HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 2010-02 - REZ 1112 Rock StORDINANCE NO, { ,wr An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, amending part of the Zoning District Map adopted on the 4th day of April, 2002 in accordance with the Unified Development Code passed and adopted on the 11th of March, 2003, to change 0.251 acres in the Lost Addition, Block 66 (s/pt), from OF, Office to MU -DT, Mixed Use Downtown, located at 1112 Rock Street, as recorded_in Document Number 2002082715 of the Official Records of Williamson County; repealing conflicting ordinances and resolutions; including a severability clause; and establishing an effective date. Whereas, an application has been made to the City Council for the purpose of changing the Zoning District Classification of the following described real property ("The Property"); 0.251 acres in the Lost Addition, Block 66 (s/pt),, as recorded in Document Number 2002082715 of the Official Records of Williamson County, Texas, herein after referred to as "The Property"; Whereas, the City Council has submitted the proposed change in the Base Ordinance to the Plannin and Zoning Commission for its consideration in a public hearing and for its g recommendation or report; and Whereas, notice of such hearing was published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City; which stated the time and place of hearing, which time was not earlier than fifteen (15) days for the first day of such publication; and Whereas, written notice was given not less than fifteen (15) days before the date set for the meeting before the Planning and Zoning Commission to all the owners of the lots within two hundred feet of the property, as required by law; and Whereas, the applicant for such zoning change placed on the property such sign(s) as required I by law for advertising the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing, not less than fifteen (15) days before the date set for such hearing; and Whereas, the City Planning and Zoning Commission in a meeting held on January 5, 2010 recommended approval of the requested zoning change for the above described property from OF, Office District to MU?7DT, Mixed Use Downtown District. Now, therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas, that: Section 1. The facts and recitations contained in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found and declared to be true and correct, and are incorporated by reference herein and expressly made a part hereof, as if copied verbatim. The City Council hereby finds that this ordinance implements the following Visions/Goals/Policies and Actions of the Georgetown 2030 1112 Rock Street OF to MU DT age i 0100 0 . Comprehensive Plan, Land Use Element Plan; Policies and Actions: I.A. Encourage a balanced mix of residential, commercial and employment uses at varying densities and intensities, to reflect a gradual transition from urban to suburban to rural development. Policies and Actions: 1A.1. Adjust zoning provisions to provide greater flexibility for mixed -uses, `multiple housing types, compact development, and redevelopment. and further finds that the enactment of this Ordinance is not inconsistent or in conflict with any other policies of the Georgetown 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Section 2. The Zoning Map of the City, as well as the Zoning District for the Property shall be and the same is hereby changed from OF, Office to MU -DT, Mixed Use Downtown, in accordance with Exhibits A and B. attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, is hereby adopted by the City Council of the City of Georgetown, Texas. Section 3. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts of ordinances and resolutions, in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed, and are no longer of any force and effect. Section 4. If any provision of this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions, or application thereof, of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable. Section 5. Tl1e Mayor is hereby authorized to sign this Ordinance and the City Secretary to attest. This Ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect on the date of final adoption by City Council, PASSED AND APPROVED on First Reading on the 261 Day of January, 2010, PASSED AND APPROVED on Second Reading on the 9t" Day of February, 2010. ATTEST: THE OF GEOR ETOWN: 40 1"t EGA-�..-..... es 'ca Ham ton By: George Garver y Secretary Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark Sokolovv City Attorney 1112 Rock Street OF to MU -DT Page 2 of 2 r I. -WI,/ s t l , Y f t <P - S i ♦ fti, Kf 3 t E � .. s .:n� 5.—. ,. ..,.. 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KA.T1FILEEN RA I` D LL Be'n�L: 0.?51 of an acre of lana. t7ein�� a po.rt:ioil of Bloc% 66, of the Lost Addition o.f the City of t_TeorLyetown, being that certain tract of land, called 0.?5.l of an acre. as c.c�nvc:yc c1 tc� Jck`f'erti R., Randall and -wife. Kathleen Randall, by gleed recorded as Document No.'2000 08271 ; of the 0ffic'ial Public Records of W.11llarnson County, Texas. S°ur-ve�/•ed on the �rc��rz�.c� in the month of Novernber, ?t: , under the supervi.si.on of Brian .F. Peterson.. Registere:d Professional Lane Surve- or. and being more particularly described as follows: BEC INt iN 'NCS at an iron pin found at the intersection of the north line of In" Stz e.et. I_ani.versity ,-avenue, State Highway No. 9 and the west line of hock Street, l eirig the SOUth.east corner o f- the abo- e c fez enced Block fid: and the Southeast corner of the above -referenced 1tandall. tract, for the Southeast comer llertof, THENCE. aIc: no the said north 11,ne of 12rt7 Street. West Univ:ersi,ty Avenue. State Highvvay No. Vic}, *bean the south :line of the said I3Ic�c:k 66, S � Qn-1 �l" ' .X0.5 :feG°1 icy azr irc`�.n t ;n tc�li.nd marking the Southwest corner of the salol Randall tract. bein�T the Soutl�eas:t corner of that certain W .. trait ofland, called. 0,14 of -an acre., as conveyed to Sergio Deras Ilv1a.rtinez and S t�use, . Doloros _�. p Luilza MflirtIllez, by deed recorded as Document No. 95 .?44 of the t —fficial Records, of Will:iarnson Countv, Texas, :fo:r the Southwest corner. z;e.rec7f; �I HE:IvT�E, N 01 °�?' 1;" tib- , I x.0.66 -eet to an ``X'" in concrete found on the south line ot: tl�e Stanley I ddition., a sub.d.ivislon of record in Cabmet V, Slide X97, o- the 'f lit Records c�:f Williamson County, Texas, rrlark my the North est corner of th-e said Randall tract and the Northeast t=c z-n�r of :t.l1.e said iVlaz-tin z tract,..for the 1�rc�.rthwest corner .Dere f; from said.oi.rzz are p an iron pin found bears N 5? ° 54- 45" Wo 2.52 :feet. 1`I4ENC'E.. V 88'0-094E . 00.60 feet to an iron pin, [aa d on the said `est lzine of Rick Street, bei y" the cast line of the said B lock 66, n1ar..kin` the ?or-t.heaSt comerof the said Rand.all tract n�l th:e Southeast c:om.er o.for hdry .� e Northeast corner hereof, T' tENCE. alc�Ti� the said West line of 'Rock Street. S 01.`51 E 1111 1: far=t to the Place of I3Er IN1 II 1G and containing 0.251. of an acre of Land: STATE OF TTE AS KNOW LOLL MEN BY T*H:ESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF WILLlAMSON E._ Brian F. Peterson, Registered I'rc_:.tessional Lend Su.r-���or, do hereby certify that this srrr� eNel C15 1>:1ade on the ground of the pr.opem 1etyally described here on. and Is correct a:ncl[ there are leo apparent d.iscrepanc:ies, c,on.11tc,ts, overlap of impovernei�ts, visible util1.t lrn:es or roac .s In place. except .as shovvn on the ac.c.oMp.any t.n� plat, to the lest of mv know ledge and belief. "I'0 c.e�-tr1, �� l:tz.c:11„ G�rTtI1.eS 1.71.<< hand and seal at c,c�rietoti� gin, V� rllr.amsc n. �otir tv, T xas thi°s the. y .. V - dC.L.Y. of 1% L •1 J' w 22009. /]..L. .Brian F. Peterson ter son r R e a i s t e ,. rofe s.l reconal Land. Siirvevor. No. 3967 Sta:te of Te :as :Itch 11 f�a TE C..: L �:.. _�.._ �:• tU . = ERSON ET BRIAN fPE