HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAFR 2004Comprehensive Annual Comprehensive Annual Financial ReportFinancial Report City of Georgetown, TexasCity of Georgetown, Texas For the Year Ended For the Year Ended September 30, 2004September 30, 2004 Transmittal Letter Page i January 12, 2005 Honorable Mayor and City Council, City Manager and Citizens of Georgetown, Texas: The comprehensive annual financial report of the City of Georgetown, Texas (the City) for the year ended September 30, 2004, is hereby submitted. The financial statements are presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as set forth by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) and have been audited by independent auditors in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Management Responsibility for Financial Information. The City’s Finance and Administration Division has prepared the Report and is responsible for both the accuracy of the data and the completeness and fairness of the presentation, including all disclosures. To the best of our knowledge and belief, the enclosed data is complete and reliable in all material respects. All disclosures necessary to enable the reader to gain an understanding of the City's financial activities have been included. Report Format. The comprehensive annual financial report is presented in three sections: introductory, financial, and statistical. • The introductory section includes this transmittal letter, which provides general background and descriptive information and highlights the financial affairs of the City. Also included here are the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement, the City's organization chart, a list of principal officials, and a map showing the location of the City. • The financial section includes the Audit Opinion from the independent auditor, Management’s Discussion and Analysis, the Basic Financial Statements, including the notes, combining and individual fund statements for all of the funds of the City. • The statistical section includes selected financial and demographic information, generally presented on a multi-year basis. The Reporting Entity. This report includes all the funds of the City. The City provides a full range of services, which include police, and fire protection; construction and maintenance of streets and other infrastructure; recreational activities and cultural events. In addition to general government activities, the City also provides electric, wastewater, water, sanitation, stormwater drainage and airport services which are included in the reporting entity. The City is financially accountable for Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC), a Texas economic development corporation, which funds transportation projects that enhance economic development, utilizing the ½ cent sales tax approved by the voters. Financial Reporting Presentation. The City implemented Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 34 during the 2003 fiscal year. This implementation represented a substantial change in format and accounting methodology from prior years. GASB 34 established a new framework for financial reports. This new framework represents the single most significant change in the history of governmental reporting. These changes now provide reporting comparable to private sector companies, by showing Government-wide Statement of Net Assets, similar to a company-wide “balance sheet” and a Government- wide Statement of Activities, similar to a company-wide “income statement”. Because governmental agencies are also mandated to account for certain resources and activities separately, the fund-by-fund financial format continues to be provided. The presentation of these two different types of statements together in one report requires the inclusion of reconciliations between the government fund statements and the entity-wide statements. Comparative data has been included for 2003 to begin measuring activity and trends from year to year. Page ii Transmittal Letter DESCRIPTION OF THE CITY Georgetown once was a small town, founded in 1848, with a strong agricultural base, in the heart of Williamson County, 26 miles north of Austin. Today, Georgetown has an estimated population of 36,359, with an additional 15,000 within the extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) and serves as the county seat of Williamson County, the second fastest growing county in Texas. Today's Georgetown struggles to maintain its unique and historic character while managing on-going growth and economic viability. Over the past 20 years, Georgetown has worked to restore and maintain its historic downtown square and to ensure that downtown is the heart of the community. This work was acknowledged when it won the Great American Main Street Award in 1997 and is on-going, as Georgetown continues to ensure the economic vitality of its downtown. The City recently completed a Downtown Master Plan to direct growth and reinvestment in the area while protecting its historic character. Due to this unique character and small town charm, Del Webb Corporation elected to build its first Texas development in Georgetown with the 1995 opening of Sun City Texas. Today, over 5,000 retirees make Sun City and Georgetown their home. Georgetown is a Home Rule Charter City and operates under a Council - Manager form of government. A mayor and seven council members are elected on staggered, three-year terms from single member districts. Georgetown is also the home to Southwestern University, which continues to receive national recognition. The University is ranked No. 10 for “Best College Values” on the National Liberal Arts Colleges list by U.S. News and World Report. With 1,300 students and 430 employees, the University provides substantial economic and cultural contributions to Georgetown. GEORGETOWN'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OUTLOOK While the overall Texas economy has been slowly recovering from recession, Georgetown’s economy has continued to expand. This is due in part to its proximity to major employers in the area, such as Dell Corporation in Round Rock and other high tech companies in the north Austin area, as well as a large retirement community. The average disposable income in Georgetown and Williamson County continues to be above the state average. Georgetown is located on Interstate 35, the major corridor between Dallas and San Antonio, at the intersection of State Highway 130, currently under construction. SH 130 is a new toll road linking Georgetown with Interstate 10, east of San Antonio, thereby bypassing the highly congested Austin area. The expansion of Parmer Lane, a major arterial from the Austin and Round Rock area, will open many sites between Georgetown and Round Rock for development. This major state construction project is expected to alleviate traffic congestion and provide an economic benefit to the area. Georgetown's unique location has already resulted in increased economic benefit, as the first supplier for the new Toyota plant in San Antonio has announced it would build its Texas plant in Georgetown. This company, Tasus Corporation, will bring over 100 new jobs to the Georgetown area. Construction on the plant began in 2004 and is expected to be completed in 2005. Georgetown continues to expand its tax base with expanded retail opportunities. This year, several new businesses, including Beall’s clothing store, opened in the new 800,000 sq. ft Rivery Town Center, home to a Wal-mart SuperCenter and Home Depot. A new CVS pharmacy, as well as fast food merchants and other retailers, opened locations on Williams Drive to serve the West area of the City, including Sun City. Simon Properties will open a 750,000 sq. ft retail center at Wolf Ranch, featuring Target and over 70 other retailers and restaurants in late 2005. The sales tax revenues generated by these new developments will help the City maintain its low tax rate, while continuing to provide a higher quality of service to its citizens. Simon Properties has also contracted for additional property on the other side of State Highway 29 for future retail and mixed use development. Transmittal Letter Page iii The Downtown area continues to see revitalization and development. The City continues to implement projects outlined in the Downtown Master Plan, which was adopted by City Council in 2003. The purchase and renovation of the new downtown parking lot was a major accomplishment in 2004. River Place and 400 Main are two development projects in this area that began in 2004. The City is participating with the developers to provide infrastructure improvements to this area and expand retail opportunities Downtown. Georgetown takes an active role in water and wastewater planning with both the Brazos River Authority (BRA) and Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) to find regional solutions to the ever increasing demand for services, while protecting the natural environment within the area. Growth within the utilities continues to have strong impacts to the financial and economic conditions of Georgetown. In September 2004, voters approved an initiative to freeze property taxes for homeowners over the age of 65 or disabled. This measure mirrors the State of Texas Constitutional Amendment Proposition 13, which passed overwhelmingly statewide in 2003. “Prop 13” gives local governments the option of “freezing” taxes for the elderly and disabled. This initiative “freezes” approximately 27% of the 2004/05 Georgetown property tax revenue and may impact future property tax revenues in the city. The City Council has authorized an election to be held May 2005 for voters to consider adopting the additional ¼ cent sales tax that is allowed through the state statues to be collected by cities. The proposed election will consider the adoption of 1/8 cent sales tax for the promotion and development of new and expanded business enterprises allowable under Texas Economic Development Corporation 4A and 1/8 cent to be used to reduce property tax rates and offset the potential impact of the approved “Prop 13” tax freeze. If passed by the voters, revenue from the new tax will begin in October 2005. MAJOR INITIATIVES Utility Rates. The City contracted with a consultant to review Water and Wastewater rates in 2001. The City committed to review rates annually, since the City is facing new environmental mandates, as well as plant upgrades and expansions, which place an increasing financial burden on the utilities. The City increased water conservation rates in 2002. The revenue generated by this step increase in the rates is set aside for plant expansions. This strategy allows the users of the peak demand for water to pay for the costs of plant expansion. Water and Wastewater rates were increased in October 2003, as outlined in the 2001 plan. The City continues to monitor electric deregulation issues closely. While the City has not elected to “opt-in” to electric deregulation at this time, a rate study was completed in 2003 to break down the components of the electric rates in the new unbundled format that will be required if the City should opt in. Rates were adjusted in 2004 to reflect the state-wide increase in energy cost related to natural gas price increases. Utility System Expansion. The City contracted for over $8.7 million to expand the utility system in fiscal year 2004. Construction of a de-watering facility has begun, which will complete expansion of the Lake Water Treatment Plant. Projects for line expansion in the DB Wood/Booty’s Crossing area and the Jennings Branch elevated storage tank were begun in 2004. The expansion of the Berry Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant was completed. An irrigation line to expand the City’s use of effluent for irrigation purposes was completed to the Georgetown Country Club. Electric capital improvements were completed to expand the utility system for new commercial and residential areas. Transportation. A 2004 quality of life survey of Georgetown citizens indicated transportation was one of the top concerns. Many City streets are expanded and maintained by either Williamson County or the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDot). The Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation completed an interlocal agreement with TxDot to make contributions of 4B sales tax collection to accelerate planned improvements at the Williams Drive/IH 35 intersection. The improvements included an additional lane on the IH35 frontage road, as well as, a turnaround lane on the bridge over IH35 at Williams Drive. These two projects were completed in 2004. GTEC also completed an agreement with TxDot in 2004 to contribute funding towards improvements to expand State Highway 29, to accommodate traffic improvements required for the new Simon development. These improvements are expected to be completed in 2005. Other street improvements completed in 2004 include the realignment of Shell Road at Williams Drive and the completion of improvements to Northwest Boulevard. Page iv Transmittal Letter General Fund Budget. Historically, the General Fund’s revenues did not support its expenses, which had increased at a higher rate, due in part to the increased demand for governmental services, such as Parks, Fire and Police Services. The City had historically maintained its low tax rate by using the excess revenues from its utility funds to balance the General Fund. Because of customer growth and increased demand for utility services, the excess funds previously sent to the General Fund are now needed to fund infrastructure improvements within each utility. Recognizing this issue, the Council adopted a new fiscal and budgetary policy in 2001, which maintains that each fund’s revenue support its expenses. As part of the 2001/02 budget process, the Council approved a three year implementation plan for General Fund compliance, assuming a minimal increase in expenses, with increases in property tax and other General Fund revenues. The 2004 budget cycle marked the first time in over a decade that the General Fund is self-supporting, that is, on-going revenues fund on-going costs. Facilities Planning. The Council continued to focus resources on long range facility planning in 2004. The City began the renovation of an existing City facility for a larger Animal Shelter, which is expected to be completed in early 2005. The renovation of an existing City facility, previously occupied by the Georgetown Utility Systems Administration, was completed in 2004 to house Community Services Administration, which includes Parks and Recreation administrative functions. The City worked with a community committee to plan a bond referendum for facility expansion, which was approved by voters in November 2004. The $21.4 million in bonds are expected to be issued over the next three to five years and will be used to construct a new Public Library, renovate the Community Center in San Gabriel Park and expand the Recreation Center to include an indoor swimming facility and teen center. FINANCIAL INFORMATION The City is responsible for establishing and maintaining internal controls designed to ensure that the assets of the City are protected from loss, theft or misuse and that adequate accounting data are compiled to allow for the preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Internal controls are designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that these objectives are met. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that: (1) the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived; and (2) the valuation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgments by management. The City’s Director of Finance and Administration, Controller, and other key staff in the Division of Finance and Administration design and maintain the internal control structure. These controls are under continuing review by management, and under annual review by the independent auditors. During the year, the Finance Division performs internal audits on selected procedures and operations throughout the City organization. The selection of priorities and timing of audits are determined by the Director of Finance and Administration, along with the City Manager. Single Audit. As a recipient of federal and state financial assistance, the City is responsible for ensuring that adequate internal controls are in place to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations related to those programs. Internal controls are subject to periodic evaluation by management. The tests relating to the receipt of such funds are known as Single Audit testing. These tests are made to determine the adequacy of internal controls, including that portion related to federal financial assistance programs, as well as to determine that the City has complied with applicable laws and regulations. The City's receipt of federal and state funding for the year ended September 30, 2004 did not meet the threshold requiring Single Audit testing. Budgetary Controls. The City maintains budgetary controls to ensure compliance with legal provisions embodied in the annual appropriated budget approved by the City Council. Activities of all funds are included in the annual appropriated budget. The level of budgetary control (that is, the level at which expenditures cannot legally exceed the appropriated amount) is established by division and department within an individual fund. The City also maintains an encumbrance accounting system as one technique of accomplishing budgetary control. Encumbered amounts are reserved at year-end and carried forward into the following year. As demonstrated by the statements and schedules included in the financial section of this report, the City continues to meet its responsibility for sound financial management. vi CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS ORGANIZATIONAL CHART SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 vii PoliceFinance & Administration FireGeorgetown Utility Systems Assistant City Manager Transportation Services Electric Services Water Services CommunityServices Engineering Municipal Court Accounting Support Services CVBMain Street Tourism Parks Recreation Library Planning &Development Services Inspection Services Airport Information Technology A HOME RULE CITY CITY COUNCIL MAYOR (elected at large)SEVEN COUNCIL PERSONS(elected by district) CITIZENS OF GEORGETOWN CITY SECRETARYCITY ATTORNEY MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE BOARDS &COMMISSIONSCITY MANAGER Utility Billing EconomicDevelopment HumanResources Community Development Support Services Administrative Services Animal Services Field Operations Administration Operations = City Divisions viii CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS ELECTED OFFICIALS AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor Gary Nelon City Council Member, District 1 Patty Eason City Council Member, District 2 Gabe Sansing City Council Member, District 3, Mayor Pro Tem Doug Smith City Council Member, District 4 Henry Carr City Council Member, District 5 John Kirby City Council Member, District 6 Farley Snell City Council Member, District 7 Ben Oliver APPOINTED OFFICIALS City Manager Paul Brandenburg City Attorney Patricia Carls, Brown & Carls L.L.P. City Secretary Sandra Lee Municipal Court Judge Randy Stump OTHER CITY OFFICIALS Assistant City Manager Tom Yantis Assistant City Manager -Utilities Jim Briggs Director of Finance and Administration Micki Rundell Fire Chief Anthony Lincoln Police Chief David Morgan ix Location Georgetown is the northern most “gateway” to the gently rolling hills of Central Texas. While Georgetown offers the amenities and charm of a small community rooted in values of days gone by, it’s strategically and centrally located in the middle of the four major metropolitan areas of Texas. Austin is 26 miles south, Dallas is only two hours north, Houston is just two hours southeast and San Antonio is one-and- a-half hours south, placing Georgetown in a very advantageous position for cultural and economic development. Access to Georgetown via the Austin- Bergstrom International Airport and the north/south highway artery of Interstate 35 and east/west highway artery of Highway 29 make traveling to and from Georgetown easy. 3 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS The following discussion and analysis of the City of Georgetown financial performance provides an overview of the City’s financial activities for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2004. Please read it in conjunction with the transmittal letter at the front of this report and the City’s financial statements, which follow this section. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS General Fund • At the end of the current fiscal year, undesignated fund balance for the General Fund was $4.48 million, or 25% of the FY2004 General Fund expenditures. The undesignated fund balance increased by $1.38 from FY2003. Of this amount, $1.2 million represented a reallocation of city-wide budgeted contingency reserves from the City’s Electric fund. These funds are not appropriated in the budget, but rather are left on-hand to be used in the case of an emergency. • General Fund revenues increased $1.5 million, an increase of 13% over FY 2003. • General Fund expenditures increased by $1.7 million, an increase of 11% over FY 2003. This increase was due to the timing of street maintenance projects, additional parks projects and additional police staff. Governmental Activities • On a government-wide basis for governmental activities, the City had expenses net of program revenue of $21.5 million. General revenues and transfers totaled $23 million, resulting in an increase in net assets of $1.59 million. • As of September 30, 2004, the City's governmental activities reported combined ending net asset balances of $115.8 million. The largest element of this balance, $96.5 million, is the value of the City’s investment in capital assets, such as streets, parks and facilities, net of related debt. Other significant balances are restricted for specific purposes such as debt service and capital projects. • During fiscal year ended September 30, 2004, the City issued $12.2 million in Certificates of Obligation, of which $9.4 million was in support of the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC) projects to be repaid through dedicated sales tax collections. The remainder of the debt issues funded general capital projects and public safety equipment. The City's general obligation debt is rated A+ by Standard & Poor's and Moody's. • The City recorded a prior period adjustment to recognize infrastructure assets identified by a complete streets system inventory and valuation. This adjustment resulted in $80.9 of assets that were not previously recorded. Business-Type Activities • The net assets of the City's business-type activities increased by $14.1 million in FY 2004, primarily due to $12.1 million of infrastructure assets contributed by developers for the Sun City, Woodlake, Cimarron Hills, and other residential sub-divisions. • The City issued $6.9 million of utility system revenue bonds for electric and water system expansion. Both Standard & Poor's and Moody's have rated the City's utility system revenue debt as A+. Entity-Wide • The City's total net assets on a government-wide basis totaled $233.9 million at September 30, 2004, an increase of 7.2% over September 30, 2003. Most of this balance is invested in capital assets, restricted for specific purposes, or related to a long-term receivable. • The City received $12.2 million of grants and capital contributions from developers in FY 2004. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS MD&A 4 USING THE FINANCIAL SECTION OF THIS COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT This Comprehensive Annual Financial Report consists of three sections: introductory, financial and statistical. As illustrated in the following chart, the financial section of this report has three components: management’s discussion and analysis (this section), the basic financial statements, and required supplementary information. Components of the Financial Section BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS GOVERNMENT-WIDE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The government-wide financial statements report information about the City as a whole, using accounting methods similar to those used by private-sector companies. The statement of net assets includes all of the government’s assets and liabilities, reported using the full accrual basis of accounting. The statement of activities accounts for all of the current year’s revenues and expenses, regardless of when cash is received or paid. The two government-wide statements report the City’s net assets and how they have changed. Net assets, the difference between the City’s assets and liabilities, is one way to measure the financial health of the City. Over time, increases or decreases in the City’s net assets are an indicator of whether its financial health is improving or deteriorating. To assess the overall health of the City, one needs to consider other non-financial factors such as changes in the City’s property tax base and condition of the City’s infrastructure. MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Government-wide Governmental Activities (Full Accrual) Business-Type Activities (Full Accrual) Notes to the Financial Statements Fund Governmental (Modified Accrual) Proprietary (Full Accrual) Fiduciary (Full Accrual) CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS MD&A 5 The government-wide financial statements of the City are divided into two categories: Governmental Activities – Most of the City’s basic services are included here, such as police, fire and other public safety services, parks and recreation, public library, street maintenance and general administration. Property and sales taxes, return on investment from the City’s utility services, and charges for services finance most of these activities. Business-type Activities – The City’s Water Services Fund, which includes water, wastewater and irrigation services, as well as its Electric utility are reported here. Sanitation, Stormwater Drainage and the City’s Airport are also reported in these activities. Fees charged to customers fund the costs of providing these services. FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The fund financial statements provide more detailed information about the City’s most significant funds and will be more familiar to traditional users of government financial statements. The focus is now on major funds rather than fund types. The City has three types of funds: Governmental Funds – General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Capital Project Funds and the General Debt Service Fund are governmental funds, which focus on: (1) How cash and other financial assets that can readily be converted to cash flow in and out, and (2) The balances left at year-end that are available for spending. Consequently, the governmental funds statements provide a short-term view that helps determine whether there are more or fewer financial resources that can be spent in the near future to finance the City’s programs. Because this information does not encompass the additional long-term focus of the government-wide statements, additional information is provided with the governmental fund financial statements that explains the reconciliation between the fund statements and the government-wide statements. Proprietary Funds – Services for which the City charges fees and rates that intend to fully recover the cost of providing the service are reported in proprietary funds. Two types of proprietary funds are allowed in governmental accounting: enterprise funds and internal service funds. These funds, like the government-wide statements, provide both long-term and short-term financial information. The City’s enterprise funds are substantially the same as its business-type activities, but the fund financial statements provide more detail and additional information, such as cash flows. The City utilizes enterprise funds to account for its electric, water services, airport, sanitation, and stormwater drainage activities. The City uses internal service funds to report activities that provide supplies and services for the City’s other programs, activities and funds. The City’s internal service funds are used for providing facility maintenance, fleet services, joint services (providing administrative functions to the other funds) as well as information technology services. Fiduciary Funds – The City is trustee, or fiduciary, for certain amounts held on behalf of others, and for certain pass-through arrangements. The City is responsible for ensuring that the assets reported in these funds are used for their intended purposes. The City’s fiduciary activities are reported in a separate statement of fiduciary net assets. Assets for the City’s flexible spending cafeteria plan, assessment collections for the City's public improvement districts, and pass-through lease agreements for Texas Capital Fund projects are held in fiduciary funds. These fiduciary activities are excluded from the City’s government-wide financial statements because the City cannot use these assets to finance its operations. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS MD&A 6 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF THE CITY AS A WHOLE Statement of Net Assets: The following table reflects the condensed Statement of Net Assets: Net Assets - Primary Government- 9/30/04 Govtl - Inv in Net Assets 41.263% Govtl - Restricted 5.159% Bus-Type - Rest. 0.166% Govmtl - Unrest. 3.065% Bus-Type - Inv. In Net Assets 37.623% Bus-Type - Unrest. 12.723% The City's combined net assets increased by $15.7 million to $233.9 million from $218.2 million in FY 2003. • Net assets of the governmental funds were $115.8 million. Most of these assets are invested in capital assets or restricted for particular purposes, such as debt service or capital projects. • The City's unrestricted net assets for governmental activities, which can be used to finance day to day operations, totaled $7.1 million. • Included in unrestricted net assets are fund balances that are earmarked for particular purposes, such as parks improvements, street maintenance, and tourism. The balance of these funds at September 30, 2004 was $1.1 million. • Net assets increased primarily as a result of increases in capital assets and construction in progress. Projects completed during the year included: 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 Current and other assets $ 24,699 $ 15,949 $36,352 $ 34,787 $61,052 $ 50,736 Capital assets 130,079 127,789 131,166 114,685 261,246 242,474 Total assets $ 154,779 $ 143,738 $167,519 149,472 $322,297 293,210 Long-term liabilities $ 32,592 $ 21,905 40,395 $ 36,538 72,987 $ 58,443 Other liabilities 6,433 6,111 8,974 8,930 15,407 15,041 Total liabilities $ 39,025 $ 28,016 $49,368 $ 45,468 $88,394 $ 73,484 Net assets: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt $ 96,516 $ 102,199 $88,001 $ 74,920 $184,517 $ 177,120 Restricted 12,067 5,073 389 844 12,457 5,917 Unrestricted 7,170 6,886 29,760 28,240 36,930 35,126 Total net assets $ 115,753 114,158$ $118,150 $ 104,004 $233,904 $ 218,163 Summary Statement of Net Assets (In thousands) Govtl Activities Bus-Type Activities Total Primary Government CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS MD&A 7 • Downtown Parking Lot • Animal Shelter (design work) • Purchase of replacement fire apparatus • Realignment of Shell Road • Completion of San Gabriel Park improvements • Renovation of the Georgetown Utility Systems Admin building for Parks Administration • Net assets invested in capital assets net of related debt increased in part due to developer's contributed capital totaling $12.2 million. • Net assets of business-type activities increased by $14.1 million, most of which was due to the recognition of developer contributed capital. • During 2004, the City invested $6.1 million towards improving and expansion of utility infrastructure, compared to $15.9 in 2003. Projects included: • Electric residential and commercial system expansion • Irrigation line to the Georgetown Country Club • Wastewater Inflow and Infiltration improvements at Smith Branch • Berry Creek Wastewater Plant rehabilitation ƒ As a part of the implementation of GASB Statement No. 34, the City conducted an inventory and valuation of the City's streets and drainage system. This detailed analysis resulted in a net $80.9 million increase to the general capital assets. 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 Revenues Program Revenues Charges for Service $ 2,681 $ 2,343 $ 51,585 $ 47,205 $ 54,266 $ 49,548 Operating Grants & Contributions 176 229 176 229 Capital Grants & Contributions 110 1,700 12,051 2,071 12,161 3,771 General Revenues Property Taxes 6,927 6,381 6,927 6,381 Sales Taxes 7,396 6,091 7,396 6,091 Other Taxes 586 560 586 560 Franchise Taxes 1,845 1,580 1,845 1,580 Interest 172 197 444 160 616 357 Extraordinary Item 13,624 13,624 Other 466 2,420 883 1,010 1,350 3,430 Total Revenues $ 20,359 $ 21,501 $ 64,963 $ 64,070 $ 85,323 $ 85,571 Expenses: Culture-recreation 4,773 4,165 4,773 4,165 Development 1,956 1,608 1,956 1,608 Fire 3,862 3,612 3,862 3,612 General government 4,005 3,715 4,005 3,715 Interest on long term debt 1,254 1,241 1,254 1,241 Police 5,834 5,476 5,834 5,476 Streets 2,752 3,268 2,752 3,268 Airport 1,963 1,774 1,963 1,774 Electric 26,237 23,958 26,237 23,958 Sanitation 2,740 2,577 2,740 2,577 Stormwater 987 842 987 842 Water Services 13,218 11,728 13,218 11,728 Total Expenses $ 24,436 $ 23,085 $ 45,146 $ 40,879 $ 69,582 $ 63,964 Change in net assets before transfers (4,077) (1,584) 19,818 23,191 15,741 21,607 Transfers 5,672 4,662 (5,672) (4,662) Change in net assets 1,595 3,078 14,146 18,529 15,741 21,607 Net Assets - Beginning 114,158 111,080 104,004 85,475 218,163 196,556 Net Assets - Ending $ 115,753 $ 114,158 $ 118,150 $ 104,004 $ 233,904 $ 218,163 (In thousands) Changes in Net Assets Bus-Type ActivitiesGovtl Activities Total CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS MD&A 8 REVENUES ƒ For the fiscal year ended September 30, 2004, program revenues from governmental activities totaled $2.96 million, of which $2.7 million resulted from charges for services. This revenue source increased over $337,000 over the prior year, primarily due to growth in the municipal court and development fee areas. ƒ General property taxes totaled $6.9 million. Included in these taxes are real and personal property levies which are assessed October 1, and payable before the following January 31. ƒ Assessed valuations on existing properties decreased for the fiscal year 3%, which was offset by over $92 million in new property on the tax rolls. ƒ The ad valorem tax rate for fiscal year 2004 was $0.32194 per $100 of assessed valuation. This represented a 2.93% increase over the prior year rate. ƒ Sales taxes, the City’s largest source of general government revenue, totaled $7.4 million for fiscal year 2004, which was an increase of 22% over the prior year. This increase was primarily due to the adoption of an additional 1/4 cent sales tax, which became effective April 1, 2003, dedicated for streets maintenance, as well as new commercial development within the City. The first full year of collections of the street maintenance sales tax was 2004. General sales tax revenues increased 13.3 % over the prior year, primarily due to new retail development and overall community growth. Sales tax revenues represent 42% of the general revenue total. ƒ Other taxes, which include hotel/motel taxes and automobile inventory taxes, totaled $586,000. ƒ Program revenues are derived from the program itself and reduce the cost of the function to the City. Total program revenues for both governmental and business-type activities are described below. ƒ Governmental activities program revenue was $2.9 million, a decrease of 30.5% over the prior year. The decrease is due to the recognition of a one-time developer capital contribution in 2003. The most significant of the program revenues is reported in the category "Charges for Services", which represent receipts primarily from development and building inspection fees, parks fees, fire billing for services and court fines. Other governmental program revenues included operating grants for parks, fire and police programs. ƒ Business-type activities program revenues totaled $63.6 million, a 29% increase over the prior year. This increase is primarily due to the recognition of capital contributions from developers, however charges for services also increased due to increased customer Revenues - Fiscal Year 2004 Grants & Contributions 14% Property Taxes 8% Sales Taxes 9%Other 5% Charges for Service 64% CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS MD&A 9 revenue, which is the most significant of the program revenues. "Charges for Services”, which represent receipts from utility customers for electric, water, wastewater, and sanitation use, increased over 9.2%. This increase was primarily related to increased purchased power costs, which were passed along to customers, as well as increases in water and wastewater rates. Other program revenues include airport fuel sales, hangar rentals and stormwater drainage fees. EXPENSES ƒ Expenses for governmental activities totaled $24.4 million, versus $23.1 million in 2003. Major expenditures include salaries for providing services in the public safety area, as well as for public library and recreation programs. Expenses were $1.3 million higher than the prior year. Streets maintenance costs, which account for 9% of the total expenses, accounted for almost $900,000 of this increase. Other major increases included increases to salary costs resulting from Council's adoption of a public safety compensation program, which provided a step plan to increase public safety salaries for each year of service. Salaries also increased due to a 2.5% cost of living adjustment for all other staff. Higher fuel costs also played a role in the increase in operational expenses for programs. ƒ Expenses for business-type activities totaled $45.1 million, a 10% increase over the prior year, which provided electric, water, and wastewater services for customers, as well as airport and stormwater drainage programs. The increase in expenses relates to increased costs of purchased power, as well as expenses related to additional customers and infrastructure maintenance for the utilities. Primary Government - Functional Expenses for FY 2004 Culture/Rec 7% Public Safety 14% Streets 4% Electric 37% Other 19% Water Services 19% CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS MD&A 10 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF THE CITY’S FUNDS For the fiscal year ended September 30, 2004, the City's governmental funds reflect a combined fund balance of $19.3 million. Included in this year's increase in fund balance is $1.5 million in General Fund revenues and other financing sources in excess of expenditures and other financing uses. The primary reason for the General Fund's increase in fund balances is due to increased revenues and the transfer of budgeted on-hand funds from the Electric and Water Services funds. In addition, these other changes in fund balances should be noted: ƒ Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation contributed $3.9 million in cash and debt funding of street improvements to enhance economic development in 2004. ƒ Direct expenditures for public safety totaled $8.7 million. ƒ Parks, recreation and library expenditures totaled $3.7 million. ƒ General government expenditures includes $232,950 of social service contributions to different organizations in the community and $210,000 of capital improvements to the downtown Georgetown area. ƒ Street maintenance expenditures were $1.9 million, a $340,000 increase over the prior year, funded by the first full year of collections of the ¼ cent sales tax for street maintenance. ƒ The City spent $2.4 million in the Capital Projects Funds, which included facilities improvements and street improvements. GENERAL FUND BUDGETARY HIGHLIGHTS: The following is a brief review of the budgetary changes from the original to the final budget. The City approved three General Fund budget amendments during fiscal year 2004. The amendments increased overall budgeted expenditures by $130,000 from the original budget, representing a .7% increase in appropriations. This increase was offset by excess fund balance that existed because of expenditures that were budgeted in 2003, but did not actually occur until 2004. The amendments consisted of: ƒ $100,000 for street maintenance. This expenditure was offset by fund balance that was originally appropriated in 2003 for street maintenance. ƒ $15,000 for the funding of Municipal Court staff. This expenditure was offset by additional court revenue received due to an increased volume of traffic citations. ƒ $15,000 to fund contracted services for tree surveys related to development projects in the community. This expenditure was offset by fund balance from development revenue received in 2003. The City also budgeted to transfer existing fund balance from the Electric and Water Funds to the General Fund. This fund balance had been set aside as a part of the city-wide budgeted contingency reserves, which represent 75 days of city-wide budgeted operating expenditures/expenses. These “rainy day” funds, or funds that are over and above appropriated expenses, are used only in the case of an emergency. The City reallocated the city-wide contingency reserves to increase reserves in the General Fund from 60 to 90 days of operating expenditures, to forestall the impact of potential revenue shortfalls from volatile sales tax collections. This transfer had no effect on the overall amount of the city-wide contingency. CAPITAL ASSETS The City's governmental activities (including a percentage of internal service funds) had invested $130.1 million in a variety of capital assets and infrastructure. The City has $131.2 million invested in its business-type activities capital assets. The detail is reflected in the following schedule: CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS MD&A 11 The City prepared a complete inventory of street infrastructure assets in 2003 and 2004 and assigned a value to the inventory based upon the age of the street and construction indexes. This resulted in $80.9 million of street improvements being recorded that were previously not recorded. The City has begun its assessment of the condition of the streets inventory for reporting under the modified approach for GASB 34 reporting. The inventory is recorded as a prior period adjustment. The City's financial policies mandate maintenance and repair of the City's capital assets and infrastructure. The City budgets approximately $825,000 annually of General Fund revenues for on-going street maintenance projects, along with the staff costs and other maintenance costs of the street department. In addition, the City also budgets for the approximate $1.1 million of funds received in the dedicated 1/4 cent sales tax for street maintenance. Utility infrastructure maintenance is budgeted within the utility funds. For fiscal year 2004, funding for electric and water services infrastructure maintenance was $5.2 million. For more detailed notes about the City’s capital assets, please see pages 45-47 of the notes to the financial statements. Balance Deletions Balance 10/1/2003 Additions & Transfers 9/30/2004 Non-depreciable Assets: Land $ 2,778 $ 514 $ 3,292 Construction in progress 3,037 4,724 $ (4,178) 3,583 Other capital assets Equipment 12,686 2,574 (577) 14,683 Buildings 19,439 21 167 19,626 Improvements 11,984 3,052 (577) 14,459 Streets 88,038 1,392 89,430 Less accumulated depreciation (13,564) (2,036) 606 (14,994) Capital Assets - Governmental $124,398 $ 10,241 $ (4,560) $ 130,079 Balance Deletions Balance 10/1/2003 Additions & Transfers 9/30/2004 Non-depreciable Assets: Land $1,650 - - $ 1,650 Construction in progress 11,411 $ 10,111 $ (16,440) 5,081 Other capital assets - Equipment 816 82 - 898 Buildings 11,080 15 (404) 10,691 Improvements 125,422 27,493 (137) 152,778 Less accumulated depreciation (35,699) (4,727) 494 (39,933) Capital Assets - Business-Type $114,680 $ 32,974 $ (16,487) $ 131,166 City-wide Totals $239,078 $ 43,215 $ (21,047) $ 261,246 *Includes internal service funds assets, which are allocated to governmental activities Change in Capital Assets* (In thousands) Governmental Activities Change in Capital Assets* (In thousands) Business-Type Activities CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS MD&A 12 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 General Obligation Bonds $ 33,195 $ 22,217 $ 4,262 $ 4,514 $ 37,456 $ 26,731 Revenue Bonds 38,904 34,499 38,904 34,499 Obligation under capital lease 369 167 369 167 Compensated absence payable 1,330 1,253 497 470 1,826 1,723 Arbitrage rebate payable 18 63 18 63 Total Long Term Debt $ 34,911 $ 23,700 $ 43,662 $ 39,483 $ 78,573 $ 63,183 Govtl Activities Bus-Type Activities Total City of Georgetown Outstanding Debt and Long-Term Liabilities LONG-TERM DEBT ƒ At September 30, 2004, the City had a total of $37.5 million in general obligation debt outstanding. This represents a 41% increase over prior year. This increase reflects the $9.4 million of self-supporting bonds, issued on behalf of the Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation for the Rivery development improvements and Wolf Ranch development improvements and is supported by dedicated sales taxes. Additional information about the City's long -term debt is presented in Note 7 to the financial statements. ƒ The state limits the legal amount of tax levy available for general obligation debt service to $1.25 per $100 valuation. The City's 2004 debt levy equaled $0.10 per $100 assessed valuation, or 8% of the maximum allowed. ƒ Total utility system revenue debt was $38.9 million as of September 30, 2004, including new debt of $6.9 million issued within the Electric and Water Services Funds to fund system expansion, including the expansion of the Berry Creek Wastewater Plant and infrastructure to support the Wolf Ranch Development ($3.5 million). This increase is 13% greater than September 30, 2003. ƒ A detailed analysis of the City’s long-term debt is located on pages 48-51 in the notes to the financial statements. ECONOMIC FACTORS ƒ Unemployment in the City decreased from 6.02% in 2003 to 4.76% in 2004. ƒ Population continued to grow steadily, at 3% annually, yet utility customer growth averaged approximately 5% for all utilities. This variance represents continued growth within the City's extra territorial jurisdiction (ETJ), that receives City utility services. ƒ Retail development continued to expand, with the opening of new retail and restaurants along the Williams Drive Corridor, as well as continued expansion at the Rivery Towne Center retail development. The expansion is evidenced by the overall increase in general sales tax revenue of 13.3% compared to 2003. CONTACTING THE CITY’S FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT This report is designed to provide City Council, citizens, customers, bond rating agencies, investors and creditors with a general overview of the City’s finances. If you have questions about this report or need additional financial information, contact: Finance Division City of Georgetown 113 East 8th Street Georgetown, Texas 78626 (512) 930-3676 www.georgetown.org Basic Financial Statements CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 Primary Government Governmental Business-type Activities Activities TOTAL ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents $ 2,898,924 $ 3,670,447 $ 6,569,371 Cash and cash equivalents - restricted 1,226,699 1,226,699 Investments 17,121,306 7,065,513 24,186,819 Investments - restricted 2,865,207 2,865,207 Prepaid items 270,389 929,671 1,200,060 Accounts receivable: Services (net of allowance for uncollectibles) 7,993,932 7,993,932 Other 2,119,825 2,119,825 Internal balances (9,066) 9,066 Inventories 193,936 1,515,379 1,709,315 Long-term note receivables 1,491,486 9,674,613 11,166,099 Deferred charges - bond issuance costs 612,381 1,401,794 2,014,175 Capital assets: net of accumulated depreciation 126,496,384 126,085,038 252,581,422 Construction in progress 3,582,988 5,081,286 8,664,274 TOTAL ASSETS $ 154,778,553 $ 167,518,645 $ 322,297,198 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS: Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 1,702,874 $ 3,351,650 $ 5,054,524 Accrued interest 226,084 268,957 495,041 Liabilities payable from restricted assets: Construction contracts and retainages payable 243,643 243,643 Customer deposits 576,953 576,953 Unearned revenue 2,185,745 1,264,923 3,450,668 Noncurrent liabilities: Due within one year 2,318,238 3,267,664 5,585,902 Due in more than one year 32,592,432 40,394,522 72,986,954 Total liabilities 39,025,373 49,368,312 88,393,685 Net Assets: Invested in capital assets (net of related debt) 96,516,068 88,000,994 184,517,062 Restricted for: Debt Service 768,436 768,436 Capital Projects 11,298,848 389,312 11,688,160 Unrestricted 7,169,828 29,760,025 36,929,853 Total net assets 115,753,180 118,150,331 233,903,511 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 154,778,553 $ 167,518,643 $ 322,297,196 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 Charges for Operating Grants Capital Grants Governmental Business-Type Expenses Services & Contributions & Contributions Activities Activities Total Functions/Programs Primary government Governmental Activities Culture-recreation $ 4,773,059 $ 672,882 $ 80,885 $ 110,077 $ (3,909,215) $ (3,909,215) Development 1,956,243 1,097,581 (858,662) (858,662) Fire 3,862,168 141,280 159 (3,720,729) (3,720,729) General government 4,005,079 2,438 (4,002,641) (4,002,641) Police 5,833,644 769,389 92,687 (4,971,568) (4,971,568) Streets 2,752,225 (2,752,225) (2,752,225) Interest on long term debt 1,253,934 (1,253,934) (1,253,934) Total governmental activities 24,436,352 2,681,132 176,169 110,077 (21,468,974) (21,468,974) Business -type Activities Airport $ 1,962,826 $ 1,667,154 $ 181 $ (295,491) $ (295,491) Electric 26,237,073 30,152,942 750,106 4,665,975 4,665,975 Sanitation 2,740,495 2,932,480 191,985 191,985Stormwater 986,876 1,331,962 3,252,691 3,597,777 3,597,777 Water 13,218,349 15,500,302 8,048,118 10,330,071 10,330,071 Total business-type activities 45,145,619 51,584,840 12,051,096 18,490,317 18,490,317 Total primary government $ 69,581,971 $ 54,265,972 $ 176,169 $ 12,161,173 $ (21,468,974) $ 18,490,317 $ (2,978,657) General revenues: Property Tax $ 6,927,438 $ 6,927,438 Sales Tax 7,395,657 7,395,657 Taxes - other 585,921 585,921 Franchise taxes 1,844,683 1,844,683 Interest on investments 171,949 $444,169 616,118 Other 466,185 883,338 1,349,523 Transfers 5,671,960 (5,671,960) 0 Total general revenues and transfers 23,063,793 (4,344,453) 18,719,340 Change in Net Assets 1,594,819 14,145,864 15,740,683 Net Assets, beginning of the year 114,158,361 104,004,467 218,162,828 Net Assets, end of the year $ 115,753,180 $ 118,150,331 $ 233,903,511 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. Program Revenues Primary Government Net (Expense) Revenue and Changes in Net Assets Fund Financial Statements CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS BALANCE SHEET GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 GEORGETOWN TRANSPORTATION OTHER TOTAL ENHANCEMENT GOVERNMENTAL GOVERNMENTAL GENERAL CORPORATION FUNDS FUNDS ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 1,774,007 $ 821,091 $2,595,098 Investments 3,595,091 $ 9,588,656 3,320,704 16,504,451 Accounts receivable (net of allowance for uncollectible accounts): Delinquent taxes 184,268 117,179 301,447 Sales tax 737,779 364,810 204,777 1,307,366 Grants 15,077 15,077 Other 139,888 1,808 289,321 431,017 Prepaid items 267,193 267,193 Long-term note receivable 1,491,486 1,491,486 TOTAL ASSETS $ 8,189,712 $ 9,955,274 $ 4,768,149 $22,913,135 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 742,278 $ 101,903 $ 387,365 $1,231,546 Due to other funds 9,066 9,066 Unearned revenue 2,010,629 403,363 2,413,992 Total liabilities 2,752,907 101,903 799,794 3,654,604 Fund Balance: Reserved for: Encumbrances 685,155 660,399 1,671,876 3,017,430 Debt service 768,436 768,436 Prepaid items 267,193 267,193 Special programs 1,066,003 1,066,003 Unreserved, reported in: General fund 4,484,457 4,484,457 Special revenue funds 462,040 462,040 Capital projects funds 9,192,972 9,192,972 Total fund balance 5,436,805 9,853,371 3,968,355 19,258,531 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 8,189,712 $ 9,955,274 $ 4,768,149 $22,913,135 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS RECONCILIATION OF THE GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS BALANCE SHEET TO THE STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 Total fund balance - total governmental funds $ 19,258,531 Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement of net assets are different because: Capital assets used in governmental activities are not current financial resources and therefore are not reported in the govermental funds balance sheet.123,711,454 The City uses internal service funds to charge the costs of certain activities, such as capital assets, administrative services and information technology to appropriate functions in other funds. The assets and liabilities of the internal service funds are included in governmental activities in the statement of net assets. The effect of this consolidation is to increase net assets.6,597,289 Premiums, discounts and debt issuance costs have not been included in the fund financial statements. 612,381 Bonds payable and contractual obligations are not due and payable in the current period therefore have not been included in the fund financial statements. (33,194,672) Accrued liabilities for compensated absences are not due and payable in the current period therefore have not been included in the fund financial statements. (1,216,303) Liabilities for arbitrage are not due and payable in the current period therefore have not been reflected in the fund financial statements. (17,663) Revenues from property taxes are deferred in the fund financial statements until they are considered available to fund current expenditures, but such revenues are recognized in the government wide statements.101,969 Revenues recognized at the government-wide financial statements are not recognized as revenue in the fund financial statements for court fines.126,278 Interest is accrued on outstanding debt in the government-wide financial statements, whereas in the fund financial statements interest expense is reported when due. (226,084) Net Assets of Governmental Activities $ 115,753,180 The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 GEORGETOWN TRANSPORTATION OTHER TOTAL ENHANCEMENT GOVERNMENTAL GOVERNMENTAL GENERAL CORPORATION FUNDS FUNDS REVENUES: Property taxes: Current $ 4,891,350 $ 2,224,180 $ 7,115,530 Delinquent 18,550 18,550 Penalties and interest 83,362 83,362 Other 146,171 255,921 402,092 Property assessment 81,916 81,916 Sales tax 4,217,991 $ 2,118,443 1,059,221 7,395,655 Franchise taxes 1,844,683 1,844,683 Licenses and permits 1,078,048 1,078,048 Charges for service 818,407 100,812 919,219 Fines and forfeitures 634,446 50,553 684,999 Donations and grants 2,438 283,808 286,246 Investment income 38,662 64,748 68,539 171,949 Other revenue 391,438 373,154 764,592 Total revenues 14,165,546 2,183,191 4,498,104 20,846,841 EXPENDITURES: Current: Culture - recreation 3,719,476 789,960 4,509,436 Development 1,888,150 26,073 1,914,223 Fire services 3,246,583 585,737 3,832,320 General government 1,741,600 162,379 2,000 1,905,979 Highways and streets 1,879,105 52,677 1,931,782 Police 5,474,007 110,995 5,585,002 Capital outlay 283,120 3,657,796 2,629,405 6,570,321 Debt service: Principal retirement 1,262,782 1,262,782 Interest and fiscal charges 48,164 1,205,770 1,253,934 Total expenditures 18,232,041 3,868,339 6,665,399 28,765,779 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES (4,066,495) (1,685,148) (2,167,295) (7,918,938) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Transfers in 5,367,736 488,920 5,856,656 Transfers out (131,661) (273,209) (1,049,676) (1,454,546) Certificate of obligation bond issued 9,392,133 2,847,867 12,240,000 Capital lease issued 283,120 283,120 Total other financing sources (uses) 5,519,195 9,118,924 2,287,111 16,925,230 NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES 1,452,700 7,433,776 119,816 9,006,292 FUND BALANCES, Beginning of period 3,984,105 2,419,595 3,848,539 10,252,239 FUND BALANCES, End of period $ 5,436,805 $ 9,853,371 $ 3,968,355 $ 19,258,531 The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS RECONCILIATION OF THE GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE TO THE STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 Net change in fund balances - governmental funds $ 9,006,292 Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement of activities are different because: The City uses internal service funds to charge the costs of certain activities, such as fleet management and information technology to appropriate functions in other funds. The assets and liabilities of internal service funds are allocated to the governmental activities on the statement of net assets. The effect of this consolidation is to increase net assets. The entry on the statement of activities reflects the loss shown in FY 2004, which is allocated to governmental activities (689,319) Current year capital outlays are expenditures in the fund statements, but are shown as increases in capital assets in the government-wide financial statements. The total reflects $545,661 in construction in progress additions. The effect of removing the 2004 capital outlays is to increase net assets.5,337,021 Depreciation is not recognized as an expenditure in governmental funds since it does not require the use of current financial resources. The effect of recording current year depreciation is to decrease net assets.(989,799) Amortization of costs associated with debt issuances are not recognized as an expenditure in governmental funds since it does not require the use of current financial resources. The effect of recording the current year's amortization is to decrease net assets.(44,802) Current year long-term debt principal payments on contractual obligation bonds payable are expenditures in the fund financial statements, but are shown as reductions in long term debt in the government-wide financial statements.1,262,782 The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. (continued) Current year bond proceeds on certificates of obligation ($12,240,000) and related debt issuance costs ($105,000) are not shown as revenue and expenditures in the government-wide financial statements.(12,135,000) Interest is accrued on outstanding debt in the government-wide financia statements, whereas in the fund financial statements, the expenditure is reported when due.(81,905) Change in arbitrage liability is not reflected in the fund financial statements, but is shown as a debt service expense on the government-wide financial statements.45,614 Additions to vested sick leave and vacation liabilities are not shown in the fund financial statements. The net effect of the current year's increase is to decrease net assets.(54,258) Revenue from property taxes and court fines are recognized in the fund financial statements on the modified accrual basis but are recognized on the accrual basis in the government-wide financial statements.(61,807) Change in Net Assets of Governmental Activities $ 1,594,819 The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS PROPRIETARY FUNDSAS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 Business-type Activities Enterprise Funds WATER OTHER ELECTRIC SERVICES ENTERPRISE GOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES FUND FUND FUNDS TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS ASSETS: Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 398,578 $ 3,034,938 $ 236,929 $ 3,670,445 $ 303,824 Cash and cash equivalents - restricted 190,394 1,036,304 1,226,698 Investments 804,869 5,779,605 481,037 7,065,511 616,854 Investments - restricted 386,558 2,478,649 2,865,207 Prepaid expenses 929,671 929,671 3,196 Accounts receivable: Services (net of allowance for uncollectibles) 4,878,799 2,421,924 672,977 7,973,700 64,917 Other 20,276 789 21,065 Due from other funds 122,902 122,902 Inventories 1,502,689 12,691 1,515,380 194,766 Total current assets 8,182,163 15,803,993 1,404,423 25,390,579 1,183,557 Noncurrent Assets: Long-term note receivables 9,673,781 9,673,781 Deferred charges - bond issuance costs 307,753 1,010,365 83,677 1,401,795 Capital assets: Land and land rights 193,735 475,070 981,500 1,650,305 Distribution system 44,363,262 100,570,493 7,844,621 152,778,376 Buildings and improvements 73,707 3,019,794 7,597,187 10,690,688 527,058 Machinery, furniture and equipment 496,664 207,947 193,627 898,238 13,690,448 Capital Lease 452,109 Construction in progress 4,985,311 95,975 5,081,286 Less accumulated depreciation (14,388,715) (20,907,067) (4,636,788) (39,932,570) (8,301,697) Total capital assets (net of accumulated depreciation)30,738,653 88,351,548 12,076,122 131,166,323 6,367,918 Total noncurrent assets 31,046,406 99,035,694 12,159,799 142,241,899 6,367,918 TOTAL ASSETS $ 39,228,569 $ 114,839,687 $ 13,564,222 $ 167,632,478 $ 7,551,475 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS: Liabilities: Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 2,379,376 $ 663,885 $ 308,388 $ 3,351,649 $ 472,157 Capital lease payable 128,194 Compensated absence 76,868 61,405 25,270 163,543 37,233 Due to other funds 113,836 113,836 Current portion of long-term debt 765,552 2,101,330 237,239 3,104,121 Accrued interest 63,810 177,396 27,750 268,956 Total current liabilities 3,285,606 3,004,016 712,483 7,002,105 637,584 Current liabilities payable from restricted assets: Construction contracts and retainages payable 243,643 243,643 Customer deposits 576,953 576,953 Total current liabilities payable from restricted assets 576,953 243,643 820,596 Noncurrent liabilities: Compensated absence 154,643 126,008 52,663 333,314 76,013 Capital lease payable 240,592 Unearned revenue 1,264,924 1,264,924 Long-term debt 9,293,036 26,743,846 4,024,326 40,061,208 Total noncurrent liabilities 9,447,679 28,134,778 4,076,989 41,659,446 316,605 Total liabilities 13,310,238 31,382,437 4,789,472 49,482,147 954,189 Net Assets: Invested in capital assets (net of related debt) 20,680,065 59,506,372 7,814,557 88,000,994 5,999,132 Restricted for: Future construction 389,312 389,312 Unrestricted 5,238,266 23,561,566 960,193 29,760,025 598,154 Total net assets 25,918,331 83,457,250 8,774,750 118,150,331 6,597,286 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 39,228,569 $ 114,839,687 $ 13,564,222 $ 167,632,478 $ 7,551,475 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN FUND NET ASSETS PROPRIETARY FUNDS FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 Business-type Activities Enterprise Funds WATER OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ELECTRIC SERVICES ENTERPRISE ACTIVITIES FUND FUND FUNDS TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS OPERATING REVENUES: Charges for sales and services: Service charges $ 7,823,992 Electric $ 29,199,618 $ 29,199,618 Water $ 9,287,644 9,287,644 Waste 5,794,782 $ 2,887,822 8,682,604 Other 953,324 417,875 3,043,772 4,414,971 Total operating revenues 30,152,942 15,500,301 5,931,594 51,584,837 7,823,992 OPERATING EXPENSES: Electric 2,331,235 2,331,235 Water 1,424,252 1,424,252 Waste 1,406,854 1,406,854 Depreciation 1,889,471 2,224,838 612,884 4,727,193 1,046,099 Utility contracts 21,518,386 4,301,102 2,740,495 28,559,983 Plant management 2,438,397 2,438,397 Other 2,203,842 2,203,842 7,693,912 Total operating expenses 25,739,092 11,795,443 5,557,221 43,091,756 8,740,011 NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) 4,413,850 3,704,858 374,373 8,493,081 (916,019) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Investment earnings 46,466 377,521 20,180 444,167 30,664 Donations and grants 181 181 Interest and fiscal charges (497,981) (1,422,905) (132,975) (2,053,861) Loss on disposed assets (60,989) Other 508,437 1,184,751 48,083 1,741,271 257,025 Total nonoperating revenues (expenses) 56,922 139,367 (64,531) 131,758 226,700 INCOME BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS 4,470,772 3,844,225 309,842 8,624,839 (689,319) CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS: Capital contributions 613,926 7,326,368 3,252,691 11,192,985 476,600 Transfer in 1,375,023 Transfers out (3,637,109) (1,693,696) (341,155) (5,671,960) (105,173) Total contributions and transfers (3,023,183) 5,632,672 2,911,536 5,521,025 1,746,450 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 1,447,589 9,476,897 3,221,378 14,145,864 1,057,131 TOTAL NET ASSETS - beginning 24,470,742 73,980,353 5,553,372 104,004,467 5,540,155 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ending $ 25,918,331 $ 83,457,250 $ 8,774,750 $ 118,150,331 $ 6,597,286 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS PROPRIETARY FUNDS FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 Business-type Activities Enterprise Funds WATER OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ELECTRIC SERVICES ENTERPRISE ACTIVITIES FUND FUND FUNDS TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Cash received from customers $ 30,714,106 $ 17,826,189 $ 5,858,550 $ 54,398,845 $ 7,810,924 Payments to suppliers (23,325,395) (8,159,328) (4,420,587) (35,905,310) (3,642,071) Franchise fees (595,385) (307,249) (85,289) (987,923) Payments to employees for services (1,287,251) (1,000,884) (424,205) (2,712,340) (3,797,492) Net cash provided by operating activities 5,506,075 8,358,728 928,469 14,793,272 371,361 CASH FLOWS FROM NONCAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES Transfers in 1,375,023 Transfers out (3,637,109) (1,693,696) (341,155) (5,671,960) (105,173) Payments from (to) other funds 515,592 (122,902) 42,782 435,472 Net cash provided by (used for) noncapital financing activities (3,121,517) (1,816,598) (298,373) (5,236,488) 1,269,850 CASH FLOWS FROM CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITES: Acquisition of capital assets (2,506,036) (7,899,049) (210,565) (10,615,650) (1,846,750) Donations and grants 181 181 Reduction in capital lease 81,301 Proceeds from sale of assets 54,950 Impact fees 721,750 721,750 Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt 1,474,432 5,465,567 6,939,999 Principal paid on revenue and certificates of obligation bonds (689,464) (1,845,286) (252,467) (2,787,217) Interest paid on revenue and certificates of obligation bonds (479,992) (1,338,924) (127,934) (1,946,850) Reduction in long term receivables - Del Webb 1,917,600 1,917,600 Net asset transfer 47,133 47,133 Net cash provided by (used for) capital and related financing activities (2,153,927) (2,978,342) (590,785) (5,723,054) (1,710,499) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Interest received 46,466 377,521 20,180 444,167 30,663 Change in temporary investments (437,737) (4,080,573) (168,949) (4,687,259) (137,202) Net cash provided by (used for) investing activities (391,271) (3,703,052) (148,769) (4,243,092) (106,539) Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (160,640) (139,264) (109,458) (409,362) (175,827) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 749,612 4,210,506 346,387 5,306,505 479,651 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 588,972 4,071,242 236,929 4,897,143 303,824 Classified as: Current assets 398,578 3,034,938 236,929 3,670,445 303,824 Restricted assets 190,394 1,036,304 1,226,698 Total $588,972 $4,071,242 $236,929 $4,897,143 $303,824 Non-cash disclosure Developer contributions $ 613,926 $ 7,326,368 $ 3,252,691 $ 11,192,985 Equity transfers to internal service funds $ 4,700 Governmental transfers to internal service funds $ 476,600 Equipment acquired with capital lease $ 283,120 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement.(continued) CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS PROPRIETARY FUNDSFISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 Business-type Activities Enterprise Funds WATER OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ELECTRIC SERVICES ENTERPRISE ACTIVITIES FUND FUND FUNDS TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)$ 4,413,850 $ 3,704,858 $ 374,373 $ 8,493,081 $ (916,019) Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) to cash provided by (used in) operating activities: Depreciation 1,889,471 2,224,838 612,884 4,727,193 1,046,099 Other income 508,437 463,001 48,083 1,019,521 202,076 Bad debt expense (2,066) (3,458) (520) (6,044) Increase (decrease) in deferred revenue 1,164,989 1,164,989 (700) Decrease (increase) in prepaid expenses 191,378 191,378 Decrease (increase) in inventories (288,514) (2,013) (290,527) (487) Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable (27,395) 718,987 (120,607) 570,985 (13,068) Decrease (increase) in customer deposits 33,953 33,953 Decrease (increase) in notes receivable 48,235 (17,631) 30,604 Increase (decrease) in accounts payable (1,084,080) (101,543) 17,140 (1,168,483) 30,923 Increase (decrease) in compensated absences payable 14,184 13,309 (871) 26,622 22,537 Net cash provided by operating activities $5,506,075 $8,358,728 $928,469 $14,793,272 $371,361 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS STATEMENT OF FIDUCIARY NET ASSETS AGENCY FUND AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents $ 47,876 Accounts receivable 1,444,053 TOTAL ASSETS 1,491,929 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS LIABILITIES: Accounts payable 50,596 Due to other governments 1,441,333 TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 1,491,929 The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. Notes to the Financial Statements CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 32 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting and reporting policies of the City of Georgetown, Texas, (“City”), included in the accompanying basic financial statements conform to the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) applicable to state and local governments. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is the accepted standard-setting body for establishing governmental accounting and financial reporting principles. The following notes to the financial statements are an integral part of the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. A. Financial Reporting Entity The City of Georgetown was incorporated under the laws of the State of Texas in 1848 and operates under a Council-Manager form of government. The City’s financial statements include the accounts of all City operations. Generally accepted accounting principles require all funds that are controlled by or are dependent on the City Council to be included in the City’s financial statements. The reporting entity is the primary government, or the City, and those component units for which the primary government is financially accountable. Financial accountability is defined as the appointment of a voting majority of the potential component unit‘s board and either the ability to impose its will by the primary government or the possibility that the component unit will provide a financial benefit or impose a financial burden on the primary government. Blended component units, although legally separate entities are, in substance, part of the government’s operations and so data from these units are combined with the data of the primary government. The following blended component unit has a September 30 year end. BLENDED COMPONENT UNIT Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC) is a legally separate entity from the City and is governed by a seven member board appointed by City Council. The City Council maintains budgetary control over the corporation. The City Manager serves as the General Manager of the corporation and City’s Director of Finance and Administration acts as the Financial Manager. For financial reporting purposes, GTEC is presented as a blended component unit within City operations because its sole purpose is to utilize sales tax revenues for the improvement of the City’s transportation system. The revenues and expenditures for GTEC are accounted for in a general capital project fund. RELATED ORGANIZATIONS The Mayor and City Council are responsible for appointing a voting majority of the members of some local boards and commissions, but the City's accountability for these organizations does not extend beyond making the appointments. These entities are the Georgetown Industrial Development Corporation, Georgetown Hospital Authority, and Georgetown Higher Education Finance Corporation. B. Basis of Presentation BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The basic financial statements include both government-wide financial statements (based on the City as a whole) and fund financial statements. Both sets of financial statements classify activities as either governmental, which are supported by taxes and intergovernmental revenues, or business-type activities, which rely on fees and charges for support. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 33 Government-wide financial statements. The government-wide Statement of Activities demonstrates the degree to which the direct expenses of a given program or function are offset by the program’s revenues. Direct expenses are those that are clearly identifiable with a specific program. Program revenues include 1) charges to customers or applicants who purchase, use, or directly benefit from goods, services or privileges provided by a given program and 2) grants and contributions that are restricted to meeting the operational or capital requirements of a particular program. Taxes and other items not properly included among program revenues are reported instead as general revenues. The effect of interfund activity within the governmental and business-type activities columns has been removed from these statements. Fund financial statements. The City segregates transactions related to certain functions or activities in separate funds in order to aid financial management and to demonstrate legal compliance. Each fund is considered a separate accounting entity and the operations of each fund are accounted for using a separate set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues, and expenditures or expenses, as appropriate. Governmental resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. Separate statements are presented for governmental funds, proprietary funds, and fiduciary funds, even though the latter are excluded from the government-wide financial statements. These statements present each major fund as a separate column on the fund financial statements; all non-major funds are aggregated and presented in a single column. The government wide focus is on the sustainability of the City as an entity and the change in net financial position resulting from the activities of the fiscal period. The focus of the fund financial statements is on the major individual funds of the governmental and business-type categories. Each presentation provides a different focus, which allows the reader to compare and analyze the information to enhance the usefulness of the statements. GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES Governmental Funds are those funds through which most governmental functions typically are financed. The measurement focus of governmental funds (in the fund financial statements) is on the sources, uses and balance of current financial resources and include the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service Fund and Capital Projects Funds. The individual funds are described as follows: Major Governmental Funds General Fund - The General Fund is the general operating fund of the City. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC) – This general capital project fund is used to account for the City’s 4B Corporation, created to administer the voter approved ½ cent sales tax for transportation improvements that aid in economic development efforts. Non-major Governmental Funds Special Revenue Funds - The Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than expendable trusts or major capital projects) that are restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 34 Debt Service Fund - The Debt Service Fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal, interest and related costs. Capital Projects Funds - Capital Projects Funds are used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities other than those financed by the Proprietary Fund Types. Such resources are derived from proceeds of general obligation bonds or other sources of revenue specifically set aside for capital projects. PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES The Proprietary Fund Types are used to account for the City's organization and activities which are similar to those often found in the private sector. These funds are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises – where the intent of the City is that the costs (expenses, including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered mainly through user charges; or where the governing body has decided that periodic determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred and/or net income is appropriate for capital maintenance, public policy, management control, accountability or other purposes. Major Proprietary Funds Electric Fund – This fund accounts for the City’s electric utility, including operations, maintenance of the infrastructure and expansion of the system within the City’s service territory. Water Services Fund – This fund accounts for the City’s water, sewer and water reuse systems, including operations, contracted maintenance, internal maintenance, expansion of the system within the City’s service territory and the costs of environmental mandates that arise. Non-major Proprietary Funds Enterprise Funds - The funds that are operated as enterprise funds within the City but are not considered major funds are the Sanitation, Stormwater Drainage and Airport Funds. Internal Service Funds - The Internal Service Funds, which provide services primarily to other funds of the government, are presented in the summary form as part of the proprietary fund financial statements. The financial statements of the internal service funds are allocated by percentage of use to the governmental and business-type columns when presented at the government wide level. Various operations are accounted for as internal service funds, such as operational costs associated with automobile and heavy equipment owned by the City and made available to various departments, costs related to maintaining and repairing City owned facilities, operational costs associated with the City's computer equipment within various departments, as well as jointly shared administrative departments. Proprietary funds distinguish operating revenues and expenses from non-operating items. Operating revenues and expenses generally result from providing services and producing and delivering goods in connection with the proprietary funds principal on-going operations. Operating expenses for the proprietary funds include the cost of personnel and contractual services, supplies and depreciation on capital assets. All revenues and expenses not meeting this definition are reported as non-operating revenues and expenses. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 35 FIDUCIARY FUND TYPE – AGENCY FUND The City’s fiduciary fund is presented in the fund financial statements by type. Since by definition, these assets are being held for the benefit of a third party (cafeteria plan participants, local grantees, public improvement district, etc.) and cannot be used to address activities or obligations of the government, these funds are not incorporated in the government-wide statements. C. Measurement Focus/Basis of Accounting The accounting and financial reporting treatment applied to a fund is determined by its measurement focus. Measurement focus refers to what is being measured and basis of accounting refers to timing of revenue and expenditure recognition in the financial statements. The government-wide statements and fund financial statements for proprietary funds are reported using the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting. The agency fund also uses the accrual basis of accounting. The economic resources measurement focus means all assets and liabilities (whether current or non-current) are included on the statement of net assets and the operating statements present increases (revenues) and decreases (expenses) in net total assets. Under the accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized when earned, including unbilled utility services which are accrued. Expenses are recognized at the time the liability is incurred. Private-sector standards of accounting and financial reporting issued prior to November 30, 1989 generally are followed in both the government-wide and proprietary fund financial statements to the extent that those standards do not conflict with or contradict guidance of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. Governments also have the option of following subsequent private-sector guidance for their business-type activities and enterprise funds, subject to this same limitation. The City has elected not to follow private-sector guidance issued subsequent to November 30, 1989. Governmental fund financial statements are reported using the current financial resources measurement focus and are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. With this measurement focus, only current assets and current liabilities generally are included on the balance sheet. Operating statements of these funds present increases (i.e., revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (i.e., expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recorded when susceptible to accrual, i.e., both measurable and available. Available means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the current period. The City considers all revenues available if they are collected within sixty (60) days after year-end. Expenditures are recognized when the related fund liability is incurred, if measurable, except for principal and interest on general long-term debt, which are recorded when due, and compensated absences, which are recorded when payable from currently available financial resources. Ad valorem, sales, hotel, and franchise tax revenues recorded in the Governmental Fund Types are recognized under the susceptible to accrual concept. Licenses and permits, charges for services, fines and forfeitures, and miscellaneous revenues (except earnings on investments) are recorded as revenues when received in cash because they are generally not measurable until actually received. Investment earnings are recorded as earned since they are measurable and available. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 36 D. Budgets At least 30 days prior to the end of each fiscal year, the City Manager submits a proposed budget presenting a complete financial plan for the ensuing fiscal year to the City Council (the Council). Public hearings are conducted, at which time all interested persons' comments concerning the budget are heard. The budget must be legally adopted by the Council through passage of an ordinance no later than the twenty-seventh day of the last month of the fiscal year. Formal budgetary integration is employed as a management control device during the year for all Governmental and Proprietary Fund Types. Budgets for all funds were legally adopted for the period. Budgetary control is exercised at the division level. All budgets are prepared on the budgetary basis, recognizing encumbrances outstanding at year-end as expenditures against that year’s appropriation. These encumbrances are reconciled to generally accepted accounting principles where appropriate. The Council may transfer any unencumbered appropriation balance or portion thereof from one division, office, department or agency to another at any time. The City Manager has authority, without Council approval, to transfer appropriation balances from one expenditure account to another within a single division, office, department, or agency of the City; however, unbudgeted transfers between funds are prohibited. The Council may authorize by a majority plus one vote, an emergency expenditure as an amendment to the original budget, but only in a case of grave public necessity, to meet an unusual and unforeseen condition that could not have been included in the original budget through the use of reasonable, diligent thought and attention. Budget amounts are as originally adopted, or as transferred pursuant to authorization of the City Manager or amended by the City Council. Individual amendments were not material in relation to the original appropriations, with the exception of amendments related to the cost of purchased electricity, passed along to customers when the budget was adopted. Unencumbered appropriations lapse each year at September 30. The Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances – Budget and Actual-General Fund presents a comparison of budgetary data to actual results. The General Fund utilizes the same basis of accounting for both budgetary purposes and actual results, except for the effect of encumbrances and unrealized investment gains and losses, which are reconciled to the actual results for this comparison. E. Encumbrances Encumbrance accounting is employed as an extension of formal budgetary control in all funds. Encumbrance accounting is a process whereby purchase orders, contracts and other commitments for the expending of monies are recorded in order to reserve that portion of the applicable appropriation. Outstanding year-end encumbrances are reported as reservations of fund balances and do not constitute expenditures or liabilities because the commitments are carried forward into the subsequent fiscal year. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 37 F. Cash and Investments For cash flow purposes, cash and cash equivalents consist of demand deposits, certificates of deposits and deposits in authorized investment pools. The operating cash balances from all funds are consolidated in pooled cash and investment accounts. Excess pooled balances are invested in U.S. Treasury securities, U.S. Government agency securities, fully collateralized money market funds and local government investment pools. Maturities on all investments are consistent with the City’s cash flow requirements. Investments are stated at fair value, or market price as of September 30, 2004. Interest earnings are then allocated to each fund based on average monthly pooled equity balances. Separate cash and investment accounts are maintained for restricted cash such as debt service and bond proceeds reserved for future construction. G. Restricted Assets Historically, the utility funds, based on certain bond covenants, were required to establish and maintain prescribed amounts of resources that could be used only to service outstanding debt. In July 1998 all outstanding revenue bonds were defeased and debt covenants modernized, eliminating required debt reserves in utility funds. Included in the restricted assets are capital recovery fees (impact fees), that are, by law, restricted for future capital improvements. In addition, the funds also maintain restricted assets for construction of future debt funded capital improvements. Restricted assets consist of cash and investments, including customer deposits. When both restricted and unrestricted resources are available for use, it is the City’s policy to use restricted resources first, then unrestricted resources as they are needed. H. Long-term Receivables The Texas Highway Department completed construction of the East Interstate Highway 35 frontage road from State Highway 29 to Williams Drive in January of 1997. The City agreed to pay $1,000,000 of the approximate $3.8 million cost. The City funded this expenditure in April 1994, with $400,000 of 1992 Certificates of Obligation proceeds previously issued for this purpose, and $600,000 as an investment of the City's electric utility. A levy of $672,000 was assessed on adjacent property owners who benefited by the roadway. This assessment is being repaid over 8 years at 8% interest. Repayments began in April 1997, and the final balances were paid in full in 2003/04. As part of the Del Webb Development Agreement that provided infrastructure improvements for Sun City Texas, the City funded water, wastewater and other improvements for a 10,500 unit development. In April 2003, the City and Del Webb agreed to the Seventh Amendment to the Development Agreement, whereby the number of units in Sun City was reduced to 5,000 and costs already spent associated with the additional units were identified as "stranded". As part of the Seventh Amendment, Del Webb will repay the stranded costs over seven years at 5.25% interest, as well as a minimum 300 units, annually for seven years, of previously agreed upon service improvement fees for improvements in Sun City. The outstanding balance as of September 30, 2004 was $9,600,784 in the Water Services Fund and $1,491,486 in the General Fund. This agreement is discussed in detail in the Commitments and Contingency section of these notes. I. Inventories Inventories consist of motor fuel, office and other supplies valued at the weighted average cost method and are recognized as expenditures or expenses when used. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 38 J. Interfund Receivables and Payables Short-term advances between funds are accounted for in the appropriate interfund receivable and payable accounts. Negative balances incurred in pooled cash at year-end are treated as interfund receivables of the Water Fund and interfund payables of the deficit fund. K. Interfund Transactions All legally authorized transfers have been appropriately presented as interfund transfers and are included in the fund financial statements of both Governmental and Proprietary Fund Types. As a general rule, the effect of interfund activity has been eliminated from the government-wide financial statements. L. Intergovernmental Revenue Intergovernmental revenues represent entitlements and shared revenues which are accounted for within the fund financed. Such revenues, received for purposes normally financed through the general government, are accounted for within the Special Revenue Funds. M. Compensated Absences All employees may accumulate a maximum of two times their annual vacation, up to an absolute cap of 240 hours, or 30 days. Upon termination, non-Civil Service employees are paid for one-half of their accumulated sick leave up to a maximum of 120 days, as well as any unused accumulated vacation hours. Upon termination, Civil Service employees are paid for the entire balance of their sick leave earned after October 30, 2003 (the effective date of the regulations in the City), up to a maximum of 90 days. Civil Service employees hired prior to the effective date of the adoption of Civil Service regulations are eligible under city policy to receive one-half of their sick leave up to 120 days. Sick leave in excess of the maximums for both regular and Civil Service employees is not paid upon termination, but will be paid only upon illness while in the employ of the city. Accumulated vacation and sick leave, which is expected to be liquidated with expendable available financial resources, is reported as an expenditure and a fund liability of the governmental fund that will pay it. Amounts of accumulated vacation leave within governmental funds that are not expected to be liquidated with expendable available financial resources are reported as a long-term liability on the statement of net assets. No expenditure is reported for these amounts in the fund financial statements. Accumulated vacation and sick leave of proprietary fund types are recorded as an expense and liability of those funds as the benefits accrue to employees. N. Capital Assets Capital Assets other than Streets & Drainage: Capital assets, which include property, plant, equipment and infrastructure assets, are reported in the applicable governmental or business-type activities column in the government-wide financial statements and in the fund financial statements for proprietary funds. All capital assets are valued at their historical cost or estimated historical cost if actual historical cost is not available. Donated assets are valued at their fair market value on the date donated. Repairs and maintenance are recorded as expenses. Renewals and betterments are capitalized. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 39 Assets capitalized, not including infrastructure assets, have an original cost of $5,000 or more and an expected useful life of over one year. Interest incurred during the construction phase of capital assets of business-type activities is capitalized. Interest of $163,223 was capitalized in enterprise funds during the 2004 fiscal year. Depreciation for assets not following the modified approach is computed using the straight-line method on the composite assets based upon the estimated useful lives as follows: Distribution systems 25-50 years Buildings and improvements 10-20 years Furniture, fixtures and equipment 3-10 years The City records capital contributions to proprietary funds as revenue. Total capital contributions to the enterprise funds in fiscal year 2004 were $11,192,985 and $476,600 in the internal service funds. Capital Assets - Streets & Drainage: The Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement Number 34 allows an alternative to depreciation expense for certain infrastructure, termed the modified approach. The following conditions must be met: ƒ The government manages the eligible assets using an asset management system to: ƒ keep an up-to-date asset inventory, ƒ perform condition assessments and report the results on a measurement scale, and ƒ estimate the annual amount to maintain and preserve the eligible infrastructure assets at the condition level established and disclosed by the government. ƒ The government must document that the eligible assets are being preserved approximately at or above the condition level established and disclosed by the government. The City elected to adopt the modified approach of infrastructure assessment allowed under GASB 34 for its street and drainage infrastructure. A complete inventory was prepared in fiscal year 2003 and specifications for the contracted engineering services to complete the assessment of the condition of the system was conducted in fiscal year 2004. A pavement management system to aid in the administration of the modified approach, is expected to be fully implemented by September 30, 2005. O. Long-term Obligations The portion of long-term general obligation debt used to finance proprietary fund operations and payable from the revenues of the Enterprise Funds is recorded in such funds. General obligation bonds and other forms of long-term debt supported by general revenues are obligations of the City as a whole and not its individual funds. Accordingly, such unmatured obligations of the City are accounted for on the statement of net assets and payments of principal and interest relating to the general obligation bonds are recorded as expenditures when they are paid in the fund statements. Self-supporting general obligation debt, which will be repaid from non-general revenue sources, is recorded in the appropriate proprietary fund. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 40 P. Bond Issuance Costs For Governmental fund types, bond premiums and discounts, as well as issuance costs, are recognized during the current period on the fund financial statements. Bond proceeds are reported as an other financing source net of the applicable premium or discount. Issuance costs, even if withheld from the actual net proceeds received, are reported as debt service expenditures. For Proprietary Fund types and on the government-wide statements, premiums and discounts, as well as issuance costs, are deferred and amortized over the life of the bonds using the straight line method which does not differ significantly from the effective interest method. Bonds payable are reported net of the applicable bond premium or discount. Issuance costs are reported as deferred charges and amortized over the term of the related debt. Q. Comparative Data/Reclassification Comparative total data for the prior year have been presented in selected sections of the accompanying financial statements in order to provide an understanding of the changes in the City’s financial position and operations. Also, certain amounts presented in the prior year data have been reclassified in order to be consistent with the current year’s presentation. R. Post Employment Benefits (other than pension benefits) Except for health insurance provided pursuant to the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), the City provides no post employment benefits and thus has no related obligation. S. Risk Financing Activity The City of Georgetown is exposed to various risks of loss related to torts; theft of, damage to, and destruction of assets; errors and omission; injuries to employees; and natural disasters. During fiscal year 2004, the City purchased general liability and property insurance from Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool (TML-IRP). The City pays an annual premium to TML-IRP for such coverage. TML-IRP purchases reinsurance, and the City does not retain risks of loss exceeding deductibles. Settled claims have not exceeded insurance coverage in the past three years. The workers compensation plan is administered and paid through the Texas Municipal League- Intergovernmental Risk Pool (TML-IRP). Under this plan, the City does not retain risks of loss exceeding the deductibles. TML-IRP also brokers the City’s Aviation and Underground Storage Tank Pollution liability insurance, as well as, the canine and surgical vet coverage. The City does not retain the risks of loss exceeding the deductibles. T. Credit Risk Financial investments which potentially subject the City to concentrations of credit risk consist principally of cash, investments and accounts receivable. At September 30, 2004, there was not a significant risk arising from cash, investments or accounts receivable. U. Nature and Purpose of Reservations and Designation of Fund Equity In fund financial statements, governmental funds report reservations for amounts that are not available for appropriation or are legally restricted by outside parties for a specific purpose. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 41 Fund balances and net assets are restricted and/or reserved for the following purposes: Restrictions: • Debt Service - tax funds levied and reserved for retirement of general long-term debt. • Capital Projects - funds identified for capital outlay including infrastructure and other capital projects; these funds were collected either through impact fees or bonds proceeds, both legally restricted for capital needs. Impact fees are legally restricted by Texas legislation enabling their use. Bond proceeds are considered restricted because of ordinances authorizing their issuance and documents filed with the State Attorney General specifying the usage of the related proceeds. Reservations: • Encumbrances - funds reserved for payment of outstanding commitments related to unperformed contracts for goods or services, ie open purchase orders. • Prepaid Items and Inventories - assets such as supplies and fuel that are unavailable for spending. • Special Programs - funds relating to grants, hotel/motel tax, and other restricted sources. V. Prior Period Adjustment The City elected to adopt the modified approach of infrastructure assessment allowed under GASB 34 for its street and drainage infrastructure. A complete inventory was prepared in fiscal year 2003 and the valuation of this inventory was completed in 2004, based on the age of the street and construction indexes. This resulted in $80.9 million of street improvements being recorded that were not previously recorded. As a result of this adjustment, net assets as of October 1, 2003 are reconciled as follows: Governmental Activities Net Assets, October 1, 2003, as previously recorded $33,238,000 Capitalization of infrastructure 80,920,361 Net Assets, October 1, 2003, as restated $114,158,361 2. CASH AND INVESTMENTS The City maintains a cash and temporary investment pool consisting of demand deposits and deposits in authorized investment pools. The combined pool is available for use by all funds. Each fund's portion of this pool is summarized by major and nonmajor funds in the fund financial statements. The investment policies of the City are governed by the Texas Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA) which requires the City Council to adopt an Investment Policy identifying: responsibility for investments, authorized investments, security dealer selection and qualifying procedures, safekeeping and custodial procedures, statement of investment objectives and investment reporting requirements. The City’s current Investment Policy meets all required guidelines of the PFIA. DEPOSITS At year-end, the carrying amount of the City’s bank deposits was $1,708,881 and the bank balances were $791,022 all of which were entirely covered by Federal depository insurance or by collateral held by the City’s agent bank in the City’s name. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 42 In order to maximize interest earnings, the City utilizes a controlled disbursement account, which allows the City to deposit only as much money as needed to fund checks presented each day. The required amount is withdrawn from the investment pools and transferred to the City’s local depository. INVESTMENTS The City is authorized to invest in certificates of deposit, direct obligations of the US government, US government agency securities, fully collateralized direct repurchase agreements, no-load money market funds whose portfolio meet the City’s investment requirements, and in qualified local government investment pools as approved by the City Council. The City’s investments are categorized according to three levels of risk as follows: (1) Insured and registered, with securities held by the government or its agent in the City’s name; (2) Uninsured and unregistered, with securities held by the counterparty’s trust department or agent in the City’s name; or (3) Uninsured and unregistered, with securities held by the counterparty, or by its trust department or agent but not in the City’s name. Investment pools and money market funds are not categorized since specific securities relating to the government cannot be identified. For short-term liquidity requirements, the City primarily utilizes the Texas Short Term Asset Reserve Program (TexSTAR). JPMorgan Fleming Asset Management, Inc. and First Southwest Asset Management, Inc. serve as co-administrators under an agreement with the TexSTAR board of directors to provide investment and participant services for this pool. JPMorgan Chase Bank or its subsidiary J.P. Morgan Investor Services Co. provides the custodial, transfer agency, fund accounting, and depository services for this pool. The City also maintains an account with the Texas Local Government Investment Pool (TexPool). Under the TexPool Participation Agreement, administrative and investment services to TexPool are provided by Lehman Brothers Inc. and Federated Investors, Inc. through an agreement with the State of Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. The State of Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts is the sole officer, director, and shareholder of the Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust Company authorized to operate TexPool. Both pools operate on a $1 net asset value basis. In order to maintain a stable $1 price of the fund, the pools will sell portfolio holdings if the ratio of the market Fair Category 1 Value U S Treasury Securities $ 2,473,204 $ 2,473,204 U S Government Agency Securities 16,505,654 16,505,654 Investments not subject to categorization: Texas Local Government Investment Pool (TexPool) 6,285,243 Texas Short Term Asset Reserve Program (TexSTAR) 7,875,105 TOTAL INVESTMENTS $ 18,978,858 $ 33,139,206 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 43 value of the portfolio divided by the book value of the portfolio is less than .995 or greater than 1.005. The pools are stated at their fair value, which is $2,879 lower than the book value for the pools at 9/30/04. None of the state pools are registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as investment companies. They operate in a manner consistent with the SEC’s Rule 2a-7 of the Investment Company Act of 1940. During 2004, the City realized no gains or losses from the sale of investments, as the City’s investment strategy is to invest to maturity. The City recognized a net decrease in the fair value of investments held at year-end of $33,213. 3. TAXES Property Taxes - Property is appraised and a lien on such property becomes enforceable as of January 1st of each year. Taxes are levied on and payable the following October 1st. Taxes become delinquent February 1st of the following year and are subject to interest and penalty charges. Under an agreement which began August 1, 2000, Williamson County Tax Office collects the City's taxes. In the fund financial statements, City property tax revenues are recognized when levied to the extent that they are collected in the current year. Taxes collected prior to the levy date to which they apply are recorded as deferred revenues and recognized as revenue of the period to which they apply. All collections from prior year levies are considered delinquent tax revenue for reporting purposes in the year collected. The allowance for uncollectible taxes at September 30, 2004 was $6,991. The City is permitted by the State of Texas to levy taxes up to $2.50 per $100 of assessed valuation for general government services and for the payment of principal and interest on general long-term debt. The combined current tax rate to finance general government services, including debt service for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2004, was $.32 per $100 of assessed valuation. The Williamson County Appraisal District (Appraisal District) is responsible for the recording and appraisal of property for all taxing units in Williamson County. The Appraisal District is required to assess property at 100% of its appraised value. Real property must be reappraised at least every four years. The City may, at its own expense, require annual reviews by the Appraisal District through various appeals and, if necessary, legal action. Under this system, if the rate, excluding tax rates for bonds and other contractual obligations adjusted for new improvements, exceeds the rate for the previous year by more than 8%, qualified voters of the City may petition for an election to determine whether to limit the tax rate to an increase of no more than 8%. In September 2004, voters approved an initiative to freeze property taxes for homeowners over the age of 65 or disabled. This measure mirrors the State of Texas Constitutional Amendment Proposition 13, which passed overwhelmingly statewide in 2003. “Prop 13” gives local governments the option of “freezing” taxes for the elderly and disabled. Sales Taxes - The City has adopted the provisions of Article 1066C, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended, which grant the City the power to impose and levy a 1% Local Sales and Use Tax within the City. Proceeds of the tax are credited to the General Fund except for sales taxes generated at the airport which are credited to the Airport (Enterprise) Fund. Collections and enforcements are effected through the offices of the Comptroller of Public Accounts, State of Texas, who remits to the City monthly the proceeds of the tax, after deduction of a 2% service fee. On October 1, 2001, the City began collecting an additional ½ cent sales tax for its component unit, GTEC, to fund transportation improvements that promote economic development. These funds are reported in the GTEC General Capital Projects Fund as a blended component unit of the City. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 44 On April 1, 2003, the City began collecting an additional ¼ cent sales tax in accordance with Texas House Bill 445 to fund maintenance on streets that were in existence at the time the sales tax was adopted by the voters. The tax has a sunset provision and will expire in November, 2006, unless readopted by the citizens. These funds are reported in the Streets Special Revenue Fund. 4. INTERFUND RECEIVABLES / PAYABLES AND TRANSFERS Interfund receivables and payables relate to negative positions in pooled cash equity. All balances are expected to be resolved within six months. *There was an additional $426,396 in transfers between governmental activities in fiscal year 2004. Interfund Interfund Receivables Payables GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES: Governmental Funds: Village improvement district $ 7,852 Police special revenue 1,214 Governmental net Total: 9,066 PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES: Enterprise Funds: Sanitation 113,836 Water services $ 122,902 Enterprise net Total: 9,066 TOTAL INTERFUND RECEIVABLES & PAYABLES $ 9,066 $ 9,066 Transfer In Transfer Out Governmental Funds $ 5,671,960 Electric $ 2,412,585 8% Return on Investment Electric 62,524 Equity asset transfer Electric 1,000,000 Contingency adjustment Electric 162,000 Internal service fund transfer Water services 1,228,996 8% Return on Investment Water services 160,000 Provide water hydrant maintenance Water services 225,000 Contingency adjustment Water services 4,700 Equity asset transfer Water services 75,000 Internal service fund transfer Sanitation 234,598 8% Return on Investment Stormwater 106,557 8% Return on Investment TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS $ 5,671,960 $ 5,671,960 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 45 5. CAPITAL ASSETS Capital asset activity for the year ended September 30, 2004 was as follows: Balance Deletions Balance 10/01/03 Additions & Transfers 9/30/04 Governmental activities: Capital assets not being depreciated Land $ 2,778,313 $ 514,139 $ 3,292,452 Construction in progress 3,037,328 4,723,952 $ (4,178,292) 3,582,988 Total capital assets not being depreciated 5,815,641 5,238,091 (4,178,292) 6,875,440 Capital assets being depreciated Equipment 12,686,031 2,574,220 (577,276) 14,682,975 Buildings 19,438,515 20,637 166,731 19,625,883 Improvements 11,983,641 3,052,238 (577,029) 14,458,850 Streets 88,037,635 1,392,165 89,429,800 Total capital assets being depreciated 132,145,822 7,039,260 (987,574) 138,197,508 Less accumulated depreciation for: Equipment (8,459,602) (706,089) 538,087 (8,627,604) Buildings (2,361,814) (1,285,147) 22,026 (3,624,935) Improvements (2,742,197) (44,662) 45,822 (2,741,037) Streets - Total accumulated depreciation (13,563,613) (2,035,898) 605,935 (14,993,576) Total capital assets being depreciated, net 118,582,209 5,003,362 (381,639) 123,203,932 Governmental activities capital assets, net $124,397,850 $ 10,241,453 $ (4,559,931) $ 130,079,372 Electric activities: Capital assets not being depreciated Land $ 193,735 $ 193,735 Construction in progress $ 2,229,596 $ (2,229,596) Total capital assets not being depreciated 193,735 2,229,596 (2,229,596) 193,735 Capital assets being depreciated Equipment 422,762 73,902 496,664 Buildings 477,707 (404,000) 73,707 Improvements 41,527,129 2,836,133 44,363,262 Total capital assets being depreciated 42,427,598 2,910,035 (404,000) 44,933,633 Less accumulated depreciation for: Equipment (307,994) (46,580) (354,574) Buildings (364,227) (3,525) 356,867 (10,885) Improvements (12,183,889) (1,839,366) (14,023,255) Total accumulated depreciation (12,856,110) (1,889,471) 356,867 (14,388,714) Total capital assets being depreciated, net 29,571,488 1,020,564 (47,133) 30,544,919 Electric activities capital assets, net $29,765,223 $ 3,250,160 $ (2,276,729) $ 30,738,654 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 46 Balance Deletions Balance 10/01/03 Additions & Transfers 9/30/04 Water services activities: Capital assets not being depreciated Land $ 475,070 $ 475,070 Construction in progress 11,384,576 $ 7,768,657 $ (14,167,922) 4,985,311 Total capital assets not being depreciated 11,859,646 7,768,657 (14,167,922) 5,460,381 Capital assets being depreciated Equipment 199,387 8,560 207,947 Buildings 3,005,294 14,500 3,019,794 Improvements 79,443,848 21,263,540 (136,895) 100,570,493 Total capital assets being depreciated 82,648,529 21,286,600 (136,895) 103,798,234 Less accumulated depreciation for: Equipment (165,894) (12,218) (178,112) Buildings (971,366) (92,974) (1,064,340) Improvements (17,681,865) (2,119,645) 136,895 (19,664,615) Total accumulated depreciation (18,819,125) (2,224,837) 136,895 (20,907,067) Total capital assets being depreciated, net 63,829,404 19,061,763 - 82,891,167 Water services activities capital assets, net $75,689,050 $ 26,830,420 $ (14,167,922) $ 88,351,548 Other nonmajor business type activities: Capital assets not being depreciated Land $ 981,500 $ 981,500 Construction in progress 26,010 $ 112,737 $ (42,772) 95,975 Total capital assets not being depreciated 1,007,510 112,737 (42,772) 1,077,475 Capital assets being depreciated Equipment 193,627 - 193,627 Buildings 7,597,187 7,597,187 Improvements 4,451,329 3,393,292 7,844,621 Total capital assets being depreciated 12,242,143 3,393,292 - 15,635,435 Less accumulated depreciation for: Equipment (150,005) (11,938) (161,943) Buildings (3,382,067) (415,085) (3,797,152) Improvements (491,831) (185,862) (677,693) Total accumulated depreciation (4,023,903) (612,885) - (4,636,788) Total capital assets being depreciated, net 8,218,240 2,780,407 - 10,998,647 Other nonmajor business-type activities capital assets, net $ 9,225,750 $ 2,893,144 $ (42,772) $ 12,076,122 Total Business-type activities: Capital assets not being depreciated Land $ 1,650,305 - - $ 1,650,305 Construction in progress 11,410,586 $ 10,110,990 $ (16,440,290) 5,081,286 Total capital assets not being depreciated 13,060,891 10,110,990 (16,440,290) 6,731,591 Capital assets being depreciated Equipment 815,776 82,462 - 898,238 Buildings 11,080,188 14,500 (404,000) 10,690,688 Improvements 125,422,306 27,492,965 (136,895) 152,778,376 Total capital assets being depreciated 137,318,270 27,589,927 (540,895) 164,367,302 Less accumulated depreciation for: Equipment (623,893) (70,736) - (694,629) Buildings (4,717,660) (511,584) 356,867 (4,872,377) Improvements (30,357,585) (4,144,873) 136,895 (34,365,563) Total accumulated depreciation (35,699,138) (4,727,193) 493,762 (39,932,569) Total capital assets being depreciated, net 101,619,132 22,862,734 (47,133) 124,434,733 Total business-type activities capital assets, net $ 114,680,023 $ 32,973,724 $ (16,487,423) $ 131,166,324 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 47 Depreciation expense was charged to function/programs of the primary government as follows: 6. OPERATING LEASES The City leases computer equipment with Koch Financial Corporation for Gateway Computers, which expires in March 2006. The following is a schedule by year of the lease obligation: Governmental activities: Culture-recreation $ 186,456 Development 26,266 Economic development 1,250 Fire 5,662 General government 661,939 Highways & streets 79,403 Police 28,823 Internal service funds 1,046,099 Total depreciation expense governmental activities $ 2,035,898 Business-type activities: Electric $ 1,889,472 Water services 2,224,837 Nonmajor 612,885 Total depreciation expense business-type activities $ 4,727,194 Year Ending September 30 Amount 2005 $ 125,817 2006 95,082 Total $220,899 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 48 7. LONG-TERM DEBT A. Overview The following is a summary of long-term debt transactions of the City for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2004: The annual requirements to retire all debt outstanding as of September 30, 2004 including interest payments of $29,530,058 are as follows: Fiscal General General Year Ending Obligation Obligation September 30 Tax-Supported Self-Supported Revenue Total 2005 $ 3,343,799 $ 449,328 $ 4,681,282 $ 8,474,409 2006 3,130,444 447,128 4,547,315 8,124,887 2007 3,125,555 446,110 4,356,967 7,928,632 2008 2,915,158 449,196 4,011,520 7,375,874 2009 2,918,490 446,294 3,961,115 7,325,899 2010-2014 18,775,767 2,107,636 17,185,814 38,069,217 2015-2019 9,473,939 1,680,512 10,909,884 22,064,335 2020-2023 2,167,035 4,359,773 6,526,808 $ 45,850,187 $ 6,026,204 $ 54,013,670 $ 105,890,061 Balance Balance October 1, September 30, Due within 2003 Additions Retirements 2004 one year Governmental activities: General obligation bonds $ 22,217,455 $ 12,240,000 (1,262,782) $ 33,194,673 $ 1,740,879 (payable from tax pledge) Compensated absences 1,252,751 573,349 (496,555) 1,329,545 449,165 Obligation under capital lease 166,968 283,120 (81,301) 368,787 128,194 Arbitrage rebate payable 63,277 (45,614) 17,663 Total governmental activities 23,700,451 13,096,469 (1,886,252) 34,910,668 2,318,238 Business-type activities: Revenue bonds 34,498,514 6,940,000 (2,534,751) 38,903,763 2,866,882 Compensated absences 470,239 184,081 (157,460) 496,860 163,542 General obligation bonds 4,514,031 (252,467) 4,261,564 237,239 (payable from airport and stormwater revenues) Total business-type activities 39,482,784 7,124,081 (2,787,218) 43,662,187 3,267,663 TOTAL LONG-TERM DEBT $ 63,183,235 $ 20,220,550 $ (4,673,470) $ 78,572,855 $ 5,585,901 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 49 At September 30, 2004 there were no authorized, but unissued general obligation or revenue bonds, and the City is in compliance with all bond ordinances. B. General Obligation Debt A summary of Tax-Supported General Obligation Debt outstanding at September 30, 2004 follows: $1,750,000, 1994 Combination tax and revenue certificates of obligation due in annual installments of $65,000 to $170,000 through August 15, 2009; interest at 6% to 7.6% (portion included below) $5,185,000, 1997 Combination tax & revenue certificates of obligation due in annual installments of $70,000 to $610,000 through August 15, 2017; interest at 5% to 7% $5,220,000, 1998 Combination tax & revenue certificates of obligation due in annual installments through August 15, 2018; interest at 4% to 5% (portion included below) $6,750,000, 1999 Combination tax & revenue certificates of obligation due in annual installments through August 15, 2019; interest at 4.3% to 5.5% (portion included below) $1,450,000, 2000 Combination tax & revenue certificates of obligation due in annual installments through August 15, 2020; interest at 5.15% to 5.9% $5,470,000, 2001 Combination tax & revenue certificates of obligation due in annual installments through August 15, 2021; interest at 4.35% to 5.0% $325,000, 2003 Public Property Finance Contractual Obligations due in annual installments through July 1, 2006; interest at 4.68% $3,125,000, 2002 Combination tax & revenue certificates of obligation due in annual installments through August 15, 2022; interest at 3.0% to 5.0%; entire issue designated for GTEC capital improvements to be paid through revenues from ½ cent GTEC sales tax $2,430,000, 2003 Combination tax & revenue certificates of obligation due in annual installments through August 15, 2023; interest at 3.0% to 4.5%; $567,133 designated for GTEC capital improvements to be paid through revenues from the ½ cent GTEC sales tax $9,810,000, 2004 Limited tax notes due in annual installments through February 15, 2011; interest at 2.5% to 4.0%; $8.825M designated for GTEC capital improvements to be paid through revenues from the ½ cent GTEC sales tax Subtotal Tax-Supported General Obligation Debt $ 647,034 4,585,000 2,423,230 4,223,172 1,305,000 4,635,000 126,237 3,010,000 2,430,000 9,810,000 $33,194,673 A summary of Self-Supporting General Obligation Debt outstanding at September 30, 2004: CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 50 $1,750,000, 1994 Combination tax and revenue certificates of obligation due in annual installments of $65,000 to $170,000 through August 15, 2009; interest at 6% to 7.6%; portion designated for airport hangars to be paid through revenues from rentals of the hangars, $260,000 $ 112,966 $725,000, 1995 Combination tax & revenue certificates of obligation due in annual installments of $20,000 to $60,000 through August 1, 2015; interest at 3.9% to 6.25%; entire issue designated for stormwater drainage improvements to be paid through revenues from assessed stormwater drainage fees $5,220,000, 1998 Combination tax & revenue certificates of obligation due in annual installments through August 15, 2018; interest at 4% to 5%, portion dedicated for Airport Improvements, $129,208, to be paid with Airport fees. Portion dedicated for Stormwater Drainage Improvements, $2,274,059, to be paid through monthly fees charged to utility customers within City limits $6,750,000, 1999 Combination tax & revenue certificates of obligation due in annual installments through August 15, 2019; interest at 4.3% to 5.5%; portion dedicated for Airport Improvements, $1,775,000 to be paid with Airport fees Subtotal Self-Supporting General Obligation Debt Total outstanding General Obligation Debt as of September 30, 2004 $ 500,000 2,066,770 1,581,828 4,261,564 $37,456,237 C. Revenue Debt A summary of Revenue Debt outstanding at September 30, 2004 follows: $27,770,000, 1998-A Utility System Revenue & Refunding bonds due in annual installments through August 15, 2018; interest at 3.8% to 5.0% $1,225,000, 1998-B Taxable Utility System Revenue & Refunding bonds due in annual installments through August 15, 2015; interest at 6.15% to 6.65% $4,320,000, 2000 Utility System Revenue bonds due in annual installments through August 15, 2020; interest at 5.1% to 5.9% $1,900,000, 2001 Utility System Revenue bonds due in annual installments through August 15, 2021; interest at 4.75% to 5.12% $6,500,000, 2002 Utility System Revenue bonds due in annual installments through August 15, 2022; interest at 4.0% to 5.0% $325,000, 2003 Public Property Finance Contractual Obligations due in annual installments through July 1, 2006; interest at 4.68% $6,940,000, 2003 Utility System Revenue bonds due in annual installments through August 15, 2023; interest at 3.55% to 4.55% $ 19,115,000 975,000 3,895,000 1,615,000 6,270,000 93,763 6,940,000 Total outstanding Revenue Debt as of September 30, 2004 $38,903,763 All net revenues of the utility system are pledged for the payment of debt service for the revenue bonds. Net revenues, as defined by the various bond ordinances, include income and revenues CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 51 derived from the operation of the system, after deduction of the amount necessary to pay all operating, maintenance, replacement and betterment charges of the system. These bond ordinances require that the net revenues, as defined, equal at least 1.25 times the average annual debt service on all revenue bonds. The City was in compliance with this requirement at September 30, 2004. In prior years, the City defeased revenue bonds by placing the proceeds of the refunding bonds in an irrevocable trust to provide for all future debt service payments on the defeased bonds. Accordingly, the trust account assets and liabilities for the defeased bonds are not included in the City’s financial statements. At September 30, 2004, the outstanding balance of the defeased bonds is $14,535,000. Lease payable represents the remaining principal amounts payable under a lease purchase agreement for the acquisition of a Voiceover IP phone system and hardware. The lease is recorded as a capital lease. Remaining requirements including interest, under the lease is as follows: 8. RETIREMENT PLAN A. Plan Description The City provides pension benefits for all of its full-time employees through a non-traditional joint contributory hybrid defined benefit plan, in the state-wide Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS). The City of Georgetown is one of 794 municipalities having the benefit plan administered by TMRS, an agent multiple-employer public employee retirement system. Each of the 794 municipalities have an annual, individual actuarial valuation performed. The following assumptions were used for the December 31, 2003 valuations: Actuarial Cost Method Unit Credit Amortization Method Level Percent of Payroll Remaining Amortization Period 25 Years – Open Period Asset Valuation Method Amortized Cost Investment Rate of Return 7% Projected Salary Increases None Includes Inflation At None Cost-of-Living Adjustments None Governmental Year Activities 2005 $ 128,293 2006 127,240 2007 70,268 2008 68,065 2009 13,997 Total principal and interest 407,864 less - Applicable interest (39,078) Total principal $ 368,786 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 52 Benefits depend upon the sum of the employee's contributions to the plan, with interest, and the City-financed monetary credits, with interest. At the date the plan began, the City granted monetary credits for service rendered before the plan began of a theoretical amount equal to two times what would have been contributed by the employee, with interest, prior to establishment of the plan. Monetary credits for service since the plan began are a percent (100%, 150%, or 200%) of the employee's accumulated contributions. In addition, the City can grant, as often as annually, another type of monetary credit referred to as an updated service credit, which is a theoretical amount which, when added to the employee's accumulated contributions and the monetary credits for service since the plan began, would be the total monetary credits and employee contributions accumulated with interest if the current employee contribution rate and City matching percent had always been in existence and if the employee's salary had always been the average of his salary in the last three years that are one year before the effective date. At retirement, the benefit is calculated as if the sum of the employee's accumulated contributions with interest and the employer-financed monetary credits with interest were used to purchase an annuity. The December 31, 2003 calculations were based upon the following benefits. Members can retire at ages 60 and above with 5 years or more of service or with 20 years of service regardless of age. A member is vested after 5 years. The plan provisions are adopted by the governing body of the City, within the options available in the state statutes governing TMRS and within the actuarial constraints also in the statutes. B. Contributions The contribution rate for the employees is 6%, and the City matching ratio is currently 2 to 1, both as adopted by the governing body of the City. Under the state law governing TMRS, the actuary annually determines the City contribution rate. This rate consists of the normal cost contribution rate and the prior service contribution rate, both of which are calculated to be a level percent of payroll from year to year. The normal cost contribution rate finances the currently accruing monetary credits due to the City matching percent, which are the obligation of the City as of an employee's retirement date, not at the time the employee's contributions are made. The normal cost contribution rate is the actuarially determined percent of payroll necessary to satisfy the obligation of the City to each employee at the time his/her retirement becomes effective. The prior service contribution rate amortizes the unfunded (overfunded) actuarial liability (asset) over the remainder of the plan's 25 year amortization period. The unit credit actuarial cost method is used for determining the City contribution rate. Both the employees and the City make contributions monthly. Since the City needs to know its contribution rate in advance to budget for it, there is a one-year delay between the actuarial valuation that is the basis for the rate and the calendar year when the rate goes into effect. (i.e. December 31, 2003 valuation is effective for rates beginning January 2005). The City’s total payroll in fiscal year 2004 was $14,379,998 and the City’s contributions were based on a payroll of $14,367,659. Both the City and the covered employees made the required contributions, amounting to $1,030,560 for the City and $785,220 for the employees. The City’s contribution amounted to 8.35% of the covered payroll for the calendar year. The employees’ contribution amounted to 6% of covered payroll. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 53 Schedule of Actuarial Liabilities and Funding Progress Actuarial Valuation Date 12/31/2003 Actuarial Value of Assets (A) $ 18,195,567 Actuarial Accrued Liability (B) $ 22,347,396 Percentage funded (C)=(A)/(B) 81.4% Unfunded (Over-funded) Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) (D)=(B)-(A) $ 4,151,829 Annual Covered Payroll (E) $ 13,698,260 UAAL as a Percentage of Covered Payroll (D)/(E) 30.3% Annual Pension Cost Fiscal Year Funding Annual Pension Cost (APC) APC funded Net Pension Obligation (NPO) Employer’s Contribution as a % of Covered Payroll 09/30/02 $ 927,284 $ 927,284 0 7.76 09/30/03 $ 1,030,560 $ 1,030,560 0 7.92 09/30/04 $ 1,183,700 $ 1,183,700 0 8.35 A copy of the TMRS Comprehensive Annual Financial Report may be obtained by contacting TMRS at P.O. Box 149153, Austin, Texas 78714-9153. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 54 9. DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN The City offers its employees a deferred compensation plan in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 457. The plan, available to all City employees, permits them to defer a portion of their salary until future years. Participation in the plan is optional. The deferred compensation is not available to employees until termination, retirement, death or an unforeseeable emergency. 10. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES Long-Term Agreements The City has the following long-term agreements, which represent significant commitments: A. Wholesale Power Agreement with the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) - The City must purchase 90% of its electrical power requirements from the LCRA under a long-term contract, which extends through 2016. Under the contract, the City's monthly cost of purchased power averaged $1,584,448 for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2004. B. Brazos River Authority (BRA) Water Contracts - Effective September 1, 2001, the City revised its previous water availability agreements with the BRA to further plan for future water needs and to standardize the pricing to a system-wide rate. The effective system- wide rate for BRA’s fiscal year beginning September 1, 2004 is $45.75 and the City paid a total of $1,205,564 for water during the fiscal year. The City has three separate agreements with the BRA as follows: (1) Lake Georgetown Water - This agreement, effective September 1, 2001 and expiring August 31, 2050, requires BRA to make available to the City 6,720 acre-feet of water per year at BRA’s system wide rate. The City paid $270,480 for water under this agreement for the City’s fiscal year. (2) Lake Stillhouse Hollow Water - This agreement, effective September 1, 2001 and expiring August 31, 2040, requires BRA to make available to the City 15,448 acre- feet of water per year at BRA’s system wide rate. The City paid $621,782 for water under this agreement for the City’s fiscal year. (3) Colorado River Basin Water - This agreement, effective September 1, 2001 and expiring August 31, 2051, requires BRA to make available to the City a total of 6,944 acre-feet of water per year. Because this water is made available to BRA through the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA), the pricing structure is based upon the cost of water set by LCRA. The rate for BRA’s fiscal year beginning September 1, 2004 is $53.91 per acre-foot. The City paid $313,302 under this agreement for the City’s fiscal year. C. Brazos River Authority - Williamson County Regional Raw Water Line Agreement - The City is a party to an agreement dated June 30, 1986, with the Brazos River Authority (BRA), City of Round Rock and Jonah Water Special Utility District to design, construct and operate a pipeline to transport water from Lake Stillhouse Hollow to Lake Georgetown. Total project construction cost for the raw water line is approximately $40 million. In 2000, BRA issued approximately $37 million in debt obligations, to be repaid through annual payments from the participants. The City’s obligation is $33.5 million, including principal and interest, to be repaid annually through 2034. The City began CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 55 paying its allocated costs related to the project in fiscal year 2002. The amount for fiscal year for 2004 was $417,791. The following schedule reflects the City's obligation: D. Texas Capital Fund Programs - The City has received awards from this program, which is operated by the State of Texas to assist in local economic development. Two types of assistance are provided to businesses relocating to the area: (1) infrastructure improvements and (2) low cost funding for facility construction. Infrastructure improvements become the asset of the City upon construction, without repayment of the grant to the State. If the City receives funding to construct a facility for a business, the City owns the facility and leases it to the business. These lease payments are then repaid to the State. The leases and pass through payments are recorded in the Agency Fund of the City. The City has three active awards for facility construction, where long term agreements are in effect: (1) Reedholm Instruments, Inc. - This facility was completed in 1997 and lease payments began in March 1997. The business is current on lease payments and has an outstanding balance of $243,342 as of September 30, 2004. (2) Xycarb Ceramics, USA, Inc. - This facility was completed in January 1998 and lease payments began in February 1998. The business is current on lease payments and has an outstanding balance of $334,226 as of September 30, 2004. (3) Schunk Quartz - This facility was completed in January 1998 and lease payments began in February 1998. The business is current on lease payments and has an outstanding balance of $334,226 as of September 30, 2004. E. Chisholm Trail Special Utility District - In February 1999, the City and Chisholm Trail Special Utility District (CTSUD) entered into an agreement which will provide CTSUD needed water in exchange for allowing Georgetown the right to provide water service in the Highway 195 and expanded Sun City areas. The City will transfer to CTSUD a phased financial position in the Lake Water Treatment Plant up to 4.26 mgd, not to exceed 28% of the off-peak plant capacity. CTSUD will then pay prorata operating costs for all water utilized. In addition, upon acceptance of the Williamson County Raw Water Line, the City will transfer 840 acre feet of the Lake Stillhouse Hollow water rights to CTSUD, which will assume payment for these rights to the BRA. As of September 30, the City had transferred 1.728 mgd of capacity, with a value of $588,330. The remaining 2.523 mgd, which is expected to be transferred in 2005, has a value of $1,092,740, for a total value of $1,681,070. Year Ending September 30 Amount 2005 $ 460,240 2006 584,214 2007 730,480 2008 767,132 2009 829,801 2010-2034 29,554,013 Total $32,925,880 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 56 F. Del Webb Corporation (Sun City Texas) - The Del Webb Corporation (Del Webb) began development in April 1995 of a proposed 9,500 unit; 5,300 acre active retirement community to be called Sun City Texas. The City, through a Development Agreement, and in exchange for payment of Service Improvement Fees (SIP fee - discussed below) provides fire protection, wastewater, water and electric service to Sun City. The project is annexed into the City limits as phases of the project are platted. Home sales began in June 1995 and were expected to average 425 homes per year for 20 years. As of September 30, 2004, 3,670 units have been completed. In November 2002, Del Webb filed a revised Concept Plan that reduces the size of Sun City from 10,500 to 5,000 age-restricted units on the southern portion of the property. The Concept Plan also allows the northern 2,500 acres to be developed as a non-age restricted community. In response to the significant changes in the revised Concept Plan, a Seventh Amendment to the Development Agreement was approved in April 2003 for fiscal year 2003. That Seventh Amendment re-calculates the SIP fee for Sun City at 5,000 units. The Seventh Amendment also accelerates the schedule for payment of the SIP Fees from a pure per-unit basis to an annual minimum payment of SIP Fees for 300 units per year, at $4,324.50 per unit, with build out completed by 2009. The City anticipates it will be able to make all infrastructure and debt payments using the SIP Fees without cash shortfalls or additional increases in overall service rates for water and wastewater. The Seventh Amendment further identifies the ”stranded costs,” or the costs of infrastructure built by the City under the Development Agreement for 10,500 units, but not needed as result of Del Webb's decision to downsize Sun City to 5,000 units. The total Stranded Costs were approximately $8.4 million. Under the Seventh Amendment, Del Webb paid the City $1.7 million towards the $8.4 million of Stranded Costs, leaving a balance of $6,670,064. The City agreed to allow Del Webb to pay the balance, including 5.25% annual interest, over 7 years. The Stranded Cost payment is $1,139,700 annually, and is being paid on a per unit basis for the remaining Sun City units. These fees are in addition to SIP fees. Finally, the Seventh Amendment adjusted the amount of the fiscal surety from $4 million total, to $2 million for SIP Fees, and $3.8 million for Stranded Costs. The Seventh Amendment also addressed the possibility of Del Webb selling the Northern Lands to a third party. In such instance, all stranded costs that remain unpaid as of the date of closing would require either full payment to the City or 100% fiscal surety for the balance and Del Webb would not be released from obligation to pay any outstanding SIP fees. Another element of the Seventh Amendment was a Water Wastewater Agreement to reserve the Northern Land capacity for future use through 2015, so long as Del Webb makes reservation payments to the City. The City received $164,724 from Del Webb for reservation fees related to the Water and Wastewater Agreement. G. Escalera Ranch - In 1999, the City of Georgetown and Escalera Ranch, Ltd. entered into an agreement for a 500 home residential subdivision to be built over a period of eight years. The City agreed to fund the off-site costs of infrastructure improvements required to provide roadway system improvements and water service, including fire flow, to the development. Escalera reimburses the City for all costs for the improvements on a per home basis. Escalera pays the City based on the proposed build out schedule rather than actual permits issued. As of September 30, 2004, 5 total permits were issued for this development and 270 units paid to date. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 57 H. Georgetown Village Public Improvement District - In 1999, the City of Georgetown created the Georgetown Village Public Improvement District No. 1, pursuant to Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code. The City is required to construct and provide operation, repair and maintenance of parks, recreational facilities, alleyways, lighting, landscaping and related improvements to the district that are above the standards that are met elsewhere in the City. Property owners are assessed an annual maintenance assessment of $0.20 per $100 valuation. Assessment revenue of $81,916 was recognized for 2004. As of September 30, 2004 all costs associated with the Georgetown Village Public Improvement District have been reimbursed. I. Shell Road Public Improvement District - In 2001, the City created the Shell Road Public Improvement District, pursuant to Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code. The City was required to design and construct the realignment of Shell Road, which will be accomplished through an interlocal agreement with Williamson County. The cost of the construction was $832,500 and will be repaid by the property owners in the PID through an assessment based on each property’s linear feet of the Shell Road alignment. Each assessment is due at the time the tract is platted, at the time of the sale of the tract, or within seven years after the realignment of the road, whichever is earlier. Assessments totaling $832,500 were billed in fiscal year 2004. As of September 30, 2004, outstanding assessments totaled $529,636.50. J. Cimarron Hills Public Improvement District - In May 2000, the City and Paloma Cimarron Hills, L.P. entered into a development agreement for a 606 home, 813 acre subdivision within the City’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). As part of this agreement, the City created the Cimarron Hills PID to reimburse the developer for costs of certain infrastructure improvements. Each lot within the development is assessed an annual fee based on its type of usage. Once the revenue stream is stabilized, and reserve fund requirements are met, the PID may issue revenue bonds to reimburse the developer. As part of the agreement, the developer will construct a wastewater treatment plant, to be transferred to the City, who will then operate the plant. The City will also collect a per unit transportation fee which will be used to fund necessary roadway improvements and bridge crossings in the area. As of September 30, 2004, 22 homes had been completed for this development. PID assessment collection began in 2002. In 2004, PID assessments were $250,083, of which $229,900 was reimbursed to the developer. The assessments and related disbursements are recorded in the Agency Funds. K. Wolf Ranch Towne Center - In July 2003, the City approved a development agreement with Simon Properties for the 750,000 sq ft Wolf Ranch Towne Center. The project will include Target and 70 other retailers and restaurants. As part of the agreement, the City will provide utility improvements to the site, as well as, fund $10.5 million of highway improvements for the project. The $10.5 million to be funded with debt issued and repaid by GTEC, will improve SH 29, as well as, provide the badly needed frontage roads for IH- 35. As of September 30, 2004, $8,825,000 of GTEC debt had been issued for this project. Texas Department of Transportation will be contributing over $7 million for these improvements as well. In October 2004, the City created Wolf Ranch Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) as a part of the development agreement and is created solely for the purpose of refinancing the City’s obligation to Simon under the development agreement. In June 2004, the City created the Wolf Ranch Public Improvement District (PID) #1 for all Simon owned property within the Wolf Ranch development. In the event that revenues from the project are insufficient to fund any outstanding debt related to the project, an assessment would be levied against the property in the PID to protect the City from CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 58 potential revenue shortfalls. Should revenues meet or exceed expectations, no assessment is made. The first assessment for Wolf PID # 1 was for $93,712 and is related to debt service for utility revenue debt issued in 2003. The assessment is the net amount of debt service due, less utility revenue collected for the project. This assessment was done during the construction phase of the project. L. TASUS Texas Corporation – In November 2003, the City Council approved an economic development incentive package for TASUS to locate its plastic injection molding facility in Georgetown. This package included infrastructure and utility improvements, including water and wastewater, as well as road improvements, paid for through Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC) economic development sales tax. Infrastructure improvements totaled $200,950. The City also approved a property tax abatement to TASUS for fiscal year 2004/05 – 2009/10, based upon job creation. The project is expected to create over 102 jobs for the community. Grants Amounts received or receivable from grantor agencies, principally the federal government, are subject to audit and adjustment by the agencies. Any disallowed claims, including amounts already collected, may constitute a liability of the applicable funds. The amount, if any, of expenditures which may be disallowed by the grantor cannot be determined at this time, although the City expects such amounts, if any, to be immaterial. Litigation The City is involved in various legal actions in which claims of varying amounts are being asserted against the City. The City follows the practice of providing for these claims only when they become probable and reasonably determinable in amount. In the opinion of City management, these actions will not result in a significant change in the City's financial position. Construction Contracts Estimated costs to complete significant construction projects in progress at year-end totaled approximately $2,445,864 for Governmental Fund Types and approximately $5,574,492 for Enterprise Funds. 11. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS In November 2004, the citizens of Georgetown passed a $21.4 million bond referendum to build a new library and expand parks and recreation facilities. These bonds are expected to be issued as construction project timing demands. The first bonds, for library and recreation center design work, will be issued in spring 2005. Bond reimbursement resolutions have been issued for library and recreation center design ($1,235,723), general capital improvements including the design of a fire station ($1,284,775), and the purchase of a new fire apparatus ($500,000). A reimbursement resolution was also issued for the capital replacement of police vehicles for $575,565, which funds the 2004/05 budgeted replacement cycle. The City of Georgetown was named as the recipient of a bequest from Mr. and Mrs. Jack Garey for their 525 acre ranch and $5 million in cash, which will be used to expand and improve the City’s park system upon the death of the Gareys. The first transfer of land for 100 acres was completed in December 2004. The City is obligated to match the funds with $5 million to improve the land within 3 years after the ranch is deeded to the City. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 59 In November 2004, the citizens of Georgetown approved the adoption of civil service for Police employees. The rules regarding civil service are discussed under note 1-M. Compensated Absences.” These rules will become effective for sworn Police employees on October 31, 2005. In December 2004, the City Council approved an agreement to consent to the creation of a MUD within the City’s southern extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). The 390 acre project includes 1,220 residential units to be served by City utilities, with infrastructure costs to be reimbursed to the developer through independently issued MUD debt, to be repaid by the residents within the MUD. In December 2004, the City Council approved the partial assignment between Del Webb and Waterstone Development Group of 1100 acres of the Del Webb Northern Lands for development as a non-age restricted residential and commercial development. Del Webb continues to have responsibility under the “Del Webb 7th Amendment”. (see Note 10-F) CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION - TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM TREND DATA - LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS 60 Unfunded UAAL Actuarial Actuarial Actuarial Annual as a % of Fiscal Value of Accrued Liability Percentage Accrued Liability Covered Covered Year (1) Assets (AAL) (1) Funded (UAAL) (1) Payroll Payroll 1995 $ 5,096,380 $ 5,764,962 88.4% $ 668,582 $ 5,158,404 12.9% 1996 5,731,751 6,501,851 88.2% 770,100 5,379,252 14.3% 1997 6,822,635 7,749,553 88.0% 926,918 7,210,336 12.9% 1998 8,007,346 9,049,050 88.5% 1,041,704 7,812,223 13.3% 1999 8,989,024 9,889,405 90.9% 900,381 8,426,312 10.7% 2000 10,556,981 11,677,541 90.4% 1,120,560 8,602,728 13.0% 2001 12,223,288 14,104,239 86.7% 1,880,951 10,127,470 18.6% 2002 13,594,005 16,130,453 84.3% 2,536,448 11,269,422 22.5% 2003 15,549,049 18,658,884 83.3% 3,109,835 12,183,510 25.5% 2004 18,195,567 22,347,396 81.4% 4,151,829 12,183,510 34.1% Source: Texas Municipal Retirement System ("TMRS") Annual Report and City payroll reports Notes: (1) Trend data presented is information as of December 31 of the previous year, which is the fiscal year of the TMRS. Combining and Individual Fund Financial Statements and Schedules Nonmajor Governmental Funds Special Revenue Funds Special Revenue Funds are used to account for specific revenues that are legally restricted for expenditures for particular purposes. Court Fees - to account for the receipt and expenditure of court fees that are legally restricted for court security and technology. Fire Billing and Donations - to account for the receipt and expenditures of funds received by the City for various fire services, including calls for service, donations, abandoned vehicle revenue and inspections. Library Restricted - to account for the receipt and expenditure of restricted donations such as memorials and gifts for a designated library purchase or program. Also accounts for the receipt of the Telecommunication Infrastructure grant for computer hardware and software. Main Street Façade - to account for the receipt of private donations, grants, and money raised through special events to provide assistance to building/property owners for maintaining the appearance of the downtown historic district. Funds are distributed through an application/approval process with either a low- interest loan or grant. Mapping - to account for expenditures relating to City-wide mapping projects. Parks - to account for revenues earned by the City from activities on City park land, which are restricted for improvements to park land and for parkland dedication fees paid by developers, which are restricted by zones for new parks. Also accounts for the partial administration of a federal drug prevention grant in coordination with Georgetown Project. Police - to account for a grant received from the U.S. Department of Justice Community Oriented Policing Services (C.O.P.S.) for two patrol officers, a U.S. Department of Justice Local Law Enforcement Block grant for equipment, an Office of the Governor grant for a Victim Service’s Coordinator, a Texas Department of Transportation grant for a Selective Traffic Enforcement Project (STEP) related to overtime costs and the receipt and expenditure of seized and donated funds. Streets Sales Tax - to account for the receipt and expenditure of revenues collected from the ¼ cent sales tax approved by the citizens in November 2001 under Texas House Bill 445. The funds are required to be spent on maintenance of streets that were in existence at the time of adoption of the tax. Tourism - to account for the receipt and expenditure of funds received by the City from the assessment of hotel and motel occupancy tax. Usage of funds is restricted to promotion of tourism and arts within the City. Village Public Improvement District - to account for the receipt and expenditure of the revenues collected from property assessments paid by Georgetown Village Public Improvement District residents and the developer to fund maintenance on upgraded parks facilities within the subdivision. Debt Service Fund The debt service fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources and payment of general obligation bond principal and interest from governmental resources and special assessment bond principal and interest from special assessment levies when the government is obligated in some manner for the payment. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET NONMAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FIRE MAIN COURT BILLING AND LIBRARY STREET FEES DONATIONS RESTRICTED FACADE MAPPING PARKS POLICE ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents $ 26,923 $ 39,609 $ 16,076 $ 5,600 $ 11,122 $ 89,526 $ 34,367 Investments 54,662 80,418 32,639 11,370 22,581 181,765 69,776 Accounts receivable: Sales tax Grants 10,077 5,000 Delinquent taxes Other 118,281 171,040 TOTAL ASSETS $81,585 $238,308 $48,715 $16,970 $33,703 $452,408 $109,143 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 2,180 $ 3,923 $ 92 $ 7,675 $ 18,333 $ 15,535 Due to other funds 1,214 Unearned revenue 118,281 540 188,325 Total liabilities 2,180 122,204 632 7,675 206,658 16,749 Fund Balance: Reserved for: Encumbrances 7,940 9,416 540 39,149 21,345 Special programs 71,465 106,688 47,543 $ 16,970 26,028 206,601 71,049 Debt service Unreserved, designated for: Capital projects Total fund balance 79,405 116,104 48,083 16,970 26,028 245,750 92,394 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $81,585 $238,308 $48,715 $16,970 $33,703 $452,408 $109,143 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT GENERAL STREET DEBT TOTAL STREETS TOURISM DISTRICT CAPITAL PROJECTS IMPROVEMENTS SERVICE 2004 $ 282,723 $ 72,517 $ 6,423 $ 236,205 $ 821,091 574,015 147,231 908,921 479,567 $ 757,759 3,320,704 182,405 22,372 204,777 15,077 $ 18,110 99,069 117,179 289,321 $1,039,143 $242,120 $18,110 $915,344 $715,772 $856,828 $4,768,149 $ 117,628 $ 33,927 $ 10,258 $ 59,598 $ 118,216 $ 387,365 7,852 9,066 7,825 $ 88,392 403,363 117,628 33,927 18,110 59,598 126,041 88,392 799,794 556,481 53,568 582,119 401,318 1,671,876 365,034 154,625 1,066,003 768,436 768,436 273,627 188,413 462,040 921,515 208,193 855,746 589,731 768,436 3,968,355 $1,039,143 $242,120 $18,110 $915,344 $715,772 $856,828 $4,768,149 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE NONMAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FIRE MAIN COURT BILLING AND LIBRARY STREET FEES DONATIONS RESTRICTED FAÇADE MAPPING PARKS REVENUES: Ad valorem taxes Grants and entitlements $ 31,090 $ 110,077 Hotel/Motel tax Property assessments Sales tax Court fees $ 50,553 Investment earnings 914 $ 3,125 766 $ 188 $ 248 2,942 Donations 159 49,795 Mapping fees 19,533 Fire incident billings 81,279 Other 61,310 22 102,075 Total revenues 51,467 145,873 81,673 188 19,781 215,094 EXPENDITURES: Culture - recreation 72,252 250,134 Development 26,073 Fire services 585,737 General government 2,000 Highways and streets Police 25,057 Capital outlay Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Total expenditures 25,057 585,737 72,252 2,000 26,073 250,134 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 26,410 (439,864) 9,421 (1,812) (6,292) (35,040) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Certificate of obligation bonds issued Transfers in 3,582 11,200 Transfers out (11,028) Total other financing sources (uses) (11,028) 3,582 11,200 NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 26,410 (450,892) 9,421 1,770 4,908 (35,040) FUND BALANCES, Beginning of period 52,995 566,996 38,662 15,200 21,120 280,790 FUND BALANCES, End of period $ 79,405 $ 116,104 $ 48,083 $ 16,970 $ 26,028 $ 245,750 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT GENERAL STREET DEBT TOTAL POLICE STREETS TOURISM DISTRICT CAPITAL PROJECTS IMPROVEMENTS SERVICE 2004 $ 2,224,180 $ 2,224,180 $ 67,500 208,667 $ 255,921 255,921 $ 81,916 81,916 $ 1,059,221 1,059,221 50,553 889 7,701 2,417 314 $ 19,314 $ 12,623 17,098 68,539 25,187 75,141 19,533 81,279 15,052 67,253 18,110 81,782 27,550 373,154 108,628 1,066,922 325,591 100,340 101,096 40,173 2,241,278 4,498,104 352,368 115,206 789,960 26,073 585,737 2,000 52,677 52,677 85,938 110,995 327,854 1,237,241 1,064,310 2,629,405 1,262,782 1,262,782 59,029 1,146,741 1,205,770 85,938 380,531 352,368 115,206 1,296,270 1,064,310 2,409,523 6,665,399 22,690 686,391 (26,777) (14,866) (1,195,174) (1,024,137) (168,245) (2,167,295) 2,847,867 2,847,867 14,405 48,874 50,077 87,745 273,037 488,920 (3,582) (1,035,066) (1,049,676) 14,405 48,874 46,495 1,900,546 273,037 2,287,111 37,095 735,265 19,718 (14,866) 705,372 (1,024,137) 104,792 119,816 55,299 186,250 188,475 $ 14,866 150,374 1,613,868 663,644 3,848,539 $ 92,394 $ 921,515 $ 208,193 $ 855,746 $ 589,731 $ 768,436 $ 3,968,355 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS COURT FEES SPECIAL REVENUE FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BUDGET AND ACTUAL FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 ORIGINAL & FINAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGETARY BASIS VARIANCE TO BUDGET REVENUES: Court fees $ 35,000 $ 50,553 $ 15,553 Investment earnings 800 914 114 Total revenues 35,800 51,467 15,667 EXPENDITURES: Capital outlay 74,837 24,852 49,985 Total expenditures 74,837 24,852 49,985 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES (39,037) 26,615 65,652 FUND BALANCE, Beginning of period $ 39,037 44,850 5,813 FUND BALANCE - BUDGETARY BASIS, End of period 71,465 $ 71,465 Adjustments to GAAP: Reverse current year encumbrances 7,940 FUND BALANCE - GAAP BASIS End of period $ 79,405 2004 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS FIRE BILLING SPECIAL REVENUE FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BUDGET AND ACTUAL FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 ORIGINAL & FINAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGETARY BASIS VARIANCE TO FINAL BUDGET REVENUES: Investment earnings $ 3,125 $ 3,125 Donations $ 1,000 159 (841) Fire incident billings 95,000 81,280 (13,720) Other 34,500 61,310 26,810 Total revenues 130,500 145,874 15,374 EXPENDITURES: Operations 185,000 164,537 20,463 Total expenditures 185,000 164,537 20,463 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES (54,500) (18,663) 35,837 FUND BALANCE, Beginning of period 67,568 125,351 57,783 FUND BALANCE - BUDGETARY BASIS, End of period $ 13,068 106,688 $ 93,620 Adjustments to GAAP: Reverse current year encumbrances 9,416 FUND BALANCE - GAAP BASIS End of period $ 116,104 2004 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS LIBRARY RESTRICTED SPECIAL REVENUE FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BUDGET AND ACTUAL FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 ORIGINAL BUDGET FINAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGETARY BASIS VARIANCE TO BUDGET REVENUES: Grants and entitlements $ 32,000 $ 31,090 $ (910) Investment earnings $ 1,100 1,100 765 (335) Donations 20,000 20,000 49,818 29,818 Total revenues 21,100 53,100 81,673 28,573 EXPENDITURES: Personnel 22,218 22,218 Operations 2,421 2,421 Capital outlay 48,415 55,776 48,153 7,623 Total expenditures 48,415 80,415 72,792 7,623 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES (27,315) (27,315) 8,881 36,196 FUND BALANCE, Beginning of period $ 27,315 $ 27,315 38,662 11,347 FUND BALANCE - BUDGETARY BASIS, End of period 47,543 $ 47,543 Adjustments to GAAP: Reverse current year encumbrances 540 FUND BALANCE - GAAP BASIS End of period $ 48,083 2004 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS MAIN STREET FACADE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BUDGET AND ACTUAL FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 ORIGINAL & FINAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGETARY BASIS VARIANCE TO BUDGET REVENUES: Investment earnings $ 100 $ 188 $ 88 Donations 200 (200) Total revenues 300 188 (112) EXPENDITURES: Operations 12,807 2,000 10,807 Total expenditures 12,807 2,000 10,807 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES (12,507) (1,812) 10,695 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Transfers in 3,582 3,582 Total other financing sources (uses) 3,582 3,582 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING (USES) - BUDGETARY BASIS (12,507) 1,770 14,277 FUND BALANCE, Beginning of period $ 12,507 15,200 2,693 FUND BALANCE - BUDGETARY BASIS, End of period 16,970 $ 16,970 Adjustments to GAAP: Reverse current year encumbrances FUND BALANCE - GAAP BASIS End of period $ 16,970 2004 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS MAPPING SPECIAL REVENUE FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BUDGET AND ACTUAL FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 ORIGINAL & FINAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGETARY BASIS VARIANCE TO BUDGET REVENUES: Investment earnings $ 400 $ 248 $ (152) Mapping fees 18,500 19,533 1,033 Total revenues 18,900 19,781 881 EXPENDITURES: Operations 39,282 26,073 13,209 Total expenditures 39,282 26,073 13,209 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES (20,382) (6,292) 14,090 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Transfers in 11,200 11,200 Total other financing sources (uses) 11,200 11,200 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING (USES) - BUDGETARY BASIS (9,182) 4,908 14,090 FUND BALANCE, Beginning of period $ 9,182 21,120 11,938 FUND BALANCE - BUDGETARY BASIS, End of period 26,028 $ 26,028 Adjustments to GAAP: Reverse current year encumbrances FUND BALANCE - GAAP BASIS End of period $ 26,028 2004 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS PARKS SPECIAL REVENUE FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BUDGET AND ACTUAL FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 2004 ORIGINAL & FINAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGETARY BASIS VARIANCE TO BUDGET REVENUES: Grants and entitlements $ 700,000 $ 110,077 $ (589,923) Investment earnings 3,900 2,943 (957) Other 128,250 102,075 (26,175) Total revenues 832,150 215,095 (617,055) EXPENDITURES: Operations 755,200 163,426 591,774 Capital outlay 340,515 125,858 214,657 Total expenditures 1,095,715 289,284 806,431 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES (263,565) (74,189) 189,376 FUND BALANCE, Beginning of period 282,282 280,790 (1,492) FUND BALANCE - BUDGETARY BASIS, End of period $ 18,717 206,601 $ 187,884 Adjustments to GAAP: Reverse current year encumbrances 39,149 FUND BALANCE - GAAP BASIS End of period $ 245,750 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS POLICE SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDSCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BUDGET AND ACTUAL FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 ORIGINAL BUDGET FINAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGETARY BASIS VARIANCE TO BUDGET REVENUES: Grants and entitlements $ 93,910 $ 128,910 $ 67,500 $ (61,410) Investment earnings 1,340 1,340 12,192 10,852 Donations 25,200 25,200 25,187 (13) Other 3,749 3,749 Total revenues 120,450 155,450 108,628 (46,822) EXPENDITURES: Personnel 48,477 48,477 42,681 5,796 Operations 115,078 150,078 64,602 85,476 Total expenditures 163,555 198,555 107,283 91,272 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES (43,105) (43,105) 1,345 44,450 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Transfers in 14,405 14,405 14,405 Total other financing sources (uses) 14,405 14,405 14,405 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING (USES) - BUDGETARY BASIS (28,700) (28,700) 15,750 44,450 FUND BALANCE, Beginning of period $ 28,700 $ 28,700 55,299 26,599 FUND BALANCE - BUDGETARY BASIS, End of period 71,049 $ 71,049 Adjustments to GAAP: Reverse current year encumbrances 21,345 FUND BALANCE - GAAP BASIS End of period $ 92,394 2004 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS STREET TAX SPECIAL REVENUE FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BUDGET AND ACTUAL FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 ORIGINAL BUDGET FINAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGETARY BASIS VARIANCE TO BUDGET REVENUES: Sales tax $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 1,059,222 $ 40,778 Franchise fees 7,702 (7,702) Total revenues 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,066,924 (33,076) EXPENDITURES: Capital outlay 100,000 238,000 71,464 166,536 Highways and Streets 980,000 980,000 824,703 155,297 Total expenditures 1,080,000 1,218,000 896,167 321,833 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 20,000 (118,000) 170,757 288,757 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Transfers in 48,874 48,874 48,874 Total other financing sources (uses) 48,874 48,874 48,874 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING (USES) - BUDGETARY BASIS 68,874 (69,126) 219,631 288,757 FUND BALANCE, Beginning of period 100,000 100,000 145,403 45,403 FUND BALANCE - BUDGETARY BASIS, End of period $ 168,874 $ 30,874 365,034 $ 334,160 Adjustments to GAAP: Reverse current year encumbrances 556,481 FUND BALANCE - GAAP BASIS End of period $ 921,515 2004 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS TOURISM SPECIAL REVENUE FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BUDGET AND ACTUAL FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 ORIGINAL BUDGET FINAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGETARY BASIS VARIANCE TO BUDGET REVENUES: Hotel/Motel tax $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 255,921 $ 5,921 Investment earnings 3,950 3,950 2,418 (1,532) Other 36,384 57,384 67,253 9,869 Total revenues 290,334 311,334 325,592 14,258 EXPENDITURES: Personnel 123,253 134,090 132,996 1,094 Operations 226,510 242,490 241,741 749 Total expenditures 349,763 376,580 374,737 1,843 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES (59,429) (65,246) (49,145) 16,101 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Transfers in 40,677 50,077 50,077 Transfers out (3,583) (3,582)(1) Total other financing sources (uses) 40,677 46,494 46,495 (1) EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING (USES) - BUDGETARY BASIS (18,752) (18,752) (2,650) 16,102 FUND BALANCE, Beginning of period 152,842 152,842 157,275 4,433 FUND BALANCE - BUDGETARY BASIS, End of period $ 134,090 $ 134,090 154,625 $ 20,535 Adjustments to GAAP: Reverse current year encumbrances 53,568 FUND BALANCE - GAAP BASIS End of period $ 208,193 2004 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SPECIAL REVENUE FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BUDGET AND ACTUAL FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 ORIGINAL & FINAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGETARY BASIS VARIANCE TO BUDGET REVENUES: Property assessments $ 80,758 $ 81,532 $ 774 Investment earnings 500 698 198 Other 15,267 18,110 2,843 Total revenues 96,525 100,340 3,815 EXPENDITURES: Operations 108,479 108,479 Total expenditures 108,479 108,479 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES (11,954) (8,139) 3,815 FUND BALANCE, Beginning of period $ 11,954 $ 8,139 $ (3,815) FUND BALANCE - BUDGETARY BASIS, End of period Adjustments to GAAP: Reverse current year encumbrances FUND BALANCE - GAAP BASIS End of period 2004 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS DEBT SERVICE FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BUDGET AND ACTUAL FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 ORIGINAL BUDGET FINAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGETARY BASIS VARIANCE TO BUDGET REVENUES: Ad valorem taxes $ 2,210,000 $ 2,210,000 $ 2,224,180 $ 14,180 Investment earnings 15,000 15,000 17,241 2,241 Total revenues 2,225,000 2,225,000 2,241,421 16,421 EXPENDITURES: Principal, interest and fiscal charges 2,435,595 2,450,595 2,409,666 40,929 Total expenditures 2,435,595 2,450,595 2,409,666 40,929 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES (210,595) (225,595) (168,245) 57,350 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: Transfers in 273,037 273,037 Total other financing sources 273,037 273,037 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES - BUDGETARY BASIS (210,595) (225,595) 104,792 330,387 FUND BALANCE, Beginning of period 639,777 639,777 663,664 23,887 FUND BALANCE - BUDGETARY BASIS, End of period $ 429,182 $ 414,182 768,456 $ 354,274 Adjustments to GAAP: Reverse current year encumbrances FUND BALANCE - GAAP BASIS End of period $ 768,456 2004 Supplementary Individual Fund Financial Statements and Schedules – General Fund These supplementary statements and schedules are included to provide management additional information for financial analysis. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEETS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 AND 2003 2004 2003 ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents $ 1,774,007 $ 1,467,294 Investments 3,595,091 1,473,294 Accounts receivable (net of allowance for uncollectible accounts): Delinquent taxes 184,268 169,543 Sales taxes 737,779 663,264 Other 139,888 1,015,757 Prepaid items 267,193 223,236 Inventories 2,840 Long-term note receivable 1,491,486 1,789,386 TOTAL ASSETS $ 8,189,712 $ 6,804,614 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE: Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 742,278 $ 631,070 Unearned revenue 2,010,629 2,189,439 Total liabilities 2,752,907 2,820,509 Fund Balance: Reserved for: Encumbrances 685,155 653,142 Inventories 2,840 Prepaid items 267,193 223,236 Unreserved 4,484,457 3,104,887 Total fund balance 5,436,805 3,984,105 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 8,189,712 $ 6,804,614 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FISCAL YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 AND 2003 2004 2003 REVENUES: Property taxes: Current $ 4,891,350 $ 4,325,913 Delinquent 18,550 29,995 Penalties and interest 83,362 67,423 Other 146,171 136,008 Sales tax 4,217,991 3,721,898 Franchise taxes 1,844,683 1,579,729 Licenses and permits 1,078,048 866,451 Charges for service 818,407 775,864 Fines 634,446 492,054 Donations and grants 2,438 6,000 Investment income 38,662 41,821 Other income 391,438 539,607 Total revenues 14,165,546 12,582,763 EXPENDITURES: Current: Culture - recreation 3,719,476 3,354,051 Development 1,888,150 1,547,047 Fire services 3,246,583 3,340,931 General government 1,741,600 1,516,243 Highways and streets 1,879,105 1,273,278 Police 5,474,007 5,221,751 Total expenditures 17,948,921 16,253,301 EXCESS EXPENDITURES OVER REVENUES (3,783,375) (3,670,538) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Transfers in 5,367,736 4,661,635 Transfers out (131,661) (13,004) Total other financing sources (uses) 5,236,075 4,648,631 EXCESS OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING (USES) 1,452,700 978,093 FUND BALANCES, Beginning of period 3,984,105 3,006,012 FUND BALANCES, End of period $ 5,436,805 $ 3,984,105 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BUDGET AND ACTUAL (BUDGETARY BASIS) FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 (WITH COMPARATIVE FOR 2003) 2004 ACTUAL 2003 ACTUAL ORIGINAL FINAL BUDGETARY VARIANCE BUDGETARY BUDGET BUDGET BASIS TO BUDGET BASIS REVENUES: TAXES: Property tax: Current $ 4,840,000 $ 4,840,000 $ 4,891,350 $ 51,350 $ 4,325,913 Delinquent 32,000 32,000 18,550 (13,450) 29,995 Penalties and interest 30,000 30,000 83,362 53,362 67,423 Total property tax 4,902,000 4,902,000 4,993,262 91,262 4,423,331 Sales tax 4,400,000 4,400,000 4,217,991 (182,009) 3,721,898 Franchise taxes 1,734,900 1,734,900 1,844,683 109,783 1,579,729 Other 147,000 147,000 146,171 (829) 136,008 Total taxes 11,183,900 11,183,900 11,202,107 18,207 9,860,966 LICENSES AND PERMITS: Permits and inspection fees 827,625 827,625 1,064,918 237,293 860,506 Licenses 18,000 18,000 13,130 (4,870) 5,945 Total licenses and permits 845,625 845,625 1,078,048 232,423 866,451 CHARGES FOR SERVICES: Library 42,000 42,000 43,484 1,484 47,667 Animal services 25,000 25,000 33,258 8,258 25,577 Parks and recreation 608,600 608,600 629,398 20,798 596,282 Fire protection 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Police support 52,500 52,500 52,267 (233) 46,337 Total charges for services 788,100 788,100 818,407 30,307 775,863 FINES AND FORFEITURES 527,800 542,800 634,446 91,646 492,054 INTEREST AND OTHER: Investment income 35,500 35,500 51,341 15,841 68,234 Rent 80,000 80,000 75,235 (4,765) 85,999 Miscellaneous 359,900 359,900 386,006 26,106 481,740 Total interest and other 475,400 475,400 512,582 37,182 635,973 TOTAL REVENUES 13,820,825 13,835,825 14,245,590 409,765 12,631,307 EXPENDITURES: CULTURE - RECREATION: Parks: Personnel 825,337 829,622 829,621 1 767,000 Operations 550,887 553,202 552,996 206 494,824 Capital outlay 105,000 105,000 104,975 25 4,000 Total parks 1,481,224 1,487,824 1,487,592 232 1,265,824 Recreation: Personnel 401,756 397,197 396,383 814 375,605 Operations 188,772 180,986 180,786 200 177,400 Total recreation 590,528 578,183 577,169 1,014 553,005 (continued) 2004 ACTUAL 2003 ACTUAL ORIGINAL FINAL BUDGETARY VARIANCE BUDGETARY BUDGET BUDGET BASIS TO BUDGET BASIS Recreation programs: Personnel $ 295,480 $ 308,289 $ 281,104 $ 27,185 $ 295,769 Operations 419,410 420,494 413,208 7,286 396,531 Total recreation 714,890 728,783 694,312 34,471 692,300 Library: Personnel 621,727 593,719 590,695 3,024 579,499 Operations 261,376 265,936 264,812 1,124 214,504 Capital outlay 90,250 90,250 90,189 61 90,121 Total library 973,353 949,905 945,696 4,209 884,124 TOTAL CULTURE - RECREATION 3,759,995 3,744,695 3,704,769 39,926 3,395,253 DEVELOPMENT: Administration: Personnel 294,007 284,079 282,223 1,856 205,274 Operations 105,125 121,428 121,428 211,065 Total administration 399,132 405,507 403,651 1,856 416,339 Current planning: Personnel 354,909 367,102 353,136 13,966 373,194 Operations 33,858 26,904 25,195 1,709 42,828 Total current planning 388,767 394,006 378,331 15,675 416,022 Long range planning: Personnel 128,530 130,028 130,028 124,628 Operations 67,390 72,963 72,962 1 32,139 Total long range planning 195,920 202,991 202,990 1 156,767 Inspection services: Personnel 457,654 456,941 455,510 1,431 465,082 Operations 91,544 92,084 91,665 419 86,490 Total inspection services 549,198 549,025 547,175 1,850 551,572 Code enforcement: Personnel 285,083 289,045 284,955 4,090 264,812 Operations 69,108 72,298 70,331 1,967 53,241 Total fire prevention 354,191 361,343 355,286 6,057 318,053 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT 1,887,208 1,912,872 1,887,433 25,439 1,858,753 FIRE SERVICES: Fire administration: Personnel 240,842 230,978 230,791 187 231,956 Operations 173,774 185,575 185,575 149,436 Total fire administration 414,616 416,553 416,366 187 381,392 Fire operations: Personnel 2,518,035 2,517,355 2,496,551 20,804 2,407,920 Operations 359,407 347,486 347,485 1 238,970 Total fire operations 2,877,442 2,864,841 2,844,036 20,805 2,646,890 TOTAL FIRE SERVICES 3,292,058 3,281,394 3,260,402 20,992 3,028,282 (continued) CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BUDGET AND ACTUAL (BUDGETARY BASIS) FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 (WITH COMPARATIVE FOR 2003) 2004 ACTUAL 2003 ACTUAL ORIGINAL FINAL BUDGETARY VARIANCE BUDGETARY BUDGET BUDGET BASIS TO BUDGET BASIS GENERAL GOVERNMENT: General government: Operations $ 807,852 $ 807,852 $ 742,731 $ 65,121 $ 730,222 Total general government 807,852 807,852 742,731 65,121 730,222 City council: Personnel 80,700 82,141 79,964 2,177 77,531 Operations 177,518 176,377 158,351 18,026 123,152 Total city council 258,218 258,518 238,315 20,203 200,683 City manager's office: Personnel 430,095 450,746 444,233 6,513 413,794 Operations 177,343 177,441 174,230 3,211 160,389 Capital 354,000 348,251 211,115 137,136 Total city manager's office 961,438 976,438 829,578 146,860 574,183 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 2,027,508 2,042,808 1,810,624 232,184 1,505,088 HIGHWAYS AND STREETS: Streets operating: Personnel 600,970 594,244 574,660 19,584 427,450 Operations 577,026 609,769 609,769 569,924 Capital outlay 724,928 798,911 739,540 59,371 658,345 Total streets operating 1,902,924 2,002,924 1,923,969 78,955 1,655,719 TOTAL HIGHWAYS AND STREETS 1,902,924 2,002,924 1,923,969 78,955 1,655,719 POLICE SERVICES: Organization and administration: Personnel 524,369 512,980 509,343 3,637 245,745 Operations 267,316 288,973 288,973 211,562 Total organization and administration 791,685 801,953 798,316 3,637 457,307 Support services bureau: Personnel 1,573,610 1,375,058 1,368,661 6,397 1,329,736 Operations 182,331 183,467 175,737 7,730 222,084 Capital outlay 6,600 9,241 9,241 60,909 Total support services bureau 1,762,541 1,567,766 1,553,639 14,127 1,612,729 Field operations bureau: Personnel 2,016,225 2,183,765 2,122,144 61,621 2,025,365 Operations 377,940 384,690 378,051 6,639 546,425 Capital outlay 7,655 7,654 1 48,113 Total field operations bureau 2,394,165 2,576,110 2,507,849 68,261 2,619,903 (continued) 2004 ACTUAL 2003 ACTUAL ORIGINAL FINAL BUDGETARY VARIANCE BUDGETARY BUDGET BUDGET BASIS TO BUDGET BASIS Animal services: Personnel $ 269,409 $ 270,013 $ 270,013 $ 266,301 Operations 103,325 105,283 105,283 100,347 Total animal services 372,734 375,296 375,296 366,648 Municipal court: Personnel 165,044 176,694 170,267 $ 6,427 155,251 Operations 68,991 72,341 69,098 3,243 55,126 Capital outlay 1,356 Total municipal court 234,035 249,035 239,365 9,670 211,733 TOTAL POLICE SERVICES 5,555,160 5,570,160 5,474,465 95,695 5,268,320 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 18,424,853 18,554,853 18,061,662 493,191 16,711,415 DEFICIENCY OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES (4,604,028) (4,719,028) (3,816,072) 902,956 (4,080,108) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Transfers in 4,204,800 5,429,800 5,367,736 (62,064) 4,661,635 Transfers out (131,661) (131,661) (131,661) (13,004) Total other financing sources (uses) 4,073,139 5,298,139 5,236,075 (62,064) 4,648,631 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING (USES) - BUDGETARY BASIS (530,889) 579,111 1,420,003 840,892 568,523 FUND BALANCE - BUDGETARY BASIS, Beginning of period 3,324,965 3,132,729 3,324,965 192,236 2,756,442 FUND BALANCE - BUDGETARY BASIS, End of period $ 2,794,076 $ 3,711,840 4,744,968 $ 1,033,128 3,324,965 Adjustments to GAAP: Reverse current year encumbrances 685,156 653,142 Record net unrealized gain on investments 6,681 5,998 FUND BALANCE - GAAP BASIS, End of period $ 5,436,805 $ 3,984,105 Combining Financial Statements Nonmajor Proprietary Funds Enterprise Funds - The City's utilities are accounted for and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises. Each utility, accounted for as an independent entity, is an enterprise fund. Enterprise fund accounting is used where the intent of the City Council is to finance or recover the costs of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis primarily through user charges or when the City Council has decided that periodic determination of net income is appropriate for accountability purposes. Airport Fund - used to account for revenues and expenses related to the operation and maintenance of the City's airport. All activities necessary to provide such services are accounted for in this fund including, but not limited to, administration, operations, maintenance, financing and related debt service, billing, collection and capital improvements. Sanitation Fund - used to account for revenues and expenses relating to the operations of the City's sanitation contract. Stormwater Drainage Fund - used to account for revenues and expenses related to the operations, capital projects, and debt service of the stormwater drainage facilities. Internal Service Fund - This fund is used to account for services performed by one government organization or department for others. Fleet Management Fund - The City uses this fund to purchase and account for all major equipment and vehicles. Each item is assigned an annual lease value which the leasing department pays to the Internal Service Fund. The annual lease value is determined by the projected replacement cost divided by the years of useful life of the item. The payments made by the departments enable the Internal Service Fund to replace equipment and vehicles on a pre-planned schedule to minimize maintenance costs and reduce safety risks due to worn out equipment and vehicles. The fund also provides maintenance for all vehicles through the Vehicle Service Center. Joint Services Fund - The Joint Services Fund is composed of departments which provide services to more than one city fund. Charges for services provided are determined by allocating each specific department's cost to the using fund. Facilities Maintenance Fund - The City uses this fund to account for janitorial service, light maintenance, painting, landscape maintenance and roofing and air conditioning repairs for all City buildings. Each building is assigned an annual maintenance cost, which is paid to the Internal Service Fund by the occupying departments, based on square footage occupied. The payments made by the departments enable the Internal Service Fund to provide major and minor facility repairs on a pre- planned schedule to minimize maintenance costs and provide preventative care to reduce long-term maintenance and replacement costs. Information Services Fund - The City uses this fund to account for purchases and maintenance of the City’s computer systems. Each department pays an annual predetermined lease payment, based upon the equipment the department has. These payments enable the fund to replace older equipment and upgrade the City’s computer resources and provide assistance in maintenance of equipment. This fund also provides for the management of the City’s computer systems through personnel in the Information Services department. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS COMBINING STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS NONMAJOR ENTERPRISE FUNDS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 Business-type Activities Enterprise Funds STORMWATER TOTAL AIRPORT SANITATION DRAINAGE NONMAJOR FUND FUND FUND ENTERPRISE FUNDS ASSETS: Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 124,398 $ 112,531 $ 236,929 Investments 252,565 228,472 481,037 Accounts receivable: Services (net of allowance for uncollectibles) 122,875 $ 384,187 165,915 672,977 Other 789 789 Inventories 12,691 12,691 Total current assets 513,318 384,187 506,918 1,404,423 Noncurrent Assets: Deferred charges - bond issuance costs 17,500 66,177 83,677 Capital assets: Land and land rights 981,500 981,500 Distribution system 7,844,621 7,844,621 Buildings and improvements 7,597,187 7,597,187 Machinery, furniture and equipment 127,577 52,000 14,050 193,627 Construction in progress 50,000 45,975 95,975 Less accumulated depreciation (3,903,006) (52,000) (681,782) (4,636,788) Total capital assets (net of accumulated depreciation)4,853,258 7,222,864 12,076,122 Total noncurrent assets 4,870,758 7,289,041 12,159,799 TOTAL ASSETS $ 5,384,076 $ 384,187 $ 7,795,959 $ 13,564,222 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS: Liabilities: Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 44,844 $ 240,145 $ 23,399 $ 308,388 Compensated absence 11,510 13,760 25,270 Due to other funds 113,836 113,836 Current portion of long-term debt 100,120 137,119 237,239 Accrued interest 11,051 16,699 27,750 Total current liabilities 167,525 353,981 190,977 712,483 Noncurrent liabilities: Compensated absence 25,104 27,559 52,663 Long-term debt 1,705,644 2,318,682 4,024,326 Total noncurrent liabilities 1,730,748 2,346,241 4,076,989 Total liabilities 1,898,273 353,981 2,537,218 4,789,472 Net Assets: Invested in capital assets (net of related debt) 3,047,494 4,767,063 7,814,557 Unrestricted 438,309 30,206 491,678 960,193 Total net assets 3,485,803 30,206 5,258,741 8,774,750 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 5,384,076 $ 384,187 $ 7,795,959 $ 13,564,222 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND NET ASSETS NONMAJOR ENTERPRISE FUNDS FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 Business-type Activities Enterprise Funds STORMWATER TOTAL AIRPORT SANITATION DRAINAGE NONMAJOR FUND FUND FUND ENTERPRISE FUNDS OPERATING REVENUES: Waste $ 2,887,822 $ 2,887,822 Other $ 1,667,153 44,658 $ 1,331,961 3,043,772 Total operating revenues 1,667,153 2,932,480 1,331,961 5,931,594 OPERATING EXPENSES: Depreciation 424,212 188,672 612,884 Utility contracts 2,740,495 2,740,495 Other 1,443,140 760,702 2,203,842 Total operating expenses 1,867,352 2,740,495 949,374 5,557,221 NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) (200,199) 191,985 382,587 374,373 NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Investment earnings 5,243 14,937 20,180 Donations and grants 181 181 Interest and fiscal charges (95,473) (37,502) (132,975) Other 48,083 48,083 Total nonoperating revenues (expenses) (41,966) (22,565) (64,531) INCOME BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS (242,165) 191,985 360,022 309,842 CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS: Capital contributions 3,252,691 3,252,691 Transfers out (234,598) (106,557) (341,155) Total contributions and transfers (234,598) 3,146,134 2,911,536 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS (242,165) (42,613) 3,506,156 3,221,378 TOTAL NET ASSETS - beginning 3,727,968 72,819 1,752,585 5,553,372 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ending $ 3,485,803 $ 30,206 $ 5,258,741 $ 8,774,750 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS COMBINING STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS NONMAJOR ENTERPRISE FUNDS FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 Business-type Activities Enterprise Funds STORMWATER TOTAL AIRPORT SANITATION DRAINAGE NONMAJOR FUND FUND FUND ENTERPRISE FUNDS CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Cash received from customers $ 1,668,334 $ 2,882,050 $ 1,308,166 $ 5,858,550 Payments to suppliers (1,261,793) (2,631,584) (527,210) (4,420,587) Franchise fees (58,650) (26,639) (85,289) Payments to employees for services (200,527) (223,678) (424,205) Net cash provided by operating activities 206,014 191,816 530,639 928,469 CASH FLOWS FROM NONCAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES Transfers out (234,598) (106,557) (341,155) Payments from (to) other funds 42,782 42,782 Net cash provided by (used for) noncapital financing activities $(191,816) (106,557) (298,373) CASH FLOWS FROM CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITES: Acquisition of capital assets (50,000) (160,565) (210,565) Donations and grants 181 181 Principal paid on revenue and certificates of obligation bonds (128,727) (123,740) (252,467) Interest paid on revenue and certificates of obligation bonds (95,132) (32,802) (127,934) Net cash provided by (used for) capital and related financing activities (273,678) (317,107) (590,785) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Interest received 5,243 14,937 20,180 Change in temporary investments (32,873) (136,076) (168,949) Net cash provided by (used for) investing activities (27,630) (121,139) (148,769) Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (95,294) (14,164) (109,458) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 219,692 126,695 346,387 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 124,398 112,531 236,929 Classified as: Current assets 124,398 112,531 236,929 Restricted assets Total $124,398 $112,531 $236,929 Non-cash disclosure Developer contributions $ 3,252,691 $ 3,252,691 (continued) CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS COMBINING STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS NONMAJOR ENTERPRISE FUNDS FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 Business-type Activities Enterprise Funds STORMWATER TOTAL AIRPORT SANITATION DRAINAGE NONMAJOR FUND FUND FUND ENTERPRISE FUNDS OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)$ (200,199) $ 191,985 $ 382,587 $ 374,373 Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) to cash provided by (used in) operating activities: Depreciation 424,212 188,672 612,884 Other income 48,083 48,083 Bad debt expense (345) (175) (520) Decrease (increase) in inventories (2,013) (2,013) Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable (46,902) (50,085) (23,620) (120,607) Increase (decrease) in accounts payable (15,879) 50,261 (17,242) 17,140 Increase (decrease) in compensated absences payable (1,288) 417 (871) Net cash provided by operating activities $206,014 $191,816 $530,639 $928,469 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 JOINT SERVICES TOTALS FUND 2004 ASSETS: Current: Cash and cash equivalents $ 55,566 $ 181,665 $ 9,398 $ 57,195 $ 303,824 Investments 112,816 368,835 19,080 116,123 616,854 Prepaid expense 700 2,496 3,196 Accounts receivable 64,917 64,917 Inventories 194,766 194,766 Total current assets 168,382 810,883 30,974 173,318 1,183,557 Property and equipment: Buildings and improvements 527,058 527,058 Machinery, furniture and equipment 10,005,739 2,055,664 211,917 1,417,128 13,690,448 Capital lease 452,109 452,109 Total property and equipment cost 10,005,739 2,055,664 738,975 1,869,237 14,669,615 Less accumulated depreciation (4,795,286) (1,795,645) (438,142) (1,272,624) (8,301,697) Net property and equipment 5,210,453 260,019 300,833 596,613 6,367,918 TOTAL ASSETS $ 5,378,835 $ 1,070,902 $ 331,807 $ 769,931 $ 7,551,475 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS: Liabilities: Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 10,470 $ 419,211 $ 12,903 $ 29,573 $ 472,157 Capital lease payable 128,194 128,194 Compensated absences 9,731 3,341 24,161 37,233 Total current liabilities 20,201 419,211 16,244 181,928 637,584 Long term liabilities: Capital lease payable 240,592 240,592 Compensated absences 19,971 7,142 48,900 76,013 Total liabilities 40,172 419,211 23,386 471,420 954,189 Net Assets: Invested in capital assets (net of related debt) 5,210,453 260,019 300,833 227,827 5,999,132 Unreserved 128,210 391,672 7,588 70,684 598,154 Total net assets 5,338,663 651,691 308,421 298,511 6,597,286 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 5,378,835 $ 1,070,902 $ 331,807 $ 769,931 $ 7,551,475 FUND FUND FACILITIES MAINTENANCE FUND CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS INFORMATION SERVICES FLEET MANAGEMENT COMBINING STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND NET ASSETS INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FLEET JOINT FACILITIES INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SERVICES MAINTENANCE SERVICES FUND FUND FUND FUND 2004 OPERATING REVENUES - Charges for services $ 1,137,507 $ 4,737,829 $ 618,251 $ 1,330,405 $ 7,823,992 OPERATING EXPENSES: Administration 664,150 664,150 Accounting 484,365 484,365 City wide HR services 398,053 398,053 Customer service 116,507 116,507 Economic development administration 261,394 261,394 Employee and organizational services 364,458 364,458 Facilities maintenance contracts 477,403 477,403 Facilities maintenance services 110,078 110,078 Finance and administration 377,995 377,995 Fleet management operations 239,640 239,640 Information resources 679,202 679,202 Information resources capital replacement & contracts 603,028 603,028 Joint services contracts 416,910 416,910 Legal services 375,053 375,053 Purchasing and properties 368,712 368,712 Service center 520,485 520,485 Systems engineering 506,085 506,085 Utility office 730,394 730,394 Depreciation 780,310 6,359 48,391 211,039 1,046,099 Total operating expenses 1,540,435 5,070,435 635,872 1,493,269 8,740,011 NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)(402,928) (332,606) (17,621) (162,864) (916,019) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Investment earnings 5,935 13,936 3,537 7,256 30,664 Loss on sale of assets (60,989)(60,989) Other 85,251 171,308 466 257,025 Total nonoperating revenues (expenses) 30,197 185,244 3,537 7,722 226,700 INCOME BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS (372,731) (147,362) (14,084) (155,142) (689,319) CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS: Capital contributions 474,904 1,696 476,600 Transfers in 1,146,465 225,000 3,558 1,375,023 Transfers out (60,874) (44,299) (105,173) Total contributions and transfers 1,560,495 180,701 1,696 3,558 1,746,450 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 1,187,764 33,339 (12,388) (151,584) 1,057,131 NET ASSETS, Beginning of period 4,150,899 618,352 320,809 450,095 5,540,155 NET ASSETS, End of period $ 5,338,663 $ 651,691 $ 308,421 $ 298,511 $ 6,597,286 TOTAL CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS COMBINING STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FLEET JOINT FACILITIES INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SERVICES MAINTENANCE SERVICES TOTALS FUND FUND FUND FUND 2004 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Department contributions $ 1,145,376 $ 4,716,892 $ 618,251 $ 1,330,405 $ 7,810,924 Payments to suppliers (564,619) (1,929,930) (511,651) (635,871) (3,642,071) Payments to employees for services (224,581) (2,960,171) (81,469) (531,271) (3,797,492) Net cash provided by (used for) operating activities 356,176 (173,209) 25,131 163,263 371,361 CASH FLOWS FROM NONCAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES Transfers in 1,146,465 225,000 3,558 1,375,023 Transfers out (60,874) (44,299) (105,173) Net cash provided by (used for) noncapital financing activities 1,085,591 180,701 3,558 1,269,850 CASH FLOWS FROM CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITES: Acquisition of capital assets (1,503,148) (9,521) (50,961) (283,120) (1,846,750) Reduction in capital lease 81,301 81,301 Proceeds from sale of assets 54,950 54,950 Net cash provided by (used for) capital and related financing activities (1,448,198) (9,521) (50,961) (201,819) (1,710,499) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Interest received 5,935 13,936 3,537 7,255 30,663 Change in temporary investments (28,377) (99,539) 6,306 (15,592) (137,202) Net cash provided by (used for) investing activities (22,442) (85,603) 9,843 (8,337) (106,539) Net increase (decrease) in cash (28,873) (87,632) (15,987) (43,335) (175,827) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 84,439 269,297 25,385 100,530 479,651 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 55,566 181,665 9,398 57,195 303,824 Classified as: Current assets 55,566 181,665 9,398 57,195 303,824 Total $55,566 $181,665 $9,398 $57,195 $303,824 Non-cash disclosure Equity transfer $ 4,700 $4,700 Equipment acquired with capital lease $ 283,120 $283,120 Governmental transfers to internal service funds $474,904 $ 1,696 $476,600 (continued) CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME TO NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FLEET JOINT FACILITIES INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SERVICES MAINTENANCE SERVICES FUND FUND FUND FUND 2004 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)$ (402,928) $ (332,606) $ (17,621) $ (162,864) $ (916,019) Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) to cash provided by (used in) operating activities: Depreciation 780,310 6,359 48,391 211,039 1,046,099 Other income 30,302 171,308 466 202,076 Decrease (increase) in prepaid expenses (700) (700) Decrease (increase) in inventories (487) (487) Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable 7,869 (20,937) (13,068) Increase (decrease) in accounts payable (60,213) 3,854 (7,744) 95,026 30,923 Increase (decrease) in compensated absences payable 836 2,105 19,596 22,537 Net cash provided by (used for) operating activities $356,176 $(173,209)$25,131 $163,263 $371,361 TOTALS Supplementary Individual Fund Financial Statements – Enterprise Funds These supplementary statements are included to provide management additional information for financial analysis. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS ELECTRIC FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 and 2003 TOTALS 2004 2003 ASSETS: Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 398,578 $ 478,112 Cash and cash equivalents - restricted 190,394 271,500 Investments 804,869 482,196 Investments - restricted 386,558 271,500 Accounts receivable: Services (net of allowance for uncollectibles) 4,878,799 4,635,739 Other 20,276 23,942 Due from other funds 515,593 Inventories 1,502,689 1,214,174 Total current assets 8,182,163 7,892,756 Noncurrent Assets: Long-term note receivables 48,235 Deferred charges - bond issuance costs 307,753 318,166 Total noncurrent assets 307,753 366,401 Property, Plant and Equipment: Land and land rights 193,735 193,735 Distribution system 44,363,262 41,476,839 Buildings and improvements 73,707 404,000 Machinery, furniture and equipment 496,664 546,758 Total cost property and equipment 45,127,368 42,621,332 Less accumulated depreciation (14,388,715) (12,856,110) Net property and equipment 30,738,653 29,765,222 TOTAL ASSETS $ 39,228,569 $ 38,024,379 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS: Liabilities: Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 2,379,376 $ 3,463,456 Compensated absence 76,868 73,881 Current portion of long-term debt 765,552 689,465 Accrued interest 63,810 56,234 Total current liabilities 3,285,606 4,283,036 Current liabilities payable from restricted assets: Customer deposits 576,953 543,000 Total current liabilities payable from restricted assets 576,953 543,000 Long term liabilities: Compensated absence 154,643 143,446 Long-term debt 9,293,036 8,584,155 Total liabilities 13,310,238 13,553,637 Net Assets: Invested in capital assets (net of related debt) 20,680,065 20,491,602 Restricted for: Future construction 120,420 Unrestricted 5,238,266 3,858,720 Total net assets 25,918,331 24,470,742 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 39,228,569 $ 38,024,379 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS ELECTRIC FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND NET ASSETS FISCAL YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 AND 2003 2004 2003 OPERATING REVENUES: Electric services $ 29,199,618 $ 25,916,557 Other: Penalties 301,900 308,843 Connection and hookup fees 651,424 463,996 Total other 953,324 772,839 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 30,152,942 26,689,396 OPERATING EXPENSES: Electric operations: Personnel 1,301,435 1,072,704 Operations 1,029,800 817,261 Total electric operations 2,331,235 1,889,965 Depreciation 1,889,471 1,738,143 Electric contracts 21,518,386 19,839,696 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 25,739,092 23,467,804 NET OPERATING INCOME 4,413,850 3,221,592 NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Investment earnings 46,466 38,132 Interest and fiscal charges (497,981) (489,703) Other 508,437 574,119 Total nonoperating revenues (expenses) 56,922 122,548 INCOME BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS 4,470,772 3,344,140 CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS: Capital contributions 613,926 Transfers in Transfers out (3,637,109) (3,090,059) Total contributions and transfers (3,023,183) (3,090,059) CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 1,447,589 254,081 NET ASSETS, Beginning of period 24,470,742 24,216,661 NET ASSETS, End of period $ 25,918,331 $ 24,470,742 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS WATER SERVICES FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 and 2003 TOTALS 2004 2003 ASSETS: Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 3,034,938 $ 4,210,506 Cash and cash equivalents - restricted 1,036,304 Investments 5,779,605 4,177,682 Investments - restricted 2,478,649 Prepaid expenses 929,671 1,121,049 Accounts receivable: Services (net of allowance for uncollectibles) 2,421,924 3,137,454 Due from other funds 122,902 Total current assets 15,803,993 12,646,691 Noncurrent Assets: Long-term note receivables 9,673,781 11,573,750 Deferred charges - bond issuance costs 1,010,365 1,066,561 Total noncurrent assets 10,684,146 12,640,311 Property, Plant and Equipment: Land and land rights 475,070 475,070 Distribution system 100,570,493 79,449,313 Buildings and improvements 3,019,794 3,005,294 Machinery, furniture and equipment 207,947 199,387 Construction in progress 4,985,311 11,384,576 Total cost property and equipment 109,258,615 94,513,640 Less accumulated depreciation (20,907,067) (18,819,126) Net property and equipment 88,351,548 75,694,514 TOTAL ASSETS $ 114,839,687 $ 100,981,516 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS: Liabilities: Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 663,885 $ 765,429 Compensated absence 61,405 57,752 Current portion of long-term debt 2,101,330 1,845,286 Accrued interest 177,396 149,613 Total current liabilities 3,004,016 2,818,080 Current liabilities payable from restricted assets: Construction contracts and retainages payable 243,643 587,185 Total current liabilities payable from restricted assets 243,643 587,185 Long term liabilities: Compensated absence 126,008 116,352 Deferred revenue 1,264,924 99,936 Long-term debt 26,743,846 23,379,610 Total liabilities 31,382,437 27,001,163 Net Assets: Invested in capital assets (net of related debt) 59,506,372 50,469,618 Restricted for: Future construction 389,312 723,805 Unrestricted 23,561,566 22,786,930 Total net assets 83,457,250 73,980,353 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 114,839,687 $ 100,981,516 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS WATER SERVICES FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND NET ASSETS FISCAL YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 AND 2003 2004 2003 OPERATING REVENUES: Water/Irrigation: Water services $ 8,809,186 $ 8,814,789 Wastewater services 5,425,273 4,929,301 Irrigation services 130,498 166,751 Water taps 717,469 737,452 Total water/irrigation 15,082,426 14,648,293 Other: Penalties 181,388 188,979 Connection and hookup fees 77,110 62,453 Service fees 159,377 2,261,386 Total other 417,875 2,512,818 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 15,500,301 17,161,111 OPERATING EXPENSES: Water services distribution: Personnel 1,014,193 587,592 Operations 1,816,913 1,001,025 Total water services distribution 2,831,106 1,588,617 Depreciation 2,224,838 2,130,876 Water services plant management 2,438,397 2,598,131 Water services contracts 4,301,102 4,206,469 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 11,795,443 10,524,093 NET OPERATING INCOME 3,704,858 6,637,018 NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Investment earnings 377,521 117,819 Interest and fiscal charges (1,422,905) (1,179,116) Other 1,184,751 1,616,742 Total nonoperating revenue (expenses) 139,367 555,445 INCOME BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS, EXTRAORDINARY ITEMS, AND TRANSFERS 3,844,225 7,192,463 CONTRIBUTIONS, EXTRAORDINARY ITEMS, AND TRANSFERS: Capital contributions 7,326,368 1,213,867 Extraordinary item - SIP 11,518,384 Transfers out (1,693,696) (1,600,835) Total contributions, extraordinary item, and transfers 5,632,672 11,131,416 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 9,476,897 18,323,879 NET ASSETS, Beginning of period 73,980,353 55,656,474 NET ASSETS, End of period $ 83,457,250 $ 73,980,353 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS AIRPORT FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 and 2003 TOTALS 2004 2003 ASSETS: Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 124,398 $ 219,692 Investments 252,565 219,692 Accounts receivable: Services (net of allowance for uncollectibles) 122,875 75,973 Other 789 790 Inventories 12,691 10,678 Total current assets 513,318 526,825 Noncurrent Assets: Deferred charges - bond issuance costs 17,500 18,750 Total noncurrent assets 17,500 18,750 Property, Plant and Equipment: Land and land rights 981,500 981,500 Buildings and improvements 7,597,187 7,597,187 Machinery, furniture and equipment 127,577 127,577 Construction in progress 50,000 Total cost property and equipment 8,756,264 8,706,264 Less accumulated depreciation (3,903,006) (3,478,794) Net property and equipment 4,853,258 5,227,470 TOTAL ASSETS $ 5,384,076 $ 5,773,045 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS: Liabilities: Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 44,844 $ 60,723 Compensated absence 11,510 11,810 Current portion of long-term debt 100,120 128,574 Accrued interest 11,051 11,960 Total current liabilities 167,525 213,067 Long term liabilities: Compensated absence 25,104 26,093 Long-term debt 1,705,644 1,805,917 Total liabilities 1,898,273 2,045,077 Net Assets: Invested in capital assets (net of related debt) 3,047,494 3,292,979 Unrestricted 438,309 434,989 Total net assets 3,485,803 3,727,968 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 5,384,076 $ 5,773,045 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS AIRPORT FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND NET ASSETS FISCAL YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 AND 2003 2004 2003 OPERATING REVENUES: Fuel sales $ 1,223,120 $ 989,501 Contract leases 125,775 125,425 Hangar/tiedown rental fees 314,769 339,985 Terminal sales 3,489 4,613 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 1,667,153 1,459,524 OPERATING EXPENSES: Administration: Personnel 199,239 208,621 Operations 1,243,901 1,039,826 Total administration 1,443,140 1,248,447 Depreciation 424,212 424,562 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1,867,352 1,673,009 NET OPERATING LOSS (200,199) (213,485) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) Investment earnings 5,243 9,930 Interest and fiscal charges (95,473) (100,919) Donations and grants 181 12,861 Other 48,083 55,091 Total nonoperating revenues (expenses) (41,966) (23,037) CHANGE IN NET ASSETS (242,165) (236,522) NET ASSETS, Beginning of period 3,727,968 3,964,490 NET ASSETS, End of period $ 3,485,803 $ 3,727,968 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS SANITATION FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 and 2003 TOTALS 2004 2003 ASSETS: Current Assets: Accounts receivable: Services (net of allowance for uncollectibles) $ 384,187 $ 333,756 Total current assets 384,187 333,756 Property, Plant and Equipment: Machinery, furniture and equipment 52,000 52,000 Total cost property and equipment 52,000 52,000 Less accumulated depreciation (52,000) (52,000) Net property and equipment TOTAL ASSETS $ 384,187 $ 333,756 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS: Liabilities: Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 240,145 $ 189,884 Due to other funds 113,836 71,053 Total current liabilities 353,981 260,937 Net Assets: Unrestricted 30,206 72,819 Total net assets 30,206 72,819 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 384,187 $ 333,756 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS SANITATION FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND NET ASSETS FISCAL YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 AND 2003 2004 2003 OPERATING REVENUES: Sanitation: Sanitation services $ 2,887,822 $ 2,744,373 Landfill fees Total sanitation 2,887,822 2,744,373 Other: Penalties 31,249 36,706 Connection and hookup fees 13,409 10,388 Total other 44,658 47,094 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 2,932,480 2,791,467 OPERATING EXPENSES: Sanitation contracts 2,740,495 2,577,159 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 2,740,495 2,577,159 NET OPERATING INCOME 191,985 214,308 INCOME BEFORE TRANSFERS 191,985 214,308 TRANSFERS (OUT): Transfers out (234,598) (223,317) Total transfers (out) (234,598) (223,317) CHANGE IN NET ASSETS (42,613) (9,009) NET ASSETS, Beginning of period 72,819 81,828 NET ASSETS, End of period $ 30,206 $ 72,819 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS STORMWATER DRAINAGE FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 and 2003 TOTALS 2004 2003 ASSETS: Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 112,531 $ 100,868 Cash and cash equivalents - restricted 25,827 Investments 228,472 92,396 Accounts receivable: Services (net of allowance for uncollectibles) 165,915 142,121 Total current assets 506,918 361,212 Noncurrent Assets: Deferred charges - bond issuance costs 66,177 71,630 Total noncurrent assets 66,177 71,630 Property, Plant and Equipment: Distribution system 7,844,621 4,451,329 Machinery, furniture and equipment 14,050 14,050 Construction in progress 45,975 26,010 Total cost property and equipment 7,904,646 4,491,389 Less accumulated depreciation (681,782) (493,110) Net property and equipment 7,222,864 3,998,279 TOTAL ASSETS $ 7,795,959 $ 4,431,121 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS: Liabilities: Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 23,399 $ 40,641 Compensated absence 13,760 14,017 Current portion of long-term debt 137,119 123,740 Accrued interest 16,699 17,452 Total current liabilities 190,977 195,850 Long term liabilities: Compensated absence 27,559 26,885 Long-term debt 2,318,682 2,455,801 Total liabilities 2,537,218 2,678,536 Net Assets: Invested in capital assets (net of related debt) 4,767,063 1,418,738 Unrestricted 491,678 333,847 Total net assets 5,258,741 1,752,585 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 7,795,959 $ 4,431,121 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS STORMWATER DRAINAGE FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND NET ASSETS FISCAL YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 AND 2003 2004 2003 OPERATING REVENUES: Stormwater drainage fees $ 1,314,241 $ 1,196,006 Other: Penalties 11,467 9,178 Service fees 6,253 3,948 Total other 17,720 13,126 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 1,331,961 1,209,132 OPERATING EXPENSES: Stormwater drainage: Personnel 224,095 216,327 Operations 536,607 452,047 Total stormwater drainage 760,702 668,374 Depreciation 188,672 133,034 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 949,374 801,408 NET OPERATING INCOME 382,587 407,724 NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Investment earnings 14,937 (6,016) Interest and fiscal charges (37,502) (40,184) Total nonoperating revenue (expenses) (22,565) (46,200) INCOME BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS 360,022 361,524 CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS: Capital contributions 3,252,691 Transfers out (106,557) (164,341) Total contributions and transfers 3,146,134 (164,341) CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 3,506,156 197,183 NET ASSETS, Beginning of period 1,752,585 1,555,402 NET ASSETS, End of period $ 5,258,741 $ 1,752,585 Agency Fund Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities The Agency Fund is used to account for assets and liabilities held by the City acting as an agent for others. Cafeteria Plan-Flexible Spending - to account for the City’s Internal Revenue Code Section 125 Cafeteria Plan for employees. Public Improvement Districts (PID) - to account for the receipt of the revenue collected from property assessments paid by Cimarron Hills residents to fund the infrastructure of the new development. The City acts as an agent for the collection of the assessments and then sends the revenue to an Escrow Agent for Cimarron Hills. to account for the receipt of the revenue collected from property assessments paid by property owners in the Shell Road Public Improvement District. The City acts as an agent for the creation of the PID and collection of the assessments and then sends the revenue to Williamson County, who provided the initial up-front costs for road construction. Texas Capital Fund Repayments - to account for the lease payments received from businesses who have benefited from the Texas Capital Fund economic development grants and the corresponding payments to the state to repay the grants. Reedholm Instruments, Inc., Xycarb Ceramics, and USA Schunk Quartz, Inc., are the businesses currently in the repayment/lease mode for these grants. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS AGENCY FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 BALANCE BALANCE OCTOBER 1, SEPTEMBER 30, 2003 ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS 2004 Cafeteria Plan-Flex Spending: ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents $ 5,347 $ 131,956 $ 128,332 $ 8,971 TOTAL ASSETS $ 5,347 $ 131,956 $ 128,332 $ 8,971 LIABILITIES: Accounts payable $ 5,347 $ 131,956 $ 128,332 $ 8,971 TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 5,347 $131,956 $128,332 $8,971 Public Improvement Districts: ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents $ 11,988 $ 260,692 $ 233,775 $ 38,905 Accounts receivable 2,295 532,357 2,295 532,357 TOTAL ASSETS $ 14,283 $ 793,049 $ 236,070 $ 571,262 LIABILITIES: Accounts payable $ 14,283 $ 263,412 $ 236,070 $ 41,625 Due to other governments 529,637 529,637 TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 14,283 $ 793,049 $ 236,070 $ 571,262 Texas Capital Fund Repayments: ASSETS: Accounts receivable $ 981,286 $ 69,590 $ 911,696 TOTAL ASSETS $ 981,286 $ 69,590 $ 911,696 LIABILITIES: Due to other governments $ 981,286 $ 69,590 $ 911,696 TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 981,286 $ 69,590 $ 911,696 TOTAL AGENCY FUNDS ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents $ 17,335 $ 392,648 $ 362,107 $ 47,876 Accounts receivable 983,581 532,357 71,885 1,444,053 TOTAL ASSETS $ 1,000,916 $ 925,005 $ 433,992 $ 1,491,929 LIABILITIES: Accounts payable $ 19,630 $ 395,368 $ 364,402 $ 50,596 Due to other governments 981,286 529,637 69,590 1,441,333 TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 1,000,916 $ 395,368 $ 433,992 $ 1,491,929 Capital Assets Used in the Operation of Governmental Funds CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS CAPITAL ASSETS USED IN THE OPERATION OF GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS COMPARATIVE SCHEDULES BY SOURCE SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 and 2003 2004 2003 GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS CAPITAL ASSETS Land $ 3,078,386 $ 2,778,313 Buildings 19,158,378 18,081,845 Improvements 103,073,671 100,240,591 Machinery, furniture and equipment 1,509,910 1,505,268 Construction in progress 3,582,988 3,037,328 TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS CAPITAL ASSETS $ 130,403,333 $ 125,643,345 INVESTMENT IN GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS CAPITAL ASSETS General Fund $ 884,236 $ 875,724 Capital Projects Funds: General obligation bonds and certificates of obligation 32,509,152 30,093,066 State grant 200,000 200,000 Other 84,854,627 82,752,837 Special Revenue Funds: Federal grant 2,225,943 2,495,646 Other 2,211,298 2,144,429 State grant 3,689,663 3,689,663 Transfer from proprietary fund 1,851,975 1,415,541 Acquisitions prior to August 31, 1985 - source undetermined 1,976,439 1,976,439 TOTAL INVESTMENT IN GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS CAPITAL ASSETS $ 130,403,333 $ 125,643,345 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS CAPITAL ASSETS USED IN THE OPERATION OF GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS SCHEDULE BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 LAND BUILDINGS IMPROVEMENTS EQUIPMENT CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS TOTAL FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY Culture-recreation Library $ 1,292,711 $ 61,340 $ 275,549 $ 1,629,600 Parks administration 639,193 824,902 14,583 1,478,678 Parks maintenance $ 660,333 5,985 2,321,885 162,761 3,150,964 Recreation 83,246 91,867 17,235 192,348 Total culture-recreation 743,579 1,937,889 3,299,994 470,128 6,451,590 Development Planning administration 21,995 65,279 87,274 Current planning 25,000 25,000 Long range planning 9,212 9,212 Inspections 29,206 29,206 Total development 21,995 128,697 150,692 Economic development Administration 25,000 5,489 30,489 Total economic development 25,000 5,489 30,489 Fire Administation 14,890 14,890 Operations 367,101 142,724 184,876 694,701 Total fire 367,101 142,724 199,766 709,591 General Government City council 593,084 792,722 146,832 107,998 1,640,636 City manager's office 435,204 15,592 23,621 474,417 Facilities 223,810 9,996,146 481,901 12,995 10,714,852 General government 341,612 5,998,999 3,148,474 120,332 9,609,417 Total general government 1,593,710 16,787,867 3,792,799 264,946 22,439,322 Highways and streets Bridges 4,277,690 4,277,690 Streets 89,429,800 89,429,800 Streets capital improvements 741,097 1,616,841 274,390 2,632,328 Total highways and streets 741,097 95,324,331 274,390 96,339,818 Police Administration 65,521 466,828 44,331 576,680 Support services bureau 38,840 38,840 Field operations bureau 46,035 46,035 Animal services 28,954 28,954 Municipal court 8,334 8,334 Total police 65,521 466,828 166,494 698,843 TOTAL CAPITAL ASSETS 3,078,386 19,158,378 103,073,671 1,509,910 126,820,345 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS $ 3,582,988 3,582,988 3,582,988 3,582,988 TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS CAPITAL ASSETS $ 3,078,386 $ 19,158,378 $ 103,073,671 $ 1,509,910 $ 3,582,988 $ 130,403,333 This schedule presents only the capital asset balances related to governmental funds. Accordingly, the capital assets related to internal service funds are excluded from the above amounts. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS CAPITAL ASSETS USED IN THE OPERATION OF GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS SCHEDULE OF CHANGES BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 BALANCE 9/30/2003 ADDITIONS DELETIONS BALANCE 9/30/2004 FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY Culture-recreation Library $ 1,629,600 $ 1,629,600 Parks administration 1,478,678 1,478,678 Parks maintenance 3,157,464 (6,500) 3,150,964 Recreation 192,348 192,348 Total culture-recreation 6,458,090 - (6,500) 6,451,590 Development Planning administration 80,618 $ 6,656 87,274 Current planning 25,000 25,000 Long range planning 9,212 9,212 Inspections 29,206 29,206 Total development 134,824 15,868 - 150,692 Economic development Administration 30,489 30,489 Total economic development 30,489 - 30,489 Fire Administation 14,890 14,890 Operations 647,991 46,710 694,701 Total fire 662,881 46,710 - 709,591 General Government City council 1,640,636 1,640,636 City manager's office 554,160 (79,743) 474,417 Facilities 10,511,229 203,623 10,714,852 General government 10,324,085 (714,668) 9,609,417 Total general government 23,030,110 203,623 (794,411) 22,439,322 Highways and streets Bridges 2,002,842 2,274,848 4,277,690 Streets 88,037,635 1,392,165 89,429,800 Streets capital improvements 1,563,807 1,114,343 (45,822) 2,632,328 Total highways and streets 91,604,284 4,781,356 (45,822) 96,339,818 Police Administration 571,510 5,170 576,680 Support services bureau 38,840 38,840 Field operations bureau 46,035 46,035 Animal services 28,954 28,954 Municipal court 8,334 8,334 Total police 685,339 13,504 - 698,843 TOTAL CAPITAL ASSETS 122,606,017 5,061,061 (846,733) 126,820,345 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 3,037,328 4,723,952 (4,178,292) 3,582,988 3,037,328 4,723,952 (4,178,292) 3,582,988 TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS CAPITAL ASSETS $ 125,643,345 $ 9,785,013 $(5,025,025) $ 130,403,333 This schedule presents only the capital asset balances related to governmental funds. Accordingly, the capital assets related to internal service funds are excluded from the above amounts. Statistical Section CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS GOVERNMENT-WIDE EXPENSES BY FUNCTION LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS FISCAL CULTURE- GENERAL INTEREST ON YEAR RECREATION DEVELOPMENT FIRE GOVERNMENT LONG TERM DEBT 2003 $ 4,165,382 $ 1,607,886 $ 3,611,523 $ 3,715,369 $ 1,241,202 2004 4,773,059 1,956,243 3,862,168 4,005,079 1,253,934 Source: Current year government-wide financials Note: City of Georgetown first applied GASB Statement No. 34 in fiscal year 2003; therefore, government-wide financial information for years prior to fiscal year 2003 is not available. GOVERNMENT-WIDE REVENUES LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS FISCAL CHARGES FOR OPERATING GRANTS CAPITAL GRANTS YEAR SERVICES & CONTRIBUTIONS & CONTRIBUTIONS 2003 $ 49,548,649 $ 228,828 $ 3,770,954 2004 54,265,972 176,169 12,161,173 Source: Current year government-wide financials Note: City of Georgetown first applied GASB Statement No. 34 in fiscal year 2003; therefore, government-wide financial information for years prior to fiscal year 2003 is not available. PROGRAM REVENUES STORM- POLICE STREETS AIRPORT ELECTRIC SANITATION WATER WATER TOTAL $ 5,476,245 $ 3,267,717 $ 1,773,928 $ 23,957,507 $ 2,577,159 $ 841,591 $ 11,727,956 $ 63,963,465 5,833,644 2,752,225 1,962,826 26,237,073 2,740,495 986,876 13,218,349 69,581,971 EXTRA- FRANCHISE INTEREST ON ORDINARY TAXES TAXES INVESTMENTS ITEM OTHER TOTAL $ 13,032,245 $ 1,579,729 $ 356,967 $ 13,623,784 $ 3,429,743 $ 85,570,899 14,909,016 1,844,683 616,118 1,349,525 $ 85,322,656 GENERAL REVENUES CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS GENERAL ECO- FINANCE PLANNING GEORGETOWN FISCAL GOVERN- NOMIC AND AND UTILITY COMMUNITY PARKS & YEAR MENT DEVEL. ADMIN. DEVEL. SYSTEMS/STREETS SERVICES RECREATION 1995 $1,281,938 $468,529 $ 580,006 $ 564,330 $ 583,304 $ 795,960 1996 1,562,102 517,795 788,069 620,105 234,581 940,668 1997 1,723,910 793,699 1,034,875 844,465 526,901 1,341,113 1998 2,145,945 924,655 1,301,416 923,664 657,417 2,284,301 1999 1,943,998 135,221 (1) 1,276,021 971,154 669,869 2,587,431 2000 2,070,926 156,128 1,284,017 1,032,006 678,484 2,989,751 2001 2,182,504 (2)$329,712 163,329 1,253,338 1,193,979 1,358,942 2,520,044 2002 3,466,322 396,595 217,437 1,666,489 1,885,222 (3) 2,611,676 2003 2,381,789 (4) (4) 1,565,612 1,587,154 3,904,361 (4) 2004 2,739,941 1,914,223 1,931,782 4,509,436 Expenditures presented include the General, Special Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Projects funds. (1) Beginning in 1999, administrative departments were transferred to the Joint Services Internal Service Fund, thereby reducing both the expense and the interfund charges for service. (2) Beginning in 2000, the Economic Development function was added. (3) Beginning in 2001, the Community Services division was eliminated and the functions were consolidated into General government. (4) Beginning in 2003, departments were reorganized to reflect functions for GASB 34. The following changes occurred. Animal Services and Municipal Court are moved to Police and the Library is moved to Parks and Recreation. CAPITAL INTERFUND INFOR- OUTLAY CHARGES FIRE POLICE MATION DEBT AND FOR SERVICES SERVICES RESOURCES SERVICE OTHER SERVICES TOTAL $ 1,069,107 $ 1,889,564 $ 872,849 $2,235,742 $ (669,609)$ 9,671,720 1,481,988 2,218,453 $ 630,086 981,750 2,779,312 (950,958)11,803,951 1,757,429 2,798,512 881,427 1,086,144 7,450,727 (1,423,881)18,815,321 1,815,629 3,085,201 10,000 1,292,613 5,916,050 (1,786,848)18,570,043 2,415,371 3,626,258 2,465 1,676,438 4,902,985 (734,213) (1)19,472,998 2,513,832 3,867,001 10,000 1,709,802 4,248,563 (821,512)19,738,998 3,104,714 4,081,794 2,375,752 5,726,880 (739,719)23,551,269 3,400,239 4,351,802 2,204,797 3,325,393 (843,739)22,682,233 3,507,243 5,359,643 (4) 2,400,861 9,749,963 (762,433)29,694,193 3,832,320 5,585,002 2,516,716 6,570,321 (833,962)28,765,779 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL REVENUES BY SOURCE LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS SALES AND LICENSES FISCAL AD VALOREM OTHER AND INTER- YEAR TAXES TAXES PERMITS GOVERNMENTAL 1995 $ 1,737,848 $ 2,463,807 (1) $ 307,043 $ 427,002 1996 2,008,801 3,051,092 809,909 522,935 1997 2,494,649 3,254,884 567,936 1,211,758 1998 3,491,301 3,678,293 512,818 1,194,178 1999 4,224,047 4,189,934 530,896 1,471,358 2000 4,797,764 5,143,020 662,344 942,251 2001 5,186,933 5,337,327 731,600 171,240 2002 5,991,068 7,092,195 827,395 214,356 2003 6,596,246 8,057,144 866,451 228,827 2004 7,217,442 9,642,430 1,078,048 286,246 (1) Beginning 1994, Includes Special Revenue Funds, Convention & Visitor's Bureau (Hotel/Motel Taxes), Sales Taxes, Franchise Taxes, Industrial District Taxes, and other taxes. Revenues presented include the General, Special Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Projects funds. (2) Recreation fees were recorded in interest and other prior to 2002. CHARGES INTEREST FOR FINES AND AND SERVICES FORFEITURES OTHER TOTAL $ 106,477 $ 67,970 $ 773,561 $ 5,883,708 101,933 116,027 2,015,089 8,625,786 105,104 162,607 5,181,380 12,978,318 110,415 219,791 3,054,803 12,261,599 116,541 239,511 1,573,773 12,346,060 121,931 319,886 2,104,681 14,091,877 130,031 417,192 2,012,136 13,986,459 817,255 (2) 419,297 1,274,227 16,635,793 946,450 533,703 3,737,716 20,966,537 919,219 684,999 1,018,457 20,846,841 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS PROPERTY TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS CURRENT PERCENT DELINQUENT FISCAL TOTAL TAX OF LEVY TAX YEAR TAX LEVY COLLECTIONS COLLECTED COLLECTIONS 1995 $ 1,724,177 $ 1,686,154 97.79% $ 31,455 1996 1,985,203 1,938,938 97.67% 43,769 1997 2,466,560 2,422,650 98.22% 49,326 1998 3,442,328 3,394,192 98.60% 64,205 1999 4,195,903 4,145,351 98.80% 48,279 2000 4,952,688 4,726,489 95.43% 56,614 2001 5,357,851 5,115,255 95.47% 64,518 2002 6,201,997 5,979,605 96.41% 22,186 2003 6,912,129 6,598,745 95.47% 46,401 2004 7,525,174 7,215,477 95.88% 30,046 Source: City of Georgetown Tax Assessor. TOTAL OUTSTANDING COLLECTIONS DELINQUENT AS A PERCENT OUTSTANDING TAXES AS A TOTAL TAX OF CURRENT DELINQUENT PERCENT OF COLLECTIONS LEVY TAXES CURRENT LEVY $ 1,717,609 99.62%$ 193,893 11.25% 1,982,707 99.87%195,046 9.82% 2,471,976 100.22%181,820 7.37% 3,458,397 100.47%163,595 4.75% 4,193,630 99.95%161,326 3.84% 4,783,103 96.58%169,585 3.42% 5,179,773 96.68%178,078 3.32% 6,001,791 96.77%200,206 3.23% 6,645,146 96.14%266,983 3.86% 7,245,523 96.28%279,652 3.72% CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS ASSESSED AND ESTIMATED ACTUAL VALUE OF TAXABLE PROPERTY LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS REAL PROPERTY PERSONAL PROPERTY ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FISCAL ASSESSED ACTUAL ASSESSED ACTUAL YEAR VALUE(1)VALUE VALUE(1)VALUE 1995 $ 422,406,583 $ 422,406,583 $ 60,374,198 $ 60,374,198 1996 467,611,075 467,611,075 71,336,431 71,336,431 1997 558,828,511 558,828,511 74,640,539 74,640,539 1998 900,336,306 900,336,306 83,786,893 83,786,893 1999 1,103,282,662 1,103,282,662 96,548,570 96,548,570 2000 1,278,247,074 1,278,247,074 131,824,968 131,824,968 2001 1,450,396,227 1,450,396,227 178,948,682 178,948,682 2002 1,660,732,507 1,660,732,507 178,037,876 178,037,876 2003 1,915,334,794 1,915,334,794 200,707,337 200,707,337 2004 1,935,628,300 1,935,628,300 196,487,678 196,487,678 Source: City of Georgetown Tax Assessor. (1) Net of exemptions. TOTAL RATIO OF TOTAL ESTIMATED ASSESSED VALUE ASSESSED ACTUAL TO TOTAL ESTIMATED VALUE(1)VALUE ACTUAL VALUE $ 482,780,781 $ 482,780,781 100.00% 538,947,506 538,947,506 100.00% 633,469,050 633,469,050 100.00% 984,123,199 984,123,199 100.00% 1,199,831,232 1,199,831,232 100.00% 1,410,072,042 1,410,072,042 100.00% 1,629,344,909 1,629,344,909 100.00% 1,838,770,383 1,838,770,383 100.00% 2,116,042,131 2,116,042,131 100.00% 2,132,115,978 2,132,115,978 100.00% CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS PROPERTY TAX RATES - DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING GOVERNMENTS (PER $100 OF ASSESSED VALUE) LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS CITY OF GEORGETOWN DEBT GEORGETOWN FISCAL GENERAL SERVICE TOTAL INDEPENDENT WILLIAMSON YEAR FUND FUND CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT COUNTY TOTAL 1995 0.20 0.16 0.36 1.44 0.34 2.14 1996 0.20 0.17 0.37 1.44 0.32 2.13 1997 0.21 0.17 0.38 1.44 0.32 2.14 1998 0.20 0.15 0.35 1.62 0.35 2.32 1999 0.21 0.14 0.35 1.75 0.35 2.45 2000 0.21 0.13 0.34 1.63 0.35 2.32 2001 0.20 0.11 0.31 1.74 0.40 2.45 2002 0.20 0.11 0.31 1.69 0.40 2.40 2003 0.20 0.10 0.30 1.73 0.46 2.49 2004 0.22 0.10 0.32 1.77 0.48 2.57 Source: Information furnished by respective tax assessors. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS PRINCIPAL TAXPAYERS SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL ASSESSED ASSESSED TAXPAYER TYPE OF BUSINESS VALUE VALUE(1) Del Webb Texas LTD Development $ 22,953,679 1.08% SPG Wolf Ranch LP Development 13,318,758 0.62% Verizon Southwest Utility 13,195,030 0.62% Wal-Mart Real Estate Retail/Grocer 11,330,873 0.53% KH-Georgetown Partners LTD Development 10,540,552 0.49% Rivery Towne Crossing LP Development 10,362,207 0.49% HE Butt Grocery Company Grocer 10,318,657 0.48% Rivery Partners LTD Development 10,003,210 0.47% Hewlett Holdings LTD Vehicle Dealership 9,690,832 0.45% MacHaik Ford Lincoln Mercury Vehicle Dealership 9,672,087 0.45% Total $ 121,385,885 5.69% (1) The total assessed valuation for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2004 was certified at $2,132,115,978. Sources: City Tax Assessor/Collector. * Per certified roll. Does not include some major property owners whose property is under protest as of date of certification. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS COMPUTATION OF LEGAL DEBT MARGIN SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 ASSESSED VALUATION $ 2,132,115,978 Allowable tax levy for annual debt service purpose: $1.25 per $100 of assessed valuation, assuming 90% collection rate 23,986,305 2004 annual debt service requirements for general obligation debt: Principal $1,515,249 Interest and fiscal charges 1,433,953 2,949,202 Legal margin for annual debt service requirements $ 21,037,103 NOTE: All taxable property within the City is subject to the assessment, levy and collection by the City of a continuing, direct annual ad valorem tax sufficient to provide for the payment of principal and interest on the Bonds within the limits prescribed by law. Article XI, Section 5, of the Texas Constitution is applicable to the City, and limits the maximum ad valorem tax rate to $2.50 per $100 assessed valuation (for all City purposes). The Charter of the City adopts the provisions of the constitution without further limitation. Under rules promulgated by the Office of the Attorney General of Texas, such office will not approve tax bonds of the City unless the City can demonstrate its ability to pay debt service requirements on all outstanding City tax bonds, including the issue to be approved, from a tax levy of $1.25 per $100 of valuation, based on 90% collection of tax. The legal margin computation includes the general obligation debt that will be repaid by self-supporting sources such as the Airport, Stormwater Drainage and Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC) funds. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS RATIO OF NET GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDED DEBT TO ASSESSED VALUE AND NET GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDED DEBT PER CAPITA LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS GROSS LESS SELF TOTAL TAX FISCAL ASSESSED BONDED SUPPORTING SUPPORTED YEAR POPULATION VALUE (1) DEBT (2) DEBT (3) DEBT 1995 18,500 $ 482,780,781 $ 7,380,000 $ 1,162,840 $ 6,217,160 1996 20,300 538,947,506 6,805,000 1,123,455 5,681,545 1997 24,000 633,469,050 11,330,000 1,081,300 10,248,700 1998 25,500 984,123,199 15,810,000 3,441,669 12,368,331 1999 26,400 1,199,831,232 21,545,000 5,166,122 16,378,878 2000 28,328 1,410,072,042 22,005,000 5,056,908 16,948,092 2001 30,000 1,629,344,909 26,110,000 4,939,385 21,170,615 2002 34,273 1,838,770,383 24,800,000 4,734,374 20,065,626 2003 35,300 2,116,042,131 26,731,486 4,514,031 22,217,455 2004 36,359 2,132,115,978 37,456,237 4,261,564 33,194,673 Sources: City of Georgetown Planning and Development Division and the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce. (1) Net of exemptions. (2) Includes all long-term general obligation debt. (3) Includes general obligation debt repaid from other sources (Airport and Stormwater Drainage funds). (4) Less debt service funds available. RATIO OF NET RATIO OF GROSS LESS DEBT NET BONDED DEBT BONDED DEBT NET BONDED TOTAL BONDED SERVICE FUNDS BONDED TO ASSESSED TO ASSESSED DEBT PER DEBT PER AVAILABLE DEBT VALUE (4)VALUE (4) CAPITA (4) CAPITA (4) $ 191,780 $ 6,025,380 1.25%1.49%325.70 $ 388.55 236,930 5,444,615 1.01%1.22%268.21 323.55 353,913 9,894,787 1.56%1.73%412.28 457.34 522,846 11,845,485 1.20%1.55%464.53 599.50 625,913 15,752,965 1.31%1.74%596.70 792.39 868,584 16,079,508 1.14%1.50%567.62 746.13 628,288 20,542,327 1.26%1.56%684.74 849.39 657,757 19,407,869 1.06%1.31%566.27 704.41 663,644 21,553,811 1.02%1.23%610.59 738.47 768,436 32,426,237 1.52%1.72%891.84 1,009.04 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS RATIO OF ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURES FOR GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDED DEBT TO TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS TOTAL LESS DEBT INTEREST TOTAL SERVICE FISCAL TOTAL AND FISCAL DEBT SELF SUPPORTED YEAR PRINCIPAL CHARGES SERVICE G O DEBT (1) 1995 $ 415,000 $ 473,759 $ 888,759 $ 33,709 1996 575,000 485,052 1,060,052 102,736 1997 660,000 508,027 1,168,027 104,973 1998 740,000 656,281 1,396,281 104,122 1999 1,015,001 883,755 1,898,756 222,317 2000 989,749 1,085,018 2,074,767 364,965 2001 1,365,001 1,229,284 2,594,285 368,533 2002 1,310,000 1,344,863 2,654,863 450,066 2003 1,380,001 1,359,058 2,739,059 553,294 2004 1,515,249 1,433,953 2,949,202 539,679 (1) Includes principal, interest and fiscal charges for self supporting general obligation debt of the Airport, Stormwater Drainage, and Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation. (2) Includes General, Special Revenue, Debt Service, and Capital Projects Funds. RATIO OF TOTAL RATIO OF NET NET TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TO DEBT SERVICE TO DEBT GENERAL TOTAL GENERAL TOTAL GENERAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES (2) EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES $ 855,050 $ 9,671,720 9.19% 8.84% 957,316 11,803,951 8.98% 8.11% 1,063,054 18,815,321 6.21% 5.65% 1,292,159 18,570,043 7.52% 6.96% 1,676,439 19,472,998 9.75% 8.61% 1,709,802 19,738,998 10.51% 8.66% 2,225,752 23,551,269 11.02% 9.45% 2,204,797 22,682,233 11.70% 9.72% 2,185,765 29,694,193 9.22% 7.36% 2,409,523 28,493,859 10.35% 8.46% CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS COMPUTATION OF DIRECT AND ESTIMATED OVERLAPPING BONDED DEBT SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 DEBT CITY'S SHARE (2) PER TAXING BODY AMOUNT AS OF PERCENT AMOUNT CAPITA (1) ESTIMATED OVERLAPPING DEBT: Georgetown I.S.D. $ 70,094,991 6-30-04 57.08% $ 40,008,945 $ 1,100 Williamson County 439,830,000 9-30-04 11.63% 51,141,844 1,407 Total estimated overlapping debt 509,924,991 17.88% 91,150,789 2,507 DIRECT DEBT - City of Georgetown 37,456,237 9-30-04 100.00% 37,456,237 1,030 DIRECT AND ESTIMATED OVERLAPPING DEBT $ 547,381,228 $ 128,607,026 $ 3,537 Source: Jurisdiction listed. (1) GISD population - 61,845 Williamson County population - 303,587 City of Georgetown population - 36,359 (2) Information represents the share of the respective debt which are obligations of the citizens of the City of Georgetown CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS REVENUE BOND COVERAGE UTILITY FUNDS (1) LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS OPERATING EXPENSES NET REVENUE FISCAL ELIGIBLE INTEREST (EXCLUDING AVAILABLE FOR YEAR REVENUES EARNINGS DEPRECIATION) DEBT SERVICE 1995 $ 19,841,643 $ 350,046 $ 13,122,193 $ 7,069,496 1996 26,305,298 649,084 14,949,418 12,004,964 1997 26,261,446 585,650 16,141,638 10,705,458 1998 29,682,527 754,178 18,413,512 12,023,193 1999 31,107,463 879,406 19,205,976 12,780,893 2000 36,216,903 995,272 21,872,920 15,339,255 2001 40,844,133 1,202,418 25,762,110 16,284,441 2002 41,550,381 610,791 26,227,232 15,933,940 2003 46,041,368 155,951 30,122,878 16,074,441 2004 47,346,431 423,987 33,420,226 14,350,192 (1) Electric, Water and Wastewater only. DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS INTEREST AND TIMES PRINCIPAL FISCAL CHARGES TOTAL COVERAGE $ 765,000 $ 870,648 $ 1,635,648 4.32 935,000 1,374,495 2,309,495 5.20 1,285,000 1,357,104 2,642,104 4.05 0 1,215,179 1,215,179 9.89 145,000 1,471,341 1,616,341 7.91 1,080,000 1,393,904 2,473,904 6.20 1,915,000 1,809,436 3,724,436 4.37 2,070,000 1,640,674 3,710,674 4.29 2,145,000 1,668,819 3,813,819 4.21 2,534,751 1,920,886 4,455,637 3.22 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS UTILITY CUSTOMER COUNTS LAST TEN YEARS FISCAL YEAR ELECTRIC WATER WASTEWATER STORMWATER SANITATION 1995 8,682 7,881 5,997 6,125 6,646 1996 9,678 9,192 7,084 7,098 7,397 1997 10,811 10,173 8,100 8,594 8,855 1998 11,718 11,035 8,887 9,392 9,619 1999 12,413 11,573 9,519 9,945 10,350 2000 13,482 12,652 10,450 10,797 11,101 2001 14,269 13,518 11,338 11,532 11,980 2002 15,153 14,198 11,972 12,120 12,641 2003 15,812 14,878 12,669 12,661 13,430 2004 16,356 15,630 13,354 13,357 13,987 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS WATER UTILITY STATISTICAL DATA WATER USAGE (Gallons) Avg Day Peak Day Total Fiscal Usage Usage Usage Year (000's) (000's) (000's) 1995 4,193 10,707 1,530,236 1996 4,466 10,492 1,630,257 1997 5,130 12,093 1,877,073 1998 6,397 13,479 2,335,035 1999 6,266 13,117 2,287,137 2000 7,425 15,800 2,710,006 2001 7,525 16,700 2,774,100 2002 8,296 16,400 3,019,800 2003 7,464 18,300 2,724,275 2004 7,970 16,100 2,909,050 TEN LARGEST WATER CUSTOMERS (Gallons) (12 Mos ending 09-30-04) (000 Gal) Customer Consumed % Total Sun City Association 321,020 11.04% Chisholm Trail SUD 101,032 3.47% Southwestern University 63,572 2.19% City of Georgetown 38,641 1.33% Southwest Material 23,190 0.80% Georgetown ISD 22,372 0.77% Indian Creek Apartments 18,237 0.63% Williamson County 14,744 0.51% Georgetown Healthcare System 14,292 0.49% Housing Authority 13,835 0.48% MONTHLY WATER RATES (effective 10/01/03) Customer Customer Charge per Month: Meter Size Inside City Outside City 3/4 inch $ 16.50 $ 21.80 1 inch 23.00 27.00 1 1/2 inch 29.50 35.00 2 inch 48.00 56.00 3 inch 181.50 211.50 4 inch 231.00 269.50 6 inch 346.50 404.50 8 inch 462.00 539.00 Cost per thousand $ 2.25 $ 2.60 CONSERVATION WATER RATES (effective 06/01/02) Residential Only Effective on Billings June 1 - October 31 Inside City Outside City Per 1,000 Gallons Per 1,000 Gallons 0 Thru 19,000 Gallons $ 2.25 $ 2.60 20,000 Thru 29,000 Gallons 3.00 3.35 30,000 Thru 39,000 Gallons 4.50 4.85 40,000 and up 6.00 6.35 Information provided to comply with continuing disclosure requirements of SEC Rule 15c2-12 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS WASTEWATER UTILITY STATISTICAL DATA DAILY FLOW (Wastewater Treatment) Average Daily Wastewater Flow Fiscal Year Gallons 1995 1,871,000 1996 1,812,000 1997 2,557,000 1998 2,709,000 1999 2,688,000 2000 2,840,000 2001 3,122,000 2002 2,631,000 2003 2,890,000 2004 3,070,000 TEN LARGEST WASTEWATER CUSTOMERS (12 Mos ending 09-30-04) Customer Volume % Total Southwestern University 31,841 2.81% Georgetown ISD 18,954 1.67% Indian Creek Apartments 18,150 1.60% Georgetown Hospital 15,890 1.40% Georgetown Housing Authority 14,652 1.29% Williamson County 14,253 1.26% Wesleyan Homes 11,584 1.02% The Oaks of Georgetown 11,312 1.00% San Gabriel Apartments 10,694 0.94% Georgetown Place Apartments 9,678 0.86% MONTHLY SEWER RATES (effective on billings after 11/15/04) Customer Charge $11.75 per month Cost per 1,000 gallons $3.25 Residential rates (Based on average winter water use) Non-Residential (Based on monthly use) Information provided to comply with continuing disclosure requirements of SEC Rule 15c2-12 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS ELECTRIC UTILITY STATISTICAL DATA MONTHLY ELECTRIC RATES (effective on billings after 11/15/04) All Customers: Power Cost Adjustment Variable Residential Sales Tax Inside City Limits: 1.75% of total electric charges Outside City Limits: None Commercial Sales Tax Inside City Limits: 8.0% of total electric charges Outside City Limits: 6.25% of total electric charges Residential Service: Customer Charge $6.00 per month Energy Charge Small General Service: Customer Charge $12.00 per month Energy Charge $0.0865 per kWh School Charge: Customer Charge $12.00 per month Energy Charge $0.0976 per kWh Municipal Water & Wastewater Pumping Service: Customer Charge $12.00 per month Energy Charge $0.0776 per kWh Large General Service: Customer Charge $20.00 per month Demand Charge $7.30 per kW, but not less than $365.00 Energy Charge $0.0574 per kWh Minimum Bill $385.00 Industrial Customer Charge $50.00 per month Demand Charge $6.15 per kW, but not less than $3,075.00 Energy Charge $0.0570 per kWh Minimum Bill $3,125.00 Large Industrial Service Customer Charge $100.00 per month Demand Charge $5.20 per kW, but not less than $10,400.00 Energy Charge $0.0560 per kWh Minimum Bill $10,500.00 Large Institutional Service Customer Charge $20.00 per month Energy Charge $0.0795 per kWh Minimum Bill $20.00 Municipal Service Customer Charge $12.00 per month Energy Charge $0.0790 per kWh Minimum Bill $12.00 Guard Light Service: Customer Charge $7.50 per lamp Information provided to comply with continuing disclosure requirements of SEC Rule 15c2-12 TEN LARGEST ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS (12 Mos ending 09-30-04) Due to electric deregulation and the confidentiality of the electric system, the ten largest electric customers are not being presented. $0.0889 per kWh CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTICS LAST TEN CALENDAR YEARS CALENDAR SCHOOL UNEMPLOYMENT YEAR POPULATION ENROLLMENT RATE 1995 18,500 6,231 2.30% 1996 20,300 6,650 2.50% 1997 24,000 6,920 2.70% 1998 25,500 7,200 2.50% 1999 26,400 7,551 2.33% 2000 28,600 7,900 1.88% 2001 30,000 8,300 2.96% 2002 34,273 8,457 5.90% 2003 35,300 8,600 6.02% 2004 36,359 8,820 4.76% Sources: Population: 2004 information obtained from the City of Georgetown Planning and Development Division. School Enrollment: Georgetown Independent School District. Year shown is school year, not calendar year. Unemployment Rate: Texas Workforce Commission, Labor Market Information Department. All figures are an annual average. 2004 is average of the preliminary monthly estimates. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS PROPERTY VALUE AND CONSTRUCTION PERMITS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION FISCAL PROPERTY NUMBER NUMBER YEAR VALUE(1) OF UNITS VALUE OF UNITS VALUE 1995 $ 482,780,781 21 $ 23,118,250 392 $ 46,469,421 1996 538,947,506 26 18,864,855 1,243 174,263,170 1997 633,469,050 40 27,766,100 881 118,305,068 1998 984,123,199 35 50,835,410 730 93,486,217 1999 1,199,831,232 41 29,100,000 675 93,647,489 2000 1,410,072,042 43 15,663,210 757 105,212,405 2001 1,629,344,909 23 17,126,030 984 165,352,383 2002 1,838,770,383 31 38,210,061 687 128,834,005 2003 2,116,042,131 32 13,669,958 603 79,667,625 2004 2,132,115,978 65 40,034,747 963 177,932,230 Sources: City of Georgetown Inspection Services Department (amounts listed include activity in the E.T.J.) (1) Estimated actual value. CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS UTILITY SYSTEM CONDENSED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS (2) 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Revenues: Water System $ 15,082,426 $ 14,648,293 $ 13,635,949 $ 12,789,401 $ 12,390,817 Electric System 29,199,618 25,916,557 23,412,202 24,340,991 20,790,680 Miscellaneous 1,371,199 3,285,657 2,647,885 2,217,825 3,035,406 Interest Earnings 423,987 155,951 610,791 1,202,418 995,272 Total revenues 46,077,230 44,006,458 40,306,827 40,550,635 37,212,175 Expenses: (1) Water System 2,831,106 1,588,617 1,504,162 1,338,135 1,091,765 Electric System 2,331,235 1,889,965 1,850,345 1,199,854 995,767 Utility Contracts 28,257,885 26,644,295 22,872,725 23,224,121 19,785,388 Total expenses 33,420,226 30,122,877 26,227,232 25,762,110 21,872,920 NET AVAILABLE FOR DEBT SERVICE $ 12,657,004 $ 13,883,581 $ 14,079,595 $ 14,788,525 $ 15,339,255 1) Excludes depreciation costs 2) Electric, Water & Wastewater only Information provided to comply with continuing disclosure requirements of SEC Rule 15c2-12. Average Annual Principal and Interest Requirements, 2005-2023 $ 2,842,825 Coverage of Average Requirements by Fiscal Year 2004 Net Income 4.90 times Maximum Principal and Interest Requirements, 2005 $ 4,681,282 Coverage of Maximum Requirements by Fiscal Year 2004 Net Income 2.98 times FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS CITY'S EQUITY IN UTILITY SYSTEM (1) 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Utility system (1) $ 149,400,672 $ 125,750,396 $ 104,850,674 $ 88,470,161 $ 78,050,279 Less: Accumulated depreciation (35,295,782) (31,675,236) (23,780,397) (21,203,791) (19,223,681) Net value of system 114,104,890 94,075,160 81,070,277 67,266,370 58,826,598 Plus: Construction fund 4,985,311 11,384,576 3,970,852 3,249,523 4,660,467 Net plant 119,090,201 105,459,736 85,041,129 70,515,893 63,487,065 Plus: Working capital 17,695,702 13,101,178 16,757,986 22,060,143 18,008,284 Total 136,785,903 118,560,914 101,799,115 92,576,036 81,495,349 Revenue bond debt (2) 38,903,764 34,498,514 30,005,000 32,075,000 32,090,000 CITY'S EQUITY IN SYSTEM $ 97,882,139 $ 84,062,400 $ 71,794,115 $ 60,501,036 $ 49,405,349 PERCENTAGE CITY'S EQUITY IN SYSTEM 71.56% 70.90% 70.53% 65.35% 60.62% (1) Electric, Water and Wastewater Funds only (2) Changes in bond ordinances no longer require reservation of interest and sinking or reserve funds for utility revenue debt. Information provided to comply with continuing disclosure requirements of SEC Rule 15c2-12. FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 Miscellaneous Statistics Number of square miles in city limits 25.73 Public Safety Police Fire Number of stations 1 4 Number of officers/firefighters 59 52 (exclusive of volunteer firefighters) Education City Employees Budgeted Attendance Centers 15 Full time 371.75 Number of students 8,820 Part time 22.75 New construction building permits issued Oct. 2003 - Sept. 2004 - 965 Total number of utility customers as of September 30, 2004: Electric - 16,356 Water - 15,630 Sanitation - 13,987 Wastewater - 13,354 Infrastructure Recreation & Culture Miles of streets 420 Number of parks 23 Number of street lights 2,216 Acres of parks 380 Miles of water mains 310 Miles of sanitary sewers 245 Miles of storm sewers 39 Number of libraries 1 public Miles of electric distribution lines 287 Number of volumes 83,858 Annual electric sales - mWh 348,079 Library circulation 330,171 Peak demand - mW 92 Library visits 257,813 CITY OF GEORGETOWN, TEXAS SUMMARY OF INSURANCE COVERAGE SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 POLICY TYPE INSURER AGENT POLICY NUMBER Airport Liability Texas Municipal Texas Municipal 2903 League League Automobile Liability Texas Municipal Texas Municipal 2903 League League Automobile Physical Damage Texas Municipal Texas Municipal 2903 League League Boiler & Machinery Texas Municipal Texas Municipal 2903 League League General Liability Texas Municipal Texas Municipal 2903 League League Law Enforcement Liability Texas Municipal Texas Municipal 2903 League League Mobile Equipment Texas Municipal Texas Municipal 2903 League League Public Employee Dishonesty Texas Municipal Texas Municipal 2903 Bond League League Public Officials Texas Municipal Texas Municipal 2903 League League Real/Personal Property Texas Municipal Texas Municipal 2903 League League Workers' Compensation Texas Municipal Texas Municipal 2903 League League Pollution Liability Amgrip Texas Municipal BTA2149987-05 League Animal Mortality/Theft Texas Municipal Texas Municipal 2903 League League Errors and Omissions Liability Texas Municipal Texas Municipal 2903 League League COVERAGE POLICY PERIOD DESCRIPTION LIMIT PREMIUM October 1, 2003 to Airport, Aviation $ 20,000,000 occ $ 16,821 September 30, 2004 Non-owned aircraft, 50,000 Fire (Hangarkeepers) Hangar 2,000,000 Aircraft Liability 5,000,000 occ October 1, 2003 to Damage caused by 5,000,000 occ 31,081 September 30, 2004 City Vehicles 25,000 person October 1, 2003 to Damage caused to ACV 35,014 September 30, 2004 City Vehicles October 1, 2003 to Library HVAC 2,000,000 accident included September 30, 2004 Direct Damage October 1, 2003 to General Liability 10,000,000 agg annual 55,670 September 30, 2004 5,000,000 occ October 1, 2003 to Police Department 10,000,000 annual 28,257 September 30, 2004 5,000,000 occ October 1, 2003 to Damage to per schedule 10,131 September 30, 2004 Mobile Equipment 1,732,287 October 1, 2003 to Crime/Public Employee 500,000 3,365 September 30, 2004 Crime/Theft disappearance Destruction (inside/outside) 300,000 6,634 October 1, 2003 to Mayor, Council, City Attorney 10,000,000 annual 69,008 September 30, 2004 Boards, Commissions 5,000,000 occ and Employees October 1, 2003 to Real / Personal 78,159,513 104,520 September 30, 2004 Property per schedule October 1, 2003 to Losses as Prescribed per TWCC 86,753 September 30, 2004 by the Texas Workers' Statute est. Compensation Law October 1, 2003 to Pollution Liability 1,000,000 ann agg 1,815 September 30, 2004 Underground Storage Tanks 1,000,000 occ (inc fees/taxes) October 1, 2003 to Police Canine Loss of use/ per schedule 1,900 September 30, 2004 Theft mortality/Vet/Surgical 3 PD canines October 1, 2003 to Errors and Omissions 5,000,000 wrongful agg September 30, 2004 10,000,000 annual 73,391