HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 - General FundANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF GEORGETOWN GENERAL FUND This fund is used to account for resources traditionally associated with governments which are not required to be accounted for in another fund. The following summaries indicate significant activities and budget changes for each of the General Fund departments. The 1988/89 budget continues the process begun with the prior years budget to reorganize cost centers to more appropriate- ly consolidate fiscal and work related responsibilities. This effort resulted in several departmental budgets undergoing significant increase/decreases. The reasons for the significant variations are explained in the appropriate department. Total'budgeted General Fund expenditures exceed revenue by $287,154* Trnnqfprq-- This department is used to account for transfers of General Fund monies to other funds. The 1988/89 budget provides for a transfer to the Special Revenue Fund for the City's 10% match of a Texas Department of Commerce Community, Block Grant. A transfer to the General Capital Projects Fund also provides for re -roofing of City Hall and a truck bay at Fire Station #1. General Government: This department is used to account for general government expenditures which are not directly allocable to other departments. This department's budget increased $383,046 over the prior year's budget and includes $269,131 in council contingency, restricted funds. Leasing/contracts is now budgeted in this department. Administration: The average monthly budget for Administration (formerly City Manager Department) remains unchanged. City Secretary:_ See Legal Department. Legal Department: The City Attorney and City Secretary are budgeted in the Legal Department. Finance and Administration - Administration: This department is comprised of the Director of Finance and Administration and a Staff Assistant. The Purchasing Agent, Accounting Supervisor and Utility Office Supervisor report to the Director of Finance and Administration. Additionally, this office is responsible for administration of debt., investments, depository contracts and other general administrative duties. The 1988/89 budget reflects an increase of $56,074 over the previous budget since the cost of tax appraisal service and property tax collection by GISD is charged to this department. -25- ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF GEORGETOWN Accounting: The Accounting Department is responsible for payroll, miscellaneous accounts receivable, data processing management, facility supervision for City Hall and City Offices, receptionist duties as well as day to day accounting functions for all fiscal transactions. The budget for this year reflects increases due to allocations of mailing expenses ($2,000) and maintenance agreements for computer equipment ($4,450). Revenue Off ice: This department has been eliminated in the 1988/89 budget. Tax collection services have been contracted to the Georgetown Independent School District. Other city revenue collections previously assigned to the Revenue Office have been assigned to the Utility Office. Streets Department: The Street and Drainage Program fore standardization is this department's priority. This entails repair, replacement and construction of road facilities. Budgeted street maintenance has been increased by $24,000. Capital expenditures have been increased by $20,000. Parks Department: This department is responsible for the maintenance program; mowing, cleaning, repair of park facilities and refurbishment of cemeteries. Improvements budgeted in fiscal 1988/89 include the replacement of dangerous wiring in the San Gabriel Park and the replacement of maintenance equipment. Community Services Administration: This department provides day to day management of the various departments instrumental in the provision of a broad based range of community programs and services. In fiscal 88/89 we will provide an in-service training program for City Personnel. The reason for the reduction in budgeted expenditures is an increase in the allocation of personnel expense to the Utility Fund. Library Efficient and up to date library services are available, including reference service and the loan of library materials to the citizens of Georgetown and those residents of the ETJ who purchase library cards. Additional supplies and maintenance agreement have been included this year to facilitate the implementation of the new library automation system. -26- ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF GEORGETOWN Municipal Court: The Municipal Court serves to process citations 'issued by the Police Department. The Court is headed by a Municipal Judge appointed by the City Council and is staffed by two court clerks. The implementation of a court records automation systems is in progress. Rpr-rpnti nn This department manages the development of recreation facilities and the implementation of community recreation programs. The City's recreation programs provide the citizens of the Georgetown area with a broad program of community enrichment through the best possible facilities and recreation programs within the limits of the City's financial plan. The repair and replacement of equipment and facilities is planned for the fiscal 88/89 year with special attention given to the City's pools. Planning Administration: The Planning Administration department is staffed by a Director of Development and Planning who oversees all current and long term planning functions and directs the Building Inspection department. This department reflects an increase in 1988/89 budgeted expenditures of $106,078 over those of 1987/88. The increase is the result of the consolidation of the Planning Department and Century Plan with Planning Administration. The consolidation results in overall budgeted savings of almost $250,000, Planning: The operations of the Planning Department were consolidated with Planning Administration for fiscal 1988/89. Building Inspection: The Building Department is responsible for inspection to ensure compliance with City codes governing construction, plumbing and electrical work. The $1,613 increase in the Building Department budget is due to an increase in the cost of operations. Fire The Fire Department utilizes two staffed fire stations to provide fire protection and rescue services for City residents as well as residents in the City's extra -territorial jurisdiction (ETJ). Some reimbursement of this service is being provided by Williamson County. Additionally the department maintains a fire prevention section that performs routine fire inspections, fire investigations and provides public fire education services. This budget provides for no decrease in service levels and allows for badly needed replacement of radio, safety and rescue equipment, -27- ANNUAL BUDGET Emergency Operations: M I 11iU9129H 0[11 MH DV1 The purpose of this department is to maintain emergency preparedness of the City to respond to major abnormalities or large scale incidents within the City. This is accomplished by maintaining and implementing an Emergency Operations Center to provide coordinated emergency services including medical assistance, rescue, fire and police protection and utility restoration for life and property within stricken areas. The 1988/89 budget represents the first year funding for this department. Previous years' funding for this service was provided for through the Fire Operations Budget. The 1988/89 Budget of $85,978 provides funding for continuous updating and printing of the Emergency Operations Plan, educational materials for public education and new equipment for the Emergency Operations Center. This includes a large emergency generator, an enhanced coordinated radio system and a public alerting system. Police: The Police Department provides state of the art law enforcement and related police services to the citizens of Georgetown; provides public safety services; promotes public safety through enforcement, educational processes and sound community relations efforts; provides field and communications support to other City divisions and departments; provides assistance to other law enforcement, social service and medical service agencies and organizations; and is an integral participant in the emergency operations and management of the City's Emergency Operations Plan. An addition of four police officers to the twenty-two authorized positions has 11 been included in this fiscal years improvements, as weL-,L as the enhancement of the current telephone services system, the replacement of old unreliable equipment, training, narcotics interdiction and radio communications. Code Enforcement: This department provides enforcement of City codes relative to nuisance control (i.e., tall weeds and grass, junked vehicles, hazardous conditions and animal control) and parking control. This department also conducts programs to enhance public awareness of citizen controlled nuisances to gain voluntary compliance in eliminating nuisances for a healthier, safer and more appealing environment. One additional full-time employee has been added for nuisance and animal control. Other increases are included in the budget due to areas of facilities maintenance (the animal shelter, specifically) and vehicle supplies and maintenance. Reductions have been realized in the areas of capital expenditures and some personnel service areas. -28- -29- -30- ANNUAL BU CITY OF GEORGETOWN LINE ITEM DETAIL OF GENERAL FUND REVENUES Estimated Account 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 Description Actual Actual Approved Transfer in, Utility Fund $ 6263491 $ 775,102 $ 9089191 Sales Taxes 730,180 762,267 8539000 Hotel -Motel Taxes 71664 1,311 0 Liquor Taxes 4,731 5,363 6,500 Ad Valorem, Current 799,142 1,0131002 1,119,181 Ad Valorem, Delinquent 34,979 45,534 30,000 Penalty and Interest 37,062 40,533 25,000 Tax Certificates 84 101 50 Amusement Tax 1,996 313 29000 Bank Franchise 16,448 15,150 14,000 Cable TV Franchise 10,1.57 15,172 16,000 Fiber Optic System 276 0 0 Gas Franchise 31,062 35,559 36,000 Taxi Franchise 60 60 60 Telephone Franchise 36,545 34,966 35,000 Electrical System Franchise 160,755 1753325 208,202 Water System Franchise 46,734 54,313 59,320 Sewer System Franchise 8,556 8,357 14,486 Sanitation System Franchise 11,063 10,716 11,380 Peddlers License 360 2,045 2,000 Trailer Park License 75 25 75 Parade Permits 0 0 100 Animal Control 5,245 6,871 9,390 Interest Income 22,976 65,726 68,000 Contributions 150 0 0 Industrial District Taxes 0 161,875 18,929 Insurance Refunds 78 0 0 Insurance Refunds, Workers Comp 2,819 0 0 Rent on Buildings 16,787 12,890 13,500 Rent on Land 352 50 50 Rent on Streets 19,428 7,752 12,615 Sale of Property 66 1,520 0 Miscellaneous Revenue 4,386 8,589 5,150 Fire Protection Service 8,914 34,457 60,000 Electrical License 71121 69266 4,140 Building Permits 18,465 12,663 10,850 -30- -31- ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF GEORGETOWN GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES By Department -32- 1987/88 Department Estimated 1988/89 Description Actual Approved General Government 183,930 $ 478,456 Administration 30,190 37.1367 Legal 85,461 52,1397 Fin. & Admin. Administration 20,595 78,284 Accounting 281369 38,357 Revenue office 28,490 0 Streets 241,905 335.9540 Parks 204,334 221,664 Community Services Admin. 87,9527 76,968 Library * 136,433 167,210 Municipal Court 66,,403 78.9110 Recreation (& Pool) 81$114 98,974 Planning Administration 94,662 203,348 Planning 191,255 0 Building Inspection 88,355 115,817 Fire 572,076 582,446 Emergency Operations 0 85,1978 Police 11007,488 11278.9693 Code Enforcement 67,$783 98,9849 Transfers 77,194 44.9500 Total Expenditures $3,293,564 $4j072,958 -32- ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF GEORGETOWN GENERAL FUND BUDGETED REVENUES Property T.. ........ r o e t axes ...................p t e � Interfund Transfers t 1 1 � t I t Sales Tax i 9 :::;{�C�d�L4Y1�s�1Y. r Franchise Taxes Fines & Forfeitures i � d Other Fees & Charges All other ' ' f 3 0 $0 $foo $4®0 $600 $foo $1000$1200$1400 Thousands 1987/88 Est. Actual 1988/89 Budgeted 1987/88 Estimated 1988/89 Actual Budget Property Taxes $1,0589534 $1,149,181 Interfund Transfers 775,102 908,191 Sales Tax 762,267 8535000 Franchise Taxes 349,613 394,448 Fines & Forfeitures 118,941 138,500 Other Fees & Charges 101,184 126,345 All Other 348,723 216,139 $3,514,364 $3,7853804 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF GEORGETOWN GENERAL FUND BUDGETED EXPENDITURES Public Safety Community Services General Government Dev. & Planning Finance & Admin. Transfers Out $0 $600 $1000 $1500 $2000 $2500 Thousands 1987/88 Est. Actual 1988/89 Budgeted * Adjusted for Divisional make-up beginning 9/1/88. -34- 1987/88 Estimated 1988/89 Actual Budget Public Safety $1,647,347 $2,045,966 Community Services 817,717 978,466 General Government 299,580 568$220 Development & Planning 374,274 319,165 Finance & Administration 77,452 116,641 Transfers Out 77.9194 44,500 $3,293,564 $4,0721958 * Adjusted for Divisional make-up beginning 9/1/88. -34- ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF GEORGETOWN DEPARTMENT: TRANSFERS $300 $266 $260 H $200 ___________ ___._� ---- O ___._.__ S $150 A N D$100 -------__ __-__-------------______------------------_.._ $77 S $50 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL � 86/87 ACTUAL 87/88 ACTUAL 88/89 BUDGET PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY SUMMARY Interfund Transfers: Special Revenue and General Capital Projects Funds. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF GEORGETOWN DEPARTMENT: GENERAL GOVERNMENT $600 $400 T H 0 $300 U S A N $200 D S $100 $0 $461 ------------- *---*-,-----*--------,--,-,-*-,-*-*-*-**-"* ------- *----,-, $96 $11 $0 $18 PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL 86/87 ACTUAL M 87/88 ACTUAL ED 88/89 BUDGET PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY SUMMARY General Administrative Expenditures: a) contingency; b) contracts; c) council expenditures; d) administrative allocations. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES -36- ANNUAL BUDGET H T $200 0 U S $160 A N S D $100 $60 M. $25 $23 $27 $ $7 $9 3 PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL = 86/87 ACTUAL 87/88 ACTUAL 88/89 13UDGET PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY SUMMARY Administration: a) Mayor and Council; b) City Manager's office. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To provide general municipal management and leadership services to the public within Federal, State and local law, -37- ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF GEORGETOWN DEPARTMENT: LEGAL $300 H $200 ----.. O S$150 _.._--- ........... .......... A N _......_.__....---------.._,.---------------------______�---------�---_._...�_..-----�----.�._....--------------____...__.__._._..--- $100 _ ..... S $69 28 X16 $19 $7 $2 $0.4 $1 PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL � 86/87 ACTUAL 87/88 ACTUAL 88/88 BUDGET PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY SUMMARY City Attorney: a) appointment by City Council; b) review each ordinance adopted by the Council; c) pass upon all documents, contracts and legal instruments in which the City may have an interest. City Secretary: a) appointment by City Council; b) permanent recording of proceedings of City Council meetings; c) maintains official records; d) directs City elections; e) licenses and permits. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To maintain enforcement of election procedures and systems of licensing procedures as directed by State law and City ordinances; to maintain permanent records of City Council meetings and documents pertaining to same. To provide legal services for all City functions and to supervise outside legal service as required. -38- DEPARTMENT: FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Ski $25® H T $200 0 U S $160 A N S D $100.. a $0 milkt t• t .......... . ........ ..................... . . .. . ....... . .......... $66 ..... .... ............ .... ........ ------------------ - $19 $22 ............ $0.7 $1 '« .............. $1 $0 $0.6 PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL = 86/87 ACTUAL 87/88 ACTUAL 88/89 BUDGET PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY SUMMARY Administration: a) finance and accounting; b) utility billing/collection; c) tax collection; d) purchasing and risk management, Cash management: a) investment program; b) depository contract administration Debt Administration: GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To administer all fiscal matters of the City in accordance with applicable law in a manner that maximizes revenue and minimizes expenditures; to provide accurate and timely financial data with which to make responsible management decisions. -39- -40- ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF GEORGETOWN DEPARTMENT: ACCOUNTING $300 $250_--------------�---------------..__._.----__-_--�-----------------------�__------------------------�--�----- H $200 O U S $150 - ----- A N S$100---._._.._...------.__.._______...___.----------------------------...----------- M.- - $1 $1 $5 $1 $0.5 $0.1 PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL � 86187 ACTUAL 87/88 ACTUAL 88/89 BUDGET PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY SUMMARY Accounting: a) payables; b) data processing; c) payroll; d) general accounting and reporting. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To accurately report all accounting transactions generated by operations of the City; to prepare accurate, reliable and timely reports therefrom in accordance with sound accounting principles and applicable Federal, State and Local laws. -40- ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF GEORGETOWN DEPARTMENT: AVENUE OFFICE $300- $260 H $200 O U S $1,50--- --._._...-------------- -------...._____-----____----....___---------___ -------------- ------ ----............. _------- ------------- ....... --__--- A N D $100 S $13 $18 $7 $11 M $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL � 86/87 ACTUAL 87/88 ACTUAL 88/89 BUDGET PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY SUMMARY Note: The functions of the Revenue Office were combined with those of the Utility Office (Utility Fund). GOALS AND OBJECTIVE'S ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT: STREET $300 $250 H T $200 0 U S $150 A N S D $100 $50 $® CITY OF GEORGETOWN I PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL = 86/87 ACTUAL 87/88 ACTUAL ED 88/89 BUDGET PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY SUMMARY Activities; a) maintain and repair of streets; b) operate street sweeper; c) mow and maintain drainage areas and right-of-ways. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To economically maintain, repair and construct streets and drainage facilities. -42- ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF GEORGETOWN DEPARTMENT: PARKS $300 $250 $200 H 0 $176 U $161 S $150 ___ :<:::<::::»>::;: A N S$100 >:::;:><::>::>:::---------------------- >:::<:> :<,;;:.;: � $24 $7 $13 ... ....0.7...... $0 PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL � 86/87 ACTUAL 87/88 ACTUAL 88/89 BUDGET PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY SUMMARY Park & Cemetery Maintenance: a) mowing; b) watering; c) repair of restrooms. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To beautify and maintain safe parks for public enjoyment, as well as provide care and beautification of the cemeteries. -43- ANNUAL BUDGET Wl"all ato X11 till W DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL $300 $260 T H $200 0 U S $150 A N D $100 S $50 $0 PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL = 86/87 ACTUAL 87/138 ACTUAL M 88/89 BUDGET PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY SUMMARY Supervision and Management: a) Airport; b) Community Projects; c) Library; d) Municipal Court; e) Personnel; f) Recreation; g) Streets; h) Parks; i) Sanitation; j) Customer Service; k) Service Center; 1) Facility Maintenance; k) Tourism. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To provide the citizens of Georgetown with a broad set of community programs and services. To provide interface between citizen committees, neighborhood associations and the City Administration and Council. -44- ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF GEORGETOWN DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY $300- $260 H $200 ----- ---- _._____.._.___.__._______�.�_...___ O U S $16 0 A N S $71 $50 $24 $20 $14 $0$0 $0 $0 1 -:;:»:::::::>::>;> PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL � 86/87 ACTUAL 87/88 ACTUAL 88/89 BUDGET PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY SUMMARY Programs &Activities: a) circulation; b) reference; c) programming; d) outreach; e) literacy. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To serve the citizens of the Georgetown area with book and informational needs and to increase literacy in Williamson County. -45- Effell ANNUAL BUDGET CITOF GE LIBRARY Thousands 120 103 101 47 48 CIRCULATION PATRON USAGE 1986/87 1987/88 *First full year with no resident fee Effell ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT: MUNICIPAL COURT $30 R T H $200 0 U S $160 A N S D $100 $50 $0 M11iL8]WffHx1)&"DV $47 r.............. .............. $23 $25 $9 $0 $0 NNNL-�� PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL = 86/87 ACTUAL 87/88 ACTUAL 88/89 BUDGET PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY SUMMARY Municipal Court: a) administration; b) court docket; c) warrants; d) fine collection. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To prepare and carry out all judicial requirements on offenses filed in court, serve as liaison between the Court and the defendant, and provide an accurate and auditable record keeping system on disposition of cases and collection of fines. -47- ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF GEORGETOWN MUNIC'IPAL COURT Cases 7000 5217 5000 5000-___.____._...__........_.._.._..__............._..__...._..._..___._...____.__._......_.__.__._... 4&OD..__....__........_ 4000__..._.._.._...............___.._.._..__..__.___..._...._......___.._._._......._..___.....__._______... 3000 _..._.__.._. ............... ___.. 2000-------------------------------------------------------------- __._...._..................... _...... .._..................................... .. 1000 -... _ _ _. _ ._._ _ _. _ _.__ ......................................................... 335 375 256 275 0 CITY ORDINANCE STATE LAW TRAFFIC PARKING OFFENSES OFFENSES � 1986/87 1987/8 Est. -48- ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT: RECREATION SERVICES $30 T H $200 0 U S $150 A N S D $100 $50 &I ) _W" X13 &H W1 � $27 $13 $9 ........... $0 $0 $7 OPERATIONS CAPITAL = 86/87 ACTUAL 87/88 ACTUA"_ 88/89 BUDGET PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY SUMMARY Recreation: a) recreation programs-, b) aquatic activities; c) neighborhood programs; d) volunteer co-ordination. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To establish safe and functional recreational facilities for use by the citizens of Georgetown. To facilitate development of programs and activities for all age groups. -49- DEPARTMENT: PLANNING ADMINISTRATION $300 $250 T H $200 0 U S $160 A N S D $100 $50 �_....,_._..--_--._.........._._._._._.. ------------- - ------ - ------- $69 $53 $54 I �­.°1.•..... A PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL = 86187 ACTUAL 87/88 ACTUAL 88/89 BUDGET PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY SUMMARY Administration: a) City regulations over physical development; b) contract compliance; c) staff development & evaluation; d) financial budgeting; e) public relations. Comprehensive Planning Program: a) current planning; b) century plan process-, 0 c) review & revision of development regulations, d) special studies & reports on development proposals. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To develop and maintain a comprehensive planning process and data base to provide accurate, timely information concerning the formulation and implementation for use by Citizen Groups, City Staff, City Boards, Commissions and City Council in their decision making processes. -50- 20 16 10 6 milkwel t" Do K -11L 0 J F M muntrl 200 160 100 60 0 AREA AND VALUE OF COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS PERMITTED: 1987 -- 88 Area in Thousands of Sq.Ft. Value in Thousands of Dollars 1987 1988 1987 1968 F M A M J J A S O N Month 16 14 T 12 h 0 10 u s 8 a n 6 d S 4 ®51- 2 0 F M A M J J A S O N Month COMM ERC|A| /}NDUSTR|4L ACREAGE PLATTED IN GEORGETOWN: 1988-88 ffE = 1988 1987 1986 i r NO x w i i ^ o n x o wnnma =" "= "° so " mmiull a F—ld NUMBER OF LOTS AND ACRES OF SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY PLATTED -IN GEORGETOWN: 1887 — 88 Lots ^=�s a to 1987 50 ~ 30 20 ~ " ,,"""''^""°= ',".U'.'^"""" Month Month "° "" "~ `= °° °~ so " NUMBER OF UN\TS AND ACRES OF MULTI—FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY PLATTED IN GEORGETOWN: 1986 — 88 u�" Acres I Lw�m �1915` ,~'.,,^""" Month —52— 30 23 20 is to " " '~^~^^^"^~ Month ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF GEORGETOWN DEPARTMENT: PLANNING $3001 $250 T H $200 0 U S $150 A N S D $100 $50 $0 PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL = 86/87 ACTUAL M 87/88 ACTUAL 88/89 BUDGET PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY SUMMARY Note: The functions of the Planning Department were combined with those of Planning Administration. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES -53- ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT: BUILDING INSPECTION $250 T H $200 0 U S $150 A N S D $100 $60 $0 $107 $ 9 9 CITY OF GEORGETOWN I $8 $2 $9.:. $0 $0 $0 PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL = 86/87 ACTUAL M 87/88 ACTUAL ED 88/89 BUDGET PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY SUMMARY Inspections: a) building; b) plumbing; c) electrical- d) mechanical; e) swimming pools. Utility connect (tap) permits: a) electric; b) water; c) sewer. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To conduct inspections of all improvements made on building sites in the the City of Georgetown and its extra -territorial jurisdiction (as provided by law). To assure all work is accomplished within the approved standards as outlined within adopted codes and ordinances for the health and welfare of all citizens. To assure all permit fees for connecting new construction to City utilities are collected or documented prior to issuance of any building permits. -54- -55- D GET CITY OF GEORGETOWNANNUAL BU DEPARTMENT: FIRE DIVISION $448 $3948 T H 0 $300U S, A N $200 110 $1004---.-$97 $26 Pj $5 $a PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL 86/87 ACTUAL 87/88 ACTUAL 88/89 13UDGET PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY SUMMARY Administration: a) management; b) fire prevention; c) fire operations; d) volunteer administration; e) emergency management. Fire Operations: a) City fire operations; b) county fire operations; c) rescue operations; d) special services. Fire Prevention: a) plan review; b) inspections; c) investigations; d) public fire education. Volunteer Administration: a) relations; b) membership; c) training. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To continue to improve and provide an emergency Service to prevent, control and suppress fires, and to protect life and property within the City. Continue to develop, improve, and provide a fire prevention program that consists of plan reviews, routine fire inspections, fire cause investigations and public fire education. -55- ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF GEORGETOWN DEPARTMENT: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT $300- $250 H $200 O U S $150 .................... A N S $76 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL � 86/87 ACTUAL 87/88 ACTUAL 88/89 BUDGET PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY SUMMARY Emergency Operations Plan: a) update and maintenance; b) training; c) implementation. Emergency Operations Center: a) communications; b) alerting; c) coordination of services; d) maintenance. Public Education: a) public awareness; b) citizen reaction; c) media relations. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To constantly develop, update and maintain an Emergency Operations Plan that assigns responsibilities, priority objectives and procedures in the event of major emergencies. Continued development, maintenance and activation of an Emergency Operations Center to receive calls for service and to provide a prioritized coordinated response of City services to stricken areas. ANNUALBUDGET CITY OF DEPARTMENT: POLICE $1200 $1035 T $60 H $600 $ O U S $600A N D $4001 ----- S _._ _..._._._. __...._...._..._ ._._..__ _ 17_.___._ $200 100 $134- $ $55 $66 $64 $0 PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL 86/87 ACTUAL 87/88 ACTUAL 88/88 BUDGET PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY SUMMARY Administration: a) management & control; b) public relations; c) planning and research; d) inter-city and intra-city relations and coordination. Services: a) police records; b) telephone, teletype and telephone communications; c) personnel & training; d) equipment & facilities maintenance coordination; e) code enforcement (see Code Enforcement Department). Patrol: a) deterrent patrol & coverage; b) radio response; c) traffic enforcement; d) preliminary criminal investigation; e) accident investigation; f) routine patrol services; g) arrest and referral functions. Investigations: a) preliminary and follow-up criminal investigations; b) criminal intelligence gathering; c) case preparation and presentation; d) crime prevention programs; e) youth services and investigations; f) organized crime investigations (i.e., narcotics and vice); and evidence and property (processing, examination, storage and disposition). GOADS AND OBJECTIVES To provide law enforcement and related police services to the citizens of Georgetown; provide public safety services and promote public safety through enforcement, educational processes and sound community relations; provide support services to other City departments, other law enforcement agencies, social services agencies, medical services and be an integral participant in the emergency operations and management of the City's Emergency Operations Plan. -57- -58- -59- ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF GEORGETOWN DEPARTMENT: CODE ENFORCEMENT $300- $260_...__._e.____--d--_.____�___m.e.._._.._.,_._.�------ H $200----- O U ....... _.._...._._...... _ .___--.-- S$150 A N $100 S $59 $22 $13 $0.5 $4 $0 $4 $0.3 PERSONNEL OPERATIONS CAPITAL � 86/87 ACTUAL e7/88 ACTUAL 88/89 BUDGr--7 PROGRAM AND ACTIVITY SUMMARY Nuisance Control: a) junked and abandoned vehicles; b) weeds; c) trash nuisances; d) certain animal nuisances; e) city codes pertaining to health, safety and welfare. Animal Control: a) animal control facility; b) stray animals; c) injured or sick animal reports; d) animal abuse and neglect; e) animal bites and attacks; f) unwanted and lost animals; g) presents programs and sets up adoption, Parking Control: a) patrol of parking spaces; b) enforce City and State codes relating to illegal parking of vehicles; c) public relations; d) cross trained to assist other areas of responsibility such as police communications, traffic direction, animal control response, nuisance control and clerical and computer support for the Municipal Court and Police Records office. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES This Department provides enforcement of City codes relative to nuisance control (i.e., tall weeds and grass, junked vehicles, hazardous conditions and animal control) and parking control.. This Department also conducts programs to enhance public awareness of citizen controlled nuisances to gain voluntary compliance in eliminating nuisances for a healthier, safer and more appealing environment. -59- ANNUAL BUDGET ITYOF GEORGETOWN CODE ENFORCEMENT Number Of Calls 4®d i j 6 4 ANIMAL IMPOUNDS aid 99jj 4 ; 3 • i 4 STRAY ANIMALS 8612 4 , S f e t 660 ' S i 6A OTHERANIMAL CALLS 43 8®Q► -- 77E JUNKED/ABANDON `/EH. ® 268 280 ® 1 TALL WEEDS/GRASS 1172 has i i 4 0 ! TRASH/RUBBISH 56 ` 80 a i COMPLAINTS FILED 264 ' 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1987 1958 Est. 1989 Est. 9.111,1111, _W1 PROGRAMS, PROTECTS AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS GENERAL FUND DIVISION DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TRANSFERS OUT *TRANSFERS* RE -ROOF CITY OFFICE BUILDING $6,000 RE -ROOF FIRE STATION #I/TRUCK BAY $8,500 GENERAL GOVT. *GENERAL GOVERNMENT* SALARY INCREASES $55,900 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY -COUNCIL $75,000 NEW A/C UNIT AND DUCT WORK $15,000 MOKAN ROADWAY -COUNCIL $50,000 *CITY MANAGER* AUTOMATING, CABLING AND TERMINALS $5,000 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT $1,000 *LEGAL* UNITED STATES CODES ANNOTATED $1,200 TEXAS JURISPRUDENCE (FOR LAW LIBRARY) $1,900 BOOKCASE FOR LAW LIBRARY $1,000 RE -CODIFICATION OF CITY ORDINANCES $10,000 COMM. SERVICES *COMMUNITY SERVICES ADMINISTRATION* TRAINING SEMINARS (GENERAL FUND.- 30%) $4,500 (70% BALANCE IN UTILITY FUND) *LIBRARY* REFERENCE BOOK PURCHASES $142000 *STREET DEPARTMENT* 2 PICK-UPS, 1/2 TON, USED $9,000 *PARKS DEPARTMENT* REPAIR/REPLACE ELECTRICAL WIRING (LIGHTS & PLUGS) $12,000 POLICE DIVISION *POLICE* COMPUTER INFORMATION/DISPATCH SYSTEM $30,000 (Total cost $58,317; $28,317 i potential Criminal Justice Dept. Grant) OFFICERS FOR TWO SHIFTS (FOUR OFFICERS) $105,168 ADDITIONAL POLICE CAR - 1 $16,000 ADDITIONAL PATROL VEHICLE - 1 $16,000 MOBILE RADIOS/MULTICHANNEL, SCAN. FOR VEHICLES $17,332 HANDHELD RADIOS - 6 $10,000 FIRE DIVISION *FIRE DEPARTMENT* RADIO EQUIPMENT $9,450 SAFETY RELATED EQUIPMENT $5,105 RESCUE RECOVERY EQUIPMENT $4,790 *EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT* CONSOLE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM-3YR. LEASE $519650 EMERGENCY GENERATOR/EOC-POLICE STATION $0 ALERT ENCODING SYSTEM $6,895 EMERGENCY GENERATOR/EOC $16,525 TOTAL GENERAL FUD $558,915 -61-