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Acronyms, Glossary and Index Table of Contents
Commonly Used Acronyms ................................................................................................................. 287
Glossary .............................................................................................................................................. 290
Index .................................................................................................................................................... 296
Commonly Used Acronyms
AMR Automatic Meter Reading
APPA American Public Power Association
ASE Automotive Service Excellence
BCP Business Continuity Plan
BIA Business Impact Analysis
BRA Brazos River Authority
BRE Business Retention Expansion
CAMPO Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
CAPCOG Capital Area Council of Governments
CCN Certificates of Convenience & Necessity
CCU Cell Control Unit
CDBG Community Development Block Grants
CIP Capital Improvement Program
CIS Customer Information System
CSR Customer Service Representative
CTSUD Chisholm Trail Special Utility District
DFIRM Digitized Flood Insurance Rate Maps
EARZ Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
ERCOT Electric Reliability Council of Texas
ERT Encoder Receiver Transmitter
ESD Emergency Services District
EST Elevated Storage Tank
ETJ Extra-territorial Jurisdiction
EVT Emergency Vehicle Technician
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FTE Full Time Equivalent
GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
GASB Governmental Accounting Standards Board
GCAT Georgetown Communications and Technology
GEDCO Georgetown Economic Development Corporation
GHS Georgetown High School
GIS Geographic Information System
GISD Georgetown Independent School District
GMC Georgetown Municipal Complex
GPS Global Positioning System
GTAB Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board
GTEC Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation
GUS Georgetown Utility Systems
HARC Historical & Architectural Review Committee
HEB H.E. Butt (Grocer)
HOT Hotel Occupancy Tax
HR Human Resources
HRIS Human Resources Information System
HSUS Humane Society of the United States
HVAC Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning
I & C Instrumentation & Control
IDR Interval Data Recorder
IOOF Independent Order of Odd Fellows
IRS Internal Revenue Service
ISF Internal Service Fund
ISO Insurance Services Office
IT Information Technology
IT-EOC Information Technology & Emergency Operations Center
IVR Interactive Voice Response
LCRA Lower Colorado River Authority
MRU Maintenance Repair Unit
NIGP National Institute of Governmental Purchasing
OMS Outage Management System
OTP Overall Transportation Plan
PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator
PCI Pavement Condition Index
PID Public Improvement District
PMIS Pavement Management Information System
RFP Request for Proposal
RSMP Regional Stormwater Master Plan
SAN Storage Area Network
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SIP Service Improvement Program (fees)
SOP Statement of Purpose
SRF Special Revenue Fund
SUD Special Utility District
TCEQ Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
TCLEOSE Texas Commission of Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education
TDS Texas Disposal System
TEC Texas Electric Cooperatives
TEEX Texas Engineering Extension Service
TLETS Texas Law Enforcement Telecommunications System
TXDOT Texas Department of Transportation
UDC Unified Development Code
VIPS Volunteers in Police Services
VSC Vehicle Service Center
WCAD Williamson Central Appraisal District
WCHM Williamson County Historical Society
WMD World Movement for Democracy
WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant
Accrual Accounting - A basis of accounting in which revenues are recognized in the accounting period in which they
are earned, and expenses are recognized in the period in which they are incurred.
Administrative Charges - The charges imposed upon a fund for support services provided by another fund. For
example, the Accounting Department (Joint Services Fund) provides services to the Electric Fund, therefore the Joint
Services Fund charges the Electric Fund for these services based on reasonable allocation methods.
Adopted - Adopted, as used in fund summaries and department and division summaries within the budget document,
represents the budget as approved by formal action of the City Council which sets the spending limits for the fiscal
Ad Valorem - In proportion to value. A basis for levy of taxes on property.
Amended Budget - Includes the adopted budget for a fiscal year, plus any budget amendments or budget transfers.
Annexed Property - Land previously outside the City limits that becomes part of the City during a year through the
legal process of incorporation.
Appropriation - An authorization made by the City Council through an approved budget which permits the City to
incur obligations and to make expenditures of resources. Appropriations lapse at the end of the fiscal year.
Assessed Valuation - A valuation set upon real estate or other property by the County Appraisal District to be used
as a basis for levying taxes.
Asset - Resources owned or held which have monetary value.
Audit - A comprehensive review of the manner in which the government's resources were actually utilized. A certified
public accountant issues an opinion over the presentation of financial statements, tests the controls over the
safekeeping of assets and makes recommendations for improvements where necessary.
Balance Sheet - A financial statement that discloses the assets, liabilities, reserves and balances of a specific fund
as of a specific date.
Base Budget - The on-going expense for personnel, operating services and the replacement of supplies and
equipment to maintain service levels. The base budget does not include new programs or projects, which are
approved on an individual basis.
Benchmarking – Measures progress from a point in time and is something that serves as a standard by which others
may be measured.
Bond - A written promise, generally under seal, to pay a specified sum of money, called the face value, at a fixed time
in the future, called the date of maturity, and carrying interest at a fixed rate, usually payable periodically. The
difference between a note and a bond is that the latter usually runs for a longer period of time and requires greater
legal formality.
Budget - A plan of operation embodying an estimate of proposed expenditures for a given period and the proposed
means of financing them. The City of Georgetown’s budget is called the Annual Operating Plan.
Budget by Program/Function - A breakdown of the annual budget that groups like expenditures by the type of
program or function. Interfund charges and Internal Service fund premiums or leases are eliminated for presentation
Budget Year - The fiscal year of the City which begins October 1 and ends September 30.
Capital Budget - A plan of proposed capital outlays and the means of financing them for the current fiscal period.
Capital or Capital Outlay - See the Capitalization Policy in this Budget for a definition of this term.
Capital Improvement Program - The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a comprehensive plan of capital
investment projects which identifies priorities as to need, method of financing, and project costs and revenues that will
result during a five year period. The program is a guide for identifying current and future fiscal year requirements and
becomes the basis for determining the annual capital budget.
CIP or Capital Projects - A group of planned expenditures for construction of large scale assets, such as a water
line. Significant maintenance projects, such as street overlay, are also considered capital projects, but are capitalized
only in the event they extend the life of the asset.
Capital Recovery Fees - Capital Recovery Fees are developer paid infrastructure fees adopted under Chapter 395 of
Texas Local Government Code or as part of a development agreement.
Capital Replacement Fund - Vehicle which allows purchase of operating capital items on a long-term basis through
budgeted annual payments and transfers during the fiscal year. The City’s Fleet and Information Services Internal
Service Funds act as capital replacement funds.
Cash Accounting - A basis of accounting in which transactions are recorded when cash is either received or
Century Plan - The City’s comprehensive plan that acts as a cornerstone for the City’s present and future
development and reflects the aspirations of the citizens for their City and describes an ongoing process by which
Georgetown will strive to enhance its quality of life. The Century Plan is currently in effect until 2010 and contains the
Policy Plan, which contains the overriding policies and administrative structure of the Plan and the Functional Plan
elements, which address specific elements is detail.
City Charter - The document that establishes the City as an incorporated political subdivision (municipal government)
in accordance with the statutes of the State of Texas. The charter provides the form, roles and powers of the
municipal government that is the City of Georgetown.
Conservation Rate - A stepped water rate, effective only during the summer months for residential customers, to
encourage water conservation. All revenue generated from these increased rates is put aside to be used for future
expansion of water treatment plants.
Contingency - A budgetary appropriation reserve set aside for emergencies or unforeseen expenditures not
otherwise budgeted for. The primary contingency account requires City Council approval for all expenditures.
Contingency Reserves - A portion of the budgeted ending fund balance or working capital that is not available for
appropriation. The intent of the reserves are to provide flexibility, should actual revenues fall short of budgeted
revenues and to provide adequate resources to implement budgeted expenditures without regard to the actual cash
flow of the fund.
Coverage Ratio - A term defined by revenue bond indenture. Refers to the ratio of net revenues of the electric, water
and wastewater systems, after all maintenance and operations expenses are considered, to total debt service. The
minimum ratio required by the current bond indenture is 1.25. The City’s Fiscal Policy requires 1.5 times coverage.
Debt Margin - The difference between the maximum amount of debt that is legally permitted and the amount of debt
outstanding subject to the limitation.
Debt Payments - Scheduled payments of principle and interest on outstanding debt. The payments are often
referred to as “debt service”.
Debt Principle Reduction - The scheduled yearly payment that reduces the amount of outstanding debt.
Debt Service - The City's obligation to pay principal and interest on bonded debt.
A. Self-Supported Debt - Debt for which the City has pledged a repayment source separate from its general tax
revenues (e.g. stormwater bonds repaid from stormwater drainage fees.)
B. Tax Supported - Debt for which the City has pledged a repayment from its property taxes.
Debt to Valuation Ratio - The amount of taxable debt outstanding as a percentage of the taxable property
assessment. This is a common benchmark used to determine the appropriateness of a city’s property tax supported
general obligation debt (including Certificates of Obligation).
Dedicated Property Tax - The portion of property taxes that is set aside for a specific use, such as street
maintenance. The City Council has dedicated five cents of the property tax rate to street capital improvements.
Del E. Webb Corporation (Del Webb) - see Sun City Texas.
Delinquent Taxes - Taxes that remain unpaid after the date on which a penalty for nonpayment is attached. Property
tax statements are mailed out in October and become delinquent if unpaid by January 31.
Department - A specific functional area within a City division.
Depreciation - The process of estimating and recording the expired useful life of a fixed asset which is used to
distribute its cost over its revenue producing years.
Division - An administrative unit of the City having management responsibility for a group of departments.
Effective Tax Rate - Texas law prescribes a formula for calculating the effective tax rate for cities. The net effect of
the formula is to produce a tax rate that goes down when property values rise (and vice versa) to generate a rate that
produces approximately the same revenue as the year before. The formula makes adjustments for additional debt
service, newly annexed property, and newly constructed property. If the tax rate is raised by three percent or more
over the prior year's effective tax rate, State law requires that special notices must be posted and published. If the
increase is more than 8%, the increase above 8% is subject to a possible rollback election by the voters.
Employee Benefits - For the purpose of budgeting, this term refers to the City’s costs of health insurance, pension
contributions, social security contributions, workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance costs.
Encumbrance - Any commitment of funds against an appropriation. It may be in the form of a purchase order or a
contract. Encumbrance accounting is formally integrated into the accounting system for expenditure control
purposes. An encumbrance differs from an account payable as follows: an account payable represents a legal
liability to pay and results from the goods and/or services requested in a purchase order or contract having been
delivered to the City. Until such time as the goods and/or services are delivered, the commitment is referred to as an
Enterprise Fund - A fund established to finance and account for operations (1) that are financed and operated in a
manner similar to private business enterprises - where the intent of the governing body is that the costs (expenses,
including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or
recovered primarily through user charges; or (2) where the governing body has decided that periodic determination of
revenues earned, expenses incurred, and/or net income is appropriate for capital maintenance, public policy,
management control, accountability, or other purpose.
Executive Limitations - Specific boundaries stated as part of the City’s governance model. The boundaries serve as
the limits within which staff must accomplish the goals and objectives of the City.
Expenditures - If the accounts are kept on the accrual basis this term designates total charges incurred, whether
paid or unpaid, including expenses, provision for retirement of debt not reported as liability of the fund from which
retired, and capital outlays. If accounts are kept on the cash basis, the term covers only actual disbursements for
these purposes. Encumbrances are not considered expenditures.
Expense - Charges incurred, whether paid or unpaid, for operation, maintenance, and interest, and other charges
which are presumed to benefit the current fiscal period. Legal provisions sometimes make it necessary to treat as
expense charges whose benefits extend over future periods.
Fiscal Year - An accounting period, typically twelve months, to which the annual budget applies and at the end of
which a city determines its financial position and results of operations. The City's fiscal year is October 1 through
September 30.
Fixed Assets - Assets of a long-term character which are intended to continue to be held or used, such as land,
buildings, machinery, furniture and other equipment.
Franchise fees - A fee that a government imposes to permit the continuing use of public property and right of ways,
such as city utility poles, streets, etc.
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) - A part-time position converted to the decimal equivalent of a full-time position based on
2,080 hours per year, or a full value of one for a full-time position.
Functional Plan - Elements of the Century Plan which describe 15 policy plan categories that detail the manner in
which the Policy Plan will be fulfilled. City Council has adopted to date four Functional Plan elements: Economic
Development Strategic Plan, Development Plan, Parks and Recreation Plan and Facilities and Services Plan. The
preparation and adoption of the Functional Plans, including Land Use, Transpiration, Utilities, Environmental, Citizen
Participation, Housing, Health and Human Services, Historic Preservation, Airport, Annexation, Urban Design and
Capital Improvements, are to be completed in subsequent years.
Fund - An independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and/or other
resources, together with all related liabilities, obligations, reserves, and equities which are segregated for the purpose
of carrying on in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations.
Fund Balance - The excess of a fund's assets over its liabilities and reserves.
Funding Source - Identifies the source of revenue to fund appropriations.
General Fund - The fund that is available for any legal authorized purpose and which is therefore used to account for
all revenues and all activities except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Note: The General Fund is
used to finance the ordinary operations of a governmental unit.
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) - The uniform minimum standards and guidelines for financial
accounting and reporting. The primary authoritative body on the application of GAAP to state and local governments
is the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).
General Obligation Debt - Tax supported bonded debt which is backed by the full faith and credit of the City.
Geographic Information System (GIS) - A computer system, which transforms geographically-referenced data into
maps and other geographic relationship information.
Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC) – This corporation was formed to promote
economic and community development within the City and the State of Texas through the payment of costs for
streets, roads, drainage, and other related transportation system improvements, including the payment of
maintenance and operating expenses associated with such authorized projects.
Grant - A contribution by one governmental unit to another. The contribution is usually made to aid in the support of a
specified function (for example, education), but it is sometimes also for general purposes.
Home Rule City – A City in which Council is free to enact legislation, adopt budgets, and determine policies, subject
only to the limitations imposed by the Texas Constitution and City Charter.
Impact Fees - Fees assessed to developers to help defray a portion of the costs that naturally result from increased
development. By Texas law, these fees must be used for capital acquisition or debt service relating to capital
Indicator - A benchmark used to measure performance or workload or compare against a predetermined standard.
Infrastructure - Roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, streets, sidewalks, drainage systems, lighting systems, water
lines, wastewater lines and other improvements that are installed for the common good.
Interfund Transfer - A movement of cash between funds for the purpose of return on investment or funding projects
and operations.
Internal Service Fund (ISF) - A fund established to finance and account for services and commodities furnished by a
designated department or agency to other departments or agencies within a single governmental unit or to other
governmental units. Amounts expended by the fund are restored thereto, either from operating earnings or by
transfers from other funds, so that the original fund capital is kept intact.
ISF Premiums - Fees charged by one fund to other departments based on replacement costs and usage costs for
vehicles, computers and buildings and administrative fees charged to funds based on service needs.
Modified Accrual Accounting - A basis of accounting in which expenditures are accrued but revenues are
accounted for when it becomes measurable and available.
Operating Budget - This budget, associated with providing on-going services to citizens, includes general
expenditures such as personal services, professional services, maintenance costs, supplies and operating capital
Personnel Expenditures - For the purpose of budgeting, this term refers to all wages and related items: regular pay,
premium pay, longevity pay, social security, life insurance, retirement plan contributions, health insurance and
workers' compensation insurance.
Policy Plan - A part of the Century Plan that provides a general background for the plan and sets the policies which
will guide the City’s actions until the year 2010.
Program - A group of related activities performed by one or more organizational units for the purpose of
accomplishing a function for which the City is responsible.
Projected Actual - An estimate of year ending balances for all accounts used for budgeting purposes.
Property Taxes - Used to describe all revenue received in a period from current taxes and delinquent taxes. Property
taxes are levied on both real and personal property according to the property's valuation and tax rate.
Public Improvement District (PID) - An area where property owners are charged a special levy to defray part or all
of the costs of specific improvements or services that are presumed to be a general benefit to the public and of
special benefit to such properties.
Reservation - A balance of funds that are set aside by policy for a specific purpose or to draw upon for emergencies
(as in contingency reservation).
Revenue - The yield of taxes and other monetary resources that the City collects and receives into the treasury for
public use. For those revenues which are recorded on the accrual basis, this term designates additions to assets
which (1) do not increase any liability; (2) do not represent the recovery of an expenditure; (3) do not represent
contributions of fund capital in enterprise and internal service funds. The same definition applies to those cases
where revenues are recorded on the modified accrual or cash basis, except that additions would be partially or
entirely to cash.
Revenue Bonds - Bonds of the City which are supported by the revenue generating capacity of the electric, water
and wastewater system.
Service Improvement Program (SIP) Fees - Charges paid, on a per unit cost basis, by a developer for a portion of
the cost of infrastructure improvements such as fire protection, road improvements, electric, wastewater and water
system improvements needed to service a development. Fees are set as part of a Council approved development
Special Revenue Fund (SRF) - A fund used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than
special assessments, expendable trusts, or for major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditure for
specified purposes.
Special Utility District - A legally separate political subdivision under Texas law to provide utility services.
Sun City Texas - Del E. Webb Corporation (Del Webb) broke ground in May 1995 on a 9,500 home, 5,300 acre
active retirement community called Sun City Texas. The City’s development agreement with Del Webb provides for
fire protection, wastewater, water and electric services, and collector and arterial street improvements, as well as
annexation as each phase is started. The City is providing the off-site improvements with the construction and
carrying costs offset by special impact fees, paid by Del Webb, without cash shortfalls or increases in overall service
rates for water and wastewater. The scope of the project was amended in 2003 to include only 5,000 units.
Surplus - The excess of the assets of a fund over its liabilities; or if the fund has other resources and obligations; the
excess of resources over the obligations. The term should not be used without a properly descriptive adjective unless
its meaning is apparent from the context. See also Fund Balance.
Tax Base - The total value of all real, personal and mineral property in the City as of January 1st of each year, as
certified by the County Appraisal Board. The tax base represents net value after all exemptions.
Tax Levy - The resultant product when the tax rate per one hundred dollars is multiplied by the tax base.
Tax Rate - Total tax rate is set by Council and is made up of two components: debt service and operations rates. It is
the amount levied for each $100 of assessed valuation.
Tax Roll - The official list showing the amount of taxes levied against each taxpayer or property.
Times Coverage Ratio - A calculation of the revenue available divided by the combined debt payment requirement of
the utilities. This ratio is one indication of the City’s ability to pay its revenue debt obligations.
Transfers In/Out - Amounts transferred from one fund to another to assist in financing the services or programs for
the recipient fund.
Unencumbered Fund Balance - For budget purposes, the unencumbered fund balance is the amount of
undesignated fund balance of a fund available for allocation.
Urban Design - The unique character of Georgetown formed primarily by its man made physical features.
User Charges - The payment of a fee for direct receipt of a public service by the party benefiting from the service.
Working Capital - For enterprise funds, the excess of current assets over current liabilities. Working capital of a fund
is important because budgeted expenditures of the fund must be provided for from cash receipts during the year
supplemented by working capital carried over from prior years, if any.
Accounting .......................................................................................................................................................... 76
Advisory Boards & Commissions ...................................................................................................................... 284
Airport ................................................................................................................................................................ 134
Animal Services ................................................................................................................................................ 156
Annual Budget Calendar of Events ..................................................................................................................... 14
Budget Adoption and Management Process ....................................................................................................... 12
Building Inspections ............................................................................................................................................ 54
Capital Projects & Five Year Plans ................................................................................................................... 167
Citizen Survey Highlights .................................................................................................................................... 19
City Council ....................................................................................................................................................... 130
City Manager’s Office ........................................................................................................................................ 132
Code Enforcement .............................................................................................................................................. 56
Commonly Used Acronyms ............................................................................................................................... 287
Communications Department ............................................................................................................................ 136
Community Development Administration ............................................................................................................ 52
Community Profile ............................................................................................................................................... 16
Community Services Administration ................................................................................................................... 62
Contingency Reserve Requirements Worksheet .............................................................................................. 251
Convention & Visitors Bureau ............................................................................................................................. 64
Debt Management & Policy ............................................................................................................................... 205
Economic Development .................................................................................................................................... 138
Electric Operations ............................................................................................................................................ 108
Electric Contracts .............................................................................................................................................. 111
Electric T&D ...................................................................................................................................................... 112
Electric SCADA & AMR ..................................................................................................................................... 114
Environmental Services .....................................................................................................................................116
Facilities Construction and Maintenance ............................................................................................................ 78
Finance Administration ........................................................................................................................................ 74
Fire Administration ............................................................................................................................................ 100
Fire Operations ................................................................................................................................................. 102
Fiscal and Budgetary Policy .............................................................................................................................. 227
Five Year Strategic Plan ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Five Year Projections (General Fund, Water Services Fund, Electric Fund) .................................................... 263
Fund Summaries ................................................................................................................................................. 36
Governmental Contracts ................................................................................................................................... 140
General Debt Service (General Obligation Debt) .............................................................................................. 207
Georgetown Economic Development Corporation (GEDCO) Budget for reference only .............................. 279
Georgetown Transportation Enhancement Corporation (GTEC) Budget for reference only ........................ 281
GTEC Outstanding Debt Summary – A Component Unit for reference only ................................................. 282
GTEC Principal & Interest Requirements – A Component Unit for reference only ........................................ 283
Geographic Information Systems ........................................................................................................................ 86
Georgetown Utility Systems Administration ...................................................................................................... 106
Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................... 290
Human Resources ............................................................................................................................................ 142
Information Technology ....................................................................................................................................... 82
Information Technology Capital Replacement ..................................................................................................... 84
Internal Service Premiums ................................................................................................................................. 260
Legal Department .............................................................................................................................................. 146
Library ................................................................................................................................................................. 66
Long-Term Planning .............................................................................................................................................. 1
Main Street ........................................................................................................................................................ 148
Municipal Court .................................................................................................................................................... 88
Ordinances ........................................................................................................................................................ 267
Organizational Chart ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Parks .................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Personnel Summary by Division 2009-2012 ...................................................................................................... 254
Personnel Summary – FTE’s ............................................................................................................................. 255
Personnel Summary – Frozen Positions ........................................................................................................... 257
Planning ............................................................................................................................................................... 58
Police - Administration ....................................................................................................................................... 152
Police - Operations ............................................................................................................................................ 154
Proposed Debt Issues ....................................................................................................................................... 212
Purchasing ........................................................................................................................................................... 90
Recreation ........................................................................................................................................................... 70
Reuse Irrigation ................................................................................................................................................. 126
Statistical Information ........................................................................................................................................ 213
Stormwater Drainage ......................................................................................................................................... 162
Street Department ............................................................................................................................................. 164
Systems Engineering ......................................................................................................................................... 118
Transfers Between Funds .................................................................................................................................. 262
Transportation Administration ............................................................................................................................ 160
Transmittal Letter .................................................................................................................................................... i
Utility Debt Service ............................................................................................................................................ 210
Utility Revenue Bond Coverage ......................................................................................................................... 211
Utility Office .......................................................................................................................................................... 92
Utility Rate Schedule ......................................................................................................................................... 266
Vehicle Service Center ........................................................................................................................................ 94
Water Services – Administration ........................................................................................................................ 116
Water Services - Wastewater ........................................................................................................................... 118
Water Services - Water ...................................................................................................................................... 120
Finance and Administration Department
Budget Staff
Micki Rundell, CGFO, Chief Financial Officer
Laurie Brewer, CGFO, Assistant Director
Lorie Lankford, CGFO, Accounting Manager
Lisa Haines, CGFO, Chief Accountant
Christopher Foster, Utilities Financial Analyst
La'Mar Kemp, Accounting Specialist III, Utilities
Danella Elliott, Administrative Manager