HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 CIP 2017 FY2017 Annual Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS Streets Maintenance –Cutler Project 187 FY2017 Annual Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS Capital Projects Summary ........................189 Water Capital Improvement Plan ............190 Water Projects Map..............................192 Rural Water Projects Map ....................193 Wastewater Projects Map ....................194 Electric Capital Improvement Plan ..........195 Electric Projects Map ............................197 Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan ...198 Stormwater Projects Map ....................199 General Capital Improvements Streets Improvements ..........................200 Sidewalk Improvements .......................202 Parks Capital Improvement Plan ..........203 Facilities Capital Improvement Plan .....204 Transportation Projects Map ...............206 Sidewalks Projects Map ........................207 Parks Projects Map ...............................208 Facilities Projects Map ..........................209 Airport Capital Improvement Plan ...........210 Operations &Maintenance .....................211 188 FY2017 Annual Budget January •Departmental meetings to prioritize CIP Projects February •Division meetings to coordiante projects March •Develop funding strategy April-May •Present CIP to Boards and City Council September •Council adopts CIP with Annual Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS SUMMARY The City of Georgetown annually updates and adopts a five year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)as part of the operating budget adoption process.Generally,the City defines high dollar fixed assets to be capital improvements. Ongoing maintenance and major repair costs are included as capital expense within the Departmental operating budgets.Needed capital improvements are identified through system models,repair and maintenance records, and growth. The CIP is divided into three major categories:the Georgetown Utility System (GUS),Transportation,and General Capital Projects.GUS manages Water/Wastewater Services and Energy Services.Transportation manages Streets, Stormwater Drainage,and the Airport.Finally,General Capital Projects manages Parks,the Downtown Master Plan,Sidewalks,Public Safety,and Facilities.Each of these funds is further dissected in this Capital Projects budget. The timeline for the CIP planning process is outlined below: FISCAL YEAR 2017 for FY2017 CIP total $80,012,883. General Capital Projects (GCP)total $24.3 million,and include funds for sidewalk development,San Gabriel Park, and Garey Park. Water Services CIP totals $46.7 million.Water related improvements total $18.4 million,and include upgrades for water mains,pumps,and plant expansions.Wastewater related improvements total $28.3 million,and include upgrades for interceptors and pumps. Electric Services CIP totals $4.7 million,and include system improvements to help address growth in the City. The sales tax street maintenance projects total $3.2 million. Rehabilitation projects are schedule in Sun City,Berry Creek,and Downtown. 189 FY2017 Annual Budget WATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Georgetown Utility Systems Water Services Utility maintains a Capital Improvement Program (CIP)to address the community’s need for superior water,wastewater,and irrigation service.This CIP is determined by many factors including on going annexation,service improvement,the rehabilitation of aging water and wastewater infrastructure,and the need to meet changing state and federal requirements. Overall,water and wastewater capital improvement projects total $46,727,000. Water projects total $18,404,000.The largest project in water is the Domel Project totaling $4,500,000.This project will take the existing pressure plane from 1178 to 1015 and provide a secondary feed to Sun City.Additional large water projects include $1,000,000 for the replacement S.Lake 11.4 MGD Water Treatment Plant,$2,119,000 for West Loop water main,$3,000,000 for the CR255 pressure main,and $2,500,000 for the Sequoia ground storage tank. Wastewater projects total $28,323,000.The largest project is the Berry Creek Interceptor which totals $12,000,000.In addition, the FY2017 CIP features $7,948,000 for the Pecan Branch Plant Expansion,as well as $3,982,000 for the Park Lift Station and Force Main rehabilitation. WATER PROJECTS FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Water Braun EST Replace existing .75 million gallon elevated storage tank with 3 million gallon elevated storage tank.250,000 4,500,000 CR 200 Line Impr (CO 1) This project will consist of approximately 15,000 LF of 12 inch main. Potential partnership with County Road expansion project.3,413,800 CR 255 (WD14 2) This project will replace a main that has had numerous main brakes.It will consist of approximately 17,840 LF of 16 inch main.3,000,000 2,877,000 Domel PS Imp. This project will take the existing pressure plane from 1178 to 1015 and provide a secondary feed to Sun City,total reconstruction of existing pump ststion.Additional funds for filtration in 2017 4,500,000 Leander Interconnect 2020 LF of 12 inch water line Controll valves,Meter,PRV,andvault.575,000 LWTP Raw Water Intake Rehabillitation This project will be for the rehabilitation of the existing raw water intake structure.Intake maintenance 2017.Additional filtration 2019.600,000 11,700,000 Main Street 2nd to 4th Poor pavement condition with cracking and numerous failures at intersections.Replace water main,wastewater main,and services.287,500 Miscellaneous Line Upgrades This budget will be for miscellaneous waterline extensions in the Western District to provide regulatory TCEQ compliance .250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 Park WTP Clearwell Demo existing Park Water Treatment Plant Clearwell,and remove lime silo.170,000 S.Lake WTP (2018) 11.4 MGD Water Treatment Plant Expansion,4400 LF of 30 inch Raw Water line,and a new Raw Water Intake structure.Design and entitlement planned 2017 2020.Construction expected in Future Years. Estimated $30,000,000 1,000,000 700,000 1,750,0001,750,000 Sequoia GST This project will provide a 3 4 million gallon ground storage tank that will function as additional Lake Plant clearwell storage.2,500,000 South West Bypass Water (H24 1) 10,520 LF of 16 Inch Water Line IH 35 to Leander EST.2,933,720 Sun City EST Replace existing 0.4 million gallon elevated storage tank with a 1.5 million gallon elevated storage tank.3,050,000 190 FY2017 Annual Budget WASTEWATER PROJECTS Wastewater projects total $28,323,000.The largest project is the Berry Creek Interceptor which totals $12,000,000.In addition, the FY2017 CIP features $7,948,000 for the Pecan Branch Plant Expansion,as well as $3,982,000 for the Park Lift Station and Force Main rehabilitation. FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Water Tank Rehabilitation This project has several water tanks to be rehabilitated.Airport tank, 2016/17 Daniels 1,2017/18,Sun City EST,2018/19,Daniels 2,2019/20.480,000 300,000 480,000 480,000 W 11th Street Poor pavement condition with cracking and numerous failures at intersections.Replace water main,services and bore Austin Ave.330,000 West Loop (H 1a) 3350 Lf of 24 inch water main from Wolf Ranch to DB Wood,8 inch from DB Wood to Hillwood and replacing the existing 12 inch from DB Wood to pastor Pump Station with a 24 inch.2,119,000 Grand Total 18,404,000 10,894,52018,967,500 2,480,000 250,000 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Wastewater Berry Creek inter.(BCI 3) Anticipated pro rata share for line size increase from Berry Creek Lift Station to Pecan Branch Wastewater Treatment Plant 12,000,000 EARZ Repair of system flaws discovered as a result of EARZ mandated testing.1,500,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Lift Station Upgrades Lift Station upgrades consisting of decommissioning,electrical upgrade, backup power,structure rehab to fulfill the requirements of the Sanitary Sewer Overflow Initiative with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 Northlands WWTP (NLWWTP) Construction of a 1.5 MGD average,4.5 MGD Peak WWTP with discharge to Cowan Creek.Design planned for 2019.Construction planned for Future Years.Estimated Construction $14,200,000.2,131,000 Park LS &FM 3750 LF of 27 inch Force Main and 5 MGD Lift Station.Rehabilitation and expansion of existing lift station.3,982,000 Pecan Branch WWTP (PBWWTP2) Expansion from 1.5 MGD to approx 4 MGD.Adding a influent bar screen has add $1.5 to construction.7,948,000 3,600,000 San Gabriel Belt Press Installation of a 2 meter belt press for sludge dewatering.2,207,000 San Gabriel Int.(SGI 2) 5567 LF of 42 inch line and 3647 LF of line.This project will also include the San Gabriel LS &FM (SGI LS).5682 LF of 24 inch Force main and 8.5 MGD Lift Station.8,288,563 6,476,000 Wastewater street projects Wastewater line to be completed in conjunction with Streets Department improvements to lessen the burden on the public.Streets include but are not limited to:W.9th St (Scenic Dr to West),W.14 St (Hart St to West St), Virginia St (E 16th St to E 19th St),Peach Tree Ln (E University Ave to End)136,000 Grand Total 28,323,000 5,650,000 11,969,563 8,026,000 1,550,000 191 FY2017 Annual Budget UT 3Q UT UT UTUT FM 971NIH35FRCR2 6 2 C R17 7CR 270 FM 3405 CR 245 SH 1 9 5 W SH 29 S H E L L R D C R 266C R 175 N IH35 FWYCR 1 43 INDIAN S PRINGS RD RM 2 338RONALDW REAGANB L V D L E A N D E R R DCR255 CR1 7 6DBWOODRDJO U R N E Y P K W YCR289CR261 N IH35 SBS US183R M 2 2 4 3 LAK EWA Y D R 18 3 A TOLLRDSBHERO WAY LO G A NRA N C HR D SIH35SBCR234183ATOLLRDNBRABBIT HILL PARK WELL 7 SUN CITY DANIELS 1 DANIELS 2 2016-17 Capital Improvement Projects Water !!I 0120.5 Miles City of Georgetown Legend West Loop H-1a Rabbit Hill PP RH-2_H-1b West 11th Street Leander Interconnect West Loop H-1a Rabbit Hill PP RH-2 H-1b West 11th StreetLeander Interconnect 192 FY2017 Annual Budget CR212CR279N US 183W SH 2 9 FM 3405 CR266INDIAN S P RI N G S R D CR 258 CR 263 CR 213CR214 CR 289 CR 259US 183SBUS 183NBC R 25 7 R M 1869CR 256CR260RONALDWREAGANB L V D RM2338CR255CR 2 07 2016-17 Capital Improvement Projects Rural Water !!I 00.510.25 Mile City of Georgetown Legend CR 255 Waterline Improvements CR 255 Waterline Improvements 193 FY2017 Annual Budget 3Q 3Q "J "J "J "J C R 1 1 2 PATRIOTWAY FM 971 CR 150 CR 189 NEINNERLOOPCR 186 CR 10 5 N IH 35 FWYC R 152LEANDE R RD CR1 0 6 LIMMER LOOPDBWOODRDLOGANRANCH R D LUNATRLCR 110SH 130 NBCR 140 W SH 29 N CR 122 E SH 29 S A M H O U S T O N A V ESH130TOLLNB CR 149 SH130TOLLSBU N IV E R S IT Y B L V D CR11 7C R 194SH 1 9 5 N IH 35 FWY SBCOL L E GEPAR K DRBELL G INRD FM 1105SIH35SBSAN GABRIEL WWTP PECAN BRANCH WWTP SUN CITY LS BERRY CREEK LS WESTINGHOUSE LS PARK LS 2016-17 Capital Improvement Projects Wastewater !!I 0 5,000 10,0002,500 Feet City of Georgetown Legend Wastewater_Street_Projects Berry_Creek_Interceptor Wastewater Street Projects Berry Creek Interceptor Berry Creek Interceptor San Gabriel Belt Press 194 FY2017 Annual Budget ELECTRIC CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN The Energy Services Utility maintains a Capital Improvement Program (CIP)to address the community’s need for superior electric service.The CIP is developed by incorporating several factors including service improvement,increased reliability,equipment aging,and regulatory changes.The City operates and maintains an energy delivery system including seven substations and 394 miles of distribution lines consisting of both 12.5kV and 25kV.FY2017 projects include $500,000 for replacement of overhead lines in downtown,$450,000 for improvements on Shell Road,and $300,000 for improvements associated with the Southwest Bypass.Overall,the Electric CIP totals $4,781,000. FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Electric 17th Street Rehab Relocation of poles with road rehabilitation.50,000 7th Street Rehab Relocate poles with road rehab.Conduits and conductors will be installed to tie two radial fed underground lines near 7th and Austin Ave.200,000 Consultant Engineer (McCord) Task order for general engineering work non project specific,CIP preparation,joint use studies,strategic planning,and non specific planning studies as required.150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Downtown Overhead Rehab A 5 year plan to rehab detoriated downtown overhead facilities 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 Downtown West Conversion of overhead electric and communications along W.9th St from Rock St to West Street and West Street from W 9th Street to W 8th Street. Also adding additional or replacing street lights and power pedistals as detailed in plans.970,000 Fiber Optic Long term plan to extend fiber optic communications to City facilities.245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 Fiber to Signal Lights Long term plan to extend fiber optic communications to City Signal Lights.50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Georgetown Substation Transformer Addition Addition of a new transformer at Gabriel Substation to replace an LCRA transformer removed in 2016.This is needed due to load growth and to improve system reliability.Transformer will be ordered in 2018 and installed in 2019.950,000 600,000 Hart Street Rehab Relocate poles in conjunction with a transportation roadway improvement project.50,000 IH35 Feeder Tie Construct single circuit feeder tie along IH35 frontage road from just south of Hwy 29 to Leander Road.250,000 Katherine Street Rehab Relocate poles in conjunction with a transportation roadway improvement project.50,000 Louise Street Rehab Relocate poles along Louise,Virginia,and 18th St rehab in conjunction with a transportation roadway improvement projects.50,000 New Development Developer revenue projects administered by the Operations Budget 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,0001,200,000 1,200,000 Pole Inspections Annual pole inspections on 5 year cycle 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Power Quality Imp Capacitor installations and modifications as determined by system loading issues 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 Sectionlization Imp Sectionalization equipment including manual and automatic system switching 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Shell Road Feeders Reconductor existing segment of Feeder GB 30 along Esparada Road from #1/0 to #3336 for ties to Sequoia Trail West to Shell Road area feeders in 2017.Right of way acquisition and construction of 2 express feeders from Glasscock Substation for circuit loading relief over a period of 4 years starting in 2018.450,000 600,000 500,000 750,000 750,000 Sidewalk Pole Relocation Pole relocation required by sidewalk CIP plan 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 195 FY2017 Annual Budget FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Electric Sidewalks Main Street Install antique street lighting at $140k,overhead pole relocations at $30k, conduit installation for Electric at $500k,conduit for City fiber at $50k,and telecom conduits for $125k along Main Street from 2nd to 6th.845,000 Sidewalks South College Relocation of poles as needed for CDGB project 50,000 Sidewalks to VFW Installation of antique street lighting at $160k,overhead pole relocations at $75k along 2nd street from Main to VFW Park.235,000 Somerset Hills Feeder 195 Addition of second feeder to existing Somerset Hill Feeder from Glasscock along Hwy 195 to tie into second feeder alongRonald Reagon Blvd to provide additional reliability to area.170,000 Somerset Hills Feeder RR Addition of second feeder along Ronald Reagon Blvd to existing Somerset Hill Feeder from second feeder at Hwy 195 provide additional reliability to area.270,000 South Lake WTP Addition of two new feeds to proposed South Lake WTP.1,000,000 Southwestern University Upgrade Begin a three year project for conversion of Overhead to Underground facilities with re hab of existing deteriorating service facilities throughout the campus 350,000 600,000 300,000 Streetlights Street lighting,security,and traffic signal additions along with energy efficient lighting upgrades.88,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 SW Bypass Feeder Single circuit feeder from Leander Road to Hwy 29 along SW Bypass in 2017,with Wolf Ranch Pkwy URD tie in 2018.Dual circuit feeder from Chief Brady to Leander Road tieing into Leander Road feeder and SW Bypass feeder from Leander Road to Hwy 29 in 2018.Feeder extension along DB Wood to WIlliams Drive in 2021.300,000 650,000 1,500,000 Transformer Addition Addition of second transformer due to load growth in the area and to improve reliability 900,000 1,100,000 Underground Feeder Exits Gabriel Sub Conversion of existing overhead feeder exits to underground in conjunction with substation project.725,000 West 10th Street Rehab Installation of antique street lighting at $45k,overhead pole relocations at $18k,and needed overhead to underground conversion from Rock to S Church.Transportation to cover installation of telecom conduits estimated at $10k.98,000 West 11th Street Rehab Installation of antique street lighting at $50k,overhead pole relocations at $150k,and needed overhead to underground conversion from Rock to S Church.Transportation to cover installation of telecom conduits estimated at $30k.200,000 Grand Total 4,781,000 6,568,000 5,113,0004,913,000 5,953,000 196 FY2017 Annual Budget ! ! ! ! ! ! ! CHIEF BRADY GABRIEL GLASSCOCK GEORGETOWN GEORGETOWN SOUTH GEORGETOWN EAST RIVERY 2016-17 Capital Improvement Projects Electric !!I 0120.5 Miles City of Georgetown Legend !Electric Substations Georgetown Electric CCN Georgetown City Limits ETJ 197 FY2017 Annual Budget STORMWATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN The Stormwater Drainage Utility manages and maintains stormwater infrastructure operations and facilities.The Capital Improvement Plan addresses major capital drainage improvements planned over the next five years. FY2017 projects total $975,000 and features $100,000 of improvements at 18th and Hutto,$500,000 for curb and gutter repair throughout the City,as well as $200,000 for rehabilitation of ponds and ditches. FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Stormwater 18th and Hutto Drainage Drainage from Hutto Road and collecting streets has historically flooded yards and homes between 15th and 19th Streets west of Hutto Rd.A study is proposed to identify and design catch basins to alleviate flooding.100,0001,000,000 2nd and Rock pond The current design of Georgetown's first water quality pand chokes sand easily as the entry point and pond floor consist of dirt and natural uneven limestone.An improved design with concrete entry and floor would allow the pond to be easily maintained,improving water quality while lowering maintenance costs.50,000 250,000 Airport Road at Pecan Branch Design and construct adequate bridge /box culvert design to convey water under Airport road.Construction as part of Airport Lakeway realignment.1,300,000 Curb and Gutter Replace squirt top curbing on Cottonwood (C Club to Parker566 lf),Willow (Country Club to Ranch Rd.1,260 lf),Parker Dr.Circle,(all 2,840 lf),Judy Drive (Mesquite to Ranch Road 1,680 lf)Golden Oaks 9NW Blvd.to city limits (1,555 lf),16th and 17th Streets (Walnut to RR tracks,2,000 lf),Holly St.3rd to 7th St.1,200 lf,6th St.(PIne to Walnut 600 lf),Walnut 6th to 7th (500 lf.aproximately 10,391 lf of curbs.500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 NW Blvd Drainage Identify drainage area,acquire needed easements,and design and construct properly sized drainage conveyance to alleviate the frequent flooding along Northwest Blvd between Washam Drive and IH 35. Potential constuction as part of NW Blvd /IH 35 overpass.350,000 Second Street Drainage Main street design and construction to accommodate the downtown master plan improvements.(Sidewalks,curbs,planters,etc.,the old corregated metal stormdrain will likely need to be upgraded.Better estimates will be determined after preliminary engineering.200,000 500,000 Serenada Culvert improvements Identify and upsize culvert crossings and ditch cleaning as needed to improve safety at Dry Creek crossing as needed within City limit portions of Serenada.2017 investigation and design,2018 improvements.50,000 200,000 Stormwater Infrastructure Rehabilitation of ponds above and beyond monthly mowing and trash or debris removal.Examples may include dredging of ditches,stormwater boxes,or water quality/detention ponds;construction of end treatments, fencing and alterations of existing storm drain features,and removal/replacement of filtration devices.Ponds needing work at this time include Wazel Way,Wo lf Ranch,Rivery Pond,3 ponds on SE Inner Loop, 100 Cooperative Way Pond,College St.VFW pond,202 Rock Street Pond,214 Reinhardt Blvd.pond 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Village PID inlet Drainage in the Georgetown Village PID alleys have been determined to be the responsibility of The City of Georgetown.Inadequate design and construction during some of the early sections resulted in failures at and around the inlets.This project will correct the deficiencies and restore drainage and the surrounding driving surface.75,000 Grand Total 975,0001,900,000 1,500,0001,200,000 2,000,000 198 FY2017 Annual Budget XY XY XY XY XY XY XY XYXY XYXY !( ^_SH130TOLLSBW 7TH ST MAPLESTSNEADDRE 7TH ST S C ENI CD R FM 971FM1460FM1460MAPLESTW UNIVERSITY AVE FM1460FM1460S MAINSTS IH35 SBFM146 0RIVERYBLVD FM 1460SNEADDRN AUSTINAVEL E A NDER RDWOLFRANCHPKWYENTR 262SBSEINNERLOOPNEINNERLOOPNCO LLE G ES T SOU T H W E S T E R N B L V D S IH 35 SBKATHILNFM 971NIH35SBROCKRIDE LN E 2ND ST E 2ND STRIVERBENDDRSIH35SBGOLDENOAKSDR FM 971 FM1460S IH35 SBS IH35 NBFM 971 S IH35 NBFM 9 7 1 S IH35 NBSEINNERLOOPSAUSTINAVEFM 971S IH35 SBS IH35 SBWOLFRANCHPKWYG A BRIE L V IE W D R S IH35SBS AUSTINAVESMITHCREEK RD SE INNE R LOOPSIH35NB MAPLE ST S A M HOUSTONAVESOUTHWESTERNBLVD SIH35FWYSBSE INNE R LOOP PA R Q UE V IS T A D R P O W ERR DSHADYOAKDRNEI NNERLOOP2016-17 Capital Improvement Projects Stormwater !!I 0 2,000 4,0001,000 Feet City of Georgetown Legend ^_2nd and Rock St Pond Design !(18th and Hutto Drainage Study Curb and Gutter XY Stormwater Infrastructure Improvements 199 FY2017 Annual Budget GENERAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Transportation Services manages,maintains,and repairs city streets and sidewalks.Streets CIP is funded through a ¼cent sales tax.In FY2017,it is projected sales tax revenue for streets will total $2,937,500. Street projects total $3,325,000 in FY2017 and feature $1,200,000 in Chip Seal improvements.Additional improvements include $819,000 for Culter Improvements as well as $416,000 for improvements on W 11th Street. Prior to moving forward with the implementation of the Chip Seal and Sealant plans for FY 2017*,City staff will conduct further analysis to determine other options to address street maintenance practices. Street Improvements FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Streets 17th (Austin Ave to Church ) 17th Street has multiple road failures with crumbling curbs.Road needs total reconstruction between Austin Ave.and Church Street to correct drainage and allow resurfacing.Roadway needs point repair,regrading, and overlay between Austin Ave.and Railroad Ave.Design in 2017 and construction in 2018 75,000 550,000 6th Street and 7th Street Improvements Current configuration is a remnant of the County Construction yard access in the 1970s.Engineering and construction is needed to define roadway in a manner to increase visibility for motorists and pedestrians while improving drainage for area.Curbs,overlay and ditch cleaning /lining will be needed.Limits of project will be on 6th and 7th Steet between Walnut and Holly.275,000 Chip Seal* Two course chip seal maintenance application to provide a seal and wear protection,sealing current cracks and making a self healing barrier for new cracks. FY2017 area to include Sun City (Dan Moody Trail,Honey Suckle Cv. Sunflower St.Night Hawk Way,Yucca Cv.,Wild Rose Way,Hill Country Dr., Six Flags Dr.,High Trail Dr.,Blacksmith Drive and Cv.,Lone Star Way. Berry Creek Dr.(SH195 to Oak Tree Drive)Airport Road (IH 35 to Cavu Dr.) Additional streets to be added pending determination of possibly continuing rejuvenation applications.1,200,000 1,500,000 1,200,0001,500,000 1,500,000 CR 110 Narrow road with poor pavement needs widening with possible turn lanes as school entrance.Engineer will look at needs and design improvements for future funding.Funding will be in future years beyond this study or possible bond project.450,000 Cutler Process* Rehabilitate pavement that has reached the end of its life.The top 3/4 of an inch of existing pavement is recycled and top coated with an inch of virgin hot mix. FY2017 proposed streets include:Whispering Wind (terminus of 2016 project to Sun City Blvd.),Park Ln.,Shannon Ln.Janis Dr.,Following curb project:(San Gabriel Overlook,Sunshine,Meadowbrook,Oakland Dr.,Ridge Oak,Live Oak,Spanish Oak)One million dollars annually represents approximately 10 lane miles of Cutler overlay.Additional funds need to be identified as this amount represents approximately 1/65th of the current roadway system.819,000 900,000 100,0001,275,000 900,000 East Street Stabilization Point repair,subbase stabilization,level up,and resurface.Numerous overlays are affecting drainage.Stabilization of subase and some curb replacement will provide a suitable paving surface.Engineering will be included with Hart /Katherine Street rehab work in2018 and utilized in 2019.450,000 200 FY2017 Annual Budget FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Streets Hart Street Pavement is in need of point repairs,pavement recycling,and overlay.50,000 250,000 Katherine Street Rehab Point repair,subbase stabilization,level up,and resurface.Numerous overlays are affecting drainage.Possible stabilization of subase and some curb replacement will provide a suitable paving surface.The reduction in crown may possibly assist drainage issues.Will likely combine with 18th and Hutto Drainainge reasibility study in 2017 drainage project.50,000 200,000 Main Street (2nd to 6th) Roadway has a varying width,multiple non conforming driveways, substandard drainage,and sidewalks.Upgrades are needed on this link between Downtown and the Trail system.This is the only portion of Main Street remaining to be brought up to standards within the overlay district. Early engineering will identify all needed improvements.75,000225,000 Mast Arms To help make Georgetown more of a signature destination,staff proposes updating the current traffic lights that hang on wire to traffic lights that use mast arms.A feasibility study was completed in 2015.The mast arms would be installed along Austin Ave.at 7th and 8th in FY2018 and a new signal would be installed at Austin and 5th in FY2017.270,000 560,000 Pavement Sealing* Application of oil product to seal minute cracks,provide ultraviolet light protection,and prevent further oxidation of aging asphalt surfact. Restores uniform color to roadway after crack sealing. Proposed areas for FY2017 pending investigation and determination of product's future inclusion in toolbox.Roads to be included:Streets bound by Rock,Bridge St.,Scenic.Church Hill Farms and The Meadows subdivisions,Cooperative Way,Snead Dr.,First phases of Pinacle and LaConterra subdivisions.Streets bound by Williams Drive,Power Rd., Gabriel View and Country Club Dr.Riata Trail subdivision bound by Algerita,Williams Dr.,Lakeway Dr.and Northwest Blvd.100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Point Repair Overlay* Pavement has normally reached the end of it's life and possibly had at least one overlay.Pavement needs to be milled down to to or below original flow line grade,point repairs will be made and the resurfaced with a one and one half inch ovelay on existing asphalt should extend the pavement life an additional 10years. 2017 will focus on Georgetown Inner Loop SH 29 heading South 300,000 225,000 300,000 575,000 300,000 Reconfigure Parking The downtown parking study will call for reconfiguring some existing parking and developing wayfinding signage for the lots and downtown 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Stadium CR 152 Eng. Stadium Drive,formerly CR 151 and Georgetown owned sections of CR 152 are in need of rehabiltitation and upgrade due to old construction standards and increased traffic associated with the GISD stadium,Berry Springs,and the growing use of SH 130 and the Northeast Inner Loop. Possible structural upgrade and overlay.425,000 Trailhead/Cantelivered Bridge Improve connectivity to San Gabriel trail system from Austin Ave.250,0002,500,000 W 10th Engineering only in 13/14.Roadway is in need of pavement rehabilitation and sidewalk on the south side.Downtown Master Plan costs not included.Sidewalk and curbs are needed on the south side of the street with Cutler pavement rehabilitation.Sidewalk funding from bonds now available!90,000 W 11th St Poor pavement condition with cracking,numerous mid block utility patches and failures at intersections.Needs sidewalk and ramp design to meet Downtown Master Plan requirements.Needs underground electric. Engineering only in 13/14.Construction in 15/16 was bumped for "break" for downtown.Construction scheduled for 2017.Sidewalk bond funds now available to assist!416,000 Grand Total 3,325,000 3,695,000 3,285,0003,975,000 6,225,000 201 FY2017 Annual Budget Sidewalk improvements total $2,179,000 in FY2017 and feature improvements in Old Town $960,000,along Austin Avenue $248,000,and at signal intersections throughout the City $500,000. Sidewalk Improvements FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Sidewalk 10th St.(Main Rock)94,000 11th St.(Main Rock)151,000 2nd Street 82,000 328,000 8th Street (Church Myrtle)37,000 8th Street (MLK Rock)84,000 Austin Ave (9th University)178,000 Austin Ave (SH29 FM2243)70,000 300,000 Church Street (8th 9th)105,000 Main St.(7th 2nd)45,000 255,000 Old Town Northeast 960,000 Old Town Southeast 1,500,000 Phase ISignal &Curb Ramp Improvements 500,000 253,000 102,000 Remaining Downtown Repairs 671,000 504,000 168,000 Rock St (9th 6th St.)23,000 131,000 SH 29 (IH 35 IH 130)2,100,000 Grand Total 2,179,000 1,351,000 1,212,000 299,000 3,600,000 202 FY2017 Annual Budget PARKS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN The Parks Department improves the quality of life for Georgetown citizens by maintaining 35 parks,481 acres,9.2 miles of hike and bike trails,and three cemeteries. In FY2017,Park capital improvement projects total $14,800,000 and are highlighted by the beginning phase of Garey Park and the continued development of San Gabriel Park. Garey Park’s budget totals $13,500,000,of which Mr.Garey and the Garey Family have donated $5,000,000. FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Parks ADA Transition Plan ADA deficiencies were identified and ranked in 2015 through park area assessments.FY2017 is year two of this plan and the areas scheduled for renovations are Booty's Parks and phase one of the Randy Morrow Trail.150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Blue Hole Blue Hole Park is a signature destination for Georgetown and regional visitors due it its natural beauty.Renovations are planned to make infrastructure improvements to this signature park to enhance this beauty.1,000,000 Garey Park The 525 acre Garey Park was donated by Mr.Jack Garey in 2004.A master plan was completed in 2006 and development planning began in 2014.Planning is underway for construction to begin in early 2017 and the park is scheduled to be open to the public in early 2018.13,500,000 Historic Park Preservation of river corridor and open space is identified as a high priority in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan.The preservation and development of this park for public use will accomplish this near the City's center.500,000 IOOF A sub committee of the parks and recreation advisory board researched and identified the need for a columbarium at IOOF Cemetery.The columbarium will assist in providing an additional burial option for families and will further lengthen operations of the cemetery.150,000 New Park Development As the community continues to grow,the development of new parklandis needed to ensure adequate public recreation opportunities are provided.250,000 250,000 New Trail Development As the community continues to grow it is important to develop new trails. Trails may be developed that are prioritized by the 2008 parks and recreation master plan as land is acquired and connectivity is created.500,000 1,000,0001,000,000 1,500,000 Parks Master Plan Substantial progress related to capital items in the 2009 Parks and Recreation Master Plan has been made.An update is needed to assist in planning for increased community growth and to be eligible for federal and state grant opportunities.150,000 San Gabriel Park Funding for renovations to San Gabriel Park were approved in the 2008 voter approved parks bond.A master plan was completed in 2015 specifying a plan to complete renovations over four phases.Phase one is scheduled to being in early 2017 with future phases to follow in subsequent years.1,000,000 2,700,000 2,000,0008,000,000 South San Gabriel Trail Continuation of trail development along the South San Gabriel Trail is a key component of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan.Connectivity between San Gabriel Park and Garey Park is the long range goal.180,000 Westside Park TheWestside Park is a 90 acre park that was master planned in in 2015. Development will consist of both active and passive recreation opportunities including athletic fields as well as trails.1,000,0003,500,000 Grand Total 14,800,000 4,100,000 2,300,0004,400,000 13,330,000 203 FY2017 Annual Budget FACILITIES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN The Facilities CIP is for developing and redeveloping City owned facilities to accommodate the needs of staff and the public. FY2017 improvements total $7,338,383 and feature continued investment on the City’s ADA transition plan,design of Fire Station #6,and the construction of the Downtown West Campus. FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Facilities ADA Transition Plan Complete comprehensive facilities master plan for all City of Georgetown facilities.Facilities scheduled for renovations in FY2017 include the Airport,Animal Shelter,and Art Center.150,000 150,000 Council Chambers/CVB As part of the Downtown West project,once municipal court moves to the 1st floor of the GCAT building,the Convention and Visitors Bureau will move to the old municipal court/council chambers building 400,000 Downtown West Upon the completion of the new public safety facility,the bottom floor of the GCAT building will be emptied.This is a great facility for the municipal court to help satisfy their increased square footage requirements. Renovation and expansion of the old library building to accommodate a new municipal complex.The first phase would be to renovate the existing old library to accomplish the goals laid out in phase I of the City Center plan.The future years would be for the expansion and/or new construction of a city hall for the City Center. Deisgn and construct public green space to serve the community in conjunction with the Downtown West project.Would include public space, opportunities for small markets/events,and a stage for small acoustic performances. This area will also host the comprehensive wayfinding signage for the project. To complete the downtown festival grounds and municipal complex,the old police station will need to renovated to accommodate offices and staff in FY 2020,with design completed in FY 2019.6,693,883 Fire Station 6 Design and construction of Fire Station #6.300,0003,200,000 Fire Station 7 Design and construction of Fire Station #7.300,0003,200,000 GMC Expansion The project is a proposed expansion of the 300 1 Industrial Ave facility. Potential scope includes construction of a new facility across FM 2243 from the existing building to house Fleet and/or materials/equipment.3,300,000 GMC Remodel The project is a remodel of the front end of the GMC building to promote improved Customer Care interaction and improve office space efficiency. Currently expected to include up to 22,500 SF 1,900,000 204 FY2017 Annual Budget FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Facilities Grace Heritage Rehab. Rehabilitation of Grace Heritage Church 140,000 Mixed Use Parking Garage Study feasibility,complete engineering,and build a mixed use parking garage downtown that will help alleviate parking issues and add retail space.12,000,000 Public Facilities Master Plan Complete comprehensive facilities master plan for all City of Georgetown facilities 150,000 Red Poppy Café Canopy Create additional outside seating on the northside courtyard of the library 32,500 Signature Gateway Call for artist,design,and construction for signature gateway element at Austin and Hwy.29.Will be seeking grant funding via Keep Texas Beautiful 100,000 Tree Mitigation/Lighting Silva Cells and power pods for trees and holiday lighting downtown.22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 Grand Total 7,338,383 5,922,000 3,322,000 322,000 15,222,000 205 FY2017 Annual Budget PATRIOTWAY CR105CR 150 CR112CR 186 NEINNERLOOPF M 9 7 1 SIH35FWYNBLEANDER RD C R 152SH 1 9 5 DBWOODRDL O G A N RANC H RD ROCKRI DELNSH 130SBSE INNER LOOP MAPLESTBELL G INRDN IH 35 SBCR 110 S A M H O U S T O N A V ESH130TOLLNBN IH 35FWY NBCR 140SH130TOLLSBSH130N B CR 149 CR 194 SIH35SBSIH35FWYSB2016-17 Capital Improvement Projects Transportation !!I 0120.5 Miles City of Georgetown Legend Chip Seal/Point Repair/Curb & Gutter Rejuvenator Cutler Chip Seal - 2 Course With Fog Seal Cutler Cutler Rejuvenator Cutler Rejuvenator Rejuvenator Chip Seal Point Repair Curb & Gutter Rejuvenator Chip Seal 2 Course with Fog Seal Chip Seal 2 Course with Fog Seal Chip Seal 2 Course with Fog Seal Rejuvenator Cutler 206 FY2017 Annual Budget !!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !! !!!!!!!! 2016-17 Capital Improvement Projects Transportation - Sidewalks !!I 0120.5 Miles City of Georgetown This map is a representation of the information currently held by the City of Georgetown Utility Systems. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the product, G.U.S. makes no warranties regarding the veracity or precision of the information depicted or the data from which it was produced and assumes no liability for damages due to errors or omissions. This map is not suitable for survey purposes. L E A N D ER RD E 21ST ST W 17TH ST S MAIN STS COLLEGE STW 21ST ST W 7TH ST HOLLY STFM 1460SCENIC DRSAUSTINAVEMAPLE STS CHURCH STE 7TH ST E 15TH ST S MAIN STW 17TH ST S MAIN STS AUSTIN AVES MAIN STE 7TH S T MAPLE STSCENIC DRMAPLE STS MAIN STE 15TH ST MAPLE ST E 7 T H S T FM 1460 S MAIN STFM 1460 E 7TH ST W 22ND ST E 21ST S T W 15TH ST FOREST STSAN JOSE STW 18TH ST ALLEYPINE ST W 16TH STTIMBER STASH STELM STE 16TH S T E 5TH ST E 8TH S T E 19T H 1/2 ST E 4TH ST E 6TH ST ROCK STE 9TH ST W 5TH ST W 10TH ST E 17T H ST E 1 0TH ST WEST STE 13TH ST E 14TH ST W 11TH ST W 6TH ST W 14TH ST W 1 3TH ST WALNUT STE 11TH ST E 19TH ST W 8TH ST W 4TH ST W 9TH ST E 18TH S T HOGG STOLIVE STHA R T S T LEANDER STFOREST STE 11TH ST PINE STE 10TH ST OLIVE STW 18TH ST PINE ST E 8TH ST PIN E STELM STE 4 TH ST WEST STASH STASH STE 5TH ST PINE STELM STW 22ND ST E 9TH ST Legend !Curb Ramp 10th St (Main-Rock) 11 th S t ( M ai n- Ro c k) 8th St (Church-Myrtle) 8th Street (MLK-Rock) Church St (8th-9th) Old Town Northeast - Design Only S Austin Ave (9th-University) S Austin Ave (SH29-Leander Rd) Text Inset of sidewalk projects 207 FY2017 Annual Budget LUNATRL CR2 6 2 RM 2243 C R1 7 7 W SH 29 C R 1 75 R M 1 4 3 1 LEANDER RD FM 34 05 PATRI CI ARDD E L W E B B B LV D DBWOODRDJ O U R N E Y P K W Y FM 971S IH35 NBN IH35 NBCR 261SIH35FWYSBN IH 35 FWYC R 176LO G A N R A N C H R D SIH35SB2016-17 Capital Improvement Projects Parks !!I 0120.5 Miles City of Georgetown Legend NAME GAREY PARK SAN GABRIEL PARK Garey Park San Gabriel Park 208 FY2017 Annual Budget LEANDER ST W 10TH ST WALNUTSTSMITH BRANCHBLVDE 17TH ST TRAILSENDDRASH STHART STOLIVE STOLIN CVE 18TH S T RI FLEBENDDRP LE A S A N T V A L L E Y D R E 3RD ST W 9TH S T W 18TH ST W 8TH ST LAUR E L ST E 1 6TH S TELM STE 19TH S T E 13TH ST W 4TH ST PINE STE MORROWSTW 11TH ST E 20TH S T VI NE ST E 4TH ST E 5TH ST S CHURCH STPAIGESTW 3RD ST W 5TH ST SOUTHWESTER N BLVDFOREST STVALLE Y D RRIVERYBLVDTIMBER STPIRATECV E 22N D ST W 16TH ST WI NCHESTE R D R P VRW 22ND ST L O W ER PARK RDJ OHNC A R TERDRL EEDSC ASTLEWALKW IL C O W AY T H O M A S C T RIVE R O A K S CV BRIDGESTE 8TH S TS MYRTLE STKENDALLSTHAVENLNKATY LNWLWAL DENDRERU TER SVILLEDRFM 14 6 0 E 15TH ST MAPLESTTASUS WAY E 7 TH ST Q U AILV A LLEYD RS MAIN STHUTTO RD SCENICDR RAILROAD AVEW UNIVERSITY AVE L E A N D ER RD SIH35NBS IH 35 FWY NBM A D ISONO A K S A V E W 7TH ST W 21ST ST W 17TH ST HIGH TECH DR E 2 ND ST TOWERDRE 21S T S T NCOLLEGESTHOLLY STINDUS T R IA LAVE S AUSTIN AVES IH 35 SBS M IT H C R E E K R D 2016-17 Capital Improvement Projects Facilities !!I 07501,500375 Feet City of Georgetown Legend Downtown West Municipal/Council Chambers Georgetown Municipal Complex Grace Heritage Center Downtown West City Hall Transfer Station Parking Lot Reconfiguration FireStation6 R M 2 3 3 8 FM 3405RM 23 3 8 RM2338MEADOW DRGeorgetown Municipal Complex Downtown West City Hall Downtown West Municipal Court/ City Council Chambers Grace Heritage Center Fire Station #6 Transfer Station Parking Lot Reconfiguration 209 FY2017 Annual Budget AIRPORT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Airport Services manages,maintains,and repairs the City airport.Some of the additional responsibilities of the Airport Department include traffic control,emergency response operations,and special events.Daily responsibilities include inspection of runways for sign repair,pavement management,and removal of sight obstructions. Currently,an Airport Master Plan is being developed along with the Texas Department of Transportation.The results of the Master Plan will guide the development and Capital Improvement Plan of the Airport over the next few years. FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Airport Maintenance Shop Construct Airport Maintenance Shop for equipment and shop setup.250,000 Runway Rehab Runway Rehabilitation Project is for the Engineering efforts,followed then by Rehabilitation of the 27 year old Runway 18/36 asphalt surface.The budgeted amount is an estimated 10%of the project costs with TxDOT Aviation providing the additional 90%.Inspections conducted on the current asphalt surface determined a rehabilitation effort was recommended.516,500 Wildlife Hazard Assessment and Wildlife Hazard Management Plan Accomplish Wildlife Hazard Assessment and Wildlife Hazard Management Plan 12,500 Grand Total 12,500 516,500 250,000 210 FY2017 Annual Budget Projected O&M Impact by Fund O&M FY2017 O&M FY2018 O&M FY2019 O&M FY2020 O&M FY2021 O&M FY2022 Airport 11,000 Facilities 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 Parks 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 Wastewater 23,600 29,200 227,807 777,314 794,314 176,810 Water 209,300 209,300 209,300 209,300 229,800 Grand Total 23,600 688,500 887,1071,486,614 1,514,614 406,610 ONGOING OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Capital Improvement Projects can affect ongoing operations and maintenance costs either positively or negatively. Staff,in an effort to anticipate changes in ongoing costs,has developed an O&M schedule to properly anticipate these changes as part of the overall CIP process. Currently,staff is constructing a maintenance shop and performing runway rehabilitation as part of the FY2017 CIP at the Airport.In this fiscal year,there are no anticipated O&M impacts related to capital projects. Staff anticipates $11,000 worth of O&M impacting the FY2021 budget for hangars reverting back to the City. In FY2018,Fire Station 6 will require $50,000 of annual maintenance.An additional $50,000 for ongoing maintenance will be needed upon completion of Fire Station 7 in FY2020. Garey Park is anticipated to be open in FY2018.The net operational impact for the park is estimated to be $400,000. Wastewater CIP will require additional O&M beginning in FY2017.It is anticipated $23,600 will be needed for maintenance of a 2meter belt press that will be installed in FY2017.The Pecan Branch Plant is expected to be completed in FY2018 and will have an estimated operational impact of $110,900 beginning in FY2019. Ongoing O&M will begin in FY2018 with the reconstruction of an existing pump station that feeds Sun City. Future impact of $184,000 will begin the following year.Other maintenance beginning in FY2018 includes $12,000 for operational cost for pumps and motors at the Sequoia Ground Storage Tank,as well as $6,650 for ongoing tank inspection and station checks at both the Bruan Elevated Storage Tank and the Sun City Elevated Storage Tank. Electric plans to do $4,781,000 of CIP projects in FY2017.Staff anticipates ongoing O&M impact to be minimal and plan to absorb within current funding levels. 211 FY2017 Annual Budget THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 212