City, and the City Secretary shall perform the duties, that are performed by the County Clerk in State Elections. (h) The presiding judge shall receive for his services in holding an election the sum of ; and that each assistant or clerk shall receive the sum of the same to be paid by the City. (Passed Feb. 13. 1950). M:, CHAPTER XVIII NUISANCES Section 1. SKATING ON SIT EMALK. Any person who shall skate upon roller skates upon any public sidewalk in the City of Georgetown, Texas, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $200.00. (passed Feb. 12, 1912). Section 2. PUNISHING FLIP.TING IN A PUBLIC PLACE. Any man who shall here— after go into and near any publio,place, within this City, and shall then and there, by word, motion, wink, sign, or action, invite or attempt to invite, solicit, or encourage any woman to become familiar with him without then and there first being invited or encouraged by said woman, to familiarity, shall be deemed guilty of flirting, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum, not less than one and not more than one hundred dollars. Any man and any woman, not then and there husband and wife, and not then and there engaged to each other to be married, or not then and there related to each other by blood or marriage within the third degree, who shall go into and near any public place within this City, and shall then and there be found kissing, holding; hands, or either putting their arm or arms about or around the body of the other, or in any manner, shall be deemed guilty of flirting, and each or either, upon conviction therefore, shall be fined in any sun, not less than one and not more than one hundred dollars. A public place, within the meaning; of this ordinance in any public, public road, street, alley, public lot or block, public building, or at any place where people commonly resort for the purpose of business, pleasure, amusement, or other lawful purpose, or any place at which people are then and there assembled. A man within the meaning of this section is any male person over 16 years of age, and a woman within the meaning of this section is any female person over 14 years of aCe. (Passed August 9, 1920). Section 3. PROHIBITING PERSONS IN DISGUISE FROM APPEARING ON THE STRETIT. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any one or more persons, masked or in disquise, so that they may not be readily and easily identified, to appear together, resort together, or parade together, upon any of the public streets or alleys of this City, without first having obtained the written consent of the P:;ayor and the City Marshal of the said City, upon a written application, setting out fully the purpose of such proposed resorting upon, appearing upon, or parading upon, said streets or alleys, made and signed by at least three of the said persons, so desiring to resort upon, appear upon, or parade upon said streets or alleys; and that each and every person taking part in such parsis, in disquise, or in so appearing upon, or resorting upon, said streets or alleys, without such written permit, obtained in the said manner, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall to fined in any sum not less t han One dollar and nor more than two hundred dollars. Such written application for such permit, shall be filed with the City Clerk of said City, and shall be kept by him with the public records of the said Cit,y, and shall be subject to the inspection of any person or persons desiring to examine the same, at all reasonable time. Whenever it shall come to the knowledLe of the "Y:ayor or the City 1 arshal of the said C, ty, t) at this section is being violated . or that it is about to be violated, or that preparations are being made to violate same, it shall be the duty of the Mayor or the City Marshal or either of them, to at once deputize a sufficient number of the residents of this City, as special police, to prevent such violation] and that each and every person, so called as special police shall have the power and it is made their duty to arrest without warrant any person engaged in the violation of this section, or about to violate same. (Passed Oct. 10, 1921). Section 4 DTCLARING THE OPERATION OF A CARNIVAL P,IThIN TWO HLIMPIM YAP.DS OF A RESIM.CE A NUISA:dCF,. The operation of a Carnival, within a distance of less than two hundred yards of any private residence within this City is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and it is hereby made an offence to operate or assist in the operation of such Carnival at any place within this Ctty that is located within less than two hundred yards of any private residence situated in said City; and that any person who shall hereafter assist in the operation of any Carnival in this City, at a place that is located within less than two hundred yards of any private residence in this 0085 City, shall, unop conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than one dollar and not more than two hundred dollars, and the t each day that such Carnival may be so;op-,,�rated shall constitute a separate offense. The term "Carnival", as used herein, shall be construed to be and to mean all shows, amusements, entertainments, and all combinations of shows, entertainments, amusements, that are commonly designated or known under the name "Traveling Carnival" or "Shows", irrespective of the narr,s or designation thereof that may be used by the person or persons who may operate same, or who may assist in the operation of same. The work "Operator" as used herein, shall have the meaning that is commonly given said word, and it shall apply to and: include each person who may in any manner be connected with the conducting of such Carnival. The words "Assist in: the operation", as used herein, shall include every person who may in any manner lend assistance to or aid in the operation of the Carnivalf and such words shall be construed to apply to and include any person, or persons who shall knowir.€ly, grant, rent, lease or permit any lands under his control, for use or to be used by such Carnival in the operation thereof. (Passed Sept. 11, 1950), Section 5. PRO11IBITIP"G BOYS =, 7,?,. TEE AGE OF 18 YEARS F'..CM LDAFING, LOIT M I"'G, I1'UN G X D RrM AINING UPON THE STREET S OR IN KTY PUBLIC PLACE AKER 9 O'CLOCK P.M. - (a) Any boy under the age of 18 years who shall be found upon any of the streets, or alleys of the City of Georgetown, Texas, or in any public place, or in any store, or any place of business, or who shall loaf, loiter and idle in any public place after the ringing of the Curfew Bell, as hereinafter provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, thereof, shall be fined in any sum not more than twenty-five dollars. (b) The foregoing paragraph shall not apply to any boy under the age of 18 years who at the time so found upon said street, or alley, in the City of Georgetown, or in any publio place, or any store, or other place of business, is accompanied by his parents, or parent, or guardian or is going to or returning from Church, or going to or returning from his place of business, or going to or returning from any public place of amusement to which people generally gather, or going to or returning from any social gathering, or actually engaged in or sent upon any lawful errand, at the time actually executing such errand, or with the written consent of his parent, parents, or guardian. (c) At 9s 00 O'clock P. V* it shall be the duty of the City 14arshal of the City of Georgetown to ring, or cause to be rung, the fire bell, one time, which shall be known as the "Curfew Bell", and any boy found away from his home, or residence, or place of business within the said city, in violation of this provision, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction punished as herein provided (Passed June 14, 1915).. Section 6. REGULATING THE BLOWIlM OF ST",AM YMISPLP'S IN THE CITY OF G^ORGLTOITT. It shall be unlawful for any person to sound or blow any steam whistle within the corporate limits of this City for a longer period of time than five seconds at any one time, or any series of whistles for longer than five seconds, or to blow or sound any steam whistle in said city at any time except for the purpose of giving necessary signals in regard to the business with which said steam whistle is connecteds provided that this ordinance shall not apply to fire alarms given by blowing or sounding steam whistles. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than five dollars and not more than twenty-five dollars. (Passed Sept. 14, 1906.) 0036 CIUPTER RI$ OFFICERS - RE!AOVAL OF AND COMPEITSATION Section 1. CWI GES PREFEMI ED - HOU. Whenever charges in writing shall be made by the bayor or any two aldermen against any officer of this City for misfeasance, incompetency, corruption or misconduct, the charges shall be presented to the City Council, and after being read and discussed shall be voted upon, and if a majority of the aldermen elected shall vote in favor of the sufficiency of the charges, then the said officer shall be furnished with a copy of the charges and cited to appear at the next regular meeting of the Council and answer thereto. Section 2. RMhOVAL UPON FAILURE TO. ANSWER. If after the charges have been presented and acted upon as provided in the next foregoing section, the officer shall fail or refuse to appear and answer st the time set to hear and determine the Tatter, the said charges shall be considered as proven and said officer be declared guilty as charged and be removed from of fico. Section 3. TRIAL. After any officer against whom charges have been preferred in accordance with Section 125 herein, shall arrear and answer thereto, and after all the necessary evidence in the case has been heard, a vote shall be taken as to whether the charges are sustained, and upon which the ayes and noes shall be called, and it it shall a )pear that a majority of the aldermen elected have voted aye, the said charges shall be declared by the Mayor to be sustained, and the said officer shall be removed from office. Section 4. REb_►OVAL OF APPOINTIVE OFFICTRS. The Council may remove any officer appointed by them by resolution declaring its want of confidence in said officer, provided a majority of all the aldermen elected shall vote in favor thereof. (Passed Oct. 8, 1906), SALARTFS, FEES AND C011TSSIONS OF ELECTED AND APPOITFTED OFFICIALS. Section 5. TWOR. That the salary of the Mayor to be ale cted in April, 1954, be and the same is hereby fixed at $40.00 per month. Section - ALDT211AN. That the salary of the Aldermen be fixed at #10.00 per month. Section 6. ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR. The Assessor and Collector shall re- ceive as compensation for his services the sum of five per cent of the General and Street fund, and one per gent of other funds, on the total amount of his rolls of assessment after the same have been made up and accepted by the Board of Equalization of said City, and said City's Council, as compensation for such assessment, and he shall receive as compensation for the collection of said taxes the sum of five per cent on all the ad valorem taxes, in the General and Street funds so collected by him, and the sum of one per cent on all the other funds so collected by him, the same to be payable monthly at any time after it becomes due. Section 7-, SECRETARY. The City Secretary shall receive as compensation for his services the sum of X25.00 per month. Section 8, ATTORITEY FOR THE CITY. The Attorney for the City shall receive as compensation for his services the sum of Five Dollars in each case in the Corporation Court in which a plea of guilty is entered and the sum of Ten Dollars for every conviction in said Court, in which a plea of not guilty is entered and a trial results in a conviction, these amounts,however are not to come out of the City, but are to be paid by the defendant as is governed by the law regulating the Corporation Courts of this State, and is to receive such other compensation as the City Council may from time to time allow. Section TREASURER. The Treasurer of the City of Georgetown shall receive as compensation the sum of $25.00 per month. Section 9. CITY RECORDFR. City Recorder shall receive the sum of two and 50/200 dollars, in each and every case, filed in the Corporation Court, where the court costs provided by law have been assessed and collected and paid into the City Treasury, and the said sums so paid by the City to the City recorder shall be full compensation for all services performed by said City Recorder as such. (Passed July 16, 1951)- 0087 CHAPTER XX OFFICERS - THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES Section 1. SHALL TAK$ OATH OF OFFICE. ,`very person elected by the voters of this city to fill any office, or by the City Council, shall, before entering on the duties of his office,. take and subscribe the official oath . prescribed in the constitution of this State. THE CITY D".AIvtAGER Section 2. The Governing Body of the city shall appoint a City Manager' for the City of Georgetown who shall be the Administrative Head of the municipal government under the direction of and the supervision of the Governing Body. Section 3, RESIDENCE OF CITY LA AG174 The City Manager may or may not be a resident of the City of Georgetown when appointed, but during the term of his office shall reside in the city of Georgetown. Section 4, TERM OF OFFICE. The City Manager shall be appointed for an indefinite period and shall be subject to discharge at the will of the governing body of the City. Section 5. A!1SZNCE OR DISABILITY OF CITY �A1:AGM. During the absence or disability of the City Manager, the governing body shall designate some properly qualified person to perform the duties of said office. Section 6. POWERS ANI? DUTIES, The powers and duties of the City Manager shall bes (a) To devote all of his working time and attention to the affairs of the City, and be responsible to the governing body for the efficient administration of its affairs. (b) To see that all laws and ordinances are enforced. (c) He shall have the power to appoint or remove all subordinate employees. (d) To exercise supervision and control over all department created by the governing body or that may hereafter be created by said governing body of the City except such as may be presided over by an elective officer or one appointed by and responsible alone to the City Counbil. (e) To attend all meetings of the governing body with the right to take part in the discussion, but having no vote; and he shall be notified of all special meetings of such governing body. (f) To see that all terms and conditions imposed in favor of the City of Georgetown, its inhabitants in any publio utility franchise and faithfully kept and preformed azd upon knowledge of any violation thereof to call the same to the attention of the governing body. (g) To act as Budget Officer and as such to prepare and submit to the governing body, prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, a budget of proposed expenditures for the ensuing year, showing in as much detail as practicable the estimated amounts required by months for the efficient operation of each department of the City Government and the reasons for such estimated expenditures. _ (h) The City Manager, in addition to the foregoing paragraph (g) shall make and file a budget as required by State Law. (i) To make a full written report to the governing body as soon after the close of each month's accounts as possible, showin4 the operation and expenditures of each department ,for the precedinL; month, and a comparison of such monthly expenditures, by departments, with the monthly allowances made for such departments in the annual budget, to keep the governing body fully advised at all times as to the financial condition and needs of the city. ( j) To act as purchasing agent for the City of Georgetown and to purchase all merchandism, material and supplies as needed by the City and may establish, if needed, a suitable storehouse where such supplies shall be kept and from which same shall be issued as needed; and to adopt such 0088 rules ani regulations governing requisitions and transactions of business between himself as such purchasing agent and the heads of the departments, officers and employees of the City as the governing body may approve. He shall make no purchases in excess of :1500.00 without the approval of the council. (k) It shall be the duty of the purchasing agent to give opportunity for competition on purchases and &ales, except when the nature of the purchase or sale in such that competition is impossible or impracticable. All purchases in excess of real estate, or rights or easements therein, shall be by contract to the lowest responsible bidder and all sales in excess of fifteen hundred dollars, shiall be made to the highest bidder after public notice and the�eceipt of sealed bids, unless the governing body by ordinance or resolution determines that it is impossible or impracticable to purchase or sell in such manner. All sealed bids received shall be opened in public and thereafter be subject to public inspection. The purchasing agent may reject all bids and readvertise for new bids. The purchasing agent may require successful bidders to furnish security conditioned upon the faithful performance of their contracts or conditioned upon the payment of wages and compensation of all laborers employed on work fcr which a contract is made by the contractor, sub -contractor, agent or any other person, or conditioned for both. The purchasing agent shall not let any contract for periods exceeding one year for street lighting public improvements, labor or supplies. In case of accident or other circumstances creating an emergency, the City Manager may", with the consent of the governing body, award contracts and make purchases for the purpose of repairing damages caused by said accident or avoiding said public emergency) but immediately aftertirards, he shall file with the mayor a certificate showing such emergency and the necessity of such action together with an itemized account of all expenditures. (1) To reconrend 'to the governing body t%re salaries to be paid each appointive officer and subordinate wployee of the City; and it shall be the duty of the governing body to pass ordinarnes or resolutions, from time to time, fixing -rates of compensation.: (m) To recommend to the governing body, in writing, frau time to time, for adoption, such measures as he may deem necessary or expedient. (n) To be manager of the Fire Department,. and to see that the equip- ment, and building be kept clean, workable and in good state of repair, To see that the fire department is at all time in readiness to effectively combat fire. (Passed -;ov. 5, 1945)- (o) To do and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by ordinace or resolution of the governing body of the City. Section 7. CO117M;SATION OF CITY WI&GER. The City tanager shall receive such compensation as the governing body shall fix from time to time by ordinance or resolution. Section Be All ordinances of the city prescribing the duties of heads of departments shall remain in full force and effect. (Passed Oct. 9, 1944). TEE MIYOR Section 9. EPIFORCE, IYSP`';CT CONMUCT CF OFFICERS, CALL 1"�,'T:TINGS OF M77CIL. The Mayor of this city shall be the Chief Executive officer of this corporation -and shall be vigilant and active at all times in causing the laws and ordinances for the government of this city to be duly executed and put in force. He shall inspect the conduct of all subordinate officers in the government thereof, and so far as may be in his power, shall cause all negligence, carelessness and positive violations of duty to be prosecuted and punished. he shall have power, whenever in his judgment the good of the city may require it, to summon meetings of the City Council, and he shall from time to time ccxraaunicate to that body all such information and recommend all such measures as may tend to the im- provement of the finances, the police, health, security, cleanliness, comfort, ornament and good government of the city. The Layor shall be chief judicial magistrate of the city and shall perform all the duties required by the laws of this State. 0059 Section 10. P01M TO SU1,21ON SPECIAL POLICE. Whenever the Mayor shall deem it necessary, in order to enforce the laws and ordinances of this city, or to avert danger, tr to protect property, in case of riot or any other outbreak, or calamity, or public distrubance, or when he has reasons to fear any serious violation of law ororder, or any other danger to this city, or the inhabitants thereof, he shall summon into service as a special police force, all,or as many, of the citizens as in his judgment and discretion may be necessary and proper, and such summons may be by proclamation or order, addressed to the citizens generally, or such summons may be -by personal notifications; such special police force, while in service, shall be subject to the orders of the Mayor, stall perform such duties as he ray require, and shall have the same power while on duty as the regular police force of said city. And any person so summoned andfailing to cbey, or appearing and failing to perform any duty that Trey be required, shall be fined in any sum not exoeeding Cne Hundred Dollars. Section 11. POMM OF.ITAGISTRCLE AND TO CLOSE PUBLIC RESORTS. The Liayor shall have like power with a Justice of the Peace to administer oaths of office. He shall possess and execute in the city, in criminal cases, ell powers and duties of a Justice of the Peace. He shall have authority in case of a riot or an unlawful assemblage, or with a view to preserve the peace and good order in the oity, to order end enforce the closing of any theater, ball -room, grog -shop,, tippling house, bar room or any other place of resort, or public room or building, and may order the arrest of any person violating, in his presence, the laws of the State or any ordinance of this City. - Section 12. S:'iALL L'PROVE OF DISAPPROVE ORDINANCES. All ordinances and resolutions -adopted by the City Council, shall before they take effect, be placed in the office of the City Searetary, and, if the Mayor approves thereof, he shall sign the saws, and such as he s'. -.all not sign, he shall return to the city Council with his objections thereto. Upon the return of any ordinance or resolution by the T'.ayor, the vote by which the same was passed shall be reconsidered. and if, after such reconsideration, a majority of the whole number of alderman agree to pass the same and enter their votes on the journal of their proceedings, it shall be in force, and if the Mayor shall neglect to approve, or object, to any such pro- ceedin6s for a longer period than three days after the same shall be placed in the Secretary's office as aforesaid, the sane shall go into effect. CHIEF OF POLICE Section 13. P0VTRS AN!) DUTIES IN GENERAL. The Marshal of the City shall be ex -officio Chief of Police, and may appoint one or more deputies, the appointment of which deputies shall only be valid upon the approval of the City Manager and the City Council, and shall either' in person or by deputy, attend upon the Corporation Court while in session,>and shall promptly and faithfully execute all writs and process issued from said court. He shall have like power with the sheriff of the county to execute the writ of search wat•t•ant. He shall be active in quelling riots, disorders and disturbances of the peace within the limits of the city, and shall take into custody all persons so offending against the peace of the city, and shall have authority to take suitable and sufficient bail for the appearance before the Corporation Court of any persons charged with an offense against the ordinances or laws of the City. Section 14 AUTHORITY TO ARREST YYITHOUT V! RM NT. In addition to the other powers and duties of the City Marshal, and his deputies the said officers are hereby given and granted full and complete paver to make arrests without a warrant, in all instances and in all cases, where such pavers can be granted by this City to said officers. It is expressly made the duty of said officers to arrest without a warrant, any persons found in auspicious places, and under circumstances which reasonably show that- such person has been guilty of some felony or breach of peace, or threatened, or about to commit some offense against the laws of this State, or against the ordinances of this city. (Passed Feb. 11, 1946) Section 15. K7,?TH7`3? DUTIES - B010 OF, It shall be his duty to arrest without warrant all violators of the public pease, and all who obstruct or interfere with him in the execution of the duties of his office, or who shall be guilty of any disorderly conduct or disobedience, whateverf to prevent a breach 0090 of the peace, or preserve quiet and good order, he shall have authority to close any theatre, bar -room, ball -room, drinking house, or any other place or building of publio resort, and in the prevention and suppression of crime and arrest of offenders, he shall have, possess and execute like power, authority and juriddiction as the sheriff of a county under the laws of the state. The Marshal shall give bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars for the faithful performance of his duty.. And he shall perform such other duties, and possess such powers, rights and authority as the City Council may hereafter by ordinance require. FIRE WSHAL Section 16. WHO $HALL BE FI1,E YARSfIAL. T _A city Marshal of said City shall be ex -officio Fire Marshal and s:iall perform all the duties of Fire Marshal, and such duties as Fire Marshal shall be independent and separate from his other duties as City Marshal and as such lire Marshal he shall report directly to the .1ayor and the City Council. Section 17. DUTIES OF FIRE IA,RSHAL. The Fire Marshal shall investigate the cause, origin and circumstances of every fire occuring within the City by which property has been destroyed or damaged, and shall especially make investigation as to whether such fire was the result of carelessness or design. Such investigation shall be begun within twenty-four hours, not including Sundays, or the occurance of such fire. The Fire Yarshal shall keep in his office a record of the fires occurring within the city, to- gether with all facts, statistics and circumstances, including the origin of the fires and the amount of the loss, which may be determined by the investigation required by this ordinance. Such record shall at all times be open to public inspection. Section 16. DUTIES REGARDING POSSI131B ARSON. When in his opinion further investigation is necessary, shall take, or cause to be taken, the testimony on oath, of all persons supposed to be cognizant of any facts or to have means of knowledge in relation to the matter as to which an examination is herein required to be made, and shall require the same to be reduced to writings and if he shall be of the opinion that there is evidence sufficient to charge any person with the crime of arson, or with attempt to cormit the crime of arson, or of conspiracy to defraud, or criminal conduct in connection with such fire, he shall cause such person to be arrested and charged with such offense, or either of them, and shall furnish to the proper prosecuting attorney all such evidence, together with the names of the witnesses and all the information obtained by him, including a copy of pertinent and material testimony taken in the case. Section 19• AUTHORITY TO SU'24ON WITNESSES AND ADMINISTER OATHS, The Fire Marshal shall have the power to summon and compel the attendance of witnesses before him to testify in relation to any matter which is by the provisions of this ordinance a subject of inquiry and investigation, and may require the production of any book, paper or document, pertinent thereto. He is hereby authorized and empowered to administer oaths and affirmations to any persons appearing at witnesses who refuse to be sworn, or who refuse to testify, or who disobey any lawful order at said Fire Marshal, or vto fails or refuses to produce any book, paper or document touching any matter under examination, or who is guilty of any comtemptious conduct after being summoned to give testimony in relation to any matter under investigation as aforesaid, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor .and it shall be the duty of the Fire Marshal to make complaint against said person or persons so refusing to comply with the summons or order of said Fire Marshall before the Mayor, or in any Court having jurisdiction within the Cityp and upon the filing; of such complaint, puch cause shall proceed in the same manner as other criminal cases," and upon conviction of any person guilty of a violation of the provisions of this ordinance snail be fined in a sum not exceeding the sum of twenty-five dollars. All investigations held by or under the direction of the Fire Marshal may in his discretion, be private, and persons other than those required to .be present may be excluded from the place where such investigation is held, and witnesses may be kept separate and apart from each other and not allowed to communicate with each other until they have been examined. Section 20, RIGHT TO ENaER PRIVATE PREa'ZSBS. The Fire Marshal shall have the authority at all times of the day or ni;ht, in the performance of the duties imposed upon him by the provisions of this ordinance, to enter and examine any building or premises where any fire has has occured, and other buildings and premises adjoining or near the same. 0091 Section 21. RIGHT OF INSP3CTION FOR FIRE HAZARDS. Upon the complaint of any person having an interest in any buildings, or property adjacent, he may, without any complaint, shall have a right at all reasonable hours, for the purpose of examination, to enter into and upon all buildings or premises within the City, and it shall be his duty, quarterly or more often, to enter upon and make, or cause to be entered upon and made, a thorough examination of all merchantile, manufacturing ani public buildings, together with the premises belonging thereto. Whenever he shall find any building or other structure which, for want of repair, or by reason of age or dilapidation condition, or for any cause, is especially liable to fire or buildings, or so occupied that fire would endanger persons or property therein and whenever he shall find an improper or dangerous arrangement of stoves, ranges, furnaces, or other heating appliances of any kind whatsoever, including chimneys, flues and pipes with which the same may be connected, or a dange.,•ous arrangement of lighting devices or systems, or a dangerous or unlawf>>1 storage of explosives, compounds, petroleum, gasoline, kerosene, dangerous chemicals; vegetable products, ashes, combustibles, inflemable and refuse materials or other conditions which, in his opinion, may be dangerous in character or liable to cause or promote firm or oreate;conditions dangerous to the firemen or occupants, he shall order the same to be removed or remedied, and such order shall be forthwith complied with by the owner or occupant of said building or premises; provided, however,.that if the owner or occupant deems himself aggrieved by such order he may, within five days, appeal to the Mayor, who shall investigate the cause of the complaint and unless by his authority the order is revoked, such order shall remain in force and be forthwith complied with by said owner or occupant, Any owner or occupant of any building or premises failing to comply with the orders of the authorities specified above shall be punished,•upon conviction in the kayor's or Recorder's Court, by a fine of not less than Ten nor More than Fifty Dollars, and it shall be the duty of the Fire Marshal to make complaint in such Court whenever any such orders are not complied with. (Passed April 10, 1921). SECRETARY - Section 22. SHALL KEEP MINUTES, HAVE CHARGE OF BOOKS, ETC. It shall be the duty of the City Secretary to attend every meeting of the City Council, and keep accurate minutes of the proceedings thereof in a book to be provided for that purpose, and to engross and enroll all laws, resolutions and ord- inances of the City Council; to keep the corporate seal; to take charge of and preserve and keep incrder all the books, records, papers, documents and files of the City Council; to countersign all oa-missions issued to the city officers and licenses issued by the Pda.yor, and to keep a record or register thereof, and to make out all notices required under any regulation or ord- inance of this city. Section 23., DPXN 11L WARRAA,TS ON TEE TE ASIURER. He shall draw all warrants on the treasurer and countersign the same, and keep an accurate account thereof in a book provided for tiat purpose. Section 24. 011IERAL ACCOU14T OF CITY. He shall be the general accountant of the Corporation, and shall keep in books regular account of the receipts and disbursements for the city, separately, under proper heads, each of receipts and disbursements, and also accounts with each person including officers, who have money transactions with the city, crediting the amounts allowed by proper authority, and specifying the particular transaction to which such entried apply. Section 25. SHALL KET?P REGISTER OF BO NDS VTD BILIS. Ile shall also keep a register of bonds and bills issued by the City, and all evidence of debt due and payable to it, noting particulars thereof and all facts connected therewith as they occur. he shall carefully keep all contracts made by the City Council and do and perform all such other duties as may hereinafter be required of him by law, ordinance, resolution or order of the City Council. TREASURF.Ft Section 26. BOND. The Treasurer of the City shall give bond in favor of the City in the sum of Ten Thousand T)ollars, with sufficient security to be approved by the City Council, and conditioned for the faithful discharge oe his duties as such Treasurer, and if said bond becomes insuffieient at any time the City Council may require a new bond and the Treasurer shall do no official act until such new bond is approved. 0092 Section 27. 1'101 TO KEEP 10Nx'Y OF CITY AND PAY OUT SAt.!E. He shall receive and securely keep all moneys belonging; to the City, and make all payments' of the same upon the order of the1►ayor, attested by the Secretary, under the seal of the corporation, provided that no order shall be paid unless the said order shall show upon its face that the City Council has directed its issuance and for what purpose. Section 28, RE.OPTS TO COUNCIL& He shall render a full and correct state - meat of his receipts and payments, to the City Council at their first regular meeting in every quarter# and when -so -ever at other ti:nos he may be required by them to do so.. At the and of every half year he shall cause to be published at the expeuse of the City a statement showin;; the amount of the receipts and expenditures for the six months next preceding, and the general condition of the treasury, and he shall do and perform such other acts as the City Council nu~y require. ASSESSOR AlNn COLLECTC7R Section 29. DUTIES Irl (17NVLAL. The assessor and collector shall make up all the assessments of the property taxed by the City, and make duplicate .rolls thereof, send on completion of the rolls, shall deliver one of them to the City Secretary. He shall collect all taxes due the City; and in the event of non-payment of any taxes, shall proceed to sell property to raise the amount of taxes so due, and shall in the performance of his duties observe the provisions and the ordinances of the City relating thereto. Section 30-, BOND. The City Assessor and Collector shall give bond in favor of the City in the sum of rive Thousand Dollars with good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the City Council and conditioned for the faith- ful performance of his duties as such Assessor and Collector, and if the City Council at any time deems the existing bond insufficient they shall require a new bond and such officer shall perform no official act until such new bond is executed and approved. (Passed Oct. 15, 1906.) Section 31. R?;YCRTS. Be shall at the expiration of every week pay the treasurer all the money by him collected, and shall report to the City Council at the first regular meeting in each month all moneys so collected and paid; and he shall perform all such other duties and in such manner and according to such :rules and regulations as the City Council may at any time hereafter proscribe. ATTORI'EY OF Tib,' CITY Section 32, STALL ADVISIE OFFICEPS, RSFR%'FP;T STA V, IN C0TwZ'. It shall be the duty of the City Attorney to advise the City Council and all other officers of the city upon all legal questions affecting; the interest of the city, and to represent the city generally, to attend to all suits to which the city i. -ay be a party, or ct?,er:7ise interested in the several courts of this state, to attend the trial and prosecute in all cases before the corporation court, and before the City Council upon the trial of any officer of the city, and to conduct and manage the prosecution thereof; and to perform such other professional services as may from t re to time be required of him by the City Council. (Passed June 12, 1090, emended July 13, 1942, amended April 13, 1931). Section 33. APPOINTMENT. He shall be appointed annually at the time of appointment of other city officers., (Passed July 13, 1942). &W CITY HEALTH OFFICER kYD INSPECTOR Section 34. CREATING OFFICE OF CITY HEALTH OFFICER. That the office of City Health Officer of this City is hereby created; such city Health officer shall be appointed by the Payor, which appointment shall be con firmed by the City Council, as soon as this ordinance is passed and such City Health Officer shall hold office for two years and until the regular meeting of the City Council in 1955, and until his successor is appointed and qualified, and at the regular meeting in April of said Council every two years thereafter such City Health Officer shall be appointed in the manner above provided; such officer shall take the oath of office prescribed by the Constitution of the State of Texas. Said Health Officer shall possess the qualifications rf a voter of the city, and shall be a graduate of medicine and surgery, and shall be an active practitioner in good standing. Section 35. PROVIDING FOR COMPUSATICN FOR CITY HEALTH OFFICES. Said City Health Officer shall receive as compensation for his services the sum of Twenty-five Dollars per month, payable monthly, and such other compensation as may be allowed by the City Council from tirie to time. Section 36. PP.VIDING FOR CITY HEALTH INSPECTORS. Whenever they may deem it necessary the City Health Officer and the oommittee of the City Council ori Health and Sanitary Regulations, may appoint one or more Health Inspectors who shall serve for such time as their services are needed and for such compensation as the City Council may allow.Such Health Inspectors shall be under the direction and Control of the City Health Officer, and services rendered by them shall be under his supervision, and they shall do and perform any and all duties required of them by the City Health Officer in carrying out the.health and sanitary ordinances and regulations of the city. Section 37. DUTIES OF CITY HEALTH OFFICa?. It stall be the duty of the City Health Officer,to keep informed, as far as possible, of the appearance of any pestilential,'infectious or contagious diseases at any part of other place that may endanger the sanitary condition and the health of the inhabitants of the City of Georgetown, and report same to the Mayor and City Council for such action as they may deem advisable; he shall have the power and he is hereby given the power to provide and promulgate and publish such rules and regulations providing for the proper keeping, production, barter and sale of food stuffs sold and offered for sale within the city, as to him may seem for the best interest of the public health of this City. He shall also have general supervision over the sanitary condition of the city and shall act in an advisory capacity to the City Council, and it shall be his duty to assist the State Health Officer in preventing disease and promoting the public health, That any and all rules and regulations made and promulgated by said City Health Officer shall first be subject to confirmation by the City Council before becoming effective. Section 38. DUTY TO ATTEND SICK. It shall be the duty of the City Health Officer to attend all sick city prisoners, and all persons found sick or wounded on the streets of the City and taken charge of by the police officers, and he shall take charge of and attend to all cases of accident and disease, where the patient is indigent and unable to gay for medical attention, pro- vided such cases are certified to hits by the Kayor or the Committee on Health and Sanitary Regulations, and in such cases he shall furnish the necessary medioines to be paid for by the City; he shall have charge of the sanitary affairs of the city, and shall subject to the restrictions contained in the ordinances of this city, have control of the prevention and erad- ication of contagious or infectious diseases, the removal and quarantine of suspects, and he shall have charge of the prevention and care of smallpox and other contagious or infectious diseases; supervision and control of all matters pertainign to the inspection of food or drugs as may be provided by ordinances of this city, He shall make reports to the State Health Officer whenever a report is desired by such State Health Officer and at such other times as the City Health Officer may see proper. 0094 Section 39• DITY TO C014BAT CO111TAGIOUS OR INFECTIOUS DISEASE. At all times during the existance within the City of any contagious or infectious disease, and, at all times when in the opinion of the City Health Officer the city is threatened with any such disease, said City Health Officer and the Health Inspectors hereinabove provided for, shall have power, upon warrant or other sufficient process, to arrest and take into custody all persons offending against any of the health or sanitary ordinances of the city, and to take suitable and sufficient bail for the appearance before the Corporation Court of the City of any person or persons who . obstruct or interfere with theca, or either of thew, in the discharge of their official duties, and they shall, at all such timest have possess and exercise like powers, authority and jurisdiction as peace officers with those conferred.on the City Karshal of said City, and they are hereby further empowered at all such times to enter houses, building$, and places, public and private, when in the discharCe of their official duty, after first asking the permission of the owners or occupants thereof* Section 40. ADDITIONAL DUTIES, The City Health Officer and the Health Inspector shall perform such duties and have such powers and authority as is now given them, or that may be given them hereafter, by the ordinances of this city. Section 41. PENALTY FOR INT7,RM- ING WITH CITY EFALTH OFFIC2 . Any person interfering with, obstructing or restricting the City Health Officer, or any of the Health Inspectors, in the discharge of their official duties, shall, upon conviction, be punished by fine in any sum not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars. (Passed April 19, 1909). Section 42., C0124ITTEE ON HFALTH KTD SATTITARY REGULATIONS. The Committee on Health and Sanitary Regulations shall consist of the Mayor and two members of the City Council, sail two members to be appointed by the Mayor in April of each year, and to hold their places on such committee until their successors are duly appointed. Such committee shall act with and assist the City Health Officer in promulgating, carrying out and enforcing all rules, regulations and ordinances of the city in regard to the health and sanitation of the City, and small advise the City Council in regard to such matters, and shall do and perform such other duties and things as may be required of them by the ordinances of this City. (Passed April 19,1909). BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Section 43. APPOINT I,2NT. The City Council of the City of Georgetown shall annually, at its first meeting in each year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, appoint three commissioners, each being a qualified voter, a resident and property owner of the City, wt:o shall be styled the Board of equalization and at the same meeting said Council shall by ordinance fix the time for the meeting of such Board of Equilization. Section 44.ANNUAL MEITING. The Board of Equalization shall convene annually, at the time fixed by the City Council, to receive all the assessment lists or books of the Assessor of this City, for examination, correction, equalization, appraisement, and approval, and at all meet- ings of said Board the City Secretary shall act as Secretary thereof. Section 45. SHALL VALVE PROPERTY. The Board of P;qualization shall cause the Assessor to bring before them, at the time fixed for the convening of said Board, all the Assessment lists or books of the Assessor of this City, for their examination, that they may see if each and every person has rendered his property at a fair market value of such property; and if they are satisfied it is too high, they shall lower it to its proper value; and if too low, they shall raise the value of such property to a proper figure. Said Board shall also have power to correct any errors that may appear on the Assessor's list or books. 0095 Section 46,' VALUE TO BE E4UALIZED. The Board of Equalization shall equalize as near as possible the value of all the improved lots within the corporate limits of this City, having reference to the size and location of said lots -and the improvements thereon, and shall :,equalize the value of unimproved lots as near as possible, having reference to the size and location of said lots and the improvements thereon, and shall equalize the value of unimproved lots as near as possible, having reference to the size and location thereof, and all other property of the same kind shall be made as near equal as possible. Any person may file with said Board at any time before the final action of said Board, a complaint as to the assessment of his or any other person's property, and said Board shall hear said complaint, and said complaint shall have the right to have witnesses summoned in sustain- ing said complaint as to the insurance on his property, or the rents and profits it may bring the holder thereof. Section 47. UPIRENDERED PROPFYTY. The City Assessor at the sane time that he delivers to said Board his lists and books shall also furnish to said Board a certified list of the names of all persons who either rofuse to swegr or qualify or to sign the oath or affirmation as required by law, together with the list of property of such persons situated within the corporate limits of this City, as made by him through other information, and said Board shall examine said lists and appraise the property as listed by the Assessor. Section 48. NOTICE TO 01411TERS. In all cases where the Board of Equalization shall find it their duty to raise the value of the property appearing upon the lists or books of the Assessor, they shall, after having fully examined such lists or books and corrected all errors appearing therein, adjourn to a day not less than ten nor more than fifteen days from the date of adjournment, such day to be fixed in the order of adjournment and shall cause the Secretary of said Board to give written notice to the owner of such property or to the person rendering the same of the time to which said Board may have adjourned and that such owner or person rendering the said property may at that time appear and show cause why the value of said property should not be raised, which notice may be served by depositing the same, properly addressed and postage paid, in the City Post Office. Section 49. TO LOWER VALUES, WIT N. The Board of Equalization shall meet at the time specified in said order of adjournment, and shall hear all persons the value of whose property has been raised, and if said Board is satisfied they have raised the value of such property too high they shall lower the same to its proper value. Section 5O. APPROVAL OF LISTS. The Board of Equalization, after they have finally examined and equalized the value of all property on the Assessor's lists or books, shall aprove said lists or books and return them together with the lists mentioned in Section 113 hereof, that he may make up therefrom his general rolls as required by law; and when said general rolls are so made up the Board shall meet again to examine said r oLls and approve the same if found correct. Section 51. ACTION FINAL. The action of said. Board at the meeting pro- vided for in Section 118 hereof,;shall be final, and shall not be subject to revision by said Board or any other tribunal thereafter. Section 52s CO-IPENSATION.- The members of said Board of Equaliaation, shall each receive for their service the sum of 115.00. Section 53. TO TAKE OATH. Before said Board shall enter upon their duties they shall be sworn, by any officer 'authorized by law to administer oaths, to faithfully and impartially discharge all duties incumbent upon them by law as such Board. (Passed Oct-. 8, 1906). 0096 BOARD OF EXAMINERS OR AUDITING COP:udITTEE Section 54. APPOINTMENT OF. It shall be the duty of the kayor, at the first regular meeting in January of each year of the City Council, by and with the advice and consent of such City Council, to appoint three residents of this City, who shall constitute and compose a Board of Examiners of the finances of the City of Georgetown. Section 55. DT'TIDS. It shall be the duty of said examiners, when appointed to proceed to examine the books and accounts of the various officers of this City, and to make true report of the financial condition thereof under oath to the Mayor and City Council as soon after their appointment as practicable; provided that in no instance shall the return of such report under coath be deferred longer than the first regular meeting of the City Council in Larch of each year. Section 56. CO;.TENSATICN AND REPORT OF BOARD. Such examiners shall receive for their services the sum of $100.00, which sum shall be paid by order of the City Council made at the first regular meeting after the return of said report. The annual report of said Board of Examiners shall be passed upon by the City Council and spread upon the minutes of its meeting at the first regular meeting of said Council after the return of said report. (Passed March 12, 1906.) 0097 CHAPTER XXI PF,DnLI1dG Section 1. PROVIDI'tyG WHO ShALL GET A LICENSE. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any itinerate merchant who may remove from place to place and sell"or­offer for sale any bankrupt, fire or water damaged stock of mer- chandise, or goods, wares or any other commodity or for any person to go from house to house or from place to place in the City of Georgetown, Texas,`sol kiting,-selling;"-or taking 6rders.for goods, wares,` merchandise, subscrip- tions to magazines or newspapers, to expose plates or-films to make nega- t Ives;'to "Lake pictures or photographs for future delivery, or any article for future delivery without first applying for and obtaining a permit or license to do so ,from the Cit y T,ianaer g of the City of Georgetown, Texas. „ Section 2. PRESCRIBING FORD: CF A''PLICATION FOR LICIMSE. Any person de- sirinG to engage in the business of itinerant merchant or that' of peddling within the corporate limits of the City of Georgetown, Texas, shall make written application for a permit or license to do so to the City kanager of the City of Georgetown, which application shall show the name and address of the applicant, the name and address of person, firm or corporation which such applicant represents, the kind of goods, wares and merchandise offered for sale, and whether such applicant upon any such order so obtained will demand, accept or receive payment or deposit of money in advance of final delivery, and the period of time such applicant wishes to so solicit, sell or take orders in the City of Georgetown, Such written &;)plication shall be accompanied by a fee of fifty cents and no permit hereunder shall be issued, until such fee has been paid by applicant and such written application has been so filed with the City Manager of the City of Georgetown, Texas, for a period of twenty-four hours. Section 3. PI:OVIDING FOR BOND. Where the application for such permit and/or license herein provided shows that the applicant will not demand, receive or accept payment, and/or deposit of money in advance of final delivery of such goods, wares, merchandise, or articles to be sold, and/or solicited by such applicant, it shall be the duty of the City Manager of the City of Georgetown to issue to such applicant a permit to solicit, sell and take orders for such goods, wares, merchandise, and/pr articles set out in such applicants application for such period within the City of Georgetown, for a period of twelve months, except that of itinerant merchants, from the date of the issuance of such permit. If the application shows that such applicant shall receive, demand, and/or aceept payment, and/or deposit of money in advance of final delivery of goods, wares, merchandise, and/or article sold, then such application shall be accompanied by a bond in the penal sum of Five Hundred 4500,00) dollars, executed by such applicant as principal and a surety company licensed to do business in the State of Texas, or by two financially responsible owners of property situated in the State of Texas subject to exf•cution of the value in double of the amount of said bond, continued upon making final delivery of such goods, wares, merchandise, magazines, newspapers, plates, films and photographs and articles in accordance with the terms of such order and/or orders obtained and which bone' shall be for the use and benefit of all persons, firms or corporations who may pay in advance or make any advance deposit on the purchase price of said orders, and shall stipulate in its terms. Section 4. AMOUNT OF LICENSE AND KIO 6KA,,L HAVE TEFIde The City Manager of the City of Georgetown shall issue license upon the payment of the following fees, to wits For itinerant merchants offering for sale bankrupt, stock, fire and water damaged stock, or goods, wares, merchandise, or any other commodity for a limited time of one month or less, X50.00. For each additional month for each of the five next months or fraction 410.00. If merchant liable to above named fee remains more than six months and up to twelve months for each additional month or fraction thereof, 6V5.00. •••: For traveling medicine vendors, &25,00. For Medical Specialists, 125.00. For making negatives, exposing plates or films or making photographs or pictures, "25.00, For magazine or newspaper subscriptions, 15.00. For peddling, using motor vehicle, $25,00. For peddling, using horse drawn vehicle, X7.50. For foot peddlers, 45 -00 - Provided 5.00, Provided persons offering for sale agricultural products, meats, poultry, or other articles of food grown or produced by such persons shall not be required to pay the license fees, but license shall be issued to such persons by the City manager, upon satisfactory proof that they have producted or grown the products to be peddled and such license shall so state. All licenses to be issued for period of twelve (12) months from date of issuance. Section 5, PROHIBITING PEDDLING IN FIRE LIM S, Such license shall not be issued to any person authorized peddling in the fire limits, and any and all peddling is prohibited in the fire limits of the City of Georgetown as now or that may hereafter be established by ordinance. Section 6, PROHIBITING PEDDLING ON STREET, It shall be unlawful for any peddler to take a stand, or stop, or stand his vehicle on any public street within the corporate limits of the City of Georgetown for a longer time than ten (10) minutes. Section 7. REQUIRING PEDDLERS TO COMPLY WITH ALL OPMINX110ES. All peddlers shall in all respects comply with all other ordinances of the City of George- town, applicable to such persons; and this section shall not be construed to repeal any of the health, sanitary, or food ordinances of the City of George- town, but shall be cumulative thereof. Section Be PROtiIDING PENALTY. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall upon conviction be fined in any sum not more than one Hundred .(100.00) dollars; and each and every day any person shall peddle without a license shall be a separate offense. (Passed Dec. 19, 1949). on CHAPTER XXII PRINTING Section 1.OFFICIAL NZWSPAPM . On the commencement of each municipal year, which year is hereby declared to begin on the second Vionday in April, or as soon thereafter as convenient, the City Council shall call for bids from the newspapers of the city to do the printing of ordinances, notices, proclamations,end such mther matter required to be printed by law, or by ordinance, resolution or rule of the City Council, or any board or committee acting for the City, which call shall specify the type to be used and whether the same shall be solid or single leaded, and shall require the bid to state tht price for each line or inch of single column matter for the first and each subsequent insertions and upon the opening of the bids the Council shall award such printing to the lowest and best bidder, and shall at the same time designate the accepted bidder as the official paper of the city to continue as such until its successors is selected, Section 2. DUTY OF OFFICIAL Nr",,SPAM, It shall be the duty of such official paper to print all ordinances, reports, statements, proclamations, notices and any other matter required to be printed in an official form by law, or by ordinance, resolution or rule of the City Council or any board or committee acting for the city, for such time as therein specified; and should such paper fail or ne-lect to perform such contract, the same shall be declared terminated and such paper shall no longer be the of.`.'icial paper. faction 3. viAT1MMY AND "LAITYS. At the same mmeeting, if the Council deems it advisable, it shall call for bids for the printing of stationery, corporation court forms and other. ,blank, specifying the kind of paper, etc., to.be used, and the contract for such printing for a year shall be let to the lowest and best bidder,_ (Pas sod Oct. 1�, 1906). 0100 CHAPTER XXI I I PUBLIC BURYING GROUNDS Section 1 OAK HILL CELIETERY. GRMNT) DESIGNATED AND DESCRIBED. (a) The following described tract of land, to suit; All that certain tract or parcel of land, lying; and being situated in Williamson County, Texas, being a part of the J. P. Pulsifer 1-3 league, and which is more part- icularly described as follows, to wit; Beginning at the S. E. Corner of Block' -,No. 2, a stone mound on the South line of said Pulsifer survey; Thence N. 19 We 267 varas to a stake that is 40 f Iet from the North line of said road; Thence S. 7721 Be 315 varas to a stake that is 40 feet from the North line of said road and on the South line of said Pulsifer survey; Thence S. 71 Ww with said South line 499 varas to the place of beginning, containing 12 710 acres of land and being the same land which was conveyed by Mrs. 11. L. Dimmitt to the City of Georgetown by deed dated December 18th, 1905, and recorded in Vol. 117 page 173 of the Deed Records of said county, less and excepting the following described tract of land; to -'wit; Beginning at the N. W. Corner of the said 12.7 acre tract, at a cedar fence post in the S. line of the Abandoned Georgetown & Liberty Hill Road; Thense S. 20 deg. 15 min. Be along the W, line of the said 12.7 acre tract to fence post on the N. line of present State Highway No, 104; Thence along the N. margin of said Highway N. 89 deg. E. 83 vrs, to the point of intersection of the No margin of said highway and the S. line of said original 12.7 acre tract; Thence N. 69 deg. 50 min. E. with the S. line of the said 12.7 acre tract 91 vrs. to a oedar' fence with the S. line of the said 12.7 acre tract 91 vrs. to a cedar fence post; Thence, with a wire fence along the We margin of the ?Mexican Cemetary N. 19 deg. 30 mine We to a fence post in the S. margin of said road, N. 87 deg. 15 min. W. 187 vrsa to the place of beginning and containing 6.82 acres of land. That above listed land is hereby set apart as a public graveyard for the burial of bodies of deceased persons, but no bodies shall be buried therein except as in this ordinance hereinafter provided. (b) FOR NEGROES. Four and one-half acres of the above describ3d tract o land, and which is described as follows, to -wit; Beginning at the East corner of the tract of land described in Section 1 hereof, a stake in the South line of the Georgetown and Liberty Hill road; Thence S. 71 vi. 307 4/10 varas to a stake for the S. W. Corner; Thence He 19 T1. 181 8/10 varas to a stake in the South line of said road; Thence with the South line of said road to the place of beginning, its hereby set aside as a burial place for persons of African descent, and the bodies of no other persons shall be buried therein, and it shall be known as the OAK HILL CE'LM EPY. (c) The Mayor of the City of Georgetown, Texas, is hereby authorized and instructed, to make a deed of conveyance to L. V. Eury, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Thomas H. Kithely Lodge No. 45, Colored Masons, of Georgetown, Texas, and to his successors in office, of the 421 acres of land, described in (a) of this ordinance, it being the intention of the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, to place the legal title to said land in said Chairman of said Board of Trustees, and his successors in office, so that deeds to the purchasers of said property can be made by said Chairman, (d) It is the further intention of the City Council to turn over the care and control of said 42 acres of land to said Lodge, to be held, maintained and sold in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, as a Cemetery for the Colored People, as provided in this ordinance. (e) Said LodLe to hold in trust the funds arising from the sale of said property to provide for the care and maintenance of said property as a cemetery. (f) It being especially provided, that in addition to the land set aside and designated as the 4-2 acre tract, that there shall be set aside frau time to time, as needed, and unsold portion of said land when it becomes necessary to do so for t'rae purpose of said Section so as to relieve the City of ".eorgetown, Texas, from its duty and liability of furnishing to such persons suitable burying ground. (c, d, e, f, passed Nov. 10, 1913)• (g) LOTS TO ED SOLD TO NEGLOES A.dD HOW. Said 41 acres shall be fenced by the city separately from the balance of said tract of land, and a plat of same as now laid off and surveyed shall be recorded in tie Deed Records of Williamson County, Texas, and the mayor is hereby authorized, empovrered and directed to execute and delivery for and in the name of the City of '0101 Georgetcwn at any time to any persons of African decent proper deeds of conveyance to any lots shown in North tier of lots number 1 to 75 or in the South tier of lots nw-nbered 1 to 54, upon pakrment by such person into the treasury of the city of Four:. Dollars cash and upon such person paying the necessary costs of executing said deed, but in no case shall more than one lot be conveyed to any one person unless there is no more room for the :'urial of bodies in the first lot conveyed to such person. (h) NEGRO PAi'f-7S, Y I7,ZE TO x'E DTrRR£ED. The two tiers of strips of land on the Viest end of said 43 acres and as shovm on said plat and each tier being numbered from 1 to 4 is hereby set aside as a burial ground for the bodies of deceased persons of African descent who own no lot and whose people are too poor to buy such lot. The bodies buried in such strips shall be buried therein in regular order, jas follows: The first grave shall be in the South end of strip No. 1 of the South tier, and the next grave shall be placed as close to the first as be conveniently done until said strip is full and then the other strips in the South tier shall be filled in nun=erical order in the same way, and then the strips in the North tier shall be used in -numerical order in the same way. (i) 1,1EXICAN BURYING GROUND. A strip of land twenty-four feet wide and adjoining; the 4' acre tract herein, after mentioned on the West is hereby set aside as the burial place for the bodies of deceased Mexicans# and such bodies shall be buried therein in regular order as follows: The first bod? shall be buried at the South',nd of this strip within six feet of said 42 acre tract, and the next body shall be buried to the North of said first gave and as close thereto as can conveniently be done, and so on for the entire length of said strip, and then another line of graves shall be started at the south end of said strip and on the West of and within six feet of the first line of graves and no charge shall be made by the city for the land mentioned in this section. (j) FOR VvHITE PEOPLE. The balance of said 12 7/10 acre tract of land is hereby set aside as a burial place for the bodies of white people who own no burial grounds and desire to bury therein, and the bodies buried in such part of said tract of land shall be buried in regular order, commencing in the South within 12 feet of the strip mentioned in Section 7 hereof, and running a line of graves North in the same manner ' as is provided in Section 7 hereof. (k) CONSEVT OF MAYOR REgUIRED EXCEPT FOR NEGROES ell -10 O'RN LOTS. No dead body shall be buried in any part of said tract of land described in section 1 hereof without the person or person burying such body shall have first obtained the consent of the Mayor, or in his absence the Mayor pro tem, for such burial, rovided that this section shall not apply to negroes who own lots in the 4; acre tract above described. (1) PENALTIES. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding Ten Dollars. (Passed lurch 12, 1906s) Section 2. REGULATING BURIAL OF DEAD. (a) TWO PLACES IN'INCORPORATE LIMITS. Within the corporate limits of this City there shall be only two places set apart used for the burial of deceased persons, in wi,ieh such dead body may be interred and burial, according to whatever mariner, and what religious rites as shall seem best, according to the religious beliefs or�tenets of the person or persons having in charge the funeral services of such dead persons. (b) PLACES DESIGNATED. The two places mentioned in the preceding paragraph hereof ares (First) The I. 0. 0, F. Cemetery or graveyard, located in the Eastern portion of the City according to its metes, bounds, enclosures and area as the so -To is and exists at this time. (Second) The Southern Presbyterian Church Ceire tery or graveyard, located in the Southern part of the City according to its, metes, bounds, enclosures and area as it now exists, said last mentioned cemetery being designated on the map of this City as Out Lot No. 3, Division B. 0102 (c) BUF,IAL,,1i1—ME AND IV.EN, It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firm or corporation, having in charge the cadaver or dead body of any person, to keep the same above ground, or unburied or undisposed of within the limits of this City for a longer period than Forty-eight hours, unless such dead,- body has been properly embalmed; and if said person, persons, firm or corporation so in charge of such dead- body or cadaver intends to bury the same within the limits of the City it shall become his or their duty before the expiration of the time provided herein for the burial of the dead, to bury said body in a decent manner and at the customary depth in so far as it is practicable, within the metes and bounds of one of the places hereinbefore designated and set apart for the burial of the dead, and in no other place within the corporate limits of this City, unless having first obtained the consent of the City Council. (d) CONSENT OF COUNCIL TO ENLARGE BLRYING (MOUND. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firm, or association of persons or corporation, who now, or may hereafter, own, manage or a ontrol,any cemetery, graveyard, or burying ground within the corporate limits of t1 is City, and who might wish to enlarge the boundaries or area of such cemetery, graveyard or burying ground, to do so without first having obtained the consent of the City Council, which may either grant or refuse such consent within their discretion, and if the same be granted, the aforesaid, person, persons, firm, association of persons or corporation shall be governed by the designations of the City Council and any person violating the provisions of this section shall be punished as hereinafter provided. (e) SALE OF LOTS. The person, persons, firm, association of persons or corporation, owning or having in charge and control either of the cemeteries or graveyards designated in (b) above, shall within their discretion, sell or rent lots of plots within such enclosures, for the purpose of burying the dead at a reasonable amount and the price for the same, which said amount and price shall be uniform to one and all whom they may per ­.it to buy or rent burying lots within such enclosures, and a violation of this section shall be punished as in hereinafter provided. (f) PENALTIES. Any person, persons, firms, association of persons or corporation, either in the singular or.plural number, who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, as herein set forth in any manner what- soever, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not to exceed Twenty-five Dollars; and each separate day such violation of these provisions be allowed to remain or exist shall constitute and be a separate offense; provided, however, there shall be nothing in this ordinance that shall be construed to prevent the person, persons, firm, association of persons or corporation owning, managing or controlling the cemeteries or traveyards designated in paragraph (b) herein, from donating or giving away such lots or plots in such cemeteries or graveyards as they may see fit, nor shall the provision of this ordinance be construed as compelling such person, persons, firm, association of persons or corporation to sell lots or plots to, or to permit, all persons applying to buy lots or plots or to }jury in such cereteries or graveyards. (Passed Mar. 12, 1906.) (g) The owners of that certain tract of land designated as the I. 0. 0. F. Cemetery - 19151 Addition, are hereby authorized to file fcr record in the office of the County Clerh, Williamson County, Texas, the map of said tract of land, and said County Clerk is hereby authorized to accept for filing and to record said map of said tract of land. In accepting the dedication of the Streets and Vialks shown on said map of said tract of land, The City does not assume any obligation to grade, improve or maintain the streets or walks shown thereon unless said City elects to do so. (Passed august 13, 1950- 0103 CRAFT ER XXI V PURCE."ASTEG Section 1. The City Manager shall be Purchasing Agent for the City of Georgetown, to purchase all merchandise, material and supplies as needed by the City and may establish, if needed, a suitable store- house where such supplies shall be kept and from which same shall be issued as needed; and to adopt such rules and re6ulations governing requisitions and transactions of business between himself as such pur- chasing agent and the heads of the departrLents,.officers and employees of the City as the j;overnin6 body may approve. He shall make no purchases in excess of 0:750.00 without the approval of the council. Section 2. CLAIVZ. To be in Writing. (a) All claims against the City of .Georgetown must be a^proved by the City Council before warrants for the same shall be issued or the same paid, except as shown in section 1, hereof, Nairne not evidenced by contracts in writing duly entered into by the City shall, before being presented, be reduced to writing; and be clearly and concisely stated. (b) TO S17071 BY 7,T?01,4 Rr_g7DSTFD. 11en a claim is presented for services rendered or thinks furnished the City, such claim shall show upon whose request the same was rendered or furnished; and whenever such claim has accrued uneer the direction of any officer, agent er comm ttee of the Council, it shall first be approved as just and correct by such officer, a[;Pnt or committee before it shall be paid. (c) ALLY rrF;D AT RF".T'LAF 2F7i Iid� S. Claims shall be allowed only at regular meetings of the Council, and shall have been filed with tae City Manager at least one whole day before the meeting at which they are allowed; provided that claims due any officer of the City in his official capacity and those allowed by unanimous vote may be allowed at other than regular meetings. Section 3. CONTRACTS FOR RTPLIC IIMOVF ,a.,l-TS. (a) FIDS. All improvements that may be ordered to be let out by contract shall be contracted for with the lowest and best bidder at the option of the City Council, and notice for bids shall be published once in the official paper and such contract shall not be let until five days after such publication. All bids shall be received at the City Lanager's Office, marked to indicate for what work intended, and addressed to the City Yanager, who, with one mem'-)er of the Committee on Public Improvement, or the City Secretary, shall sign a record of all such bids, kept in a bound book, and also of their award in each and every case, which award shall be reported to the City Council for final action. (b) MG17 TO REJECT & The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and, in the event of failure on the part of the successful binder for any public work to furnish good and sufficient security for the performance of his contract or to complete his contract with the City, the work shall again be advertised for bids as in the first instance. (c) S7MIFICATIOP?S AND LOAD. Each and every contract for public work shall be let upon written specification, end the manner of inspection and approval of the work upon.completion shall be set forth in the contract, as well as the matter of payment, and the City 'Manager shall require from every contractor for work done for the City a good and sufficient bond - securing the City against liens, suets and damages arising; from failure on the part of the contractors to pay either for labor or material or both. (d) ACCEPTANCE UX PAYKENT. Upon the completion of any contract, it shall be the duty of the contractor to call upon the City 11"anager, who, with at least a majority of "the conuni..ttee on Public Improvement, shall carefully examine the work and certify whether or not the work is done in accordance with the plans and specifications, and upon such certificate being made, the contractor shall then present his bill to the Council at its first subsequent meeting, accomplished by such certificate for payment. 0104 C"PT ER XXV RAI hwiAYS Section 1. AUTHORISING PIPE LIC�"eSE AGIZ711M. .fi 4ITH LI.K.T. R.R. The Mayor of the City of Georgetown, Texas, is hereby authorized, directed and empowered to execute for and'in behalf of the said City the Pipe Line License Agreement of Date of August 13, 19-49, whereunder the City is granted a permit to install and lay a water pipe line under the line of hissouri-Kansas-Texas Railway Company of Texas, on 13th Street, in said City* The City tanager of said City is hereby authorized to pay Ten (110.00) Dollars consideration recited in the license. (Passed August 16, 1949). Section 2. REGULATING RIMING OF TRAINS. (a) RATE OF SPED. All railroad trains, either coming into, passing through or going out of this City, and its corporate limits, shall im-mediately upon coning into the corporate limits of this said City, reduce their speed and the speed with which said trains are run, and the speed with which said trains shall move to the rate of not faster than '1CN miles per hour, and this said rate of speed shall not be exceeded �&said railroad train is within the liraits of said City. ,Any engineer, conductor, person or persons guilty of a violation of this provision of this section, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any s Lan not less than 1"10.00 and not more than 450-00- (b) BLOCY.ING CROSSING. If any engineer, conductor or other person in charge of and operating a train in and through the City of Georgetown, shall stop his train, or cause the sane to be stopped, across or on any public street of said City, or shall cause the said train to be and remain stationary over a railroad crossing used by the public for the purpose of crossing said railroad tract, for a longer period of time than five minutes, or shall by any manner or means cause a street or crossing of the said City to be and become blockaded for a longer period of time than five minutes, shall upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than t 10.00 nor more than 4-50-00- (c) RAILWAY WATERCLOSETS TO BE LOCKED. If any person or persons within the City of Georgetown, having in his charge the &are and control of any railroad passenger train coming into, going through or passing out of the City of Georgetown, shall fail and refuse to look and keep locked while within the corporate limits of this said City, all the doors leading. into or out of the water closets located in said passenger coaches, com- posing said passenger train, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in an sum not less than X10.00 nor more than 450.00, (Passed March 20, 1905. Section 3, APPROACHING TRAINS AIM RIDING TPLAII,S ASD OTHER VEHICLES. (a) APPROACHING TRAINS. It shall be unlawful for any one within the corporate limits of this City to approach nearer than five feet of any railway engine or car while same is in motion, or nearer than five feet to the entrance of any passenger coach while passengers are getting on or off the same, except the employees of the railway company, persons handling baggage, passengers getting on or off the cars and peace officers in the disbharge of their official duties*, (b) RIDING TRAINS AND OliiER MILICLES. It shall be unlawful for any person within the corporate limits of this City to get on the steps of or hang or climb to or attempt to ride upon any railway engine or ooach or any bus or other vehicle without the concert of the person, agent or employee in charge of such engine, coach, bus or other vehicle . Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding Ten Dollars. (Passed May 17, 1890). 0105 CHA,I" r M XXVI RULES FOR GOV7RN1:NT OF CITY COUNCIL Section 1. SHALL Kt^EP iTCLMAL OF WOCEEDINGS. The City Council shall be the judge of the election and qualification of its own members, and shall determine the rules of its proceedings, and keep a correct journal thereof which shall be open to the inspection and examination of any citizen. Section 2. L'EETINGS. LZeetings of the City Council shall at all times be open to the public, except when in executive session. Stated meetings shall be held in the City Hall on the second Monday in each month at such hour as the Council may by resolution prescribe. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Mayor of his own volition, or on the application of three aldermen, by notice specifying the time and object of such meeting to each alderman, the Secretary and City Attorney, served personally, or left at their usual place of abode or business. Section 3. C�UORUM, ..Three aldermen shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ' Section 4. IV:AYOR TO PRESIDE. At each meeting the Mayor, or in his absence the L;ayor Pro Tem, or in the absence of both of them, some alderman shall be elected to preside, shall at the hour of meeting take the chair and call the meeting to order. The Secretary shall then call the roll of the members and if there be a quorum present, the Council shall proceed with the business before it. Section 5. ORD: -R CF BUSINEss. The following order of business shall be observeds 1. Reading, correcting and approving the minutes of the preceeding meeting. 2. Presentation of petitions, remonstrances and other communications. 3. Reports of officers. 4. Reports of Standing Committees. 5. Reports of Special Committees, 6. Bills and Accounts. 7. Presentation, reading and passing of ordinances. B. Unfinished business. 9. New business. 10. Miscellaneous business. 11. Ad j our nment . Section 6. POINTS OF ORDER, The Mayor shall preserve order, and shall decide all points of order, subject, however, to an appeal to the Council. Section 7, MAYOR TO A>'P011Z C01111TTEES. All committees shall be appointed by the Layor, unless otherwise s;)ecially directed by the Council. Section 8. COi liITTEES APPOI14TED ANNUALLY. The standing committees of the Council shall be appointed annually by the Mayor at the first regular meeting of the new Council after the annual election, and the first person named on each committee shall be the chairman. Section 9. STANDING CCII,I TTE'ES. The following shall be the standing committees and sl -..all consist of the following number of members 1. Finance and Revenues, two menfuers. 2. Vater and light, two members. 3. Health and Sanitary Regulations,two members and mayor. 4. Accounts, one member. 5. Printing, one member. 6. Fire, one member. 7. Streets and alleys, one member. 8. Ordinances, 1 member. 9. Public improvements, three members. 0106 'T'T"ZIlul repurt fr(zi a a peel al'ooum1-Gtiee, sala c07,Lzzed� sna11 De conslaered as discharged. Section 12 . COT 11ITTFE REPORTS IN I&ITING. Standing and special committees to whom references are made, shall report in writing the state of facts, with their opinion thereon, which opinion shall be summed up in the form of a resolution or recomnendation. The secretary- shall delivery all papers to the appropriate committees as soon after reference has been made as possible. Section 13. PASSA^E OF ORDlt"Aj�CE'. All ordinances on their passage shall be read before the Council at three different meetings and upon the first reading, shall be referred to the proper committee without debate, unless on motion the rules are suspended, in which case ordinances may be read three, several times, twice by title, and put upon final passage at the same meeting when introduced. Section 14. FRVCHISES. Resolutions and orders granting or conferring a special privilege, franchise or right upon or to any person, persons or corporation shall be referred to a committee and shall not be finally acted upon until the next meeting of the Council, and notice of same shall be published once in the official paper. Section 15. RESOV7TIONS. Resolutions for the dispatch of business, pro- viding for minor affairs, operating as instructions to officers, or affecting matters not amounting to permanent law, may be introduced by any councilman and adopted at the same meeting. Section 16. AYES AND NOES. Any councilman may demand the ayes and noes on any question, when the roll sl all be called alphabetically. The ayes and noes shall also be called on all questions requiring more than a majority. Section 17. DIVISION. Any councilman may have any question before the Council divided, if it be susceptible of a division, so as to have a separate vote upon two or more points involved. Section 18. WILES SZTSPENDED, HOW. These rules may be temporarily suspended by the unanimous consent of all the members present, or by a two-thirds vote of all the members of the Council. (Passed Oct. 8, 1906). 0107 CIIA,FT Eft XXVI I STREET S Section 1. I & G N STRAP. Whereas, the Street, road, and passage way running along the west side of the International and Great 24orthern Railway Companyfs Tract, from Ninth Street, in a southerly direction to the corporate limits of the City of Georgetown, Texas, has for more than thirty years been in constant use by the general public and by the inhabitants of the said City, using the same as a public street, and whereas, during all of the said period the said City has recognized such use, and has in furtherance thereof from time to time, repaired and improved the same, and whereas, the said street, road and passage way, has long since become a public street by prescription, and whereas, it is deemed advisable that the said City formally assert and declare the said street, road and passage way to be a public street of the said City and assume jurisdiction thereof, and name the same "I. & G. N. STREET", THDREF(TIEs Be it resolved by the City Council, of the City of Georgetown, Texas, that the above describe street, road and passage way, is hereby declared to be a public street of the said City, and that the said City hereby asserts jurisdiction over the same; -and the said street is hereby named "I. & G. N. STREET". (Passed :July 9, 1928). Section 2. "KING IT 13NI,A4FUL TC DIG INTO OR ?:A�M Ali EXCAVATION UPON ANY OF THE PAVED STREETS OF TdIS CITY WITHOUT PROPER PE'RiJTISSICN. It shall hereafter be unlawful far any person or persons to dig up or make any excavation upon any paved street in this City, without first obtaining the written consent of the City hanger of the said City, based upon the written application of such person or persons. That such application, shall set out in detail, the desired excavation to be made, and the location thereof, and shall be accompanied with a cash payment to the City of the sum of 4200.U0 to be retained by the said City in satisfaction of the damage that may thereafter develop by reason of such excavation. That any excavation, - so made, shall within one day thereafter, be refilled, the around thoroughly tamped, the foundation -for the pavement relaid,. thoroughly set and packed; and the topping placed thereon, as nearly like the original street, as practicable, within ten days, by the person making the said excavation, or causing same to be made. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall on conviction be fined in any sum not lAss than twenty- five dollars, and not more than two -hundred dollars. (July 10, 1922) Section 3. PPOVIDIAIG FOR AN FLECTION TO ST.`M"IT THE ;T?ESTION OF ADOPTING TIDE IX43 HBGT?LATING THE MANNER AND 1ETEOD FCR COJISTRTTCTING 01D PAYING FOR STRT'M S"aT+ACILG IN T:iIB CITY. (a) It is hereby ordered that an election be held in said City on the 3rd day of April, 1917, for the purpose of submitting the adoption or rejection of articles 1006 to 1017 inclusive, Chapter II, Title 22, Revised Civil Statutes 1911, and empowering towns, cities and villages, incorporated under the general or special law, by accepting the benefits of such Chapter II. Title 22, to improve any street, avenue, alley, highway or public place or square, or any portion thereof, within their limits, by filling, Grading, raising, paving or repairing the same in a permanent manner, providinG for the assessments for cost of construction and for notice and hearing before assessment; that said election to be held in accordance with election laws, and that all resident, qualified tsx pa- ing voters in said City shall be entitled to vote in said election, and if a majority of the voters voting upon the question of the adoption of such chapter at such election, shall vote to adopt the same, the result of such election shall by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, be entered upon its minutes, and thereupon all terms and provisions of such chapter shall be a,)plicable to and govern the City of Georgetown. (Passed Feb, 12, 1917),. Section 4. APAND0,NENG ALT EY ON 1'%EST SIDE OF LOT NO. 2. BLOCK 1 IN LO':AN ADDITION. Now on t1ois Sth day of i.iarch, 1915, came on to be considered b,r the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, the matter of changing the alley now running on the West Si -de of Lot No. 2, in Block No. 1, to the Logan Addition to the said City of boor get own, in Williamson County, Texas, and closing the alley running on the Ziorth side of said lot and it appearing MW to the Council that such would be advantageous to the City and to the people and property affected by said alley, it is therefore ordered that the Mayor of said City, be, and he is hereby authorized to deed to G. B. Sutton the North fro feet of said Alley running along the best side of Lot No. 2, in said Block No. 1, of said Logan Addition, and also to deed to the said G. B. Sutton, the alley running along the North Side of Lot No. 2, and to deed to Richard Critz, the South 60 feet of, said alley running along the West side of said Lot, and in consideration for such conveyance to the said Sutton and Critz, the said i;utton and Critz, joined by their respective wives, shall convey to the said City of Georgetown a strip of land off of the East Side of said Lot No. 2, in Block No. 1, of the said Logan Addition, said Strip of land to be 25 feed wide of an alley to be used by said City, and the general public as such. (Passed lurch 8, 1910. Section 5. ABANDONING STREET RIG1ITS RUNNING SOUTH FP.O'J Tti�ELFTH STREET BETYr7EEN HESTER. A1ND 'd^.ARD LOTS. A question has been raised as to whether there is a street or alley within the City, that runs South from Twelfth Street, between the lot in Snyder AIditi on, that is now owned and occupied by Professor G. C. Hester, and the lot formerly owned by P. E. Ward, deceased, and that Is now occupied by hi -s surviving wife, and Whereas the City has never claimed that any such street or alley existed at such place, and has never attempted to open, any street or alley at such place; and VvIlLEREAS, there is no necessity of the opening of any street or alley at such place, Therefore, Be It Resolved, by the City Council, that the City of Georgetown, relinquishes, any and all o laims of any character, to any street or alley, running South between the aforesaid properties. Passed Feb. 12, 1945). ; Section 6. ABANDONING ALL 511EBI'S AND ALiJffS IN PLAT OF L,Lir, TO BE USED FOR COriSTRTCTION OF IEOR IETU"N P7131,7C SC iCOL BUILDING. 41EREAS. Southwestern University is the owner of all of the F. J. Perrin Subdivision of Outlot,No. 7, Subdivision B of the City of Georgetown, as the same is shown in Vol 1, page 102: of the plat of records of Williamson County, Texas, and all of said land is being acquired by the Georgetown Independent School District for Public School Purposes; and Nhereas said Subdivision has never been developed and none of the streets and alleys shown on said plat have ever been used or opened as such and there is no necessity that the same be opened; and Whereas, no person has the legal right to demand that any of said streets or alleys be opened, or to object to their being abandoned by the City of Georgetown as public streets and alleys, and Whereas, it is to the plzblic interest that said streets and alleys be abandoned and that all of the right, title and interest of said City therein be sold to the Georgetown Inde- pendent School District; Now Therefore Be It hesolved that all of the streets and alleys in theabove described plot of land be abandoned and closed as public streets and alleys. It is further resolved that all, of the rights, title .and interest of the City of Georgetown in said Streets and Alle,rs be sold to the Georgetown Independent School District for the sum of 45.00 and the Llayor of said City is authorized and directed to convey such interest to the Georgetown Independent School District by a quit claim deed, the same to be attested by the City Secretary. The easement for utility ser -rices will be granted over and through the school property when requested by the City of Georgetown. (Passed ). Section 7, ABANDONING 01A:.L OF L..CUKS OR l I111h STR]K2 LYING TO THE EAST OF ITS INTERSECTION , �1;L QTR 2T. The extension of Locust Street to Ninth Street in an Easterly direction from Laurel Street be and the same is hereby abandoned as a street, and the said abandoned street be sold to Southwestern '.university for a cash consideration of five ("5.00) dollars. The Uayor of said City is hereby directed to execute a deed on behalf of the City conveying such property to Southwestern university. (Passed Sept. 10, 1949). Section Be PI�OVIDIN? FOP T-73, C07:STR''CT11-013 AiiL 11VI1Z'F1iA14CE OF T-11 PCBTION OF STATE H' ;h_'iAY NO.104• zK71—aT,D :0 AS THE STI' -771' Pi.OJECT . (a) Since the public convenience, safety, and necessity of the City and the people of the City require it, said street shall be reconstructed. (b) The State of Texas be and is hereby authorized to enter upon reconstruct 0109 and maintain the street project at the location and in the manner shown on the plans, attached hereto and marked "Exhibit Ate and made a part hereof in all respects. (c) Noting in this ordinance shall be construed to obligate the State of Texas to pay any direct, incidental, or consequential damages to adjoining, abutting or other property in enforce-.-ient of this ordinance or by r9ason of the installation, reconstruction, existence, use and maintenance of the street. project authorized herein. (d) For and in consideration of the nutual covenants herein contained, this City does hereby agree to indemnify the State of Texas against all damages and claims for'damaLes to adjoining, abutting, or other property for which the State of Texas is liable, arising out of, incident to, or in any way connected with the installation, the reconstruction, existence, use and maintenance cf said street project and does hereby agree to indemnify the State of Texas against all .court costs, attorney's fees and all expenses in connection with suits for such damages, and shall, if requested to do so in writin-, assist or relieve the State of Texas - from defending any such suits bro7irht as_r.ainst it. (9) Nothing contained herein shall ever be construed to place upon the State of Texas any manner of liability for in jury to or eea':-h of persons or for damages to, or loss of property arising out of or in any manner connected with the maintenance or use of the street project and the City will save the State of Texas harmless from any damaes arising out of said maintenance and/or use of said street project. (f) The Mayor of the City be and is hereby authorized to execute for and on behalf of the City an agree~lent and contract with the State of 'Texas in accordance with and for the purpose of car n ing out the terms and provisions of this ordinance, in the form attached hereto and marked "exhibit L'". The City -Secretary is hereb-k> directed to attest the a-ree- ment and contract and tc affix the proper seal of the City heretop (Passed April 10, 1951). Section 9. P CIJIpITING THE TdMjING. PLACING OR iFAWING AlY TRAMI Rl7'''I i, LOC F. DINT, STCiE, RT?Ii,DIi�J 1_L, OR U`i'EEJAL OF 4V.Ty jJ11D WFATS015'VER, 44Ii.HIN TiE STR :T S, CR ALiZYS, SEVMS, MAINS, OR DITCHES IN THIS CITY ASM EILOVID dG A PENALTY, (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to throw, place or leave any , trash, rubbish, loose dirt, stone, building material of any kind what- soever, not used in the actual construction and use of a street, in said streets, alleys, sidewalks, drains or gutters of the City of Georgetown. It shall also be unlawful for any person or persons to leave, place, permit to be placed or left by any person in his employ, by his direction, or allow the said employees, with his permission to - leave, place, or permit to be left ter placed any of the above described material in a drain, sewer or ditch, or street or alley, or sidewalk, in this City. (b) All occupants of business houses, their agents and employees, within the fire limits of the said City, shall on each day (Sundays and Legal holidays excepted) between the hours of 500 P.`% and F',130 A.P:i. the following; day sweep off the sidevialk, an(; clean out the gutter immediately in front of the premises, so occupied as aforesaid, and shall keep the same clean as provided in paraf'raph (a) hereof. That each such occupant of a house or place of business within the said fire limits of the said -City shall keep a receptical within said premises of sufficient size to hold said sweepings from the said sidewalk and gutter, and each day, place such sweeping therein, in such manner that -the said sweepings may be conven`_ently gathered th9refrom and hauled off by the City. (c) Where buildings are being, constructed anal repaired in said City, the contractors, builders, or persons in charge thereof, shall have a reasonable time to remove the accumulated material, trash and rubbish, after the completion of the said building, or repairs or after the persons in charge thereof, has ceased work thereon; provided, however, that one week scall be deemed to be a reasonable time within the pro- visions of this section. (d) Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum net less than One nor more than One Hundred Dollars. That each day that such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. (Passed Oct. 11, 192G). 0110 Section 10.� TIM LAVING OF VT. ICLES ON THE STRUT. AT hIGET WITHOUT A LI11TIT BTREING THEREON, ja)It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person owning, controlling, managinj, or in charge of any of the herein defined obstructions, to leave or to permit the score to be left upon any public street of the said City, in the night time, without a liht burning thereon, during all of the time that the same is so left or permitted to a left upon such street, during the n'ght time; when said automobile, truck or other vehicle has not been in actual use for and during; the next pre- ceding 24 hours] and that any person owninE-, controlling, managing,'' or in charge of any of the said dangerous obstructions so leaving or permitting the same to be left upon any public street of the said City in the ni.Cht t=me without a light burninf; thereon shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than 01.00 nor more than 0100.00. (b) Any car, truck, tractor, buggy, wagon, cart, or other vehicle, or any machinery of -&4y chai-atter, that is not in actual motion, upon any part of any public ptreet shall be deemed as obstruction; and that any pile of earth, sand, gravel, rock, brick, cement, wood, timber, iron, lumber, implement, machinery, building or building material, or any ditch or excavation, or upon any part of any public street shall be deemed to be an obstruction within the meaning of this section. (e) Any time between the hours of one hour after the sun set and one hour before sunrise, shall be deemed to be in the night time, within the meaning of this ordinance. (d) That paragraph (b) hereof, defining and punishing the leaving of obstructions in any public street of this City in the night time, shall not apply to any car, truck, tractor, wagon, buggy, cart or other vehicle, in actual use at the time, or that has been in actual use within the pre ceding hours; nor shall it apply to any such vehicle prior to the hour of 11,30 P.24., if such vehicle has been in actual use and operation on that day. (Passed T�&r. 10, 1924 - amended June 9, 1924), Section 11. REGULATING THE RAULING, HVTDLING, OR PLACING OF GRAVEL OR CPUSIIrD ROCK, WITHIN THE SAID CITY. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person, hauling or moving any crushed rock or gravel within this city, to permit any of the said crushed rock or gravel to become sprinkled or scattered on or along any portion of any of the paved streets of the said City, from the wagon or other vehicle in which same was moved, or from any portion of the said vehicle after the same has been so moved. That whenever it shall became necessary to unload or place any crushed rock or gravel on any portion of any paved street of the said c'ty, at or near a place where the sidewalk of the said street is flush with the paved portion of the said street, the same shall be piled in such manner as to interfere as little as possible with the travel on the said street, and the same shall be removed as soon as possible, and that immediately upon removing the same the said portion of the said street shall be cleaned free of all loose or scattered gravel or crushed - rock_. That no crushed rock or gravel stall ever be placed on the paved portion of any street, at any point at or near where there is a border or part space between the paved portion of the said street and the sidewalk of the said street; but e.t such place such crushed rock or gravel may be placed upon such border or park space, for a reasonable length of tine. , Any person, hauling, moving, or who may be in charge, or control of any crushed rock or gravel, moved, hauled,piled or placed, in any of the manners set out in this section, who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinate, shall upon conviction be fined in any sum not less than 0.1.00 or more than 0100.00. (Passed April 14, 1924). Section 12. GRrITING M. K;.&- T. P.AILROAD CO. TIB, RIGHT TO USE i'ART OF SAN GAMIM STREET ATIr EAST STR-M FOR RAII;+AY SPUR. (a) The right, privilege, and franchise is hereby granted to the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Company of Texas, its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain and operate a spur track over and across San Gabriel Street and over, along and across the West one-third of Fast Street as followst Beginning at the present terminus of the said railway company's team track West of its depot in the town of Georgetown, and on the South side of San Gabriel Street; thence over and across East Street, fronting blocks 13 and 14 of Shell's Addition to the town of Georgetown. The track hereby authorized to be constructed, maintained and operated being about 385 feet in Length. 0111 (b) This grant is made to the Liissouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company, its successors and assigns, with the understanding that the said Railway Company and its successors and assigns shall construct and keep in good repair all ditches, drains, culverts and street crossing that may be necessary,to carry off the surplus water which may accumulate by reason of the construction of the said spur tract; and the said track shall be laid in the said streets on such grade lines as are practicable and upon such gades as shall be established by the Town of Georgetown, and furnished by its Engineer or other engineer appointed by the town for that purpose; and the right is reserved to change the grades of said streets if deemed necessary, and in the event of such change said railway company, its successors and assigns shall :make its roadbed conform to such change free of expense to the Town. The track hereby authorized to be constructed, maintained and operated, shall be laid at all times mai,nUined.so as to offer the least practicable obstruction to the passage of vehicles at such places as it may be lawful for vehicles to pass. (Passed Dec. 9, 1907). CRAFT PR XXVI I I T AXAT I ON Section 1. ASM77NIT OF TMIES. (a) ATIOUNT TO Brs ASSESSED. There shall be levied and collected an annual ad valorem tax not exceeding one-fourth of one per cent for general revenue purposes, on all property,, real, personal and mixed, in the City of Georgetown, Texas, and an annual tax not exceeding fifteen cents on the one hundred dollars valuation, for the improvement of roads, bridges and streets of said City, not exempt by law from taxation; and the City Council shall, on or before the first regular meeting in Pviay of each and every year, fix by ordinance the amount of ad valorem tax to be assessed and collected each year. (b) LEVYING AD VAWRR%t TAXES FOR 19,3. For the year 1953 there shall be levied and collected an ad valoren tax of one and 25100 (11,25) dollars, on all property subject to taxation by said City, under the constitution and laws of the State of Texas, as `per the 1st dalr of January, 1953, and at a tax rate of one and 25/100 (41.25) dollars on each one hundred (w100.00) dollars in valuation. When said taxes are collected the same shall be applied and paid out as followsi (1) To the General Fund for the support and maintenance of the government of the said city 90 cents, of each one and 25/100 dollars collected. (2) To the Bond Fund, of that series of the said City ]mown as Paving Bonds, 7 cents, of each one & 25100 dollars, collected. (3) To the Bond Fund, of that series of bonds of the: said City, known as Street Bonds, 20 cents, of each one and 25/100 dollars, collected. (4) To the Bond Fund, of that series of bonds of the said City known as Airport Bonds, 8 cents of each one & 25%100 dollars, collected. (Passed Feb. 9, 1953)9 (c) WHEN LISTBD. All property shall be listed for taxation between January lst and May 1st of each year, when required, by the Assessor with reference to the quantity held, owned or controlled on the first day of January in the year for which the property is required to be listed or rendered. All property purchased or acquired on the first day of January, shall be listed by or for the person so asquiring it, provided if any property is listed or assessed on or after May 1st, the same shall be as legal and binding as if assessed before that date. (d) HOLM AND BY WHOM RMIDMED. All property shall be listed or rendered in the manner following; every person of full age and sound mind, being a resident of this City; shall list all his real estate, monies, credits, bonds, or stock or joint stock or other companies, moneys loaned or invested, annuities, franchises, royalties and all other property, He or she shall also list all lands or other real estate, all monies and other property invested, loaned or otherwise controlled by him or her, as agent or attorney or on account of any person, company, or corporation, whatever. And all monies deposited subject to his or her order,check or drafts, and credits due from or owing by any person, body, corporate or politic. (e) OF MINOR. The property of a minor shall be listed by his guardian, or by the person having such property in charge. (f) OF WIFE. The property of a wife by her husband, if in sound mind, if not, by herself (g) OF IDIOT OR LL'ITATIC. The property of an idiot or lunatic, by the person having charge of such property. (h) OF IN TRUST. The property of a person for whose benefit it .is helf in trust, by the trustee of the estate. (i) OF nECRASM F PSON. Of a deceased person by the executor or administrator. (j) OF IN R.ECEIVERS_HIP. The property of corporations whose assets are in the hands of receivers, by such receivers. 0113 (k) OF CORPOP,ATION. The property of a body .politic or corporate, by the president or proper agent or officer thereof. (1) OF FIRM. The property of a firm or company, by a partner or agent thereof. (m) OF IN HAI,2'S OF AGM. The property of manufacturers and others in the hands of an agent, by such agent, in the name of his principal, as real, personal and merchandise. (o) RAILP0Ar, TELEGRAPH, A'II? TMEMODY, C0VPAIIIPS. It shall be the duty of every Railroad, Telegraph, or Telephone Company, having a line running through or into tLis City, or'owning or possessing real estate here, to deliver a sworn statement on or before the list day of spay of each year to the Assessor of said City, a classified list of all real estate owned by or in possession of said company in said City, specifying (first) the whole amount of lot or lots, exclusive of their right of way and depot grounds, owned, possessed and appropriated for their use, with the fair market value of the same; (second) the length of their line in said City, and the value thereof, which valuation shall include ridit of way, roadbed, superstructure, depots and gounds upon which said depots are situated, and all shops and fixtures of every kind used in operating said road; all.. personal property of whatever kind or character, except rolling stock belonging to the company, or in their pnesession, describing and listing st..id property as is now required of the citizens of this City. (p) PRIVATE COR PO4ATICIZ. All property of private corporations, except where some other provision is made by law, shall be assessed in the na-ie of the corporation, and in collecting taxes on same, all personal property of such corporation shall be liable to be seized, whenever the same may be found in the County, and sold in tine same manner as the property of individuals may be sold for taxes. (q) LIST OF COR POPATIG;I S71MPNT TO.. All the statements and lists nade by corporations that are required to be sworn to, shall be verified by the affidavit of and signature of the secretary of the said corporation, and if they have no secretary, the officer who discharges the duties of the secretary of said corporation. (r) RE'1MITION BY BANKS. Every bank, whether of issue or deposit, hanker, Dealer in exchange, or Stock -jobber, shall, at the time fixed by this chapter for listing personal property, make out and furnish the Assessor a sworn statement showings (1) FULL LIST 01' SEkR71rX 7RS. If a National '3ank, the president or some other officer of such bank shall furnish the City Assessor a list of the names of all shareholders of the stock, together with the number and amount of shares of each shareholder of stock in such bank, and they shareholders of the stock in National banlys in said City shall render to tt_e Tax Assessor the number of their shares, and the full and true value thereof. All shares of stocks in National Banks not rendered to the Assessor of taxes within the time prescribed by law fcr listing property for tt.xes sell be assessed by the Assessor against the owner or owners thereof as per statement furnished by the President or other officers of said 'can's. (2) FROP.MTY OF NATIONAL DWIKS. national ranks shall render all other bonds and stock of every kind (except United States Bonds) and all shares of capital stock or point stock, or stack of the companies, or corporations, held as, investMent or in any way representing; assets, together with all other personal property belonging, or pertaining to said Dank, except suarh personal property as is specially exempt from taxation by law. (3) MC11 '.TY OF 1'pTI:11'AL wn°'KS, national Funks shall be required to render all their real estate as other real estate is rendered and all the personal property of said National Fanks herein taxes shall be valued as ether personal property is valued. (4) OTEM, PANKS. All other banks, bani:ers, brokers or dealers in exchange or stock jobbers shall render their lists in tie r;�rner following; L -count of money on hand or in transit, or in the hands of other ban' -s or bankers, brokers or other, .subject to draft, svl-ether the same be in or out of the Cit; (9xcept United States Treasury Dotes.) The Amount of pills receivable, discounted or purchased, and other credits due, or to become due, including accounts receivable, interest accrued but not due, and interest due and unpaid. Froin the a� —reg ate amount of the items" named in the preceding two sentences, of the last o .subdivisions shall be deducted the amount of money on deposit. 0114 The amount of bonds or stocks of every kind (except United States Bonds) and all shares of capital stocks or joint stocks of other companies or corporations, held as an investment or in any way representing assets. All other property belonging to or a-pertaininG tc said bank or business, including both personal property and real estate, stall be listed as other personal property and real estate. (m) i'C?W LIST^D FOR OTIT.F1•; FAETIES. Persons required to list property in !-,ehalf of others shall list it in the manner in which they are required to list their own, but they shall list it separately from their own, spec- ifying in each case the nartie of the re rson, estate or company or corporation to whom it belongs. (n) A3Ur5U b AT FAIR +:t,kl ET VAL?"E. The assessor shall on �,A e first day of January of each and every year proceed to assess all property within the City sub joct to taxation aE,ainst the person or persons owning; or controlling the same on the first day of January of each year, at its fair market value in money. (o) PARTIES EXAYINED UNDER OATH. The Assessor is authorized to demand of every ;>erson owning or having control of any taxable property, as agent, guardian, curator, trustee or otrerwise, a list of such property with such descriptions as will enable him to list and assess the same, and shall have power and is required to examine ti:e party under oath touching the same. (p) PENALTIES. Any person or persons refusing to list his, her or their property as aforesaid, or to testify under oath concerning property as aforesaid, or to testify under oat:: concernini property belonging to him, her or thorn, or under his her or their charge, or to deliver a correct description of their property to the Assessor when called upon by him, or willfully omit such property from the list furnished by him,her, or them, shall be deemed guilty of a misderteanor and on conviction shall be fined not less than five and not more tl:an one hundred dollars. (q) OA:" IT RE471=. The assessor of taxes shall require each person rendering a list of taxable property to him for taxation under the assess- ment laws to subscribe to the following oath or affirmation, which shall be written or printed at tle bottom of each inventory, to -wit; "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that the above inventory ran dered'T 'ms contains a true, full and complete list of all taxable property owned or held by me in my own name (or for others as the case may be naming the parties for wl-om the list is made) in this City subject to taxation by the laws of this City and State on the first day of January (Fill in date.) and I have true answers made to all questions pro- pounded to me torching the. same, so help me God". (Passed March 14, 1892). Section 2. COLLECTION OF TAIES. (a) REAL PROP'MTY. For the purpose of taxation real property shall in - elude all lands within the corporate limits of t;.is City and all buildings and fixtures thereon and apurtenances thereto except such as are exempt by law. (b) LIEN 'UMN LAND. = All land or lots th&t. have been returned delinquent or reported sold to the City of Georgetown, Texas, for taxes thereon since July Iist, 1E90, or which hereinafter may be returned delinquent or reported sold to said City shall be subjected to the provisions of this ordinance and such taxes shall remain a lien upon the said land although the owner be unknown and althougja it be listed in the name of a person not the actual owner and though the ownership be changed,- the land inay be sold under the judgment of the court for taxes, interest and costs due for any preceding year. (c) D^LII1�?M,,TT LIST. It shall be the duty of the City Assessor of the City of Georgetown, Texas, immediately upon the taking effect of this ordinance, to prepare a list of all lards, blocks,,lots or parts of lots, sold to the City for taxes since the first dal., of July, 1x90, and which have not been redeemed and to record said lands in books to be called Delinquent Tax Records of the City of Georgetown, Texas, and shall show rrhen the lands or lots were sold to the City, also the name of the owner at the time of such sale or 0115 delinquency, with the amount and description of such land, the amount of taxes and costs due on said land when first sold to the City, and the amount of taxes for each year since with costs and interest due as shown by the repords of his office. Said books shall be carefully indexed alphabetically, and when completed shall be prima facia evidence that all the requirements of law have been complied with by the officer charged with the duty thereunder as to the regularity of listings, assessing and reporting same as delinquent or sold to the City. This delinquent tax record for each year shall be preserved by the said City T&x Assessor in his office and shall be open for inspection at any time for the public who may desire to do so. (d) PTTPLICATION OF DELINQT-TENT LIST. Upon completion of said Delinquents Tax Records, as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, it shall be the duty of the City Assessor..of said City to make out a complete duplicate copy of said entries in said book, to certify thereto and to deliver the same to the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas. And said council shall cause the same to be published for three successive weeks in some newspaper published in the City of reorgetown,.Texas, to be designated by said City Council by contract duly entered into, and a publishers fee of 25 cents shall be taxed against each tract or parcel of land so advertised and the publisher shall receive such compensation as is provided by contract for his said services. (e) SUIT INSTIT'1TED. Twenty Ydays after said publication or as soon thereafter as practicable the City Council or Mayor of the Cit-, of Georgetown, Texas, shall file a list of all the lands so advertised for taxes due for any year or number of years, -the tax on which rer.ains unpaid, with the Attorney for the City of Georgetowr4, Texas,` and said officer stall file suit thereon in the District Court of Williamson County in the name of the City of George- town, Texas, for the amount of taxes, interests and costs remaining unpaid, which petition shall be under the rules of pleading governing the fore- closure of other liens in said court. Said petition shall be signed by the attorney and shall be verified by his affidavit that the. averments contained in said petition are true to the best of his knowledge and belief, and the pleadings of the defendant, except those of law, shall be mrerified by like affidavit of the defendant, his a[;ent or attorney. (f) PRGCED'RE. The proper persons shall be made parties defendant in such suit and shall be s -rued with process and other proceedings had therein as provided by law in suits of like character in the District Courts of this state, and in case of foreclosure an order of sale shall issue and the lands sold thereunder as in other oases of foreclosure, but if the defendant or his attorney shall at any time before the sale file with the sheriff or other officer in whose hands any such order of sale shall be placed, a written request that the property described therein be divided and sold in less tracts than the whole, together with the description of such subdivisions, then such officer shall sell the land in such subdivisions, then such officer shall sell the land in such subdivisions as the defendant may request, and in such case shall only sell as many subdivisions as near as may be, to satisfy the judpnent, interests and costs; and after the payment of the taxe3, costs and interest adjudged against it, the remainder of the purchase price, if any, shall be paid by the sheriff to the Treasurer of the City, to be retained by him subject tc the order of the City Council, provided, anyone claiming; the same shall make proof of claim to the satisfaction of the City Treasurer within Ten years from the date of sale, the City Council, shall by order placed on the minutes of their proceedings, order the City Treasurer to pay over said remainder, if any, to said claimant, and if no claimant appears within the foregoing specified time, the City Treasurer shall place said remainder to the credit of the City School Fund. (g) TAX DEED. ` In all cases in which lands have been sold or May be sold for default in the payment of taxes it shall be unlawful for the sheriff selling the same, or any of his successors in office, to make a deed or deeds to the purchaser or to any other person to whom the purchaser may direct the deed to be made, and any such deed shall be held in any court of law or equity in the State to vest A good and perfect title in the purchaser thereof, subject to be impeached only for actual fraud. (h) F -MS. The Attorney for the City shall represent the City in all o116 suits a-'ainst delinquent tax payers tnat are provided for in this -ordinance. In litigated cases additional counsel way be retained by tl�e City Council if they deem it necessary to do so, whose compensation shall be such reasonable fee as nay be agreed upon at the time of employ- ment, but in no case shall the compensation for said City Attorney be greater than Five Dollars for the first tract in one suit, and one dollar ' for each additional tract if rv)re than one tract is embraced in the same suit to recover -taxes, interests and costs; provided, that in no case shall the City of Georgetown be liable for such fees, but in each case they s:Lall be taxed as costs abainst the land to be sold under judgment for taxes and paid out of the proceeds of the sale of the same after the taxes and interest - due thereon to the City are paid. The sheriff shall be entitled to a fee of Two dollars for selling and making deed thereto, for each tract or lot of lane, that he sells under judgment for taxes, which fee shall be taxed as costs in tie suit, and the District Clerk shall be entitled to a fee of Three dollars in each case, to be taxed as costs of suit, and the collector for preparing the delinquent list, shall be entitled to one dollar for each correct assessment to be taxed as costs. (i) LI, -31 l At)E GP A14NUALLY. The Tax Collector of the City of Georgetown, Texas, shall make up a list of land and lots on the 31st day of March of each year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, on which the City taxes for the preceding year remain unpaid, and shall in all things conform therewith to the requirement of other delinquent taxes provided for in this section, and said list in all things shall be disposed of as hereto- fore set out in this ordinance. Pro,rided that the City Council shall have the power in eases where lands delinquent for taxes for any year or years which have been subsequently subdivided and sold by the holder of such tracts of land at the time of delinquency, to prorate the amount of del- inquency or back taxes amoung the holders of the subdivisions, and on payment of such pro -rata by the holder of any subdivision, he shall be released from any liability for the remainder of the delinquent tax due on the whole tract. (J) PAY?;' INT OF DF.LiNid.LTIIJT TAXES. Any delinquent taxpayer whose lands have been returned delinquent or reported sold to the City for taxes due thereon, or anyone having an interest therein, may redeerL the same at any time before ,his lands are sold under the provisions of this ordinance, by paying the taxes due thereon since July lst, 1890, with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum and accrued costs of suit. (k) RisDPKj,?TION. '4here lands are sold under the provisions of this section, the owner, or anyone having an interest therein, shall have the right to redeem said land, or his interest therein, within two years from the date of said sale upon the payment of double the amount paid for the land. (Passed Dec. 15, 1895)- M P&TALTY. If any person or persons shall fail or refuse to pay the taxes imposed upon him or his property by law until the 31st day of January next succeeding the year for which taxes are due, a penalty of ten per cent upon the entire amount of such taxes shall accrue, which penalty shall be collected by the City Assessor and Collector in the same manner as is provided for the collection of other taxes due the City of Georgetown. (Passed Dec. 15, 1903)- (m) NOTICE VTD DEMAND. The Assessor and Collector of taxes of the City of Georgetown shall begin the collection of taxes annually as soon as the assessment roll required by the ordinances of this City is cowpleted, and shall during the first week in October of each year, or as soon there- after as practicable, cause a notice to be published once in some news- paper published in the City of Georgetown notifying all persons that the taxes due said City are due; and for the purpose of collecting such taxes such collector shall call once upon every .person taxed, or on the agent or attorney of such person, at the usual place of his or her residence, office, place of business, or elsewhere, and demand the payment of the tax charged upon his or her property, if the person is to be found and if not, then a written demand, specifying the amount of taxes due, left at the residence with soma adult member of the family, sl all be a sufficient demand; provided, that if any person this owing taxes has no residence, office, or other place of business, and no az;ent,in the -City or kmown to the assessor and collector, then the said demand shall not be necessary, and the published notice above provided shall be sufi'icient. (Passed Oct. 8, 1900) 0117 Section 3. OCCUPATION TAX. (a) LEVIED. There shall be levied on and collected from every person, firm, company, or association of persons, pursuing any of the occupations named in the following subdivisions of this section within the City of Georgetown, Texas, an annual occupation tax, which shall be paid annually, in advance, except when herein otherwide provided; on every such occupant or separate establishment as followss w (1) MCHAWS. From every merchant', whose annual purchases amount to less than $2000, $1.50; from every merchant whose annual purchases amount to $2000 or less than $ 5000, $3.00; from every merchant whose annual purchases amount to $5000 or less than $10,000, $ 6.00= from every merchant whose annual purchases amount to $10,000 or less than $15,000, $10.00; from every merchant whose annual purchases amount to $15,000 or less than 425,000, 412.50; from every merchant whose annual purchases amount to $25,000 or less than $50,000, $30.00; from every merchant whose annual purchases amount to $50,000 or less than JJ 50,000, $ 62.50; from every merchant whose annual purchases amount to $150,000 or less than $250,000, $75.00; from every merchant whose annual purchases amount to $250,000 or less than $500,000, $100.00; from every merchant whose annual purchases amount to y500.00 or less than $750.00, 4125.00; from every merchant whose annual purchases amount to $750.00, or more, $150.00. Every person, firm, corporation or association of persons desiring to sell goods, wares, or merchandise within this City, shall, before pursuing such occupation, pay the tax for one year and take out a license to pursue the occupation of the merchant of the class to which he properly belongs, according to his annual purchases, as provided by law, and shall file with the tax collector an affidavit of the amount of his annual purchases for the past year, if previously enga-ed in such business or a part of a year if engaged in such business less than a year, and also of the estimated amount of his annual purchases for the ensuing year.' Said affidavit shall be filed and preserved by the tax collector as a part of the records of his office, and shall be in substance as follows, to -wit; "The undersigned, as the representative of doing business in the City of Georgetown, Texas, do solemnly ewethatar� the estimate of the annual purchases of the said concern of goods, wares and merchandise for the next ensuing year does not exceed dollars. I further swear that the annual purchases for the said concern for the past months did not exceed the sum of dollars." Said affidavit shall be signed and sworn o before the tax co lector of this City, or so-ne officer authorized to administer oaths. (4) FORTiTA,E TELLERS. From every fortune teller, 45.00. (5) DISCOT^.-TING, SHAVII G PAFr.R, MONEY BROKERS. Prom every person, firm or association of persons engaged in discounting or shaving paper, or engaged in business as money brokers or bankers, or dealers in stocks, securities or bills of exchange, or in buying or selling bonds, State, County or City warrant;, or other claims against the State an annual tax of '$25.00. (7) AUCTIONEM. From every auctioneer an annual tax of W".5.00. (8) SHIP AGENTS. From every person, firm or association of persons - followin6 the occupation ship -brokers or ship agents, an annual tax of X5.00. (9) SELLING ON M106Q`1011, From every person, firm or association of persons selling; on coimlission.r 45-00- (10) LAND AGE s. From every land agent there shall be collected an annual tax of $2.50. The term "land agent" shall be construed to mean any person, firm or association of persons performinb for compensation any of the following services; purchasing or selling real estate for others, purchasing or selling land certificates -for others. Put this term "land agent" shall not be construed so. as to levy a tax upon an attorney in addition to the one hereinafter named. (11) LA YE S. From every person practicing law, and from every con- veyancer or other person drawing deeds or other legal instruments for pay. V2-50- (12) 2:50.(12) DENTISTS. From every dentist t2-50- (13) SHCOTI,:G GALLERY. Fron every person or firm keeping a shooting gallery at which a fee is paid or demanded, and annual tax of �11-J.00, (14) KiliM, CANE XM DOLL RACKS.Fron every person or firm keeping a knife, cane or doll rack, or any other device upon which rings are pitched, or at which balls are thrown, an winual tax of x:1,2.50, (15) 13ILLIART3 AND POOL TA?LES. From every billiard or pool table or anything of the kind used for profit, x10.00; and any such table used in connection with any drinking saloon or any other place of business where intoxicating liquors, cigars or other things of value are sold or given array, or upon which any money or other thing of value is paid, shall .be regarded as used for profit. (16) POOL SELIrRS. From any person or persons who shall sell pools or horse races or other contests, 12.,0 for each and every day they may so sell said pools. (17) N11Z Aim TE TPIN ALLEYS. From every nine or tenpin alley, used for profit, by whatever name called, constructed, or operated upon the principal of a bowling alley, and upon which balls, rings or other devices are used as substitutes thereof, are rolled without regard to the number of pins used, or whether with balls, rings or other devices are rolled by hand or with a cue or any other device, x:50.00; and any such alley used in connection with any drinking saloon, or any drug store, or with any drug store where intoxicating liquors are sold or given away, or upon which any money or anything; of value is paid, shall be regarded as used for profit. (18) HOBDY E01hSE. From all persons Imeping or using for profit any hobby horse, flying fenny or any other device of that character, with or without nF,.me, V.5o• (19) THEATRICAL PERXR17A CE OP".jA iIOTJSE. From every theater or dramatic represe--tation for which pay for admission is demanded or received w1.00 per day for every day they may perform; provided that theatrical or dramatic representations given by performances for instruction only, or entirely for charitable purposes shall not be herein included. Provided, however, that this tax shall not be collected where the perform- ances are exhibited in regularly recognized opera houses or theatres, but in lieu of said tax, the managers of said opera house or theatres,shall pay an annual tax of ;x12-50- (20) CIRCUS. 1'rcm every circus wherein equestrian or acrobatic feats and performances are exhibited for which pay for admission is demanded or received, for each performance cr exhibition where an admission fee of '1.00 is charged, ;,•125.00; for each performance or exhibition where an admission fee of 75 cents is charged, x90.00; for each performance where an admission fee of 60 cents or less is charged, X50.00; provided, that the ar.iount of fee charged for reserved seats shall be considered as a part of such admission fee; provided thatwhere there is a combination of circus and n:6na-erie, or circus and other exhibitions, the hi -hest tax fixed by this ordinance for any division or departm©tit of the combination shall be collected; provided further that every show or exhibition which advertises itself as a circus or menagerie, or a combination of circus and menagerie, shall be held and construed to be a circus or menagerie whether it be such or not. (21) SIDES -71043, ETC. From every menagerie, wax -works, side-show, or exhibition, whether connected with a circus nr not, where a separate 0119 fee for admi s si on is demanded or received, V"5-00 for every performance or exhibition for which fees are received for admission. (22) F?CiIBITION ItViBnE ACROBATIC FEATS ARE "ERFOR12D. Frcm every " exhibition where acrobatic feats are performed and an admission fee charged for profit not connected with the circus or theatre, 45.00 for each performance. (23) SLLTdT OF HANID. From every slight of hand performance or exhibition of legerdemain, not connected with a theatre or circus, 112.50. (24) FIM:iT$ BETIWEEN DO TS, BTILLS, ETC. From every person bringing off a fight between dogs and bulls, or between bears and dogs, or between bulls and any other animals, or between do-s and dogs, X25,00 for each perf or" Lance. (25) COCK PIT. From every cock-pit, when kept for profit, and upon which any money or anything of value is bet or paid, 425.00. •(26) " .AGERIE, ETC. From every menagerie, wax work or exhibition of any kind where a separate fee for admission is demanded or received, 45.00, for every clay on which fees for such admission is demanded or received; provided that exhibitions by associations organized for the promotion of art, science, charity or benevolence shall be exempt from taxation; and provided further, that persons who form a museum composed entirely of the products of Texas, shall have the rights to exhibit the same for a fee without paying any occupation tax. (27) CONCERTS. From every concert where a fee for admission is demanded or received 11.00; provided that entertainments when given by the citizens for charitable purposes, or for the support or aid of literary or cemetery associations are exempt. (28) LIVERY AND FEES STAFIES. From every livery or feed stable 15 cents for each stall, and 15 cents for each hack, buggy or other vehicle and from every hack, buggy, dray wagon or other vehicle let for hire not connected. with a livery, feed or sale stable, 41.00; from every wagon yard used for profit $25.0. (25) INS:'RAXE A33ENTS. From each and every person or firm acting as local agents of life, fire, marine and accident insurance companies who may transact any business as such in this city, an annual occupation tax of "2.50, By local agent as herein used is meant any person or firm who may solicit, contract for or receive premiums for insurance for any insurance company or companies, or who may deliver contracts or policies of insurance; including railway agents or employees, who may solicit or receive premiums for accident insurance. (30) LIMITNING RCD DEALERS. From every person, firm or association of persons dealing in lightning rods, an annual occupation tax of 418.00; and upon every person canvassing for the sale of lightning rods, an annual tax of 550.00. (31) COTTON BROKEP. Fron every person, firm or association of persons following the occupation of cotton broker; cotton factor or commission merchant an annual tax of $9.00; provided that a merchant that pays an occupation tax under this section shall not be considered a cotton broker. A cor�.mission merchant in the meaning of this article is every person, firm, or association of persons receiving country produce, horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, grain, corn, hay, 'lumber, siiinoles, wood, coal, goods, wares and merchandise or anything else for sale, to be accounted for to the owner when sold, and charging a commission) therefor. (32) UdIT3ROMRS. From every pawnbroker an annual tax of $75-00- (33) SE`wrIr1G %ACHINE AGENTS. From every person, firm, agency, or associa of persons dealing in sewing machines an annual tax of X7,00; provided that a merchant who pays an occupation tax as required by this section shall not be required to pay this special tax to sell sewing machines when sold in his place of business. (34) SKATING RINK. From each and every owner or keeper of any skating rink used for profit, 0;12.50. il (35) ST'aa IA`JIMRY. - From each and every owner or keeper of any steam laundry, $5,,00- (36) 5.00.(36) WHOLESALE ICF DMLMS. From each person or corporation who are wholesale dealers, selling imported or :home mp.de ice to the trade to be sold again, MOO, (37) P1101TOcRAPH, ETC, From each owner or manager of every phonographic, electrical battery, graphaphone or other like machines or instruments where a fee is charged, an annual tax of (12.50; provided that where an electrical battery is used by a regular authorized physician on a patient no tax shall be charged. (38) LOVI1~;G PICTTMES. From each owner or keeper of kinetoscope, cinetograph, or similar machine or instrument used for profit, which shows lifelike motions of persons or animals, an annual tax of '12.50, 0120 (39) VIEW SHOW, From each owner, manager, or Im eper of every pan- orama or view show used for profit, exhibiting in a wagon, room, tent, or elsewhere, an annual occupation tax of 12.00. A panorama or view show in the meaning of this section is a show exhibiting pictures, statuary or other works of art which are viewed through sterescopic or magnifying glasses. (40) WHOLESALE COTTON SLED OIL. From every person, firm or association of persons, who are wholesale dealers in cotton seed oil or any of the products of cottonseed, selling such to the trade, a tax of 412.501 provided that this tax shall not apply to a merchant who sells other goods and merchandise and pays an annual occupation tax therefor. (41) SHOW '4M. E T,TMICIhES ARE SOLD. From each owner, manager or keeper of every show or company of persons giving exhibitions of music, song, recitations, slight -of -hand, gymnastic, dancing or other kinds of performances in a tent, house, or elsewhere, which said exhibitions are used for profit by the sale of medicine, electric belts or other acticles of value, whether charge is made only for seats or not, an occupation tax of 4-2.50 for every such performance or exhibition. Provided that this tax shall not be assessed when these performances are given inside the grounds of any county fair during the time said fair is giving its annual exhibition. (42) SELLING ON CO'LISSION. From every person, persons or association of persons selling on commission an annual occupation tax of $12.50; this article is intended to cover every person, firm or association of persons selling on samples only, and who do not -parry any stock of merchandise or anything else on hand; provided that this tax shall not apply to ec mercial travelers or salesmen making sales to or soliciting trade from merchants . (43) CIGA1'E`fTE3.. From all dealers in cigarettes the sum of C"5.00 per annum, a cigarettebeing within the meaning of this act the same as defined by the laws of the United States Government; provided that this tax shall be in addition to the occupation tax levied on merchants, and any other tax levied under the laws; arra provided further that each dealer shall be required to procure an annual license from the City Assessor and Collector of this City, which shall be granted for no shorter or longer period than one year, and provided further that the license shall describe the house and locality where the dealer proposes to sell the cigarettes. (b) PENALTY FOR FAILTME TO PAY.' Any person who shall pursue or follow any act taxed by the ordinances of the City of Georgetown, in the City of Georgetown, without first obtaining a license therefor, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than the amount of the taxes due and not more than double the s um . (c) DON'T AFFECT CIVIL RELEDY. The preceding paragraph shall not be construed so as to affect any civil remedy to enforce the collection of taxes. (d) PROSECUTION DIS1,11ISSED ON PArIMiVT That any person prosecuted under this section, shall have the right at•any time before conviction to have such prosecution dismissed upon the payment of` the tax and all costs of the prosecution, and the procuring of license to pursue or follow the occupation for the pursuing; of which, without license, the prosecution was instituted; and no prosecution shall be commenced against any person after the procuring of said license, notwithstanding they have followed such occupation, calling or profession before procuring said license; provided; said license shall cover the time said person has actually followed said occupation, calling or profession. (Passed Cot. 8,1906). 0121 CHAPTER XXIX UTILITIES Section 1. YAMNG IT UNLAWFUL TO YAIITTAIN OR OPERATE A PUBLIC '1,TILITY PLAIT WITHO"3' A FRXICEICSE OR P�IST GRAUTED BY THE CITY. , (a) It shall be unlawful fcr any firm, corporation or person to conduct and to operate any public utility plant, such as telephone, street railways, gas, waterworks, electric light or any other public utility plant without a franchise from the City of Georgetown, duly passed by the City Council of the City of Georgetown. (b) It shall be unlawful far °any person, firm; or corporation to charge or co22ect any toll or fee for any services furnished or supplied by any such utility plant. (c) Any person, firm or corporation or any agent or employee for them, violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a, , misdemeanor and shall be sup ject to a fine or penalty of not less than five and not more than two hundred dollars for such offense. (d) Provided, that this section shall not be construed as to apply to long distance telegraph or telephone service, and provided, that each day such unlawful plant is maintained, operated or conducted shall be a separate offense. Section 2. FIXI.dG RATES THAT SMALL BE CHARGED FOR CITY ITTILITY SERVICE SOLD AND RMIMERED TO PATFC NS OF TE -E VaTER, LIGHT AND SE6 M DEPARVXNTS. (a) From and after the list day of September A. D. 1946, there shall be . charged and collected for utility services sold and performed by said City through its 'Water, Light and Sewer Systems, and for services rendered in connection therewith, or as incident thereto, the following rates and chargess ELECTRIC LIGHT AllD PUNER RATES ELECTRIC LIMT RATE-- Domestic Use, Monthly bills First 15 kwh. 41,00 net, minimum. Next 35 kwh, 5¢ gross or 4,5� net. Next 40 kwh. 3.8¢ gross or 3.V net. Balance of bill 2f net. COYE.IERCIAL RATE, Litt and Power-- kinimum Charge, 41.00 for 15 kwh. Next 35 kw. at 6� per kw. Next 150 kw. at 5,5X per kw. Next 100 kw. at 4.4� per We Balance of bill 2.2j per kw. 10 per cent discount if paid by the 10th. INDUSTRIAL PO4BR RATE-- First 2,000 kwh at 3¢ per kwh. Next 5,000 kwh. at 2¢ per kwh. Excess kwh. at 1.5� per kwh. Minimum bill X60.00. SINGLE PE"E--Three phase and industrial power rates are subject to a 10 per cent discount it paid by the 10th of the month. SEASONAL LOAD ALL ELECTRIC GIIIS -- First 6,000 kwh at 5¢ per kwh. Next 20,000 kWh. at 4� per kwh. Next 20,000 kwh, at 3X per kwh. Excess kwh. at 2g per kwh. SCHOOLS AND CHTIRCUES -- Schedule F, Free Schools and Churches, 3/ per kwh. Minimum 1.1.20. Subject to 10 rer cent discount if paid by the 10th of the month.. MATER RATES DOMESTIC RATES, domestic use -- First 3,000 gallons, minimum 1:1.25; next 10,000 gallons, 2 ,/ per 1,000, next 10,000 gallons, 24 ?er thousand,' balance of bill 151 per 1000 ,allons. ' If paid on or before the 10th of the month a 10. discount will be allowed. CC',2:BRCIAL USE - Same as above except minimun charge 75¢. 0122 ST11 M RAT ME DOESTIC FATES -- For residences, with one sink, one lavatory, one bath, and one c omrlode, or less, x.1.00 per month. East additional fixture, 25¢ per month extra. If paid on or before the 10th of the month a 10f discount will be allowed. COIMRCIAL PATES -- Place of business with one lavatory and one commode,. 11.00 per month.. For additional :'fixture in such place of business an additional charge as followss Each commode 54, each urinal 25�, each sink 25¢, each double sink (Cafe) 41.00, each wash basin 25�, each bath tub 25¢x, each shower bath 2V, each wash rack 41.00, each extractor t'1.00, and each drinking fountain 25je. If paid on or before the 10th of the month a 10;; discount will be allowed. TAPPING AND CCNNECT ING C_TARGES FOR SE'UM SMiM TAPS -- For each 4 inch tap or connection 45.00, for each 6 inch tap or connection $;7.50. TAPPI:TG OR CONNECTING CHARGES FOR VWER WATER TAPS For each 3/4 inch tap or connection, X7.50; for each 1 inch tap or connection, $;10.00; for each 2 inch tap or connection, X20.00. 8MIE'R AND MATER TAPS -- In both sewer and water taps or connections, the City will lay, counting from center line of street, toward property line, for a distance of 70 feet, free of charge, but never beyond the property line. If the distance, beginning as from the center of the street, be greater than 70 feet, an additional charge shall be made, equivalent to the actual cost, the additional labor and material necessary to make such additional construction. (b) Bills, due for tapping mains, making connections and extensions, shall be due and payable before such services have been rendered, and no discounts shall be allowed thereon. (c) The rates herein fixed shall be and a,)ply to the usual and ordinary dwelling, and the usual and ordinary places of business, and to those alone; and that in all instances where the conditions are unusual or out of the ordinary; .the charges for utility services sold, furnished or rendered, shall be fixed and determined under a separate specific arrangement made by and between the customer and the City Manager of the said City. (Passed the 12th day of August, 1946) . (d) ?deters shall be read a. sufficient length of time before the last day of the month to enable the bookkeeping department to make out bills and get the same in the mails on the let day of the month, (e) All customers paying bills in full i�all be entitled to the regular discount if the bill is paid on or before the tenth. .Checks received on the . 11th postmarked on the 10th shall be entitled to the discount. (f) As soon as possible after the tenth of each month balances shall be made and a second notice mailed to delinquents. ,If such delinquent bill has not been paid by the date of billing for the succeeding month, then said balance shall be placed on the bill showing plainly that it is delinquent. If said bill isnot paid on or before the 10th of the second month, such customer's service shall be discontinued. (g) When any service has been discontinued for non-payment of bills before such customer can be reinstated he shall pay up the last due bill in full together with a fee of 4*1.00 for connection charges. (Passed Jan. 13, 1941). Section 2, DETERKINING RATES TO BE CHARGED FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE , IN THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN AND GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO LONE STAR GAS COAU'ANY TO FURNISH NATURAL GAS SERVICE WITHIN T-hE CITY LIMITS OF GEOR rETO'iiN. 0123 (a) FRANCHISE CEDI1XNCE FOR LONE STAR GAS COLIPAIrfs AN ORDINANCE GR VE ING TO LONE STAR GAS C OMPA"I`i, A CORPC)F AT ION ITS SU'CCESSCRa AND A,361'NS, A F1WNCIIISE TO FrTAISH A,,0 SUPPLY GA5 TO THE GENERAL PTILLIC IN THE CITY OF GEORGET01ilf, WILLIA111SON CTaTY, TEXAS, Ai'D THE EITLrIROI'S THF '2OF% PROVIDING FSR THE PAYI;F��T OF FEE OR CHARGE FOR THE USE OF THE ALLEYS, Ai4'D PUBLIC VIA"S, ASD P1ROVID111G THAT IT S:'ALL BE IN LIEU OF OTT ER IT,73 AND CHARGES, 'EXORPT ING AD VALORTrM TAXES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COTTNCIL OF THE CITY OF CEORGM, 07 IS Section 1. That the City of Georgetown, Texas, herinafter called "City", hereby grants to Lone Star Gas Company, :Hereinafter called "Company", its successors and assigns, consent to use and occupy the present and future streets, alleys, highways, p:zblic places, public thoroughfares and grounds of City for the purpose of laying, maintaining, constructing, operating and replacing therein and thereon pipe lines and all other appurtenant equipment needed and necessary to deliver and sell Cas to persons, firms and corporations, including all the general public, within the City's corporate limits and the environs thereof, said consent being granted for a term of twenty-five (25) years from and after the date of the final passage and &?proval of this ordina:ze. Section 2. Company shall lay, maintain, construct, operate and replace its pipes, mains, laterals and other equipment so as to interfere as little as possible with traffic and shall promptly clean up and restore to an -apprcximate original condition, at its cost, all thoroughfares and other surfaces which it may disturb. The location of all mains, pipes, laterals and other appurtenant equipment shall be fined under the supervision of the City Xanar;er of said City; and that before an excavations are made in the City by the Company, for the purposes heretofore stated, the Company shall submit to the City Mana er on application showing location, character and extent of work proposed to be done; and shall obtain from the City Manager written permit, authorizingg said work. Thet should application be refused by the City Manager, or should the Company be dissatisfied with any condition that the City Manager might require before granting same, it shall have the right to appeal to the City Council, for action thereon. That should the Company so desire, it may make its written application direct to the City Council for action thereon. Section 3. When Company shall rake or cause to be made excavations or shall place obstructions in any street, alley or other public place, the public shall be protected by barriers and lights placed, erected and maintained b- Company; and in the event of injury to any person or damage to any property by reason of the construction, operation or maintenance of the gas distributing plant or system of Company, Company shall indemnify and '.peep harmless City from any and all liability in connection therewith. Company shall repair, clean up and restore to an approximate original condition, all streets and alleys disturbed during the construction and repair of its gas distributing system. Section 4. Company may make and enforce reasonable rules and regulations In the conduct of its business and may require before furnishing; service, the execution of a contract therefor and may require each consumer, within the corporate limits of City, to pay Company for the installation of all service pipes from the main in the street or alley to and throu2,hout the consumer's premises; and Company shall have the right to contract with each consumer with reference to the installation of service pipes and the control of service pipes from the connection thereof with C ompany,s main in the streets or alleys to and including the meter located on the customer's premises. Service lines are defined as supply lines from Company's mains in the streets or alleys to and ending at consumer's meter. 0124 Section 5. Company shall not be required to extend mains on any street more than fifty (50) feet for any one consumer of gas. Nor shall Company be required to connect to intermediate or high-pressure lines Section 6. Com;)any shall be entitled to require from each and every consumer of gas, before gas service is connected, a deposit of twice the amount of an estimated average monthly bill, which said deposit may be retained by Company until service is discontinued and all bills therefore have been paid. Company shall then return said deposit to the consumer, together with six per cent (bj) interest thereon from the date of said deposit up to the date of discontinuance of service. Company shall be entitled to a,�ly such deposit, with accrued interest, to any indebted- ness owed Company by the consumer making the deposit. Section 7. The rights, privileges and franchises granted by this ordinance are not to be considered exclusive, and City hereby expressly reserves the right to grant, at any time, like privileges, rights and franchises as it may see fit to any other person or corporation for the purpose of furnishing gas for light, heat and power to and for City and the inhabitants thereof. Section S. Company shall fiw nish reasonably adequate service to the public at reasonable rates and charges therefor; and Company shall maintain its property, equipment and a pliances in good order and condition. Section 9. Company, its successors and assigns, agree to pay and City agrees to accept, on or before the let day of march, 1953, and on or before the same day of each succeeding year during; the life of this franchise, up to and including the year 1977, a sum of money which shall be equivalent to two per cent (2%) of the gross receipts received by Company from the sale of gas to its domestic and conLTereial consumers within the city limits of said City (expressly excluding, however, receipts derived from sales to industrial and governmental users and consumers in said City) for the preceding calendar year, which annual payment shall be for the rights and privileges herein granted to Company, including expressly, without limit- ation, the right to use the streets, alleys and public ways of said City. And it is also; expressly at*reed that the aforesaid annual payment shall be in lieu of any and all other additional occupation taxes, easement and franchise taxes or charges (whether levied as ad valorem, special or other character of tax or charge), in lieu of municipal taxes, charges, levies, fees and rentals of w':.atsoe-,rer kind and character which City may impose or hereafter be authorized to levy and collect, excepting only the usual general or special 'ad valorem taxes, which City is authorized to levy and impose upon real and personal property. Should City not have the legal power to agree that the payment of the foregoing sums of money shall be in lieu of taxes, licenses., fees, street or alley rentals or charges, assessment or franchise taxes or charges aforesaid, the City agrees that it will apply so much of said sum of money paid as may be necessary to satisfy Company's obligations, if any, to pay any such taxes, licenses, charges, fees, rentals, easement or franchise taxes or char zes . In order to determine the gross receipts received by Company from the sale of gas (expressly excluding the sales of gas to industrial and governmental consumers) within the corporate limits of City, Company agrees that the same date that pa.-ments are made as provided in the preceeding paragraph of t -As section 9, it will file with City Clerk a sworn report showing the gross receipts received from the sale of gas to its domestic and commercial consumers within said City limits for the calendar year preceding the date of payment, City may, if it sees fit, have the books and records of Company examined by a representative of said City to ascertain the correctness of the sworn reports agreed to be filed herein. 0125 Receipts from sales to governmental users or consumers shall include all those receipts derived from the sale of gas to Federal, State, County or City Governments or branches and subdivisions thereof.. school districts or other similar districts, it being the intention to include within the tRrm "goveinrent users and consumers" all tax - supported institutions owned or operated directly or indirectly by said governments and branches or sub4visions '-hereof, such as schools, colleges, hospitals, eleemosynary institutions, army or training camps, airports, courthouse, city hall and other institutions of like or similar kind and character. "Industrial users or consumers", as herein used, aro those t,eneral,ly and camronly' classified as such by Conpany. The payment herein provided shall be for the period January 1st to December 31st of the respective rear that the pay"ient is made. Section 10. The onactnent of tris franchise ordinance shall be in lieu of, substituted for and nullify a certain franchise ordinance enacted by City on April 19, 1928, of record in the Ui,nutes of the City Coincil, and being styled, "AN ORDII4AI CE GRAI'TING TO THE CO 2-MITY HATMUL GAS COMPANY ITS SLCCEaSORS A W ASSIGI S! A 1rANC -ISE FOP r7:E CO STRICTION AND OPERATION OF A GAS riSTRnum G ?WiT OR SYS-L"W IN THE CITY OF MORG" TOW, , TEXAS, FOR A TERL OF T M 1TY-FIVE (2 5) YrARSi AND MXING RATES Al D CWrrl!S IOR NATTMAL GAS SrRVICE." Section 11. Comcany shall file its written acceptance of thi.� franchise ordinance within sixty (60) days after its final passage and aeproval by said City. Section 12. The fact that it is necessary that prompt action be had in settlinc, m%tters pertaining to the franchise here granted, creates an emergency and public necessity that the rules requiring that an ordinance be read at a-hrec separate Meetings before passa;e, be suspended and that they are here and now suspended, and that this ordinance is here and nar passed and is ordered to take effect from and aftor the passage and approval hereof. PASTED AIM APPROVED Cr THIS THE loth DAY OF Dec. A.D. 1952). (b) Effective with the first gas furnished on and after January lst, 1953> the rates and charges for sales of natural gas and natural gas service rendered to residential and commercial consumers within tl+o city limits of Georgetown by Lone Star Gas Company, a Texas Corporation, its successors and assigns, ere hereby fixed anc. determined to be as follows kinimum lonthly Bill $1.00 First 600 cu ft. at Y.17 per a d.f. g-oss $ .153 per d.f. not All over 600 cu.ft. at $.7833 per m.c.f. gross $ ,705 per m.c.f. net Not rate shall apply to all bills paid within ten days from monthly billing date. Except with respect to rates, all charges for natural gas service now in effect shall remain in, effect unchanged. The rates and charCes set forth in tris paragraph may be changed and amended by either the City or by the Company furnishing gas in the manner provided by lair► (Prssed Dec. 10, 1952). Section 3. MWTING SOTS TT'ESTERN STATES T=F11O1M COMPANY, ITS SBCCF 30nS ,AND ASSIGNS, A rRAZ VISE AIM ESTABLISH:WG RATFS rOP ST CH SERVICE. (a) FRAI OFISD ORDIFALCD TrR SOLT7TSTPRN STATES TELEP90 M CO. ( AN CRDINA, CE Cr THE CITY or ^EOR rct , TERAS, GRANTL7G TO TLE SOUTH' DoTMh STATES TELUPHO X CCZAL'Y, ITS SJCCESSORS AND ASoTG IS, A FRAI WISE I rSE TFE STRE:;TS, AVE IrES, A=YS A0 OTHER PULLIC PLACES 01 THE SAID CITY IOR TFIE PZPIOD OF 15 YEARS rITH ThE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND AUT IORITY TO CO' SYR TCT, OPMOD AND I.An T,AIN ITS TU I'ETOi�E LII:ES ALOI C t7?)^R, 077T.A-Tr ACROSS S"C"r� STREETS, Al YS, AVrII' S, A;,'D P"PLIC Ff OI'EIT �' OF TIE aATO CITY, FTXTN'G THE C(?I:SIDEFt- ATIM1 AItD Ct)IaDITIdT'S KIR jYCl7 GR11?T, REPEAL IIG All OI�D7I'�,IICFS IN (P'PTrLICT JjJPT 7l?mII, At D DFCI.ARIING AN Fw'? ?GUI?CY. BE IT MULTII= BY T=� CITY COT7.!CIL (IF TIT CITY OF GEGRGz.,'TGaN, TFl,; 's 1st. That the SCL"TISTEI:N STATES TELE'IICTE COriFAP Y, ITS successors or assigns, shall be and is hereby granted the rit-ht in the City of George.. town, Texas, to conduct within said City, a business of furnishing tele -- phone service and any business incident thereto, and to install, maintain all poles, wires, cable, and other fixtures and all other telephone apparatus of whatsoever nature necessary or proper for the furnishing of telephone service on, along, across, over and under all of the streets, avenues, alleys, and other public places of the said City for the purpose of conducting its said business. That this grant of the right to use the said streets, avenues, alley's, and other public property, of the said City, shall be subject to the right of the City to control the use of said streets, avenues, alleys, and other public property, and subject to the ri;hts of the said City to exercise reasonable supervision and direction as to and over the proper exercise of the rights herein granted, in the matter of placing and maintaining poles, wires, cables, and other fixtures on, over, under, and across such streets, avenues, alleys and other public property of the said City. 2nd. That the franchise here granted shall be and continue in force for a period of 15 years from and after the date of the passage of this ordinance„ 3rd. --That the said poles, wires, cables, underground conduits and other apparatus used by the said grantee, THE SOVTh._v4EaTERN STATES TELI]PfiGIvE CO%''AifY, Its successors, or assiE;ns, in the conduct of the said businees shall be so Placed and maintained, at all times, so as not to interfere with travel on and along said streets, avenues, alleys, and public grounds and so as not to unreasonably interfere with any other proper.use of such streets, avenues, alleys and other public property, to the injury or damage of any person, firm or corporation that may be wrongfully injured th^reby. That the operation of a telephone system in the City of Ceorgetown, Texas, by the SOi'TiRIESTMN STATES TELLPfIONN E COE:PAIY, or its successors or assigns, after the passage of this ordinance shall be held to be an acceptance by the said telephone company, and its successors or assigns, of the rights and franchise here- in -granted, subject to all of the terms and conditions herein specified, and in accepting, the said franchise, the SOT 'IIWP,;MM1i NATES TELEPI'ONE COIMIPA 7, and its successors and assigns, shall become bound and obligated to the City of Georgetown, Texas, to hold the City of Georgetaxn, Texas, free and hartuless from any and all damage, cost and expense in any manner occasioned it by or growing out of the operation of such telephone system within said City. . 4th. That the SOL'Ti- X_''S=iMId STATES TELLPHOITE C011PA;Y, its successors or assigns, shall, at all times after the passage of this ordinance, and the acceptance of the rights'granted,herein, keep and maintain its plant and system in first class operating condition, ' act of God, public enemy, strikes, and other unavoidable accidents excepted, and shall furnish and render service to all individuals, .firms or corporations within the corporate limits of the said City of Ceorgetown, Texas, in accordance with all reasonable rules and regulations of the said City, and in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas. That the failure of said Telephone Company to keep its plant in above mentioned condition shall be grounds for forfeiture of their franchise,' by a proceeding for that purpose in a court of competent jurisdiction. Such proceedinu shall not be instituted until after thirty (30) days, notice in writing by the City has been given to the local manaber of the Telephone Company of the matters complained of. 0127 5th. That in accepting this franchise, THE SOUihWFSTERN STATES TELEPHONE CO.uF'AIN agrees, binds and oblil;ates itself to pay to the City of Georgetown, Texas, as compensation for the rights hereby Lranted, an amount equivalent to two percent (2f) of the gross revenues received by the said Telephone Company from exchange station service rendered within the City and from ex- change station service rendered to subscribers adjacent to the city, during the preceding three rionths. That the said compensation shall be due and payable each thre,,� months, beginning the 1st &y of January, A. D. 1949, and each such installment of compensation shall be paid to the City Treasurer within thirty (30) days from the due date thereof. That in no event shall any quarterly payment be for less sum than One Hundred Dollars (1100.00). That the said Telephone Company shall, at or before the time of the making, of the said payment, crake and file with the City Treasurer of said City, a complete statement and report, showing the gross receipts of said Telephone Company for the preceding three months. That in addition to the said reports, the said City shall at all reasonable times have the right to examine, inspect, and audit the b. oks and accounts of the said Telephone Company In said City." That all of this provision shall also apply to eachsuccessor of said Telephone Company operating hereunder. 6th. That in consideration for the na�ment of, said compensation, for the use of the streots, aven ies, alley's aridother public property in said City, as herein pro- ided, the City contracts and af-rees :hat said compensation shall be paid and received in lieu of any and all other license, fees, service charge, exchenFe service, or other charge, but the City, for the use of said streets, avenues, alleys,.and other pudic property and the same shall be full compensation for the privilege of doing business within the said City; provided, however, that the same shall not be held to cover or to include any ad valorem taxes that :gay bo due or that mry hereafter become due to said City from said ''Telephone Company, .its successors or assigns. 7th. That all ordinances, and parts of ordinances, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sth. That the fact that THE SOLTf � "MMRN STATES TELEFHONS COL:PANY IS now operating, within the City of Georgetown, Texas, without a franchise, creates an emergency and public necessity that this ordinance be promptly passed, end that the rules requiring that ordinances be read at three separate meetings before passage are hereby suspended, and this ordinance is here and now passed. and is ordered to take effect from and after the passage hereof. PASSED AND Af'PROVED THIS THE FIF'TEMiTH DAY OF DE'CT BER A.D. 1949) CHAPTER XXX VOLATILE OR LIQ17ID EXPLOSIVES Section 1. WRDS AND FiRASFS DEFINED. The following words and phrases when used in this Ordinance have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section (a) PERSON. Every natural person, firm, co -partnership, association, partnership, corpore,tion or other entity. (b) FILLING STATION. Any place where gasoline or other volatile liquid Is sold, supplied, dispensed or offered for sale to the retail motor vehicle trade. _ (c) TANK TRT{CK. A metal receptacle of More than sixty (60) gallons capacity, mounted on wheels and ordinarily used for the purpose of transporting gasoline. (d) PCRTABLE TA'IX. A metal receptacle of not more than sixty (b0) gallons capacity, mounted on wheels, and provided with r_n ans for filling and withdrawing liquid, and bearing the label of the National Board of Fire underwriters. (e) WHOLESAiX OR BULK STORA'=E PLAPJT. Any place where gasoline or other volatile liquid is stored for the purpose of sale to the wholesale trade, or any place where such liquid is sold to the wholesale trade. (f) PRIVATE PLX::T. Any gasoline pump or other gasoline dispensing equipment used by an owner or operator thereof, or by authority of such owner or operator, exclusively for motor vehicles owned or operated by such owner or operator and from which no gasoline is sold. Section 2. SCOPE OF OP.DI11A.110E DEFINED. It shall be unlawful for any person, or the agent or representative of any person, to Ise ep, store, handle, or offer for sale, gasoline, or any other volatile or explosive fuel or liquid, except upon compliance by such person with the provisions of this Ordinance. The regulations set forth in this Ordinance shall govern all filling stations, wholesale or bulk storage plants, private plants, tank trucks, buildint-;s within the corporate limits of the City of reorgetown, in the sale and delivery of gasoline or any other volatile or explosive fuel or liquid. Section 3. PERIUTS A;TD C7TIFICATION RNITIPPD. (a) Any person desiring to erect a filling station, or wholesale or bulk storage plant, or private plant, or to erect or alter any building to be used as a fillinf, station or as such a plant; shall first obtain a permit therefor from the City Council. The application for such permit shall be in writing, and shall be signed by the owner or authorized agent, of the property upon w°rich the A 11-AnZ station is to be located, and shall be accompanied by four (4) like plans s`aowing. 1) The proposed lay -out of the filling station or plant including the proposed location of buildings, tanks, pump and other service units; 2) whether each proposed tank or pump bears the label of the Undez^urriters Laboratories, Inc.; 3) any proposed use of the sidewalk area for drive -ways; and 4) The proposed method of collecting wasteoil and water and final concentration of same for disposal; all in relation to'contiquous street and property lines, (b) Ire granting or refusing the permit to erect, maintain, a filling station, wholesale or bulk storage plant, or private plant, or to erect or alter any building to be used for the purpose of storing or handling gasoline or other volatile or explosive liquid, the Council shall take into consideration the place where such filling station, wholesale or bulk storage plant, or private plant, is proposed to be established, its contiguity to other buildings or residences, the location of public buildings, schools, and places of public resort in relation to the location of such filling station or plant, the character and condition of public traffic on streets immediately contiguous to or within three hundred (300) feet of such proposed filling station or plant, the hazards' presented by thr two of the sidewalks as a means of ingress and egress to and from such filling station or plant tnd the question of whether the operation of such filling station or plant might create such odors, noises, nocturnal illumination or increased traffic, as mitt be unreasonably offensive to the inhabitants or occupants of buildings or residences adjacent thereto or within three hunr?red (300) feet thereof as measured by the most direct line. (o) If the City Council, after a consideration of the facts, is of the opinion that the application for the permit should be refused, the 0129 Council, before taking final action thereon, shall first give the applicant an opportunity to be fully and fairly heard on such applicktion. Written notices of such hearing shall be given to the a>plicant at least five (5) days before the date of such hearing. (d) Any person desiring, to locate,.,.or replace any tank or pump on promises then being used as a filling station, wholesale or bulk storage plant, or private plant, shall first obtain a permit therefor from the City Council of the City of Georgetown. The a_ -plication for such p permit shall show the location or proposed location of such equipment on the premises and character of such equipment and shall show that each tank or pump to be used bears the label of the Underwriter's laboratories applroved pump or tank. (e) After the installation of pipe work connected with any tank or pump to be used for the handling or storing of gasoline at a filling station, wholesale or bulk storage plant, or private plant, but before the said installation has been covered or. concealed. from view, the person who was physically in charge of such installation shall notify the City Plumbing .Inspector of such facts. It shall be unlawful for any pers on to cover or conceal from view such installation or cause sane to be covered or con- cealed until the said Inspector has inspected and approved such installation. (f) After the completion of the filling station, wholesale or bulk storage plant, or private plant, or the installation or the location, relocation or replacement of any equipment on premises then being used as a filling station, Wholesale or bulk storage plant,`or private plant, and the inspection and approval thereof, as provided in this Ordinance, and the full compliance by the applicant for the permit with all the pertinent provisions of this Ordinance and all laws and Ordinances pertaining to such matters, the City Council shall issue a Certificate of Operation for such filling' station, whole- sale or bulk storage plant, or private plant or such equipment. (g) The permit to operate a filling station, wholesale or bulk storage plant, or private plant, or to operate any of the equipment regulated in this Ordinance, may be revoked by the City Council if it is found by the City Council that the parnitee or transferee of such permit has failed and refused to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance and all the other laws applicable to such olperations but the City Council, before taking final steps thereon, shall first give the permitee or the transferee an opportunity to be fully and fairly heard and written notice of such hearings must be given the permittee or transferee at least five (5) days before such hearin;. Section 4. SLE :PING ;T,AitTMS REG'ILATED. It shall be unlawful to use or allow to be used, any room or part of any building, hereafter to be con- structed, altered, fitted, equipped, or furnished as a living or sleeping quarters, if any portion of such building is used at the salve time as a filling station, or for the purpose of storing or handling gasoline or other volatile liquids, unless the walls, floors &nd ceilint-s separating this portion of the buildings used as a filling station and that portion used as a sleeping or livwng quarters shall constitute an absolute fire separation, w,iich fire separation shall be composed of walls, floors, and ceilings, unbroken by openings of any deaeription and of thickness sufficient to prevent any excape of gas through same. Section 5, SI ORA` 33 TANI S AND Pt? 116 REG1'14T7D. Only underground tanks shall be used for the stora,e of gasoline at filling stations, and the said tanks and appliances shall be placed entirely within the property lines of the premises. That no tank shall be installed at any retail filling station with a capacity greater than 1,200 (twelve hundred) gallons; and only one tank shall be per- tted for each pump in service. That the total combined capacity of all of the tanks at any one retail filling; station shall not exceed 4,000 (four thousand) gallons. All of such tanks shall be labeled showing "Undervrriter's Laboratories Approved Tank"* Gasoline shall be drawn from underground storage tanks only through openings in the top thereof and only by means of pumps, bearing the approval of the 1tational Board of Underwriters. All such pumps and apparatus sliall be placed inside the property lines, and so placed that it will be impracticable to serve Motor vehicles therefrom while such vehicles are standing on any part of any sidewalk, street, or alley of said City. Pio primp shall be ueed other than one that has been apr>reved by the Lrnd,3rwriters Laboratory, Inc. a tham-nna �s hay a; _::rai�ocL .t:„a�- " c ■a ror�r,-��xo for such use. All such pumps shall be tested, examined, and a;_proved and sealed by the City Plumbing Inspector of the City of Georgetown, Texas 0130. before being placed in service... (Paased April 27, 1950). Section 5a. No truck hauling gasoline, that has a carrying capacity of over 1,400 (fourteen hundred) gallons shall hereafter be permitted to deliver gasoline, therefor, to any filling station; br to ahy tank used by any filling station, for retailin- gasoline therefrom within said City. That each truck used for, or by which gasoline or other volatile or explosive: liquids are transported, or are delivered, within the said Cite, shall carry such ,a-soline, or other volatile, or other explosive liquids, in a tank thereon suitabl" for such purposes; and that sltch tank shall be made of not less than twelve rauge €alv- anized steel; and that such tank slmll be oc'uinped with outlet faucets, of the antiririp approved self-closing type; and also rust be equipped with automatic check valves for safetr, in the event of mechanical Injury to the outlet faucets, and said tank and equipment shall have been auprovFd by, and shall bear the lal)el of a^proval of the National Roard of fire j'neerwriters. (Passed April 27, 1950) Section b. SvIrVICD O STR"F: F? O'rI??airD. It shall be unlawful for any person to serve, or to receive sor-rice, of gasoline from any filling station pump to any motor vehicle, while such vehicle or any i,qrt thereof, is standing upon nr ,:rojacting into or over any sidewalk, street, or alley. Section 7, LIGHTS A=D VI'RI147T PRDSCRIPMD. Only electric lights shall be used in buildings, roans or on premises where gasoline or other volatile liquids are stored or handled, and all electric wiring for lights or meters shall be installed in complance with the ordinances and regulations of the City of Georgetown ZoverninG the wiring of any such buildings or premises. Section 8. FIFE RrZ'IRDD. There shall be provided in all buildings or on premises where gasdine or other volatile liquids are stored or hwid.led, at least one National Board of fire Underwriters approved type fire extinguisher for every two thousand (2000) square feet of floor space, or fraction thereof, each of which fire extinguishers shall be kept in rood workincr, order at all times. section 9. SP:OKING AM OMIT FLAIM. SiC.ris marked "No Smoking," shall be displayed prominently in all filling stations at all times by the operator thereof. It shall be unlawful for any filling station operator or employee to sr; oke, havrn, cause, or permit any flame or fire near where gasoline or other volatile liquid ie handled or stored and Wile servicing or loading or uploading any motor vehicle with gasoline or any volatile fluid. S°,ction 10. RUMNILG l.fi' ? T)17P .TG S7P.7107; T'NLAWF7L. It shall be unlawful for any filling station employee, or any other person, to fill the tank of anv motor vehicle, with gasoline *lle V -ie rotor of any such motor vehicle is running; and it shall be unlawful for any person in control of any motor vehicle to permit the motor of same to be running while the tank of such rotor vehicle, is being filled ,with iasoline. Section 11. GASOLINE .4rl OaRA':E'RT,aRICTED (a) It shall be unlawful for arty person to 4.,p or store above Crourid any gasoline, or other vclat'ile or explosive fuel, in tY.e City of Georgetown, in any portable container having a capacity of more than five (5gallons, nor shall more than a total of twenty-five (25) gallons of all such fuels be kept at any one time in such containers. (b) The foregoing, section shall not apply to gasoline or other volatile or explosive fuel kept on V'a premises of a filling station, wholesale or bulk stora6e plant, or contained in taxis: truck, or portable tanks, or in fuel tank -s of motor vehicles. (c) It shall be unlawful to use any contairier provided for in subsection (a) hereof which does not bear the label of the National Poard of fire Unaerwritnrs. Section 12. STORA,"s' ABOVE r-R0171JD Rr T' TED. Above ground tanks for storing gasoline or other volatile liquids, may be used at wholesale or bulk storage plants; but it shall be unlawful for any person to locate, place or cause to be located or ple.ce(I any tank installed above ground which is less than ones hundred (100 feet from any dwelling,, school, church, theatre, hospital, asylem, apartment buileinf;, hotel or charitable or public institution or place 0131 of public assembly. Section 13. LT1 Rcr'+RITE1RS LAjSCWORIES, INC., LCEL P1ESCRIPED. All tanks and pumps hereafter installed, shall bear the labels of the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., for such use, and shall be constructed and installed in compliance with the ret,ulations of the P ational Hoard of Fire ` aderwritere governins such construction and installation and all such tan's, pumps, piping and equipment shall be inspected and approved by the Plumbing Inspector and the Fire 1warshall before being put into service. Section 14. TAYYS T:?711"h5 AND PORTA91,7' TAlTIKS SALES REGT' ZED. (a) It shall be tmlawful for any person to sell, deliver or purchase gasoline from a tank truck or portable tank within the limits of the City of Georgetown except as follows: (1) Gasoline may be delivered from a tank truck to heavy construction 6qu.ipment such as tractor -s, concrete mixers, trench diggers, air compressors, and fire pumping engines when in service, but not while the motor of such equipment is running. (2) Gasoline Tray be delivered from any such tank truck directly to underground storage tanks and to portable tanks by means of hose, or from such tank truck to underground storage tanks or portable tanks by means of standard tank truck buckets; provided however, that the use of such buckets for wich purpose shall be unlawful (a) where any filler pipe or an underground storage tank is not located at a reasonably safe distance away from any public driveway or public walkway, (b) and it shall be unlawful for gasoline to be delivered from a tank truck to any other container it &ny part of such truck is standing on or over any public driveway or public walkway, (c) ever;,; portable tank shall have painted on each side the word "Gasoline" in letters at least six (6) inches high, and under the word gasoline, there shall be painted the following - "No Smoking" - "KEP-P OP7,N FLALE OR LI' -MTS XiiAY". (d) It shall be unlawful for any tank truck driver or attendant thereof, or portable tank attendant to wwlm or intentionally to cause or permit any open flame or fire while on or about such tank truck or portable tank or while drawing gasoline or other volatile liquid therefrom. Section 15. REPAIR OF EQ''IP!-T1 T RCq"RED. All tames, pumps and any other equipment used in handling or storing gasoline or other volatile liquids shall be kept in reasonably safq working order at all times, or the use of same shall be discontinued until, such equipment is put in safe condition for use. Section 16. PE?'�,IT MS ?RF;SGRIPED. The following fees shall be charged and collected by the Citi*, before issuance of a permit therlor,, for and on account of the permits provided for in this ordinance. For Permit of new filling station shall include all :inspection work, for the engineering depart.7ent, final inspection after completion but before operation, inspection by fire marshal, plumbing inspector, sealer of vreights and measures, inspector, seeder of weights and npeasures, inspector of operations permit. Yinimum Charge 115.00. For stations where the total length of openings of driveways across the sidewalk area is greater than forty feet but less than one hundred feet (100) feet - X20.00.., For the stations where the total length of openings for driveways across the sidewalk is greater than one (100) hundred feet 05.00. dholesale or bulk storage plant or private plant, including inspection and and issuance of ,permit---y;15.0O3 For replacement of equipment, relocation of existing e:1uipment, location of additional equipment, location of new equipment, including inspection and issuance of permit for each piece of equipment - 41.00. Section 17. PENALTY PPESCRIHE'D. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of the Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of & misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not to exceed 1100.00. Each day that such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. (Passed Feb. 100 1948). 0132 CHAPTER SCI WARM07S,E Section 1. AY'THORIZATICN TO CONSTRUCT ,A CM011 HOTT E. Be it resolved that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to pay out of the General Fund of said City the sum of fifteen hundred 01,500.00) dollars for the construction of a warehouse on the public cotton yard of said City to be run and managed under the license of the Commissioner of BankinL and Insurance of the State of Texas. And further that the said payor is authorized and directed to secure such license in the name of said City, as is provided in the Emergency Warehouse Act passed by the Second Cailed Session of the 33rd Legislature of the State of Texas. (Passed Oct. 25-, 1914). Section 2. FR,0V2D ING WHO SI':A-L RUN THE COTTON WAREMUSE. That a c omait t ee of citizens, composed of H. V. Weir and other, is hereby authorized to enter upon the city cotton yard at once and to erect thereon a cotton warehouse and the City agrees to pay, upon the aompletion of said ware- house, the actual cost of said warehouse, provided such cost shall not exceed X2500.00, and the same to run for one year. And further provided that a written contract to this effect shall be made between the parties hereto, stipulating that the said H. 1. Weir and other agree to, at the expiration of one ,year, take said warehouse from said Cit,, and to pay said city the arount paid to them less the net income dorived from same during the time it is operated by the City. Said contract also to provide that in the event the said 14eir and others, as herein mentioned, take charge of said warehouse the Cit,, shall not operate a warehouse while said Weir and others are operhting such warehouse, without the consent of Weir and others. ,And further Authorizing the I:layor to enter Into such contract for the benefit of the City. (Passed Oct. 16, 1914). 0133 CITY OF GEORGEVssN 1905 ORDIMICE REGUL6l:imu Pw ifAta AN ORDINANCU RELATING TO THE LICENSING, TAXATION, INSPECTION, SUPERVISION AND RLGUL4TION OF THE OIRUNG AND OPERATION, FOR PROFIT, OF ANY 'POOL OR BILLIARD TABLE OR TABLLS uvim um CITY or GEORGETOWN, TL?CA.S DErINING A POOL OR BILLIARD TABLE, PROVIDING, rOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION Or AN ANNUAL OCCUPATION TAX, WITii CERTAIN Ei 21PTIONS, PROFIDMG THAT TIE ©PrJZATlON OF A i)UOL OR BILLIARD TA.BLrS SHALL BE LOCATED ON Trial; GOMM rLOOR OR STREET LEVEL ONLY or ANY BUILDING OR PRE UISES, PROHIBIT?NG THE USE 01' PAM ITIONS O1BSfRUCTING HIE VIBY OT ANY PART OF THE PFJNISES LICUNSED HEREIN, IN liil lrii ANY POOL OR BILj I= TABLE OR TABLrS IS OR ARE DISPLAYED! OYJNED OR OPERATED, WITH CERIAIN RUMPTIONS, PRWIDING FOR TAC HOUSE 61P QaL31470N. FROUrBITING THE SALE, USE OR LONSUMPTION Or ANY ALCOHOLIC B1,'iTL'I,&GB Olt BEVIMAGES IN, Oh OR ABOUT THE PREUISUS IN IMICH ANY POOL OR BILLWID T4.BEL OR TABLES ARE OP014TED, FOR PROFIT, PROVIDING 1Olt 11M SUPERVISION AND INSPECTION OF ANY FS PABLISMIENT OR THE PRI.iISES IN OR ON WHICH A POOL OR BILLIARD TABLE OR TABID ARE OWNED AND OPERATED FOR PROrIT, PROFFDING FOIL THE ISSUANCE OF A bICE NSP AND rILING THE FIE; THTs WOF: PRESCRIBING THE QUALIFICATIONS OF LILE16ES, PROV) DING FOR APPEALS UPON CANCELLATION OR RCVOCATION OF LICWSL'S, PROVIDING r0it INSPECTION BY IRE CITY, PROVIDING A FINE OP NOT MOIX TIM 8100.00 UPON CONVICTION OF THE VIOLATION OP ANY PROVISIONS OR PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDIMICE, PROVIDING A S13NMABILITY CLAUSE, REPEALING ALL ORDIIUINCD IN CONFLICT l ?M DECLARING AN Fi OIGENCY. BE IT 011DAINED BY TUE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEW: SECTIONi 1. DEFINITION: The term "Pool or Billiard Table" as used here. -Ln ahLll mean any table surrounded by a ledge or cushion, with or without pockets, upon which balls are propelled by a stick or cue, and where the player thereon does uo-t or it,, not required to make a coin deposit causing an electrical connection of &.,ty rature or kind before such game may be actually cormsenced. SECTIO, N , P. LICIiSE It shall be unlavrZui for any person, first, association of persons, corporation and every other organization, save and except religious, charitable or educational organization, authorized under the laws of the State of Texas, to own and ouerate, for profit, any pool or billiard table or tables, as such terms are herein defined, within the City without first having obtained an appropriate license from the City Secretary, as heroin provided, which license shall at all times be displayed in some conspicuous place within the licensed place of busineas. SECTION. 3. LICE14SE FEES: The City Secretary is authorized to collect the loll wxng annual license fee for each location on which a pool or billiard table or tablas is or are oraed and operated for profit, to -wit, the sum of $60.00 for each license issued and a libe sum for each reanwal thereof. SECGISON 4. TERM OF LICENSE: Any license issued pu.x5ttent to this Chapter shall lis~ for one year and shall benon-transferable. SSEMION 5 T1WJ There is hereby levied an annual occupation tax of 62.50 for each pool or billiard table owned and operated for profit within this City by uny- pe -son, firm, aesociation o.-.* persons, corporations and every other organization, save and except religious, charitable and educational organizatxons, authorized uxk&i th^lags of the State of Texas, and the tax lei -led herein shall be paid lo fhe Tax Goll.ector of the City fav shalt issue an occupation tax receipt. Said occuaazion ta- rec-apt shall spocity the niunber of pool o3 billiard tables for which issued, the i.ddress of the building or prems3es Yxt ov on Much such table or taVles a'.e located enLl ahtall beta the sera, ssl number or nambero, if any, of the partxculai table of tables. Such occupata or. tax ahaLl have and bear to -elation to any l..ueDRL 02. ?ees pk ovy tied hore.cnp saki 1r mense fee being required to protide proper o2ficial supervision, insnectica" ana se r4 tces x -)x the p'yeE uses l 3Y SLLTIuit 0 BOUI�y uvW-j. A:, ku p syc pe F o.z may ertgr~v�x opat yonfur pro fx t .�..�... , r �.._.. of any pool or 'ailliard table -viorli 3 the City on area digs ac.L-ree•i the nours of 31 00 o°clocl P. M. and 7.00 o'clock A. A. folloring psuvtdcd, lowever, that suca sable or tables may be opoxated on Sundays only betweea the ,3outfs of S 00 Po ata and G 00 a clock P. 14. SECTION 7., AiXOROLIC BM GES, The sale of alcoholic beverages or beverages in or on the premises licensed hereunder is herebj prohibited. No person, farm, association of persons, coxporations, ang any other organizations authorized under the laws of the State of Tazas, licensed = hereunder, shall knou2ngly permit the sane, use or consumption of any band of alcoholic beverage or beverages in or upon the premises for which a license has been issued, as providcd in this Ordinance. SECTION S. REVOCATION OF LICENSE. The City Council ie hereby authorized and empowered to revoke or cancel the license of any person, farm, association of persons, corporations and every other organization nuthorzoed under the laws of the State of Texas, licensed to ovm and operate a pool or billiard table or tables hereunder, aftez giving such licenses ten days notice of a hearing and after conducting such hearing for the purpose of deteinrg whether such license should be revoked, provided, horever, that such power of cancellation of revocation shall be exercised only under the following conditions. a. For the violation of any of eche provaaions of this Orddnance. b. For knov2ugly permitting the sale, use or consumption of any alcoholic beverages in ox upon thepremises licensed hereunder. c. For violation of the prescribed hours of operaation provided herein. d. For knowingly permitting the presence on the premises of a person or persons under the influence of intoxicating liquor. e. For knowingly permitting disorderly conduct or immoral practices on the premises, f. For knowingly permitting the violation of the law or laws of the State of Teras or the Oridnances of this City, g. ror knowingly permitting any gambling on the premises. Appeals from action under this provision sbal be had ander the Substantial L`vidence Bile. SECTION 9. PARTITION, LTC. It shall be unlawful to erect or construct on the licensed premises, any partition or partitions, obstructing the view of any part of the building or premises licensed herein, or cutting the building xnto two of more zooms by eonstructing partxtaons therein, in Wach & pool or billaard table or tables as or are dxoplayed, oTmed and operated for profit, provided, ho-revcr, that toilets or other sanitary facxltien shall be enclosed and adequately =---7--'7 -*entiluted in accordance irrth health, plumbing, sanitary and other apDlicaole ordinances of this Oat SEMON 10. LOUIION Places of business govered b,,r this Ordinance shall be located on the ground floor or street level only of any buxiding and bball not be licensed for any other floor: than the ground or street level flooz. SECTION 11.. IMPECTIONS The City shall bare Puthority to mane periodic inspeci,ions Of the licensed premises to determine complirnacL with i,he taut idzng provisions, the maintenance of toilets and other sanitary faciiitic.n and compliancc w.Ltb the health, plumbing and sanitary and ether applicalbe prow -.cions of t1ws ordinance ane other ordinances of this City. SECTIOV 12. PMA-LTIES Ana person, firm, association of persons, corponatxons or Fveay other organization licensed hereunder violating ani piovision of this Ordinance shall be guilt -j of a mi.sdemeanoi and upon conviction steal be fined not _ smoie than X100.00 35 SRCI'iOit t v SIs ` LAL21,,ITY I£ arty sectio,a, su) Msec "on, paragr .ph, smPtence cluUse j Phra to or I old Of th3 n Grdi*erani a or anpiica-wEon :,neraof to aq.( pevson or cixousmstance is held 2iavaiid such ,holding snail noc affect the -al.-tdi.V of the remaining porLzons of the Ordinance and the City Con-ussion Lerebp delcFares az would have zmsoca such remairang portions of the Ordinance deipito such invalidity. SECTION 14. RLPPA,LWGc CUUSH. All ordinances or paras , o P Ordinances in conflict herewith a-.& expressly repealed. SUCTION 15. PJMLNCY (J AUSR The importance of this Ondincance anis the absence of any regu3atzo a relating lo the _ - „ owning and opeiation dt a pool or bzMard table or tables and the ]icensarg thereof and the levy and collection of an occuparxon tax thereon caeater an emergency and as imperati-re public necessity and requires that this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and After its passage and it is so Ozgained. ir-") CTaul -- TX; CITY 6EUL01AH . -06 (81-1-MVILIM-1--so ELL -low CITY ON GB9RGE'rWN, T -Ma All OtDxHAVCii a'ltONMY +A limit"+ IM AM AMPMti A MITT 09 rOLTUN TID UMMM Ga► ING A Ltw Olt WMDUp Merry MR,01TYS, LUAMCOl MA 0V.;'3`Y ,yip FM MX011 (IF MW 00V* 1"Mo 7011t MOM?. or 13ALU ARD MONOD11M. M DUMMM W IMMIM i 02W VtrUVa a* 00VIDWO I" 3010071rl'OU #gyp M4OMAM or Mhj An iH11 YJWI# l or UltnM ON ZVO 111k ll TVA 500 2 GMcI'M d4 -{MCns 'TRMY OF ITUO9 Tor MON AbY vohlole or OMr proparby or abstrwtivos plooed, Urt a tand s paur)md, eretatad or lying in vSoloticn of eny 9rdinowe of rho city ar lot umtterrd$ds for mm than rrbreight aottiuuous houm in or on any ;Glia strasty aUsyt aldwwa kv park or gthmr pubno prams of tw olCp Is dooXaead to bm ea wdaanaa, aAd any suah prqparby �%Iwn to Awad bball ba serovar aw=srily by say poUte att'lavrr or th* city ss'r4: twl ►oim to talo pUao tip ba poWead arA ah4l bo kmpt there iatil as400tad or e*14 as pravldod in thiw srbloloo Tho City ssh4ll have w Uto an otah iwpw=ttai psroprsl prow party *tea provWed tu the ,proaw4J X oeati mm :for sU aosts incurred 11A icapounai". attring smd advent' W& smoh .prWrtifo Suah lion shall to prior arta superior to all othor Ucm a avory 4aO* orivo a mace#pt Uvw for sad laloroti taxes„ tum tho city taro rates pwoeasidon 'thereof until *11, costs are paid. a d may scall, the eeam to provided is, this articloo The 0 -nor M* *4 palraab l .�y► ei*ltled tm poodeasion or edgy iwouWW personal property ma provideA Xor 4 We *>rttialo i!iay radewA tho zone to C011Crnr48 (s) Mali 16ALRe by is ysnZ to tho Chief of Police the itpotw,ding f'ea asadt auy other etotual aspen oo inourred by the city in impccm#ivg and i eepibe Vw $VakwW proparty# as 40vrt+aitmd by the chief at Police & (b) AM* SAWso Fay ping to tho hinter at the auction eels 4ioubjer7 tho szouat paid by him Roe such pa rracual pxopvrty wA any rresa*aaable tope=e6 Szowro4 by him for koaplub samara pro Adod that tho property mast be ro- Oomwd Tram tho W4tiQU buyer veithin thirty dt 4ftor the dater of the aaoUGA OalM* OW10irnt the WO cr 4941wr crthar'400* titles to tlw property *he'll. boacme %tablute is tho owtiv a. btWat*e Scor 4o XM CUFF 00 1€=9 TO AMID t VAVCIWDM IUQPMY* TbM =f perrs+m, arapartyo other than mor vohialeee, is no r0eewd within ailaty dsys after being 1Vaw4e4„ W *too eaaat notor `reeMole Is nat r4deqmd afreer a mpliaboo by U, o chief of polica wMh tho provieslcm of 000tloA 6 of Wa code, tho chiar of poliorp nl*ll mail w1a vow as public tmtlta tea 401a9� the 11cm of tho Citye e6co 5 NOTIC9 DY 144 OP IMAMM IUMTT WIM Mx LOTtR 'Flat"Lu.U. veroro "12ijaC wW pu rsonal pirapetltq as pmvidea for in thiv ielos othor thm motor trohlaxoa« tho ouor of P01106 shall posts twb notiat►s th reot, F was at the 00w ty vourthoung d6or smd oh* at thu Ninth % estxGOt eatr4we of the City 1141s =d *Yeah oauas a ocpy herao to trot publisha in 4si ly vewsw paper grstbllohod in th,) city once a, wool for +%a co nacou'ti ver *c aj#-$, the date, of thes first: publi outi m to be a4 lmatc $ourbaera do ya prior to the data of the &UuUoa sale* Tho ><#otsino Of Salo trhaU deascrOo tha fespoutded propsrtys stats thrt then st ao Is but -odea -mod, atat1et t4i; tho aeu* VdIl tm oo)A est; pgbllu auctions, detri.pcusto tho plata of anla " stawtto tt tiro end data of such s"o abich rahaaU not bo leas bhgn fcrurteao dsye tram the d ste or p*lard such Aottlaoa a heroin reequir de 07 Sea. 6. PROCEDURE FOR DISPOSING OF IMPOUNDED MOTOR VEHICLES. When any motor vkhiels has not been redeemed within thirty days from the date of its impounding, it shall be the duty of the Chief of Pollee to submit to the state highway department and the similar agency of the proper state vken the vehicle is frau another state, all information in his possession eaaoerning such vehicle and to request that such department supply to his all information the records of that department contain on such vehicle. Immediately on receipt of such information from such department the Chief of Police shall notify the owner and lienholders as shown by the records of such department by registered mail with return receipt requested that such vehicle has been impounded and of the provisions of this article In regard to the redemption and sale of impounded property. In the event a motor vehicle has not been redeemed within fifteen days from the receipt of the return receipt or notice of nondelivery of such registered mail, the Chief of Police shall prepare a aotioe of sale of such vehicle, in the manner dssoribed in the presseding section, shall send a copy of such notice to the owner and lienholders as shown by the records of the highway department by registered wail and shall post and advertise such notices in the manner required in the preseeding section. Notice by registered mail to the address sham on the records of the highway depart- sent shall constitute notice of the pending sale of such owner or lienholders. When the Chief of Police is usable to ascertain the names of the owner and lienholders, and the motor vehicle has not been redeemed within forty-five days tram its impounding, no notice of sale other than posting and advertising as prescribed in this article shall be required, See. 7 PROCEDURE FOR SELLING IM1'OLTDXD FROP1d2't'Y. When any impounded property, including motor vehicles, is not redeemed by the date and time designated in the notice of sale, the Chief of Polio* shall sell such property at public auctiono and, as city auctioneer, shall execute bill of sale of such property to the purchaser thereofs pro- vided, that he shall not execute or deliver any but a conditional bill of sale unless and until the title of the buyer has become absolute by an expiration of thirty days in time, exclusive of the day of sale, without being redeemed by the owner of the impounded property. Seo. 6 DISPOSITION OF ?ROC?,EDS OF BULB OF IMPOUNDED FROP12TY. After deducting the impounding fee and all other actual expenses in- ourred by the city in pounding, storing and selling of any property described in this article, as determined by the Chief of? Polios, not to exceed a reasonable amount for each impounded artiole, he shall pay the balance of the proceeds of such sale, if any, to the owner of the property. If the owner fails to call for such proceeds they shall be paid into the city treasury. Within six months after such auction sale, the owner may apply in writing to the Chief of Polios, and upon satisfactory proof of ownership& shall be entitled to receive the amount of the proceeds delivered to the city treasury. Seo. 9 WMX IMPOUNDED PROFWY TO HS SOLD AS JUNK. Impounded property which is offered for sale at publio auction in accordance with the procedure preseribed in this article and upon which no persan bids, shall thereafter be sold or otherwise disposed of as junk. Money received for junk property shall be disposed of in the same manner as proceeds from an auction sale under this article. Seo. 10 CHIEF OF POLICE'S RECORD BOOS OF IMPOUNDED PROPWY. The Chief of Police shall keep a record book which shall contains the date notices of sale were posted and advertised and mailed to pwners and lienholdersl a description of all property impounded= the date and time of such impoundingi the return receipts of registered notices the date of the sale at auotionj the amount realised for each article at such sales the name and address of the owner and lienholders, if knowal the name and address of the auction buyers and any such other information as he deems necessary. t3� Sea* 11 Fl-;ES F'(R IIWUNT)DIG, SELLING, SPC• The following fee' frr impoam%ing shall be ct ars,5d an6,gr t cis article ane shall be paid into tyle City Tresaurys (1) For taking and inq�oundiag any pegsanal property dollars (2) Fcr Frefaring advertisamen-te of sale f'or each article -� ile dollar (3) Fcr selling; sa.oh extiolar -- fifty cents (4) Fcr postwC notices of sale rulatin.g to any one article -� t1e dollar AN ORD INA NCPI ------------ AN ORDINANCE FROBIBITING THF CONJ?RMCTION VID F.A.INT• XNANCE OF ANY WALL, MICR OR OTI-:R STRUCTURE, 1;XCE TINtI UTILITY POLES, OR THE PLtSTING, CIMiTH OR f AII+M''ANCH OF A?iY H1�.C)GF;S, TRaF6, SERUP-3 OR MiM GROdTH UPON THE VKPAV�M OF UN'T'RAVEL9D STRI'= RIGUT OF hAY FORTION3 AND Cbl-_iAlil FRIVISS AOPU'tTY PMTIOKS OF C!'RTAIN LTRG,1T CORN` ii IN THE CITY OF MOM 0411i, IN 2:iF IH1'&B MID tg3:tiiiuRt�CL OF IN ;LR11iG VISION FOR Tit"FIC s"&Y= PROVIDING F(R PMA 2YI MOVIDII.G FOR OTHLR Fpiil)RCF-40 1 uwD PROVIDiWCi 'PAR $I:V'&ANCF CLAUSE. 1XMEA v the present policy of the City of Georgetown is to allow and *noowags the landscaping by private property owners of t4 unpaved or untraveled portion of public street right-of-rays within the City of Georgetown adjacent to abutting privately owned lotaj and 'INUIREA5, the free and safe movement of City of Georgetown public street traffic is restricted and endangered by obstruction to vision of street intersections within the City of Georgetown] and Vd11RW* the public interest requires that such obstructions be restricted so as not to constitute a traffic hazard NOK THERVCPH, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CCUIICI.L OF THIR CITY OF GVTAG1ZC-NN, T uAs S"etion 1. The areas in the City of Georgetown hereinafter restricted are as 1'0=1048 (a) All of that portion of land lying within a triangular shaped area on each street corner within the City of Georgetown described by metes and bounds as follows& Beginning at the precise corner of intersection point of the curbs of each of the two streets intersecting farming each corner and extending 20 ft* along each such curb lute from said curb inter- section point, the third side being determined by the drawing of a straight line from the ends of each such 20 fto extensions, all as more fully por- trayed by sketch immediately below. (Ahether said land be privately owned or unpaved or untraveled street right-of-way property)w Intersection Street at curb 20• 5 t ✓ r s 0*/ e t Where no curbs are in existence at such street intersections, said 201 lines shall coincide with the central flow line of the ditches paralleling such uncurbed streets. (b) two person shall *root or maintain within any such restricted area any wall, fence or other structure, excepting utility poles to a height greater than 3 fto from the street gutter flaw line. (c) No person shall plant, grow or maintain in any such restrict- ed area any plant, hodge, shrub or other growth (save and except trees as hereinafter provided for) at a height greater than 4 fte from the street gutter flow line. 14/0 (d) Any trees pitent,3d, groi-'n and maintained in say suoh restricted area shall not have branches or foliage extending from the trunk the#•oof at a heigi.t low ,.ir than 8 fte from the street gutter flog line, (e) By street gutter flow lune is meant the street gutter flow ,line of the curb adjacent to and bordering upon each st•.;.n rest - rioted areal in the event there be no such curb asaforeeaid, the afore- said height reotrictims shall be based upon the actual level of the paved or used portion, of the public street adjacent to and bordering upon each such restricted area. (f) Provided however, that the provisiora of tU4 ordiriwiae shall apply only to those areas of the City of Georgetown, Texas, desl6n- ated and classified by the Zoning Lrdivanco of the City of Gaorf etovfn, from time to time, the purpose of this exception being that the provisions of this Ordinance shall only apply to those sawed seeotious of the City that requires construction an Iota in said soned sections to be set back from the property line of each suoh lot. (g) The provisions of this GrdiiAawe shall not ar.ply to any business building, fated.ly dwelling or apartment house existing in the City of Ooorgetawm on the date or the onaetaeent of this ordinance, and not in violation of any lax of the state of, Texas or Ordinaace of the City of f,wora►wtown, Texas. . (h) The provisions of this ordinance shall have no bearing or of feet upon the right of the City to administer and omtrol the rarauining portions of its public street r'lght•of-+ways not involved in the triangular corner areas provided for in this Ordinanoe. aeoti.on 2. Any person violating; the provisions of this ordinance shall bee jL7,rXj-,o7 a mi.ddemeaenor and shall be subject to a fine o,i not less thwa Ylve (* 5-eOU) Dollars and not more than Two Hundred (Y2iX).00) Dollars, and each day that such structure or growth, as herain def ueid, shall exist is violative, of this ordinance shall constitute a aoF>arat# oi'x"ensu. ;e+otinzx 3* All of the provisions of this ordinance are severable so that any ptirtaou hereof, which mi;ht be deemed to be void as a watte8r of iftwo shall not affect the validity of any other portion hereof. tactics Q. Xn addition to the penalty provisions, above pro- vided for,resuitine. from violation of, the provisions of this ordinance, the City of Goortetown, snail be entitled to enter upon end ror"ove from the triwWuiar corner areas pro-vided for herein any of the prohibited structures or Crorwths provided for heroin, such entry aad removal upon the private property portion of such triangular areas to be without liability to the owners thereof. ��QQ *hilly approved and enacted this the "'k!exy of , 19 5, at the regule,r meeting of the City Council of the City r GiuurVotown, Texas. &7777, L. T UH 7777777K j,f T T-2 1qj AN ORDINANCE REGULATING MOBILE HOME AND TRAVEL TRAILTIZ PARKS: CONTAIN- ING C UiTAIN DEFINITIONS: REQUIRING A LICENSE AND ESTABLISIIING CERTAIN LICENSE FEES: IrSTABLISHING CERTAIN P}TYSICAL REOUIIt1: ENTS FOR SAIL) PARKS: REGULATING THE LOCATION OF SAID PARKS: ESTABLISHING CERTAIN RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE OPERATION OF SAID PARKS: ESTABLISHING CE1t.TAIN REQUIRE "- —rS FOR WATER, SEWER, AND ELECTRICAL FACILITIES, CONTAINIuG A PENALTY, CON'T'AINING A SAVING CLAUSE, ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ARTICLE. I DEFINITIONS Section 1.01 Natural or Artificial Barrier. Natural or artificial barrier means any river, pond, canal, railroad. levee, embankment, fence or hedge. Section 1.02 Park Park mess mobil home and/or travel trailer park. Section 1.03 Person Person means any natural individual, firm, trust, partnership, association or corporation. Section 1.04 Mobil Home or Travel Trailer. Mobil !tome or Travel Trailer means any vehicle or similar portable structure having no foundation other than wheels, jacks, blocks or skirtings, and so designed or constructed as to permit occupancy for dwelling or sleeping purposes. Provided, however, that for purposes of determining the distances hereinafter specified in Section 3:01, subsection B of this chapter, the term Mobil Tome and Travel Trailer, shall include any portable, prefabricated, temporary room, commonly called cabana, that is attached to such Mobil home. Section 1.05 Indopendent Mobil dome or Travel Trailer. Independent Mobil dome or Travel Trailer means a mobil home or travel trailer which has a flush toilet and a bat!, or shower. Section 1.06 Dependant Mobile Home or Travel Trailer, Dependent Mobile dome or Travel Trailer means a mobile home or travel trailer which does not have a flush toilet and a bath and shower. Section 1.07 Mobile Home and/or Travel Trailer Park. Mobile home and/or travel trailer park means any plot of ground upon which one or more mobile homes or travel trailers, occupied for dwelling of sleeping purposes, are located, regardless of whether or not a charge is made for such accomodations. Section 1.08 Mobile Home and/or Travel Trailer Lot. Mobile Home and/or Travel Trailer Lot means a plot of ground within a mobile home and/or travel trailer park designed for the accomodations of one mobile home or travel trailer. Section 2.,01 License Required,, l7 It shtall .be unla%ful tar ate* pci-son to uaiatain' or operate, Vi`thin the limits of the City of Georgetown, any mobile home and/or travel trailer park unless such pert+on shall first obtain a license therefor. Section 2.02 License Fees. Phe annual license fee for each mobile home and/or travel trailer park shall be $:'5.00 per year or fraction thereof, The fee for the transfer of such license as provided in this ordinance shall be $5.00. Sectioi: 2.03 Application for License. App_U cations for a mobile hone and/or travel trailer park license shall be filed wit:: the City Council, and upon approval by the City Council, the City Secretary shall issue the license. Applications shall be in writing, signed by the applicant, and shall contain the following: a. The nrme and address of the applicant. b. The location and legal description of the mobile hese and/or travel trailer park. c. A Complett plan of the park showing compliance with section 3.01 of this ordinance. d. Plans and s1ecifications of all buildings and other improvements con- structed or to be constructed with the mobile home andler travel trailer park. e. Such further information as may be requested by the City Council to enable it to determine it the mobile home andlor trailer park will comply with the legal requirements. The application anc'. all accompanying plans and specifications shall be filed in triplicate. The Cif.y Manager, City Health Officer and City Planning and Zoning Commission shall investigate the application, and inspect the proposed plans and specifications. Each of them shall then make a report to the City Council concern- ing such applicant and include therein their recommendations relating to the issuance of a license. If the mobile home and/or travel trailer park will be in compliance with all provisions of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances or statutes, the City Council may approve the application, and, in the case of proposed parks, make such approval contingent upon the completion of the Park according to the plans and specifications submitted with the application. The City Secretary at the direction of the City Council, shall issue the license. Section 2,04 Mobile Home and/or Trailer Outside Licensed Parks. It shall be unlawful for any person to locate or maintain any such mobile home or travel trailer in any place in the City of Georgetown other than a duly licensed and lawful mobile home and/or travel trailer park. / c/3 The City Council may revoke any licence issued under this ordinance if any of the provisions hereof are violated. However, before said license may revoked the City Council must give ten (10) days notice to the holder of said license and hold a hearing thereon. After said license has been revoked, the license may be reissued if the reasons for said revocation have been duly corrected. Section 2.06. Transfer and Duration. Upon application for a transfer of the license, the City Council may issue a transfer upon payment of transfer fee. Such original license and transfer thereof may be granted at any tine during the year and shall expire at the end of the fiscal year of the City of Georgetown, unless previously revoked or terminated. Section 2.07. Posting of License. The license certificate shall be conspicuously posted in the office of or on the premises of the mobile home and/or travel trailer part at all times. ARTICLE 3. PHYSICAL I QUIR& MPS OF MOBILE HOME ANDS OR TRAVEL TRAILER PARKS. Section 3.01. Mobile and/or Travel Trailer Park Plan. The mobile home and/or travel trailer part: shall conform to the following requirements: a. The park shall be located on a well drained site, properly graded to insure rapid drainage and freedom from stagnant pools of water. b. Mobile home and/or travel trailer Iotf shall be provided, consisting of a minimum of two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet for each lot,t which shall be at least thirty five (35) feet wide and clearly defined. Mobile homes or travel trailers sball be so harbored on each lot that there shall be at least a twenty five (25) foot clearance between Mobile homes or travel trailers; provided, however, that with respect to mobile home or travel trailers parked end to end, the end to end clearance between mobile homes or travel trailers may, be less than twenty five (25) feet, but not less than ton (10) feet from any building within the park or from any property line bounding the park. c. All mobile home and/or travel trailer lots shall abut upon a driveway of not less than twenty five (25) feet in width which shall have unobstructed access to a public street, alley or highway. All driveways shall be hard surfaced, well marked in the daytime, and lighted at night. The minimum quality of such driveway surfacing shall be a two course hot top surface. d. Walkways not lr.ss than tiTo (2) feet wide shall be provided from the mobile horse and/or travel trailer lots to the service building. The walkway shall not be Bard surfaced, at that term is defined in the preceding para- / yy graph, well marked in the daytime and lighted at night. Section 3.02. Location. Mobile home and/or travel trailer parks may be located only in conformity with the comprehensive zoning ordinance of the City, and in addition to the requirements contained therein, each boundary of the parr mast be at least two hundred (200) feet from any permanent residential building located outside the park, unless sep- arated therefrom by a natural or artifi�:ial barrier, or ►mless a majority of the property owners according to area within said two hundred feet, consent in writing to the establishment of the park, providid, however, that tre provisions of this sec- tion shall not apply to mobile home and/or travel trailer par:cs already in existence and operation at the tine of the passage of this ordinance, ane such existing operating parks shall be treated as m non -conforming, ase insofar as the requirements of, this section are concerned. Section 3.03. Maintenance. Every person owning or operating a mobile home lan4/or travel trailer park shall maintain such park, srd any facilities, fixtures, and permanent e,.uipment, in connection therewith, in a clean and sanitary condition and shall maintain said equipment in a state of good repair. Section 3.04. Additionf.l Construction. It shall be unlawfil for any person operating a mobile home and/or travel trailer park or occupying a mobile home or travel trailer to construct or pewit to be constructed Ju such park, or in connection with such mobile home or travkl trailer any additional structure, building, or shelter in connection with or attached to a moaile home and/or travel trailer, except, however, awnings, or canvas er metal, suitably constructed, may be attached to said mobile homes or tra•el trailers, as well as portable prefabricated, temporary rooms, for the express purpose of increasing mobile home or travel trailer living space, commonly called cabana, w%ich meet the following requirements: a. Of metal only, fire resistive, double wall, mechanical joint panels, (no welded joints between panels permitted); b. Strength of materials and structure to meet minimum standards of the City Building Code. c. Capable of being dismantled when moved. d. Such rooms shall be complete dism©nteled and removed from tine site at the time the mobile home or travel trailer to which it is accessory is moved. e. Finish and appearance to be as near the same as possible to -the mobile home or travel trailer to which it is accessory; f. The length must not exceed the length of the mobile home or travel trailer to which it is accessory; and /q5 g. Only one such room per mobile home or travel trailer shall be permuted. Section 3.05. Office Building. Each mobile home and/or travel trailer park shall be provided with a haililing to be known as the office in which shall be kept copies of all records pertaining t� the management and supervision of the park, as well as all rules and regulations of the park, and such records, rules and regulations to be available for inspection by Iaw enforcement officers, public health officials, and'other officials whose duty nei;es,ritate acquisition of the information contained therein. ARTICLE 4. OPkZATING OF MOBILE HOME AND/OR TIUVEL TRAIUA PAIM. Sectiui 4.01. Rules and Regulations for Park. It shall be the duty of the owner, his agent, representative, or manager to prescribe rules and regulations for the management of the park, to make ade- quate prfvisions for the enforcement of such rules; and to subscribe to any and all subsec;ient rules and regulations which my be adopted for the management of such park. Copies of all such rules and regulations shall be furnished to the City Council. In addition thereto, it shall be the duty of the owner, his agent, rep- resentative er manager to comply strictly with the following: a. Provide for regular inspection of the water and sanitary convenience. b. Provide t -)r the collection and removal of garbage and other waste material. e. Provi'do Us placing or storage of unsightly material or vehicles of any kind. ARTICLE 5. F. CILITIES AND SERVICES Section 5.01. Muter Sulply and Sanitary Sewer. All mobile homes to tie properly connected to an approved water, sewer, and electrical system. Section 5.02. Feel Bottled mas for cooking ^rposes shall not be used at intividual mobile home or travel tr4l.aor lots unless the containers are properly connected by copper or other suitable tubing. Bottled gas cylinders shall be securely fastened in place. No cylinder containing bottled gas shall be located in a mobile bome or travel trailer or within five feet of a door thereof. State and local regulations applicable to the handling of bottled gas and fuel oil must be followed. ARTICLE 6. PENALTY PROVISIONS Section 6.01 Penalty , y(P Any person, firm, or corporation vitlating this ordinance or any portion thereof shall upon conviction by guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than "10,00 nor more than $200..00 and each dad• such vi,►lation continues shall be con- si+fired a separate offense and punishable accordiigly. ARTICLa I OL' UMILITT Section 7.01. 84.verability. If +uiy section or part of say section or paragraph of this ordinance is de- clared invalid or unconstitutional for any reason, it shall not be held to in- validaty or repair the validity, force or effect of any other section or sections or part of a section or paragraph of this Ordinanco. ARTICLE 8 REPEALING CLAUSE Section 8.01. Repealing Clause. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby expressly repealed and the ordinance dated October 12, 1954, passed by the City Council and all amendments theretc, is hereby expressly repealed in its entirety. ARTICIX 9 ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Section 9.01. Eefective Date. The enactment of this Ordinance being necessary to the immediate preservation of public business and to provide for the usual daily operation of the municipal department, it is declared to be an asergency measure, which shall have and take effect following its present reading and adoption. PASSED AND APPRANED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Georgetown, at which a quorum was present, on this the third and final reading the 13th day of September 1965. ATTEST: Claud Eads, City Secretary R. S. Elliott, Mayor I/? AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS, PROHIBITING THE OPERATION OF VEHICLES SO LOADED AP TO OBSTRUCT THE VIEW OF THE DRIVER OF SAME AND PROHIBITING THE ONE OPERATING A MOTOR VEHICLE FROM CARRYING PERSONS ON FENDERS, RUNNING BOARDS OR BUMPERS OF VEHICLES NOT DESIGNED FOR SUCH PURPOSES AND PRO. ATTACHING MOTORCYCLE OR TOY VEHICLE TO A MOVING VEHICLE No person shall drive a *vehicle when it is so loaded, or when there are in the front seat such number of persons exceeding three, as to obstruct the view of the driver to the front or sides of the vehicle, or so as to interfere with the driver's control over the driving mech- anism of the vehicle. No passenger in a vehicle shall ride in such position as to inter- fere with the driver's view ahead or to the sides, or to the sides, or to interfere with his control over the driving mechanism of the vehicle. The operator of.any motor vehicle shall not carry any person on the fenders, running boards or bumpers of the vehicle, and no person shall ride on any motor vehicle on that portion not designed or intend- ed for the use of passengers as above described. Any person riding upon any motorcycle, coaster, sled, bicycle, roller skates or any toy vehicle shall not attach the same or himself to any moving vehicle upon any roadway. Any violatinn of this ordinance shall be punishable by fine not less than $1.00 nor more than $200.00. The proviti.ond of this Ordinance are severable so that portion hereof, which might be deemed to be void as a matter of law, shall not affect the validity of any other portion hereof. DULY APPROVED AND ENACTED this the 4th day of October, A. D. 1965, at the regular meeting of the City of Georgetown Council at Georgetown, Texas. Elliott, Mayor ATTEST: au Eads, City Secketary AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, WILLIAMSON COUNTY,; TEXAS, PROHIBITING ABANDONED DISCARDED ICE BOXES, REFRIG- ERATORS AND OTHER DEVICES WITH AIR TIGHT LOCKING DEVICES ANDPROHIBITING UNCOVERED CISTERNS: It shall be unlawful for any person to leave or permit to remain outside of any dwelling, building or other structure, or within any unoccupied or abandoned building, dwelling or other structure under his control, in a place accessible to children, any abandoned, un- attended or discarded ice boxes, refrigerator or other container which has an air tight door or lid equipped with a snap lock or other device which may not be released from the inside, without first removing the lid or door, snap lock or other locking device from the ice box, refrigerator or container. It shall bR unlawful for any person in the City of Georgetown, Texas to leave any cistern or well in or near any public place uncovered, or covered in so insecure a manner as to endanger the lives or limbs of passersby. Any violation of this ordinance shall be punishable by fine of not less than $1.00 nor more than $200.00. County: Georgetown Book: City Charter No Volume Page Number: 149 This page was missing at time of scanning, therefore was not scanned. KOFILE SOLUTIONS, INC AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS PROHIBITING PERSONS WITHIN SAID CITY FROM LOITERING AND PROHIBITING SLEEPING IN STREETS, ALLEYS, SIDEWALKS, ETC. It shall be unlawful for any person within the corporate limits of the City of Georgetown to be, at night time, in or about public or private buildings or premises, where such person has no right or._ permission to be, under suspicious circumstances, and without being able to give a satisfactory account of the same. No person shall, in the City of Georgetown, Texas, be asleep in the night time in any street, alley, highway, square, sidewalk or public place, no belonging to him. Any violation of this Ordinance shall be punishable by fine not less than $1.00 nor more than $200.00. The provisions of this Ordinance are severable so that any portion hereof, which might be deemed to be void as a matter of law, shall not affect the validity of any othe°r portion hereof. DULY -APPROVED AND ENACTED this the 4th day of October, A. D., 1965, at the regular meeting of the City of Georgetown Council at Georgetown, Texas. Rawleigh S. Elliott, Mayor Claud a s, City Secretary AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS, PROHIBITING THE FIRING AND DISCHARGING OF ANY -GUN, PISTOL, SHOTGUN, RIFLE OR OTHER FIREARM OF ANY DESCRIPTION, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY, EXCEPT AS MAY BE PERMITTED BY THE LAWS OF THIS STATE OR OF THE UNITED STATES: It shall be unlawful for any person in the City of Georgetown, Texas, to fire off or discharge any gun, pistol, shotgun, rifle or other firearm of any description, within the corporate limits of Georgetown, except as may be permitted by the laws of this State or of the. United States. The provisions of this section shall not apply to discharging firearms in a shooting galleyy or gunsmithle'establishment. Any violation of this Ordinance shall be punishable by fine not less than $1.00 nor more than $200.00. The provisions of this Ordinance are severable so that any portion thereof, which might be deemed to be void as a matter of law, shall not affect the validity of any other portion hereof. DULY APPROVED AND ENACTED this the 4th day of October, 1965, at the regular meeting of the City of Georgetown Council at Georgetown, Texas. ATTEST: Claud a s, City Secretary Hawielgla 6, Elliott, Mayor 150 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS, PROHIBITING DRIVERS OF VEHICLES INVOLVED IN ACCIDENTS FROM LEAVING THE SCENE OF ACCIDENT AND REQUIRING SUCH DRIVERS TO NOTIFY GEORGETOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT OF ACCIDENT AND PROHIBITING THE REMOVAL OF ANY VEHICLE INVOLVED IN ACCIDENT EXCEPT UPON AUTHORITY OF POLICE OF CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS: The Driver of a vehicle involved in any accident upon any highway or public place in the City, resulting in the injury to or death of any person, damage to any propeZJy, including damage to the vehicle being drive_—U7—fm, sn l notify or cause to be notified the police department of the city before- such vehicle is removed from the scene of the accident, and it shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle involved in any such accident to leave the scene of.such accident or to remove such vehicle from the scene of the accident or collision until authorized to do so by the police officer in charge of the investigation of such accident, except when there is a duty on the part of the driver to use such vehicle in carrying any person injured in such accident to a physician or Burg- eon for medical and surgical treatment or when necessary for the driver to receive medical.treatment. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove or attempt to remove any vehicle involved in a collision or accident, or in any .. way to interfere with or change the position of any such vehicle, except upon authority or direction and in the presence of a police officer, unless such change is made or attempted for the purpose of releasing a person imprisoned within or under any such vehicle in- volved in such collision or accident, Any violation of this ordinance shall be punishable by fine of not less than $1.00 mr more than $200.00. The provisions of this Ordinance are severable so that any portion hereof, which might be deemed to be void as a matter of law, shall not affect the validity of any other portion hereof. DULY APPROVED AND ENACTED this the 4th day of October, A. D. 1965, at the regular meeting of the City of Georgetown Council at Georgetown, Texas. hawleigh S. Elliott Mayor ATTEST: Claud Eads City Secretary AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS DESIGNATING ADDITIONAL DUTIES OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS, IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONTROL OF TRAFFIC, DESIGNATING OF TRAFFIC ZONES,. LOADING ZONES AND OTHER ZONES AND OTHER DUTIES: THE Chief of Police of Georgetown, Texas, shall hereafter be charged with the additional duties hereinafter.set forth, when ever and whereever the congestion of traffic, the frequency of pass- enger vehicles and pedestrians or both, the direction and flow of traffic, the dimensions and conditions of the streets and sidewalks and the use of property abutting streets are such that the Chief of Police finds it necessary for the free flow and expeditions hand- ling and the safety of persons and property. Said duties are: with approval of city council. ✓(1) to designate and maintain crosswalks. 2 To establish safety zones on any of the streets of the City. 43) To mark lanes for traffic and parking stalls on the streets of the city. (4) To designate the locations at which the making of right, left or complete turns at any intersection of streets in the city is prohibited. (5) To designate the course:'to be traveled by vehicles turning a or near certain intersectigns. (6) To designate routes directing traffic near public or private schools, parks and public buildings. (7) To determine the location of passenger zones and load- ing zones. (8) To designate spaces on the streets of the city for use as public cab stands. (9) To designate spaces on the streets of the city for use as bus stopps. MO) To designate areas on the streets of the city which shall not be used as spaces for the parking of vehicles. /(11) To designate areas on the streets.of the city where angle parking may be permitted. W(12) To designate intersections of streets at which drivers operating vehicles approaching the intersection on one or more of the intersecting streets must bring such vehicle,to a complete stop before proceeding into such intersection. 0 13) To determine and allocate unmetered parking time limits on streets and portions of streets. V(14) To designate intersections, the crossing of which shall be controlled by red, green and amber lights and arrows, and to de- termine the type of such lights or traffic-controll devices to be installed at such intersection.' 4(15) To designate the routesawhich must be followed by commercial vehicles in using the streets of the city; provided, that n6 ­such vehicle shall be rrohibited from using any street for the purpose going directly to or from any residential, commercial or industrial establishment abutting on such street for the purpose of deliveringg or picking uplmaterials thereat. X1(16) To make such ahanges as changing conditions may require in any designation, determination or regulation he is herein authorized to make. The Provisions of this Ordinance are severable so that any portion hereof, which might be deemed to be void as a matter of law, shall not affect the validity of any other portion hereof. - DULY APPROVED AND ENACTED this the 4th day of October, A. D. 1965, at the regular meeting of the City of Georgetown Council at Georgetown, Texas. aw eig t S. Elliott Mayor of the City of Georgetown Claud a s, City 5ecretary AIV 0,zi 1IMANCZ OF THT CITY Or CVOR+C FTOWN TTYA$ k'3T-ABLL`,HiNQ A IARA_TFIC .R3:C16Ti 0 C0is-fAINING FIr- Ct7RD OF AI:!.—TRIFFIC CONTROL Did VICIS FkC;"IMIN.(3 FOR_T`D-v f/I.AIN�'F!�A C2 Of PAID MYGISTI°:R by CUARZNT' EN ;SIR"_S BY THF CrTY FCti..IC E i The Chief of Police of thi City of Georgetown. 'Ttxas. shall hereafter keep a puieli.a record, which skaa l beroafter be called t%e "Traffae it*jjister", and saroa shalt contain a record of every specific locaticm in the City where anytraffic-es"trael device. marking or special regulation is made applicable. The City to.uncil has.heretcfare #aaod that the conditions prerequisite to the establishing of all special traffic regulations horein prescribed and the installa- tion of all trafflet-controt devices, sirgns, signals and marking evidenced by the record Owooi in tho traffic, registar existed and such fiadings are hereby confirmed and such r6gulations shall continue in operation until modified by Ordinance of the Cit of Georgetown, Texas. The traffic register shall be continuously triaintaiaaed by the Chief of Folia► as provided in this Or laattr:e' and all per* mw shall be charg*4 with notice of the aontsnts of th.s same« Whenever the City Concil shill by ordiu'xace or rosolutlea make any special regulation of traffic applicabit to a specific location the record of the location snail ba dated. seatheaticated and placer] is thio traftig Register by the Chief got Police. The Chief of Police shall cause to be placed and er alatrain"d all official traffic -control devices, inarkings and signs. and U shalt be unlawful for any peva n to violate the regb1stion imposed Meraby. Proof of the fact that any traffic -control dsvias, sign. sigunl or mark. ing was actually in place at any location, in the City shall constitute prima . facie evidence tint tbo *&me was installed txatder authority' of law. Whenever any spseial regulation of traffic b6comos expressly act "applicable to a specific Location is Chs, city, the rea*rd of such location shall rensaia 0% the graffiti register. but shall to prornillOAtly inarkod "DELE'TE'D" by the Chief # Paliee, who shall also now the eitts of such d+wletion and the authorit y thss;refrar. All entries made by the said CiAef of Folice in sa J4 Regi- ster #ha►ll be ira►ds early after Stine aro autberiaes~d by the City Council. The pro*iaions of this Ordinaence aro severable **&at any' portion heraof. which might be deemed to be void as a msiter'crf law, shall not affect the validity of any other portion hereof. DULY APPROVED AND PNACTSD this the 1 1T day of Jan�mry, A.D. 1966, at the t►eg warra ening of the City of Georgeto a Council atf►�earget�+rert,, Texas. ATTrSTs IT 6 C IN ETAJ& f �� 7eri,A Y G t C P T kE' C. 11 YOF CrORGNTOWN, TEXAS AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND ROUTING MOTOR VEHICLES TRANSPORTING FLANAiABLE LIQUIDS IN EXCESS OF FOURTEEN HUNDRED (1400) GALLONS WITHIN THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, ROUTING THRU TRAFFIC AND PROHIBITING PARKING OF SAID VEHICLES UNLESS UNLOADING, PIIOVIDING FOR PENALTY AND DECLARING EMERGENCY. ' BE IT ORDAINED that it shall be unlawful and an offense for the driver of a motor vehicle transporting flammable liquids in excess of fourteen hundred (1400) gallons to travel into or through the City of Georgetown except in the designated areas as follows: For East-West Traffic: (1) University Avenue from Interstate 35 to Timber Street Intersection. (2) 7th Street from Timber Street Intersection to Holly Street Intersection. (3) West 4th Street (400 Block). (4) East 4th Street (East of Holly Street. For North-South Traffic: (1) Timber Street lying North of University Avenue (2) Holly Street lying North of 7th Street All operators of trucks used transporting flammable liquids in excess of fourteen hundred (1400) gallons going by or through Georgetown, without stop- ping to unload, shall use Interstate highway 35 (for North & South traffic) and State Highway 29 (for East & West traffic) and no other routes. No operator of such a truck hauling in excess of fourteen hundred (1400) gallons of flammable liquid shall park within the corporate limits of the City of Georgetown when in the process of unloading, except at bulk storage facilities. Any person, firm or corporation violating this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be penalized by a fine of not more than $200.00, and each thirty (30) minute period that such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. The fact that the passage of this ordinance is of great public importance to immediately put into force the aforesaid fire control for the protection of the lives, health, property and welfare of the citizens of the City of Georgetown and thereby creates a public emergency and necessity and therefore this Ordinance shall take effect from and after this reading and its passage and adoption. READ, PASSED AND ADOPTED by unanimous vote 21st day of November, A.D., 1966. ay C Sloan, Mayor ATTEST: Claud ads, City Scretary APPROVED: Joe B McMaster, City Attorney 1 511 County: Georgetown Book: City Charter No Volume Page Number: 155 This page was missing at time of scanning, therefore was not scanned. KOFILE SOLUTIONS, INC A or4u'.Op OF wr OIT'1 t F (POW, SGS TT kra f PI'c(iTTIM: (' 1X)R MT 0110,M G OF P&L'11.c I OR xtlr OPI ti14TTM &LH,1 grid) CI "Y, op runic mm-rvA. Grs or Mt.D CLAbsi S 4 O%'14 AS TI SFS AD LAMV IS., :, m T,.PCU1AJL IVIG L4ir, OP 4 RA`i.'I09 OF S',,CH GO IVi", XTO a, A ID 7 0VID1,1O A. P"IJALI''Y 1 Ort ThP V1f%ATION Orr" x 13 O011 kl.iCF, A D Dr.('z.ARI ir Jaw ICY. ME 7T 00111 k3) '1Y an CiaY COUNCIL 01 THE CITY OF GE011UL10 II, �XASa Soction l., That a bus, rrz thi zz the meati nG of th7.s ordirar-ce , in a public eonvolawe„ oparouirc, orinoipelly rAth{ n this Cray, ihat clarrias paseen;ors :Cor hiro, r;.nd that has a rc.Gt:larly fired schedule area a outer Rhat a tax -Loeb„ a ithin tho maeadng of this ordinance r is e. publze convoyanoo , ope, at.lnF, px in.oipally within this City, and carrying paaeengern for hi.ro; with- out having any regular sahedulo or tripa or routoe Saetiioa 2a That tho Gity Council or the said City ahall, at suoh tunes as to it shall seer propor, exmai.na Into all raters, pai taming -,o tho con- vermozwe and neconaity of bhoppublie9 and as to tho oha:aeter of vehiclos cony voying passongers Tar h1ren iTithin said City, and shall fit And dot.ermi.as i hey +imn'ber of buses and the number of rsv.icdba that should be granted permits to open. -to in rno aaid Cityo That, until changed by the City Cou w2.1, tho n.mber of bases that ray bo gx anted permits, is horbby fixed at Wo,; and the numbor of taxacabs that; may bo granted permits is hereby fj. ad at fivo 0 Sooti.on 3r That frmi and aftor tho tubing effect of this ordinance, any person desiring to opea ato any bus or any taxior b, ahali , j n urxting. nato ap- plication cation to the Gity Lounoil of the said City for a pamit to oporate any auch vehicle* chat sLoh application shmll stato the nwno or names of they oTmor a^ ovnaers o4 thv vohiole for which applioatl.on is mador and shall state tho rsomo of tl o person Aho is to operates or d"ivo the eww, and ahe.11 s,,ete the aix4, oanc.alty anti; mako and ==dad ol" tho uottroyanco to be wed; and shall stato tho amount of the foe oharges proposed to bo oharrod each Faasongero and shall state tho looation or aoadquartors or suoh bus or taxkgab, that vrlen such application is iso prononted to the City Council it shall have the power, and it is Its duty to, at any reagins: or any spocial seosion of the City Council, eAmino into A11 mattars portai=ng to such application, and to daterano waothcr or not: such aoplioation should bo granted* Xhat if it shall ba Found that' such applioatloa Ito be rj anted, 1... snail order and eiroot tho City Scor ata_ -y of, old �it� to Issuo to said %Lpplioaat a. pomit to operate said beaxola; vhen nualz tpuldloant• w snrlt siara ,paid in ro Gity Ireasury, Lha atm of S3.xty s?olltas ( -450o00)4 vox +a* fi t to oporato ouch vgh10_e on tho pub1ze atrh. t u of seid t'ity * 1,56 Liv,t i�-pc!n -�hG of sr S'J.Ay Pollara ( "W"60.001 rnc of the zulld PHI-mit, the iea.1p,13 for which scjw 1w.3 befia Eraatcd :thy on vs of the su--'�d City for a period of cite Afrow V'te date of such perrTait. -,anletio the saw be 000m -r nannellad by the Coul-W.11, qdsr Provisions horaof. That it ia efitinatad that the amAd fee o"LO Sixty Pcllars 0'60.00) so psid, in lues than two F.sjr cant (21%) of t gropa as!xri-div% for a yeiarp rtiallned tito operation of aix-h vehicle. That if, , at tile or'", of 000 year,, it bo made to ap-pear to the 0-16ty Council tat the said Sixtr T"ollarts (460,00) so paid, in incre than 4w!o percont. ( 2� ) of the . rods sam-tinge of six -,h vehicla, hien a rebate may be vuida to said &?pUnant,, in an wiiount sufficient to bring the surn within the said two Pereent W!j) , sk'cti-n 5 0 An a ffvrkher condition for the CrtLnt-InC of Vas parwit herein mc. n- tionoc!, thss applicant shell ma1m Lnd deliver to Vire said City a Clod hud volvoqt bond to be approved by he City Council of the said City, in tha aim of Vive '-housand DoAl.",Ars (V6 5DW.00 ) *,iah said bond aiiall be payable to the Llayor of the said City, and conditioned th&t the maker thereof shall pay all damr;os =cavioned In any manner by the maClif:onoe or wrongful "ration of surb vehicle* provi4od, that in lieu of such Icon., tns applicant Alor po.-Tdt may tand.fir to the City Council , f its approml., a policy of Lisurazutei in sone good eclvant in- surance aoiipany, insuring such auto;Aobils for the Li"I;Uh of time it Is to operate ender ouch parwit, at-ainxt public Ilabilitylard property da ace In tho six -1 o1c not loss titan File Thouse.nd Do'Llal-a ( ".50000.00 ) and if the City Counoil find that the said poliey ia in all th-Alr.Ge vufficieut, no bard shall 'be requirede Spon nn 6s Thft In the grantln& of appliaotions, the City Counoil sha",l have the ncuer and it vhall—bo its dut-, to so* that felts to be char�pd by the operttor of any veblelev to ptssongers. BhOLII'.Lbo re: sonablo and oqual " uniform; end conrorm, &a r-c&r'-'y *a is p-rcatioalle, to fast toing charged and received by other v(eliclon ta said City pertor-jinr; sUiilar serviaoaj " tte. tYA revs proposed to be ohart;ed as set out in all applications for pendtp shall be in conformity with the fees allowed to be atharCed by the City Uouncill and when such permit bas* been rran�ad . no hiLhor fees thsa those stated in such app!40aticz shall ba charged or oollected without the consent of the City Couwil* /57 3cititi.^Ys 7, That the City Counol.l r -hall have the piYwar, ,.N3 it, alfa l bo its .duty to Lrt:{.cea? any po^z:it #h!kt hr:s boon 4rum::ec?, wheel it ahzalt aortic. to i.cs knoviledd6e that the huider of such pnrr:tit has violated the tumfs and aolwi.tions of this ordiru►nce. And it shall ilcve the povrer, and it Is msde its duty to cnn- cejl anTr such pewit, vr'rten it shell core to its knowrlodGe that the voHicla beitir, used in then tra:rerort:atlon of peasark;orc is not of the kinil and character stn.'c.ed in the ag)-iicatl cin, or has ceased to be a safe vehic ie for such us -$ or that thb drivor of such veLicier Is not it gualMod licensed clWarfeurl ar thc.'. ho is not or Food tsm!perate habits, or that his is In any maiulor not a aid. table person to Operate surh ve ii.cls. S30tion 80 That botore refusi.V, any pemlt whore proper application hGo been mode. and befor.i ceneellinj; any permit that has been U.rantud, the 4ity Council shall give to the person or persons interested thorsin, notice that such appliec.ti on Is under oonsidera .ionj or that the awwollation of such permit is under connid— oration, and the !late and time of such hoari es, CIAM to the person or persons at int,haat, a ,full opportunity to be heard thereon. Soot:+on I That from and niter the takin5 effect of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person to drive or operato, or otues to be driven or opera'.ed, within this City, any bus without havvArq; and holding, a permit to orwiret;e Bar*$ and any person vliQatirC this provision hereof stall be flneed iu any eariount not exosedine One Burudred Dollars (1,100.00). 5eatian 10's That from and aftor the taking effeat: of this ordir a.nce I* shall be unlairful for any parson to drive or operate within this, City, or cause to be driven or operated* within this City, any taxicab, without havknZ and holdinG a permit to operate the roams, a:ld that any parson violating, this provision of this section harenf shall be fined in any SLn not exoeeding One Hundred 0100.00), Section, IT. That frau and after the tat-cirag effacst of this orflinance, it shall be unlawful for any person to aonvey pacison„ers for h4re, frori, ens place to another with r, this City, in arty charrwtor of vehicle other them in a regularly liuozrpod bLa or in a rerularl,y li.corwvd taxicab, rArA.i that any person virl.a.t:irt , tris suction of this or. dinp.we shall, oa comviotion be fliwd 3.n any amount not; to emceed One Htuabed Pol:lars ( ";100.00). Section :gyp* fic,ab from " %.-tMer the takitzL effect: of this ordi;.aame it shall be ur►ltiaAl for any pr.;rson to knovdriCl.y violato Rn:1 or t e provisi.Ms of t%la ordirsa-mal and that any porson knowli%l;► violatl:g any of the pro-- visions of this ordinance, shall, upon convictioa# be fined in any sun not Inns than Ona ltundrod Dollarm ( w100.00) -0 See,Aon 1:3. That. if any olause, stiction, or wo -e3 of thi.a ord:InaMe be decreed to be invalid for any reason, it shall not affect the validity of any othor portion hereof; and that all portions horoof, other thigh such ca may be decreed to be invalids shall be and rer,ain in full Sores a -Z ef'fact. Section 14. That this ordinance shall suparcede and repeal all ordinamoa and parts of oreinanoos horstofore p meed, rerulatwn, the issmaze of I:termifs for the operation of 'ruses and taxicabs j and that all permits issuod urlde:• any such ordinanoos are hereby rend©rad void and inoperative. 76at rwo and after the effeotivo dace hereof. each amier or operator of a bus or tVxicab, wishiur, to operate same as such, shall, before operating sane, procure the p radt herein requiredl and shall emch your thereafter procure a like permi.t• Section 190 That the fact that there is no ardi.aanao of this City that males adequate provision For the regulation of buses and taxicabs, creates an emerr,eney, and snakes it necessary that the rules re ,uiring that ordinances be read at three se mwate rmetings before pasaage, be suspended$ and the sai:w are hereby suspended, and this ordinance is here awl paaaed, and is ordered to take 04' t 30 days after its passages Passed and approved this the 24 th day of duly, A. D• 1947. Attests dQ e�-"'moi `- y oo�'r�c� �;o c�i�as.• s ISq AN ORDINANCE CREATING PARKING ZONES IN THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS,'WITERE PARKING SHALL BE LIMITEDITO TWO HOURS, PROVIDING FOR THB ENFORCEMENT OF SUCH ORDINANCE AND MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO USE SUCH ZONE FOR CONTINUOUS PARKING IN EXCESS OF TIDO HOURS, PR(IVIDING FOR FIRE ZONES AND LOADING ZONES, AND MAKING PERSONS FOUND . GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR, CONTAINING MIS- CELLANEOTJS PROVISION AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEORGETO4YN, TEXAS Section 1. That the zones designated as two hour parking zones located within the City of Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas, to be marked by appropriate signs which shall be erected giving notice of such two hour limitation are as follows: Main Street: That part of Main Street from the south curb line of Sixth Street to the north curb line of Ninth Street -all in Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas, Austin Avenue: That part of Austin.Avenue from the south curb line of Sixth.Street to the north curb line of Ninth Street all in Georgetown, William- son County, Texas. Seventh Street That part of Seventh Street from the east curb line of Rock Street to the West curb line of Church Street all in Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas. Efghth Streets That part of Eighth Street from the east curb line of Rock Street to the west curb line of Church Street all in Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas. Section 2. During the hours of 8:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M., Monday through Friday, inclusive, but legal holidays excluded, it shall be unlawful for any person to leave standing or parked, any vehicle for a period of more than two hours in thefaforesaid two hour parking zones and each successive two hours that a vehicle shall be left continuously parked in such zones shall constitute a separate offense. Section 3. During the hours of 8:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M., Monday through Saturday, at 12:00 Noon, except legal holidays, no person shall leave standing or parked, any vehicle for a period in excess of fifteen (1S) minutes in the following zones: A. On Eighth Street in front of the Post Office B. On Ninth Street in front of the City Administration Building. Each successive fifteen (1S) minutes that a vehicle shall be left continuously parked in such zones shall constitute a separate offense. `Said fifteenj(15) minute parking zones shall be appropriately marked with signs reflecting that same are fifteen (1S) minute parking zones; Section 4. No person shall allow, suffer or permit any, vehicle registered in his name to stand'or be`parked, nor shall any person park a vehicle in, on or upon any street in the City of Georgetown, Williamson County,,Texas, in violation of any of the ordinances of this City regulating the standing or parking of vehicles. Section S. That in any case when a person shall have been charged with having parked or left standing a vehicle on any - street in the City of Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas, at a place on said Street where parking of vehicles is prohibited, or with parking such vehicle on said street in a manner which violates the manner of parking a vehicle as designated, or with parking such vehicle - for a length of time in excess of that allowed in the space where such vehicle was parked, proof that said vehicle was, at the date of the offense alleged, owned by the person charged with the offense; shall constitute prima facie evidence that said vehicle was parked or left standing at the place charged by said owner, but the owner shall have the right to introduce evidence to show that said vehicle was not parked by him and charged in the complaint. Section 6. No person shall park a vehicle in those areas marked, "Loading Zone", between the hours of 7:00 A. M. and 7:00 P. M. on any day except Sunday for any purpose except the expedi. tious loading, unloading, delivering or pick up,of materials or merchandise. Section 7. No person shall park, except as hereinafter provided, a vehicle in those areas marked, "Fire Zone", and being the portions of streets as follows: A. The alley running in a North-South direction between Seventh and Eighth Streets and Main and Church Streets. B. The alley running in an East-West direction between Sixth and Seventh Street and between Main Street and Austin.Avenue. C,� The alley gunning in a North-South direction between Eighth and Ninth Streets and Austin Avenue and Rock Street. D. The alley running in a North-South direction through the block between Seventh Street and Eighth Street and Austin Avenue and Rock Street. All of said streets and portions thereof are located in George- town, Williamson County, Texas: The foregoing zones, fire zones, may be used for the expeditious loading, unloading, delivery and pick up of materials and merchandise in such zones. Section 8. Any person who shall violate any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and upon such conviction shall be fined not less than one ($1.00) Dollar nor more than Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars. Section 9. Should any portion of this ordinance be held to be unconstitutional or invalid for any reason at any time in the future by any court of law, the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance shall not be effected. Section 10. Due to the great public necessity to preserve the public peace and in order to aid in the handling of the traffic and in the administration of the city's business, the passing of this ordinance is a public necessity and therefore this ordinance shall be and become effective after its first reading on and after the 1st day of September, 1968. City �Secretary Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas JU3 CHAPTER XVI MOTOR VEHICLE LAWS Section 1. OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES WITHOUT LICENSE NUbff3ER PLATES. Any person who operates a passenger oar or a commercial motor vehicle upon the city streets of the City ery time during any month of a motor vehicles registration year without having displayed theron, and attached, thereto, two (2) license number plates, one (1) plate at the front and one (1) at the rear, which have been duly and lawfully assigned for said vehicle for the current registration -year, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; this shall not apply to dealers operating vehicles under present provisions of the law, and provided, however, license number plates may be purchased during the months of February and March and beginning February first, or if this date falls on a Sunday they may be purchased February second, for registration and when purchased may be used from and after date of purchase preceding and during the registration year for which they are issued upon the motor vehicle for which they are issued. Section 2, ROAD TRACTORSp MOTO1fCYCLES, TRAILERS - LICENSE PLATES FOR, Any person who operates a road -tractor, motorcycle, trailer or semi- trailer upon the city streets of this City any time during any month of a motor vehicle registration year without having attached thereto and displayed on the rear thereof, a license number plate duly and lawfully assigned therefor for the current year shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, Section 3.RATE AND SPEED OF VEHICLES. Austin Avenue and Twelfth Street of this City are hereby zoned for traffic upon said streets, and the maximum rate of speed for each zone is fixed: Austin Avenue being zoned for traffic going northward thereon, and Twelfth Street for traffic going eastward amd also for traffic going westward thereon. (a) Austin Avenue Is zoned for northbound traffic as follows: That Northward, zone No. 1, begins at the South City Limits and follows said Avenue in a northerly direction to a point two tenths (2/10) of a mile from said city limits, and the maximum rate of speed for said zone is 45 miles per hour. That Northward Zone No. 2, begins at the north end of the said Zone No. 1, and extends northward along the said Avenue to a point that is four tenths (4/10) north from said South City Limits, and that the maximum rate of speed for zone No, 2, is 40 miles per hour. That Northward, Zone No, 3, begins at the North end of.said Zone No. 2, and extends northward along said Avenue, to s point that is one and five one hundredths (1.05) of a mile north from South City Limits, and that the maximum rate of speed on this Zone No. 3, is 30 miles per hour. That northward, Zone No, 4 begins at the north end of said Zone No. 3, end extends northward along said Avenue to the North City Limits, and that the maximum rate of speed on this Zone is 45 miles per hour. (b) Austin Avenue is zoned for southbound traffic as follows: Southward, Zone No. 1, begins at the North City Limits, and extends southward along said Avenue to a point that is twenty-five hundredths (25/100) of a mile south from the Nortn City Limits; and that the maximum rate of apeed on this zone is 45 miles per hour. Southward, Zone No. 2, begins at the south end of said zone No. 1, extends Southward along said Avenue to a point that is four tenths (4/10) of a mile north from the South City Limits and that the maximum rate of speed on this Zone No. 2, is 30 miles per hour. That Southward Zone No, 3, begins at the south end of said Zone No. 2, and extends southward along said Avenue to a point that Is two tenths (2/10) of a mile north from the South City Limits, and that the maximum rate of speed of this Zone No. 3, is 40 smiles per hour. That Southward, Zone No. 40 begins at the south end of said Zone No, 30 and extends southward along the said avenue to South City Limits and that tine maximum rate of speed on this zone is 45 miles per hour, (c) Twelfth Street is hereby zoned for Eastbound traffic thereon, and maximum speed for each zone is fixed as follows: Eastward Zone ho. 1, begins with the West City Limits and extends eastward along said Street to a point that is two tenths (2/10) of a mile east from said West City limits, and that the maximum rate of speed on this zone, No. 19 is 35 miles per hours, That Eastward, None No. 2, begins at the east end of said Zone No. 1, and extende eastward along said street to a point that is two tenths (2/10) of a mile wrest from the East City Limits, and 0074 �u��i that the maximum rate of speed on this zone is 30 miles per hour. That Eastward, 'Lone No, 3, begins at the east end of Zone No 2., and extends eastward along the said Street to the East City Limits, and that the maximum rate of speed on this zone is 35 miles per hour. (d) Twelfth Street is hereby zoned for westbound traffic thereon, an speed rate for zones fixed as follows; That sliest bound, Zone No. 1, begins at the East City Limits and extends westward along the said Street to a point that is two tenths (2/10) of a mile west from the East City Limits and that the rate of speed on this zone No. 10 shall not exceed 35 miles per hour. That Westbound Zone No. 2, shall begin at the west end of the said Zone No. 1, and shall extend westward along the said Street to a point that is two tenths (2/10) of a mile east from the Fest City Limits, and that maximum rate of speed on this Zone No. 29 shall be 30 miles per hour.. That westward, zone No, 3, shall begin at the west end of said Zone No. 2, and shall continue westward along said Street to the hest City Limito, and the rate of speed on this Zone shall not exceed 35 miles per hour. The maximum rate of speed for motor vehicles upon each of the remaining Streets of said City, and all parts of such remaining Streets is hereby fixed at 30 miles per hour. (e) All of the Streets of this City, and all portions of any such streets, are hereby declared to be publio streeto, and that of the driving or operating of any motor vehicle on or along any portion of any street of this City as a rate of speed that is greater than the maximum rate of speed for said portion of said street, as fixed by this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, which is named " The Offence of Speeding"r and that the said offense is punishable by fine in any sum not to exceed fifty (350.00).dollars. That the use of the word, "Speeding", shall be sufficient to deeignate the said offence, and shall mean that a motor vehicle has been driven upon a public street, at a greater rate of speed, than.that fixed by this ordinance, for the street, and for the zone thereof, that such motor vehicle was so beim, driven upon, if zoned. (Passed June 99 1952) Section 5, RATE OF SPEED FOR RAILROAD ENGINES, It shall hereafter be unlawful for any railroad train or any railroad engine to be operated at a rate of speed greater than miles per hour, while being run or operated within the corporate 1=31 -Cs of this City. Any engineer, conductor, or other person running or operating any such engine or train, who shall run or operate within the corporate limits of said City, at a rate of speed greater than that above set out shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordinance and upon conviction therefor shall be fined in any sum not to exceed ten (610.00) dollars. (Passed May 10, 1937) , Section 6. OBEDIENCE TO POLICE OFFICERS, no person shall wilfully fail to refuse to comply with any lawful order or direction of any police officer invested by law with authority to direct, control or re;-ul.ate traffic. Any such willful failure or refusal shall be a mis- demeanor. Section 7. EMERGENCY VEHICLES, The driver of any authorized emergency vehicle, when respondiner to an emergency call, upon approaching a red or stop signal or any stop signs shall slow down as necessary for safety but may proceed cautiously past ouch red or stop sign or signal. At other timed drivers of authorized emergency vehicles shall stop in obedience to a stop sign or signal. No driver of any authorized e:nergoncy vehicle shall assume any special privilege under this ordinance except when such vehicle is operated in response to an emergency call or in the immediate pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law. Section S. Traffic Laws �- To Whom Applicable, Every pereon riding an animal or driving an animal -drawn vehicle upon a roadway shall be granted all the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle under this ordinance. Section 9. TRAFFIC SIGNS, SIGNALS AND MIUMINGS. No driver of a vehicle shall disobey the instructions of any official, traffio-contoll device place in accordance with the laws of this City, unless at the time otherwise directed by a police officer. 0075 Ius� Section 10. ACCIDENTS (a) ACCIDENTS INVOLVING DEATH OR PERSONAL INJURY. The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury or death of any person shall immediately stop such vehicle at the scene of such accident or as close thereto as possible, but shall then forthwith return to and in every event shall remain at the scene of the accident until he has fulfilled the requirements of the laws of this city, Every such stop shall be made without obstructing traffic more than is necessary. Any person failing to stop or to comply -with said requirements under such circumstance shall upon conviction be punished by a fine not exceeding (b) ACCIDENT INVOLVING DAMAGE TO irMICLE. The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting only in damage to a vehicle which is driven or attended by any person shall immediately stop such vehicle at the scene of such accident or as close thereto as poseLble but shall forthwith return to and in every event shall remain at the scene of such accident until he has fulfilled the requirements of the laws of this city. Every such stop shall.be made without obstructing traffic more than is necessary. Any person failing to stop or to comply with said requirements under such circumstances shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (o) DUTY TO GIVE INFORMATION AND RENDER AID. The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting; in injury to or death of any person or damage to any vehicle which is driven or attended by any person shall give his name, address, and the registration number of the vehicle he is driving, and shall upon request, and if available. exhibit his operator's, commercial operator's or chauffeur's license to the person struct or the driver or occupant of or person attending any vehicle collided with and elmll render to any person injured in such accident reasonable assistance, including the carrying, or the making of arrangements for the carrying,. of such person to a physician, surgeon, or hospital for medical or sura- ical treatment if it is apparent that such treatment is.neoessary or if such carrying is requested by the injured person. (d) DUTY UI'ON STRIKING UNATTE14D D VHEICLE. The driver of any vehicle which collides with and damages any vehicle which is unattended eiiall immiedately stop and shall then and there either locate and notify the operator or owner of such vehicle of the name and address of the driver and owner of the vehicle striking the unattended vehicle or shall leave in a conspicuous place in, or securely attached to and plainly visible, the vehicle strucks a written notice giving the name and address of the driver and of the owner of the vehicle doing the striking and a statement of the circumstances thereof. (e) DUTY UPON STRIKING FIXTUR23 UPON A HIGHWAY, The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting only in damage to fixtures legally upon or adjacent to a highway shall take reasonable steps to loo - ate and notifjF the owner or person in charge of such property of such fact and of his name and addrees and of the registration number of the vehicle he is driving and shall upon request and if available exhibit his operator's, commerical operator's, or chauffeur's license and shall make report of such accident when required by the laws of this City. (f) IMMEDIATE REPORT OF ACCIDENTS. The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury to or death of any person shall immediately by the quickest means of communication give notice of such accident to the city police department. Section 11. DRIVING ON RIGHT SIDE OF RAODWAYs OVERTAKING AND PASSING. (a) DRIVE ON RIGHT SIDE OF ROAD'WAY9 k(CEPTIONS. Upon all the streets of this city, the driver of a vehicle shall drive upon the right half of the roadways except as followiss (1) When overtaking and passim; another vehicle proceeding in the same direction under the rules governing ouch movement. (2) When the right half of a street la closed to traffic while under construction or repair. (3) Upon a street divided into three (3) marked lanes for traffic under the rules applicable thereon. (4) Upon a roadway designated and sign posted for one-way traffic, (b) PASSING VEHIC "S PROCEEDING IN OPPO;JITY DIRECTION. :Drivers of. 0076 vehicles proceeding in opposite directions shall pass each other to the ribAts and upon streets having a width for not more than one line of traffic in each directions each driver shall give to the other at least one-half * of the main -travelled portion of the roadway as nearly as possible. (o) OVERTAKING A VEHICLE ON THE LEFT. The following rules shall govern the overtaking and passim; of vesicles proceeding in the sane direction, subject to those limitations, exceptions and special rules stated herein. (1) The driver of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass to the left thereof at a safe distance and shall not again drive to the right side of the roadway until safety clear of the overtaken vehicle. (2) Except when overtaking and passing on the right is permitted, the driver of an overtaken vehicle shall give way to the right in favor oS the overtaking vehicle on audible signal and shall not increase the speed of his vehicle until.completely passed by the over- taking vertaking vehicle. (d) WHEN OVERTAKING ON THE RIGHT I3 PERMITTED, The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass upin the right of another vehicle only under the follo�,ring conditions1 When the vehicle overtaken is making or about to make a left turn. (2) Upon a street or highway with unobstructed pavement not occupied by parked vehicles of sufficient width for two (2) or more lines of moving vehicles in each direction. (3) Upon a one-way street, or upon any roadway on which traffic is restricted to one direction of movement, whether the roadway is free from obstruction and of sufficient width for two (2) or more lines of moving vehicles. The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass another vehicle upon the right only under conditions permitting such movement in safety. In no event shall such movement by made by driving off.the pavement or mein -traveled portion of the roadway. (e) LIMITATIONS ON OVERTAKING ON THE I�2T. No vehicle shall at any time be driven to the left side of the roadway under the following conditions) (1) 'd27ere sight restriction is such that the section of street being traversed lies witlLin a no passing; zone as determined and marked accord- ing to lay. (2) 'hen approaching within one hundred (100) feet of or traversing any intersection or railroad grade crossing. (3) When approaching within one hundred (100) feet of any bridge or viaduct. Section 12. FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY. The driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent leaving due regard for the speed of such vekicles and the traffic upon and the conditions of the street. Section 13. TURNING AND STARTING AND SIGNALS ON STOPPING AND TU11NING. (a) required position and method of turning at intersections. The driver of a vehicle intending to turn at an intersection shall do so as follows: (1) Both the approach for a right turn and a right turn shall be made as close as practical to the right-hand curb or edge of the street. (2) A,ppmoaoh for a left turn shall be made in that portion of the right half of the roadway nearest the center line thereof and after entering tile intersection the left turn shall be made so as to leave the intersection to the right of the center line of the roadway being entered. (b) STARTING A PARKED VEHICLE. No person shall start a vehicle which is stopped, standings or parked unless and until such movement can be made with safety* (c) TURNING MOVEMENTS AND REQUIRED SIGNALS. No pc rson shall turn a vehicle at an intersection sinless the vehicle is in proper position upon the roadway as required by laws or turn a vehicle to enter a private road or driveway or otherwise turn a vehicle from a direct course or move right or left upon a roadway unless and until such movement can be made with safety. No person shall so turn any vehicle without giving an Appropriate signal in the manner provided by the Lavin of the State of Texas, in the event any other traffic may be affected by such movement. A signal of intention to turn right or left when required shall be given continuously- during; not leas than the last one hundred (100) feet travel- ed -.by the vehicle before turning. 0077 Itp-4' No person shall stop or suddenly decrease the speed of a vehicle wittiout first giving an appropriate signal in the manner required by the Laws of the State of Texas, to the driver of any vehicle immediately to the rear when there is opportunity to give'sueh signal. Section 14. RIGHT OF WAY. (a) VEHICLE APPROACHING OR ENTERING INTERSECTION., The driver of a vehicle approaching an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to a vehicle which has entered the intersection from a different 14ohway. When two (2) vehicles enter an intersection from different highways at approximately the same time the driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right, (b) VEHICLE TURNING LEFT AT INTERSECTION. The driver of a vehicle within an intersection intending to turn to the left shall yield the right-of- way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction which is within the intersection or so close thereto as to constitute an immediate hazard# but said driver, having so yielded and having given a signal when and as required by law, may make such left turn and the drivers of all other vehicles approaching; the intersection from said opposite direction shall yield the right -sof -way to the vehicle: making the left turn. (c) VEHICLE ENTERING THROUGH HIGHWAY OR STOP INTERSECTION. The driver of a vehicle shall stop as required by law at the entrance to a through highway and shall yield the right-of-way to other velLicles which have entered the intersection from said through highway or witch are approach- ing so closely on said through highway as to constitute an immediate hazardp but said driver having so yielded may proceed and the drivers of all other vehicles approaching; the intersection on said through highway shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle so proceeding into or across the through highway* The driver of a vehiole shall likewise stop in obedience to a stop sign as required herein at an intersection wliere a stop sign is erected at one or more highways and shall proceed cautiously# yielding to vehicles not so obliged to stop w hLich are within the inter- section or approaching -so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard# but may then proceed. (d) V'MICLE ENTERING STREET FROM PRIVATE ROAD OR DRIVEVAY. The driver of a vehi6le about to enter or cross a highway from a private road or driveway shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approacidng, on said highway. (e) OPE"ILMON OF VEHICLES ON APPROACH OF AUTHORIZED 12aRGLNCY VM1ICLE. Upon the immediate approach of an authorized emergency vehicle equipped with at least one lighted lamp exhibiting red light visible under normal atmospheric conditions from a distance of five hundred (500) feet to the front of such veriicle and/or when the driver is giving audible signal by siren# exhaust, whistle, or bell (1). The driver of every other vehicle shell yield the right-of-way and shall immediately drive to a position parallel to, and as close as possible to, the right hand edge or curb of the street clear of any intersection and shall stop and remain in such position until the authorized emergency vet'.icle has passed, except when otherwise directed by a police officer. (2) This section shall not operate to reli:.ve the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons using, the highway. Section 15. PEDESTRIANS# RIGHT AND DITTIES. (a) SHALL BE SUBJECT TO TRAFFIO:.REGULATIONS. Pedestrians shall be subject to traffic -control signals at interseotione. (b) PEDESTRIAN RIGHT OF WAY IN CROSS WALKS. When traffio-oontrol signals are not in place or not in operation the driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way# slowing down or stopping if need be to so yield, to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within a crosswalk when the pedestrian is upon the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling# or when the pedestrian is approaching so closely from the opposite half of the roadway as to be in danger# ht no pedestrian shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is impossible for the driver to yield. (o) CROSSING AT OTHER THAN CROSSWALKS, Every pedestrian crossing a road- way at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the +street. 0073 1WF dollars, That is conviction of the violation of this deoisionbe had upon a plea of guilty thereto, and without demanding a trial, the only cost charge shall be the cost of arrest, in the sum of one dollar, but if the person so charged with the violation of this section, demands a trial, and that upon such trial there be a conviction, the cost charged shall be the same as that provided by other ordinances of this city in like trials for the violation of other ordinances, or the violation of a State Law, of which the Corporation Court has jurisdiction. (f) OPERATION OF VEHICLES DURING THE GIVING OF A FIRE ALARM SIGNAL, Immediately upon the sounding of an alarm for fire or the approach of the fire apparatus on the way to a fire in said city, all vehicles that may be at said time traveling upon any streets, shall be driven at once to the curb of such street, to the right of the driver of such vehicle, , rand there remain for at least five minutes after the said alarm has been so given, or all fire apparatus has passed. When said alarm is so given for fire as aforesaid, and for at least five minutes thereafter, no vehicle shall approach to within a distance of nearer than 300 feet of the fire station of the said city, and that any vehicle being driven upon a street, that may at the time of the giving of the said alar3n, be within 300 feet of the said fire station, shall be at once driven to the curb of the said street, to the right of the driver of such vehicle, and there remain for at least five minutes from the giving of the said alarm, or until all apparatus has passed. From and after the giving of the said alarm for fire as aforesiad, and until all of the fire fighting apparatus has been removed from the street, no vehicle shall approach to nearer than 300 feet of the scene of the said fire. From and after the giving; of the said alarm and until all of the fire—figting apparatus have finally been removed from the scene of the fire, no vehicle shall be stopped or parked within 50 feet of any fire hydrant that is located within 600 feet of the . scene of the said fire. This Ordinance shall not apply to the driver of any vehicle belonging to or in any manner being used by the fire department of this city; nor shall it apply to any vehicle or the driver thereof, that is conveying any fireman to or from the scene of the fire; provided further, that no vehicle other than some of the fire fighting; apparatus shall be stopped or parked within 300 feet of the fire or set out in this ordinance. (g) PROHIBITING THE PARKING FOR OVER ONE HOUR FOR OFFERING GOODS FOR SALE. It sriall be unlawful for any owner, operator or person in charge of any automobile, or other vheicle, that is then and there offered for sale, or which is then and there being exhibited for sale or from which any goods, wares or merchandise, to then and there park or atop such automobile for a longer period of time than one hour, at any one place, on any public street of the said City. (h) FROHIBITING THE DRIVING ON OR ACROSS ANY LOT OR BLOCK OF LAND WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE OWNER. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or drive any vehie.le, or any horse, mule, cow, hog, sheep, goat, jack, or jennet, upon or across any lot, block or parcel of lend, which is not a public street or alley, without the consent of the owner or person in charge or control of such lot, block or parcel of land. Any person violating; the provision of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon - conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than One Dollar and not more than Two hundred dollars. (i) REGULATING PARKING AROUND FIRE HYDRANTS AND IN FIRE ZONES. It shall be unlawful for any vehicle to park on the Nest Nide of Main Street in front of the fire station. It shall be unlawful for any vehicle, automobile, motorcycle or any motor propelled vehicle to park within fifteen feet of arty fire hydrant or fire plug within this city. No vehicle shall park on any public street or highway within thb. f ,reZi.Inite of .this city unless such vehicle parks heading in or backing up to the curb, and not over thirty—six inches therefor. The only exception to this provision shall be in the event of an emergency. (j) ESTABLISHING A PARKING ZONE, DIRECTING THE MARKING OF PARKING SPACE -3. :I PARKING METERS 1N SUCH SPACES, AND REGULATING THS PARKING VIEhETN. (1) A parkin; zone is hereby established, covering; all of the portions of the street of said city, here set out, namely; Austin Avenue, between Sixth Street on the north and Ninth Street on the South; Main Street 0080 1-10 between Sixth Street on the north and Ninth Street on the south; Seventh Street, between Rock Street on the west and Church street on the east; Eighth Street,between Rock Street on the West and Church Street on the Bast, and it is hereby ordered and directed that at and along the curb, on both sides, of each of said streets, in the portions thereof above names, lines shall be plainly narked from the curb out on the paveritent, at the sufficient distance from each other to permit the parking of an automobile in the spaces thus formed between the lines; and that at the curb end of each of said spaces there shall be established and &rooted a parking meter for spaces there shall be established and erected a parkin; meter, for the purpose of recording the length of time that a vehiole may be lawfully parked in such space; which said parking meter erected at the curb end of each parking space, shall have thereon coin slots, and shall be so timed that the placing of a one cent piece therein will resister thereon 12 minutes; the placing of 2 one cent pieces therein will register 24 minutes; and the placing of 3 one cent pieces thereon will register 36 minutes; the placing of 4 one cent pieces therein will register 48 minutes; the placing of 5 one cent pieces therein, or the placing of one five cent piece therein will register 60 minutes. (2) From and after the m,rking of such parking spaoes, within said parking zone, it shall be unlawful for any person driving or operatingany automobile or any other vehicle of any description, to park the same at any place for any length of tine, within said parking zone, other than within the parking space mentioned in the preceding paragraph. (3) When and after parking meters, or any one or more of them have been erected or established, as provided in this ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any driver or operator of any vehicle to park such vehicle within a parkin; space at which a meter has been erected without then and there depositing in such meter one cent piece, if the said automobile or vehicle so remains parked for 12 minutes or less; 2 one cent pieces, if said vehicle so remains parked 24 minutes; 3 one cent pieces if said veUcle so remains parked 36 minutes; 4 one cnet pieces, if said veUcle so remains parked 48 minutes; and 5 one cent pieces or one five cent piece, if said vehicle so remains parked for 60 minutes; and that from and Lifter the time limit, covered by the deposit last made, it shall be unlawful for such vehicle to remain so parked, unless and until additional deposit or deposits are made, in the manner above specified, covering the additional time hat such vehicle was parked. M. Any persons violating this ordinance shall upon conviction there for be fined in any sum not to exceed ten (510.00) Collars. Passed January 13, 1947. Section 17. PUNISH,,; T Any person- Violiting any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and uf)on eoziviation thereof, and where not expressly provided otherwise, shall be fined in any sum not less than ten or more than -two hundred dollars. 0081 %41 AN ORD117ANCE OF THE CITY OF GEORGET019XV TUAS IDIMGNATING ADDITIONAL DUTIES OF THE CHIEF` OF POLICE OF GLOHG:i TOVINO TV.XAS, IN 001-RILOTION WITH THE CONTROL OF TRUPIOt DESIGUATIlIG THE TRAFFIO ZON S # LOADLIG ZONES ALD OTULH ZONBS MID OT DUT2Ss The Chief of Police of Georgetown, Texas, shall boreafter be char,,ed with the additional duties heroine ter act forth, whenever and whersever the congestion of traffic, the f jrequenoy of paeaan_;or vehiolea and pedestrians or both, the direction and flow of traffic, the dimensions and conditions of the streets and sidewalks and the use of property abuttirkg streets are such that the Chief of Police finds it necessary for the free flow and expeditions handliA-, and the safety of persona and property* Said duties ares with approval of city council* 1 to deoijmte and maintain crosswalks« 2 To establish safety zones on any of the streets of the City« 3 To mark lanes for traffic and parking stalls on the streets of the city« (4) To decic-pato the looatione at wlAo.h the mrnkirk3 of right, Left or complete turns at any tuteraocsti.ou of streets in the city is prohibited« (5) To deeignate the course to be traveled by vehicles turnin at or near certain interaeotion®. (6) To designate routes directing traffics near publio or private schools parks and publio buildin s* To dete=ino the location of passenger zonoo.end loading zones. (3) To desi;. rAte spades on the streets of the city for use as public cab otande * - (9) To deli ate spaces on the streets of the city for use as bus stops« (10) To doei3n€ute areae on the streets of the oity Which shall not be used as, spacer for the parking of vehicles* (11) To dooignate areas on the atreets of the city where angle parkin.- may be permitted* (12) To deaiLtnate intersections of streets at Vnioh drivers operating vehialee approaching the intersection on one or more of the internooti.n,; streets must bring each vehicle to a complete stop before proceedi_n3 into such intersection* (13) To determine and allocate unmetered parking time limit® on street© and portions of streets*, (14) To designate intereections, the crossing of which eliall be controlled by red, green and amber lights, and srror7so and to defter.• mine the type of such lights or traffio-oontrol devices to be inatalled at suoh intersection« (15) To designate the routes v0hioh must be followed by commercial, vehicles in u€ain,3 the streets of the city; providedt that no such voidole shall be prohibited from using any street for tho purpose going directly to or from any rosidential., commercial or industrial estab- lisiment abuttinng,, on such street for the purpooe of delivering or picking up materials thereat ('16 ) To mak® ouch c lllu ages as ohs ;in, condition my require in any dooignation, detornination or rooulation he is herein authorized to make. The Provisions of this Ordinanoe are severable so that any portion thereof, which m:L,;ht be deemed to be void as, a matter of law, wgall, not affect the validity of any other portion hereof* ]DULY APPROVED ASD ENAL'M this the 4th day of October, A« D« 19651, at the regular meeting of the City of Goor etown Council at George - toting Texas* /a/ kawleigh S*-Blliott, Mayor /a/ Claud Eads, City beoretary 1-t7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWNt TEXAS, PROHIBITING DRIVERS OF VEHICLES INVOLVED IN ACCODENTS FROM LEAVING THIS SCENE OF A ACCIDENT AND REQUIRING SUCH DRIVERS TO NOTIFY GEORGETOWN POLICE DEPA.RTAIENT OF ACCIDENT AND PRO- HIBITING THE REMOVAL OF ANY VEHICLE INVOLVED IN ACCIDENT EX- CEPT UPON AUTHORITY OF POLICE OF CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS, The Driver of a vehicle involved in any accident upon any highway or public place in the City, resulting in the injury to or -death of any person, damage to any property, including damage to the vehicle being driven by him, shall notify or cause to be notified the police department of the city before such vehiole is removed from the scene of the accident, and it shall be unLaawful for the driver of any vehicle involved in any such accident to leave the scene of suoh acoident or to remove such vehicle from the scene of the accident or collision until authorized to do so by the police officer in charge of the investigation of such accident, except when there is a duty on the part of the driver to use such vehicle in carrying any person injured in such accident to a physician or surgeon for medical and surgical treatment or when necessary for the driver to receive medical treatment. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove or attempt to remove any vehicle involved in a collision or accident, or in any way to interfere with or charge the position of any such vehicle, except upon authority or direction and in the presence of a police officer, unless such change 1a made or attempted for the purpose of releasing a person imprisoned within or under any such vehicle in- volved in suoh collision or accident. Any violation of this ordinance shall be punishable by fine of not less than $1.00 nor more than $200.00, The provisions of this Ordinance are severable so that any portion hereof, which might be deemed to be void as a matter of law, shall not affect the validity of any other portion herof. DULY APPROVED AND ENACTED this 1965, at the regular meeting of the Georgetown, Texas. the 4th days of October, A, D. City of Georgetown Council at /a/ lawleigh S. Elliott, Mayor Is/ Claud Fads, City Secretary �� 3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS, PROHIBITING PERSONS WITHIN SAID CITY FROM LOITERING AND PROHIBITING BLE12ING IN STREETS, ALLEYS, SIDEWALKS, ETC. It shall be unlawful, for any person within the corporate limits of the City of Georgetown to be, at night time, in or about public or private buildings or premises, where such person has no right or permission to be, under suspicious circumstances, and without being able to give a satisfactory account of the same. No person shall, in the City of Georgetown, Texas, be asleep in the night time in any street, alley, highway, square, sidewalk of public place, not belonging to him. Any violation of this Ordinance shall be punishable by fine not less than $1.00 nor more than $200.00, The provisions of this Ordinance are severable so that any portion hereof, which might be deemed to be void as a matter of law, shall not affect the validity of any other portion hereof. DULY APPROVED AND ENACTED this the 4th day of October, A. D., 1965, at the regular meeting of the City of Georgetown Council at Georgetown, Texas. /s/ Rawliegh Be Elliott, Mayor /a/ Claud Eads* City Secretary AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN# TEXAS, PROHIBITING THE FIREING AND DISCHARGING OF ANY GUN, PISTOL, SHOTGUN, RIFLE OR OTHER FIREARM OF ANY DESCRIPTION, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY EXCEPT AS MAY BE PERMITTED BY THE LAWS OF THIS STAB OR OF HE UNITED STATES It shall be unlawful for any person in the City of Georgetown, Texas, to fire off or discharge any gun, pistol, shotgun, rifle or other firea= of any description, within the corporate limits of Georgetown, except as may be permitted by the laws of this State of of the United States. The provisions of this section shall not apply to discharging firearms in a shooting gallery or gunsmiths establishment. Any violation of this Ordinance shall be punishable by fine not less than $1.00 nor more than $200.00. The provisions of this Ordinance are severable so that any portion thereof, which might be deemed to be void as a matter of law, shall not affect the validity of any other portion hereof. DULY APPROVED AND ENACTED this the 4th day of October, 1965, at the regular meeting of the City of Georgetown Council at Georgetown, Texas. /s/ Rawleigh S+ Elliott, Mayor /s/ Claud Eads, City Secretary 114 CITY Or jD- QRGETOT7N• 1965 ORDIN'WCE OGULATING POOL HALLS All ORDIN4NCD RDLATING TO ` 'RB LICDNSI?TG, TW TION, INSPDCT201T, SUPERVISION AND REGULATION Or THE -OWNING AND OPMATI0I1, FOR PROFIT, OF 4 TX' POOL OR BILLI 4RD TABLE OR TABLES �1ITHIN THE CITY Or GEORGETOWN, TEXAS: DDrINING A POOL OR BILLIARD TABLE, PFOVIDING rOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION Or AN ANNUAL OCCUPATION TAX; 111Tq CERT4IN EXPI TIOI13, PROVIDING THAT TIM OPDRATION OF A POOL OR BILLIARD TABLES SMALL BE LOCATDD ON THE GROUND I'LOOR OR STREET LEVEL ONLY OF ANY BUILDING OR PREMISES, PROHIBITING THE USE OP PA'RTITIO;TS OBSTRUCTING THE VIEW Or ANY PART Or THE PREMISES LICENSED HCRUIN IN WHICH 4NY POOL OR BILLIARD TABLD OR TABLES IS OR ARD DISPLAYED, OWNED OR !OPERATED, WITH CERT4IN EMPTION8, PROVIDING rOR THE HOUSE OF OPERATION, PRO$IBITING THE SALE, USB OR CMUMPTION Or ANY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE OR BEVERACES IIT,- ON OR ABOUT TRD PffiEIdISES IN WHICH ANY POOL OR BILLIARD T4BLE OR TABLES ARE OPERATED, rOR 7?ROPIT, PROVIDING rOR THE SUPERVISION ^SND INSPECTION Or A -NY ESTABLISHMENT OR THE PREMISES IN OR OIC '7HIC1i A POOL OR BILLIARD TABLE OR TABLES ARE O'TNUD AND OPERATED FOR, PROFIT, PROVIDING rOR HE ISSUANCE Or A LICD14SD AIM FILING THE PED THEREr0R., PRESCRIBING THE QUALIFICATIONS OF LICENSES, PROVIDING rOR APPEALS UPON CkNCELLATION OR REVOCATION Or LICENSES, PROVIDING FOR INSPECTION BY THE CITY, PROVIDING 4 riNE Or NOT MORE THAN $100 00 UPON CONVICTION Or THE VIOLATION Or ANY PROVISIONS OR PROVISIONS Or THIS ORDINANCE, PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCE IN CONFLICT AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDkINED BY THE CITY Or GEORGETTIN, TEXAS SECTION 1. DErINITION: The term "Pool or Billiard Tablet as used herein shall mean any table surrounded by a ledge ox cushion, with or without pockets, upon which balls are propelled by a stack or cue, and where the player theron does not or is not required to make A coin deposit causing an electrical connection of any nature or kind before such game may be actually commenced. SECTION 2. LICENSE. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association of persons, corporation and every other organization, save and except religious, charitable or educational organization, authorized under the laws of the State of Texas, to own and operate, for profit, any pool or billiard table or tables, as such textus are herein defined, %rithin the City without first having obtained an appropriate license from.. the City Secretary) as herein provided, which license shall at all times be displayed in some conspicuous place within the licensed place of business. SECTION 3. LICENSE FEES The City Secretary is authorized to collect the following annual license fee for each location on which a pool or billiard table or tables is or are oimed and operated for profit, to -vat, the sum of 660.00 for eaeh license Issued and a like sum for each renewal thereof, SECTION 4. TERM Or LICENSE Any license issued pursuant to this Chapter shall e for one year and shall be non -transferable. SECTION 5 TAX. There is herby levied an .annual occupation tax of $2.50 Tor each pool or billiard table oxmed and operated for profit iathin the City by gny person, firm, association of persons, corporations and every other organization, save and exeept religious, charitable and educational organizat:wns, authorized under the laws of the State of TeXas, and the tax levied herein shall be paid to the Tax Collector of the City who shall issue ELa pocilpation tax receipt. Said occupation tax receipt shall specify the num$er of pool or billiard tables for uhieh Issued, the address Qf the building or pxemisea in or on vhich such tablog for vhieh issued, the address of the building or premises to or on which, such table or tabT es are 16cated and shall bear the serial number or numbers, if any, of the particular table or tables. Such occupation tax shall have and bear no relation to any license or fees provided herein, said license fee being required to prpvide proper official supervision, inspection, and serviQes for the premises. SECTION 6 HOURS OP OPERATION. No Terson may engage in the operation for proti o any pool or billiard table within the City on weekdays, between the hours of 11.00 O'clock P.M. and 7:00 o'clock A.11. follo%ang, provided, however, that such table or tables may be operated Qn Sundays only between the. hours of 1:00 P.M. and 5.00 P"31. SECTION 7. ALCOCHOLIC BEVERAGES. The sale of alcoholic beverages or beverages inn, or on the premises licensed hereunder is hereby prohibited. No person, firm, association of persons, corporations, and any other organizations authorized under the laws of the State of Texas, licensed hereunder, shall knowingly permit the sale, use or consumption of any 1�s kind of alcoholic beverage or beverages in or upon the premises for which the license hap been ispued, as provided in this Ordinance SECTION 8. REVOCATION OF LICENSE. The City Councs.l is,h.ereby authorized and empowered to revoke Qr cancel the la,cense of any person, firm, association of persons, corporatzoris and every other organization authorized under the laws of the State. of Texas, licensed to o%;n and operate a pool or billiard table or tables hereunder, after giving- such ivingsuch licenses ten days notice of a hearing and after conducting such hearing for the purpose of determining whether such license shall be revoked, provided, however, i that such power of cancellation of re- vocation ohall-bbexercised only under the following condita.ons: a. ror the violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance. b. for knowingly permitting the sale, use ox consumption of any alcoholic beverages i,n or upon the premises licensed hereunder. c. For violation of the prescribed hours of operation provided, herein d.'or 3alocrzngly permitting the presence on the premises of a person or persons under the influence of intoxicating liquor. e ror Ianoiangly permitting disorderly conduct or immoral practices on the premiseg f. rov knowingly permittiz4g the violation of toe lav or laws of the. State of Texas or the Ordinances of this dity Z Por tnotirLngly permitting any gambling on the premises 4ppeals from action under this prov:Lsi.on shall be had under the Sub- stantial Evidence Rule SECTION 9 PARTITION2 ETC • It shall be unlawful to erect or construct on the licensed premises, any partition or partitions, obstructing the view of any part of the building or premises licensed herein, or cutting the,1building into thio or more rooms by constructing partitions therein, in Which a pool or billiard table or tables is or are displayed, oNmed and operated for profit, provided, however, that toilets or other sanitary facilities eha1,1 be enclosed and adequately ventilated in accordance %ath health, plumbing, sMaitary and other applicable ordin- ances of this City SECTION 10 10042ION: Places of businese govered by this Ordinance shall be located on the ground floor or street level only of any building; and shall not be licensed for any other floor than the grauftd or street level floor. SECTION 11. INSPECTIONS The City shall have authority to make periodic inspec ';ons of the licensed premises to determine compliance vritr the }wilding provzpions, the maintenance of toilets and other sanitary facilities and compliance wa.th the health, plumbing and sanitary and other applicable provisions of this ordinance and other ordinances of this City. SECTION 12, PENALTIM Any person, firm, association of persons, corp -- 'orations or every other organizatio4 licensed hereunder violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not more than $100.00, SECTION 13. SEVDMItITY. If any section, sub -section, paragraph, pentence clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such holding shall not affect the validity of ¢the remu.ining portions of the Ordinance and the City Commission hereby dec'la,req, it 'would have passes such remaini�ig portions of the Ordinance despite such invalidity, SECTION 14. REPEALING CLAUSE- All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are expressly repealed. SECTION l5. URGENCY CLAUSE: The omportance of this Ordinance and the absence of any regulata.br.s relating to the oimang and operation of a pool or billiard table or tables and the licensing thereof and the levy and collection of an occupation tax therepn creases an emergency and an imperative public necessity and requires that this Ordinance shall take effect and be in foizee from and after its passage and it is so ordained. Attest- 1,s/ Rayleigh S. Elliott /s/ Claud Eads Mayor, City of Georgetown City Secretary 1* AN ORDINANOE AN ORDINANCE DECLARING ABANDONED VEHICLES.AND OTHER PROPERTY A NUISANCE AND IMPOSING A DUTY ON POLICE TO IMPOUND CREATING A LEN ON IMPOU311DDD PROPERTY FOR CITY, IaouDiNG rOR REDEMPTION OF ABANDONED PROPERTY OTHER THAN MOROT VEHICLES PROVIDING FOR AUCTION SALE OF ABANDONED PROPERTY AND rOR NOTICE Or SUCH SALE, PROVIDING FOR NOTICE Or SAID AND PROCEDURE FOR DISPOSING Or IMPOUNDED MOTOR VEHICLES, PRO VIDIIIG FOR DISPOSITION Or PROCEEDS Or SALES AND THE KEEPING OI' RECORDS ON SUCH PROPERTY. SECTION 1. DECLARED A NUISANCE. DUTY OF POLICE TO MOUND. Any vehicle or other property or obstruction, placed, left standing, ,parked, erected or lying, in violation of any ordnance of the City Qr left un8,ttended, for more than forty-eight continuous hours in or on any public street, alley, sidewalk, park or other public place of the city is declared to be a nuisance, and any such. property then ;so found shall be removed summarily by any police office of the city and taken to the place to be potinded and shall be &,pt there unbil redeemed or sold as provided in this article. SECTION 2. CITY' LIND OJT Ii7P0UNDED PROPERTY The City dhall have a lien on such impounded personal property as provided in the preceeding sections for all costs incurred in impounding, storing and advertising such property. Such lien shall be prior and superior to 811 other liens of every kind, save and except liens for ad valorem taxes, and the city may retrain possession thereof until all costs are paid and may sell the same as provided in this article. SECTION 3. RDDEMT!09 Or J21POUNDDD PROPERTY The ocrner or any person legally entitled to possession of any impounded personal property as provided for in this article may redeem the same as follows • (a) BEEORR SALE. By paying to the Chief of Police the impounding fee and any other actual expenses incurred by the city in impounding and keeping the impounded property., as determined by the Chief of Police. (b) ArTER ,SASE. By paying to the buyer at the auction sale double the amount paid by him for such personal property and any reason- able expenses incurred bar him. for keeping game, provided that the prop- erty must be redeemed from the auction buyer wa..thin thirty days after the date of the auction sale, excluding the date of sale, otherwise, title to the property shall become absolute in the auction buyer. SECTION -4. 11HEN CHIEF OF POLICE TO AUCTION IMPOUNDED PROPERTY. When any personal property, other than motor vehicles, is not redeemed within sixty days after being impounded, and when any motor vehicle is not redeemed after compliance b'y the chief of police with the provisions of flection 6 of this code, the chief o'f police shall sell the same at public auction to satisfy the lien of the City. SECTION $. NOTICE Or SALE Or IMPOUNDED PROPERTY OTHER THAN MOTOR VEAICLmS. Before selling any personal property as provided for = this article, other than motor vehicles, the Chief of Police shall post two .notices thereof, one at the county courthouse door and one at the ninth street entrance of the City Hall, and shall cause a copy thereof to be publish- ed mn dgily newspaper published in the city once a seek for two con- secutive weeks, the date of the first publication to be at least fourteen days prior to the date of the auction sale The notice of sale shall describe the impounded property, state that the same is unredeemed, state a time and date of -uch sale whieb shall not be less tran fourteen dajr) from the -date of postin; such notices as herein required. SECTION 6 PROCEDURE F0-1 DISPOSING Or WOW= hOTOR VEHICLES. When any motor vehicle has not been redeemed within thirty da,*z3 from the date of its ,impounding, it hall be the duty of the Chief of Police to submit to the state highway department and the similar a-ency of the proper state when the vehicle is from arother state, all information 1rn his pospession concemun; such vehicle and to request that such departzent supply to 'him all information t1lo records of that department contain, on such vehicle. Immediately on receipt of suell information from such departmoiAt the Chief of -Police shall notify the owner and lienholders ap shoini by the retards of such department by registered mail with return receipts reguestpd that such veh�.cle has been impounded and of toe, W provisions of this article in regard to the redemption and sale of im- pounded property. In the event a motor vehicle has not been redeemed within fifteen days from the receipt of the return receipt or notice of non delivery of such registered mail, the Chief of Police shall prepare a notice of ;sale of such vehicle, in the manner described in the preceeding section, shall send a copy of such notice to the owner and lienholders as shown by the records of the highway department by registered mail and shall post and advertise uch notices in the manner required in the preceeding section. Notice by registered mail to the address shown on the records of the highway department shall constitute notice of the pending sale of such owner or lienholders. When the Chief of Police is unable to ascertain the names of the owner and lienholders, and the motor vehicle has not been redeemed within forty-five days from its impounding, no notice of sale other than posting and advertising as prescribed in this article shall be required. SECTION 7. PROVEDURE FOR SELLING IMPOUNDED PROPERTY. When any impounded property, including motor vehicle, is not redeemed by the date and time designated in the notice of sale, the Chief of Police shall sell such property at public auction, and, as city auctioneer, shall execute bill of sale of such property to the purchaser thereof; provided, that he shall not execute or deliver any but a conditional bill of sale unless and until the title of the buyer has become absolute by an expiration of thirty days in time, exclusive of the day of sale, without being redeemed by the owner of the impounded property. SECTION 8. DISPOSITION OF PROCEEDS Of SALE OF IMPOUNDED PROPERTY. After d cting the impounding fees and all other actual expenses in- curred by the city in pounding, storing and selling of any property described in this article, as determined by the Chief of Police, not to exceed a reasonable amount for each impounded article, he shall pay the balance of the proceeds of such sale, if any, to the owner of the property. If the owner fails to call for such proceeds they shall be paid into the city treasury. Within six months after such auction sale, the owner may apply in writing to the Chief of Police, and upon satis- factory proof of ownership, shall be entitled to receive the amount of the proceeds delivered to the city treasury. SECTION 2. WHEN IMPOUNDED PROPERTY TO BE SOLD AS JUNK. mpoun a property which is offered for sale at public auction in accordance with the procedure prescribed in this article and upon which no person bids, shall thereafter be sold or otherwise disposed of as junk. Money received for junk property shall be disposed of in the same manner as proceeds from an auction sale under this article. SECTION 10. CHIEF OF POLICE'S RECORD BOOK OF IMPOUNDED PROPERTY. The ie of Police shall keep a record book which shall contain; the date notices of sale were posted and advertised and mailed to owners and lienholders; a description of all property impounded, the date and time of such impounding; the return receipts of registered notices; the date of the sale of auction; the amount realized for each article at such sale; the name and address of the owner and lienholders, if known; the name and address of the auction buyer;, and any such other information as he deems necessary. SECTION 11. FEES FOR IMPOUNDING, SELLING, ETC. The fol outing fees for impounding shall be charged lander this article and shall be aid into the City Treasury: 1 For taking and impounding any personal property - $5 2 For preparing advertisements.of sale for each article -`$1 3 For selling each article - fifty cents 4 For posting notices of.sale relating to any one article - $1 Passed 9/13/65 AN ORDINANCE OF TM3 CITY OF G4-�RGT'TO-SXt TEXAS, FRO1HIBITING TH2 OP11'RATION OF V217LICLI:ja 60 LOA!).!D A3 TO OBSTiiUCT THL VI't+OF Thl; D1,111VER OF 3AX-3 AND PROHIBITING T1W 01-13 OP -'RATING A MOTOR Vi2i'ICLB FROM CA111dMING PER: ON PLUDER39 HUN111114 BOMIDS OR BU121,114 OF V: XIJLL3 IiUT MSIGIU) FOR WOR Tr' VELPOBIL:; AND kROAT2AUlUG YCj2CRJYW`U.fir Olt TOY V11110L4 TU A LOVING V CLE aa No p�iraon Waall drive a vel icle when it is so loadedl, or when there are in thG front seat such nuL.1ber of percono exoccdin; threat as to obstruct ti-ic view of flee driver to the front or aides of the va.U-cle-g or so as to interfere with V,;e driver's control over the driving mochanian of the vehicle.Li No preack,,,er in a vehicle altz-11 ride In such pocition aa to intor. fore with the driverfs view alload or to the sides, or to the cidest or to interfere witla 1,As contrzl over the drivinj; mechanim of the vol cls. The operator of W motor vehicle shall not carry any person on the fanderso, runnin,boards or bumpera of t4ho velh-iolop and no person Call ride on any motor vehicle on Utat portion not 4ceignad or intended for the use of passenZers as above described* Any person riding; upon any motorayoleg ooi,,ster# sled„ bioyole# roller skntea or W toy volUole shall not attach tl,.,e saaae or himself to W movinj.; vel4ole upon any roadvmy* An,7 violation of trite ordinance alkall be punishable by fine not less tlan 61*00 nor more than 1200*04* The provisiorw of this Ordintince are soverablo so that portion hereof, wi ich mia-11t be deemed to be void as a matter of lawp shall not afroot,the validity of any other portion heroof. DULL' AIPPROVIM AND ENAW"T:;D Viis the 4th day of October# A. D, 19650, at V410 reg ular moetir4j of the City of GeorZ;etown Council at Georgetown, Toxas, ATT ,`== `=s /a/ n. So Elliott, Mayor /a/ Cloud Lads, Cyt; Secretary All 0RD13AXCB- OF 11121, CITY 01 G✓�iRGI;TMX,11, WIL11,1W1136N CVUhTYV =ASP DLVIC46S 'WITH JUR TIG11"T LOOKING DLY10LS Ali!) khOHIBITING UNCWLR,�D It ahrdl be taLlawful. for axq peroon, to luave or permit to r�aain out3ic's of wV dwollingo buildinZ or other structure, or within exV unoccupied or abandoned buildinct dwolling, or other struoture under hia contr-.;I, in a place aocensible to obildronv any abandoned, =.attended or discarded Ice boxes, refrigerator or of ter container vikich has an air tij;ht door or lid equipped vdth a anap look or otl,*er device wl,lloh any not be roloaoed from the inside, witl.out first rornovin, ; the lid or door, snap look or other lookin,; devise from the ice boxp rcfrigerator or container, It shall be ux-a awful for any person in t1ae City of Goor,;o- tovm# Texas t,,) letve PzV cistera or viell in or near any publio place uncoveredp or Hovered in so .:Uiuecure a wuuier as to ejulitncr tbo livoa or limbs of pasocrubyo Any violatio.q of th=is ordinance small be punialiable by' fine of not less t.lxn 01.00 nor more than 4200*00* The provisions or t1de, Ordiruawe are veyQ,rable oo that any portion hereof, which mi,,;ht'be deemed to be void as a-=.,.tter of lrjw, shall not affect Vie validity of any other portion Vicraof. DULY A11rROV:,..D 9Q this the 011 d.,V of Oct,.)bar# A. D. 1A59 at the rejul:�tr meeting, o-,'* the City of GeorZetovza Council of Goor-retortrip Texas* ATTw:;Tsl Hawleigh S. laliott, mayor /a/ Clriud Lads, Citi Secretary Itl AN ORDII3 UJI: OF T1111 CITY OP G,;012C. ;T20V Nt TITMAav 1ie:GUL'4,-TI14G TI -13 RIMIG OP KUT0iWYw.s:.t 3 AND UGTUA WOOZI;AJ WITHIN SAID CITY ARD PRO. KLBITING OLti-WUCIING Wl g PLINWOUS ON A U6;►0RQXJLi Olt 40TOR SCOOT" ThAN SAUZ 10 4,4UI1)?! D TO CARRY: A pereon operatin a motorcycle or motor scooter shall not ride other than upon or astride the permanent regnaar scut attached thereto, nor carry any other person upon ouch motorcycle or motor scooter tlwn upon a firmly attached ®ud reaular seat thereon] nos ,shall any person ride upon a motorcycle or motor scooter than as above mentioned. No motorcycle or motor scooter shall be used to carry more persona at one time than the number for which it is deeigned and e+quippede Any violation of this ordinance shall be punishable by fine of not lose than 61#00 nor more than 6200eOOe The provisions. of this Ordinanoa are severable so that anyportion hereof, which mi"Tht be deemed to be void as a cutter of lava# a1z not affect the valid ty of w other portion hereof. =Y APPR,OVIM AND EXACTIM this the 4th day of October Ae De 1965, at the regular meeting of the City of Georgetown Council at GeorCetoran, Texas* RawleigY ,p 8, .liott, ayor ATT%STt /+a4/' Clude Bads, City Secretary AN ORDINANCE OF TH.133, CITY OP GIX1MTO N T ASS PROHIBITING PER30113 WITH. - IN SAID CITY PROM LOITEBLING AND i'ROILIBITING BL",TING IN STl T3, ALUXU0 SID ALS, BT0 9 It shall be unlawful for wY pereon within the corporate limi.to of the City of Georgotown to be, at night time, in or about public or private buildinZa or promisee, where such person has no right or permiceion to be, under suspicious circumstances, and without beim; able to give a satisfactory account of the same s No No person shall, in the City of Georgetown# Toxae, be aeleop in the night time in�y street, alloy, hirhivay, square, sidewalk or public place, not belont;inj to him* Any violation of this Ordananoe shall be punishable by fine not loan than X61.00 nor more t."am 6200 a O0. The provisions of this 0rdinanoe are severable so that arty portion herreaof, which might be deemed to be void as a natter of law, shall not affect the validity of mW other portion hereof„ DULY APPROV.-M AND BNA,%'.'TZD thin the 4th day of October A• De, 1965, at the regular meeting of the City of Georgetuwn Council at Goor ;etotim, Tcuaa• /q/ Rawleiah Se Elliott, PAyor /a/ Claud Lade, City Secretary Igo AN ORDINANCE. IIEGUTATING AND ROUTING MOTOR VEHICLES TRANSPORTING FLA.1111AISLE LIQUIDS IN EX SS OF FOURTEEN IMNDRE:D (1400). GALLONS WITHIN THE CITY OF GEORGI.TOWN, ROUTING THRU TI1XFFIC AND PROIIIIIITING PARKING OF SAID VE111CLES UNI,FSS UNLOADING, PROVIDING FOR PENALTY AND DECI.AIIING EMMGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED that it shall be unlawful and an offense for the driver of a motor vehicle transporting flammable liquids in excess of fourteen hundred (1400) gallons to travel into or through the City of Georgetown except in the designated areas as follows: For East -{Vest Traffic: (1) University Avenue from Interstate 35 to Timber Street Intersection. (2) 7th Street from Timber Street Intersection to Holly Street Intersection. (3) West 4th Street (300 Block). (4) East 4th Street (East of holly Street. For North-South Traffic: (1) Timber Street lying North of University Avenue. (2) Holly Street lying North of 7th Street All operators of trucks used transporting; flammable liquids in excess of fourteen hundred (1400) gallons going by or through Georgetown, without stopping to unload, shall use Interstate Highway 35 (for North & South traffic) and State highway 29 (for East & West traffic) and no other routes. No operator of such a truck hauling; in excess of fourteen hundred (1400) gallons of flammable liquid shall park within the corporate limits of the City of Georgetown when in the process of unloading. Any person, firm or corporation violating; this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be penalized by a fine of not more than g200.00, and each thirty (30) minute period that such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. ]s The fact that the passage of this ordinance is of great public importance to immediately put into force the aforesaid fire control for the protection of the lives, health, property and welfare of the citizens of the City of Georgetown and thereby creates a public emergency and necessity and therefore this Ordinance shall take effect from and after this reading and its passage and adoption. RLID, PASSED AND ADOPTED by unanim us vote this 21st day of November, A.D. 1966. - le."e Mayor J (1/ -'. —, - ATTEbT : City Secretary APPIWVED: Uity Attorney AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING A DRIVER OFIA VEHICLE IN GEORGETOWN] TEXAS, FROM OVERTAKING ANY SCHOOL BUS UNTIL SUCH VEHICLE STOPS,'LIMITING SPEED OF VEHICLE: PROVIDING FOR MARKING OF SCHOOL BUSES. Section I. OVERTAKING AND PASSING SCHOOL BUS. A 1.1,/Driver of a vehicle upon the streets within the City limits of Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas, upon meeting or overtaking from either direction aray school bus which has stopped on such street for the purpose of receiving or discharging any school children shall stop the vehicle immediately before passinQ the -chool bus, but then ri,av proceed pass theschool bus at a speed which is r>rudcnt, - ---- - not exceeding 10 ;miles per hour, arid with clue caution for the safety of such chi-l?►_cin. 1.2 Every school bus used for the transportation of school children shall bear upon the frorlt and rear thore,_r. a plainly visible sign cont<a i is i ng the cords "SCHOOL I3US" in letters not less than 81, in height. When a scl.00l bus is being operated upl,,r a city street of Georgetown, Texas, for purposes other thari thr actual tr;ansportatlon of Children, either to or fr,,n,, ci)ool; all marking:., thereo?) i]1di4,ting "SCHOOL BBS" shall he co<,ered or curnctaled. 1.3 Any per$on who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction therefor he ;,abject to a fine of not less than One Dollars ($1.00) or more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). The fact that the passage of this ordinance is of great public importance to immediately put into force the aforesaid traffic control for the protection of the lives, health, property and welfare of the citizens of the City of Georgetown and thereby creates a public emergency and necessity and therefore this Ordinance shall take effect from and after this reading and its passage and adoption. // READ, PASSED AND ADOPTED by unanimous vote this clay of e J �, 19 NT"I ES17 r (� --IXCMCIlilt Y _. N r AMOI LD n C' TV'-- -V f fit Y ... ,. 184 AN ORDINANCE CREATING PARKING ZONES IN THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS, WHERE PARKING SHALL BE LIMITED TO TWO HOURS, PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF SUCH ORDINANCE AND MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO USE SUCH ZONE FOR CONTINUOUS PARKING IN EXCESS OF TWO HOURS, PROVIDING FOR FIRE ZONES AND LOADING ZONES, AND MAKING PERSONS FOUND GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR, CONTAINING MIS- CELLANEOUS PROVISION AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS: Section 1. That the zones designated as two hour parking zones located within the City of Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas, to be marked by appropriate signs which shall be erected giving notice of such two hour limitation are as follows: Main Street: That part of Main Street from the south curb line of Sixth Street to the north curb line of Ninth Street all in Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas. Austin Avenue: That part of Austin Avenue from the south curb line of Sixth Street to the north curb line of Ninth Street all in Georgetown, William- son County, Texas. Seventh Street: That part of Seventh Street from the east curb line of Rock Street to the West curb line of Church Street all in Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas. Eighth Street: That part of Eighth Street from the east curb line of Rock Street to the west curb line' of Church Street all in Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas. Section 2. During the hours of 8:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M., Monday through Friday, inclusive, but legal holidays excluded, it shall be unlawful for any person to leave standing or parked, any vehicle for a period of more than two hours in the aforesaid two hour parking zones and each successive two hours that a vehicle shall be left continuously parked in such zones shall constitute a separate offense. Section 3. During the hours of 8:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M., Monday through Saturday, at 12:00 Noon, except legal holidays, no person shall leave standing or parked, any vehicle for a period in excess of fifteen (15) minutes in the following zones: A. On Eighth Street in front of the Post Office B. On Ninth Street in front of the City Administration Building. Each successive fifteen (15) minutes that a vehicle shall be left continuously parked in such zones shall constitute a separate offense. Said fifteen (15) minute parking zones shall be appropriately marked with signs reflecting that same are fifteen (1S) minute parking zones. Section 4. No person shall allow, suffer or permit any vehicle registered in his name to stand or be parked, nor shall any person park a vehicle in, on or upon any street in the City of Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas, in violation of any of the ordinances of this City regulating the standing or parking of vehicles. Section S. That in any case when a person shall have been charged with having parked or left standing a vehicle on any street in the City of Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas, at a place on said Street where parking of vehicles is prohibited, or with parking such vehicle on said street in a manner which violates the manner of parking a vehicle as designated, or with parking such vehicle for a length of time in excess of that allowed in the space where such vehicle was parked, proof that said vehicle was, at the date of the offense alleged, owned by the person charged with the offense, shall constitute prima facie evidence that said vehicle was parked or left standing at the place charged by said owner, but 19(p the owner shall have the right to introduce evidence to show that said vehicle was not parked by him and charged in the complaint. Section 6. No person shall park a vehicle in those areas marked, "Loading Zone", between the hours of"7:00 A. M. and 7:00 p. M. on any day except Sunday for any purpose except the expedi- tious loading, unloading, delivering or pick up of materials or merchandise. Section 7. No person shall park, except as hereinafter provided, a vehicle in those areas marked, "Fire Zone", and being the portions of streets as follows: A. The alley running in a North-South direction between Seventh and Eighth Streets and Main and Church Streets. B. The alley running in an East-West direction between Sixth and Seventh Street and between Main Street and Austin Avenue. C. The alley running in a North-South direction between Eighth and Ninth Streets and Austin Avenue and Rock Street. D. The alley running in a North-South direction through the block between Seventh Street and Eighth Street and Austin Avenue and Rock Street. All of said streets and portions thereof are located in George- town, Williamson County, Texas. The foregoing zones, fire zones, may be used for the expeditious loading, unloading, delivery and pick up of materials and merchandise in such zones. Section 8. Any person who shall violate any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and upon such conviction shall be fined not less than One ($1.00) Dollar nor more than Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars. Section 9. Should any portion of this ordinance be held to be unconstitutional or invalid for any reason at any time in the future by any court of law, the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance shall not be effected. 19� Section 10. Due to the great public necessity to preserve the public peace and in order to aid in the handling of the traffic and in the administration of the city's business, the passing of this ordinance is a public necessity and therefore this ordinance shall be and become effective after its first reading on and after the 1st day of September, 1968. MAYOR Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas ATTESTED City Secretary JV AN ORDINANCE CREATING PARKING ZONES IN THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS, WHERE PARKING SHALL BE LIMITED TO TWO HOURS, PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF SUCH ORDINANCE AND MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO USE SUCH ZONE FOR CONTINUOUS PARKING IN EXCESS OF TWO HOURS, PROVIDING FOR FIRE ZONES AND LOADING ZONES, AND MAKING PERSONS FOUND GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR, CONTAINING MIS- CELLANEOUS PROVISION AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS: Section 1. That the zones designated as two hour parking zones located within the City of Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas, to be marked by appropriate signs which shall be erected giving notice of such two hour limitation are as follows: Main Street: That part of Main Street from the south curb line of Sixth Street to the north curb line of Ninth Street all in Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas. Austin Avenue: That part of Austin Avenue from the south curb line of Sixth Street to the north curb line of Ninth Street all in Georgetown, William- son County, Texas. Seventh Street: That part of Seventh Street from the east curb line of Rock Street to the West curb line of Church Street all in Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas. Eighth Street: That part of Eighth Street from the east curb line of Rock Street to the west curb line of Church Street all in Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas. Section 2. During the hours of 8:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M., Monday through Friday, inclusive, but legal holidays excluded, it shall be unlawful for any person to leave standing or parked, any vehicle for a period of more than two hours in the aforesaid two hour parking zones and each successive two hours that a vehicle shall be left continuously parked in such zones shall constitute a separate offense. Section 3. During the hours of 8:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M., Monday through Saturday, at 12:00 Noon, except legal holidays, no person shall leave standing or parked, any vehicle for a period in excess of fifteen (15) minutes in the following zones: A. On Eighth Street in front of the Post Office B. On Ninth Street in front of the City Administration Building. Each successive fifteen (15) minutes that a vehicle shall be left continuously parked in such zones shall constitute a separate offense. Said fifteen (15) minute parking zones shall be appropriately marked with signs reflecting that same are fifteen (15) minute parking zones. Section 4. No person shall allow, suffer or permit any vehicle registered in his name to stand or be parked, nor shall any person park a vehicle in, on or upon any street in the City of Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas, in violation of any of the ordinances of this City regulating the standing or parking of vehicles. Section 5. That in any case when a person shall have been charged with having parked or left standing a vehicle on any street in the City of Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas, at a place on said Street where parking of vehicles is prohibited, or with parking such vehicle on said street in a manner which violates the manner of parking a vehicle as designated, or with parking such vehicle for a length of time in excess of that allowed in the space where such vehicle was parked, proof that said vehicle was, at the date of the offense alleged, owned by the person charged with the offense, shall constitute prima facie evidence that said vehicle was parked or left standing at the place charged by said owner, but 110 the owner shall have the right to introduce evidence to show that said vehicle was not parked by him and charged in the complaint. Section 6. No person shall park a vehicle in those areas marked, "Loading Zone", between the hours of 7:00 A. M. and 7:00 P. M. on any day except Sunday for any purpose except the expedi- tious loading, unloading, delivering or pick up of materials or merchandise. Section 7. No person shall park, except as hereinafter provided, a vehicle in those areas marked, "Fire Zone", and being the portions of streets as follows: A. The alley running in a North-South direction between Seventh and Eighth Streets and Main and Church Streets. B. The alley running in an East-West direction between Sixth and Seventh Street and between Main Street and Austin Avenue. C. The alley running in a North-South direction between Eighth and Ninth Streets and Austin Avenue and Rock Street. D. The alley running in a North-South direction through the block between Seventh Street and Eighth Street and Austin Avenue and Rock Street. All of said streets and portions thereof are located in George- town, Williamson County, Texas. The foregoing zones, fire zones, may be used for the expeditious loading, unloading, delivery and pick up of materials and merchandise in such zones. Section 8. Any person who shall violate any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and upon such conviction shall be fined not less than One ($1.00) Dollar nor more than Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars. Section 9. Should any portion of this ordinance be held to be unconstitutional or invalid for any reason at any time in the future by any court of law, the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance shall not be effected. 01 Section 10. Due to the great public necessity to preserve the public peace and in order to aid in the handling of the traffic and in the adMinistration of the city's business, the passing of this ordinance is a public necessity and therefore this ordinance shall be and become effective after its first reading on and after the 1st day of September, 1968. MAYOR Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas ATTESTED City Secretary !J'Z'